Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part VI

  • Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She shook her head at their banter, then laughed when they started walking towards the car without her. She lifted all their bags onto her shoulders, and pulled Nalla's tiny backpack into her arms. Closing the door of the manse behind her, she heard Rehvenge call out to her,* Yea, I'm right behind you.. *Her face hurt she was smiling so hard at the two of them together. Nalla looked so tiny in his arms. So. Freaking. Cute.
    She really needed this break away from reality and the thought of spending a few days from work really put a pep in her step. Especially being able to spend that time with the two climbing into the Bentley before her. She tucked all of their bags into the trunk, and slid into the front seat next to Rehv, quickly turning back to check that Nalla was buckled, then reached her hand over to place it on Rehv's thigh.* Let's get outta here... To the Camp we go!
    Ehlena Rempoon
    ‎*Blinking awake, she surveyed her surroundings and frowned momentarily before familiarity rushed back into her sleep marred mind. She sat up and stretched her arms over her head, only to drop one back down so she was able to stifle a yawn with her palm. The television was still on, the lights behind her flickered softly with each gust of the harsh Adirondack winds that toyed with the power lines connection to the house, the shutters were still up... what time was it and how long had she been out?*
    Like · · 5 hours ago ·
    Linda Hofsten, Nalla Ahgony and 2 others like this.
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She stood slowly, pulling up her black trousers, and rolling the sleeves of her cable knit sweater. The emerald green knit was brilliant against her soft, barely tinted skin, and complemented the golden - and strawberry - hints of her hair so well. Looking down at herself, she recognized the clothes she was wearing were her traveling clothes. Hrm, must have really been out cold not to change before a nap.
    She padded down the great hallway towards the staircase, the architecture here was always so pleasing, so charming to her, and she reveled in it during each of her visits. She let her fingers trace over the silken wallpaper, the pads of her fingers relaying jolts of sensation up her arms and to her receptors, making her think of just how luxurious it would feel to have silk on her skin. And she would do just that. Especially being that she was on vacation. She would change to her silk slip, wrap herself in a silk robe, and pad around in nothing but her slippers.*
    5 hours ago · Like · 3
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Now on the second level of the Great Camp, she made her way across the original pine of the floors, through generous archways, and past hand-carved doorfaces. God, this house was magnificent. She admired each tiny flare of originality as if it were the last all the way until she reached her and her hellren's bedroom at the end. She pushed open the door to find the most breathtaking sight she could ever experience.. and it seemed she wasn't the only one who needed to nap: Rehvenge, in all his glorious male form, with his dark mohawk and long lashes, his strong jaw, the widest shoulders she had ever pressed her body against, his large rippling arms... and there, in the middle of it all... was his tiny neice Nalla. Safe. Warm. Loved.*
    5 hours ago · Like · 3
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She stood there for far too many minutes, memorizing every inch of the splay before her, as she had for all of the architecture she passed on the way up to this room, to this vision of love. She took a few hesitant steps into the room, quiet now, so not to wake them, and made her way into the en suite to the connected walk-in closet, and pulled the very silks she thought of before. She stripped and then inched the slip over her head, purring at the feel of the fabric against her bare skin. She pulled the robe around her bodice, and exited, back into the room. Despite already knowing what she'd find, her heart melted once more, and she had to breathe a bit deeper to remind herself it was real. Her hardened, warrior of a male, was now a model of charity. He comforted her, he warmed her, and he kept her safe... Sweet Virgin Scribe, one day he will be a wondrous father.*
    5 hours ago · Like · 3
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She crept closer to the side of the bed, and pressed her hands down, raising up onto her toes. She bent at her waist and kissed Nalla's soft forehead, then again on her tiny cheek. She smiled tenderly, and lifted herself onto the bed to kneel beside them. Her hand moved to stroke over her hellren's hair, then down and over that jaw she liked so much, and over his stubborn chin. She bent to kiss him slowly on his temple, letting her lips linger for a moment too long, then pushed off of the bed, and quietly made her way back out of the room to let them rest.*
    Nalla Ahgony
    ‎*walking next to Unky Rehvenge she smiled. rolling over she poked her Unky in the belly* Unky Rehv, yous awake? *her stomach was making noise*
    Unlike · · Share · 5 hours ago ·
    You, Joyce Szczepanski, Lassiter The-Fallen and 2 others like this.
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*peeks an eye open and smiles* Why yes I am, miss Nalla. Are you hungry?
    5 hours ago · Like · 4
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*nods and rubs her tummy* I is hungry. Can we find Auntie Ehlena and see if she cans make us a snack?
    5 hours ago · Like · 4
    Rehvenge Rempoon Hmm, I do believe she is in the kitchen already. Wanna go see? *Holds her in his arms and carries her to the kitchen to see Ehlena* Tahlly, sweet pea and I are hungry.
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She turned at the sound of Rehvenge's voice, and saw a sleepy-eyed pair settling down onto of the bar stools that surrounded the island counter-top in the center of the kitchen.* Hungry you say? *She looked to Nalla and smiled,* what if I told you I was already making something? Would you, maybe... *She looked to Rehv quickly and nodded to a box of Rice Crispies and a half empty bag of marsh mellows* Bug, want to help me finish it up?
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*grinning and nodding* I wants to help. What are you making? *trying to look around her to see what she was making but not having any luck*
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Picking up Nalla, he hands the crispies and marshmallows to Ehl.* Here we go. Wanna help mix, sweet pea?
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*nods* Yes pease I would like to mix *looking around* Cans I stand on a chair pease, makes it easier.
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She turned the heat down on the melted marsh mellow mixture, and when Rehv returned with a chair for Nalla to stand on, she tucked a little kitchen towel into the front of the young's shirt.* Just in case we splatter, gotta keep you safe. *She grabbed the box of Rice Crispies and held them over the pot, tilted so they were just about to pour out.* Ok, on the count of three, then you start stirring.. *she smiled quickly to Rehvenge,* 1.. 2.. 3..
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*smiling as Unky put her on the chair and her Auntie E tucked the towel into her shirt she giggled* Okies *taking the spoon she waited for her Auntie E to start pouring. as she saw the cereal start to pour she started stirring fast and laughed* Is fun *laughing she kept stirring*
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon y*Laughing, he smiles as he watched his girls.* Yeah, it really is baby girl. Ok, so we pour this into the pan, Ehl? *he lifted the pot and waited for Ehlena*
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Nalla Ahgony No I wants to do it *reaching for the pot that her Unky was holding* I want to put it into the pan. Pease *looking up at her Unky with big eyes*
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Smiling wide.* Of course, tahlly. Here, you pull it out with the spoon there, and I will hold the pot. Careful baby! Its hot.
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Poor Rehvenge, he was such a sucker for that sweet little cherub face of hers. She chuckled softly and put a finger in the mixture to test for temperature. Perfect! She carried Nalla to the sink and helped her wash her hands quickly, then smiled to her,* Ok lovebug, forget the spoon, we're clean enough to use our hands!
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
    Nalla Ahgony YAY *taking the spoon she pulled it out of the pot, gigging as she watched it fill the pan* It looks funny *smiling as her Auntie E picked her up and carried her to the sink and helped her wash her hands* No I gets to plays with it?
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Grinning,* yes sweety, smoosh it down! Make it like a pancake!
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*smiling to himself, he couldn't have had a better night. He was worried for his brother-in -law. He would call Bell later.* Ok Angels, lets get this flattened. Use your hands, Nalla.
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*giggles as she pushes done the mixture* Ok Unky *pushing into the cereal down with her Auntie E she was having so much fun. she missed her Mahmen (Bella) and Daddy (Zee) but she was having so much fun at the same time. when the finished she picked her hands and held them out to her Unky* It's yummy, try some
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Smiling, he took a tiny, crispy covered hand and bit a clump off.* Very good. Nalla sweetened. Okay, Tahllies. Time to let it cool and harden. You know, sweet pea, I made these for your mahmen.
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*grinning as he helped her re-wash her hands* You and Mahmen? When did you do that? *waiting as he got a towel for her to dry her hands* What was Mahmen like when she was my age?
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Her heart felt like it was going to explode from too much cute! She wet a sponge after ridding her own fingers of sticky crispie treat, and started wiping up the kitchen, letting the two of them have some time.*
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Smiling as he could see that blue striped night gown and those tiny fuzzy slippers* She was just like you. *He tapped her nose* Very pretty and smart. She loved these and frosted flakes.
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*squishing up her face as he teased her nose* Sit, I wants to sit in yous lap *sitting down with him* That's my favorite cereals too. Unky Rehv do you think I will ever get mated?
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Choking back a few choice words* Sure, honey. One day when you are old enough.
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Nalla Ahgony When will I be old enough? And what happens when you are mated? Why is it so special?
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Wide eyed he looked at her* Have you been talking to Lassiter? *shaking his head* Never mind. When you meet your mated love, you bond. And he never leaves your side. He will love you as we alldo.
    3 hours ago · Like · 4
    Nalla Ahgony But how do I know he is the male for me? Daddy says no male is good enough so how will I ever know? Will he tell me he is mine mate?
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
    Rehvenge Rempoon I believe, sweetest pea, that your heart will tell you so. Your mahmen and I had this very talk when she was your age. Grahnmen wanted to strangle the Fu- Um life out of me. *He laughed low and spoke* Wanna check your crispies?
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*forgetting everything else as her Unky Rehv mentions the crispies she nods* Uh huh *sliding from his lap she walked to the counter and stood on her tip toes trying to reach them*
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
    Rehvenge Rempoon Here. *He lifts her up and lets her touch the corner* Feel hot still?
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*smiling as he lifted her off the floor she reached her little hand out and touched the crispies* No theys cooled off *turning to Auntie E* What we do next?
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She uncrossed her arms and revealed a pearly set of fangs in a wide smile, she could listen to them chat all night, despite the risk of death by cute.* Ok. I'm going to cut these crispies into squares, then, *she pointed to the Reeses Cups, Fruit Roll Ups and Sno Caps next to Rehv on the counter,* we're going to make Crispies Turkeys because tomorrow in Thanksgiving! Do you know what that is lovebug?
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*looking at all the other treats next to Unky Rehv, she shook her head* Nos, what Thanksgiving? *she had heard it being mentioned around the mansion recently but didn't know what it really was* Unky Rehv, what is Thanksgiving?
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
    Rehvenge Rempoon Thanksgiving is a a day where we give thanks for everything we have. Like once again this year I am thankful for my girls. *smiling he raspberried her neck*
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony I like that holiday then, because Is thankful for mine family *giggling as her Unky raspberried her cheek, she spun and did it back to him and hugged him tight* I love you Unky
    3 hours ago · Like · 1
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*laughing, he scooped her up* I love you to, mine Nalla. Tahlly, we cuttin or what?
    3 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*his words made her heart soar* Is the luckiest young in the world *turning to Auntie E* Can we?
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She lifted the pan to show them the perfectly cut Crispies.* While ya'll were chattin' I got everything ready. *When Nalla's eyes widened as she started to construct the first Crispie Turkey, she couldn't keep her face straight. Holding it up, she showed the two of them.* Voila! Reeses in the middle, Fruit Roll-Up feathers and Snow Cap eyes! *She leaned over and kissed Rehv's bicep. While ya'll are making, do you mind if I tell you guys what I'm thankful for?
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*kissing her forehead* Go for it, Shellan.
    2 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*eyes wide* They are so cute Auntie *going to work with her Unky Rehv* I would loves to hear Auntie *pushing the Reeses into the middle of each one then tearing the feathers, giggling as Unky Rehv helps her. finishing off with the eyes. they kept working on the rest*
    2 hours ago · Like · 1
    2 hours ago · Like · 3
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Watching the two of them together, Rehvenge so gentle and calm with Nalla, his big hands guiding hers as they built the treats. She cleared her throat before she began her thanks, and ran a hand over her hellren's back.* I'm thankful for my loving male, so worthy, so proud, my perfect protector. *She leaned forward to kiss the crown of Nalla's head,* I'm thankful for my beautiful lovebug and being able to spend time with her. I'm thankful for my Father, for Lousi, I'm thankful for my entire family. ...I'm actually thankful to even HAVE a family. I thank the Scribe-Virgin for blessing us with this life I've come to love so much. *Inhaling deeply after she finished, she swallowed and tried to quickly change the subject,* so, um, can I see one of your Crispie Turkeys, Nalla?
    2 hours ago · Like · 2
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*reaching for her Auntie E she wrapped her arms around her neck, she could sense her strong emotions* I love you Auntie E, with all mine heart *kissing her cheek. she turned back and picked up a treat* Theys so cute
    2 hours ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Stepping back, he pulled out his phone an secretly took a picture. Typing up a short message to go with, he sent it to Bella* ~text~ Lady Bell, Look what the young did. I am thankful for you and for letting me be in you and the young's life. Love ya. Rooster ~send~
    Throe Bhastard
    ‎*sitting in his chamber at the Bhastard mansion, he looked around and imagined how it looked to others, specifically, how it would look to Mhisery. Fuck, the place made minimalism look fucking crowded. Logically, he knew she didn't give a shit about that stuff, but as a male, he wanted his female to have the best. And fuck knew, this shit was not the best she could get. Not even close. Factor in Xcor and it was done. He realized he was in no frame of mind to make life altering decisions, so he decided to take a few days away, to process. Not trusting himself to call her or try to see her, he dug out his phone and typed a quick message.* -Mhisery, some things have come up, and i had to take off for a little bit. I will be back in a day or two. Everything is fine. Love, Throe * He hit send and closed his phone. Then he sat, and tried to think. The more he tried to imagine life without her, the more his head became crowded with images of her. Her face, her warrior stance, her cockiness that came to the surface when she felt insecure. He scrubbed his hand over his face, grabbed a napkin and a pen and scrawled a message -- Xcor - will be back in a day or two. Remember what we discussed.--
    From his cell phone he sent a message to Zypher- I am fine, will be back in a day or so. Not a word to Mhisery. --*
    He got up, and strode away from the mansion.*
    Unlike · · Monday at 7:03am ·
    You, Mhisery Muhrdock, Phury Ahgony, Cormia Ahgony and 5 others like this.
    Throe Bhastard ‎*standing outside the mansion, holding his phone, trying to figure out how to word this text. Having the last couple days away had helped. Having distance from her, he was able to see past her face in his mind. In that respect, Zypher and Xcor were right, it was a weakness, a distraction, loving a female. There was no question he loved her. And it was fucked up that he did. He had never loved a female before, and this one was not the right one. He actually had no desire to meet the right one, judging by how well this whole thing had gone. Mhisery was fucking amazing and she deserved an amazing life. She did not need to be tied to a bastard. And not only was he a bastard, but he was stuck to a sadistic fuck like Xcor. He didn't regret the oath he had pledged, because his sister mattered. As much as Mhisery now mattered, his sister mattered as well. Opening his phone, he fired off a text*- Mhis, I need to talk to you, and was hoping you were free tonigt. Let me know what works for you, T.
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She receieved a text from Throe and her heart had a momentary pause just before it felt like it was going to leap from her chest. He wanted to talk, and as bad as the pain in her stomach was, and getting worse, it all didn't seem to matter. All that mattered is he wanted to talk to her. She as elated and fired back a text* I'm free when ever you are. Love Mhis *she hit send and waited*
    Like · · Follow Post · November 24 at 12:07am
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Emma Lou, Cormia Ahgony and 13 others like this.
    Throe Bhastard ‎*feels his phone vibrating finally and pulls it out.. Forgetting the reason for getting together, he is momentarily swept back up in the excitement of hearing from her. Then he remembers where the night is going to finish and his heart sank. He thinks for a minute and replies* I am able to meet whenever you are, if you are planning on going out fighting tonight I would prefer it be after that, so you let me know. *wondering if she would notice that lack of I love you, and if that would hurt her as much as it was hurting him. He hit send and closed his eyes for a moment, picturing her reading it.*
    November 24 at 12:31am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She read the text and it seemed cold and distant, but that could just be her reading into things again. She tapped out a reply* I'm not planning on going out, actually really looking forward to see you. I've missed you. Just tell me when and where you want to meet and I'm there. Love ~ Mhis. *she hit send and started frantically running around the room changing clothes and trying to do something with her hair.*
    November 24 at 12:36am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*numb inside now, he sends back a short reply* -let's do this now then- *send*
    November 24 at 1:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She grabbed the phone and read the text and typed back her reply* Where love? *She hit send and waited for his response*
    November 24 at 1:41am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard I will come to you, are you at your place *send*
    November 24 at 2:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*she replied back* I'm at the mansion. You have clearance love. My room is the top of the stairs last on the left. Can't wait to see you. *send*
    November 24 at 2:15am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he read the text and as much as he did not want to go to the mansion, he was glad she wouldn't be alone. As much as the brothers hated him already, he briefly wondered if he would make it home after, then just as quickly realized it made no difference to him. He dematerialized to the compound, and at the front door turned his face to the camera and told them he was there for Mhisery. The door was eventually opened and a doggen led him up to her room. He stood outside the door, unable to knock and let him know he was here. It turned out he didn't need to, the door opened and there she was. The expectant look on her face shamed him.*
    November 24 at 2:22am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her face beamed as she saw him standing in the doorway of her room. She almost launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, raining kisses over his face* I was so worried about you. I missed you so much, oh and I met this guy that came in the club last night who is really down to earth, we went for a bite to eat and I was telling him all about you and I think you two could be great friends. *She pulled him farther in the room and closed the door behind them before she hugged him again. She was expected to be hard and strong all the time, but not with Throe, with him she could simply be a woman in love with a man* Are you okay?
    November 24 at 2:27am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he caught her and held her to him briefly, closing his eyes and inhaling her scent, wanting a moment to pretend this was real. As he set her aside, the fact that she mentioned another male set off a little warning alarm in his head. If circumstances were different, he would be exploring that further. The fact that she was being this open and affectionate with him made this so much worse. It meant that he had got her to open up and trust him, and was now going to throw that back in her face. The idea sickened him, because he knew she didn't hand that out lightly. When he set her down, he set her a little away from himself. He held out his hand to her, and in it was her locket. As her eyes flew up to his, he knew she could see the devastation that was etched into his features. * Mhisery. We need to talk.
    November 24 at 3:03am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She saw pain in his eyes that she had never seen before and was worried. She pulled him down on the bed to sit beside her, taking his larger hand into her smaller one. Her thumbs idly stroking the surface of his hand. She swallowed hard before she spoke* Did you loose my mom's locket? If that is it, I understand and I won't be mad. *She saw more pain stretch across his face* Whatever it is, love, we can get through it. *She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his forehead and then settled beside him again still holding his hand* So what is this about love?
    November 24 at 3:13am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he looked at her and moved back away from her once more. Slowly removing his hand from hers, he once more held the locket out to her. She wouldn't look away from his face, so he took her hand and closed her fingers around it.* We can't do this anymore, Mhisery. I can't do this to you. I am so, so sorry. And I will always love you. There is just too much in the way. And we can't fix it. We can't ignore it. So we have to stop. Now, before someone gets really hurt.
    November 24 at 3:26am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Tears welled up in her eyes and ran rivers down her face, She had only cried one other time and it was when she watched her mother being murdered by lessers. She took the locket he held out to her, not even attempting to hide the tears that ran down her cheeks. All she could manage to utter between sobs was* My father was right, all I am is misery and pain. There is no need for endure my presents any longer. *She willed on music that she hadn't played in ages { } The words going through her mind: Come to me, run to me
    Do and be done with me
    (Cold cold cold)
    Don't I exist for you
    Don't I still live for you
    (Cold cold cold)
    Everything I possess
    Given with tenderness
    Wrapped in a ribbon of glass
    Time it may take us but God only knows
    How I've paid for those things in the past
    Dying is easy
    It's living that scares me to death
    I could be so content
    Hearing the sound of your breath
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    I want to be with you baby
    Slip me inside of your heart
    Don't I belong to you baby
    Don't you know that nothing can tear us apart
    Come on now come on now come on now
    Telling you that
    I loved you right from the start,
    But the more I want you the less I get
    Ain't that just the way things are
    Winter has frozen us
    Let love take hold of us
    (Cold cold cold)
    Now we are shivering
    Blue ice is glittering
    (Cold cold cold)
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    *She broke down and clinched the locket and make an useless attempt to keep the wail of pain she felt in her heart from screaming to the surface* Just go, I tried telling you from the beginning all I am is pain an misery. I don't blame you...
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva photos taken by the river in Eastleigh
    November 24 at 3:38am · Like · 8 ·
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he wrapped his hands around her slight shoulders and held her until she looked at him, until she made eye contact.* No, this is not on you at all. You are not pain, not misery. You are the only bright spot in my entire existence. The only person in this world that I care about, and for the first time since losing my sister, I care about someone, more than I care about myself. Look at my life. What do I have to offer you? All I can do is bring misery in to your life, not the other way around. I have nothing.. I am nothing. And with Xcor around, that just cements it. The other day, when I took off, it was for a reason. I needed to get strong enough to do this. The other day made me realize I was never going to be more than I am today. And my life was never really going to be my own.. My body would lever be my own. And if you were ever hurt, especially by him, my world would end.
    November 24 at 3:48am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock I was stronger than that, but it shows the faith you had in me, and the extent of endurance I would have went through to try to make you happy, but I understand this is easier for you in the long run and I promised you I would never be a burden to you, so please leave and allow me the small amount of dignity I have left. *She couldn't even meet his gaze again for fer of breaking farther*
    November 24 at 3:53am · Like · 8
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he stood there, staring at her for what seemed like a hour. He wanted to badly to hold her, tell her he changed his mind. But to do so was wrong. He wished she would hate him, and want him dead. * Mhisery, I can't say the words that will ease you, or express my sorrow at watching you walk out of my life. But please do not think you could ever be a burden to me. Think, Mhisery. Think of the life I live. You really want to try to sleep in that abandoned castle? Want to be left alone with Xcor, or have to be around me 24/7 to ensure that doesn't happen. Do you want to bring young into that environment? And what happens the next time things get out of hand between Xcor and me? I have to worry about you retaliating? Getting hurt, raped or killed? You have no reason to feel anything but relief that this is over, that you escaped a very close call, and now you can go on to love someone worthy of you. *He gets up, feels a tear making it's way down his cheek, turned on his heel and walked out of the mansion to dematerialize.
    November 24 at 4:04am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She slumped to the floor and allowed a wail of a pain explode from her chest that was only present when a heart shattered. She sobbed until she couldn't breath, and her body trembled. She vowed then and there to never let anyone ever get remotely close to her again because this type of pain was more than she could bare. She leaned her head forward and rested it in her palms as she felt every shard of her broken heart as it broke away, leaving a cold hollow shell where her heart used to be.*
    November 24 at 4:12am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She receieved a text from Throe and her heart had a momentary pause just before it felt like it was going to leap from her chest. He wanted to talk, and as bad as the pain in her stomach was, and getting worse, it all didn't seem to matter. All that mattered is he wanted to talk to her. She as elated and fired back a text* I'm free when ever you are. Love Mhis *she hit send and waited*
    Like · · Follow Post · November 24 at 12:07am
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Emma Lou, Cormia Ahgony and 13 others like this.
    Throe Bhastard ‎*feels his phone vibrating finally and pulls it out.. Forgetting the reason for getting together, he is momentarily swept back up in the excitement of hearing from her. Then he remembers where the night is going to finish and his heart sank. He thinks for a minute and replies* I am able to meet whenever you are, if you are planning on going out fighting tonight I would prefer it be after that, so you let me know. *wondering if she would notice that lack of I love you, and if that would hurt her as much as it was hurting him. He hit send and closed his eyes for a moment, picturing her reading it.*
    November 24 at 12:31am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She read the text and it seemed cold and distant, but that could just be her reading into things again. She tapped out a reply* I'm not planning on going out, actually really looking forward to see you. I've missed you. Just tell me when and where you want to meet and I'm there. Love ~ Mhis. *she hit send and started frantically running around the room changing clothes and trying to do something with her hair.*
    November 24 at 12:36am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*numb inside now, he sends back a short reply* -let's do this now then- *send*
    November 24 at 1:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She grabbed the phone and read the text and typed back her reply* Where love? *She hit send and waited for his response*
    November 24 at 1:41am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard I will come to you, are you at your place *send*
    November 24 at 2:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*she replied back* I'm at the mansion. You have clearance love. My room is the top of the stairs last on the left. Can't wait to see you. *send*
    November 24 at 2:15am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he read the text and as much as he did not want to go to the mansion, he was glad she wouldn't be alone. As much as the brothers hated him already, he briefly wondered if he would make it home after, then just as quickly realized it made no difference to him. He dematerialized to the compound, and at the front door turned his face to the camera and told them he was there for Mhisery. The door was eventually opened and a doggen led him up to her room. He stood outside the door, unable to knock and let him know he was here. It turned out he didn't need to, the door opened and there she was. The expectant look on her face shamed him.*
    November 24 at 2:22am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her face beamed as she saw him standing in the doorway of her room. She almost launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, raining kisses over his face* I was so worried about you. I missed you so much, oh and I met this guy that came in the club last night who is really down to earth, we went for a bite to eat and I was telling him all about you and I think you two could be great friends. *She pulled him farther in the room and closed the door behind them before she hugged him again. She was expected to be hard and strong all the time, but not with Throe, with him she could simply be a woman in love with a man* Are you okay?
    November 24 at 2:27am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he caught her and held her to him briefly, closing his eyes and inhaling her scent, wanting a moment to pretend this was real. As he set her aside, the fact that she mentioned another male set off a little warning alarm in his head. If circumstances were different, he would be exploring that further. The fact that she was being this open and affectionate with him made this so much worse. It meant that he had got her to open up and trust him, and was now going to throw that back in her face. The idea sickened him, because he knew she didn't hand that out lightly. When he set her down, he set her a little away from himself. He held out his hand to her, and in it was her locket. As her eyes flew up to his, he knew she could see the devastation that was etched into his features. * Mhisery. We need to talk.
    November 24 at 3:03am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She saw pain in his eyes that she had never seen before and was worried. She pulled him down on the bed to sit beside her, taking his larger hand into her smaller one. Her thumbs idly stroking the surface of his hand. She swallowed hard before she spoke* Did you loose my mom's locket? If that is it, I understand and I won't be mad. *She saw more pain stretch across his face* Whatever it is, love, we can get through it. *She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his forehead and then settled beside him again still holding his hand* So what is this about love?
    November 24 at 3:13am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he looked at her and moved back away from her once more. Slowly removing his hand from hers, he once more held the locket out to her. She wouldn't look away from his face, so he took her hand and closed her fingers around it.* We can't do this anymore, Mhisery. I can't do this to you. I am so, so sorry. And I will always love you. There is just too much in the way. And we can't fix it. We can't ignore it. So we have to stop. Now, before someone gets really hurt.
    November 24 at 3:26am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Tears welled up in her eyes and ran rivers down her face, She had only cried one other time and it was when she watched her mother being murdered by lessers. She took the locket he held out to her, not even attempting to hide the tears that ran down her cheeks. All she could manage to utter between sobs was* My father was right, all I am is misery and pain. There is no need for endure my presents any longer. *She willed on music that she hadn't played in ages { } The words going through her mind: Come to me, run to me
    Do and be done with me
    (Cold cold cold)
    Don't I exist for you
    Don't I still live for you
    (Cold cold cold)
    Everything I possess
    Given with tenderness
    Wrapped in a ribbon of glass
    Time it may take us but God only knows
    How I've paid for those things in the past
    Dying is easy
    It's living that scares me to death
    I could be so content
    Hearing the sound of your breath
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    I want to be with you baby
    Slip me inside of your heart
    Don't I belong to you baby
    Don't you know that nothing can tear us apart
    Come on now come on now come on now
    Telling you that
    I loved you right from the start,
    But the more I want you the less I get
    Ain't that just the way things are
    Winter has frozen us
    Let love take hold of us
    (Cold cold cold)
    Now we are shivering
    Blue ice is glittering
    (Cold cold cold)
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    *She broke down and clinched the locket and make an useless attempt to keep the wail of pain she felt in her heart from screaming to the surface* Just go, I tried telling you from the beginning all I am is pain an misery. I don't blame you...
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva photos taken by the river in Eastleigh
    November 24 at 3:38am · Like · 8 ·
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he wrapped his hands around her slight shoulders and held her until she looked at him, until she made eye contact.* No, this is not on you at all. You are not pain, not misery. You are the only bright spot in my entire existence. The only person in this world that I care about, and for the first time since losing my sister, I care about someone, more than I care about myself. Look at my life. What do I have to offer you? All I can do is bring misery in to your life, not the other way around. I have nothing.. I am nothing. And with Xcor around, that just cements it. The other day, when I took off, it was for a reason. I needed to get strong enough to do this. The other day made me realize I was never going to be more than I am today. And my life was never really going to be my own.. My body would lever be my own. And if you were ever hurt, especially by him, my world would end.
    November 24 at 3:48am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock I was stronger than that, but it shows the faith you had in me, and the extent of endurance I would have went through to try to make you happy, but I understand this is easier for you in the long run and I promised you I would never be a burden to you, so please leave and allow me the small amount of dignity I have left. *She couldn't even meet his gaze again for fer of breaking farther*
    November 24 at 3:53am · Like · 8
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he stood there, staring at her for what seemed like a hour. He wanted to badly to hold her, tell her he changed his mind. But to do so was wrong. He wished she would hate him, and want him dead. * Mhisery, I can't say the words that will ease you, or express my sorrow at watching you walk out of my life. But please do not think you could ever be a burden to me. Think, Mhisery. Think of the life I live. You really want to try to sleep in that abandoned castle? Want to be left alone with Xcor, or have to be around me 24/7 to ensure that doesn't happen. Do you want to bring young into that environment? And what happens the next time things get out of hand between Xcor and me? I have to worry about you retaliating? Getting hurt, raped or killed? You have no reason to feel anything but relief that this is over, that you escaped a very close call, and now you can go on to love someone worthy of you. *He gets up, feels a tear making it's way down his cheek, turned on his heel and walked out of the mansion to dematerialize.
    November 24 at 4:04am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She slumped to the floor and allowed a wail of a pain explode from her chest that was only present when a heart shattered. She sobbed until she couldn't breath, and her body trembled. She vowed then and there to never let anyone ever get remotely close to her again because this type of pain was more than she could bare. She leaned her head forward and rested it in her palms as she felt every shard of her broken heart as it broke away, leaving a cold hollow shell where her heart used to be.*
    November 24 at 4:12am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She receieved a text from Throe and her heart had a momentary pause just before it felt like it was going to leap from her chest. He wanted to talk, and as bad as the pain in her stomach was, and getting worse, it all didn't seem to matter. All that mattered is he wanted to talk to her. She as elated and fired back a text* I'm free when ever you are. Love Mhis *she hit send and waited*
    Like · · Follow Post · November 24 at 12:07am
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Emma Lou, Cormia Ahgony and 13 others like this.
    Throe Bhastard ‎*feels his phone vibrating finally and pulls it out.. Forgetting the reason for getting together, he is momentarily swept back up in the excitement of hearing from her. Then he remembers where the night is going to finish and his heart sank. He thinks for a minute and replies* I am able to meet whenever you are, if you are planning on going out fighting tonight I would prefer it be after that, so you let me know. *wondering if she would notice that lack of I love you, and if that would hurt her as much as it was hurting him. He hit send and closed his eyes for a moment, picturing her reading it.*
    November 24 at 12:31am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She read the text and it seemed cold and distant, but that could just be her reading into things again. She tapped out a reply* I'm not planning on going out, actually really looking forward to see you. I've missed you. Just tell me when and where you want to meet and I'm there. Love ~ Mhis. *she hit send and started frantically running around the room changing clothes and trying to do something with her hair.*
    November 24 at 12:36am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*numb inside now, he sends back a short reply* -let's do this now then- *send*
    November 24 at 1:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She grabbed the phone and read the text and typed back her reply* Where love? *She hit send and waited for his response*
    November 24 at 1:41am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard I will come to you, are you at your place *send*
    November 24 at 2:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*she replied back* I'm at the mansion. You have clearance love. My room is the top of the stairs last on the left. Can't wait to see you. *send*
    November 24 at 2:15am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he read the text and as much as he did not want to go to the mansion, he was glad she wouldn't be alone. As much as the brothers hated him already, he briefly wondered if he would make it home after, then just as quickly realized it made no difference to him. He dematerialized to the compound, and at the front door turned his face to the camera and told them he was there for Mhisery. The door was eventually opened and a doggen led him up to her room. He stood outside the door, unable to knock and let him know he was here. It turned out he didn't need to, the door opened and there she was. The expectant look on her face shamed him.*
    November 24 at 2:22am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her face beamed as she saw him standing in the doorway of her room. She almost launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, raining kisses over his face* I was so worried about you. I missed you so much, oh and I met this guy that came in the club last night who is really down to earth, we went for a bite to eat and I was telling him all about you and I think you two could be great friends. *She pulled him farther in the room and closed the door behind them before she hugged him again. She was expected to be hard and strong all the time, but not with Throe, with him she could simply be a woman in love with a man* Are you okay?
    November 24 at 2:27am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he caught her and held her to him briefly, closing his eyes and inhaling her scent, wanting a moment to pretend this was real. As he set her aside, the fact that she mentioned another male set off a little warning alarm in his head. If circumstances were different, he would be exploring that further. The fact that she was being this open and affectionate with him made this so much worse. It meant that he had got her to open up and trust him, and was now going to throw that back in her face. The idea sickened him, because he knew she didn't hand that out lightly. When he set her down, he set her a little away from himself. He held out his hand to her, and in it was her locket. As her eyes flew up to his, he knew she could see the devastation that was etched into his features. * Mhisery. We need to talk.
    November 24 at 3:03am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She saw pain in his eyes that she had never seen before and was worried. She pulled him down on the bed to sit beside her, taking his larger hand into her smaller one. Her thumbs idly stroking the surface of his hand. She swallowed hard before she spoke* Did you loose my mom's locket? If that is it, I understand and I won't be mad. *She saw more pain stretch across his face* Whatever it is, love, we can get through it. *She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his forehead and then settled beside him again still holding his hand* So what is this about love?
    November 24 at 3:13am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he looked at her and moved back away from her once more. Slowly removing his hand from hers, he once more held the locket out to her. She wouldn't look away from his face, so he took her hand and closed her fingers around it.* We can't do this anymore, Mhisery. I can't do this to you. I am so, so sorry. And I will always love you. There is just too much in the way. And we can't fix it. We can't ignore it. So we have to stop. Now, before someone gets really hurt.
    November 24 at 3:26am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Tears welled up in her eyes and ran rivers down her face, She had only cried one other time and it was when she watched her mother being murdered by lessers. She took the locket he held out to her, not even attempting to hide the tears that ran down her cheeks. All she could manage to utter between sobs was* My father was right, all I am is misery and pain. There is no need for endure my presents any longer. *She willed on music that she hadn't played in ages { } The words going through her mind: Come to me, run to me
    Do and be done with me
    (Cold cold cold)
    Don't I exist for you
    Don't I still live for you
    (Cold cold cold)
    Everything I possess
    Given with tenderness
    Wrapped in a ribbon of glass
    Time it may take us but God only knows
    How I've paid for those things in the past
    Dying is easy
    It's living that scares me to death
    I could be so content
    Hearing the sound of your breath
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    I want to be with you baby
    Slip me inside of your heart
    Don't I belong to you baby
    Don't you know that nothing can tear us apart
    Come on now come on now come on now
    Telling you that
    I loved you right from the start,
    But the more I want you the less I get
    Ain't that just the way things are
    Winter has frozen us
    Let love take hold of us
    (Cold cold cold)
    Now we are shivering
    Blue ice is glittering
    (Cold cold cold)
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    *She broke down and clinched the locket and make an useless attempt to keep the wail of pain she felt in her heart from screaming to the surface* Just go, I tried telling you from the beginning all I am is pain an misery. I don't blame you...
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva photos taken by the river in Eastleigh
    November 24 at 3:38am · Like · 8 ·
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he wrapped his hands around her slight shoulders and held her until she looked at him, until she made eye contact.* No, this is not on you at all. You are not pain, not misery. You are the only bright spot in my entire existence. The only person in this world that I care about, and for the first time since losing my sister, I care about someone, more than I care about myself. Look at my life. What do I have to offer you? All I can do is bring misery in to your life, not the other way around. I have nothing.. I am nothing. And with Xcor around, that just cements it. The other day, when I took off, it was for a reason. I needed to get strong enough to do this. The other day made me realize I was never going to be more than I am today. And my life was never really going to be my own.. My body would lever be my own. And if you were ever hurt, especially by him, my world would end.
    November 24 at 3:48am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock I was stronger than that, but it shows the faith you had in me, and the extent of endurance I would have went through to try to make you happy, but I understand this is easier for you in the long run and I promised you I would never be a burden to you, so please leave and allow me the small amount of dignity I have left. *She couldn't even meet his gaze again for fer of breaking farther*
    November 24 at 3:53am · Like · 8
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he stood there, staring at her for what seemed like a hour. He wanted to badly to hold her, tell her he changed his mind. But to do so was wrong. He wished she would hate him, and want him dead. * Mhisery, I can't say the words that will ease you, or express my sorrow at watching you walk out of my life. But please do not think you could ever be a burden to me. Think, Mhisery. Think of the life I live. You really want to try to sleep in that abandoned castle? Want to be left alone with Xcor, or have to be around me 24/7 to ensure that doesn't happen. Do you want to bring young into that environment? And what happens the next time things get out of hand between Xcor and me? I have to worry about you retaliating? Getting hurt, raped or killed? You have no reason to feel anything but relief that this is over, that you escaped a very close call, and now you can go on to love someone worthy of you. *He gets up, feels a tear making it's way down his cheek, turned on his heel and walked out of the mansion to dematerialize.
    November 24 at 4:04am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She slumped to the floor and allowed a wail of a pain explode from her chest that was only present when a heart shattered. She sobbed until she couldn't breath, and her body trembled. She vowed then and there to never let anyone ever get remotely close to her again because this type of pain was more than she could bare. She leaned her head forward and rested it in her palms as she felt every shard of her broken heart as it broke away, leaving a cold hollow shell where her heart used to be.*
    November 24 at 4:12am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She receieved a text from Throe and her heart had a momentary pause just before it felt like it was going to leap from her chest. He wanted to talk, and as bad as the pain in her stomach was, and getting worse, it all didn't seem to matter. All that mattered is he wanted to talk to her. She as elated and fired back a text* I'm free when ever you are. Love Mhis *she hit send and waited*
    Like · · Follow Post · November 24 at 12:07am
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Emma Lou, Cormia Ahgony and 13 others like this.
    Throe Bhastard ‎*feels his phone vibrating finally and pulls it out.. Forgetting the reason for getting together, he is momentarily swept back up in the excitement of hearing from her. Then he remembers where the night is going to finish and his heart sank. He thinks for a minute and replies* I am able to meet whenever you are, if you are planning on going out fighting tonight I would prefer it be after that, so you let me know. *wondering if she would notice that lack of I love you, and if that would hurt her as much as it was hurting him. He hit send and closed his eyes for a moment, picturing her reading it.*
    November 24 at 12:31am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She read the text and it seemed cold and distant, but that could just be her reading into things again. She tapped out a reply* I'm not planning on going out, actually really looking forward to see you. I've missed you. Just tell me when and where you want to meet and I'm there. Love ~ Mhis. *she hit send and started frantically running around the room changing clothes and trying to do something with her hair.*
    November 24 at 12:36am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*numb inside now, he sends back a short reply* -let's do this now then- *send*
    November 24 at 1:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She grabbed the phone and read the text and typed back her reply* Where love? *She hit send and waited for his response*
    November 24 at 1:41am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard I will come to you, are you at your place *send*
    November 24 at 2:13am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*she replied back* I'm at the mansion. You have clearance love. My room is the top of the stairs last on the left. Can't wait to see you. *send*
    November 24 at 2:15am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he read the text and as much as he did not want to go to the mansion, he was glad she wouldn't be alone. As much as the brothers hated him already, he briefly wondered if he would make it home after, then just as quickly realized it made no difference to him. He dematerialized to the compound, and at the front door turned his face to the camera and told them he was there for Mhisery. The door was eventually opened and a doggen led him up to her room. He stood outside the door, unable to knock and let him know he was here. It turned out he didn't need to, the door opened and there she was. The expectant look on her face shamed him.*
    November 24 at 2:22am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her face beamed as she saw him standing in the doorway of her room. She almost launched herself at him and wrapped her arms around his neck, raining kisses over his face* I was so worried about you. I missed you so much, oh and I met this guy that came in the club last night who is really down to earth, we went for a bite to eat and I was telling him all about you and I think you two could be great friends. *She pulled him farther in the room and closed the door behind them before she hugged him again. She was expected to be hard and strong all the time, but not with Throe, with him she could simply be a woman in love with a man* Are you okay?
    November 24 at 2:27am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he caught her and held her to him briefly, closing his eyes and inhaling her scent, wanting a moment to pretend this was real. As he set her aside, the fact that she mentioned another male set off a little warning alarm in his head. If circumstances were different, he would be exploring that further. The fact that she was being this open and affectionate with him made this so much worse. It meant that he had got her to open up and trust him, and was now going to throw that back in her face. The idea sickened him, because he knew she didn't hand that out lightly. When he set her down, he set her a little away from himself. He held out his hand to her, and in it was her locket. As her eyes flew up to his, he knew she could see the devastation that was etched into his features. * Mhisery. We need to talk.
    November 24 at 3:03am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She saw pain in his eyes that she had never seen before and was worried. She pulled him down on the bed to sit beside her, taking his larger hand into her smaller one. Her thumbs idly stroking the surface of his hand. She swallowed hard before she spoke* Did you loose my mom's locket? If that is it, I understand and I won't be mad. *She saw more pain stretch across his face* Whatever it is, love, we can get through it. *She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his forehead and then settled beside him again still holding his hand* So what is this about love?
    November 24 at 3:13am · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he looked at her and moved back away from her once more. Slowly removing his hand from hers, he once more held the locket out to her. She wouldn't look away from his face, so he took her hand and closed her fingers around it.* We can't do this anymore, Mhisery. I can't do this to you. I am so, so sorry. And I will always love you. There is just too much in the way. And we can't fix it. We can't ignore it. So we have to stop. Now, before someone gets really hurt.
    November 24 at 3:26am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Tears welled up in her eyes and ran rivers down her face, She had only cried one other time and it was when she watched her mother being murdered by lessers. She took the locket he held out to her, not even attempting to hide the tears that ran down her cheeks. All she could manage to utter between sobs was* My father was right, all I am is misery and pain. There is no need for endure my presents any longer. *She willed on music that she hadn't played in ages { } The words going through her mind: Come to me, run to me
    Do and be done with me
    (Cold cold cold)
    Don't I exist for you
    Don't I still live for you
    (Cold cold cold)
    Everything I possess
    Given with tenderness
    Wrapped in a ribbon of glass
    Time it may take us but God only knows
    How I've paid for those things in the past
    Dying is easy
    It's living that scares me to death
    I could be so content
    Hearing the sound of your breath
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    I want to be with you baby
    Slip me inside of your heart
    Don't I belong to you baby
    Don't you know that nothing can tear us apart
    Come on now come on now come on now
    Telling you that
    I loved you right from the start,
    But the more I want you the less I get
    Ain't that just the way things are
    Winter has frozen us
    Let love take hold of us
    (Cold cold cold)
    Now we are shivering
    Blue ice is glittering
    (Cold cold cold)
    Cold is the color of crystal the snow light
    That falls from the heavenly skies
    Catch me and let me dive under
    For I want to swim in the pools of your eyes
    *She broke down and clinched the locket and make an useless attempt to keep the wail of pain she felt in her heart from screaming to the surface* Just go, I tried telling you from the beginning all I am is pain an misery. I don't blame you...
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva
    Cold by Annie Lennox from the album Diva photos taken by the river in Eastleigh
    November 24 at 3:38am · Like · 8 ·
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he wrapped his hands around her slight shoulders and held her until she looked at him, until she made eye contact.* No, this is not on you at all. You are not pain, not misery. You are the only bright spot in my entire existence. The only person in this world that I care about, and for the first time since losing my sister, I care about someone, more than I care about myself. Look at my life. What do I have to offer you? All I can do is bring misery in to your life, not the other way around. I have nothing.. I am nothing. And with Xcor around, that just cements it. The other day, when I took off, it was for a reason. I needed to get strong enough to do this. The other day made me realize I was never going to be more than I am today. And my life was never really going to be my own.. My body would lever be my own. And if you were ever hurt, especially by him, my world would end.
    November 24 at 3:48am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock I was stronger than that, but it shows the faith you had in me, and the extent of endurance I would have went through to try to make you happy, but I understand this is easier for you in the long run and I promised you I would never be a burden to you, so please leave and allow me the small amount of dignity I have left. *She couldn't even meet his gaze again for fer of breaking farther*
    November 24 at 3:53am · Like · 8
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he stood there, staring at her for what seemed like a hour. He wanted to badly to hold her, tell her he changed his mind. But to do so was wrong. He wished she would hate him, and want him dead. * Mhisery, I can't say the words that will ease you, or express my sorrow at watching you walk out of my life. But please do not think you could ever be a burden to me. Think, Mhisery. Think of the life I live. You really want to try to sleep in that abandoned castle? Want to be left alone with Xcor, or have to be around me 24/7 to ensure that doesn't happen. Do you want to bring young into that environment? And what happens the next time things get out of hand between Xcor and me? I have to worry about you retaliating? Getting hurt, raped or killed? You have no reason to feel anything but relief that this is over, that you escaped a very close call, and now you can go on to love someone worthy of you. *He gets up, feels a tear making it's way down his cheek, turned on his heel and walked out of the mansion to dematerialize.
    November 24 at 4:04am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She slumped to the floor and allowed a wail of a pain explode from her chest that was only present when a heart shattered. She sobbed until she couldn't breath, and her body trembled. She vowed then and there to never let anyone ever get remotely close to her again because this type of pain was more than she could bare. She leaned her head forward and rested it in her palms as she felt every shard of her broken heart as it broke away, leaving a cold hollow shell where her heart used to be.*
    November 24 at 4:12am · Like · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*The noise roused him from his sleep, he was off rotation for the night and had decided a well deserved lie in was in order. Rubbing a hand across his face, he strained, listening for the noise again when it hit him. It was a woman, one who sounded like agony was tearing her to pieces. Leaping from the bed and grabbing his H&K from beneath the pillow, he slammed out of his room door and into the hall, not even bothering to dress himself. Again, the noise drew him to the room next door where he had placed the female Mhisery a few nights before. Frowning, he palmed his weapon and opened her bedroom door, his face falling in shock. She looked like how he felt on the inside side, broken to pieces with noone to put those pieces back together. Setting his weapon on the dresser, he walked across the room and scooped her up into his arms, not saying a word. He tucked her against the wall of his chest and settled back onto her bed against the headboard, his arms firmly around her slight body*
    Like · · Share · November 24 at 6:55am ·
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Claire Callaway, Pheonia Chosen and 8 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was in complete and utter shock, as she was scooped up. Her eyes so clouded with tears she wasn't sure who had her, but whoever it was, was massive. His chest was like being firmly against a rock, that was covered in soft skin and he smelled amazing, a scent she recognized. This was the 'warden' that had put her in this room just a few nights before. His arms were like two steel bands around her, but their was something gentle in the way he cradled her body. She clutched the locket Throe had returned to her in one hand so tightly she could feel it cutting into her palm and the thought of her shattered heart hit her again and more sobs racked through her body. All she could do was utter* I'm sorry *between sobs, repeatedly*
    November 24 at 7:09am · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He held her closer still, one hand slowly stroking down her back that was constantly racked with sobs, her tears fall unchecked down her cheeks and spilling over onto his chest. His voice was low and still sleep roughened* Nothing to be sorry for female, just let it out *He smoothed her hair back from her face and pressed her head into his shoulder. He felt helpless, unsure how to ease the pain she was suffering, even though he knew what pain felt like. She struck a chord in him, brought out the protective side in him and he saw something that reminded him of himself when he looked at her* Just let it all go darlin
    November 24 at 7:12am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She continued to sob, as the softness of his calloused hands soothed her* All I do it hurt everyone around me, I make their life hard. *She sobbed again* I let one person in and I hurt him, I hurt him to the point that it was easier for him to walk away. *she sobbed again* I wasn't even worth the effort, I made him miserable, just like my name. *she wailed loudly* I worth nothing, I'm a disposable person. *The last word broke off in a ragged breath. She was making a fool of herself in front of a male of worth and needed to make attempts to compose herself*
    November 24 at 7:24am · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He rocked her slowly in his arms as she vented out the words that were obviously paining her* Sweetheart, you are worth more than you are giving yourself credit for. The male is a fool if he could walk away with you without a backward glance. *He cupped her chin his in his palm and met her eyes, his free hand stroking away the tears that covered her face* You are not misery, it is only your name, it is not who you are. *he leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to her temple and tucked her back against his chest, dragging the sheets over the two of them and tucking them around her small body*
    November 24 at 7:30am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She continued to sob until she couldn't sob any longer. She was physically and emotionally exhausted and sleep claimed her as she lay upon his massive chest. The gentle rise and fall lulled her to sleep as visions of the most beautiful mismatched eyes she could have ever imagined evaded her dream state, accompanied by a deep baritone voice and two steel band for arms that held her close, protective, but gentle and non-demanding.*
    November 24 at 4:15pm · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He held her close through her heart wrenching tears, the sounds like a woman who's heart had shattered and had no idea how to start to put it back together He held her when the sobbing stopped and her breathing calmed. He held her as she slowly started to drift off to sleep, the entire time he kept talking to her, the words meaningless but something to fill the silence in the room, to let her know she wasn't alone. As her breathing steadied out, he tilted his head to look down at her, a sad smile on his face as he stroked her hair back from her face and settled her better against his chest. He rested his head back against the headboard, content to offer her this small comfort while she slept.*
    November 24 at 4:34pm · Like · 5
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*sitting in her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's mated room she couldn't help but feel as though she was missing out on things by having to keep herself, and her pregnancy, secluded right now so people would not find out she was pregnant. as a single tear rolled down her cheek she hated this feeling of isolation and distance from people. she pulled her legs to her chest and wrapped her arms around them and held tight to them*
    Like · · Share · November 26 at 10:51am ·
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    I have decided that all my wonderful fans deserve a title..... I mean come on...I wouldn't be who I am without ALL of you..True??...So, I have designated all of you out there in The Winged Wonderland "LLC's" (Lass's Little Cherubs"... *Bows*... Peace and Love...Lass
    Like · · Share · November 25
    Payne Bloodletter, Emma Lou, Angelia Kattalakis and 7 others like this.
    Phury Ahgony!
    November 25 at 8:23pm · Like · 3
    Sandy Renner ‎*snickers*
    November 25 at 10:49pm · Like · 3
    Lassiter The-Fallen Hey P.If Gaga can have her Monsters and Astro can have his Astronauts then Lass can have his Cherubs!!..
    November 26 at 2:12am · Like · 4
    Phury Ahgony yeah yeah yeah
    November 26 at 2:19am · Like · 3
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*clears throat* so according to a certain angel *coughs* Lassiter *coughs* I am the President of this awesome fan club *grins*
    November 27 at 2:08am · Like · 2
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*bows-Only ever to Payne and hands her my feather brush* Keep it secret Keep it Safe... ♥ ....All Hail President Payne!!!!!
    November 27 at 2:37am · Like · 1
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*grinning as she holds out her hand* Thank you Thank you my loyal subjects.
    November 27 at 2:38am · Like · 1
    ‎*Tossing and turning, her mind couldn't distinguish between awake and asleep. Hot...she was so hot. Each time that she tossed off the covers it seemed someone was there throwing them back on, or was she even in bed anymore. She just couldn't remember. She did not know how long she had been lying there waiting.*
    Like · · November 26 at 5:34pm ·
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Pheonia Chosen, Saxton Thym and 6 others like this.
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She vaguely remembered someone coming into what she hoped was her chambers. The feel of this persons hand on her skin was the only thing that calmed her. She tried to call out for her healer but it seemed that her voice would not work. What was wrong with her? Why was everything so confusing? Slipping back into a restless slumber as all these thoughts ran jumbled in her head.*
    November 26 at 5:34pm · Like · 9
    A sick Primale and and Cormia try to sleep
    Phury Ahgony
    ‎*He was dreaming again of the fire that consumed his parents' home and thrashing to beat out the flames. He needed to save His Cormia, his Aggie, his twin. It was so futile. There was no energy in his limbs to beat the destroying force coming against him. On the other side of the fire was the field of jasmine and his loved ones. In the center of it was the wizard laughing and dancing and sending the flames ever outward.....
    Like · · Follow Post · November 26 at 10:46pm
    A doggen is confused
    Fritz Perlmutter
    ‎*He lay in the clinic with needles hooked to his arm feeding him fluids as his seemingly frail body continued to be wracked by coughs, His surroundings were unfamiliar yet he detected no malice. His mind raced with all that needed to be done to keep his Master's home running smoothly. Surely Master Darius needed him, if for nothing else than to check on the well being of his beautiful human daughter Elizabeth. He was too tired to raise his body out of body out of bed. He was very lonely too, it was his duty to serve. he missed his Master. He was so tired. His blue eyes drifted shut and he slept again*
    Like · · Follow Post · November 27 at 12:53am
    Marissa O'Neal
    ‎*walking through the main house from the Pit she was paused near the living room as she saw Selena Chosen sitting reading a book. walking into the room quietly* Evening Selena, mind if I join you?
    Like · · Follow Post · November 27 at 4:24pm
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Athena Tee, Layla Chosen and 7 others like this.
    Selena Chosen ‎*looking up for the book her sister Cormia had lent her she smile* i would love company, please. *she patted the seat beside her on the large couch as she marked the place in the book*
    November 27 at 4:27pm · Like · 5
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*smiling at the sweet Chosen she sat down next to her* So, how are things going for you while you are here at the mansion? *she had not seen much of the Chosen as she was always at Safe Place and she knew that Selena was helping in the clinic a lot right now as well*
    November 27 at 4:31pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled brightly* it is wonderful here, beside the ill brothers and their mates i love to help. Though i must say i wish i could have come here on better terms. *giggles softly*
    November 27 at 4:33pm · Like · 5
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*chuckling* Yes it is a shame that you are here under such unfortunately circumstances *reaching over squeezing her hand* but we are so glad to have you here. How has it been going with the Brothers and the feedings?
    November 27 at 4:36pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*thinking back on when she feed Tohrment she sighed* it is going fine as it can go with the brothers being ill. *smiles slightly wishing tohrment would feed from her more willingly and take what he needed, but she knew he still grieved, she expected nothing more from a male of worth after the lose of a wonderful female like his was*
    November 27 at 4:40pm · Like · 5
    Marissa O'Neal It must be difficult, but we are so happy that you are able to help. You truly are a blessing to the race. *she could sense the Chosen's discord, she knew that Selena had fed Tohr and wondered if that was the reason* Have there been any problems with anything? *she didn't want to push the sweet Chosen but wanted to ensure she was ok*
    November 27 at 4:47pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*blinking out of her memory filled haze she pushed a smile on her face hoping it was some what believable as she nodded* I am fine just a little tired is all. *she squeezed marissa's hand still in hers*
    November 27 at 4:52pm · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*wishing there was something she could do for Selena but not wanting to upset her, she gently held her hand* I hope you know that you can always come to me if you need anything, I know you have the Primale Phury Ahgony and Cormia Ahgony but I am always willing ot lend an ear as well.
    November 27 at 5:00pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*her smile turned genuine hearing marissa's words, it was good to have someone besides her primale and her sister to turn too, someone to help her understand this world a little better* Thank you Marissa those words mean more to me then you know.
    November 27 at 5:02pm · Like · 4
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*leaning over hugging her* I know it can be hard when thing change drastically quickly *remembering all too well what it felt like leaving Haver's home and becoming a resident of the mansion, pulling back smiling at her* Anything I can do to help I will, anytime.
    November 27 at 5:04pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled into marissa's shoulder as she hugged her* thank you. i will keep that in mind. And i would also like to say you can come to me as well i might not know a lot of what you speak off but i am still a good listener. *she laughed*
    November 27
    Xhex Tehrror
    ‎*Walking outside into the night air she pulled out her phone and sent a text to Rehvenge Rempoon* Hey I need to see you as soon as you have time.* she hit send and put her phone back in her pocket and looked out into the night* Wondering how the hell this meeting was going to go.......
    Like · · November 28 at 12:04pm ·
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Cormia Ahgony and 6 others like this.
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Walking to the Bentley after a LONG fucking day dealing with shit, he felt his phone go off.* It better be Tahlly or I am throwing the bitch! *He took his phone out and read the name. Immediately reading the text, he sent his reply.* ~text~ What's going on and who do I need to kill? ~send~
    November 28 at 1:32pm · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Hearing her phone go off she knew i was Rehv before she pulled it out her pocket* Reading the text she couldn't help but laugh to herself, always the protective one when it came to her.* typing back* No one yet. Its about rotation, as it seems we are about the only ones left that are not sick with this flu so we're the only ones that can go kick some Lesser ass. Let me know if your game and can take some time away from the Colony.send.
    November 28 at 3:49pm · Like · 3
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*His phone going off again, set him off on a brand new string of curses, but he still took it out to read. Xhex needed his help, and he would ALWAYS be there for her.* ~text~ I suppose I can take some time. I have LOADS of pent-up aggression to let loose and a brand new SIG to warm up. What's the plan or do you have one? ~send~ *He new something was up with the brothers illnesses when Zee didn't even give him THE father speech when he took Nalla for the weekend. Not that he would never do the same about his young, but the brother could be long winded. Stretching and giving a loud expletive, he waited for Xhex to respond*
    November 28 at 5:41pm · Like · 4
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Walking back into the house and headed to the kitchen her phone went off again, pulling it out hoping it was from Rehv saying his help with rotation was a go* reading the text and smiled, he knew her so well, sending a text back* Plan, well I guess we will just be winging it since there are only two of us, and thanks for taking some time man, I know you are busy with the colony and shit.*send*
    November 29 at 8:54am · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Phone going off for the last time, he hoped as his nerves were plucked raw already. At least it was one of his favorite people. He could tolerate that.* ~text~ Alright you shit, give me a day and time and I will meet you. ~send~
    November 29 at 7:17pm · Like · 3
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*sitting at the table drinking some water and eating some of the Jello she had made her phone went off* reading the text she smirked and shot a text back* Shit, is that my new pet name? lol. Anyway we go out tomorrow night after first meal, got it. later* send*
    November 30 at 8:34am · Like · 2
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Pheonia Chosen
    ‎*She pushed the sweat from her forehead back into her hairline, and decided it was time to take a break. She exhaled audibly, and leaned her back into the wall beside the washer machine. Who would have thought that doing laundry would be so utterly exhausting? She had spent the last three hours moving from room to room collecting the Brothers' spent clothing and bed sheets and dropping them through the chutes. Once she made it back down the stairs and into the laundry room, she sat praying for a solid 15 minutes that she had remembered the instructions her sister Cormia had repeatedly told her about how to use this washer and dryer machine before her.*
    Like · · November 28 at 2:49pm ·
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Phury Ahgony, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 6 others like this.
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*After a few deep breaths, she felt satisfied of her break time, and decided to resume her duties. She opened the washer machine and peeked in, the strange smell not something she was used to. She scrunched her nose and reached in with both hands. She tugged...and tugged...and...Sweet Virgin did she get them stuck? She went up on her tip-toes and looked down into the washer again. Leathers, leathers, and more leathers. Ok. Maybe she just needed leverage. She looked around the room and found a bucket. Flipping it over, she stood on top of it and reached into the washer once more and tugged on the clothing - only too have the item come loose and have her sent flying backwards into the shelving unit behind her.*
    November 28 at 3:00pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She ran a hand down the back of her head.* Ow. *Looking at the giant-sized pair of leathers that sat in her lap, she shrugged, then pushed herself up to her feet. She readjusted the leathers in her arms thinking how much more heavier they were just coming out of the washer. Verily they will go back to normal weight after they dried?
    She opened the dryer and tossed them in, then returned to the washer to pull the rest of the leathers out and added them. Once the washer was rid of the Brothers' leathers, and they were stuffed into the dryer, she closed the door and looked at the dial. Cormia had told her for heavy clothing and linens to use high heat. The leathers were heavy! She cranked the dial to high heat and smiled. She pressed the start button, then wiped her hands on her robe and triumphantly walked out of the room to return later for folding and starting the next load.*
    Selena Chosen
    ‎*sitting on the counter in the kitchen she handled her new gift from her primale Phury with care it was an amazing little device this...nook i believe he called it she had so many books at her disposal, she couldn't help but be in awe of the device only slightly bigger the her whole hand, reading through the book she had picked out she slowly got into the plot of the story*
    Like · · November 28 at 3:52pm ·
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Emma Lou, Beth Allen and 7 others like this.
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She walked through the laundry room door back into the kitchen to see Selena atop the counter with a tiny device in her hands, eyes ever intent upon it. She moved slowly towards her and placed a hand onto her forearm.* What ever are you doing, sister mine?
    November 28 at 4:03pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she jumped slightly feeling a soft hand on her forearm her eye rose to meet that of Pheonia's and she smiled brightly holding out the nook for her inspection* Look what out beloved primale has given me. It tis a small device that has books with in it. All i have to do is touch the title of the book and i can read it. Oh sister mine isn't it wonderful! *she giggled as she showed her sister how it worked*
    November 28 at 4:06pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She couldn't help but let her jaw fall. An... electronic book?! She would certainly be adding that to her wish list!* Verily that is the most amazing invention I have seen! 'Tis so many books in such a small space!
    November 28 at 4:08pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she nodded* tis amazing sister mine so much knowledge at my finger tips tis a wonderful gift from our primale. *she smiled brightly as she looked over her gift once more*
    November 28 at 4:12pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She stared hard at all the things Selena was showing her on the e-book; though a distant buzzing sound broke her away from it. The laundry! She glanced up at Selena's eyes and smiled,* Sister, there is some laundry that needs to be folded, mayhap you can assist me?
    November 28 at 4:20pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*nodding she put her nook back in its case and set it far away from the sink as not to get it wet grabbing her sister's hand she nodded* let us get to the laundry.
    November 28 at 4:21pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*They made it the short distance across the kitchen into the laundry room, the residual heat and humidity from the dryer flooded the room, as well as a almost singed - burnt - type of smell. With a shrug, she turned to face Selena and nodded her head to the pile to the left of her.* There is much more to do, *she leaned in to kiss her cheek* I am grateful for your assistance. *She released her hands and moved to the dryer opening it.* I washed the Brothers' leathers so they would be clean when they are no longer ill and are able to begin patrolling once more!
    November 28 at 4:25pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she put her hand into the dryer she pulled out a pair of the leathers and froze as she held them up they looked more like they would fit herself or pheonia, not a male as big as one of the brothers she held them up for pheonia to see* Um sister mine i think something has gone terribly wrong.... *she bite down on her lip, her blue eyes wide in panic*
    November 28 at 4:28pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. She immediately bent forward and dug through the dryer the smell causing her to swallow back an unsettling taste, and pulled out two more pairs of leathers! Dearest Virgin in the Fade! They were no longer heavy as they were before... and Selena was right! She held up a pair to her petite waist, these would never fit the brothers. She plopped down on the floor and leaned against the open dryer door, looking up to Selena.* Verily... we can undry them? Will that make them the correct size again?
    November 28 at 4:33pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled sadly at her sister and sat beside her pulling her sisters head onto her shoulder she sighed* It does not work that way sister mine im afraid these can not be fixed.
    November 28 at 4:38pm · Like · 6
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She let out a slow, long exhale, and reached her hand over to lift up a pair of the leathers.* Who should I tell?
    November 28 at 4:40pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*sighing she ran a hand through her hair and looked to the door seeing Queen Elizabeth walk by the door she jumped up and called out to her* My queen! wait!!!
    November 28 at 4:47pm · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*walking through the laundry room she was hoping to grab some of the clothes the Doggen had grabbed before they had fallen ill, what she had left in her room was starting not to fit. hearing Selena she turned and paused, moving her basket to her front. walking towards her and Pheonia she smelled something odd* Evening, what's going on? *the anxiousness in Selena's voice was clear*
    November 28 at 4:52pm · Like · 7
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She quickly stood and threw the leathers back into the dryer and slammed the door closed then lowered into a bow of greeting. Her voice was small when she spoke.* I.. I washed some of the Brothers' things, my queen.
    November 28 at 4:57pm · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she bowed along with her sister then nudged her side as she mumbled* sister mine tell her....she shall understand it twas a honest mistake.
    November 28 at 4:59pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*watching them both bow, she shook her head. she hated formality but knew the two Chosen would never hear of not bowing. listening as the spoke of the Brothers clothing. she wondered what could have happened* Please, dear, just show me or tell me what happened. I am sure we can figure out how to fix it *smiling at them warmly*
    November 28 at 5:02pm · Like · 7
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She looked between Selena and Elizabeth, then swallowed.* Ok. *She turned and opened the dryer door slowly,the smell now stronger with the door open, and reached in, grabbing a pair of leathers and held them up for their Queen to see.*
    November 28 at 5:09pm · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*selena watched as the queens eyes widen she bit down on her lip waiting for her reaction*
    November 28 at 5:17pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*watching as the Chosen pulled the shrunken leathers from the dryer, her eyes widening. taking the fearful expressions on both of their faces, she felt terrible for them both. laughing* Oh my dear Phe and Selena, this is nothing to worry about. *gently taking the pair from Pheonia, she leaned in and hugged the poor thing* Honest, do not fret. I know Fritz has all their sizes in his office, I give grab that and order them all new leathers tonight. *leaning over hugging Selena* Do you shrink all of them or are there any left?
    November 28 at 5:20pm · Like · 7
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She hugged their Queen back, surprised at the contact, verily she was the most wondrous Queen the race has known. She let Elizabeth's words sink in, they could order more? What would they do with these? She closed her eyes and breathed, then turned to the pile next to the washer, to answer her question.* Th-this is all of them. The rest are linens and other clothes. *She bit her lip then looked up to meet Beth's eyes,* verily I hoped to get them clean for when our Brothers were no longer ill... I am so sorry, my queen, I did not know they would...change in size.
    November 28 at 5:26pm · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled at her dear sister and kissed her cheek she looked so scared* Well i think these should be given to the mates. *taking a pair selena held them to her hips with a small giggle she nodded* They look to be just the right size for most of the females now and i must say they would flatter you sister mine *she held them to pheonia's hips and nodded then looked to the queen* you as well dear queen there is no need to be rid of them if we can still put them to use. No? *she smiled as she looked over the leathers*
    November 28 at 5:29pm · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*unable to hide her giggle at Selena's words as the mental image of herself pregnant in a pair of King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's leathers entered her head, she nodded* I think that is a splendid idea *picking up her basket she she looked around and found her clothes from earlier and picked them up* I think the Shellans and other females of the house would love that as well. *looking between them, seeing the tension easing* Are you two going to be ok if I scurry off and order those pants?
    November 28 at 5:36pm · Like · 7
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She ran over after Elizabeth and placed a hand on her arm, then leaned up on tip-toe and kissed her cheek. She inhaled deeply and then lowered into another gracious bow.* My queen, thank you for your reassurance. Verily I will know better next time to not wash thy leathers.
    November 28 at 5:38pm · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*selena smiled and bowed her head to the queen putting an arm around her sisters shoulder she kissed her cheek* Thank you Queen for your help and reassurance and i must say i would love a pair of leathers myself. *selena's grin turned wicked as she laughed*
    November 28 at 5:40pm · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*hugging them both again she smiled* Not a problem at all, and don't worry it will be our little secret *as she headed out of the room she turned and smiled* And please, call me Beth *heading out of the laundry room she stopped by Fritz's office area and snagged the size's for all the Brothers and headed to her room to order new ones*
    Cormia Ahgony
    ‎*After doing one last check on her hellren, she quietly closed their door, then headed downstairs to grab some fresh towels for her & Phury's room. As she opened the door to the laundry room, her mouth fell open. The clothes....all of the formally white clothes were She picked up a few shirts....Prada, Gucci, Armani, oh my. She shook her head with a smile on her face.....the Chosen were "helping" again. She heard a sound behind her and turned to see Phe. She held up the shirt in her hand & smiled* Having a bit of trouble here?
    Unlike · · November 28 at 9:31pm ·
    You, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Davina Gerard, Emma Lou and 4 others like this.
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She looked quickly between the shirt and her sister Cormia and frowned.* Trouble, sister mine? I had trouble earlier with *she blushed furiously* thy Brothers' leathers.. verily there is nothing wrong with that shirt. 'Tis the same size as it was when it went in the dryer, is it now?
    November 28 at 9:31pm · Like · 5
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She tried her best to hold in a laugh* Same size? Yes. Same color? No. The brothers are not so big on pink. *She searched thru the pile of pink laundry, and found the culprit. She pulled out the brand new Boston Red Sox shirt.* I think somehow one of Butch's shirts got tangled up with your whites.
    November 28 at 9:38pm · Like · 5
    Pheonia Chosen Oh Dearest Scribe! *Her dropped so Cormia could not see her blush, then brought her hand to her forehead, pushing both her head upright and her hair from her face at the same time.* Will I ever do right? I was only hoping to assist, but it seems as though I have ruined another load. *She thought back to the leathers and how kind her Queen Elizabeth had been about it, and remembered the Shellan sized leathers. Moving over to the racks, she pulled one of the hangers from the line and walked back over to Cormia.* Here, mayhap these will not make you as upset, sister mine? They are sire's leathers now... your size.
    November 28 at 9:44pm · Like · 5
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She took the leathers from Phe and giggled* Oh, sister mine, there is much for you to learn, and you are doing your best. We truly appreciate your help around the manse. I do believe Phury will be forever grateful for you shrinking these leathers once I squeeze into them. *She gave Phe a hug, draped the shellan-sized leathers over her arm,then grabbed some towels & headed back to her room.*
    Selena Chosen
    ‎*she hummed softly as she listened to the music, her hands tying up the loose ends to the last gift she had made for the whole house, she knew she would have to find a way to get Primale Phury, her sister Cormia, Mistress Ehlena and Master Rehvenge there gifts because she knew they did not live in the mansion, she looked over her bed at the many handmade bracelets she had done over the course of a few hours, she couldn't help the smile that graced her face she was happy she found something she did very well and kept her busy grabbing the bracelets she made her way out and about to drop off her gifts to everyone and think of a way to get them to the four not residing here*
    Blaylock Rocke
    ‎*Sitting alone in his room, the sweat was dripping off his half naked body. He swiped the back of his hand across his forehead, flicking the water on the floor. He felt like he had been flushed down the toilet. When the fuck was this going to end? Absently he felt around his night table for his cigarettes. At least he had something that would never disappoint. Always guaranteed to deliver a quick pick me up. Grasping one between his fingers, he gingerly placed it between his lips. The smell of tobacco making his stomach roll.* Oh fuck no, you're getting smoked. * Shakily bringing up his hand he attempted to make his lighter work. The rasp echoing in the silent room. Inhaling deeply, he willed his stomach to keep still as he filled his lungs. Much better. Exhaling slowly, he leaned back against the headboard and relaxed. Everything would be back to normal soon, until then he planned on sleeping and smoking. And not necessarily in that order.*
    Zee Ahgony
    Chatting with Nalla and Bella
    Unlike · · Follow Post · November 30 at 11:12am
    You, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Nalla Ahgony and 7 others like this.
    Zee Ahgony Messages
    Nalla Ahgony
    YesterdayNalla Ahgony
    Daddy *hugs*
    YesterdayZee Ahgony
    *hugs* hello Nalla, how are you baby?
    YesterdayNalla Ahgony
    I is goods, hows you?
    YesterdayZee Ahgony
    *picks her up* I am very well, thank you. What are you up to today? Are you having fun?
    YesterdayNalla Ahgony
    *wraps her arms around his neck* I no knows yet. I wish yous would get better so we can plays again
    YesterdayZee Ahgony
    *grins* me too baby, I should be better really soon though sweetie.
    Have you seen your Mahmen today?
    YesterdayNalla Ahgony
    I hopes so. *shaking her head* No
    YesterdayZee Ahgony
    I think she is around here somewhere. What do you want to do when I am all better?
    YesterdayNalla Ahgony
    Can wes play outside in the snows? It's going to snows soon right?
    YesterdayZee Ahgony
    *nods* yup, it will snow soon for sure. If not where we are then up by Uncle Phury
    we can sled
    YesterdayNalla Ahgony
    *hugs him tight* I loves the snows Daddy
    But not as much as I love you and Mahmen
    YesterdayZee Ahgony
    *hugs her back* I know you do Nalla, and we will definitely play and have fun. You are the most important part of our world baby girl.
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *grins and kisses his cheek* Yous the best Daddy ever
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *closes his eyes and thanks the Scribe that this precious young is his to love and protect* You are the best daughter ever..
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    Daddy, can wes gets a pet?
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *tilts his head at her* what kind of pet Honey?
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    Umms can we gets a pony?
    Unky Lass said he would gets me one
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *mutters to himself, gotta find out where this pony thing is coming from* Honey, have you asked your mom about the pony?
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *shakes her head* Nos
    Okies hows about a puppy?
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *grins* honey, I really think your mahmen needs to be in on this.
    It is really up to her
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *lower lip quivers*
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *looks around frantically, about to get her 3 of each, decides instead to get her mahmen*
    November 30 at 11:13am · Like · 8
    Zee Ahgony Bella Ahgony and Nalla Ahgony
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    hello sweetheart!
    Nallum *smiles*
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *deep breath*
    *kisses both his girls* Nalla has a question for you, Love
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    what is it baby girl?
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    Can wes gets a pet?
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    what did you have in mind nalla?
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    A pony
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *coughs, clears her throat and looks at Zee* what do you think Nallum?
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *looks away and mumbles* I kinda said it was up to you.. probably not a great idea, but maybe we could stick it with Manny's
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *blinks at him, then smiles at nalla* Ok baby girl if you want a pony she's all yours! Daddy can even help you take care of him! *smirks*
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *jumps up and down* Can I gets a puppy toos since the pony can't lives with us?
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    nallum? *coughs* what do you thnink?
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *turns and stares at her* um, I don't know how that would work, actually, what with fighting and such. *stares harder at her* are you really sure about this>
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *looks at them with puppy eyes as her lower lip sticks out*
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    ohhhhhh but nalllllum i think since you didnt really mind either way you can make time to help her take care of her pony *blinks at him*
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    Okies, if I can'ts have the pony, cans I have a puppy?
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *narrows his eyes at the love of his life* Mahmen said you can get a puppy to keep in the house with you, since the pony is outside and she wants the joy of animal care with you also Nalla
    Both baby
    Mahmen said *smirks*
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *jaw drops* are you saying you want both nallum?
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *grins* I cans have both?
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *stares at him*
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *raises eyebrow at her* yes?
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *slightly shakes her head at him* are you sureee?
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *shakes his head at her* you wouldn't want me to have all the excitement with the pony would you?
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *thinks shes biting him later and not for feeding purposes, clears her throat and looks at nalla* I guess daddy says you can have both, angel
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *bounces* Can we goes shopping when Daddy gets betters
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *closes his eyes at the image of a puppy running around the mansion and a pony in the yard. Wrath is going to hand him his fucking ass*
    we can go to the shelter and look at the dogs, yes
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    of course nalla
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    And the pony?
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    erm, nallum where does one go to get a pony?
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    there are rescues for that as well love
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    wow well Nalla, are you excited.. and dont worry the puppy can sleep between mahmen and daddy if you want for a few weeks *stares at him*
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    Nos I wants the puppy in mine room
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *nods* yeah, that is probably for the best.
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    what was i thinking, of course you would
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *dances around ignoring the clear tension between her Mahmen and Daddy*
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *looks at his stubborn female*
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *smiles at nalla then stares back at her hellran who is so going to hear it later*
    anything for you sweetheart
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *blinks* ok my beautiful females, Daddy is sick, remember? I am probably delirious and should go back to bed
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *looks up at her parents* I loves you *reaches up for her Daddy*
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *picks up his girl* love you Nalla
    *hugs her close*
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *gives her a big noisy kiss on the cheek* I love you too nalla
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *hugs him tight and then puts her hand out for her Mahmen*
    Daddy hug Mahmen too
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *squeezes her tight*
    well go shopping as soon as daddys brian is better
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    *puts one arm around each of their necks* Okies, loves you
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    *laughs softly at how wrapped around her fingers we both are* love you more angel
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    *wraps his arms around both his girls* this makes me feel much better, I am so lucky to have you
    23 hours agoNalla Ahgony
    Okies, Nalla has to goes now. *kisses both their cheeks* Loves you, feels better Daddy
    23 hours agoBella Ahgony
    later love!!
    23 hours agoZee Ahgony
    bye baby, thank you.. Love you
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin
    ‎~She gracefully glided the garden green of the far side among the sweet song of the birds she cherished. She had been to the viewing pools to check on the well being of her Brotherhood and found her Warriors to have become ill. In fact the vast majority of the Warriors had fallen from the virus that had spread like wildfire through the mansion. She had made the clear choice to send her Chosen to them for assistance anyway possible. She crossed the expanse of green perfection of her lawn and spoke with the Chosen~ Tarry not on this side further, mine Brotherhood is in trouble and and requires than assistance. Go and tell other Chosen. ~She bowed respectfully before disappearing as silently as the grave.~
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*sitting in her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's room with the list of sizes the Brothers each wore and her black American Express card she couldn't help but giggle. going through the list starting with Wrath, then Rhage, Zee, Butch, Vishous, Phury, Tohrment, Qhuinn, John Matthew, and Blaylock. making sure to order several pairs for each of them she put in her credit card number and hit order. sitting back she picked up her de-caffinated tea and wondered what it would be like to be ordering these for her young one day, should it be a boy*
    Damon Dhamned
    The room was rundown, old posters hung haphazardly from the grey walls, the lockers had long ago lost their doors and the overhead light blinked, threatening to blow but still holding on with a small thread. The linoleum beneath his feet was cracked and curling up in places and bloodied towels spilled from a blue hamper in the corner. The smell of blood and sweat filled the humid air as the previous fighters showered in the adjoining room.
    Linkin Park - Numb
    Linkin Park Numb Warner Bros. Records Directed by Mr. Hahn
    Like · · Share · November 30 at 3:17pm ·
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Julian Alexander and 6 others like this.
    Damon Dhamned He sat on a bench against the far wall clad only in the black and gold shorts he always fought in as he slowly wrapped his hands in prepartion for his time in the cage. He ignored the sounds of good natured joking coming from the others. He never spoke to any of them, and most kept their distance knowing his temper was swift and unstable. Right now it worse than ever. Anger poured in waves off his body, an icy blast that reached out and sucked the heat out of the room before it was quickly filled back up from the steam of the showers.
    It had taken six years for the letter to reach him, the Private Investigator had said that he had been unable to track him down, that he had until he won his most recent fight had thought to be dead. Dead? He wasn't that lucky but it turned out his biological Father was. Blown to pieces in a car bomb. He laughed bitterly.* He should have been thankful for small mercies, at least he never felt it *his Texan twang stood out in the room, the others around him all Southies or various others from different districts of New York*
    November 30 at 3:23pm · Like · 9
    Damon Dhamned A nerve ticked in his jaw, his head hanging loose from his neck as he finished taping his hands and pushed up to his 6'5" height. His body was coiled tight and he bounced lightly from foot to foot, stretching out his muscles trying to turn his anger away from the letter and its contents and onto the fight at hand.
    The door pushed open and the organizer, a human in his 50's called him forward* Your turn champ *He flashed a smirk up at him, clapped him on the shoulder as if they were tight but both of them knew all the Organizer saw was a dollar sign. He resisted the urge to plow his fist into his mouth, to end that grin once and for all but fuck it, he needed this gig. Where else could a vampire such as he fight with the humans and get away with it?
    November 30 at 3:27pm · Like · 9
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He drew in a steadying breath and left the room behind, walking the dark corridor in silence even though the Organizer tried drawing him into a conversation, tried setting him up for more fights than the three he did a week. He ignored and shouldered open the door into the make shift arena. He ignored those that called out to him, those that cheered and wished him luck for the fight ahead. Little did they know he fought with a quarter of his strength to save killing those he fought.
    He stepped into the cage and stared at his opponent for tonight. The guy had to weight at least 300lbs compared to his 260. Easy target, wide shouldered, favored his right leg, held his head cocked to one side signalling faint deafness. He did his best to not bare his fangs, instead he smirked across at the male before he turned his back. He always let them hit first, always made sure that his opponent got at least one good shot in before he brought them down*
    November 30 at 3:34pm · Like · 9
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He stood staring blankly at the crowd, unseeing or unhearing a single thing they shouted. Instead he saw that fucking letter and the pictures that came with it. He had a sister, one that was mated to their King of all things. A Brother, mated also to a half breed. Then the picture that had slammed the nail home. A picture of his Father, the word didn't exactly roll off his tongue, but looking at it was like looking at someone that could have been his brother.
    The punch came out of nowhere, catching him hard in his left kidney, knocking him forward against the metal of the cage and winding him. Bingo, he thought. Time to do what he was paid to do. The anger of thinking of this new family still ripped through him, the male in front of him looked confused a split second as the cold draft that hit him full force*
    November 30 at 3:43pm · Like · 9
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He couldn't stop it, he couldn't have been held back by ten men at that moment. Rage bubbled through his veins like acid and he reacted, he drove forward, his fist connecting with ribs, each time he drilled in, another one broke. He went for his right femur, his heel connecting right at the correct point to have it shatter, his went for the fibula of the left leg and watched in boredom as the male crashed down. But he wasn't finished, not until the male submitted.
    It never occurred to him that the male could only howl in pain, that he was in not shape to submit to anything. He dropped down on top of him, his arm wrapping around the male's throat as he bent him back, snarling into his ear* Say it, fucking say it and the medics will fix you right up *his arm tightened, cutting off his airflow but he neither cared or saw, a red mist covered his vision until he heard the words he wanted.*
    November 30 at 3:51pm · Like · 9
    Damon Dhamned ‎-Crack- *the noise sounded even over the din of the spectators, the referee calling for the security guards to pull him off. He let them, let them pull him backwards away from the human male who crumpled to the ground, his eyes staring but no longer seeing. The Organizer screaming at him, sweat running over his face as he tried mopping it off. The other fights coming into the cage to pull him out, one shouting frantically for him to get out now before the NYPD turned up. He let them push him out the side door, one shoving his kit bag at him and pointing him towards his car.
    The sirens sounded, the ambulance pulling in closely followed by the two squad cars. He ignored them, pulled open the door of his truck and started the engine even as police started towards him, their guns drawn. He turned to look directly at them knowing full and well they would make out every feature of his face. The do not fire until fired upon rule went out the window as the first bullet hit the tailgate as he turned sharply into traffic, his foot hard on the pedal as he weaves through the cars, his gaze drawn to the rearview mirror time and time again*
    November 30 at 4:01pm · Like · 8
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He couldn't go back to his apartment, he knew the Organizer would fold under Police questioning, would give his details to them without a thought. Fuck, he thought, eight weeks he had been here and this already. He glanced back over his shoulder, checking the bed of the truck, everything was still there. Keeping his eyes on the road, he reached beneath the passenger seat and pulled out the black bag, unzipping it with one hand and checking the contents. His money, the Beretta he carried and that damned letter.
    He pulled into a motel several miles away from the warehouse, parking his truck around the back in the furthest corner, lifted his kitbag and the black bag. Locking the truck, he booked a room, ignoring the stare of the night clerk and taking the key. Entering the room, he looked around with disgust. Dumping his bags he lifted out the letter and scanned through it, no time like the present. Lifting out his cell, he dialed the number given and waited for the machine to click in* This is Damon Dhamed. I.. fuck.. I believe my half sister and brother are in your residence. My.. father.. Darius.. yeah Darius.. can someone return my call. *He recited his number and hung up, falling back against the old mattress he stared up at the bubbled ceiling and waited*
    Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*He sat. Admiring the night sky from his window. The stars were many and the moon was almost full, but his thoughts ran to a tiny female. The song bird voice and her doe eyes had his full thought train. He thought of her visit often. He felt like a complete ass for her harming her perfect lips, and before he could think, he had licked them!* Healing her.* He told himself, over and over. Okay, so he REALLY wanted a taste of her. He was so ashamed. She was resplendent, while he was a broken form of a male. Lost to his memories. Would she visit again? Could she look upon him and not see his male appetites that he had shown her a glimpse of?* Pheonia *He whispered her name to the window. Only the night knew of his desire for her. Even if it was to be only friendship.*
    Unlike · · November 30 at 9:35pm ·
    You, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Janet Romano, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 15 others like this.
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Still not feeling quite normal, he decided rest would do him some good. He changed into his sweat pants and lay on the bed. He couldn't close his eyes because every time he did, he saw her face, heard her voice. He HAD to have at least a few more minutes with her. She gave him a glimpse of a smile and he wanted more. He would quietly seek her out when he felt well enough. At that moment, he was starting to sweat as his feaver broke out again. He wrapped himself in blankets and dreams of that tiny chosen, and willed for sleep.*
    Bella Ahgony
    ‎*she ran her fingers through her long waved strands, her full bottom lip pulled between her teeth as she chewed at it nervously... Zee hadn't gotten any worse, but had not yet gotten any better. The only comfort she took was in the fact that his breathing was becoming steadier as he slept, as if he was finally sleeping restfully. Perhaps just a good amount more of this and her hellran would be back to the strong and fearless warrior who no one would dare ever cross. Her lithe fingers played with her diamonds by the yard charm that hung around her neck. Her thoughts drifting to Nalla hoping that she was enjoying her stay with Rehvenge and Ehlena...*
    Selena ChosenPheonia Chosen
    *not seeing her wonderful sister anywhere in the room she giggles softly and quickly makes her way to her bed placing the bracelet on the bed she smiled at it hoping her sister loves it, looking around she quickly makes her exit only having a few more bracelets to go*
    Like · · Share · November 30
    Linda von H likes this.
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She blew a breath up out of her mouth to get the hair off of her face instead of using her arms, as they were terribly sore. She was finally done taking the Dyson to all of the manse's floors, and though she loved to vacuum, this place was huge! Walking up the stairs, she turned the hall and made her way to her bedroom. She entered and clicked on the switch for the light and she saw something glinting on the bed. Catching the light and throwing a tiny reflection. When she moved closer and realized what it was, she grinned, picking up the bracelet. Dearest Scribe, her sister Selena was so thoughtful!! She slipped it onto her left wrist and ran for the door, booking it down the hall and skidding to a stop in front of Sel's chambers. Knocking, she hoped her sister would be there so she could give her thanks.*
    December 1 at 12:19am · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*laying back on her bed she sung along to the music playing from her mp3 on the little deck her primale Phury got for her, hearing a knock on the door she looked to the door and yelled out* Enter.
    December 1 at 12:22am · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Hearing her sister's call to enter, she pushed open the door without care, saw her on the bed and dived into a hug.* Sister mine you are ever thoughtful, and kind, and *she held up her bracelet on her left wrist before Selena's eyes* THANK YOU!
    December 1 at 12:24am · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*letting out a soft grunt as pheonia pounced onto her she opened her eyes to see the bracelet she made right in front for eyes and she grinned happy her sister seemed to loved her gift.* You are most welcome mine sister, can thee keep a secret mine sister? *she leaned in close to her her voice dropping to a whisper*
    December 1 at 12:27am · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She rolled off of her and cuddled into her side, resting her head on Selena's shoulder, fiddling with the bracelet.* Verily I can keep a secret... but what tis the secret? And also, *she paused and smiled,* I'm sorry if I smell, I was sweating while I was using the Dyson.
    December 1 at 12:32am · Like · 2
    Selena Chosen ‎*she chuckled softly at her sister planting a kiss on the top of her head she whispers* I have planted bracelets all over the house for everyone. *she smiled brightly hoping everyone liked them, she spend so much of her time taking extra care to make them good*
    December 1 at 12:34am · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She nodded,* I understand sister mine, I vow to not expose you as the Secret Bracelet Giver. *With a giggle, she cuddled in closer with her sister and began telling her of the day she had. She spoke on and on, and asked her sister a question if she would like to join her tomorrow night to weed the gardens (and collect flowers for their sister Cormia), she waited for Selena's reply. When minutes past and she did not receive answer, she turned her head to see Sel's eyes closed and her breathing paced and shallow. Leaning up and climbing of the bed, she bent over to kiss Selena good night. She whispered just before closing the door behind her,* Thank you again, sister mine.
    Throe Bhastard Muhrder Rathboone
    Hey Throe. Missing something?? *grins*
    December 1 at 5:19am · Like · 2
    Throe Bhastard Throe Bhastard OH HELL NO!! Guess what fucker!!! I have your Pheonia... you kinda like her right??
    Throe Bhastard KInda like her in the condition you last saw her, right?
    Muhrder Rathboone *holds up scissors*
    Pheonia Chosen *mumbles and rolls around the floor bound and gagged...might like it*
    Throe Bhastard *puts hands on Pheonia's gown*
    Muhrder Rathboone I KNEW you cross dressed!!
    Throe Bhastard *looks longingly at warrior cover*
    Muhrder Rathboone Wanna make a deal, Bhastard?
    Throe Bhastard *narrows eyes at Muhrder but slows his roll on the chosen* What kind of deal?
    Muhrder Rathboone You lay ONE finger on her skin, I snip a thread. Let her go, and I will release said cover.
    Pheonia Chosen *rolls around and gets licked by the puppies*
    Throe Bhastard *holds up pointer finger an inch from Pheonia, has to keep moving since the damn puppies are making her roll around* how do we make this exchange
    Muhrder Rathboone *Holds up cover* I toss this to you, you roll her to me. Fair?
    Throe Bhastard do I use my foot since I am not to touch her skin?
    Muhrder Rathboone *looks at said bare foot and grimaces* I suppose.
    Throe Bhastard *puts foot gently on Chosen's butt.. and slowly starts to roll her to Muhrder while extending hand out for warrior cover*
    Muhrder Rathboone *moves a little closer* No foolin, Bhastard, or I snip!!
    Throe Bhastard *glares* You snip and I grope
    Muhrder Rathboone *gets close enough, and grabs Phe and tosses big baby his cover*
    Pheonia Chosen *mumbles*
    Throe Bhastard *holds warrior cover to his face* fucking smells like crazy fucking vampire.. dammit! Lost that clean Cullen smell.
    Pheonia Chosen *mumbles louder and pleads with her...doe eyes...for her gag to be removed*
    Muhrder Rathboone *un-gags Phe* Hello Phe! Shut up, whine baby. I could have dutch-ovend the bitch but I do have manners!
    Throe Bhastard *shudders* thank you for not doing that
    Pheonia Chosen *gasps air* I can't believe that Bhastard traded me for a damned blankie...
    Throe Bhastard ONE LAST TIME!! a BREAKING DAWN WARRIOR COVER, I traded you for a breaking Dawn Warrior Cover.
    Muhrder Rathboone *picks Phe up in his arms and shakes his head*
    Zypher Bhastard *shakes his head and grumbles about not finding a decent bhastard anymore*
    December 1 at 5:21am · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen Thank you for enjoying a scene from our Blooper Reel... Starring: Muhrder Rathboone, Throe Bhastard, with superior mumbling by Pheonia Chosen, and an outstanding one liner by Zypher Bhastard. *bows*
    December 1 at 5:45am · Like · 7
    Throe Bhastard you were also rolled amazingly well
    Nalla Ahgony
    ‎*sitting in her room after a great time with her Unky Rehvenge and Auntie E (Ehlena) she played with her dollies, they were having a tea party, but it wasn't the same with out Daddy (Zee) and Mahmen (Bella). they both were busy since Daddy had the vampire cold that all her Unkies had now too. sighing softly she decided to go in search of her cousins, Aggie, Cohlin, and Ahylssa, hoping to find at least one of them*
    Like · · Share · December 1 at 11:53am ·
    Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Emma Lou, Julian Alexander and 4 others like this.
    Ahylssa Tohrture ‎*Looks up from her toys and sees Nalla in the doorway* Hi
    Marissa O'Neal
    ‎*sitting at her desk at Safe Place here eyes here heavy and she still had so much to do. they really needed to get this flu situation under control and get it out of here, she hoped it would happen soon. she was working sixteen hour days and not sleeping enough. her body was tired, and she missed Butch. looking to the picture she had of him on her desk she sighed. she missed her Hellren and the rest of her family. mentally shaking herself she opened the next file in her stack and started working. if she didn't get through these soon she wouldn't make it home before sunrise and Butch always hated when that happened*
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*Sitting in front of the TV again, toying with the new bracelet he was given, which he found himself doing since he put the damn thing on*..I have to find out who gave this to me..*His stomach gave out a loud rumble and he had forgotten to stock his mini fridge that he usually kept full to avoid running into anyone in the common kitchen*..Oh well, I guess I will HAVE to go down and pray that I don't run into Fritz and get drawn into a 20min convo on stain removal....*He turns off the TV and headed down to the kitchens..When he walked in he stopped dead in his tracks and went completely still..
    Unlike · · Share · December 2 at 7:55pm ·
    Julian Alexander, Emma Lou, Phury Ahgony and 9 others like this.
    Lassiter The-Fallen There she was...The female who haunted his dreams All night the previous evening...Her name floated off of his tongue on a breath*..Selena...*She was sitting on the counter reading one of those new electronic devices.. Prob one of those books that Cormia was said(IE, Phury complaining about) to be getting the Chosen into lately...Wondering what it was that she was reading at this very moment that had her cheeks a soft shade of pink and her breathing a little heavy??..And wanting to know just how to put that color on her ALL by himself...Gods she was perfection here on earth*...Hi there..*he said while leaning against the door frame..
    December 2 at 7:58pm · Like · 10
    Selena Chosen ‎*she jumped slightly when she heard someone say her name, looking up her eyes widened, lassiter stood leaning against the door jam dressed in a black button down paired off with dark jeans, she could not see his wings and she wished she could, they felt so soft against her hands last night, she shivered at the thought of last night, putting down her nook she smiled at him as she spoke is name her legs uncrossing and swinging as she sat on the counter* Lassiter.....
    December 2 at 8:08pm · Like · 9
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Staying right where he was would be the wise thing to do, but he seamed to want to gravitate towards her when she was near, he decided that turning his focus to the fridge was a good middle ground*...So, how has your day been so far sweets??..*He opened the door and grabbed two waters and offered her one*..
    December 2 at 8:11pm · Like · 9
    Selena Chosen ‎*grabbing she water as he offered it she bowed her head in thanks and took a sip, her eyes stayed down cast as she spoke* it has been uneventful mostly... *she wanted him close to her as he was last night, he seemed to be closed off to her slightly it made her feel confused and cold* Where are your wings? *she looked back up to him waiting for his reply*
    December 2 at 8:16pm · Like · 9
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He loved that shyness she took on when speaking to him, as if anyone needed to be shy around HIM, the Angel who loves to walk around Naked*...I am pleased to hear that at least you didn't have a bad day instead...As for my wings I can make them disappear when I wish, just like I can control my glow when I so choose...Why are you sitting in here by yourself, why not in the library in front of the fire or in the solar?
    December 2 at 8:23pm · Like · 9
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled slightly, a faint blush rising on her cheeks* i like how the counter feels. I know that sounds odd but i like swinging my legs over the side of the counter as i read, and the lights in here are so bright so reading it better in here for me. *she giggled as she added on* I also do not have to go far if i want i snack.
    December 2 at 8:26pm · Like · 9
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Forces his eyes to her face*...I can understand your logic there...I have a mini fridge in my rooms so I don't even have to leave the couch...*laughs*..And yet I find myself here...With you...*Turns and rummages in the cabinets for food to keep her from reading too much on his face*....
    December 2 at 8:36pm · Like · 9
    Selena Chosen ‎*watching his back as he moved things around in the cabinet she pushed quietly of the counter, walking up behind him she slowly put her hands on the back of his shoulders, feeling him still under her hands she slid her hands around his front and clung to him, pressing her face into his back she inhaled his scent deeply as she spoke, hating the fact her voice sounded so weak* Why do you not look at me lassiter? Have i done something wrong?
    December 2 at 8:39pm · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*His heart stopped in that moment, and he turned in her arms...Touching his fingertips to her cheek and letting them trail down her face*...Gods NO sweets..Why would you think you have done anything?
    December 2 at 8:45pm · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*she sighed with contentment at his touch, her eyes falling shut at his closeness* You were so far away, and you wouldn't look at me i though i made you mad at me. *she looked up at him, her eyes sad as her hands pulled him closer to her, she wanted to drowned in his closeness, she didn't understand why, she just knew she needed him close*
    December 2 at 8:49pm · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Looking down into the ocean deep blue of her eyes*...I am trying to be honorable here doll, and you make it very hard for me....I have been coveting you from a distance for what seems like forever and last night I reached even my limit...Walking into my club, looking the way you did, and smelling of everything beautiful and alive..I should have shown more control and left you be, to seek out a male worthy of your attention, but just the thought of another male anywhere near you made me want to loose control and kill something!!..*Staring straight into her face he asked in a more serious tone*...What are you doing to me female??...
    December 2 at 8:57pm · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*her bottom lip trembled as she listen to his words, she didn't understand how he thought he was not worthy of her, he was a male of worth, he was kind, he made her smile, and he made her feel so alive, why couldn't he see all this* You are a male of worth to me. No one, not even you, will change my mind of that. *she smiled up at him as she cupped his cheek* I wonder what you do to me as well angel.
    December 2 at 9:03pm · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Wanting more than anything to kiss that look off her face, he settled for dipping his head into her hair behind her ear and inhaling her scent into her lungs*....There are so many things you don't know about me doll..Things that would make run away in terror...Things I wish I could take back but can't...I would love more than anything to be the male you see in your mind...Anything...
    December 2 at 9:17pm · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*her nails dug into his back as she go slightly angry* You are a good male lassiter, you treat me so kindly, you have not taken advantage of me and last night was the best night of my life. *she stepped back and grabbed his face in her hands as she spoke, looking him right in the eyes* You are a male of worth, your past brought you here and made you who you are. Don't look down on it. Embrace it.
    December 2 at 9:22pm · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Grabs her wrists, but doesn't pull her hands away*..You make me want to be that male..And more...Why do I feel you all the way to my bones when you touch me??..All the way to my heart when you speak to me??.. I barely know you, yet, I feel as if I have the whole of my existence...
    December 2 at 9:28pm · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*her face softened with his words, and her lips pulled into a bright smile* I feel you all the same, its terrifying lassiter, i do not know you at all but i want too. I want to be your friend, the person who comforts you when you need it. *a blush rose on the apples of her cheeks as she spoke the next words* the person you hold at night. I want to be the female you trust.
    December 2 at 9:31pm · Like · 7
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*His chest constricted to the point of pain..No one wants those things from him*...I close my eyes and see you, I listen and and it is your heartbeat I hear, I think and it is now of you, I touch and it is you I want to feel...I want all of those things and more sweets..Much more...
    December 2 at 9:39pm · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*she lifted up on her toes to the highest point to kiss his nose, she knew it was unexpected but the look on his face was worth it, her hands moved to the back of his neck as she played with the fine hairs there before speaking* What do you mean by more lassiter?
    December 2 at 9:42pm · Like · 8
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*He just couldn't do it..He swore he wouldn't be that weak..But he just couldn't keep himself in check that long..So....He pulled her face to his and kissed her like it was the first,the last and all the ones in between...If you could drown in a kiss, he would do it over and over..She taste of honey and sunshine..Breathing into her mouth and nibbling on her lower lip he suddenly pulled away and said*...I'll come find you later..*running his hand through his hair*..There..umm..something I have to do..RIGHT NOW...I'm sorry sweets..I will return..
    December 2 at 9:54pm · Like · 8
    Selena Chosen ‎*she licked her lips, still having the taste of him on her skin she nodded, still slightly dazed from his soft lips and skilled tongue* I will be in my rooms, i will wait for you.
    Throe Bhastard
    ‎*dematting to downtown, he felt fucking great. He was finally able to get a night away from the bullshit and hang with Zypher. As much as he bitched about the male, that was his best friend. Yeah, he was Xcor's second and all, and that was a fucked up position for both of them. Xcor wasn't always the easiest male to be around, and some of the shit he pulled was downright fucked up and strained the relationship between the two of them. Going out together tonight was a chance to fucking breath. To feed and to fuck and to breath. And fuck knew, he needed all three of those things right now. Badly.*
    Like · · December 3 at 1:32am near Caldwell ·
    Pheonia Chosen, Zypher Bhastard, Emma Lou and 4 others like this.
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*He slapped Throe on the back and flashed with him to a bar* You pick em. *He grinned at him. They needed this. Sometimes Throe was the only one that understood him. He felt like a loose cannon about to go off. That wasn't something he could tell Xcor but Throe knew without the words*
    December 3 at 8:47pm · Like · 2
    Throe Bhastard ‎*they arrived at the bar.. he had hit up a couple of civilian females they knew. It was time to feed and time to have some fucking fun for a change. And these females were fun, and wouldn't mind feeding a couple of bastards.*
    December 3 at 9:32pm · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*He smiled, leave it to Throe to find them a couple hot ones. He had a talent for finding hookers, not so much regular females. They bought them a few drinks and did the normal chit chat before asking them about leaving with them. Finding a motel that wasn't to run down.*
    December 3 at 9:35pm · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*the night had been really good. The civilian females were fun to hang with, and flirting was always enjoyable. And even though they had kicked the bastard's asses at pool, it was still better then buying a couple hookers, where was the fucking challenge in that shit? The motel was all right, nothing fancy but they weren't there on their honeymoon. The four of them were laughing and playing still as they walked into the motel bar for one last round before heading up. And as he had secured their dates for the evening, this round was on Zypher.*
    December 3 at 10:49pm · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*he bought them all another round. He was enjoying tonight. No expectations or worrying one or the other would get out of hand. The women seemed to be nice and didn't rub it in too hard that they had handed both of them their asses in pool. they were hot women but they knew their way around a pool table. Although it was now time to show them how well they knew their way around a woman's body*
    December 3 at 11:08pm · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*it was becoming obvious that Zypher had no clue what to do with a female he wasn't handing cash to at the end of the evening. And since this was a fucking date instead of a transaction, the fucker had no game whatsoever. So, that put him in charge.. as usual. Damn, maybe the fucker needed Xcor around to tell him what to do. Whatever, he had enough game for the both of them. He put his arms on the small of the female's backs and guided them toward the door, not caring at this point if Zypher followed or not. Although he knew the male needed to feed pretty desperately so he sure hoped he grew a pair quickly*
    December 3 at 11:17pm · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*He kept his glare from showing as he walked behind Throe. He wasn't going to just take them to the bar then throw them on the bed. Sometimes it took a little time to get them comfortable. He got up to the room with the rest of them. He could tell once they started getting things going that the girls weren't exactly use to everyone being together but they didn't seemed opposed to the idea. If he knew better the reality had them both turned on. He decided to stop waisting time like Throe was and pulled the shirt off the girl closest to him. Fuck she had a body on her. His hand moving to remove the rest of her clothes as he laid her on the bed. His mouth moving slowly down her body, his tongue tracing over her ample breasts and down her flat stomach. The scent of her arousal strong as his mouth went to her core*
    December 3 at 11:29pm · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*well, fuck, Zypher jumped in with both feet when he got his head in the game. He held on to his girl for a few. Turning her towards the show already going on over on the other bed. As they watched the other two, he moved his hands over the female, enjoying her smooth skin under his palms. He could feel her arousal building, as he stood behind her and buried his face in her hair, inhaling her scent. Her arousal got stronger as Zypher went down on his female, and he began taking off her clothes, moving her over towards the bed*
    December 3 at 11:58pm · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*He lost track of Throe but by the moans in his ears he was doing just about as good. His mouth had her orgasming and then he kissed up her body. His female had his clothes off of him, arching her back and moaning for him to fuck her. As he positioned himself at her entrance and thrusted deep inside her, he felt her warms tight center gripping him. He started moving his hips slowly, grunting with each thrust. His fangs punching down out of gums as he watched her vein pulse under her neck, moving her head to the side he kissed her neck then sank his fangs deep inside. Feeling the blood rush down his throat as she screamed out in pleasure from the effects of the bite, throwing her into the second orgasm. Her walls rippling over his cock*
    Sunday at 12:11am · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*The female was warm under him, her body was perfection. He loved the sounds she made in the back of her throat, and the way she responded to his touch. She was incredibly giving, she truly got off on pleasing. As her mouth wrapped around his cock he knew he wanted to see her again... He grabbed her hair and guided her mouth up and down his shaft. He stopped and pulled her on top of him. As he entered her, she orgasmed, tightening around him exquisitely. She leaned forward, her chest flush with his, the muscles deep inside her still spasming and she whispered for him to take her vein. He did, his fangs breaking through her smooth skin easily and he began to drink in long, greedy pulls. The feeding set her off on another orgasm, which in turn started his orgasming. As he pumped insider her, taking deep pulls on her vein until he came a second time, he couldn't help but think how good it was to have a night off to hang with friends*
    Sunday at 12:30am · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*He sealed her wound quickly and groaned out her name as he felt his sack tighten and spilled himself into her. His hips jerked hard with each shot of his seed into her walls that were ripping around her as she came another time. He could feel the blood invigorate him and knew he was far from over with this female. He moved out of her and flipped her onto all fours and entered her from behind, holding her hips and watching her backside as she cried out. Her ass bouncing from the force of his thrusts. His head falling back and gritting his teeth as she took every hard thrust and pressed herself back against him. Both of them crying out again then falling against the bed*

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