Monday, April 2, 2012

Victims of A Crime Part IV

  • Jane Bloodletter
    ‎*She sat in the living room of the Pit, her knees drawn up and her arms wrapped around her legs, her lithe body clad in a pair of sweats and an old hoodie of Vishous'. Her mind was troubled, mixed up and confused and it was state she was unused to, she was more used to thinking fast on her feet to get her job done to the best of her ability. Yet thoughts plagued her from her conversation with M...
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    Like · · Unfollow Post · 6 hours ago
    Layla Chosen, Cormia Ahgony, Elizabeth Randall and 4 others like this.
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She walked into the pit and saw Jane sitting in a chair. She looked troubled. She was unsure of what to do. She wasn't good in these types of situations although she was getting better the longer she remained on this side. She walked slowly over to her* Did I come at a bad time?
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She looked up her and gave her a smile though it never reached her eyes. Pushing back the fall of her hair, she shook her head and gestured towards the other leather couch* Not at all, I was just lost in my thoughts, just a few things that have been playing on my mind. Nothing to worry about *She frowned and looked down at her hands, her knuckles white from the tight grip she held on herself* You are well?
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She sat down on the couch and watched as Jane's hands. Her eyes moving back to her face she nodded her head* Yes I am. Things are going good for me. You seem troubled. Would you like to talk about it. *She probably wasn't Jane's first choice but they were sisters-in-law and she didn't like to see the sadness in her face*
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She chewed on her lower lip and looked over to her* I am not really sure where to start, I am just *She sighed and flexed her fingers at the thought of talking about her feelings but forced herself to continue* What if Vishous had never met me? He could have found a female of your race, someone to give him Young eventually, someone who *She gave a small wry smile* Someone who actually still lives. Instead, I wonder does he regret that he is stuck with me? A human but then not even that. Does that even make sense?
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She nodded her head* I do understand but I have seen the way my brother looks at you. I have not known him long but I do know the love he has for you just by watching him. It is very clear. You two are good for each other. *She did know how she felt. Manuel was so different than she was. You tried to look past the differences but they sometimes would creep into your thoughts.*
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Jane Bloodletter I have no doubt of his love for me, just as I do not doubt the love I have for him. He is everything I never realized I wanted. But what if he hadn't been shot? He could have became the Primale and replenished the race with warriors, being stuck with me means he will never have a child look to him and call him daddy *She closed her eyes for a moment to push back the well of tears that threatened to overflow. She didn't cry often and she wasn't going to start now* I mean, what if you and Manny had never met? You ever think about what could have been?
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She sat back when the words hit her. Manny could still be at the hospital enjoying the career he loved. He had to make concessions to be with her. If she hadn't been hurt while fighting with wrath then Manny would have never been brought here. His life would have remained the same. It wasn't until she was hurt and he saved her life that everything changed for him. She looked down at her hands that were folded in her lap. Her voice softer than before* I suppose I hadn't given it proper thought.
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her face fell, she hadn't wanted this. She hadn't wanted Payne to feel as low as what she did or doubt her relationship with Manny.* Ignore me, just the random thoughts that drift through my mind when I am alone *She lifted a hand and rubbed her face* I just can't help myself thinking how better his life would be had he not met me, not hindered by a female that is.. *She shrugged* a ghost..
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She looked up and smiled softly at her* No worries. I am sure it is something that we all will consider from time to time. The important thing is that you two have each other now. *She felt for her, the pane was in her eyes at the consideration of her brothers life had he not met her. She knew her brother would not want his life any other way than it was but she could now clearly see how the thoughts would enter Jane's mind. They were creeping in her own mind now as well*
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She let the room fall silent as she continue to think. Would Vishous have preferred his life before they met? Did he regret that he was now stuck with her until his dying day and even then she would join him in the Fade? Did he regret that he wouldn't have the most beautiful women in the race as his own? She rubbed her hand against her eyes and gave Payne a watery smile* Perhaps we should save our next visit for when I am not feeling under the weather. Perhaps that is why I am thinking like this, some sort of Ghost illness that I was not aware of
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She nodded her head and rose from the couch* I think that is best. We can always meet at another time when you are feeling better. *She lightly touched Jane's hand* Just remember he loves you, that I'm sure of. *She smiled at her and quietly left the room. Her own thoughts plaguing her mind now. She was always so sure of her life and her life with Manny but now she couldn't help but wonder if by saving her did he do more harm to himself. She walked away from the Pit with a heavy heart and to find a quiet place to think*
    5 hours ago · Unlike · 5
  • Layla Chosen
    ‎*As she walked, her movements were graceful and fluid, her step so light her feet hardly made contact with the ground. She kept her head lowered, her eyes concentrated on her feet, instead of the tranquil beauty surrounding her. She could not know with any certainty how long she had been on the Other Side, time was not measured here, everything was constant, nothing changed, it just was. Her heart no longer pounded, instead replaced by a dull ache in her chest, that was ever present, along with a gnawing emptiness in the pit of her stomach. She ached to be with her sisters, Cormia, Selena and Pheonia but she knew that at least for now, her place was here. She would only return to the Manse if she was called upon to do so and, mayhap, in time, she would visit the Great Camp to see how her sisters fared, but until then she would spend her days in quiet contemplation...*
  • Cormia Ahgony
    ‎*She sat down in her favorite comfy leather chair in the living room in the Great Camp with her book, and let out a long sigh. All these thoughts going thru her head, and not one of them good. She was glad to be alone, and was hoping her newest book would help her escape the sadness that threatened to overwhelm her.*
    Like · · Follow Post · 6 hours ago
    Shelby Bailey Hall, Manuel Manello, Layla Chosen and 8 others like this.
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Walks into the room dragging the vaccum behind her. She pauses when she see's Cormia sitting in the corner* Hi Mia, I am sorry to bother you. I can come back later.
    5 hours ago · Like · 5
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She sniffled a bit, and wiped her eyes, to make sure there was no trace of tears in them, then set her book down in her lap. She gave a small smile to Phe* You're not a bother, at all. Please don't think that.
    5 hours ago · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Walks further into the room and braces the vaccum against the wall and walks over to Mia* What are you reading?
    5 hours ago · Like · 5
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She held out her copy of Chicken Soup for the Soul to show Phe* It's supposed to be uplifting and happy stories, but I just can't seem to get into it. I just keep thinking about all my failures. First as a Chosen, that wanted to be anything but a Chosen. Then my failure as Phury's first mate. So much has changed, and I can't help but thinking, if not for me, things might have been better, ya know?
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Kneels at her sisters feet and takes her hands in hers* Mia? Sister? Why would you ever feel that you were a failure as a Chosen or as the primales mate? The Primale loves you with all his heart. I do not understand where these feelings are coming from.
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She took a deep breath and squeezed Phe's hand* It's just...I'm not really sure. *She sighed* Phury had words with Zee, I tried to get him to tell me, but I couldn't get too much out of him, since then I've just been down. *She looked into Phe's eyes. And yea, once again, she was in the running for sister of the year. She should have left when Phe came in to vacuum* Sister mine, I did not mean to bring you down with me. I am not very good company lately, and for that I apologize.
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Closes her eyes and sighs* I do not like to see any of my sisters hurting. It pains me to know that you are troubled. I wish I could take your pain away sister mine. Is there anything I can do to hep? Should I speak to the Primale for you?
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She shook her head* No Phe, no need to speak to Phury. I will get thru this. Perhaps I am coming down with something and that is why I am so emotional? I just wish these sad thoughts would just stop, but they don't seem to be. So much could have been different. *She stood from the chair, shook her head to try to clean the depressing thoughts and clasped her book to her chest* I will leave you to vacuum, I will just go read in my room. Fare thee well, sister mine.
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Pheonia Chosen Farewell, Sister mine. *She stayed where she was on the floor and laid her head on the chair. She was nothing compared to Mia, she had the warmth of family and the love of a mate. Mia also had a child that loved her. She had nothing, yes she had her sisters but they all had their own lives. She was nothing compared to them. She lifted her head off the chair and looked over at the vaccum. What kind of life was she leading when her daily satisfaction came from vaccuming and nothing else. She wiped away the tears that had fallen from her eyes. She was nothing, she was pathetic. She rose to her feet and walked over and grabbed the vaccum and turned and left the room with it.*
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
  • Saxton Thym
    ‎*He sat at his desk, legal papers scattered everywhere. He didn't care his mind was elsewhere, he just sat twisting his ring around. He glanced down at it and sighed, he quickly gulped. He and Blaylock should have been celebrating their union and on their vacation, instead he was working on legal papers and Blaylock was in the training room. As he was about to set off for the ceremony he had been informed that due to a technical glitch the ceremony couldn't go ahead. He had been beside himself, the nightmares he had been having had finally come true. He had locked himself away in their room, neither of them knew what to say to each other. They hadn't spoken properly since that day, it hurt that he couldn't reach out to Blay both to talk to him and for comfort. He felt like Blay was avoiding him. He snapped out of his thoughts when the phone rang, it was his secretary reminding him he had legal papers that needed to be signed by Elizabeth Randall. He quickly got up straightened his clothes then grabbed the papers, he hoped he didn't bump into anyone. He didn't want to see the look of pity on their faces. He walked to the office and knocked on the door, all the while looking around for the rest of the residents of the mansion. If they appeared now he would have no choice but to speak to them*
    Like · · Unfollow Post · 7 hours ago
    Layla Chosen, Cormia Ahgony, Trez Moor and 8 others like this.
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*back in her office, trying to avoid seeing anyone. after her encounter with Damon she knew she was not fit to be seeing anyone right now. she was looking through some papers about Glymera issues when she heard a knock on the door. cursing silently, she had no idea who was on the other side of the door. pulling up her calendar quickly she saw she had an appointment with Saxton today that she completely forgot about. standing she walked quickly to the heavy dark wooden door and opened it. offering him a small smile, knowing her piercing blue eyes would not match the smile at all* Good evening Saxton, please come in.
    7 hours ago · Like · 10
    Saxton Thym ‎*He nodded and bowed* Thank you Elizabeth, I do hope I am not disturbing you. *He hoped she would say yes and that it was not a good time. He wanted to be left alone and couldn't face dealing with anyone. Elizabeth was a very astute female of worth who would be able to see through his smile, he had no doubt she would work out what was wrong with him. He waited until she was seated then he took his seat* I have the paperwork for the new property you are looking to acquire, I negotiated a better price for it once I had pointed out it was to be used as a safe haven. I do hope this is acceptable for you. *He felt a wave of anxiety wash over him, what if he had made a mistake on the deal? He began to doubt himself and was reluctant to hand over the file*
    7 hours ago · Like · 11
    Elizabeth Randall No it is a fine time Saxton *walking back behind her desk she cleared a space so that she would hopefully not be as distracted. as he sat down she could feel his sadness and knew it was the fall out from the ceremony not occurring with Blaylock. she felt the the male, she knew how it felt to have something ripped away from you. listening as he explained the situation with the property she nodded* That is great Saxton, thank you very much. I appreciate all your hard work on getting it done so quickly and for getting the cost down. *reaching for the file and as soon as she felt is anxiety her own heightened again. she wondered what she had done now to make someone else upset*
    7 hours ago · Like · 10
    Saxton Thym ‎*He handed over the file, then sat there just looking at her. He wondered if she could feel his sadness. He could see her watching him, it was then it dawned on him she felt pity for him. He gulped hard again as the pain in his heart surfaced, he had no right to be sat in the office with Elizabeth. He had no right to even be living in the mansion, he had fooled himself all along. he was an outsider brought in by Blaylock, his fiance no longer wanted him, he couldn't stand to be in the same room as him. He rubbed his temples as the pain washed over him, he wanted to run out of the mansion and never return. As he looked back he saw Elizabeth staring at him, he felt even more foolish* My apologies I am a little distracted at the moment, I hope this does not reflect in my work. I always give 100% to my work but for some reason I am not quite myself. *He gave a bitter laugh, at that moment he was a nobody surrounded by the Brotherhood. If he could feel even smaller he would*
    7 hours ago · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she looked over the file and everything looked perfect, just like Saxton, his work was always amazing. she wondered how she got so lucky to have such an amazing attorney to help her with everything and then she remembered, it was her father who had arranged it. he had done everything for her and all she did was manage to get him killed. without even realizing she was doing it, she was staring right at Saxton. seeing him rub his temples she understood all too well, only her pain was in her heart and was nearly paralyzing her anymore. she could feel his shame and feared that he thought she pitied him, she did not of course. she felt for him but did not pity him, but of course he would think she did, as she seemed to have a knack for messing things up anymore* I know you do Saxton, the file is perfect as always. Thank you for your tireless efforts on everything you do for myself and the entire Brotherhood. *she chuckled with him sadly* Yes I know what you mean *all too well she added to herself*
    6 hours ago · Like · 10
    Saxton Thym ‎*He gazed at her and gave a sad smile, she seemed as sad as he was. Great not only had he made her pity him had had upset her with his thoughtlessness. He rubbed the back of his neck nervously, the last thing he needed was a visit from Wrath. The king was scary enough when he was being nice, but when he came after someone he was beyond frightening. He shuddered as he remembered his first encounter with the King, he had been polite enough to him. But there was no mistaking the threat he had given him. Now he was going to be on the receiving end of the King's fury for upsetting his beloved Queen, just as well he had already written out his will. He turned to look at her* I am sorry if I have upset you, it was not my intention.
    6 hours ago · Like · 10
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*shaking her head* No Saxton, you did not upset me. I am sorry if I have made you feel that way *great just what she didn't need, knowing she upset him when he already had so much on his mind. she was destined to hurt or ruin everything in her life anymore, just like she ruined her father's by getting him killed* Please Saxton, I hope you can accept my apologies, my intent was never to upset you either. *sitting across from the male, she tried to smile and offer him any sense of reassurance she could, but she had a feeling she wasn't doing a very good job of it right now*
    6 hours ago · Like · 9
    Saxton Thym ‎*He ran his hand through his hair, usually he was good with people it was part and parcel of his job. Now he sat there in front of the Queen making himself look stupid and upsetting her in the process, she had tried to reassure him it was not his fault she was upset. He knew better, she was just being kind to him, he inwardly groaned. He had been reduced to people being kind to him, how pathetic he must look. His shame was compounded by the fact that Elizabeth was pregnant, females had a hard time with the pregnancy. Many females and their young never survived and now he had upset a pregnant female. He may as well paint a target on his forehead, there would be no stopping Wrath or the brothers coming after him. He shifted uncomfortably in the chair. He sighed and looked around the room unable to offer words of comfort, he felt worthless. Maybe Wrath tearing him to shreds wasn't so bad after all, that way no one else would have to put up with him. He returned to look at Elizabeth* I am sorry if my mood is bringing you down, my I be so bold as to inquire to how you are fairing carrying your young? If I have overstepped my position then please forgive me.
    5 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall You have not overstepped at at all Saxton. *gently rubbing her belly* He and I are both doing well. According to Jane at my last visit he is growing well, and we are both very healthy. Thank you for asking *as she thought about the young in her belly she again thought of her father and how much of a disappointment she must be to him, watching her from the Fade knowing it was her fault he would never see his grandson. she was completely to blame for his death and worse it was her fault that her son would never know his grandfather. she was to blame for so many awful things*
    5 hours ago · Like · 7
    Saxton Thym ‎*He smiled at her hoping she would find reassurance from him* I am glad to hear you and the young are doing well, it is such a worrying time. I cannot imagine what you are going through. *He bit his lip, he would never know what it would be like to hold a child of his own in his arms, he had never thought of it. He wondered if his own parents were disappointed in him for being gay, he thought they had accepted him but now he was beginning to doubt even that. He tasted blood and realized it was his own, he had bitten his lip so hard it was bleeding. He licked the blood away, he was a mess. He was worthless, no good to anyone. Not even Blay wanted him, he would never have anyone look up to him or be proud of him. He felt a lump forming in his throat, he was surrounded by people who mattered. He was a fake and the sooner he was out of their lives the better for all of them*
    5 hours ago · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*offering him the same smile he gave her* Thank you Saxton. Yes it is a rough time King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath is very worried, but I do my best to keep him calm and reassure him *her heart was aching at this conversation. all she could think of was her father and how much he must be hating her from the Fade for robbing him of seeing his own grandson and the rest of his family. she felt the sting of tears behind her eyes again, all she wanted to do was to be alone right now, but everyone seemed to need or want to speak with her right now*
    5 hours ago · Like · 5
    Saxton Thym ‎*He felt her sadness hit him, it came at him in waves. He didn't want to upset her any more, especially in her delicate condition. He knew if he stayed talking to her he would end up making her cry and that was the last thing he wanted, he already felt ashamed for causing her to e upset. He cleared his throat* If you do not mind I will take my leave now, I have more paperwork to complete. It has been an honor as always serving you, I am always here if you need me. *He stood up and bowed then walked to the door, as he opened it he looked and smiled at Elizabeth.* You and your young are strong I am sure you will both be fine. *He closed the door behind himself and quickly dematted back to his bedroom, he was hurting and didn't want to see anyone else. He was going to pour himself a large glass of port and see if he could find his answers at the bottom of the glass. Even if he couldn't he would be too numb to care*
    4 hours ago · Like · 5
  • Trhistan Rocke
    ‎*He steered his motorcycle carefully through the Mhis. As he coasted to a stop next to the line of the family's vehicles, he maneuvered through them to park next to Rhage's GTO. He went to the front door, and turned his face to the camera as he announced who he was. He was admitted to the next door and when through the same drill. When he got to the final door, all he had to do was look at the camera and the door was unlocked and opened by a smiling doggen. They exchanged pleasantries for a few moments, while he bit back his impatience. Finally. he let the doggen know he was there to see the Queen. He was led to a sitting area to wait. While sitting there, he tried to figure out what he was going to say. He hadn't left more than a couple weeks before, and now he was back again. He hadn't bothered to hit up Blay, as he didn't want to drag him into this if the answer was no. Truthfully, he couldn't think of a damn thing to say. He was fully capable of fighting, it's not like the training had been forgotten. Should he use that angle with Beth? He didn't want to bullshit anyone, not his style. He decided to go with the truth. He left, but came back because he realized the closest thing he had to family was under this roof. Because there was no where he fit in. Because he was tired of being useless. And because he had met Avalon, and really wanted to learn more about her. He couldn't give her a time frame. Shit, he could decide to leave again at the end of the week. He hoped not though, this restless bullshit was getting old. And if he were brutally honest with himself, he was lonely. It was time to figure out how he could honor is family, and become a male they would have been proud of. A wave of grief washed over him, and he swallowed hard. Dearest Scribe, he missed them. — with Elizabeth Randall at Caldwell.
    Like · · Share · Yesterday at 4:34am ·
    Elizabeth Randall, Lucia Ann, Emma Lou and 4 others like this.
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*as one of the Doggen knocked on her office door she wiped away the last tear and told them to come in. as he explained that Trhistan was back she nodded and thanked him. standing she headed towards the living room where the Doggen said he was waiting. walking into the room she smiled at him* Welcome back Trhistan. *her nerves still rattled from everything she was thinking as well as her encounter with Damon earlier. she tried to steady herself as best she could*
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He stood as Elizabeth approached. Suddenly, he was nervous. He had spoken to the Queen before, obviously, having stayed here recently. And he had known Darius fairly well. But he despised asking anyone for anything. When she got a bit closer, he almost took a step back. Her sadness was like a tangible thing between them. He would have sworn that he physically felt her pain, for the briefest of moments. He could see her struggling to act normal. He found himself extremely pissed off that someone had caused this female to get so upset, even more so because she was pregnant. He deeply regretted coming instead of simply calling. * Hello, Beth. Thank you for meeting with me. I've come at a bad time, and I am sorry for that. Are you ok?
    18 hours ago · Like · 2
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*watching the male's temperament change as she approached she knew she needed to get herself together more. shaking herself mentally she could scent his regret but was unsure why or what he regretted* No Trhistan it is a fine time. I was just speaking with mine brother prior and well lets say siblings don't always see eye to eye on things, but I am fine now. Thank you for asking. *moving to sit on one of the couches she motioned him to do the same* What can I do for you this evening?
    8 hours ago · Like · 3
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He debated whether to press her further on what was upsetting her but decided against it. Everyone needed their space, and no one knew better than he that family stuff could be complicated to say the least. He took a seat beside her and tried to figure out where to begin.* Elizabeth, you were gracious enough to welcome me into your home so I could spend time with Blay. I left, because I realized my presence here was adding nothing of value to anyone's life. And then, I just hung around. I have been drifting around for more years than I care to count. I don't want to be adrift any longer. I was trying to figure out where I hadn't yet travelled to, and that was going to be my next stop. But I realized that no matter my location, I would be the same. I have no idea of my place in the world. I have nothing, I am nothing. I pass through people's lives, yet I touch no one.
    I was given the gift of training with the brotherhood. I am a strong fighter. And yet, I squander that gift. *He stopped, realizing that he was making no case at all for them to want him within 100 miles of this place.* Beth, I am here to ask you if I may return to the mansion. I had felt hopeful before, that I may find roots here. I would like to give that a chance. I met many wonderful people here, *his mind flashes to the female, Avalon, and he wondered if she would be ok with him being around. If he would see her again. He pushed the thought away, no point wondering, he may be headed out again within minutes.*
    I don't know how long I am asking you to give me. I am ashamed to say I don't know. I have no plan, for anything. And given my history, I could take off again in a week. I admit that. I hope I don't though, I want to make something work. If you would rather not, or you don't think it is a good idea or if now is not a good time, I will more than understand. And I thank you for granting me this audience, and taking the time to talk with me.
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she knew how it felt to feel as though one did not have roots anywhere, it's how she had felt in the foster care system. as she listened closely to what he was saying. her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath had allowed him into their home to spend time with his cousin Blaylock and help in preparation of the ceremony between him and Saxton and then he was gone, he had left a very kind note for her which was very proper of him, but she could not have people coming in and out of the mansion like this but she also did not want to turn out someone with no place to go. sitting on the couch she looked at him* Trhistan, I understand your wish to return to this home, I do, however I will need some kind of reassurance from you that you won't disappear in a week like you say you may. The King does not take kindly to that sort of behavior when we are letting you into our home. It is a safety risk for all those who live here *and that above all else matter more than anything. the safety of her family. she had caused her father's life to end should would not be the cause of anyone elses life ending* I am sorry if I sound harsh but I am sure you can understand he importance of keeping this residence safe and hidden from our enemies.
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He nodded, certainly he didn't blame her. Her family had to be her priority. He quickly thought through his options. He could leave here now, and not give this a true chance. He would always wonder what might have been. If he stayed, what would he be risking? He swiftly made up his mind. * I can promise you that I won't take off without speaking with you personally, ahead of time. I appreciate the fact that you would even consider it. If you need to think on it, that is fine as well. you can text me, or call me. I don't want to pressure you or add any stress onto you.
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she could see him running through his options in his head and she could scent his understand but still his unease. as she heard him say he would speak with her directly before ever leaving she nodded* That is all I ask Trhistan. You are welcome in his home for as long as you like. You will be held to the same standards as all the other members of this house as well. And please remember above all else, the location of this home is never to be relived to anyone for any reason. I will have a Doggen show you to one of the empty rooms. Do you wish to be close to your cousin?
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He felt the tightness in his chest loosen a bit. He hadn't realized just how important this was to him, until it seemed he may not be able to stay. He was grateful to be allowed to return, where he slept herein didn't matter. * I will take whatever room is more convenient, it doesn't matter to me. And I promise, the safety of the family will always be my priority. *He looked at Elizabeth, hoping she could see how grateful he was. He had talked more about his feelings today, with her, than he had with anyone else in decades. He truly didn't feel he had it in him to delve further into those feelings any more this day. He felt strangely exhausted suddenly.* Beth, thank you. You have always been so kind. * He wanted to add that her kindness reminded him of her father, but didn't feel as if he knew her well enough to make that kind of statement. It did, though, remind him of Darius. They were both kind, and generous.. Darius was a male of worth, as was his daughter. He was gratified to see how well she had turned out, and knew Darius must be proud of her as well, watching over her from the fade*
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*nodding she could feel his gratitude and it confirmed her feelings that this was not a mistake to let him back into their home* Very well, I will have the Doggen set you up in a room near the Blay *she back to turn to find a Doggen to assist him and turned back smiling* Welcome back Trhistan.
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
  • Rhage Tohrture
    ‎*He sat on his and Mary's mated bed...feet planted on the ground, elbows propped on his thighs and head in his hands. Ever since his conversation with his son about his curse...the beast...his mind had been runnin wild. His mind was overflowin with thoughts of how everyday that he lived he put the people he loved the most in danger. All it would take is the smallest of triggers...and the beast would make an appearance. Mary was the only one that had any control over the monster...and he was the one he worried about hurtin more than anyone. He had wished a million times he had done things different in his life...been a better male. If he had been better then the people he loved wouldn't have to live in fear that he would snap and hurt or kill them. His son thought of the beast as a source of protection...when the reality was that it was more of a threat. He broke out in a cold sweat at the thought. He would never survive if he hurt one of his brothers...or of his young.* They would be a lot better off if I had never fucked up.
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  • Pheonia ChosenThe Black Dagger Brotherhood Family Group Page
    ‎*She arrived at the manse and knocked on Muhrder's door. She waitied for him to answer*
    Like · · 43 minutes ago ·
    Trez Moor, Sandy Renner, Cormia Ahgony and 4 others like this.
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He lifted his head from his pillow.* Who is it? *He called out*
    42 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen It's Phe. Can I talk to you for a moment?
    40 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone Shit! *He threw his covers back and grabbed his gym shorts off the floor, tugging them on.* Umm, Yeah. *He ran a hand through his hair and adjusted his shorts. Jogging to the door, he turned the knob and pulled it open. His grin turned into a frown when he saw her face* What's doing?
    37 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She tried to smile at him but failed.* May I come in for a moment?
    35 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Standing aside* Of course. *he waves her in*
    34 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She enters the room and closes the door behind her and leans against it* I will not take up much of your time. I wanted to let you know that I will be unable to see you anymore.
    28 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Muhrder Rathboone What? *He turned slowly and looked into her eyes. His hand went to his chest, just above his heart. He closed his eyes and cleared his throat.* Why?
    25 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She bows her head and looks at her feet* You are a man of worth. I am not, I am nothing. I have nothing to offer you.
    24 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Muhrder Rathboone Who told you that?? *His brows furrowed and it finally hit him.* You believe what they say, don't you? About me?
    23 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She raised her head and looked at him* Muhrder this has nothing to do with you. This has to do with me, I am not worthy to even be in the same room with you.
    21 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*he gave a low laughs and a grin* I should have known. Me, worthy of a Chosen. *laughs* I think you should go. I have made a fool out of myself long enough. *He turned and crossed the room to stand with his arms folded across his chest in front of his window.*
    18 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She sighed and turned and open the door. She looked back at him.* For what it's worth you are a great man and I am very sorry. *She walked out of the room closing the door behind her*
    16 minutes ago · Like · 3
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He squeezed his eyes tight and listened to her go. He thought he was a fool to try again with a female. The last attempt went horribly wrong. What did he have to offer ANY female of worth besides heartache and suffering? He was broken in his mind. His memories plaguing his every thought and action. Why was he still here? What purpose did his coming back have? None. That's what he felt right then as he turned to his phone. He pulled it from the wall with a jerk and crushed it under his heel. Damned if he would speak to ANYONE. He stalked to his closet, threw on his leathers and black hoodie and dematted his pathetic ass to his sanctuary.*
    10 minutes ago · Like · 2
  • Payne Bloodletter
    ‎*She walked in after spending some time to herself. She wasn't really in the mood for company especially Manny. Since her conversation with Jane her mind had been going over how different his life would be if she hadn't entered into it. He would still be at the hospital doing what he loved. Once he saved her life and they fell in love it had all changed for him. Would he take it back? She was nothing like other females. She was very different. Would he regret giving it all up for her?*
  • Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*coming back to her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's room after several very unsettling meetings with too many people she just wanted to be alone, she knew if she was around Wrath she would only bring him down as well. opening the door, she paused, breathing deep she scented Wrath, before she could turn and run for another room Wrath was beside her. sighing internally she turned to him when he asked her what was wrong. she toyed with the idea of lying to him but she knew that he would scent the lie immediately. looking up at him she removed his wraparounds and looked into his pale green eyes* Will you come sit with me in bed? *as he nodded to her, she took his hand and led him to the bed. seeing Boo and George lying in their beds she smiled at them*
    Like · · Share · about an hour ago ·
    Linda von H and 2 others like this.
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*turning her attention back to King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath she sat down on on their bed but could not bring herself to move near him. for all she knew she could hurt him as well. sighing heavily* Wrath I don't even know what is going on with me anymore. I cannot shake this feeling of being sad and like I *she wasn't sure how to say this, the reaction Damon had when she told him what she was thinking had made her not want to tell anyone. she was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn't feel Wrath moving to her side until he pulled her tight to him*
    ~Beth, mine Shellan what is going on? What is wrong? *he knew she wasn't being open with him, he had no idea what about but he hated it. hated that she didn't think she could tell him or trust in him. how was he going to be a good father if she wouldn't be open with her about what was going on. maybe she feared he wouldn't be a good father just as he did*
    44 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she pulled away from him, she didn't want him to be close to her right now. what if she someone ended his life like she did her own father's she couldn't handle that. it was bad enough she managed to deprive her young of his grandfather and her father of his grandson. looking back to King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath she saw the male she loved and worshiped more than anything in this world* Wrath, I killed Darius, it is my fault he is gone. *she felt her tears starting again and she couldn't help it*
    *as he listened to Beth's words he was in shock. he could feel the waves of angst and agony coming off her and hit him him deep to his heart and straight to his bones* ~Leelan, there is no way that Darius's death could possibly be your fault? You didn't even know he was your father when he died. *he didn't understand at all what she was talking about and that made him worry that there was something he was missing as a male if he couldn't understand his Shellan anymore*
    23 minutes ago · Like
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*resting her hands on her belly her heart aching* King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, I may not have known him but it is because of me that he was there, because of me his car was in plain sight and because of me that the Lessers were able to plant that bomb and kill him. I am the sole reason my father is dead and will never meet his grandson *walking to the window she looked up the sky* It is because of me my father is in the Fade and not here with me and his other children and his Brothers.
    *fuck what did he say to that. he knew she was wrong but how did he prove it to her. inwardly cursing himself up and down for being a failure as a Hellren, and only confirming that he was going to be a fuck up as a father as well* ~ Mine Shellan, you are not the reason he is dead, I promise you that. He was there that night due to his love for you Beth, nothing more nothing less. *he slowly made his way towards where he knew her favorite window was. he did not dare touch her right now, he would more than likely just make things worse*
    11 minutes ago · Like
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she could scent him behind her, his scent filling her head. that scent usually always put a smile on her face but not tonight, not now. nothing could remove the guilt and pain she felt at being the cause of her father's death* King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, please do not try to convince me otherwise, I know it is my fault and that there is nothing I can do about it, that is the worst part of it. I have no way to ever tell him how sorry I am. *not being able to handle anymore she turned* I am going to bed, I will understand if you do not want to lay next to me anymore. *walking to their closet she striped her clothes and for the first time in ages put her own pajamas on and not one of his shirts and then crawled into bed and cried herself to sleep*
    *he wanted to argue with her but all that would do would upset her more and considering what a fuck up of a Hellren he already was he thought better of it. No point in making a bad situation worse, even though he seemed to have a knack for that. shit he himself caused both his parents deaths and now he can't comfort his Shellan...he had no hope of ever being a decent father, he knew he was just going to fuck that up as well. sighing he undressed where he was standing and went to their mated bed. he could hear and scent his Beth crying but knew not what to do. fuck he was going to screw up their son so badly, he just knew it*
    about a minute ago · Like
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*He left Mhisery sleeping after her earlier revelations about her name and her life before she met him and closed the bedroom door quietly. Leaning back against the wall beside the door, he thumped his head against the wall and scrubbed a hand over his face. Turning his head sharply, he watched Trhistan leave Elizabeth's office. Pushing off the wall, he stepped in his path* I don't fucking know you, therefore I don't know if I fucking like you. All I know right now is I need a drink and you are the only person I see walking around. *walking past him to the stairs, he called over his shoulder* Come on
    Like · · Follow Post · 35 minutes ago
    Lucia Ann and Elizabeth Randall like this.
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He stopped as the stepped in front of him. He has seen him around but didn't really know him. Didn't seem all that warm, but it was obvious he needed someone, and didn't seem to love admitting that. He shrugged and followed. This was why he had returned, to establish roots and find family, blood related or not. May as well start now. He knew the male's name was Qhuinn, and that he and Blay had been friends for a long time, since before either had transitioned.* Sure, I'm in.
    31 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Walking down the stairs, he hung a right and walked into the common room. Grabbing his usual bottle of Herradura, he nodded to the bar* Grab your poison *snagging a glass, he took a seat on one of the long couches and propped his feet on the table in front of him. Pouring out a liberal amount, he raised it to his mouth and drained it dry. Pouring another he rested the glass on his stomach and waited for the other male to take a seat*
    27 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He dipped behind the bar to see what he was in the mood for. He grabbed the bottle of Crown and poured it over ice, adding a splash of coke. He rounded the bar and grabbed a stool, setting the glass down. He decided to wait for the male to speak.*
    22 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked down into his glass, staring at the amber liquid then turning to look at the other male* Ever consider yourself to be a fuck up, that no matter what you touch turns to shit in front of you? To find yourself unable to get over the bullshit of your past and your mistakes and constantly find yourself wondering what the the fuck you are doing with your life? *He raised the glass in a mock salute* If so, welcome to my world
    19 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*Holy fuck, the male just put into words exactly what he had been thinking. Odd to find he wasn't the only one who felt that way. Didn't make sense for Qhuinn to feel like that though. The male seemed to have it made. He was an established member of this family, loved. He tried to figure out what to say. Shit, if that male felt this bad and he actually served a purpose? There was not much hope for someone who had been wandering around fucking off for decades.* Yeah, actually, I do know what you mean. I can't get out of my own fucking way, to be honest. It's the reason I came back. I am going to try. I don't understand why you feel that way, though. You seem to have it all figured out.
    10 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Regret for all my past transgressions have a way of creeping up and nailing you in the fucking ass sometimes * He poured another glass and rose to his feet, hanging the bottle between his fingers. Taking a mouthful, he held the liquid there for a minute then swallowed* Funny how when you should be happy for the things you have, all you can do is focus on the shit you fucked up. I should be enjoying the place I am in now, instead all I can remember is the shit that got me here *He gave him a long look and walked away, walking back up the stairs and into the bedroom*
    7 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He sat there at the bar, after Qhuinn left. He drained his drink and thought about what he had said. He thought back to the effort everyone had put into his training. Everyone of the brothers had spent time with him, bringing him along. They had treated him well, and he didn't think he had ever really thanked them for it. He did it because his family expected it of him. And once they were gone, it didn't seem important anymore. Instead of trying to make them fucking proud, he had fucking walked. He started thinking further back, and realized he had truly added nothing of value to anyone's life. What the fuck was the matter with him? Worse than merely being useless, he was a taker, leaving nothing in return.*
    44 seconds ago · Like
  • Rehvenge Rempoon
    ‎*Turning up the A/C in the Bentley, he shrugged out of the sable and opened the top few buttons on his shirt. His dopamine was out of his system and he needed more. His stress level was maxed the fuck out. He raced along the freeway towards the clinic. Ehlena was waiting with Doc to hook up his non-existsant supply. His vision long turned flat and he stole glances at his red eyes along his traffic-fun filled, fucktastic journey.* Come the fuck on. *He yelled at the traffic and sped past the accident to his off ramp.* A little more you ass. Hold it together. *He told himself in the mirror. A few lights and one slow old-ass human later, he whipped into the parking lot. Sable on one arm and cane in the hand, he steadied a breath, opened the door and stepped out of the car. Sauntering in, he spotted Ehl.* Tahlly, umm, NOW. *He gave her an impatient look followed by a "hurry up" hand gesture.*
    Like · · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago ·
    Ehlena Rempoon likes this.
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She looked up when she heard Rehvenge, her facial expression turning into a frown at this actions. She shakes her head at him and wanted to point to a chair and make him wait but that wouldn't be happening. She motions for him to come with her* Im just great thanks for asking? *She knew he was having issues with his dosage. Jane had to see someone while they were waiting for him to arrive. She takes him into a room and gets him to sit down. She could feel the heat radiating off of him. Cupping his face between her hands she looks at him her eyes filled with worry. She runs her hand from his cheek over his forehead. Turning she hears Jane coming down the hall towards the room*
    about an hour ago · Like · 1
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*His heart rate slowing at her touch by mere fractions. Her eyes boring into his,. His nature reading her grid. Worry, curiosity, love, fear. Fuck she was scared. He closed his eyes slowly, and steadied his breathing. He was containing the Sympath slowly, as he opened his eyes and looked past Ehlena to see Jane enter the room. Grasping Ehl's hands in his, he lowered them to his lap and rasped out.* Stronger dosing, Doc Casper. Fuck, I can't control this.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She walked into the room, stripping her gloves off her hands and tossing them into the trash. Looking between Ehlena and Rehvenge, she said nothing though the air was think with impatience, her expression still tight over her recent musings over her life within the Brotherhood. Moving to the cabinet, she knelt down and reached for the higher dosage of Dopamine, a fresh needle pack and the syringe she would need to administer it. Turning, she placed them down on the table and walked to the sink, grabbing the betadine and rescrubbing her hands. Drying off, she pulled on a new set of gloves and sat down on the stool* So, higher dosage starting today?.
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Nodding, he couldn't help but peer into her. He tilted his head to the side. Sadness, loss, regret, doubt* Wanna just tell me what's doing, Jane, BEFORE you stab an artery? Or shall I just get the info myself? *tapping next to his reddened eyes* Still going here, Doc.
    about an hour ago · Like
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She gets out a 2x2 and pumps some betadine onto the gauze. Motioning for Rehvenge to roll up his sleeve. She wipes the gauze disinfecting the area. She didn't sigh but she looked over his over used veins. Hearing him talk to Jane she pinches his bicep to leave her alone. Or atleast she thought he would leave her alone. But knowing her hellren he would find out if Jane wanted to share or not.*
    about an hour ago · Like
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She raised her head, anger and sadness both warring in the depths of her green eyes. She met his gaze for longer than was appropriate and gave a shrug, trying to keep her emotions in check* What would you like me to say Rehvenge? I know your particular gift, I know you can pick up how my emotions are warring within me. *She swallowed heavily and reached for the strap to wrap around his bicep* You need me to verbalize how i am plagued with doubts over my life within the family? My job and duty to the race?
    55 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Rehvenge Rempoon Why, yes I fucking do. I'd rather you tell me, *grimaces at how tight she tied the tourniquet*, than me fish it out of that head of yours while I am not in control. Jane, I do require that arm to work properly. *He flexed his fingers as she thumped his worn out veins. He frowned and angled his head so he could see her eyes.* What doubts? You don't seem the type to doubt your own abilities. *He slid a glance at Ehl, then back to Jane with a frown* Again, I ask what's doing?
    46 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She leans her hip against the examining table as he starts to pry at Jane. She crosses her arms under her chest listening to him* Rehv..enough. *She looked at Jane seeing her hand tighten around the syringe pulling back on the plunger to measure out the dose. Her eyes turn to look at her hellren. She narrows them at him when he finally looks over to her.*
    41 minutes ago · Like
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She refused to meet either of their gazes as she prepared the dose* I do not doubt my ability as a doctor, what I do doubt is that I am the right doctor for this family. I am not of this race, I am learning every day the difference between Vampire and Human *Her voice lowered another notch* I am doubting I am the right woman for Vishous... *She trailed off and lifted her head to meet Ehlena's gaze* I feel, inadequate as a female for someone of his standing
    36 minutes ago · Like
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He frowned deeper. He was feeling less than adequate for Ehl lately, seeing as how more and more she was away from home. He watched Jane talk low to Ehl, and thought about if she had ever expressed these same feelings to the good Doc and if the laughed at his "inabilities" in the beginning together. He was no male of worth. Fuck, he was half Sympath. A despised race among the Vampires. Loathed by many for centuries. He wasn't worthy of someone like Ehlena. She was good, and pure. Where as he was lower than low, in profession and in blood. Clearing his throat and a frown still in place.* Are we done? *He looked up at Ehl and stared*
    30 minutes ago · Like
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She wanted to reach out and give Jane a hug. She knew exactly how she felt when she heard her speak that she felt inadequate for her male. She felt the same way about Rehv, everything she had right now in her life was because of him. She was living pay check to pay check trying to take care of her father till he came into her life. She felt like such a burden to him sometimes. He had gone through so much to be away from her thinking it was the right thing to do. She jumped because she was deep in thought when Rehv cleared his throat. She catches him staring at her. Was feeling the emotions she was giving off. Of course he was. She tries to put a smile on her face* Almost Rehv..
    23 minutes ago · Like
    Jane Bloodletter ‎*She swallowed and administered the dopamine, wiping the area clean and removing the tourniquet. Rising to her feet, she dumped everything in the trash and removed her gloves. Lifting her hand she pinched the bridge of her nose and looked between them both* Look I am sorry, I spoke out of turn. *She gave them both a half smile and moved to the door* Maybe I am over tired or something. It has been busy between Safe Place and dealing with the Brotherhood. Ignore me *She opened the door and walked out, shoving her hands deep into the pockets of her white coat, her face full of doubt and fear as she returned to her own office*
    19 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He watched Jane go, and looked toward Ehl.* Why don't you go with her? I have something pressing I need to attend to. *He stood, flung his sable over his body, not bothering with his sleeve, putting his meds inside the deep pockets, and palming his cane. * Mine Tahlly. *He limped over to her, clicking the floor lightly with his cane, and palmed her cheek with a small grin* Call you later? *He kissed her forehead, turned to the door and walked out. Walking out to the Bentley, he was deep in shit thoughts. Couldn't get the doubts clear. Why did he bond with someone like Ehl? So perfect and yet he didn't deserve her. He was nothing. SHE fucking made him who he was now. At the car, he stopped and looked at his reflection. Eyes normal, frown in place. He scrubbed a hand over his face and opened the door and slid in. He needed to get to the Mask and see Trez. He needed a fucking drink. Now.*
    10 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She stood there waiting for him to come over to her. The sound of his cane against the floor seemed like it was banging instead of just clicking. Her expression seemed saddened that he was leaving. She turns her face into his palm and pressed a kiss into it. Patting her hand on her pocket she showed him she had her phone on her* Okay hellren. Ill be home before the suns up *Why she felt that she had to tell him that she didn't know. When he left she looks around the examining room before putting on some gloves grabbing some cavi wipes and cleaning up. Removing her gloves and putting everything into the trash she leans her back against the door. Looking up towards the ceiling. Would she ever be more then the poor nurse that he met, she turned his life upside down. So many bad things had happened to him since she has been in his life. Was that all her fault. Shaking her head she makes herself leave the examining room she had a job to do and needed to focus. But her thoughts were on her Hellren as she gathers up her charts and sets into her evening routine*
    2 minutes ago · Like
  • Rehvenge Rempoon
    ‎*Whipping fast enough to slide in sideways, he pulls up to the front of Iron Mask. Slamming out of the Bentley, he palms his cane ad eases up to the massive doors. He pushes in and yells.* TREZ. Where is that fucking Shadow when I need him?? IAm?? You here?? *He heads for the bar, rounding the marble to the glasswear. He fills a whiskey rocks and waits for the Shadows to magically appear.*
    Like · · Share · 5 hours ago ·
    Trhistan Rocke, Trez Moor, Ehlena Rempoon and 4 others like this.
    IAm Moor ‎*he was standing behind Rehn the moment his name left his lips. His arms were crossed over his chest and his face completely void of any emotion. By the body language that Rehv was currently protraying his first thoughts were if he was going to get to get his hands a little bloody tonight.* You called boss?
    5 hours ago · Like · 4
    Rehvenge Rempoon Boss my ass. *Deep sigh* I am awaiting my kick, and knocking back a few. *He threw back the contents of his glass and poured another.* What's doing here?? Looks all shiney and new. *He said with a smart ass grin around his glass. He...
    See More
    5 hours ago · Like · 4
    IAm Moor ‎*he glanced around the club, without actually glancing around the club* If you wanted a conversation then go find Trez. *he continued to stand there just staring at him. Yeah, something was definitely up, but he wasn't Dr. Phil and wasn't about to become him either. But something was off, he wasn't born yesterday and the two of them had been around each other long enough to know.*
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trez Moor ‎*he's sitting in his office when he hears Rehvenges voice creep into his head. Fucking hates when he does that summoning shit, fuckin fucktard* you called
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