Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part VIII

  • Jane Bloodletter
    ‎*Finally she had the cure she needed, she had spent hours preparing the correct dosages and all her vials were filled and ready. Gathering everything she needed, she started the slow process of working her way around each of those that had fallen ill with the flu. Those that had already started to recover, she administered the drug anyway, to stop any further outbreak in the long Winter months ahead.
    In each room, she stopped to spend a moment with each of her patients, listening to them tell her of how they were feeling, any other symptoms they had and a moment of general chitchat. When she was finished, she returned to her clinic beneath the mansion and wrote up her notes for each patient, Pyro and Rahm both sleeping quietly in their respective beds*
    Like · · Share · Yesterday at 4:27pm ·
    Emma Lou, Phyllis Etuarte, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 8 others like this.
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*glancing at the clock, she rose to her feet several hours later and with both dogs in tow, made her way slowly through the tunnels back to the Pit. She had barely gotten to spend anytime with her Hellren Vishous recently and she was looking forward to even spending a few moments alone with him. They had been like two ships passing in the night, the met in bed, where either one or other of them was close to falling asleep from exhaustion and when they rose the other had already gone for the night.
    Pushing open the door, she stored her bag and coat and walked into her and Vishous' bedroom, stripping her clothes the moment the door closed and making her way into the shower*
    Yesterday at 4:32pm · Like · 10
    Rhage Tohrture
    Waitin' on a woman...
    Billy Currington- Let Me Down Easy
    Billy Currington's Let Me Down Easy
    Like · · Follow Post · Share · Yesterday at 4:59pm
    Phury Ahgony, Lassiter The-Fallen, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 4 others like this.
    Mary Luce Tohrture ‎~ She ambled in after her shift at Safe Place. She was tired and dragging. Her head hurt, her eyes hurt, her muscles ached and there was a strange tingle in the air. She made her way to her mated room, where she hoped to find Rhage, but he wasn't there. There was a sound coming from the bathroom, and she made her way inside. She was in awe, the candles flick and the room was filled with the scents of relaxation. She brought her hand to her heart and just looked at him~ You are too good to be true.
    Yesterday at 5:52pm · Like · 9
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*His senses kicked into overdrive as he heard her enter the bedroom. Leanin' back against the marble counter..he waited and watched as she entered the dimly lit room his bonding scent flaring the minute he set eyes on her... * Ask anyone.. you are the one that is too good to be true puttin' up with me... Now come here and let me take care of you.. you look fit to drop.. *Pushin' off the counter, he walked towards her.. reachin' out and taking her small perfect hand into his... He took his time undressin' her.. his lips caressin' her slender shoulders.. his fingers brushing over the scars that marked her as much of a warrior as he was*
    Yesterday at 6:00pm · Like · 10
    Mary Luce Tohrture ‎~She stood before him as he eased her clothes from her body, she inhaled and the scent of his bonding filled her lungs, and cloaked her body. She relished in the dark spicy scent, it marked her his and she wore it like a badge of honor. Her hand moved up to his broad shoulders, and palmed their way down his massive arms, and then to his lean waist to pull his large frame close to her. She stood on her tip toes to press her lips to his, softly, slowly parting is full lips with her tongue, exploring his mouth and melding with his skilled tongue. She pulled back, pressing her lips to his bottom lip for a final time before she spoke.~ Why don't we take care of each other?
    Yesterday at 6:13pm · Like · 9
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*He looked down at her.. his eyes hooded.. full of desire for his shellan. Bendin' he lifted her with ease into his arms and stepped into the bathtub. Slowly sinkin' down.. he cradled her in his arms like the precious cargo she was..Settlin' her in his arms he reached for the sponge and stroked it slowly across her flat stomach..He dropped his head and raked his fangs across her shoulder, nippin' slowly and careful to not break her skin just yet... Finishin' at her ear he whispered huskily* let me care for you babydoll..*His cock sat proud against her ass but he ignored it for now.. instead he focused on washin' her body.. the sponge draggin' slowly up to cover her body in bubbles.. Reachin' the perfect swell of her breasts, he lazily stroked the sponge across the hard peak of her right nipple*
    Yesterday at 6:20pm · Like · 9
    Mary Luce Tohrture ‎~Her head lulled back and rested on his strong shoulder, as her back arched into the touch of his strong hand. His fangs grazed her her skin and her flesh pebble as a fire ignited in her veins that warmed her heart and brought a pool of desire straight to her core. Her hips undulated of their own accord and stroked the globes of her ass across her hard cock. Her lips parted and a small moan escaped, mingling with the steam laden room. Her nails lightly scraped the taunt cords of her thighs as her nipples ached for his touch.~ Baby I'm yours to do as you please. ~She moaned out in a seductive tone, laced with a plea for more~
    Yesterday at 7:21pm · Like · 7
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*His cock hardened further.. though he didn't think that were possible..but the feel of her firm ass against his cock broke his concentration of strokin' across her flesh with the sponge. He ducked his head and took the tender flesh of her neck beneath his teeth, suckin' it further into mark her as his..He lost the sponge.. instead his fingers drummed across her nipple, circlin' and pinchin' it between his finger and thumb. His other hand drifted down her smooth stomach.. between her supple thighs to part the folds of her body..his middle finger circled the bud of nerves..almost touching it but keepin' a small distance for now..He moved further down and speared a finger inside her.. pushin' deep then drawin' slowly back out..He moved to the other nipple.. rollin' it slowly then pluckin' as his finger met with her clit.. his fangs piercin' the pale skin of her neck..*
    23 hours ago · Like · 7
    Mary Luce Tohrture ‎~She moaned out his name as his hands plunged inside her aching core. She pressed back against him as his fangs scored her flesh, her hand going behind them and stroking the massive length of his erection. The suds and water adding a agonizing friction as her lifted her hips and begged for more of his touch, moving in sync with his apt fingers, grinding against his broad palm~ Oh gods Rhage, you are gonna make me come ~The water splashed around them as the movement of her hips became more violent. She wanted him inside her she wanted both of their needs sated as her body's core wept for him, and him alone~
    22 hours ago · Like · 7
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*He gripped her hip and lifted her.. movin' her back and settlin' her down onto his cock as he thrust his hips upwards..He groaned against her neck..his fingers working across her clit as he seated himself fully..Pullin' her back against him.. he wrapped an arm around her waist.. holdin' her still against his chest as he pumped slowly up into her hot wet tight core..* Fuck leelan.. you feel so good around my cock.. so tight.. so wet.. so fuckin' hot.. *he growled out the words and ran his tongue up her teeth to catch her earlobe between his fangs* Made for me.. *He whispered into her ear as he pulled back his hips and drove forward into her..* Tell me how that feels.. does it feel as good to you as it does to me?
    22 hours ago · Like · 8
    Mary Luce Tohrture ‎~She screamed out as he slit her over his cock and impaled her with one fluid stroke. He filled her completely and he was right, they were made for each other and fit perfectly together. She moved her hips to match the rhythm he set with the thrust of his cock. Her hips rolled in a slow, deep deductive dance, one hand on his thickly corded thigh, the other had arched behind her and buried in his thick hair. The seductive tone of his baritone voice only coaxed her farther to release, the words that rolled through her head were incoherent at best, but he needed to hear it to sooth the beast that raged within him. The core of her being tightened around his thick cock as he thrust deep within her. The inner walls of her core holding him like a vice and held him deep with in the inner chambers of her sex.~ When you touch me all I can think is more baby, when you are inside me all I can do is moan your name, but the best way I can tell you how it feels is to show you. ~She moaned out the last word as she rolled her hips and took him completely inside her, the inner walls of her core clamping and releasing around him, as her breathing became ragged, and she panted through the erotic release. She held his held close to her as she moaned out his name and rode the wave of orgasm~ How does it feel to know you have the power to make me come all over you?
    22 hours ago · Like · 8
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*He couldn't answer her straight away as he pumped harder and faster into her tight sheath..the water sloshin' and tippin' over the side of the tub as his body surged underneath hers. Her muscles clampin' around him.. the words she spoke in her passion laden voice urged him on* Fuck leelan.. *He groaned.. his fingers working quicker over her clit as his balls tightened to an almost painful level...* There has never been anyone like you.. the sound of you releasin', the feel.. Fuck.. MINE *His bonding scent reached new levels.. the room now full of it accompanied by the slap of their skin together.. the sound of the water beatin' against the tub..He threw his head back and roared out.. *MARY *his release nailin' him so hard he could of swore he saw stars..his spilled into her body in hot hard ropes.. holdin' himself tight against her as he dropped his head against her shoulder. He shuddered behind her.. his arms wrappin' tight around her to pull her back against his chest as he covered her shoulder's in kisses*
    21 hours ago · Like · 6
    Mary Luce Tohrture ‎~She fell back against the wall of his chest, thankful for his hand around her waist to keep her upright. The inner walls of her core clamped and released around his cock, wanting everything he had to offer. Her breathing was ragged and panting, as her body laid crumble and sated against him. Her head lulled to the side on his should her she placed a kiss on his cheek. She spoke breathlessly as she found his free hand and laced her fingers through his~Dear Scribe you are amazing and I love you.
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*He lifted her from the tub.. wrappin' towels around them both and carried her back to the bedroom.. He placed her gently onto the bed and crawled in beside her..wrappin' her in his arms and willin' the candles off. He brushed his lips across hers in a soft kiss* I love you leelan.. *He closed his eyes.. content and at ease with his Shellan in their mated bed*
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*waking in a panic, breathing heavy with sweat beading down his back...*..It wasn't a dream..AGAIN..*she really was here in his bed and they were..wait..looking down..Yes..they were naked..they were laying on their sides and she was wrapped up in his arms, his head laying on a pillow of her hair..He breathed her in..Selena...His...he had one leg draped over her thighs and one arm across her chest and she looked so peaceful in sleep..he didn't want to wake her but he had to touch her..he stuck his nose in the hair behind her hair and blew a hot breath down her neck..*
    Like · · Share · 23 hours ago ·
    Cormia Ahgony, Claire Callaway, Emma Lou and 6 others like this.
    Selena Chosen ‎*she woke to the feel of his nose skimming the skin behind her ear as he breathed moist air across her skin, she shivered as she realized he was naked as she was her hand moved to his side tracing over his ribs and back down slowly, she loved the feel of his skin under her fingertips. Turning her head she kisses him softly, her lips a whisper against his as she opened her eyes to look at him she smiled at him as her fingers continued to trace over his skin*
    23 hours ago · Like · 9
    Lassiter The-Fallen Good morning doll..*he didn't give her time to say anything, he took her mouth as soon as she opened it..he pulled her into his arms and had to pull back a little in fear that he might crush her..*..sorry babe..I can't seem to control myself right now..just say the word and I will pull back..but I just have to touch you..*he looked into her eyes and then kissed her again while his hands were roaming anywhere there was skin*...
    23 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*she moaned as his hands roamed her heated flesh, as she pulled away to breath she mumbled* No i want you body on mine...please. *she looked into his eyes as she tried to get as much air in her lungs as she could before he kissed her again, she never wanted to stop kissing him*
    23 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*her moan had him hard in 1.47 seconds and Gods the pictures going through his mind right now...He had to go slow..he had to make this right for her..he HAD to get inside her SOON or he was going to fucking burst into a 1000 little pieces...He kissed and nipped and and touched*...I want you so bad I ache....
    22 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*pulling him on top of her she shivered as his whole naked body pressed against hers, this felt so right having him looking down at her, feeling his body heat warm hers. Running her hands slowly up his back she pressed his chest tight against hers and closed her eyes as her body lit fire*
    22 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*she pulled him over her with surprising strength and he went willingly..he had a feeling that she wouldn't be satisfied with just his touching and licking and biting and oh hell..just ball up you pussy...he went from her mouth to her neck and worked his way down her body to the juncture between her thighs and spread her legs..Gods she was so swollen and wet..*..You are already so wet for me babe...*he bent down and took a long slow lick*
    22 hours ago · Like · 9
    Selena Chosen ‎*her hips bucked up to meet his tongue and she whimpered as he flicked her swollen nub, getting up on her elbows she watched him taste her her hands coming up to play with her nipples, she had never done this before but she remembered how he did it to her yesterday and mimicked his movements and moaned at the sensations that washed over her body, letting her head fall back she bites down on her lip, her sharp fangs stinging her bottom lip which only added to the sensation*
    22 hours ago · Like · 9
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he felt her rise a little and glanced up and by all that was holy she was touching herself..for a female who was so innocent and pure she sure was a fast learner and took what she needed into her own hands..literally...*..thats it baby, touch me what you need..*he continued to feast on her..*
    22 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*keeping her eyes locked on his tongue she plucked and twisted her nipples, the sensations shooting down her spine right to where his mouth was feasting on her. Sliding a hand down her body she combed it through his still bed tosses hair, tugging at it she groaned as he sucked on her clit in response, bucking her hips she whimpered*Oh sweet virgin in the fade.... *falling onto her back again she kept her hand in his hair as he continued to feast from her*
    21 hours ago · Like · 7
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he lavished a lot of attention on her swollen nub and brought his hand up to push a finger into her folds....she almost came off the he rewarded her with a small nip to her inner thigh..*..I have to make sure you are ready for me doll..cane you take more?..*he licks the spot he just bit and goes back to her center and sucks her clit into his mouth and licked at the tip**
    21 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*her body streched as his fingers pushed into her, it was uncomfortable slightly but she wanted this, she needed him inside of her as much as she needed her next breath. Nodding she groaned* Keep going....i want this... *looking up into his eyes she smiled slightly* I want you.
    21 hours ago · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*his cock jumped at the words he had been waiting for....He continued to pump his fingers in and out of her as his tongue did a little dance on her clit...HE needed her to come...He wanted to see her fly and to taste her juices flowing down his throat..*..Come for me doll....Come hard for me...
    21 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*as his fingers slid into her body and out slowly she started to get comfortable with the stretching of her core, as the coil in her stomach tightens to the point of pain she smacks her hand down on the mattress and fists the sheet in a white knuckle grip as her body falls into pieces, screaming out as she clamps down like a vice on his fingers, her mouth hung open and eyes clinched tight as she quakes and shivers.*
    21 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he felt it the moment her orgasm overtook her...the walls of her channel began to milk his fingers and gripped like a vise..and them her warm honey flowed down his fingers and she gave out the sexiest damn moan he had ever heard..he waited for the last tremor to subside and came up over the top of her...Looking down into her eyes he asked the one question that he had to know*..Are you sure?..You must be sure babe..there is no going back for me after this..It is more than JUST sex for me with you and I have to know if you are ready...
    21 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*looking up at him as her body shook she reach her hand up and cupped his cheek, pulling his head down she kissed him gently still tasting herself on his lips she pulled back slightly letting him rest his forehead against hers she breathed him into her lungs as she watched him as she wrapped her legs around his lean hips, her voice shaking as she spoke* Its not just sex for me either.....i want this with you...please lover. *she could feel his length resting hot and heavy on her lower stomach and it excited her and make her nervous all at once but she still looked him in the eyes, waiting for him to make the final move*
    21 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he asked her repeatedly the last couple days over and over if this (he) was what she truly wanted..and "Needings" BE DAMNED he knew that she felt this way on her own..she just had to...cause he wasn't going to stop now..he knew he had lost that battle when he awoke with her in his arms naked and satisfied*...Hold on to me doll...just..hold on to me...*he bent down and kissed her deep and slow...He shifted sightly and placed the head of his cock at her entrance and waited..*
    20 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*feeling him at her entrace she looked up into his eyes, giving him a reassuring smile, but she was nervous and so many other emotions but she knew she could never regret this, regret him. She cared for him so much it scared her sometimes but she know he cared for her just the same, pressing down with her hips slightly she whimpered as his head slid into her, stretching her more then his fingers had, sucking in a breath though her teeth she dug her nails into his back*
    20 hours ago · Like · 9
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*poised at her entrance he continued to stare into her eyes and he felt like he was falling into her soul..and the colors were beautiful, vibrant and they swirled around the both or them as they pulsed in time with his heart...she flexed her hips and his tip slid in ever so slightly..she took a deep breath in and he watched for sign of any discomfort..when he was sure that it was only pleasure he was seeing he slid in an inch..he leane down and kissed her upturned chin and in an inch...he kissed her neck and in an inch..he continued this rotation until he hit the barrier between her innocence and womanhood..breathing heavy because it was all he could do not to give on big shove and seat himself to the hilt...*..Look at me doll...
    20 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*she felt stretched out and slightly uncomfortable but she opened her eyes to look up at him, the look on his face made it all melt away. He looked down at her almost in awe, reaching her now shaking hands up she cupped his face in her hands and pulled him down for a gentle kiss through the kiss she mumbled* it....
    20 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he pulled back slowly and waited a fraction of a second...*smiling because he just couldn't fucking help it..she was holding her breath and he wanted it..He slammed home in on long stroke and leaned down to take in her moan...he held still to let her adjust and it made his legs quiver with the effect to do so..*
    20 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*it stung so bad, tears fell down the sides of her eyes looking up at him and she smiled, he was final one with her and it made her happy, pulling him into a kiss as she clung to him she mumbled* Oh dear scribe full..... *she shivers as she got adjusted to him*
    20 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he kissed her deep and put all off what he felt for her into it..kissing the edges of her mouth, her cheeks, eyes, kissed away the tears and looked at her asking*..Tears?..Are you ok?...Please say something doll...*he waited on her answer with baited breath..*
    19 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she sniffed and blinked as she looked up at him* Im ok. It just hurt when you pushed in.... *her cheeks flushed a bright red at her words, looking up into his eyes she rolled her hips and gasped at the sensation, oh dear virgin in the fade it still slightly stung but it was over taken by something else. Rolling her hips again she whimpered and her eyes fell shut*
    19 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*pressing his forehead to hers she started rolling her hips against him and his hips jerked in response...he pulled back a little and pushed back in...he wrapped his arms under and around her and held her close while he continued his slow sensuous ride...THIS was heaven..He had made it back..or as close as he could get..right here..buried deep inside of Selena and connected in a way he didn't know was possible...breathing into her ear..*..You Are Everything to me now....EVERYTHING..
    19 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled brightly and turned her face into his neck, connected to him like this made her feel so alive. Her whole body was a live wire as she moved with him, her hands running slowly up his back to his hair turning his head she kissed h...
    See More
    19 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he had to feel it, yes, he had to...he continued to push and pull in and out of her and sped the pace slightly and pushed a little deeper*...I want you to cum for me...I want to feel you milking my cock..I want to feel it run down my balls..Gods..Cum for me Lena..*he kissed her and rode her higher*
    19 hours ago · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*as his pace sped up her eyes widened at the new sensation as it flooded her body, her nails dug into his back as her slid in and out of her body, she whimpered as she looked up into his eyes her own were wide and scared* L-l-lover whats h-h-happening? *she gasped out the words as her body started to tingle from her head and slowly started to make its way to the pit of her stomach*
    19 hours ago · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen This doll..*thrusting deep now**he pulled almost all the way out and pushed all the way to the hilt...repeatedly, over and over until he felt her legs lock around him and her whole body bow...and she came on a spasm that shook the bed...her inner muscles gripping him like a fist...she had her head thrown back and a fine sheen of sweat had formed on her body..he leaned down and licked from the base of her throat to the tip of her chin..after she road out the last of her orgasm he put both hands under her hips and held her still as he pumped in and out of her with a new fever..*
    19 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*the tidal wave that crashed over her as she came was the most intense thing she has ever known, her whole body locked up and shook as she clamped down around him so tight she could feel all of him and dear scribe he felt so good. As he licked a path from the base of her throat to her chin she moaned loudly and finally her she body unlocked feeling him grab onto her hips she yelled out as he pounded into her body with a wild pace, her body was so sensitive she felt her walls start to flutter around him and the coil in her stomach start to tighten again* Oh dear s-s-scribe again... *she gasped out as he pounced into her willing body*
    19 hours ago · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he gave over to his carnal side and took what her body was so willing to give....his balls tightened to the point of pain/pleasure, so he went that much deeper....when he felt her muscles tighten again he reached between them and rolled her clit between his built in his lower back and hit him with no pretense...he slammed home one last time and came on a shout as he took her with him over the edge...he pulsed inside of her again and again...muscle tremors went through his body...he fell on top of her, rolling to his side careful not to hurt her, bringing her under his arm..he kissed her temple and flopped his head back onto the pillow..*...That was...perfect...
    18 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*laying on her head on his arm as she panted for much needed breath she turned her head to look a him, his body was covered with fine sheet of sweat as was hers, he might not have realized he was glowing slightly but she wasn't going to tell him that. She thought he was the most stunning thing she has ever seen, snuggling closer to his body winching slightly at how sore she was she nuzzles her face into his shoulder and nodded* It was all i could ever want...and you gave it to me.
    18 hours ago · Like · 7
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he turned his head to look at her and could tell he was glowing from the brightness it reflected onto her skin...but he couldn't control it at the moment not that he even wanted to..* body was made for my have no idea what it does to me....*he kissed her softly and turned his whole body to wrap her in his arm..*..And now that I have you right her..*looking at the cage he made around her*..I wont let you go...
    18 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled brightly, her heart swelling at his words looking into his eyes she knew he was it for her. He was what she wanted, he treated her like her primale treats cormia, and dear scribe in the fade she loved how he made her feel this was a male of worth if she ever knew one. Nuzzling her face into his neck she planted a soft lingering kiss there and mumbled* Mine Angel..... *slowly she drifted off to sleep to the soothing melody of his heart beat*
    18 hours ago · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*holding her here, like this, made him know what it was to hold the world in your arms....looking deep where no one else could see..he found it..right there..a tiny spark and it was as solid as any wall...her breathing changed as she fell into sleep and he whispered into her hair*...sleep well my heart.....
    18 hours ago · Like · 7
    Blaylock Rocke
    ‎*He wandered around the masion, from kitchen to games room to library and back again....what the fuck was wrong with him? he had never felt..well this horny before. He rubbed his hands through his hair somemore, well and truly messing it up...fuck, he had only just left Saxton in their bed...and his cock was standing proud and center. He had already cracked one off in one of the toilets, but that hadn't helped at all...he really needed to talk to someone...but going from the bonding scents running through the place, the firey pits of Dhund wouldn't get him knocking on those doors! So he carried on kitchen, games room,*
    Like · · Follow Post · 5 hours ago
    Ehlena Rempoon
    ‎*She glanced up to the clock from her seat in front of the computer in the break room of Safe Place. God damnit. She needed to get home. She needed to get back to Rehvenge. After the long, sleepless day they spent in bed, and how he had been insatiable, she couldn't wait to return to him. She. Could. Not. Wait.*
    Like · · 5 hours ago ·
  • Phury Ahgony
    good morning my lovely Cormia. How are you feeling this morning *he noticed the sparkle in her eyes and her frisky behaviors were so in tune with the ache he was feeling. If someone was in needing she had to be feeling it too.He hissed as she trailed her delicate yet all powerful hands down his chest to his cock which was already hard *
    Unlike · · December 8 at 4:36pm ·
    You, Pheonia Chosen, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Emma Lou and 9 others like this.
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She could feel the need building, & remembered going thru her own. She knew this urge was only gonna get worse from here on out. She pushed Phury onto his back, and straddled him. As she looked down at her gorgeous hellren, she could think of nothing else besides being with him. This amazing male who made her hot, just from looking at her. She dipped her head down and captured his lips in a hot kiss, her tongue exploring his mouth, & her hips rocking with a need for him to be inside of her.* I need you, my love...NOW.
    December 8 at 4:54pm · Like · 10
    Faith Hill & Tim McGraw - "Let's Make Love" (Official Video)
    © 2007 WMG Let's Make Love The new single "Come Home" available NOW at iTunes: Listen to "Come Home":
    December 8 at 5:11pm · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*well that answered that question he felt her tight wet core ease over his hard cock. his entire body tingled with the feelings went up and down his spine and throughout his nervous system. He grabbed a hold of his shellan's ass and helped her pump up and down so they both felt the friction and heat of her riding him. *I need you too leelan. just like this, inside of me* he continued kissing her hot mouth at the same time. Her naked breasts were pushed against his chest and felt so good, sending more sparks throughout his body. *damn female what you do to me. You are just amazing.
    December 8 at 5:35pm · Like · 10
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She arched her back as she felt him push inside of her. He hit just the right spot on every thrust. She reached up and pinched her nipple as she rode him, then threw her head back and let out a low moan. She leaned down, brushing her sensitive nipples across his chest, dipped her head to his neck, and trailed her fang down his neck. She saw his artery pumping his rich, sweet blood thru his body & felt her fangs elongate.*
    December 8 at 9:25pm · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*Watching her playing with her own nipples like that aroused him even further. And gave him a glimpse of her elongated fangs. It was difficult to speak but he managed to mumble out what he hoped sounded to her like * Nalla take my vein, please, i need to be inside of you in every way possible * Listening to her loan moans drew out a low growl from his chest. as she continued to ride him from the tip of his most sensitive cock head to his pelvis. his bonding scent swirling all around them as he offered his neck to his beloved
    December 8 at 10:03pm · Like · 6
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*When she heard him ask her to take his vein, and saw him offer his neck, an overwhelming need to have him in her in every way possible hit. She gave a gentle lick, then pierced his vein as she continued to ride him. She let out a small moan at his taste, & felt his power flowing thru her almost immediately as she continued her gentle pulls on his vein. Once she had her fill, she ran her tongue along her bite marks to seal them, and continued her lick up his neck, to nibble on his ear. She whispered to him* You. taste. amazing. *She then turned her head and offered her neck to him.* Please, Nallum....take what you need. Take what only I can give you.
    Friday at 12:14pm · Like · 4
    Phury Ahgony ‎*As she pierced his skin and continued to ride his rock hard cock he held her within his muscled arms close to his chest, this tiny lewlhen that he had been given and that had accepted him. The smell of jasmine and his bonding scent all around them, filled his heart with the warmest glow he could imagine. As his shellan began to pull on his vein the feeling was exquisite. To no that she was taking him into herself gave him such pleasure, He felt the pulls throughout his body giving to her all that she needed, wanted and desired. When she turned to him and offered his neck he nearly lost control and came inside of her, before she had her pleasure. He kissed up and down her neck, paying special attention to her ear and lobe, until he couldn't stand it any more. Finally he latched onto her neck right above her pulsing vein and found nirvana. The taste of her, the sensation of her, the experience of her. He took his fill and sealed the puncture wounds gently shut. He flipped her over on her back and began thrusting in and out of her hot dripping wet core. He knew he was hitting the right spot by her moans.and watching her eyes flutter into the back of her her head.* Oh yes Nalla Let it go, Come for me. Let me feel you explode.
    Friday at 3:46pm · Like · 4
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She felt his fangs slide into her neck, and his sucking brought her right to the edge. He flipped her over and began thrusting even harder. She let out a moan....she She felt her core begin to milk him, bringing him even closer to his release. She hooked her legs around his body to bring him even closer, and moaned out his name as she felt complete ecstasy wash over her.* Ooooh Phury.....don't stop.
    Friday at 4:13pm · Like · 5
    Phury Ahgony ‎*As he thrust into her core harder and faster she began contracting and milking his rigid shaft, He knew they were both on the very brink. As she called out his name that was it for him, He pumped into her as hard and fast as he could feeling her orgasm contract all around him, until he finally pushed inside of her as deep as he could and released, filling her her with his seed and bonding fluid. To see the smile of relief on her face pleased him more than anything. Remaining inside of her he pulled her to his ches and covered her with a sheet where he could continue kissing her beautiful honied hair and smelling their combined scents. Scribe Virgin he loved this female so much! He had a feeling he would be showing her again how much shortly.
    Vishous Bloodletter
    ‎*He work up with his cock throbbing and stiff. This was nothing new for him, but something was different. As the shutters went up for the night he knew exactly what it was. Someone was in needing. Fuck. He rolled over and pulled Jane close to him, his his hips grinding his cock into her firm ass as he nuzzled her neck* Leelan you up?
    Unlike · · Follow Post · Friday at 8:18am
    You, Phury Ahgony, Pheonia Chosen, Anna Miller and 7 others like this.
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She slowly opened her eyes, pressing her ass back against the hard length of his cock. Her lips curved into a smile as moved her arm back to slide down the muscled length of his thigh* I see you are my love *she turned her head to look over him in the dim light of the room, her gaze tracking over his features, her smile growing fuller as she took in the features of the person she loved more than anything in this world*
    Friday at 8:33am · Like · 9
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. He splayed his fingers out and flexed them to fist the thin material of his shirt that she had been sleeping in. Each movement of his hand raising it farther up her thighs and past her lean hips. His hand made contact with the warm skin of her flat stomach and it was on. His palm dipped under the top and moved up her ribs to cup her breast. The action causing the shirt to move up farther in the back so that his naked cock rested comfortably against her bare ass. He growled low in her ear as his hand found her pert nipple* Leelan *His other hand snaked under her hip so that she was encircled in his arms. The other hand dipping between her thighs to raise her leg back and over his thigh* If you are tired you tell me now and I will go to the penthouse to take care of this shit but you have about three seconds to make the choice
    Friday at 8:41am · Like · 8
    Jane Bloodletter She gave a faint shiver as his hands tracked over her body. No matter how many times they came together, his still had the power to have every nerve in her body totally in tune with his. Her body grew damp between her thighs as he lift it back and spoke against her skin* I am not tired. I am hungry for you *she gave a not so suble roll to her hips, letting his cock slide through her cheeks as she reached a hand over her shoulder to thread into his dark hair drawing his mouth closer to her skin. Her nipple grew harder, almost painful beneath the pluck of his fingers and it drew a low moan from her throat.* I need you Vishous *she turned her head and rubbed her cheek against the bristled side of his face*
    Friday at 8:50am · Like · 9
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He rolled to his back with a groan as her hips rolled against his cock. It wasn't his way to just dive into her, no matter how much he wanted too. The prolonging and anticipation was half the fun. He reached in the night stand and retrieved a bondage strap. He rolled back to her where his front was to her back. The fucking white shirt of his had to go. He snagged the top of the collar with his fangs and then pulled the tear he made apart with his hand. Leaving her entire back exposed to him. He placed a palm on her hip and ran it slowly up across the dip of her waist the rise of her ribs cage the swell of her breast and catching her arm to hold it above her head. He caught the other arm in the same fashion and bound them both above her head and secured them both with the leather bondage strap. He dragged his fangs over the tender skin of her shoulder and growled* MINE *as he ground his cock into her*
    Friday at 9:17am · Like · 9
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a faint grumble of protest, even though they had done this many times over the years they had been together, it was still not in her nature to fully submit to him.. The strong side of her always welled up and made her want to struggle and fight against this, even though they both know the only time she was in control was when he allowed it. She rolled her hips against him, keeping her back to his broad chest, and rehooked her leg over his lean hip. She wanted to touch him, her mouth watered for a taste of him, her fingers clenched even though her wrists were bound. She wanted to have her hands, her lips even her blunt human teeth against his skin but for now she bide her time.* I have always been yours *she moaned quietly, the feel of his teeth against her shoulder making her whole body shiver*
    Friday at 9:25am · Like · 9
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He grinned against the soft skin of her back as she hooked her leg over his thigh. She wanted him and he wanted her but that little action would cost her. He palmed his cock and slid it between her thighs as she had her leg over his thigh he slid easily between her wet folds, coating his cock in the moist heat of her sex. He growled low in his throat and drug his fangs across her shoulder and up the column of her neck. His cock slid through her wet folds and his shaft stroked her clit. He caught her earlobe between his fangs as he spoke* Leelan I want you dizzy and unable to think of anything but me and wonder what I'm gonna do to your body next, feel me? *His arms re-circled her and palmed her breast, kneeding them and toying with her hard nipples* That's right leelan give in.
    Friday at 9:39am · Like · 9
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*Goosebumps broke out across her skin and as much as she wanted to angle her hips and let him stroke closer to where she wanted him, she wouldn't. She did this every time they came together, she fought against the need to submit and kept holding tight to the need to dominate. She jerked in his arms as the blunt head of his cock bumped against her clit and this time she did give a faint rock of her hips, stroking his cock between the damp folds of her body to nudge against her clit again. As much as she enjoyed the foreplay with him, she knew he did it to drive her higher and higher, to show her how he controled her body. And control her he did. He knew the exat place to touch her, to kiss her, the words to say that would push her higher then have her tumbling over the edge. She was stuck, there was nowhere for her to move until he choose to let her. Instead she contented heself to stroked herself against the hard hot length of his cock, though she was unsure if she teased herself more than him*
    Friday at 9:52am · Like · 9
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*The stroke of his cock through her wet folds made him groan low. He had to use his restraint to pull away if he didn't he would be inside of her buried to the hilt in no time. With a growl of protest he pulled his cock from between her thighs and moved over to the side of the bed. He looked in the drawer of the night stand and pulled out a blind fold. He walked around the edge of the bed, his hand pumping up and down on his cock. It would be the last sight she took in before he covered her eyes with the blind fold and turned her world to dark. He grinned down at her as he continued to fist his cock. He placed one knee on the bed and lean forward. He stroked the head of his cock across her lips* Open leelan
    Friday at 10:02am · Like · 9
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She watched him prowl around the bed like the predator he was, his hand stroking over his cock where she wanted hers to be. The sound of the drawer opening shot her gaze towards it and her brow raised as she pulled out the length of material he normally used to blindfold her. Her teeth worked across her lower lip as she watched him, her hips lifting of their own accord, her hips giving a slow role as if to try and beg him back yet she spoke no words. As his cock stroked across her lips, her tongue darted out and flicked against the tip, catching the small bead of moisture with a low moan. Parting her lips further, she met his piercing eyes and took the head into her mouth, her tongue swirling around it and flicking slowly against the vein that ran underneath. Pulling back, she rasped her tongue across the head again and whispered* More..
    Friday at 10:09am · Like · 9
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*She asked for more and he was more than willing to oblige her. He slid the length of his cock in her hot mouth with his hand fisting her hair and showing her where and how he wanted her to move over him. His hand slid down the length of her body and poised between her thighs. He growled out* Open leelan *He didn't wait for her to submit before he buried his hand in her wet sex. Two of his fingers dipping deep in her sex. He pumped them out of her body to match the motion of his cock in her mouth. Height had it's advantages and he used it bending at the waist to capture her pert nipple in his mouth. His tongue moved in circles over the hard peek as he sucked and tugged, raking his fangs across the flesh*
    Friday at 10:24am · Like · 9
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She could see nothing, all her senses where now heightened on her other four. She let him guide her, her lips firm around his shaft, her tongue working across his length as she drew her up. She arched her back, offering her breasts up to him, her hands tightening into fists since she couldn't slide her hand into his hair to hold him to her. She parted her legs and pressed her feet into the soft mattress, lifting her hips and thrusting back against the pump of his fingers. Her pussy clamped around his fingers as she worked her hips, wetness welling and covering him. She had no shame, she knew how much she wanted him, her body never denied that. She moaned against his cock, letting the vibrations roll over him, her thighs giving a subtle shake as she gave a faint pant*
    Friday at 10:32am · Like · 8
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He removed his fingers from the soaking heat of her sex and flattened his palm giving her sex a small smack, as he tugged one of her nipples. He released the taunt skin from his mouth and pulled his cock from her mouth. He wanted to hear her response and fuck if he stayed there a minute longer he would have came in her mouth and while he would have loved it, this was about them. He grabbed her hips roughly and flipped her flat of her back. He reached in the night stand and found the glass juicer she was so fond of. He placed the cool glass against her lips them moved it lower circling each nipple in time as he positioned himself between her thighs, kneeling. He moved it down her stomach and then across her clit* Tell me what you want leelan
    Friday at 10:47am · Like · 8
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a sound of disapproval when he slid his fingers from her. She had been so close, a few more skilled pumps of his fingers would have pushed her over the edge. She ran her tongue across her lower lip, tasting him there before he placed one of her favorite toys there instead. Her tongue lathed the top of it, leaving it damp before he trailed it across her nipples. The combination of that and the cool night air had her nipples pebbling and her hips lifting in response. She could feel the heat of his huge body between her and she stroked the side of her foot against his strong thigh. She arched her back, and parted her legs as wide as she could, baring herself to his gaze as he stroked the juicer across her* You know what I want. I want what only you can give me
    Friday at 10:55am · Like · 8
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*A low growl rumbled through his chest as he slid the glass down farther and into her weeping sex. He pushed it forward to the hilt and dipped his head stoke his tongue across her clit. He moved his tongue faster and harder against her as he moved the juicer in and out of her body with a twist of his hand. His free hand went to the taunt peaks of her nipple, taking first one then the other between his thumb and index finger and rolling the flesh. His eyes watching every move her body made, every breath she took* Leelan tell me exactly what you want. I know a lot of things but I still want to hear them, feel me?
    Friday at 11:08am · Like · 8
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her mouth worked silently as she struggled to catch a breath long enough to answer him. Her chest was heaving under the talented flick of his tongue and the skilled movement of his hand working the juicer in her soaking wet pussy. Her nipples hardened to the point of pain but stopping just before agony hit, instead all it did was having her groaning out his name .* I want.. *she moaned again* I need *again she moaned* Fuck, baby, I need to come, I need to shatter, I need you to push me higher until I come undone at your hand. Then I want you to fuck me, fuck me so hard that even when you are on patrol I could still swear I feel you deep inside me *she lifted her hips, grinding herself against his face as she struggled against the material that bound her wrists*
    Friday at 11:14am · Like · 8
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He lifted his mouth off of her clit, just inches to speak against the wet flesh of her sex two words as a command* Come. Now. *He went right back to his fast and furious pace with his tongue over her clit as he pressed the glass as deep inside her as possible. He wasn't letting up on his oral assault until she was writhing on the bed and begging for more. It wasn't in him to do anything by half measures and sex was one of the things he especially didn't do in halves. His free hand opened over the lower part of her stomach holding her in place. She couldn't get away no matter how much she struggled*
    Friday at 6:15pm · Like · 7
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*His words, even though she tried to fight it, tried to starve off the orgasm that was rushing towards her at an alarming rate, did no good. She pushed her head back into the pillow, her nails digging into the palms of her hands, her feet flat on the bed as she lifted herself up to him. She screamed out her release, writhing beneath him, her pussy clenching hard around the juicer like she would do around his cock at some stage. She moaned and panted, her hips bucking wildly even though his hand held her in place.* oh Vishous, baby *She shuddered, her legs shaking hard on either side of his head, her hands itching to reach for him and pull him close*
    Friday at 6:22pm · Like · 7
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He looked up from her sex and watched her as she came undone in front of him. The bucking of her hips causing his cock to jump up and beg for attention. He moved the fucking glass out of the way and going up on his knees he palmed the globes of her ass lifting her to him. He slid into her in one fluid thrust, seating himself completely. His thrust started deep and rough as a growl moved through his chest and a thought played over in his head.*MINE. *He wanted her to touch him. He wanted to feel the score of her nails on his flesh and the pull of his hair at her hands. He leaned forward slightly and released her hands, before returning her hands to the globes of his ass and slamming back into her to the hilt*
    Friday at 6:33pm · Like · 7
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She almost groaned in relief as he slid into her, her hips rising up to meet his hard thrust with one of her own. Their couplings were often like this. Hard and hungry, full of a driving need. She relished these times, even though she enjoyed it just as well when their time was more slow, more loving. She growled in approval when he released her wrists, her hands sliding down his back, her nails scoring his skin and leaving red welts. She sunk her nails into one firm ass cheek and used it to anchor herself against him, her other slid up his neck and into his dark hair, tugging and dragging him down so she could press her lips to his. She groaned against them, the taste that was he alone firing up her blood and making her impossibly wetter.* you feel so good inside me baby, but I need more.. Please *she nipped at his lower lip and rocked her hips harder against him*
    Friday at 6:47pm · Like · 7
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*The please she added on the end was the only thing that saved her from him just stopping and making her watch as he jacked off. The way she was thrusting against him was bolder than he allowed on his watch and it was time she was reminded just who she was fucking he was a far cry from the Ivy league fuckers that she had back in the day and he thought she might need to be reminded. He pulled out of her completely and unclasp her hands from around his neck. He flipped her on her stomach and snaked an arm under her to hold her ass up to him. He drove back into her her with out the slightest of ease. His free hand went to her hair and careened her neck back and his fangs fell harshly on her shoulder, not to drink, that would come later, but to remind her who she had as her hellren. He released the bite on her shoulder as he continued to slam into her wet pussy* Jane you are starting to get comfortable with our playtime, so now you need to tell me since you want to be in control, what's my next move?
    Friday at 7:15pm · Like · 7
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She met him thrust for thrust, driving back to take every inch of his hard cock that he offered. The room filled with the sound of their flesh meeting, the scent of sex filling the room coupled with the harsh pants that fell from her lips. She wanted to keep nippng at him, urging him to take her harder and faster but she was hanging by a thin thread. Her body was ignoring what her mind wanted as she started to shake beneath him, her face pressing into the pillow to muffle the cries and groans she was emitting. She rolled her hips and rocked back hard against him as the first spasm of her orgasm hit her. Her inner walls pulsed hard, clamping down on him and trying to milk him of his seed as she pushed up on her knees to rest her back against his front. Her arm slid over her head and threaded into his hair, urging his mouth back to her neck* Please baby *She groaned as another orgasm snuck up on her*
    Friday at 7:31pm · Like · 6
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He removed her hand from his hair and used the wall of his chest to bend her back over his larger body caging her smaller frame. He pulled first one arm behind her back and then the other, never missing a stroke. He used one of his hands to hold both of her wrist, her face hitting the pillow. He widened his stance on his knees so that his each of his knees was on the inside of hers and prevented any movement of any kind on her part. He slammed into her repeatedly bringing his hips flush with her ass on each thrust. He dipped his head forward and raked his fangs up her spine to rest beside her cheek* Beg. Louder.
    Friday at 7:39pm · Like · 7
    Jane Bloodletter OH FUCK *She screamed out, her face pressed into the pillow effectively muffling her words* Please Vishous, I need you so much. Take whatever you need from me *She was past the point of caring how desperate she sounded, her whole being was focused on the pleasure he was giving her. He pushed her body past her normal limits and into another zone entirely. She tried to move against him but was unable, instead, she held herself still, letting him drive into her. She could barely breath through her groans, another orgasm tumbling into a new one, this one harder than the rest. She shook uncontrollably, beneath him, his name the only word she could sound out*
    Friday at 7:48pm · Like · 7
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*Her screams and shaking was all he needed. He drove in one final time, his balls tight to the point of pain as he buried himself deep. The hot seed of his orgasm came in jets spilling into her sex as his hips bucked wildly. He slumped over her back and found her lips to capture them with a deep kiss before rising back to his knees and pulling out of his shellan. He tucked her close to them and covered them as he lay panting with a satisfied fanged grin*
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She tossed in bed and turned thinking that she was having a strange dream in which her uterus was being removed with a dull knife, as it turned out it was not a dream at all, the pain was quiet real. She turned to the side and drew her legs up close to her body, as she sweated profusely but it was to no avail. She whimpered at first and then she started to moan, and before long she was crying out in pain*
    Unlike · · Follow Post · Friday at 7:45pm
    You, Cormia Ahgony, Claire Callaway, Emma Lou and 7 others like this.
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He shot upright in bed, scrubbing a hand over his face as the scream tore him from the him the heavy sleep he had been. Blinking, he turned to look at her, his face twisting in concern* Mhisery? *he reached out to place his hand on her back, the other reaching out for phone that sat on the bedside cabinet. Hitting the speed dial for Jane, he waited until she answered and merely barked out* I need you to come to Mhisery's room. Something is wrong* Slamming the phone down, he moved from the bed circling it and and kneeling down in front of her* Mhisery, what is it?
    Friday at 7:55pm · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She tried to focus on his face but it was of no use. She gritted her teeth and screamed through her clenched jaws as her hands white-knuckled the sheets* It hurts. My stomach hurts.
    Friday at 7:59pm · Like · 8
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She stared at the phone for a moment before she grabbed her bag and left the pit. Rather than take the tunnels, she ran across the pebbled drive and ghosted through the front door. Running up the stairs, she pushed open the bedroom door and stopped taking in the scene before her.* Out *She nodded to Qhuinn and waited for him to leave. Once he had, she moved to the bed and reached into her bag, snapping on a pair of gloves and looking down at the female. The poor girl hadn't had much luck of late and if her assumptions were correct she was going to have a hell of a few days if she wasn't taken care of correctly. Giving her a quick examination, she sighed. She was right, the female was going into her needing and without the help of a male.*I know it hurts but I will get you what you need my dear. *stepping away from the bed she reached for her bag and left the room to stop in front of Qhuinn* She is in her needing, just hitting it now you know the options as well as I do. *Handing him some vials and a syringe* The easy way *She looked him directly in his mismatched eyes* Or the right way which is you. Call me when it is over so I can check her over *With a final look, she left him and returned to the Pit and her mated bed*
    Friday at 8:04pm · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked down at the vials then back at the door. Needing? Fuck. He had heard of others that had helped females through theirs but he had never had that privilege. Sure he would give her the choice it was her right to deny him. Opening the door, he stepped in and moved back around the bed to his prior position. Knealing down beside he kept his voice low* Mhisery, I can make it really easy on you and give you what Doc Jane has given me, or I can take of you properly, the choice is yours. *Shit, he hoped she picked the option of him easing her through this. His cock was already leaping to life at the small waves that were beating off her and hitting him and he knew from what older males had told him, this would get worse. He leaned slightly closer and inhaled her scent. How the hell had he missed it? He could scent she wasn't fertile but he should have known that scent. Or should he? He had never been in this situation before*
    Friday at 8:10pm · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She tried to listen to him through the haze of pain that she was trapped in and some of his words were making their way in. He was asking to take her and she had to give him a what the fuck look* So what we have been doing in here for two days hasn't been properly? *She grabbed him by the shit and pulled him to her, her lips pressing to his as her tongue dipped inside of his warm mouth and explored it's confines completely. She pulled back nipping his lower lip. * Take me now...please
    Friday at 8:18pm · Like · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave her a slow fangy grin as he pulled back to look at her, his weight resting on his elbows on either side of his head. * I'm going to take real good care of you beauty *His eyes tracking over every inch of her body, his cock stirring more. He could smell the faint trace of her perfume lingering in the air and his eyes darkened with arousal as he thought of spending a few days working out the tension that hung heavy in both their bodies and the needing that would cause her agony unless he could keep her well sated. He gave a low tortured groan beneath his breath and ducking his head, he ran his tongue up the column of her neck, nipping his fangs against her vein, one hand wrapping around the length of her hair beneath her and pulling her head back almost painfully, the other clamping down hard on her waist to hold her beneath him* You have no idea how much I want to have you writhing beneath me and hearing my fucking name leave your lips as you scream in pleasure. *He score her skin lightly with one fang and lapped the bead of blood that welled, his chest expanding on a throaty groan*
    Friday at 8:29pm · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She watched him as he was eye fucking her. As much time as he was spending taking in her features she was taking in his. He was tall and broad with a lean waist. His muscles had muscles and he walked with a cocky air about him. He could probably take anyone of his choosing to bed at anytime, but she wasn't just anyone and this wasn't just anytime. His mismatched eyes bore straight to her as they met her gaze and immediately a small fire started in the core of her sex, one that in not time would become an untameable blaze that would consume them both. He appeared in front of her, the heady smell of his cologne present just seconds before he was. Her breath caught in her throat when he pulled her hair back . She was about to let out a stream of curses when his tongue met her skin, and her breath became ragged as his tongue and fangs slid down her throat. His deep baritone voice, coupled with the worlds he spoke made her ache to be touched by him. Her chest heaved as she grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted over his head, she wanted to feel as much of his skin against her as possible. She reached for his fly and slid her hand down the front of his leathers to encircle his thick cock. She moved her hand from crown to base, loving the way the velvety skin felt against to her palm. A low moan of appreciation escaped her lips at the impressive size of the male as her head fell forward to the soft space where his neck met his shoulder. She ran fr fangs from that tender spot up his neck where she whispered in a guttural tone, allowing the warmth of her breath to caress the shell of his ear* I want you so deep in side me that I can't tell where my body ends and yours begins. I want you to carry my scent on your body like a badge of honor. I want you to memorize what I feel like wrapped around your cock so days from now you can think about it and your cock gets hard. I want to come all over you so many times that I can't think, stand or breath and then I want you to make me come again.
    Friday at 8:38pm · Like · 10
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His head lulled forward at her words, resting against her shoulder that though she was delicate compared to him, she was still as strong as a warrior. The leather moulded to her perfect form like a second skin, revealing each and every curve her body had to over, and fuck did she have some curves that he wanted to trace with his tongue. His hips shot forward as her small hand wrapped around him, and his knee wedged her legs a foot apart. He reached out and unzipped the leather gillet she wore, his hands instantly covering the mounds of her breasts through the lace bra she wore. His thumbs worked against her nipples brushed back and forth before he pinched them between finger and thumb, rolling them slowly then flicking his finger against each one.
    He lazily thrust his cock through the circle of her hand, one of his leaving the perfect tilt of her breast to drag his fingers down over her flat stomach as he made quick work of opening her leather pants. He pushed them aside, his hand delving into the opening, his fingers moving straight for her pussy and sliding one long finger deep inside. He slowly thrust it in time with the ministrations of her hand, coating his finger in her wetness before he dragged it out and circled her clit. He teased is way around it, just touching it and no more as he ducked his head and took her right nipple in his mouth. He sucked it in deep, his tongue stud rolling over it before it took it between his teeth, the tips of his fangs piercing her skin and no more. He growled against her breast and moved his finger again from her clit to slid two into her tight pussy. He slowly pumped just in inch inside her then slid his middle two fingers in deep, his thumb brushing back and forth across her clit*
    Friday at 8:46pm · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She widened her legs farther allowing more room for his apt hands to work. A breathy moan of appreciation rolled from her lips along with his name. Her free hand went to his hair to pull him closer to her and hold him at her breast . Her hips undulated over his fingers silently begging for more, and getting what she asked for with the addition of his second digit. She wanted out of the clothes she had on wanted him out of his. She continued to stroke his cock with one hand as the other went bout getting them both nude. When she had removed the last of his leathers she had to take in the site of him nude. He was more beautiful nude than he was clothed. She ran her fangs across his shoulder before she made her way down his body. She placed the blunt tip of his cock at the opening of her mouth, her tongue circling the ring of nerves at the crown before taking him completely inside her mouth. She looked up at him as her mouth ran the length of his massive cock, with her hand following suit, her free hand cupping his weighted balls. She moaned as she tasted him fully, wanting more. She started with an agonizingly slow movement that increased to a rapid sequence of her mouth and hand moving to take him in and out of her mouth*
    Friday at 8:50pm · Like · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He threaded his fingers into her hair and locked his legs back to stop himself crumpling before her. The feel of her hot mouth and skilled tongue working over him with her hand had his head falling back on a ragged groan. He tried holding himself still, letting her do the work but he couldn't as much as he tried. He gave a few shallow thrusts into her mouth and used the grip on her hair to show her exactly how he liked it. He forced his head forward and looked down, watching in fascination as her full rosy lips took his cock in and out.* Fuck * was all he managed to bite out, watching her and feeling her tongue moving against the under side of him, her fingers stroking across his sensitive balls and her other hand stroking him.
    He yearned to taste her and until he could he slid his fingers into his mouth and groaned louder at the taste of her. His tongue made quick work of his fingers, his mouth now watering for a further taste of her. To have his tongue buried inside her, his fingers, teeth, lips all working in tandem to pleasure her, to have her feeling what he was feeling right now. He tilted slightly to the side enough that he could use his free hand to cup her breast, to tease he nipple once more into a hardened peak. He knew he couldn't last much longer, she was too skilled, she seemed to know exactly how and what speed to touch him to drive him closer and closer to the brink* Mhis..Mhisery.. you need to stop or.. *he groaned and clenched his teeth* I will finish in your mouth if you don't stop
    Friday at 9:02pm · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She released him from her mouth, her hand still working over his erection, the wetness of her mouth lubricating his cock and allowing her had to slide with ease. She went up on her knees, legs spread, his cock in her hand. Her pussy wet for him and only him, an aching need for him that was almost painful. She bent at the waist enough that her breast were level with his cock. As she stroked his shaft she circled the twice pieced nipples of her breast and a whimper escaped her lips. Her other hand went to the center of the ache that he had created, she looked up at him as first one of her fingers, then another disappeared into the wetness of her core, her thumb working over her clit. She moaned loudly as she neared orgasm. She watched his face, her eyes locked with his as her first orgasm rocked through her body. Her eyes widened as the inner walls of her sex spasmed around her fingers. All she could do was call out loudly* OH MY FUCKING GOD YES QHUINN YESSSS
    Friday at 9:07pm · Like · 10
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His breath panted out of him in short bursts, his legs started to shake as he looked down and watched her hand disappear between her slender legs.* Fuck, * He could scent her arousal and it fueled his. it started at the tip of his toes and worked his way up through his legs, it tore through his body at the speed of a freight train. His balls tightened and it took every inch of his will power to not cum there and then. As he heard her orgasm, and the movement of her body, he reached down and lifted her under the arms. Turning and dropping her down on top of the mattress of the large bed.
    Wedging his shoulder between her legs, her fell on her pussy like a starved man, his tongue replacing where her fingers had been, eagerly lapping up her orgasm, low growls rumbling through his chest as he ignored the screaming in his head to claim her. He showed her no mercy, he covered her clit with his lips, his tongue circling stroking and flicking his hands moving up to cover both her breasts and tug at her nipples. Keeping one hand there, he moved the other to her throat, his large hand wrapping around her neck and pressing down applying just enough pressure*
    Friday at 9:14pm · Like · 10
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*The fall of his mouth on her core made her back off of the bed violently and her legs shook as they framed his handsome face. She buried her hand in his hair and held him in place as her hips undulated over his face, and she bit down on her lower lip to the point of drawing blood. She could feel the bloom of another orgasm and her nails scored the flesh of his shoulder as she was trying to find something to hold on too when his hand clamped around her throat, then their was no holding back. The euphoric sensation in her head accompanied by his mouth on her core was more than she could stand. Her eyes rolled back in her head and the only thing that kept her from shouting out his name was the grip he had on her throat. The inner walls of her core spasmed out as she coated his skilled tongue with the liquid evidence of her desire*
    Friday at 9:23pm · Like · 10
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He ran his tongue through her folds, taking every drop of her orgasm and swallowing it down with a eagerness that surprised him. He speared his tongue inside her a final time then rose up over her body. He hands made quick work of tearing the rest of their clothes from their bodies before he loomed over her.* Do you trust me to do you right *He asked as he nudged her legs further apart and settled between them, the head of his cock poised and ready to side balls deep inside her.*
    *reaching out, he took both her hands into his, his fingers wrapping around her slender wrists and stretching them above her head. His other hand slid back between her legs and he thrust his middle finger fully inside her soaking pussy. Her prior orgasm coated his finger and he drew it out slowly. Raising his hand, he stroked his finger across her lips then leaned down, his tongue tracing over them to clean the dampness*
    Friday at 9:33pm · Like · 10
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She bit down on her lower lip and nodded to the affirmative just a second before her hands were taken over he head. She gasp out as his finger delve inside her and moaned has he brought it to her mouth, the moan growing deeper as his tongue traced over hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him closer, her hips lifting attempting to seat him inside her. Her body ached for his touch, in all reality needed it. She wanted to touch him but was unable to so she did the best she could to cradle his body at the junction of her thighs, not being able to think him enough. The pain in her stomach already starting to subside.* Oh Dear Scribe Qhuinn please fuck me
    Friday at 9:43pm · Like · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*The words had barely left her mouth when he slid himself home, seating himself fully, her last orgasm easing his passage. He drew back and slid forward against just as forcefully. Keeping her wrists in his hands, he leaned down, his mouth closing around one pert nipple, his fangs punching hard through his gums and sliding with ease through the flesh around her nipple. He growled against her skin and took a hard pull of her heady blood.
    He drew hips back again and slammed into her, drawing back and moving into her with two shallow thrusts, following it up again with a hard one. He kept that motion going as he took another pull of her breast. Retracting his fangs enough to leave her skin, he lapped his tongue over her, sealing the wounds and circling around her nipple, his tongue piercing the tautness of the peak*
    Friday at 10:06pm · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She moaned his name as he entered her and filled her completely. He was a male of girth and for helping her out one of worth as well. Her back arched pressing her body tight to his and offering more more of her breast to him. The strike of his fangs caused the inner walls of her heated sex to clamp around his cock, the lap of his skilled tongue causing them to release her pent orgasm over the length of his steel erection. She thrust her hips upward to bury him inside the soaking walls of her core as she shattered around him. She dug her nails into her own palm to keep her focused but it was no use. Her mind was a haze of desire and the only image seared on her brain was the name that was on her lips* QHUINNNNNNNNNNNN
    Friday at 10:25pm · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he growled with approval as he felt her shatter around his cock, his own pent up release not far behind her. He released her wrists long enough to clamp his hands down on her waist, holding her still beneath him as he pumped harder into her body. A low rumble of a growl started deep in his chest and bubbled up through his lips. His head fell back and he roared to ceiling, his balls tight as he gave a final hard pump into her. His release shot out him, coating the inner walls of her pussy in hot hard ropes as he collapsed down on top of her, taking his weight on his elbows on either side of her head* Fuck, Fuck fuck fuck.
    Friday at 10:38pm · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She lay panting beneath him, her body spent and the pain eased. She draped her arms around his neck as her chest heaved out the raggedly with the fleeting remnants of her orgasm ebbing out of her body. One hand slid tenderly into his sweat soaked hair and the other cupped his face as she looked up at his mismatched eyes and her body still shook beneath him. She uttered the only words she could form* Thank you. Now will you do me the honor of taking my vein? *She tilted her head knowing he had only taken a small amount from her breast and needed more at the pace he was setting*
    Friday at 11:12pm · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked down at her before slowly sliding his still hard cock from her body and shifted to lie against her side. He wrapped his arm across her waist and looked down at her* I will feed, but I am not taking from your neck or wrist *he let his hand drift over her stomach and down, pushing her legs apart a few inches to stroke his finger lightly across her inner thigh as he whispered in her ear* I will take my fill from here once I have ran my tongue, lips and fangs all over every inch of your body
    Friday at 11:51pm · Like · 10
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her body trembled at the touch of his hand, a slow ache built in the heated center of her body. She wanted him just as much now as she did when they started. He was eroticism in a sexy package. The sound of his voice enough to spark of mini-orgasms with in her body. She moaned and panted low as she spoke.* Any time you are hungry you know where the meal is.
    Pheonia Chosen
    ‎*His large hand held her firmly bout the waist. He peppered kisses from her neck to her collar, his fangs scraping against the sensitive flesh at the hollow of her throat. He used his tongue to trail between the valley of her small yet perky breasts, her nipples peaked and aching. But he ignored them. His hot breath blew out over her abdomen, and she again felt his fangs against her skin. He let them scrape against the bone of her pelvis. He moved his hands from her hips to her thighs and blew a cold breath at her core, and she trembled.*
    Unlike · · Saturday at 2:12am ·
    You, Phury Ahgony, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Cormia Ahgony and 4 others like this.
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*He lowered his mouth and licked finely at her clit, once and then again. She cried out in pleasure, nearly shoving her hips into his face. She pulled on his hair as his tongue abused her pearl, over and over again, until she was writhing. He moved his big finger to her slit, and spread her open wide. His finger curled inside her, pumping in and out. He lifted her right leg and placed it over his shoulder. His finger was now deeper inside of her, hitting places she had never imagined could be reached…he was the only one to ever delve there. He worked fervently on her pearl, sucking then licking. Over and over again.*
    Saturday at 2:13am · Like · 7
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her back arched off the bed, her body shaking violently. She was feeling sensations she had only once before felt, this time harder than that time. The pleasure traveled up through her legs, spreading up her back and down her arms. This was the most intense sensations she had ever felt. There were stars, shooting stars, going off behind the lids of her closed eyes. She climaxed, pulling on his beautiful black and red hair. His name screamed from her lips, but he didn't stop. He licked every single drop of her.*
    Saturday at 2:13am · Like · 7
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*His tongue worked slowly and meticulously, making sure to stroke every inch of her before he began to feast on her again, his finger still working in and out of her. She began to thrust her hips into his face, tightening the grip on his hair, as another shattering sensation ripped through her body. She cried out his name in ecstasy, as her body trembling like it never had before. She was lost. She couldn't seem to stop shaking, it was incredible. He was incredible. This male. Muhrder.*
    No'One Sampsone
    ‎*She walked around the grounds of the mansion, she needed to be outside. The ache she was feeling was taking it's toll on her body, she refused to give into it. She sat on the bench, her coat fastened tightly around her. The hat and scarf she wore protected her from the cold winters night, she wasn't used to the cold it was all new for her. She looked up at the nights sky, the stars were shining brightly. She smiled and thanked The Scribe Virgin for letting her be here, she would always be grateful for that. She closed her fists as another wave of need hit her, even outside she wasn't free from the feeling. She breathed through it, thinking of her daughter hoping that would be the distraction she needed. She thought of everyone else in the mansion, it would be far worse for them. There were in the full throes of the needing, it affected everyone. She suddenly remembered the flask she had filled, Cormia had been so kind to help her make sweet tea. She poured herself a cup and sat holding it, it tasted wonderful and helped her take her mind of her aching body*
    Vishous Bloodletter
    ‎*He and Jane had spent the rest of the previous night naked sweating and fucking like animals, until they basically passed out. He felt they were both sated, but it when he woke up with his cock at full attention like it hadn't seen attention in weeks, he knew it was time for a trip to the Penthouse. He gathered an overnight bag for himself and for Jane and slung it over his shoulder before they headed out in the Escapade. They made it to the lobby of the Commodore and took the elevator up. When the elevator opened it was on. He had her pinned against the wall before they were completely through the front door. He kissed her deeply and let his hands fall to grab her hips and pull her closer too him. He bit at her lower lip, then swept his tongue across her full lip to ease the sting*
    Like · · Follow Post · Saturday at 5:19pm
    Pheonia Chosen, Emma Lou, Phury Ahgony and 4 others like this.
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She arched into his body, her hips pressed against him but her shoulders pressed back against the wall. Her breasts barely touched his chest and her hands slid up the muscles of his arms to dig her fingers into his shoulders. She kissed him back, her tongue dancing with his, stroking across it and urging it into her mouth to suckle on. She hung on tight and bit back a quiet moan as his teeth nipped at her lip, swiftly followed by the soothing swipe of his tongue. Her eyes had fallen closed of their own accord and even the thing layer of her white t-shirt felt like an irritant. She needed closer to him, needed to see the smooth muscled form of his body. The rational side of her mind knew that was a long way off. He had brought her to the Commodore for a reason, and that generally did not involve her getting her own way for some time.*
    Saturday at 5:24pm · Like · 6
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He grabbed her shirt at the neck he pulls the fabric apart watching as her lace clad breast are exposed. He wasted no time going for the button on her pants. He popped the button, and pulled the zipper to allow his hand room to slid down her flat stomach and into her panties. He moved his hand to stroke her folds with a needy hand* What do you need leelan? *asked in a husky voice as his cock presses against his jeans*
    Saturday at 5:35pm · Like · 6
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a small gasp as he tore her shirt open, her nipples hardening behind the lace of her bra. Her eyes dropped to half mast as he opened her pants and slid his hand exactly where she needed to feel him, her stance widening to offer him better access. She was already wet, had been from he had tackled her yesterday morning. She glanced down at this strong hand disappearing beneath the lace of her panties and bit her lower lip before meeting his eyes, her voice full of passion* I need you, however way you want to give me you *She needed him to take control, to break her down*
    Saturday at 5:38pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*A low growl in his chest worked it way up his throat. He franticly removed one of the lace cups out of his way, hearing more fabric rip and dipped his head to aggressively place his mouth on her nipple. He moved his tongue in small circles at first around the taunt pearl, then used his teeth to pull and tug. His free hand went to the small of her back and pulled her closer. The light stroking of her folds had now increased to a fevered pace, and he slipped one finger inside her wet, waiting core. His thumb going instinctively to her clit as starts a soft sweeping motion across it. He slowly slid in a second finger, unable to get enough of her. He started a slow pumping motion in and out of her body at first that quickly went to a more rapid sequence. He broke away from he nipple and raked his fangs up her breast bone, as his palm moved from the small of her back upward to wrap around her shoulder. His fangs continued their path up the column of her throat and to her mouth where he kisses her deeply* Leelan I want to fuck you *He said in a voice filled with need against her soft lips as the kiss was broken*
    Saturday at 5:43pm · Like · 6
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She banged her head back against the solid wall as he tore the cup away from her breast, her back arching to offer herself up to him. She moaned his name quietly* Vishous* as his his teeth and tongue worked against her peak. She let her hips thrust back against the thrust of his fingers, her inner muscles clamping eagerly around him as they would in time with his cock. Heat pooled between her thighs as he tease her clit, her body demanding she give in to the release that was quickly bearing down on her but she knew how to play his game. She wouldn't orgasm until he told her to or demanded, whichever the case may be. She frantically returned his kiss, her thighs already shaking with the force of arousal she always had with her Hellren.* Then fuck me Nallum, I am yours for the taking *She managed to pant the words out, unsure if she even said the words or only thought them*
    Saturday at 5:51pm · Like · 6
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He wanted her naked quick fast and in a fucking hurry.He removed one of his daggers are removed the rest of her clothing, after removing his hand from her core with a groan. He stood back and watched her naked body against the wall, his cock pressing hard against the zipper of his leathers. He quickly removed his tee and leathers and was at her body, pressing her between his body and the the wall. He took her wrists into his hands and held them above her head. He looked her in the eyes, with his piercing diamond gaze.* Leelan *He kissed her deeply and then met her gaze again* You wanna go for a ride? *He grinned at her flashing full fangs*
    Saturday at 5:59pm · Like · 6
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She rubbed her hips against his body, his thick hard cock pressing against her stomach and starting a slow ache deep within her. She wanted him deep inside her, surging over her body until she couldn't take it anymore and shattered around him. She moaned against his lips and let her nipples brush against the strong wall of his chest. Moaning in protest as he pulled back, she looked up at him with a quizzical look* A ride? *She took in the expression on his face and a small grin curved her lips. She had no idea what he was talking about but she loved and trusted him to take her places she had never been before. She knew he commanded and controlled her body and she had no problem admitting that*
    Saturday at 6:05pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He moved his free palm to her hip and then down to her thigh, urging her to wrap her legs around him. When she gripped his waist with her well toned legs, he slid a hand to the small of her back, to cushion her back. He positioned herself at his entrance and pushed inside her molten core in one rough stroke. He continued to hold her wrist above her head, and rested his head on her forehead momentarily to compose himself, before he was completely lost.* Ride leelan. *He grinned down at her with his fangs gleaming*
    Saturday at 6:18pm · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her breath rushed out of her as he slid in deep, her body taking him gladly, stretching around him and gloving him tight. Panting quietly she rested her head back against his for a moment trying to make her body slow down and enjoy the ride instead of rushing towards the finish line in a sprint. She wriggled against him, letting him slide from her body slightly before rocking hard back against him. Her feet pressed into his well muscled ass and she used that leverage to start a slow steady thrust against him. She wanted to tease him, to get his body burning for her just like she was for him.* You know I can never get enough of you *She tilted her head and brushed her lips across his*
    Saturday at 6:27pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*His cock throbbed inside the depths of her body and one hand gripped her hip tightly as the other one held her wrist above her head. She was doing the work here and it was grated the balls of his dominant side, but it felt too fucking good to his cock so he was able to keep it at bay for now. He growled low in his throat at her playful teasing movements and his dominant side roared to live again. He gripped her hip tighter keeping her against him* Leelan ride me like you mean it. Ride me like you want me to come in side you so bad that you can't stand it. Ride me until you come so hard you can't move your hip another inch. Fucking ride me.
    Saturday at 6:33pm · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She met his diamond gaze as she used the strength in her legs to draw her hips back then slam hard onto him. He wanted her to fuck him, and she would. She rocked harder against him, as much as she was able while her wrists where in his tight grip. She rolled her hips slowly, then slammed hard back against him again. Leaning forward, she sunk her teeth into his shoulder, her breasts bouncing with the motion of her hips. She knew he was letting her this small amount of control, but there was no control in it. He still controlled her body, her told her what to do, he held her in place with his massive body and she wouldn't have it any other way right now*
    Saturday at 6:39pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He met the determined gaze that she gave with a small grin. She was determined and the slam of her hips into him was just what he wanted. He hissed as she sunk her teeth into his shoulder and moved his hand from her hip to swat her ass, the action of the bite and the slap only making his cock throb more. He willed the candles in the room to light and reached for one will still holding her hands above her head. He tilted it forward and let the hot wax fall across her nipples as they bounced with each motion* Harder. *He growled out*
    Saturday at 6:46pm · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She cried out as the hot wax hit her skin, her ass still stinging from the slap of his hand against her ass. Her nipples pebbled, the wax hardening around them and holding them prone. She moaned as he commanded her to fuck him harder and she obliged drawing her hips back and slamming as hard as she could against him. Her legs shook from the exertion, her pussy covering his cock in her desire for him.* Baby? *She questioned him and she didn't know why, her mind was hazy to everything except the feel of him buried deep inside her, the smell of his bonding scent surrounding them both like a blanket. Again, she scored her blunt human teeth against his shoulder, nipping at his flesh*
    Saturday at 6:56pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He tightened the grip on her wrists and jacked her arms up even higher he didn't want to cause her extreme pain but the slight that it would provide would heighten her experience and his in return. The bite she gave his shoulder earned her another slap across the ass as he hissed out more of pleasure than pain. He flashed her a fanged grin in response to her question and slammed his hips into her for the first time since this session had started and growled out* Harder leelan, feel me?
    Saturday at 7:16pm · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her back arched as he jerked her arms up, her wax covered nipples pressing into his chest, her hips slamming back to meet the forceful thrust of his. That is what she wanted, she wanted him driving into her with the same passion that filled her. She used the reserve strength she had, thrusting as hard as she could in this position back against, the room filling with the sounds of her groans, pants and the sound of their skin meeting. She let her head rest on his shoulder, her tongue brushing across the area she had bitten, her body so close to orgasming that she didn't know how she was holding on*
    Saturday at 7:30pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He could feel her imminent orgasm and he was about to let her have it but not by her actions, only by his.* Do you want to come leelan? *His dominate side took control of his mind. He moved his hand to her hair, pulled her close, and kissed her roughly. When he broke the kiss a seductive, coaxing voice took over* When you want something leelan, ask *He pulled his hips all the way back and then thrust forward, slamming his cock deep inside her* Nicely. *He ground his cock deep inside her and willed the music on filled the room along with more of his bonding scent*
    Jodeci - Gimme All You Got
    Diary Of A Mad Band
    Saturday at 7:43pm · Like · 5 ·
    Jane Bloodletter I want.. *she moaned* No I need to come baby *she took his earlobe between her teeth, nipping before she moaned his name* Please Vishous *She rolled her hips, picking up the tempo from the music. She rocked against him, then pulled her hips back and rocked forward, her feet digging harder into his ass, pulling him to her at the same time she slammed forward. She needed to orgasm so bad she could almost taste it. He had taken her over and over again over the past 24 hours, more times than she could remember but her body starved for this release as if it were her first*
    Saturday at 7:51pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*His dominate side, liked the word please, and the way it sounded coming from her sweet mouth, still stayed in the forefront. He grabbed her ass in both hands roughly, dropping her wrist, while his cock remained inside her. He walked her over to the spank bench with built in spreader, and with a groan of self control he pulled his cock from her hot center. He unlocked her legs from his waist and allows her to slide down his body. A torture for him, more than her. He placed a palm on her neck and guides her to a bent position. He locked her wrist in place with the cold steel manacles, he locked each of her ankles in the spreader, and let his palm slide down her spine. He gathered a blind fold and placed it over her eyes, and turns the music to a white noise, all the while fisting his on cock with a sadistic fanged grin* Not yet leelan. I'm not done with you by half. *He knelt behind her and dropped his head to her seeping sex and started to work his mouth over her sex like a man that was eating his first meal in days*
    Saturday at 8:02pm · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She groaned as he step he took, drove his cock deeper into her pussy, the friction almost pushing her over the edge. She growled with protest as he slid her down his body, . She let him push her over the bench, she knew what was coming and her body growing impossibly wetter at the images that flashed behind her now blindfolded eyes. The white noise only added to that, shutting down her senses until the only things she could rely on was touch and smell. She cocked her head, trying to work out where he was in the room then cried out as his mouth fell on her pussy, his tongue teeth and lips, the smell of his bonding scent all slammed into her in one go. She shuddered over the bench, the restraints shaking as she tugged on them even though she would not be released until he willed it*
    Saturday at 8:16pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He continued to devour her sex as his bonding scent farther filled the room and he ran his hand up and down his own cock. When he thought she was about to release he ceased his meal with a growl and stood still stroking his cock as he gathered the items he wanted to use on his shellan. He walked over to her with his "tools of the trade" and placed them on the table. He took the Violet Wand in hand and ran it across her core. The cold steel a stark comparison to the heat of her body. He held the wand against her hot core for a moment then he walked to the front of the table and bent, taking her hard nipples in his mouth,his tongue circles and moistens them. He removed his mouth and attached a set of steel nipple clamps. Each clamp placed, bit at her tender wax coated flesh. He moved his mouth to let his lips brush hers as he spoke, seductively, with the need he felt for both of them.* Leelan, who has you? *He connected the steel nipple clamps to the connector and picked up the wand pressing t to her core the other end attached a foot petal. He pressed the petal and small amounts of electricity pulse into the wand causing it to vibrate across her hot wet core. He pressed the petal again and the speed of vibration increases on her core, accompanied by small amounts of electricity pulsing into the nipple clamps. He stood to watch her body and hear her response as he continued to pump his cock with his fist* Tell me now leelan *He growled out*
    Saturday at 8:28pm · Like · 6
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*The steel clamps bit into her nipples, the pain quickly turning to pleasure the moment he hit the pedal. Vibrations washed through her and she groaned harshly as he pressed the wand against her clit. The snap of electricity had her shaking from head to toe, her whole body straining with need for her Hellren* You have me, you always fucking have me *She groaned out the words, her head falling forward, her hair obscuring her face. She drew in a shaky breath and steeled her body. She could do this, she could hold her pleasure back until he let her have it. She knew she was kidding herself, it was taking every single molecule in her body to stop the orgasm* Please *She knew she was begging but she was past the point of caring, she needed him, needed to orgasam. Her throughts weren't even coherent, the only focus in her mind was him*
    Saturday at 8:43pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He pressed the petal again, in a dance to speed and slow the pulses on her nipples and across her pussy. Controlling all pleasure and pain she received. He used a twenty-two point Wartenberg wheel across the back of her thighs as he ran a palm slowly down her spine.* Leelan, who can make you come? *He sped up the wand vibrations as he bent his body to over hers and lapped at the scored flesh and small amount of blood on her thighs, all while he stroked his cock hard and fast*
    Saturday at 8:51pm · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter You can, you know you can *Her voice was laced in urgency, her body a quivering mass against the leather of the bench. The nip of the wheel fueled her pleasure, the lap of his tongue heightening it to almost unbearable levels. A bead of sweat ran down her spine, and her mouth opened on a silent scream. She was balanced on the edge of a knife, so close to falling off. So close to screaming his name out in the darkness that surrounded her* Please Vishous, take me, make me yours *She begged, she gave in and begged him, begged him for what only he could give her*
    Saturday at 9:05pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He heard her pleas sent him over the edge with need for his shellan. He moved the position of the wand in his hand and thrust his cock roughly into her hot, soaking pussy in one fluid stroke, burying his hard cock to the hilt. He started hard, powerful thrust in and out of her, his hands gripped her hip and held her in place. The sound of his flesh meeting hers echoed in the room. One hand left her hip to fist her hair, pulling her head back as he ran his fangs up her spine. He farther arched her head back so that he could lean his upper body forward and kiss her deeply* Come for me leelan. *Continuing to lean over her, and pound his cock into her he moved his hand from her hair to hold the front of her throat*Now
    Saturday at 9:17pm · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She returned his kiss, her tongue pressing into his mouth in a hard sweep. Her hips rose off the spank bench as much as was possible, her back arching. This was what she needed, she needed him driving into her body over and over against. The moment his hand wrapped around her throat she was lost. She screamed out, her pussy spasming around the hard thrust of his cock. had she not been on the bench she would have fallen forward, the pleasure beating into her making her body shake and writhe beneath his* OH YES. OH FUCK YES VISHOUS *she screamed louder, her scream rising above the white noise, her pussy clamping down around him as her released covered him*
    Saturday at 9:26pm · Like · 4
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*When he felt the walls of her pussy spasm around his cock he was done. He thrust forward and buried himself to the point his hips met with her ass as he spilled his seed in hot jets into her waiting sex. He dropped the wand and gripped her hip as he bit down on her shoulder. His stomach lay across her back and when his mind started to return he released her from the manacles. He snaked and arm under her frame and lifted her up while keeping his cock inside her. He removed his fangs from her shoulder and nuzzled her neck* Fucking A Leelan.
    Saturday at 9:37pm · Like · 4
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*she leaned weakly back against him, the strength of his arm the only thing keeping her standing upright. Turning her head, she pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss, her arm wrapping over his to stroke her fingers across his strong arm* You can say that again *She nuzzled his cheek, her pussy still pulsating around his cock* I don't think I can ever have enough of you. *she leaned into him and whispered* I love you
    Saturday at 9:42pm · Like · 5
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He returned the kiss and started walking them to the shower, still not willing to unsheathed his cock from her core. His arm still remained firmly around her pressing his front to her back* Love you too, true that leelan.
    Layla Chosen
    ‎*She had not been able to sleep now for days. She was restless. White satin sheets entwined around her long beautiful legs. She laid in her bed inside her chamber in the Mansion. She twisted and turned, her beautiful face in sweet agony, she felt flushed, warm, swirls of heat danced around her abdomen.* Dearest Virgin in the Fade * She whispered into her pillow burying her face into its softness*
    Blaylock Rocke
    FUCK!! *what was wrong with him...this feeling to mate and mark a female as his own...he was gay, very gay, loving the whole gay thing...he had a wonderful lover in Saxton...he was kind, thoughtful...and so patient with him about the whole 'in love' with Qhuinn debacle....he couldn't ask Saxton about these kind of urges.....the Brothers were all getting it on with their females...he felt like his head was going to explode, he looked down at his still erect cock...both heads!..He headed back to the training room, but he got hit by stomach cramps the further away he got from the mansion...shit, he needed to talk to Jane Bloodletter about these pains....but self preservation prevented him from going to the fucking way was he disturbing those 2!!*
    Butch O'Neal
    ‎*This needing thing was a fucking trip. Marissa seemed to be resting a little. His cock, however, refused to. He had laid there next to her, his hand on her silky hip, fighting the urger to roll her towards him, pin her down, bury himself in her and mark her from head to toe. When the images got too graphic, he cursed and got out of their bed. He went into the bathroom and started the shower. As steam filled the room, he got under the spray. With a slight sense of embarrassment, he fisted his cock and started stroking it, imaging Marissa. Imagining her body, imagining being insider her, all the ways he wanted to take her*
    Unlike · · 11 hours ago ·
    You, Emma Lou, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Linda von H and 4 others like this.
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*waking her lower stomach was aching again. rolling over she didn't see her Butch there. rolling over the other way she heard the shower. grinning she slipped from their mated bed and walked to the bathroom. she hadn't bothered re-dressing after they had devoured each other again last night. opening the bathroom door she saw Butch standing under the hot spray as his hand worked his cock, her body flushed and her core flooded at the mere sight of it. opening the shower door she stood before him* Mind if I help you with that?
    11 hours ago · Like · 5
    Butch O'Neal ‎*he closed his eyes for a moment, chagrin at being caught flooded him. Then he opened them and looked at his female. Without a word, he buried on hand in the hair at the nape of her neck and drew him to her. His mouth found hers, and his tongue went to work, moving inside her mouth, in the way he wanted to be moving inside her. His other hand traveled down her neck, moving softly over her breast and trailing her abdomen. With his destination firmly in mind, he continued to her core and with sure fingers, began to plunge inside her. At her sharp intake of breath he smiled.* you actually were helping quite a bit already, but I will always take the real thing over my creative mind, any day. I want you Marissa. I want your mouth on me.
    11 hours ago · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*moaning as he pulled her tight to him and kissed her hard. his tongue dueling with hers. his hard cock pressed against her belly as his hand held her head tight to his mouth. as she felt his hand traveling the expanse of her body, she knew where his hand was heading, and gods she wanted him there so badly. inhaling as he finally pushed his fingers into her. as she heard his words a faint blush crept over her cheeks. reaching down she lightly stroked his cock* I would nothing more than to taste you Butch *kissing down his chest to his tight abs, she knelt before him and smiled as she wrapped her lips around him*
    11 hours ago · Like · 4
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He tilted his head back under the spray as her mouth closed over his cock. That magical mouth, fuck. He reached down and fisted his hands in her hair, while she ran her tongue over the sensitive head. He nearly came undone as he looked down,at the sight of her on his knees before him. She was so breathtaking to look at. Her back, with the smooth graceful line down to her perfect ass. His mouth watered. He held her by her hair, controlling the pace of her mouth on his cock for several amazing moments. He could feel need radiating out of her in waves. He lifted her up and moved her against the wall. Holding her there with his body, his knee moving between her thighs. He kissed her again, then his mouth latched onto her breast, onto that perfect pink nipple. His hand found her core once more, and he plunged his fingers in once more. He trailed a finger around her clit, while his tongue traced her nipple and he growled *Marissa ... tell me what you want me..
    10 hours ago · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*moaning around his cock as she moved her mouth back and forward on him. he felt so good in her mouth and tasted so good. feeling the water on her back as she worked him. as she felt him pull her up and press her to the wall. his leg went between hers, she moaned loudly at the contact. feeling his mouth and tongue teasing her breast, her nipples aching with need. she felt his leg move and his hand replace it. thrusting in and out of her. her head dropped back as she felt him begin rubbing her clt, hissing in pleasure. his growl of her name made her core flood even more. with out hesitation she responded to him* I want your cock buried deep inside me Butch, I need to feel you deep in me *her hips rocked against his hand* Please Nallum
    10 hours ago · Like · 4
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He stiffened even more at her throaty whisper, her voice rough with need. His cock was aching. He lifted her up and as she wrapped her legs around him, he settled her firmly on his cock. As her heat tightened around him he let out a yell. Grabbing her hips, he plunged in and out of her, hard thrust that had her panting. He closed his eyes, overwhelmed by sensations. The water at his back, her legs wrapped around his waist, his cock buried deep inside her. He began to kiss her once more, moving between her neck and her mouth, trailing his tongue up her throat. He was no longer able to utter complete sentences at this point, the only word able to be understood was her name* Marissa...
    10 hours ago · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*wrapping her legs around him as he picked her up and pressed her to the wall. crying out as she felt her core complete sheath his cock. leaning her head forward she rested her forehead on his as be began working in and out of her. the cold wall behind her and his hot body pressed tight to the front of her. her nipples hard pressing against him. feeling his tongue more to his throat. tipping her head to the side, she needed to feel his fangs in her taking the one thing that only she could give him* Drink Butch *rocking her hips against him in time with is thrusts he felt so good inside her*
    10 hours ago · Like · 4
    Butch O'Neal Oh Marissa, fuck yes. *Without hesitation, he struck, hard. Once in awhile, she liked it like that. Kind of rough. And he liked how she responded. He drank from her, long greedy pulls. Drinking her down, surging deeper inside her. He drank from her for a few minutes and then sealed up the marks. * Baby, I want to put my mouth on you.. I want to take the vein that runs down your inner thigh, so I can drink and taste you.
    10 hours ago · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*screaming Butch's name as he bit her. she loved how he knew when she wanted him to be a little rougher with her. his long pulls felt so amazing, she could feel her heart beating in her core in time with his pulls. as he release her vein and she heard his words. her core heated and flooded to a level it had never been before. looking deep into his eyes, it was something they had never done, but gods it sounded amazing* Take me to our bed baby and have all of me, please.
    9 hours ago · Like · 4
    Butch O'Neal ‎*not needing further encouragement, he picked up his Shellan and walked them into the bedroom, nipping and kissing her as he went. He laid her down on the bed, settling himself between her legs. His mouth found the spot on her neck, that little hollow behind her ear and he pressed a kiss to it, his hands moving up and down her body. He moved his mouth down her body, kissing her navel, his hand trailing a lazy circle from her breast to her belly as he moved his body down. Finally he put his mouth to her core, flicking her clit lightly with his tongue. He blew softly on her skin.* Marissa, tell me if you want me to stop or if it hurts Baby, ok? *with that, he bit into her femoral artery, the blood flowing smoothly down his throat as he closed his eyes and drank deeply*
    9 hours ago · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*smiling as Butch carried her to their bed, his nips and kisses sending shivers through her body. as he laid her down she looked up at him, letting all her love and devotion show in her eyes. holding his head as he kissed that spot by her ear that he knew made her crazy. moaning as he began kissing down her body, followed by his hand. as she felt his mouth on her core, she moaned low in her throat, gods how she loved when he did this to her. his tongue teased her swollen sensitive clt and as she felt his cool breath she shivered again, her body breaking out in goosebumps. as his word registered she nodded. she had an once of apprehension but as soon as it had come it was gone as she felt his fangs drop into her vein. a massive way of pleasure filled her. her legs splayed wide open for him and her head dropped back as she moaned his name over and over again. hear hand held him in place loving the new feeling*
    9 hours ago · Like · 4
    Butch O'Neal ‎*Feeling her response nearly threw him over the edge. As her legs opened further for him, he continued to stroke her clit, and began to pump his fingers in and out of her, his movements in time to the pulls he took on her vein. He could feel her getting close and he kept his mouth right where it was, wanting to let her take the lead in this part, forcing her to take control of her own orgasm*
    9 hours ago · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*feeling Butch rubbing her clit and thrust his fingers in and out of her aching core. as she felt his long pulls from her vein she fisted the sheets. her release was so close. throwing her head back she relaxed her body and let the release she was feeling take hold. screaming his name so loudly she would swear they could hear in the main house. as waves of pleasure tore through her entire body, she shook against his mouth as he drank from her*
    9 hours ago · Like · 4
    Butch O'Neal ‎*as he felt Marissa's orgasm finally begin to recede, he licked her inner thigh and sealed the bite marks. He moved back up her body, watching her face, seeing the pleasure reflected there. Her skin was flushed, mouth open and there was a fine sheen of perspiration on her brow. He eased inside of her, her walls were still trembling, tightening around his shaft, and he felt himself grow even harder. He put his hand on the nape of her neck and moved her to his throat as he entered her fully*
    9 hours ago · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*lying there panting hard as her body started to come back down from the amazing high she was on. she felt him move up her body and she looked up at him and smiled wide* Butch that was...that was *she couldn't even put into words what she had just felt. taking his face in her hands she kissed him, tasting her blood on his lips, she loved it. as she felt ease his cock into her still spasming core she moaned low. feeling him move her head to his throat. licking her lips she could smell his bonding scent and his blood. licking his vein she felt her fangs drop. gently scrapping them down his skin*
    9 hours ago · Like · 4
    Butch O'Neal ‎Marissa.. fuck Baby, you feel incredible. *he groaned as he felt her tighten around him once more. He felt her fangs pierce his skin and he thrust deeply inside her. *Drink from me baby, take what you need. *He began to move faster inside her, his arm moving underneath her ass, pulling her up to him and thrusting deeper inside her, his pace increasing as the pulls on his vein became more urgent*
    9 hours ago · Like · 3
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*her fangs sank deep into his vein, moaning as his exquisit taste flooded my mouth. feeling him push deeper into her core as she took long pulls from him. she felt him pull her even closer to him. she rocked her hips against him, feeling her rub rubbing against him as she did. moaning as she drank, her need for all of him overwhelming. releasing his vein she sealed his wound with a long lazy lick. leaning forward she wrapped her arms around his neck, pressing their bodies close together, her breasts tight to his chest. moving in time with him she felt her release starting to building* Oh gods Butch I'm so close baby, don't stop.
    8 hours ago · Like · 3
    Butch O'Neal Stay with me Marissa...*He held her tightly for a moment, and then he laid her down on the bed once more. He kissed her sweetly for a minute, and then coaxed her onto her stomach. Pulling up on her hips, he placed a pillow underneath her. He lay down between her legs once more, and waited for her to relax. He kissed his way up her back, running his tongue along her spine. as he moved up, his cock came closer to her core until it was pressed firmly against her, as he lightly kissed and nipped the back of her neck*
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*panting hard as Butch held me and laid me down. she didn't have any words right now. her senses were on overdrive. he had exposed her to amazing new sensations tonight and for that she loved him even more. returning his soft kiss before he turned her onto her stomach. turning her head to the side she looked over her shoulder as he moved between her legs. as she felt him kiss and lick his way up her back she turned her head back and rested in on his pillow, breathing in his scent deeply. feeling his cock press to her core, she pushed back against him. needing him to feel him inside her again* Please baby, please *the need for her Hellren clear in her voice*
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He could see the tension building in her, the need for release reaching an almost painful level. * I love you Marissa. I'm going to take care of you baby, don't you worry about that. *He surged forward and entered her fully in one strong thrust. He could feel her walls gripping him, her sharp inhale as she accommodated him fully within her. He moved her hair to the side, cupping her chin and tilting her head to give him access to the vein at her throat. Not to feed, simply to mark, and to give her that jolt of pain to push her over the edge*
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*moaning loudly as Butch pushed his cock fully into her in one quick motion. his size never ceased to amaze her, he filled her so full and gods did it feel good. as he started working in and out of her core she pushed her hips back against him. feeling his gentle touch on her chin she looked back at him, her eyes full of pure lust at the moment. as she felt him biting her neck, marking her as his, his bonding scent completely surrounding them. the pain from the the bite sending her over the edge. her release barreled through her. screaming as pure bliss ripped her apart. her core pulsing around his cock as her body shook*
    6 hours ago · Like · 2
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He bellowed out her name as she came, her grip on his cock sending his own orgasm slamming through him. He grabbed her hips and held her while he thrust insider her, rough in his need for release. He thrust one final time and then held her in place as he poured himself into her. Spent, he leaned forward and kissed her spine once more and he whispered to her* I love you Marissa.
    5 hours ago · Like · 3
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*feeling him release into her, she finally felt sated and felt the pain ease in her body. panting hard, her heart racing. as their release began to subside together. she felt him lean in and kissed her back softly* I love you too Butch *pulling the pillow out from under her, she spun and laid under him facing him reaching up stroking his cheek. their bodies still joined he rolled them so she was lying on him and told her to sleep. her body gave in and she closed her eyes as sleep took her away in the arms of her Hellren*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*he leaned against the headboard of the bed looking down at the sleeping form of the female beside him. His cock was already hard, the shock waves that still poured from her body were intensifying by the hour. He had tasted every inch of her body, had stroked, licked and fucked her until he wondered if he could keep this going for the rest of her needing. Who was he fucking kidding? He would keep going until he dropped or his body gave up on him, either way he was in this for the long haul. Long haul? He pressed his tongue against his right fang as he mulled those words over. Yeah, long haul. There was no way he was letting her go after this. She could fight and refuse but it would do little good, he wanted her, wanted her more than he wanted anyone else in a long time apart from.. yeah, not going there, he thought to himself.
    Moving to lie on his side beside her, he stroked the backs of his fingers from her shoulder, down her side to the dip of her waist. Leaning closer he followed the same line with his tongue, taking a moment to nip at her hip bone before he urged her sleeping form onto her back. Crawling across the bed, he settled down on his stomach between her legs, hooking them over his shoulder as he stared at the place he couldn't wait to bury himself again. Leaning forward he inhaled the scent of her arousal and groaned, grinding his cock into the mattress just as he leaned forward and covered her clit with his lips, he tongued her slowly and leisurely, taking his time on burning her taste into his memory. He brought his hands in between them and held her folds open to him, letting her clit hood pull back slightly. Circling the nub with the tip of his tongue, he dragged it down and penetrated her entrance, a growl rumbling in his chest as he felt her tight wet heat surround him. *
    Trey Songz-Pleasure Interlude (Passion Pain Pleasure)
    DISCLAIMER Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, s...
    Like · · Follow Post · Share · December 10 at 10:42pm
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Sandie Baker, Cormia Ahgony and 8 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She started to wake from the slumber that has taken her down just a few hours before. Her muscles ached and pained from the various positions that he had contorted her body into. The light stroke of his finger tips cause her flesh to pebble and the slow stroke of his tongue down the same path of his fingers caused a slow burn to start in her veins and moisten her core. Dear Scribe this male was amazing. She limply shifted with his subtle command, her eyes still closed as he hoisted her legs over his broad shoulders. Her eyes shot open instantly as his mouth fell on her clit, a deep, needy moan rose from her lips. Her head flew back against the pillow as he started to move his tongue and her hands buried his hair. She lifted her hips offering more and praying to the Scribe he accepted. Her hips moved in a slow grind over his face to the seductive pace he had set and her back arched as his skilled tongue took her higher. His name left her parted lips and a moan and her heels dug into the soft mattress.* OH QHUINN FUCK YESH
    December 10 at 10:56pm · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He grinned against her body, his tongue pressing further into her heat. Pulling back, he brought his hand down on a sharp slap across her pussy then fell back onto her. His palms rested on her inner thighs and pressed her legs back to open her wider to him, effectively keeping her in place at the same time. He ran his tongue up through her folds and circled her clit, each time drawing slightly closer than the last until the side of his tongue was against her. Giving a final circle, her flicked across it, one hand leaving her thigh to move between her legs. Without mercy, he drove his middle two fingers into her body right up to his knuckles as he closed it his lips around her, sucking her into his mouth. He couldn't get enough of her taste, eagerly lapping it up, swallowing and pressing his tongue to her again to seek more.*
    December 10 at 11:03pm · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock OH DEAR SCRIBE QHUIN I'M GONNA COME *He moaned out. He knew how to work her body over. The sharp slap just added to the pain and pleasure he was delivering. Her hips rose up and were quickly restrained by his hands. When he dipped his fingers inside her unabashedly she was lost to his touch. Her legs began to quake as she pried her eyes open to look down at him. The sight of him bringing her to the erotic heights of heaven's gate was all it took. The inner walls of her liquid heat clamped down and released around his fingers as her heels nearly dug a whole in the mattress. She saw stars behind her hooded eyes as she tipped over the cliff of orgasm. She coated his fingers in the liquid fire that pumped from her heated center. Her breathing became ragged in low pants as she held his head in place against her and moved her hips over his face* Oh ffuck that feels good.
    December 10 at 11:17pm · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He kept his tongue working over her as he slid his fingers from her tight pussy. Pulling back, he ran his tongue over them, taking every drop of release into his mouth as his eyes connected with hers. Placing his hands flat on the bed he prowled up her body, stopping at various points to nip his fangs against her skin. Once he reached the top of the bed, he angled his hips and drove balls deep into her, seating himself fully as he caught her lips with his. He showed no mercy in his kiss, plundering her mouth with his tongue, rasping his tongue stud across her tongue and nipping at her lips with his teeth. He drew back and slammed into her again, his hip moving forcefully. He kept his weight on his hands, the only points of their bodies touching where where his cock connected them and where his lips moved wit hers. His chest heaved on a harsh groan as he drew back to look at her* Fuck, you are so fucking hot
    December 11 at 7:08pm · Like · 5
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked down just as he raked his skilled tongue over his fingers and that sparked off a number of min orgasms within the fiery confines of her core. She tried to keep her eyes focused on his massive frame as he loomed above her on his ascended up her body. Every muscle in his body, and they were too numerous to count, rippled with each small movement. He moved like a predatory and she was obviously the prey he had sat his eyes on. And then it happened, he slammed into her, no time for adjustments of even a breath. He filled her completely to the point of painful bliss. She screamed his name out upon his forceful entry and then moaned deeply in appreciation as he started to move. His lips fell upon hers and she kissed him deeply, tasting the male and the remains of her orgasm over the smooth skin of his lips. Her tongue stud moved in time with his own as her nails ripped into the flesh of his back, scoring the tender skin deeply. She thrust her hips forward at the pace he sat, not only meeting his slams but giving a few of her own, her body already teetering on the brink of another orgasm. she met his mismatched gaze with her hooded one.* Oh fuck me I could say the same about you.
    December 11 at 7:36pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He growled in approval at her thrusting back against, one hand leaving the pillow beside her head and stroking down her lithe body. He hooked her behind the knee and rolled suddenly, dragging her across his body. He took hold of her hips in a bruising grip and drove up into her, watching the shift of her breasts each time she slammed into her* Drink from me *he bit out in a demanding voice.* I want your fangs in me *He slammed hard into her, punctuating his words my driving into her over and over again. He sat up suddenly, wrapping his arms around her and trapping them in place* Drink Mhisery *He ducked his own head and struck into her neck, piercing her skin and taking a hard pull*
    December 11 at 7:50pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*His growl only coaxed more desire from her and she coated his cock completely in response. His hands down her body only added to the eroticism of the moment and farther fueled the fire at the center of her being. When he hooked her leg and pulled her across his body she was shocked, the gripping of her hip adding to the pain pleasure he was delivering for brutal commitment. The deep driving thrust cause the inner walls of her sex to grip his thick cock in an attempt to keep him buried within her. She a low panting moan was released from her lips as slammed his cock into her, he was all she could think of and all she could speak. The low erotic tone of his voice commanding her to drink brought her right to the brink of orgasm. She wanted her fangs in him and his in her, but she prolonged a response to keep up his driving thrust as he punctuated his demand. She wrapped her legs around him as he sat upright and moved the only part of her body not trapped in the steel cage of his rough embrace, her hips. She rolled her hips forward and took him completely in, her hips so flush with his that it was impossible to tell where she ended and he began. Her legs gripped him tightly as his fangs struck, she gasped out and scored the skin of his back again as she tried to stave off the imminent orgasm that teetered on the edge of her being. She complied with his command and slowly rolled her tongue over his neck, once, twice, three times and then she struck. The minute the first drop of his intoxicating blood hit her tongue, her orgasm released. The dripping walls of her sex clamped down on his cock and releases in quick succession as she released the building desire over the length of his steeled erection. Her sex pulsated as she moaned over his neck and took another long pull. Her eyes closed with the weight of desire as the veil of orgasm fell over her face. Her nails dug into his shoulder as her sated body limped against his massive frame*
    December 11 at 10:21pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He took another hard pull from her vein, then pulled away, running his tongue over the wounds and sliding a hand into her hair to hold her to his neck. He drove into her a final time and groaned out his release, his body to weak to shout out like he wanted it to. He shuddered beneath her, her breasts pressed tight to his chest, one hand holding her to his neck, the other around her waist to support her against him. Leaning back, he rested his head on the pillows, his cock still hard and buried within her even though he had came on moments before. He let her drink her fill, his fingers stroking slowly down her spine to rest on her lower back. Closing his eyes he huffed out a hard sigh of contentment. What was it about this female in his arms? He had spent the weekend pleasuring them both over and over again, but he wanted more. Could he admit that to her? Fuck he could barely admit anything, even to himself most of the time.*
    December 11 at 10:48pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She lay collapsed against him, her hair fanning out over his chest. Her heart raced, it always raced with this male. Her breathing was panting as the inner walls of her sex continued to pulsate around his erect cock. The added pleasure of the steel length planted in her sex only heightened the aftershock of her orgasm. The male was one like no other she had ever met. He was strong yet tender. He was amazing, insightful, but aloof. For some reason she wanted something...more with him than a roll in the hay and a good bye. She reached out and laced her fingers with his. She gave a faint squeeze as she let out a shuddered breath. When she inhaled he caught a faint dark spice scent about him, dear Scribe he smelled good. She spoke low and with a panted tone* You smell so good Qhuinn. What cologne do you wear?* It was an odd question to ask, but she needed to break the silence that surrounded them*
    December 11 at 11:03pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong I am not wearing colo.. *he broke off and turned his head to his arm and inhaled hard. There it was, that unmistakable scent that his body was throwing off. He was bonding to her? Fuck. *that isn't cologne *he said it, why he didn't know but the feel of her small hand linked with his had him pushing towards being honest for a change. She made him want to be a better version of himself. He titled his head on the pillow and looked down at her, waiting for recognition to spark in her eyes followed swiftly by disgust*
    December 11 at 11:06pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at him with complete admiration and her eyes met his mismatched gaze. A slight smile played over her face as she made no attempt to remove her body from his. She was content to lay with him, on him, beside him as long as he would let her, but she knew it wouldn't be long. If she stayed she would bring him nothing put pain, and he was a male of worth, not deserving of her cursed name. Dear Scribe he was beautiful, just as he was now, his hair a mess at her hands, his body covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. His muscles extended and defined from exertion. And there it was the silence again. She had to speak.* Then whatever soap you use is great. * She still held his hand and placed her other palm on his cheek to keep him looking at her as she spoke* Thank you for this Qhuinn. You are a male of worth and I can never repay you.
    December 11 at 11:18pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He kept his gaze with hers, his hands stroking gently down her back, and his hips giving a faint thrust against her. How he was still hard was beyond him but he knew it was nothing to do with the needing and everything to do with the female in his arms. She was like nobody he had ever met before, she was beautiful, strong and someone that he could be himself with. He turned his head into her hand and nuzzled against her palm, coating it with the faint smell of his bonding scent. He had a fuck it moment and met her gaze again, his eyes clear and focused* That isn't soap Mhisery, you know what that smell is. The only scent that my body would produce that would smell like dark spices. You know what it is, don't you. You just are not ready to admit it.
    Monday at 6:41am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She lightly stroked a thumb across his cheek and gave a roll of her hips that was just as teasing to him as his faint thrust that had elicited a moan from her just moments before. She was clueless of a bonding smell, she had never been with a male long enough for anything like a bonding or bonding smell. Dear Scribe the male beneath her was a creature that amazed and fascinated her more than anyone he had ever met, he was mysterious and it was hard to find out what he was thinking but when he did give a glimpse it was truly remarkable, making the receiver of the insight feeling special, just as she did now. Her gaze lowered for her to admit the truth* I have never been with a male that had a bonding scent toward me, so no, I didn't know what it was.
    Monday at 8:23am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned harshly as she rolled against his cock. For the love of the Scribe, he wanted her again, this time he wanted her slow, but first they needed to talk* Well you seem to be drawing mine out sweetheart. My body knows it wants you, Fuck *he closed his eyes for a moment then caught her gaze with his* I fucking know i want you. I want you past your needing and into the months to come. And while I am not ready to put your name on my back, you will be treated as my Shellan or people will face me *he gave her a fierce look, yet the other side of him waited for his rejection.. She was a female of worth, even if she couldn't see that herself*
    Monday at 8:32am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at him with surprise showing in her eyes. No one had ever wanted her for anything long term. Her name said it all she was misery in the flesh and this male of worth had assisted her in darkest hour how could she be so selfish to do that to him, but she felt something for him and she couldn't place it. In the past week they had spent hours tangled in each others arms, he had fed her and she him. They had talked for hours on hours and he now knew things about her that she hadn't even admitted to herself much less anyone else. She raised the upper half of her body, seating herself atop of him and taking his still hard length deep within her. He had said the word 'Shellan' that was a station belonging to a female worthy of the title and she was not that at all. She looked down at him and fought back tears that filled her eyes and she refused to shed.* Qhuinn I'm not worthy of a station like that.It is an honor I would love to have but I'm not worthy to even want.
    Monday at 8:54am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he placed his hands on her upper thighs and subtlety rocked her back against his length, his thumbs stroking against her soft flesh.* Does it not matter that I believe you are worthy of that title and anything better I could think of. I am not asking you to mate me, I just want you in my life and you given the respect you deserve *his brow furrowed as he ran his gaze up her body, lingering on her full high breasts before meeting her gaze* I am not exactly the catch of the day sweetheart. Shunned by my family and the Glymera. Defective. *shrugging he rocked his hips an inch again*
    Monday at 9:05am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She placed her hands on his chest and pulled her hips back, almost completely unsheathing him before sliding back down his thick cock. She rolled her hips again talking him in completely inside her, and not just inside her body, at that moment she let him in her heart a little. She smirked down at him* Now that I have your attention and that furrowed brow gone, as a matter of fact it matters more than you would ever know what you think and those that feel you defective are insane as far as shunned I have had my share of that, and it doesn't lessen the sting but it really is their loss in your case.
    Monday at 9:17am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He couldn't help himself. This time as she rocked against him, he lifted his hips and drove fully into her, his eyes closing for a brief moment before he looked back at her again* Then just give it a chance? Fuck, within a week you could be sick of me and the life I lead *He used his grip on her hips to lift her up and pull her back down on his cock.* A month, if you can't bear being with me then we part, no hard feelings *Bullshit, he said in his head. IF she left him after a month, he wasn't going to take it well. The times before he had hid the Herradura hard would pale in comparison*
    Monday at 9:29am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She moaned his name deeply as he was raising her up and diving back into her, her body going flush with his. She placed one hand on his chest and her other hand she reached behind her and cupped his heavy sac apply slight pressure as she slid her hips forward, the liquid desire he had coaxed from her coating his steel length completely* I will give you whatever time you want Qhuinn, not only do I want to but I owe you whatever you ask. *She let her head lull back and her ebony hair fell way past her waist, her eyes closing as a rhythm was set by the slow deep roll of her hips. Her hand on his chest moved to the piercings that speared his flat male nipples. She slowly moved one with her fingers, then bent her head forward and stroked her tongue across the metal before lightly sucking. She eased back up to her upright position, her hips never breaking from their slow grind.* You feel so good to me. *She moaned out*
    Monday at 10:01am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He roared in approval in his mind, his fingers flexing on her hips before releasing, willing to let her run the show this time around. He lifted his hips and met each of her downwards thrusts with one of his own. His blood was on fire for this female and he didn't think even a month would be enough to get her enough out of his system enough to let her go. He would fight to keep her for as long as he could. He released her hip and stroked the backs of his fingers across her lower stomach then slid his thumb further down, parting her folds and stroking across her in time with the roll of her hips over him* You owe me nothing. It has been my honor to be with you during this time, to feed you, to sate you *he growled out the last words struggling to remain in this position and let her control things* you have no idea how you feel around my cock sweetheart..So wet, so tight.. so hot
    Monday at 10:12am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*With the first swipe of his nimble fingers she was lost. The slow fire that had been building turned into a raging inferno centered at the junction of her thighs. The roll of her hips became more aggressive and frantic in their pace as the walls of her sex tightened around his cock. Her breathing became ragged and labored as she let out small cries and moans as her imminent orgasm approached and it turned to full on screams of his name repeatedly as it crashed into her and she shattered around him. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as her face was covered in the veil of orgasmic bliss, her nipples hardened to the point of pain as her breast bounced with each masterful thrust of his hips. The male beneath her was designed by the hand of the Scribe herself to deliver sexual pleasure and he did not fail. He knew how to move, how to touch her, how to bring her body to life like no other. She arched even farther back placing both palms on the mattress and thrust her hips hard and fast as she rode out the wave of orgasmic bliss that he had washed over her.*
    Monday at 10:56am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave another few hard thrusts into her waiting body and lost the small shred of control he had left. Pleasure slammed into him so hard he swore stars exploded in his head. His fangs elongated behind his lips and he shot upright, dragging her into his arms and letting his fangs sink with ease into her vein. He took a hard pull all the while his brain was screaming MINE over and over again. He exploded deep within her, his release coating her inner muscles while they clamped around his cock and milked him dry. He panted heavily, her name the only one he could sound out* Mhisery *he slid his hand into her hair and dragged her forward, tight to his chest as he released her throat, closing the wounds and covering her mouth with his. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, stroked it over her tongue and teeth and groaned against her* You are mine
    Monday at 11:15am · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She collapsed against him, completely encircled in the massive cage of his steel arms and completely content to be there. The sharp sting of his fangs pushed her under another wave of ecstasy and she cried his name out again as she came undone in his arms. She held him as tightly as she could as he spoke and her heart swelled with emotion and pride when he called her his. She knew then she was falling completely and totally for him, but it was scary enough to admit that to herself, so she could never admit that to him. She clung to his body, breathless, sated, while the core of her being pulsated over his cock, small after shocks of the multiple orgasm that he had provided still causing her body to shudder and small moans and whimpers to escape her lips. One word rolled through her brain after his statement and it was all she could do to mummer that one word breathlessly against the smooth skin of his broad shoulder.* Always.
    Monday at 11:54am · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He held her close while their hearts thundered together, her breasts crushed into his chest, his arms tight around her, his head resting against hers. He felt calm, weak as shit but calm as hell and it was all due to the female in his arms. Lying back against the bed, he slowly, regretfully withdrew from her body and tucked her against his side. He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her hand to rest on his chest, covering it with his own and sighing contently. Dragging a sheet over their bodies he turned his head and kissed the top of hers* I need to feed you
    Monday at 12:04pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was content to be tucked into his side, her hand on his chest. She was beyond tired and food was the last thing on her mind, but his offer was one of the sweetest things she could have ever heard although she didn't think she could muster the energy for her fangs to elongate and he had just recently fed her. She looked up at him and smirked.* You just fed me before this marathon of well of us started.
    Monday at 12:11pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he looked down at her with a grin, his fingers stroking across the back of her hand* Real food this time sweetheart, you need to eat as well *he leaned over and pressed a small tender kiss to her lips, delving his tongue inside for a split second before retreating* Nap then I want to feed you a feast fit for a Queen
    Monday at 12:14pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She yawned once and nestled down close by his side. He was so warm, and not just his eternal temperature, but his heart and soul. Her body was battered and aching in the best possible way and he was the last think on her mind as sleep claimed her and pulled her under*
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*Waking after a very long nap....he hears the shower running and knows that she is still here..They had spent the last 3 days in a tangle of arms and legs....he rises from the bed already naked, he padded intot he bathroom and slides into the shower behind her wrapping his arms around her and kissing the back of her neck..*..Hi Selena...I like the sound of that..MINE..
    Like · · Share · Monday at 8:42pm ·
    Lucia Ann, Emily Lua, Phyllis Etuarte and 5 others like this.
    Selena Chosen ‎*she was sore in places she never knew she could possibly be sore, but it was a delicious ache that was mainly between her legs, as she washed her body off she remembered his hands over her body these last three days and all the things they did and a blush along with a hot shiver rushed her body, she didn't hear him enter the bathroom or the shower until she felt his arms wrap around her waist and felt his plump lips place a kiss on the nape of her neck, leaning into him she sighed at how their bodies fit together* Hello mine lover.... *her hands came to rest on his over her stomach as the water washed over them*
    Monday at 8:51pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen How are you feeling doll??...*he hoped that she was ok, but he knew that he hadn't been so gentle the last time..He wasn't able to control the urges that came over him..What could he say..She brought out the devil in him....* I am sorry, but I can't seem to keeps my hands off of you..
    Monday at 8:56pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she leaned more into him and stretched, whimpering at the ache through her thighs and lower stomach, but it was all a good ache. Turning her head to look up at him with a grin* Best words for it are....Deliciously sore lover...i ache but its all a good ache. *she blushed and bit down on her bottom lip*
    Monday at 9:00pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen That is VERY good to hear...*he leaned his head down and took her mouth..while his hands came up to massage her breasts...* lets get you clean sweets..*he reached for the soap and a scrubby..he lathered it up and started to wash her beautiful body with care..He bent down and started at her feet, working his way up both of her legs and on to her stomach, breasts and arms..*
    Monday at 9:14pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her body trembled as he washed her from toe to the crown of her head, even after having his body intertwined with hers plenty of times over the past three days he still managed to make her heart race and her body weak for him, watching him as he washed her she ran her fingers through his soaked hair*
    Monday at 9:22pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*closing his eyes to her touch for a moment he could do nothing but WANT...Want her, this, them!!...After he made sure she was as clean as she could get, he said*..Ok doll, you are all clean..Now lets see how dirty I can get you..*he lelaned down and kissed her hard...reaching his hands around and down to her ass*...Wrap your legs around my waist doll..*as she did what he asked he lifted her to stradle his hips and poise her just above the head of his cock...*
    Monday at 9:30pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*wrapping her legs around his lean hips she slanted her lips over his, she would never get tired of his taste, sweet and something completely lassiter, her hands slid into his soaked hair and pulled at his releasing a loud whimper as he positioned her over the head od his throbbing length. Dear virgin in the fade she was already soaked for him and even though the ache she knew she wanted more, nicking his bottom lip with her fang she groaned* Lover...please....
    Monday at 9:34pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*growling*..I like it when you beg...*he pushed her back into the wall and shoved his cock into her as far as it would go...colors exploaded behind his eyes and made a shiver run down his back*..I will never get used to how you feel when I am in you doll...Heaven, just heaven..*he pounded up into her as hard as he dared, while he burried his face into her neck
    Monday at 9:41pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*the cold tile against her back was a stark contrast to the heat of his body, her nails dug into his skin as her head fell back and her mouth fell open as he buried himself with in her body. Her head come down onto his shoulder as she whimpered, his powerful thrusts pressing her body against the tile wall over and over again, she loved how powerful he was and how he didn't treat her like glass*
    Monday at 9:45pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*he continued stroking her from the inside and she continued her asult on his sences...she was so wet and tight he had no idea how he lasted any amount of time when he was in her, but he would give it all he haad..she had to cum first..she would always COME first....*..I need you to cum for me baby..right now!!*he held onto her under her ass with one arm and moved his other up her back and grabbed her over the shoulder, making her ride him hard..*
    Monday at 9:53pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her hips bucked wildly at his command, she loved when he was demanding and forceful it sent a dark shiver down her spine, pulling his lips to hers she felt her orgasm rushing through her lip a runaway train, screaming into his mouth as she came hard around him she shook hard in his arms* LASSITER OH LASSITER!!!!
    Monday at 9:57pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*This female, this way, was the most wonderous thing to behold..And by the Gods HE was the one bringing her there..* Thats my girl..Fall apart for me...*he felt every ripple, every pull and every clench of her muscles*..I'm right here with you...*after her body settled into a relaxed state he started to pump in and out of her with everything he had left in him, it was all hers now, just as everything she was is his...he felt his orgasim build in his mind first and then his came open him with a shot of light , he thought that maybe he would he would loose his legs and drop them both...he dug in one last time and came on so hard it was almost painful...* Oh Gods doll....the things your body does to me should be illegal!!
    Monday at 10:06pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*resting her cheek on his as they panted for breath she smiled* I can't feel anything but tingles... *she giggled in his ear as he fingernails combed through his shower soaked hair, she closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his neck as she just melted into his body*
    Monday at 10:09pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen Good doll, cause that is how I plan to keep you from now on..*kissing her one last time,he let her down and didin't let go until he knew her legs woudn't go out from under her*..Now lets try this one more time..*he grabbed the soap and started all over again...*
    Elizabeth Randall
    *lying in her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's bed, the needing was over, and Wrath lay beside her exhausted and finally sleeping. her own body hurt all over still, but it was the good kind of hurt. looking at her Hellren, she traced the line of his furrowed brow, wishing he would relax a little about her pregnancy. she knew she was going to be fine, she didn't know how she knew but she just did.
    slipping from their bed she took her lap top and went to sit in her favorite chair. turning it on she went to her book marks and began looking the baby site she had saved. pulling up her favorite site, it was a small baby boutique on the west coast, she would have to have the items shipped but she didn't care. she had found so many perfect things, most importantly she had found her dream crib and nursery set. she still didn't know they were having a boy or girl, but her gut still said boy.
    looking at the nursery set she desperately wanted to order it, but the problem was, the family still did not know she and Wrath were having a young. she couldn't exactly have a crib show up at the mansion and not have an explanation. putting the computer aside she sighed.
    walking to the empty bedroom next door, she had been spending a lot of time there lately. and this was another project that needed to get under way, and soon. turning this extra bedroom into an appropriate nursery for their young. as if the young know she was thinking and planning for his or her arrival, they kicked her belly*I know little one, I am trying to get it all done, and I promise it will be before you arrive.
    *standing in one of the corners of the room she had another vision pop into her head. the nursery was set up perfectly, her dream crib along one wall, the changing table on another. there was a beautiful rocking chair in the corner for her to sit in while she was feeding the young. it was perfect, it was exactly what she had always dreamed it would be. idly stroking her swollen belly she sighed* Now we just have to get through step one, telling the family.
    ‎*He lay in th darkness, the shutters rising almost silently in the quiet room. A candle flickered in the corner throwing his female's features into soft shadows. A grin broke on his face at what he just thought. Yeah, his female, Mhisery was his. He turned his head to look down at her, brushing back a lock of her dark hair and pressing a kiss to her forehead. He was content, the anger that usually rolled him... wasn't present right now, it was like she had calmed that animal that prowled just below the surface.
    He needed to feed her, take care of her. Show her the affection and caring that she had been missing. Fuck, who knew he could feel like this over anyone? He sure as hell didn't but he didn't care. He was happy and he wouldn't allow anyone to take that away from him*
    Like · · Share · Tuesday at 10:11am ·
    Danielle N Maligi AleAka, Emily Lua, Emma Lou and 15 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes fluttered open as she fought her way from beneath the thick veil of sleep that had consumed her and came awake when Qhuinn's lips came in contact with her forehead. She tilted her head upward and brushed her lips over his, her body sore, aching and completely contented in those things. She lifted her arms well over her head and arched her back to stretch the tired muscles of her body and spring them into action, but then just settled into his side again.* Good morning rahlman.
    Tuesday at 10:19am · Like · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave her a full fanged grin as she called him her Savior, when in truth she was as much his as he was hers. She had brought something in him back to life that had been lying dormant for fall to long and for that she was would always be his Savior * Good morning Leelan *his grin got wider at calling her that, it gave him a happy jolt low in his gut that had nothing to do with the beautiful naked female in his arms. Alright, he was lying to himself, his body was primed and reading for action but now was not the time. He turned and pulled her flush to his chest, his leg sliding between hers and he slowly placed small teasing kisses to her lips* Did you rest well?
    Tuesday at 10:26am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*He called her 'leelan'. Her heart swelled to the point she thought it was going to explode in her chest. She wrapped her arms around him as he pulled her flush with his chest. She trailed her hands slowly down the muscled planes of his back, memorizing the feel of him in her arms. His agonizingly slow kisses ignited a fire in her blood. He had been the only one that had ever done that to her, other than him, she acquired sex like she did any other basic need. It was something she did because her body demanded it, just like it did food, but with him it was different, her body demanded him, not just random sex. She returned the tender kisses that he delivered with skilled lips and pulled back to look at him* I slept better than I think I ever have, how about you?
    Tuesday at 10:42am · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Like a happy male *He grinned at her, and took another teasing nip at her lips. He was acting like the rest of the males in the household. Sprung for his female and he didn't care who knew it. Shit he would shout it from the landing if he thought anyone would listen to him. Cupping her face in his hands he gave her a final small kiss and pulled away with a faint growl of disapproval* What would you like to eat? We haven't eaten in days and I want you well fed and happy. Pancakes? Bacon? Eggs? Fruit? Cereal? You name it and I will bring it to you. You want coffee? Tea? Juice? *Alright, he knew he was listing stuff off and sounding like a fool but fuck it, he wanted to please her*
    Tuesday at 10:46am · Like · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She propped up on one arm to look at him with a smile that showed her own fangs. She didn't want him going to any trouble for her at all but the fact that he thought to feed her was heart warming to say the least.* Coffee is fine, I really don't need anything to eat. *She would get her coffee and a shower then she would be on her way. She wasn't sick any longer and she didn't want to take the kindness the brotherhood had shown her for granted and overstay her welcome.* I can get the coffee though. I don't expect you to wait on me Qhuinn.
    Tuesday at 11:04am · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Just a second *he climbed from the bed, stopping to brush another kiss to her lips and walk into the bathroom. Turning the tub on, he let it fill with warm water and walked back into the bedroom. Scooping her up, he walked back in and placed her gently in the water.* Relax until I come back. *Glancing at himself in the mirror, he paused. He had lost weight, his neck ravaged from her fangs but fcuk, if he wouldn't wear that like a medal. Stopping to snag a pair of sweats, he left the room, occassionally leaning against the wall to keep himself upright as he realized just how week his body had gotten. Opening the kitchen door, he ignored the Doggen and started rooting through the fridge pulling out pieces of fruit and moving to slice them up into a bowel. He made toast, piling it high and add jelly in a pot beside it, he made coffee, added two different kinds of juice and gratefully took the plate of bacon and eggs the doggen handed him. Piling it all on a tray, he left the room and made his way back to the bedroom*
    Tuesday at 11:10am · Like · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes widened when he scooped her up and sat her down in the tub. She had not soaked and played in a bathtub since she was a child. She felt like she was being pampered well above what she deserved. The hot water did quieten the scream of her tired muscles as she sunk lower in the water, letting it rise to her neck. She let out a contented sigh as she watched him leave the room. He looked battle warn and she felt a pang in her heart as she noticed how thin he was, how his back was welted from her nails, the was his neck was bruised from her fangs. She would apologize when he got back*
    Tuesday at 11:17am · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He ignored the jibs from the other Males in the household as he walked back to the bedroom. He didn't give a shit, he was happy and he was wearing her bites proudly. Nudging open the bedroom door, he set the laden tray down on the bedside table and leaned in the bathroom doorway just taking a moment to watch her. Fuck she was beautiful, and she was his. Pushing off the door, he hunkered down beside the bath and reached for her hand, brushing a kiss across her knuckles then reaching out and snagging his robe.* I brought something to eat for you
    Tuesday at 11:32am · Like · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his and a soapy palm to his cheek before she rose to her feet and grabbing a towel. She wrapped it around her breast and stepped over the side of the tub. She took the robe that he offered and stepped inside of it. It hung to her ankles and wrapped around her twice, but it smelled like him and was fantastic. She padded back into the bedroom and her eyes widened, she had never seen so much food in her entire life* Qhuinn, umm that would be me fed for a week. *She couldn't help but laugh a little* You didn't need to do all of this. Will you eat breakfast with me before I have to get going?
    Tuesday at 11:48am · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He stopped short* Get going where leelan? *he helped her up on the bed and set the tray across her lap, pouring out a cup of coffee and rearranging the plates so she could choose what she wanted. He would eat when she was finished, he wanted to make sure he was full and satisfied first* You got some place you need to be? Or you need me to drive you and pick up your shit?

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