Monday, April 2, 2012

Victims of A Crime Part III

Throe Bhastard
‎*Takes out his cell phone to check once more for a text. He had heard Xcor had been looking for him. He figured the male wanted him to secure a hooker. He sighed, thinking back of the past decades. How often had he done this, surely it had been hundreds. Actually, Zypher was now the one to get the hookers usually. As he caught himself checking his phone again, he got seriously fucking pissed. He forced himself to get ready to go out. He was going to go to one of the clubs in the Trade street area, without asking anyone's permission. Let Xcor come find him, he was no one's bitch.
Unlike · · Follow Post · 13 hours ago
You, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Butch O'Neal, Emma Lou and 6 others like this.
Zypher Bhastard ‎*Bored out of his bloody mind, he tried to read one of his favorite books. Henry David Thoreau's "Civil Disobedience". After all, this should be their motto. Their fight against the Blind King was an act of civil disobedience. Too bad their rightful heir was not only fearless but an unbearable ass. He threw the book aside and reached for his phone on the side of his bed. Where in the bloody hell was Throe? :tx: WTF brother? Let's go find ourselves a cold ale and a piece of ass. Zy :snd: He supposed he should take some money to get Xcor a whore as well.*
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he ignored it. As it went off a second time, he said fuck it. He dug it out of his pocket and flipped it open. As he read Zypher's post, he smiled a little. At least it wasn't Xcor ripping him a new one. He fired of a text * ~Zy, I am on trade steet, come find me, I will be where fun is. ~send. *He smirked, knowing that would drive Zypher nuts. Rolling his shoulders to work out the kinks, he continued on his way to the bars.*
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Zypher Bhastard ‎*As his phone chimes, he smirks. Well that was quick, mention a piece of ass and he's all over that shit. He read the text and frowned.* Find you? What am I? A fucking hound dog?* He grabbed his leather jacket and checked himself in the mirror before he left. He dematerialized in a back alley and tried to sniff out his brother's scent. Unfortunately, the unnameable human scents were getting in his way.* :txt: Where the fuck are you? :snd:
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Throe Bhastard ‎*He was watching the strippers on stage, dipping dollars and nursing a crown and coke. His phone went off again, interrupting him as he tried to decide which stripper he was going to get the lap dance from. The blond with the piercings or the tall brunette with the girl next door good looks.. He flipped open his phone and quickly typed in a clue, instead of an answer* ~Zy .. your only hint ...( o Y o ) ~ send...
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He looks at his phone and sees his brother's answer. This shit was getting old. He smirked and thought of which strip bar he could be sitting and wallowing in his fucking "I'm a good male stuck in a bad male's world" misery. He ended up at the first strip joint he could think of and what do you know? There was his brother, sitting back and enjoying a lap dance. He walked up to him and slapped him in the back of the head.* Get your hardon in check, brother. They don't like that.* He waved to the waitress to get them another round.*
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*He sensed Zypher's arrival but didn't bother to turn around. He was hoping the male would behave himself for a change. As he got smacked on the back of his head he sighed and gave up that idea. He turned and glared at the little smartass briefly before returning his attention to the hotty girl next door that danced like a fucking dream. She was far too skilled. He ran his hand up her body, starting at her waist, in between her perfect tits, his palm flat against her silky skin. He continued up, skimming her collar bone to cup her chin and drag her back against his ear. She listened to him whisper, gave a throaty chuckle and a nod. With a graceful leap up and an excited smile on her face she nodded to the door she was going to be waiting outside of*
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He watched Throe's smooth moves and had to hand it to his brother. He was good. He knew how to make a female feel...special. Whatever it takes to get them in bed...for free. *Alright brother, let's get our groove on.
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*He gave her a few minutes to get herself together, and leave work. He sat for a bit, finishing off his drink. He wanted Zypher to stay inside. Kind of. He wasn't sure what he wanted, actually. This girl was sweet though, and he didn't want Zyph being his usual mouthy fuck to her. Scribe knew, he understood completely what it was like being trapped into a life you didn't plan on. He wondered if she truly enjoyed what she did, or if she felt stuck. He had a feeling it was both. She was a phenomenal dancer. And a complete fucking knockout. The next dancer was up, and he was thinking Zypher may get into it and stay to watch.... when he caught some of the lyrics of the cheesy ass song they were playing, he was furious. Why would they play a song where a girl was saying she was a slave for someone? Fuck, he knew what that felt like, nothing to sing about, that was for sure.
Britney Spears Slave 4 U [Dance Uncut-Version]
Britney Spears rules ya'll!
13 hours ago · Like · 6 ·
Zypher Bhastard ‎*Nursing his ale, he gave a sideways glance at his brother. Oh, hell, there he went again, brooding.* What the fuck is wrong with you, brother. We're about to get a piece of ...very nice looking ...ass and you're looking like the guillotine is about to strike you down. *He saw the female come out and signal them to come. Throe stood quickly and he followed in a synchronized step.*
12 hours ago · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*He felt Zypher get up and follow and clenched his jaw to keep from saying something. He couldn't really blame Zyph for following him.. this had been their lives for too many years to count. And deep down, where he didn't dare to venture too often, he was weary. So fucking weary. He approached the female, Stacey, she had said her name was. She was standing there, expectantly. And she fucking beamed when she saw him. Which made him feel like a complete piece of shit. He started to slow, trying to figure out how to get Zypher and himself out before anything happened. This girl didn't get what they were. It was not fair to her. When she saw him hesitate, she seemed to slump a little. Barely noticeable, but he caught it. He went over to her, to make up an excuse. As he got close to her, he could smell her emotions. She took a step towards him and wound her hand into his hair at the nape of his neck, pulling him closer. Her uncertainty smelled of acrid smoke. Otherwise she smelled of spring rain. He liked her even more. She melded herself against his body and he wound his arms around her. He pulled her closer, his lips at her throat, before they traveled up and found her full mouth. He sucked gently on her lower lip, while moving his hands up her ribcage, under her blouse. He backed her against the wall, where they continued to explore each other. She looked over at the large couch in the VIP room, and he simply took her chin in his hand and turned her face back to his* Relax Stacey, we have time for that.
12 hours ago · Like · 6
Zypher Bhastard ‎*Throe's holier than thou feelings were bouncing off of him like a fucking rubber wall. As they entered the VIP section, he also scented the female's reticence. She didn't know what to do with them especially with his brother's hesitance. Fuck, why did his conscience always have to come into play right before they got busy? As they walked in, he leaned against a far wall, trying to make the female feel more comfortable. In the shadows, he smelled Throe's arousal like a fucking sledgehammer to his cock. There we go. His brother was getting his groove on, nice. With every touch he gave her, his need to fuck got stronger. He looked over to the right and saw a nice comfortable red velvet love seat and figured he could get nice and comfy. He could even slap his own dick around while waiting for the beautiful dancer to come his way...literally. He unbuttoned his leathers and slid his hand in to free his cock from the hot confines of his pants. The anticipation of fucking her was growing with every second that Throe was touching her. He saw his brother give him a warning look as if his sinking into his own self-satisfaction would be frowned upon. Such bullshit and if he were honest with himself, all he could think of at this point was: Fucking hurry your shit up.*
12 hours ago · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*He sensed Zypher move behind him, and he tensed. When his brother continued over to the sofa and sat, Throe leveled a look over at him and waited for Zyph to look up and acknowledge it. When eye contact was made, his attention went back to the female. Finally, it seemed as if Zyph had picked up on something without needing it spelled out. He had managed to unbutton Stacey's blouse, her bra was a front closure that showcased her breasts perfectly. He loved front closures, loved to bite through the clasp. Especially when he was on his way to drinking from a female. Not with this female though. She was human, which wouldn't normally matter, but tonight, for some reason, he refused. He wouldn't take from her that way. She was giving enough as it was, to take something from her without her permission, that she would have no memory of, was lower than he was willing to stoop this day. Especially since it was certain that any day now Xcor would demand it of him, regardless of what he wanted. And he would end up obeying. This time, however, was for him. So that he could feel as if he were a normal male, owned by no one. He felt the female tense briefly and he paused to see what was going on. He followed her line of sight and saw Zypher with his hand on his cock, slowly stroking himself while he watched them. He looked at Stacey, and she met his stare. She must have seen something in his eyes because she kissed him more enthusiastically and whispered to him that she didn't mind Zypher watching. Her cheeks flushed pink, making him impossibly harder. He lifted her skirt and grabbed the elastic waistband of her panties. As he moved them down her body, he lowered himself to his knees. When he had the panties to the floor, he put his mouth to her core and began to lightly suck. He had her lift first one foot and then the other, making the panties disappear as he buried is tongue in her pussy, lighlty licking her clit. He ran a hand up her leg to clutch her ass, kneading it nearly roughly as she began to pant. Her pants grew louder as he dragged a finger through the juices flowing from her core, slicking it up to bury it inside her pussy. Fuck, she was tight. He continued to tongue her, and she began to ride his finger, her hips moving back and forth, creating friction for her, both from his mouth and his finger. He could feel her getting ready to orgasm, and he quickly undid his pants, standing with her. He dropped the leathers to the floor, and his erection bounced foward, With a smooth motion, he picked her up, wrapping her arms around his legs, her arms around his neck. He buried himself inside her, slamming them both against the wall, using his arms to cushion her. She was nearly screaming now, and he began to fuck her, getting rougher with her, as she seemed to enjoy it so much. He could feel his release building, the tingle in his balls making his stomach tighten, the sounds of his thrusts so very loud in the relatively quiet room. He sensed Zypher was about to orgasm as well, and he wanted to turn to at least give his brother something to see...
The movement was enough to set her off, her orgasm had her walls clamping down on him, and he began to come inside her.*
11 hours ago · Like · 6
Zypher Bhastard ‎*His strokes were slow and determined as Throe began to feel the female up and eat her out. He felt the small drop of precum and with his thumb he lubed up the head of his cock. She was something. Hot as a fucking a flame feeding from dry wood. Yeah, Throe's wood, apparently. When he slammed her against the wall, his senses were going crazy with all three of their arousal scents filling the air. Each a different aroma but her spring rain scent was making his cock jerk like a bucking horse. He was thrusting hard, taking long pulls on his dick and wishing he could cum all over her sumptuous milky tits. He wanted to bite her nipples and thrusts his fingers inside her hot pussy. Fuuuck, he was going to cum if he didn't reel himself back. He could smell the point where his brother filled her core with his seed, fuck yeah, he was going to get some of her too. He took a deep breath, controlling his need to cum so he could do it properly. As Throe put her down, kissing her neck, he moved in behind him ready to take her over, all the while stroking himself to keep his cock nice and hard. *Nice job brother, very hot.*He heard a low growl coming from his brother which pissed him off royally. *What the fuck is your problem?
11 hours ago · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*He saw Stacey's eye grow round as she wordlessly stared at the two males before her. The scent of her fear saddened and enraged him at the same time. He leaned forward and kissed her, covering her body with his as he framed her face with his large hands. He spoke softly to her, telling her to get her clothes, and that everything was fine. She nodded, looking unhappy. He continued to block her body from Zypher's view. She looked at him, and now, along with the fear, was sadness. She looked at the two of them and nodded slightly. Leaning up on her tiptoes, she kissed him and spoke softly, hesitantly. * If you want me to, I will. It's ok. *That voice, that little, shy voice, nearly was his undoing.*
10 hours ago · Like · 6
Zypher Bhastard ‎*Throe kept hiding the female's slender, milky white frame. He knew what he was doing, fucking chivalrous bastard.* What? Do you honestly believe I would hurt her? *He held his anger in check afraid his vampire side would give them away, breaking the out-most followed law of their race: keeping their identity a secret from the humans. He palmed his now softening but still aching cock and gently placed it back in his leathers. He would not force sex on a female, he was NOT Xcor and never would be. His brother's attitude was like a stab with a dagger...friendly fire.* Fuck you Throe. Fuck you and your principles. *He started out the door and into the over zealous crowd of the main floor but before he walked out he turned to the female. He flashed her a sincere smile, *I fare thee well, lass. *He looked at his brother and he felt a pang of betrayal but quickly hid his pained expression with a smirk.* Later, asshole.
10 hours ago · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard Fuck * He muttered softly. He actually felt bad for hurting Zypher. Not bad enough to chase him down, or worse, bring him back. He helped Stacey get dressed, and walked her to her car. After she drove away, he leaned against the building. Tilting his head back and banging it not so lightly on the cement, he tried to figure out what the fuck was wrong with him, or if it were just time for him to end it all, be done with it once and for all. He honestly didn't know how much more he could take.
Marissa O'Neal
‎*returning to the Pit after talking with Mhisery she found Jane arriving back at the same time. giving her a small smile as they walked into the Pit together* Everyone ok at the main house Jane?
Unlike · · Follow Post · 12 hours ago
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Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled and held the door open for the other female and gave a small nod* Just a small accident with Fritz, he attempted to give Boo a bath and it didn't go as planned. Just a small bump, nothing major, but getting him to take a rest is like pulling hens teeth *Once, they were inside, she took of her white coat and hung it in the hall closet, storing her bag back near the door in case she needed it quietly and lead the way into the quiet living room* Vishous must be in the Training Center or on Patrol. Butch with him?
12 hours ago · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hearing about the Doggen's accident she was happy that he was ok* I am glad he is ok, but you are right he hates taking a break. *walking over to one of the leather couches. her mind still fogged with the conversation with Mhisery. only half hearing her words* No I think he is in the Training Center, I'm surprised he isn't here playing his XBox like usual.
12 hours ago · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She walked into the open plan kitchen and made up a hot chocolate for herself and poured a glass of wine for Marissa. Bringing them back round, she handed the glass over and sank down into the other couch* Are you okay? You look tired or something is on your mind?
12 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*looking up at her as she handed her a glass of wine* Thank you Jane. *sighing softly as she watched her sit down across from her. taking a sip of the wine, she pulled her legs under her, making herself a ball on the couch* I was meeting with the female, Mhisery, at the main house and well she just got me thinking about things.
12 hours ago · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She blew across the mug then took a small sip as she talked. As far as she was aware the female Mhisery was happy and content in the start of her new life with Qhuinn, who also was more happier than she had seen him in a long time.* Thinking about what? *She pulled her legs up on the couch and rested the mug on her knees*
11 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*not able to make eye contact with Jane she watched the two dogs playing on the floor* She is a daughter of the glymera as I was, and well she was asking me about that and it just got me thinking about that and Havers and everything.
11 hours ago · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a small frown and took another drink, hiding a chuckle as Pyro attempted to crawl onto the couch with her, Ralm happy on his stomach with a ball in his mouth* I am not quite sure I understand. You were Glymera born as I assume Mhisery was? Being Gylmera is not everything my dear, look at Beth, she is the Queen and not of the Glymera
11 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal Yes Mhisery was glymera born as well *she knew Jane was right, their own Queen was not glymera but it still did not help shake the feelings* It's not easy to explain unfortunately, unless you were born into it. The entire time I was living with Havers, while I was King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's Shellan, in name only, the things that were said about me were so awful *she she couldn't help but still wonder if they were right and it she was a failure as a Shellan after all*
11 hours ago · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a small shrug* Things are said about all of us throughout our lives, I have been called every name I can think of in the ER, usually my those in pain or under the influence, I don't take them to heart. So what exactly is it that is bothering you?
11 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*how did she explain fearing that everything they had ever said to her was right. that she was a failure as a a female of worth and that she would never make a male truly happy* That they are right and that I am not a female of worth, that I deserved to be turned out by Havers *she felt the sting of tears behind her eyes, there was so much more than that but she feared saying it out loud would make it all true*
11 hours ago · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She was torn between giving her usual clinical type answer or trying to be the female she was underneath* Your brother while a great doctor, is lacking in basic human skills. His patients like him but that does not make everything he says right *She took another drink from her mug, her thought drifting to whether she would ever be considered a female of worth, then snapped back to Marissa* I think, you should look a the people around you, how you enrich their lives, the things you do for others. Maybe then you will see the type of female you are. Don't let one person's opinion of you change that
11 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hearing Jane's words, noticing the look on her face as if she were wondering the same things she was* The problem is Jane, it wasn't just one person. It was the entire glymera that was saying these things. The whispers about not being good enough for King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, that I had to be defective in some way since Wrath never took me as his true Shellan and then when he took a half human instead. I was a disgrace to mine family and to them, I was a disgrace to the entire race.
11 hours ago · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*What did she say to that, she was not even of the same race yet she lived with one of their warriors. She never usually cared what people thought, yet for a flash she couldn't help herself wondering what the Glymera must think of her* I think you need to talk to your Hellren about this. I am sure he can reassure you to the type of female you are. Don't upset yourself over the past
11 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*she turned and looked at Jane and tried to smile* Thank you Jane, I know you are right. *reaching out for her hand* You are an amazing female Jane and the best friend I have ever had. I think you are right, I think I will talk to Butch.
11 hours ago · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave her a half smile and rose to her feet, touching her shoulder lightly as she made her way tino Vishous and her bedroom* Males somehow manage to make the world seem better
11 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*standing putting her glass in the sink she smiled* Thank you Jane, you are very right. They do make things better *walking towards her and Butch's room she knew she needed to speak with him about this but still couldn't shake the feelings of wondering if they were all right*
Zee Ahgony
‎*It was hard to tell her no. even in his current mood, and his thoughts on a constant rewind and playback pattern, he hadn't found it in him to kill the smile on Nalla's face. She kept him grounded and it was her that seemed to pull him back just a little, no matter how deep down he thought he was falling. Like a life line he clung to her when it should have been the other way around; did that make him unworthy of being a father? Shaking his head to clear the nagging thoughts that were starting to consume him once more, taking away from giving all he had left to his young, Zsadist turned his attention to the horses before him. He still owed Rehvenge a beating for the equine creatures, but for now that had to wait* What did you end up naming them, Nalla?
Unlike · · Follow Post · 11 hours ago near Caldwell
You, Lassiter The-Fallen, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Juan Pena and 11 others like this.
Nalla Ahgony ‎*holding her Daddy's big hand with her tiny one she smiled up at him* I named yous Teddy because he wooks wike mine teddy bear, I named Mommy's (Bella) pwetty because she's so pwetty, and I named dee udder one wucky, I no know why I just wike it.
11 hours ago · Like · 10
Zee Ahgony ‎*Teddy. Really? Keeping his face light for her sake, he nodded and gave her tiny hand a squeeze. Maybe he should have read her some more books about Knights and Dragons, and he would have gotten a horse with the name of Hercules. But what did it matter? A name was just that, a name. Hell, he had been without one for centuries; only refered to as 'the slave'* You did well. And since he has you as his owner he is a lucky kind of guy, very fitting. *he nodded. And the damn horse would be the only one ever getting lucky enough to get so close to Nalla, at least until she was well into her 100's, preferably 200's* Now, what do you want to do while we're here? *he looked down at her, a painful stabbing surfacing in his chest. She was so innocent, and here he was fighting the darkest if thoughts beside her. He truly was a sick fuck.*
11 hours ago · Like · 9
Nalla Ahgony ‎*Thankies Daddy, I am so glad you wike dems. *looking up at his eyes she smiled the innocence and love she had for him shining through to him* Can we wide dems Daddy? I weally wants to wide dem wit yous *she hoped he would let her ride, she really wanted to spend more time with him, she could sense there was something wrong*
11 hours ago · Like · 9
Zee Ahgony Ride them? As in sit on the horse while it moves? *his eyebrows knitted together. So what if he could take being stabbed, beaten and shot in the same night; that didn't even compare to the idea of his little princess crawling up onto that giant horse and possibly falling. How would he explain to her the ultimate death the equine would find, should she get hurt in any way?* I don't think that is such a good idea. I am too heavy for the horse. And you are not wearing the right shoes. *There, Bella had used the shoe excuse many times. He had learned from the best*
11 hours ago · Like · 9
Nalla Ahgony ‎*looking up at her Daddy her canary eyes matching his when he looked back at her* Can't yous helps me dough. Yous can holds me on da horsey so I no falls. Pwease Daddy I weally wants to wide.
11 hours ago · Like · 9
Zee Ahgony ‎*alright, so Bella had taught her well, too. Nalla had now mastered the look her mahmen was the queen of, leaving him nearly defensless* Alright. I think we can manage that. *he nodded, lifting her into his arms with ease* How many ice creams have you had for first meal, young lady? I am barely able to carry, anymore. *he winked, trying to ease the mood into a playful one*
10 hours ago · Like · 9
Nalla Ahgony ‎*she giggled as her Daddy picked her up and held her* I only hads twee today *kissing his rough cheek* Where can we wides Daddy? *smiling as he eased her down on to Teddy* Daddy you know why I names him Teddy and how it weminds me of yous?
10 hours ago · Like · 9
Zee Ahgony I don't. *he shook his head, the touch of her soft lips still on his skin. How had he ever gotten so lucky to call her his own? No, not his own, but a part of him.* Why don't we let the horse lead the way, maybe he knows where to go. *Wrapping strong but gentle hands around her waist he walked beside Teddy, willing himself to stay focused on this moment*
10 hours ago · Like · 9
Nalla Ahgony ‎*she smiled at her Daddy* I name him Teddy because Teddy keept me safe when I sweeping like yous do when I is awake. Dat is why I loves Ahstrux so much too, she keep me safe when I sweeping like yous do when I is awake. *smiling wide as the horse walked around the barn*
10 hours ago · Like · 7
Zee Ahgony ‎*he couldn't help the smile, her words warming the spot in his chest that been frozen over so many times* That is a good reason. And I am glad you and Ahstrux keep each other company. *he cleared his throat* And, I want you to know Nalla, that even when I am not around I am always there for you. *he nodded, the words threatening to choke him* Even when you don't see me I am looking out for you. Always.
10 hours ago · Like · 9
Nalla Ahgony ‎*riding the horsey giggling happy to be spending time with her Daddy* I knows Daddy, you always keeps me safe. I never worries about anyding when yous around. *letting her hand rest on his rough one she smiled* I woves you Daddy
10 hours ago · Like · 6
Zee Ahgony I love you, too. *he offered her a smile, trying to see himself in her. She had his eyes and she owned half his heart, while the other half was currently enjoying some girl time (Bella)* Let's continue this another time, Nalla. I have some things to take care of and I am sure Ahstrux misses her best friend.
10 hours ago · Like · 8
Nalla Ahgony ‎*looking down at her Daddy with big eyes* Pwease Daddy can we stay a wittle wonger? I am having fun wit yous *as she looked down at him again she started to slide off the saddle and the next thing she knew she was lying on the ground crying for her daddy*
Zee Ahgony ‎*He was just about to argue his case, playing the daddy card to get his way and see them on the way back to the mansion, shortly; but the one second it took for him to adjust his hands around her small waist was enough to have his heart drop and his eyes pop open wide. He stood like an idiot as she fell, unable to move. What the fuck was wrong with him? He could evade daggers and being shot, even with 3 lessers coming at him, at a time, but he couldn't grab a hold of Nalla when it mattered? He was worthless, even as a daddy, now even Bella would see that* Nalla. *He knelt down beside her, his knees hitting the ground hard. Sweeping her into his arms he held her against his chest, rocking back and forth as he had seen her mahmen do, so many times.* I am sorry.
19 hours ago · Like · 6
Nalla Ahgony ‎*feeling her Daddy's strong arms pull her up to his chest and hold her, tears streaking down her cheeks. she was more frightened than anything else. as she buried her head in his neck while he rocked her back and forth slowly, she heard him apologize to her over and over again. wrapping her small arms around his neck she held tight to him. as her crying slowed she pulled back, sniffling and her breath rasping* Is nos yous faults Daddy. You no dos noffing wrong.
10 hours ago · Like · 5
Zee Ahgony ‎*He released his vice grip on her, smoothing the matted curls from her cheeks and out of her face. With a swipe of his thumb he brushed beneath her eyes, catching the last of the tears that were starting to fall* Are you hurt, Nalla? *how many bones were there in a young's body, and how easily did they break? He would give Jane a call once the had returned to the mansion; when it came to Nalla the words 'better safe than sorry' were a truth he held to*
8 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony ‎*smiling as her Daddy brushed away her tears, he was also her hero and savior no matter what was going* Nos Daddy, I no is hurt. *her breath catching slightly* I dink I was more scareds dan anyting else. *hugging her Daddy tight again, she could hear his thundering heart* Daddy are yous ok? Yous heart is super loud wight nows.
8 hours ago · Like · 4
Zee Ahgony ‎*She better be , or he would beat himself up for weeks and months to come* I am fine. I was scared, too. For you. *he sighed, taking in a deep breath. Even between all the horse shit and greenery he could still make out her scent without a doubt, and he closed his eyes to mesmerize it, once more.* I should have probably remembered your riding gear. We will be more careful next time, won't we?
8 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony Wow, Daddy yous gets scared too? *she never thought her Daddy was scared of anything* Yous the biggest and bestest Daddy ever, you no need to be scared of noffing *watching as he took a deep calming breath, she did the same thing, mimicking him, and she smelled his scent and smiled. she wanted to be just like her Daddy someday, big and strong* I dink yous right, we needs to always bring it wit us from now ons *leaning her head back down on his shoulder* Maybes we should go back home nows Daddy.
8 hours ago · Like · 3
Zee Ahgony There is only one thing scaring me, and that is losing you or your mahmen. *With everything else he could deal, but the mere thought of being without Bella or Nalla was more difficult to deal with than a dagger to the chest* Home does sound like a good idea. We will have doc Jane look over you, and maybe I could... read you a story for bedtime. If you want. I am not as good at reading as mahmen, but I could try.
8 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony ‎*looking up at him slightly frightened* Can Auntie Jane comes to mine room, I nos like that clinic place? *wrapping her small arms around his big frame as he stood up, she wrapped her legs around him as well, she didn't want to fall again* I would wuvs for yous to wead me a stowy Daddy. *watching as he took the reigns for Teddy and led him back to the stable she held tight to him* I wuv you Daddy
8 hours ago · Like · 4
Zee Ahgony I am sure she will. I hate that awful place, too. *he winked, securing the horse back with the others, before dematting back to the mansion* I love you, too, Nalla. I hope you will always remember that, especially when the time comes that a boy.. could.. *he took a breath* .. show interest in playing with you. He will have to be a very special kind of guy to be good enough for my little girl.
8 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony ‎*screwing up her face* Boys are icky Daddy, I nos wikes dems. Only boy I wikes is you *placing a soft kiss to his cheek she smiled* Deres no ways I could ever forgets dat yous wuvs me. You are da bestest ever. *as he dematted them back to the mansion into her room she smiled* I hopes I cans do that someday.
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Zee Ahgony Very good. You keep that attitude and we won't have a problem with it. *he offered a fangy grin, feeling almost sorry for the first guy to even attempt going out with her. Fuck it, the first guy to look at her with 'those eyes'. Yeah, he hoped the guy was ready to have his eyes gauged out in the most painful way* When you are old enough you will be able to. But you must always use it carefully. Humans can not see you do it.
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony ‎*giggling as he grinned at her, she was still enthralled with his fangs every time she saw them* I pwomise I nos wikes boys Daddy. *when he told her that she would someday be able to deamt her eyes lit up* Oh I wills Daddy I pwomise, but is so cools dat yous can do that.
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Zee Ahgony Cool? Did you hear that from Cohlin? *he questioned with a chuckle, flashing her his fangs, one more time* Still like them, do you?
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony I did hear it from Cohlin, he okies for a boy. *giggling as he showed her his fangs again, she nodded* Yea Daddy dey are pretty cools *she wondered if he would let her touch one, he had always told her she was to little* Daddy, can I twy touching one yet?
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Zee Ahgony I think today would be a good day for it. *He nodded, taking her up to their private quarters and through his and Bella's room to her own* Why don't you dress in something clean and I'll return once you are finished changing? *setting her down gently he moved to open her closet, frowning at all the colors and the overabundance of stuff* You pick out your own clothes, or does mahmen do it for you?
7 hours ago · Like · 3
Nalla Ahgony ‎*she was so happy that he said today she could try touching one of his fangs, she nearly squealed in his arms* Thankies Daddy *as he set her down on the bed she smiled just before she started running to wash up* Mahmen (Bella) usually picks out mine cwothes Daddy. *darting into the bathroom she washed off her hands making sure they were clean and then washed off her face too, any remaining dirt from her fall disappearing down the drain with the water*
7 hours ago · Like · 3
Zee Ahgony ‎*frowning at the new information he reached for a pair of pink and white striped leggins, and grabbed a colorfully dotted long sleeve shirt. That would do; it would keep her warm for sure. Nodding to himself he closed the wooden door and placed the clothes on the bed, leaning down to pick up her slippers and putting them into sight, as well* I will be in mine and mahmen's room. Call for me when you are done. *with that he left, his eyes closing as he leaned against the cool wall*
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony ‎*yelling from the bathroom* Okies Daddy I almost dones in heres. *as she quickly finished washing up she skipped back into her room smiling at the outfit her Daddy had picked out for her. she changed quickly and slipped on her slippers. walking through the connecting hallway between her and her parents rooms she knocked softly on their door, they always told her knock and she always did. her small fist barely making a noise, but her Daddy heard it. pushing the heavy door open she ran and hopped up onto his and her Mahmnen's bed and smiled ath him* All cweans.
7 hours ago · Like · 4
Zee Ahgony Did you wash behind your ears? I remember mahmen saying they don't always work, right. *he winked, remembering the talk he had had with a couple of the other shellans, about youngs. He hadn't known anything and it was still a learning process. Apparently every child had selective hearing and as long as that didn't cause any harm to them or others, it was alright to ignore disobedience, every once in a while*
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Nalla Ahgony ‎*giggling* Yes Daddy I dids. *she wasn't sure what he meant by her ears not working all the time and looked at him puzzled but didn't question. she was too excited to get to finally see what one of his fangs felt like. crawling across the bed she planted herself in his lap and looked up at him with big eyes* Can I nows Daddy?
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Zee Ahgony A promise is a promise. *he adjusted her in his lap, turning her to face him. Pulling his lip back he revealed his set of pearly whites, watching her carefully. He still wasn't comfortable or used to be touched by anyone but Bella, and while he had grown accostumed to holding and playing with Nalla, it was still different to allow her to touch him. Damn, he truly was a fuck up. This was his young for heaven's sake and here he was dreading her touching his fangs* Careful, they bite. *he joked, trying to lighten the mood*
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Nalla Ahgony ‎*she beamed as he adjusted her in his lap and she saw his fangs drop down. quietly she watched* Wow Daddy dose are so cools *reaching her small hand up slowly she ran her finger over one. laughing as he said they bite* I hopes not dat would hurts *moving her finger over to the other one she did he same thing, running her finger over the tip of it. she was in complete awe of her father's fangs*
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Zee Ahgony ‎*he held still, eyes crossing as he stared at her fingers, trying to watch as they moved. After a minute he snapped at her playfully, turning her around and dropping her down onto the bed. Wiggling his fingers he tickled her sides, before he laid down beside her. Did he deserve this moment? Did he deserve her trusting him so blindly and completely? Pressing the heels of his palms to his eyes he blew out a breath and sat up*
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Nalla Ahgony ‎*jumping slightly as he snapped his fangs but quickly turning to laughter as she spun her and began tickling her. wiggling on the bed under him she laughed so hard her sides hurt. but he suddenly stopped and looked upset and sat up* Daddy was wrong? *sliding over to him, she knelt next to him and gently pulled his large hands away from his face* Daddy?
6 hours ago · Like · 2
Zee Ahgony Nothing, Nalla. I am just tired. *Not a lie, just altering the truth* Why don't you spend some time in your room until mahmen returns, or doc Jane comes up? I am sure Fritz would bring you some food if you want it. Or you can invite Cohlin and Lyssa over.
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Nalla Ahgony ‎*she looked at her Daddy with sad eyes* Okies Daddy, I wills goes now. *leaning in she kissed his cheek and slipped from the bed,walking towards door, turning back she spoke softly* Daddy wills you still weads to me waters?
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Zee Ahgony I will. *He nodded, watching her leave. As the door fell into the hinges he fell back onto the bed and cursed himself, hands balling into fists* Fuck. *a growl, his body tensing. Bella needed to come home soon; he needed some time away from here and leaving Nalla alone was not an option*
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Cormia Ahgony
‎*After speaking with her hellren last night, and feeling a bit blue, she decided to text Selena and see if she'd join her for some coffee. ~text~ Sister mine, meet me on the patio for some coffee and chatting in about 20. ~end text~ *She tried her best to force enough happiness into her text, because she certainly was not feeling it. She was hoping a little time with her sister would cheer her up, but she had a feeling it wouldn't. She was in a slump...after hearing how Phury was feeling, she couldn't help but reflect on her failures. First, as a chosen who wanted to be anything but. Then her failure as Phury's true first mate. So much had changed in the vampire world, and a lot of it was on her shoulders. She started to pull out some snacks while she waited for her Selena to make her way downstairs.*
Unlike · · Follow Post · 9 hours ago
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Selena Chosen ‎*she heard her phone beep on the table next to her head, opening her eyes she slowly pulled herself from Lassiter's arms and looked at the text. She smiled and sent back a reply* On my way mine sister. *she walked over to her closet and pulled out a baby doll dress and some flats, she knew it would be alot warmer in the great camp so she wrote her angel a quick note and kisses his sleep pouted lips before demating to stand before her sister*
9 hours ago · Like · 11
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She saw Selena and tried her best to force a smile, although she knew it didn't quite reach her eyes. She had so much going thru her head, and she was starting to think that maybe it wasn't such a great idea to be around anyone right now. Curled up in her bed, under her blankets with a box of tissues sounded great right about now. She walked to Selena and gave her a hug, then turned to grab her tray of snacks and drinks.* I'm glad you could make it. Come, let's sit.
9 hours ago · Like · 11
Selena Chosen ‎*she saw her sisters smile but she could see the sadness in her eyes as well and it made her frown. Grabbing a seat she took some tea and piece of cake* Mine Sister you look so sad, tell me what is wrong.
9 hours ago · Like · 10
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She sat down across from her sister and sighed as Selena saw straight thru her false happiness.* Yes, I am feeling a bit blue. Phury had a chat with Zee yesterday and it left him in quite a mood. Ever since I spoke to him, I've just been stuck in my head, thinking not so great things.
9 hours ago · Like · 10
Selena Chosen ‎*she sipped her tea and arched a brow, putting it back down on the table she spoke* Come now mine sister, I need to know more then that to see if i can help you brighten up. I do not like to see you so sad.
9 hours ago · Like · 8
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She shook her head. She knew Selena wouldn't let her go with that brief of an explanation. She took a sip of her tea before continuing.* I've just been thinking....about what a failure I've the race, as a chosen, even as a shellan. I just seem to let everyone down around me. *She took a deep breath before continuing* I just....I kinda wonder if things would have been better without me....ya know?
8 hours ago · Like · 9
Selena Chosen ‎*she blinked and looked down at her hands before looking back up to her sister* Mia you are not a failure as a chosen, to our race and surely not to out Primale. He loves you so much i doubt he see's you as anything but amazing sister mine.
8 hours ago · Like · 9
Cormia Ahgony So much has changed within the race, and a lot of it is because of me. I was a Chosen, that had no desire to be, and somehow I ended up as first mate, when I wanted anything but. If I would have just been a good little chosen and went along with the claiming, instead of....*She trailed off, then looked at her sister, and could see the concern in her eyes. She knew now that calling her sister to chat was not her brightest idea. All she was doing was bringing Selena down with her.* I just.....*She cleared her throat, and tried to hold back the tears that she knew were forming in her eyes* I think...*she stood and began clearing dishes so her sister would not see her cry* I really appreciate you coming Selena. You are such a joy to be around. I think I may need to go lay down. Perhaps a nap will make me a bit less emotional.
8 hours ago · Like · 9
Selena Chosen ‎*she watched her sister try to hide her face behind her hair, standing she grabbed her sisters hand and pulled her into a right hug. Kissing her cheek she released her and looked away* Do you wish me to go home?
8 hours ago · Like · 9
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She didn't wish to be rude, and she truly loved spending time with her sister. She wiped the tears from her face* I shouldn't have invited you here with me like this. *She hugged her sister again.* Please give Lassiter my best. I'm sorry you had to see me this way. *She made her way to the stairs to head up to her room.*
8 hours ago · Like · 7
Selena Chosen ‎*she stared at the spot her sister walked away from, all she could feel was sadness for her sister....and also herself. Shaking her head she demats home, her mind on her sister and the slow sadness creeping up on her*
Butch O'Neal
‎*Exhausted from sparring with Vishous, who once again kicked his ex-human ass across the mats, he dragged himself back to the Pit. He entered the code and headed straight for the shower avoiding contact with anyone else. He was getting some weird vibes thoughout the Manse these last couple of days and didn't want to get hit with the emotional flu going around. The steaming hot shower was doing wonders to his aching muscles and the thought of sitting back with a brewski and his Xbox was more and more appealing. Maybe he'd play with his bruh, he could at least regain some self-worth by kicking his ass at Halo2. Stepping out of the shower, he wrapped a towel around his thick hips and dried off his short hair. He was not planning on putting anything fancy, just sweats and a hoodie. He took out his green and white Coq Sportif sweats and quickly slid them on, making his way to the fridge to take out a Rolling Rock. And there was his girl, making herself a sandwich. *Hey baby girl.* He gave a sweet yet quick kiss on her plump lips and all but rushed to the hi-tech multi media center he called home. Game ready, he flopped down on the soft couch and grinned like a ten year old.* Let's get our killing game on! *
Unlike · · Follow Post · 9 hours ago
You, Lassiter The-Fallen, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Phury Ahgony and 12 others like this.
Marissa O'Neal
‎*standing in the kitchen making herself a snack she scented Butch before she ever saw him. her heart and head still wrecking havoc on her emotions she hoped seeing him would help* Evening Nallum *but as he grabbed a beer and gave her a quick kiss it only made her question things even more. sighing she walked over the couch where he was and sat next to him. her mind on over drive as her fear and doubt grew stronger as he seemed to not even notice her there*
9 hours ago · Like · 11
Butch O'Neal
‎*The sounds of machine guns and men screaming for their muthas after he shot off their legs were reverberating from the huge speakers. *Damn it...*His body moving as though he were there, in the video game streets killing for real. *...I can't...fuck...yeah!!! There ya go ass-...*He glanced over at his shellan and controlled his urged to cuss out the fictitious characters on his screen. Fuck me sideways with a spoon, she caught the virus. She usually sat with him, encouraging him and laughing at him and yet there she was just staring at the screen. He sighed and put the the game on pause, his girl was more important than a stupid, hi-tech...real-looking...exciting game of shoot 'em up. He scooped her up and put her on his lap, sprinkling little beer flavored kisses on her neck. *What's doin, baby?
9 hours ago · Like · 11
Marissa O'Neal
‎*sitting there as he played the game, she couldn't bring herself to urge him on as she usually did, it just wasn't in her right now. she watched the t.v. not even noticing his cussing like she typically did. as sh saw the screen stop she looked at him. as he pulled her into his lap and kissed her neck, which was one of her favorite things he did. sighing heavily* I just have some things on my mind Nallum that I can't seem to shake.
9 hours ago · Like · 11
Butch O'Neal ‎*At her words he knew this was serious shit. If his light little nibbles didn't work on her, then she was not doing well and he coudln't have that. He leaned back on the couch keeping her close to him and absent-mindedly stroking her golden locks. *What's on your mind, Leelan? You can tell me anything, true?
9 hours ago · Like · 11
Marissa O'Neal ‎*as he pulled her tighter to him she tried to not let her feelings over whelm her but she couldn't help it. a single tear ran down her cheek* I can't shake the feeling that the Glymera was right about me all along. Maybe I am not a good enough female for you and that I am not a female of worth after all. *she closed her eyes and just sat there waiting for him to confirm her worst fears*
8 hours ago · Like · 11
Butch O'Neal
‎*A bit speechless, he was expecting something but certainly NOT this.* Who the fu-...heck cares about the Glymera, baby? I'm not Glymera, does that mean I'm not worthy of ya? *Oh fuck! Was this her way of saying she was having second thoug...See More
8 hours ago · Like · 11
Marissa O'Neal
‎*she wished his words reassured her but they didn't* No Butch, you are very worthy of me *she only wish she felt like she was worthy of him* You say that Butch, but if I was I would not have failed as King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's Shellan, he would have taken me properly. But he did not, he choose a half human *nearly forgetting that Elizabeth was a very dear friend of Butch's* Please do not misunderstand I do love Beth but it is hard to believe I am not defective as the Glymera, and mine own brother, have claimed when the King wold rather her over someone who is supposedly of such regal upbringing.
8 hours ago · Like · 11
Butch O'Neal
‎*Well, shit, that little strike-out didn't hurt a fucking bit. He sighed trying to get his plethora of emotions under control, starting with the whole jealousy thing he was feeling right now. *Baby, let's call it fate and not unworthyness, shall we? I mean, yer not being his was fate so you could be mine, true? *He frowned hoping he made sense.* Does that make any sense? *Apparently, she still had feelings about the whole Wrath thing and maybe he was just second-best. Well, not even that...just second. Ain't that the fucking story of his life. Second best to his family, to his job, to the Brothers and now to his shellan. Well, fuck me! The only thing he was number 1 at was his Xbox games. Pathetic. He wiped a stray tear falling down her cheek and brought her perfect little mouth to his, invading it with his tongue and exploring every inch as he fisted her blonde hair in his right hand. *This...right hee-ah, shoulda told ya how worthy you are.
8 hours ago · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal
‎*she knew she should not have brought up Wrath with him, but for some reason she could not help it. all of her fears were overwhelming and over riding everything else right now. as he tried to tell her it was fate she could tell he was having his own doubts about things now* I suppose you could be right mine Hellren *as he leaned in and brushed her tear away she tried to smile at him. his kiss surprised her if she was honest about it. she did not feel as though she felt like she deserved him in any way. she returned his kiss hoping he would not sense her reluctance and unease* Thank you Nallum *it was all she really could offer him right now. wishing she had the faith and confidence in this that he said he did*
8 hours ago · Like · 7
Butch O'Neal
‎*He was going to ignore the lack of enthousiasm in her kiss, refusing to make her feel any worse. But that right there, was a sign she was having second thoughts. Maybe he spent too much time with V. Maybe he played to often on the Box. Maybe he wasn't interesting or funny or a high class intellectual enough for her. Fuck. This. Shit. *I love you, Leelan. No doubts about that, baby. *He pulled her in tighter against him and closed his eyes hoping this emotional cancer would go*
Damon Dhamned
‎*He left his recently assigned bedroom and walked down the hall in search of his sister. Counting down the doors, he stopped outside the one she had told him was her office of some sort. What a Queen had an office for he had no idea. Raising his hand he gave one sharp knock and took a step back, folding his arms across his chest and ignoring the fact he was dressed like some sort of wrangler who got lost on his way back to Texas.* Elizabeth?
Unlike · · Follow Post · 6 hours ago
You, Lassiter The-Fallen, Melissa McNeill, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 5 others like this.
Elizabeth Randall ‎*sitting in her office, she had closed the door, something she never did, but the thought of talking to anyone right now was not something that sounded appealing at all. looking at the picture of Darius she had framed and put on her desk she couldn't shake the thought that had it not been for her her father could still be alive. as she heard a sharp knock on the door she looked up and sighed* Come in
7 hours ago · Like · 5
Damon Dhamned ‎*Hearing the low timbre of her voice, he reached for the handle and opened the heavy wooden door. Stepping in, he looked around with bored interest then turned his attention towards his 'sister'* Nice place you got here darlin *his drawl was less today, the only time it got thick was when he was pissed or horny, neither of which he felt right now. He took a seat in front of the desk without asking and rested his ankle on his knee. He said nothing, only looked at her*
7 hours ago · Like · 6
Elizabeth Randall ‎*seeing Damon enter her office, he couldn't help but see the resemblance between him and their father, but regardless of that shew as surprised to see him. as he commented on her office sh tried to smile* Thank you Damon. *as he sat down across from her, his body dwarfing the chair he sat in. as he crossed his legs, he was relaxed, more so than she had ever seen him* Is everything ok? Can I help you with anything?
6 hours ago · Like · 5
Damon Dhamned No *He said, his tone revealing nothing of why he was here* Figured I should come see what the verdict was from *He gave a small fanged smirk* the King. *He let his gaze drift slow over her features. She looked sad and for some reason, the brother in him roared to life. He wanted blood for whoever put that look on her face. Fuck even the air around her was tinged with her sadness*
6 hours ago · Like · 6
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she had completely forgotten to find him and let him know what King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath had said he could say. sighing internally just another thing she had managed to screw up lately* I am so sorry Damon, I should have found you ages ago to tell you. Wrath said you are welcome to stay here as long as you like, we just need to follow up with Jane on the blood work though.
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Damon Dhamned Darlin, excuse the pun but a blind man could see I am related to you, you look like me and *he leaned over and tapped the top of the framed photograph* I couldn't look more like him *he refused to say Darius' name* if I tried. No surgeon could make me look that close to him without being related. So you get your fancy doctor to do whatever you like, she gets one chance to take my blood, after that *He gave her a slow grin and settled back in his chair* So whats wrong and don;t say nothing because right now you look as nervous as a cat in a room full of rocking chairs
6 hours ago · Like · 4
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she knew he was right, she couldn't look at him and not see herself and her father. she loved it but hated it at the same time and right now it just made her feel even worse. had it not been for her, Damon may have met their father* Thank you for humoring him Damon, I see the resemblance but Wrath is only looking out for his family *as he asked her what was wrong, she was about to say nothing but he cut her to the quick on that one. looking at the picture of her, well their father, again her son kicked her belly. stroking the spot she looked up at him and sighed. how did she even begin to explain this, figuring the best thing to do was just to put it out there* Well I just can't seem to shake this feeling lately that it is my fault Darius is not here anymore.
6 hours ago · Like · 3
Damon Dhamned He get to figuring that I am family yet, whether he likes it or not? *He watched her stroke her hand across her stomach where his niece or nephew lay. He hadn't asked her much about her pregnancy and she hadn't offered any details. Wasn't his business for now unless she made it that way. When she brought up Darius, he tried pulling back the growl of anger that rumbled low in his throat and the icy draft that threatened to blast out of his body* Did you set the bomb?
6 hours ago · Like · 5
Elizabeth Randall ‎*watching him look down to her belly she looked up at him* It's a boy by the way *she had told him the day they met that she did not know. *she could scent his anger and saw the restraint it took in him not to growl* No I did not, but he was at that bar that night because of me. *she had never really talked about that night with anyone, not even King-Wrath. she never wanted to admit to anyone that she knew it was her fault he was gone*
6 hours ago · Like · 2
Damon Dhamned Give him a good name, don't saddle him with something shi..stupid*He couldn't help the small burst of laughter that left him* Is this hormones talking or what? How can you blame yourself for what happened that night? You personally did not place the bomb, you didn't ask for him to go to Wrath. That was all on him, not you. You think I sit here going well shi..*He cleared his throat* its my fault that a bus crashed because I happened to cross the road just before it came round the corner? Only thing I can take blame for is what I do with my own hands. Like killing that human.
6 hours ago · Like · 4
Elizabeth Randall ‎*offering him a small smile* We are going to name him Darius *as he laughed it only made her feelings worse. looking back at the picture of Darius a fresh wave of guilt washed over her* No I did not place the bomb or make him go there but had I not been here he would not have been there and would not be dead. The Brotherhood would not be with out him and you and John Matthew Tehrror would not be with out your father. *her existence had caused so many problems for so many people*
6 hours ago · Like · 4
Damon Dhamned I never needed him for anything Elizabeth, my life is not lacking without him in it. I did just fine how I was reared. Had that investigator not found me when he did I still would be none the wiser. *He shrugged his shoulders, his gaze drawn to the picture on her desk* Fate is a bitch, no matter what you try and do , you can't control it. If the Scribe believed that his time to go was then, then you nor I could do anything about it
6 hours ago · Like · 4
Elizabeth Randall You are luckier than I was then Damon. I lost my mother and was put into foster care as a child *she had no idea why she told him that and all it did was make her feel even more vulnerable in front of him right now. looking up at him, seeing her own eyes in his face, the sharp blue was frightening similar to her own* Don't you ever wonder though Damon, what it would have been like if we had been raised together, with dad. *whispering* Had that been the case this would not have happened. Or if it had just been you he would have only needed a Chosen for you, he would not have had to seek out someone to help you through your transition, like he did me. *she knew he was right about fate and the Scribe but the guilt still ran deep through her and caused her fears to grow stronger* You may be right Damon, but no matter how you look at it, it was because of me that he was there, and that the Lessers were able to plant that bomb and kill him, causing the Brotherhood to lose an incredible warrior and you and JM to lose their father.
5 hours ago · Like · 4
Damon Dhamned ‎*He bolted out of his chair, it tipping over behind him and sounding loud in the office.* I didn't know him Elizabeth, he left me remember? I got dumped off with a man that I called Uncle and you know what? My life was not all parties and fancy shit. You know nothing about who I spend my childhood, or my transition. None of it, so don't try and make me feel guilty or have a hopeless dream about a Father and a family I knew fuck all about *His drawl drew thick as he punctuated his words* He is dead. Get over it and move on, this? Whatever it is you are doing isn't helping anyone. *He gave her a final look and slammed back out of the room, the noise of the door slamming shout reverberating down the hall as he slammed into his own room*
5 hours ago · Like · 5
Elizabeth Randall ‎*his anger hit her like a brick wall, she actually shivered from it. as he screamed at her she just sat there, she had no idea what to say. she had never intended to infer that she knew anything about him or what he had been through, but then again he didn't know anything about her either or what she was feeling or going through. she had welcomed him into her home and this was the thanks she was getting, yet again just another thing she had fucked up. as he slammed the door she lost it completely. jumping as she then heard his own door slam closed. pulling her legs up in the chair she stared at the picture of Darius as she again began to cry, only making her again feel like had she not been around none of this would have happened*
Rhage Tohrture
‎*He left the livin quarters upstairs that consisted of a bedroom he shared with Mary and a bedroom next to that...which belonged to Cohlin and Lyssa. He stopped in and opened the door the the young's bedroom and saw Cohlin playin with some blocks. He grinned at his son* Hey want to come help me out?
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Cohlin Tohrture ‎*Stacking the blocks on top of each other, he didn't hear the door open until he heard the sound of his father's deep voice. Turning his head, he launched to his feet and threw the blocks behind him, running to wrap his arm around his leg and beam up at him* Is wes going to see Unca Wishes again and play with his puter?
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He scooped his son up and gave him a fangy grin* I think this time we are goin to bake a cake for mahmen...she has been workin a lot lately with all the young that need her...and we need to do somethin nice for her. *He held his son in one arm and handed him a tootsie pop...then slid another into his own mouth* So what do you say...can you help me do that cause I can't do it without you
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*He attempted once more to do a fangy grin, only ending up drooling down his own shirt. Rubbing it in, he put the tootsie pop in the corner of his mouth like his father and wriggled excitedly* Can wes puts spwinkles on the cakes? And a truck! *he beamed at him and hooked his arm around his neck* Mahmen is the bestest isn't she daddy? Like *he screws up his face thinking* Likes Cinderelly
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He tickled the drool covered belly of his son* We can put anything on it you want...and Mahmen is the bestest. What makes you think she is like Cinderella son? *he gave his son a fangy grin around the tootsie pop* Do you want a piggy back ride...or you want to walk?
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*He giggled at the tickle, dropping the tootsie pop onto his fathers shirt. Picking it off he popped it back in his mouth and shrugged a shoulders* Coz she is beootiful like Cindrelly and should be a pwincess. And she says dats yous the handswome Pwince, so she must be Cinderelly!! See! *He beamed at him and wriggled in his arms* Piggy Back!! *looks at him serious and leans close* No makes the Zoo game noises wight?
about an hour ago · Like · 3
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He laughed his ass off as he sat his son down on the floor so that he could crawl onto his back* I only make zoo noises with mahmen...climb on. *he stood to his full height when he was sure that his son was secure on his back* She is our princess buddy...that she is. *he flashesd a fangy grin around the tootsie pop over his shoulder at Cohlin before he took off down the stairs and towards the kitchen* What sorta cake do you think mahmen would like son *He was hopin to find the kitchen empty...the doggen didn't like when they males went in to cook and they could suck the fun out of tryin to cook for his shellan*
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*He hung on tight the entire way down the stairs, bouncing slightly with each step and giggling* Mes wants a chocolate cake, *peers over his daddy's shoulders* Me finks Mahmen likes purples ones. Maybes wif flowers? Though mes still finks a truck is a good fing for a cake *As they arrived into the kitchen, he giggled* Wes on our owns, can we play the musics that Mahmen doesn't allows me to listen to with the mens and the bads words? Me pwomise I won'ts say dem
about an hour ago · Like · 2
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He chucked as he slid Cohlin off his back and sat him on the counter* You want to sit up there...or you want to be down here? I think that you are right son...chocolate with flowers...and a truck for good measure *He started to gather all the things they would need* Son do you know why it's important we cook for our females *He flashes a fangy grin*
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*He sat still on the edge of the counter swinging his legs, moving the tootsie pop around his mouth. Shrugging he pulled it out and shook his head* No daddy, mes not know. Is it coz girls get gwumpy when des is hungry? *he frowned and shook his head* Mes get gwumpy when I is hungwy too. Is it coz dey are pwetty and we has to gets them nice fings?
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He gave his son a fangy grin* We do it cause there is no higher honor than to feed your female...especial by your own hand...remember that son. *He grabbed a bowl* What music do you want to hear son? *He went back and grabbed eggs and flour...and then started lookin for a recipe*
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*he reached for the bag of flour, struggling to lift it* Mes got muscles like you daddy!! *grinning he set it down beside him, letting it spill onto the counter* So me should save my cookies for Mahmen? Mes like the music that makes Unca Wishes and Unca Bitch nod their heads Me finks hes called Jay Q? Or dats one you play with the beast in it
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He chuckled at his son* You should feed mahmen is a sign of bein a male of worth...and how much you love your female *He watched him lift the flour and laughed his ass off* You are strong there buddy *he looked at the recipe and measured out three cups of flour and poured it in a bowl. He placed his palm in the spilled four as he leaned against the counter and then looked down...seein what he had done he wiped it on the front of his leathers then turned on the stereo* *He got out eggs and handed them to Cohlin * Crack those in buddy
Beast Of Burden by The Rolling Stones
Beast Of Burden by The Rolling Stones From Some Girls the 2nd most viewed Beast Of Burden video on youtube!!!
about an hour ago · Like · 1 ·
Cohlin Tohrture Mahmen says you are a bweast who makes her rwoar *He frowned* What does that mean daddy? *reaching for a egg, he cracked it against the side of the bowl and nothing happened, frowning he cracked it again, shell and yoke covering his hand and some dripping into the bowl. Throwing the shell onto the counter, he reached for another one, this time missing the bowl and slamming it into the counter. Using both hands, he tried scooping it up and flicking it into the bowl. Wiping his hands on his shirt, he frowned* How manys?
about an hour ago · Like · 1
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He dropped his head a little and rubbed the back of his neck* Well son...I offended the Scribe when I was younger...and she cursed me with a beast...the one is on my back....and when I can't control my anger he comes that is why daddy has to be careful and keep his head in check. Son...never let emotions rule you...the only emotion you should ever let control you is love *He watched him with the eggs* This is goin to be a really good cake...we need three eggs all many gave you put in? *fangy grin*
57 minutes ago · Like · 1
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*he listened to him talk, flicking the bits of egg that were on the counter beside him, splattering them over his daddy's leathers and his own pants.* But yous a good daddy, you not makes people angwy. *He cocked his head and looked up at him* Mes likes the bweast, Me likes hims watching all the time. Means Mahmen has you and hims to look after her den. *He looked into the bowl then back at the eggs* One mes finks. *reaching for another egg, he tried cracking it against the bowl again, dropping the whole thing into the bowl. Reaching in he lifted it back out and tried again, dropping it back into the bowl again* Mes stuck *He frowned and wiped his egg covered hand against his cheek*
53 minutes ago · Like · 1
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He watched as egg flew this way and that...he didn't mind that his pants were covered in was time with his son and the rest of the shit didn't matter. He took Cohlin's tiny one in each of his and showed him how to crack the egg* See you got it you do the next one. *He thought about his son's view on his was true that he had learned to control it with Mary...but sometimes wondered if it would not have been easier if he wasn't around...then his family wouldn't be in danger all the time* I'll add the chocolate while you add the other egg *fangy grin*
46 minutes ago · Like · 1
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*He grinned up at him as he showed him how to the crack the egg and reached for the final one, cracking it perfectly and throwing the shell on the counter* Mes did it!!! *he let out a whoop of glee and bounces on the counter. Watching Rhage, he gave a grin that only a son could give him a father, one of complete and utter adoration.* Daddy can mes get pants like yours? ands a bweast on my back then whens yous not here me can pwotect Mahmen too. Mes got muscles like yours *He lifted both arms and tried to flex* Oh! We needs a twuck! *He pulled out a shiny red truck and waved it, dropping it into the mixture* Oops, *reaching in he picked it out and wiped it clean on his shirt*
42 minutes ago · Like · 1
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He gave his son a proud fangy grin* You did it perfect for the are strong and can protect mahmen without it buddy. You have big muscles...and the beast is not a good thing to have *He ruffled his son's hair and then poured the batter into a pan...he handed one spoon to Cohlin and he took the other* What do you say we taste this...make sure it's ok for mahmen? *fangy grin*
35 minutes ago · Like · 1
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*He grinned up at him and took the spoon, sticking it into the batter then raising it to his mouth. Dropping most of it down his shirt, he managed to cover one cheek before getting it into his mouth.* MMMM *he smacked his lips and rubbed a flour covered hand over his stomach* Tastes good daddy, you try!
32 minutes ago · Like · 1
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He took another spoon and tasted* You did a good job son *He slid the cake into the oven* Now...let's get you cleaned up before mahmen gets my butt for you bein a mess...then we will decorate it
30 minutes ago · Like · 1
Cohlin Tohrture Wif the truck? *He beamed at him and dropped the spoon down onto the counter and reached out his arms to him* Yous lift me pwease daddy *he looked down at both their clothes* Does you needs Mahmen to give you a baff before you goes to bed?
29 minutes ago · Like · 1
Rhage Tohrture ‎*He scooped up his son and hugged him tight* I think that's a good idea buddy...then we can decorate it with the truck. *He set the timer and walked back out of the kitchen...hopin to be unseen by the doggen after seein the kitchen*
24 minutes ago · Like · 1
Cohlin Tohrture ‎*He wrapped his arms tight around his neck and planted a wet, battered covered kiss on his cheek* Yous is the best daddy in the world and mes loves you *He rested his head against his shoulder as he took them back upstairs to cleanup*

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