Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part I

Mhisery Muhrdock
‎*She returned from a night out on the town, which consisted of killing a few lessers and taking a small drink off of a male human. She should have been energized, but she returned to her hovel feeling more drained of energy than before she had fed. She felt cold, and shaky, her body ached all over, and her stomach twisted in knots. She had began to feel slightly light-headed as wave after wave of nausea washed over her. Her teeth chattered and her skin pebbled as she attempted to pile what meager blankets she had in her pack over her body. She fished out a long sleeve shirt, and a sweat shirt and slid them both over her head and readjusted the blankets to attempt to keep her body heat from escaping. Something was playing havoc on her eternal system and causing her too feel like death warmed over*
disturbed - down with the sickness
disturbed - down with the sickness
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Marissa O'Neal
‎*sitting at her desk in her office she was flipping through a file when she looked up at the clock, Jane and Ehlena should be here very soon for their monthly meeting. quickly getting up she grabbed a hot chocolate for Jane and grabbed a coffee for Ehlena, placing them on the table in the middle of her office and settled in one of the chairs
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Gathering her things from the break room --pad, pencil, discharge and intake reports, patient status updates, supply needs, and her cell phone-- she made her way up to Marissa's office. As she knocked she wondered if Jane was already inside.*
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Parking outside, she lifted her bag and the pile of files that Marissa had sent over for her to review and slid from the Escalade. Locking the door, she walked into Safe Place and nodded to the receptionist who smiled and welcomed her. Walking down the familiar corridor, she smiled seeing Ehlena standing outside the door* I thought I was late
Sunday at 5:19pm · Like · 6 people
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hearing the knock on the door, she smiled to herself* Come on in ladies *standing as they walked in she smiles at both of them* Thank you both for coming this evening, please sit *settling back into her chair* How are both of you doing?
Sunday at 5:23pm · Like · 5 people
Ehlena Rempoon Not, late, Doc, *she smiled as Marissa opened the door,* just on time, it seems. *Taking a chair, she pulled her pad onto her lap, flipping to her notes.* Doing well, Marissa, though many of our patients are not. *She turned to Jane and passed her a copy of the status reports, then pushed another copy onto Marissa's desk.* Seems many of our patients have been stricken with the flu, and as you know there isn't much we can do for viral infections. It's been hell in the clinic these past few nights.
Sunday at 5:31pm via mobile · Like · 6 people
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She followed Ehlena in, settling into her chair and taking the notes she was offered. Scanning through them she listened as Ehlena spoke and nodded her head in agreement* After checking through the files for the current patients in here I see signs of others coming down with influenza, has anything been put in place within Safe Place should an epidemic occur?
Sunday at 5:37pm · Like · 6 people
Marissa O'Neal ‎*listing to Ehlena and Jane she flipped through the notes on the patients from the clinic * We haven't seen much influenza activity at Safe Place, but I'm sure we will soon, we typically do. Once the first couple of cases come through we typically set up a separate area of rooms for the Mahmen and young who may be contagious, but we have never had to worry about an epidemic. I will have the staff set up a quarantine area tonight. Should we expect worse than previous years?
Sunday at 5:41pm · Like · 5 people
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*The eraser of her pencil trailed over her notes as she looked them over, calculating the numbers of those infected over those not, and then comparing them to the numbers of the year previous. She grabbed a strand of her hair and twirled it as she spoke,* Though I can't fathom the sitch being much worse than last year, but it seems even in the human populations influenza has become rampant, so with a possible strain mutation in our race, we may also see many more cases within the civilian and Glymera populations alike. I was stewing over this last night after my shift... how do the two of you feel about a vaccination campaign? I've never been stricken, as your brother, Marissa, was very adamant about his staff having them every year, and I've continued on even though we have parted ways, and it has kept me virus free. The general pops may also benefit.
Sunday at 5:47pm · Like · 6 people
Jane Bloodletter I had it when I was alive but have not dealt with a case of it within this race. A campaign would be an agreeable idea, I would need a few days or a week at the most to try and get enough stock to vaccinate the young and the elderly. I would prefer to start with both of those before moving on to the healthy. If the files for those that have had influenza can be retrieved I would like to get those vaccinated also, they would be higher risk than those that have never had it. Marissa can you arrange for your staff to be present say on *she reached into her back and pulled out her diary, flipping through the pages for the upcoming week* Friday? If we get them vaccinated prior to any walk in cases that should reduce the risk of they themselves coming down with the virus. I have read recent reports on a LAIV. A nasal spray vaccine that would be more efficent but I will see what I can come up wtih
Sunday at 5:54pm · Like · 7 people
Marissa O'Neal I have never been sick due to it either. Havers always insisted on me getting the vaccine and since I have been out of his home I have always gotten the vaccine because of working here. *nodding* I think a marketing campaign is a wonderful idea. And I would have to agree with Jane that the elderly and young should be the first ones vaccinated as well as those already infected. I would be happy to try and come up with some slogans and and I will instruct all of the staff to be present on Friday for their vaccinations.
Sunday at 5:58pm · Like · 5 people
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She was grinning as she watched both Jane and Marissa discuss further the vaccination campaign, she scribbled notes of their ideas, of the Friday employee vaccinations, and of Doc Jane's idea for a nasal application. She made note to review the patients in the clinic and gather the charts of the elderly and the young, to add to the list for the first stage of vaccinations. Having the two other females jump on board with her idea so quickly brought upon a feeling of accomplishment. Hell yes, she did something right. She couldn't wait to tell Rehvenge. Glancing down at her watch, she frowned.* Ladies, we've been in here for longer than I expected, do you mind if I excuse myself? It's time for rounds. *She smiled, and looked to the two of them,* is there anything in particular that you'd like me to focus on before our next meeting?
Sunday at 6:08pm · Like · 6 people
Jane Bloodletter I'll walk out with you Ehlena.. If you can get together those charts and either bring them over or I will come and collect them. I will be here on Tuesday as usual for the clinic but you can call me if anything else turns up between now and then. *rising to her feet she nodded at Marissa* I will be here Friday when the shutters rise if you can have your staff available it will only take a few moments, I will discuss the side effects and any other questions they have then. *Nodding to them both she gathered her bag once more and set the pile of files on Marissa's desk* I have made a few notes in those, a slight change in medication in a few if you can ensure they are changed correctly.
Xhex Tehrror
‎*Lying in the bed next to John Matthew Tehrror she couldn't help but think about how great things have been between her and John. They had had a wonderful time working together to build the swing set and things even seemed okay with the fact that Muhrder Rathboone was in the house.* She rolled over and lied her head on John's chest, closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.*
Cormia Ahgony
‎*She couldn't have been in a better mood. She was back at the Great Camp with Aggie and her wonderful hellren, and her sisters would be home soon! She flipped on her iPod, put the buds in her ears and began to dance*
Phury Ahgony
‎Cormia, enough is enough. I am going to get the Chosen. I shall be back shorty. *He put on his white robe and gold medallion and disappeared to the far side Once there He went to the Primale's Temple and met Amalya along the way. *Ah, Directrix *bows* How fare you dear Amalya? I have come to take all of the chosen home, Do you know where I might find them? *He then followed her and found Layla, Selena and Pheonia all together under a tree reading and chatting* Hello my lovely Chosen. I have come to collect you and take you home. gather your belongings please while i find....well hello No'One. I have no need to find you now! I will be in my temple when you are ready and from there we will all return to the great camp in the Adirondacks when you are prepared. *It seemed like only minutes later all of their molecules gathered in front of the house. He had been their for a few days to acclimate himself and so was able to watch the joy on the faces of his dearest Chosen and his shellan as she came running out onto the porch to meet her sisters*
Lassiter The-Fallen
*Flipping through the channels of the bid screen for like the 1000 time today, and finding that there just isn't anything good on TV in the afternoon since "O" decided to forsake us all and leave us to figure out "Why the Hell he did that" or "What is the new black for the season" all on our own. He decided that it was time to take matters into his own hands and start his own show!!..To be titled "Lass's View"...Covering everything from what skin care poducts to buy, to, how short is too short?.* Come on ladies....Who wants to be my first guest??
Pheonia Chosen
‎*Slowly pushing the door to her bedchamber open, she peeked out into the dark hallway. With a large book in her arms, she padded ever so quietly towards a room two doors from hers. She was here, FINALLY here, on the Far Side-- this side --in her flesh, breathing the fresh mountain air of the Adirondacks. She had only just arrived to the Great Camp earlier in the eve, but dawn had come very quickly, the shutters closed, and after chatting for a few hours, the Primale and sister Cormia had retreated to their bedchamber.
But she was far too exuberant to sleep. She wanted to use her time wisely, to make something out of the hours she would have been staring at the ceiling of her chambers... Now before the door of her sister, Layla, she knocked, making only the tiniest of sounds.* Mine sister? — with Layla Chosen.
Unlike · · October 13 at 1:36am ·
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Layla Chosen ‎*They had returned to the Far Side. The Primale Phury had come to gather them and bring them back to the Great Camp in the Adirondacks. She had not been able to rest since her arrival. She was in such joy after she saw her sister Cormia greeted them in the porch of the amazingly beautiful place her sister called home now. She was so happy for her. She was on her bedchamber pacing back and forth smiling to herself. She heard a soft knock on her door. She quickly glided towards it and open slightly* Sister! *Her eyes wide with excitement she opened the door to her sister Pheonia and guided her quickly in* Sister mine! How fare thee? Are you not able to rest as myself? *She started to giggle*
October 13 at 1:50am · Like · 9
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She grinned and pulled her sister into a tight embrace.* Layla, I, too cannot find thy slumber easily. There is much to think of, to speak of... to bake. *She released her sister and raised a book before Layla's eyes.* In my unrest, I was browsing the new books that our Primale and thine sister Cormia left for me on the shelves, and I found this. *She lowered the book to her side and smiled widely,* Sister mine! *She squealed joyfully,* It is customary for a cake to be prepared and gifted in thanks! Might we use this cooking book to bake our most lovely Primale a cake? Would you like to assist me in my trials? *She sent a silent prayer to the Scribe-Virgin that her sister wished to help her.*
October 13 at 2:00am · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*She was so relieved she was not the only one who felt this way. As her sister embraced her tightly she embraced back with a sigh.* Verily sister, so much a do! *She listened as her sister showed her a book she had found .. It was a food book? * Oh sister we shall bake? If it is customary I will of course be most honored to help you * She looked shyly to the side and prayed to the Scribe-Virgin she would be able truly to help*
October 13 at 2:01am · Like · 9
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She tried to contain a smile,* You are ever pleasing, sister mine! *She grasped her sister's hand and tugged her towards the door. Once before it, she turned to Layla and pressed a finger to her lips,* Shh, we must be as silent as trees whilst moving downstairs to the kitchen.
*Though steadfast in their pace, they indeed kept the noise to a minimum and finally reached the large industrial kitchen. She grinned so largely her cheeks hurt, remembering all of the memories of the last time she was here. Of her sister Layla placing the pizza into the toaster and nearly catching the cabinets on fire, of her sister Amalya accidentally hitting the switch to the garbage disposal inplace of a light and spilling an entire glass of milk over her gown.
She flicked on the lights and cleared the island counter and placed the cookbook down, flipping to the page she had marked with the cake recipe.* Layla, we must find the things listed here.. in this.. *She sounded out the word very slowly, as she had never said it before,* rec-ipe. Recipe.
October 13 at 2:07am · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*They paced quietly towards the large food chamber. They truly would not like to disturb Primale Phury and her sister Cormia , nor the sweet little one. Her sister placed the book of food wonders in a counter and she gazed upon it with wide eyes.* Indeed sister, what shall we find for the rec-ipe? * She looked over to her sister already starting to feel nervous and bit her lower lip. She remembered her "experience" in this area *
October 13 at 2:14am · Like · 9
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her finger trailed over the words as she read them aloud,*
1 cup white sugar
1/2 cup butter
2 eggs
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
1 3/4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 cup milk
*Looking to Layla, her sea green eyes glistening,* We must find all of these things, sister mine. I will browse the pantry, will you look to the cooler machine?
October 13 at 2:17am · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*She tried to read the items they shall find for the cake.. * Hmmm the cooler machine should have eggs perhaps .. Yes * She walked towards the huge silver machine and opened curiously. There were 15 oval shaped white "eggs" laying on the side door. She carefully took 2 into her soft hands and walked veeery slowly with them cupped in towards her sister. * Sister? Will these be of your approval?
October 13 at 2:23am · Like · 8
Pheonia Chosen Yes, mine sister! Perfect! *She grabbed the eggs from Layla's hands, and with a gasp, she felt a texture she had never experienced before, it was cold and gooey and also sharp! Looking down unto her hands, she saw liquid from the inside of the eggs dripping between her fingers dripping onto her gown, small white pieces all about the floor.* Oh no! Mine sister.. whatever did I do?
October 13 at 2:27am · Like · 8
Layla Chosen ‎* She gasped as she saw her sister take the eggs into her hands and then they transformed into something else? little sharps pieces and yellow liquid appeared in her sister palms* Sister! *She held a hand to her soft lips* Worry not! I shall fetch some more! * She quickly repeated the steps she had done before and brought her palm out once more. * Sister mayhap they shall be held more softly? * Her sister took the eggs softly into her hands and placed them on the counter. She then quickly but quietly went for the white liquid referred to as milk from the cooler machine and brought it over as well. With a smile she looked anxiously into her sister's eyes*
October 13 at 2:32am · Like · 9
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She wiped her "egged" hands down the front of her gown, and nodded and searched through a few of the cabinets for a bowl and a pan, as the recipe called, as her sister Layla returned to the cooler machine to take more eggs, and this time, the milk back to the island counter top. Placing the large bowl and the pan down, she headed towards the pantry and retrieved the rest of the dry ingredients listed on the recipe page. Her sister came to stand beside her in close proximity, and the they began to read the directions aloud to one another.* We must preheat the oven.
*Raising a brow, she wondered how she was to "preheat"... because in her knowledge the oven heated itself once it was set to turn on. She shrugged, and opened the drawer in which her sister Cormia kept the matches and the candles. Taking one of each out, she lit the candle and moved towards the oven. Layla opened it for her, and inside she placed the candle. They both returned to the book, moving on to the next step. Layla smiled widely as she volunteered to complete it, <Grease the pan! I know of where the grease is, sister mine!>
Layla disappeared into the door that led to the vehicle bedchambers, and she came back with a tub of a dark substance. <Phe, this is the grease that our sire used to remove the squeak from the front entrance!> She walked back over to the island, and opened the tub, using her finger to apply the grease all over the inside of the pan.*
October 13 at 2:44am · Like · 9
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She ran her finger down the page to the next step of the directions, and looked to her sister, with a worried expression. Layla grasped her shoulder and squeezed it gently, <Fear not, Phe, I know what a mixer is!> She watched as Layla opened a cabinet near their feet below the island and pulled out a handheld machine with two metal wands on the end with a cord. At least she knew the cord was to be plugged in.* We must mix the butter with the sugar, then add the eggs one at a time.
*She moved to the cabinet and grabbed a glass cup, one she knew to use when pouring herself a drink, and returned to her sister's side. She opened the sugar container and cook out one and a half cups and dumped it into the bowl. Next she grabbed the butter in one hand, then the cup in the other. She frowned slightly, wondering how she was to fit the stick into the cup. With a shrug, she peeled the wrapper and pushed the stick into the cup until it fit.
Taking the glass to the bowl, she tried to dump the butter inside, but it would not move. She tapped it against the bowl, and still it did not move. She tried again, and again... nothing. Layla noticed her frustration mounting, and she took the cup from her hands and dug her fingers into it and grabbed the ball of butter then plopped it into the bowl. Layla looked to her with an accomplished smile.*
October 13 at 2:54am · Like · 8
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Plugging in the cord to the outlet the was built into the island, she picked up the mixer and said a silent prayer to the Scribe-Virgin that she did not... hrm, what was the word the Primale used... ah, that she did not cause the mixer to dysfunction. She put the metal wands into the bowl, and watched them sink into the butter. With a quick look to Layla, she clamped her eyes shut, held the mixer in the bowl at an arm's length from her body, and flipped the switch that rested beneath her thumb.
The sudden vibration sent a squeal of anxiety to bubble from her throat, but in moments she was smiling wide-- this was easy! She watched as the butter and the sugar blended beautifully. As she clicked it off, she heard Layla begin to read the next step, <Blend one egg at a time to the butter/sugar mixture.> Layla grinned and picked up an egg. <Sister mine, it would be my greatest pleasure to add the eggs!> Nodding in agreement and clicking on the mixer, she motioned with her free hand for Layla to do so.*
October 13 at 3:01am · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*She watched her sister in astonishment, looking back and forth between her and the magic bowl of ingredients. Oh she was so excited to see what this would become! She had read to her sister the next step. So she was supposed to "blend the eggs one at a time".. As Pheonia motioned her to do so, she carefully placed each egg ooone at a time inside the bowl. She even took the time to arrange them in a perfect standing position. Those oval little white rocks looked pretty in there. She smiled widely at her sister so proud of her task done* There sister, the eggs blended in ooone at a time!
October 13 at 6:19pm · Like · 8
Pheonia Chosen So we must put in the pantry items now, sister. The flour, the baking soda and the vanilla. *Her brows creased when she looked at the white powder, because that certainly wasn't the soda she had remembered. She put the mixer down onto the counter and grabbed the bag of flour. She tugged on the paper wrapping, but was having difficulties opening it.. so with determination set in her mind, she tugged hard, ripping the bag, flour water falling out onto the floor and on the counter. Her face turned beet red.* Oops.
*Grabbing the cup they had used to measure the other ingredients, she scooped the spilled flour from the floor, filling the cup once, then dumping it in the bowl, then filling it half way and dumping it into the bowl. She looked to Layla and watched as she ran to the drawer and grabbed a spoon and put the baking soda and vanilla into the bowl.* We are to mix now, sister mine? *Picking up the mixer she put the metal wands into the bowl and waited for her sister's affirmation, as she was standing in front of the book reading before giving her answer.* I am ready.
October 13 at 6:32pm · Like · 8
Layla Chosen ‎*After having added the last of the "ingredients" and her sister with the mixer element in hand and inside the bowl, she checked again in the book..and nodded to Pheonia* You shall indeed "mix" now. * Pheonia commenced the mixer machine and as soon as the handles touched the mixture inside of the bowl a cloud of white powder surrounded them! The machine made unsettling sounds, the perfectly laid eggs did not appear blended at all. The white powder was now all over their faces, bodies , arms, hands. They froze. Eyes widened in shock, her sister Pheonia still held that mixer machine in her hand now out of the bowl in front her and still making that noise! *
*She turned her face from side to side, her green eyes unsure of where to settle her stare. Her white powder covered hand came up to her mouth and she started to giggle* Oh sister mine! What have we done now?!
October 13 at 6:55pm · Like · 8
Phury Ahgony ‎*He came running down the steps his bathrobe flying behind him landing him in the kitchen. His face taking in the white cloud slowly settling all over Cormia's pristine kitchen. He looked around for the sound that had startled him out of his sleep* he walked over and pulled the mixer cord out of the wall and the cloud stopped growing. He looked from Phe to Layla and said simply and calmly * this kitchen will be cleaned up before Mia wakes. I will keep her in bed as long as possible. After breakfast we will discuss how to avoid this happening again. He noticed both chosen staring at his naked chest with their mouths hanging open perhaps a little bit of spittle dripping out the side of Phe's. He reached over with his thumb and closed both their mouths wiping the corner of Phe's for her as he turned and walked back up stairs. Offered up a small prayer to the Scribe Virgin *A selfish prayer this may be but my shellan loves my hair of red, blonde and brown, if it pleases you please don't allow these Chosen in their joyful enthusiasm to turn me entirely gray.
Blaylock Rocke
‎*Stepping out of the shower he was hit with another wave of intense hunger. Leaning back against the wall, he takes deep breaths. Trying to regain a sense of control. The feeling started to pass slowly. He could master some control over this. Just like he had with so many other factions of his life. He walked out into his room, the towel hanging low around his hips. Saxton was not there, again. D...
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Unlike · · October 13 at 10:22pm ·
You, Janet Romano, Emma Baker, Layla Chosen and 7 others like this.
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Watching the newest episode of The Real Housewives Of Atlanta, he feels someone coming up from behind him...Has to be Blay...Nobody else in the house uses that expensive ass french shampoo. He turns his head* Whats up my man, you in need of some more classes on how to decorate??
October 13 at 10:30pm · Like · 8
Blaylock Rocke Of course it had to be the glow worm himself. Great. Nodding at him, he keeps walking over to the bar. Glancing around at all the well stocked liquor, he spies a bottle of goose. Hell yeah that should do quite nicely. Pouring a hefty shot, he quickly downs it and pours another.* Nothing much bruh. So how long do you watch this shit for anyway? I'm expecting your ass to be melted into that couch cushion pretty soon.
October 13 at 10:38pm · Like · 8
Lassiter The-Fallen As long as these humans keep me entertained....Besides, where the hell else am I gonna learn to "Bitch Slap" my cousin for sleepin with my leftovers?....And a male of your caliber should know ALL about that...True??...
October 13 at 10:43pm · Like · 8
Blaylock Rocke ‎*He clutched his glass tighter and took a deep breath.* A male of my caliber huh? No male would ever be caught watching this, worthy or in your case...not. Seriously, are you like really a female in a horrible disguise? I won't tell anyone bruh. *Walks over to the couch and sits next to Lass.*
October 13 at 10:48pm · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen Hey Bruh, at least I own my inner female...You just like to dress up like one in your bedroom... So tell me, you like to be on the bottom don't you?
October 13 at 10:52pm · Like · 7
Blaylock Rocke ‎*He growled low as he downed the rest of the goose. With the tips of his fangs showing, a cold smile crept slowly across his face.* I like it any way I can get it. Which is more action then you have ever seen. You know, if you stop raiding Fritz's closet, you could probably get more women. Chicks don't dig the smell of mothballs for some reason. I know, it's weird.
October 13 at 11:02pm · Like · 6
Lassiter The-Fallen Like YOU would know what women like...And I do just fine with the females thank you very much...It's not like I can parade them naked around the manse...Besides, they can't ussualy walk to well afterwards anyway.. Speaking of snatch, where is yours tonight?..Out at that new Toy Shop picking up something special for you?
October 13 at 11:09pm · Like · 6
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Raises an eyebrow at him* You can't parade around what doesn't exist. Don't worry though, I won't laugh at you......much. I believe my lover is picking up a blow up doll for you. Maybe you can parade that around the manse. Hell, we could even pull up an extra chair at the dining room table for her. How'd that be?
October 13 at 11:16pm · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen You say the sweetest things...Can she at least have red hair? And you wont even need to buy her clothes, I'll just grab some from your closet. And please make sure she has an ass I can bounce a quarter off of...
October 13 at 11:19pm · Like · 7
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Rolling his eyes, it was just impossible to have a conversation with him. If he wasn't so......fucking annoying, maybe ....No, even then that was a long shot. He pulled out a pack of cigarettes and lights one up.* Shit bruh, don't you ever get tired of being you?
October 13 at 11:30pm · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen Hmm, let me think about that....That would be a resounding "Hell No"...It's good to be me....I can light up even the darkest sitch...You need to learn to relax man...All this uptightness you have goin on can cause constipation..
October 13 at 11:34pm · Like · 6
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Sighs* I can't.......fuck it, never mind. Is there something else on the TV? Maybe a rerun of Maury. I am just dying to find out who D'lilla's baby daddy is. *He sits back and inhales deeply. Ever trying to fight away the blackness. Shit, Layla better return soon.*
October 13 at 11:39pm · Like · 6
Lassiter The-Fallen For real Bruh, you seem a little outta sorts..You got your shit locked down or you need an ear?..Cause an ASS I may be, but an uncarring ass I am not..
October 13 at 11:43pm · Like · 7
Blaylock Rocke ‎*He exhales and watches the cloud of smoke dissipate in the air* Eh, it's no big deal. Just waiting for the chosen to come back over you know.* Glances at him* Well maybe you don't, but yeah, just been awhile since I uh.....Like I said, no big.* He inhales deeply again.*
October 13 at 11:47pm · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen Alright man..Just know 2 things about me... I am ALWAYS around and what comes out your pie hole stays where you leave it...And...If nothing else, I'm damn good with the comic relief..
October 14 at 12:07am · Like · 7
Blaylock Rocke ‎*He chuckles softly.* That you are my man, that you are. So come on, I'm getting fired up to watch some female shit. Whatcha got for me? * He stands up and heads over to grab some more goose* Can I get you anything? Goose? Patron? Rat poison?
October 14 at 12:12am · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen Cranberry juice will do..Twist of lime...I have the best of America's Next Top Model or Season 7 of So You Think You Can Dance...Take your pick...Or just this once I might relinquish control over to you..*Tosses the remote toward Blay*..Knock yourself out.
October 14 at 12:21am · Like · 6
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Pours himself another shot of goose and grabs some cranberry juice.* Sorry bruh, no limes. * He walks back over to the couch. Hell, tonight wasn't that terrible. He could almost stand being in the same room with the angel. Shit, he was kind of growing on him. No way was he going to admit that. Never live that one down. He sits back on the couch and starts surfing the channels, hoping to find something a little more masculine than Dancing with the stars or whatever the angel had been watching*
Butch O'Neal
‎*He rolled over and reached for Marissa but the bed was empty, he patted where she had laid a few times before it sunk in she wasn't there. He groaned and opened his eyes. He missed her already, he leaned closer and inhaled. He could smell her beautiful feminine scent mixed in with his bonding scent. He wished she was still there as his body sprang to life, he made up his mind to pounce on her as soon as she walked back into their mated room. He hissed as his need for her grew, throwing off the covers he got out of bed and walked to the shower. Turning on the hot water he hoped it would take his mind off his burning need for her*
Muhrder Rathboone
DON'T TAKE HER!! DON'T TOUCH HER!! *He screamed as he thrashed in bed until he sat straight up, sweating, tears rolling down his face and his eyes open wide. He jumped up out of bed, and paced his room.* FUCK, not again. * Oh yes, the nightmares of the colony were back. The torture he endured was NOTHING to laugh at. He went to save the only woman he loved only to be taken as well. Abused emotionally by their lies, physically by their scorpions, and spiders, and the way they invaded your mind bringing your fears to reality. His only fear at the time they used to their advantage. Xhexania dead or dying by their hands. The only thing that kept him alive in there was hoping she was too. Only, to his own dismay, she was one of them! Her own "Grandfather" had told him. At least that's what he said he was. Couldn't trust a Sympath. At least, not until one of them had saved him. Rehvenge Rempoon had come and gotten them both out. He never saw Xhex again. The "Why" the male did it, was still a mystery to him. Seeing Xhex Tehrror had brought them on full force. Her bloody tears, and her screams was all he saw, and heard, when she had looked at him. He went to the window and yanked the curtain back, to reveal the steel day shutters. Frustrated he couldn't get away, couldn't run, he punched the steel, leaving an indentation. He turned and slid down the wall, hugging his knees on the floor and rocking gently back and fourth. His face buried, covered in tears.*
Vishous Bloodletter
‎*He say at the desk, his toys before him, and checked the security of the place. He was using his eyes, as his mind traveled to Qhuinn. He wanted to help the but he didn't know how and truth be known he didn't know how Qball would react. The last time he saw him, he had hit him and then strapped him down so he couldn't get away and do something stupid that would cost him his life. He had checked on the Brother several times when he was sleeping but didn't know if the brother could forgive him for strapping him down. He made up his mind that he would speak to the brother when he was ready to talk. He took a hand rolled from his pocked and fired it up, hoping that Qball would soon return to them as he was before*
Unlike · · Follow Post · October 15 at 6:55pm
You, Lassiter The-Fallen, Saxton Thym, Elizabeth Randall and 13 others like this.
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He was waiting for Jane to return from Safe Place, so he could get the latest updates on Q-ball. He switched off the computers and went to the bar, pouring himself a glass of Goose. He hated feeling confined but it was daylight out and he couldn't do anywhere. He took a long slow pull from the glass and then lit another hand rolled. The smell of Turkish tobacco feeling the air. He mumbled to himself* This shit is fucked up. I need to get out of here.
October 15 at 8:42pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She stored her bag in the hall closet, hanging her coat up on one of the hooks and sliding her feet out of her shoes. Setting the pile of files that she needed to review before going back again on Monday on the hall table she called out for her Hellren as she wriggled her toes into the soft mat that covered the hardwood floor * Vishous? Are you here? *She rounded the corner and smiled seeing him standing at the bar, the room already filling with the smell of his tobacco*
October 15 at 8:59pm · Like · 7
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*His face broke out in a fanged grin as he saw his shellan round the corner. He wondered for a moment if she even knew just how fucking beautiful she was. He lifted his glass to his mouth and took a sallow form his glass* Hey leelan, what's doing with Qball? *He hoped the brother was doing well, the guilt of having to hit him and tie him down was eating at him*
October 15 at 9:05pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She walked across the room and leaned up to brush a kiss against his cheek then settled back against the bar* He is doing much better, so much so that I am confident that I can release him this evening, tomorrow at the latest. He seems more settled than I have seen him in a long time, more comfortable in his own skin but I would like for him to take some sessions with Mary and my recommendation is that he not return to patrol for another week. Physically he is fine though, no lasting effects from the sedation and the small wounds he had have all healed perfectly
October 15 at 9:09pm · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He dipped his head low and brushed his lips across hers, his fangs catching her bottom lip, a small fanged grin flashing on his face* I'm glad to hear he is doing better, I uh well I felt kinda bad for hitting him and tying him up, feel me? *He wrapped an arm around her small waist and brought her closer to him, pressing her body against his, and resting his head on top of hers* I think him talking to Mary would be a good thing for him, true that and we can do without him for awhile until he is better, feel me?
October 15 at 9:18pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him, her face pressing against his shirt and inhaling the scent of turkish tobacco and the underlying scent of his aftershave* He understands that it wasn't real, that the Omega is not his father but I think speaking with her might help whatever triggered this in the first place. Unless you think you could help with talking to him too since you found him with the last Lesser?
October 15 at 9:21pm · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter Ah leelan, I'm not exactly one for talking about my feelings true and so I don't think that me talking to him will do any good, feel me. *He leaned back and gave her a wink* I just recently started telling you some of the shit in my head and that is hard enough, I dunno that I can do that with anyone else, feel me? But I will keep an eye on him when we are out on rotations, true. *He took another drink from his glass and stamped out the hand rolled*
October 15 at 9:32pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She moved away from him and further into the open plan kitchen, reaching for a pot and pouring some milk into it. Setting it on the cooker, she started the heat and reached for a large mug and her hot chocolate mix* Maybe not talk about your feelings but make the young man understand that he is not to be embarrassed by this. That what happened was not his fault in a way. *she poured the milk into the mug and stirred in the chocolate and walked back to stand beside him* And you are getting better, you should give yourself more credit for that darling
October 15 at 9:37pm · Like · 7
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He got out another hand rolled and lit up* I can tell him there is no shame in what the fuck happened, true. It wasn't his fault, the fuck the Omega is a sneaky bastard, feel me? He just used Qball cause that is what the fuck does. *he watched her with the hot chocolate* Leelan I could have made that for you. *He blew out a small stream of smoke into the air and flashed her a fanged grin*
October 15 at 9:44pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled up at him and blew across the steaming mug* I know you could have but you just looked content propping up the bar, and I like seeing you relaxed like this. You have looked tense from this all happened. You have to know you did what anyone would have done to try and get some sense into the boy. Don't beat yourself up over it, it is not healthy. *she raised the mug to her lips and took a small sip, sighing in appreciation*
October 15 at 9:47pm · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He watches as her lips parted and blew a light breath across her mug. He couldn't help but flash a fanged grin when she signed after the first sip. He strode over to sit next to her with his glass of Goose firmly in hand* So you have a rough day?
October 15 at 9:56pm · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She leaned against him and took another sip, watching as Pyro lifted his head from his bed, looked at her and promptly curled back up to sleep* I neglected going to Safe Place while I had Qhuinn in isolation and coming up to winter there are the usual falls and other minor ailments coming in and out. Thankfully there are only a few females and their young in the facility at the moment. Marissa works tirelesly at getting them rehomed especially coming up to Christmas
October 15 at 10:00pm · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He reached an arm around her and tucked her closer to his body. His hand sliding slowly up and down her arm. He watches as Pyro's head popped up and then back down to sleep* You work too hard leelan, feel me? You need to take a break, true. *He stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed one over the other at the ankle*
October 15 at 10:12pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter I enjoy my work though darling, while it is different from what I dealt with in St Francis, I wouldn't trade anything about this life for my old life. Its not just the fascination between the two species anymore, I have got to know some of the patients, grown.. *she took a mouthful from her mug and lowered her voice slightly* fond of them I suppose. I want to be the best doctor that you and the Brotherhood can have and if that means a few extra hours here and there to keep on top of new equipment and techniques then in the long run it is for the great good no?
October 15 at 10:16pm · Like · 7
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He looked at her as she spoke, his eyes filled with pride as she spoke* Leelan you are the greater good. *He pulled her forward and pressed his lips against her forehead. She was his perfect fit, in every way and even though his mother had royally fucked him before, she had done good where Jane was concerned. He placed a palm on her cheek and tilted her head upward so he could brush his lips across hers once, twice, and on the third time he kissed her deeply*
October 15 at 10:26pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled against his lips, wrapping her free arm around his neck and surrendering her weight to his larger frame. She threaded her fingers into the back of his hair, holding him close to her as she kissed him back. She gently stroked her tongue into his mouth, teasing across one of his fangs before stroking her tongue over his. He tasted just how he always did, turkish smoke, goose, toothpaste and the very taste that was her Hellren. She was truthful in what she said, there was nothing she would trade to go back to when she was alive*
October 15 at 10:32pm · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He deepened the kiss and she mind as well be stroking his cock with her tongue when she did it to his fang. It had the same effect. He slid his hand from her face to the back of her head as he moved his head from one side to the other, his tongue exploring every inch of her warm mouth. He pulled back from the kiss and looked at her, his fangs and his cock aching* Leelan you have a few seconds to finish that hot chocolate and then we are going to be, feel me? *He took her hand and placed it over his leathers where his cock was straining painfully*
October 15 at 10:39pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She grinned up at him, her hand moving surely across his leather covered cock as she raised the mug to her mouth and took a deliberately slow mouthful, holding it in her mouth then slowly swallowing* Are you tired darling? *She gave him a wicked grin opening the first button of his leathers and stroking the pad of her thumb across the head of his cock the showed at his waistband* You want to have an early night and get some sleep?
October 15 at 10:45pm · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*A low growl rumbled in his chest* Leelan I'm gonna take you to be alright but when we get there, sleep will not be involved feel me? I'm gonna strip those *he scanned his eyes over her body* clothes off of you. I'm gonna spend about an hour or so tasting you then I'm gonna make you scream my name until you are hoarse. That's my plans for the evening but if you wanna sleep, you can skip that, true? *he flashed a fanged grin as he lifted his hips and pushed his erection past the waist band and into her palm*
October 15 at 10:51pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She grinned at him as if considering his words then quickly drained her mug, setting it on the low coffee table and rising to her feet. Reaching for the front bottoms of her blouse, she slowly flicked open each one, then let slide down her arms to fall in a pool on the floor. Reaching behind her she unfastened her bra, winked at him and threw it towards him before taking off at a run towards their bedroom* I for one am not sleepy, but you might just be
October 15 at 10:57pm · Like · 7
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He pushed off the couch and stared at her for a moment, before her took off after her. He made the short distance in long strides in seconds and caught her around the waist. He threw her over his shoulder and planted his hand firmly on her ass* No where near tired leelan. *He strode into the bedroom and kicked the door closed with his shit kicker*
October 15 at 11:05pm · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She roared with laughter as he threw her over his shoulder* You sure darling? At your age I do worry *She laughed harder holding onto the back of his pants, sliding one hand down to grope and fondle his ass cheek, the other pushing up his top to score her nails across his flesh*
Pheonia Chosen
‎*Walking down the grand staircase to the bottom floor, she strode through the motion picture room, the dining area, the parlor, the library... though she just could not find her sister, Cormia. They had finished last meal, the other Chosen had gone up to their quarters for the night, but she was uneasy. She was not quite in the state of mind to be on her own. She needed to speak with someone of her troubles, but she could not go to her Primale, as he was putting the young Aggie to rest for the day. So she thought to speak with her sister, who always knew exactly what to say to make her come to terms with her wayward thoughts. Opening the entrance door of the Great Camp, to head out into the gardens -- as that was the last place she had yet to look to find her sister.* — with Cormia Ahgony.
Unlike · · October 15 at 9:20pm ·
You, Janet Romano, Linda Hofsten, Emma Baker and 4 others like this.
Cormia Ahgony ‎*As she was sitting in the gardens, relaxing, drinking her glass of wine, thinking of how great it was to finally have her sisters back on this side, she hears the outside door open and her sister Phe come outside.* Phe....having trouble sleeping?
October 15 at 9:34pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Slightly startled by her sister's voice but quickly righting herself, she walked towards her, and gave her a low bow, then took a seat beside her.* I would not have trouble with sleeping if mine thoughts would quiet. *She leaned her head onto her sister's shoulder and plucked a tiny petal from a peach colored rose into her fingers.* 'Tis why I was seeking you, sister mine.
October 15 at 9:42pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony Whatever is on your mind sister mine? *she took a sip of her wine and tried to relax a bit more, she thought her sisters would be settling in on this side, but perhaps something was not right.*
October 15 at 9:50pm · Like · 6
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Sighing, she began to shred the petal, letting the tiny pieces fall onto her lap.* I feel as though I am a disappointment to you and your hellren. I am to be someone you are proud of... I am to be the pride of the race, sister mine... and I feel as though I have failed, and I have only been here for a short time -- one light and dark cycle. Only one. *Picking her head up from Cormia's shoulder, she turned to stare into her sister's vibrant green eyes.* I have already placed doubt of me into mine Primale because of foolish actions the other day...
October 15 at 9:59pm · Like · 6
Cormia Ahgony ‎*hands Phe a glass of wine*You are NEVER a disppointment. Join me sister mine....perhaps we should have a talk. Tell me what ails you.
October 15 at 10:09pm · Like · 5
Pheonia Chosen I have sought your company in particular to talk. You understand me, mine sister, as you have always. *Looking at the glass in her hand, the liquid red, the color of lifeblood,* What is this? *She sniffed it and grimaced.*
October 15 at 10:12pm · Like · 6
Cormia Ahgony ‎*she sees her sister make a face at the wine* It is good. We drink it to let the stresses of the day float away. Take a sip. It will relax you, sister mine. Tell me what ails you. I am here to listen.
October 15 at 10:16pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She glanced to her sister then back to the glass and brought it to her lips. It smelled of almost vinegar, but she brought it to her mouth and sipped it. She never questioned her sister Cormia's word, as she had always been most honest with her and most helpful. When she swallowed the liquid, her mouth puckered, it was somewhat sour, but not as bad as it's scent. She took another sip, then sighed before she began her rant.* During the first light cycle upon our return, I was unable to fall to slumber. I decided to check the books you and Phury left for me upon the shelf -- which I am ever grateful for, they are most wondrous! -- and found a book of cooking. *She looked away, and frowned.* I... I am most sorry about your kitchen, sister.
October 15 at 10:22pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony My kitchen? *she remembered Phury keeping her upstairs and feeding her first McDonald's, and then cake* Whatever do you mean? Have there been problems?
October 15 at 10:30pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her eyes widened. She did not know? She brought the glass to her lips and slowly drank the liquid back. She thought of the mess she and Layla had spent many hours cleaning... of how her Primale had told them to be sure it was done.* We... *her voice was small, quiet, and she swirled the red liquid in the glass, trying to distract herself as she confessed,* we tried to bake a cake.
October 15 at 10:35pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony You tried to bake a cake?! *she asked surprised. She had no idea that her sisters had taken on such an adventure. She took another sip of her wine and asked* How did that turn out, sister mine?
October 15 at 10:40pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen Verily it was not as we thought it was to be... we were in the middle of the recipe when Phury found us in the kitchen. He said we had made a mess. And the look upon his face is why I feel... *She frowned, then took another sip from the glass,* 'tis why I feel as I do. We tried to make the cake as I read that it is customary to give one--or bake one, as it were--to show that you care. And... sire was not very happy. *She lowered her lashes, taking another sip. Swallowing, she turned back to her sister,* This drink is tasting better than it had before, Cormia. Is it magick?
October 15 at 10:45pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony My hellren was not happy about the cake? I do not understand. He brought one to our bedside....was it not the one you made? *she watched Phe take another sip of the wine* Magick? No Phe it is wine. Made from grapes. It relaxes you and lets you forget the troubles from your day.
October 15 at 10:56pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen Wine? *She nearly choked out the word as she stared into the glass. Wine was something she had only been given during ceremonial events while in Sanctuary on the Other Side. Having it now, leisurely, she was unsure of why one would want to drink it without reason, as it is not the best tasting... Shaking her head, she took another sip. If her sister did so, it must be what the humans call "normal."* Wine. *She wanted to feel normal. To fit in here, to be a source of pride for the Virgin Scribe, for her sisters, for her Primale... and the cake incident only proved her the opposite. Deciding to ignore her sister's question of the cake, she drank back the rest of her glass, then handed it to Cormia.* Might I have more?
October 15 at 11:01pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony ‎*she poured Phe another glass of wine. She knew on the Far Side they only drank wine during ceremonies, but on this side, it was used as more of a relaxant, so she saw no wrong in pouring more for her* Tell me about the cake, sister mine.
October 15 at 11:06pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She kissed her sister's cheek after taking the glass from her,* My thanks. *She took another sip, and smiled.* The cake? Oh mine sister the cake... we had to grease the pan, preheat the oven... we even had to use a mixer. When we added the flour was when Phury came to find us. And he told us that we were a mess and that we were to clean up. *She turned to Cormia, and frowned,* we did not even get to finish, sister. It was as if the Primale was upset we thought to make it for him... *she looked down into her glass, frowning,* he said that we were wrong to do it. *She sighed and took another sip.* Is it wrong to bake cakes? If it is wrong... *she brought her finger to her lip, in thought, pausing.* ...if it is wrong to bake a cake why did sire bring one to you? Why did he make you one if he wouldn't let us make one for him? *She began to ramble, ranting on, then she stood, falling by catching her skirt beneath her foot, spilling her wine all over herself, and falling onto her rear.* OOF!
October 15 at 11:13pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony Oh, sister mine, it is not wrong to make a cake. Perhaps you just need some assistance? I would be glad to assist you. *she wondered to herself what issues her sisters would encounter baking a cake* time you should seek my help. *She saw her sister stand and begin to fall & reached out to catch her* Sister mine, do you require assistance?
October 15 at 11:20pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She looked at her sister, whose green eyes were wide with worry. And... all she could do was laugh.* No I am fine, but, *she looked down to her gown, and grabbed it in her hand holding it up,* I do think I may need to be reminded how to wash garments. You.. *she giggled,* you showed me once, last time I was here with you. Verily I have forgotten! ...and about the cake, mine sister. Why would Master Phury be so upset with Layla and thy if it is not wrong to make a cake? *She picked up her empty wine glass and looked at the small swirl of liquid at the bottom of it.* Why is your hellren upset that we made it? Mayhap you are wrong and it is bad to make a cake?
October 15 at 11:24pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony ‎*taking the wine glass out of Phe's hand....she begins to tell her why making a cake is not bad....then the wind shifts and she smells her hellren's scent and demats to their bedroom*
October 15 at 11:31pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*In one moment her sister was there, and in the next, her glass was gone and so was Cormia. Looking around for her, she tried to stand again, but nearly fell, the laughs bubbling from her throat.* Sister mine? *She giggled again,* Are we playing the "hide and seek" game again?
October 15 at 11:34pm · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*Though he sorely hated to leave his bubbly shellan he kissed her deeply and then dematted down to the terrace where Phe was barely keeping her balance. Picking her up in his strong muscular arms he carried her to her bed chambers her long hair masking her face as her head fell to the side like a rag doll. He laid her gently down into her plush bed fast asleep. He brushed her hair out of her face and said gently to her* i never said you were a mess my dear Chosen, and you have never disappointed me. Sleep well young one, sleep well.
October 16 at 12:29am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*As quickly as he had appeared to the Chosen he disappeared and returned o his mated bed where his beautiful Shellan awaited him*
October 16 at 12:32am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Stirring in her bed, she pulled the covers up closer to her chin and fluffed her pillow. After her chat with Cormia-- and her first time drinking wine-- she was dreaming of her Primale, probably because she was speaking of him so. She really did not understand him, nor did she understand what it was her sister was trying to explain to her... but in her dream, he was ok. In her dream, he was strong, and kind, and made sure she was safe and warm.... in her dream he told her she was not a disappointment, told her she wasn't a mess.
Though sometimes dreams are reality, she just shrugged it off and rolled over, grasping her pillow tightly and falling fast asleep once more.*
Ehlena Rempoon
‎*Dematerializing back to the Brotherhood's compound from Safe Place, as she and Rehvenge had decided to stay in their room in the mansion for the next few nights. Standing before the security cameras, she gave a tiny smile, and was granted entrance. She moved into the foyer and removed her coat, holding it over her arm as she began to ascend the grand staircase. She passed few Doggen, smiling and inclining her head to them in greeting, and finally made it to her room.*
Unlike · · October 16 at 3:34am ·
You, Virginia Collins, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Saxton Thym and 7 others like this.
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She was utterly exhausted tonight; her shift had her in the clinic to care for not only those suffering of mental issue due to domestic disputes and the like, but to those also in need of basic medical care to treat the common viral infections that were rampant this time of year. She had seen so many females and young alike, who were fevered, dehydrated and miserable; and it pained her to not be able to do much for them, as viruses were not curable by the majority of pharmaceuticals, leaving the patient to deal as the virus ran it's course on their immune systems.*
October 16 at 3:36am · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Stripping of her uniform, and releasing her hair from it's ponytail, she headed for the shower, cleansing herself of the night's long work. She stood beneath the steaming spray, her mind still wrapped up in thoughts of her patients, but that was nothing new... she was never really able to separate her work from her private life-- except for when in her mated bed with her hellren, of course. She ran her hands over her strawberry blonde hair, rinsing away the citrus-scented shampoo she loved so much, and sighed. She felt lucky that she had yet to ever experience a viral infection, which was most likely due to the immunizations she was required to receive to work as a nurse.
Immunizations. Huh. It was like a light bulb clicked on. As she finished rinsing, and then exited the shower to towel off, she made mental note to remember to bring up her idea when she spoke with both Jane and Marissa during their next meeting. Walking from the bathroom towards her bed, her soft robe wrapped around her naked flesh, she grabbed her cell phone from the pocket of her jacket before laying down into her bed.*
October 16 at 3:41am · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She quickly dialed her hellren, Rehvenge, smiling as she waited for him to answer. They spoke on the phone before they slept if they were not in bed together-- partially an ode to their beginning, but also to their future as they were both made unable to rest without the other by their side-- and hearing each other's voice was the only way to ease the pain of their separation. When Rehv answered with a throaty, "Tahlly," she laughed, and settled back into the plush pillows and comforter of their bed, relishing in the calming sound of his voice.*
Throe Bhastard
So, my brother is home.. bitches better watch out!! *swaggers over to the freezer and grabs a banana popsicle*
Like · · Follow Post · November 11 at 2:45am
Emily Lua, Phury Ahgony, Zypher Bhastard and 7 others like this.
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Props against the wall, her feet crossed at the ankles and her inked arms crossed over her full chest* Hey bastard, which bitches are you referring too? *A smooth smirk crossing her lips, showing just a hint of her gleaming fangs*
November 11 at 2:49am · Like · 9
Throe Bhastard ‎*walks over and puts arms on either side of her, knuckles against the wall. Leans in and kisses her mouth, watching that smirk get replaced by a quick flash of lust* Nothing you would have to worry about Mhisery, I meant that in a very general, generic way. And you, my dear, fall into neither category.
November 11 at 2:53am · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She watched as he approached, his gait predatory, yet refined. His huge frame was quickly upon her, towering over he smaller one. She caught a quick glimpse of his corded arms as they framed either side of her, and then his lips fell on hers. They were firm, yet soft, commanding and giving all in one touch. She refused to uncross her arms, because it would not be in her guarded nature to do so. When his lips parted hers and retreated back, his baritone voice filled the space between them, her mind processing the words, as her body responded to the lethal touch of his lips* Exactly what category do I fall in?
November 11 at 3:03am · Like · 9
Throe Bhastard ‎*pauses as he retreats, breathing in her scent. She was throwing off a lot of different emotions, among them interest. The lust was there, but the interest was what caused him to linger as close to her as possible, He left one hand on the wall by her head, the other he used to touch her. He touched her hair, smoothing it away from her face. Traced from her collarbone down, stopping at her crossed arms. And decided that she was going to learn to open up to him, starting now. Standing in front of her, leaning down so he could look into her eyes, he took one of her wrists into each hand, and slowly drew her hands down to her side. He let her absorb that for a moment, the feel of him taking control of her for a short time. And then he drew her hands up around his waist, pulling her in closer to him. As he buried his face into her hair, smelling her, and moving closer to her neck so he could taste the silky skin on her throat. * I haven't found a category for you yet.. I have a feeling there really isn't one that deserves to claim you.* With that he stepped back a little, giving her a little space if she wanted it.
November 11 at 3:41am · Like · 8

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