Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part VIIII

  • Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She watched him moving around the bed until he finally sat down on the bed. She didn't think she could ever get used to how handsome he was, his mismatched eyes enough to make her melt all on their own. She sipped the coffee and nearly moaned* Qhuinn I don't live here. I was here because I was sick, now I'm well. *She picked up the toast and bit down, it was delicious. Between being sick and then the needing she couldn't think the last time she ate.*
    Tuesday at 11:56am · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he frowned at her, slightly confused* You are as much welcome here as any of us. I told you, I want you treated as much as my Shellan as any other female. *he shook his head at her, reaching out to cup her chin in his hand* I am not letting you leave nalla, you are here to stay. With me, in my room and in my bed. Part of my life, my partner, my equal. Do you understand that?
    Tuesday at 12:02pm · Like · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She swallowed hard to try to force the lump in her throat down, but it was no use. His words hit her heart, any trace of wall torn down. Their short time together ran through her mind. He had been there at every turn when she was at her darkest. She owed him her life cause if not for him hers would have ended on the last heart break. A tear welled up in her eye and rolled down her cheek, she quickly swiped it away.* Qhuinn I would love to, but I was a guest and while I don't have a lot of formalities, I do have a few manners.
    Tuesday at 12:11pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he reached out, his face sad and wiped away the ear that tracked down her face* Then leave it with me, I will go to the King myself. I am not letting you go now I have found you. You .. *he swallowed* you make me feel like I want to feel. Make me a better person by just being around you. Promise me you will stay until i work this out. But if you go I go you, you feel me? *he leaned over and brushed a kiss over her lips* now eat, relax and don't worry about the details leelan, you are staying here with me
    Tuesday at 12:15pm · Like · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She listened to him speak and she knew then she loved him. There was no escaping the fact, and she so much wanted to tell him that but knew if she did he would bolt. She swallowed again to force down the lump in her throat.* I want too be wherever you are Qhuinn so if you want me to stay here then I will. Tell me who I need to speak to or what I need to do and I will do it. *She spoke even lower* As far as getting my things I have everything I own with me.
    20 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong I will speak to King-Wrath and Elizabeth and ask that you be allowed to remain in the mansion as my Shellan. If they refuse then I will go with you, I will still remain in my duties but I will not live in the mansion. *He reached out and nudged her plate towards her* Please eat, then I need to take you out and get you some more things to call you own. Will you allow me to dress you leelan?
    20 hours ago · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes widened* I have clothes. Pick whatever you want out of the duffle bag and I'll wear it. *She motioned to her bag and then looked down at the plate. She was full, completely, but she toyed with a strawberry for a moment before picking it up. She held it up to his lips and smirked* You eat.
    20 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave her a grin* Leelan, I like clothes, I have shit loads of clothes. I want to take you out to the stores I go to, get you what you want. *looking at the strawberry, his face darkened with passion. Leaning over he took the strawberry between his teeth and leaned closer still, bracing his body on either side of hers and holding the piece of fruit to her lips*
    20 hours ago · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She started to lean forward as she spoke* Nallum what you like me in best the Scribe provided the day of my birth. *She leaned in closer to him, her lips parting and her teeth slicing through the soft fruit, just before her lips made contact with his. She swiped her tongue across his full lower lip to remove a small amount of the berry's juice that lingered. She sat back against the head board and chewed slowly her eyes never leaving him*
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He let his gaze run down over her body, which was still wrapped in his robe and bit back a groan. Fuck he wanted her again but he was going to do this right by her. Not be on her like some randy dog that didn't no when to quit. * While that is very true and damn did the Scribe do her best work when she created you. I want you to feel at home here *he glanced around the room* And I need to get you moved into my room which is next door. *He looked unsure for a second* Unless you would rather sleep in your own room?
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock I feel at home with you. *She lowered her head and then looked back up motioning around the room.* This is not my room. This is *A* room that the Brotherhood was gracious enough to put me in. *She looked at the read tear tattoo under his eye. He was not only her rahlman he was someone's ahstrux-nohtrum. He had to stay with the one he was sworn to protect, so him offing to leave with her brought a whole new swell of emotion* You need to be in your room, that is near whomever you are to protect.
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he absently traced the tattoo on his face and touched the heavy chain around his neck* Just one door up, and my room will be as much mine as yours. Anything you want for it you only need say and I will provide it. I want you to be comfortable there, consider it your own. *he reached out and lifted the tray away from her, setting it on the bedside table and taking her hand in his* What do you need? Clothes? Weapons? *he rubbed a hand over his hair* Whatever else females like or need to make them comfortable?
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock I have everything I need, really. *She squeezed his hand lightly and resisted the urge to scream out 'All I need is you'. She smiled at him reassuringly.* You are just as much clueless about what females like or need as I am. I have clothes, I have weapons, I'm good really. *She leaned forward and put her hand on his massive shoulder, urging him to lay his back against her front. She wrapped her arms around him for a moment before lifting one hand to stroke through his hair.* What do you need Nallum?
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave a small groan as he felt her press into his back, her fingers stroking through his hair* I don't need anything, I have you here. I have my job if you want to call it that, I have friends and family here. Life is pretty fucking good for me right now. *He took her hand and placed it over his head and took a deep contented breath* I might need to learn to pick up after myself in my room *grins*
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She laughed lightly as she held her hand over his heart* Yesh you might cause I damn sure refuse to pick up after a grown male. *She paused for a moment* Will you please eat cause you look like hell.
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he rolled over in her arms and gave her a gentle kiss then scooted up to the headboard. Pulling her to drape over his chest, he kissed the top of her head and reached for a piece of toast, slowing biting into it and chew. He swallowed and quickly polished it off before reaching for another piece*
    19 hours ago · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was content to drape across the broad expanse of Qhuinn's chest and listen to the rhythmic thump of his heart. She wrapped one across his lean waist. She heard him chewing and smiled to herself, she was glad he was eating. She looked up at him and smirked* Eat it all please Nallum. *She yawned and snuggled back across her chest as the warm solitude of sleep swept in and claimed her.*
    18 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He felt her body relax and reached down to tuck the blanket around her as he eat his way through the remainder of the food on the plates. Once they were finished, he leaned back and closed his eyes, keep his arms tight around her as he too fell asleep*
    Nalla Ahgony
    ‎*waking up she turned and saw her puppy Ahstrux right next to her in her bed. leaning over she pet her head softly* Loves you Ahstrux, you's the bestest puppy evers. scooping Ahstrux up int her arms she carried her down to the kitchen looking for Fritz, she needed to gets her puppy foods and stuffs so she could take cares of her. not seeing the Doggen anywhere she found Ahstrux's leash and decided to take her outside* Come ons Ahstrux lets goes outsides and play *walking into the back yard of the mansion she began running around with her puppy laughing as Ahstrux chased her and played with her*
    Like · · Share · Tuesday at 11:52am ·
    Phury Ahgony, Linda von H, Emma Lou and 3 others like this.
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*stretches, having come out to catch some air. the soft foot steps approaching could only be from one little lady of the house, and were swiftly followed by the padding of 4 paws. Nalla. Turning slowly John tried to make anyone else that was following, but much to his dismay didn't get lucky. Sure, the grounds were one of the safest places to be but that still didn't mean a tiny one should be out here on her own, ever. At least not in his book. Whistling he tried to get Nalla's attention, making his way toward her and the bal of fur*
    Pheonia Chosen
    ‎*Her fingers stroked the soft petals of a rose before she picked it, lifting it to her nose to inhale its scent. The delicate fragrance was pleasing, but not pleasing enough to stray her thoughts from their current subject. She had left the manse on this eve, outside to the gardens, to find solace and sanctuary, to possibly make peace with all that had occurred in the nights before. Though she succumbed to the instincts and actions that had been brought about during the needing of the past weekend, she was distraught of it. Her hand moved the rose to the side of her neck where Muhrder's mouth had been, and shook herself. She dropped down to her knees beside one of the flowering bushes, and clutched the rose tight in her hand, forgetting of its thorns and pricking her finger. She brought it immediately to her lips, her head lowering. Her blood reminding her of why she was so uneasy. She had gone against the order of the Primale and Directrix, had let him drink of her lifeblood in the throes of a passion she could not curb. He was whom she was currently thinking of, he was who she had only been able to think of over these past days and nights, but she had been avoiding him. She didn't know what to do otherwise.*
    Like · · Follow Post · 8 hours ago
    Emma Lou, John Matthew Tehrror, Lassiter The-Fallen and 5 others like this.
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He couldn't breathe. He was lost in thought of her. Her scent, her touch, damn even her taste! They had broken rules and succumbed to pleasure. He would give anything, ANYTHING to do it again. Have her in his bed, his mouth on her skin. Her blood, a wine he craved, on his lips. He shook his head. *No, you can't. * He tried to reason with himself but lost. He stood from his chair and donned his kickers and t shirt. He headed for the gardens, to feel the night air on his warm flesh. Soothing and comforting. He hoped. He opened the doors, and there she sat.* Phe?
    8 hours ago · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She tumbled over herself at the sound of Muhrder's voice, catching herself with her hands into the grass, dropping the rose. She looked up to him, her eyes wide.* M-Muhrder? *She pushed herself to her feet, straightened her robe and lowered into a bow.* I.. I will be leaving, fare thee well. *She moved quickly, not minding her robing, and tripped as she should have known she would, his mere presence made her feel clumsy.*
    8 hours ago · Like · 3
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He watched her stumble and rushed over to her, catching her.* Easy. Here. Sit with me. *He sat her on the bench and went to fetch her rose.* You dropped this. *He smiled and handed her the rose as he knelt in front of her.* My dear Chosen. We need to talk.
    8 hours ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen Thank you. *She took the rose from him, careful not to grasp the thorns again, and placed it down onto her lap. Being so close to him, feeling the heat that moved off of his body in waves was causing her to react in ways she could not control, such as her breathing becoming more labored, and her heart beating steadily out of her chest. She lowered her head and swallowed, if she were to look at him again, she was unsure she'd be able to keep herself from reaching out to him, she was unsure she'd be able to share how she was feeling.* Mayhap we should, Muhrder. Are... have you... *She held her breath. Yes, now it was easier to speak when she could not smell just how magnificent he was.* I am unsure how to begin to talk with you of what is on mine mind.
    8 hours ago · Like · 2
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He watched her shy away and became concerned. Was she still so frightened of him? Was he a monster to her?* Dearest Phe, do not fear me. You may speak freely to me. I will not be offended. *He often thought if she knew ALL about him, if it would scare her back to the Primale. He crooked a finger under her chin and turned her face up to his.* Speak to me.
    8 hours ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen I do not f-fear you. *Did he think she feared him because she had been avoiding him these nights? She kept her eyes closed though she could feel not only his warm skin against her chin, but his stare upon her face.* Tis difficult for me to speak of...of our...of what we shared, Muhrder. *She pulled her chin from his finger and turned away before he could see her scrunching her nose at the loss of his touch,* Might you share first? I need a moment. *She began to twirl the rose between her fingers nervously.*
    8 hours ago · Like · 2
    Muhrder Rathboone Phe, what we shared................I do not have words for. I have been with *clears his throat* Females over time and NONE compared to you. *He ducked his head* My past is unpleasant, and I would understand your fear and unease of me. *Taking the rose, he trailed it over her nervous hand* I do not know how one such as you sees a male like myself. Fear, maybe. *trailing the rose over her wrist* You are a Female of Worth Phe. I am undeserving of you.
    7 hours ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She listened to his words, trying to understand what it was he was to convey. She gained he thought less of himself, and though when she first met him, she may have been at unease of him and his past, but that was not the case at all now. He had proved himself more than what the tales of old on the Other Side had told. She turned to look at him, shuddering as the rose moved up her arm, meeting his stare as he said the last of his words. A female of worth would not have gone against thine protocols, though it was her duty and purpose to give strength to the males of the Brotherhood, she had troubling, conflicting thoughts of how she shared her blood. She sensed his need that night, she had sensed it well before that night, even the first day Amalya and Phury had taken her to the manse to his chambers to feed him. And she had fulfilled his need.
    She shook herself, why think all of this Phe? Say it instead... she willed herself to do so, and also plucked the rose from his grasp, replacing her hand where it had been. She met his peach gaze.* Do not speak of yourself in that way, Muhrder, tis far how I view you, and how I am quite certain others inside the manse view you. In mine times at the bowls or reading of the brothers, there are those who have pasts as unpleasant as yours...but they have overcome. *She paused, squeezing his hand before pulling back and running her finger along her neck where he had bitten her.* Mine apprehension is not of our...time together...that I cannot begin to stop thinking of, Muhrder. Verily it was the most unforgettable experience of mine existence. *She blushed furiously, her blood boiling as flashes of what they shared passed through her mind, she pinched her neck,* I have just disappointed mine Primale and mine Directrix. I was to not go back to you without them...but it was as if I could not keep myself from doing so. Tis why I have kept my distance these nights. I am torn.
    7 hours ago · Like · 2
    Muhrder Rathboone I see. *He watched her eyes dance as she struggled to tell him. He was torn as to what to do himself. Should they move forward or move on?* Phe, what does your heart tell you? If you should want to pursue this with me, I shall go to the Primale and ask for you. If not, then, I shall step back into the shadows and remain there. *He so desperately wanted her to chose them. Whatever chance they may have, he wanted.*
    7 hours ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She thought of the last twenty-five years of his life, and how he spent them in the "shadows", so to speak, alone and without his own kind. She turned her head towards him, looking up into his peach gaze,* I do not know how to answer you, Muhrder, tis not because I am without the want of you, tis because I often find thy without the voice to express myself. Though many believe me to be without knowledge of things that happen here on this side, tis only true to a point. I can only learn so much from mine books...*she paused and tucked a few strands of his long hair behind his ear, letting her fingers linger at his jaw,* I am mostly aware, verily that is why I am so much confused. Mine heart tells me to pursue you, Muhrder, but mine mind tells me to be weary. Is that normal?
    7 hours ago · Like · 1
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He smiled* I am afraid so, mine Chosen. I think we should take this one day at a time and no hiding, Okay? I will speak to the Primale soon. *He held her hand softly and looked into her eyes* What else is bothering you?
    7 hours ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen day at a time. Ok. *She blushed, thinking of what they had shared being so opposing to that suggestion. Perhaps she should speak to him of that, too. Her eyes dropped to his hand over hers,* there is not anything else bothering me. *Her voice was so soft, she actually hoped he didn't hear her,* I am surprised it was so easy to speak with you.
    No'One Sampsone
    ‎*She felt achy, her body was hot but she was shivering. Deciding to take a shower she stripped off, the cool water on her sensitive skin only heightened how she was feeling. She couldn't shake of the ache, she could feel it washing over in waves. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else, but her body had other ideas. She turned off the water then dried herself, she lay on the bed the cool air felt good against her skin. She groaned as another wave hit her, she curled into a ball hoping the feeling would pass sooner rather than later*
    Blaylock Rocke
    ‎*he had overheard two of the doggen talking about a female in her needing in the mansion...was that what was causing him to need to mark a female? the next news left him feeling cold...Qhuinn had marked the female as his, were they to be mated then? he didn;t know what he felt...relieved, sad...they had finally moved on, hopefully they could get some sort of friendship back...not like they had before, but something better than ignoring each other or the polite conversation held between two strangers...damn when was his cousin Trhistan getting here?*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Pheonia Chosen
    ‎*Her fingers stroked the soft petals of a rose before she picked it, lifting it to her nose to inhale its scent. The delicate fragrance was pleasing, but not pleasing enough to stray her thoughts from their current subject. She had left the manse on this eve, outside to the gardens, to find solace and sanctuary, to possibly make peace with all that had occurred in the nights before. Though she succumbed to the instincts and actions that had been brought about during the needing of the past weekend, she was distraught of it. Her hand moved the rose to the side of her neck where Muhrder's mouth had been, and shook herself. She dropped down to her knees beside one of the flowering bushes, and clutched the rose tight in her hand, forgetting of its thorns and pricking her finger. She brought it immediately to her lips, her head lowering. Her blood reminding her of why she was so uneasy. She had gone against the order of the Primale and Directrix, had let him drink of her lifeblood in the throes of a passion she could not curb. He was whom she was currently thinking of, he was who she had only been able to think of over these past days and nights, but she had been avoiding him. She didn't know what to do otherwise.*
    Like · · Follow Post · Wednesday at 10:13pm
    Phury Ahgony, Emily Lua, Linda von H and 8 others like this.
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He couldn't breathe. He was lost in thought of her. Her scent, her touch, damn even her taste! They had broken rules and succumbed to pleasure. He would give anything, ANYTHING to do it again. Have her in his bed, his mouth on her skin. Her blood, a wine he craved, on his lips. He shook his head. *No, you can't. * He tried to reason with himself but lost. He stood from his chair and donned his kickers and t shirt. He headed for the gardens, to feel the night air on his warm flesh. Soothing and comforting. He hoped. He opened the doors, and there she sat.* Phe?
    Wednesday at 10:19pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She tumbled over herself at the sound of Muhrder's voice, catching herself with her hands into the grass, dropping the rose. She looked up to him, her eyes wide.* M-Muhrder? *She pushed herself to her feet, straightened her robe and lowered into a bow.* I.. I will be leaving, fare thee well. *She moved quickly, not minding her robing, and tripped as she should have known she would, his mere presence made her feel clumsy.*
    Wednesday at 10:27pm · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He watched her stumble and rushed over to her, catching her.* Easy. Here. Sit with me. *He sat her on the bench and went to fetch her rose.* You dropped this. *He smiled and handed her the rose as he knelt in front of her.* My dear Chosen. We need to talk.
    Wednesday at 10:29pm · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen Thank you. *She took the rose from him, careful not to grasp the thorns again, and placed it down onto her lap. Being so close to him, feeling the heat that moved off of his body in waves was causing her to react in ways she could not control, such as her breathing becoming more labored, and her heart beating steadily out of her chest. She lowered her head and swallowed, if she were to look at him again, she was unsure she'd be able to keep herself from reaching out to him, she was unsure she'd be able to share how she was feeling.* Mayhap we should, Muhrder. Are... have you... *She held her breath. Yes, now it was easier to speak when she could not smell just how magnificent he was.* I am unsure how to begin to talk with you of what is on mine mind.
    Wednesday at 10:37pm · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He watched her shy away and became concerned. Was she still so frightened of him? Was he a monster to her?* Dearest Phe, do not fear me. You may speak freely to me. I will not be offended. *He often thought if she knew ALL about him, if it would scare her back to the Primale. He crooked a finger under her chin and turned her face up to his.* Speak to me.
    Wednesday at 10:40pm · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen I do not f-fear you. *Did he think she feared him because she had been avoiding him these nights? She kept her eyes closed though she could feel not only his warm skin against her chin, but his stare upon her face.* Tis difficult for me to speak of...of our...of what we shared, Muhrder. *She pulled her chin from his finger and turned away before he could see her scrunching her nose at the loss of his touch,* Might you share first? I need a moment. *She began to twirl the rose between her fingers nervously.*
    Wednesday at 10:47pm · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone Phe, what we shared................I do not have words for. I have been with *clears his throat* Females over time and NONE compared to you. *He ducked his head* My past is unpleasant, and I would understand your fear and unease of me. *Taking the rose, he trailed it over her nervous hand* I do not know how one such as you sees a male like myself. Fear, maybe. *trailing the rose over her wrist* You are a Female of Worth Phe. I am undeserving of you.
    Wednesday at 10:54pm · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She listened to his words, trying to understand what it was he was to convey. She gained he thought less of himself, and though when she first met him, she may have been at unease of him and his past, but that was not the case at all now. He had proved himself more than what the tales of old on the Other Side had told. She turned to look at him, shuddering as the rose moved up her arm, meeting his stare as he said the last of his words. A female of worth would not have gone against thine protocols, though it was her duty and purpose to give strength to the males of the Brotherhood, she had troubling, conflicting thoughts of how she shared her blood. She sensed his need that night, she had sensed it well before that night, even the first day Amalya and Phury had taken her to the manse to his chambers to feed him. And she had fulfilled his need.
    She shook herself, why think all of this Phe? Say it instead... she willed herself to do so, and also plucked the rose from his grasp, replacing her hand where it had been. She met his peach gaze.* Do not speak of yourself in that way, Muhrder, tis far how I view you, and how I am quite certain others inside the manse view you. In mine times at the bowls or reading of the brothers, there are those who have pasts as unpleasant as yours...but they have overcome. *She paused, squeezing his hand before pulling back and running her finger along her neck where he had bitten her.* Mine apprehension is not of our...time together...that I cannot begin to stop thinking of, Muhrder. Verily it was the most unforgettable experience of mine existence. *She blushed furiously, her blood boiling as flashes of what they shared passed through her mind, she pinched her neck,* I have just disappointed mine Primale and mine Directrix. I was to not go back to you without them...but it was as if I could not keep myself from doing so. Tis why I have kept my distance these nights. I am torn.
    Wednesday at 11:09pm · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone I see. *He watched her eyes dance as she struggled to tell him. He was torn as to what to do himself. Should they move forward or move on?* Phe, what does your heart tell you? If you should want to pursue this with me, I shall go to the Primale and ask for you. If not, then, I shall step back into the shadows and remain there. *He so desperately wanted her to chose them. Whatever chance they may have, he wanted.*
    Wednesday at 11:15pm · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She thought of the last twenty-five years of his life, and how he spent them in the "shadows", so to speak, alone and without his own kind. She turned her head towards him, looking up into his peach gaze,* I do not know how to answer you, Muhrder, tis not because I am without the want of you, tis because I often find thy without the voice to express myself. Though many believe me to be without knowledge of things that happen here on this side, tis only true to a point. I can only learn so much from mine books...*she paused and tucked a few strands of his long hair behind his ear, letting her fingers linger at his jaw,* I am mostly aware, verily that is why I am so much confused. Mine heart tells me to pursue you, Muhrder, but mine mind tells me to be weary. Is that normal?
    Wednesday at 11:26pm · Like · 3
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He smiled* I am afraid so, mine Chosen. I think we should take this one day at a time and no hiding, Okay? I will speak to the Primale soon. *He held her hand softly and looked into her eyes* What else is bothering you?
    Wednesday at 11:28pm · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen day at a time. Ok. *She blushed, thinking of what they had shared being so opposing to that suggestion. Perhaps she should speak to him of that, too. Her eyes dropped to his hand over hers,* there is not anything else bothering me. *Her voice was so soft, she actually hoped he didn't hear her,* I am surprised it was so easy to speak with you.
    Wednesday at 11:35pm · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He softly smiled up at her and squeezed her tiny hand. His thumb strumming across her wrist* Anytime you feel alone, you may come and visit. I would not mind. *in a soft, low voice, he murmured* I hope you will. *He wanted quiet moments with her. Sitting alone together, listening to her voice, her laugh. He wanted to know more about her. Just to have her for a little while was worth the punishment he was sure to recieve from the primale.*
    Thursday at 8:45pm · Like · 1
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She tilted her head and glanced to him, looking at their joined hands, up to his large shoulders, to his neck, to his jaw. She stared at his long, beautiful hair for a long moment, then pulled back her gaze to stare into his eyes. How could this man have been known as anything other than what he has shown himself to be? She recalled everything she had known of his from the Other Side, from the bowls, from the history books - he was so contradictory of what others thoughts him to be. He deserved to not be alone as he was for the last 25 years.* I would like that, very much. *She squeezed his hand in return and stood from the bench, making herself nearly level with his large frame, and stepped in closer, between his thighs, and placed a soft kiss onto his cheek.*
    Thursday at 8:57pm · Like · 1
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*His eyes closed at the feel of her lips on his cheek. He enveloped her tiny body in his arms and just held her.* Stay a little longer Phe. Please?
    Thursday at 9:00pm · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Instead of answering him verbally, she nodded her head against his shoulder. She let her hands snake up and out of his grasp, and she placed them against his large biceps, pushing herself back to look at him.* Do you think one day, perhaps, we can speak of your...*she bit her lip* of where you were before here at the manse?
    Thursday at 9:09pm · Like · 1
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He sighed and opened his eyes to stare at her.* I think I could arrange that. My past is something, sweetling. I would hate to frighten you off. *She wanted to know him! HIM! His heart pounded harder and his hands fisted at her hips. His mind raced with thoughts of the things he could tell her, and things he may leave out.*
    Thursday at 9:12pm · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen There is just so much that I do not understand from what I've read of you and from what I've seen of you. It is as if you are not the same male. *She pulled away from him, but grabbed his hand as she did.* Come Muhrder,* she bent over to pick up the one picked rose she had,* let's walk for a bit.
    Thursday at 9:27pm
    ‎*He lay stretched out in his bed after moving Mhisery's clothing and other items into his room. He looked down at her dark hair fanned out over his chest and grinned. They had fallen asleep not long after they moved in here, her wrapped in his arms, him barely sleeping for watching her. Fuck, he was sprung and not one bone in his body cared. He needed to speak to the King and Queen, maybe Doc Jane would be on his side, she had cared for Mhisery, maybe she would be on his side. Kissing the top of her head as she stirred, he whispered quietly* You awake leelan?
    Hinder - The Love I live For (Lyrics).WMV
    The lyrics of "The love I live for".. Special thanks to Wannabehindergirl!
    Like · · Share · Thursday at 7:01pm ·
    Tohrment Hharm, Emma Lou, Phury Ahgony and 6 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She came through the depths of sleep before her eyes opened, but she had been too content to just lay on the large expanse of his chest and listen to the gentle beat of his heart. She ran her hand up the side of his ribs as he spoke and nodded slowly to the affirmative, still unwilling to rise off his chest.* I am Nallum.
    Thursday at 7:33pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His bonding scent flared again, just slightly but enough that she would be able to smell it* I want to take you out, somewhere, anywhere. Show you around Caldwell. Place is a shit hole but it is home *He angled his head to look at her* Get you some winter clothes too
    Thursday at 7:35pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She smiled against his chest as he spoke of taking her out. She wouldn't tell him that she had been born and raised here. It was by far one of the nicest things anyone had ever offered to do and she wasn't about to ruin it by telling him she knew every crack of the city and had lived in most of them, but she drew the line there. She had clothes and wasn't gonna take advantage of him.* I would love to go out with you, but Qhuinn, Nallum, I don't need any clothes.
    Thursday at 7:40pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong I know you do and I don't want you thinking I am insulting you by buying you clothes. You need warmer clothes, especially if you come out at night with me. At least a new warmer jacket? *he pulled her over his chest, letting her straddle his waist as he slid his fingers in her hair* Please? For me? Just so I know you are warm
    Thursday at 7:43pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She slid over the top of him at his urging, straddling his waist, her knees pressing into the mattress on either side of his lean hips. She tilted her head into the palm of one of his hands.* If it means that much to you I will buy the new jacket.
    Thursday at 7:51pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He grinned and pulled her down to press his lips to hers in a hard kiss then slapped her ass* Then you need to cover this fine body of yours up if we are to get anywhere tonight *grinning he winked at her at the thought of sitting back and watching her try on clothes. Somehow he would talk her into taking more than just a jacket.*
    Thursday at 7:53pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She kissed him back with all the passion she felt for him and smirked against his lips when he smacked her ass. She nipped his bottom lip before peeling herself off of him and standing to pad to the bathroom. She called back over her shoulder* I said *I* would buy the jacket Nallum. *She approached the shower and turned on the spray, letting the water heat before she stepped inside*
    Thursday at 7:57pm · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He shook his head and laughed, bolting from the bed and stalking into the bathroom after her. Opening the shower door, he stepped into the cubicle with her and backed her to the wall, his hands pressing against the tiles, his body barely an inch from hers. Leaning down, he hovered his lips above hers, not touching hers but letting her know how close they were* Let me buy this for you. Call it an early Christmas gift
    Thursday at 7:59pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at him as the water beat off the smooth planes and dips of his muscles, his mismatched eyes baring down on her. His lips loomed over her, begging she reach up and kiss them. She wanted to descend her gaze downward to follow the trail of the water down his body, but his eyes wouldn't let her.* I will buy the jacket, it isn't Christmas yet.
    Thursday at 8:07pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He leaned that little bit closer until their was only a breath between them* You buy the jacket, I buy you a new wardrobe for Christmas then, right down to *he parted his lips and stroked his tongue over her lower lip* to items that only I will get to see you in *he brushes his lips gently across her, barely a whisper* deal?
    Thursday at 8:08pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She slid one of her hands into the the soft locks of his hair and kissed him deeply. Her mouth parted over his and her tongue dipped into the warmth of his waiting mouth. Her other hand reached for his waist and pulled him closer to her, close enough his water slicked body was pressed to hers. She pulled back and smirked up at him* Do you oppose my wardrobe so much?
    Thursday at 8:23pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He kissed her back just as deeply, his tongue stroking across hers, their piercings rolling against each other. He took his hands from the tiled wall and slid them down her back, down to rest over the mounds of her ass and press her body tight to his. Nipping at her full lower lip, he tried ignoring the press of her firm breasts against the wall of his chest* Not opposing it, just expanding it
    Thursday at 8:25pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She stepped back from him slightly and grabbed the soap and one of the sponges that were hanging close by. She lathered up the sponge and started to to work the sponge over the thick wall of his chest and down his abs, the sponge gliding smoothly in small circles.* The wardrobe that I have has worked for years, and it hasn't slowed me down, but if it means that much to you I will buy myself new things.
    Thursday at 8:32pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He bit back a growl of frustration, he wanted to be able to take care of her and yet.. he appreciated that she was a strong woman in her own right. He gave a low groan as her hand worked the sponge over his body, his cock jerking in awareness of just how low she was getting with it. He reached out and toyed with the damp end of a lock of her hair that was curling near her breast, his eyes hooded as he watched her*
    Thursday at 8:35pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She move the sponge over the smooth skin of his stomach and then over his hip and around to his lower back. She stepped forward pressing her body to his so that she could slide it up his back as she watched him from beneath her dark lashes. She switched hands and moved the sponge back over his back and lower to over the opposite hip, stepping back slightly and dropping the sponge. She smoothed over his lower abdomen again, but this time with her suds laden palm.* Do you still want to go out?
    Thursday at 8:44pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He reached down and picked her up, pressing her against the wall and urging her legs around his waist. His cock pressed between their bodies, as his lips covered hers in another hard kiss. Pulling back he looked down at her and flashed a full fanged grin* I want to say yes and i want to say no *giving a small laugh, he pressed his lips to the crook of her neck, his fangs scoring across her skin, his voice lower. * You can stay in this shower, in my.. no our bed or we can go out. Your choice leelan
    Thursday at 8:47pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She laughed when he picked her up and pressed her to the wall, but her laugh quickly dissipated when he urged her legs around his waist and his lips fell on hers. She rolled her hips against his tone, soaped body and a low moan mixed with his laugh as he pressed his lips to her neck, her hand holding tightly to his broad shoulders and the tile a cold contrast to the heated center of her body. She palmed his cheek and smiled at him, and actual smile, not her normal sarcastic smirk* This was your idea, I came to get a shower Nallum and you followed. The night's activities are of your choosing. *She lightly brushed her lips across his* And I like the way 'our bed' sounds.
    Thursday at 9:04pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He lifted his head and smiled at her in return, not his usual full fanged cock grin, a genuine from the heart smile that he couldn't remember doing in a long time. His first thought had been to drive into her body until neither of them could stand, but something shifted within his chest. He cupped her face in his hands, his chest holding her to the wall and covered her mouth with his. He kissed her slowly, learning each curve of her mouth, stroking his tongue across the cupid's bow of her top lip, across the swell of her lower then delving his tongue into her mouth. His thumbs brushed tenderly against her high cheekbones, his fingers stroking across her jawline. She was beautiful, she was perfect and she was his.*
    Thursday at 11:33pm · Like · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*His kiss was tender yet strong, not demanding but asking. His hand soft against her skin as his chest pressed firmly against her. Her lips parted and she returned his kiss, with the same slow and loving reverence that he showed her. Her hand slipped into his hair and lightly held him to her mouth, as she attempted to suppress the eagerness of frantic passion unleashed, and just go slow, to learn the man that held her heart. Her other palm landed lightly on the stubbled contour of his cheek, her thumb occasionally swiping lightly over his high and proud cheek bone, and across the red tear-drop of designating his station. Her legs worked with all the efforts from his knee weakening kiss to pull him closer, she didn't think that she could ever be close enough to the lover in her arms. She wanted the fusion of their body to be so complete it joined their hearts.*
    Thursday at 11:42pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He struggled with his body, his head and his heart. One was telling him to take her, the other two were saying go slow, win her properly. Her kiss was like a drug, no matter how much they shared he wanted more, he could almost taste the sent of her on the humid air over the smell of soap and shampoo. What he felt for her, he was scared to admit. It was fast and sudden but he didn't care, he always knew it would be like that for him when he found the right female. And that was she, the woman in his arms. The other half of him that he didn't know he was missing, the part the filled the broken part of him and made him feel almost normal again. He blindly opened the shower door and stepped out with her in his arms, grabbing a large towel and wrapping it around her back as his lips still slowly caressed hers. He walked sure footed into the bedroom and laid her gently, lovingly down on the mattress, following her down and covering her body with his. He rolled them both on their sides so they faced each other, tangling their legs together as he wrapped her in his arms. He pulled back enough to press a kiss to her forehead, above each eye, her nose, her cheeks then back to cover her mouth once more*
    Thursday at 11:48pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She clung to him like the anchor he was as he moved, trusting him blindly and completely. He had been there in her darkest hour to be a beacon of light to her soul.In the short time she had known him he had shown her more kindness and strength than he had ever been so honored to have witnessed. She opened her eyes as he kissed her softly and she knew watching him that she was forever lost to the man in her arms. Whatever happened in this life from this point on she would forever carry him in her heart. She felt the soft give of the mattress as he lay her down, making her feel more precious than diamonds, and she cupped his face as the wonderful weight of his body covered hers, not crushing but comforting. The skillful turn of his body rolled her and the entanglement of their limbs was almost foretelling of the way their lives we beginning to twist together. She ran her palms over the smooth slope of his muscled shoulders and down his long arms, to his skilled hand. She laced her fingers with his and brought them up to her lips to place a tender brush of her lips across his battle-warn knuckles as she looked into the pools of his beautifully mismatched eyes. She took a minute to steady her voice before she spoke.* What are you thinking?
    Yesterday at 12:05am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He watched her brush her lips across his knuckles, his hand sliding up her slender back, his fingers stroking feather light up her spine to cradle her head in his hand. He rubbed his fingers and thumbs against her scalp his other hand tightening around her fingers as if he were afraid to let her go, to wake up and find that this was only a dream. One that this time even the Scribe could not pull him back from the insanity of finding her gone. He met her gave and just looked at her, memorizing every feature of her face and searing it to his memory that even if they were apart from minutes, he would see her image as clear as if she stood in front of him.* I am thinking.. *here it came, but fuck it, he wasn't going to be a coward* I think.. no.. I know.. I am falling in love with you *there he said it, now he watched and waited, his heart now lodged in his throat*
    Yesterday at 12:10am · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes searched his face for any traces of what was on his sharp mind and he found none. She held her breath for what seemed like an eternity to for the answer to her question as his warrior's hand caressed her body with the touch of a feather. She was both honored and awed by the tenders that could be shown with even the slightest touch of his skilled hands. His hands had the ability to take the life of an enemy but yet in still they could make love to her, and make her feel more love than she had ever felt. His hands had the ability to take her higher than she had ever known possible, or simply hold her and make her feel secure for the first time. When he spoke her heart swelled and forced tears to her eyes. He loved her. For the first time someone loved her and it was without demand, it was without pain or consequence of heart break, it was given freely and without stipulation. She swallowed hard to bypass the lump pf emotion in her throat, her voice low, nearly scared to death to verbalize what she felt* Qhuinn *she looked him directly in the eyes* I love you too nallum and I have never felt that nor have I been more sure of anything in my entire life. I love you more each minute than I did the last.
    Yesterday at 12:26am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he was sure he had gone slack jawed when she said she loved him in return. Had he heard her right? he fucking hoped so, if not. His gaze flicked over her features and he brought their joined hands up to gently brush away her tears with the back of his hand and leaned closer to remove the last trace with his lips* I can't promise you an easy life, or that we won't argue and fight. I am sure we will butt heads often but as long as you remember I love you, we can work through anything. *his heart beat hard in his chest, sounding out the same thing over and over again, she loved him, she loved him. He wanted to rush out into the corridor, wake the rest of the Mansion and shout it from the landing* No secrets, nothing between us and we stand together, as equals. What is mine is yours leelan, from this room to anything in it *he gave her a lopsided grin* Including my money and jackets
    Yesterday at 12:34am · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She leaned into his hand as he wiped the tears that streamed freely down her cheeks, she could never get enough of his touch. She could spend hours exploring the velvet expanse of his flesh, with her hands, her lips, her body. Her eyes met his with the seriousness of a heart attack* I can't promise not to be moody, and down right bitchy. I can't promise I will not piss you off more than you have ever been in your life. but I can promise you that know matter where I am you are with me in my heart and that is where you will remain even after I have drawn my last breath on this world. *She through her head back in laughter* I have a jacket and money all I need is you and this, us.
    Yesterday at 1:01am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Leelan, half this household is made up of clothes whores, the other half are the females *grins down at her, drawing the sheets over them and tucking them around her even though the room wasn't cold.* Clothes get ruined easy on patrol to the stage that even I need to wear leathers when I go out. If you are happy with what you have then so am I, but if there is something you really want or need then please, it would be my great honor to provide it for you. Even if it is just a robe of your own. I want you comfortable and taken care of, I don't want you to worry about anything or feel at a loss around the Mansion. The Doggen will get you anything you need if I am not here, but please, this is how home for now, relax in it, enjoy it *He settled her closer to him, enjoying the feel of her body against his* Everything that is mine, is yours, that includes me and my heart
    Yesterday at 1:12am · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nuzzled beside him, warm and content. They never had to go anywhere and she would be fine as long as she stayed beside her. The only reason she had to leave was to find the one remaining lesser that had killed her mother. She would need to explain that to him, but it could wait for now. She yawned again and lay beside him quietly in the consuming darkness.*
    Yesterday at 1:26am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He nuzzled against her hair and settled down, drawing her tight into his arms as sleep claimed. He managed to whisper out in the darkness before he got pulled under* I love you leelan
    Yesterday at 1:27am
    Vishous BloodletterButch O'Neal
    ‎*He walked through the Pit and saw the picture of Justin Beiber that the Cop had left. He ripped that shit down and texted up John Matthew. The Cop had a little welcome coming to him.* John Boy I need a little help ASAP in the Pitt while the Cops chunky ass is sleeping, feel me? *He hit send and lit up a hand rolled as he waited*
    The payback-James brown
    ‎#3 off the dead presidents soundtrack
    Like · · Share · See Friendship · Yesterday at 1:51am ·
    Emily Lua, Lassiter The-Fallen, Melissa McNeill and 8 others like this.
    John Matthew Tehrror Usually when his phone went off at this time of day it was Xhex telling him she was running late, or it was Qhuinn or Blay bitching about the other.. just because they could. A grin spread over John's face as he glanced at the message, his hands rubbing together in anticipation before he texted back. *Omw.* Kicking his ass into high hear he appeared before the doors of the pit within minutes, whistling to let V know he had indeed arrived for what would be a master plan.
    Yesterday at 1:54am · Like · 10
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*The high pitched whistle of John Matthew was fucking music to his ears. He had gathered his supplies and straightened the Beiber poster out while he waited on John Boy. He made his way to the door and opened it with his hand rolled hanging loosely from his bottom lip and a bottle of Goose in his and a mischievous fanged grin on his face. His Sox cap was pulled low down to cover his tats and the smell of Turkish tobacco filled the room* Good to see you Bruh. The Cop is in need of a little lesson, feel me? You down, true?
    Yesterday at 2:01am · Like · 10
    John Matthew Tehrror John nodded, wondering just exactly what the other male had in mind. If there was one thing that was true to be of the pit .. it was that it could be a war zone, all in good fun. V and the Cop had always had a relationship others could only marvel over, when one needed the other the other was there without a word. And when one fucked up there were no hard feelings in letting them know. This would be fun and yet John felt just a little bad for the Cop. V was the master of shit; whatever the guy touched turned to gold or brilliance.. yeah. *Always.* John signed, grinning from ear to ear. *Better than my lonely night in the kitchen*
    Yesterday at 2:05am · Like · 10
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He nodded sharply to John Matthew.* The tubby fuck is asleep and he Beiber rolled my ass, feel me? Now he has to pay. *His face was stoic while inside he was laughing his ass off* I figure this *He pointed to the bedazzler* We bedazzle his ass to the bed, cover the room in Yankee shit, take his fucking wardrobe and replace it with this stack of old lady house dresses, and I'm stapling this to his forehead. *He held up the wrinkled Beiber poster with his face on it* Then I figure I'm looping his cell to play only Beiber songs and I got some horse piss form Manny's horse that we will replace his Scotch with cause he will probably need a drink when he sees this shit, feel me? Then is lappy will be looped with constant Beiber videos. If that fuck wakes up you will need to hold him down till I finish the bedazzling and help me execute this shit ASAP, true? You down? *John was his boy true enough he was always down to help and he owed the brother loyalty for that shit*
    Yesterday at 2:13am · Like · 10
    John Matthew Tehrror Holy ..whatever god you believed in. The brother was not to be messed it and he was on a mission to prove just that. Trying his best not to laugh at the mental images alone John pressed his lips into a tight line and nodded, giving V the thumbs up. Fuck, there were times it was a good thing he couldn't talk or he'd probably be on his knees, bowing down to the awesomeness that was Vishous, expressing his newfound love for the brother. And let's just say that would be awakward, at the least. *Hold him down, got it. How about some food coloring in his shampoo, for good measures? And yeah, I am usually that great with ideas* John shrugged. *Ready when you are. I am at your will, but as soon as the Bieber loops I am out of here. I like my hearing*
    Yesterday at 2:18am · Like · 10
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He nodded in understanding thinking that the Beiber kid versus a sharp object pushed through his ear drum...he would take the sharp fucking object.* I like the food coloring bruh, true that. *A fanged grin crept his face as they headed to Butch's room. He opened the room door and went in and sure as shit the fucker was dead to the world and snoring like a fucking buzz saw. He geared up the bedazzler and started working his way around the brother. He was fusing the sheets together with rhinestones. He worked his way around until the brother was encased in the sheets and unable to get up if he tried. He set the looped laptop on the bedside table and looped the video. He flashed a full fang grin at John Boy* It's set to start from remote bruh so we are safe, feel me? *He moved on to drain all of the Cop's stash and fill it with Glory's piss. He set the cell ringtone and sat that next to the laptop. With Butch secure he moved on to help John*
    Justin Bieber - U Smile
    Music video by Justin Bieber performing U Smile. (C) 2010 The Island Def Jam Music Group
    Yesterday at 2:29am · Like · 10
    John Matthew Tehrror Fuck, the shit he and the tripod had been pulled as pranks on each other were kindergarden next to this, and something told John it was time to grow some balls and start playing in the big league, too. What was it Qhuinn had texted him a couple days prior? Xhex had his balls in his purse? Fucking prick. John carried his pair with pride, but there were still lessons to be learned and friends to be taught said lessons. As V did his little tirade in the Cop's room John made his way to the wash room, groaning as a pair of old underwear stared back at him. Couldn't the brother clean up? Uncapping the shampoo John took a whiff and grimaced; what was that? Lilies? The food coloring was quickly added to the stuff and the bottle placed back where it belonged. Perfect, and going to be in safe distance when the Bieber kid started blasting from the top of his lungs? Priceless.
    Yesterday at 2:36am · Like · 10
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He made quick work of clearing out of of the Cops clothes and putting them in duffles. He tossed them to the side and replaced them with the old lady gowns. He watched John Matthew with pride as he helped him execute the payback that the Cop had earned. He quickly put up the Yankes shit and tossed two duffles to John Boy and grabbed two for himself. He paused by the bed and took out the Beiber poster. He slipped the industrial stapler and stapled the poster to the Cop's forehead and scribbled across it with a marker* I WILL NOT FUCK WITH VISHOUS. *He strode out of the room with the two duffles and paused in the den of the Pitt* Good work John Boy, true.
    Yesterday at 2:45am · Like · 10
    John Matthew Tehrror John just stood there and stared, a wtf look plastered all over his face. *How does he sleep through this?* The man had a gift. There had been times John would have killed for just an hour of sleep, but the Cop was out like a light. Shaking his head John grabbed the duffles and quickly made an exit, plopping the bags down in the den. *Fine work, V. If there is ever a need for this again, hit me up. And.. my best to Marissa. Don't let her use the shampoo.* It was one thing to mess with a brother, but no one messed with a shellan.
    Yesterday at 2:49am · Like · 9
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He gave John Matthew a fist bump and lit up a hand rolled. He strode over to the sound system and slid in a CD that he had overlaid his own name so that when asked what's my name, instead of DMX it said VFUCKINGHIOUS. He flashed John Boy a fanged grin as he cranked up He grabbed up the duffles and walked out of the Pit hitting play on the remotes for the laptop and the cell. He strolled away from the noise across the court yard with a full fanged grin*
    DMX- whats my name
    Yesterday at 2:56am ·
    Vishous BloodletterZee Ahgony
    ‎*His detective work had paid off and he found out his bruh Zee had a hand in the Beiber roll and he couldn't let that shit slide. He and John Matthew made their way from the Pit to the mansion. They had stopped by the kitchen for something to eat and George greeted them. He got a idea as George looked up and begged quietly for part of his peanut butter. George was in the mansion and Z had a new puppy around. He grabbed a huge jar of peanut butter, the industrial stapler, a marker, scissors and encouraged George to follow. He signed to John Boy* You thinking what I'm thinking?
    2pac - Thug 4 Life (OG)
    ‎2pac - Thug 4 Life. Original version. Better quality also this time. Lyric: 2pac HAHA Thug for life nigga Can't you read the signs? ay fuck it man Pop it lik...
    Like · · Share · See Friendship · Yesterday at 3:06am ·
    Emily Lua, Lassiter The-Fallen, Melissa McNeill and 9 others like this.
    John Matthew Tehrror John had just stuffed the last bite of turkey sandwich between his gums when the look on V's face changed, signaling not only trouble but fun held trouble. At the question of whether he was thinking what the other brother was thinking John gave him a thumbs up, too busy gulping down a glass of milk than to sign properly. Having seen what V had packed John had no choice but to be part of this, one always needed a partner in crime and fuck if John didnt need to see what was coming down. *I am in. Lead the way.* Petting George's soft fur John walked side by the side with the furball, his mind reeling with possible scenarios of what was to come.
    Yesterday at 3:10am · Like · 11
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*They made their way up the stairs and his grin grew bigger. These people would learn to stop fucking with him or shit was just gonna get amped up. It was just before time for the shudders to rise and most everyone was still sleeping. He hoped Bella would be in with Nalla as he approached the door. It opened silently to see Z sleeping. He signed to John Matthew* We are cutting the crotches out of all his leather, then pack them with peanut butter. Leave George here and the pup. When I staple this to his head. *He scribbled on a postit note* He will shoot up ready to fight. He should grab his leathers without looking, hop in them and old George here will greet the brother like never before, true. Insert dog nose to crotchless leathers and need to get the peanut butter, feel me? *He tossed John the scissors and he took out a dagger* Get all the leathers bruh.
    Yesterday at 3:17am · Like · 10
    John Matthew Tehrror Oh for fucks sake, this was going to get ugly fast. Funny shit for sure, but if there was one thing John had learned it was that Z didn't deal all too well with people messing with his stuff. At all. Nodding his head at V, John tip toed to the closet and sent a small prayer that the thing opened quieter than his; and thankfully it did. At first he was taking his sweet time cutting out the crotch part when it dawned on him that this was not a contest on who did the best work, but that they needed to work fast. Minutes later the last leather was absused and ready to be passed on to V, George's big puppy dog eyes staring at the peanut butter like a lion ready to pounce it's prey. *Remind me to never piss you off*
    Yesterday at 3:23am · Like · 10
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He flashed a full fanged grin at John Boy you got more sense than to fuck with me, true. *He started cramming PB into the ass end of the the brother Zee 's crotchless leathers. He finished in record time and indicated t was time for them to go and leave George inside with Z. He scribbed* DO NOT FUCK WITH VISHOUS *across the note and used the industrial stapler to secure it to the not to the brother's head as he and John exited the room*
    Yesterday at 3:28am ·
    Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*He paced his room. How was one supposed to tell a female his life story? She wanted to know everything. Probably from the time he exiled himself until now. He was not proud of his behaviors. There were A LOT of human women that had passed through his chambers. Then there was the whole Xhex thing. What male of worth just leaves a female he bonded to just because of who she was?? Made him want to kick his own ass. Maybe he should let Rehv kill him. Hell, the Sympath did have a bulls eye on his ass. He steadily went over and over in his mind the events of the past quarter of a century, and groaned.* She is gonna run, not walk, away. *He sat in the chair and scrubbed his hands over his face.*
    Like · · Yesterday at 8:54am ·
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*having a Doggen bring her the house phone she listened to the message from a male named Damon Dhamned her jaw dropped as he said he was her half brother. she had to listen to the message a few times before it set in* My father has another child *the words sounded so strange coming from her mouth. she jotted down the phone number he left. taking a few deep breaths she dialed the phone and waited for him to answer. as she heard him say hello, she swallowed hard* Damon, my name is Beth, I um, well according to you, I am your sister.
    Like · · Follow Post · November 30 at 5:46pm
    Aimee Peltier-Kattalakis, Trhistan Rocke, John Matthew Tehrror and 18 others like this.
    Damon Dhamned ‎*The ringtone sounded loud in the quiet room and it took a few seconds of staring at the private number before it registered that this was the call he could be waiting on. Pressing the answer key, he raised it to his ear and answered, his Texan drawl slow and deep* Yes Ma'am I believe you are, according to this here piece of paper I am holding from some fancy Lawyer and if this is right, you are the dark haired female I am holding a picture with, standing with the blind King
    November 30 at 6:25pm · Like · 11
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. a lawyer had sent him a picture of her and King-Wrath. how could this be, she had been told she was his only child, and then John Matthew Tehrror was found and now this Damon person is saying he is her brother too* What lawyer? How did you get this information *and more importantly to her* How did you get this phone number? The Brotherhood phone number is impossible to get a hold of.
    November 30 at 7:30pm · Like · 10
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Reaching for the sheet of paper he read off the name of the Law Firm that handled the Brotherhood business* There is a note from Dar..Fat..from him, telling me that if I ever recieved this letter I was to contact this number and make myself known as his *he ground his teeth in frustration* as a relative of his. Don't for one moment think this easy for me, I can assure you, your highness *distain tinged his words* if it weren't for something that has happened I would have destroyed this letter and forgot I ever saw it.
    December 1 at 5:29am · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*fighting back a growl as he spoke of their father and the distain dripping of his words as he called her by her title* Well if you think this is easy for me, you're sure all hell wrong about that one. And as for the "your highness" I would advise you to remember who you are speaking to and until I have proof you are no brother of mine *feeling her young kick she stopped a minute and thought about what she was doing, she was becoming what she swore she would never be, a Queen. sighing heavily* I am sorry, I did not mean to be so rude or curt with you. *still unsure about this whole situation but knowing the only way to work anything out was going to be to get him here and talk to him and have Jane start running tests* This is all new for both of us, why don't you tel me where you are and I can have a Doggen come and get you and we can talk in person? *she sat holding her breath, not even realizing she was waiting for his response*
    December 1 at 12:42pm · Like · 8
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Talk to her? In person? Fuck. That would involve being in the Brotherhood Mansion, and fuck if he wasn't going to be somewhere that could make him pay for what he had done. Though...He was curious, curious as to his Father was and why he had never heard from him until now, he knew what the personal letter said. Giving in he told her the name of the motel he was at* I can drive there if someone can give me directions *There was no way in hell he was leaving his truck anywhere, it had every item of any value to him in the locked bed.* I have my vehicle here *There was also no way in hell he was going into that place unarmed.*
    December 2 at 4:30am · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*hearing him say he would drive himself, she knew that was not an option at all, no one could know where the mansion was without having someone brought them, shit what was she going to now* I am sorry Damon but I cannot allow to drive yourself, it is a breach of safety for the Brothers and their families whom live here. I can have a Dogeen pick you up *the windows of the car would be dark enough he wouldn't know where they were going* and another one can drive your truck behind them but that is the only way this can work. *she was not going to put the lives of everyone in her family in jeopardy for someone who claimed to be her half brother without having any proof*
    December 2 at 9:24am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Cold air filled the room as anger welled in him, anger that anyone would try and tell him what he could and could not do. Anger that anyone apart from him would get behind the wheel of his truck but fuck it, what was he going to do? He needed somewhere where he could hide out until this shit was over. It was either give in and see if the Lawyer was right and this was his sister or return to his Uncle's home and wait out until the heat was off him. He knew his Uncle would be pissed at having to cover for him, but out of some misguided affection he had for him, he would do it. He told her the name of the motel he was in again and the room number* Fine, whatever will make you sleep in your bed better at night. *He cut the call without saying goodbye and walked into the bathroom to shower off the sweat and blood from the Fight. Returning to the rundown bedroom, he pulled out jeans and a white t-shirt and pulled them both on, dragging his boots on, he sat down to wait for the Doggen to arrive*
    December 3 at 5:46pm · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she was about to respond to his brazen attitude and unneeded attitude towards her but before she could say anything the line went dead. she sat a moment and just starred at the phone, she really hopped she wasn't making a huge mistake. calling one of the Doggen she gave them the name of the motel and the room number. she instructed him to take at least two other Doggen with him, one to drive the truck and one to ride with him in the car with Damon. hanging up with the Doggen she debating on going to King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath but thought better of it at the moment. stroking her belly she walked to the closet and through on one of Wrath's sweatshirts to make sure her "brother" could smell Wrath all over her. walking down to the living room she waited for the Doggen to arrive with him*
    December 4 at 12:25am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He left the room, lifting his gear with him as he saw the limo pull. A look of amusement passed his face fleetingly as three stepped out. Did his half sister honestly think that three Doggen could stop him doing what he wanted? He had trained his whole life, pushed his body to its limits then shoved it further past. He had broken bones, bled and fucked his body up to keep him at the top of his game so he was pretty fucking sure he could take on three Doggen and not break a sweat. Tossing one of them the keys he snapped at him* I see a single mark on my girl, or anything missing, rest assured I will it out of your hide *The Doggen bowed, his face showing his fear as he slid into the back of the Limo. Once everyone was in position, the car moved and he leaned his head back until he felt the car pull to a stop. So this was it. Time to face whoever this female was that the Lawyer claimed was his kin. Taking hold of his kit bag, he opened the door before the Doggen could and stepped out onto the gravel drive, looking up at the sprawling building*
    December 4 at 1:13am · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*hearing the car stop in front of the house, she stood and walked to the foyer to wait for them. she had no idea what to expect and she hated that. hearing the door open she wrapped her arms around her belly and tried to not be frightened, because she knew he would smell. putting her best attitude forward, the one she used with King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, when he made her angry she stood there. watching the Doggen enter and then, there he was, her brother. she stood there and waited for him to make the first move*
    December 4 at 1:26am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Following the Doggen into the foyer, he glanced around before settling on the female that stood dead and center to the large open space. He looked her over, starting at the top of her dark head and letting his gaze travel down where she tried covering the obvious swell to her stomach. So he was going to be an Uncle after just finding out he had a sister and brother he knew shit all about. He pressed his tongue against his right fang and stopped a few feet away from her. What the fuck was he meant to say to her? Hey sweetheart, come give your brother a hug? He had never been much for words, relying on his fist and strength to get through everything. Instead he just looked at her, waiting to hear what she would say*
    December 4 at 1:37am · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*watching him walk in she took him in. the dark brown hair, the same color as her own. he was built like a Brother in training. taking him in she had no idea what to say to him, and as she watched him look her up and down it was clear that he had no idea either. shit it's not like she could wrap him in a big hug and welcome him into her home and pretend this wasn't awkward as all hell. she opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. turning to the one of the Doggen* Could you please bring tea into the living room, and please remember to make sure it is decaffeinated as well as some fruit, please. *turning to him, she tried to not sound too harsh as she spoke* Can I offer you something to eat or drink?
    December 4 at 1:47am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Looking at her for a moment, he shook his head* Not hungry, an Ice water would be good *he paused ad tacked on the end* please *He looked her over again* So I am to be an uncle *he couldn't keep the faint tinge of disgust from his voice, his accent growing thicker as he looked around the mansion* Nice digs you got here *he tucked his arms across his chest and looked direct at her* You want to see the letter I suppose? *not waiting for her answer, he dropped his kit bag to the floor with a bang and pulled out the Lawyer's letter, the note from Darius and the photographs and thrust them towards her* Here, read them and weep
    December 4 at 9:16am · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*nodding to the Doggen that it was fine* We will be in the living room *her jaw nearly came unhinged as he spoke of being an Uncle. she tightened her grip on her stomach and quickly looked around to make sure no one was around. listening to him speak she had a hard time controlling her anger as it was clear he did not want to be here and had no desire to know her or their family. glaring at him* Ya know, I don't get you why in the hell are you here when your disgust of me and this situation is so clear. Secondly I'd prefer you not talk about my personal life, that is not why you are here *turning on her heel she walked towards the living room* If you would actually like to speak to me in a civilized way I will be in here.
    December 4 at 10:13am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He laughed, actually laughed so hard he thought tears were gone to run down his face* Well shit little lady, if I didn't think you my sister before that attitude would mark you as a relative of mine in a heartbeat. *he rubbed a hand over his face and started after her* Reason I am here? I got this letter, its fucking with my head, as far as I knew my father died years ago, more than 100 truth be told. According to my Uncle Dhamned who took me in after my Mother passed, I had no surviving relatives apart from him so I'm sure you get me when I say this shit has knocked me sideways. *He caught her arm and stopped her, making her look up at him* It fucked with me so hard that something happened tonight that pushed me into calling you when I had intended to ignore the letter *Nodding in the direction of the large television that nearly spanned one wall, he willed it on. A news report and a artist drawing of him showing across the screen*
    December 4 at 1:54pm · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She had spent the most of the time since she arrived here unpacking, only coming down for the occasional meal. She had yet to even meet with her cousins Zee and Phury, yet she was grateful they had taken her in. She decided today that she roam around the mansion and meet with the inhabitants. She exited her room and made her way down the hall, and down the grand staircase. She stood in the foyer attempting to decipher which direction she wanted to take, when the sound of a television caught her attention. She rounded the corner to see a large male engrossed in the happenings as they played by on a news broadcast. He was strikingly handsome, his features well chiseled and defined. She tried to walk behind him to get to the other side of the room, not wanting to disturb him~
    December 4 at 2:27pm · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*The scent of delicate perfume caught his attention, dragging him away from his focus on the wide screen where the reporter gave out details of the murder he had committed. He looked over his shoulder then turned fully to look at him. Had he been the poetic kind he would have likened her to an angel, she was more beautiful than any female he had laid eyes upon. From her long hair, her delicate face to how her clothes hugged her curvaceous body. His mouth dried and he had to raise a hand to make sure his mouth wasn't hanging open. What the fuck was wrong with him? He never acted like that over a female but for some reason he wanted to redress in something more appropriate than what he was wearing, to shave and make himself presentable. He looked back at his 'sister' then back at the female and swallowed*
    December 4 at 2:35pm · Like · 6
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She felt the minute someone's eyes laid on her, it was that innate feeling of being watched. She caught a glimpse of the male from the corner of her eye. He was the one watching. She stopped to retreat to the other side of the room and decided to let decent manners prevail. She squared her shoulders and made her way to where he was standing. She looked him in the eye and stuck out her hand~ I'm Hayden, daughter of Vhengeance. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. ~She smiled warmly at him~
    December 4 at 2:43pm · Like · 6
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He looked down at her small hand and reached out taking it into his much larger one. He was careful to not squeeze too tight as he raised it to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles, his nose skimming her skin to draw her scent into his lungs. His texan drawl was harder than normal as she straightened to look down at her* Damon, son of Dhamned or the Warrior Darius I now believe to be the case. Brother of *he paused and looked at Elizabeth and straightened his spine* Elder brother of her highness Queen Elizabeth
    December 4 at 2:49pm · Like · 6
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of both the Brother Darius and the Queen. This male's linage was impressive to say the least. She almost felt as if she needed to curtsy but decided against it. A faint blush marred her cheeks as his soft lips made contact with her flesh. This was the male that her Mahmen had warned her about. He was brutally handsome, oozed charm and that slow southern drawl of his voice made her legs as sturdy as water. She attempted to regain composure enough to speak~ I'm staying here with my cousins, the warriors Phury Ahgony and Zee Ahgony?
    December 4 at 3:08pm · Like · 6
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He knew the names there wasn't a pretrans alive that hadn't wanted to be part of the Brotherhood, for those that made it past transition, never had the lineage to back up what they were looking. Her voice was light and easy to listen to, one that he could enjoy just sitting with and listening to matter what she was talking about. She looked every inch the lady but he saw a fierceness underneath, one she tried to hide and it sparked an interest in him.* I don't know who they are darlin', only arrived here myself
    December 4 at 3:18pm · Like · 5
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She slightly inclined her head as he talked. His slow easy way of speaking, paired with the twanginess that was present in his voice was a combination that would have lesser women swooning. He was lying to say that he had never heard of the males in her family, and she supposed he had is reasons for such, although she didn't know what they were yet, they were his and his alone. She farther straightened her spine and squared her shoulders once more~ I've just arrived myself. If there is anything that you need, an ear to listen or just another voice to keep you company, please call me.
    December 4 at 3:38pm · Like · 6
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He searched her features and gave her a slow nod though he was sure if she took a moment to focus on the screen she wouldn't be so keen to spend time with him. He wasn't sorry for the type of male he was he prided himself on his fights, the wins the men who thought they were something that fell beneath the hammer of his fist. She deserved better in her company than the likes of him. How he had managed a full sentence without the word fuck in it was still an amazement to him* Thank you.. Hayden.. *her name rolled off his tongue*
    December 4 at 3:47pm · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*turning toward the television she saw an artist rendition of a male that looked exactly like him. her jaw went slack as she saw what he was being accused of. all she could think was shit, she brought this male into her home, what if this truly was the biggest mistake she would ever make. watching the entire report, she vaguely heard him talking to someone but was too focused on the report to really notice. as it ended she turned back toward him and saw Phury and Zee's cousin Hayden walking out of the room. anger and fear flooded her* You did that? That male they are looking for, it's you?
    December 5 at 11:26am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He gave her a snap nod* Yes I did it. Am I ashamed of doing it? No I am not. It happened. You know what? Fuck this * He turned away from her and reached for his kitbag, even though his cock had been straining behind his pants since the departure of Hayden* I did alright without family before now, I am sure as shit going to do alright without them now. You have a good like here, enjoy it. Eventually it all comes crashing around us all
    December 8 at 11:35am · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she couldn't help herself she had to keep him her, if what he said was true, he was her sister and she could not handle anything happening to him* Damon, stop. *she knew the likelihood of him listening to her was slim, but she had to try* Look, I didn't have it like this growing up. I know what it's like to have no family. Please, don't walk out that door, we need to talk. *she waited unconsciously holding her breath waiting for his response*
    December 8 at 11:40am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He stopped just at the front door, unmoving. Without turning he spoke* Talk about what? How you suddenly have an older brother in your life. Not only do you not know of have never heard of him, but you just found out he took the like of a human?
    December 8 at 11:46am · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she walked up behind him, not speaking as she moved and placed her hand on his shoulder, feeling him tense she moved in front of him, blocking his exit* Yes *It was one word and it was only word she could get out at the moment. she needed to know him, she needed to know her family, her biological family that she thought she never had*
    December 8 at 11:58am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He looked down at her and frowned. Her features, while feminine and beautiful, looked similar to those he saw in the mirror every day.* Why? *He kept his eyes on hers. He was interested in hearing her reasoning, for right now he could think of no reason why she would want him near*
    December 8 at 12:11pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*looking up into eyes that reflected her own* Because Damon, those papers *she pointed to the ones in hand* claim you are mine brother and growing up I had no family. My mom died and my dad, well was Darius and I didn't know that until he was already dead. I always wished for a family when I was growing up in foster care. I don't care what you have done outside of this house, here you are family and mine brother.
    December 8 at 12:17pm · Like · 6
    Damon Dhamned I might be those things but I am a murderer. *He points at the screen where the news was winding up* As much power as your Hellren might wield, even he can't clear up this mess. I am not someone who hides from my shit. I sure as fuck am not hiding out in some mansion for the next 50 years until those that saw that report or the cops are dead
    Thursday at 10:59pm · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*sighing* Damon, I know King-Wrath can make this work, along with the Brotherhood. They all love Darius and would never want to see anything happen to ANY of his children. Vishous and Rhage and Phury and Zee and Butch, even though he never knew dad, would all do anything to keep you safe. I don't expect you to hide out forever, but please at least let us try to help you. *doing something she might regret but she had to do it and see what happened, she leaned into him and wrapped her arms around him and hugged him*
    6 hours ago · Like · 2
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He stood stock still as her arms wove around him then gingerly lifted his arms and wrapped them around her, careful to not crush her* A few weeks, that is all I can give little sister. Nothing more, I won't live my life in secrecy *He drew back and looked down at her, again surprised at how alike their features were. He hated himself for needing help, fuck if he could slip away at some stage, he knew he would take that chance and leave, but for now he would give in to her*
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*looks up at him and smiles, she couldn't believe she had another Brother, well they would need to confirm that with Jane but looking at him, behind his rough exterior she could see herself in his eyes and that was all the confirmation she needed* Thank you *she paused* brother mine. Do you want me to take you to one of the bedrooms so you can get settled in?
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He gave a hard sigh and nodded his head slowly* Sure thing.. little sister *he gave her a half fanged grin and walked back into the hall to lift his kit bag. Slinging it over his shoulder, he shoved a hand in one pocket and waited for her to lead him towards the bedrooms*
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she hated that she was a little sister now, but she would get used to. a tinge of fear rose, she thought what if he tried to take all of their father's things and put her out. pushing the fear aside she offered him a warm smile. walking towards the grand staircase* Do you want a room away from most of the others or near mine so you know where to find me if you need something?
    6 hours ago · Like · 2
    Damon Dhamned ‎*he shrugged as he followed her up the stairs* Don't make a matter to me, I have slept in places you can't imagine so cot in the hallway would be better than most of those. *He looked around the places as he followed her, shaking his head, partly in disgust at the rich furnishings*
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*turning and looking at him over her shoulder, she saw the look on his face. as the reached the top of the stairs she stopped* Damon I know this is a lot to take in, believe me, when I got here I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Apparently our father was an avid collector of fine art and antiques, from what I have been told. I don't know much about him really myself. *turning toward the hall of statues she walked down the hall, they passed Wrath's office and passed her own. pausing she came to the room that was next to theirs. she wanted him to be comfortable but wasn't sure how to do that. stopping* Well my room is here, this one *she pointed to the room next to hers* Is empty if you would like to stay there. Whatever will make you comfortable.
    6 hours ago · Like · 2
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He glanced back over his shoulder, checking how many paces it would take him to get to the front door if he needed to. Walking into the room, he dumped his kitbag on the bed and pulled back the heavy drapes. Opening the door to the outside, he looked around. Even better, if he had to get out of there, a few short steps from the bed and he would be good to go. Stepping back in, he looked around and caught the red blink from a video camera in the corner. Easily sorted when he was alone. Looking back at her he gave a half nod* Thanks
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*watching him as he looked around the room as if he were looking for exits* Damon, none of us will ever keep you here against your will. I only wish to keep you safe and get to know you. I never want you to feel like you are stuck here or that you have to be here.
    5 hours ago · Like · 2
    Damon Dhamned Words are easy, actions speak louder little sister. *He turned his back to her, looking back out the window and over the grounds. He knew he was making a big mistake being here but what choice did he have? None, either stay here for a few weeks or run and he never ran from anything*
    5 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*standing in the doorway she pulled her arms tight around herself. she wanted him to trust her and to know she wouldn't do anything to hurt him, but she didn't know how to do that* Well, I guess I'll let you get settled in. If you need anything I'm right next door. We will have to speak with Wrath about you being here tomorrow probably though.
    5 hours ago · Like · 2
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He barely acknowledged her, he was lost in his own thoughts, drifting back over the years, fleeting moments of his life. Fight after fight, blood, sweat, broken bones. Pain and agony like nothing he had felt before. None of it was behind him, he knew that. He would be a fool to think that his life could become easier now.*
    5 hours ago · Like · 1
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*realizing he wasn't really hearing her anymore she quietly closed the door and headed back to her and Wrath's room. walking in she sat down on the bed and tried to process everything that had just happened*
    3 hours ago ·
  • Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*he leaned against the headboard of the bed looking down at the sleeping form of the female beside him. His cock was already hard, the shock waves that still poured from her body were intensifying by the hour. He had tasted every inch of her body, had stroked, licked and fucked her until he wondered if he could keep this going for the rest of her needing. Who was he fucking kidding? He would keep going until he dropped or his body gave up on him, either way he was in this for the long haul. Long haul? He pressed his tongue against his right fang as he mulled those words over. Yeah, long haul. There was no way he was letting her go after this. She could fight and refuse but it would do little good, he wanted her, wanted her more than he wanted anyone else in a long time apart from.. yeah, not going there, he thought to himself.
    Moving to lie on his side beside her, he stroked the backs of his fingers from her shoulder, down her side to the dip of her waist. Leaning closer he followed the same line with his tongue, taking a moment to nip at her hip bone before he urged her sleeping form onto her back. Crawling across the bed, he settled down on his stomach between her legs, hooking them over his shoulder as he stared at the place he couldn't wait to bury himself again. Leaning forward he inhaled the scent of her arousal and groaned, grinding his cock into the mattress just as he leaned forward and covered her clit with his lips, he tongued her slowly and leisurely, taking his time on burning her taste into his memory. He brought his hands in between them and held her folds open to him, letting her clit hood pull back slightly. Circling the nub with the tip of his tongue, he dragged it down and penetrated her entrance, a growl rumbling in his chest as he felt her tight wet heat surround him. *
    Trey Songz-Pleasure Interlude (Passion Pain Pleasure)
    DISCLAIMER Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, s...
    Like · · Follow Post · Share · December 10 at 10:42pm
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Sandie Baker, Cormia Ahgony and 8 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She started to wake from the slumber that has taken her down just a few hours before. Her muscles ached and pained from the various positions that he had contorted her body into. The light stroke of his finger tips cause her flesh to pebble and the slow stroke of his tongue down the same path of his fingers caused a slow burn to start in her veins and moisten her core. Dear Scribe this male was amazing. She limply shifted with his subtle command, her eyes still closed as he hoisted her legs over his broad shoulders. Her eyes shot open instantly as his mouth fell on her clit, a deep, needy moan rose from her lips. Her head flew back against the pillow as he started to move his tongue and her hands buried his hair. She lifted her hips offering more and praying to the Scribe he accepted. Her hips moved in a slow grind over his face to the seductive pace he had set and her back arched as his skilled tongue took her higher. His name left her parted lips and a moan and her heels dug into the soft mattress.* OH QHUINN FUCK YESH
    December 10 at 10:56pm · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He grinned against her body, his tongue pressing further into her heat. Pulling back, he brought his hand down on a sharp slap across her pussy then fell back onto her. His palms rested on her inner thighs and pressed her legs back to open her wider to him, effectively keeping her in place at the same time. He ran his tongue up through her folds and circled her clit, each time drawing slightly closer than the last until the side of his tongue was against her. Giving a final circle, her flicked across it, one hand leaving her thigh to move between her legs. Without mercy, he drove his middle two fingers into her body right up to his knuckles as he closed it his lips around her, sucking her into his mouth. He couldn't get enough of her taste, eagerly lapping it up, swallowing and pressing his tongue to her again to seek more.*
    December 10 at 11:03pm · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock OH DEAR SCRIBE QHUIN I'M GONNA COME *He moaned out. He knew how to work her body over. The sharp slap just added to the pain and pleasure he was delivering. Her hips rose up and were quickly restrained by his hands. When he dipped his fingers inside her unabashedly she was lost to his touch. Her legs began to quake as she pried her eyes open to look down at him. The sight of him bringing her to the erotic heights of heaven's gate was all it took. The inner walls of her liquid heat clamped down and released around his fingers as her heels nearly dug a whole in the mattress. She saw stars behind her hooded eyes as she tipped over the cliff of orgasm. She coated his fingers in the liquid fire that pumped from her heated center. Her breathing became ragged in low pants as she held his head in place against her and moved her hips over his face* Oh ffuck that feels good.
    December 10 at 11:17pm · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He kept his tongue working over her as he slid his fingers from her tight pussy. Pulling back, he ran his tongue over them, taking every drop of release into his mouth as his eyes connected with hers. Placing his hands flat on the bed he prowled up her body, stopping at various points to nip his fangs against her skin. Once he reached the top of the bed, he angled his hips and drove balls deep into her, seating himself fully as he caught her lips with his. He showed no mercy in his kiss, plundering her mouth with his tongue, rasping his tongue stud across her tongue and nipping at her lips with his teeth. He drew back and slammed into her again, his hip moving forcefully. He kept his weight on his hands, the only points of their bodies touching where where his cock connected them and where his lips moved wit hers. His chest heaved on a harsh groan as he drew back to look at her* Fuck, you are so fucking hot
    December 11 at 7:08pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked down just as he raked his skilled tongue over his fingers and that sparked off a number of min orgasms within the fiery confines of her core. She tried to keep her eyes focused on his massive frame as he loomed above her on his ascended up her body. Every muscle in his body, and they were too numerous to count, rippled with each small movement. He moved like a predatory and she was obviously the prey he had sat his eyes on. And then it happened, he slammed into her, no time for adjustments of even a breath. He filled her completely to the point of painful bliss. She screamed his name out upon his forceful entry and then moaned deeply in appreciation as he started to move. His lips fell upon hers and she kissed him deeply, tasting the male and the remains of her orgasm over the smooth skin of his lips. Her tongue stud moved in time with his own as her nails ripped into the flesh of his back, scoring the tender skin deeply. She thrust her hips forward at the pace he sat, not only meeting his slams but giving a few of her own, her body already teetering on the brink of another orgasm. she met his mismatched gaze with her hooded one.* Oh fuck me I could say the same about you.
    December 11 at 7:36pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He growled in approval at her thrusting back against, one hand leaving the pillow beside her head and stroking down her lithe body. He hooked her behind the knee and rolled suddenly, dragging her across his body. He took hold of her hips in a bruising grip and drove up into her, watching the shift of her breasts each time she slammed into her* Drink from me *he bit out in a demanding voice.* I want your fangs in me *He slammed hard into her, punctuating his words my driving into her over and over again. He sat up suddenly, wrapping his arms around her and trapping them in place* Drink Mhisery *He ducked his own head and struck into her neck, piercing her skin and taking a hard pull*
    December 11 at 7:50pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*His growl only coaxed more desire from her and she coated his cock completely in response. His hands down her body only added to the eroticism of the moment and farther fueled the fire at the center of her being. When he hooked her leg and pulled her across his body she was shocked, the gripping of her hip adding to the pain pleasure he was delivering for brutal commitment. The deep driving thrust cause the inner walls of her sex to grip his thick cock in an attempt to keep him buried within her. She a low panting moan was released from her lips as slammed his cock into her, he was all she could think of and all she could speak. The low erotic tone of his voice commanding her to drink brought her right to the brink of orgasm. She wanted her fangs in him and his in her, but she prolonged a response to keep up his driving thrust as he punctuated his demand. She wrapped her legs around him as he sat upright and moved the only part of her body not trapped in the steel cage of his rough embrace, her hips. She rolled her hips forward and took him completely in, her hips so flush with his that it was impossible to tell where she ended and he began. Her legs gripped him tightly as his fangs struck, she gasped out and scored the skin of his back again as she tried to stave off the imminent orgasm that teetered on the edge of her being. She complied with his command and slowly rolled her tongue over his neck, once, twice, three times and then she struck. The minute the first drop of his intoxicating blood hit her tongue, her orgasm released. The dripping walls of her sex clamped down on his cock and releases in quick succession as she released the building desire over the length of his steeled erection. Her sex pulsated as she moaned over his neck and took another long pull. Her eyes closed with the weight of desire as the veil of orgasm fell over her face. Her nails dug into his shoulder as her sated body limped against his massive frame*
    December 11 at 10:21pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He took another hard pull from her vein, then pulled away, running his tongue over the wounds and sliding a hand into her hair to hold her to his neck. He drove into her a final time and groaned out his release, his body to weak to shout out like he wanted it to. He shuddered beneath her, her breasts pressed tight to his chest, one hand holding her to his neck, the other around her waist to support her against him. Leaning back, he rested his head on the pillows, his cock still hard and buried within her even though he had came on moments before. He let her drink her fill, his fingers stroking slowly down her spine to rest on her lower back. Closing his eyes he huffed out a hard sigh of contentment. What was it about this female in his arms? He had spent the weekend pleasuring them both over and over again, but he wanted more. Could he admit that to her? Fuck he could barely admit anything, even to himself most of the time.*
    December 11 at 10:48pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She lay collapsed against him, her hair fanning out over his chest. Her heart raced, it always raced with this male. Her breathing was panting as the inner walls of her sex continued to pulsate around his erect cock. The added pleasure of the steel length planted in her sex only heightened the aftershock of her orgasm. The male was one like no other she had ever met. He was strong yet tender. He was amazing, insightful, but aloof. For some reason she wanted something...more with him than a roll in the hay and a good bye. She reached out and laced her fingers with his. She gave a faint squeeze as she let out a shuddered breath. When she inhaled he caught a faint dark spice scent about him, dear Scribe he smelled good. She spoke low and with a panted tone* You smell so good Qhuinn. What cologne do you wear?* It was an odd question to ask, but she needed to break the silence that surrounded them*
    December 11 at 11:03pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong I am not wearing colo.. *he broke off and turned his head to his arm and inhaled hard. There it was, that unmistakable scent that his body was throwing off. He was bonding to her? Fuck. *that isn't cologne *he said it, why he didn't know but the feel of her small hand linked with his had him pushing towards being honest for a change. She made him want to be a better version of himself. He titled his head on the pillow and looked down at her, waiting for recognition to spark in her eyes followed swiftly by disgust*
    December 11 at 11:06pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at him with complete admiration and her eyes met his mismatched gaze. A slight smile played over her face as she made no attempt to remove her body from his. She was content to lay with him, on him, beside him as long as he would let her, but she knew it wouldn't be long. If she stayed she would bring him nothing put pain, and he was a male of worth, not deserving of her cursed name. Dear Scribe he was beautiful, just as he was now, his hair a mess at her hands, his body covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. His muscles extended and defined from exertion. And there it was the silence again. She had to speak.* Then whatever soap you use is great. * She still held his hand and placed her other palm on his cheek to keep him looking at her as she spoke* Thank you for this Qhuinn. You are a male of worth and I can never repay you.
    December 11 at 11:18pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He kept his gaze with hers, his hands stroking gently down her back, and his hips giving a faint thrust against her. How he was still hard was beyond him but he knew it was nothing to do with the needing and everything to do with the female in his arms. She was like nobody he had ever met before, she was beautiful, strong and someone that he could be himself with. He turned his head into her hand and nuzzled against her palm, coating it with the faint smell of his bonding scent. He had a fuck it moment and met her gaze again, his eyes clear and focused* That isn't soap Mhisery, you know what that smell is. The only scent that my body would produce that would smell like dark spices. You know what it is, don't you. You just are not ready to admit it.
    December 12 at 6:41am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She lightly stroked a thumb across his cheek and gave a roll of her hips that was just as teasing to him as his faint thrust that had elicited a moan from her just moments before. She was clueless of a bonding smell, she had never been with a male long enough for anything like a bonding or bonding smell. Dear Scribe the male beneath her was a creature that amazed and fascinated her more than anyone he had ever met, he was mysterious and it was hard to find out what he was thinking but when he did give a glimpse it was truly remarkable, making the receiver of the insight feeling special, just as she did now. Her gaze lowered for her to admit the truth* I have never been with a male that had a bonding scent toward me, so no, I didn't know what it was.
    December 12 at 8:23am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned harshly as she rolled against his cock. For the love of the Scribe, he wanted her again, this time he wanted her slow, but first they needed to talk* Well you seem to be drawing mine out sweetheart. My body knows it wants you, Fuck *he closed his eyes for a moment then caught her gaze with his* I fucking know i want you. I want you past your needing and into the months to come. And while I am not ready to put your name on my back, you will be treated as my Shellan or people will face me *he gave her a fierce look, yet the other side of him waited for his rejection.. She was a female of worth, even if she couldn't see that herself*
    December 12 at 8:32am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at him with surprise showing in her eyes. No one had ever wanted her for anything long term. Her name said it all she was misery in the flesh and this male of worth had assisted her in darkest hour how could she be so selfish to do that to him, but she felt something for him and she couldn't place it. In the past week they had spent hours tangled in each others arms, he had fed her and she him. They had talked for hours on hours and he now knew things about her that she hadn't even admitted to herself much less anyone else. She raised the upper half of her body, seating herself atop of him and taking his still hard length deep within her. He had said the word 'Shellan' that was a station belonging to a female worthy of the title and she was not that at all. She looked down at him and fought back tears that filled her eyes and she refused to shed.* Qhuinn I'm not worthy of a station like that.It is an honor I would love to have but I'm not worthy to even want.
    December 12 at 8:54am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he placed his hands on her upper thighs and subtlety rocked her back against his length, his thumbs stroking against her soft flesh.* Does it not matter that I believe you are worthy of that title and anything better I could think of. I am not asking you to mate me, I just want you in my life and you given the respect you deserve *his brow furrowed as he ran his gaze up her body, lingering on her full high breasts before meeting her gaze* I am not exactly the catch of the day sweetheart. Shunned by my family and the Glymera. Defective. *shrugging he rocked his hips an inch again*
    December 12 at 9:05am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She placed her hands on his chest and pulled her hips back, almost completely unsheathing him before sliding back down his thick cock. She rolled her hips again talking him in completely inside her, and not just inside her body, at that moment she let him in her heart a little. She smirked down at him* Now that I have your attention and that furrowed brow gone, as a matter of fact it matters more than you would ever know what you think and those that feel you defective are insane as far as shunned I have had my share of that, and it doesn't lessen the sting but it really is their loss in your case.
    December 12 at 9:17am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He couldn't help himself. This time as she rocked against him, he lifted his hips and drove fully into her, his eyes closing for a brief moment before he looked back at her again* Then just give it a chance? Fuck, within a week you could be sick of me and the life I lead *He used his grip on her hips to lift her up and pull her back down on his cock.* A month, if you can't bear being with me then we part, no hard feelings *Bullshit, he said in his head. IF she left him after a month, he wasn't going to take it well. The times before he had hid the Herradura hard would pale in comparison*
    December 12 at 9:29am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She moaned his name deeply as he was raising her up and diving back into her, her body going flush with his. She placed one hand on his chest and her other hand she reached behind her and cupped his heavy sac apply slight pressure as she slid her hips forward, the liquid desire he had coaxed from her coating his steel length completely* I will give you whatever time you want Qhuinn, not only do I want to but I owe you whatever you ask. *She let her head lull back and her ebony hair fell way past her waist, her eyes closing as a rhythm was set by the slow deep roll of her hips. Her hand on his chest moved to the piercings that speared his flat male nipples. She slowly moved one with her fingers, then bent her head forward and stroked her tongue across the metal before lightly sucking. She eased back up to her upright position, her hips never breaking from their slow grind.* You feel so good to me. *She moaned out*
    December 12 at 10:01am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He roared in approval in his mind, his fingers flexing on her hips before releasing, willing to let her run the show this time around. He lifted his hips and met each of her downwards thrusts with one of his own. His blood was on fire for this female and he didn't think even a month would be enough to get her enough out of his system enough to let her go. He would fight to keep her for as long as he could. He released her hip and stroked the backs of his fingers across her lower stomach then slid his thumb further down, parting her folds and stroking across her in time with the roll of her hips over him* You owe me nothing. It has been my honor to be with you during this time, to feed you, to sate you *he growled out the last words struggling to remain in this position and let her control things* you have no idea how you feel around my cock sweetheart..So wet, so tight.. so hot
    December 12 at 10:12am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*With the first swipe of his nimble fingers she was lost. The slow fire that had been building turned into a raging inferno centered at the junction of her thighs. The roll of her hips became more aggressive and frantic in their pace as the walls of her sex tightened around his cock. Her breathing became ragged and labored as she let out small cries and moans as her imminent orgasm approached and it turned to full on screams of his name repeatedly as it crashed into her and she shattered around him. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as her face was covered in the veil of orgasmic bliss, her nipples hardened to the point of pain as her breast bounced with each masterful thrust of his hips. The male beneath her was designed by the hand of the Scribe herself to deliver sexual pleasure and he did not fail. He knew how to move, how to touch her, how to bring her body to life like no other. She arched even farther back placing both palms on the mattress and thrust her hips hard and fast as she rode out the wave of orgasmic bliss that he had washed over her.*
    December 12 at 10:56am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave another few hard thrusts into her waiting body and lost the small shred of control he had left. Pleasure slammed into him so hard he swore stars exploded in his head. His fangs elongated behind his lips and he shot upright, dragging her into his arms and letting his fangs sink with ease into her vein. He took a hard pull all the while his brain was screaming MINE over and over again. He exploded deep within her, his release coating her inner muscles while they clamped around his cock and milked him dry. He panted heavily, her name the only one he could sound out* Mhisery *he slid his hand into her hair and dragged her forward, tight to his chest as he released her throat, closing the wounds and covering her mouth with his. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, stroked it over her tongue and teeth and groaned against her* You are mine
    December 12 at 11:15am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She collapsed against him, completely encircled in the massive cage of his steel arms and completely content to be there. The sharp sting of his fangs pushed her under another wave of ecstasy and she cried his name out again as she came undone in his arms. She held him as tightly as she could as he spoke and her heart swelled with emotion and pride when he called her his. She knew then she was falling completely and totally for him, but it was scary enough to admit that to herself, so she could never admit that to him. She clung to his body, breathless, sated, while the core of her being pulsated over his cock, small after shocks of the multiple orgasm that he had provided still causing her body to shudder and small moans and whimpers to escape her lips. One word rolled through her brain after his statement and it was all she could do to mummer that one word breathlessly against the smooth skin of his broad shoulder.* Always.
    December 12 at 11:54am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He held her close while their hearts thundered together, her breasts crushed into his chest, his arms tight around her, his head resting against hers. He felt calm, weak as shit but calm as hell and it was all due to the female in his arms. Lying back against the bed, he slowly, regretfully withdrew from her body and tucked her against his side. He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her hand to rest on his chest, covering it with his own and sighing contently. Dragging a sheet over their bodies he turned his head and kissed the top of hers* I need to feed you
    December 12 at 12:04pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was content to be tucked into his side, her hand on his chest. She was beyond tired and food was the last thing on her mind, but his offer was one of the sweetest things she could have ever heard although she didn't think she could muster the energy for her fangs to elongate and he had just recently fed her. She looked up at him and smirked.* You just fed me before this marathon of well of us started.
    December 12 at 12:11pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he looked down at her with a grin, his fingers stroking across the back of her hand* Real food this time sweetheart, you need to eat as well *he leaned over and pressed a small tender kiss to her lips, delving his tongue inside for a split second before retreating* Nap then I want to feed you a feast fit for a Queen
    December 12 at 12:14pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She yawned once and nestled down close by his side. He was so warm, and not just his eternal temperature, but his heart and soul. Her body was battered and aching in the best possible way and he was the last think on her mind as sleep claimed her and pulled her under*
    December 12 at 12:20pm · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She came awake with her head atop of Qhuinn's chest and she could tell by the gentle rise and fall that he was still asleep. Score! For once she had awakened before him. She slid from the bed carefully and made her way to the shower. She quickly dressed and gave a quick look before she slipped out the door and down the stairs. She needed to make haste so she could return before he had a chance to notice she was gone. She was feeling a hundred percent better when she dematted out into the night.*
    Like · · Follow Post · December 16 at 5:11pm
    Lassiter The-Fallen, Emma Lou, Sandy Renner and 5 others like this.
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He woke slowly then bolted upright glancing around the room, his hair sticking out at various angles from his head* leelan? *He called out as he climbed from the bed, walking into the bathroom and frowning. She had been here recently the tiles were still damp and steam still hung in the air. Walking back into the bedroom, he pulled on a pair of sweats and walked barefoot from the room, down the staircase and checked into each of the rooms. Not finding he, he caught one of the Doggen as they passed* Have you seen Mhisery? *There was a frantic edge to his question and the Doggen shook his head. Bounding back open the stairs, he stalked into the bedroom and looked around.*Where the fuck is she?
    December 16 at 5:32pm · Like · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She dematted into an ally that was near the down town shopping district. She stepped out onto the side walk and started down toward the destination she had in mind. Her steps were purposeful, driven and determine. She kept her head down until she approached the store she wanted to stop off in. She walked into the high-end establishment and suddenly felt way out of place. The sale's staff looked at her as if she had the plague, if fact she probably would have been more welcome and accepted if she had. She straightened her back and squared her shoulders as she looked for what she came for, the scrutinizing eyes of the sale's staff on her every move. Her eyes lit up when she found what she was looking for. She went and stood over the case and pointed down when the obviously irritated salesman approached. He gave her a scowl but she really didn't care. She narrowed her eyes and gave him a lethal stare.* Just ring it the fuck up. *She handed him the cash and waited for him to give her a reason to launch after him*
    December 16 at 5:35pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He sat down heavy on the bed, resting his elbows on his knees and holding his head in his hands. He trusted that she would be safe wherever she was but the bonding male inside him worried for his female. He wanted her safe and comfortable with him, not out God knows where by herself. Rising to his feet, he looked around the room and sighed, straightening up the bed and slumping down onto it. He would give her an hour, then he was going out looking for her. To bring her home, back to him*
    December 16 at 5:39pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She left the first store she was in and headed down the street to the next. She had an inward smile on her face as strolled along with purpose until she saw what she was looking for. She dipped inside the boutique and got the one thing she had wanted for a long time, and had denied herself, because truly she had no reason to own such a thing. She cheerfully paid and was on her way, making one last stop before dematting back to the mansion*
    December 17 at 1:25pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He shot towards the door, he could scent his female the minute she appeared at the front door. Taking the stairs two at a time, he ran and pulled open the heavy door and dragged her into his arms, breathing in hard and nuzzling his face into his hair* leelan *he breathed out reverently*
    December 17 at 1:27pm · Like · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her hand was poised to open the door when it suddenly opened and Qhuinn drug her into his arms. She did the best she could to wrapper her package laden arms around him. She pulled back a little to look at him, confusion on her face* Nallum?
    December 17 at 1:31pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He pulled back and cupped her face in his hands, leaning down and covering her mouth with his in a soft kiss* Where did you go? I was worried *he guided her back into the house and into the living room, ignoring the Doggen that walked around dusting and preparing the house for Christmas* I would have taken you anywhere you wanted to go
    December 17 at 1:33pm · Like · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She held out her arms that were covered in bags and packages and shook them* Ummm hello I was out saving the world, and having tea with the queen of England. *She laughed* I know you would but there was something I wanted to do on my own Nallum. Let me put these down and I'll show you.
    December 17 at 1:37pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He helped her unload the bags onto the table in front of the couches and slumped down into one, curiosity as to where she had been written over his face. Pushing up he walked to the bar, snagged two different bottles, Herradura for him and when he glanced at the label, Patron for her. Setting them down on the table, he put two glasses beside them and waited* So what did you get leelan?
    December 17 at 1:39pm · Like · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock I just got a dress for the holiday party that I was invited to with your family and accessories for that, but what I went out for was this. *She handed him a small box that contained a watched which was engraved 'Time is endless for two in love'*
    December 17 at 1:44pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he grinned imagining her long legs showcased in the dress and wondering how he would keep his hands off her long enough to do his duty for the evening. He frowned looking at the box as she handed it to him and slowly opened it. He looked down at the watch and gently lifted it from the box, flipped it over and read the message. A grin broke across his face as he looked back at her again* I love it leelan, nearly as much as I love you *he leaned over and pressed a tender kiss to her lips the slid the watch on his wrist*
    December 17 at 1:53pm · Like · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She smiled back at him before she loaded the bags on her arms and started for the staircase*I love you too, now, I have to hang this up before it wrinkles and I have never owned one before so I would hate for it to wrinkle before I get to wear it.
    December 17 at 1:56pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He reached out and took the bags off her, taking her hand with his free one and walking with her back to the bedroom. Setting the bags on the bed, he tugged her into his arms and covered her mouth with his, slowly kissing across her lips in a soft tease. Drawing back, he looked down at her, his gaze heated.* How long is polite to stay at a party?
    December 17 at 2:01pm · Like · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her hands threaded into his hair as his lips slowly set her body ablaze. She smirked up at him* This is your deal, I'm just going as agreed. *She moved away from him for a moment a picked up a box that contained a black corset, complete with garter belt and held them up to her body* This goes under the dress, so the length of time you take to unwrap your presents is completely up to you Nallum.
    December 17 at 2:07pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave a low throaty moan and raised a hand to bite down hard on his knuckle, ignoring when his fangs punched into his mouth and pieced his skin* Leelan you are killing me here *He could picture her as clear as day in that outfit and knowing she was going to be wearing that under he dress? Fuck, already his cock was leaping behind his pants, he might as well get used to being a walking talking hardon. Pulling open one of the bedside drawers, he pulled out an old box and handed it over to her* Would you do me the honor of wearing this? *He opened the box showing her an antique delicate bracelet, just a simple chain with a charm hanging from it* It was my Grandmahmens
    December 17 at 2:12pm · Like · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She approached the box with caution, afraid that even looking at it may cause harm to the precious item. Her hand reacted out and her finger lightly moved over each link of chain. It was beautiful and she was touched he would offer to allow her the great honor of wearing it. She nodded slowly and swallowed back a lump of emotion housed in her throat* I would be the one honored Nallum and I swear I will not let anything happen to it.
    December 17 at 2:17pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He smiled gently at her* It is only as beautiful as its wearer. My Grandmahmen was a great woman, she saw past the defect that my parents couldn't get past. *He rubbed his tongue against his fang and gestured at his eyes* It is not just the difference in color leelan, I am color blind also. I know your hair is dark, but what i don't know is the color of your eyes, I just know how expressive they are how I feel like a male of worth when I look into them
    December 17 at 2:20pm · Like · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She palmed his cheek and looked into his beautiful eyes* You are a male of worth Nallum, and I am honored that you would spend anytime with me, much less care for me. The reason I look at you like you are amazing is because you are. *Her thumb lightly traced his full lower lip as she spoke* My eyes are lavender, so I understand about feeling it hard to look people in the eyes, but I can assure you that you have the most stunning gaze I have ever seen on anyone.
    December 17 at 2:36pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he leaned into her touch and turned, pressing a kiss to the center of her palm* If I am a male of worth, it is because of you, prior to you I was anything but that *He raised her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles* It is all because of you. *Tucking her hand into his, he lead her into the bathroom and ran a bath for her, stopping to slowly undress her and lift her in. He reached out for the stereo and switched the music on low and willed the candles to light. He turned down the light and gave her a grin* Relax in here before we have to get ready.* Winking at her, he walked back into his room, his step light to get out his clothes in preparation*
    December 17 at 2:41pm · Like
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎'Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the Manse
    Not a creature was stirring, not even our cat Boo;
    The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
    In hopes that Unky Phury and Aunty Mia soon would be there;
    The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
    While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
    And Bethy in her 'kerchief, and Wrath in his cap,
    Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
    When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
    Vishous and Jane sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
    Like · · Share · Sunday at 1:18pm ·
    Khloe Christian, Sandy Renner, Jane Bloodletter and 19 others like this.
    Lassiter The-Fallen Away to the window Qhuinn and Mhis demated like a flash,
    Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
    The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
    See More
    Sunday at 1:18pm · Like · 17
    Lassiter The-Fallen On, Phe! on Amayla! on Rhev, on Ehl and Layla!
    To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
    Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
    See More
    Sunday at 1:19pm · Like · 16
    Lassiter The-Fallen His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
    His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
    And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
    See More
    Sunday at 1:20pm · Like · 16
    Lassiter The-Fallen lol
    Sunday at 1:20pm · Like · 4
    Syra Antikabe ♥
    Sunday at 1:22pm · Like · 1
    Lucia Ann Lol.... *clapping* that was really great......such talent ;)
    Sunday at 1:23pm · Like · 2
    Anna Miller LOVE this lass thats awesome
    Sunday at 1:23pm · Like · 3
    Selena Chosen ‎*laughs and hides her face in her hands*
    Sunday at 1:24pm · Like · 2
    Linda Hofsten poetic *snickers* love it
    Sunday at 1:25pm · Like · 2
    Colt Theodorakopolis ‎*has just fucking died laughing*
    Sunday at 1:29pm · Like · 4
    Phury Ahgony lmfao
    Sunday at 2:12pm · Like · 2
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*laughing his ass off*
    Sunday at 2:14pm · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*laughing* Fucking well done bruh
    Sunday at 2:15pm · Like · 3
    Cormia Ahgony This is great!!! ♥ ♥
    Sunday at 2:42pm · Like · 3
    Ahylssa Tohrture ‎*Sits on the floor and stares* Then what happened? Tell another story Uncle Lass.
    Sunday at 4:34pm · Like · 5
    Khloe Christian That Was BRILLIANT!!!! *clapping*
    Sunday at 5:07pm · Like · 1
    Cassandra Peters-Tryggvasen Classic! Well done Lass!
    Sunday at 5:10pm · Like · 1
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*dying*
    Monday at 1:07am · Like · 1
    Zee Ahgony
    ‎*slamming awake, his vision was obstructed by a sheet of paper. And was really fucking glad the had learned to read. He reached for his leathers, intent on finding his brother and pounding the shit out of him for fucking stapling shit to him. Had Bella been in the room, he would have been truly pissed that someone entered their room while she slept in there. She wasn't though, so this was just going to be a little tussle among brothers. Grinning, he pulled on his leathers. And looked down at himself cursing. What the fuck? His junk was hanging out.. That twisted motherfucker. Just cause he was into the fucking assless chaps and shit.... He pulled them off and quickly pulled on another pair. Just as the King's dog, George, came over sniffing like crazy. He finally figured out what the fucking smell was as George tried to bury his cold wet nose in ass of his leathers. He discarded those and picked up another, and the puppy was trying to get into the peanut butter. Every fucking pair.. He pulled on a pair of sweats. Fuck, the Queen was going to kill him when he asked her to get him more leathers. These ones had just come in not too long ago. And, he was going to have to borrow some until they got here. Phury would probably lend him some, but they were going to be a bit small...
    He closed the dogs in the room and went in search of everyone.*
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Sunday at 12:53pm
    Simi Parthenopaeus, David P Neudeck, Khloe Christian and 10 others like this.
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He grumbled as he walked down the hallway. Fucking V. It wasn't his fault he got all defensive about his choice of music. He stopped when he about ran into Z. He looked up at him and frowned* What the fuck is doin with you?
    Sunday at 12:58pm · Unlike · 7
    Zee Ahgony ‎*seeing the cop's foul mood, he quickly realized that Vishous had made his vindictive rounds there already. * Fucking V... took offense to the Bieber thing, apparently. Kinky motherfucker cut the crotch out of my leathers. May have to borrow some of yours, don't worry. I won't go commando in ones that ain't my own, feel me? But, Cop, this shit just got fucking amped up some more.. what did he do to you? Cause straight up, along with the crotch being cut up, he stuffed the things with peanut butter and left me locked in with George and the pup..*shakes his head*
    Sunday at 1:02pm · Like · 9
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He had to stop himself from laughing. Z had chilled since the time he had first met him but he still wasn't the type that would take getting laughed at well* All my damn clothes are replaced with old lady wear, bedazzling shit and oh the worst...*he growled a little* Yankee shit. *He shook his head* Messed up man.
    Sunday at 1:06pm · Unlike · 9
    Zee Ahgony ‎*he gave a fanged grin at the mental image.. Had to give V credit, the male did revenge well. Butch was V's best friend, the two were like brothers. So asking him to continue was risky. Especially since this next step was going to involve the fucker's precious four toys..But the cop may be down with it, seeing as there had been yankee shit involved* Cop, I need you to get me into the pit, and I am going to play with V's favorite fucking toys..
    Sunday at 1:16pm · Like · 9
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He looked at him and couldn't help the grin that crossed his face* You realize you're signing your own death warrant. *V had it coming to him. Best friend or not, the yankee shit was just wrong* I'll let you in the pit but if anyone asks, I have no idea how you got in, feel me?
    Sunday at 1:18pm · Unlike · 9
    Zee Ahgony ‎*nodding, he grimly acknowledged the truth in this statement* yeah, bro, I feel ya, but I really doubt Vishous isn't going to drag you down with me. I won't roll you, you know that shit. But, you know as well as I do, he takes everyone down. I am pretty sure he had help in this.. we taking his little elf down too?
    Sunday at 1:22pm · Like · 9
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He smiled his chipped tooth, fangy grin* Yeah, I'm all for taking his little helper down. *He looked around for anyone and then walked with Zee back to the pit*
    Sunday at 1:27pm · Unlike · 9
    Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down) Lyrics
    Lyrics for tubthumping by chumbawamba =] I do not own rights to this song. All copyright goes to Chumbawamba and their record lable.
    Sunday at 1:29pm · Like · 9 ·
    Butch O'Neal
    ‎*He walked with Zee down to the pit. Opened the door and made sure it was all clear and then waved him in. They were both on a suicide mission but hell if you were gonna go, this wasn't such a bad way to do it*
    Sunday at 2:11pm · Unlike · 6 ·
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    Dashing through the pie
    With one fork and a spoon
    Into the whip cream we go
    Farting all the way
    Oh Jiggle Bells Jiggle Bells
    Jiggle all the way
    Oh what fun it is to eat every fucking thing
    Jiggle Bells Jiggle Bells
    jiggle all the way
    Oh what fun it is to eat every fucking thing
    A day or two ago
    I thought I'd eat some more
    And soon fat ass Phury was walking through my door
    My steak was lean and thick
    I had to eat it quick
    Cause that son of a bitch
    Started licking his lips
    Oh Jiggle Bells Jiggle Bells
    Jiggle all the way
    Oh what fun it is to eat every fucking thing
    Jiggle Bells Jiggle Bells
    jiggle all the way
    Oh what fun it is to eat every fucking thing
    Fritz Perlmutter
    An Old Doggen is happy and a Primale steals hankies
    Fritz Perlmutter
    ‎*The holiday party had been a huge success and it pleased his heart so. Watching all the doggen clean up afterwards he could only think how happy Master Darius would be. It was hard sometimes to remember that the Scribe Virgin had a plan for everyone. Seeing all of his family and friends together made him so happy and he knew that his Master Darius was watching and smiling as well. He pulled out a hanky and wiped an eye. The good ones The King and Queen gave him Master Phury stole. This brought another smile. What a blessed life he led*
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    I don't want a lot for Christmas
    There's just one thing I need
    I don't care about the Brothers
    Underneath the tree
    I just want Selena for my own
    More than you could ever know
    Make my wish come true
    All I want for Christmas is...
    Like · · Share · 20 hours ago ·
    Lanii Evan's, Jane Bloodletter, Linda von H and 9 others like this.
    Lassiter The-Fallen I don't want a lot for Christmas
    There's just one thing I need
    I don't care about the Brothers
    Underneath the Christmas tree
    I don't need to stick my dick
    Any other place
    Bhastards won't make me happy
    With a Dagger on Christmas day
    I just want Selena for my own
    More than you could ever know
    Make my wish come true
    All I want for Christmas is you
    I won't ask for much this Christmas
    I don't even wish for blow
    I'm just gonna keep on waiting
    Underneath the mistletoe
    I won't make a list and send it
    To the North Pole for Saint Nick
    I won't even stay awake to
    Hear those happy ass Brothers
    'Cause I just want Selena here tonight
    Holding on to me so tight
    What more can I do
    Baby all I want for Christmas is you
    Ooh baby
    All the lights are shining
    So brightly everywhere
    And the sound of children's
    Laughter fills the air
    And everyone is bitching
    I hear those Bhastards singing
    Santa won't you bring me the one I really need
    Won't you please bring my Selena to me...
    Oh I don't want a lot for Christmas
    This is all I'm asking for
    I just want to see my Selena
    Standing right outside my door
    Oh I just want Selena for my own
    More than you could ever know
    Make my wish come true
    Baby all I want for Christmas is...
    All I want for Christmas is you...
    20 hours ago · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎Selena... You are my ♥...
    20 hours ago · Like · 5
    Arella The-Fallen
    ‎*Pulling the coat tight around her, she looked up at the neon sign that blinked out the word Screamers, the first bar she had found from she arrived in the city that she had been told her brother Lassiter was residing in. Rolling her eyes, she side stepped the drunken men that staggered from the bar, raising her middle finger at them when they called out for her to join them. * Human's *she muttered quietly, disdain dripping from the word as she pushed open the heavy door and was greeted by the stuffing heat of the bar. Alcohol, cheap perfume and other fragrances that she didn't want to dwell on assaulted her senses and made her want to dash back out before she lost the last meal she had eaten.*
    Like · · 14 hours ago ·
    Linda von H and Lassiter The-Fallen like this.
    Arella The-Fallen ‎*Ordering a drink, she turned, leaning back against the counter, letting her jacket fall open as she took a long slow swallow. Where did she start? She had no idea, all she had been told was that he was in Caldwell and in the company of t...
    See More
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Arella The-Fallen ‎*sighing, she turned back to the bar, pushing her blonde and black hair away from her face* Lassiter where the fuck are you?
    Trhistan Rocke
    Hanging with Blaylock Rocke
    Like · · Follow Post · 12 hours ago
    Linda von H, Cormia Ahgony and 2 others like this.
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*Looking over at his cousin, he could see there was some heavy shit on his mind. They had been dancing around the issue for a couple weeks now, hopefully Blaylock would be ready to talk soon. He decided to rack up the balls, maybe Blay wou...
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    12 hours ago · Like · 4
    Blaylock Rocke go for it cuz * he chalked his cue up and watched*
    12 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He selected his favorite stick, chalked it up and broke. Managed to drop one of each, so he went for the stripes. Dropped one, but missed the next shot, a combo he was trying for.* How is everything going Blay?
    12 hours ago · Like · 4
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*he aimed for the spot and sunk...followed shortly by the white*'s not too bad, saxton is recovered from that virus that hit the mansion....oh and Mhis went through her needing! maaaan that was bad shit....but i'm doing ok, and you? how are you doing....honestly *he looked up into Trhistan's eyes*
    12 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He retrieved the white ball and lined up his next shot. Apparently Blaylock wasn't ready to talk. Or fuck, maybe there wasn't' anything wrong with him. Maybe he was seeing something that wasn't there.* I'm doing ok, Blay. Just trying to d...
    See More
    12 hours ago · Like · 4
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*blushing furiously* yeah...i er..i...*fuck* you see, *he took a deep breath and rushed through his words* i only heard about this needing thing from a doggen, and my parents have never spoken to me about it....i was *he shifted his eyes t...
    See More
    12 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*nodding, he starts to plan his next shot, giving his cousin time to recover from his embarrassment* Blaylock, I don't really know what to tell you about a lot of that. I would say that we are attracted to the person, not the gender. I get...
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    11 hours ago · Like · 4
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*blushing even more and laughs* thanks...this, well i had no-one i could talk to...the brothers were all indisposed, and well i couldn't exactly ask saxton could I? and as for one of the Doggens? could you see me asking fritz??...anyway, T...
    See More
    11 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*the idea of spending time with family was appealing. Maybe that would help this disconnection he felt* yeah.. I think I would. Thanks Blaylock. I haven't seen everyone in a long ass time. And the idea of hanging around by myself.. fuck.. I am getting sick of my own company, ya know?
    11 hours ago · Like · 4
    Blaylock Rocke in all honesty? i wouldn't parents left at the beginning of the raids, since then I have been in the company of the Brotherhood....some alone time sounds appealing to me, or maybe alone time with me and Saxton....hell, it seems a long time since we had alone time without any drama...
    11 hours ago · Like · 4
    Xhex Tehrror
    ‎*Standing in the kitchen at the bar, she was making some food and packing it into a basket, she wanted to take John Matthew Tehrror on a little picnic. Pulling out her phone she sent him a text* Meet me at the front of the house, oh and bring a few blankets. *send* The thought of getting John out of the house alone put a fangy smile on her face, though it was a little cold outside she figured they could find a way to keep each other warm*
    Like · · Monday at 8:52am ·
    Linda von H, Cormia Ahgony and Joyce Szczepanski like this.
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*has just hopped out of the shower, his hair still dripping wet as he reaches for the phone on the counter. nearly drops the darn thing into the loo, cursing a string of choice words as he stomps his foot on the counter, trying to keep the cell from falling. if this was going to continue like this he may as well go back to bed and safe ervyone from the hazard that was J.M. Finally manages to get a good peek at the screen, the frown on his face turning upside down into a handsome grin. ignoring his current streak of luck or the lack there of he quickly puts on a pair of blue jeans and a gray shirt, slips into his shoes and grabs his jacket. running a towel one last time over his moist hair he is almost out of the door as he remembers the blankets... and good thing, too. but then, again, maybe he could keep her warm with his body heat alone. at last makes his way to the front of the house, couple of blankets clutched in his hands, and looks around for Xhex-
    Monday at 12:06pm · Like · 2
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*walking up towards the door with basket in hand, she saw John standing there with a smile on his face that made her heart melt. Walking to him she pulled him in for a deep kiss that when she released him her head was slightly spinning. Looking down at the blankets she asked* Are you ready to go?.......
    Monday at 2:07pm · Like · 2
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*nods his head, his tongue tracing over his lips where her taste still lingered, his cock jerking in response* -Where are we going?-
    Yesterday at 2:59am · Like · 2
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Watching his tongue trace over his lips she could feel goose bumps come up all over her body* Well we are going to have a picnic. *smiles and pats the basket in hand* So let get out of here so we can be alone. *grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door, walking down past the pool, past the house out into the wooded area by the house to the spot she had found earlier, it was perfect, down in the woods but the trees opened for the breath taking night sky. She looked a John* Lets lay the blankets here......
    22 hours ago · Like · 1
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*following her quietly, he couldn't help but marvel at her beauty.. the moon playing with her features. just a couple years back he could have gagged and rolled his eyes at the statement of someone's eyes outshining the stars, but fuck if it wasn't true for his shellan. HIS. catching up to her he lifted her smaller hand in his to his lips, planting soft kisses on her knuckles, before letting go* -Here is perfect- *he signed, placing the blankets on the ground, his stomach growling as the scent of food hits his nose; his cock jerking as Xhex's perfume trumps even the ham she had brought*

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