Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part VII

  • Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*He woke slowly, his body reluctant to move with the press of the small feminine body that fit against his. His knees were bent, the back of her thighs pressed against the front of his, his arm slung around her waist, whether to reassure her or locking her to his body, he wasn't quite sure. Her head was tucked beneath his chin, her dark hair spill across his arm that she used for a pillow, his body almost wrapping around her, protecting her from whatever it was that she needed protection from. He didn't remember falling asleep, the last he remembered was the female crying until she was exhausted enough to fall asleep on his chest. Sometime through the day he must have moved her, or she moved herself, eitherway, he caged her in, held her close to him while he slumbered. Forcing one eye open, he lay still not wanting to waken her just yet, though he wanted to take a look at her, to see her features in the soft candle light. Lifting himself up as gently as he could, he looked down on her delicate features and gave a small smile. She was a beauty alright, striking and strong, one that in any day would have caught and held his attention*
    Kings Of Leon - Closer - Lyrics
    best lyrics for years
    Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share · November 30 at 7:01pm
    You, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Claire Callaway, Sandie Baker and 10 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes fluttered open, having a feeling she was being watched. She felt a huge arm under her head and one across her waist and the rest was all a mesh of strewn limbs. Her back was fused to the front of a massive male. She tried to reign her thoughts in and she remembered the male that had come in her room during her breakdown. This male definitely fit the build of the one she remembered. She just need to see the eyes to make sure. She turned her head over her shoulder to let her dark gaze meet a set of mismatched eyes. One blue, and one green, and that same intense stare he had last night. This was the same male and he must be thinking she was bat-shit crazy. She looked for the nearest rock to slither under and found none. With absence of a nice rock she had to speak.* Ummm good morning. Thanks for staying. *If she could have died from lameness she would have been then and there. But what was she supposed to say*
    November 30 at 7:22pm · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave her a half grin and rested his head back down on the pillow, his arm across her waist tightening as he gave a low groan of contentment. He never spent the night with anyone, was content to fuck them in a bathroom, never knowing their name, or any other detail that he had no interest in knowing. He was surprised to admit he liked it, he liked the feel of another against him, the room dim and warm* Morning to you too, you slept ok? *He bit back a growl of annoyance, usually he was more smooth than this, but if he was honest with himself he wasn't sure what to say to her. His voice was still sleep roughened as he asked her quietly* Do you want to talk about last night?
    November 30 at 7:27pm · Unlike · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes widened as his grip around her waist grew even tighter. She had to suppress a moan that wanted to escape her throat. She had never slept with anyone beside her, they always took off after they were both done with whatever they needed to be done with and she liked it that way. She liked not having to have a awkward conversation in the morning and she liked that if she broke down.* I slept well, too well actually. You? *Again she wanted to find a rock. She had hoped to never speak of last night ever again, but here it was.* What do you want to know about last night?
    November 30 at 8:05pm · Unlike · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He let his eyes fall closed as he listened to the soft lilt of her voice and lifted a lock of her hair with the arm that was behind her head. He rubbed the lock between his finger and thumb and gave a small stretch* Whatever you want to tell me, so that can be nothing, half of it or everything. I'm not going to push you into it. I sure as shit am not the best as talking about what is bugging me, so i feel you if you want to forget about it. *He moved the arm around her waist for a second, taking hold over the covers and pulled them up around her better, tucking them down and sliding his arm back beneath around her waist* The name is Qhuinn by the way, not sure you knew that from ...*he stopped there, not wishing to bring up the situation of their first meeting*
    November 30 at 8:11pm · Unlike · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She thought for a minute. Where to start in all of this and how far back to go. She could go all the way back to childhood but that was a fucked up mess and enough to scare anyone away. Maybe she wanted to scare him away, but then again maybe she liked the way he tucked her in and held her. Maybe she liked the deep roughness of his voice and maybe she liked that he was there for when no one else had ever been, other than her mother who was biologically programmed to do so. She rolled her shoulder slightly so she could sorta look over it at him* I remember you, you are the warden. *She said smirking* I'm Mhisery, *she sighed* and last night I had made the mistake of thinking someone cared about me more than they did. The fact that they didn't made me feel like *How to say this* like how you found me.
    November 30 at 8:40pm · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He shifted suddenly, rolling onto his back and twisting her in his arms so she lay against his chest. He never made eye contact with her again, he wasn't sure he wanted her to see the understanding he was sure would show in his own eyes. He knew all to well what it was like to want someone and not be able to have them. He tucked a hand behind his head, his other arm wrapped across her back to rest on her hip, his face resting against dark tresses of her hair* The warden? *he gave a low chuckle and flexed his fingers against her skin* Been called many things before but that one is new. *He swallowed and tilted his head to look at her face again* You know that only you can give someone the power to hurt you. Take that power away and you will be stronger
    November 30 at 8:45pm · Unlike · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was taken by surprise when he shifted and she ended up on his chest. She looked up at him and attempted to make eye contact, subtly at first* Well you acted like the warden of the jail the first time I met you. *She couldn't help but smirk up at him until he finally looked back at her face. She was not willing to loose the eye contact a second time and she placed a palm on his cheek to hold him in place* No worries that instrument of torture known as a heart is so far broken it couldn't be repaired now. If I had never listened to it to start with, and went with my head, you wouldn't have found me like you did. *She bent one leg at the knee and raised it, draping her legs across his. The light movement of his fingers on her skin had her full attention* And your last statement sounds like you speak from experience?
    November 30 at 9:14pm · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong I was asked by the Doc to make sure you got here and to make sure the male was contained. I followed my orders *he looked down at her, meeting her gaze and gave a faint shrug* I think anyone over the age of twenty has experienced heartache at some point in their lives. *fuck, he wouldn't even know where to start to talk about his dirty little secret. He tried to not think about it himself, he should be happy his best friend was happy and from what he could see so was his cousin.* You will find someone one day that will ease your heart, if you can't then I am surely damned. *He clenched his teeth suddenly as he felt the smooth slide of her thigh across his, mentally talking to his cock to behave himself for a change, that now wasn't exactly an appropriate moment to be springing to life*
    November 30 at 9:19pm · Unlike · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She arched a brow and knew he was lying. She had seen less guiltless lessers that she killed, but if he wasn't gonna press her then she sure as fuck was not gonna delve into his demons. She listened to the soft rise and fall of his chest and she laid her head down. The strong thumb of his heart filled her ear, and she placed her palm on his chest for a moment. His skin was warm and soft under her touch and she idly, unaware drew small circles with her fingertips.* We are all pretty much damned though aren't we. *She knew she damn sure was and before that didn't bother her, but like the bitch hope was, it came at her again, forced her to believe and then let her down again, and she was sure that hope was sat laughing at her even now. She saw his teeth clinch and he looked like he was in pain* Am I hurting you or something? You look like you are about to crack a molar.
    November 30 at 9:29pm · Unlike · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He moved his hand slightly on her hip, his fingers stroking her smooth soft satin like skin though he barely realized he was doing it, his body had a mind of its own and screamed to touch her.* Don't sell yourself short, there will be someone someday that will maybe not mend your broken heart, but hold it together and look after it like it deserves. *He if anyone was damned, never to fit in with his family, the Glymera and sometimes, in his time alone in his room he wondered if he even fit in here. He was a freak, nowhere near the normality that most of the other males in the house strived for. He barked out a laugh at her comment* Not exactly hurting darlin' but put it this way, I have a beautiful women pressed against me in this bed, I am sure you are smart enough to work out the rest
    November 30 at 9:35pm · Unlike · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She listened to him speak about mending her heart,, she didn't intend to, she intended to do as she had before, not let anyone know she had one. If she was heartless then it could never be broken. She looked up at him when he laughed and for the first time since she glimpse those beautiful eyes of his, they were not looking like the eyes of death. They actual had a twinkle in them. If was an amazing look on him and she hoped this was what she was allowed to see instead if the lifeless ones that she had seen the past two times she had looked at them, first when he brought her in here and second when he came in last night. Her body completely stilled his next remark, damn it he was fighting erection and she wasn't even aware. She had been more engrossed in some sense of closeness than she was anything sexual. She moved her leg and took her hand off his chest* I'm so sorry I never meant to make you uncomfortable. You are a male of worth to be here talking to me and staying with me while I was dealing with my bullshit and I am making you uncomfortable. *She rolled to her back to allow him more room in his personal space. She should probably just get up, make an excuse to get out of the room and that way he could take off unscathed*
    November 30 at 9:45pm · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He laughed again, his face showing the humor he felt. Reaching out he snagged her hand and dragged her back over him to drape across his chest. His hand clamping down heavily on her hip and holding her in place at his side* Not uncomfortable, just making you aware should you move your leg and suddenly wonder what sort of asshole you are lying beside *His fingers resumed their stroke across her soft skin, his face turning enough so he could pressed a small kiss to the top of her head, unsure if she would even feel the light embrace.* You are safe little female, ignore it, I generally do *He failed to add that he had been fighting a loosing battle with himself daily over his body's natural urges. But that was his penance for the thoughts he harbored. He relaxed his body, releasing a breath he hadn't been aware he had been holding. There was something about this female that brought out his natural protective instincts, made him want to at least show her some sort of manners rather than what he would usually have done* My apologies, parts of my body have a mind of their own.
    November 30 at 9:50pm · Unlike · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She didn't fight being hauled back against him and she isn't sure even if she wanted to she could. He was massive, and she was no where little as he had implied.* Fine I will leave my leg at your side so no illusions of nonasshole are removed. *She tilted her head to look up to see if he had cracked a smile and she caught glimpse of the quick, chaste kiss he was placing, but she wouldn't ever act like she saw it. If he had been uncomfortable before, then her knowing what he was trying to conceal could have made it worse. The slow movement of his fingers over her skin was not however unnoticed on on any level her body and in fact been the reason she had moved her leg across his to start with.* By the way, I'm not little at all, thank you very much. I'm just as much a deadly warrior as you and the brotherhood. *She laughed at his comment* Why are you apologizing? Are you neutered?
    November 30 at 10:04pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He laughed hard, for the first time in months he felt like himself, not the freak that he was sure everyone else saw him as. She felt warm and soft against him but there was no mistaking the power that was held within her lithe body* I have no doubt of your skills, I respect anyone that can pick up a blade or a weapon and do what we do. Its no disrespect me calling you little female, don't take it as such. *He splayed his fingers out, sure his both his hands would almost span her waist, his thumb stroking across her ribs* I apologize because I don't want you nervous, or thinking that I can't control what my body is trying to tell me it wants to do. You are a gorgeous female and I am an asshole but not enough that I would take advantage of you *He angled his head on the pillow so he could meet her gaze, his eyes flicked over her lips as his mouth watered for a taste of her* even if there is nothing more I would want right now than to see if you taste as good as you look
    December 3 at 8:47pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She liked the way his laugh sounded and the ways his beautiful eyes lit up when he did it. The mere action of his thumb stroking across her ribs caused her skin to pebble and a fire to ignite at the junction of her thighs. She draped her leg across his again and slid her inner thigh up to rest across the top of his thighs. Her hand splayed over hi chest and went back to idly drawing circles as he spoke, he was attempting to take her mind off of how well built he was, how good he smelled, and how they look from those mismatched eyes made her feel. She looked up as she felt him shift against the pillow and her eyes met his as he spoke. The deep baritone of his voice and the erotic combination of his words almost caused her to moan. She had to bite her bottom lip to suppress screaming 'for the love of the Scribe please take me now'. Instead she swallowed hard before responding* What's stopping you?
    December 3 at 10:19pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He searched her face as if looking for an answer to a question he wasn't even sure he was asking as his cock leaped almost painfully beneath the blankets. He could feel the warm heat from her thigh just a inch from his balls and the heat emitting from her pussy against his hip. He bit down on the inside of his lip, his fang sliding into his flesh like a hot knife into butter. Growling quietly, he gave up, let go of the thin layer of control he had been hanging onto since she woke and dragged her over his body, letting her legs rest on either side of his hips. He tunneled his fingers into her hair and dragged her down to him, her dark hair falling like a curtain around them, hiding them from the world as he took her lips with his. He started with a slow teasing caress, his lips barely meeting hers before pulling back, his teeth nipping lightly at her lower lip before, with a groan, he slanted his mouth over hers in a hard kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth, his tongue stud teasing over hers, his fingers tightening into her hair his lips moving almost lazily with hers*
    December 3 at 10:26pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was a little in shock when he drug her across his body. She settled into position atop of him as his lips met hers. She moaned into the kiss and holy hell he was a good kisser, his apt tongue causing the the want for him to increase times ten. The slow kiss caused fire to run through her veins, and her nipples to ache as they brushed his muscled chest with each ragged breath she took. The junction of her core was filled with liquid desire as her hips undulated, his massive erection striking her clt and making her want to scream his name. As the kiss broke she slid her lips down his jawline and own the corded column of his neck and across his shoulder, each movement of her hips coating his erection with the liquid evidence of her erotic need for the male. She reached a hand between their bodies and wrapped her palm around his thick length. She slid her hand from the crown of the male's cock, down to base and back up again. She lifted her head enough that she could look into hi eyes* Qhuinn I want you
    December 3 at 10:55pm · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He couldn't help himself, his hips bucked forward, pushing his cock through her hand, his hips lifting off the bed as his mind screamed to bury himself in her and spend the rest of the night there. But fuck that, the female above him deserved more than that, she deserved to be worshiped and fuck if that was what he was going to do. He flipped her suddenly, planting her flat on her back beneath him, his head ducking and catching one pert nipple between his teeth, working it back and forth just to the point of pain but pleasure still riding above it. he rocked his hips, letting his cock slide with ease through her wet folds, coating his cock further, letting the blunt head of him nudge against her clit with every forward thrust. He turned his attention to her other nipple, offering it the same treatment as the first which he now circled with his thumb. He worked his way down her body, his lips, teeth and tongue moving across the flat smooth skin of her stomach.
    He stopped just above her pussy and drew in a deep breath, the scent of aroused female inflaming his blood further, hardening his cock that he now ground into the sheets. He parted her thighs and ducked his head, stopping for a moment to graze his fangs down her Femoral artery though resisting the urge to sink his fangs in for the moment. He drew his hand back and brought it down suddenly, slapping hard against her pussy then covering her clit quickly, his tongue lapping across her to sooth the sting. Lifting her thighs, he hooked them over his shoulders as he worked a hand back up over her stomach to toy with her nipple as he circled her clit slowly*
    December 3 at 11:11pm · Unlike · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Even the motion of him pushing his cock through her hand was a turn on for her. The smooth skin of his impressive erection felt astounding against her palm. Her eyes widened slightly as he flipped her over and again, but her they soon hooded with propensity for the male. Her breath caught in her throat as his mouth fell on her nipple and her back arched offering, needing, wanting more. She propped up on her elbows as his mouth left her breast and traveled down her body, she wanted to watch him as he worked her body over. He was too damn hot to take her eyes off of him, even for split second. She could see the muscles of his back as they flexed with each movement he made. His broad shoulders rippled as he raised a hand and slapped it across the wet folds of her core, causing her hips to buck* OH fuck yes Qhuinn *The slap made her hips buck wildly and when his tongue slid across her clit a glutted moan was released. She kept herself propped on one elbow as the other arm raised and buried her hand in his hair, to hold him at her core. She rolled her hips slowly, grinding the center of her desire over his face. She had never actually had a man taste her completely, women sure, but never a man. This male was better than any other male or female she had ever had, and they hadn't even gotten past the foreplay.*
    December 3 at 11:40pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked up her body and met her gaze, groaning against her pussy at the heated look in her eyes which he was sure mirrored his own. He slid his arm beneath him, moving enough so he could stroke his finger through her folds and slowly work his thumb into her hot tight core. He kept is tongue around the edge of her clit, refusing for the moment to put his full attention on it. Instead he wanted to keep her on edge, have her wanting him as much as he wanted her right now. He ground himself harder into the mattress, a bead of cum rising from his cock and making his balls tighten in awareness of the sweet taste of her. He sucked her clit into his mouth, grazing it with his fangs as he pumped his thumb in deep, twisting it slowly as he drew it out. He ran his tongue down through her folds and parting his lips, thrust it hard into her core, his nose nose taking the place of his tongue and rubbing against her clit.
    He moved his hand from her breast, down to her hips and locked both arms across her, holding her in place as he worked his tongue in and out of her. He was growling against her, pleasure drilling through him at an alarming rate when he noticed another scent rise in the room. A dark spice drifting faintly from his body and it drove him on further. He latched onto her pussy like a starving man, his tongue moving across her, circling her clit and flicking across it, rolling hi stud across her, then moving back to delve inside*
    December 3 at 11:55pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*The vibrations from his groan against her body caused the inner walls of of her passion laden core to tighten and beg for release. Her breathing became ragged as she gripped the sheet with one hand until her knuckles whitened, the other hand tugging his hair and holding him at her core. She watched the muscles of his well toned ass as her moved against the mattress and judging from the way he moved, this male was sheer sex. He was the type to take a female, and a male for that matter, higher on sex than they had ever been and have them begging for more. She gasped out loudly as his digit entered her body and moaned when he started moving in and out of her. Her back arched farther offering herself to him more, and silently pleading for him to take what she offered. She caught the scent of the dark spice that was now filling the room and he was undone. When his mouth latched on to her, she could no longer watch him. Her eyes rolled to the back of her skull, as her hips undulated wildly. He had taken to to the brink of eroticism and pushed her over. The inner walls of her sex spasmed release, as her legs trembled over his broad shoulders. She started with small whimpers, that increased to moans as the climax build, and with an apt sweep of his tongue she was screaming at the ceiling* Oh fuck Qhuinn, yes...yes...OH GOD YES!!!
    Sunday at 12:23am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned against her core, his tongue lazily sweeping over her clit and lapping up her release. His thumb still moved within her core, even as the pulses of her pussy slowed down and the trembling of her thighs relaxed. He kept on tasting her, he couldn't help himself, he wanted more. He buried his face against her, sliding his tongue into her as he removed his thumb. Giving her pussy a final lick, he pressed a kiss against her inner thigh and prowled up her body, his hands resting on either side of her head, resting his full weight on them as his cock lay hot and hard against her pussy.* Mhisery *His voice was rough with passion* I need to hear it from your lips darlin' tell me now if you want me to stop because once I am inside me the Brotherhood couldn't pull me back off *he punctuated his words by rocking his hips, letting his cock slide through her slick folds again*
    Sunday at 12:37am · Unlike · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*A small shudder reverberated through her body as the last of her orgasm ebbed away under the masterful touch of his tongue. His body felt so warm and wonderful against hers as she cradled him between her thighs. The way he said her name as he looked down at her caused her breath to catch in her throat, and the rock of his hips was an unspoken promised to fulfill the ecstasy he could easily offer. She arched her back, pressing her breast against his chest, and lifted one of her legs, causing her inner thigh to slowly, smoothly travel the outer side of his long legs. She hooked her leg around his waist, and kept the eye contact through her hooded eyes. When she spoke to answer his question it was more of a moan than a spoken word* Qhuinn I want more.
    Sunday at 12:57am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He ran his palm from her ankle, up her slender leg to hook his hand behind her knee, raising it higher on his hip and he drove his hips forward, sheathing himself into her hot core in one long slide. A loud groan tore from his throat at how good she felt around him, her body tight and warm around the aching shaft of his cock. He held himself in check for several minutes, letting her get used to him before he inched back, bringing himself to almost sliding from her body before rocked back into her. Leaning down, he rested his weight on his elbows and covered her lips with his, his tongue tracing around the delicate outline of her lips and pressing back inside. He thrust his tongue in time with the pistoning of his hips, his only goal in mind was feeling her shatter around his cock like she had around his thumb.*Fuck you feel good darlin'
    Sunday at 1:05am · Unlike · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*He skin pebbled as his skilled hand palmed her body and positioned her leg around his hip. Her mouth parted for the kiss he placed, her tongue entered his mouth and full explored the warm expanse of his mouth. She moaned out loudly as he entered her body, and her breathing became increased as his motion sped up, and she rolled her hips to meet his powerful thrust. She could feel the inner walls of her sex tighten and ready for release, but as much as she wanted to she couldn't close her eyes. She wanted to watch him, every muscle of his chest move with exertion, and a fine sheen of sweat caused a sweet friction between their bodies. She moved her hand and cupped her own breast, her fingers toying with her own nipples as a veil of ecstasy was brought down over her face. His guttural tone filled the room and struck her core. She coated his pumping cock with the evidence of how good he made her fill. She dipped her head and lifted one of her breast to her mouth. Her tongue swept across her lower lip, and then circled her own nipple as her eyes remained locked on him*
    Sunday at 1:42am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Fuck yes *he groaned out as he watched in fascination as she tongued her own nipple. There was nothing hotter to him than a woman that knew what she wanted and was not shy about taking it. He shifted his position and angled his public bone against her, making sure that with each thrust he ground against her clit. He slide his arms underneath her body and up to wrap his hands over her shoulders, holding her down as he slammed harder into her body. He drew back fully each time and pushed in until he was seated fully in her pussy* Fuck darlin' *He was hanging on by a thread, each time her pussy covered his cock has his eyes almost rolling back in his head from pleasure. Each moan pulled from her body only pushed him harder to please her. Never before had he cared so much about making sure a female was fully sated before.
    Moving his hand from her shoulder, he slid it between their bodies until he found her clit and started stroking across it, his thrust hard and deep into her body. *
    Sunday at 1:51am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*His body slammed into her demanding her body release her orgasm that was held by the tiniest of threads. Her moans, groans, and pants grew louder, calling his name and loving the feel of it on her lips. The inner walls of her sex shattered an released around him. Her back arched and her head lulled back as orgasm rocked through her for what seemed like hours* Oh fuck yes QHUINN
    Sunday at 2:05am · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*The sound of his name on her lips coupled with the pulsing coming from her pussy spurned him on. His thrust turned harder, faster and as deep as he could possibly go. He slammed into her holding her down beneath the weight of his body. His orgasm plowed into him, nailing him low in the back and shooting up his spine. He roared out her name, holding himself still as he released into her body in a hard wave. His body shook above her and it took all his strength to not collapse on top of her. Instead, he slid his cock slowly from her moan, groaning at the friction and dropping heavily onto the bed beside her. He tucked her against his side and pressed a kiss to her temple* Fuck.. *he could barely breath as his chest heaved with exertion.*
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*Hearing a knock at the door he went to answer and it was Fitz with a package in his hands..He took it and thanked the guy*..Well, I guess I have to..Damn if it didn't make for fun rl tv while it lasted..*He picked up the house phone and dialed down to Doc Jane to let her know it was finally here*..
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    Do you feel that??.....There is something stirring in the air!!....*Closes his eyes taking in a deap breath*..I don't know what it is, but it's BIG and it's coming for us all....*Takes another lung filling breath*....Yup..There's def something coming!!!....I can't put my finger on it...But I guess we will ALL find out very soon......Stay tuned and keep watching the BDB!!!!!!
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*taking King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's hand as we walked towards the Library to meet with Phury Ahgony and Amalya Chosen about a feeding for Wrath. She could send his discomfort with the situation, but overriding that was his clear need to feed. squeezing his hand* It will be ok Nallum, I promise.
    Unlike · · Follow Post · Sunday at 4:13pm
    You, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Ehlena Rempoon and 12 others like this.
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Yeah, I know. *But fact was that Beth would suffer most. He hated to take the blood of another female but he wouldn't endanger her life. And since he couldn't stop feeding he had to rely on the Chosen. Hopefully they'd help him. Fucked up situation*
    Sunday at 4:16pm · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*walking through the doors she saw Phury and Amalya there already waiting* Thank you both for coming, Wrath and I truly appreciate you being here. *closing the door she walked over to the couches* Please sit down
    Sunday at 4:28pm · Like · 10
    Amalya Chosen ‎*She bowed her head to the King and Queen and waited for them both to be seated before she took her place at one end of the couch. She folded her hands into her lap and crossed her legs at the ankles, her gaze remaining firmly on the floor until she was required to speak*
    Sunday at 4:35pm · Like · 10
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He sat down as the Beth requested next to Amalya in the beautifully decorated room *Hello Wrath, Beth *small bow* How is it that we can help you this evening?
    Sunday at 4:56pm · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*looking to Wrath, she had yet to say the words to anyone but him or Jane or Ehlena about her pregnancy. putting her hand on her belly she turned her attention to back to Phury and Amalya. taking a deep breath* We asked you both to meet with us because Wrath needs a Chosen to feed from *seeing the puzzled looks on their faces, she swallowed hard* He can't feed from me presently as I am *she closed her eyes and turned to Wrath* pregnant.
    Sunday at 5:02pm · Like · 10
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Putting his arm around his waist he pulled her closer and kissed her gently. His other hand went to her belly and stroked it. This wasn't easy for any of them. Fuck. He wanted Beth to relax but instead he caused her even more stress.* I would endanger her life if I did. And staying without blood for the next months is out of the question since Beth will still be feeding from me.
    Sunday at 5:08pm · Like · 9
    Amalya Chosen ‎*She glanced up, her face not showing her surprise and pleasure that the King and Queen were to be blessed with young* My congratulations to you both, be at ease that the Chosen will help you in any way possible. Is there one in mind that you would feel more at ease to take their vein my Lord?
    Sunday at 5:10pm · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*So that was what he smelled. a huge fangy grin covered his face which he tried to stifle * My heartiest congratulations to you both. I will of course keep this information to Primale *He noticed the royal couple both relax somewhat as he said this. * As my dear Amalya said, we will be most happy to help you with the utmost of discretion.
    Sunday at 5:20pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall Thank you both for your support and discretion with this matter. Naturally given the high risk nature of vampire pregnancy you can understand why we have not told anyone. *she had been thinking about who he would feed from and she wanted it to be a strong Chosen and one that had not had the males of the house feed from her prior. she had not mentioned this to Wrath and she hoped he would be ok with this* If you don't mind Amalya, I personally would like you to be the Chosen he feeds from.
    Sunday at 5:25pm · Like · 9
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He didn't care what Chosen he'd feed from. It was only because he needed the blood not because he wanted to. And the day he would be able to feed from Beth couldn't come fast enough. He took Beth's hand and kissed it gently* Amalya, my Shellan wishes you to be the Chosen I'll feed from and I want to fulfill all of her wishes. *He knew the Chosen had to be utterly beautiful and her scent was delicious it would make it even more difficult for Beth.*
    Sunday at 5:32pm · Like · 8
    Amalya Chosen ‎*The only surprise she showed was a faint flash across her face before she nodded her head* It would my pleasure to offer you my vein Sire, *She lifted her head and looked to the Queen.* When you would like for me to proceed with the feeding? I will readily make myself available for this duty
    Sunday at 5:40pm · Like · 10
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He beamed with pride at Amalya. As the Directrix she had always performed her duties so wonderfully. To take on this additional responsibility as well was a testament to her true strength and devotion to the Scribe Virgin. Cormia had been so right to suggest her for the position* When would you like to plan for the first feeding? And Beth, would you like to be present?
    Sunday at 5:46pm · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*linking her fingers with Wrath's she listened to their questions* I am almost 30 weeks pregnant, so Wrath has gone with out blood for a while already. Amalya, would you be able to do it now and yes I would like to be here for each feeding. Thank you for agreeing to this Amalya, it means more to us than you could possibly no. Phury I will leave it to you if you wish to remain her for the feeding.
    Sunday at 5:52pm · Like · 10
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Thank you Amalya. *He wanted to say that he didn't need an audience but Phury was the Primale so he could decide whether he wanted to stay or not. Turning his attention back to Beth he could smell sadness* Leelan, you don't have to watch this. Maybe it is better for you and the young if you leave. *Of course he wanted her to stay but this was going to be torture for Beth*
    Sunday at 5:58pm · Like · 10
    Amalya Chosen ‎*She smiled and rose to her feet, her glance reassuring as she stood before the two of them* If you will allow me a moment Sire *she turned to look at Beth* M'Lady, if you would sit with him, hold him during this then it will be your scent that surrounds him even those the taste of my blood will be wrong *She moved to stand behind the couch they sat on and rolled back the sleeve of her gown, her own teeth sliding into her mouth as she raised her wrist to her fangs. Scoring her own flesh, she offered her arm around in front of the King* Sire, if it pleases you, you may take of my vein
    Sunday at 6:04pm · Like · 10
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He knew the Royal couple would prefer their privacy and that if Beth was confortable with this manner of feeding, which he was sure she would, then he would allow them that dignity. The Queen would chaperone Amalya allowing them tis intimacy alone.*
    Sunday at 6:10pm · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*nodding to Amalya as she spoke* I will do anything I can to make this easier for mine Hellren, and Wrath I will never let this happen without me. *doing as Amalya had asked she wrapped her arms around him and held him tightly. seeing Amalya's wrist before Wrath* Please love, take her wrist, I'm begging you.
    Sunday at 6:13pm · Like · 10
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He'd finish this as fast as he could. His fangs elongated the moment he felt the fast pulse of the Chosen. Hunger rose. And then instinct took over. His fangs pierced through Amalya's wrist and he didn't care that she gasped because of his roughness. Blood. And it was delicious because he was holding Beth's hand and Beth's scent filled the room. In his imagination this wasn't Amalya's blood but Beth's. He wasn't sure if he could stop but after a while he felt himself relax and soon enough he lifted his head and placed it on Beth's lap.*
    Sunday at 6:20pm · Like · 10
    Amalya Chosen ‎*She smiled in approval as the King took from her vein, and how proud she was that the Queen even though so young held herself in such good poise. Once he was finished, she withdrew her arm, holding it to her mouth and lapping her tongue across the wounds to seal them closed. Rolling her sleeve back down, she inclined her head to the Primale and left the King and Queen to their privacy*
    Sunday at 6:23pm · Like · 11
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He silently left the room a warm glow in his heart*
    Sunday at 6:31pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*smiling at Phury as he left them alone. she cradled Wrath's head in her lap, running her fingers through his hair* You did amazing Wrath, so amazing. *as she felt his arms wrap around her waist she leaned down and kissed his head. she didn't say anything else, she just sat there and held him waiting for him to come down from the feeling of feeding*
    Selena Chosen
    *pulling the dress over her head she turned to look in the mirror and smiled brightly, she loved this dress it made her feel happy and bright form the color, pulling a comb through her hair she tried to shake her nerves, she shouldn't be so shaken this is Lassiter, the man who held her while she sleep on his chest, the man who made her feel things she never has before, Remembering a few nights ago, his lips and hands on her skin made her flush a faint pink, shaking her head she walked into her room and grabbed a pair of yellow flats to match her dress, she did not know where they were going so she hoped this was good enough, walking over to her ipod deck she turned on some music to calm her nerves while she waited*
    Unlike · · Share · Sunday
    You, Sandy Renner, Claire Callaway, Phury Ahgony and 5 others like this.
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*After taking a shower to wash of the sweat from his HEAVY workout trying to run his body down in hopes of getting too worn out to get worked up over that little temptress that is Lena he tucks her surprise into his pocket and walks down to the foyer at the bottom of the stairs to wait for her...Taking one last look at her present*...I really hope you like it doll....
    Sunday at 7:13pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*looking at the clock she saw it was time to go down to meet Her angel, standing she took a deep breath and headed out the doors of her room and to the stairs looking down the saw lassiter and couldn't help the smile on her face, making he...See More
    Sunday at 7:23pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Looking up he saw her floating down the stairs like she was on air he let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding*....Gods you are beautiful!...*she wore a pale yellow dress with a slip all the way to heaven and damn if he didn't want to run his hands up those perfect thighs, she stopped on the bottom step and looked him straight in the eye and said that word again, so he rewarded her with a low growl*....You have to be the most heavenly thing I have ever laid my eyes on...
    Sunday at 7:38pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*the faint blush on her cheeks grew under his gaze until her cheeks were a faint shade of red, stepping closer to him she wrapped her arms around his shoulders, using the added height from the steps to her advantage she leaned her forehead...See More
    Sunday at 7:43pm · Like · 7
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Knowing that if they didn't leave right now, he would pick her up and enjoy that dress on the floor*...Are you ready to go??
    Sunday at 7:46pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*pulling back she nodded* Yes i am very ready. Im so excited to see what you have planned.
    Sunday at 7:47pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Kisses her forehead and takes her hand*...Don't worry, I think you will love it..*He walks her to the door of the garage and opens the door to Phurry's BMW5 the fucker made him ask for with a cherry on top with the threat of gutting if he...See More
    Sunday at 7:52pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen I do like Italian....*biting down on her lip she tried to hold in the large smile that was threatening to over take her face, she keep sneaking glances at him the whole way there, she couldn't help it he was a sight to behold to her, with out looking over at him she grabbed onto his hand and laced her fingers with his, keeping her gaze locked on the scenery outside her window she waited for his reaction*
    Sunday at 7:56pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He was so aware of her that she took over all his senses and made it hard to keep his attention on the road*....We are not goin far doll, I have a friend that hooked us up for the evening so that we can relax and not worry about the civie...See More
    Sunday at 8:02pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*her jaw dropped as she stepped out of the car to see where they were eating, the water was so calm and still it brought an instant sense of peace to her body, looking up at lassiter she smiled brightly* This is breath taking Lassiter. *she released a shuddered breath, he did this for her and him and she thought he was nothing less then amazing for it, grinning up at him she spoke* Lead the way lover.....
    Sunday at 8:06pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Knowing that saying that word was her way of teasing him, he let her have her fun, but the little minx would get the full effect of it VERY VERY soon*...All for you doll, because a female of you worth deserves the best that I have it in my ability to offer..*He lead her down the walkway to their table and pulled the chair out for her before seating himself..He motioned for the guy that his friend had loaned him for the evening to come over to them*...Would you like some wine??...Or do you want something else?
    Sunday at 8:13pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*she had never had wine before but she wanted to try it* Umm may i have red wine please? *watching the male pour the glass for her she took it a took a hesitant sip from it, her nose wrinkled at the taste but taking another sip she found she liked the odd taste and she nodded* I like it....Thank you.
    Sunday at 8:16pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He instructed the server to bring out the first course and went back to playing with the bracelet on his wrist*...My friend let me have this bottle from his private selection and assured me that it was almost as old as me...*Taking a sip of his own glass he studied her over the rim wondering when he should give her the small token of his new found affection*..
    Sunday at 8:27pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*watching him play with his bracelet made her grin into her wine glass as she took another sip, it was honestly astounding to her how only Phe and Master Butch were the only one't to have seen or known instantly she had done it* Lover this is so amazing and well thought out...i feel so special and honored to be here with you.
    Sunday at 8:31pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen It is I who am honored sweets..Trust that!...*Thinking there was entirely too much table between them for his liking he settled for reaching across and taking her hand*....Do you have any idea how long I have been watching you from a distance and wanting this more than my redemption??....
    Sunday at 8:37pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*her breach caught at his words of watching her from afar and she squeezed his fingers in her hand* No i did not know you watched over me.... *she was honestly surprised, she knew she was pretty but next to her sisters, layla and pheonia she felt she paled in comparison to them*
    Sunday at 8:42pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen You have a light inside that the other females of the manse don't in my eyes...From the way you talk to the way you just sit sometimes and get lost in thought when you think no one is watching..It makes me wonder what is going on in that beautiful head of yours..
    Sunday at 8:46pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*biting down on her bottom lip she blushed a faint pink* Thank you for your words angel mine.....You have something about you that makes me breathless. You are a male of worth in my eyes. You treat me like i am a true male of worth would.
    Sunday at 8:49pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen Nothing less than you would deserve doll...*Looking up as the server brought their plates to the table*...Looks like I have to let go of your hand now, what a shame, but it would be a shame to let this food just sit here...
    Sunday at 8:52pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled and picked up her fork, taking in the scent of the chicken alferdo on her plate her mouth watered, twirling a large bit of it on her fork she took a bite and couldn't stop the loud moan of appreciation at the taste* Oh sweet Scribe virgin in the fade this is amazing...
    Sunday at 8:54pm · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen Yeah..My man has a way with food...*He took a bite of his lobster ravioli and thought of how it wouldn't pale in comparison to the taste of her..Gods he wanted to find out*....
    Sunday at 8:56pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*she ate with vigor,she had skipped dinner to be hungry and be ready in time for their date so she was starving, looking up to lassiter she stopped mid-chew and blush a bright shade of red, swallowing down the food in her mouth she mumbled* Im sorry....
    Sunday at 9:02pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Gods she was sooo cute*..Thats perfectly alright doll, I am glad to know that you aren't one of those "I can't eat in front of males" kinda girl...So eat all you want, there is plenty more..Plus desert..*saying that last part with a slight growl*
    Sunday at 9:05pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*his growl made her whimper softly, closing her eyes for a moment she tried to gather her wits before she began to eat again, all the while stealing glances as he ate, the way his plump lips wrapped around his fork made her body tingle and she didn't understand why. He was bringing feelings she had never experienced before into the for front of her mind and she couldn't wait to understand them all*
    Sunday at 9:09pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Looking at her once again he almost choked on his food...FUCK, she's not wearing a bra and her nipples were harder than nails..This is going to be one LONG night...His pocket started itching to be relieve of it's contents as the server took away their empty plates*...If you liked your main course you will love desert..My friend does Chocolate like Picasso did art...
    Sunday at 9:25pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled brightly as he said chocolate* I love chocolate it twas one of the first things Primale Phury showed me about this world and i fell for it instantly.
    Sunday at 9:29pm · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*mumbles to himself*..I know that feeling...*watching as a the serer placed a chocolate lave cake with two forks in front of them he takes one and feeds her a bite*...
    Sunday at 9:31pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*leaning foreword she wrapped her lips around the fork, as the taste of chocolate hit her tongue her eyes felt shut with a soft groan as she mumbled* That is amazing....
    Sunday at 9:34pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Watching her take the bite and make those noises gave him images of her laying under him falling apart in his arms...As they shared their desert in silence he couldn't help but wish they were back on his couch..He had to get his brain under control and give her the courtship she deserved*...I was thinking that maybe, if you would like, we can go to the Mask this Tue.It's kind of a *clearing his throat* couples night..
    Sunday at 9:59pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*taking the last bit of her desert she smiled brightly at him* Is that what we are Lassiter.....a couple? *she hoped he would say yes, she wanted him to put claim to her and she wanted nothing more then to claim this male of worth for herself*
    Sunday at 10:03pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Oh god, he didn't mean it to come out that way...He wanted her to be his, AND ONLY HIS, but he didn't want to run her away from his inherent possessive ways*..Umm, well, I was kinda..*starts toying with his bracelet* hoping we were heading that direction, but if that isn't what you want or if this thing we have is going too fast for you we can slow it down and take more time to just see where we go from here..*Oh fuck, he sounded like a simpering teenager*
    Sunday at 10:14pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*standing she walked over to him, squeezing herself between the table and his chest she sat in his lap grabbing his face in her hands she spoke softly, her words only for him* I want nothing more then to claim you as my male and i want nothing more then to be your female. *leaning her forehead against his she grinned* This is natural to me so its not to fast, i would love to go to the mask with you Tuesday....
    Sunday at 10:18pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Breathing in her scent he brought her face to his and kissed her*...Keep your eyes closed doll, I have a present for you..
    Sunday at 10:24pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*she clinched her eyes shut so she couldn't see anything, pressing her face into his neck she kissed his pulse point before relaxing into him* Ok i can't see anything.....
    Sunday at 10:26pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*reaching into his pocket his took out the box and opened it, then took out the necklace and put it gently around her neck..Leaning over to place a kiss on her new heart he said*..So you will always have a piece of my heart next to yours...You can open your eyes now doll..
    Sunday at 10:32pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*she felt cold metal touch the skin of her neck, she opened her eyes and looked down, her breath caught in her throat as she stared down at the stunning necklace, looking back into lassiters eyes she smiled brightly before taking his lips in a fierce kiss, her tongue pushing pass his lips to taste this wonderful male...her male*
    Sunday at 10:36pm · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Taking the kiss deeper he lifted her a little so that he could get her to straddle his lap*..Glad you like it swe..*she stopped him mid sentence with another mind rocking kiss..His hands had a mind of their own as they started at her knees and slowly pushed up the the sides of her thighs where the slit in her dress gave him total access to them*....
    Sunday at 10:49pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*his hands on her body made her tingle with that unnamed feeling she always had around him, her hands where on his neck pulling him towards her she wanted him as close as he could get to her and more, this male made her body hum and she couldn't get enough of him, his taste had her head spinning, as his hands got higher on her thighs she whimpered against his lips she wanted his hands higher, she wanted him to touch her and make her feel like he did on his couch a few nights ago*
    Sunday at 10:52pm · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*thank the gods his Bruh said that his server knew how to disappear and stay that way...she was his..thats all he kept thinking about and ALL the things that went with it..kissing her deep one last time he said*....I guess we should be getting back to the Manse soon....
    Sunday at 11:05pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*pressing her face into his neck she panted, her body wanting him to continue to touch her where she was now tingling but she knew he wouldn't and she didn't know how to ask him too, lifting her head she nodded* Yes i guess we should. *lifting herself from his lap she waited for him to stand*
    Sunday at 11:12pm · Like · 3
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*glancing down he knew it would take some adjusting but this is what he did to her and if he couldn't do anything about it yet he would at least make sure she knew it*...Ok doll, lets hit the road so I at least have you back at a reasonabl...See More
    Sunday at 11:16pm · Like · 3
    Selena Chosen ‎*smiling she grabbed his hand and lead him back to the car, stopping she got on her tip toes and kissed the underside of his jaw* tonight was amazing lover...thank you
    Sunday at 11:25pm · Like · 3
    Lassiter The-Fallen I am so glad you have a wonderful time, as did I...*kisses her nose and opens the door for her*...Lets go home...*They rode back in comfortable silence*...
    Sunday at 11:35pm · Like · 3
    Selena Chosen ‎*coming back up to the mansion she smiled at him as he opened the door for her, grabbing his hand as he offers it she lean up to kiss his cheek* thank you.
    Sunday at 11:39pm · Like · 3
    Lassiter The-Fallen You are very welcome, it was an honor..*Looks around and pulls her in for a deep passionate kiss*...Sleep well doll...*watches as she takes the stairs*..And don't forget about Tuesday...
    Sunday at 11:41pm · Like · 3
    Selena Chosen ‎*turning back to hims she smiled* i wont...good night lover... *with that she heads up the stair her fingers toying with the necklace he gave her all the while*
    Zee Ahgony
    ‎*He rolled over, and felt someone in the bed next to him. He froze for an instant, his blood running cold. He was completely disoriented. Nothing made sense. The weight next to him was clearly a male, a male was close to him while he slept. He couldn't make his fucking mind work right. Why was he in a bed? He slept on the fucking floor in a cell. No.. he used to. Now he slept with his Shellan, his Bella. Where the fuck was she? He kept his breathing shallow, so the male beside him wouldn't hear him and wake. His mind reached out and tried to gauge his surroundings. Why was he so fucking fuzzy, was he fucking drugged again? He remembered clearly the event of the past few years, he had his family, his Nalla and his Bella. His brothers. Their shellans. And then it became clearer and his mind came into focus again. He was sick and Doc Jane had left shit for him to take. That must be why his mind was all fucking cloudy. He turned and looked at the male in his bed? yup. Phury, his twin. And between all the fucking vicks slathered over the two of them, the fact that he wasn't able to smell him made sense. And they were both covered in the shit. What he mistook for salve from the bad old days was fucking vicks, and it was pretty much on every exposed piece of skin either of them had. Phury's arms were covered in it for crying out loud. And still the male was fucking snoring. Zee could see the male's wooden leg propped against the wall, like that fucking lamp from that movie about the bb gun and Christmas, made him wish he had some fishnet stockings while the male was out cold like this. He had no memory of his twin showing up but did remember Bella mentioning it. Then he realized he was about to fall off the bed because his fucking twin was hogging it and he has almost no blanket either. What the fuck. He nudged Phury, hard, scowling. Now he was more awake, he remembered how shitty he felt and was pissed that his twin was making it worse by hogging everything.
    Like · · Sunday at 3:23pm ·
    Bella Ahgony, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Ehlena Rempoon and 9 others like this.
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He was dreaming of sleeping in the cave his back against the cold damp wall wall, freezing cold. He pulled his clothes closer around him to no avail. He kept waiting for the nitemare part of his dream to appear but it never did. Nor did the scent of jasmine present itself. Suddenly he felt a shot in his ribs that woke him like a shot * Mia? What? Aggie? The Chosen? What the fuck? How did you get here. *It was his twin. Thats why he had no nitemares. And Scribe Virgin in the fade, the place smelled like an after hours party with all the vicks hanging in the air. * Moreover, what's your problem ?
    Sunday at 3:57pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*Hearing his brother speak, he mumbled incoherently for him to move over. He could hear another female moving about the room but it wasn't his Bella. He shoved at Phury and growled at him to move over but the male was already sleeping again. He was about to help him move over when sleep overtook him once more.*
    Sunday at 6:32pm · Like · 5
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He felt his blankets disappearing and decided there was no point in staying awake with both of them so miserable. He ignored the cold and fell back asleep*
    Sunday at 6:44pm · Like · 5
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*With one of Fritz's silver service trays in hand, she carefully made her way down the hall to Master Zee's room, where she was informed both he and his brother were now resting. Her sister Cormia had also told her that they hadn't eaten in a while, hence her carrying the large silver. She knocked softly and waited good moments, but there was no answer.* Hrm...
    *She balanced the silver on her arm and rested it against her hip for further stability and slowly pushed open the door with her other hand. She found both Z and Phury sound-asleep, but what made the scene that much more adorable was that they were sharing a blanket and cuddling up against each other, Phury against Zee's back. She opened the door wide so she could fit through with the tray, and set it down on the dresser, then she turned quickly running back for the door as she knew it slammed loudly. But she definitely didn't catch it in time. She winced as the door met the threshold with a bang.*
    Sunday at 6:50pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*the door banged and he woke with a start. The noise sent pain singing thru his temple and directly into his brain. He opened one eye to see who the fuck shot a gun off in his room. He felt Phury at his back, Christ the fucker was spooning him. Thankfully no one had seen that shit. He looked around his room, still trying to figure out where all the fucking vicks had come from and wondered if Phury had done it. He found himself looking into the eyes of a Chosen, Pheonia it was, and she looked like she was about to bolt. Fuck, now he was glad Phury was here, because guaranteed if he spoke to her she would bolt or cry. He nudged his brother and hoped like Hell he would keep the chosen from being scared any further.*
    Sunday at 7:03pm · Like · 5
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He heard a gunshot and felt Mia grabbing his ass as he moved around to protect her he realized his was Z and that Phe was standing in the room with deer in headlight eyes . He moved quickly away from Z wondering when his twin had taken to spooning with non shellan types but left it alone in order to focus on the Chosen. * Good evening Pheonia. What brings you here? Do you need something? *with that he began coughing into his twins face, almsot glad of the vicks cloud*
    Sunday at 7:11pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She swallowed, staring at Master Zee whom she had never really seen in this proximity. That scar of his really was...menacing... She breathed in then swallowed again, composing herself to answer her Primale.* Sire, I have brought a repast, mine sister, your Shellan, had requested I bring it to you. She said you both have not eaten in some time.
    *She walked from the door to the service tray, lifting the cover to reveal two bowls of soup, and a few packaged cups of applesauce. She lifted it, the tray being twice the size of her, and walked carefully over to the side of the bed. With each step she prayed to the Scribe that she would not make a fool of herself as she had with Master Muhrder, but that thought was a wee too late when she stepped and her foot caught the bottom of her robe. The tray went flying and she squealed before faceplanting onto the floor.*
    Sunday at 7:17pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He sat up with a start upon seeing the female go flying.. She probably slipped in the fucking vicks. He shoved Phury off from where he was hugging is damn back like a spider monkey and wrapped the sheet around his waist to check on the female. He had soup dripping off his chest but he felt so sorry for the chosen. He could smell her emotions, and mortification was at the top. As he got closer, however, fear was moving to the forefront so he stopped and spoke with her a little while he waited for Phury to cover up and come help her*
    Hey there, Pheonia, right? Um, thanks for the soup.. really. Phury is going to come help you, and I will stay over here. I appreciate the food though. And you coming to check on us. *he had to stop talking out of fear of laughing at the poor disheveled female*
    Sunday at 7:41pm · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He climbed out of bed, dragging his weary painful limbs around his body with the closest thing he could grab, it appeared to be Mias robe. He prayed to the Sribe Virgin that it covered everything it needed to. He stooped down next to Phe in the soup helped her up* Thank you very much my sweetest Phe. This is a wonderful surprise . *he sent up more prayers that she was so light and the soup not hot*
    Sunday at 7:46pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She looked down over her sopping robes, then to Phury who was kneeling next to her, then peeked her eyes to Zee who moved back over to the bed, also sopping wet. Her hand lifted to her lips and she bit her finger. Could she be more clumsy? Her head hung down on her neck and she slowly bent over to pick up two cups of the applesauce packages and held one out to her Primale.* Ve-verily these will do?
    Sunday at 7:52pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*seeing the embarrassment on her faces he cameover and reached around his brother. He decided to try and take her mind off the matter at hand. He took the applesauce and smiled*
    This is perfect, thank you. Just what I was craving. I was wondering if you could do me one more favor? Could you obtain some fish net stockings?
    Sunday at 7:55pm · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He looked at his twin as if he had lost his mind again as he reached for an applesauce packet. Seeing Phe stable on her feet he hopped back to bed, embarrased that she had seen him without his leg he covered himself quickly.* I think we must be thinking alike today Z, applesauce sounds delicious.
    Sunday at 8:07pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She looked at the two of them laying next to each other, so alike different at the same time. She had never seen twins before the Brothers before her. She inclined her head at Zee's question,* Master Zee, I-I will... I will be right back. *Her eyes moved back to her Primale Phury, and gave him a small smile before lifting her robe to keep herself from tripping over it again, and slipped out of the door.*
    Sunday at 8:16pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He lay back down holding the damn applesauce. No spoon. and he was laying in fricking soup. He opened the applesauce and tried to drink it as best he could. He then shoved at Phury who was once again trying to take the entire bed* Move the fuck over will ya? And you better eat that damn applesauce before she gets back. Don't hurt her feelings or make her feel bad, feel me?
    Sunday at 8:20pm · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*Barked out a laugh until he began coughing again*. He scooted over a few inches* You are telling me to be nice and not make a Chosen feel bad. That's priceless. you know perfectly well I hate applesauce. *He popped open the nite stand drawer and threw in the packet* I'm going back to sleep. leave my ass the fuck alone.
    Sunday at 8:29pm · Like · 5
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*After making her way to the laundry room, she had found a few pairs of Mistress Ehlena's stockings, and laid them over her arm and headed back upstairs. She stopped into her room to change her robe, and grabbed a few washcloths and a bowl...
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    Sunday at 8:45pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*accepting the stockings from her, he was a bit surprised to see that she was able to obtain them so quickly. He wondered briefly who in the mansion wore fishnet... and just as quickly chased those images from his mind. Seeing that she was stll nervous and obviously felt bad he decided to break his own rule and talk to someone who he didn't know very well. She looked as awkward as he always felt, and that changed it somehow. He decided to see if she felt like screwing with his brother with him. He was bored and she looked like she enjoyed fun. What the fuck, if she said no, he knew to go back to his golden rule of no new people in his life.*
    Hey, Chosen.. um, do you want to help me play a joke on Phury.. I mean, I know he is the primale and all, but I mean, just to have fun. He will love it, promise.. If not, that is ok, no big deal. But I have an idea.. with stockings. You were probably wondering why I wanted them.. There is this movie...
    Sunday at 8:56pm · Like · 6
    A Christmas Story Leg Lamp "It's indescribably beautiful!"
    Ralphie's dad is excited to set up his "major award", a leg lamp in the front ro...
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    Sunday at 9:05pm · Like · 3
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*As she listened to Zee explain the details of this movie and what he wanted to use the stockings for, she couldn't help but grin. She placed the bowl and towels down to the corner of the bed and lowered into a bow.* Master Zee, I would be honored to assist you. Verily this will be fun. *She motioned to the supplies she brought, and meekly she stated,* mayhap you would like to be without soup on you for the rest of this eve?
    Sunday at 9:11pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He took the washcloth and mopped up a bit. He grinned at her and gestured towards Phury's leg leaning against the wall.*
    First of all, drop the master bit.. I am Zsadist or Zee. Period. It's what my friends and my family call me, so you call me that. Second of all, please do not tell me where the stockings came from. Let's wrap up the leg.. while he is sleeping, do you want to do anything else to him? draw on him? Whip cream? Come on, I will take the blame. I have been laying here forever ad I am bored.
    Sunday at 9:17pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She chuckled at the thought of drawing on her Primale. If Master Zee- just Zee - was to take the blame, she should agree? She lifted Phury's leg into her arms and brought it over, wow, it was quite heavier than she imagined. She handed over to Zee, and she grinned, immediately going into a drawer by the night stand, finding a marker, which is where Fritz kept them in every room. She moved over to the side of her Primale and uncapped the pen. Hesitation slammed into her. Would he be mad? Her eyes moved over to Zee who was fixing the stocking over Phury's prosthetic. She cleared her throat to get his attention.* Zsadist, are you sure?
    Sunday at 9:23pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*seeing her hesitation just strengthened his resolve further. Phury wanted to steal blankets and hog beds and be bitchy because he was sick, fine... he was going to pay. He finished putting the stocking on and turned to the Chosen..*
    oh no, don't you back out now. We are doing this, and I will take any heat there may be.. by the way, what do you want to be called?
    Sunday at 9:30pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She sighed in resolve, Zee was so content in this she did not want to disappoint him, and secretly this was a thrill for her. She would feel vindicated considering he had gotten Selena one of those electronic book readers and not on for her, too! A mischievous smile curled her lips and she nodded to Zee.* Mine name is Pheonia, but friends, as you said, call me Phe. *She inclined her head and met his eyes, hers sparkling,* Mine primale will look cute as a kitten, right Master...uh, Zee?
    Sunday at 9:35pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*grins and the female, he really liked this chosen, she was funny* yup, Phe.. a pu... I mean a kitty sounds perfect
    Sunday at 9:41pm · Like · 5
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She chuckled softly and moved the marker over his face. She drew whiskers and a triangle on the tip of his nose, and though he had fangs already, she drew them outside of his lips. When she was done, her Primale looked as though he was ready for that human holiday they celebrated months ago, Halloween. She laughed again, louder than before, and then her eyes widened, Phury was stirring! Oh Sweet Virgin in the Fade!
    She backed away slowly and moved to the other side of the bed to Master Zee, and bowed low to him, speaking in a whisper,* I must go sire.. I will not be able to lie or keep a straight face if he is to wake. I do hope you feel better soon. Please call upon me if you need anything more. I would be honored to assist you. *When she rose she smiled and ran quickly for the door, disappearing out into the hall.*
    Sunday at 9:45pm · Like · 5
    Phury Ahgony ‎*Hearing laughter in the room and a tickle on his face he began to stir and rise to wakefulness* as his eyes opened the first thing he saw was his leg propped against the wall ala Christmas Story. one of Z's favorite movies. Not sure if he was awake or asleep he decided he didn't have the energy to find out. He just shoved Z the bed hog in the ribs and pulled some covers onto himself and went back to sleep.*
    Xhex Tehrror
    ‎*Just coming in as the sun was rising she had been out on rotation walking the streets of Caldwell hunting Lessers with Rehvenge Rempoon, there had not been much action and she was kind of disappointed at that because she needed fight something and the only thing close to a fight was arguing with Rehv on what areas to check out. she needed to let off some steam* Heading down to the training center to workout she thought she would check on Muhrder Rathboone.*
    Like · · Monday at 9:01am ·
    Phury Ahgony, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Muhrder Rathboone and 5 others like this.
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*She had not seen much of him since he had been here and she heard the he had came down with this flu that is going around the mansion* Stopping in the kitchen before going up to she him, she grabbed him some Jello and a bottle of water* walking up and knocking on the door she kind of felt nervous but she brushed it off*
    Monday at 9:30am · Like · 5
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He jumped at the sound of a knock on the door. He figured the t.v. had been left on for the duration of his nap, so he opened his eyes to see and found himself buried in soft, fragrant female hair. He took a deep breath and tightened his arms.* Phe, wake up love. *He brushed back her hair and laughed softly as she moaned in disagreement on having to wake up.* Sweetling, we have company. *He pulled the covers up to her chin, and unwrapped her from his arms to sit up. He called out, still smiling and admiring that tiny female in hi bed.* Come in.
    Monday at 10:55am · Like · 8
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Opening the door to Muhrder's room she was a little shocked to see Phe in bed with him* Ummm sorry for bothering you, I just wanted to check on you and see how you were feeling and brought you something to eat.*Holding out the Jello and water* But I can see that you seem fine, I will just leave this for you and go.* walks back towards the door*
    Monday at 12:25pm · Like · 6
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Laughing a little as Phe burrowed deeper into the blankest, he looked to Xhex with a goofy grin on his face* It's not what it seems, Xhexania. We were watching a movie and I guess we both needed sleep. Thank you for the repast and for caring enough to come see me. I hope to be well enough to train soon. Think you may want to show me around the facilities? *Still smiling, he grabbed Phe's hand and gave a reassuring squeeze. He remembered a time when he and Xhex were in a spot similar to this in his home in the old country and there was a doggen and nudity involved. *
    Monday at 1:45pm · Like · 4
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Turning back around she held up her hand to him* You don't need to explain anything to me.We are ummm friends I just wanted to check in on you thats all, I am glad to see you are doing better, and when you are well enough we will plan a time for me to show you the facilities* Looking over at Phe* Please don't hurt him as I already have.* walking out the door she hoped that Phe could be better to him then she had been such a long time ago.*
    Monday at 1:52pm · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He hopped up and caught Xhex by the arm and stopped her escape.* Xhex, you........*He stopped in mid thought and just took a deep breath.* One day soon, you and I shall have a talk. *he smiled softly and sqezed her hand*
    Monday at 2:04pm · Like · 5
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Getting stopped short of closing the door she felt Muhrder grab her arm, turning to look at him she listened to what he had to say* Thats fine you know where to find me when you are ready to talk *smiling* but until then I wish you well.* Feeling a gentle squeeze on her hand, she squeezed back only for a second and let go* Now go back to bed, you may feel a little better, but you still look like shit* walking down the hall smiling*
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*having a Doggen bring her the house phone she listened to the message from a male named Damon Dhamned her jaw dropped as he said he was her half brother. she had to listen to the message a few times before it set in* My father has another child *the words sounded so strange coming from her mouth. she jotted down the phone number he left. taking a few deep breaths she dialed the phone and waited for him to answer. as she heard him say hello, she swallowed hard* Damon, my name is Beth, I um, well according to you, I am your sister.
    Unlike · · Follow Post · November 30 at 5:46pm
    You, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Sandie Baker, Claire Callaway and 14 others like this.
    Damon Dhamned ‎*The ringtone sounded loud in the quiet room and it took a few seconds of staring at the private number before it registered that this was the call he could be waiting on. Pressing the answer key, he raised it to his ear and answered, his Texan drawl slow and deep* Yes Ma'am I believe you are, according to this here piece of paper I am holding from some fancy Lawyer and if this is right, you are the dark haired female I am holding a picture with, standing with the blind King
    November 30 at 6:25pm · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. a lawyer had sent him a picture of her and King-Wrath. how could this be, she had been told she was his only child, and then John Matthew Tehrror was found and now this Damon person is saying he is her brother too* What lawyer? How did you get this information *and more importantly to her* How did you get this phone number? The Brotherhood phone number is impossible to get a hold of.
    November 30 at 7:30pm · Like · 10
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Reaching for the sheet of paper he read off the name of the Law Firm that handled the Brotherhood business* There is a note from Dar..Fat..from him, telling me that if I ever recieved this letter I was to contact this number and make myself known as his *he ground his teeth in frustration* as a relative of his. Don't for one moment think this easy for me, I can assure you, your highness *distain tinged his words* if it weren't for something that has happened I would have destroyed this letter and forgot I ever saw it.
    December 1 at 5:29am · Like · 9
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*fighting back a growl as he spoke of their father and the distain dripping of his words as he called her by her title* Well if you think this is easy for me, you're sure all hell wrong about that one. And as for the "your highness" I would advise you to remember who you are speaking to and until I have proof you are no brother of mine *feeling her young kick she stopped a minute and thought about what she was doing, she was becoming what she swore she would never be, a Queen. sighing heavily* I am sorry, I did not mean to be so rude or curt with you. *still unsure about this whole situation but knowing the only way to work anything out was going to be to get him here and talk to him and have Jane start running tests* This is all new for both of us, why don't you tel me where you are and I can have a Doggen come and get you and we can talk in person? *she sat holding her breath, not even realizing she was waiting for his response*
    December 1 at 12:42pm · Like · 8
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Talk to her? In person? Fuck. That would involve being in the Brotherhood Mansion, and fuck if he wasn't going to be somewhere that could make him pay for what he had done. Though...He was curious, curious as to his Father was and why he had never heard from him until now, he knew what the personal letter said. Giving in he told her the name of the motel he was at* I can drive there if someone can give me directions *There was no way in hell he was leaving his truck anywhere, it had every item of any value to him in the locked bed.* I have my vehicle here *There was also no way in hell he was going into that place unarmed.*
    December 2 at 4:30am · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*hearing him say he would drive himself, she knew that was not an option at all, no one could know where the mansion was without having someone brought them, shit what was she going to now* I am sorry Damon but I cannot allow to drive yourself, it is a breach of safety for the Brothers and their families whom live here. I can have a Dogeen pick you up *the windows of the car would be dark enough he wouldn't know where they were going* and another one can drive your truck behind them but that is the only way this can work. *she was not going to put the lives of everyone in her family in jeopardy for someone who claimed to be her half brother without having any proof*
    December 2 at 9:24am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Cold air filled the room as anger welled in him, anger that anyone would try and tell him what he could and could not do. Anger that anyone apart from him would get behind the wheel of his truck but fuck it, what was he going to do? He needed somewhere where he could hide out until this shit was over. It was either give in and see if the Lawyer was right and this was his sister or return to his Uncle's home and wait out until the heat was off him. He knew his Uncle would be pissed at having to cover for him, but out of some misguided affection he had for him, he would do it. He told her the name of the motel he was in again and the room number* Fine, whatever will make you sleep in your bed better at night. *He cut the call without saying goodbye and walked into the bathroom to shower off the sweat and blood from the Fight. Returning to the rundown bedroom, he pulled out jeans and a white t-shirt and pulled them both on, dragging his boots on, he sat down to wait for the Doggen to arrive*
    December 3 at 5:46pm · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she was about to respond to his brazen attitude and unneeded attitude towards her but before she could say anything the line went dead. she sat a moment and just starred at the phone, she really hopped she wasn't making a huge mistake. calling one of the Doggen she gave them the name of the motel and the room number. she instructed him to take at least two other Doggen with him, one to drive the truck and one to ride with him in the car with Damon. hanging up with the Doggen she debating on going to King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath but thought better of it at the moment. stroking her belly she walked to the closet and through on one of Wrath's sweatshirts to make sure her "brother" could smell Wrath all over her. walking down to the living room she waited for the Doggen to arrive with him*
    Sunday at 12:25am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He left the room, lifting his gear with him as he saw the limo pull. A look of amusement passed his face fleetingly as three stepped out. Did his half sister honestly think that three Doggen could stop him doing what he wanted? He had trained his whole life, pushed his body to its limits then shoved it further past. He had broken bones, bled and fucked his body up to keep him at the top of his game so he was pretty fucking sure he could take on three Doggen and not break a sweat. Tossing one of them the keys he snapped at him* I see a single mark on my girl, or anything missing, rest assured I will it out of your hide *The Doggen bowed, his face showing his fear as he slid into the back of the Limo. Once everyone was in position, the car moved and he leaned his head back until he felt the car pull to a stop. So this was it. Time to face whoever this female was that the Lawyer claimed was his kin. Taking hold of his kit bag, he opened the door before the Doggen could and stepped out onto the gravel drive, looking up at the sprawling building*
    Sunday at 1:13am · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*hearing the car stop in front of the house, she stood and walked to the foyer to wait for them. she had no idea what to expect and she hated that. hearing the door open she wrapped her arms around her belly and tried to not be frightened, because she knew he would smell. putting her best attitude forward, the one she used with King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, when he made her angry she stood there. watching the Doggen enter and then, there he was, her brother. she stood there and waited for him to make the first move*
    Sunday at 1:26am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Following the Doggen into the foyer, he glanced around before settling on the female that stood dead and center to the large open space. He looked her over, starting at the top of her dark head and letting his gaze travel down where she tried covering the obvious swell to her stomach. So he was going to be an Uncle after just finding out he had a sister and brother he knew shit all about. He pressed his tongue against his right fang and stopped a few feet away from her. What the fuck was he meant to say to her? Hey sweetheart, come give your brother a hug? He had never been much for words, relying on his fist and strength to get through everything. Instead he just looked at her, waiting to hear what she would say*
    Sunday at 1:37am · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*watching him walk in she took him in. the dark brown hair, the same color as her own. he was built like a Brother in training. taking him in she had no idea what to say to him, and as she watched him look her up and down it was clear that he had no idea either. shit it's not like she could wrap him in a big hug and welcome him into her home and pretend this wasn't awkward as all hell. she opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. turning to the one of the Doggen* Could you please bring tea into the living room, and please remember to make sure it is decaffeinated as well as some fruit, please. *turning to him, she tried to not sound too harsh as she spoke* Can I offer you something to eat or drink?
    Sunday at 1:47am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Looking at her for a moment, he shook his head* Not hungry, an Ice water would be good *he paused ad tacked on the end* please *He looked her over again* So I am to be an uncle *he couldn't keep the faint tinge of disgust from his voice, his accent growing thicker as he looked around the mansion* Nice digs you got here *he tucked his arms across his chest and looked direct at her* You want to see the letter I suppose? *not waiting for her answer, he dropped his kit bag to the floor with a bang and pulled out the Lawyer's letter, the note from Darius and the photographs and thrust them towards her* Here, read them and weep
    Sunday at 9:16am · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*nodding to the Doggen that it was fine* We will be in the living room *her jaw nearly came unhinged as he spoke of being an Uncle. she tightened her grip on her stomach and quickly looked around to make sure no one was around. listening to him speak she had a hard time controlling her anger as it was clear he did not want to be here and had no desire to know her or their family. glaring at him* Ya know, I don't get you why in the hell are you here when your disgust of me and this situation is so clear. Secondly I'd prefer you not talk about my personal life, that is not why you are here *turning on her heel she walked towards the living room* If you would actually like to speak to me in a civilized way I will be in here.
    Sunday at 10:13am · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He laughed, actually laughed so hard he thought tears were gone to run down his face* Well shit little lady, if I didn't think you my sister before that attitude would mark you as a relative of mine in a heartbeat. *he rubbed a hand over his face and started after her* Reason I am here? I got this letter, its fucking with my head, as far as I knew my father died years ago, more than 100 truth be told. According to my Uncle Dhamned who took me in after my Mother passed, I had no surviving relatives apart from him so I'm sure you get me when I say this shit has knocked me sideways. *He caught her arm and stopped her, making her look up at him* It fucked with me so hard that something happened tonight that pushed me into calling you when I had intended to ignore the letter *Nodding in the direction of the large television that nearly spanned one wall, he willed it on. A news report and a artist drawing of him showing across the screen*
    Sunday at 1:54pm · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She had spent the most of the time since she arrived here unpacking, only coming down for the occasional meal. She had yet to even meet with her cousins Zee and Phury, yet she was grateful they had taken her in. She decided today that she roam around the mansion and meet with the inhabitants. She exited her room and made her way down the hall, and down the grand staircase. She stood in the foyer attempting to decipher which direction she wanted to take, when the sound of a television caught her attention. She rounded the corner to see a large male engrossed in the happenings as they played by on a news broadcast. He was strikingly handsome, his features well chiseled and defined. She tried to walk behind him to get to the other side of the room, not wanting to disturb him~
    Sunday at 2:27pm · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*The scent of delicate perfume caught his attention, dragging him away from his focus on the wide screen where the reporter gave out details of the murder he had committed. He looked over his shoulder then turned fully to look at him. Had he been the poetic kind he would have likened her to an angel, she was more beautiful than any female he had laid eyes upon. From her long hair, her delicate face to how her clothes hugged her curvaceous body. His mouth dried and he had to raise a hand to make sure his mouth wasn't hanging open. What the fuck was wrong with him? He never acted like that over a female but for some reason he wanted to redress in something more appropriate than what he was wearing, to shave and make himself presentable. He looked back at his 'sister' then back at the female and swallowed*
    Sunday at 2:35pm · Like · 6
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She felt the minute someone's eyes laid on her, it was that innate feeling of being watched. She caught a glimpse of the male from the corner of her eye. He was the one watching. She stopped to retreat to the other side of the room and decided to let decent manners prevail. She squared her shoulders and made her way to where he was standing. She looked him in the eye and stuck out her hand~ I'm Hayden, daughter of Vhengeance. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. ~She smiled warmly at him~
    Sunday at 2:43pm · Like · 6
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He looked down at her small hand and reached out taking it into his much larger one. He was careful to not squeeze too tight as he raised it to his lips and brushed a kiss across her knuckles, his nose skimming her skin to draw her scent into his lungs. His texan drawl was harder than normal as she straightened to look down at her* Damon, son of Dhamned or the Warrior Darius I now believe to be the case. Brother of *he paused and looked at Elizabeth and straightened his spine* Elder brother of her highness Queen Elizabeth
    Sunday at 2:49pm · Like · 6
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~Her eyes widened slightly at the mention of both the Brother Darius and the Queen. This male's linage was impressive to say the least. She almost felt as if she needed to curtsy but decided against it. A faint blush marred her cheeks as his soft lips made contact with her flesh. This was the male that her Mahmen had warned her about. He was brutally handsome, oozed charm and that slow southern drawl of his voice made her legs as sturdy as water. She attempted to regain composure enough to speak~ I'm staying here with my cousins, the warriors Phury Ahgony and Zee Ahgony?
    Sunday at 3:08pm · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He knew the names there wasn't a pretrans alive that hadn't wanted to be part of the Brotherhood, for those that made it past transition, never had the lineage to back up what they were looking. Her voice was light and easy to listen to, one that he could enjoy just sitting with and listening to matter what she was talking about. She looked every inch the lady but he saw a fierceness underneath, one she tried to hide and it sparked an interest in him.* I don't know who they are darlin', only arrived here myself
    Sunday at 3:18pm · Like · 4
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She slightly inclined her head as he talked. His slow easy way of speaking, paired with the twanginess that was present in his voice was a combination that would have lesser women swooning. He was lying to say that he had never heard of the males in her family, and she supposed he had is reasons for such, although she didn't know what they were yet, they were his and his alone. She farther straightened her spine and squared her shoulders once more~ I've just arrived myself. If there is anything that you need, an ear to listen or just another voice to keep you company, please call me.
    Sunday at 3:38pm · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He searched her features and gave her a slow nod though he was sure if she took a moment to focus on the screen she wouldn't be so keen to spend time with him. He wasn't sorry for the type of male he was he prided himself on his fights, the wins the men who thought they were something that fell beneath the hammer of his fist. She deserved better in her company than the likes of him. How he had managed a full sentence without the word fuck in it was still an amazement to him* Thank you.. Hayden.. *her name rolled off his tongue*
    Sunday at 3:47pm · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*turning toward the television she saw an artist rendition of a male that looked exactly like him. her jaw went slack as she saw what he was being accused of. all she could think was shit, she brought this male into her home, what if this truly was the biggest mistake she would ever make. watching the entire report, she vaguely heard him talking to someone but was too focused on the report to really notice. as it ended she turned back toward him and saw Phury and Zee's cousin Hayden walking out of the room. anger and fear flooded her* You did that? That male they are looking for, it's you?
    Selena ChosenLassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*slowly she pushed the door open, peeking her head in through the small opening she made she looks to find her angel already in bed with a deep breath in pushes the door open enough to walk through before closing it, walking up to the bed she slides in behind him pressing the front of her body tight against his back she rained soft kisses on his broad shoulders and the back of his neck, she could feel his warmth easily through the blue tank top and matching cotton shorts he feel so warm and solid pressed against her body, stopping her kisses she rested her forehead against the middle of his back as she let her breath start to match his as she waited for him too speak, hoping he wasn't already asleep that is*
    Stateless - Bloodstream
    One of their most beautiful tunes... From the self-titled album 'Stateless' (2007). Stateless online @ (official website) (My...
    Unlike · · Share · See Friendship · Yesterday at 1:00am ·
    You, Emma Lou, Cormia Ahgony, Xhex Tehrror and 3 others like this.
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Laying in bed even though he really didn't sleep he liked to dream sometimes and lately he REALLY liked his dream..They seemed to take have a life of their own on a more explicit nature and damn if he didn't want more..*..Ahh Selena...*He...
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    Yesterday at 1:23am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled into the skin off his back as her fingers moved around his ripped stomach to settle there as she spoke* I want to be with my lover. I like feeling your body close to mine.... *she nuzzled her face into his back her hands pulling him closer to her still*
    Yesterday at 1:31am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*reaching down to cover her hands with his*..It's ok sweets, I know how you feel..I had to stop myself several times from coming to you myself...*he rolled onto his other side so they were facing each other*...I like having you in my bed...*he reached up a finger to trace her cheek and tuck a stray hair behind her ear*...I don;t know how I am supposed to be very angelic with you right here all warm and soft next to me...
    Yesterday at 1:36am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her head lifted slightly into his hand with a whimper as he traced her cheek, her eyes feel closed at the feelings of serenity, lust and happiness washed over her in a mixed tidal wave she loved when he touched her, weather it was the caress of his finger down her cheek or his roaming hands as they pulled her soft smaller body toward him she loved it all, he made her feel so many new things and she wanted to explore them all with him*
    Yesterday at 1:42am · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*feeling her so close to him made his whole body come to life..As it did anytime she was near*...I know I said I want to honor you and I will, but i can not promise that if you stay here that I wont do everything but totally dishonor you doll...*Realizing that he had done nothing but think of sex ALL fucking day like a out of control hormonal teenager..And every image that passed through his mind was of her..He didn't know what was happening to him but he couldn't control his damn hormones today and his dick kept telling his brain to shut up*
    Yesterday at 1:48am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*looking up at him she smiled softly and snuggled closer to him she buried her face into his neck, her lips running up and down his soft skin as her hands explored his chest she whispered into the skin of his neck* You wont hurt me angel...i know you won't..... *she started to lay open mouth kisses on his neck, dear scribe virgin his skin tasted divine*
    Yesterday at 1:55am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He didn't know if there was something in the air, but, damn if her touch wasn't the most erotic thing he had EVER felt*..They must be pumping something through the air duck doll, because your touch has me harder than a physics test for a 1st grader..And no sweets, I would never hurt you..I only plan to make you feel amazing things, and more...Are you sure you are really ready for this..Us..You have to make sure this is what you want..Because there is no going back once you say yes...
    Yesterday at 2:01am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she stops her kisses on his neck to look him in the eyes as she speaks* I want you Lassiter, your my lover and i want nothing more then to be yours because you make me feel special with a just one look. *leaning her forehead against his she brushed her lips over his in a soft caress*
    Yesterday at 2:04am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*on a growl he said*..ARE.YOU.SURE?
    Yesterday at 2:05am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*feeling his growl vibrate through her whole body she moaned against his lips, her eyes fluttering shut as she gripped onto his body* Yes.....
    Yesterday at 2:08am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Who knew one word held SO much power over him..Because as soon as she said it his Big Boy Brain shut off and his "other" one took over..It was as if a dam had broken and he was helpless to do anything but go along for the ride..*...*He let out a second growl that he was sure shook the rafters and pulled her as close as he could get without sharing the same skin for one of the most passionate kisses that even he didn't know he was capable of*
    Yesterday at 2:12am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*the second his lips touched hers she knew she was lost to him, the kiss set her blood on fire and the core of her body was now drenched in her desire for this male, her hands fisted into his hair as he kissed her with no boundaries and dear scribe virgin in the fade she loved how out of control he was*
    Yesterday at 2:16am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*somewhere in the back of his fogged out brain he knew he was going against the boundary he had set for himself with her, but it was drown out by lust and desire...Desire to feel her and by the gods make her feel him...He kissed every part of her face and moved on to her neck while his hands memorized every curve of her back and slowly slid up the back of her neck to push into her hair and lightly pull her head back to give him better access*...You smell of fesh linens off of the laundry line and daisies, soft and ohhh so sweet..*he nibble his way up to her chin*...
    Yesterday at 2:28am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her whole body shuddered as he pulled her head back softly by her hair, her mouth feel open when his lips touched her now flaming and over sensitive skin oh dear scribe she could feel every brush over his lips and feel the gush of warm air from his mouth every time he spoke, her hands slid down his back slowly her nails making scratch marks as she went*
    Yesterday at 2:35am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*as soon as her nails scored his back he had to close his eyes at the overwhelming desire to have fangs right about now cause it was a primal need to want to bite into her skin....What the hell was happening to him...He puled back slowly and looked her in the eyes...wrap your leg over my hip doll..
    Yesterday at 2:53am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she obeyed him with out hesitation, throwing her leg over his hip she gasped as she felt his hot length press against her core, her kisses became demanding as she nicked his bottom lip with her fangs careful not to make him bleed for fear of his blood hurting her she whimpered into his mouth as her hips bucked against him to find friction for the sudden ache between her thighs that she didn't understand*
    Yesterday at 3:00am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*as soon as she did what he demanded, he lifted slightly and pulled her underneath him and pressed his body into her, careful not to put all of his weight on her...He buried his face into her hair and inhaled deep, then he made his way to her gloriously swollen and pink lips..He ran his tongue along the seam of her lips and plunged into her mouth over and over*
    Yesterday at 3:08am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*feeling his tongue trace across the seam of her lips she grinned and opened her mouth to him, as he tongue tasted her she bucked her hips up to meet his as a groan of pure ecstasy was pulled from her body and swallowed by his mouth, her fingers were wound tight in his hair holding his face to hers as he devoured her, drank her in like a thirsty man in need of water
    Yesterday at 3:15am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*after he took what he needed from her mouth (for the moment)..He kissed his way to her ear and whispered on a growl..* have to taste you..ALL of you!!...Don't be afraid, just let me make you fly...
    Yesterday at 3:23am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*hearing his words the apex between her thighs flooded, she had read about what he was going to do in books her sisters and doctor jane had been passing around. releasing a soft whimper she nodded and watched him with baited breath*
    Yesterday at 3:26am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He reached down and lifted the hem of her top to pull it over her head and just sat there and stared like a kid in front of the puppy window*...By all that is holy, you are a work of art..*he sent out a prayer of thanks to the Scribe herself for creating such a thing of perfection....he took one hand and palmed her breast with his thumb gently rubbing circles around her pink and very erect nipple...she bucked under him and he rewarded her by doing the same to her other breast*
    Yesterday at 3:34am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her body was trembling on the bed, her bottom lip caught between her shape fang as he palmed her breasts his skilled fingers brushing over her erect nipples was driving her mad* Sweet Scribe Virgin in the fade lover do something.... *she whimpered as her body bucked under his*
    Yesterday at 3:39am · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*looking into her dazed eyes all the while softly twisting her nipples with his fingers*...What would you like me to do "Lover"??..*he said the last part on a growl*
    Yesterday at 3:41am · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her back arched off the bed pushing her breasts into his hands as he played with her sensitive nipples, her lips parted in a loud moan her glazed and heavy lidded eyes watched him as he hovered over her and his fingers made her body burn,...
    See More
    16 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he smiled down at her, loving the way her body responded to him...He bent down and mumble*... You are a feast for the soul doll..*taking one of her sensitive nipples into his mouth he gently sucked and pulled at it with his teeth*
    15 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*feeling his teeth on her nipple made her winch before she whimpered softly, his teeth sent a pleasurable pain through her body her hands combed through his hair as he laved attention on her nipple, his other hand plucking at the other as he did, oh dear scribe this male had her in a state of frenzy with emotions she couldn't understand she wanted him to make the ache between her thighs stop, tightening her fingers in his hair she released a sob of pleasure* Please lassiter.....the ache! *her hips arched off the bed to buck against him as she cried out for him*
    15 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*the pull on his hair made him want to suck even harder, but he opted for giving the other breast the some attention...He slowly, giving her time to back off if it was too much, reached down to pull off her sexy little shorts (reminding himself to have a chat with her about wearing them around the manse in front of other males,he may have honor, be wouldn't hesitate to rip some fucking eyes out)...raining kisses down her stomach and on each hip and belly button, he hooked both of her legs over his shoulders..He looked up at her and whispered*...have to taste you...NOW!!
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*as he slid her short and underwear down her legs she lifted her hips off the bed so he could take them off completely, watching as he slid down her body his soft plump lips raining open mouth kisses over the shivering skin of her stomach she bite down on her bottom lip at the erotic sight of it, as his lips brushed her hips they bucked up on reflex as his eyes meet hers she moaned as she came up on her elbows to watch him, her eyes a dark blue and heavy lidded*
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He leaned in and blew a hot breath across her swollen folds and then gave one long lick of his tongue through them...He had to place a hand over her stomach to hold her down as her body bucked upward and she tried to come completely off the bed...He gave another slow lick and then took her clit into his mouth and sucked hard*
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*her jumped as his tongue brushed a place no one had ever touch her, she released a embarrassingly loud moan as his pressed his hand down on her lower stomach holding her body to the bed he sucked her swollen nub into his mouth, her eyes rolled back into her skull as he tasted her this feeling was more intense then anything she has ever felt before she felt some of it that night on his couch when he make her body fall apart, but now her body was shaking violently at the new sensations coursing through her every lick of his tongue against her drenched folds made her whimper and try to buck against his hold, the sight of his head between her thighs had a rush of more liquid settle between her legs for him to taste*
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He sucked and licked and licked and sucked and he was rewarded with her flooding his mouth with what had to be the sweetest honey ever created..And it was all for him..Just the knowledge that he was doing and going where NO MAN let alone angel had ever been before had him so hard he thought he would brake..Thankful he was wearing only silk boxers , he shifted a little to relieve some of the pressure building in his balls...HE slowly pushed one finger into her and found that she was so tight he might come just from the feel of her*
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*feeling his finger slid into her body she froze up and her inner walls clamped down around his finger, it was an odd feeling not unpleasant but something new to her as her head feel back she stuttered out* L..l..lover what are you d..d...doing?
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*feeling her clamp down on his finger like a vise grip made him want to replace his finger with his cock*...Giving you what you want doll, you just didn't know you wanted it, but your body does..*He continued to alternate between his finger and sucking her clit..Careful not to push in too far as she has never had this before, he wanted it to be HIM that took her that way*
    14 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*feeling his finger slid in and out of her body she felt something start to build with in her lower stomach, it felt very familiar but at the same time she knew it was more powerful this time around and dear scribe in the fade she wanted it she wanted to break into pieces by his hands and tongue on her body, looking down at him she whimpered her eyes were wide and anxious* Lassiter...oh lover what is this feeling!?... *her hips started to rock against his fingers and tongue the feeling started to spread making her thighs tremble on his shoulders*
    13 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen This doll is me..Loving yo..*stopping mid sentence..fuck fuck fuck fuck..Back off dumbass* Loving your body doll, just let go and fall, I've got you..*he continued to drive her to the edge in hopes that she just let go and fell*
    13 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*her body was one giant nerve, every flick of his tongue and thrust of his fingers had her body tightening with a need she didn't understand she wanted him so much in this moment she could hardly stand it, feeling something in her body start to rise at an alarming rate she arched off the bed as something finally snapped in her lower stomach her hips bucked wildly as she cried out to the ceiling her head kicked back as she rode out the intense waves* oh...oh..OOOOOOH LASSITER!!! *she screamed until her voice went hoarse, finally she fell back onto the mattress her whole body still shaking*
    13 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Taking her higher and higher until he felt her body finally coil and fragment he continued to slowly work her down and holy fuck the taste was unlike anything he had ever experienced, and he wanted it all, so he sucked her dry...when he knew that her body had given all that it could he climbed up and pulled her into his arms*...You make me the luckiest male in heaven and on earth sweets, and I am so honored that you chose me of all the worthy males that you could have so easily chosen over me, and for that I promise to make you the most cherished female the world has ever know...*and then he kissed her until the ache in his chest subsided*...
    12 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*she could taste herself on his lips but she didn't mind the taste, she could feel his kiss in her bones and dear scribe in the fade he made her heart swell as her hands slid up his back slowly to come to rest on the back of his neck, her body was tingling and it wasn't just for what he did to her it was him period. He made her feel so alive for the first time she wasn't stumbling to catch up to understand something she liked that with him, and she planed to hold onto it as long as she could*
    12 hours ago · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*when they broke their kiss ha looked into her eyes and could swear he would drown in what he saw there...A female o worth looking back at him like he hung the moon, and DAMN if it didn't make HIM feel as if he did and could if she only asked it of him..Kissing her forehead he said*..We should get going if we don't want to be late for the party at the Mask doll...And do me a favor if you would..Please...Never loose the way you are looking at me right now...
    12 hours ago · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled softly at him and shook her head* I will never look at you any different lover.
    Phury Ahgony
    ‎Cormia I know I smell like vicks but please come to me now. I need to be close to you. I miss the feel of your silken skin so much, the smell of you, just being close to you.
    Like · · Monday at 7:15pm ·
    Grace Alexander, Emma Lou, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 11 others like this.
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She stepped out of the bathroom, fresh from the shower and heard her hellren call out for her. She wanted him....oh, so badly, but knew he was still not feeling 100%. This sickness has taken a lot out of him, and she didn't want to stress his body anymore, no matter how much she needed him. She grabbed a sponge, and a pan of warm soapy water & a towel to clean him up. Perhaps her hands on his body would be enough to soothe the ache she was feeling in her loins.* I've missed you too, hellren mine. Are you up for a sponge bath?
    Monday at 7:19pm · Like · 10
    Phury Ahgony ‎* A low groan came up out of his chest* a sponge bath would be wonderful nalla. Anything that will have you touching me would be wonderful. I just need your beautiful hands on me. Touching me. On my skin. Touching my skin. *He just continued babbling on about wanting and needing her*
    Monday at 7:36pm · Like · 8
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She smiled as she walked up to him, and tried her best to not breathe in too deeply. She had to get rid of that Vicks smell. She uncovered his body, took a moment to admire him....his beautiful face, his amazing tri-colored hair, his six pack.....she didn't dare look any lower. She was having enough problems keeping her hormones in check as it was. Oh how she thanked the virgin scribe for giving this male to her. He truly was perfection brought to life. She placed the pan of warm, soapy water on the night stand, dipped her sponge in, wrung it out and brought it over to him.* I hope the temperature is okay....I didn't want to make it too hot. *She started wiping his chest, hoping she could slow her heartrate. It was a sponge bath for scribes sake.....nothing to feel this worked up over.*
    Monday at 7:43pm · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony YOU are too hot leelan. *Just looking at her sent sparks though his veins, right into his heart. Her lovely honied hair hanging over her shoulders, her jade colored eyes looking him over admiringly. Yes that is want he needed to feel like a male again instead of a sickly lump. his loins were stirring in a familiar energy* Nalla you are so indescribeably beautiful to me. your hands feel so good. Your touch is like magick. Do you feel my heart racing at your mere touch? I am the luckiest male on the earth. To think that you accepted me as you hellren.....
    Monday at 9:36pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as Phury complimented her. She dipped her sponge and wrung out the excess soapy water, then continued down his body, making sure to put her hands on him as much as she possibly could. She needed this male....sickness be damned. She let out a sigh.* I do feel your heart racing, mine is as well. *She bit her lip as she continued to check him out* It has been far too long since I have had my hands on you, my love.
    Monday at 9:43pm · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony He felt his shaft begin to harden with both her words and her touch. And she was only washing his face, arms and torso. Well she would be surprised when she pulled the covers back some more. * Leelan I want your hands ALL over me *fangy grin* you make me feel like the male the Scribe Virgin meant me to be. your blush is so becoming even after all these years, there is nothing that i do not find lovely about you. And nothing about you that doesn't arouse me. *He took her hand and pulled it under the sheet to feel his long hard cock, the anticipation of her delicate hands touching him nearly too much after so long*
    Monday at 10:03pm · Like · 6
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*Her blush deepened as he pulled her hand below the sheet, and placed it on his cock. She let out a gasp as she felt how hard he was for her. She gave a tentative stroke and could already feel the pre-cum leaking from him. As she brought her hand back down his throbbing shaft, she used the pre-cum as a natural lube. With every stroke, she could see his ab muscles contracting, hear him letting out moans and smell his bonding scent perfuming the air around them. She licked her lips and smiled up at him with a twinkle in her eye* Enjoying yourself, hellren mine?
    Monday at 10:24pm · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He felt her touch him and saw her blush so beautifully which only aroused him further and caused even more precum to drip out of him. It had been so long.....But sickness was the last thing on his mind as she began to stroke his length. He moaned and felt his muscles contract as he felt heat building from every part of his body and racing to his balls. His breath in pants he answered * oh yes i'm enjoying myself quite well. i've never enjoyed a bath this much*
    Monday at 10:42pm · Like · 5
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She heard his breathing change, and knew he was close, she quickened her strokes, pulling her hand up over the head of his cock, and dragging it back down to the base. She wanted nothing more than to climb on top of him to finish them both off, but this was all about him. She continued her stroking and heard him moan out her name as he came. She smiled down at him, then kissed him gently on the lips.* Well, look at're all dirty again. *She walked back into the bathroom, got fresh warm soapy water, & went back to clean her hellren up. As soon as he was clean, she climbed up into bed, and tucked herself under his arm, needing to be close to him.*
    Monday at 11:04pm · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He wanted to please his shellan more than anything and as she washed him off again, he felt himself becoming aroused again. He simply did not have the energy. Fucking flu. So he allowed her to simply lay under his arm and enjoyed the feel and scent of her. There is always tomorrow.*
    Saxton Thym
    ‎*He moaned as his lips moved over his lovers neck, his skin was warm. He tasted of pure male, spicy and intoxicating. Lower and lower he moved, kissing his way down to Blaylock's hard nipple, he gently sucked it and ran his teeth over the little pink bud. His lover ground his hips and moaned, his hard shaft pressing against him. He licked and kissed his hard abs, he nipped at him. He kissed Blay's hips and nibbled on them, his lover groaned when he found the soft spot on his hip that he loved so much. He began to kiss lower and lower. He moaned at the taste of his lover. He heard him say his name* Saxton.*He loved how it sounded on his lovers lips, again he heard Blay say his name. He felt a shaking sensation and opened his eyes. Blay was staring at him and laughing, he looked puzzled until his lover explained that he had been dreaming and kissing the pillow. He picked it up and threw it at Blay, he just knocked it out of the way then grabbed him and kissed him. He was glad his strength was returning, he was going to make up for lost time with Blay*
    Xhex Tehrror
    *laying on their bed wait on John Matthew Tehrror*
    Unlike · · Share · 19 hours ago
    You, Claire Callaway, Lassiter The-Fallen, Phyllis Etuarte and 2 others like this.
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*yawns, rubbing the back of his neck as he all but tumbles into the room... oblivious to the beauty on the bed*
    19 hours ago · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Getting up on her knees she grabbed him by the front of his jeans before he could hit the bed* ummm I missed you....
    19 hours ago · Like · 5
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*has no time to reply, his arms flailing as he attempts to keep his balance and prevent smothering her with his muscles of steal. let's his eyes wander and swallows, certain parts of his body 'coming up' with and as a reply to her words rather quickly. nods and signs* I may have missed you, too. A little...
    19 hours ago · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*smiles* A little....*unzipping his jeans and sliding them down* from what I see, you have missed me a lot..
    19 hours ago · Like · 5
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*..well.. that was just unfair. signs - cheater*
    19 hours ago · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Laughs a little* No its not, I want you just as much as I can see you want me. * Pulling him closer she lifts his shirt and starts kissing his rock hard stomach*
    19 hours ago · Like · 4
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*hmm, he could get utsed to that... maybe he needed to stay out a little longer, often. Grins at the thought before washing the looks of his face, not wanting to give away his 'master plan'* I like it when you are like this.. and I am going to stop signing now so you can concentrate on what you're doing there.. and don't have to interrupt my pleasure. *laughs* God, I am an ass.
    18 hours ago · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Rolls her eyes and laughs against his stomach, she pulls his jeans the rest of the way down.* Feeling the throbbing between her thighs she couldn't take it any longer, sliding up on the bed she pulled John with her very much ready to feel him inside of her* I want you now she said through her fangs.
    18 hours ago · Like · 5
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*no foreplay? When had he died and gone to .. heaven, or some place else. Nods, sliding his hand between her thighs, parting the soft folds he was craving*
    18 hours ago · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Feeling his hand slide between her legs she let out a loud moan* Pulling him close she ran her fangs down the side of his neck and slide her hand down to his hard cock* I want to taste you.
    17 hours ago · Like · 2
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*throws his head back, a deep moan caught in the back of his throat. The feel of her hand on him intoxicating as he sinks a finger deep inside her, tilting his head to the side to expose his neck... an open invitation*
    17 hours ago · Like · 4
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*The rush of heat took her over as John slide is fingers in and out of her, she couldn't take it any longer she had to have him, taste him. Climbing on top of him she slide him cock deep inside of her* Letting out a loud moan, as he moved in and out of her she leaned down and kissed the side of his neck then slide her fangs in deep*
    17 hours ago · Like · 4
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*feels her moist heat surround him, hands fisting into the sheets as he allows her to ride him. Nearly goes over the edge as the pain of her fangs breaking his skin mixes with the pleasure of her on top of him, his cock growing harder with every thrust.. almost painfully so*
    17 hours ago · Like · 3
    Xhex Tehrror Tasting him in her mouth and feeling him pounding deep inside of her, she felt like she was going to explode, pulling back she licked the spot she had bit him and sealed it up. Bite me she said, now...
    17 hours ago · Like · 1
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*nods, not needing a second invitation. Brings his hand up to cup the back of her head, turning it to expose her throbbing jugular, his fangs elongating in sheer anticipation. Leans up and brushes his lips over her soft skin before biting down, sweat now covering most of his body*
    17 hours ago · Like · 2
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Feeling him sink his fangs into her neck, she cried out in pure pleasure and it pushed her over the edge, she felt herself tighten around his cock, she dug her nails into his back and road out her orgasm taking everything he was giving her*
    8 hours ago · Like
    John Matthew Tehrror ‎*feeling her body quiver, the muscles of her spasming around his rockhard dick, he took another of strong pulls from her before he, too, joined her in sheer ectasty. Hands grabbing her ass tightly as he drove himself deeper into her, giving her everything she had asked for and claiming her in return*
    Marissa O'Neal
    ‎*rolling over in bed she felt a slight ache in her lower stomach, she didn't think much of. slowly opening her eyes she saw her Butch still sound asleep, above the waist that was. looking down his body she saw his shaft standing straight up under the sheet. sliding over she draped her arm over his chest and nuzzled his neck. she and that strongest need to feel him right now for some reason*
    Like · · 9 hours ago ·
    Emma Lou, Claire Callaway and 2 others like this.
    Butch O'Neal ‎*Feeling Marissa moving around, he began to stir. When she nuzzled his neck, his top half caught up with his lower half. With a groan he rolled toward her, burying his hand in her hair and finding her mouth with his own. There was never a time that he didn't want her, but right now there was an urgency to be inside her that was impossible to ignore. He could vaguely remember this happening before. At least this time he was waking up next to his beautiful shellan. He ran his hands over her body, stroking her, loving her. He ran his tongue down her throat and closed his mouth around her nipple ,enjoying her sharp intake of breath. With his voice even rougher than usual, he grinned up at her* Good morning Baby..
    Bella Ahgony
    ‎*a strange sensation began to grow within her as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. It was unlike anything she had ever felt yet at the same time there was something rather familar about it, with a sigh she shrugged it off tossling her long dark strands over her bare shoulders and walked into their bedroom to dress... now that her hellran was better she really didnt want to bother Zee.. Her eyes immediately caught sight of his large masculine form.. he was built like a warrior his upper body bare as he searched his wardrobe for a tee.. muscled broad shoulders that led to massive and perfectly sculpted arms and pecks. She moistened her full pink lips as her sapphire gaze continued to trail its way down to his perfectly taut and tapered waist. She almost groaned aloud, she actually may have at just the thought of how she loved to scrape her fangs across each and everyone of his perfect abs. She was staring at him... blatantly starring at her Hellran as she stood almost completely nude in the doorway that connected their bathroom and bedroom* — with Zee Ahgony.
    Like · · 11 hours ago ·
    Emma Lou, Linda von H and Zee Ahgony like this.
    Zee Ahgony ‎*he woke feeling great. Finally over that fucking flu. Bella's warm body next to him. They arose at the same time, shared their usual morning banter, laid there together and greated the day. So it didn't really make sense that all he could do was picture them getting right back in that bed and starting the day entirely different. As he looked through the closed for a new pair of sweats, he felt her behind him Her scent was incredible, more distracting than usual even. He turned to see her staring at him. He stood there, watching her watching him. The look on her face captivated him and he couldn't look away. As he stood there, t-shirt in hand, all he could do was imagine her underneath him. He didn't even know how to ask her for what he needed from her. This was not the norm. Their sex life was amazing, but, still, he normally didn't pounce on her as she was trying to get out the door. Scribe knew he was a selfish son of a bitch, but he was normally more cognizant of the fact that she had things to attend to, and her hellren needing to be inside of her instead of letting her get on with her day was a bit much even for him. By the look on her face, however, she was thinking along the same lines as he was.* Bella? Everything ok?
    10 hours ago · Like · 3
    Bella Ahgony ‎*she almost didn't hear him, her eyes were still glued to his chest as it bunched and flexed with each gesture of his hands as the fumbled with the thin white tee... She shook her head from the fixation and shot her eyes back up to his who's were now also gazing at her with rather thoughtful intentions?* Yes, Nallum... *she said sofly her hand falling from her necklace, lightly brushing against the swell of her breast and lace of her black bra. Her hips slowly rolling her forward in his direction.... Gods, it was as if he was oozing raw sexuality. If she kept this up Nalla was never going to be taken down for breakfast* I ummm... *she bit her bottom lip as she walked passed him purposefully letting the skin of her arm brush against the warm expanse of his back* I just need to get dressed.. *she called out over her shoulder as she made her way over to her dresser*
    10 hours ago · Like · 3
    Zee Ahgony ‎*his arm snaked out and his large hand wrapped around her delicate wrist. He trailed his other hand over her brow, and down her soft dark tresses. She was so beautiful, it was blinding. He drew her towards him.. his head dipping down to her neck, inhaling her scent, trailing a fang up her throat. He tried to speak and all that came out was a growl. He tried again. His voice was rough with a sudden need for her that was impossible to ignore. * Bella, I want to be inside you. Now.
    10 hours ago · Like · 3
    Bella Ahgony ‎*she turned to face him, his canary eyes almost glowing with his building need and the recognition in them caused her own blues to spark right back* Then.... *she continued to pace into the direction of the dresser, Zee's free hand instantly grasping her tightly by the waist and lifting her to set her down almost roughly onto her dresser, she moaned at the force.. the sheer need that it screamed within her waking her completely from whatever lustful like dream state she had awoken in* Then Nallum, if that's what you need *she said pulling her lips up to the lobe of his ear, her long dancers legs snaking around his waist and pulling him tightly into her* take. what. you. need.
    10 hours ago · Like · 3
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He used his mouth on her. Starting with Bella's upturned lips. He nibbled, and then he used his tongue to explore her mouth. At her sharp intake of breath he began to move down her body. Running the tip of his tongue over her throat, his fangs elongated at the same time he hardened to a point where it was very nearly painful. He wanted inside his female, but first he wanted her to ache like he did. She arched her back as he moved down, over her breasts, his mouth closing over the hardened peaks. All she had managed to put on this morning were matching bra and panties, and they were not going to be fit for wearing after this. He used his fang to release her breasts from the lacy bra, and they spilled over into his hands. He used his thumbs on the pink tips, and then he alternated between licking them and then gently sucking on them till they were both hard and she was panting. He moved his hand down her tight, flat abdomen, his finger tips skimming the panties as his mouth followed the path his hand travelled.*
    10 hours ago · Like · 3
    Bella Ahgony ‎*he left her almost panting her hands flanked at either side of her hips gripping hard at the cherry wood dresser , as his hand played tortuously with the elastic of her panties.. under normal circumstances she rather enjoyed his playful teasing... but for some reason, one she couldn't explain a low a deep purr began to erupt from her chest* MORE Nallum... *she almost demanded as the growing ache inside of her to feel him was beginning to take her over, was almost becoming painful?* I need to feel you... *she whispered again through catching breaths... her swollen and heaving breasts rising and falling with each attempt at catching her breath.. to steady herself, but she was well past calming now. There was only one thing she wanted... her hellran to fuck her until she could no longer move*
    9 hours ago · Like · 3
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He held her writs, one in each of his large hands. He used his body to nudge her legs further apart and he put his mouth to her core, on the outside of her panties. The need inside her was fierce, building with a ferocity he hadn't seen in a long time. He couldn't understand why, what would be different, but she became almost frantic. She let out a yell as he began to use his mouth on her. He trapped both her wrists in one of his hands and wrenched the panties off of her and began to tongue her in earnest, using his finger in between thrusts with his tongue. She was so wet, he slipped another finger into her, feeling the sensitive walls spasm. She was close, but the need was still building. He looked up at her and her eyes were glazed over, like she wasn't really seeing, just feeling. He lifted her and dragged her against his body, carrying her over to the bed. He lay on top of her, while she writhed around him and he continued to use his fingers on her, using his other hand to hold her still. Fuck, she was all over the place. He was almost beginning to worry, but his need to fuck her was so great he didn't know how to articulate the words at this point*
    9 hours ago · Like · 3
    Bella Ahgony PLEASEE, Nallum *she moaned/cried out at the feel of his weight now fully pressing over her, the way his finger worked at her aching and soaking core* fuck me nallum.... please? *she whimpered again as she felt her walls tightening around his fingers. She somehow managed to break a hand free and reached for the elastic of his track pants almost ripping them down off of his waist freeing his huge and throbbing cock, the sight of it alone almost made her cum* uhhhhhh *she groaned as her hand quickly wrapped itself around its base giving it a tight squeeze before stroking it from hilt to tip*
    9 hours ago · Like · 2
    Zee Ahgony ‎*fuuuck, the feel of Bella's hand on his cock almost pushed him over the edge. He gripped her hips and with one smooth, powerful thrust he entered her. She was so wet, the heat was unbelievable. Without hesitating to give her time to adjust, he surged forward again and she cried out her pleasure. Her walls gripped his cock and he gritted his teeth against the need to pound into her. His fangs were throbbing and his cock was throbbing and all he wanted to do was bite her and fuck her. But this was his Bella, and he forced himself to slow down, see what she needed from him. His blood was pounding as he inhaled her scent and felt her need for him*
    9 hours ago · Like · 2
    Bella Ahgony ‎*she threw her head back, her spine arching like a cat as her orgasm took her over... surging through her with an unrelenting force.. that of which was almost as strong as the way Zee continued to drive himself into her, each thrust harder and deeper then the last and it was driving her absolutely crazy the way he was taking her* Yes... Oh Nallum, yess.. *her moans escalating to the point that she was sure anyone within 100 yards could hear them, but she didnt care... all she cared about was how much she needed him. Her hands now free as his were planted firmly gripped to her hips.. she ran her nails across her perfectly muscled and now glistening chest and stomach* Feed from me Nallum... *she purred as each thrust caused her chest to bounce, caused each breath to hitch in her throat. She could see how much he needed her, how much he wanted to feed from her.. and she wanted him to have exactly what he needed*
    9 hours ago · Like · 2
    Zee Ahgony ‎*he didn't hesitate. He dragged her up his body, holding her so that her chest was flush against him. He growled low against her throat and kissed her. He struck decisively, and drew from her in long greedy pulls. As soon as he bit her she climaxed, sending spasms and tremors directly to his cock. He held her tightly against him and continued to take her vein. The strength of her blood came from it's purity, but that isn't what drove him. It was his need to be inside her and for her to take from him. He licked and sealed the bite marks, continuing to thrust into her.*
    9 hours ago · Like · 2
    Bella Ahgony ‎*the moment the mix of sensations that came from his feeding and her orgasming once again, she clung to him pulling herself into him as tightly as was possible.. her hips still rocking against his hard shaft taking him in and out of her in quick hard thrusts. She didn't even need him to say it, she leaned her perfect lips to his throat ran a small line across it with her tongue and sank her fangs deeply into him pulling his sweet delicious blood into her mouth, loving the way it felt as it pooled into her mouth and slowly ran down her throat. He growled in approval the vibrations from his chest felt against her own. His thrusts growing once again harder and deeper... and as she pulled back sealing his wounds with her tongue she pulled her eyes to his gazing deeply into them as he took her still, he body pounding into her as they stayed locked so closely together* Nallumm.... *she moaned not once breaking the intensity of their gaze*
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*her eyes shot open as she felt an all too familiar feeling in her stomach, breathlessly she uttered* Needing *she had no idea who it could be but she knew it was happening. rolling over she saw King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath lying on his side, the sheet pushed to the end of the bed and sure enough, he was feeling the effects of it too. his cock stood ramrod stiff from his body. crawling across the bed to him she began placing feather light kisses along his jaw, hoping to wake him*
    Phury Ahgony
    ‎*As he lay sleeping he was suddenly wakened by a jolt to his loins. This was a familiar feeling. Not just sexual desire but compulsion. Almost as if the Wizard had taken over his cock. It was hard as a rock and pressing up against Cormia's ass. This feeling reminded him of Bella's and Beth's needing. Who was it? He didn't much care, right now he just needed his shellan. *
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*Naked. The female was stark naked in his dream. Her long brown hair covering her breasts. Her bright green eyes smiling at him. Her arms outstretched towards him. He enveloped her and could feel her warm flesh against his. His body responding to her. Hardening to the point of pain. Her tiny hands moving down his chest, over his abdomen, nails scraping his skin. Her tiny hand reaching his cock, teasing with feathering touches. He started to growl and push his hips toward her as she enclosed her hand, couldn't close it all the way, and began to stroke.* Phe! *He yelled out as he awoke from the dream. Aching and needing. His flesh so sensitive he had to toss away all of his covers and stand up. He had to find her. Had to see her flesh in person.* Stop this! *He whispered to his over active mind as he tried to shake the dream out of his mind. Failing miserably. A thought struck him. The last time he had awoken feeling this way, Xhex was in her needing. Some female in the manse was in theirs. He had to find Pheonia. Make sure she was safe. That he would be the male to sate her if it was her. He growled low at the thought of another male touching her. He took off for the shower.*
    Like · · Yesterday at 9:39am ·
    Hayden Vhengeance
    ‎~She woke up from one of best dreams she had ever had. It involved, to her surprise, Damon, the male she had met briefly in the foyer the other night. In her dream she had been naked in his arms, and he in hers. The height of passion had raptured them away and they were completely lost to each other. It was strange to her that she would dream of a male that she had just met, but she had. Something was in the air that had switched on a strong sexual desire within her. She stretched her arms above her head and allowing the soft linen of the sheet sweep down her bare breast, the act causing them the delicate pink pearls to harden to taunt peaks. She closed her eyes and thought of his hands on her body, the slow slide of the sheet acting in the place of his fingers.~
    Like · · Follow Post · 21 hours ago
    Cormia Ahgony, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 2 others like this.
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~The sheet slid lower and her own hands followed. It slid down her waist and hips, she allowed it to rest mid-thigh as her eyes closed and she saw the image of Damon in her mind. One hand cupped her breast and she wished it was his, while the other found the mound of her core. Her fingers parted the dampened folds and slipped inside. She bit down on her lower lip to keep from moaning out as her fingers fell upon her most sensitive bundle of nerves. She moaned as one of her own fingers slipped inside her body.~
    20 hours ago · Like · 3
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~Within minutes she was at the peak of orgasm. She couldn't believe she had masturbated. That was so unlike her to do such a thing but something was in in the air. She pushed out of bed and headed for a shower, a cold shower~
    20 hours ago · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*Her eyes fluttered open in the tangled mass of limbs that was her and Qhuinn. She still could not believe the events of last night, and she refused to dwell on it. It was a mutual need for each other satisfied, nothing more. She looked over at his sleeping form. He appeared peaceful, the tight muscles in his face relaxed and the youth that he possessed show through the veil of sleep. She moved h...
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    Like · · Follow Post · Tuesday at 1:16am
    Ehlena Rempoon, Saxton Thym, Phyllis Etuarte and 12 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She padded to the bathing suit, that was adjacent to her room, her muscles were stiff and sore as if she had been in battle all night. She had not been in a batter per say but he had fought last night. She had fought to show Qhuinn that her body may be smaller than his, but it could handle whatever was thrown at her, and ask for more. He met her challenge and more than stepped up to the plate. They had spent the morning tangled in a mesh of naked flesh, the room was filled with the sounds flesh meeting flesh, groans and moans of pleasure, the occasional curse words and down and out shit talking. Her mind had given up on thinking through what she said, instead she just gave over to the carnal need that was within her.*
    Tuesday at 1:39am · Like · 11
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He woke slowly, his hand automatically seeking the female that he had lost himself in for several hours. When his hand failed to connect with a warm curvy body he sat up in the bed and forced his eyes to open.* Mhisery? *He cleared his throat, his voice had came out sounding like an old man, and climbed from the bed. Looking down, he shook his head at the hardon that stood proudly from his body* You would think you hadn't just spent hours enjoying yourself *ignoring it, he pushed open the bedroom and stuck his head around it* You okay darlin? *he rubbed a hand over his bristled jaw and stepped fully into the room, a slight expression of concern on his face*
    Tuesday at 4:09pm · Like · 10
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her lower stomach cramped again and her knees felt like they were gonna buckle. She put her hand on the wall hoping it would keep her upright. She also felt a ache at the junction of her thighs at the sound of Qhuinn's baritone voice. What the hell he made her want him even when she felt like she was gonna die. She lifted her head* I think I have a knife in my uterus. Is that something that you commonly do during sex? Stab a woman in the uterus and leave the knife? *Another wave of pain hit her gut. A fine sheen of perspiration fell over her body as the pain hit her gut and felt like her back was going to explode*
    Yesterday at 9:52am · Like · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Can't say I have ever stabbed a woman in my life, and the only pain I have given them is what they asked me for. *frowning, he walked across the bathroom, and stopped a few feet in front of her* You want me to help you back to bed? *He scanned her face, the faint sheen of sweat that accompanied a bout of pain covered her features, the tightness around her mouth looking like she was trying to stop herself from crying out. * Is that the only place that hurts? *He was pretty sure that he hadn't done anything that could hurt her, but fuck, he had been more lost in her body than any man or woman before her.*
    Yesterday at 9:55am · Like · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She shook her head. She wanted a shower and as bad as she hurt and hated to admit it she wanted him. What was wrong with her. She was acting like a hormonal teenager. She had to get this in check* See *She gritted her teeth* I knew you were only pretending to be an asshole. I need to get a shower and then I will lay down again. *As another wave of pain hit her gut she leaned forward more to try to alleviate the pain that was tearing through her body.*
    Yesterday at 10:24am · Like · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Growling quietly, he reached into the shower and turned the water on, waiting until it was at a decent temperature before he scooped her up in his arms. Stepping beneath the spray, he slowly let her slide down his body. Once her feet hit the tiled floor, he reached out for a bottle of shampoo and squirted a liberal amount onto the top of her hair. Using his free hand, he worked it into a lather and washed it through her hair, all the time ignoring his hard cock that was pressed against her stomach. It was like it had a mind of its own, that even though it had spent hours inside this gorgeous woman, it wanted more. Turning her around, he placed her directly under the spray and let the water remove all traces of the shampoo*
    Yesterday at 10:31am · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes widened as he scooped her up and stepped in to the shower. She was surprised at how gentle he was in bathing her. She had to suppress a moan at the feel of his cock pressed into her body, accompanied by the erotic sensation of the water sliding over their bodies. When he turned her around to face him she slid a palm to his cheek and looked up into hi mismatched eyes* Thank you for this. I didn't mean to wake you up.
    Yesterday at 10:47am · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He turned his head and placed a kiss to the center of her palm* I only woke because you weren't there. *He was surprised at himself for admitting that, he was more surprised at having stayed with her as long as he had. It was completely out of his nature, but yet? He wanted to stay with her. Even now holding her in the shower was igniting his blood and causing his cock to leap painfully against her. It was like a force was drawing him to her, making him want to sate both their bodies for days on end. Clearing his throat, he looked down at her* I need to feed you, then you need to rest.
    Yesterday at 10:58am · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes widened again at the 'feed you' comment. She had only fed from two males of her race and neither of those times worked out well. One had been a male that was a complete dick and had forced himself on her so she thought the least she the bastard could do was give up a vein, the other had been Throe and she wasn't even gonna think about that because it was still too raw and painful. Her body stirred to life even more than it was before. The blood in her veins ran hotter than lava and the core of her body became wetter than any shower could ever make her as her nipples hardened to painful, aching peaks. Her fangs begged to slide into the soft flesh of his neck and ached at the thought as her mouth watered. Another pain swept through her lower abdomen and she had to brace herself of his shoulder to prevent falling over in agony. She panted for a moment and waited for it to pass before she spoke* Qhuinn I have only fed from two males my entire life. One of them was by force, the other one, well we had never had sex, so I don't know how to feed from someone that I have been with. *She looked down, refusing to meet his gaze* You don't have to feed me, really, I can find someone to feed off of.
    Yesterday at 11:18am · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He listened to her talk as she finished washing her hair clean, his hand smoothing back her damp tresses from her face and cupping her cheek in his hand* If you think after what we shared I would allow another male the great honor of feeding you, you are out of your mind *He did his best to hide the growl that rumbled in his chest or the fact for the second time there was that scent again filling the small cubicle. The dark spiced smell that he knew wasn't coming from any of the various bottles that lined the shower. His body ached, his cock and balls felt like they were on fire. The smell of her arousal was filling up the shower as quickly as his own. No, he couldn't admit what that was and he prayed to fuck that she didn't notice it and go running. Taking a hard breath, he cut the water and scooped her up in his arms again, reaching for a towel that sat outside and wrapping it as best he could around her. Taking hold of two more, he walked back into the bedroom, dropped a towel to the bed and sat on it. Shifting her in his arms, he set her down between his legs and lifted the other towel to start drying off her long hair* Though if the thought of taking my blood disgusts you, I can ask for my cousin or someone to feed you
    Yesterday at 11:25am · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She tried to hide a smile as he spoke of a honor feeding her. Even through the haze of pain that wracked her stomach she wanted to smile. She always felt weak when she had to ask to feed on a male of her race, she found it easier to just feed from humans. She wrapped her arms around her arms around her neck when he picked her up. She lay her head on his shoulder as they walked from the bathroom* You know I can walk, you were amazing but I still kept my abilities to ambulate intact. *She settled against his massive frame, he was so warm and he smelled great, like some dark spice that she had never smelled before. When he something about her being disgusted by his blood, her stomach sank. She bit down on her lower lip and dropped her head, speaking quietly* It doesn't disgust me at all. I-I just didn't want you to feel obligated to do it. I didn't want you to do it if you didn't want to. *The wave of pain hit her again and she bent forward and groaned out in pain*
    Yesterday at 11:45am · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong It is not an obligation. To know my blood is inside you? *he stopped talking as she doubled in pain again* I am going to sound like a typical male here because I have no idea what is wrong. Is this hunger cramps? for blood or food? Do you want me to call Jane? *He wrapped his arms around her, one hand stealing beneath the towel to spread his palm out across her stomach, slowly moving it in a circle. Granted, he was trying to ease her but again, just the scent of her so close to his body had his cock wanting to say hello again. Jesus fuck, what the hell was wrong with him. Here he had a beautiful female in his arms, she was hurting and all he could think about was dragging her on top of him and letting her ride him until he passed out from pleasure. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting her and he couldn't stop himself giving a small rock of his hips against her*
    Yesterday at 11:50am · Like · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*His palm landing on her stomach was a gift straight from the Scribe and when he rocked his hips, pressing the steel length against her back, she couldn't help herself and released a shuttered breath that had caught in her throat. She didn't know what the pain was, but the thought of him being inside her seemed to ease it, while making the ache at the junction of her thighs more than apparent. She wanted him more than the air she breathed at that moment. The fact that he was taking care of her, he had bathed her an was now toweling her hair, was more than anyone, other than her mother, had ever done. She leaned back, her back against the massive wall of his chest and her ass pressing tight against his thick cock. She placed her hands on her thighs and rolled her hips, just slightly, to rub her ass over the length of him as she spoke* I don't know what's wrong with me. *She didn't finish the sentence with what she wanted to say, which was "I don't know what is wrong with me, all I know is I want you'*
    23 hours ago · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*A low guttural groan tore from his throat at the feel of her ass stroking against his cock and it took every ounce of his strength to not lift her back and settle her down ontop of him. He rocked back against her, his jaw tight and his hands tightening on the towel and he groaned her name though he barely realized he did it*Mhisery *He wanted to taste her so much he could actually taste it. He wanted to take her while she took her fill from him. He could almost feel her fangs buried in his flesh, her tight wet heat around him. He struggled with himself for a moment* Maybe you need to eat and feed. I don't know but if it pleases you i would offer you my vein *he turned his head and focused on her vein that ran down the column of her throat and his own fangs punched hard into his mouth* I want you to *he didn't add what he thought in his head* I want you to take me and not let me go
    23 hours ago · Like · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*The guttural groan of her name caused the ache for him to be between her legs to grow even more. The stroke of his heavy cock sliding over the flesh of her ass caused liquid desire to pool in her core. She couldn't suppress the moan that escaped her lips, nor did she want to. When he offered his vein and said he wanted her to take it, she was enthralled. She leaned forward on her palms and crawled away from his lap, allowing a full view of her bare sex. She reached the foot of the bed and turned, she prowled back to him on all fours, her eyes keeping contact with his. She straddled his waist and moved her hair and offered her neck, her voice low and seductive, laced with need and promise.* I want you to take me too.
    22 hours ago · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He closed his eyes for a brief second as he watched her crawl down the bed, fuck if he didn't want to pin her down there and then and give them both some relief. As she crawled back towards him, he slung the towel away from him and clamped his hands down on her waist. Leaning forward, he ran his tongue across her vein, feeling it pulse beneath him, just as the hot folds of her body nestled against his cock. Pulling back he met her eyes then struck forward like a viper, his fangs sliding into her vein as his chest shuddered in relief. Her blood was like the sweetest wine, full and heavy on his tongue as he took a hard pull. he couldn't help himself, one hand left her hip and slid between their bodies, finding her small clit and stroking his fingers across it. He bucked his hips against her in time with the tease of his fingers, doing his best to not lift her up and slid her down onto him, to bury himself deep in her body while he took from her vein*
    22 hours ago · Like · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*The feel of his hands gripping her waist roughly made her moan, there was something about his touch that made her blood boil in the most erotic way. When he fangs sliced into her flesh she wanted to scream out his name like she had just orgasmed and the sensation was nearly as good. The pool of desire within the walls of her core increased as he started to take long, hard pulls from her, and his tongue moved over the tender flesh of her throat. When his hand reached between their bodies and started to stoke her core, her breathing hitched and she started to pant. She placed one hand over his as he moved his apt fingers over her clit, her other hand encircled his thick cock, and her hips undulated in time with his thrust. She dipped her head forward and made a small circle on the column of his neck before sliding her fangs into his flesh. The drop of his life's blood hit her tongue and elicited a deep moan of appreciation, his blood was dark and rich, sweet and strong, just as the man was. She took a deep pull as her hips moved faster and her hand stroked over his at a faster pace.*
    22 hours ago · Like · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He hissed in pleasure as her fangs pierced his skin, his hips bucking forward through the tight circle of her hand. He let her show him the pace she wanted by how she pressed her fingers against his. He stroked his fingers through her folds and down to let his index finger barely enter her body before he pulled it back out, using her own wetness to coat her clit. His eyes were closed as he copied the same pull she was taking from his vein with one of his own. Pleased was beating into him in waves, the female in his arms the center of the storm that dragged him in further. He wanted to bury himself in her so hard he could swear the feel of her hand was like the tight glove of her core. He detached his fangs from her vein and slowly lapped the wounds closed. Giving up, he slid his middle two fingers into her core, the heel of his hand pressing tight to her clit as he rocked it against her*
    22 hours ago · Like · 6
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*As his fingers slid inside her she dislodged her fangs and groaned out his name as she lapped over the wounds to seal them shut* Qhuinn *She kept her hand atop of his as his long fingers plunged deep in the wet confines of her sex, the wide heel of his hand erotically rotating her clit. Her head lulled back as she continued to stroke his cock with her other hand. She rose up on her knees to place her breast at mouth level with him, as her head lulled back spilling damp ebony locks down her back. Her eyes closed as the weight of desire had hooded them to the point of closed and her hips moved in time with the movement of his hand. Her tongue swept her lower lip to remove the remains of his blood, and she swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry*
    21 hours ago · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He latched onto her nipple, his fangs dragging across it her peak before he let them slid slightly into her skin. He took a hard pull, and groaned in pleasure at her taste, his tongue stud rolling slowly around it. He pushed his fingers into her core faster, letting the heel of his hand move against her in the way that brought out those husky moans of hers. Fuck this woman was hot, she managed to fire up his blood like nobody had before.* Fuck Mhisery.. *He managed to bite out before he switched his attentions to her other nipple, offering it the same attention he gave the other. He wanted to drag her down on top of his cock and pump into her over and over again until he heard his name ripped from her throat like he was the only anchor that stopped her drifting away*
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*His mouth on her only added fuel to the fire that he had started within her. The inner walls of her sex clamped down around his fingers as her hip undulated, grinding her clit against the heel of his hand. Her hand moved faster over the steel length that was his cock, wanting it inside her so badly that she would beg. She had removed her had from covering his and buried it in his hair, holding him at her breast. His tongue was skilled and the swirl over her nipple with tongue stud was the final nudge that pushed her off the cliff of ecstasy. The walls of her core spasmed around his fingers, coating them in the evidence of her desire as her knees weakened and her legs shook for the force of the orgasm. She screamed his name at the ceiling as she came. Her body slumped against him, as he wrung the last bit of passion from her body, her breathing ragged and panting* Fuck me you are amazing
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he panted against her, barely holding himself together enough to not blow the end of his cock. The spasms of her pussy around his fingers might as well been around his cock, he could have sworn he felt her there. He gave a ragged breath as she collapsed against him, his chest heaving as he slowly slid his fingers from her body. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, his face against her shoulder, her hair all around him* Damn, *He could barely speak, instead he lazily kissed her shoulder, his fingertips running slowly down her spine. He reached for the sheet and pulled it up over the two of them. He new there and then, he couldn't let her go, she spoke to him a way no other did. Even his feels towards Blay were no longer forefront in his mind*
    20 hours ago · Like · 5
    No'One Sampsone
    ‎*She felt achy, her body was hot but she was shivering. Deciding to take a shower she stripped off, the cool water on her sensitive skin only heightened how she was feeling. She couldn't shake of the ache, she could feel it washing over in waves. She closed her eyes and tried to think of something else, but her body had other ideas. She turned off the water then dried herself, she lay on the bed the cool air felt good against her skin. She groaned as another wave hit her, she curled into a ball hoping the feeling would pass sooner rather than later*

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