Monday, April 2, 2012

Victims of A Crime Part I

  • After the War Qhuinn wages against the Omega each Brother evaluates what his life would be like if he had never been born, or transistioned. It is a sort of Brotherhood 'It's a Wonderful Life' and as each Brother and Shellan hit thier personal wall of emotion and that 'wish I had never existed feeling' The Scribe will show them exactly what it would be like and how important each person is to the Brotherhood as a whole. The Omega decides to you this to his advantage. Please follow us through this twisted roller coaster ride with the Omega at the emotional switch.
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*He left Mhisery sleeping in their bed, leaning down to brush a gentle kiss to her forehead and tuck the sheets tighter around her. Quietly opening the bottom drawer of his dresser, he pulled out a bottle of Herradura and silently opened the door onto the balcony. The night was cold, the air bit against his short clad body, it woke him up and made him feel alive. He needed it, needed to feel that sting to remind him why he was here, that he was living and not stuck in the past.
    Swinging his legs over the ledge, he sat down heavily, looking down at the ground that was far below. Uncapping the bottle, he raised it to his lips and took a long swallow, letting the tequila burn down his throat and give a false sense of warmness low in his gut. Regret still hung heavy on his mind, regret for the danger, the stupidity and the poor lack of judgement he had recently faced. The family mentioned nothing about it but it still bothered him. He still hadn't spoke to any of them about it and he wasn't sure he could. How did he turn round to those he cared about and tell them - Well shit, I almost ruined you life?*
    Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share · Remove From Profile · 4 hours ago ·
    You, Emma Lou, Analisse Scribe-Virgin, Zee Ahgony and 4 others like this.
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He couldn't, it was a poor response to what he had done. Scrubbing a hand over his bristled jaw, he took a heavy sigh and raised the bottle to his lips again, this time he swallowed several times and drained the bottle by a third. He coughed and wiped away the tears that welled in his eyes as the alcohol felt like it was burning a hole through him.
    He should be happy, fuck he was happy, he had a good woman in his life, one who say him for the real person he was and not by his actions. He had family and friends who actually gave a shit about him, not like his birth family. He had a good job, a good position in his life that many could only dream of. And yet? he sat out here in the middle of the night drinking like a fool*
    4 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*As much as he hated smoking, right now he wished he did, just for the sake of something to do with his hands. Looking down at the ground again, he took another drink from the bottle and palmed his chest. Looking up, he glanced at the stars barely visible through the stars, swallowing he did the one thing he had never done before and offered up a prayer to the Scribe-Virgin*
    Help me get through this Beloved Scribe, give me the strength to not be my usual fuc-*he cleared his throat* to not be the usual failure that I always am. For one help people be proud of me. *he glanced at his hands* Help me find the way to show my family, though not of blood what they truly mean to me.
    *He looked over his shoulder to look at Mhisery, her slender body framed by the sheets that covered her. Grinning, he took another drink* Fuck she is beautiful *He muttered quietly to himself.*
    4 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*A cold breeze drifted across her body and roused her from her sleep state. She rolled to her side, her arm automatically reaching Qhuinn. Her heart raced as panic set in that he was not in their bed. She lifted her head and looked around frantically, her eyes searching for him. She saw him on the ledge, bottle beside him and she sat straight up, clutching the sheet to her bare body. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, wrapping the sheet around her body. Holding the sheet with one hand, she made her way toward him* Qhuinn, are you alright nallum?
    2 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He threw one leg over the balcony and pulled her into his arms, rubbing his hands down her slender arms to try and keep some heat in her* You should have stayed in bed Leelan, it's cold out here. *Shifting her in his arms, he tucked her against his side and rested his chin on her head* I was just thinking about shit. Nothing to worry about. Did I wake you leaving the room?
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She sank into the warmth of his body and pressed her body to his. His chest was warm while the rest of his body was chilled from the night air. She was rubbed her free hand over his chest in an attempt to sooth him. His muscles were tight and corded under her hand. She nuzzled in closer to his side as she spoke.* I'm not worried about being woke up nallum, I'm worried about you. I don't like the fact that you are sitting on a ledge attempting to drink yourself into a oblivion.
    2 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong It was either toss and turn in our bed or get up and come out here. I wanted you to rest. You need to rest and relax now you are here with me *He covered her small hand with his directly over his head* I won't fall, I promise you that. That would mean not being here to be with you. The drink is to keep me warm *He gave her usual cocky grin though it didn't reach his eyes as it normally did. She had arrived in the mansion just after his melt down. He wondered how he would look in her eyes if she knew. Would she hate him? Fear him? Pity him?*
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at him, his grin was in place, but his eyes gave him away. She didn't want to press him but she was concern, fuck, she was worried. She had not seen this side of him in the time that they had been together. She had seen him as self assured, strong and confident. They had talked about each other's past on several occasions, she knew he had demons that he fought, just as she had her own, but they drew strength and wisdom from each other. When one was down, the other was there with a helping hand and vice versa, together they made each other complete. He had become her best friend in the world, and even more. If he was hurting, and it was obvious that he was, then she was hurting for him.* What had you tossiing and turning in the first place nallum?
    2 hours ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His heart gave a faint jolt as she asked him what was wrong. He wanted to tell her, but fear was something that struck hard along with that need. She deserved to know though, she needed to understand what had happened. Why he avoided the majority of the household. Shame and self loathing were bitter pills to swallow. He cupped her cheek in one hand, his thumb stroking against her high cheek bone as he met her eyes* I did something.. *he swallowed and started to talk, his voice low and calm* Not long before you arrived.. I..I got myself under the impression that I was the son of The-Omega. I patrolled hard, by myself when it was against the rules, I risked the Brothers that came with me on occasions. All for the sake of getting hold of a Lesser. *He glanced away then looked back at her again. She needed to hear the rest* I didn't kill them..I tortured them for information..
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her heart rate sped when he talked of all the things that he had done while he was under the delusion that he was the son of the Omega. Her heart was not racing from shock or from a feeling of disgust at his actions, but she was scared for his safety, even though it was before they had met. Even though he sat before her, caging her in his embrace, she was still panic stricken by the thoughts of what could have happened to him, but at the same time she understood. She was in a similar situation, every night that she patrolled was to find the one Lesser left alive of the four that had murdered her mother. She palmed his cheek with her eyes filled with understanding.* I kinda understand what you went through. I patrol, alone, to find the Lesser that killed my mother. *she gave a gentle shrug of her shoulder* If I kill others, good and well, but it really a means to an end for me.
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Your Mahmen was killed by Lessers? When? *He was shocked, she had never said. But then, he understood keeping things like that to yourself. How things could be a driving force that all you could focus on was that goal. That was how he felt every time he had gone out alone or with another to bring a Lesser back to torture, to try and find out if it was true. He guessed there was still a small part of him that felt it could have been true. BUt he knew it wasn't. He wasn't like the Omega, he wasn't like the Lessers. He ducked his head and pressed a tender kiss to his lips, a low territorial groan rumbling in his chest. Pulling back he looked at her again.* It gets worse. I brought the Lessers into the house. I left their body parts hidden around the Mansion, the Pit, the Clinic, the Training room. By the end of it, I wasn't even sure where I had put them anymore.
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She gave a nod when he asked about her mother* I was still very young, roughly ten. *She brushed her lips against his in response to his soft kiss and looked into his eyes as he finished the rest of his story. She kept the shocked look off her face, again not for his actions but for what torment he had to have been going through to go to those lengths. She wanted to take him in her arms and hold him until their was no thoughts of anything ever being bad in his life. She wanted to love him enough to erase every emotional scar that he bore. She knew she could never do that no matter how much she wanted it, but she hoped in time if she loved him enough, he would learn to let all of that go. Let all of his insecurities and the emotional wounds of others go, and just realize that he was worth so much more than he gave himself credit for. She stilled her voice before she spoke* Qhuinn you were trying to accomplish something that you had no control over. You didn't know you were not his son, and the need to find out clouded all reason. You can not beat yourself up for something that could have happened to anyone.
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong You still miss her? I hated my parents. Even when I should have loved them. I was a disgrace to them *he gave her a smile and tucked her into his chest again, his arms like bands around her small frame. He was shocked and surprised as hell. He expected her to run away screaming, or tell him what a waste he was. That he was the reaction he always expected. It had been that way for most of his life and it was hard to change the habit of a life time. He drew in a slow breath, instantly settling now he had her in his arms. She had a strange way of soothing him, he doubt she even realized what she was doing or how much she effected him.* You realize you surprise me daily. You are not like what I am used to. You make me feel.. less of a fuck up.
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She gave another show nod to answer his question about her mother and listened when he spoke of his parents.* I hated my father and he hated me. I was his hidden mistake and I was never allowed to forget that. After he died, I went to the glymeria, I didn't know what else to do, I was roughly 14 and alone. They made sure to let me know I was his bastard. *She sank deeper into his strong embrace, the sheet held in place by his strong frame, as she wrapped her arms around him, allowing the back to dip farther down her back, the smooth scroll of his name across her back was struck by the cool breeze as she let out a sigh of contentment before she answered* You amaze me, I see more value in you than any other person in the world and yet you don't see it. One day I will show you what a male of worth you are.
    54 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong You should have been protected and taken care of, treated right and in the manner you deserve. To treat you any other way is a great injustice to you. *he hand moved to rest against her lower back, his fingers stroking across her satin like skin as he moved his other leg from over the balcony. Bending his knees slightly, he swung her up into his arms, sheet and all and strode back through the open door. Kicking it closed behind him, he sat her down in the middle of the bed then followed her down. He lay on his side beside her, his fingers lightly tracing over the features of her face, burning them into his memory. He wished he could see himself as she saw him. He wanted to break down and beg her to help him, for her to the be the one that finally dragged him out of the downward spiral he always seemed to be on.* You are my rahlman, even if you don't realize that *his face was serious as he looked at her* If you hadn't of came into my life when you did *he gave a rueful smile* I might have taken the leap from that balcony..
    45 minutes ago · Unlike · 1
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was taken by surprise as he swept her up in his massive arms, but she just went with it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kept her eyes trained on his face, every feature a more beautiful than the last, but his eyes were the most spectacular feature on his handsome face, not just the coloring, but the deep, soulfulness they possessed. She gave a small smile as he laid her in the middle of their bed, and she got to watch the full height of the man she loved lay down beside her. Every muscle of his frame moved with ease as he stretched parallel to her and she felt blessed by the Scribe to have him in her life. His feathered touch fell across her face and she tilted her head to angle into his palm and gaze at him as he spoke. Her heart racing when he spoke of leaping from the balcony, she would give her life before she saw him hurt. She raised her hand, and allowed the pad of her thumb to slowly slide over the soft fullness of his lower lip, and attempt to silence the rest of that statement, it was too painful to hear, and even more painful to let her mind roll over the thought* And you are mine, because if you had not found me when you did, I would have left this world the very night you found me.
    34 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He pressed his lips against the pad of her thumb and nipped lightly with his fangs, not enough to pierce to the skin but to just give them both a reminder.* Then it was a good thing we found each other when we did. It's easier to breath when I have you close. Easier to not feel worthless, though the doubts are still there. In time maybe I will shake them with your help. As for you? I love you leelan, I am not much but everything that I am is yours. *He leaned over, cupping her face in his hand and brushed his lips across hers, relearning the full bottom lip, the cupid bow to her upper. He gave a quiet moan and stroked his tongue against the seam of her lips and pressed inside, stroking his tongue with his as he gathered her into his arms. He moved to lie on his back, not even sure if she realized why he did that. That with anyone else he had to be in control, had to be on top or behind. But with her, he was willing to let that go while they were together. She was the light that was slowly but surely pushing away the dark*

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  • Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*Passing by the bustling kitchen on his way back from a work out, the doggen were working tirelessly on the next repast for the Manse. The smells were incredible! His stomach let a roar to let him know it was NOT to be ignored. He peered in the swinging door just to see the chaos and was shooed by an older doggen female. He threw his hands up.* I was just curious. *He laughed as he turned and made his way up the staircase. He was in awe of the way Darius had designed the whole place. That male astounded him in the way he created a life for himself. Details everywhere, even in the tiniest corner. The male even left a way to care for the children he would never know. This saddened him. Elizabeth was amazing and John Matthew was truly a male of worth. All the stories he was told over the past few months showed him the strength was still there in his race. He past a few doors where children were still sleeping, and rounded the corner to his own room. He stopped at the door and looked down the hall. He knew Pheonia had taken a room here not long ago, and he was sure she was still there. He let a breath and turned his own door knob and stepped in. He dropped his bag and undressed from his sweats and padded to the bathroom. He paused after turning on the water and decided he would send her a message. He walked back out to his dresser and grabbed his phone. After typing out her name he began.* ~Dearest Phe. I did enjoy our chat the other day and was wondering if I could see you again. M~ *He grinned, placed his phone to charge and went to shower.*
    Tohrment Hharm
    ‎*He put on his sneakers, grabbed his iPod & made his way down to the training center. Sitting in his room only gave him time to think, & if he left his room, he'd just end up watching another fucking episode of Oprah with Lassiter. So, that left him with working out. He pushed open the door to the training center and was relieved to find it empty. He grabbed a bottle of water, got on the treadmill, turned on his iPod and started to run.*
    The Prodigy - Firestarter
    This is The Prodigy's video for Firestarter - released 1996
    Like · · Follow Post · Share · 2 hours ago
    Lucia Ann, Linda von H, Cormia Ahgony and 4 others like this.
    Manuel Manello ‎*He found himself with a night off, and nothing to do. There was nothing more irritating to him than being idle. Payne was busy, Jane was at Safe Place so he couldn't go offer to help her there, he didn't currently have any of his own patients. He grabbed his workout gear and headed over to the training center. Hopefully it would be empty. He turned his face towards the camera and when the lock released, pushed open the door. He saw one brother there, Tohrment. He didn't know much about the male. He had heard about Wellsie, and knew that the brother hadn't been back that long He seemed ok, was pretty quiet. With a sigh, he set his gear on the shelf, took a drink of water, replaced the cap and started stretching.*
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He had a mile down, when he scented the human doctor enter the training center. He slowed his treadmill down a bit, cracked open his bottle of water and took a swig, before clearing his throat* Uhh, hey Manny. What's going on?
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He nodded at Tohr. He did notice how much the male had bulked up in a short period of time. It wasn't the anemic looking superficial bulk steroids will add, but true muscles that only serious working out will build. The difference is, he did it in a fraction of the time a human would be able to do. No wonder the geneticist in Jane was all ecstatic with having the time and the approval to observe the differences. Not wanting to be caught staring, he finished stretching and got on the treadmill next to Tohrment. He set his water bottle in the cup holder and adjusted the settings, starting out at a nice, even pace.* Hey Tohr. Just killing some time, hope that's ok. You are not hanging with the angel tonight?
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He shook his head and laughed* I managed to get out without him. The fucker is watching Oprah re-runs, and I can only handle so much of the O. *He took another swig of the water and matched his speed with Manny's, no sense in making the human feel inferior.* How's Glory doing?
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He noted the fact that Tohrment slowed his pace. And tried not to let it bother him. He nodded at Tohr to let him know that the gesture was appreciated.* Glory is doing great, all healed. Watching her and Payne is incredible. You should come out sometime, see them together. Ride if you want. *He trailed off and concentrated on his strides. He knew the brother had been through Hell, and didn't want to say anything that would be too personal.*
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Tohrment Hharm Yea....maybe sometime. Thanks for the offer. *He cleared his throat, and couldn't believe he was about to talk about THIS with him, but he seemed to be the best to understand, with everything he had been thru. He shook his head and just started talking* Ya know, sometimes life deals you some messed up shit, and what choice do you have? You just gotta take it. No do-overs. Know what I mean?
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He looked at Tohrment out of the corner of his eye, keeping his pace steady. He had started to build up a light sweat. He wasn't sure what Tohr was asking. He could tell that the male was uncomfortable though.* Ah, yeah Tohr, life can fuck you over. No doubt. I know you got fucked over more than most. And, I'm.. ah, I am sorry about that.
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He nodded* Yea, thanks. *He looked over at Manny* You've been thru a lot too. I guess I'm just do you just deal? I mean...fuck...I do my day-to-day shit, and I find myself almost happy, and then I just feel like can I be happy, ya know?
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He froze for a second. Why the fuck was Tohrment talking to him about this shit? They barely knew each other. And then he realized that was probably why. It made sense. Tohr probably felt more comfortable showing weakness to a human, because even with the weakness, he was still stronger. Also, the doctor/patient confidentiality thing always made it easier for people to spill their guts to him. Still, he thought his next words over carefully. He slowed the treadmill but didn't stop and turn to the brother fully. Sometimes, you needed a little space to talk about the hard shit.* This isn't where I thought I would be. Or what I would be doing. I didn't experience loss in the way that you did. I have gained more than I lost. I am still trying to adjust how I identify myself, and my place in this life. I realize that there are further adjustments, decisions to be made. And I will lose my human family eventually. But I gained more, much more than I lost. So, I can't presume to know the depth of your pain, and what you have had to endure. I do know that you are allowed to be happy. Encouraged, even. That is how you honor Wellsie, and the young. * He shrugged, realizing he was far out of his element when it came to emotions. He was getting better, but had a long way to go. * Can I ask you something? Have you tried talking to Mary about this? Or your brothers?
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He heard Manny ask him about talking to one of the brothers or Mary & he just shook his head.* No, I don't wanna drag them down in this with me. I mean...fuck, I don't even wanna be here with me, ya know? All my brothers are mated. No sense reminding them of what life could be like for them, if they lost their shellans. *He kicked his treadmill back to a full run* Let's just cut the small talk bullshit, and run.
    2 hours ago · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He could tell that the brother had shut down, for now at least. He turned back to his own machine and turned it off. He grabbed a towel and wiped it down, took a drink of his water. He grabbed another white towel and rubbed his face with it. He slung it over his shoulder and headed for the weight benches. As he passed Tohrment, he clasped him briefly on the shoulder and spoke quietly. * I get it man. You know where to find me.
    Rehvenge Rempoon
    ‎*The Colony. Made his brain want to explode! Or implode, whichever it felt like that day. He was trying to get them to civilize themselves without outside interaction, as much as possible. Yeah, that was going well. The faught hard and he pushed back with a vengeance. NO ONE told him how things were going to be! He ran a "trade" and a few clubs for 25 years, for shit sake! He KNEW what the hell he was doing! He ran his hands hard down his face and growled low. This was where it was supposed to be easy. He had Ehlena and he left the shit behind. His baby was thriving with her Hellren and her young. Nope. Not for Ol' Rooster. ALWAYS had to do things the hard way. He envied those who got to skate by with no effort. But, he could say he did it with no one. He, with the help of his Mahmen, raised Bella. He was proud of who he was now. He was honest with people now and did not have to hide his lifestyle choices any longer. He palmed the cane and walked over to his desk, where he kept his case. Always close by. Always within reach. Unlike Tahlly at times, but she was an independent and proud female. He would NEVER take that from her. He did force her to take help here and there but he always tried to let her do things on her own.Sometimes he pondered if she was ashamed he was what he was, then she would look at him and all the doubt disappeared. He flicked the lock on the secret drawer, slid it open and found his case. He palmed the bastard and sat at his desk. He shrugged off the suit coat, cuff links went somewhere he didn't care, and rolled up his right sleeve. He tied the turniquit around his bicep and thumped the vein to life, standing proud awaiting his next move. He sucked in a deep breath and knew this was so he didn't mass-execute the whole damn colony and have no kingdom. He sat the tiny jar on the desk and grasped a syringe. He plugged the two together and pulled the plunger. Thumping out the bubble, he pushed out the air and aimed it true into his vein. Sliding the drug slowly in, he closed his eyes. He had to see Jane when he returned for his next doses as he was out now. He sat back, tossed the syringe in the red jar and untied his arm. He relaxed as he texted Jane.* ~Doc, Rehv. Out. Be back later this eve.~ *He let out a few more calming breaths as his dopamine hit, and made one last call to his favorite voice mail. His voice dropping low, he let a grin show in his speech.* ~Tahlly, be home soon. By the way, I like the RED stockings best today. *low laugh* Be ready.~
    Zypher Bhastard
    ‎*His internal clock letting him know it was sunset, his body awakened slowly. He stretched his sore muscles from all the...exercise...he and his brother had been getting with the females. He showered and quickly headed down to the large yet under furnished kitchen for Firtst Meal. He was given the duty of cooking which was better than cleaning, in his opinion. He took out two dozen eggs, a couple of pounds of bacon, toast and orange juice. Tonight they would get scrambled eggs and if they didn't like it they could just simply kiss his Bhastard ass. He heard footsteps behind him and judging by their liveliness, he knew it was Throe.* Good eve brother mine. *He smirked* Still feeling the effects of last night's female? — with Throe Bhastard.
    Unlike · · Saturday at 3:03pm ·
    You, Zee Ahgony, Emma Lou, Mhisery Muhrdock and 4 others like this.
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He wandered into the kitchen, more than ready to grab some food. Of course, with Zypher, smartass was part of the package. The male was in charge of preparing the food. Which he mostly sucked at, but once in awhile he would throw some effort into it. He approached the table. Tonight was clearly not one of those times that Zyph was going to put forth the effort. He rolled his eyes, imagining Xcor's response to the meal when he came down. He rolled his shoulders and his neck a few times. Come to think of it, he was a bit sore from the previous night's fun. Wasn't about to admit that one though. He smirked as he thought of the shit he would hear about getting old and slowing down. No thanks. * Nay, I am fine. Ready to head right out and do it again as a matter of fact. Where is the rest of the food though? I imagine Xcor will be a bit... displeased with the current offering.
    Saturday at 3:41pm · Like · 4
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*He mumbled under his breath about not being anyone's maid but stopped short looking at Throe's disapproving expression.* What? I'm not a damn chef. You do not like it? Do it yourself and that goes for...shit, nevermind.* He took out the sausages and made some biscuits feeling utterly emasculated. Somehow, it would not be so demeaning if he'd been doing it for a female. He haphazardly set the table giving his brother a sideways glance.* Get your arse moving, brother, I am not your female.
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Payne Bloodletter
    ‎*She walked around and couldn't find Manny so she went to the place she knew she could find him. Getting to the stables, she opened the door and saw him brushing the horse that she loved. Standing by the door not wanting to disturb him, she watched as he brushed the horse*
    Unlike · · Follow Post · Monday at 10:37pm
    You, Lassiter The-Fallen, Melissa McNeill, Emma Lou and 4 others like this.
    Manuel Manello ‎*He heard her approach. He reached his arm out to her and felt her strong hand grasp his. He closed his eyes for a moment and enjoyed the moment. His warrior. Glory was glad to see her also. She tossed her head and gave a soft nicker. This was his favorite time, being with his two favorite females.* Good evening Payne. What are you up to tonight, Bambina?
    Monday at 10:39pm · Like · 5
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She shrugged as she took his hand and walked up and kissed his cheek* I was seeing what you were up to. Thought we could do something if you weren't busy. *She looked up at him and smiled.*
    Monday at 10:41pm · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He kissed the top of her head, resting there for a moment. Fuck, she smelled good. He closed his eyes for a moment, running his hands lightly up and down her arms. He loved the contrast, the silky skin covering the defined muscles. * Works out perfectly, I am done with work. Would love to spend some time with you.
    Monday at 10:41pm · Like · 5
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She smiled as she felt the heat of his hands going over her skin. She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up at him* That did work out in our favor then. I am not going with Xhex tonight so we have all evening. What would you like to do?
    Monday at 10:42pm · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*His mind went to lots of fun places when she asked what he would like to do. But more than that, he wanted to spend time with her. He loved watching her. She was so self assured, so centered. She was a fucking inspiration.* I want to do whatever would make you happy
    Monday at 10:42pm · Like · 5
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She looked into the eyes of the man that made her happy. Happiness was something that until recently, was foreign to her. Now when she was with him it didn't matter what they were doing, she found herself smiling. Of course some things with him made her smile more than others but they could always finish the evening with that.* So the decision is up to me?
    Monday at 10:43pm · Like · 7
    Manuel Manello ‎*He couldn't help but smile back at her. Seeing her happy was gratifying. He leaned against the stall door, watching the emotions play across her face. He kept his hands on her hips and pulled her close. In a low voice, he spoke softly, his mouth on her hair.* Entirely your decision Payne.
    Monday at 10:44pm · Like · 5
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She closed her eyes when she felt his lips on her hair. She moved her body against his. She wanted to something different this time. She loved riding Glory and being around the stables but she thought maybe this time they could do something they hadn't done together before* Want to go test some weapons?
    Monday at 10:44pm · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He couldn't help himself, he busted out laughing. Weapons, of course. Not quite what he thought she was going to say, but still, it sounded fun. And watching Payne play with weapons was fucking hot.* I am in.. absolutely. Lets do it, Bambina
    Monday at 10:45pm · Like · 5
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She grinned up at him* I won't be the only one using the weapons. *She patted his cheek with her hand and almost laughed at his expression* It's never to late to learn, Manuel.
    Monday at 10:46pm · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He shook his head, he knew it was worthless to argue. He would end up agreeing to it if for no other than to watch her doing something she loved. He pulled the keys to the porsche out of his pocket and held them up. He dangled them from the silver ring, and smiled.* Do you want to drive love?
    Monday at 10:48pm · Like · 5
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*He eyes widened and looked at the keys then at him* You would let me drive? *That car was his baby. She was worried about making a mess on her side of car for fear of his reaction. The thought of actually driving it was a mixture of fear and excitement. She shook her head* I think my first driving lesson should not be with the Porsche. We should rent a tank for that time.
    Monday at 10:48pm · Like · 6
    Manuel Manello ‎*He shook his head and grinned.* I am sure you will excel at driving, as you excel at everything. A tank won't be necessary. We will save the first lesson for another day. *he opened her car door for her, and when she was settled in, closed it and headed over to the driver's side. He slid in and started the car. As he backed out and headed back out to the main road, he glanced over at her and saw how content she seemed.* So, weapons. Ok, are you thinking of guns? A shooting range?
    Monday at 10:53pm · Like · 4
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She stared out the window. It was peaceful to watch the scenery fly by her. It wasn't as nice as when she was on Glory but this was still acceptable and reminded her of her freedom. She heard Manny and turned and smiled at him* Yes, a shooting range. We can always save the others for another time.
    Monday at 10:55pm · Like · 5
    Manuel Manello ‎*He headed towards town. These were the times that he knew he had made the right choice. He thought about the hospital periodically. He remembered that it had been hugely important to him to get to the top. To be the one that everyone had to answer to, the one that they looked to for answers. At the moment though, he couldn't remember why. Really, the main reason why he was glad he became a surgeon was because it allowed him to help Payne. The rest just didn't really fucking matter anymore.*
    Monday at 11:01pm · Like · 4
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She looked over at him again as they were driving. He looked lost in thought but when he looked at her he smiled and she saw the love in his eyes, the same as she felt for him. This side was so different but she wouldn't change it for anything. Manuel held so much of her and let her be herself. She genuinely happy and he was the reason. She watched as he pulled into the range and waited until he opened her door and got out with his assistance, walking into the building holding his hand* Pick your weapon. *She smiled wide up at him. This was something she enjoyed and liked that he was doing this with her*
    Monday at 11:07pm · Like · 4
    Manuel Manello ‎*He approached the counter, and waited for the RSO to come assist them. The man ambled over, after catching a glimpse of Payne. His name tag said Carl, not that it mattered. Carl started asking if Payne would need any lessons, and seemed a bit too eager to volunteer. Ignoring Carl, he laid a couple hundred dollar bills down on the counter. With his eyes on Payne, he told the RSO to get them the ear plugs, the goggles, a couple of 9MM's and anything else they would need for a couple hours so they wouldn't have to come back up front. When he had his irritation under control, he turned to look at the man.* As far as lessons, there is nothing she could learn from you. *He turned back towards Payne to see if there was anything else she needed before they got started.*
    Monday at 11:34pm · Like · 4
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She held back her smile at the way Manuel reacted and the way the man behind the counter thought she needed help. She shook her head and smiled at him* I think we have everything we need. *She put her goggles on and the ear plugs then picked up one of the weapons and grabbed the targets and walked to where they would be shooting at*
    Monday at 11:40pm · Like · 4
    Manuel Manello ‎*He walked behind her, enjoying the hell out of the view. She had a warrior's walk, yet still managed to make it look feminine. Her build was lithe, and powerful, but not masculine. She was much different than the type he used to go for, all sharp angles and anorexic looking, with overdone hair and makeup, long nails and fake tans. Payne's beauty was remarkable. It was a natural beauty that radiated strength and vitality. They made their way to the area they would be practicing, and he waited for her to begin. He loved watching her in her element.*
    Monday at 11:49pm · Like · 4
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She clipped the target and pushed the button to send it back. She raised her weapon and lined up her target. She fired off a couple rounds then put her weapon down and took off her ear plugs and hit the button to bring the target back to her. Taking it down from the clips she smiled at Manny * Ready?
    Layla Chosen
    ‎*Her decision made, she rose to her feet in one fluid movement, she would not tarry here a moment longer. Her heart ached as she thought of her sisters, Cormia, Pheonia and Selena but she could not face any farewells. Her vision blurred as tears filled her eyes. She breathed in deeply and closing her eyes, she departed for the Other Side...*
    Jane Bloodletter
    ‎*She pulled into Safe Place and parked the Escalade she had borrowed for Vishous, reached over, picked up the files and her purse and slid from behind the wheel. Locking the doors, she walked through the main entrance and smiled at the receptionist as she turned right to walk up the corridor and into the small office she retrained there. Shrugging off her jacket, she stored her purse away and left the room to knock on the door a few down from her own and entered* Evening Marissa, sorry I am a little late, I got held up in the Pit
    Unlike · · Follow Post · 18 hours ago
    You, Layla Chosen, Linda von H, Ehlena Rempoon and 5 others like this.
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*hearing a knock on the door she looked at the clock not evening realizing how late it had gotten, smiling she looked up at Jane* No need to be sorry, I didn't even realize how late it had gotten *gesturing for her to sit in one of the chairs* Can I get you anything? Hot chocolate maybe?
    19 hours ago · Like · 4
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave her a warm smile as she sat down, crossing her legs and resting the files on her lap* That would be great thank you. *Tapping the pile of files* I have looked through these, some need a slight adjustment in their medication that I will arrange for Ehlena to take care of. A few can be discharged if they have somewhere to go. A few I would like to take another look at. Have there been anymore admittances since I was last here?
    18 hours ago · Like · 5
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*standing she went to the wooden table in the corner of her office and turned on the electric tea kettle had and warmed water for the hot chocolate, turning back to Jane* Great, thank you for looking at them, Ehlena is scheduled to come in tomorrow so she can take of it then if that is ok *hearing the kettle stop she grabbed a big mug and put some hot chocolate in and then added he water. stirring it she walked back and handed it to Jane* I have had some new admittances in the last few days, but thankfully nothing serious. Looks to be minor bruising and abrasions. Would you like to take a look at the files?
    18 hours ago · Like · 5
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*taking the mug, she took a small sip and sighed in appreciation. Resting it on the edge of the desk, she transferred the files into three piles, touching each of them in turn* If you can give this pile to Ehlena, the changes in dosages are all detailed *touching the middle one* This pile have all had discharge papers wrote for them so they can leave once you have anything you need to do for them in place *Touching the last pile.* These are the patients I need to take another look at. Especially the little girl with the broken arm. I need to make sure it is setting right, especially at her age. *She nodded about the other files* I can take a look, sign them off if they are minor
    18 hours ago · Like · 5
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*listening as she detailed each pile* Great, thank you I will get them to Ehlena right away *reaching out taking the first to piles she set them on the far side of her desk to distribute and give to the nurses for discharge* No problem, the little girl has been healing well from what the nurses say, but I would definitely like your opinion of course. *picking up the new charts she handed them to her* You really have no idea how much I appreciate all you do for the Mahmen and young that come here Jane, I don't know what we would do without you *thinking to herself that there was no way Havers would have helped her the way Jane has for all these years now*
    18 hours ago · Like · 4
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled looking faintly embarrassed* There is no need for thanks, I love my job between the Brothers and here. I wouldn't change my life now, not one moment of it *She reached for her mug and took another drink and opened the first of the charts. Reading down over it, she added a few small notes and moved onto the next one. Once she had worked through them, she set them back on the desk* Nothing major there, thankfully *She was honest when she had said that, there was nothing about her life with Vishous that she would change. Being with him and sharing their life together was better than what would have eventually came of her as a human. Her life now was full, exciting and a challenge every day*
    18 hours ago · Like · 5
    Marissa O'Neal ‎*smiling as she scented Jane's embarrassment, feeling bad but she needed to be sure Jane knew how valuable she was to the family and to Safe Place. as she made notes on the files she reached for the discharge files and flipped through them. then going to her computer she noted in each of them that they were to be discharged. as Jane finished looking through the files she turned back and took them from her* Thankfully it right, between the rash of Mahmen abusing their young a few months back and the recent flu this place has been so chaotic. It is nice to get a reprieve of sorts *placing the new files on the table behind her desk* Would you like to check on the female young tonight?
    Cohlin Tohrture
    ‎*Gets down on his knees beside his bed and clasps his small hands together, his eyes closed as he prays to the Analisse Whalker* Dear Scwibe, pwease bwess everyone and helps me to be good. *opens his eyes then shuts them tight again* Oh and can me pwease have more boys in the house as girls are silly. Fanks *Climbing to his feet, he crawls back into bed and snuggles down with his teddy to sleep before Rhage and Mary find him still awake*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*He sat in the changing room off the gym, one leg hiked up as he finished tying his running shoes. He had came down at the perfect time, knowing that it was doubtful to run into any of the rest of the household and that would give him time to think. Time to work out what shit was going on his head and try and sort himself out. He hated this hiding away from everyone, but what did he do? He was embarrassed, had a shit load of thoughts running through his head. The only solid bright point was Mhisery, who if he was honest was the only thing that was keeping him grounded. Rubbing a hand over his face, he pushed open the door into the gym, cranked up the music and climbed onto his favorite running machine*
    Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill
    New track from the upcoming Album "Plastic Beach", my favourite so far. Enjoy and buy the Album coming out March 8th in EU and 9th in US.
    Unlike · · Follow Post · Share · about an hour ago
    You, Shelby Bailey Hall, Elizabeth Randall, Lucia Ann and 7 others like this.
    Zee Ahgony ‎*tying the lace of his shitkickers Zee kept his eyes on the sleeping female on top of the sheets, Bella's small frame outlined by the dim light from the candle on the nightstand. truth be told, he would much rather be nestled up against her, taking in her scent, than embarking on the voyage he was about to take... Zee, the inquisitor. truth be told he had never been great with words, at least not unless they included some kind of insult, whether it would habe veen direct or hidden in the venom of his tone. grabbing his duffel bag from the closet he quickly headed out the door, making sure the wooden frame closed quietly enough for him to sneak out undetected. qhuinn had passed by here not too long ago, his scent still lingering in the air, and the boy was exactly the one he was seeking.
    why? what the fuck did he know? maybe he was developing some kind of saint syndrome, or maybe because he knew the signs when he saw them. some kind of shit was going down with qhuinn, and he had been good at avoiding the brotherhood, but not good enough to evade Zee's eye. missing one or two First Meals was no big deal, especially when you had just met your other half, most likely eating her instead of the cooking Fritz offered. But missing them for almost a week, and looking like a bag of sorrow when marching about the mansion, sure no one was looking, yeah.. definitely not a great thing.
    taking two steps at a time he desceneded the stairs, picking up speed through the tunnel until he reached the gym. music was blasting and there was a tingle running down his spine; and not the good kind you got when your shellan was about to round the corner in nothing but your tee. Something was definitely off and tonight he would find out, even if it meant beating it out of Qhuinn.
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He heard the door crack open but it didn't stop the punishing stride he was putting his body through. If anything, it made him reach out and push the speed up another few levels. His muscles were burning, sweat was running in rivers down his naked chest and his breath rushed out of him with every step. Glancing over he frowned then turned back to look at the blank wall in front of him. He thought he could have got away without running into everyone but then, apart from Mhisery what good luck did he ever have. Ignoring the brother, he reached for the remote control that rested on the machine and hit the volume of the Stereo up another notch, the music pounding out of the speakers and filling the room.*
    about an hour ago · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*didn't the boy sport vampire hearing? if Zee didn't know better he could swear the music was loud enough to breach the barrier between here and the fade, bursting not only his ear drum but those of the departed, too. he leaned against the door frame, regarding Qhuinn with a couple of glances, his eyes narrowing as he assessed the situation. there was no denying that qhuinn was ripped, but the way his pants clung to what little bit was left of his hips told Zee more than enough. tossing his bag on the floor he crossed the distance between the door and the machine beside qhuinns, taking hold of the remote with a quick movement of his wrist and turning down the volume. "If you are trying to kill yourself running I would suggest turning the speed up all the way; don't want to take chances just ruining your body."
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He couldn't help the low growl of warning that rumbled through his chest as Zee turned down the music. Running was his distraction method, it gave him time to think over shit and try and come out the other side with a clear head. So far it has worked but getting interrupted was not on his tried and tested method. He turned to look at him, his pace not slowing or faltering* Something i can do for you Zee? *He asked the question though he doubted he would get an answer. But he wasn't afraid of the Brother like he used to be when he was a Pretrans.*
    about an hour ago · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony Oh, I don't know. Cutting the bullshit would be a good start *he shrugged, crossing his arms over his chest. what the boy was running away from Zee didn't know, but how it felt like to be moving and yet to be standing still.. that he did know. fuck, there were nights when he was still trying to avoid parts of his past, too, running from the thoughts and memories certain smells or events brought about. it was a futile war, and nobody knew as good as Zee that you could be your own worst enemy.* You look like death warmed up, and you haven't been to First Meal in a week. I could say you are just enjoying time with your female, but if that were the truth I would also have to say she is not good for you. *eyes narrow* I don't think that is it; and this Oprah shit is really not my thing.
    about an hour ago · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He slammed his hand down on the emergency stop for the machine and turned gripping the rails, a cold draft slamming out of body. He bared his teeth as he faced Zee* My female is worth more than any to me and you disrespect her again like that and you and I will have a problem, you feel me? *His chest heaved as he struggled to calm his own ass down. Clenching his eyes shut he hung his head for a minute* I am not at First Meal because I don't want to be at First Meal and nothing anyone says will make me change my mind so if you are here to give me a lecture about my eating habits then take it someplace else because I have no fucking interest.
    about an hour ago · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*his own fangs elongated, his body growing rigid as his lip curved into a snarl* I did not disrespect your female, and if you weren't so busy hating the world you would have noticed. I am an ass a good junk of the time but I know the worth of anothers' female. *he exhaled, cracking his neck to release some of the tension* Your eating habits, yes. *he tapped his index finger to his chin, striking a thinker pose with an over exaggerate sigh* Not going to lecture you about them, since they don't exist. You trying to waste away? Fine by me. But you start slacking at your job, we are going to have a problem that is bigger than your ego.
    about an hour ago · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong So what? You want to turn into some fucked up version of a wet nurse? That shit don't wash with me so don't try it. My job is nothing to do without, if there is an issue I answer to Wrath, not to you. So what is it? You want to keep dancing around whatever is on your mind because if we are I could do with getting a shower before I get all cozy with you. *He stepped off the machine and reached into the small fridge for a bottle of water, uncapped it and took a long swallow. Turning back to look at Zee, his shoulders fell slightly* I can't go to First Meal, it is not a case of not wanting to. I just fucking can't go there
    57 minutes ago · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*he stood and watched, listened and nodded. any other time he would have had qhuinn by the throat now, but there were times when you just didn't get to where you were trying to go by using brute force. sadly so.* Now that you got that off your chest, and I am still standing with my feet on the ground and not my hands around your throat, we are making progress. You can hate me all you want for meddling in your shit, but I know what it is like to avoid everyone.. or what it is like to treat your body like the enemy, because it is easier to hurt and strain yourself than to deal with the fuckin' crap on your mind. *runs a hand over his trimmed skull, exhaling* What's holding you back? You should be having the time of your life, right now, and not working toward an one way ticket onto the fade.
    48 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Whats holding me back? Are you fucking serious? Had you put the family in the danger I put them in would you really want to go sit with them and play happy families when it could have been your fault that a chair or more was empty? I fucked up, I majorly fucked up and it isn't like a sorry is going to fix it is it? *He slumped down onto one of the weight benches, his elbows on his knees, his hands dangling between his legs.* It's bullshit, I risked everything for nothing. *rubbing a hand over his face, he met the other males eyes* I should have been kicked out of here, told to stay the fuck away. Fuck! I should never have been allowed to be part of this family with my fucked up history
    44 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Zee Ahgony Neither should I. When I first came here I was a rabid animal, I didn't care for anyone, not even myself. I put everyone in danger, just that the danger was me, and I didn't give a damn. I stopped eating *chuckles bitterly* and I did some fucked up shit, even pulled others into it that should never have been. Thing is.. we all fuck up. Some more and some less, and it doesn't mean they get thrown out from the family. Truth be told there would be no one standing if that were the case *he nodded, massaging the back of his neck* You need to stop doing the whole thinking crap. Lesson learned. Move on. Don't pull your female down with you. I nearly did; and it is something you can't ever undo and it it something you won't ever be able to forgive yourself for.
    37 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong This never would have happened if I hadn't been part of this family. You get what i am saying. Fuck, I should never have been given the duty of Ahstrux Nohtrum. I should have been let die during my transition. Hell my birth family would have preferred that. I have been an embarrassment to them my entire life and now letting down the family here? *He swallowed hard, regret and shame slamming through him* Sorry isn't going to fix this bruh, I don't think anything will. Maybe I should ask Mhisery to leave with me, save everyone the hassle of having to deal with me
    31 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Zee Ahgony Don't ever question the king. He is a male of worth more so than we all put together, and he wouldn't have given you that title had he not seen the potential in you. *he frowned; the kid had turned into a pmsing female, and nothing he was going to say would change qhuinn's thoughts and opinion about himself, would it* You can't undo the past, I tried. You can't walk away from shame, tried that, too. Forgiving yourself is the hardest thing to do, and maybe you won't ever do it, but stop to feel sorry for yourself.
    25 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He couldn't help but bark out a small laugh* Listen to yourself Zee, really listen to what you are saying to me. Are you telling me that you don't in anyway think your Shellan would have had a better life without you in it? I know this family would have had a better life, especially recently. I wish.. *He swallowed the lump in his throat* I sometimes wish I had never came here. Everyone would have had a better life without me in it
    21 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Zee Ahgony ‎*he chuckled bitterly* she could probably have had a decent looking male, someone who would have pleased her family more than I.but she wouldn't have nalla. *he nodded; that was right.. without him Bella wouldn't have their precious daughter, a gift she loved dearly. sure, he had fucked up many times and he hurt her one too many, too, but in the end they came out on the stronger side.. hadn't they? she didn't regret being with him, did she? would she tell him if she did. he shook his head, clearing the nagging thoughts that were trying to latch onto him* You don't know how their lives would have been without you. I, on the other hand, know for a fact that my brothers life would have been ..perfect. *hadn't Phury sacrificed more for him than even words could capture? and even after they had settled down here together he had still forced his flesh and blood to take part in rituals he knew Phury had hated. selfish and careless thoughts and wants. no, he hadn't cared then, but now was different.. wasn't it? he had changed. he was a decent male of worth now, at least in the eyes of some. but what about in the eyes of the others..*
    14 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He saw the doubt in the other males eyes and inwardly cringed. That wasn't what he wanted but then this was just another perfect example of how fucked shit up. Rising to his feet, he tossed the empty bottle into the trash and clapped a hand to Zee's shoulder in passing* Word don't change how I feel bruh, I wish they did. I would say I will see you at First Meal but we both know the chances of that happening are remote. I need to get back to Mhisery *Sparring him another look, he pushed open the door and made his way back to his bedroom and his shellan*

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