Monday, April 2, 2012

Meet The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family

The Official Facebook Fan Page for The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family

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The Scribe Virgin

The Last Walk...

  • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong
    Monday at 2:27am
    ‎*She lay in bed content beside her hellren, content and happy. She watched him as he slept, their limbs entangled, the warmth of his bare flesh pressed to hers. She smiled as she looked at his handsome face, her palm going to the stark plain of his high cheek bone, the pad of her thumb stroking over the regal feature. His beautiful eyes were hidden behind the lush expanse of dark lashes as he slept. His chest moved in a rhythm of peace and she mused about what he could possibly be dreaming, wondering if she invaded his dreams as he did hers.*
    *His thick arms wrapped around her and held her close, a cage of love and protection she never knew she needed, and now, could never live without. Their bodies fit perfectly, like a missing puzzle pieces that had been finally found and placed together.*
    *She had a thought. She wanted to actually cook for him. She wasn't very good at it, but he had done so much for her she wanted to give him a meal, prepared by her. She wanted to make him first meal, not a doggen, and serve it to him. She slid from the bed and his embrace, glancing his hand that was adorned with the gold band she had placed there. Her heart skipped a beat. He was hers and she was his completely.*
    *She went to the bathroom and showered quickly, then dressed. She padded to the kitchen silently and took inventory. She was missing eggs. She couldn't do first meal without eggs. The all night market was only a few blocks away, she could go get some and be back before he noticed she was gone. She padded back to the bedroom and placed a kiss on his sleeping cheek, whispering softly* I love you nallum.
    Reba McEntire If I Had Only Known Tribute
    If I had Only Known I'd Never Hear Your Voice Again.
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    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, Saxton Thym, Martha Perez-Torres and 8 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She stepped into the elevator and pressed 'G', crossing her arms over her chest as she descended to the ground floor. She arrived at the bottom with a quiet 'ding' as the doors opened. She stepped out and crossed the foyer of the building, smiling at the doorman as she exited.*
    *The night are hit her as she hung a left out the door. Her stride was confident and deliberate as she gated down the pavement. Her head was held high, the cool breeze of a city night hitting her in the face. Her eyes were focused as she continued her course. She had two blocks left to the market, and her smile grew bigger. She was going to be a shellan of worth, take care of her hellren.*
    *Movement caught her attention, to the left of her at an ally she had to pass. She tightened her arms across her body as an ominous wind whipped suddenly. Perhaps it was just a bit of debris stirred by the movement of the night air. Her converse shoes made a light noise as they hit the pavement, her pace quickening without thought. She just had to pass that darkened indention of the wall of buildings that lined the sidewalk and she would be in the clear.*
    *She approached quickly, nearly passing the ally when she was grabbed by the arm and drug inside. Her heart raced, her attacker was first unseen, and then her heightened night vision focused, and the scent of baby powder assaulted her nostrils, she was face to face with a lesser*
    Monday at 2:40am · Like · 9
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He muttered underneath his breath, long strides carrying him through the night. Like a giddy schoolboy he had written Bella a note in block-letters, and placed it on her pillow. No rose, no necklace... just the note. Wasn't he Mr. Romance on legs? He would have to try harder. Tomorrow. Or the day after. Most likely whenever he didn't feel too cowardly to do so. Possibly never.
    Cracking his neck he passed another closed down shop, walking past a group of teenagers who were enjoying a joint, feeling like the world was at their grasp, as long as they were away from his parents. Oh, what little did they know about the real life? Oblivious. Some of them morons. Yet, on some level he was jealous of their naivity. What would it be like not to know all he knew, and not to have seen all he had? But things were looking up, thank the fuck.
    His shoulder bumped into one of the tough guys, one that thought he was the shit, as he round a corner. The male turned to give him lip, but cowered away the second he glanced into Z's soulless pair of eyes. Smart, after all. A grin tugged on Zsadist's lips as he continued down the alley, the sweet scent of baby powder hitting him head on; and since there was no crying to be heard or a mahmen taking out her young at this ungodly hour it could only mean one thing - lessers.*
    Prepare to die. For you have just walked into your nightmare. *Wasn't he just a nice guy.*
    Monday at 2:55am · Unlike · 10
    Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She kept her mind sharp. She had killed hundreds of these bastards in her life, she could add one more to her list. The lesser's hand quickly covered her mouth as he spoke gruffly, "What have we here, one of those uppity vampire bitches?" She bit his hand, her fangs slicing his flesh to the bone, the foul taste of his oil-like blood assaulting her taste buds, and making her stomach churn. Her free hand struck upward, the back of her fist meeting his nose with enough force to cause fracture of his nasal bone. He let her go, with no other option and she made a move to get away from him* Looks like you picked the wrong 'vampire bitch'.
    *She took a warrior's fighting stance, not only fighting for her life now, but the life of her unborn young. She had to protect her belly at all cost, that was the thought that ran through her head. Kill this bastard, get her eggs, and get back home to Qhuinn.*
    *She crouched low as he sneered and came at her like a locomotive. He was a fury of fist as the back of his hand caught her jaw, caught her cheek and cause her head to spin to the right. She raised her hands, fist balled and her hatred at a new height for the entire lesser race.*
    *She crouched low an missed the next blow the lesser attempted to deal, raising her fist in an uppercut shit hit her target causing his head to fly backward. He growled an inhuman tone, snarling out "You will pay for that you cunt." He refocused his tactics and came at her again. One of the distant street lamps gleamed the gun he pulled, and with the speed of lightening he aimed and fired.*
    Monday at 3:02am · Like · 10
    Zee Ahgony ‎*A frown pulled his lip into an upward sneer as the numbers of lessers became aparent, two. Really? Two? Why did they have to become brave now, and stop going out in groups the night he was on patrol? Just for that he would make their departure a very painful one. Fuckers.
    Unsheathing one of the daggers V had made for him he ran for the pair, the excitment on their faces only adding fuel to the fire that was burning deep inside him. A hook to the right caused his jaw to tingle, a growl leaving his throat as his head snapped back around and he threw himself at the taller of the lessers.* You always hit like a girl?
    *Within minutes the first lesser was laying unmoving on the ground, the other one following shortly after, blood seeping from a deep gash to his neck. Now , wasn't that a sight for sore eyes? As he knelt down to send the bastards back to the Omega the sound of a gunshot caught his ear, his head whipping around. An eerie feeling crawled over his skin, the hair on the nape of his neck standing up. What the fuck was going on?*
    Monday at 3:24am · Unlike · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*The bullet released with a flash, and it found it's target in her right shoulder, the limb instantly unusable. She tried to move it with no avail. She made her mind up then and there to fight him off as best she could, and then demat away. She had never been one to run, but she had another life to think about. She was carrying part of her hellren inside her and she would fight to the death for that.*
    *He was on her before her mind had time to process. He used his considerable weight to force her to the ground, her head striking the concrete with a thud, her brain dazing. He straddled her waist and his fist came down on her face, center, solid. Her nose cracked from the weight. The next blow shattered the orbit of her left eye, his fist delivered with the force of a Mack truck. She hefted up her left hand and landed a glancing blow to his chin, it only fueled his anger. His face dipped low to hers, hatred spread across his face and mirroring her own. She saw his eyes just before her struck her right orbit. He was the same POS that had killed her mahman.*
    *She had set those eyes to memory. They were locked in her mind, seared there by the pain he had inflicted on her mahman all those years ago. She lifted her legs, struggled beneath his weight. She had to demat away. If her body took anymore damage she would be unable too, and then she felt it. A desiccate pain sliced through her upper abdomen. Her sight was gone from the swelling of her eyes, but she knew without a doubt he had slid a blade into her gullet. She could feel her shirt soaking with her life's blood as it seeped from the wound. Her heart pounded faster and she had to think fast. She had never begged for anything in her life, but she would try now, for her young.* Please, *She croaked out through her cracked and swollen lips* I'm with young, please let me live. Please, *The blows ceased for a moment, as if he was listening. Her heart leaped with hope* if you will just let me live to see my young born to his father, I will turn my life over to you, I swear it. *Her voice was broken, graveled. At some point he must have grasped her throat because it was hard to speak, and the strength of her voice was ebbing. She croaked out again* Please.
    *That was the last thing she got to murmur and then she felt his body shift and a sharp pain slice from one hip bone to the other.* NO! *She screamed as loudly as she could, but it was too late, her life's blood poured onto the concrete, and then a blow of a dagger was delivered to her left chest. That was it, pain ceased and all went dark.*
    Monday at 3:28am · Like · 10
    Zee Ahgony ‎*The air around him shifted, and for whatever fucked up reason he started to feel cold. A shift in temperature had never bothered him before; for years he had slept in his own AntArctis, and yet this was different. This was a feeling of dread that started to wrap itself tightly around him, cutting off any and all circulation.. leaving him cold and breathless.
    Get a grip on yourself. Gunshots, in this part of town and at this time of night, were not rare. So what the hell was different this time? Why did it feel like something more was looming, and he was about to miss the chance of a life time if he didn’t move fast? Sending the lessers beneath his feet back to their maker, he quickly stuffed their wallets into the inside pocket of his jacket and sprung to his feet.
    Taking off in a sprint he quickly made his way in the general direction he thought to be right, and the closer he came the more certain he was to be following the right instinct… but what was leading him now wasn’t so much his intuition but the scent of vampire blood. Lots of it. And by the sweet note of it, this was the blood of a female.
    Rage boiled up inside of him as his steps quickened further, his face a mask of hatred and uproar. There was a line never to be crossed, and whatever unlucky bastard had slaughtered this female would be meeting a very ugly demise.
    He stopped. There, illuminated by the dim moon light was a lifeless body. The slender form of a female rested on the cold concrete, her chest no longer lifting in a rhythmic pattern that would suggest breathing. Death was looming in the air, and the feeling he had been having earlier was returning with a vengeance. Did he know her? It couldn’t be Bella. Never Bella. No, she was snuggled away with Nalla. Wasn’t she? His heart stopped, his legs shaking as the reality of the situation sunk in. Whoever this female was, she was someone’s shellan.. could as well have been his.
    A battle cry erupted from the back of his throat, scaring a pair of stray cats out from underneath a trash can, and away into the night. Another form took sight; standing over the females body with a wide grin on his face was yet another lesser. Caught up in the moment Zsadist hadn’t even paid attention to the other man, at first. Yet, now, as the tick in his jaw became harder and the multitude of what had happened sank in .. the lesser was no longer invisible. Murderer. Killer. Bastard piece of shit.
    Without a warning, or word of advice, Z darted toward the blonde, his hands balled into fists as he leaped over a thrown over shopping cart. Skillfully he maneuvered around the body on the ground, unwilling to disrespect the female by stepping over her form. With a menace, rivaling no other, he threw himself at the laughing lesser… the sound of joy soon a faint distant memory. And as the male opened his mouth to a ‘You are too late. The bitch is dead, and so is her young’ Zsadist’s rage knew no bounds. His eyed now the shade of coal he pinned the blonde to the wall behind them, twisting his neck to the side as he sank his teeth deep into his throat. With a sharp twist of his head and the sound of tearing flesh and muscle he pulled back, spitting out the lessers voice box. Eyes wide the guy dropped to the ground, and was barely alive enough to notice his heart being carved out, before blacking out completely.
    Breathing heavily Z wiped his hands on his leathers and turned slowly, crawling toward the female body. His hands shook as he ever so gently brushed the blood soaked hair from her face. She was bruised and beaten, badly so. The fear was still written over her face, and so was her fire and fight. Lowering his gaze the wound on her abdomen became apparent, and the words of the lesser replayed in his ear ‘… her young’. There was a moistness that came to his eyes, and as he blinked it away, he carefully searched her body for any sign of who she was. Her scent was familiar, and yet he couldn’t place her.
    Just as he had given up finding out who she was, and who was waiting for her at home, the tattoo on her back caused bile to rise from his stomach, his hands shaking and his eye sight dimming – She was Qhuinn’s. She was one of their own.
    Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge Over Troubled Water - Madison Square Garden, NYC - 2009/10/29&30
    ‎25th ANNIVERSARY ROCK AND ROLL HALL OF FAME CONCERT Simon & Garfunkel - Bridge ...
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    Monday at 4:18am · Unlike · 9 ·
    Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong She was in darkness, no longer in pain but more frightened than she had been fighting the lesser. In the distance a faint light became apparent, illuminating a doorway. She was more scared than she had ever been in her life. She didn't want to open the doorway, something told her 'go back', but it was too late and the door opened of it's own accord.*
    *The light was so bright, she had to blink and hold her arm over her eyes to shield them. Her eyes finally adjusted to the surroundings that now engulfed her. Birds, thousands of birds chirped, and the sun shown brightly. She was filled with fright that she would soon be turned to ash from the light. Beneath her feat a neatly trimmed lawn lay, with flowers of spring blooming as far as the eye could see. Trees swayed effortlessly as a gentle breeze stirred. She was neither too hot, nor too cold and her heart was stricken with panic. She was in the Fade*
    *The lesser had killed her and here she stood, the only thought in her head was of her hellren, Qhuinn. She had to get back to him. She had to live to see their young into the world.*
    *In the distance a dark figure approached. Oh for the love of the Scribe, it was the Dear Scribe Virgin. Her mind switched gears. She could plead, she could beg for mercy. She could ask to return as Qhuinn had, a whalker. Anything for just a few more months. Just to see his face, just to finish the life they had started. She fell to her knees, her head in her hands, tears streaming down her face as her entire being shook.* Dear Scribe have mercy, if not for me for my Hellren and unborn young.
    When I get where I'm going - Brad Paisley ft. Dolly Parton
    I do not own this song, the lyrics, or Brad Paisley nor Dolly Parton. All copyri...
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    Monday at 4:40am · Like · 9 ·
    Analisse Whalker ‎~She glided effortlessly across the evergreen garden of the Fade, towards the entrance. One of her race had crossed and she needed to be present to welcome them in, and comfort them. Her ebony robes rustled only slightly as she tread, her head inclined downward, her crow hiding the majority of her delicate facial features.~
    Mhisery daughter of Murdock, please enter inward, you are amongst the Fade now. There is no pain, and your suffering is no more. Your wounds are now healed and your young awaits for you herein. She is unharmed and awaits the embrace of her mahmen. ~She approached the obviously frightened female with trepidation, she wished to ease her, not add to her worry.~ Female, your hellren is strong of will and will overcome. He will be given comfort. Worry not of the things of the Far Side, those are no longer your concern.
    The veil to the Far Side is no longer a path you my transverse my child, you are herein home. ~She approched even closer and held her hand out and placed it upon the shaking limb of the female, her healing light and warmth flowing into the female. She set her at peace and then held out her hand to show the greatness of her perpetual spring~ Arise child. Shall I show you to your daughter?
    Whiter Shade of Pale - Annie Lennox
    Whiter Shade of Pale - Annie Lennox
    Monday at 4:41am · Unlike · 9 ·
    Zee Ahgony ‎*Time seemed to stand still around them, no sound to be heard.. or maybe he just wasnt listening to anything but her breathing. There was none. No heartbeat; and all of the sudden his own started to pound inside his ears.. like a freight train, headed straight for a disaster. He could feel his insides twist and move, his chest aching with a pain he hadn't felt so strong in ages. This wasn't his loss, and still it felt so real. It hit home on a level he couldn't grasp. If only he had run faster. If only he had not acted like himself for this fucking time; having wasted his attention on the lessers he had killed had taken away on the fact that she had been fighting for her life – and the life of their young. Qhuinn's young. Swallowing hard, Z lifted his hand and with the back of his palm wiped at the wetness threatening to fall, obscuring his sight.*
    I am sorry. I am so fucking sorry.
    *Resting her head gently on his lap he removed his jacket and draped it around her lifeless form. For all it was worth the Scribe may already have had mercy on her, and taken her over onto the Fade. She deserved that much, Qhuinn deserved to have the knowledge that his family was together and well – without him. And he? Would he become a repeat of Thor? Another broken male in the manse who would be consumed by pain, guided by nothing but the loss of his heart? And could anyone blame them?
    Slowly he rose to his feet and cradled Mhisery's body against his torso, slow steps carrying them away from the scene. He should call for back-up, for help.. he couldn't. He would walk her home and if it took him until dawn; he felt responsible, on some deep shitty level he couldn't shake the feeling that if he had acted sooner.. different.. that she could have still be alive. Not in his arms, not dead.. but alive in the arms of her hellren. Not even on rotation he was worth a damn; and once again he had come too late.
    Speeding where he could, her cooling frame always close to his, careful not to be seen by humans, he finally found their way back to the Mansion. His shirt and pants were stained from her blood, and his cheeks from the dust and dirt of Caldwell and his tears. As he walked up the stone steps and through the Vestibules his legs started to weaken, giving out underneath him.*
    Monday at 5:43am · Unlike · 10
    Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*As she was touched by the Scribe a feeling of warmth ebbed through her body, setting her mind at ease. She was able to hear her clearly, she spoke of her child. A daughter. Her first cohearent though, Qhuinn had been right. They had created a daughter. *
    *She arose as she was directed and wiped the tears from her eyes. She followed the robed figure and as she was led through the lush existence. The farther she walked the, a sound started to arise above the song of the plethora of birds, it was the faint cry of an infant. It was the faint cry of her infant, her heart knew it. She whispered more to herself than anyone that would be listening* Joy.
    *She had the fight the urge to take off in a sprint towards the sound. Each agonizing step took her closer to her daughter, closer to Joy. She wanted to see her face, not wanted to, needed to. She prayed silently to the female that led her own that she look like Qhuinn* Please let me have a small piece of him here.
    *She took a long breath and and released it* Don't cry precious, mahman is coming.
    *The finally arrived at a large room, well appointed with a small cradle. From inside two small arms reached out as if they heard her. She hurried over and scooped up the young. She looked down as she cradled her, THEIR daughter. The bright eyes that shown up at her made tears run rivers down her face. Staring back at her was the mix-matched gaze of Qhuinn. The same regal cheek bones, her tiny face framed with scant ebony locks. Her full tiny lips, exact replicas of Qhuinn's worked as if she was trying to speak, only a small coo escaping. She dipped her head and nuzzled the tiny infant* You're father would be so proud of are our Joy.
    *Her mind went to Qhuinn and she felt as if she was being torn apart. He had given her a reason to live, he had made her heart of stone beat and rescued her from herself. She looked back down at their daughter, the mercy of the Scribe had allowed her to have a small part of him, and she would pour all the love she felt for him into loving Joy. She would love them enough for both of them.
    Lullaby - Nickelback lyrics
    Song: Lullaby - Nickelback with lyrics on screen
    Monday at 5:43am · Like · 11 ·
    Analisse Whalker ‎~She watched patiently as the female cuddled her young. Her head bowed in respect, her crow falling forward. She clasped her hands in the front of her robes as her heart broke for the scene. Her race was being slaughtered, and not just her Warriors, but the females as well. In front of her stood the all the possibilities of what could have been but never would be.~
    ~She backed out slowly, the female not needing to see her heartbreak as she dealt with her own. She moved back through the evergreen expanse, anger boiling through her veins at the senseless waste, and pain tearing at her heart for the loss of the female to the race. ~
    ~She retired to her chambers to take solace from the pain and deal with the anger. The Chosen, nor those within did not need to see her in such a state. She was supposed to be the rock, the unemotional leader of the race. She could not let them see her break as it would cause a break within her family and she could not have them suffer. She closed the door behind her and lowered her head. One silent and lone tear slid down her face and struck the alabaster floor. That is all she could give the minions of her brother's race, they were worth nothing more.~
    In The Arms Of an Angel - Sarah McLaughlin
    A vidio from the song In The Arms Of an Angel, by Sarah McLaughlin:)
    Monday at 5:46am · Unlike · 9 ·
    Zee Ahgony Wrath. The king, get the king! *His voice was a growl, the words harsher than he had intended. It wasn't the doggen's fault that he was on his knees, cradling Mhisery's body when she should be alive and well, her abdomen swelling more, month by month. Looking up, his eyes heavy, he wanted to mutter words of apology but they were deemed unnecessary when the doggen nodded at him, in a silent understanding.
    You are home, now. And we will take good care of your man. *His teeth ground together hard enough to crack under the pressure, the minutes he was waiting for the King's arrival dragging on.
    Lastly, heavy footsteps caused his head to snap up again, his lips pressed into a thin line as he looked at the massive form coming toward him. By the look on Wrath's face the doggen had told him the most of what he would find in his voyeur, and the rest he seemed to pick up on thanks to his senses.*
    Monday at 6:23am · Unlike · 9
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*The door to his office had opened without warning, the young doggen all but bursting into his private quarters. Yet, something had stopped him from rising from his chair and showing the female out, with a snarl. If there was one thing he hated, and there were many things on his hate list, it was disrespect and being disturbed without a word of warning. A knock.
    The emotions of Amelia were all over the grid, her words coming in a hurry. He had to slow her down a couple of times until he caught all of it, and yet he hoped he hadn't heard her at all. Maybe, if he was lucky, she had fallen ill in the head and this was a sick and twisted joke. Leaving George behind he rose from his seat and with long strides, all but ran, down the hallway and grand stairs, quicker and quicker toward Zsadist and a female. Certainly one of their females, or the brother would never have brought her back here.
    Mhisery's scent, the scent of her blood, quickly assaulted his senses, and coupled with Zsadist's emotions was nearly enough to knock him back a few feet. There was blame, self hatred, pain, fear - and the scent of tears. Whatever had happened would have to be relied to him quickly, but right now was hardly the time to do so. Anymore and the other male was bound to snap, and he wasn't even the hellren. He swallowed and stopped, kneeling down only inches away from Z's shadow.* Give her to me, Brother.
    *The snarl that greeted him in return told him that he was close to getting his head snapped off by Zsadist's inner demons, and while he could understand that this was a horrible tragedy and amounted to pain unfathomable to most, he couldn't stand for disrespect and he would not be told no. By anyone.* Look. I am asking you one more time, and after that it's a demand. Give her to me. I will take care of her. You go clean up. Hug your females. Be at my office in 15.* As the other brother started to argue he held his hand up, and as careful as possible took Mhisery's body from him, rising back to his feet.* Did you hear me, Zsadist? Go. Now.
    And Z, thank you.
    *Slowly he moved the lifeless form and after he was certain it was well cared for, and safe, he returned to his office and called a meeting. They would have to tell Qhuinn.*
    Monday at 6:37am · Unlike · 9
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her heart stopped, her blood freezing in her veins as she quietly replaced the phone onto the cradle, her voice low and hushed as she relayed the news to Vishous. He bolted upright in the bed, dragging on his clothes and took off towards the Mansion as she pulled on her own clothes, for the first time as long as she could remember not bothering to walk the short distance to the clinic. How was this happening? The couple should have been happy, settled and preparing for the rest of their lives together with their young. Instead, Mhisery's life had been cruelly snatched away before they could even start truly living.
    She appeared before the Doggen, her hand lifting to cover her mouth, her body reeling back as she took in the lifeless form that not even a month ago had been standing beautiful beside her Hellren as they took part in their mating. She brushed the Doggen away, she would care for Mhisery herself. It was the least she could do for the young couple even though she had no idea how she would even exist without her mate.
    She angled her head and looked down at her, the solidity of her body flicking as she brushed the long tendrils of hair back from her face* We will care for him Mhisery, we will make sure that he knows how much you loved him and how much you would have done to be able to stay with him. We will help him understand that while you are not here with him, you live on in his heart. You live on in all of our hearts.
    *She spoke quietly with the Doggen, sending one off her to bring her a makeup bag, the other to bring a fresh set of clothes as she reached for the sponge and carefully washed the blood away from her mouth, her hand gentle as if the female still lived and was merely sleeping. She carefully extracted the bullet, placing it in a small tray, she sewed closed each and every wound on her body no matter how small, her stitches small and tidy. She washed away every inch of blood that marred her still form and cut away the ruined and bloody clothing, instructing one of the doggen to get rid of it.
    When the others returned with the items she requested, she carefully applied a fine sheen of makeup, taking time to cover the bruising as best she could. Trying as much as she could to make Mhisery look how Qhuinn would remember her, not wanting the young warrior to see his Shellan how she was. She dashed away the tears that ran down her face and dressed her in new clothes then sat down brushing out her hair, resting it gently on the pillow beside her.
    Once she was finished, she pulled the seat closer, her hand taking Mhisery's and gently stroking her fingers across the back of hers* Know this, you will be missed, there are none that will ever take your place in our lives or in our hearts. Know that you meant something to every person you met, that despite everything, you meant something to all of us. You have left a gaping hole in our lives and we will care for Qhuinn like you yourself would have wanted him cared for. *her voice broke* May you and your young know only happiness. *She bowed her head, her fingers still carressing the other females as she prepared to stay with her, so that she wouldn't be on her own until Qhuinn arrived*
    19 hours ago · Unlike · 11
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He woke, stretching out his body, his hand instinctively reaching out for Mhisery, one eye opening when he didn't find her form beside him as usual. Sitting up in the bed, he called out* Leelan? *Getting no reply, he dragged himself from the bed, for some reason a stone sitting low in his stomach as he walked silently through the empty apartment. Frowning, he returned to the bedroom, lifting up his cell and scrolling through to find her number. Hitting dial, he raised it to his ear as he paced the length of the bedroom, muttering quietly to himself* Come on leelan, pick up, tell me where you are so I can come meet you. *As the voicemail kicked in he swore beneath his breath and hung up, reaching for his clothes and dragging them on.*
    Leaving the apartment, he bypassed the lift and took the stairs, jogging down them two at a time and bursting out into the cool New York air. He stopped, sucking a breath into his lungs, trying to calm the nerves than now ran rampant through his body. He would find her, berate her for going out a lone then spend the rest of the night making it up to her in bed like he always did.
    He walked the streets, hours passing and still no sign of her* Where the fuck are you leelan? *he muttered to himself as he reached the Commodore again. Fuck, maybe she had gone back to the Mansion to pick up more clothes, or to see Jane for some sort of prenatal appointment. He knew was making up excuses but for now, he refused to acknowledge them. Stepping into the shadows, he dematted back to the Mansion and into his bedroom*
    19 hours ago · Unlike · 12
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He hit the ground running when Jane relayed what had happened. His half-laced shit kickers clomped across the courtyard as he lit and smoked three hand rolleds in the short distance. His mind was on Qhuinn and how he would take it. He would loose his mind if anything had happened to Jane. When she died the first time he had neared mad until his mother had been gracious enough to give her back.
    He stopped on the landing looking down, it was covered in the blood of one of his brother's mate. His stomach turned and he felt the need to throw the fuck up. Why could well enough be ever left the fuck alone.
    He entered the mansion and collared the first doggen he found. He was harsher than he should be and he would apologize later but he had to get his point across* A male has lost his mate and her blood is on the landing outside, feel me? I want it scrubbed ASAfuckingP before he has a chance to see it. He sees one drop you deal with me, true that.
    He lit up again as he took the steps to Wrath's office. He knew the king didn't get down with anyone smoking in his office but now was a fucking time for exceptions. For the love of the Scribe it was Torh all over again. He only hoped that his mother would see the light and let Mhisery live on like she had for Jane. The brief time he was without her was enough for him to know it was a pain and loss that no man should ever have to bare.
    *He took up residence in his usual spot in Wrath's office with a nod to the king* Tell me the mother fucker that did this paid with pain and a fucking lot of it, true?
    I'll be missing you (LYRICS)
    Lyrics to "I'll be Missing You" by Puff Daddy featuring Faith Evans & 112. Pleas...
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    17 hours ago · Unlike · 11 ·
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He dropped the phone before the Doggen had finished telling him that he was needed in Wrath's office, before he had finished telling him that one of their female's lives had been taken. He shook Marissa awake, telling her quietly what had happened then left the bed, pulling on a pair of sweats, shoving his feet into running shoes and dragging a muscle shirt over his head. He leaned down, pulling his Shellan into his arms, inhaling her scent before he took off out the Pit.
    He double timed it across the courtyard, the scent of Turkish smoke telling him V had arrived just minutes before, a Doggen on their hands and knees cleaning away the reside of blood that he could still see marking the mosaic floor. How the fuck had this happened, how was one of their females dead? His stomach felt like a nest of wasps had taken up residence, each sting a spike of pain for Qhuinn and the loss the young man was now facing.
    He slammed through the study door, almost skidding to a halt beside V* When? Where? Does he know? *he scrubbed his hand across his face, pinching the bridge of his nose. How did you tell a young man, one that had already been so much that his one reason for existing had been taken from him? That never again would he feel her tender touch, or know the feel of her in his arms? To wake up beside his Shellan and know that no matter what he did in life he still had the love of someone?*
    17 hours ago · Unlike · 10
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He cut the connection of his phone and his head dropped. He felt the pain of loss hit him head on and his heart sank. He didn't know if Qhuinn had been told yet, but he knew full well what the young male would be going through. A loss so deep that the light of a day could never see the light of day. It was a pain that no matter how many days that past, could never be felt.*
    *He moved down the hallway, his mind thinking of when he was told of the loss of his shellan. The immediate pain, the felling that his heart was gone along with his soul, only a shell remaining. Only remorse and questions. Why was she taken? What was his life supposed to be without her when she was his life. He had no idea to function without her. He only breathed because it was automatic. Only ate because he was forced. Only moved because he had to. It was a living hell and Qhuinn was about to enter the inner circle with him.*
    *He stepped through the doorway of the office with his head hung low and the weight of the world resting on his shoulders. He wondered if the brothers had done this when his shellan had passed, he would never know because he never gave them the chance. He only wanted to die with her and had fled the pain that was indescribable. A pain that was all consuming.*
    *He knew in time that Qhuinn would move to the point he was at, past the pain and into the anger. Anger was a base emotion he could live with, it had none of the complexities of love, and it was fueled by remorse, something he had in spades.*
    *He said nothing to no one as he took his usual seat, a lump of bile residing in his throat. He could empathize with what was about to transpire. He listened to the idle chat of the other brothers, as they discussed the known events that had transpired according to Zee. He had a reason to hate lessers even more. He and Qhuinn would be fighting side be side to avenge the ones they had loved and lost at the hands of the lessers. Qhuinn would be as he was, determined to make their deaths as slow and as pain filled as possible.*
    Avenged Sevenfold - Seize the day (official music video)
    Avenged Sevenfold - Seize the day official music video enjoy!! :P
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 9 ·
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*His mind was still registering the call he had just received. The King had just informed him a Shellan and young were lost. Gone before she could have the chance to bare her young and be the Mahmen she could be. The male was going to be inconsolable as he knew already. His heart broke for him. He, at one time in his life, had accompanied the King he served to families, Hellrens and Shellans, delivering the news of a death. It never became easy. Watching families fall apart, sobs grating at your heart strings, and yet all you could do was stand there and watch. No comforting embrace or soft word would ever ease that sting.*
    *He stared at his phone. Knowing what he had to do out of respect for the Female and her young. Respect for her Hellren, a male he watched and respected as a male of worth. He stood and sat his phone on the nightstand, threw open his curtains to let the moonlight into his room, and stalked over to the closet for the leather pouch he brought with him. He walked back over to the window, opened the pouch and poured a line of diamond shards on the wood floor by the window. He stripped and knelt on them slowly. Bowing his head, and in the old language, he said prayers of mourning for them. That they all may find peace and always have the love they came to know here.*
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 10
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*His mind flat lined as he was told the news. All he could do was turn and look at Ehl, peacefully sleeping. Thank scribe the phone didn't wake her and she were to answer it first. He sat slowly on the edge of the bed and gently touched her hair. How is it you seem to take for granted was could be gone in an instant? This one female could walk into your life, turn it upside down, make the world revolve around her, breathe just for her, hell, just exists because she does. and in a flash she is gone. He couldn't imagine the pain Qhuinn was experiencing right now, but he knew, shit he knew the male might as well be gone too.*
    *According to Wrath, she was with young. He pulled a heavy breath into his lungs, and swiped at his eye. Blood tears he was shedding at the thought that it could be him in that place. Looking at the King and begging for it to be a lie. He let Ehl's hair slip and slide through his fingers, and he leaned down to kiss her head. He wouldn't go on if she were lost to him. He would let the Sympath side go and be Rehv no more.*
    *Standing from the bed, he walked over to the window and folded his arms as he stared out at the night. Silently praying for the souls and the Male. He turned as Ehl said his name. He smiled at her as a tear slipped down his face, and waled over to sit next to her. He took her tiny hand in his, and relayed the message. As she started to cry, he pulled her into his arms and whispered in her ear.* I love you, mine Rahlman. Always.
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 9
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*He woke from his bed...he had barely shut his eyes when his phone went off. It was Wrath. It took a minute to sink in...a shellan had been lost. He pulled Mary close in his arms...thanking the Scribe it wasn't his but feeling pain for Qhuinn. He held her to him for a long while...afraid if he let her go she too would be gone. After a few minutes of explanation to Mary, he rose from the bed and donned his leathers and pulled his tee over his head. He slipped on his shitkickers and padded down the hall.
    He saw the other males all seated when he entered the room and took his place in the back. He slid out a tootsie pop quietly and slid it in his mouth...his mind running mad. This was a senseless waste but he would be there to help his brother through it.* Tell me what I need to do to unfuck this cluster.
    Slaughter Fly To The Angels with lyrics
    This is my favorite song from slaughter so touching :) Mark Slaughters voice is so awesome..well it isnt anymore but it was awesome.
    16 hours ago · Unlike · 10 ·
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*His body shook as tears streamed down his face for his best friend. His stare blank as anger pulsed through his big body. Mhisery was gone. The young and she were in the Fade. All he wanted at that moment was to go to Qhuinn. The King had told him to stay put and wait. Qhuinn would pull a Tohr, he just knew it. He couldn't stand to lose him that way. He knew the male was volatile right now, and he would go to him as soon as he could.*
    *His phone went off again and he swore loudly as the name flashed at him. Saxton was calling like he always did when he had a moment at the office. He answered and in a low, shaking tone told his lover his family needed him.* Saxton, come home now..........I don't give a rats ass who that is.............Mhisery is gone. *At that moment, the phone went dead. He looked at it and threw it to the floor. Sax was on his way, and he needed to be strong for Qhuinn right now.*
    16 hours ago · Like · 9
    Zee Ahgony Everything moved in slow motion, his vision blurred from the dirt and blood that had been buried in his eyes from pressing the heels of his palms into them, a poor attempt to stop the stinging moistness that dared to fall. Again. His chest still felt constricted, every breath a battle he was sure of loosing; and as the doggen returned to offer him assistance in getting up he let his emotions run free - sending a roar through the manse. The frail female took a step back, bowing her head before leaving, and giving him the space he sought out. He wasn't to be touched, not ever. By no one but his females. And he sure as hell didn't need to be seen as too weak to hold down his own; by no one.
    Swallowing, Z pushed to his feet and lifted his hands into his line of sight; they were stained red, his knuckles sore and stiff from having gripped onto 'her body' so hard, for hours. He had held onto her for Qhuinn, for his brother - for one of their own. Slowly, setting one foot in front of the other he headed up the grand stair, eyes cast down onto his muddy shitkickers. If anyone were to stop him now there was not telling how he would react, hid mind reeling with the images he didn't wish on anyone; and for all he knew the safety of his own room couldn't come fast enough.
    He had 15 minutes. 12 now. Shower. Hug his females.
    The door to his and Bella's room opened with a slight sound, causing him to jump. Fuck this. What was wrong with him? Running his right hand over his short trimmed skull, his other closed the door behind him, his eyes darting to the bed. The sheets were rising and falling in accordance with the hearbeat, and next door he could hear Nalla mutter softly in her sleep. His females. His life. The life that was ripped from Qhuinn. He stood in silence as he watched Bella sleep, her scent wrapping itself around him like a security blanket. A life line.
    Shower. 9 minutes now, and the clock was ticking. Where was the stop button? Better yet, rewind.
    Locking the bathroom door behind him, something he hadn't done in years, he turned the water on high and stripped from his clothes. Everything pooled by his feet, leathers and shirt quickly removed; and once he was free from the shitkickers he stepped underneath the hot stream, his body shaking with the effort of keeping the running water the only moisture in the room. Just like Wellsie. With young. Leaving behind a hellren sure to become an empty shell. Another senseless slaughter of one of their females. Cowards! What kind of fucked up male took his hatred out on...
    ... he hadn't been so much better for years, had he...
    After scrubbing down twice he finally stepped out of the stall and, avoiding the mirror on his way out, unlocked the bathroom door. 4 minutes until the meeting in the king's office. Breathe. The black pair of pants and turtle neck were quickly thrown on, and as he knelt down to tie his shoes he couldn't help but send a small 'thank you' to the Virgin Scribe. An asshole move on some fucked up level, and as much as he hurt for Qhuinn... as much as he felt for Mhisery.. his Bella was still alive and well. It hadn't been his shellan. Not this time. Not ever, or so help everyone - he would be worse than the apocalypse coming down onto world.
    2 minutes left. Glancing one last time at the tangled up sheets on the bed, he quietly slipped from the room, footsteps announcing that the other brothers, too, were on the move. They were a family, together in this.. and as tough as all of them could be, as harsh as most of their lives had been, they knew when to pay respect and when to shut up for the sake of another. Egos tuned down. Arguments laid to rest, for the time being.
    As he entered the office and glanced around, everyone's face was a mask of horror and pain. Emotions were all over the grid, randing from sadness to anger, and from hatred to dispair. Yeah, this would be a trial on the lot of them, and on the brotherhood as a whole. The second he took his spot in the corner of the room, training his eyes on a spot on the wall, Phury entered, completing them all. V's voice broke the silence, and with as little emotion as possible he replied.* He did pay. I tore him apart. *Too late*
    12 hours ago · Like · 7
    Saxton Thym ‎*He had just finished with his client, he rang Blay to let him know he had one more client to see then he would be on his way. He wanted nothing more than to retire to bed in the arms of his lover, he was tired and needed soothing. As soon as he heard Blay's voice he knew something was wrong, his heart stopped for a moment as he was told the news. Mhisery was dead, it wasn't couldn't be. He stumbled back from his desk, catching him self on the corner and toppling onto the floor. He got back up and rushed to his secretary, telling her he had to leave. When she told he he couldn't leave he had clients to attend to he swore at her and told her to deal with it, his family came first*
    *He dematted back to the mansion, all around him he saw doggen sobbing. He grabbed one and demanded to know what was going on, she told him Mhisery was dead he shook her violently and told her she was either lying or mistaken. The female begged him to let her go, he released her and mumbled an apology. The female was obviously working too hard and in need of rest, she was delusional*
    *He rushed up to the King's office and yanked the door open, there stood Blay tears streaming down his face. He ran at him and punched him in the chest several times, tears running down his own face* No don't do this to me, don't lie to me Blay she can't be dead it's not possible. *When his lover tried to comfort him he pushed him away, he couldn't bear to be held. He wanted nothing more than to see Mhisery alive and well. He backed out of the office and down the stairs, he needed to see Qhuinn he had to be with him. His own heart was broken how the hell was Qhuinn gong to cope without his shellan? His heart hammered in his chest as he searched for his cousin*
    *He tore around the mansion like an idiot, the grief he felt tearing him apart. He couldn't bear to be in the mansion, he needed to get out. He opened the front door and ran outside, he wanted to run as far away as he could. Something inside him stopped him dead in his tracks, Qhuinn had never run away from anything. Now it was Qhuinn who needed him to be strong, Blaylock needed him too. Putting his own grief and pain to one side he returned to the mansion and made his way to the office. He knocked and went inside, he nodded to everyone and stood by Blay's side. He reached out and took Blay's hand, squeezing it to let him know he was with him*
    9 hours ago · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*laying in the arms of his beloved Shellan he heard his phone sound, carefully rolling over he slipped from the bed and picked up, as the words Wrath spoke filtered through his sleepy haze he thought he had to have heard wrong and forced Wrath to tell him again. Shit, Mhisery was dead along with her and Qhuinn’s young. Hanging up the phone he turned slowly and looked upon Cormia’s sleeping form. He had no idea what he would ever do if something happened to her or Aggie for that matter, his mind not even allowing him to try and process it*
    *leaning down he placed a soft kiss to her head, not wanting to tell her what had happened just yet, he told her he had to go to the mansion but would return. Walking to his closet he slipped into a pair of black dress pants, a button down shit, and shoved his feet into a pair of loafers, all done on auto pilot. No thought or feeling involved. Turning back he looked one more time upon his Shellan, his heart breaking for Qhuinn. Leaving their room he stopped by Aggie’s and ran his hand over his son’s head, clenching his fist to keep the unshed tears from falling* I love you my son.
    *stepping outside the Great Camp he dematted to the mansion. Walking into the house, the sorrow and sadness immediately overwhelming him, to the point that he felt like he had been kicked in the stomach, he couldn’t even speak as one of the Doggen greeted him. As he made his way up the grand stair case the emotions of his family, his brothers assaulted him over and over again. Walking into Wrath’s office, he was hit by a wave of the most intense anguish he had ever experienced, since the day they had told Tohrment about Welsie. Talking his place beside his twin, he stood silently and waited. As his heard Zee say he tore the bastard who had done this apart he could not help but feel a small sense of satisfaction in his brothers actions*
    Paint Me A Birmingham:
    Paint Me A Birmingham.The Beautiful Song By Tracy Lawrence That I Tried To Recre...
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    4 hours ago · Unlike · 5 ·
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*One after another the brothers collected in his office, their emotions off the chart and their faces set in stone. Questions rained down on him, questions he didn't have answers to, and the one that did didn't seem in the right state of mind to be asked. Nor was this the time to discuss the gory details of a horrible murder that should have never happened. Not to anyone, but especially not to one of their own. Qhuinn had been a true friend to John for ages now, and for that Wrath felt great gratitude. He was a fair male with a temper, but which of the brothers didn't bring that hot headed quality? He was young with his whole life before him; his whole life now taken.*
    I don't have answers. Yet. In time I will let you all know, but right now the bastard is not our main concern. One of ours will be hurting. We will, of course... *He rose from his chair, pacing as much or as little as the tiny space would allow him, *... go to him, as a unit. We will show our respect to him, and we will need to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. *Tohr's grid changed, and he knew the male thought the last bit directed at him; it was and yet wasn't. What Tohr had done hadn't been stupid but the act of a broken bonded male, and yet it had been stupid not to rely on his brothers for strength and to gamble with his life, too. He frowned, punching the bookshelf to his left as the reality of it all sank in. They would all be nothing without their shellans, and he knew that had it been Beth tonight he would not have wanted to live either. There would have been no one strong enough to make him stay.
    The door opened again, a growl of his own breaching the silence as his head snapped toward the crowd. Even before the voice gave away who had entered without invite Saxton's scent was yet another hit to his gut. The male was hurting for a family member, and torn apart by what seemed to be anger and a whiff of fear. Still, nobody was coming on his turf without him knowing, and Qhuinn didn't need to see any or all of them torn apart. It was now their damn duty to be strong for him, and he would need the strength from each and every one.
    The door closed and all went silent, until moments later a knock sounded and Saxton entered again. This was getting old. Fast.* I know he is your family, Saxton. But we're all hurting for him. He does not need to have you weeping on his shoulder, right now. He needs to be shown strength, and support. If you can't do that I think you need to go home right now, and come back when you are able to. And the next time you bark into my office without invite I will be much less friendly about it. *Before Blay could turn and defend his lover Wrath lifted his hand, not wanting to hear anybody's damn excuses. He was on edge, too, and it would do some people damn well to remember that he didn't just have his title for shits and giggles. He would act on it if he had to, in good as in bad times. And in shitty times, such as this one.*
    Let us go. This is not going to get any easier. And whatever happens, we will protect his life with any means we have to use. *His large body lead the group out of his office and toward Qhuinn's room; while the couple had usually stayed at their own place Qhuinn's scent was strong, tonight, suggesting the male was close by. Probably looking for what he could no longer find. Within a minute's time they reached the heavy doors, and sucking in a breath Wrath lifted his hand and knocked. Backed up by the whole brotherhood*
    3 hours ago · Unlike · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He stood in the center of what had been his mated room, his heart pounding in his chest though he didn't know the reason for it. He had searched every inch of the mansion and returned here, the doggen strangely absent, the house silent as in all slept or waited in anticipation for what was to come. It was the proverbial quiet before the storm, the moment were time stood still before the explosion occurred.
    His head whipped around at the knock, for some reason trepidation weighed down on him, the feeling that if he opened the door, life as he knew it would change, and not change for the better has his life had been up until now. He took the short steps across the room, his feet leaden, his heart pounding so heart he wondered how it didn't burst from his chest and leave him crumbled on the plush carpet.
    He watched in slow motion as his own hand reached out, taking hold of the ornate handle and slowly turning, his gaze falling onto the King, confusion the first emotion to play across his face* My lord? *Then the others registered on his mind, each and every male of the household stood behind the huge body of the King, each of their faces wearing the same expression, that of sorrow, of grief, of pain.
    His body shook, his head shaking* No, no *what he was saying no for he didn't know at this moment, he just knew that seeing those males standing their like a wall meant something, and he was sure it wasn't that they planned to take him on some sort of after mating boys night out.* Is it the baby? *his voice cracked at the thought of his shellan going through the pain of losing their young so soon into the pregnancy. *
    *No answer. He took a step back, his legs shaking and it was sheer force of will that kept him on his feet* No, please My Lord, I beg of you, do not tell me what I fear you are about to. *Another step back as if he could put distance between himself and the other males, to ensure that whatever it is, what he feared was about to be voiced, would not be a reality. He closed his eyes and rubbed a hand across them, hoping that when he opened them, he would not see the others standing before his door.*
    *He opened them, the image still the same, no difference in their expressions, no difference in the acrid scent of agony that filled the air. He looked over each face, begging them silently to speak, to end this pain that was washing through him over the unknown.* Saxton? John? Blay? *They said nothing, he turned to the others, the huge male that was Rhage* Hollywood? *still nothing* V? Butch? Tohr? *They said nothing, their gaze still on him, their bodies unyielding* Zee? Phury? *They said nothing and his gaze pulled back to Wrath, his voice breaking* Please...
    3 hours ago · Like · 5
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Seconds dragged on to feel like minutes, and as they stood waiting for the door to open he did contemplate shoving one of the other brothers forward. This was not a task he was wanting to perform, and definitely not one he had thought of performing for a long time, hoping it would border on never. His eyes were downcast though he couldn't see, his hands clasped together as he took one breath after another. The heavy weight of the brotherhood's pain was weighing on his shoulders, and with every passing second caused the hair on the back of his neck to stand up a little more.
    Footsteps. The other male was dragging his feet, and if what he had been told was true the King could only phatom the pain the kid was already feeling, without knowing. Once you bonded to a female, once you took her as your shellan, once you promised to lay down your life for hers, your life lines were connected. and when one was severed the other knew - instinctively so. Dearest Scribe Virgin, how much more suffering did his brothers have to endure while doing everything they could to protect their race? Night for night they went out to protect the innocent, and for what? For having what was important to them slaughtered like a farm animal.
    Lastly the door opened, and even without seeing Qhuinn's face he knew the look it bore. Imagined it. Felt it.
    Several of the brothers took a breath in at the same time, their hearts beating in the same rythmn. Whoever said his warriors had no feelings and were animals was gravely mistaken; they just simply knew when to show what they usually reserved for their shellans and young.
    The intensity of Qhuinn's reaction to seeing the whole brotherhood standing at his door was bordering on that of a Tsunami taking down everything it washed across. Unstoppable. Deadly. Feared. And as much as he didn't want to tell him what the other male didn't want to hear, and yet knew would be said, he had to. No matter how long they dragged this out, the fact that Mhisery had gone onto the Fade would not be changed. With a simple step forward he bowed his head, his words soft but strong, then no matter how hard he tried he couldn't take the edge off them.. of the truth they would rain down.*
    I am sorry, Qhuinn. Z found her body. There was nothing to be done; her and the young have passed onto the Fade. Fuck, I am sorry.. I know that doesn't even cut it, but we all are.
    Chris Isaak - Somebody's Crying
    I don't own the rights to the music or the background image. Thought it was near...
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    2 hours ago · Unlike · 5 ·
    Qhuinn Lohstrong You are lying to me, stop fucking lying to me *He spat out the words though he knew what the King spoke was the truth.* Why are you fucking with me? You think this is some sick fucked up joke? *An Arctic chill blasted from his body as he read the truth in each and every male face before him and his body shook uncontrollably* Please tell me you are lying my Lord, *he begged, he would have got on his hands and knees if he thought it make a different. Fear gripped him, for how was he to go on his his heart had died? Pain. The agony at knowing that had he woke up earlier, had he not slept, his shellan would have been safe and with him.
    As Wrath shook his head, he took a staggering step backwards, his hand palming his heart and pain lanced through him, his eyes wild, denial still running rampant through his body* SOMEONE TELL HIM HE IS WRONG *He screamed at all the males, striding forward to grab Zee by the front of his shirt, his voice hissing out between his clenched teeth as he put himself in the other male's face* It wasn't her, you know it wasn't, why are you lying to me, why are you lying to everyone? *He looked into the flat expanse of the other male's eyes and knew the truth.* She's gone? *his voice caught in his throat* My Shellan is gone? No Zee, it was a mistake, she can't be, she just needs me, she just needs me to make it all right for her. I can fix it, I can fix it
    *He pushed his way between them all, stumbling over his own feet as he felt each huge frame against his side, he felt the pain that each of them felt. A pain they felt for him. He staggered, pushing off the wall as he half ran, half fell down the stairs, the Doggen that was cleaning the floor, looking up at him with sorrow and fear. He bared his teeth, snarling at her* Where *She raised her hand shakily, pointing towards the tunnels. His hand shook, the scent of his Shellan finally assaulting his senses over the cleaning fluid, the unmistakable scent of her blood hitting him full force as he finally pulled the door open.
    He ran the length of the corridor, his shitkickers pounding with each step, mirroring the thud of his heart. He burst in the through the door, Jane sitting beside Mhisery, her hand held, her form incorporeal except that one limb. She rose to her feet and stepped back, stepped clear of the room and into the throng of males that had followed. His knees gave out, sinking to the floor, his head falling forward, his hands raising to cover his face* No, please. For the love of the Scribe, no *He pushed up, taking that last step forward that would once against join him with his Shellan*
    about an hour ago · Like · 3
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*He ran. Ran after the best friend that was suffering. He knew where he was headed. The Brothers followed him. Saxton beside him. He pushed the doors and stepped into the cold, quiet room where Mhisery lay. He stepped up behind Saxton, tears streaming his face, and he stood tall. He placed his hand on Sax's shoulder and nodded when the male looked at him. Slowly, very slowly, he crossed the room to stand behind Qhuinn. He felt the icy chill radiating off his body. Could hear the silent sobs, and catches of breath the male was reduced to after screaming. He lifted a palm to Qhuinn's shoulder, and just stood behind him. Silently telling him he was here. A simple gesture that didn't take it all away, but radiated strength. Strength for his friend and himself.* I can't say anything that will take any of this away. Know that I am by your side. She was loved and shall forever be. *He wiped his face with his free hand, scrubbing hard, and held tight to his best friend.*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 3
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*He watched the brother stagger out of the room and he did the best he could to give him his space...even as he bumped into his frame...he just backed up. He knew what the brother was going through...he had lost Mary briefly...but that was the kind of shit you don't ever get over. That is a pain that has staying power. There were still times he had to reach out and make sure she was still with him.
    He saw Qhuinn take off and all he could think was a repeat of Tohr...he shot off after him. He would...fuck he didn't know what he would do but they weren't loosing another one. He snagged the brother one time by the shirt but he snatched out of his grasp.* Qhuinn you don't want to do this man...don't want to see her like that.
    It was too late. He had already seen her. He was already in the room with her and he knew what he would be like...there would be more than one funeral if someone tried to pull him away from his shellan. He just sank back with the rest of the brotherhood and waited. He would be here if needed...for anything*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 3
    Phury Ahgony ‎*he stood beside his twin and watched. They all knew that Qhuinn would know instinctively his Shellan was gone, even with out being told. When Wrath's words only confirmed the young males worst fears hears he could have sworn he heart his heart shatter inside his chest. His denial and anger reflective of that which any of his Brothers would be expressing.
    He had to fight the urge to jump slightly as Qhuinn reached for his twin and grabbed him by the shirt, knowing that Zee never handled being touched well. But even he was not himself and did not flinch as Qhuinn held him and got in his face. No, his twin stood strong beside him.
    As Qhuinn took off down the hall, followed by the other young warriors of the house the Brothers followed suit. Quickly making their way through the hallways, their bodies barely fitting as the went. When they reached the corridor to the clinic the air was icy with anger and the pungency of sadness surrounded them. He heard Rhage try to keep him out but he knew there was no chance and before anyone else could speak Qhuinn was there with his beloved Shellan. There was nothing more they could but wait now*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 4
    Saxton Thym ‎*He stepped forward to Qhuinn, he was struggling with his own pain he needed to be strong for his cousin. He knelt besides Qhuinn and placed his hand on his shoulder took a deep breath and spoke* Qhuinn, Mhisery is in the Fade, she's with your young. I know it's no consolation but we're here for you. I know we can't ease your pain, I wish we could. *He looked at her body and felt his own tears fall*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 4
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He went with the brothers when they followed Qhuinn he would give him his space. He wouldn't try to push the male. Each brother had to deal with pain of loss in their own way. There was no way to help them do it. An enemy they could fight but the pain that each brother held was nothing they could ever help each other cope with. He stood with the rest of the brothers, like they always did, shoulder to shoulder and there for each other. He thought of a million things he could say but none of them seemed right. When he had lost Jane there was nothing that anyone could have said that would have made it better.
    He dropped his head and just stood there not even willing to light up a hand rolled out of respect. He clasp his hands in front of his body to keep from embracing Jane, he couldn't do that as much as he wanted to. It would only show the brother that was grieving that he couldn't hold his shellan like that and he didn't want to do anything else to add to his pain. What he already had to deal with was more than anyone male should ever have to struggle with*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He ignored his friend and cousin, he couldn't speak to them at this moment, he couldn't form the words that screamed in his head. Stepping forward he slid his hands under his Shellans body, cradling her to his chest, whispering quietly how much he loved her, how much he needed her. He met the gaze of each of the males, of Jane as they all stepped back, letting him pass. He said nothing, there were no words for him to utter.
    He walked into his room, his Shellan held tight in his arms, just like he had months before when he had placed her in this very room. He laid her down gently on the bed and crawled onto the mattress beside her. He gathered her still form into his arms, smoothing back her dark hair from her face, his lips pressing into the cool skin of her forehead* Please leelan, just wake up. Wake up for me please. *he rocked her slowly in his arms* please leelan, please. I need you, please just wake up for me.
    *He kept rocking her in his arms, his lips pressing over her face, gentle and tender, her eyes, her nose, her full lips* Just open your eyes, just look at me. Please leelan, I beg you. I will be a better hellren, I will be a better male. I will be anything you want if you just open your eyes for me.
    *He pulled back to look at her, his fingers tracing over her features, over the face of the women who meant everything to him, over his mate, his shellan, his Rahlman and his heart. His heart felt like it had shattered into a million pieces and the only person that could put those pieces back together again was the person that lay lifeless in his arms. His face crumpled, his voice shook, breaking and catching * Mhisery, leelan, I love you and I need you with me. I need you to just wake up, let me care for you, let me make you better.
    He knew it was useless, he knew but he couldn't help himself. He lifted his wrist to his mouth, his fangs tearing roughly into his own flesh. He turned it, pressing it against her lips* Drink baby, please drink *he rubbed his wrist against her, covering her full lips with his lifes blood, his voice breaking* Please just a small drink, please leelan, please take of my vein and heal.
    *His chest heaved, his face a mask of raw emotion, as his shellan lay still in his arms, his young that had nestled safe in her stomach also taken with her into the Fade. He threw back his head, a raw anguished roar leaving him, he roared until he was hoarse, until no noise would escape his lips except the harsh noise of his tears.*
    *he drew back, carefully resting her head on the pillow, his fingers shaking smoothing back her hair* I'll take care of you leelan, then we will be together, I promise you, I will find you in the Fade and you and I will live, we will be together, with our daughter. *He slid from the bed, careful to not jostle her and pulled open the closet, searching through until he found her mating gown. He came back to bed and carefully, removed the clothing that had been placed on her body, his body wracked with tears as he took in the wounds that covered her perfect flesh* I will ahvenge you leelan, I will tear my way through each and every one I find until the one that did this to you feels yours pain.
    He dressed her slowly, pulling the purple gown onto her frame and reaching for her brush. Sitting beside her, he slowly brushed her hair, framing it around her face how she had worn it the day they mated. When he was sure it was as perfect as he could make it, he lifted her hands across her body, resting over where they young should have been thriving and leaned over her, pressing his lips to his to whisper* I love you leelan, I will always love, I will always need you and none will ever be as beautiful and as rare as you were to me. You saved me, you warmed my soul and you taught me how to breathe. *he pulled back and placed a tender kiss to her brow to begin his own preparation*
    Tears Of An Angel - Lyrics
    Tears Of An Angel by RyanDan - lyrics. No copyright infringement intended.
    about an hour ago · Like · 3 ·
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He stood in the bedroom his face void of expression, his eyes flat and dead as he stared out the window onto the balcony where he spent more time than he should. She was gone, the one thing in his life that had made sense among the chaos was gone, taken from him like someone would take a toy away from a naughty child. How was he meant to go on? How was anyone meant to live on when they no longer had a heart, for that had died right along side his shellan. She had been his heart, his soul, the blood that pumped through his veins giving him life, she was even the very breath he took. Now she lay peaceful on their bed waiting for their final journey together, first he needed meet with the others, then return and bring her body to her final resting place.
    He swallow as he turned away, walking the short distance to the high chest of drawers that stood against one wall. There sitting on top, the scrap of silk that was one of the nightdresses she wore, his hand moved of its own accord to reach for it pulling it from the dark wood as he turned back towards the bed. He sunk down on the end of the mattress, the silk drapped across his white covered leg* Fuck Mhisery, why did you leave me, why did they have to take you away from me now when I need you the most? *His voice cracked as he said her name, his fingers curling into the silk as he raised it to his face, his lungs expanding and filling with the scent of his shellen that for the first time since they had met couldn't soothe his ragged soul*
    Why now? Was my life that bad? Was this my punishment for what I have done prior to meeting her? Let me touch a slice of heaven and then take it away so that it hurts even more? Show me the beauty of what life can be like with the one you love then break me by showing me that even love can not escape death? Is that what this is? Or is it to see how much pain a man can take before he breaks into a million pieces.
    *A tear tracked down his face and settled onto the silk, his hand reaching to brush it away, furious at himself for marking something of hers* I'm sorry Mhisery, I am so fucking sorry. This is my fault, my fault that I thought I could have something as rare and beautiful as you in my life for my own. Had I let you be you could have lived your life, you would have been happy. You would have been alive.
    Another tear joined the first as he hung his head, gently setting the nightdress on the pillow where the indent of her head still showed. He tilted his head looking at it through the blur of his own tears as he reached out to brush the back of his fingers against the cotton.* I miss you leelan, I miss you so fucking much that right now it hurts to even breathe without you near. I love you, but we will be together soon, for I can no live without. my life has no meaning, no purpose, no function anymore without you. My reason for just being me has gone with you into the Fade.
    He scrubbed the back of his hand across his face and rose to his feet, reaching for the matching white jacket and pulling it on. He tied the sash and took the few short steps back to the dresser reaching for the first of three pieces of white cotton. He wound the first around his right wrist, securing it closed and reached for the second, wrapping it around his left wrist and securing it. Lifting his head, his met his own mismatched eyes in the mirror as he reached for the final piece of cotton. His hand faltered this time as he wrapped it around his neck a roar leaving his chest as he balled his fist and slammed it into the mirror, the glass shattering around him and covering the wooden top.
    WHY? WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO ME? *He roared at the ceiling* WHY DID YOU TAKE HER FROM ME? WAS THIS JUST ANOTHER FUCKING GAME? *he closed his eyes, pressing the heels of his hands into his eyes, his frame shaking with emotion, his voice dropping to a bare whisper* Why?
    *He opened his eyes and stared at his hand, the blood that dripped steadily and marked the cuff of his white jacket. He didn't care, he would bleed a million times over if it brought her back. Instead he reached for the cotton around his neck and tightened it, letting it bite into his skin and ensuring that each breath he took hurt, that the pain echoed what he now felt in his dead heart.*
    *Once he was finished he reached into the top drawer of dresser and pulled out the necklace that had been her mothers and fastened it around his neck, twisting it so that it sat over the cotton. Turning, he stepped across the floor and reached for the framed picture of them both that someone had taken during the mating. Sliding the picture free, he placed it inside his jacket, resting against his heart and turned to leave the room*
    It's Not Goodbye - Sweet November MV
    And what if I never kiss your lips again Or feel the touch of your sweet embrace...
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    about an hour ago · Like · 3 ·
    Saxton Thym ‎*He sat on the bed he shared with Blaylock, his heart ached for his cousin Qhuinn. He couldn't believe how unfair life was at times. His cousin has suffered so much, he thought that Qhuinn had finally found the happiness he deserved only to have it ripped from him. He wiped the tears that fell openly down his face, not caring what he looked like. He sat and thought of the night Mhisery and Qhuinn were mated, how he had carved the first letter of her name into Qhuinn's back. Mhisery had looked beautiful, she shone like a beacon in the night. He remembered the look on Qhuinn's face when he laid his eyes upon her, the love on his face. His cousin deserved the best and he had found her, Mhisery was a true female of worth who saw in Qhuinn the male of worth that he was. She saw past his mismatched eyes and his dubious piercings. Between them they had a love that was rare, and beautiful. Now it was gone*
    *With a heavy sigh he looked at his pocket watch, it was time to make the long and painful journey. A journey they shouldn't be taking, he should be celebrating the birth of Mhisery and Qhuinn's young, not attending her funeral. It wasn't right she should still be there with them, laughing and teasing them as she often did. She was a vibrant female, who had been full of life and full of hope for the future. He wanted to scream out at how unfair it had turned out but he couldn't. Swallowing the lump in his throat, he rose from the bed collected his coat and made his way down the stairs*
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He didn't even bother to the close the door behind him, his feet feeling like lead as he walked the short distance of the landing. He could have been walking miles for that is how each step felt, how each placing of his food felt like he would sink under the despair that sat on his shoulders like lead weights.
    He reached the stop of the stairs and looked blankly around him, his eyes made contact with everything as normal but yet he saw nothing. He didn't see the splendor that was his home. He didn't see the mural. He didn't see anything apart from the face of his Shellan. He took the first step, his legs giving out beneath him, his body dropping down hard to rest on the stop step. He bowed his head, cradling it in his hands as he wept freely. He wept for what he had and what could have been. He wept for his daughter that he would never see grow. But most of all he wept for Mhisery. He wept for the beauty, the joy and the life that had been theirs.*
    about an hour ago · Like · 3
    Saxton Thym ‎*He turned to see Qhuinn collapse, he dropped the glass of water he was holding it shattered to the ground the liquid spilling everywhere and spreading across the floor. He cared not for it, he raced up the stairs to his cousin. He sat besides him and gathered the much larger, stronger male in his arms. He held him close and freely wept with him, their sadness filling the air. He cared not what others thought of them, only of his cousin and his need to comfort him in his grief filled state*
    59 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He leaned into his cousin, his head against his, uncaring that the older male saw him at his weakest moment in life. Tears covered his face, they dripped freely, soaking into the silk mourning clothes he wore.* Why Saxton? Am I that terrible a person? Does the Scribe hate me this much that she punishes me by taking my heart away from me? it should have been me, not Mhisery, it should be me that was taken from this world. I am useless, I have nothing to offer anyone, all I ever do is cause hurt and pain to those that I care for. *His voice broke* I can't do this, I can't live without her, I can't *he shook his head, his hand clutching the front of his jacket* Even breathing hurts
    59 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Saxton Thym ‎*He listened as his cousin spoke, his words breaking his aching heart. None of this was Qhuinn's fault, he needed his cousin to see that. Taking a steadying breathe he spoke* This is not your fault Qhuinn, you are a male of worth, Mhisery saw that in you as do I. I do not know why the Scribe took her from you, she has her reasons I may not agree with them but they are hers alone. You will one day be reunited with Mhisery and your young, they will greet you with open arms in The Fade. Hold that thought deep in your heart, know she loved you with everything she had and has taken that love with her. *He looked away as more tears fell, he wasn't any use at the comforting he was making things worse*
    58 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong She has taken everything with her, I am nothing, I am a shell, she was what made me who I am. She was the part of me that I never knew I was missing until I found her. She was what made my heart beat, what healed every ache and pain that resided inside my body. What am I meant to do without her Saxton, please tell me cousin because I really don't know *He looked to him, his gaze pleading, begging for someone to tell him how to deal with this. How to cope with having his heart ripped from his chest while it was still beating* I need her Saxton, I need her so fucking much
    58 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Saxton Thym ‎*He looked back at Qhuinn, his eyes were sunken in he was a shadow of the male he knew and loved. He didn't know what to say to heal his pain, he words were of no use* She has shown you how to love and feel, carry that with you, be the man she loved. I don't have the answers you are looking for but know this I am here for you, if I could exchange my life for hers I would in a heartbeat. Whenever you need me I'll be there, no matter what I am doing I'll drop everything for you. Together we can get through this, it won't be easy but you'll not be on your own. *He gently wiped Qhuinn's tears away, knowing his words were of little comfort*
    58 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked at his cousin, there was nothing more he could say, there were no more words left to be spoken that he could even verbalize at this moment. Instead, he gave him a half nod and rose to his feet. He took the stairs slowly, walking back up the grand stairs case and returning to his mated room. He leaned over the body of his shellan, gazing onto her beauty for a final time on this plane of existence. He leaned over and gently like she was made of spun glass, lifted her up into his arms. He cradled her head against his chest and left the room. His footing was sure this time, for he would not falter while she rested in his embrace.
    He walked back down the stairs, and out into the garden, past the tree where he had asked her to be his Shellan and further out across the green expanse of the lawn. The tomb rose in the distance, the white marble shining like beacon and drawing him closer even though each step stripped another piece of his heart away. The door already stood open, the Doggens forming an aisle, the candles they had lit illuminating their sorry but he couldn't meet their faces. He needed to hold this together, not for himself, not for the Brotherhood, but for his Shellan. He would disrespect her no longer, he would be the male she had mated. For now.
    He stepped further into the Tomb and gently, reverently, placed her onto the black and white colored silks, the colors the King had given to him when his own blood family had disowned him, The colors that should have been for his family, but now one would wear it, he would take no other, there would never be another like her for him.
    He leaned over and smiled down at her* You look beautiful leelan, you look beautiful like you did the day you became my Shellan. Like the first day I woke up and found you in my arms, like every other day that I realized that you were mine. Stay strong for our baby girl. Tell her that her daddy would have loved her, that he will love her and will keep on loving her like he loves her Mahmen. Tell her every day that she is beautiful, that there would never have been a man good enough for her, for none would be good enough in my eyes for the precious creation that she was.
    And you leelan, you think that I saved you, you told me it time and time again, but you failed to see, you saved me. You taught me what it meant to be to actually live, to love, to find comfort in something other than the bottom of a bottle. You gave me more joy and happiness in such a short time than I thought was ever possible. You made me, who felt worthless feel like I could be anything as long as you were by my side *his voice broke* I love you, and I will keep on loving you as long as there is still life in my body.
    40 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    I Will Remember You - Sarah McLachlan (Lyrics)
    NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED Block in a load of countries sorry This was m...
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    39 minutes ago · Unlike · 4 ·
    Layla Chosen ‎*She stood at distance, watching as Qhuinn carried Mhisery towards the Tomb; the scent of his pain drifting towards her.She could not bear witness for a moment longer; something within was causing her great unease. If she did not do, what she must, she feared that before the sun rose there would be another death within the Manse. Willing herself to the Other Side she made her way to the Scribe Virgin, bowing low she reiterated her fears; how she felt that Master Qhuinn would do far worse than the brother Tohrment if something were not done to ease his suffering. Without a word the Scribe Virgin walked away, her tiny diminutive frame belieing her strength and for now all Layla could do was hope that she was not too late; that Master Qhuinn would receive all he needed to see him through his darkest days.*
    16 minutes ago · Unlike · 3
    Analisse Whalker ‎~She sat in her chambers of the Fade, still reeling from the loss to her race. Even today the birds didn't seem to lift her spirits today and there in the private chambers she wept openly for the senseless loss. There was no reason for it, there was no greater good that could be seen in all of this. This dark cloud held no silver lining, or any other trite saying that people give in times of loss.~
    ~Even with the female united with her daughter, there was a loss in her eyes. It was the loss of her mate, her other half, the reason she lived and breathed. Sometimes the most brutal double edge sword was the greatest strength she gave them. Their greatest strength was their ability to bond with a mate, but it was also their greatest weakness. Humans could fall completely in love, and fall out just as easily but her race was different. They loved their mates more than the air they breathed and when their mate ceased to exist, so did their lives. In a way stopping breathing was easier than stopping the love and devotion to their mate, breathing was automatic and the body would force one to breath if it was needed, heartbreak was something one could hold on to for the remainder of a life~
    ~As she set locked in her own pain, Layla came to her and she knew what she had to do. She transverses the expanse of the Fade and peeled back the veil to the other side. She could not allow another male to suffer as Tohrment had. If should could have erased his pain, she would have, but he had to take the journey to get to where he needed to be. Qhuinn had too much suffering in his past, this would break him.~
    ~She appeared behind the assembled crowd and as she swept past each of them she took the name Mhisery from their minds, and every memory that she had ever existed, sans one. She stood behind the grieving Qhuinn~ My child I think you need to come with me and tarry not.
    10 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He straightened from his position over his Shellan to look onto the small figure of the Scribe. Rage gripped him, anger, pain and loss.* Why did you give her to me, to take her from me. Was this another of your tests? Was this a way to see just how far I could be pushed before I rid myself from existence? You succeeded if that was the case. I will join my Shellan and my daughter, with or without the permission of any that stand here. You are the mother of our race, yet would any mother put the pain and suffering on their child as you have put onto all of us. Onto each of us in different manners.
    *He knew he was pushing it, but this was the easy way. Push her until she took his life, then he would be free to return his small family to his embrace, to hold them close and never allow harm to come befall them. Like he should have done. Yet this was just another in in the long list of failures of his life. Another one to add to the mess he made of everything he touched.
    He leaned down, pressing a kiss to Mhisery's head, then another to her stomach* I will return to you both soon. *With a final look at his Shellan, he turned away, making his way back out of the tomb to the middle of the lawn.* Do not insult me by saying this was not my fault, do not try and say that this pain will strengthen me, all this has succeeded in doing is giving me the final push I needed to do what must be done.
    2 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Analisse Whalker ‎~She placed her hand on his back as to lead him away, in reality he took the name 'Mhisery' from his back with the simple touch.~ Child this was not an act of my hand nor design. This was not what I wished for you nor the female you lost. Verily I want my race to strive and this is not striving. I wish to bring you knowledge that both your fallen shellan and your daughter are safe within the warm embrace of the Fade. They are united as mahman and child. Know that your shellan loved you and your daughter more than her own life and she still feels that same love. Would you ask of me to return her and leave your daughter without her mahmen? That is not possible my child. Know that she is in peace, and without pain. She is waiting for you when it is your time to enter the Fade, but now is not your time. ~She reached for his face and touched his tear-stained cheek~ When you have lived your life to the fullest, you will enter the Fade and she will be there loving you just as she loved you before she left. She will be as young and beautiful as the day you mated, and your daughter will remain an infant until she can grow up with both her mahmen and father. ~She took his memories of Mhisery's existence, not for all time, but just until he entered the Fade. When he entered she would return both his memories and the name to his back. She waited until the confused crowd had dispersed from the tomb before she departed back to the Fade~

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  • Elizabeth Randall We as a family welcome all of you to please take a moment and pay your respects and share any memories you have of our beloved Mhisery and Qhuinn.
    Tomb of Remembrance
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  • And so passes the life of Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong and her unborn daughter Joy. A woman who even when faced with adversity, still held her head up. Who had a childhood than none of us would wish on our enemy, who grew into a strong beautiful female forging her way in this cruel world. A woman that met someone, who fell in love and should have had peace.
    Life is funny that way, just when you think the dust has settled, when the sun has broken through the clouds of despair, something else creeps up and destroys that.
    May we remember her and the love they shared
    Love is patient; love is kind and envies no one. Love is never boastful, nor conceited, nor rude; never selfish, not quick to take offense. There is nothing love cannot face; there is no limit to its faith, its hope, and endurance. In a word, there are three things that last forever: faith, hope, and love; but the greatest of them all is love.