Monday, April 2, 2012

The Holidays 2011 Part IV

Xhex Tehrror
*walking in to her and John Matthew Tehrror's bedroom she saw that he wasn't in there, but he did leave his vampire bunny slippers unguarded. Slipping them on her feet she pulled out her phone and took a picture and sent it to John.*
Unlike · · Share · January 3
You, Melissa McNeill, No'One Sampsone, John Matthew Tehrror and 7 others like this.
John Matthew Tehrror
‎*he had just slipped into the whirpool tub down by the training room as his phone went off, his eyes darting to the massage table that was holding all his belongings... a pair of shorts, a tee and said phone. was it worth getting up for? squinting, john eyed the bubbles around him, his body revolting as the vampire started to stand and leave the warmth of the water behind. his fingers inched toward the technical device, a grin on his lips as he grabbed the phone and slid back into the water. Oh no.. she didn't! there was not much that was holy to the male, and those damn slippers sure as hell shouldn't even be his.. but they were and they were holy. now if anyone ever asked him he would deny. deny. deny.* -text- Oh no, you didn't...
January 3 at 12:14pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*laughing as her phone went off picturing the look on John's face when he got the text She took another picture of herself with nothing but the slippers on and types* Yes I did! *includes new picture* send....
January 3 at 12:19pm · Like · 7
John Matthew Tehrror ‎*as the next picture came in it wasn't John that stood up straight but rather a certain part of his anatomy. a fangy grin spread across his face as he leaned back smugly and hit reply* -May just b able to forgive you. will need more pics to be sure-
January 3 at 12:24pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*grabbing up her phone as it went off a fangy grin came across her face, more pics... posing im a few different ways she took some pics with her phone and text* something more like this? *send*
January 3 at 12:28pm · Like · 6
John Matthew Tehrror
‎*swallowing - hard, john nodded his head. it took all of his willpower not to dart back to their room butt naked, not caring whether he gave the whole brotherhood a private viewing of his junk. he'd let her wait a bit and then he'd be all over her and inside her, pounding deep and hard what was his* -Not bad- *he hit send, the tip of him staring up and out of the water in protest, his balls aching as if to remind him just who was the boss*
January 3 at 12:42pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*reading the text she smiled* Not bad??? how about this one....* bending over the edge of the bed with her ass facing the mirror she spread her legs wide and snapped a pic* send*
January 3 at 12:46pm · Like · 6
John Matthew Tehrror
‎*brace yourself. breathe. think of something really disturbing, like mother madeline and her spinach soup... no, not even that did the throbbing any good. staring at the picture john all but winced, his body aching for her in ways he hadn't imagined possible. as it was now he would never be able to make it back up to her, the thought of moving alone enough to make him wince. since when did water have such horrid friction anyway? snapping a picture of his hand around his shaft he hit send, caption reading -help-*
January 3 at 12:51pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*reading the new text as she was making her way into the training center in the slippers and a robe* John * dropping the robe as he turned around* we must have been thinking the same thing. *fangy grin*
January 3 at 12:54pm · Like · 6
John Matthew Tehrror ‎*he heard the shuffling of tiny feet long before her voice ever carried over to him, her scent locked into his nose.. eyes glued to her* -Quick! Waste no time. What are you standing there?- *his hands flew through the air, his eyes wandering up and down her delicious flesh. was she moving in slow motion or was this his punishment for trying to play hard to get? could you die from blue balls?*
January 3 at 12:57pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*walking over to the tub she slipped the slippers off not wanting to get them wet and stepped into the tub and pushed him back down in the water and slid down on top of him* Is this the kind of help you wanted?
January 3 at 1:00pm · Like · 5
John Matthew Tehrror ‎*he nodded hastily, his mind reeling and his body screaming for her. as her soft skin teased him where he wanted her most he bit his lip hard enough to draw blood*
January 3 at 1:04pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*watching the blood pool up on his lip she leaned in and licked it off as she slid him in and out of her, the taste of his blood burst onto her taste buds leaving her wanting more, she turned his head to the side and slid her fangs down his neck*
John Matthew Tehrror ‎-his hands grabbed her ass, knitting the soft ckeeks as he filled her completely. her breasts moved perfectly with every pounding, and as her fangs scraped across his skin he drove himself deeper, his own body moving with hers-
January 3 at 1:25pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*feeling his cock going in deep she let out a moan....* I want to taste more of you,*begging* Please.....
January 3 at 1:28pm · Like · 5
John Matthew Tehrror ‎*she had never had to ask to take his vein, his head tilting in an open invitation, his hands too busy exploring her flesh. teasing her small puckered hole-
January 3 at 1:35pm · Like · 4
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Sliding her fangs down his neck to the perfect spot she pushed them deep into his neck, feeling his blood explode into her mouth pushed her over the edge. Grinding hard on top of him moving his cock deeper and faster into her, she let out a long high pitch moan as she felt her muscles tighten up around him*
January 3 at 1:41pm · Like · 6
John Matthew Tehrror ‎*the impact of feeding her, providing for her never stopped to amaze him. every fiber of his body was tingling, his cock was as hard as a rock, and his bonding scent was hanging in the air like a thick curtain. she was his and he would stake a claim on her every chance he got, just in case some dumb bastard got the idea of trying to get close to her.. most likely dying a tragic and painful death in the meantime. As her sex pulsed around him his own release came with such a force that John was sure the whole mansion could hear his roar of pleasure*
January 3 at 1:58pm · Like · 5
Xhex Tehrror ‎*pulling her fangs out of him she licked the holes to seal them and lied her head on his chest, panting trying to catch her breath.* I guess I need to wear your slippers more often.*laughing*
January 3 at 2:02pm · Like · 4
John Matthew Tehrror ‎*he wolf whistled, letting her know just how much he liked that idea. their bodies were still enwtined and if he had any say in this, there were still plenty of other places to celebrate the slippers*
*she was pacing her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's room. they had set it up with Jane to have her do the ultrasound today to find out the sex of the young. she was so excited she couldn't sit still any longer* Wrath, Nallum, how much longer until we can head down to the clinic?
Unlike · · Unfollow Post · January 3 at 1:08pm
You, Anna Miller, Sandie Baker, Emma Lou and 12 others like this.
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*walking out of the shower he raised his brows and sighed* Don't panic, leelan. At least let me get dressed. *He shook his head and walked into the closet where he nearly fell over George who was lying in front of the door* I'm sorry. *he mumbled and dressed in his leathers* Now, we can go.
January 3 at 1:11pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she knew Wrath had not been overly excited about their pregnancy and she sometimes forgo that and got caught up in her own excitement. as she watched him walk to the closet, tripping over George she sighed internally hating it for him. as he dressed she went to the closet and met him in the doorway* I am sorry too love, I know you are nervous and I sometimes forget that. Can you forgive me? *wrapping her arms around him she laid her head on his chest*
January 3 at 1:16pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Now he felt guilty. It was nice that his shellan was so excited about being pregnant and he was just a huge dick right now* I should apologize. I'm sorry, leelan. I know your worried and nervous and I'm not really helping. Come on, let's go find Jane. *Without saying a word George appeared in front of him and sat down. Fuck, the animal was really intelligent. Taking the leash he put his arm around Beth and together they left the room*
January 3 at 1:21pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*looking up at him* I thank Analisse Scribe-Virgin every day for you Wrath, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. *reaching up she kissed him softly. smiling as George got to them and Wrath took his leash. his arm tight around her she put hers around his back* I know we talked about it before *making sure no one was around as headed down the stairs* but I still think it's a boy *she really hoped it was as well. she really wanted a son*
January 3 at 1:24pm · Like · 11
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*he grinned* I don't care what it is. though a boy would be great. He could date Nalla once they are old enough. *He liked the thought. and suddenly this whole pregnancy didn't seem so bad anymore. Jane was a great doc and she would care for his shellan. There was a good chance Beth would survive it. He pulled her closer and kissed her gently* You can tell Zee about our idea. I'm sure he'll be thrilled.
January 3 at 1:30pm · Like · 11
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she couldn't help but laugh as he talked about their young dating Nalla should it be a boy. as she felt his kiss, it was almost as if his entire body relaxed around her. she smiled happily* Oh Wrath, I think that should come from you love, after all you are his King *hell know she wasn't telling Zee that, he thought Nalla should never date. as the arrived at the clinic she paused and too a deep breath and looked at him* No matter what the sex of the young Wrath, they will be so very loved.
January 3 at 1:33pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*leaning down he kissed both sides of her neck then her lips* I love you. And I love this young. And I just want it to be healthy I don't care about the gender. *He took a deep breath and turned towards the door* Let's get inside. I just want to know if it's healthy and more important if you're healthy.
January 3 at 1:42pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she smiled as he kissed right over her veins and then her lips* I love you too mine Hellren, and our young *resting her hand n her belly she nodded* I'm ready *knocking on Jane's door she heard tell them to come in. walking in she smiled at Jane* Hey Jane. How are you ?
January 3 at 1:45pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She looked up from her file and smiled, gesturing to the two seats in front of her, her gaze drifting over Wrath for longer than normal. He looked in better spirits than last time and she was hopeful that he was becoming more used to the idea of becoming a father. Once they were seated, she rested her elbows on the desk and clasped her hands before her* So, exciting day today. Have you any questions before we start?
January 3 at 2:37pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath I just need to make sure that my Shellan is okay. *He took a deep breath* Is she going to be okay? How often is she allowed to walk around? I remember Bella who had to stay in bed, is that going to happen to her, too? How often does she need to feed? My blood is pretty strong, could it harm the baby? *he stopped realizing he was asking too many questions at once*
January 3 at 2:48pm · Like · 8
Elizabeth Randall ‎*sitting down* I just can't wait to find out *before she could get any questions out Wrath started with several. she reached her hand over and squeezed Wrath's, his concern and interest in everything made her so happy. she waited quietly for Jane to answer his questions*
January 3 at 2:51pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled and gave a quiet chuckle at his questions.* She is going to be fine, I will be with her throughout the whole pregnancy, monitoring her at every stage. For now, I see no reason to change her schedule too much. I do not suggest taking up kickboxing but you certainly do not need bedrest. From what I read the situation with Bella was different, there were complications. Right now Beth is young and in perfect health. Your blood is strong correct, and that is a good thing. You will keep her well fed
January 3 at 2:54pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Of course I will keep her well fed. *he squeezed Beth's hand then pulled it to his lips and kissed it. Slowly he cleared his throat* As for the sex. How long are we going to be able to have sex? I just want to make sure we're not gonna hurt the young. If it's too dangerous then *taking a deep breath* we just stop having sex. *Damn, he was so not going to survive that*
January 3 at 3:06pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she smiled at him as he kissed her hand. as his next question started, she was grateful he asked. she had wondered herself. as he said they just wouldn't have sex she looked at Jane* That won't be necessary will it *a faint blush crept over her cheeks but she couldn't help it, there was nothing better than making love to her Hellren*
January 3 at 3:11pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter I see no reason why you can't continue to have sex right up until the birth. Granted it may become uncomfortable, you will need to find a position that makes things easier. Sex itself is the best known way to bring on pregnancy in females that are overdue. Afterwards is a different story. I will want to see you again for an examination around 6 weeks after birth. I would like for you to try and have sex before then so i know if there are any issues. No earlier than 4 weeks and as close to the 6 weeks as possible *She leaned back in her chair* You will cause no damage to the young I can assure you
January 3 at 3:15pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He grinned* That's good news, doc. I knew I like you. *Leaning over he kissed Beth gently* I don't think I have any more questions. I just want to know the gender. My shellan can't wait to get all the stuff for the nursery. *And she would need the help of the other females for that so they should tell the family as soon as possible*
January 3 at 3:20pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*shaking her head* Nope I think that about covers it *kissing Wrath softly, she whispered quickly* I'm so glad we don't have to give up sex *turning back to Jane she smiled wide* He's right I'm like a kid on Christmas morning, I can't wait to know whether we are having a boy or girl. I am far enough along now that we will be able to tell right? *she really hoped so. she had so many things she wanted to start working for the young. she would need a lot of help though which meant telling the family* Oh, wait, we are fairly safe to tell the family now correct?
January 3 at 3:23pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter With any pregnancy I can not give you a hundred percent guarantee that everything will be okay, but I will do my damnedest to ensure nothing goes wrong. Yes you are far enough along now that we will be able to determine the sex, and I see no reason that you can not share your news with the rest of the family. *rising to her feet, she rounded the desk and moved to the chair beside the bed where the Ultrasound machine was already set up. Looking over at them she smiled* If you would like to hop up on the bed, move your pants below your stomach and your top just below your breasts we can get started
January 3 at 3:27pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He shivered and the fear came back. The fear that his shellan might die. The fear that he was left alone. The fear that she'd be in too much pain. Taking George's leash he followed the two of them to the bed and sat down on a chair next to her. He could smell Beth's happiness but there was no fear. How could she not fear what could kill her?*
January 3 at 3:30pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall I know you will Jane, you are an amazing physician and I trust you completely. *watching as Jane moved over to the bed she stood and followed her, Wrath right behind her with George. as she laid down and adjusted her clothes as Jane had instructed she reached for Wrath's hand and pulled him right next to the bed. just looking at him, she knew his fears had come back. kissing his hand* It's going to be ok Wrath, I just know it. *turning to Jane she grinned* Ready when you are doc.
January 3 at 3:33pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Once they were both settled, she reached for the tub of gel she had sitting warming in a bowl of water. Standing up, she squeezed a liberal amount onto her stomach and reached for the transducer. Settling back into her seat, she pressed the wand against Beths stomach, and flicked a few switches on the monitor before her. Tapping across the keys of the keyboard, she turned the volume on the speakers and smiled as the heart rate sounded over the them. Watching the time on screen, she nodded* 130bpm, low for a human but from what I have read perfect for the level of gestation and race. *Moving the mouse, she flicked through various screens until she could bring up an image of the fetus* And there we have your young. *She angled the screen towards Beth and with her free hand started jotting down notes on her file*
January 3 at 3:45pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He was terribly impatient since he couldn't see anything but only listen to Jane working the computer. It was fucking frustrating to be blind. He just wanted to be able to see his young like Jane and Beth did. With a sigh he leaned back in his chair and tried to catch Jane's scent. She didn't smell worried. that was a good sign. And Beth smelled even happier when Jane showed her their young* So is it a boy or a girl?
January 3 at 3:51pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*the gel and wand felt odd pressed to her skin but as she heard the heart beat and listened to Jane say things looked normal she smiled and squeezed Wrath's hand. as she turned the computer so she could see it, her eyes welled with tears as Jane pointed out their young. she couldn't believe it...that was their young. looking at the image she thought she knew the gender but needed to hear it from Jane. looking at Jane* Son or daughter?
January 3 at 3:55pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter Well, if *she muttered quietly, and moved the transducer to a different angle* Ah yes, there we have it. *she made a few more notes on the file, taking note of the length of the young, and checked over a few other details. Hitting print on the machine, she let the pictures go to the Printer as she removed pointed to an area on the screen* Congratulations, you have a son *She smiled and removed the wand, cleaning it off with a sterile wipe and leaving the room to go into the adjoining storeroom to give them a moment of privacy, the image still showing on the screen*
January 3 at 4:04pm · Like · 11
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*It took him a moment to realize what Jane just told him. His whole body shivered for a moment and then put his arms around Beth, pulled her on his lap and kissed the hell out of her* God, I love you. I just love you. *He kissed her over and over again* This is our child. Our son. Darius would be so proud of you.
January 3 at 4:07pm · Like · 11
Elizabeth Randall ‎*as she Jane handed her the picture and she processed her words she was in shock. a boy, they were having a boy. as she saw Jane walking out she smiled* Thank you Jane, for everything. *turning her focus back to Wrath as he pulled her into his lap* We are going to have a son Wrath, a little boy of our own. *kissing him with all the love and adoration she had for him. wrapping her arms around his neck, a single tear ran down her cheek* I hope so, I want to make him prod. *putting his hand on her belly she covered it with one of hers* Hello my son, you are going to be loved beyond belief, I promise. *looking back up at Wrath* I love you Nallum.
January 3 at 4:11pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*he put his ear on her belly and listen and he could have sworn there had been a gentle nudge* You're gonna be loved, son. You're gonna be loved no matter what. *Gently he kissed her belly and turned his attention back to his shellan. He put his hand on her cheek and pulled her towards him* I love you, leelan. And there's no doubt: D would be so fucking proud of you. *he kissed her gently* He's so going to date Nalla.
January 3 at 4:17pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she ran her fingers through his hair as he kissed her belly. he was going to be such an amazing father. as he put his hand on her cheek and tugged her to him she hugged him tight. as he reassured her that Darius would be proud of her she couldn't help but cry* I love you Nallum. *as he again talked about their son, wow it was odd for her to say that, dating Nalla she laughed* So long as you are the only telling Zee about it *she nuzzled his neck and just enjoyed the moment*
January 3 at 4:23pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She returned to the room and smiled seeing them both huddled together looking over the picture. Reaching for a damp cloth, she slowly cleaned off Beth's stomach and pulled her shirt back down over the small swell. Moving the machine back out of the way, she folded her arms over her chest* Any questions, concerns, anything that might be troubling you, just call me and I will be with you. No matter how trivial it seems, if it is bothering you then it needs mentioned. Apart from that, I have no reason to set any more scheduled scans, but further into the pregnancy I will bring you in for a small examination to make sure everything is progressing well. Until then, take it easy but don't over do it. And one again, congratulations on your son, I am sure he will be a male or worth like his Father *inclining her head, she stepped back to give them room*
January 3 at 4:29pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He stood up and bowed a little, showing Jane his respect* Thank you, Jane. For everything. *Then he sat back down next to Beth and kissed her again* I'll be an awful father but I'll love the young no matter what happens. *He smiled widely and didn't care that he looked like a complete idiot* We are a real family, Beth. You and me and now the young.
January 3 at 4:36pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*slipping from Wrath's lap she couldn't help but hug Jane* Thank you for everything. *as she sat back down next to him she smiled* Sounds great Jane, I don't have any questions but I will be sure to find you if I do *as Jane left the room she turned to her Hellren* You will not be an awful father, I know it. You are going to be amazing. *his smile made her heart skip a beat* Yes love we are our own little family among our huge family *leaning into him she kissed him* Lets go home Wrath *nipping his vein he picked her up, she held the picture of their young tight to her chest, and he carried her out of the clinic, both of them still smiling*
John Matthew Tehrror
He had paced the kitchen. Twice. He had peeked over Lassiter's shoulder only to see some horrid chick flick stare back at him. Once, because once had been enough. As of right now John was leaning against the staircase, head rolling back in complete boredom. How the hell did Fritz get up to the high ceiling to remove the spider webs? None there. The doggen had mad skills in all kinds of areas. Anyway, compose yourself, John.. look busy and ready to pounce. Come to think of it if Qhuinn didn't move his ass down here any time soon he would be on the receiving end of said pouncing, and some fist to face cuddles. It were times like this John once again noticed that being able to scream upstairs would have come in handy, and being mute definitely had many drawbacks already. What was he to do? Sign while holding his arms toward Qhuinn's general direction, hoping he'd see it in front of his ... spiritual eye? Guy needed longer than a woman. For fuck's sake.
Like · · Follow Post · January 4 at 5:09am
Anna Miller, Sandie Baker, Sandy Renner and 11 others like this.
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He finished tying his running shoes and grabbed a spare towel, slinging it around his neck and he closed the door to his and Mhisery's bedroom. She was still sleeping, the shutters still down for the day but he had promised John he would meet with him to train before First Meal. Grinning, he stopped at the top of the stairs and looked down, fuck, he could swear his friend was developing some sort of vampire ADHD with way he was hopping around and pacing back and forth. Jogging down the stairs, he knocked his shoulder in against his and threw an arm around his neck, pulling him into a headlock as he rubbed his knuckles into his hair. Releasing him, he flashed a fangy grin and lead the way to the door beneath the stairs. Punching in the code, he held the door open and gave him a mock bow* After you.. bitch
January 4 at 5:12am · Like · 10
John Matthew Tehrror Ass. No ass didn't even begin to cover it, and John needed to come up with all kinds of new and more colorful choice words to spell out in slooooooow motion. Something like "Go suck on an stick you racist indecisive freak... yeah, sometimes John needed to pull the 'i am mute card' and run with it. No wait, that definitely was not a manly thing to do, neither was throwing shoes but it worked. Grabbing one of his sneakers, from the duffelbag he had slung over his shoulders, John whirled it around by the lace before firing it at Qhuinn before stepping through the door and smiling sweetly. -Why thank you, love muffin, why ever do I prosper in your presence.. must be because of your lovely language.- Okay, he should not have looked over Lassister's shoulder, not even once.
January 4 at 5:28am · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He cocked a brow as the sneaker hit him dead center to the chest. Reaching down to pick it up, he gave him a full fanged grin as he followed his hands, reaching was he was signing before he replied* Love muffin? Fuck John, I know half the population pants after me but it is good to know I can now add you to those numbers *Tossing him shoe, he followed him into the dimly lit corridor and shoved past him into the Training Room. Flicking on the Stereo he grinned in approval as one of his favorite tunes pounded from the speakers Good thing with being friends with a mute, no need to worry about sound to be able to communicate. Firing up one of the running machines, he slung the towel over the arm and stepped on, ignoring starting with a jog and upping the speed into a run. Glancing over he waggled his brows at him* Come on John, time to get all hot and sweaty
Gorillaz - Clint Eastwood
Music video by Gorillaz performing Clint Eastwood. (C) 2005 EMI Records Ltd This...See More
January 4 at 5:33am · Like · 10 ·
John Matthew Tehrror Rolling his eyes would have been the girl move to do, and John was not about to sink as low as that. Not yet. Snatching his sho back the male plopped his bag down onto the floor and started to change into his work out gear; nothing Qhuinn hadn't seen yet but apparently couldn't stop thinking of. John grinned, that sneaky ass motherfucker. John wanting a piece of him? Not likely. Hell, he rather lick out the cats litter box after bouts of horrible diarrhea than pucker up for Qhuinn. Gagging just at the thought alone John quickly busied himself with tying his laces before jumping on the running machine next to Qhuinn's. -Had I known just how badly you want to see clothes cling to my sexy abs I would have worn somethign form fitting. I apologize. Perv-
January 4 at 5:43am · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he laughed hard, stumbling on the running machine before catching his step once more.* Johnboy, having seen you as the skinny pretrans you were to the *he grinned and cast a glance over him* The skinny Warrior? *he barked out a laugh* What you going to do? Take to wearing lycra? Your sister going to start ordering that in when she orders the leathers? *Reaching over, he gave him a hard shove and knocked the speed up again on his own machine. He had left it too long to be around his friends, hiding out on his own to avoid the embarrassment he still felt at having put the whole household into because of some fucked up idea he had in his head that he was the Omega's son* You seen Blaylock ?
January 4 at 5:48am · Like · 10
John Matthew Tehrror ‎-It's alright. I understand if you want to keep your desires a secret. And as you know, my lips are sealed.- Oh what a great line. Not. Shoving Qhuinn back. hard. John tried to think of the last time he had in fact seen the completing member of the tripod, that was them. -Sure he's with Saxton. I started to forget what the two of you looked like. Other than hairy, and not half as attractive as me.-
January 4 at 5:52am · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he staggered against the side of the running machine, just managing to hold himself before he hit the ground hard. Regaining his footing he flipped him off and cocked a brow at him* You find yourself attractive? Are you painting your nails and calling your hand Pamela for all those nights that Xhex won't give you some? Sad man, really sad. I thought you could do better than that. I haven't seen either of them in weeks. Not since Saxton visited me in Isolation. I hear they got engaged? *Grinning wickedly, he reached out and slammed his hand down on the emergency stop button on John's machine*
January 4 at 5:55am · Like · 10
John Matthew Tehrror Landing flat on his ass John all but sailed off the machine, glaring daggers up at Qhuinn. -I am already mute, you want to cripple me now? I am that much of a threat to you, aren't I? I understand.- Getting back on his feet John cracked his neck, trying to remember just when he had last seen Blaylock but came up with a blank. -They did. I am happy for him. You alright with it? And to answer your question. I don't call her Pamela. It's Lucy.- *smirk*
January 4 at 6:00am · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he stopped his machine and and hung over the arm rest laughing his ass off at the expression on John's face* Fuck that was some good shit. You almost made that look graceful, except your fat ass ruined it *grinning, he nodded at his question* Yeah I am good with it, shit, if they are happy then who am I to say otherwise, and I am happy. Fuck, bruh I am more than happy. *thinking of Mhisery, his grin widened* You would like her, she don't take my shit. She shoots me right back down again. Smart mouth on her *nodding, he climbed off the machine and tugged open the small fridge in the corner, tossing him a bottle and upcapping his own. Taking a long drink, he sunk down on one of the benches and wiped his towel over his face* How's thing with Xhex or should I be asking more about Lucy?
January 4 at 6:04am · Like · 10
John Matthew Tehrror ‎-You ever going to show her off or do I have to stalk your ass and get us both in serious shit for leaving the mansion without you?- John signed, grinning broadly. -Xhex and I are tight. She'd kill Lucy if she existed and fuck if my dick doesn't think of her all night long. I've got to buy bigger leathers if this keeps up, or go scottish. Insert accent here-
January 4 at 6:11am · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*laughing hard, he draining his bottle and tossed it in the trash can beside him* Yeah, I'd like you to meet her. Not one for double date type shit but fuck, if that is what the females want I can get my ass in gear. You on the other hand *grins* Even on your best day you still ain't got shit on me bruh. The day you start wearing a Kilt is the day I ask them to remove my head, I can not be an Ahstrux Nohtrum to a skirt wearing pussy. Bad enough I have to be one to a pussy
January 4 at 6:17am · Like · 9
John Matthew Tehrror Grabbing his junk John gave it a good jiggle, his other hand coming up to flip Qhuinn off. -All rod and balls, asshat. Beside, I am not the one who never wanted to settle down. Soon you will understand the fact that even your balls are no longer yours. They twist them and turn them, walk you on a leash.. and fuck if you won't love it. I'd die for you, but for Xhex I'd .. well, you've seen.-
January 4 at 6:23am · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong I never thought I would believe it but fucking right, I would walk through Dhunhd for her. I want to use a Lys on anyone that dares look at her wrong. *He grinned and shrugged his shoulders* I am fucking sprung aren't I? And you know what bruh? I couldn't give to two fucks about it. I am happy, I can honestly say that for the first time in fuck knows how long, I am happy. *rising to his feet, he held out a hand to him and tugged him up and grinned* It's your cock Johnboy, not a rod, not your winkie or whatever fucked up name you want to call it like some little general.
January 4 at 6:42am · Like · 10
John Matthew Tehrror John was happy for Qhuinn and it didn't need saying or signing. The two of them had always known what the other felt, but that hadn't meant going around and sharing. That would have been awkward on the best day. -I will let you know I was not the one singing about my twiddle stick and jiggle berries, that was your voice echoing through the shower. Right before .. what was the kids name.. well right before he dropped the soap and Blay shouted 'Don't pick it up, it's a trap!' I nearly died laughing. Fuck.-
January 4 at 6:46am · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he laughed hard, fuck he missed this. Missed just shit talking with his buddies and acting like there was fuck all wrong in the world. Tossing his wet towel into John's face, he leaned back against the wall and bent his knee, resting his foot on the bench* It's not like my sexual appetite doesn't provide you all with something to aspire to *grins* Before my girl arrived here, I would have put you to shame on a slow day
January 4 at 6:56am · Like · 10
John Matthew Tehrror ‎-You mean, your insatiable 'might need therapy' fucks everything that wears a skirt, hairy or not.. sex drive? Thanks, but I rather chop my balls off than stick my dick in as many as yours has seen. To all their own but dude, you were an animal... and I swear I still smell like smog from Blay lighting up.- Lifting his arms above his head John clasped his hands together and stretched, wondering about all the mischief they used to get in. Some days he missed the good old days but it didn't mean he would trade being mated for the world. It just had been a while since him and his friends had been able to just hang and do nothing but talk about dumb shit and shoot back a couple of drinks.
January 4 at 7:01am · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His face showed hid displeasure at the thought of Blay and his smoking. One thing he fucking hated was smoking, hated the smell, how it lingered in the air* Sooner he quits those fucking sticks the better. *He gave John an evil grin* We really need to get the two of them an engagement gift *he gave a short laugh* Something inappropriate as fuck of course
January 4 at 7:15am · Like · 9
John Matthew Tehrror John nodded, rubbing his hands together before returning to sign -Yes. Couldn't come up with anything, yet.. I got them a couple of shirts but that was more of a 'I am happy for you man' kinda deal. He's probably already on edge, wondering when we're going to strike. Sax is your cousin, you should know best what's going to rattle their chains.- *fangy grin*
January 4 at 7:17am · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong Tonight, before Patrol, meet me in the garage. I have a plan *grinning he rose to his feet and pulled open the door into the changing room an plan forming in his head already. Tugging off his shorts and running shoes, he walked into the shower, a low laugh rumbling in his throat as he through over exactly what to get his cousin and his new fiancé*
January 4 at 7:21am · Like · 10
John Matthew Tehrror Nodding, John collected all his belongings and stuffed them back in the black duffel, swinging the worn bag over his shoulder. He hadn't sweat hardly at all and there was no need for him to be exposed to Qhuinn's skinny white ass. -I'll see you tonight then, oh great master mind- Lowering his head slightly as a show of respect and good bye, John slipped out of the door and made his way back up to his and Xhex's room. With a little luck his shellan was still asleep and he had a grand idea of how to wake her up 'Honey... we're home'.
Jane Bloodletter
‎*The rattle on the shutters lifting for the night woke her from her sleep and she stretched out her body before slowly opening her eyes. The room was dimly light by the moon shining through the window and she was loathe to move but she had work to get done this evening. Leaning over, she brushed a small kiss to Vishous’ lips and slid from the bed, settling the sheet back over his muscular form and giving him a final glance. Smiling, she quietly opened the bathroom door and slipped inside, turning on the shower and letting the water run as she brushed her teeth. Stepping beneath the spray, she took time to wash her hair and slowly lather her body, small aches and pains reminding her of the night before in her Hellren’s arms.
Shaking off the image, she rinsed her body clean and stepped back out, reaching for a thick cotton towel and wrapping it around her body. Padding quietly back into the bedroom, she dried off and pulled on a pair of sweats and one of Vishous’ oversized t-shirts and left the room. Dragging her hair up into a ponytail, she settled down in one of the leather couches in the living room and laughed quietly as her two dogs lept up beside her, circling around each other and dropping down to sleep again.*
Unlike · · January 4 at 11:27am ·
You, Sandie Baker, Emma Lou, Khloe Christian and 8 others like this.
Jane Bloodletter
‎*Reaching for the stack of files, she had left on the coffee table, she opened the first one and started making some notes across each page before moving to the next one. Working slowly through them, she organized three piles in front of her. Those that could be discharged from Safe Place and moved to different accommodation, those that she wished to have another check up with and those that needed medication changed.*
January 4 at 11:32am · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter
‎*Once she was finished, she reached for her phone and text Ehlena * Can my favorite nurse be available on Sunday to do a clinic in Safe Place with me? I have a few patients I wish to see *hitting send, she reached for a notepad and wrote out a note for Marissa* ~M, I would like to come in to Safe Place on Sunday to go through the current patients, let me know if you can be free to join me ~J *leaving the note sitting on the table where she knew Marissa would see it, she rose to her feet and set the files back into the box and whistled for the dogs.*
January 4 at 11:39am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Opening the door, she moved to sit on the small bench outside as the dogs took off across the lawn. Looking up at the star light sky, she smiled and sighed contently. For once all was right in the world, the recent dangers has passed, the family was all healthy and well and the King and Queen had news to share. New year, new start. Just how she liked it*
Rehvenge Rempoon
‎*As he stood outside the doors of Iron Mask, he remembered the night he let it all go. The clubs, the ring, the girls, all of it. Just to save her from himself. He had made that deal with the Princess to save Xhex and Muhrder. Mainly Xhex. He could have cared less if THAT particular Brother perished in the Colony. But, he was hers, or so he thought. The many nights with the Shadows keeping watch on money and Xhex on the floor were distant memories now that he liked to feel, once in a blue moon while sitting at his desk with the "Why Me" look on his face. He had taken his birth right and had a Shellan now. No going back. He let it all go to the Shadows. Literally.*
Unlike · · January 4 at 11:56am ·
You, Ehlena Rempoon, Zee Ahgony, Khloe Christian and 14 others like this.
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Pushing open the heavy, iron doors, he stepped inside. Not much goes on early, a few ladies hanging out. Music going as always. He followed the flooring of heavy colored patterns and found Trez's office. He banged and called out to the male.* What's doing? Since when do you LOCK doors?
January 4 at 11:58am · Like · 13
Trez Moor ‎*as he begins renovation on his lady, His eyes begin to illuminate letting him know that someone has entered thru the Iron doors. A presence, a familiar presence was banging on his office door. He wills the doors unlock and standing on the other side of it was his old time Boss and Friend, Rehvenge* Well look what the fuck'n wind blew in!! *takes him into a manly hug* Sup bruh! its been a long time coming!
January 4 at 12:11pm · Like · 10
Rehvenge Rempoon
‎*A large, fanged grin hit his sour face as he saw Trez all green eyed, looking at him. He embraced his old friend and stepped back.* It has been a while, you shit. What's doing? She getting a new look? *He was waiting for Xhex to show her mug in here as well. He told her to come down A.S.A.P to see what's doing in the old place. Pushing off with his cane, he went over to the laid out plans on the massive marble desk. Leaning the cane on the desk, he shrugged the sable off and tossed it to the chair.* Looks good.
January 4 at 12:17pm · Like · 11
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Walking into the mask she could here talking coming from Trez's office, Rhev Must have bet here there. Looking in the office day* What are you 2 asshats doing? *fangy grin*
January 4 at 12:20pm · Like · 10
Trez Moor ‎*Pops him on the back one time* New year, new digs! I think its time for a facelift for my Lady. You like? *seeing Rehv again brought back so many memories of the two, than another familiar presence enters his office. He see's Xhex* Damn girl..get your ass over here and give me a proper hello!!
January 4 at 12:23pm · Like · 10
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Smiling she walks over to Trez and pulls him in for a tight hug* How you been? *looking down she sees the Pictures for the club* Damn thats awesome, is that what your doing to the Mask?
January 4 at 12:26pm · Like · 10
Rehvenge Rempoon Hail Hail The Gangs All Here! *He said in a sing song, smart ass manner. He watched the two chat and embrace. He straightened the sleeves on his armani suit, and looked up at the pair.* Xhex, take a look for your self. *He motioned to the plans and drawings laid out as he stepped back.* He has made me proud, this one. *pointing to Trez* Done right by the place.
January 4 at 12:29pm · Like · 10
Trez Moor ‎*he stands back and looks at the two of them with so much pride and happiness, he realize that he was among family* Yes the gang is back! and as for Sal well iAM is doing you proud as well. Yes Xhex, these are the new plans for the Mask. Still have a few tweeks to add to it but I'm pretty damn proud of what I have so far!
January 4 at 12:31pm · Like · 10
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Feeling a warmth in her heart she couldn't help but smile* Yes the gang is together again, and I think its time for a drink to celebrate the new design of The Mask.
January 4 at 12:34pm · Like · 10
Rehvenge Rempoon
I agree. Lead the way, Trez. *He followed them out., looking at the paint buckets lining the wall, and the rolls of carpet in the way. His Gucci loafers clicking on the tile. He remembered planning the place with them. His TABOO spot in Caldwell. He felt this town needed a No-No spot to run to. And he made it so. Now, his dearest friend had taken it further and was expanding.* So, *he said with a smile as he watched Trez pour whiskey rocks for him.* When are you Grand Opening the place?
January 4 at 12:39pm · Like · 10
Trez Moor
‎*as he leads them thru the threshold of the expansion and into the new wing where the new fully pimped out bar would be, he takes out some glasses and preps his dear friends Whiskey on the rocks and hands it to them* Sorry about the mess, I'll reimburse your Gucci loafers *he was so grateful that he didn't have to tend to Rehv's outrageous Attire anymore* Well, not quite sure on the Grand Opening Date. I'm try'n to get things sorted and hopefully relaunch by the weekend. hopefully *fanged grin*
January 4 at 12:43pm · Like · 10
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Taking a sip of her drink she looked around* Well all I know is that on opening night I get to break in the stripper poles!*laughs*
January 4 at 12:46pm · Like · 9
Rehvenge Rempoon I SO want to miss that! *He said with a big fangy grin* Just kidding. I may drag Ehlena along for this. Keep me posted, will you Trez?
January 4 at 12:48pm · Like · 10
Trez Moor ‎*as he looks at Xhex talk about break-in the stripper poles, he knew for sure that being with JM has softened her up a bit. The Xhex he remembered would of break in some poor perv's face over the pole* Damn girl, you know it's there for the do your best! *than he hears Rehv mention about bringing Ehlena down* you both must bring your mates along on this day! *he insisted*
January 4 at 12:51pm · Like · 9
Rehvenge Rempoon
‎*Nodding, he took his drink to the head and stood* I believe I will. *he grinned as he strode to the office to get his sable.* You know, Trez, we are here if you need us. Just ask, asshat. *he laughed and donned the sable, palming his cane.* You both know where I must be off to. No good-byes, just see you later, true?* He hugged them both and went to the door. Looking back over his shoulder, he smiled. and his eyes glowed for a split second. He pushed the door and left.*
January 4 at 12:56pm · Like · 9
Trez Moor ‎*As they finished off their drinks and he heard Rehv's words before he even spoke them he knew exactly what he was gonna say. He watched him put on his sable and turn to them both before heading out. No words were needed. The look said it all*
January 4 at 12:59pm · Like · 7
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Hugging Rehv, she turns to Trez* Well I'm out of here too, have to be getting back to the manse. Call me if you need anything, true.
January 4 at 12:59pm · Like · 7
Trez Moor ‎*he turns to Xhex and gives her a tight hug* You be safe out there. If you ever need me, anything, 
  • anytime, you know what to do, true!
    January 4 at 1:01pm · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*She smiled at Trez* I know *and walked out the door*
    Trez Moor
    ‎*As he sits at his office going over floor plans of the IRON MASK. He thinks back to when he first opened up the goth nightclub. His old boss Rehv had given it to him when the asshat faked his death and blew himself up along with Zero Sum. He was grateful for the Iron Mask and he was gonna do his best to make it the #1 spot in Caldwell. Without Xhex as head of security, he had to make sure that his patrons and the friends of the Brotherhood were safe here. Security was gonna be amped up and his ladies were gonna be well taken care of. Policy here stands as the ones did back at Zero Sum. No one fuk's with his girls! This was his Sanctuary and his Lady and no one Fucks with either!! With that said he starts to put the next phase of the Renovations in full swing...let's start with the picture's*
    Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*It was day time. He knew that because the shutters were down. He turned his head and looked at the clock. Yeah 8 a.m. it was. He pushed the covers off his chest, and laced his hands behind his head. He couldn't find rest. He tossed and turned, pulling the fitted sheet with him for the past couple of hours. Finally giving up, he looked up to the ceiling, admiring the craftsmanship of the ornate design. His mind started to wonder. He remembered how he himself had designed the Inn after purchase. Paintings he had acquired over the years adorned each wall. From the paint to the last throw pillow, each color and drapery, even the solid gold wall sconces. Then, he thought of his personal quarters there. Meager furniture, but they were cherished. The bed he had brought from the home he shared with Xhex for a brief moment in time. She loved the solid oak four-poster with its down coverings and soft pillows. He remembered just how she looked against those pillows. Her hair splayed out, curling raven locks. Her eyes giving a soft, steel glow. Her body slick and sweaty.........* NO! *He shook his head, trying to erase the memory. His body had become stiff and achy. He needed a shower because suddenly he felt filthy and wrong. He flipped back the coverlet and sat on the edge of the bed. Taking a shaky, deep breath, he ran his hands through his hair and stood, padding bare foot and naked into his bathroom.*
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He turned the water in the shower to as hot as he could get. He thought maybe if he scalded himself as a personal Rhythe, maybe he would stop pulling up the memories. Xhex he had bonded to. The one female he loved.* Love??!! *He gave a snort as he said that out loud to the tiles. Love drove him to the brink of madness. All he could do was pull memories of her from his locked mind. The way she looked, naked and flushed in their bed. The quiet mewling she gave him when it was just right. Her scent intoxicating scent. And oh how she tasted! Like a forbidden fruit that was only for him. His body grew tight, his thighs stiff. He placed his hand against the tile, and leaned on to it. His other took a journey slowly down his chest, only to bump his aching shaft. He grasped the traitor hard, and gasped. One passing thought made him stop. He rushed to change the water to cold, clearing all thoughts of her from his mind. He shivered under the ice-cold spray, eyes squeezed shut.* I can't. *He muttered words to himself. How could he think these things? She wasn't his any more. He reached back for the water control, and shut off the spray. He gave one last shake of his head, pushed his hair back from his eyes and reached out for his towel. Confused as to where he left the damn thing, he opened the glass door all the way, and just stared. There stood Rehvenge in all his glory, staring with that smart-ass smirk he so desperately wanted to punch off his face.* What do you want?
    Saturday at 1:05pm · Like · 8
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He had finally had enough of the ghosting, and decided to pull the mad fuckers card today. The shit owed him a debt of gratitude and respect and he was going to collect today! He stalked down the hall to Muhrder 's door. Finding it unlocked, his face pulled a smile. A silent invitation, if you will, to come in and say Hello in the way of the Sympath. He turned the knob and stepped inside. e could hear the ramblings of the mad coming from the bathroom.* What the fuck is he doing?? *He said to himself as he approached the bathroom. The door was cracked open, so why not open it all the way? He pushed the door and eyed the fluffy white towel awaiting the male. He snaked an arm over and took the towel, tossing it to the opposite side just as the males hand appeared for it. The glass door shoved open and a fully aroused, very naked male stood before him, having the nerve to ask what HE wanted. Laughing low.* What do I want?? *laughing harder* Lets talk about what YOU want. Think you can hide that thought process in that tiny, fucked up brain of yours? I think not! YOU let her go. The time has come to collect that IOU for saving your ass. We need to talk. NOW! *he grabbed the towel from where he tossed it.* And PLEASE, do me the favor of hiding your *snorts* assets if you will. I did just eat.
    Saturday at 1:18pm · Like · 8
    Muhrder Rathboone I owe you nothing! *He called after the Sympath as he watched him head for the bedroom. He tucked the towel together around his hips and followed. He watched Rehv shrug out of a very large fur coat and fling it on the bed. His cane tapping quietly on the hard wood floor as he sidled over to the chair at the window. He folded his arms across his naked chest and leaned against the wall.* And what, pray tell, do I owe you for? You got what you wanted. You kept her safe all these years. Kept her right by your side. Do not think I didn't know YOUR intentions at the time towards her. You still go ape shit when she talks of another male? *Hearing Rehv growl, spurred a laugh deep in his chest.* I will take that as a yes. *Suddenly his brain exploded in memories of torture and pain. Swirling laughing faces before his eyes. Screams and cries deafening him He slammed his hands to each side of his head and dropped to the floor. The last thing he saw were the red glowing eyes of Rehv as the male stood and prowled over to him.*
    Saturday at 1:32pm · Like · 7
    Rehvenge Rempoon Nothing?? NOTHING?? *He growled low as he let his nature go free on the fuck. He hissed low and his fangs fully extended on a snrl. Opening the gates of hell in the males mind, releasing all the regressed memories, mere childs play to him.* You owe the both of us your worthless exsistance, you stupid fuck! I WILL NOT allow you to harm me or mine, you feel me? *he pointed a long finger in the males face when he croutched low next to him.* You will learn your place, Muhrder or I shall put you in it! *He watched as the male went fetal, sliding his body on the floor, holding his head, groaning and howling.* I will take those noises as a sign you understand me. *He righted himself and slightly turned away, cutting off the intrusion to the male's mind.* Now, as for our debt...........*In a flash of movement, so fast Rehv was knocked into the wall, he was suddenly nose to nose with a very LARGE Brother. Cold steel met his throat. A snarl and very long fangs in his face. The male's eye gave an amber glow as the stared deep into his own. He gave a wild grin back at the male.* Now, THAT is the Muhrder I remember. *He choked out the words as his windpipe was constricted and on the verge of being sliced wide open.*
    Saturday at 1:43pm · Like · 7
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*The memories swirled and danced and taunted. Torture beyond belief! He was suffering all over! He slid his body over the floor, his towel pulling off his body with each slide over. His eyes just opening enough to barely make out the edge of a dagger peeking out from under the bed. Slowly, he lifted a hand off his head and reached for the black handle as Rehv turned. He dematted and in an instant, had the male against the wall, pinning him with his weight and his dagger to his throat.* MY place is here with the Brotherhood. What's yours, SYMPATH?? *His voice distorted and rasping. He looked into Rehv's eyes.* DO NOT push me or I WILL see to it you do not return from the fade again. I am here to make amends and join my brothers once more. I did not know she was here. She is protected by her Hellren and myself for the rest of her days. THAT is what I owe her! I did not ask you to save me. I would have been happy to die there. I gave up on everything, and look at what it cost me?? Is that not enough for you, you self-righteous bastard?? *He snarled and released Rehv with a shove. The dagger nicked the males skin.* Now, go and leave me with my thoughts. *He turned, picked up his towel and headed back for the bathroom, shutting the door on a slam.*
    Saturday at 1:59pm · Like · 7
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Winded a little after the hard shove to the wall, he lifted a finger to his neck and felt the small nick he recieved. Laughing low as he spied the blood on his finger. He watched as the mad fuck stormed off in a tantrum to his bathroom. Why, he even slammed the door!. He boomed out laughter as he walked over to the now shut door and flung it wide open, startling the male as he was sitting in the shower stall.* THAT is how you will repay US, Muhrder. You will be the Brother you were ment to be, and assist the others. *Turning to leave.* NEVER forget who you were. You were a male of worth once and I was proud to call you friend. Even more proud when you took her in. *He looked over his shoulder* Do not let us down again. It killed her once. *He stalked to his sable and as he shoved each arm in, he spoke.* The time is here for you to be, Muhrder. Accept it or not. *He palmed his cane and dematted to Ehlena at the penthouse, where he could calmn his nature, and be free of the madness for five fucking minutes.*
    Saturday at 2:07pm · Like · 7
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He jumped as the door flew wide open. He listened to the Sympath, and stood. He turned away, and began the water. He felt good for finally giving that bastard a surprise like that, but low because he was right. He soaped up and rinsed, cutting off the water. His towel ready where he always left it. Drying off, he thought maybe he should start training with Xhex. She did offer to help and he was trying to amend things with her. He stepped from the bathroom, toweling off his hair. He took a deep breath and went to the closet for his leathers.*
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*sitting in her room she was thinking about what she was going to say tonight to the family about the young. she and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath had talked about what they would say but now that the day was here she was not sure of anything anymore. her stomach was in knots and her heart seemed to be beating faster than it ever did. taking a deep breath she tried to calm herself down and reminded herself things were set and she didn't need to worry. she had talked with Fritz Perlmutter and arranged the perfect meal, of all the family's favorites, she picked out what she was going to wear, and even what dishes and linens were going to be used. she knew there was no reason to be nervous and yet she couldn't make the nerves go away*
    Bette Midler - Baby Mine (HQ Music Video)
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*walks through the door of the manse, glad nobody is around to greet had been 2 weeks of BDB "tiny mission" my ASS and he had only ONE person on his mind...Selena....he dropped his bailout bag in his room and headed straight for what he wanted most...HER.....he reached her door and knocked....and knocked again..*..DAMNIT, where are you?..*he turned to walk back up the hall*
    Unlike · · Share · Saturday at 7:19pm ·
    You, Zee Ahgony, Sandy Renner, Cormia Ahgony and 8 others like this.
    Selena Chosen ‎*waking up to the sound of someone pounding on the door she pulled her legs from the covers and tugged lassiters shirt she stole down to her knees before she opened the door rubbing one of her eyes she froze when she saw who was standing before her* Lover?!
    Saturday at 7:22pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*turning back around, he looked at her...she was mussed from sleep and wearing one of his shirts*..Hi there doll..*and that was as much as he could get past his lips...because talking was the farthest thing from what he wanted at the moment..talking could be done later....he pulled her into his arms and kissed her for all he was worth and then some...lifting her slightly he walked them back into her room and booted the door shut*..I missed you sweets..*kissing her with a fever he had been feeling for days*
    Saturday at 7:27pm · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*being in his arms was something she has been dreaming off since he had left, kissing him back with the same fever and desperation as him she fisted his soft hair into her hands as her locked her legs around his lean hips. One of her hand traveled down the back of his neck as she pulled him closer, needing to feel his whole body pressed against hers like she has been craving for the past few days*
    Saturday at 7:33pm · Like · 7
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*it didn't take a scientist to figure out that she missed him every bit as much as he did her...she sucked on his lips and swirled her tongue around his...he growled low in his throat and palmed her ass in his hands..*..YOU..ME...NAKED...N...See More
    Saturday at 7:40pm · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*watching him remove his clothes made her body heat up and her stomach flutter, sitting up as he pulled his shirt from her head she whimpered as he spoke to her as he rained kissed all over her stomach and chest, she arched into his mouth she shivered* And i you lover, i dreamed of you and me like this, I missed you everyday you were gone.
    Saturday at 7:55pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*kissing his way up her body he gave much needed attention to her full breasts and taught nipples...making his way to the soft skin behind her ear he whispered..*...I need to be inside you more than my next breath...foreplay now?..or later?..your call doll...*he continued his exploration of her body with his hands and mouth*
    Saturday at 8:00pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her body was wound tight to the point that she was shaking in need, sliding her hand down his chest she grabbed his member smiling slightly when he gasped and pressed his face into her hair, she lined him up to her throbbing core and turned her head to press her lips to his cheek* Make love to me Mine angel....
    Saturday at 8:04pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen As you wish my heart...*he pushed and seated himself in one long stroke...his whole body stilled...the feel of her wet tight channel surrounding him was almost more bliss than he could handle..*..Look at me doll...*staring into her eyes he began a slow and torturous pace*...I want to see your face when I tell you what I came to understand while I was away from you these last weeks..
    Saturday at 8:10pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*her body arched up from the bed as he thrust into her body, her hands moved to his back as her nails dug into his skin slightly, he was so big as he stretched her body to its limits. Hearing him call to her she looked into his eyes as he started his slow pace that had her body breaking out into goose bumps, the emotion she saw in his eyes made her hold his face with her hands* Tell me lover...
    Saturday at 8:15pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*she grabbed his face with her soft hands and in her eyes he saw......Everything....her hips arched into his and they rode on the same wave of passion*..I found that I now know where home's not here in the manse, or in the room that I lay my head...It's HERE...In your body and hopefully in your heart...I love you Lena...with all the broken parts of me...may the Gods help me...I love you with ALL that I am and ALL that I'm not...*he watched her face for sign's of something...anything...*..I would understand if I am not what you expected or wanted...but I am yours and you are mine..I know it with every fiber of my being...
    Saturday at 8:24pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen
    ‎*her body froze and her heart skipped a few beats before she understood what he was telling her, He loved her...loved her with all he was and all he couldn't be. Tears sprang to her eyes as she pulled him down for a kiss, her own love for the man above her showing in the kiss, pulling back she smiled through her tears* I love you mine angel...i love all you are, all your not and all you ever will be nothing can make me happier then i am right now with you. *holding his face in her hands she giggled at the look of shock on his face* Yes lassiter i love you mine angel.....
    Saturday at 8:32pm · Like · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*she said it back...he thought, hoped, even wished for it, but never expected her to say it back..he bent down and kissed away her tears*...You just saved me Lena....I was so lost, and you saved me...*he continued to kiss every part of her face while his hips rocked into her over and over...he wanted this to last forever...and by the Gods he would make damn sure it did...he alternated whispering his love for her and thrusting deep*...
    Saturday at 8:48pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*the love she felt for this main coupled with his deep thrusts into her body made her feel like she was on fire, reaching her hands up to grab onto the head board she moaned and rocked her hips up to meet his. Tilting her head back she bite down on her bottom lip as he pressed kisses to her now exposed neck*
    Saturday at 8:53pm · Like · 5
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    That's it doll...Give me everything...Let go..I will catch you..*kissing her neck*..I will always catch you..*he rode her higher and higher...beads of sweat rolled down his back..if she kept using her hips to pulls his cock into her he wouldn't outlast her...he put his hand under her ass and thrust as deep and hard as he could while he slid his other down to massage her clit...*...I love you..*over and over*..I love you...
    Saturday at 9:01pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*hearing him say his love for her over and over shot chills down her body to where they were joined, as his finger brush clit she jerked and gripped the head board harder* not going to last. *she groaned and bucked her hips wildly as she felt her climax start to build up in the pit of her stomach*
    Saturday at 9:05pm · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*on a growl*...I don't want you to last!!...*he bent down and took one of her nipples into his mouth and sucked hard....while rotating his hips in a circle while pulling almost all the way out and plunging back out, suck, out, suck, nibble*...LOVE!....YOU!!...CUM for me doll...
    Saturday at 9:10pm · Like · 5
    Selena Chosen ‎*as he slammed into her body she screamed out his name, her back arching from the bed and her legs shook around his waist, looking up at him she whimpered* Cum...please and cum!
    Saturday at 9:12pm · Like · 3
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    With me doll...With me...*he felt the first quivers of her orgasim ripple through her channel and he more times and shoved himself as far as her body would let him and drained himself into her...the colors that came over his eyes and the hum he heard coming from both their bodies was a melody he would hear resonating in his ears forever..he would almost swear he saw stars floating from his body to her...his soul cried from the love it felt for her at this moment...he held onto her even after the last pulses were gone with his face buried in her hair*...
    Saturday at 9:18pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*running her hands through his hair as they both lay there spent and panting, turning her head to the side she see's his arm is glowing she smiles and brings her fingers up to trace his skin, turning her head she whispers* Angel...your glowing.....
    Saturday at 9:27pm · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*a little startled*..I'm sorry doll...I seem to have trouble controlling it when I get very..*clearing his throat*..emotional...I will work on better control of it next time...It's just that I have been holding this all in for a while and...well...I just couldn't anymore...
    Saturday at 9:34pm · Like · 4
    Selena Chosen ‎*she shook her head and pressed her lips to the corner of his mouth* No...don't hold it in i love seeing you like this. *she blushes as she whispered* You love beautiful... *she turned to look him in the eyes, her hands coming up to trace over the now glowing features of his face*
    Saturday at 9:40pm · Like · 4
    Lassiter The-Fallen No more than I love you..*kisses her nose and says*..You just remember who said it first...*her words sent a warmth through his system and made him harder than he was before, as if they had never even had sex in the first place....he rocked his hips and nibbled at her neck*...You see what you do to me doll....That is my whole body loving you...
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*Beth and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath deliver the announcements about their young*
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Saturday at 9:40pm
    Boo Randall, Sandie Baker, Emma Lou and 18 others like this.
    Rhage Tohrture ‎*fangy grin* Fuckin congrats you two
    Saturday at 9:42pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony I am so glad to hear this most blessed news! *winks*
    Saturday at 9:43pm · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*smiles softly* Oh dear queen this child shall be loved very much.
    Saturday at 9:43pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*beams* wonderful news!!! I am so happy for the two of you.
    Saturday at 9:46pm · Like · 7
    Jenny Lhynne Smith yay... Little boys are so much fun!!!
    Saturday at 10:19pm · Like · 4
    Trhistan Rocke Congratulations to the both of you, a son will be excellent. And Wrath, may your son grow to be just as you are *grins*
    Saturday at 10:20pm · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*smiles* Beth, I am truly happy for you. You and Wrath will be amazing parents to the young.
    22 hours ago · Like · 7
    Marissa O'Neal Congratulations Beth and Wrath, you are going to be fantastic parents to your son *smiles*
    21 hours ago · Like · 6
    Xhex Tehrror Congrats to you both!!! can't wait to spoil him!!
    11 hours ago · Like · 5
    Mary Luce Tohrture ‎~smiles sweetly~ This is wonderful! Congratulations to both of you!
    Mary Luce Tohrture
    ‎~She sat in the bed with file folders scattered about the surface of the bed. She had been going over the files for hours trying to find the connections between various clients she had counselled at Safe Place, and filling in notes on her recent sessions. There didn't seem to be enough hours in the day any longer for all the things she needed to do. Between her work, the young, and Rhage she seems stretched thinner and thinner as the days passed, but she wouldn't have it any other way. The young kept her entertained and she couldn't love them anymore than if she had carried them each in their turn, and Rhage, he was Rhage. At times he was more trying than the young, but he was also a source of strength that she drew from when she felt weak, or tired, or just at wits end. She sat with her crossed over one another, her back hunched over as she read, her mind mentally going back to each session~
    Ron Pope - You're the reason I come home.With lyrics
    Rehvenge Rempoon
    Continuation of Rehv and Ehlena's night at home.
    Unlike · · Follow Post · 7 hours ago
    You, Saxton Thym, Emma Lou and 2 others like this.
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*As he waited for her response, he paced the balcony. He was getting angrier as the seconds ticked by.* Fuck it! *He rasped out as he took his phone out again and dialed her number. It rang twice, and then there it was. Closing his eyes, he heard the sweetest relief he had ever known. Her voice on the other end of the damned phone was better than the scotch rocks he was pondering. He steadied himself and began to speak, still holding his eyes closed.* Tahlly, where in the fuck are you?? *He cleared his throat and tried not to sound so gruff, but shit, it didn't work.*
    7 hours ago · Like · 4
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She heard her phone go off that she had recieved a text. It was vibrating along the counter in the bathroom. Soaking in the tub she watches the phone. It was only once so it probably wasn't important. Sighing she sinks deeper into the warm bath. She was relaxed and almost jumped out of her skin when her phone rang. Having to reach out she manages to get her fingers stretched out enough to get her phone.* Hello *She sounded breathless and water was splashing for all he knew she could be at an amusment park on the water slide. He sounded angry though and she sat cross legged in the tub* Nallum I'm just in the bath?
    7 hours ago · Like · 4
    Rehvenge Rempoon What?? Were?? Here?? *His eyes popped open at the revelation, and he ended the call. He willed the sliders open and he took off for the bathroom. He paused a second to collect himself. He grasped the handle and popped open the door to see Ehl staring wide eyed at him. He tugged his sable off and let it hit the floor. The suit coat was next, and was ripped in haste. He began his cuff links and noticed the fear on her face. Her grid all over every emotion, but fear and worry lead the front.* Fuck, Tahlly. *He sucked in and let out a barely calming breath.* I saw him finally. Did NOT go well at fucking all! *He laid his cuff links on the sink, and started on the buttons. Standing by the side of the tub, his eyes never leaving hers.*
    7 hours ago · Like · 4
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*her lips parted to answer him but he was already gone. She could hear the hard foot falls as he made his way towards the bathroom. The pause before he entered gave her a second to fix the bun her hair was in. When he moved into the room her eyes wide. She waited for him to speak but he just started to undress. Surely they were going to overflow the tub if he joined her. Her hands going to the side of the tub she was about to stand to help him with his cuff links when he seemed to struggle for a brief second. But she paused. She doesn't look away from his buring stare* Then tell me what happened? *Finally she stood seeing that he had glanced down towards the buttons of his shirt. Her fingers work calmly. Or so she hoped it looked that way as droplets of water race down her skin undoing his buttons for him*
    7 hours ago · Like · 3
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He began to breath hard. Those fucking rivulets of water sliding down her perfect, naked flesh sending jealousy coursing through him. Her tiny hands dancing over the buttons of his shirt. His chest finally free, he let her slide his shirt off.* I claimed my IOU. Made him see who he always was. Who he could be again.* When she just stared, he sighed.* I opened the lock on his brain, and sent him over theedge briefly. He attacked and I couldn't have been more proud. *He grasped her hands in both of his and held them to his hot flesh. He leaned forward slightly and briefly, softly kissed her forehead.* I am on edge, Ehl. Help me.
    7 hours ago · Like · 4
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Freeing him from his shirt. Her fingers trace over the his star tattoos. Looking down from his eyes only because she wanted to see him. She noticed his nostrils flared when her scent becomes stronger. Slipping his shirt over his shoulders it slides down his arms to the floor. Her brows come together then he speaks of attacks and such. She finally looks back up into his amethyst eyes. He almost took her by surprise again when he grasped onto her small hands. He brought her forward leaning closer to him. His lips on her forehead had her closing her eyes. She knew he was already on edge it was clearly written all over his face. The way he was moving. Nodding her head his lips still against her forehead. Of course she would help him. *
    6 hours ago · Like · 3
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*His lips kissed a path over her cheek to her jaw, moving to her lips. He never pushed her too fast, but his control was slipping. He nipped her full bottom lip, and growled low. His eyes sliding half closed.* Do you want me naked, Shellan?
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Her eye lids flutter closed from the heated trail of kisses he is placing on her skin. Her tongue slips between her lips wetting them. Knowing the destination of his lips.* You know I do. *Her hands are removed from his moving over his pecks and down his abs. Her fingers working their magic on the button of his suit pants. She smiled hearing the sound of his zipper. Opening her toffee colored eyes she looks onto his handsome face.*
    6 hours ago · Like · 4
    Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He grinned against her lips as he felt her little fingers release his hardened flesh. He gave his hips a slight twist and his pants slid down to the floor, which caused his throbbing, aching member to "bump" into her hand. He growled low, his eyes giving off a glow as he pulled her close, and lifted her into his arms. Her squeel of delight and surprise lost in the deep, aggressive kiss he lavished on her. His tongue thrusting and massaging hers, flicking and teasing to make her play too. He nipped her lips and licked the stings he left behind. He glided over to the tub, willed the lights off and the candles lit, and slowly lowered them both into her sweet-smelling bubbles.* Oh, Tahlly. This is one fucking bath you will NEVER forget!
    Saxton Thym
    ‎*His paperwork had been sorted and filed, he was free to relax and concentrate on other things. He had both his Civil Ceremony coming up with his beloved Blaylock and also the Annual Black Dagger Brotherhood Family Male of Worth Charity Auction. He was excited about both events, the charity auction was in aid of a worthy cause. Each charity deserved the recognition for all the amazing work they did, he hoped the auction raised a substantial amount of money for each of the chosen charities. He sat back into his chair and thought about the coming weeks, he hoped he would be able to spend some time away with just his Blaylock. They had a great deal of celebrating to do, and he knew just how he wanted to celebrate*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Trhistan Rocke
    ‎*spending what the humans consider the last day of the year trying to decide the next direction to head in. He had spent time with his cousin, and was glad to see Blaylock happy and at ease. He still was no further settled than he was before, however. The roots he was looking for may just not exist, apparently. Caldwell was great, and there were many friends here that mattered to him. But the restlessness was fucking relentless. Maybe he needed to talk to the brothers about being put into a regular rotation. Fuck knew, the training had been grueling. No sense letting it go to waste. A job may be the perfect thing to keep his ass out of trouble. He decided to head down to the training center. Workout his body, empty his mind. He spied the cat on his way, and stopped to pet Boo quickly before anyone saw.*
    Trhistan Rocke
    T leaves the mansion
    Trhistan Rocke
    ‎*He had spent the last several days just existing. Hour after hour on the treadmill, weight lifting, conditioning his body. He had spent time with some females he knew, and he had fed. He spent more time with Blay, and had gotten to know Saxton. Basically, he was out of excuses and it was time to move on. At this point, he was completely superfluous, and it was becoming glaringly obvious, at least to him it was. He set about packing his shit. The one good thing about the ongoing restlessness, he didn't have a lot of shit to pack. He went to the walk in closet of the guest room he had been using. The shelves were mainly empty. He grabbed his duffel bag and stood there with it in his hand. In his mind, he was remembering all the other places he had done this. The other lives he had passed through without touching.*
    Trez Moor
    ‎*going over the footage from the security camera's he installed in the newly renovated Mask. He is pleased to see that the Brotherhood and their friends are enjoying the new decor and furniture's that he had installed for them. The atmosphere was to his liking. Everyone enjoying themselves and the new amenities. His girls are all happy which makes him happy. He moves around in the shadow's watching and listening to everyone and everything. Making sure there are no intruder's. No mischievous doing, even the Bhastard's are behaving*
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*He left Mhisery sleeping in their bed, leaning down to brush a gentle kiss to her forehead and tuck the sheets tighter around her. Quietly opening the bottom drawer of his dresser, he pulled out a bottle of Herradura and silently opened the door onto the balcony. The night was cold, the air bit against his short clad body, it woke him up and made him feel alive. He needed it, needed to feel that sting to remind him why he was here, that he was living and not stuck in the past.
    Swinging his legs over the ledge, he sat down heavily, looking down at the ground that was far below. Uncapping the bottle, he raised it to his lips and took a long swallow, letting the tequila burn down his throat and give a false sense of warmness low in his gut. Regret still hung heavy on his mind, regret for the danger, the stupidity and the poor lack of judgement he had recently faced. The family mentioned nothing about it but it still bothered him. He still hadn't spoke to any of them about it and he wasn't sure he could. How did he turn round to those he cared about and tell them - Well shit, I almost ruined you life?*
    Like · · Share · January 9 at 7:25am ·
    Melissa McNeill, Trixie Faith Japhet, Emma Lou and 9 others like this.
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He couldn't, it was a poor response to what he had done. Scrubbing a hand over his bristled jaw, he took a heavy sigh and raised the bottle to his lips again, this time he swallowed several times and drained the bottle by a third. He coughed and wiped away the tears that welled in his eyes as the alcohol felt like it was burning a hole through him.
    He should be happy, fuck he was happy, he had a good woman in his life, one who say him for the real person he was and not by his actions. He had family and friends who actually gave a shit about him, not like his birth family. He had a good job, a good position in his life that many could only dream of. And yet? he sat out here in the middle of the night drinking like a fool*
    January 9 at 7:28am · Like · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*As much as he hated smoking, right now he wished he did, just for the sake of something to do with his hands. Looking down at the ground again, he took another drink from the bottle and palmed his chest. Looking up, he glanced at the stars barely visible through the stars, swallowing he did the one thing he had never done before and offered up a prayer to the Scribe-Virgin*
    Help me get through this Beloved Scribe, give me the strength to not be my usual fuc-*he cleared his throat* to not be the usual failure that I always am. For one help people be proud of me. *he glanced at his hands* Help me find the way to show my family, though not of blood what they truly mean to me.
    *He looked over his shoulder to look at Mhisery, her slender body framed by the sheets that covered her. Grinning, he took another drink* Fuck she is beautiful *He muttered quietly to himself.*
    January 9 at 7:41am · Like · 8
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*A cold breeze drifted across her body and roused her from her sleep state. She rolled to her side, her arm automatically reaching Qhuinn. Her heart raced as panic set in that he was not in their bed. She lifted her head and looked around frantically, her eyes searching for him. She saw him on the ledge, bottle beside him and she sat straight up, clutching the sheet to her bare body. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood, wrapping the sheet around her body. Holding the sheet with one hand, she made her way toward him* Qhuinn, are you alright nallum?
    January 9 at 9:13am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He threw one leg over the balcony and pulled her into his arms, rubbing his hands down her slender arms to try and keep some heat in her* You should have stayed in bed Leelan, it's cold out here. *Shifting her in his arms, he tucked her against his side and rested his chin on her head* I was just thinking about shit. Nothing to worry about. Did I wake you leaving the room?
    January 9 at 9:15am · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She sank into the warmth of his body and pressed her body to his. His chest was warm while the rest of his body was chilled from the night air. She was rubbed her free hand over his chest in an attempt to sooth him. His muscles were tight and corded under her hand. She nuzzled in closer to his side as she spoke.* I'm not worried about being woke up nallum, I'm worried about you. I don't like the fact that you are sitting on a ledge attempting to drink yourself into a oblivion.
    January 9 at 9:24am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong It was either toss and turn in our bed or get up and come out here. I wanted you to rest. You need to rest and relax now you are here with me *He covered her small hand with his directly over his head* I won't fall, I promise you that. That would mean not being here to be with you. The drink is to keep me warm *He gave her usual cocky grin though it didn't reach his eyes as it normally did. She had arrived in the mansion just after his melt down. He wondered how he would look in her eyes if she knew. Would she hate him? Fear him? Pity him?*
    January 9 at 9:28am · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at him, his grin was in place, but his eyes gave him away. She didn't want to press him but she was concern, fuck, she was worried. She had not seen this side of him in the time that they had been together. She had seen him as self assured, strong and confident. They had talked about each other's past on several occasions, she knew he had demons that he fought, just as she had her own, but they drew strength and wisdom from each other. When one was down, the other was there with a helping hand and vice versa, together they made each other complete. He had become her best friend in the world, and even more. If he was hurting, and it was obvious that he was, then she was hurting for him.* What had you tossiing and turning in the first place nallum?
    January 9 at 9:41am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His heart gave a faint jolt as she asked him what was wrong. He wanted to tell her, but fear was something that struck hard along with that need. She deserved to know though, she needed to understand what had happened. Why he avoided the majority of the household. Shame and self loathing were bitter pills to swallow. He cupped her cheek in one hand, his thumb stroking against her high cheek bone as he met her eyes* I did something.. *he swallowed and started to talk, his voice low and calm* Not long before you arrived.. I..I got myself under the impression that I was the son of The-Omega. I patrolled hard, by myself when it was against the rules, I risked the Brothers that came with me on occasions. All for the sake of getting hold of a Lesser. *He glanced away then looked back at her again. She needed to hear the rest* I didn't kill them..I tortured them for information..
    January 9 at 9:45am · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her heart rate sped when he talked of all the things that he had done while he was under the delusion that he was the son of the Omega. Her heart was not racing from shock or from a feeling of disgust at his actions, but she was scared for his safety, even though it was before they had met. Even though he sat before her, caging her in his embrace, she was still panic stricken by the thoughts of what could have happened to him, but at the same time she understood. She was in a similar situation, every night that she patrolled was to find the one Lesser left alive of the four that had murdered her mother. She palmed his cheek with her eyes filled with understanding.* I kinda understand what you went through. I patrol, alone, to find the Lesser that killed my mother. *she gave a gentle shrug of her shoulder* If I kill others, good and well, but it really a means to an end for me.
    January 9 at 10:00am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Your Mahmen was killed by Lessers? When? *He was shocked, she had never said. But then, he understood keeping things like that to yourself. How things could be a driving force that all you could focus on was that goal. That was how he felt every time he had gone out alone or with another to bring a Lesser back to torture, to try and find out if it was true. He guessed there was still a small part of him that felt it could have been true. BUt he knew it wasn't. He wasn't like the Omega, he wasn't like the Lessers. He ducked his head and pressed a tender kiss to his lips, a low territorial groan rumbling in his chest. Pulling back he looked at her again.* It gets worse. I brought the Lessers into the house. I left their body parts hidden around the Mansion, the Pit, the Clinic, the Training room. By the end of it, I wasn't even sure where I had put them anymore.
    January 9 at 10:06am · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She gave a nod when he asked about her mother* I was still very young, roughly ten. *She brushed her lips against his in response to his soft kiss and looked into his eyes as he finished the rest of his story. She kept the shocked look off her face, again not for his actions but for what torment he had to have been going through to go to those lengths. She wanted to take him in her arms and hold him until their was no thoughts of anything ever being bad in his life. She wanted to love him enough to erase every emotional scar that he bore. She knew she could never do that no matter how much she wanted it, but she hoped in time if she loved him enough, he would learn to let all of that go. Let all of his insecurities and the emotional wounds of others go, and just realize that he was worth so much more than he gave himself credit for. She stilled her voice before she spoke* Qhuinn you were trying to accomplish something that you had no control over. You didn't know you were not his son, and the need to find out clouded all reason. You can not beat yourself up for something that could have happened to anyone.
    January 9 at 10:19am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong You still miss her? I hated my parents. Even when I should have loved them. I was a disgrace to them *he gave her a smile and tucked her into his chest again, his arms like bands around her small frame. He was shocked and surprised as hell. He expected her to run away screaming, or tell him what a waste he was. That he was the reaction he always expected. It had been that way for most of his life and it was hard to change the habit of a life time. He drew in a slow breath, instantly settling now he had her in his arms. She had a strange way of soothing him, he doubt she even realized what she was doing or how much she effected him.* You realize you surprise me daily. You are not like what I am used to. You make me feel.. less of a fuck up.
    January 9 at 10:31am · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She gave another show nod to answer his question about her mother and listened when he spoke of his parents.* I hated my father and he hated me. I was his hidden mistake and I was never allowed to forget that. After he died, I went to the glymeria, I didn't know what else to do, I was roughly 14 and alone. They made sure to let me know I was his bastard. *She sank deeper into his strong embrace, the sheet held in place by his strong frame, as she wrapped her arms around him, allowing the back to dip farther down her back, the smooth scroll of his name across her back was struck by the cool breeze as she let out a sigh of contentment before she answered* You amaze me, I see more value in you than any other person in the world and yet you don't see it. One day I will show you what a male of worth you are.
    January 9 at 10:52am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong You should have been protected and taken care of, treated right and in the manner you deserve. To treat you any other way is a great injustice to you. *he hand moved to rest against her lower back, his fingers stroking across her satin like skin as he moved his other leg from over the balcony. Bending his knees slightly, he swung her up into his arms, sheet and all and strode back through the open door. Kicking it closed behind him, he sat her down in the middle of the bed then followed her down. He lay on his side beside her, his fingers lightly tracing over the features of her face, burning them into his memory. He wished he could see himself as she saw him. He wanted to break down and beg her to help him, for her to the be the one that finally dragged him out of the downward spiral he always seemed to be on.* You are my rahlman, even if you don't realize that *his face was serious as he looked at her* If you hadn't of came into my life when you did *he gave a rueful smile* I might have taken the leap from that balcony..
    January 9 at 11:01am · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was taken by surprise as he swept her up in his massive arms, but she just went with it. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kept her eyes trained on his face, every feature a more beautiful than the last, but his eyes were the most spectacular feature on his handsome face, not just the coloring, but the deep, soulfulness they possessed. She gave a small smile as he laid her in the middle of their bed, and she got to watch the full height of the man she loved lay down beside her. Every muscle of his frame moved with ease as he stretched parallel to her and she felt blessed by the Scribe to have him in her life. His feathered touch fell across her face and she tilted her head to angle into his palm and gaze at him as he spoke. Her heart racing when he spoke of leaping from the balcony, she would give her life before she saw him hurt. She raised her hand, and allowed the pad of her thumb to slowly slide over the soft fullness of his lower lip, and attempt to silence the rest of that statement, it was too painful to hear, and even more painful to let her mind roll over the thought* And you are mine, because if you had not found me when you did, I would have left this world the very night you found me.
    January 9 at 11:13am · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He pressed his lips against the pad of her thumb and nipped lightly with his fangs, not enough to pierce to the skin but to just give them both a reminder.* Then it was a good thing we found each other when we did. It's easier to breath when I have you close. Easier to not feel worthless, though the doubts are still there. In time maybe I will shake them with your help. As for you? I love you leelan, I am not much but everything that I am is yours. *He leaned over, cupping her face in his hand and brushed his lips across hers, relearning the full bottom lip, the cupid bow to her upper. He gave a quiet moan and stroked his tongue against the seam of her lips and pressed inside, stroking his tongue with his as he gathered her into his arms. He moved to lie on his back, not even sure if she realized why he did that. That with anyone else he had to be in control, had to be on top or behind. But with her, he was willing to let that go while they were together. She was the light that was slowly but surely pushing away the dark*
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    Lass's TOP 10 Most Dangerous:....
    10. The guy who mistakenly got Publisher's Clrear. House at his door because he lived next door to the real winner..
    9.The little boy who got Robin for X-mas when he really wanted Batman..
    8. The special forces guy who had not seen a female in 2yrs. and was offered a weeks pass in return for the head of Bin Laden..
    7. An old woman who has been married to the same man for 40yrs. and on her B-day went home and "Dangit he's still there"...
    6. Boo, when he found out someone switched his whole milk for skim..
    Like · · Share · January 9 at 7:56pm ·
    Katra DH-Patria, Andrea Maurer, Phyllis Etuarte and 13 others like this.
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎5. The 20 yr. old daughter when she came home to find her boyfriend in bed with her Mother.. 4. The lactose intolerant person who ate a 3lb. cheesecake.. 3. Me, when V tattoo'd my butt with.."I ♥ the Dudes".. 2. The guy who woke up from his penile reduction surgery after he went in to have his tonsils taken out.. 1. Cher....Because..Chaz??...Do I really need to say more??
    Rehvenge Rempoon
    ‎*Finding himself alone once he got to the Penthouse, had his temper flashing. Where was she?? His Shellan had a way of disappearing, even AFTER he had just spoken to her! He had the "talk" with the looney, and he was in RARE form. He needed her. He needed his meds. Hell, he just needed! When the hell did he become so needy?? THAT was the million dollar question. He had never needed anyone before, so why now?? Taking a long, deep breath, he exhaled and watched the breath smoke in the cold night air. He could feel the chill as he stood, dressed in his sable/Armani combo as always, at the entrance to their private home. His fangs extended and aching, his body tight with anger and frustration. He closed his eyes and let the cold breeze caress the heated flesh of his face. He stuck a hand roughly into his pocket and pulled out his phone.* She better be either on her way here, or here! *He grumbled to himself as he opened his eyes, looked through his phone, and typed out a text to Ehlena.* ~ Where the HELL are YOU?? ~
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*she and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath were just about to head downstairs for dinner when she suddenly had a horrible stomach pain and felt incredibly sick. running to their bathroom she got very ill. holding her stomach as she sat on the floor, she heard Wrath walk in* I don't think I am going to be able make it for dinner tonight.
    Like · · Share · January 7 at 7:28pm ·
    Emily Lua, Claire Callaway, Sandie Baker and 10 others like this.
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He heard Beth running into the bathroom and knew immediately that something was wrong. This was the moment he'd feared most: his shellan suffering because of the pregnancy. Gently he put his hand on her shoulder and stroked her back* That's okay. *he lifted her and carried her to their bed* Do you want me to call Jane?
    January 7 at 7:33pm · Like · 9
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*wrapping her arms around his neck as he picked her up off the floor* No Nallum, I don't think Jane needs to be called. I think this is the part of pregnancy a lot of humans deal with, morning sickness. I wonder if it has to be with me being part human *sitting down on the bed she took her phone out and texted the family to let them know they would not be at dinner* Will you sit with me mine Hellren? *she had the urge to be held right now*
    January 7 at 7:37pm · Like · 9
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He still wasn't sure if he shouldn't call Jane. Maybe something was wrong with the young and Beth needed medical attention. Though Beth would ask for Jane if she really needed her right now* Okay. *He laid down next to her, pulling her closer, covering her with his body* We'll tell the family later. Just take your time.
    January 7 at 7:42pm · Like · 9
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*feeling his arms around her she smiled kissing his chest* Thank you for understanding baby. *closing her eyes she just enjoyed the feeling of his body around her. thinking about telling the family* Nallum, what would you think of making a formal announcement in writing? We could make up a formal announcement maybe with the first ultrasound picture or something like that?
    January 7 at 7:52pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He thought about. Of course a personal announcement had been what he wanted but the suggestion wasn't bad. They'd have some time to think about it and prepare for this* I knew you were smart *he teased, stroking her belly* I hoped I could feel him. Is he kicking you right now?
    January 7 at 8:00pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she chuckled* I am smart love, I picked you for my Hellren. *smiling as he stroked her belly she held still hoping the young would move and then he did* Yes, he is. Can you feel him? *she truly hoped he would feel their son moving, she knew how desperately he wanted to feel him kicking*
    January 7 at 8:07pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He put his hand on her belly and felt the gentle nudge. Immediately a smile appeared on his face. There were no words to describe how he felt right now. His son. Their son. Gently he stroked her belly and hoped the young could feel it.* I love you, leelan and I love this young. Our young.
    January 7 at 8:13pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*as she saw the smile on his face she knew he could feel their young moving, she smiled huge as well* I am so glad you got to feel him move *leaning in she kissed him* I love you and our young too Nallum, more than anything in this world *as her stomach pains eased she relaxed* The pain is gone Wrath, my stomach feels so much better now. *relieved that it was passing she sighed*
    January 7 at 8:18pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*pulling her closer to his body, he kissed her forehead while stroking her back* Are you sure? *whenever she was in pain or sick he felt helpless and feared he might lose her. There were no words that could explain the love he felt for Beth. There were also no words that could explain how painful it would be if he lost her*
    January 7 at 8:26pm · Like · 9
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*smiling she brushed his hair back* Yes I am sure love. I feel much better now. What do you think about making the announcements tonight? *she was really anxious to tell the family and since they hadn't been able to make it to first meal tonight, she thought delivering the announcements to everyone while they were there so that they would have them when they returned was perfect*
    January 7 at 8:33pm · Like · 9
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Yeah, that is a good idea. *he loved the feeling of her hands in his hair. Kissing the side of her neck, smelling her beautiful scent* They need to know. We should make the announcement as soon as possible. *kissing her again* How are we going to make it?
    January 7 at 8:42pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she loved when he kissed her neck, she loved when he did that. as he asked how they would tell the family with the announcements she thought a moment* I know they do baby, I want to tell them. I was thinking we could print something on the paper in your office, with a picture of the ultrasound photo Jane gave us at our first visit letting them know we are having a boy and when he is due. Then we could slip them under each door of the family tonight, while they are still at first meal. Does that sound ok? *she truly hoped he liked the idea*
    January 7 at 8:51pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Barking out a laughter he hid his face in the pillow so she wouldn't be mad* Sure thing, leelan. We put it under each door. *He tried to bite back his laughter and hoped she wasn't feeling insulted* You are awesome. *He pulled her against his body and kissed her lips* We'll do this way. *The brothers would probably laugh at him but if it was his shellan's wish to do it this way they'd do it*
    January 7 at 8:58pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she wasn't sure if he really thought it was an ok idea or not* If you don't like it we can do something else Nallum. I just thought it would be something kind of different and fun to do *as he kissed her her fears were eased a little and she smiled* It will be classy and elegant I promise. Nothing childish or anything. I think it will be fun for them to all have something of their own to mark the occasion.
    January 7 at 9:03pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath We'll do it your way. *grinning, his female was so romantic sometimes* I don't want you to do this though. Let's tell Fritz about it and he'll do it. You shouldn't be walking around in your condition. I don't wanna risk anything. *To lighten the mood he added* are you going to write the announcement on pink letters?
    January 7 at 9:09pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*teasingly she pushed at his chest* You heard Jane, I am fine to do anything and no I am not going to use pink letters Nallum. *chuckling slightly but then becoming serious* I want to do this Wrath, I want to make the announcements myself, it will make me feel like we are telling them each personally since we could not tell them at first meal. Please let me do this.
    January 7 at 9:12pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Of course. You'll do it the way you want. *Gently placing another kiss on her cheek* But please let me help you. i don't want you to walk around the house and push yourself too much. I know you're tough, so I won't hold my breath every time you walk around but just be careful, leelan.
    January 7 at 9:24pm · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she leaned in and kissed him softly* I love how much you care about me and how concerned you are about me and the young. *sliding from the bed she took his hand* We can leave George here, I'll lead the way. *walking out of their room she took them to his office. as he sat down she sat on his lap and turned on his computer pulling up all the information she would need* This won't take long, I promise.
    Saxton Thym
    ‎*It was the day of the Civil Ceremony, everything was ready. He had slept well, he had chosen to spend the day away from Blaylock. Although he wanted to see and hold him, he also wanted to be surprised at the ceremony. He took his time eating his first meal of the day, it had been brought to him to save him bumping into Blay. He was so excited and nervous at the same time. He shaved then showered and finally dressed. He wore the cufflinks that Rehvenge and Ehlena had given them as their gift. He checked himself in the mirror one last time then set off to the Mask with Qhuinn. He was greeted by the rest of the family and friends, as he walked in he saw Blaylock standing there. The sight of Blaylock took his breath way, he was truly magnificent. He blue eyes were so bright, he stood strong and tall. He joined Blaylock to begin the ceremony, they smiled at each other. The ceremony flowed beautifully, then it was time for their vows. He smiled as Blaylock said his vows then it was his turn, he opened his mouth to speak. To his horror no sounds came out, he tried coughing to clear his throat. He was given a drink of water, but again no sounds. He stood there as Blaylock looked on helplessly. His dream ceremony had become his nightmare. He turned to see the worried looks on everyone faces, no one could help him. It was announced that the ceremony would have to continue another day, he tried to shout no but no words came out of his mouth. He grabbed Blay and tried to tell him how much he loved him and wanted to be his Hellren. Blay would have none of it, he took it as a sign that he didn't want to be his Hellren. He stood and watched as Blaylock ran out of the Mask and out of his life. He collapsed into a heap on the floor, he felt someone hold him close. When he opened his eyes Blaylock was holding him and telling him everything was alright. He held Blay so tight, he never wanted to let him go. He asked Blay what the date was, he breathed a sigh of relief. Their ceremony was still days away, it had simply been a nightmare*
    Xhex Tehrror
    ‎*Walking into John and her's room she looks around, she thought for sure John Matthew Tehrror would be in here, but he was nowhere to be found. Pulling out her phone, she sent him a text* Hey don't know where you are guess maybe you are out with Qhuinn Lohstrong. I'm going to the range to shot off some rounds then maybe hit up The Iron Mask for a few hours and see if Trez Moor needs any help breaking in the stripper pole with some guy's faces.*send*
    Like · · January 10 at 9:17am ·
    Emma Lou, Miranda Shelby and 2 others like this.
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*she opened up the closet to grabbed a few of her guns and some rounds and noticed John's guns and daggers were gone, He isn't on rotation tonight so why are his guns and daggers not here.*Heading down to the gun range she sent a text to Trez Moor * Hey, I'm free tonight, wanted to see if you needed any help at the Iron Mask, let me know.*send*
    January 10 at 9:24am · Like · 2
    Trez Moor ‎*as he goes over revenue and provision reports in his office he feels something vibrating in his breast pocket of his black leather jacket. He glides it open and he see's a text from Xhex it reads: Hey, I'm free tonight, wanted to see if you needed any help at the Iron Mask, let me know. end text: He sends a reply: Hey you, can always use your muscle's and skills around here. although lately it's been quiet. but your more than welcome to come down and chill. send text: He close's his phone and sits back in his chair and memories of Xhex working the Security at Zero Sum infiltrated his mind. She has the musculature of a male with hair to suit and a assassin. He remembers her throwing drunks out on their asses or shoving her shitkickers down their throats. Xhex was/is a bad ass in her own way. Having her help out here at the Mask on any given night was a Plus factor for his Security team he already had in place*
    Nalla Ahgony
    ‎*she knocked on the door of Aggie's room holding wots of cwayons* Aggie yous heres? I wans to color.
    Like · · Follow Post · January 10 at 11:02am
    Sandie Baker, Trhistan Rocke, Bella Ahgony and 12 others like this.
    Aggie Phury ‎*runs over to the door and reaches up to open it*.....Nalla....*looks at her hands* haz of themz....*leaves door open and runs back to the rug he was sitting on*...comes on, we can makes colors for our Mahmens.....
    January 10 at 11:05am · Like · 8
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*walks in behind him and sits on da fwoor wit him* Uh huh, lots of cwayons. *dumps the cwayons on da fwoor* Yea we makes pwetty dwaings. *picking up a cwayon she starts dwaing*
    January 10 at 11:08am · Like · 8
    Aggie Phury ‎*picks up the dawk blue one*...I is going to drawz her a new brother for me...I bets she would likes that....I knows I would...
    January 10 at 11:11am · Like · 9
    Nalla Ahgony A new broder? *starts dwaing a pwetty flower on the paper for her Mahmen* I want a new sister too. I thinks dat would be lots of funs.
    January 10 at 11:14am · Like · 8
    Aggie Phury ‎*shakes head*...I bets if weez ask really nice and cleans our own rooms for a week they would gives them to us....I wonder where they would gets them?..*looks back down at the paper and studies it*...yous think theys be mad if I put 2 babay brotherz?
    January 10 at 11:17am · Like · 8
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*nods* I dink if we dids that they would give us a broder and sister. I no know where dey come froms, das a good question. Maybe I ask Daddy (Zee) were dey comes froms *looks up at his dwaing* I dink two broders is okies to ask fors.
    January 10 at 11:20am · Like · 6
    Aggie Phury ‎*looks at Nallas paper and says* thats a pwretty flowers.....those are for sure worth a baby sister...the las time I asked for one they givs me a no can palyz with a fish...
    January 10 at 11:24am · Like · 7
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*looks at Aggies dwaing* Das is weally worth at weast two broders. I never asked about a baby sister. *looks puzzled* A fish, no way to play wid a fish, what was dey tinking giving you a fish. You can always pway with my puppy and pony too.
    January 10 at 11:30am · Like · 7
    Aggie Phury A puppy AND a powny...NOOOOO WAY...I wants a pony...but I wills plays with yours...whats are they names....I named my fish..."Fishy"...
    January 10 at 11:32am · Like · 7
    Nalla Ahgony Unky Lassiter gave me da pony, she needs a name dough, I no dink of one yet. My puppy is Ahstrux, Unky Qhuinn gave her do me. She sweeps me me evewy day. I likes yous fish name.
    January 10 at 11:37am · Like · 7
    Aggie Phury He gives you a pony...wuz it your birfday??....and uncky Qhuinn gives you a thinks I have to be nice to them and get a real BIG Wheel...a re one.....we can think of a name for your pony when we goes to see hers..
    January 10 at 11:44am · Like · 7
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*shakes her head* No they jus gave dem to me. Dey both da bestest. I bets they buys you two big wheels if yous ask. Unky Rehvenge says he going to gets me a pink car toos. I likes that ideas *feeling her tummy do that weird thing* Aggie I dink I is hungy, we should gets a snack.
    January 10 at 11:49am · Like · 7
    Aggie Phury ‎*thinks about his tummy and says*..I thinks that those grasshopprz Mahmens says I have in my tummy are hopping up and downz too..lets go see if that old guy who smells like benzgayz has something for us...*gets up and head for the door*
    January 10 at 11:52am · Like · 7
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*giggles* Okies, that old guys does smell kinda funny. *walking behind him twords da kitchen hoping dey finds cookies*
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
    ‎*Waking up with Elizabeth's scent in his nose, he opened his eyes automatically without seeing anything and pulled her closer into his arms. Beth mumbled something he couldn't understand but smiled anyway. His hand was - as usual - between her legs. It had been a long time but they'd have to wait a little longer. Slowly, not to wake her up, he stood up and walked into the shower*
    Like · · January 10 at 1:31pm ·
    Sandie Baker, Emma Lou, Lucia Ann and 12 others like this.
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*still not awake she felt her Hellrens arms around her and she mumbled how much she loved him. they had slept so peacefully the last few nights now that the family knew it was as if a weight was lifted. she was vaguely aware of him leaving the bed. she rolled over and took his pillow and held it to her*
    January 10 at 1:35pm · Like · 9
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Stepping out of the shower he wrapped a towel around his hips and walked back into the room. This was the only room he didn't need George to lead him around because he knew it very good. Beth was still sleeping, he could hear her taking deep breaths. Slowly he sat down next to her and kissed her lips* Wake up, leelan.
    January 10 at 1:41pm · Like · 9
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*murmuring his name as she felt his soft lips on hers. she slowly opened her eyes and took in the sight that made her so happy no matter what was going on...the face of her Hellren* Good morning mine Hellren. *leaning up she felt the satin moving against her skin as she sat back against the wooden headboard of their bed* Did you sleep well?
    January 10 at 1:44pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*smiling widely* of course I did. *pulling her into his arms, he kissed her passionately* How did you sleep? *brushing her hair out of her face* You look beautiful and I don't need my eye sight to realize that. *Leaning down, putting his lips on her ear* You are beautiful in-and outside. *kissing her neck he felt his fangs elongate. It was about time to feed soon*
    January 10 at 2:16pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she smiled and leaned into his hold* I hope you feel that way when I am as big as a house carrying our young *she chuckled, but his words after that reminded just how lucky she truly was to have him in her life. as felt the graze of his fangs* You need to feed don't you love?
    January 10 at 2:21pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Yeah. *he wasn't happy about this situation. The only blood he wanted was Beth's. Kissing her neck one last time he stood up and got dressed* How about we go out for dinner, tonight? Only if you want to. I'm sure you wanna shop a few things for our son, right?
    January 10 at 2:31pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she hated him feeding from anyone but her but knew he needed to feed* Ok Nallum, we will arrange something soon. *watching as he got dressed, she loved how his huge frame moved so easily but yet you could sense that he would kill anything near him that threatened one he cared for* Dinner sounds great. *she thought a moment* How about that fancy restaurant we went to for our Anniversary last year, since i can still get into my good dresses. *giggling* I can't wait to buy all sorts of things for him, but we have time for that
    January 10 at 2:40pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Grinning while thinking about all those scared humans* Yeah, let's go there. You want me to dress up? *He hated dressing up more than anything else but for her he'd do it. In fact, he'd do anything for her. He'd even walk around naked. She'd like that though. He sat down on the bed and George put his head on his knee. Gently he stroked the dog's head*
    January 10 at 2:49pm · Like · 6
    Elizabeth Randall You can wear anything you wish Nallum, but I do love the Armani suite Phury gave you recently *smiling she knew that was all it would take for him to wear it* I am going to take a quick shower, I'll be fast though promise *heading towards the bathroom stopping a moment she smiled as she watched him pet George. turning on the shower she quickly washed her hair and self. stepping out she did a fast french twist with her hair. putting on her red satin robe she walked back into their room to find Wrath in the suit. her face flushed at the site, he was so strikingly handsome* You look amazing mine Hellren. *walking by him she kissed him softly before going to the closet and picking out a simple black dress, fitted to her body, her belly showed clearly, but she did not mind, she felt proud* I'm ready love.
    January 10 at 2:55pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*She smelled beautiful: happiness, pride and love was a wonderful combination. Putting his arm around her waist, he pulled her close to his body and and gave George the command to lead them down the stairs. While Beth had been under the shower, he'd slipped two Glocks into his suit. He'd never leave the house without a gun. Impossible. Especially not with Beth and his young around.*
    January 10 at 3:01pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*wrapping her arm around his waist as he let George lead them. looking down at her belly* It is so nice to have to hide my belly anymore Wrath. *walking towards the garage* Would you like a Doggen to drive or shall I? *she typically drove but tonight she kind of hoped he said a Doggen, she wanted to focus completely on her male tonight*
    January 10 at 3:07pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*he shook his head immediately* You're not going to drive. It's too dangerous. *Calling Fritz he asked him if he could drive them into the city. The doggen was happy to help and got the car* I don't know what we'd do without him. *Smiling he kissed Beth's forehead and stroked her back*
    January 10 at 3:11pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she didn't argue about the dangerous issue, she just smiled and waited while he called Fritz* I don't know what we do either to be honest, he is amazing. *holding tight to him as we waited for Fritz. as the car arrive the Doggen jumped out and opened the door for them* Thank you Fritz *the Doggen nodded as they, and George, got into the back seat. sliding in she watched Wrath join her and took his hand* Thank you for tonight Wrath.
    January 10 at 3:15pm · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Helping her into the car he sat down next to her and put his arm around her* No need to thank me, leelan. You and I need this. We need time alone. And unfortunately we don't get it that much so we better enjoy the evening. *gently he nuzzled her neck* I love you. *he really hoped that they wouldn't be attacked tonight. Beth could handle stress but it probably wasn't good now, that she was pregnant.*
    January 10 at 3:23pm · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she loved the way he felt against her skin. running her fingers through his soft hair* I love you too Wrath, and you are right we don't get enough time together but I am so grateful for the time we do get. *she could smell his worry* Nallum, what are you thinking about?
    January 10 at 3:35pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Nothing. I'm thinking about nothing. *Okay, that was a lie but he didn't want to worry Beth. Sure, he was paranoid but only a little. Though he was sure he'd be able to smell any danger* It's okay, leelan. We'll just concentrate on us tonight. On us and the young. *gently he stroked her belly* You're getting big. *he teased*
    January 10 at 3:38pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she could smell the worry and the lie but did not want to press it, he was right tonight was about them and their young. as he stroked her belly and teased her she laughed* Just wait, I going to get much bigger *laughing* You probably won't even be able to get your arms around me. *she had to make a joke of it or she would freak out fearing he wouldn't find her attractive anymore*
    January 10 at 3:41pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Laughing at the thought* I'd still think you're hot. I don't care what you look like. *He laughed again* You know what I mean. *Fritz stopped and he got out of the car before helping Beth. After telling the butler to come back for them later they walked down the street. He didn't need to see the humans to know how afraid they were* I like to scare them.
    January 10 at 3:46pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she smiled and laughed* That is why I love you so much Nallum. *as the car stopped and Fritz opened the door Wrath slid out and helped her. thanking the sweet Doggen again they began walking. she could scent the humans fear as well and had to admit now that she was pregnant, she was even more grateful they feared him* I don't mind, it makes me feel safe. *as they arrived at the restaurant she smiled as Wrath told them he wanted their private booth in the back. walking to what they called their booth she held tight to him and smiled*
    January 10 at 3:53pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Taking her coat, he pulled out a chair and waited before she sat down. For a moment he scanned the area. Everything was clean. No sweet scent. Thank the Scribe-Virgin, he thought. Slowly he sat down on his chair and once again hated this goddamn suit. It was uncomfortable. George just laid down next to his legs and remained still* Are you feeling okay, leelan? Not feeling sick? Pain? *Fuck, he should have asked earlier*
    January 10 at 3:59pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*sitting down she smiled at him, she could tell he hated the suit* I know you hate it but I love when we get all dressed up Nallum. *reaching across the table taking his hand she ran her soft thumb over the rougher skin of knuckles* I feel great, I think the other night was just a fluke. I have felt great ever sense. *she truly had felt amazing since they told the family* Do are we going to have the usual tonight or something new?
    January 10 at 4:03pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Whatever you want, leelan. It'd better be something that won't make you sick. *He pulled her hand to his mouth and kissed it gently. Although they were sitting far away from the other guests they were staring at them. And hell, he didn't like the way the guys reacted to Beth. He could smell their interest and knew that they were looking at her body. Didn't they notice her swollen belly? Violently he bit into his lips to suppress his growl*
    January 10 at 4:09pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall I'll be ok I promise *as he kissed her hand she scented his anger, looking around she saw the males looking at them. getting up she moved to sit next to him and put her back to everyone else* Nallum, you are the only one I want, don't ever think different. They can stare all they want but it doesn't matter. I see no one but you. *leaning she pressed her soft lips to his. as she pulled back the waitress arrived* Would you like to order for us love?
    January 10 at 4:14pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*His hand went to her butt and stroked it* They are not allowed to look at you the way they do. Nobody but me is. *He could smell the fear of the waiter but at least he didn't run away* My shel- my wife *cringing at the word. he hated the english words. it just wasn't enough* My wife would like to have the Fillet steak medium rare with the baked potato and a water. And I'd like to have a Rump Steak, double the baked potato and a red wine, no wait I'd rather have a water. *It would be unfair*
    January 10 at 4:28pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she grinned as he palmed her ass, staying tight to him as the waiter too their order* Love you can have wine it's ok I don't mind. Please bring my Hel...husband a glass of red wine as well. *as the waiter nodded and wen to the kitchen* You can treat yourself too love, no need to change just because of pregnant. I want you to still enjoy everything just as much and I know how good wine and steak is *leaning in she slid into his lap while they waited, not caring if the humans looked at them*
    January 10 at 4:33pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath I know but I don't want you to feel mistreated. *The moment she sat on his lap he got hard. He couldn't help it. God, he couldn't wait to get her home and get her into his bed. But until then he had to think about dead puppies. dead puppies. cute dead puppies. tiny cute dead puppies. dead puppies. It didn't really work; he remained hard. fuck* I'm sorry, leelan.
    January 10 at 4:40pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall You are not mistreating me by having some wine Wrath, honest, I don't mind. *she could feel him get hard and it made her smile* Never be sorry for that, ever *leaning in she whispered* We'll take care of it at home *she sat in his lap and they enjoyed each other and talked like there was no one else in the place. as the waiter brought their food she couldn't believe how fast the time went. slipping from his lap she placed a light kiss to his vein before sitting in her own chair* It looks wonderful thank you. *watching the waiter walk away she smiled* It's perfect Wrath.
    January 10 at 4:51pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*The food smelled delicious and hunger rose. Without looking down he cut the steak and cursed a little when he missed the meat* Leelan, could you cut it maybe? *This was so embarrassing. usually fritz cut his food. And since he didn't want to mess up his suit he had asked his shellan. Still he hated asking for help. It was frustrating. He took a deep breath and tried not pity himself. He hated pity more than being helpless*
    January 10 at 5:03pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she watched as Wrath made an attempt and missed, she hated it so much for him* Of course Nallum *taking the plate, she scented so many different emotions from him as she cut the meat, anger, frustration, the one she hated most was his embarrassment. she silently cursed the Scribe for taking his sight. watching the knife tear the the meat with ease, she cut it quickly and handed him back the fork* There you go love. *as she began to eat her own mean she smiled* Is yours cooked properly?
    January 10 at 5:06pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Thank you. *God, he hoped the people hadn't seen this. It was just too embarrassing. Kissing her hand he then started eating his meal* It's good. *With a grin he added:* I'm sure Fritz would do it better. *He loved the taste of the blood in his mouth and felt his fangs elongate, a reaction to the blood apparently* How's yours?
    January 10 at 5:13pm · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she chuckled* Make sure you tell him that when we get home. Mine is perfect. *as she chewed the meat the flavor of the grill and seasonings assaulted her pallet but it was so good. they ate quietly, it was one of the things she loved most about their relationship, there was never awkward silence, the silence was completely comfortable. looking at him she smiled*
    January 10 at 5:18pm · Like · 7
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He finished his meal and reached for her hand, gently stroking it* I love you. I love you so very much, leelan. *Smelling the scent of their love, he relaxed and soon they ordered their dessert. He fed her, showing her his affection and they talked. Simply talked. It was something he'd missed terribly; spending time with his shellan was exactly what he needed. And soon they'd have their own little family. Life wasn't that bad right now.*
    Hayden Vhengeance
    ‎~She came out of her room and rounded into the corridor to go down the hall and into the kitchen. Her eyes glanced over to the deep mahogony of Damon's door and her cheeks flushed. It had been a few days since their first kiss, and she hadn't seen him at all. That was probably partly her fault, she had avoided most socialization, but she needed to talk to someone soon. She made her way down the stairs, thinking she would call the shellan of her cousin, Phury. She would call Cormia later tonight and arrange a time to meet with her. She reached the bottom of the steps, and thought of turning left into the common room, but decided against it and went into the kitchen instead.~
    Like · · Follow Post · January 10 at 6:42pm
    Linda von H, Emma Lou, Lucia Ann and 2 others like this.
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He was standing in the kitchen, low slung black sweats the only thing on his body, his feet bare. He had the fixings of a sandwich out in front of him, the rest of the house having already eaten Last Meal but he had been avoiding meeting anyone for the time being. He pushed a piece of chicken into his mouth and sliced deftly through the next breast. Hearing the door open, his head snapped round and his face broke into a grin. There she was, the female he couldn't get out of his head. He could still feel her delicate body against his, the low moan that escaped her lips when he kissed her. A kiss he wanted to do all over again. He cleared his throat and spoke, his drawl slow* Hey darlin
    January 10 at 6:48pm · Like · 4
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She nearly let out an audible gasp when she saw him standing in the kitchen. His sweats sitting on his jaunting hipbones, the wide frame of his back rippled with muscles covered in the softest flesh she had ever had her hands on. Then he turned around and spoke. The handsome features of his face accompanied by his charming grin made her knees weak, not to mention that long southern drawl that made her want to lean into him every time he spoke. Her cheeks reddened again and she just knew she looked like an idiot but she gathered her wits and spoke.~ Seems every time I leave my room I run into you. ~She laughed lightly, not wanting him to think it was a bad thing.~
    January 10 at 6:54pm · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned From where I am standing darlin' that is a good thing *He let his gaze drift slowly and unabashedly over her body before sweeping back up and focusing on her full pink lips. She was more beautiful than any female he had met before, yet she was ladylike, she held herself like a dancer, every movement slow and graceful. A jolt of arousal hit him and he gritted his teeth and willed his body to slow the fuck down. He gestured the knife towards the chicken in front of him* Can I fix you something? Nothing fancy mind, just a sandwich. I might be able to rustle up some chips too. *Right now he wished he could cook, at least enough to make her something decent to eat*
    January 10 at 6:58pm · Like · 4
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She smiled broadly and nodded~ That would be very kind of you, but I don't want to put you through any trouble. ~She moved to the cupboards and retrieved plates and cups, and then napkins. ~She watched as his strong hands held the knife and sliced through the chicken breast with ease and she thought of his hands on her body. How warm and strong they were, how good they felt.~ So how have you been?
    January 10 at 7:03pm · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned No trouble, you skip Last Meal too? *He stopped what he was doing, the knife poised against the meat as he glanced over his shoulder to watch her. As she reached up into the cupboard, her shirt rode up slightly, a smooth expanse of skin revealing itself to his gaze. His mouth watered for a taste of her flesh, to draw into his lungs that delicate scent of hers. It reminded him of a meadow in spring. A meadow in Spring? When the fuck did he turn into some sort of poet?. Shaking it off, he snapped his head back, focusing on slicing the chicken as she came back towards him.* Been doing *He gave her a fanged grin* Nothing, I haven't left the room I am in since I saw you last. You?
    January 10 at 7:08pm · Like · 4
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She sat the times down on the worktop space before him.~ The same. I haven't came out either and I didn't call down to have last meal, so I was sorta hungry. ~She failed to mention that what she was hungry for was not the chicken, but the man slicing it. She thought that might push her over the top into the realm of desperate if she actually said it aloud. Instead she thought hard for small talk that didn't have any sexual cogitation at all.~ Is there anything I can help with? I'm sorta feeling useless here.
    January 10 at 7:16pm · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned The best thing you can do right now, is just sit there and do exactly what you are doing. Lighting up the room *He gave her a sheepish grin and added the chicken to the mayo covered bread. Adding some salad, he sliced them in half and set them on the plates. Taking a few steps back, he opened the refrigerator and pulled out two bottles of water. Bringing them back, he sat them before them and dropped into a chair. He waited until she lifted her sandwich before he would touch his. The small amount of manners his Aunt had instilled him still stuck after all this time* I wanted to ask you something.. you want to go get dinner with me some night?
    January 10 at 7:20pm · Like · 4
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She smiled as he lifted up half of the sandwich and took small bite. She picked up her napkin and dabbed her mouth before she answered.~ I would love too. ~She looked back down attempting to keep from showing the huge smile that was plastered all over her face.~ This is really great of you. Thank you. ~She bit off another small bite and chewed slowly, and then poured the water into a class before taking a small sip~ If you will let me know when I will make sure I'm dressed for where ever you decide.
    January 10 at 7:34pm · Like · 4
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He looked faintly dazed as his gaze was drawn back to her lips again, a small bead of water resting on her lower lip. Having a fuck it moment, he leaned over the marble counter and stroked his tongue across her lower lip. That delicate scent crowded his senses again and it took all of his will power to not reach out and drag her over the counter and onto his lap. Pulling back he licked his lips and groaned quietly at the taste of her. He attempted to put on a sheepish look* Sorry, you had a drop of water..
    Throe Bhastard
    The Bhastard's needed some downtime....
    Like · · Unfollow Post · January 11 at 4:24pm
    Zypher Bhastard, Fritz Perlmutter, Emma Lou and 5 others like this.
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*Xcor was being a prick, as per usual, so he and Throe were on whore-duty. Going out was becoming more of a chore than a festivity and he was beginning to get a bit tired of the entire situation. Unfortunately, no one had the balls to speak up against their leader and future king.* Brother? Are you ready? *Throe looked like the next GQ cover model, he raised an eyebrow and smirked.* We're picking up a whore, not visiting the Queen. Come on, let's go.
    January 11 at 4:27pm · Unlike · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He looked at his brother and sighed.* No need to look like shit, she is still a female. And a little class never hurt anyone. *He looked in the mirror once more and straightened his tie.* Come on Zypher, even though we have to pay for one for Xcor doesn't mean you and I can't pick up a real female for us first. He won't be back for awhile. Just sayin.
    January 11 at 4:28pm · Like · 9
    Zypher Bhastard Whatever. I do not need the fancy attire to get laid. *He winked* Just sayin', brother. *They dematerialized out into a dark alley off the downtown Caldwell busy streets.* What's your poison? *He looked around and saw an Italian Restaurant, a Biker bar to the left and what seemed to be an EMO club to the right. They looked at each other and headed straight for the Biker bar. If there was a pool table and beer, a female getting paid for sex was never far.*
    January 11 at 4:30pm · Unlike · 10
    Throe Bhastard ‎*walking into the biker bar, he quickly looked around to see if there were any civilian females hanging around. He wondered if Zypher were up to a little fun before procuring the hooker for Xcor.* See anything you like Brother? I will grab us a couple beers, why don't you get the pool table ready?
    January 11 at 4:31pm · Like · 9
    Zypher Bhastard Not yet but these things take time. *His eyes darting from corner to corner making sure he memorized every detail of the bar, he walked over to the spare pool table and racked up the balls. He sensed a female walking up to him and before turning around he smiled knowingly.* Something has peaked your interest, female. *He turned around and fell face to face with a black-haired, green-eyed beauty. She was vampire, that much was clear. She picked up a cue stick in guise of an answer and when he smirked she simply told him to rack 'em up. Throe walked up with the beers and nodded at his brother.* Well well, Brother, it seems we have hustler on our hands.
    January 11 at 4:32pm · Unlike · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*he grinned at the female and set the beers down. He had met her before, they had partied a time or two. He went back to the bar and ordered her usual, a soco and coke. By the time he returned, she was running the table and Zypher was puddy in her hands. He walked up behind the female and wrapped his arms around her waist. Burying his face in her hair, he inhaled her scent. His body hardened as he recalled their last get together. He moved her hair off her neck and spoke softly in her ear* we are getting out of here soon, right? * he looked to Zypher and nodded when he felt her response to him. *let's go Zyher. Usual place.
    January 11 at 4:34pm · Like · 9
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*When he saw Throe approach the female, he knew for a fact that his libido had kicked in. They've know each other a long time and these things were a given by now. The female's arousal was obvious as well, and it sent a jolt to his own hardened dick.* Lead the way, brother. *He dropped his cue stick on the table and winked at a couple of females sitting in the nearest booth. He was tempted to take them too but they were human and not necessarily worth the trouble, now. He finished off his drink, placed it on the bar and saluted the barman as he walked outside with his brother and their new acquisition...a beautiful package of a female. He licked his lips in anticipation to the coming events.*
    January 11 at 4:35pm · Unlike · 8
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He took hold of the female's hand and led her to the motel room they usually used. It was rundown. Nothing fancy here. But as long as the place was clean, it didn't really matter. He opened the door, cringing slightly when it creaked on it's hinges. The linens on the bed were threadbare but clean. He brought the female over to the bed. As she smiled at him, he moved his hand up her arm and cupped the back of her neck. He met Zypher's eyes over the female's head, nodded slightly to him, and then brought his mouth down on top of the female's, his tongue licking first her full lips, and then touching her tongue as she opened her mouth to him.*
    January 11 at 4:37pm · Like · 9
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*With a grin he nodded at his brother. Throe was the sensitive one of the lot. He was the one who enjoyed the foreplay and yadda yadda yadda, so he let him get her nice and wet and ready for them. He took off his jacket, throwing it over the back of the worn-down orange chair. He pulled his black tee over his head and approached them, slowly, deliberately. He leaned down and as Throe was deep inside her mouth, he whispered in the female's ear. *We're going to fuck you so hard and good...*He took her hair and bared the long length of her neck as he inhaled her scent.*...that you will be begging us for more.
    January 11 at 4:38pm · Unlike · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He heard Zypher with his own special brand of dirty talk and chuckled against the females mouth. Luckily, she was into it. She had been there before with the two of them. And apparently Zypher's breath in her ear made her even hotter. She deepened the kiss so he took that as a sign and removed her blouse. The sight of her perfect tits being cupped by the lacy bra made his fucking mouth water. He leaned down and undid the clasp and closed his mouth over the little pink nipple. While his mouth was busy there his hands were busy on the button of her tight little jeans. He couldn't wait to taste her pussy. He looked over at Zypher to get him to help get the fucking jeans gone*
    January 11 at 4:40pm · Like · 8
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*His cock pushing against his zipper, he thought he'd lose his fucking mind if he didn't take the shit off right away but first...*Need some help there bro? *He chuckled at Throe's annoyed look and took it as a yes. He ran his fingers down the smooth line of her spine and saw the goosebumps rising with his touch. When he reached her pants he swiftly brought them down to her ankles taking a second to lick up her dripping juices. *Oh yeah...sweet as fucking honey. *He rose to his feet and took his own leathers off feeling the satisfaction of his freed cock. He went commando as always because boxers and briefs were way overrated. He palmed his shaft and ran his thumb along the head, smearing his precum.* What would you prefer, brother? Her pussy or her ass? *He cocks his head to the side and looks at her perfect lobes.* I must say, I'm an ass man myself.
    January 11 at 4:42pm · Unlike · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*His eyebrow shot up. He looked at the female to see where she was in all this. Holy fuck, she was into it. Her eyes had a glazed look, and she was looking at him in expectation. He eased her down onto the bed. He ran his tongue from her collarbone to her navel, and began fingering her wet pussy. First one, and as she became hotter, he inserted the second finger. He kissed down her stomach, and began to tongue her pussy. He licked the clit while fingering her, and than removed his fingers and fucked her with his mouth. He could hear Zypher moving into position, and settled back to let him lead for a change.*
    January 11 at 4:43pm · Like · 8
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*The different scents of arousal were invading the room. He was itching to bury his dick inside her so deep she could feel it in her tonsils. He gave a couple of pulls to his shaft to keep it in control and watched as Throe settled on his elbows. He picked up the female by her thighs and placed her straddling his brother. Throe's erect cock was waiting for her to envelop him and as she leaned forward to kiss his brother, he kneeled on the bed behind her. Throe had started a slow steady was moaning for more, practically begging.* Wait for it, lass...wait for it.* He placed two fingers in her mouth.*Suck them nice and wet, so I can prepare you. *She did what she was told and when she was done he put both fingers in her ass, scissoring to better the access. Never let it be said that he didn't try to be polite. He palmed his cock once again and he nudged the entrance of her ass whispering in her ear.* Here's to a good fuck, lass.* At the end of his phrase he slammed in to the hilt and stopped, appreciating the warm tight feeling surrounding his dick.* Set the rhythm, brother.
    January 11 at 4:45pm · Like · 7
    Throe Bhastard fuuuuckk *he couldn't suppress a groan as the tight heat of the female surrounded his cock. He started out with a slow rhythm, and could feel his orgasm building almost from the first moment. It had been awhile since they had done this. And the fact that she wasn't a hooker was a plus. As Zypher positioned her he paused. When he felt Zypher enter her completely and felt her grow impossibly tighter he clenched his jaw and waited for Zyph to let him know he was ready. He slowly started to thrust in and out, and Zypher timed his thrusts perfectly so that at all times, she was filled completely, either her pussy or her ass. When he could feel his balls tighten up and the tip of his cock about to blow off, he looked to Zypher to see how ready he was.*
    January 11 at 4:50pm · Like · 8
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*With his head thrown back and his hands on her hips, he was following the escalating rhythm of their thrusts. He could feel his balls aching to be emptied out and one look from Throe confirmed the male was just as ready. He reached over and flicked her clit hearing her scream. *Nice, little lass. I like them when they scream.* With his fangs pushing through his gums, he knew it was time. He raised his eyebrow at his brother and fisted the female's hair in one hand. Throe easily lifted his torso and grinned. *Dinner time, bro.* With that he pounded one last time inside her, stilling for a moment and simultaneously digging his fangs into her vein. The picture was perfect. The female giving all she had to the males, screaming with contentment as they got what they needed. Pity, it was empty of any love.*
    Zee Ahgony
    ‎*Watches 'the dog' intently, the sharp knife in his hand peeling the Granny Smith in his other with ease. In the last 2 weeks he had lost 3 pair of shitkickers, due to bitemarks and a puddle of something that definitely hadn't been water; now he would catch Nalla's dog in the act, and then it would be own - grown man to puppy. What exactly his plan was Zee didn't know, but the flea carpet was lucky his princess loved it*
    Like · · Follow Post · January 12 at 12:33pm
    Emma Lou, Marissa O'Neal, Elizabeth Randall and 8 others like this.
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*walking out of her room looking for Ahstrux, calling her name over and over again. as she came up to her Mahmen and Daddy's room she stopped* Daddy, you sees my puppy anywheres?
    January 12 at 12:37pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*turns to look at the 'tine love of his life', a smile crossing his hard features as his eyes lock on her* I have, yes. *turns back and nods toward the carpet in front of the large dresser*
    January 12 at 12:38pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*smiles and runs to Ahstrux and hugs her tight* Thankies Daddy I was worries abouts hers. I dought she was gone. *climbing up into her parents bed she called Ahstrux up with her. petting her puppy she smiled at her Daddy* Daddy whats you doing?
    January 12 at 12:45pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*watching the dog and trying to figure out how to move it out of here* Nothing, tiny princess. But I am glad you found her. Don't let her lick the sheet, she also licks her.. paws.
    January 12 at 12:47pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony Okies Daddy I be carefuls wit her *as her puppy rolled on her belly she pet her belly and giggled* Daddy pets her wit me. She loves you toos.
    January 12 at 12:49pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*It.. she.. loved his shoes alright, and the toilet bowl for a drinking fountain, but him?* Daddy is eating an apple. Don't want to get the bed dirty. *steps closer* Did you finish cleaning up the mess you left in your room?
    January 12 at 12:55pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony Okies laters you pets her? *hearing him asking about her room she nodded* I did, alls cwean nows. *softly petting Ahstrux head* I makes a picture for Mahmen (Bella) dat I needs to gives her water.
    January 12 at 1:03pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony You are great with a pencil. *smiles, settling down on the edge of the bed* Can daddy have a hug, or is it all reserved for the dog now?
    January 12 at 1:09pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony Thankies Daddy *smiling wide ats him* No Daddy gets all da hugs he wans *crawling across the bed to him she wrapped her small arms around his thick neck*
    January 12 at 1:10pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*closes his eyes, still surprised at just how perfectly her little body fit against his hard frame. runs his hand through her curls, planting a kiss on the top of her head* Did I tell you how much I love you yet, today?
    January 12 at 1:14pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*smiling looking up at her Daddy* No yous hasn't. *she looked in to eyes* Daddy mines eyes looks likes yours.
    January 12 at 1:19pm · Like · 4
    Zee Ahgony Then here it is *nuzzles his nose against hers* I love you, to the moon and back. Twice. A minute. And more. *nods* Yes, they do. Just more beautiful, like your mahmen's.
    January 12 at 1:21pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*giggle as he nosey nosey's her* That much Daddy? *putting her tiny hand on his cheek* You dinks I growed up to be as pretty as Mahmen someday?
    January 12 at 1:23pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*shakes his head, no* You already are.
    January 12 at 1:24pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*squealing at his words* I loves you Daddy, more dan anybodys ewer loved someone.
    January 12 at 1:25pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*remember back to the time when he couldn't even stand to look at her, leave alone hold her close.. afraid to taint her. Now he couldn't imagine life without her, even if he was nowhere near perfect as a daddy*
    January 12 at 1:30pm · Like · 5
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*pulling back for her hug* Daddy you wants to sees da picture I drewed Mahmen?
    January 12 at 1:32pm · Like · 4
    Zee Ahgony ‎*nods* I do, if you want to share it with me. *turns as he hears the sheet shift, his eyes on the dog that was crawling closer, army style* Stay, dog.
    January 12 at 1:36pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*giggling at her Daddy* She stay whens I tells her, stay Ahstrux *seeing her puppy still she smiled and hoped off the bed, grabbing his hand she tugged* Wets go Daddy, I wants to shows yous.
    January 12 at 1:38pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*frowns, head snapping back and forth between Nalla and Ahstrux. maybe he wasn't scary enough, he would have to test that theory later* I am coming. *nods and stands, letting her lead*
    January 12 at 1:40pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*holding his big rough hand in her little one they walked down the hall towards her room. walking in she smiled and ran to get her dwaing. showing her Daddy the pwetty fwower she drew* You dinks Mahmen will like it?
    January 12 at 1:42pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony I am sure she will. It's done well. *nods, looking around* You are growing up too fast, I am telling you to stop that. *winks, ruffling her hair*
    January 12 at 1:50pm · Like · 6
    Nalla Ahgony I hopes she does *smiling innocently up at her Daddy as he ruffles her hair* I always be Daddy's one elses.
    Avalon Fhear
    ‎*She pulled into the parking lot of a diner on the outskirts of Caldwell. She looked in her rear view mirror and checked her make up, seeing the city lights illuminate the outskirts of town. She was on her way out of town, to what sounded like the middle of nowhere to see a friend of hers from college that was now residing withing the compound that was owned and run by the Brotherhood of her race...
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    Secrets - One Republic Lyrics
    ‎**READ** *EDIT: THE MISTAKES ARE FIXED. Thank you! I had "like those ears" instead of "light" and "never jump in line" instead of "ever". THANK YOU!*The lyri...
    Like · · Follow Post · Share · Saturday at 2:51pm
    Zee Ahgony, Melissa McNeill, Phury Ahgony and 10 others like this.
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*he had been on his motorcycle, just kind of wandering around. Same thing he had been doing for the last several nights, actually. He wasn't sure why he was still even in the area. He hadn't intended to stay, once he left the mansion. He realized he was hungry. A few miles up ahead there was a diner he had been to a few times. It was pretty damn good, food-wise. The humans that worked there were a bit of a pain in the ass at times. There weren't many places to work out this far, and so there were several college aged females working. Luckily, there was an older human female that had noticed how irritating he found the younger ones to be and had taken pity on him. She usually waited on him, whether at the counter or in a booth. He pulled into the parking lot. There weren't many cars there, which was a nice break. He coasted towards the door and parked, removing the key and sliding it in his front pocket. He sat for a moment, thinking. Then with a sigh and a slight shake of his head he removed his helmet and got off the bike. He hung the helmet from the handlebar and walked to the front door. He scanned the diner for his usual waitress as he stepped inside.*
    Saturday at 3:02pm · Like · 11
    Avalon Fhear ‎*She looked up from her table in the back as the bells tied to the glass door sounded. The place was uncrowded and quiet, so the sudden noise got her attention. Her eyes scanned the male that stepped inside. He looked familiar, which was an oddity to her. She slightly tilted her head to first one side, then the other. She tried not to stare but couldn't help but think she knew him from somewhere. She made a subtle cough hoping he would turn toward her so that she could see his facial features fully.*
    Saturday at 3:15pm · Like · 10
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*As he approached the counter he could sense another vampire there. He heard a low coughing noise and turned to find the source. At the end of the row of booths, there. A lone female. Her face was familiar. He definitely knew her, but he couldn't remember exactly where he had met her. Fuck, he had spent so much time moving around, all the faces began to blur after awhile. But her face... was more clear than most, and it was achingly beautiful. He found himself drawn to her. He didn't stop to think, just turned and headed towards her booth. He ignored the hostess, he rounded the counter and the few booths occupied by humans. He stopped about a foot away from her booth, forcing her too look up at him. He had to see those eyes*
    Saturday at 3:33pm · Like · 9
    Avalon Fhear ‎*She watched his approach for any signs of something that would give her a clue of where she knew him from, or what his name was. His gait was slow and steady, his legs long as he transferred his weight from one to the other, his stride confident and suddenly he stood before her. She forced her eyes from his legs and looked up a little at first, that was a most inappropriate area to leave her gaze, so she tilted her head farther up until she met his eyes. She cleared her throat before she spoke, in an attempt her voice from giving away how embarrassed she really was, he had caught her staring, but seeing him up close, he must get that a lot from females.* I'm sorry, you look so familiar to me. I didn't mean to stare, I was just trying to place you.
    Saturday at 3:42pm · Like · 8
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He caught her discomfort and grinned. This was far less annoying than the human females. He found that he wanted her to stare some more. And then he felt like an ass. He didn't know a thing about this female. She may be mated, although from the interest he thought he caught in her gaze, he didn't think so. He looked a little closer and caught a good look at her eyes. They were astounding. The color was one thing. A shade of purple.. what the hell was that color? He was having a hard time keeping his thoughts from fragmenting when he looked at her. Lavender! That was it. More importantly though, he saw.. her. There was so much about her, he wondered if everyone else saw it too. If they got past the amazing color and truly looked. Because if they did, he was going to be out of luck with this one. If others were able to see just how incredible this female was, he didn't have a chance. He sat down opposite her, without even asking permission. Something told him that if she wanted him to go, she would let him know. He drew in a deep breath, inhaling her scent. And then he knew. He knew where he had seen her. She was quite a bit younger than him, and they hadn't hung around really. But as members of the glymera, it was inevitable that you would meet the sons and daughters of the other families. Her scent was one he would never forget. It was a perfect mix of fruits and flowers, citrus and apples. Just enough of a spice to let you know that there was backbone there. And yet, there was a warmth there as well. Her scent was the perfect mix. *
    You are Avalon. I remember meeting you. With my family. Your family knows mine. I am Trhistan. My friends call me Trhis, or T.
    Saturday at 4:08pm · Like · 9
    Avalon Fhear ‎*She watched as he sat down and breathed a sign of relief that he was not a total dick about it. She looked directly in his eyes as he looked into hers. His were an amazing shade of green, like emeralds that shone when the light struck them. She remembered him alright. Their families had been friends and if memory served her, he had taken her sister to a prom or some formal event the glymeria had, which that narrowed it down to about anything as all events the glymeria had were formal. Thank the Scribe she was now free to wear jeans and be comfortable. Her neck breath in took in his scent, he carried a faint cologne, but the man beneath it was what smelled even better. He carried the scent of the forest, strong and masculine but also something else that she couldn't place. It was a sweetness, like a night orchid in bloom. It was heady and intoxicating. She smiled at him making sure to keep her fangs well hidden from onlookers.* I remember you, it has been entirely too long since I have seen you though. How have you been? *She thought to herself repeatedly not to be a complete dork. She used to have a crush on this male when he would come to see her older sister, but back then she was gangly with pigtails and one of the few vampires in recorded history ever in need of braces*
    Saturday at 4:27pm · Like · 9
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He released a breath he wasn't aware he had been holding. He thought about everything he remembered about her family. Which was difficult, the female in front of him was crowding all other thoughts. He caught a faint change in her scent, almost like insecurity, which smelled a bit like the acrid smell of paper burning. Impossible. There is no way this female was insecure, he couldn't imagine why she would be.* I am doing very well, thank you. I am here, visiting family. *He stopped, trying to figure out what the hell to say. How did he explain his pathetic existence, and make it sound less pathetic? He was loathe to lie to her. He fucking despised liars. However, he was not about to spout the truth either. That he was squatting in a place that had running water and not much else? For directions did he tell her to go down 3 blocks and take a left? That he spent his time alone, and could barely tolerate his own company. Hell no. He decided to keep it simple. * I travel a lot. I stopped by to see Blay, my cousin. Spend some time with him, and the brothers. And now, I am just, sort of, deciding. *He stopped, not sure of what else to say.*
    Lifehouse - First Time
    Music video by Lifehouse performing First Time. (C) 2007 Geffen Records
    Saturday at 4:44pm · Like · 9 ·
    Avalon Fhear ‎*The deep rattle of his chest sounded confident and secure but the scent of anxiety rose of of him in waves. She would never ask because she didn't want to embarrass him, and if he had wanted her to know he would have told her. She smiled up as a waitress approached and asked to take their order. She glanced at him hoping he would stay and have a meal with her, even if it was not much to him, it meant she didn't have to eat alone. She hoped he wasn't meeting someone here but then if he was he would have probably said so by now. He mentioned the brothers, and that is where she was heading.* I'm going to visit Hayden, she is staying with the brotherhood now. She invited me to see her and I drove down from upstate to see her. Will you take your meal with me?
    Saturday at 4:53pm · Like · 9
    Trhistan Rocke Sure, I would love to have my meal with you, thank you. * He gestured to her to order first, and then ordered the same. And he truthfully had no idea what they ordered. He was completely absorbed by the female in front of him. He found himself studying her, memorizing her features. He began playing with the fork resting on his napkin, just slowly turning it over and over absentmindedly, quietly.* So, you are going to be staying with the brothers. For how long? And when you are not visiting Hayden? What do you like to do?
    Saturday at 6:49pm · Like · 8
    Avalon Fhear ‎*She was relieved that he had consented to a meal with her. She toyed with the paper napkin before her as she watched him. He was more handsome than she remembered. The years that had past had erased the boy that was cute and replaced him with a man that was stunning. His features were matured but still amazing. She watched him playing with the knife, his hands strong and sure.* Oh this is just a friendly visit, Hayden needs someone to talk to so she asked me to come up. When I'm not visiting, I'm a lawyer, so my practice keeps me pretty busy. Other than that I spend a lot of time at home alone, so I read or listen to music. *she laughed lightly* Sorry I don't have anything more exciting about me. I'm pretty much a nerd.
    Saturday at 7:24pm · Like · 8
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*holy fuck, beautiful and intelligent. Lethal combination. Was there anything sexier than a female with brains? Hell no. Nerds were a huge turn on. He was dying to learn more about her, and wanted to see her home. More specifically, her book selection. He wanted to see what kind of books she selected to read. And once again, he found himself wishing he had done more with his life, so that he could share that with her. * That is impressive, Avalon. What type of books and music do you prefer? And the nerd part? Hot.. that is just... hot. I'm sorry, if that is too forward. But I find myself very interested in you. And you say nerd like it is a bad thing. *grin* I assure you, it is not.
    Saturday at 9:51pm · Like · 7
    Avalon Fhear ‎*She continued to toy with the paper napkin* I can listen to most anything really and books, books if I'm working on a case, philosophy books if I am dealing with things I can't understand, horror books when I need to stay awake, romance when I need that but true crime is my guilty obsession. *Her cheeks marred with a faint blush when he said nerds were hot, if that were the case she was Miss Universe. She smiled at him* I'm interested in you too Trhistan, have been for a long time. *Her blush grew deeper* And please call me Ava.
    Saturday at 10:04pm · Like · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He was truly fascinated by her. He could picture her in her home, reading. Listening to music. He found himself wanting to be in that picture, sitting next to her. Watching her read. The blush that stained her cheeks charmed him. And then her words sunk in.* what do you mean, Ava? A long time, what does that mean? And like I said, please call me Trhis. If you want, that is.
    Saturday at 10:18pm · Like · 7
    Avalon Fhear Well Trhis, I don't know if you remember or not but you dated my sister. A long time ago, or took her to something so I don't know that date was really the right word, but anyway, I thought you were very...interesting then, so I imagine that you have only gotten more...interesting with time. *She continued to toy with the napkin and wanted to crawl under the table and die. Could she be more juvenile if she tried?*
    Saturday at 10:25pm · Like · 8
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*As soon as she said it, he remembered. The sister had been very sweet, more of a friend than a girlfriend. They had only gone to that one function, and that was more to save each other from the other sons and daughters of the glymera. If you went to one of those without a date, you were quickly paired off, or the speculation began as to what imperfection caused you to be alone. He also remembered Ava now. Or Ava then, as the case may be. She was very young at the time, definitely pre-transition. But even then she had been charming, and intelligent. And the beauty that had been hinted at back then had been fully realized in the female before him. Without thinking, he went back to messing with his fork, back and forth, while he thought of how to answer her.* I am, admittedly, not all that interesting. I trained with the brothers, stayed with them for a time. My family is gone now, save for Blay. So, basically, I move around, travel to different places. Not nearly as intellectual as you, I'm afraid. Somewhat a quiet life. Not a bad life though.
    Saturday at 10:48pm · Like · 7
    Avalon Fhear ‎*She looked up at the waitress as she sat their plates before them* A quiet life is a good life. There is nothing wrong with that. When did you train with the brotherhood and does that mean you are one of the ass kicking types now? And travel seems very interesting to me. My practice keeps me chained to my office. The only reason I could come visit Hayden was because I pawn off work on one of my partners and I'm sure you are more intellectual than I, you have found a way to have a good life without being chained to aforementioned practice. *She looked at his plate, she knew he had ordered the same as she to be polite. No way in hell would a man like him be satisfied with a Cobb salad. She motioned to his plate* Are you sure you are gonna be able to eat all of that? I mean you know I have a hard time finishing mine.
    Saturday at 11:03pm · Like · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*he looked down at his plate and grimaced. What the hell had he ordered? A frigging salad. Real masculine. He closed his eyes, enjoying the sound of her voice. He opened his eyes and picked up his fork.* Ass kicking types? When necessary, I suppose. I enjoy going out and fighting for our race. And I have been to some interesting places, but travel gets old, especially solo travel. It sounds like you work very hard. *He briefly imagined her chained up to a desk, and found the picture somewhat erotic, especially when he substituted his bed for her desk. He slammed his mind closed on that particular image, what the fuck was wrong with him?* I am sure I will be able to finish the salad, but I may order something else as well. *he motioned for the waitress, and when she came over he ordered a reuben.* How long do you plan to be here? And, would you like to go out sometime? with me?
    Saturday at 11:12pm · Like · 7
    Avalon Fhear ‎*She laughed lightly as he called the waitress over again to order surplus. She lifted her coffee and took a small sip to keep full on explosions of laughter from escaping.* I can see how solo travel would be hard to do, but it's better than no travel at all. *Then she scented a hint of arousal and her eyes widened. She quickly went about answering his next questions.* I will be around here about a week. *she took another sip of her coffee* I would love to Trhis.
    Saturday at 11:26pm · Like · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He caught a slight change in her tone and wondered briefly what had caused it. He was dismayed to hear that she would only be in town for a week, but was grateful she was here at all. He thought he heard a wistful note in her voice when she spoke of travel.* A week, huh? Will have to make it count.
    Cormia Ahgony
    ‎*Phury was out as his NA meeting, just as he did every week and she knew he would come home a bit tense, and needing to relax....she knew just what would help. She slipped into her brand new, low cut silver & black dress. Put on her fuck me boots, and laced them up her leg. She stood up, adjusted her dress, then sat on the bed to wait for her hellren.
    Like · · Follow Post · Saturday at 9:33pm
    Emma Lou, Elizabeth Randall, Fritz Perlmutter and 6 others like this.
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He left the meeting, waiting for the humans to get in their cars and drive away. Thankfully, it was cold enough out that they didn't hang around smoking and talking. He could see the steam rising from their styrofoam cups as they hurried to their cars. Once they had all scattered, he took a deep breath and dematerialized back home to the adirondacks, where Mia was waiting for him. He was glad they had gone back to the great camp.
    He went through the security checkpoints, and passed through the house. He didn't see Mia in any of the common areas. In fact, the entire house was quiet. He was getting a bit concerned as he continued on, stopping abruptly at the doorway. Holy fuck. Mia's shopping trip had paid off. His mouth went dry as he looked at her. She was wearing something.....astounding. His beautiful shellan had stepped out of her comfort zone. He felt the blood rush to his groin and his brain shut off.*
    Saturday at 9:43pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She heard the front door open, and knew it would be only a short time before he made it to their bedroom. She tried her best to look confident and own this dress, but the truth was, she wasn't too sure about the dress, or what Phury would think. She really hoped he liked it. When he stepped into the doorway, she slowly looked up at him and gave a small smile.* Do you like what you see?
    Saturday at 9:49pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He could see the hesitation in her eyes, and it made him love her even more. As uncertain as she was, she was still standing there before him, beautiful and vulnerable. She was so brave. And so hot. All he could do was blink. She was beyond breathtaking. And the dress with the lace up boots... he blinked once more.* Very much, Cormia. In fact, I love what I see.
    Saturday at 9:57pm · Like · 8
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*As she heard him say how much he loved what he saw, it was the boost of confidence that she needed. She stood up, did a turn, and gave a shake of her hips, then reached to her side, to begin unzipping her dress. She looked over her shoulder and saw Phury watching her intently. She slipped the dress from her shoulders and let it fall to the floor. In her boots, and matching black lace bra and panties, she crossed the room to her hellren.*
    Saturday at 10:09pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*seeing her confidence grow was humbling. That his opinion mattered so much to her was just staggering. Almost as staggering as the sight of her standing before him. Her looked at her standing there, her breasts high and full. Her legs that went on forever. He actually had to fight to take a breath. She was exquisite. All he could think of was putting his hands all over her. Followed by his mouth..*
    Saturday at 10:40pm · Like · 8
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She saw his look change from awe to a look of want. She knew he was ready for her, and she was more than ready for him. She slipped her arms around his neck, pulled his head down and pressed her lips to his, all over her earlier uneasiness, and ready for her hellren to have his way with her. She reluctantly pulled her lips from his, and started to pull him to bed.*
    Saturday at 10:52pm · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*She started to lead him, but he had a different plan. He wanted her in his arms, now. He picked her up. Carrying her across the room and laying her down gently, he looked down at her for a moment and just... looked. And then thanked the scribe for bringing her into his life. She had saved him. He removed his shirt and laid down beside her, removing first her bra and then her panties. He left the boots on, they were both enjoying them. He ran his hand down her body, starting at her cheek, sweeping down to her hip, trailing lightly with his fingers and following with his mouth. He reached down and cupped her core, feeling how hot she was. Moving himself between her legs, he started first at her breast and then ran his tongue down her belly to her core*
    Saturday at 10:59pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*when he removed his shirt, she was speechless, his body was a work of perfection, his face filled with want, his abs were ripped with muscle, the deep V that lead to exactly where she wanted to be. She wanted to put her hands all over him, but he was much faster in his actions than she was. She felt first his hands down her body, then his mouth. Her skin erupting in goosebumps. His touch was like magic. When she felt him reach her now throbbing core with his mouth, she moaned and undulated her hips. All she could do was beg* Please.....I need you.....
    Saturday at 11:06pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*unable to be gentle any longer, he thrust his tongue inside her and almost came from the taste of her. Hearing the noises she made nearly sent him over the edge. He ran his hands up her legs, feeling the silk of her inner thighs. Licking her clit with his tongue, he begins to ease his finger into her to get her ready for the rest of him. Feeling how wet she was, he slips another finger inside her. As he sucks gently on her clit and flicks it with his tongue, he can feel her tight pussy start to clamp down on his fingers and she is driving him crazy with the motion of her hips. He wants nothing more than to bite her, to drink from the vein so close to where his mouth already is.*
    Saturday at 11:17pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She could no longer control the moans coming from her, or the movement of her hips. She never wanted it to end. She tried to not think so much about what was happening, and just FEEL. He was absolutely incredible, Every movement he made was to bring her pleasure. When she felt his finger slip into her, she felt her orgasm begin to build. She looked down at him and saw the want in his eyes as he looked at her vein* Take me Nallum....take what you need. *She spread her legs wider to make it easier on him, and waited with anticipation for him to strike*
    Saturday at 11:30pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*looking at her, he waited a few breaths to see if she would change her mind. When he moved closer and she didn't object, he couldn't hesitate any longer. His fangs were now throbbing painfully and he bit cleanly, and with just enough force that the pain would be pleasurable. Her taste was fucking incredible. The purity of her Chosen bloodline was evident in the rich taste that moved over his tongue. He moved his hand down her leg, now just holding her with the one hand while the other went back to fingering her tight pussy, moving one and then two fingers in and out of her, fucking her with his hand while he drank from her vein*
    Saturday at 11:33pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*when she felt him sink his fangs into her most intimate vein, she couldn't stop his name from coming from her mouth, no matter how hard she tried.* Oh...Nallum...yesss *She felt him slip first one finger, then he worked another into her core, and continue his gentle and pleasurable pulls from her vein. Her orgasm crashed into her from out of nowhere, she felt her core squeeze his fingers and she let out his name on a moan* Phury....
    Saturday at 11:36pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*sealing the wounds closed, he moved over and put his mouth on her core so he could taste her orgasm. Feeling her moving under his hands, the taste of her was unbelievable. He moved up her body and entered her on one quick thrust. He waited inside her, giving her time to adjust to his size, and held his breath, trying to control himself so he didn't orgasm right away. He wanted to savor the feel of her surrounding him. Her name escaped his lips on a moan and he had to start moving inside her*
    Saturday at 11:50pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She felt him enter her in one hard thrust and nothing had felt more perfect to her. When he stopped moving, she looked up at him and saw a look of sheer concentration on his face. She lifted her head from the pillow and placed a small kiss on his chest. When he began moving again, he was exquisite. She gently pushed him to roll over, while keeping them connected, and positioned herself on top of him. She reached up and pinched her nipple as she threw her head back and rode him.*
    Saturday at 11:53pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*feeling her move on top of him was fucking unreal. Through half closed eyes he watched her. The way she moved was torture and perfection all at the same time. He wanted this night to last forever. He wanted to savor her, but seeing her ride him like that, and the way she touched herself, he never would have guessed that his beautiful chosen had the soul of a warrior. He knew she was strong, intelligent, and she made him laugh. Now, she brought him to his knees. This female was perfect, like she was made for him alone. Gripping her hips he began to fuck her harder. He had to hold her in place from the force of his thrusts*
    Saturday at 11:57pm · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She felt his eyes on her as she was riding him, and it turned her on even more...if that was possible. When his hands gripped onto her hips, and each of his thrusts hit her in just the right spot, she reached down and stroked her fingers thru her wetness and over her clit. She felt another orgasm overtake her, her core milking him, as she moaned. She felt his thrusts quicken and her name leave his lips on a moan, as his hot seed shot into her. As they were both sated, she laid her head on his chest, and relaxed to the sounds of his pounding heart*
    Yesterday at 12:02am · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*as his heart slowed to normal pace, he kissed her brow and wondered when he would come home to Mia in her boots again. His arms encircled her, and held her close to his body. He kissed the top of her head, smoothing her hair off her brow.* Cormia, I love your new outfit. Thank you for modeling it for me. *He grinned* Feel free to do so anytime you want to.
    Yesterday at 12:07am · Like · 7
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She felt him place a kiss on the top of her head, looked up at him, smiled & winked.* I think I may need to go shopping again, and soon.
    Bella Ahgony
    ‎*takes note of the automobile parked outside the mansion, a light growl erupting from her rather delicate chest, he left hand slipping swiftly into her back pocket to snatch her cell and thumb out a brief text* Rooster!!! Soooooooo I see Nalla has a huge new PINK toy... erm, two words. PAY. BACK. love you tons - Bells *grins and hits send* — with Zee Ahgony.
    Like · · Follow Post · January 12 at 2:55pm
    Elizabeth Randall, Cormia Ahgony, Dite Olympian and 9 others like this.
    Zee Ahgony ‎*grumbles, hand rubbing his trimmed skull as he enters his and Bella's room. how could he ever compete with all the supersized gifts Nalla was receiving, gifts that were a thorn in his eye for more than one reason* Leelan. *his features softened, the door closing with a thud*
    January 12 at 3:00pm · Like · 6
    Bella Ahgony ‎*her eyes instantly shot up from the Iphone in her hand and couldn't help the smile that broke across her face at the sight of her massive hellran walking through their bedroom door* Hello Nallum *she replied softly, her large sapphire eyes locking to his stunning canary yellows* Is everything alright? *she asked as her hand slipped her phone back into her pocket, her hips pulling her forward to break their distance*
    January 12 at 3:02pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony Other than I was about to skin your brother, everything is fine. *frowns, watching as she moved toward him. fuck she was beautiful; even in the current mood he was in she could light up his world and make his cock grow hard with one sway of her hips*
    January 12 at 3:08pm · Like · 6
    Bella Ahgony ‎*her palms met flat against the muscled expanse of his broad chest, sliding up to lace her fingers against the back of his neck* I know *she smiled and shook her head with a light sigh* I know... I just sent him a text message, I swear they want to turn our little girl into the biggest spoiled princess ever *she lifted her already tall frame onto her tip toes to lightly brush her full soft lips to his* I mean.. like we dont do it enough as it is *she winked at him*
    January 12 at 3:14pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*spoil whom? sent what to.. right, back up blood, back up* What are you doing? *grins, nipping at her lucious lips*
    January 12 at 3:20pm · Like · 6
    Bella Ahgony ‎*laughing softly against his grin as she closes her eyes and takes in his invading bonding scent* What? *fakes surprise in her voice* cant I be affectionate with my hellran? *she brushed her full bottom lip once again teasingly before pulling back just slightly*
    January 12 at 3:25pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*growls possesively, his body roaring to life* Have your way with me. And don't do that. *he growled in protest* Even an inch away from me is too far away from me, right now. And what is it with all these clothes? Did I ever tell you that I hate winter?
    January 12 at 3:31pm · Like · 6
    Bella Ahgony ‎*her laugh grew from a light playful note to a full on giggle at his words, most no one else would know her hellran had a rather playful side to him, well... with her he did anyways* Hmmm... *she pushed her body tightly and flush to his* is this better? Close enough? *she winked at him and bit her lip playfully at his growling* You know It is warm underneath those *her head turned to the direction of their bed, her chin pointing to the thick Gray duvet* Winter isn't so bad.. as long as you come up with more creative ways to stay warm aside from just these *she said tugging lightly at the black crew neck sweater he was wearing*
    January 12 at 3:36pm · Like · 6
    Zee Ahgony I don't think we will need the covers to keep us warm. *he picked her up and cradled her against his chest, crossing the distance to the bed with swift steps. The sheets were still half a mess from Nalla and Ahstrux playing in them, and by the time he would be done with his shellan they'd be crumbled on the floor*
    January 12 at 3:42pm · Like · 5
    Bella Ahgony ‎*her breath caught in a small gasp at the quick turn his arms took to scoop her up effortlessly* Nallum! *she said playfully, who was she kidding.. she loved it when he took control, the way he could wordlessly tell her that he didn't just want her.. but he needed her and he would take her whenever, wherever and however he felt so inclined* Mmmm but.. *she moaned softly against his lips as his mouth came crashing down punishing hers with a demand that their taste fill his mouth* Wont.. wont you be late for patrol *she said playfully between kisses as they fell to the bed, she knew at this point the answer really didn't matter*
    January 12 at 3:48pm · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony ‎*patrol, he had nearly forgotten about that. so, alright, they couldn't keep going all night but they would have enough time for a little 'pick me up' before he needed to head out* I am late for this. *he grunted, going to work at the sweater. the material was no match for his strength and gave away quickly, exposing her soft flesh to him*
    January 12 at 3:56pm · Like · 4
    Bella Ahgony ‎*he shifted his weight over her frame his hips nudging at her knees to grant him access to rest between her thighs as his strong and skilled hands effortlessly ripped her vneck sweater instantly off of her body... the cool air hitting her smooth skin causing her to shiver just slightly beneath his touch* I need you... *she managed to almost whimper as his mouth hungrily pulled and sucked at her full and now even more kiss swollen pink lips, her hands running down his back to tug his sweater up and over his shoulders with a quickness before returning back to the front of his waist to address the matter that was his button fly*
    January 12 at 4:03pm · Like · 3
    Zee Ahgony Not as much as I need you *the words a low rumble in his throat, his eyes filled with the hunger he felt for her. The more she gave away to him the the more her scent of night blooming roses filled the room, entangled itself with his own scent of dark musk and evergreen spice, leaving him breathless.* I don't say it often enough, but I love you so much that at times I think I could die just from the impact you had on my life. *he leaned down, brushing his lips over her cheek, down her jawline and to her collar bone. His hand found her swollen breast and he took her rose bud between his thumb and index finger, teasingly.* Not so fast. *the look on his face almost a grin as he stopped her hand; although his dick didn't want anything more than to be freed from the confinments of their prison he wasn't ready to give into his needs and wants just yet.* Let me take care of you, first. Let me taste you. *crawling downward he took her nipple between his lips, then teeth, tugging gently. Planting kisses over her flat stomach he made his way to the heaven he could smell already, her arousal lingering in the air, nearly knocking him over the closer he got to her core* You are really wearing too many clothes. Lets get those off. *unbuttoning her pants with the flick of a finger, his teeth pulled the fly down, his own desire for her assaulting him the closer he got to her core* I am going to have my way with you, 'female'. And I am going to enjoy every second of it.
    Mhisery MuhrdockQhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*She knew Qhuinn was down stairs in the common room, she could hear the deep baritone of his voice as she dressed and was hoping that he was alone when she got down stairs. She took the steps slowly, making her way down, she looked to the right and saw he was alone. She strode toward him, one long leg crossing the other, her eyes meeting his and holding them.The click of her heels on the mosaics filling the room. She shrugged off her rain jacket and let it hit the floor as she entered the common room, revealing his favorite corset and garters accompanied by the black silk stockings and heels. Her back was arched and causing her full breast to slightly bounce with each movement. She reached him and straddled his lap, taking his hands she placed them on her waist* This is the only place you can touch, the rest of how I'm going to take you is up to me. If your hands move, I stop. Nod if you understand.
    Norah Jones - Turn Me On
    I Love This Song
    Like · · Share · See Friendship · Saturday at 6:17pm ·
    Lucia Ann, Melissa McNeill, Linda von H and 2 others like this.
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He knew she was there even before her foot hit the tiled floor. The scent of his female did what it always did, fired up his senses and had him aching behind the fly of his leathers. He watched as she shrugged the jacket off, his mouth watering as he watched the bounce of her breasts as he willed them to slid free. She was wearing the outfit that he loved, one that made him want to rip it off her body but he stopped himself. That would mean she couldn't wear it for him again. As she drew closer, his cock leaped again and he let out a low groan as she straddled him. He could feel the heat from her body as she settled down against him. He left his hands where she placed them, flexing them once against the material of the corset before he slowly nodded his head*
    Saturday at 6:24pm · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She dipped her head and ran one of her fangs along the seam of his lower lip, before she traced it with her tongue to sooth the sting. She brushed his lips with hers before her tongue delved into the warm recesses of his mouth. Her tongue studs stroked those belonging to him as one hand slid across his cheek and into the softness of his hair. She moved her lips with his in a slow, tender movement as her other hand reached over one of his at her waist. She moved his hand to the bare globe of her thong clad ass, and deepened the kiss. She rocked her hips and stroked his leather encased erection against her sex and moaned as the action struck her clit at just the right position. She pulled back from the kiss and looked down at him with a small smirk* Do you want me to fuck you right here nallum? *She leaned close to his ear* Right here where anyone could walk in and catch you buried so deep in me that they would think we are connected more than at the heart? Right out here where the screams of your name will leave any imagination of who I belong too?
    Saturday at 7:07pm · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned against her lips, letting her lead the kiss though he couldn't help but take her tongue deeper into his mouth, stroking his tongue against it and sucking at the tip. He lifted his hips sightly as she ground against him, pushing his leather covered cock against where he wanted to bury himself. He struggled with control as his hand rested firmly against the curve of her ass. His fingers flexing slightly with the need to pull her tight against him or to flip her onto her back and drive into her until they were both sated. He figured she needed this and he was more than willing to let her control their coupling. This time. His voice was low and quiet, full of passion, his fangs elongated to make his speech slightly slurred* Fuck yes leelan. But if any male even catches glimpse of you dressed like this I will rip their heart from their chest while it still beats
    Saturday at 7:18pm · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She gave him a devilish smirk as she rose up on her knees* Violence and sex. My two favorite things. *She moved her own hand down over the swell of her breast, down her corset covered waist and still lower. Her hand dipped beneath the silk fabric of the thong and her fingers found her clit. She made a small circle with her fingers while she kept his gaze. She moaned out* Qhuinn do you want to help me do this or watch?
    Saturday at 8:00pm · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His eyes tracked the movement of her hand down over the corset and growled with disapproval when it dipped into fabric of her thong. His mouth watered as the fresh scent of her arousal hit him full force. His head fell back on his neck for a moment as he struggled again to not take his hands from where she placed them. Fuck, he wanted to take control, wanted to place his mouth where her knew her finger was circling. Take it into his mouth and tease across that sensitive bud with his tongue. Drawing in a harsh breath, he raised his head to look at her again* I want to watch. I want to see you take your pleasure but I want your eyes fixed on mine when you do it
    Saturday at 8:09pm · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She smirked at him and nearly leaned all the way back back, as one hand went to the fly of his leathers. She sprang his cock from behind the leather and moved her hand from base to crown. She slid two of her fingers deep in her core as her thumb circled her clit. She moaned out* If you want to see, moved the panties nallum *She tilted her head up to meet his gaze and bit her lower lip as she moved fasted, her fingers pumping in and out of her desire soaked core, coated in the passion he stirred in her when ever she was in the same room with him*
    Saturday at 8:19pm · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned as she released his cock, his hips driving forward slightly to slide between the circle of her hand. He bit down hard on his lower lip, his fangs sliding into his flesh as he reached for the edge of her panties. He kept his other hand firmly on her ass cheek as his fingers stroked against the seam of her leg and pussy. He could feel her heat from there as he pulled the silk back, revealing her to his gaze. * Fuck Mhisery, leelan *his breath rushed out of him as he took in the sight of her glistening core, her finger sliding into her tight wet sheath* Faster, show me how good you feel, tell me how wet you are *He made to move closer then stopped, knowing she would hold true to her words and stop if he moved*
    Saturday at 8:39pm · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She moved her hand over his cock and the fingers sliding in and out of her faster simultaneously, unsure which he was demanding go faster. She added a second digit to her wet desire and moved her thumb in a furious circle over her clit. Her subtle moans and whimpers increased with intensity as her breast rose and fell shallowly* Nallum the thought of you is enough to make me wet. The thought of your hands on me, your mouth anywhere near me, just the thought of you. *She felt the inner walls of her sex clamp around her fingers and she sped up the movements on both him and herself. Her moans became deeper as her sex became wetter, coating her fingers with ease and the minute her orgasm was release she screamed out* OH FUCK ME! YES QHUINN! YES!
    Saturday at 8:59pm · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He nearly lost it there and then, the sounds of her moaning, the slide of her fingers into her pussy all added together to make his cock almost ache with the need to release.* I'm sorry leelan.. *They were the only words he could manage to bite out before he hand her up in his arms. He looked wildly around the room his eyes landing on the dining room table. He strode towards it with her and set her down on top of it. Kicking one of the chairs out of his way, he dropped to his knees, his tongue striking hard and fast into her orgasm soaked core. He held her folds apart and tongued her deep, lapping up every drop of her release. He groaned against her and withdrew his tongue, stroking it upwards to circle her clit.* Fuck you taste so fucking good you know that? I would kill for one taste of you. I would fight my way through an army for an hour spent with my mouth on you *He groaned again, fisting his own cock as he covered her clit with his lips and drew her into the heat of his mouth*
    Saturday at 9:08pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She started to protest about him breaking the rules as he hoisted her into the air and started moving somewhere with her. The next thing she felt was the cold, polished wood of the dining room table on her back and his mouth on her still orgasming sex and she lost all train of thought. He hand buried in his hair and her back arched sharply off the table as he hips undulated. She tried to respond to what he was saying but she couldn't find any words in her pleasure wracked mind. She wanted him more than her next breath in that moment. The fire within her sex hit new levels as she felt her orgasm pending. She looked down the length of her body to see him between her legs and it only added to the erotic image that was being played out. Her free hand searched for anything to hang onto, and found nothing. The inner walls of her sex spasmed again and tipped her over the edge and into the ocean of orgasmic bliss. Her eyes closed as she rode out the wave that was currently crashing into her as she moaned deeply and then cried out his name* QHUINN Oh my god yes!
    Saturday at 9:37pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He slowed down the swipe of his tongue though still stroking a slow circle around her clit as he felt her orgasm against his face. Fuck he loved this, loved her, loved hearing her cry out in pleasure, loved the taste of her. Giving a final pass over her pussy, he rose to his feet, looming over her, his hands resting on the wooden table beneath her as he fought to catch his breath. His head hung loose on his neck, his eyes closed as he sucked in each breath as if it were his last, trying to get hormones under control. Leaning further down, he angled his head and covered her lips with his, stroking his tongue deep into her mouth and letting her taste herself from him. He muttered quietly against her *I love you leelan, and you are going to give me a heartattack from pleasure one of these night *he placed small kisses across her face then returned to her lips, his cock still hard and aching against her lower stomach*
    Saturday at 9:43pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She lay trembling on the table as she looked up at him. When his lips took hers she could taste the remnants of her most currant orgasm on his lips as she kissed him deeply.* I love you too nallum and I think you are the one giving out heart attacks not me. *She tried to catch her breath as he kissed across her face, still feeling his thick cock pressed against her lower stomach* How about we go upstairs and you can finish what you started Nallum?
    Saturday at 9:57pm · Like · 1
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He nuzzled into her cheek and scooped her up into his arms, cradling her against his chest like the most precious thing she was to him. He was thankful they never ran into anyone on the way to their bedroom for he would hate to have to kill any of the household for catching a glimpse of her dressed as she was. He pushed open the bedroom door and kicked it closed with the heel of his boot. Taking the few steps to the bed, he set her down gently on the covers and winked as he stripped off his own clothes. Once he was naked, he stretched out next to her, stroking the backs of knuckles down over the high swell of her breasts and down over the flat plane of her stomach*
    Saturday at 10:03pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She was worried about the toppled chair and her disregarded cat as he cradled in his arms* Nallum my legs are weak from your meal, but I can walk.*She smiled up at him as him as he kicked the door shut and lay her down. She watched him as he removed his clothes and had to suppress a moan of appreciation. She palmed his cheek as she looked at him, her skin pebbled from the light touch of his hand.* What's on your mind nallum?
    Saturday at 10:17pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He flashed her a cocky grin* What is the thing that is generally on mind leelan. You *he leaned over her, his hand resting on her hip and rolling her into his body and brushing his lips along her jaw line. He worked his way up to whisper into her ear* How good you felt when you orgasmed on my face, how tight, hot and wet you are when I touch you. How nobody had made me ache with pleasure like you have. I can never get enough of you, even when I think my body will give out I want more. He nipped his fangs against her earlobe and pulled her body flush to his body, lifting her leg and hooking it over his hip and his drove his cock balls deep into her tight wet sheath*
    Saturday at 10:25pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She listened to him speak and fell n love with him all over again. His hands on her body as he raised her leg over his lean hit and drove into her she nearly orgasmed again as he filled her completely. She was made for this male, everything about him fit her fully. From his personality, to his heart, to his body. She moaned deeply and rolled her hips wanting him to feel as good as he made her feel. Her nails dug into the soft flesh of his back as she covered his mouth with hers. Her tongue exploring his mouth completely, and hungrily. She knew she would never get tired of the male that was in her arms, in their bed, in her body, and fully in her heart* Nallum do you know how good your hands feel on me, or how good your mouth feels on me? Do you have any idea what your kiss does to me? How much I love you?
    Saturday at 10:37pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he groaned as she rolled her hips against him, his hand sliding down across her back to stroke his fingers over the lettering of his name on her flesh. He came to a decision there and then but now was not the time to talk about it. He drew back his hips and slowly, inch by inch slid back home again, already he could feel the subtle tingle that his release was close but he wasn't ready just yet. He moved the hand on her back further down, stroking through the cleft of his ass and further down where they two of them were joined together. He stroked the tip of his finger across the sensitive nerve endings around her entrance and plunged in hard and deep. He drove into her over and over again, his mouth leaving hers to to run his lips across her shoulder. Rearing back slightly, he struck forward and slid in his fangs into her flesh, holding her to him with his fangs as he took a hard pull from her vein*
    Saturday at 10:43pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes closed as his hands moved of her body and down her back, and when his fingers danced over the entrance of her body, the inner walls of her sex began to tighten around his cock. When his fangs struck her vein, she was done for. The walls of her core released around his cock, coating him completely in her inner passion. The walls of her sex were continuing to contract and release in quick succession. Her nails dug into his back as she clang to him for life and screamed his name* Oh fuck yes Qhuinn!
    Saturday at 10:56pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*The first pulse of her pussy around his shaft had him following her over the edge with a final hard thrust. He buried himself as deeply as he could into her quivering core as he released himself deep inside her. He drew back from her vein and roared out his release to the ceiling, his body shaking with the exertion of holding himself still. Leaning closer, he lapped his tongue across the twin puncture marks to seal them closed and covered her lips again in a hard hungry kiss. He pushed his blood covered tongue into her mouth and ran it against one of her fangs, letting his own blood mingle with hers.* Is it possible to die of pleasure? *he whispered against her lips, his body giving another spasm against her*
    Saturday at 11:01pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*His kiss made her moan even more. She could taste herself mixed with the intoxicating taste of his blood. Her body shuddered against his as the spasm of his cock hit her at her most sensitive time post orgasm. When she manged to catch her breath she spoke* I don't think so cause if that were possible you would have killed me a while back nallum.
    Saturday at 11:15pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave her a cocky grin and slowly, with a low groan, slid free from her body. Reaching for the sheets, he tucked them around them both and pulled her in tight to his chest. His heart was still thundering against her, his breath still harsh in the quiet room.* Tomorrow, I want to take you some place. Will you come with me?
    Saturday at 11:20pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She lay there beside him, still breathless, but sated and content. She gave a small nod* I would follow you to the ends of the earth nallum, so where you lead I will go. What do I need to wear?
    Saturday at 11:24pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Firstly to my cousins ceremony, but after.. I want to take you some place *he angled his head to meet her gaze a tender grin on his face* I want to talk to you about something, but I need to take you to this place to do it
    Saturday at 11:25pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nodded, unsure of what he wanted to talk to her about and a twinge of fear crept in. This was likely the good bye that was coming, but she would try to be strong about it.* I'll go with you to both.
    Saturday at 11:28pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He grinned as he saw the flash of fear cross her face. He hadn't considered that she would think there was something wrong and he wanted to reassure her without just blurting his plans out to her* It's a good talk leelan, about the future. Our future. Together.
    Saturday at 11:31pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She bit her bottom lip and nodded in affirmation before leaning up to brush her lips across his.* Then we will talk about our future tomorrow nallum. *She cozied back down in his arms and let the gentle rise and fall of his chest lull her to sleep*
    Saturday at 11:36pm · Like · 2
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He waited until she fell asleep, a full fanged grin on his face as he thought over the things that had been playing on his mind the past week. He was going to ask her, hell the worse she could say was no and he hoped like fuck she didn't. Kissing the top of his head, he closed his eyes and fell asleep*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*he was walking out from behind a dark red brick building in downtown Caldwell just after midnight...There was a sheen of water on the ground from a recent rain and there was a mix of wet asphalt and the stench of baby powder in the air...him and his new sidekick Boo had been following this POS for more than an hour and if the Lesser they were after didn't lead them somewhere interesting soon, they were going to have to settle on dinner of one tonight..He looks up to his shoulder and said*..Either this guy is lost or he is leading us right into trap...I say... the MORE the merrier...
    Like · · Share · Saturday at 10:00am ·
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Michael Romano, Tohrment Hharm and 12 others like this.
    Boo Randall ‎*He looks up at Lassiter while trying to avoid the puddles, because no one like a wet Kitty and thinks that this Lesser is up to no good. His body and paws are starting to tighten and are ready to give an ass whooping. He is starting to purr uncontrollably and thinks that we may need to take this guy before their cover is blown*
    Saturday at 10:18am · Unlike · 13
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*hearing his Lil Partner giving his war purr he knew it was time*..Ok Lil cat...I'll get his attention and you come in from behind...*he stepped out into the alley and saw the immediate look of recognition in the lesser's eyes and couldn't help but smile to himself*..Are you lost little boy?...Do you need directions?...Cause I can send you right back to hell if you would like...*the lesser seemed to still have his balls in tack as he said*.."One of Gods Little Power Rangers out here and alone..This couldn't be any easier..*..the lesser took a wide stance and and tipped his head*.."Bring it Angel Boy"...
    Saturday at 10:28am · Unlike · 13
    Boo Randall ‎*slowly sneaks up behind the distracted lesser like crouching tiger hidden kitten and with his cat like reflexes he jumps with his razor like claws extended and slashes the lesser's shoulder, with black blood spraying all over the place. He spins and lands on his paws waiting for Lassiter to join in on the fun*
    Saturday at 10:37am · Unlike · 14
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*watching as the Ninja Kitty took the honor of first strike, he couldn't help but be impressed by the lil guys zealous..was that a look of shock on the POS's face..*..What's the matter powder boy?..You don't like a Lil in your face?..*he charged the guy and rammed his shoulder into his stomach and they both went down with a thud..*
    Saturday at 10:43am · Unlike · 12
    Boo Randall ‎*As he watched both massive bodies hit the ground, he knew exactly which one was Lassiter because he looked like a glow stick that was just activated. He jumps on top of the lessers head and slices 4 lines into the lessers neck, his claws are starting to look like they are covered with used motor oil*
    Saturday at 10:56am · Unlike · 12
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*as the cat sliced the lesser's throat, it sprayed greasy black blood across his face...*..Careful there kitty, I just had a facial..* he looked down at the lesser and punched him square in the jaw*..Tell us what you are up to tonight and wont let my partner here use your mouth as a litter box..* He punched him again..looking up and see's that Boo is pacing back and forth at the lesser's head and doing some kind of clicking noise with his mouth..he didn't have to be a mind reader to know the cat was calling him every name under the sun and then some..*..It looks like you might want to spill the beans my man cause my friend here is getting anxious..* the lesser looked up at him with black goo all over his face and spat out.."Screw you Big Bird"..* Big Bird..Really?..OK.If thats the way you want it..*he looked at Boo and nodded*..
    Saturday at 11:10am · Unlike · 12
    Boo Randall ‎*He climbs up on the lesser's face walking in a circular motion kneading around his mouth and squats and starts to shit in his mouth. Two fingerlike turds came out and he then starts pushing the black ooze that is still spewing from the lesser's neck over his crap in the lesser's mouth. He then takes a few of the feathers that Lass lost during the scuffle and placed them in the lesser's mouth, now who looks like a bird?*
    Saturday at 11:24am · Unlike · 12
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*watching the cat with a since of awww and discust*...Boo, you are awsome and nasty at the same time..*he looked back at the laeeser , who was now choking on turds and feathers...* Times up baby boy..*head reared his fist back and drove straight up and under the lesser's chest cavity and riped out his black liver, tossed it on the ground, grabbed hold of his head and gave a tight twist and broke his neck*...
    Saturday at 11:32am · Unlike · 12
    Boo Randall ‎*He sees the liver flop on the ground and runs over to it and pats it with his paw and the liver flops over. He hits it again this time a little harder and it goes across the alley. He chases after it and keeps playing with it. He get towards the end of the alley and another lesser jumps out and grabs his tail. He lets out a loud Meow and jumps with his claws fully extended and lands square on Lassiter's head. He wakes up from his dream and realizes that he just scratched his fine feathered friend*
    Saturday at 11:43am · Unlike · 12
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*waking with a "WTF" he pulls the cat off his face and say*..Thats it!!...No more falling asleep with me after watching Bruce Lee movies for you my furry friend..*he puts Boo down on the couch and swears he see's a smile on his little face..shaking his head he goes for the bathroom to make sure there aren't any claw marks on his face*.

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