Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part IV

Saxton Thym ‎*He listened as Blay protested and told him he didn't want him to get sick too, he laughed and held him tighter* My dear Blay if I am sick at least we will be together, I am not leaving your side. I have missed you and nothing is going to keep me away from you. *He looked into his beautiful eyes, he meant every word. He rose from the bed* I will go and make you something to eat, you need to keep your strength up. I think some chicken broth should do the trick. You know how I love to cook and take care of you. *He plumped up the pillows and forced Blay to lay back down. He dematted to the kitchen and set about making the broth, he spoke to the doggen who told him what had been happening. He had never met this Mhisery female, she had been the one to bring in the sickness. He learned that Fritz and Synyster were ill as well.*
November 7 at 5:53am · Like · 11
Saxton Thym ‎*In next to no time the broth was ready, he carefully took a couple of bowls upstairs to their room. He set the tray by their bed. Slowly and carefully he fed Blay the broth, stopping while he coughed and wheezed. His poor Blay was so ill, jhe closed his eyes and cuddled up to him. His thoughts turned to his young cousin Qhuinn, he needed to make the effort to visit him. He had spent time with him while he was ill but hadn't seen him since he had recovered. Perhaps while Blay slept he could catch up with him. He missed his cousin, the way things had been before he and Blay had got together. Qhuinn had always been his favorite. He missed their closeness, he hoped it wasn't too late to sort things out*
Jane Bloodletter
‎*She sat in her office in the training center, files piled on the edge of her desk and her computer showing the screen saver of a picture of Vishous and herself. She raised her mug to her mouth and took a sip of the hot chocolate she had carried over from the pit and glanced over at Pyro who slept in his bed beside her. Smiling at the pup, she looked up at the wall clock. Manuel was due to arrive in a few moment as she was looking forward to going over her cases with her old boss and getting his take on things.*
Unlike · · Share · November 7 at 2:08pm ·
You, Ehlena Rempoon, Bella Ahgony, Emily Lua and 10 others like this.
Manuel Manello ‎*looking around as the doggen led him down to Jane's private digs he was impressed. She had exactly what she had been looking for when she worked for him, and he was happy for her. He got to her office and rapped his knuckles on the doorjamb once before walking in. As she stood to greet him, he kissed her cheek and then sat* What do you have for me Jane?
November 7 at 2:23pm · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*returning to her seat, she crossed her legs beneath the table and rested her elbows on the smooth surface.* We seem to have a case of vampire influenza sweeping through the Brotherhood mansion. Naturally this time of year we see an influx of minor colds and the odd case of influenza but this is hitting them hard and fast. I am not sure if it is because of the enhanced genetics or something else. The strain is close to the human variety but there is a few differences *She pushed across the file she had on Mhisery* This was the first case that was brought into Safe Place, we moved the patient to a room here as there are several children over there at present. If you have a look at the FBC results you will see she needs to take the vein of a male, thus far she has been feeding on humans except in one instance when she fed from her own kind. I wish to speak to King-Wrath about requesting one of the males feed her to help her get through this illness.
November 7 at 2:31pm · Like · 8
Manuel Manello ‎*Leaning back in his chair, crossing his ankle over his knee, he settled in and got comfortable. He loved this shit. This wasn't his usual area, but medicine was medicine whether it was vamps or humans. And he always had enjoyed watching Jane's mind at work. She was a lot like him; smart, practical and to the point. He looked up and thanked the doggen who handed him a coffee. Taking a sip, he leaned forward and set it on Jane's fancy desk.* Jane, I am not going to get into the genetics of this thing. That is your love and your area of expertise, so I will defer to you on that one.* He flipped through the file she handed him, Mhisery. Poor female, had to suck to be her right now. As sorry as he felt for her though, had to be realistic.* Jane, do you mean to tell me you want one of these males to feed her? Who? You offering up Vishous? Cause I don't see that happening. All of the brother's are mated. King-Wrath? Not sure Elizabeth would be ok with it either. I mean, yeah, I get it, in an emergency, it happens. But straight up? There may be a lot of un-mated males, and females for that matter, in need of a vein. Have you thought that far ahead?
November 7 at 3:08pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter I have considered it, we have several unmated males within the household at the moment. My thought is to ask if one of those will offer their vein to her. If they or she does not want to take the vein direct I have been playing around with IV feeings, it should take away the bonding instinct of the males should a shellan be required in an emergency situation. It, if needed, could be done via a separate room or with a partition with the Hellren staying with his Shellan. Havers has sent over his notes on his attempt to created a Vampire Blood Bank but currently has not been able to find a way to stop the cells found in Vampires from dying *she pushed over another file that had been sent over via one of Havers' nurses* You can see his findings so far for yourself *Reaching for her mug she took another drink and fixed her white coat across her chest* The other thing that I wish to discuss with you is this *She slid a third file towards him* The Queen, Elizabeth, is pregnant. Naturally the rest of the family are not aware as of yet as it has not been announced but after reading what I could and discussing it with Havers and Ehlena I would like to have you on call when she goes into labor.
November 7 at 3:19pm · Like · 8
Manuel Manello ‎*leaning forward, enjoying the debate, he reached for the other files* Nice, kind of like transfusions. Although, if Haver's has been working on it and is thus far unsuccessful, it may be awhile before it's a viable option. We can try, depending on the stage of illness. I think the partition idea is probably the best bet at the moment. We may be able to experiment on healthy vampires for the IV feeding feasiblity. Now, don't get all ethical on me. This isn't the Nuremberg trials, we can get informed consent. I'm just saying, it's an interesting theory to think about, and you know.. research and experiment. *He picked up the Queen Elizabeth's file and thumbed through it. Pausing, he looked at Jane* So, how does King-Wrath feel about me being anywhere in the area code when the Queen goes into labor? I am honored you asked but.. be honest.
November 7 at 3:33pm · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter Frankly I haven't discussed it with him. I am not asking you to be present through the entire time, but should we run into complications I would be happier knowing you are available, if not you then Vishous will be able to assist, though I have a wonderful nurse in Ehlena, she is quick on her feet and knows what I want and when I need it. I have read what happened with the Shellan of Zee, Bella had complications that could have cost her both her life and the life of their daughter. I need to ensure that does not happen again, and no, this is not because this is the race's Queen, I would feel this way with any female, whether part of my extended family or a stranger than came into Safe Place. You too would be the same. I am not trying to be a new age Joseph Mengele either, it is not about experimentation, it is about making these people's lives easier, making them better in the only way that I can. *she drained her mug and idly ran her finger around the rim* Perhaps you might assist me with the rounds within the mansion, if this flu spreads I am going to need all the help I can get. The Chosen too will need called in
November 7 at 3:44pm · Like · 7
Manuel Manello ‎*nods in agreement* no, i get it. Makes sense, figure I am on call then. We will just pray you don't need me. Of course, if you do, I am pretty sure that I will be the last thing on King-Wrath's mind. He will be glad I am there, if anything.* smirks* besides, we're cousins. And hey, you don't have to sell me on how noble you are, and how you would be like this for any patient. I have known that about you forever. And as for Ehlena, I have seen firsthand how good that female is, so working with her will be fine. I will do rounds with you. Now works.*setting the mug down, he stands and looks at Jane expectantly.
November 7 at 4:26pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Rising to her feet, she gave him a nod, and pulled open the door to the main tunnel, her brow raising as she watched Phury walk past and into the adjoining examination room with Fritz in his arms* Looks like we have another case of this virus, and the elderly Doggen at that *Following Phury into the room, she held open the second door and moved to the sink to scrub her hands. Taking a liberal amount of betadine, she scrubs her hands thoroughly then washes away the brown suds and drying her hands. Moving aside she lets Manny do the same* So what have we got here
November 7 at 5:38pm · Like · 7
Manuel Manello ‎*stepping up to the sink, he turns and looks at the doggen as he scrubs* damn, he looks like shit. *he nods to Phury, puts gloves on and gently examines Fritz. Noting the pallor and the fever, he begins firing questions off to Jane. * Any idea who he has been in contact with? And Phury, are you at risk? Because we are going to need your chosen, so you can't be infecting them. When was the last time this male fed? Jane, I will let you finish the exam and act as your nurse until we can get one here for you. Do we have a chart already started for Fritz? *stepping back, he turns and looks for a pen and clipboard.
November 7 at 5:48pm · Like · 6
Phury Ahgony ‎*Ever impressed by the efficiency of Jane in doctor mode he nodded to Manuel while scrubbing his face vigorously.* Well you know how expressive Z is but apparently he collapsed in the Kings office being outside Z and Bella's chambers, Im guessing to get their dinner tray because it was still there so he had just cooked for them. He sneezed in the King's face and *signs* then Fritz sneezed and coughed all over me while bringing him down here. *gestured to sink full of suds* I'm thinking it's probably too late for this *wry smile*. Oh, The pertinent fact that my brother DID pass along was that he didn't laugh at the King. *chuckles*
November 7 at 7:11pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She finished off the examination of the Doggen and hooked up an IV to administer the fluids he would need. She tucked the sheet around him after removing his shoes and making him as comfortable as she could.* He is the head Doggen, he is everywhere *She sighed and reached for the clipboard adding a new chart and handing it over to Manny along with with pen from her top pocket* I need to start making rounds amongst the family and see who else is showing signs of influenza
Saxton Thym
‎*Having looked after Blaylock for several hours he felt achy and hungry. He glanced at Blay, he was fast asleep. He decided a trip to the kitchen to raid the fridge was in order. As he walked in he bumped straight into Qhuinn* I'm sorry Qhuinn I didn't see you there. How are you cousin? I hope you are well.
Like · · November 7 at 4:42pm ·
Emily Lua, Phury Ahgony, Cormia Ahgony and 6 others like this.
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He lifted his head to look at his cousin, his teeth grinding for a moment before he plastered a friendly smile across his face* I am good, yourself? *He leaned back against the counter nursing the fresh bottle of beer he had taken from the fridge* Where's Blay?
November 7 at 4:49pm · Like · 10
Saxton Thym ‎*He noticed the look on his cousins face but was too tired to mention it.* I am doing well a little tired. Blay is in bed, he has been stricken by this illness that seems to be in the mansion. I thought I would have something to eat while he sleeps. It is a pleasure to see you up and about again. I take it you have managed to feed as you look healthy again . *His own stomach growled and gave away just how hungry he was*
November 7 at 4:59pm · Like · 7
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He had the good grace to look embarrassed and scrubbed a hand over his short hair* Yeah, Layla fed me a few hours ago. Now I need to get back up to my normal weight *He tugged on his loose sweats and frowned at Blay being sick. He wanted to be the one to care for him, feed him and make sure he wanted for nothing. The familiar ache in his heart returned as he realized it would never be him* Who else is sick? I haven't seen anyone from *stopping talking he cleared his throat, not wanting to bring up what he had done*
November 7 at 5:03pm · Like · 9
Saxton Thym ‎*He glanced at Qhuinn, he looked thinner than he used to be* I'm sure you will put your weight back on soon enough, you always did have a healthy appetite. *He could see his cousin was uncomfortable, he had no reason to be* I only arrived back myself this afternoon, I have been away on business for a while. I do believe that Mhisery, Synyster, Blaylock and Fritz are the only ones at the moment that are sick. *He rubbed the back of his neck, it felt stiff and his throat was sore*
November 7 at 5:14pm · Like · 7
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Frowning, he watched him* Are you alright? *He took a step back from him* You don't look so good, shit you aren't getting whatever it is they have? *Lifting his arm he reached out and touched his forehead* Fuck sake you are burning up Sax
November 7 at 5:19pm · Like · 8
Saxton Thym ‎*He suddenly felt so hot* I am tired and aching, someone must have put the heating on. I cannot be sick Blay needs me to look after him, I need to sit down for a moment. *He felt the room spinning and reached for the counter top*
November 7 at 5:24pm · Like · 7
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Growling in frustration, he set down his bottle and reached for his cousin, lifting his arm across his shoulder and putting one around his waist and walking with him towards the door* You haven't got any fuckin' choice, you are sick, get used to it. *Pulling open the door with his free hand and walking out towards the main staircase
November 7 at 5:27pm · Like · 8
Saxton Thym ‎*He leaned into his cousin, he was glad of the help he didn't know if he could stand on his own.* Thank you cousin mine, I am afraid I am feeling rather weak right now. It would appear I am indeed sick, I do hope you do not have the misfortune to catch this. Could I please trouble you further and ask you to help me back to my room, I do not think I could make it on my own.
November 7 at 5:37pm · Like · 8
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*A nerve ticked in his jaw as he helped him up the stairs and across the hall to his room. He stopped outside it, refusing to go inside and see Blay lying there on their bed. Opening the door, he half shoved him inside* Call Jane if you get any worse. If either of you do *Glancing once at Blay he tugged the door closed and returned to the kitchen*
Phury Ahgony
‎*stands leaning in the door jamb of the living room watching Pheonia reading so intently. He wondered if it was one of those trashy romance novels Jane was passing around to all the chosen and ultimately his shellan. She was such a fine female of worth his dear delinquent Pheonia. Her heart was so huge, her mind so inquisitive, her wit so charming. Just watching her was a delight.
Like · · November 5 at 11:54pm ·
Emily Lua, Manuel Manello, Cormia Ahgony and 9 others like this.
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her legs were tucked beneath her, the warmth from her robes keeping her toes from feeling the effects of the start of the winter season in the Adirondacks. She had a book in her small hands, intently reading, a story of two who loved so pure her heart stung for them as she pictured them with each word she read from the page. But her heart was not the only thing that seemed to be reacting to the tale, her body ached in a way she had never experienced before and she knew no way to ease it. She shifted her body, putting her legs back to the floor from the lounge she was sitting on, her eyes momentarily lifting to find her Primale, Phury, staring at her. She gasped, and her book flew from her hands as she placed them to her chest, rising from the lounge to lower into a bow.* Sire, verily I did not know you were here, please pardon my late greeting.
November 6 at 12:05am · Like · 8
Phury Ahgony ‎*He smiled at her warmly noting the joy in her eyes.* How are you my dear Pheonia? No apologies are needed. I just wanted to see how you were doing.
November 6 at 12:25am · Like · 8
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She grabbed her book from the floor and hid it into the pocket of her rob before she rose to her full, though short, height, returning his smile. She watched him moved closer to her, and taking a seat upon the lounge she was just sitting on, patting the cushion for her to join him. She did, again tucking her legs beneath her, and clasped her hands onto her lap.* I fare well, Primale mine, how fare you on this most beautiful eves?
November 6 at 12:29am · Like · 8
Phury Ahgony I am graced by your presence. *smiles and holds out a single shiny hershey kiss, waiting for her reaction*
November 6 at 12:39am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She wasn't quite sure she had heard him correctly, graced by her presence? Verily, he was confused as she was but a mere Chosen, she thought with a slight giggle. She watched as he held out his hand, and upon seeing the Hershey's Kiss, her cheeks flushed and she turned her stare down her to hands. She swallowed and spoke quietly, her head still lowered as she took the chocolate from his hand.* Thank you, sire.
November 6 at 12:44am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony You look confused Pheonia. do you not like hershey kisses? *a twinkle danced around his eyes as he took another chocolate confection out for himself and popped it into his smiling mouth*
November 6 at 12:58am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She wondered how he had gotten hold of the Hershey's Kisses that she had left for her sister Selena, verily she did not drop any on her way to Lena's room? Blinking, she lifted her head to look up at Phury, then noticed the light in his eyes. Perhaps he was--she crunched her brow to try to remember the term used, then she remembered--messing with her. Joking. Smiling lightly and tilting her head to the side,* Sire, I do very much like Hershey's Kisses. Chocolate is one of the most delicious of food from this side. *Unwrapping the Kiss he had given her, she placed it into her mouth and let out a tiny "mmm".* Did mine sister, Selena, find her treat? Mayhap that is why you are joking me?
November 6 at 1:08am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony Yes your sister did indeed find her treat. That was very kind of you. *He felt his pocket vibrate ad the urge to growl barely contained itself. He pulled it out and flipped it up to read a message from Muhrder requesting the services of a chosen. A thought began to form in his mind as he texted back to the male* Pheonia you are being called upon to serve your race. *he lifted up one of her tiny delicate hands and held it in both of his own.* There is a male in the mansion who has been feeding off of humans. He is requesting the blood of a Chosen.* He looked deep into her hazel eyes with compassion and love and asked her* how can i help you to prepare for this?
November 6 at 1:48am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her brows creased as she listened to Phury explain of a male in need at the Brotherhood's mansion, not with uncertainty, confusion or fear, but of how she was going to answer his question. As a Chosen, this is what she was born to fulfill, a legacy of her sisters that she was most honored to share. She clasped her free hand over his large ones and squeezed in return, and inclined her head, sending thoughts and a prayer to the Scribe-Virgin for finally giving her the opportunity to honor their race.* Sire, I am unsure how it is I am to answer you, mine entire life I have spent preparing to serve a Brother with my lifeblood, to keep him strong and fierce, so he may protect us from those that wish us harm. *She lifted her head and stared up to his kind face,* I thank you, Primale, for giving me this honor.
November 6 at 1:16am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony Verily you are an honor to our race. *he looked proudly upon her beaming face yet was concerned that her heart may have some apprehension* The male is in great need. Do you truly feel ready know Pheonia? Please tell me your heart. you are not letting anyone down if you are scared. I know you will fulfill your duty and make both Cormia and I both proud. It is your first time though and it is no disgrace at all to be nervous. Talking about these things can help. Or if you you prefer to ponder it and talk later that is fine too. but i am going to make arrangements for tomorrow and you will be accompanied.
November 6 at 1:49am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She smiled slightly,* Sire, though mine nerves are..what do you say..*she bit her lip and her eyes rolled upwards to the ceiling as she paused to think how exactly to word her feelings,* oh, though I mine nerves are twitchy, *she hoped that was the right word to use,* verily I am not scared. *She thought of the Brotherhood, the males who protected, the males she read of in the volumes that contained the great history of their race, and she removed her hand from over his to idly tuck her hair behind her ear,* Mine sisters Selena, and Layla, they have spoke to me of their time and their trials of feeding. I shall be ok. *Her smile was still slight, but her eyes showed she was speaking truth.*
November 6 at 2:00am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony Twitchy nerves are OK. They are a sign of an intelligent mind. We will go to the mansion after our first meal tomorrow it is too late now. I am always here in you would like to talk dear one. Have a lovely evening.
November 6 at 2:13am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She inclined her head once more, and hesitantly leaned in and hugged him.* Thank you, sire, *Phury hugged her back and left her with a kiss to her cheek and another Hershey's Kiss in her palm before he stood to a towering height. As he left the room, she called to him,* fare thee well, *and pulled the book from the pocket of her robe and opened it to the page she was on prior to their conversation. Yet no matter how she tried to concentrate on the story, her thoughts kept drifting back to the fact that on the next eve, she was to be drank from.*
November 6 at 2:18am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*As he returned her hug and handed her another Hersey's kiss he was filled again with pride for all of the Chosen on this side as well as those who remained in sanctuary. He walked out of the room he flipped open the phone and responded to Muhrder's text ~I will come to the mansion tomorrow after our first meal with a Chosen for you to feed from. If this is not convienient for you please let me know. Have a good evening.~He hit send and went in search of that ever intoxicating jasmine that was filling his nose......
Mhisery Muhrdock
‎*She tossed and turned in her bed in the mansion. The thoughts of having to feed from a male that was forced to do so weighed heavily on her mind. She didn't want to make some unsuspecting male with a duty to his race to have to come to her aid. She pushed out of bed and decided she would do things her way. She dressed, taking longer than normal due to several coughing spells, and the waives of nausea that hit one after another. She summoned what energy she had and dematted to the downtown area. She had to lean against the wall upon her arrival in an attempt to stop the world from spinning. She hit the normal areas where she hunted, both lessers and humans*
Unlike · · Follow Post · November 7 at 4:53pm
You, Tohrment Hharm, Ehlena Rempoon, Emily Lua and 14 others like this.
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She crossed her arms tight around her waist as she strode, she was freezing and her stomach rolled and dived, threatening to crawl up her throat at anytime. She paused several more times, before ducking in the ally between two of buildings. She stood there, her chest heaving as she fought back the urges to faint. She suddenly scented someone familiar, Throe. She couldn't let him see her like this.*
November 7 at 5:15pm · Like · 10
Throe Bhastard ‎*striding through downtown, he paused to let his senses sift through all the information coming at him. He could smell the female, Mhisery, close-by. He continued on a couple of blocks, peering down into alleyways. He stopped at the mouth of one, spotting a figure at the other end, huddled up and defenseless. He may be a bastard, but he was still a gentlemale. He dematted to her, catching her as she began to list to the side.* Hey Gorgeous. I got you. You are still beautiful as ever, but you don't look so good right now. You are sick and you need to feed. * He looked away, not wanting to embarrass her or stare at her while she was feeling low. And not wanting her to see how much it meant to him that she took him up on his offer*.
November 7 at 5:24pm · Like · 12
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up, her dark eyes met his pale blue ones. She had been sliding down the wall when his masculine arms caught her, the muscles of his forearms like steel cables beneath her. She gave a weak nod at the offer to feed her, he had always been her savior when she was in need. He aided in holding her in place as her canine's elongated and throbbed with need. She quickly slid her fangs into the soft flesh of his neck. She took a long pull as he carotid pumped the life saving blood into her mouth. She didn't want to be greedy, so she retracted her fangs and swirled her tongue over the wound to seal it. She stayed against him longer than was needed, but he felt good pressed against her flesh.She felt stronger, but still felt totally ill. She closed her eyes as the world tilted* Thank you Throe. You always seem to show up when I''m at my lowest *Dear Scribe he smelled good.*
November 7 at 5:38pm · Like · 11
Throe Bhastard ‎*the frailty of the female alarmed him. This was a strong warrior, and she was never one to let another observe her being weak. She needed to feed more, she hadn't taken nearly enough. And not just because he had loved the feeling of her so close to him, her full mouth on his vein, taking him inside of her. She was slumped in his arms, and he was at a loss as to what he could do for her further. There was not a fucking chance of him leaving her like this. He began to look through her pockets, looking for a phone. Maybe she had some contact info, or he could call up her last contact.. There was something in her pocket. He took out a dog-eared business card. Pulling out his own cell he fired off a text. * -doc Jane, this is Throe, I have someone here who was in possession of your card. She needs help.* hitting send, he settled against the wall, the female in his arms. He glared out into the alley, daring anyone to come near her.
November 7 at 6:07pm · Like · 10
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Stepping out of the examination room, she pulled her phone out of her white coat and frowns reading the unrecognized number. Reading the message, she fired one back* Who is this? Who is with you and where are you? *Sending it back, she leaned against the wall to wait*
November 7 at 6:22pm · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She could faintly hear Throe tapping out a message after he had rummaged through he pockets. She had resigned herself to the fact, she would be seeing the fade, she felt that bad. At least her last few moments on this side were with someone that was actually decent to her. He had always been an gentleman, and had always been kind. She was just where her father always said she would die, a back alley*
November 7 at 6:56pm · Like · 9
Throe Bhastard ‎*reading the reply he frowned. Although knowing the brothers he should have figured this wouldn't be easy.* look, my name is Throe and straight up your mate won't love that I contacted you. I'm with Mhisery and she needs you. She is sick and needs help and I don't know what to do. I need you to get here.* he entered their location and hit send. He could feel Mhisery's despair and it tugged at something deep inside him. The scent of her regret was a bitter tang in his nose and he swore he would not let a female of worth such as this leave unto the fade feeling as she did. He was picking through her mind trying to find the source of her sadness and he caught a brief image. She was picturing dying alone in an alley while a male stood over her smirking. Oh fuck no. Not on his watch. He pulled her closer, gathering her up and stroking the hair away from her face. * Mhis, Jane is coming. You stay right here with me, I need you here. I'm going to be really pissed if you leave me to face some brother's shellan alone.
November 7 at 8:08pm via mobile · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*she frowned reading the text and walked into her office, reaching under the desk for the bag she took with her no matter where she went. Looking once more at the location she disappeared, her body moving through the streets of Caldwell in mere seconds. She appeared in the room beside them both, her body transparent but still clearly visible. Shaking her head, she willed her body solid, her voice firm* Mhisery, It is I, Jane, you met me earlier *She gestured for Throe to step aside as she set her bag on the bed beside her and reached out a cool hand to place on her forehead. Her temperature had spiked drastically, small beads of sweat pearling on her neck and one single bead running down the smooth column of her throat* I need her back to the mansion, immediately.
November 7 at 8:14pm · Like · 8
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her head lulled to the side and she hung on to Throe's shirt. Her vision was clouded, but she knew as long as she hung onto his shirt she was not alone. She thought she heard Jane's voice* He. Goes. Too.
November 7 at 8:19pm · Like · 8
Throe Bhastard ‎*hearing Mhisery's garbled demand, his eyes flew up and met the forest green stare of the healer. And was pretty sure the horror in her gaze matched the astonishment in his own. He leaned over and whispered to Mhisery to try to soothe her.He grasped Mhisery's hands, trying to loosen her grip. And had no luck. Fuck! What to do... he could not enter the King's mansion as an honorable male and attempt to harm anyone therein under theses circumstances. And he would not leave ghe female while she needed him.Squaring his shoulders, he faced Doc Jane once more*
Your call, Healer. Know this, though.. I will not leave her unless she asks it of me. Know also, that although I am a bastard, I am honorable. I will not enter the home of the King and Queen and Brotherhood and attempt to wreak any sort of havoc under these conditions. I will behave as an invited guest would. Do what you need to do to make this happen for her, or find another solution. Be of haste though, I can not see her suffer any longer.
November 7 at 11:37pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She stood listening to him talk, her face blank and void of all expression. Once he was finished she cast a glance at Mhisery once more* I can not agree to this, it is not my place. Stay with her and I will return as soon as I can. *She pointed towards a run down motel a block away* Get her there and keep her there until I return. If she wants to take from your vein then let her. Try and get fluids into her *She looked between the two of them again, her face showing his displeasure at what she now had to do and disappeared rushing her way through the night to find Vishous to explain the situation to him and then speak to King-Wrath*
November 7 at 11:45pm · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She still clung to Throe, she could hear the faint sound of Jane's voice , but she could not decipher the words. She could hear Throe, but it too was not distinguishable, but his deep baritone soothed her. He was throwing off the scent of protection, but she was unsure if he was protecting her or himself. She felt short of breath and the nausea had returned with a vengeance. Her heart beat so fast that she felt it would leap out of her chest. She was relieved when the world blurred and she fainted*
November 7 at 11:51pm · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*feeling her weight go slack, he looked down at Mhisery in alarm. Relieved by the rise and fall of her chest, he lifted her up so that he could press his lips to her cheek, and feel her breathing. He did as Jane instructed, and headed over to the motel. He forced his way into an empty room, and laid his precious burden down on top of the cheap mattress cover, wishing it were silk for her. He smoothed her hair back from her face and sat looking at her for a moment. A torrent of emotions were swirling through him, and he wanted to block them all. He lifted his wrist up to his mouth and scored his vein. Placing it over her mouth, he leaned down and put his mouth to her temple, murmuring words of encouragement to her, urging her to drink. He was soon rewarded with faint pulls on his wrist, each one causing a butterfly like feeling in his gut. He found himself impatient for the healer to arrive*
Vishous Bloodletter
‎*He sat chilling in the pit. He had his computers laid before him and he was laughing his ass off as he fucked with some of the trainees. He was locking and unlocking the door from his remote location. When they got close, he would lock it. When they stepped away he would unlock it. It was funny as fuck, they had been cursing and kicking the door. He lifted his glass of Goose and took a long pull, then tapped out a hand rolled. He put it between his lips and hit the bic, inhaling deeply. He laughed hard again an exhaled a thick cloud of smoke into the room*
Unlike · · Follow Post · November 8 at 12:22am
You, Tohrment Hharm, Ehlena Rempoon, Pheonia Chosen and 14 others like this.
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She materialized in the hall of the Pit, her bag still clenched firmly in her hand after leaving Mhisery and Throe in downtown Caldwell. She took a deep steadying breath and rounded the corner, her brow rising as she heard the loud laughter coming from Hellren* Everything okay there baby? *She set her bag down on one of the two leather couches that flanked the huge tv and walked over to him, resting her hand lightly on his shoulder* I need to talk to you about something
November 8 at 12:25am · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He popped the lock for the last time and watched the trainees race through it as Jane entered the room * Nothing is wrong Leelan. I was just teaching the trainees the virtues of patience, true. I never learned it so I thought they might need too, feel me? *He looked up at her and saw the concern etched on her face and clouding her beautiful features. He took another long pull from his Goose* What's doing Leelan?
November 8 at 12:29am · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter The female with influenza that was brought in from Safe Place? She decided tonight would be a good night to leave the Mansion and go into Caldwell looking to feed after I had discussed getting one of the males to feed her. I didn't know she had gone until I received a text *She pulled her cell from her pocket and opened up the second message from Throe then handed it over to him* I need her back her but she refuses to come alone
November 8 at 12:33am · Like · 9
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He scanned the text and his teeth clenched* Leelan this is one of the bastards, feel me? They want Wrath dead and that mother fucker Xcor as king. I don't want you to go around him. I'm sorry for the female, but you don't need to go around them and he can't come here, true that. *He voice strong and commanding*
November 8 at 12:36am · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her face tightened as she listened to him* That is all very well Vishous but you can not expect as a Doctor to leave that female with him. He swears he means us no harm and his concern is purely for her *She reached out and touched his cheek lightly* Keep him in the training rooms, he can't do any damage down there without the code for the doors. I want her back where I can get her well again
November 8 at 12:41am · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter Wait a fucking minute. You went to where he was and talked to this shady fucker? *His face distorted in anger as fear for his shellan wafted off of him in spades. He didn't hear anything else she said after that*
November 8 at 12:50am · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her lungs filled with the rich dark spices of his bonding scent* Yes I went there, I got a text saying he had her and she needed help. I took an oath Vishous, it was not one I took lightly, but rather than just bring her and him back here I came to speak to you to see what you suggest
November 8 at 12:52am · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*His face was still sporting the mask of anger. He didn't like this shit at all. He did not like his shellan out alone much less around a bastard. He saw that she wasn't going to give up, and he rather have her here where he could protect her, then going out to to check on the female. He relented.* He can stay in the training room. I can watch him from here, feel me? You need to check in with Wrath and make sure he is down with this, feel me?
November 8 at 12:57am · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter Okay I can live with that, I need to get Fritz moved back into the main house, he collapsed earlier this evening and Phury brought him down to the clinic *Her face broke into a smile and she leaned over cupping his face in her palms and pressing her lips to his in a gentle kiss then whispered against his lips* Thank you baby. Will you come with me to see him?
November 8 at 1:01am · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He flashed full fangs at her* Do you want him dead before he can get back to the mansion with the female?
November 8 at 1:06am · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter As much as my saying yes would please you on this occasion I will have to say no. I am going to need transportation to bring them back here. If Wrath consents to it *She sighed and leaned her hip against his desk* How am I going to approach this with him?
November 8 at 1:08am · Like · 7
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He looked her over* Tell him I will take responsibility for it, feel me? *If it meat that much to her he would take the blame if it came back to bite them in the ass. He couldn't deny her anything she ever wanted*
November 8 at 1:10am · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled at him and ran a finger across the necklace she wore* I will go speak with him now and come back for you. Would you prefer I ask one of the other males to come with me?
November 8 at 1:11am · Like · 8
Vishous Bloodletter It would be better, feel me? I'm gonna make sure the training room is secure so when he arrives. Take Qhuinn with you. He is good fro protection, feel me? *He lit up another hand rolled and started the cycle of smoking one behind another*
November 8 at 1:14am · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She frowned watching him then gave a slow nod then leaned over to press a soft kiss to his cheek* I will get them and get back as quick as I can. I promise you that and I will ask Qhuinn to go with me
November 8 at 1:15am · Like · 7
Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He pulled her in to a tight hug before she had a chance to leave* Text me, true?
November 8 at 1:16am · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Nodding she returned his hug, leaning into him for a few moments before pulling back* I will, as soon as I am there and as soon as I am leaving again. *She gave him another gentle kiss and walked back out of the room to go in search of King-Wrath*
Xhex Tehrror
‎*Lying on the bed she couldn't wait for John Matthew Tehrror to come to their room, picking her phone up off the table she sends him a text* My love I am lying in our bed in the new outfit i bought waiting on you! Hope you come to bed soon.* She put her phone back on the table and her fangs extended from the thought of her lover*
Unlike · · Follow Post · October 25 at 8:35am
You, Emily Lua, Andraste Cox, Emma Baker and 11 others like this.
John Matthew Tehrror ‎*Down in the training room, he heard his phone go off. Walking over to it he wondered who would need him right now. As he looked at the text from Xhex Tehrror, he felt all the blood rush to his cheeks. He was instantly excited. He quickly rushed to the locker room for a quick shower, not wanting to waste any time getting to his Shellan*
October 25 at 1:08pm · Like · 12
Xhex Tehrror ‎*She could smell John Matthew Tehrror's bonding scent before he even opened their bedroom door.* As he opened the door and walked in she could feel the ache between her legs become more intense,she sat up on the bed and with her fangs fully extended she smiled and said, John I need you in me, now.*
November 2 at 9:11am · Like · 11
Xhex Tehrror ‎*She watched him slowly walk over to their bed, when get was close enough she sat up and grabbed him by his shirt and pulled him onto the bed* I have missed you my love*
Marissa O'Neal
‎*she woke in the arms of her Butch and turned over to him smiling. she was so grateful that he hadn't gotten sick yet like so many in the mansion, and she was even more grateful that she had been vaccinated again this year. as she lied there in her hellren's arms her mind traveled to Mhisery and wondered how the female was doing. she should check in with Jane later today and see if she had spoke with the female lately and see if she was doing any better yet. yawning she leaned in and kissed Butch's cheek before slipping from his arms and heading to the bathroom to get ready for the evening*
Pheonia Chosen
‎*As she sat in the quiet of the bed chamber where Amalya had left her, all her mind could think of was the disaster of earlier in the eve...her failed attempt to give the ex-Brother Muhrder her vein. Though he had requested it, he also had refused it, and though her Directrix offered her gentle and caring words, and a wise explanation, she still could not grasp the reasoning behind why he would t...
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Like · · November 9 at 5:19pm ·
Emily Lua, Xhex Tehrror, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 6 others like this.
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Watching the outside world at night was almost as borring as his exsistance had been for a while. He did seek this for comfort, but really, who was he kidding? Standing, he headed for the bed to maybe watch a movie, when a soft knock caught his attention. Odd but welcome, he went and slowly opened the door, revealing the one thing his mind was wondering to these days. The tiny Chosen and her bird song-like voice. How he craved for a chance meeting in the hall, just so she would say Hello in that voice.* Why, hello. This is unexpected. *smiling a small smile* How fare thee, Pheonia?
November 9 at 5:25pm · Like · 8
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She looked up to him, her head tilting back as the ex-brother was nearly twice her height, her eyes intent though may still be expressing a hint of her hesitance,* I fare well, Master Muhrder. *She lowered to a respectful bow, then slowly rose to leave her stare on the buttons of his shirt.* Mine visit is but of a small purpose. I wish to speak to you, if that is acceptable with you.
November 9 at 5:31pm · Like · 7
Muhrder Rathboone By all means, come in. Shall I leave the door open? *He stood aside and motioned for her to come in.* We can sit there if you like. *He had his small table and chairs from the inn next to his window.* What's troubling you, my dear?
November 9 at 5:33pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Swallowing, she nodded to his request of leaving the door open, then followed his gesture to the small table near the window, taking a seat, crossing her legs over one another, then clasping her hands together and placing them on her lap. Her eyes were lowered, her voice was soft, and her heart was still beating as fast as it was the first time she was in his presence, that she did not understand why,* If I may speak frankly, Master? *She heard his rich voice answer "please do", and she continued,* I... I can sense your need, though you refused mine vein? Verily I do not... understand..
November 9 at 5:40pm · Like · 6
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He tilted his head and closed his eyes to bask in her voice* I felt you were uncomfortable with me. I did not want you scared of me. *He opened his eyes and looked into hers. The fine color of sea glass. The moon shining off her hair. He hadto be in control. He took a deep, slow breath and crossed his legs* I thought maybe another night would give you time to be more comfortable with *clearing his throat, he wanted to say "me"* your duties.
November 9 at 5:44pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen I-- *her voice hitched along with her breath, and she was wholly confused as to how to respond to the male. He had thought of her? Mayhap she had heard him wrong. No male would think of their Chosen's vein over their hunger. Inhaling before she tried to speak again,* 'tis not of mine choice, Master Muhrder, for my duties and legacy are to offer thine vein to those approved by thy Primale and Directrix. *She cleared her throat and lowered her eyes from the depths of his peach colored stare,* You are... *she hoped to not offend him, but he did agree to her speaking frankly,* you are not maddened?
November 9 at 5:52pm · Like · 5
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Giving asmall laugh* Oh but I am. I have been through a lot in my days that would make any male second guess himself. I take it you have read my story on the Other Side? *He was pouring himself out to her. Never had he done that.* I am still cordial and polite and I have manners. * A small, sad smile lit his face as he looked back at her* Forgive me for assuming you were uncomfotable. Might I call on you then?
November 9 at 5:58pm · Like · 8
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She began to stroke the soft silk of her robe's binding once more, trying to keep her self at ease. Muhrder, having just admitted he was mad, caused her to worry. Sometimes she was still not sure of this Side's sarcasm, as it was defined, and more so how to detect it. With his smile, though sad, she could only wonder if he was serious or not. She nodded to answer him,* Verily I have read of all the Brother's history, as it is my duty to serve them...and--yes--I... *her voice was very small, and she turned her head out of the window,* I was uncomfortable, Master.
November 9 at 6:04pm · Like · 7
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Reaching out he turned her to face him with a finger tip* It is ok to feel that way Around someone you do not know. Never hide. Please, call me Muhrder. Only the doggen use the "master" term. *He quickly droped his hand and gave a shakey laugh* Forgive my boldness.
November 9 at 6:07pm · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her hand left the silk of her robe's tie and flew to her cheek where his skin had met hers; it was a burning, tingling sensation she had not ever felt, and caused her to gasp, though not loud enough for him to hear. She lowered her head, but her eyes lingered, looking to him through her long lashes, before they, too lowered to her lap.* Muhr--Muhrder, twas rude of me to turn away.. Do not seek forgiveness where 'tis not due, is a saying of mine sister Cormia. *She swallowed before she spoke again, all of the showings of this male, of their short time here, alone even - without the supervision that she knew would be necessary to keep her safe if she were to feed him - he had been an utter gentleman. Though he said he was mad, he did not show it, and it made her begin to question all she had read about him in the race's history volumes. It made her wonder what it was that he had gone through, and why he spent the years exiled if he really was not mad as was written.* Verily... I would give you mine vein...if you wish to take it. Thine Directrix said you would have to return to her or to mine Primale, Phury, to request it, if you so pleased.
November 9 at 6:23pm · Like · 5
Muhrder Rathboone I shall, Pheonia. I have enjoyed your company this eve. You are welcome to chat again if you would like. *In his mind her could hear a fant chant of "please say yes". He wanted to get to know this creature. Hear her voice again. Stare into her lovely eyes again. Bask in her smile.* You know, I have yet to see you smile. Are you alright?
November 9 at 6:28pm · Like · 6
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Looking up to him, she saw the honesty in his eyes, and let a very small smile play on her lips,* Verily, I am fine now that we have spoken, Muhrder. You have been most respectful. *Standing, she lowered herself into a bow.* I must go... *As she rose, her eyes moved between the open door and his face framed by his long, dark and red hair.* You are not as expected, *she said quietly.*
November 9 at 6:44pm · Like · 5
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*As he watched her go, his heart expanded at her slght smile. She was resplendant.* Until next time, my dear.
Jane Bloodletter
‎*She left Vishous in the Pit and made her way to the Mansion to speak to King-Wrath even though her Hellren was not happy at the request she wished to make. Reaching the door of his study, she knocked and waited for his command to enter then opened the door and stepped inside. He was sitting behind the desk, George as always resting on the floor at his feet as she took the seat he gestured towards. Taking a seat, she crossed her legs and folded her hands into her lap* The patient that was brought into the mansion from Safe Place last week took it upon herself to leave the mansion. I received a phone call this evening as to her location. *At his request to continue, she watched him carefully and continued* Mhisery is currently with a male by the name of Throe *Wrath's growl sounded throughout the room as she mentioned the Bhastard's name though she remained unfazed*
Unlike · · Share · November 11 at 1:24pm near New Orleans, LA ·
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Jane Bloodletter She refuses to return her without him. I have spoken to Vishous and i am now appealing to you. Let me bring them back here, Vishous has said he will take responsibility for ensuring that Throe does not leave the Training Center and that he is monitored at all time but I need to get Mhisery back here were I can continue her care *She watched the play of emotions over his face, the cold draft that emitted from his body at his displeasure* Fine, but if one person is put in harms way... *He trailed off, his threat left hanging in the air* I understand *She rose to her feet* Thank you, I will return for them now *He barked out an order* Take someone with you, a male *She held in her sigh* Fine, I will go ask one of them now. Thank you *She left the room and made her way back down the stairs seeking a Brother to return with her to Caldwell*
Kaelyn Maynard
‎*She recalled the voice of the electrician as he fiddled with the electrical box associated with the shutters that came down every day, protecting the house and its occupants from the sun. He spoke of how she needed to replace her system as soon as she could, and he smiled at her and was kind, showing her which breaker it was that could go bad, and telling her how easy it blew. The long list of things that could make it malfunction, and the way no one could ever know just what had done it. And that the shutters would come up, and remain up, until it had been replaced. “No one wants that. It’s a nightmare, this system. I’ve heard horror stories of mated couples turned to ashes in their beds!” Now, though, she avoided the bed, her eyes refusing to fix on it, even bathed in the moons light as it was. She could smell the faint burn of linens, and…something else, but her mind refused to acknowledge it, and so she continued to make her way to the closet, to dress. *
Like · · November 11 at 4:55pm ·
Mhisery Muhrdock, Layla Chosen, Throe Bhastard and 4 others like this.
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*Grey yoga pants were gentle on the burns she had discovered on the backs of her legs, remnants from the run from the sun, perhaps. A loose long sleeved shirt of pale blue also felt soft against her skin, and while it shifted and chaffed at the less severe burns on her arms, she was able to ignore it and shuffle her feet into a pair of slippers, moving on out of the closet without a wince. Burns were, after all, a mild complaint. Again she passed by the bed without a glance, as if it was not the main focus piece of the well designed room. The door was shut with a soft click as she headed down to the kitchen floor, to prepare First Meal.*
November 11 at 4:57pm · Like · 7
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*The smell of the eggs had caused her stomach to heave, but she had forced them down and cleaned up after herself, leaving her kitchen pristine… until she lost her meal. Now as she stepped outside she had the scent of lemons clinging to her, filling mouth and throat. Methodically she moved to the side of the house, where she found the breaker for the shutter system. Moments later, after some examination with a screw driver, she confirmed that it had, indeed, malfunctioned. Once in the garage she placed the tool with its brothers and climbed into her vehicle, setting the bottle of water she had been clutching into a cup holder, and hitting the ignition start button. *
November 11 at 4:59pm · Like · 7
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*Now lemon and leather mingled together in the recycled air of her little SUV. She looked up at her house and removed her foot from the brake, allowing the car to coast backwards, and away. She had a vague location in mind, from the whispers of the females mated to her hellren’s business partners. Out of the driveway, facing the road, she turned once more in her seat, looking at the quaint little house, with its neat landscaping and open shutters. Then she put the car in drive, faced forward, placed her foot on the pedal and began her journey.
Phury Ahgony
‎*He had not yet left the mansion after delivering the Chosen Pheonia and helping Fritz to the Clinic after his collapse. Visiting with his twin's family was always such a pleasure. And of course there were lots of others to talk to. Time at the mansion was such a precious joy. He was feeling so poorly though that he had gone to his chambers the night before to rest so that he could gather the strength to go home to his shellan and the Chosen. When he had texted his nalla she had expressed great concern he had assured her however that he was fine and to stay with their dear Chosen.
Like · · November 12 at 10:14am ·
Emily Lua, Cormia Ahgony, Pheonia Chosen and 11 others like this.
Phury Ahgony ‎*He was't fine however. When he awoke 17 hours later there were several text messages and missed phone calls from his leelan. He was also freezing cold. and burning hot at the same time. Before he had time to figure out what was going on his body propelled him to the toilet as he evacuated the contents of his stomach. He had never felt this poorly, not even when he had od'd or was detoxing. He reached for his his phone to send a desperate txt to doc Jane ~ive got it! please help. im my chambers in the mansion.*
November 12 at 10:50am · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She was stretched out on the couch in the Pit, Pyro resting on her stomach as she thumbed through a book that had been left on the coffee table. Reaching for her phone, she glanced over the message and shook her in head* Another one.. *She quickly wrote out a reply* Will be with you in a few moments *Picking Pyro up,she set the book down and rose to her feet. Sliding her feet into her shoes, she reached for her bag that she kept at the front door, and tucked Pyro under her arm. Making her way across the drive, she ghosted through the front door and up the stairs to Phury's bedroom to rap on the front door*
November 12 at 10:53am · Like · 8
Phury Ahgony ‎*he next sent a text to his shellan ~Nalla i fell asleep at the manse. i have the flu. stay with the chosen and Ag. Will keep in touch. ♥ P~ as he hit send he desperately wished his Cormia could be with him*
November 12 at 10:56am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*He practically crawled back to to bed but did not make it back it before he heard a rap on the door, *Come in* he croaked, his voice hoarse from the coughing .
November 12 at 11:04am · Like · 5
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She pushed open the door and set Pyro down on the floor, her bag beside him. Striding across the room, she reached for Phury, taking his arm and helping him back into the bed* When did you start feeling like this? Symptoms so far?
November 12 at 11:09am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*another coughing spelled racked his massive body as sweat rolled of of it leaving him unable to speak and tearing up his raw throat even further* After I took Fritz to you I visited with Rhage , Vishous and Butch in the pit. We had lunch. And hung out for several hours. I started coughing there but thought it was V's hand rolls. I think i was cold too, now that im looking back. I was incredibly tired so i came up here to lay down before i returned home. *looking at watch* that was 17 hours ago. since then I have been coughing, sneezing and just threw up. I have an incredibly sore throat and im burning up and freezing cold at the same time.
November 12 at 11:25am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She pulled the sheet over him and placed a cool hand to his forehead* I am afraid to tell you, you have contracted the flu virus that is sweeping the mansion. There is not much I can give you unless you get any worse, just try and keep fluids into you. Some cough drops or honey and lemon should help ease your throat. If you get any worse then I can give you something for it but right now it has to take its course. You might wish to call your Shellan so you are fed
November 12 at 11:32am · Like · 8
Phury Ahgony I texted her to stay home with Aggie and the Chosen. I suppose you are right. With a weak arm he picked up his phone and texted his shellan again ~doc jane confirmed the flu. she said i need to feed. plus i miss you and want you with me. you are my life. please come to me nalla. and bring the choose so they are not alone. thank you ♥~ as he hit send another coughing spell tore through his aching body. When he was able he phoned the doggen and requested a liquid meal be brought to him even though his stomach revolted at the thought.
November 12 at 11:54am · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*nodding, she rose to her feet and gave him a gentle pat to the arm* Ask the Doggen to bring you something light to eat, plenty of water also and call me if you feel any worse, I will be here within moments *Giving him a smile, she picked up her bag and Pyro and left the room*
Qhuinn Lohstrong
‎*Leaving the Training Center and heading towards the Mansion, he stopped for a few minutes and knocked on Jane's Office door. Getting no reply, he walked through the office and through the tunnel back to the Mansion. He stopped in the Common Room and reached for his bottle of Herradura and a glass, pouring a liberal amount into it and draining it just as quick. He wanted to ask her for some help with putting weight back on, his clothes hung off him and food just made him nauseous. Scrubbing a hand over his head, he filled his glass again and took a seat, leaning his head back and enjoying the silence*
Like · · Share · November 11 at 6:48pm ·
Xhex Tehrror, Throe Bhastard, Emily Lua and 7 others like this.
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She left Wrath's office and walked back down the stairs into the hall. She was undecided who she should ask to go with her to bring Mhisery and Throe back to the Mansion as she was sure that most of the Brothers would refuse to be in close proximity to any of the Bhastards without causing World War III. As her foot hit the floor, she turned her head towards the Common Room and gave a half smile seeing Qhuinn sitting there. Walking into the room, she rounded the couch and took a seat opposite, her gaze running over him, taking in the much smaller frame of the young man than he had been when they had first met* Qhuinn, I wonder if I might ask a favor of you? *She quickly filled him on the situation and paused waiting on his reply*
November 11 at 6:53pm · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Listening to her talk caused his brow to cock, a curious look on his face at her requesting his assistance in bringing the female and Bhastard back to their home. He let her words sink in as he drained his glass and nodded* Sure thing Doc', I will bring the SUV round and we can get down there now. *Rising to his feet and placing the glass on the table, he jogged back through the tunnel to the Garage and climbed into the vehicle he normally used. Driving round the front of the mansion, he reached over and opened the passenger door just as Jane walked outside*
November 11 at 6:56pm · Like · 10
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She held her bag in her hand as she stepped into the SUV, setting it down at her feet and buckling herself in even though she had no real need to do it. Old habits died hard. She glanced over at him* You are looking better than the last time I saw you. I believe the Chosen Layla fed you? *At his nod, she continued talking to fill the silence as they passed through each of the gates and pulled out onto the main road* How is the stomach? Having problems eating?
November 11 at 6:58pm · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Frowning he looked over at her* I feel sick at the smell of food even though I am starving. I want to eat, I am just findin' it hard to *fangy grin* stomach I guess. I came looking you earlier to see if there was anything you could recommend. *Turning his attention back to the road and driving towards the hotel she had told him to go to. His voice was low as he spoke to her* I wanted to say I was sorry, not just to you but to the whole household. My actions...*trailed off for a few seconds* well they were shit out of order and I endangered everyone
November 11 at 7:01pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave him a genuine smile* Qhuinn, don't apologize, you weren't in control of your own faculties. I am sure the rest of the family will agree so please don't beat yourself up over this. As for your weight gain, I can get you some protein shakes to help you build up again and you might want to ask the doggen to prepare something bland to eat, until your stomach starts expanding again *She pointed out the window at the hotel as they drew up outside* That's the place
November 11 at 7:06pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Opening the door and rounding the vehicle, he opened the passenger door for Jane to climb out and waited for her to join him. Walking towards the front door, he held it open for her and glanced around* What room are they in?
November 11 at 7:10pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Pulling out her phone, she sent a text to Throe * What room are you in with Mhisery. We have arrived. Jane *Pressing send she looked back at Qhuinn* I'll find out now
November 11 at 7:12pm · Like · 8
Throe Bhastard ‎*He had kept his phone in his hand, checking it ever few minutes, wondering if there was something wrong with it or if the reception was bad in this rathole motel. Still, when it finally did vibrate to signal a text, he was startled. And more than a little apprehensive about what was ahead. He replied with a simple answer* Mhisery and I are in room 106. Should I be expecting problems?
November 12 at 11:57pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She looked over at Qhuinn then back down at her phone with a small sigh as she replied* No problem, but I am not alone *hitting send she nodded over to Qhuinn *Room 106
November 12 at 11:59pm · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Glancing over at the signs for the room, he took off at a steady pace down the corridor towards the room. Once he reached there, he stood against the wall and unholstered his H&K, checking the safety and rubbing his fingers against the trigger as Jane joined him. Reaching out he rapped the door with his free hand and waited*
Sunday at 12:01am · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*He heard the heavy footfalls long before there was a knock, obviously she had a big male with her. He hesitated for a moment. Not out of fear, he had long ago decided that was a worthless emotion. He wanted to make sure he approached this in the right way. Regardless of how he felt about the Brotherhood, King-Wrath, any of that shit, right now he needed to put that aside and take care of Mhisery. And if that meant he had to put on his best behavior, or borrow someone else's best behavior considering his best still kinda sucked, then so be it. He pulled out his best glymera phony bullshit polite demeanor to start with.. Opening the door slowly, standing in the frame to block Mhisery in case this went south* Hello, thanks for coming.* he smiled at Doc Jane, nodded and met the stare of the large male with the mismatched eyes. Damn that male was big.
Sunday at 12:19am · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter I told you I would return *She glanced between the two males and managed to retrain from rolling her eyes at the obvious show of testosterone between them both. Side stepping Throe, she moved towards the bed where Mhisery lay and reached out to gently press her hand against her forehead* She needs carried out to the SUV. The sooner we get back to the Mansion the better so I can continue her care. *She glanced over her shoulder as she pulled back the faint covering.* Throe if you could carry her, Qhuinn please hold the door *She stepped back out of their way and moved back into the hall way, standing to watch the two males, though if something happened she wasn't sure exactly what she could do*
Sunday at 12:25am · Like · 5
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He returned the other males stare, his lips slowly parting in a fanged smirk* Piece of advice m'man, you make one wrong move, or you threaten the life of the Doc in anyway and I will make sure even she can't fix your face up when I am done. Understood? *Without waiting for an answer, he held the door open and made a mocking gesture* After you
Sunday at 12:26am · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*Closing his eyes briefly, struggling for patience, he reminded himself of the fact that this male was obviously not long out of his transition, had to allow for the hotheadedness of youth. And as much as he wanted to jump in the guys fac...
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Sunday at 12:51am · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She glanced at Qhuinn and shook her head as the cold draft hit her from his body* No *That was all she said, but it was enough to calm him down, or so she hoped. Leading the way out to the SUV, she held open the back door for Throe and Mhisery to get in the back before opening her own door and setting her bag on the floor* You will not be permitted into the mansion itself. You will have to stay in the Training Center while I care for Mhisery in the main house.
Sunday at 12:53am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Gritting his teeth hard, his fangs digging the back of his lip to stop him running his mouth off* And I am not some pretrans afraid of stories like you as if you were some sort of wraith that I should fear. You even look at the Doc wrong and I will make sure you are sorry for it. If not by me then by her Hellren. *Following them out to the vehicle, he climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine, his mismatched eyes watching carefully in the rearview mirror*
Sunday at 12:56am · Like · 7
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She started to come awake as the car bumped out of the parking lot. Her stomach was in serious pain, and she couldn't quiet figure the why of it. She attempted to bring her legs up, she wanted to curl into a ball, then she caught the scent of two people familiar and one, not. One was the good doctor, the other was Throe, and the third was unknown, but it was giving off waves of 'pissed the fuck off' in spades.* Where are we? *She groaned out, hoping she sounded stronger than she felt*
Sunday at 1:01am · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*Mhisery waking up a little and moving around was probably a good thing, gave him a bit of a distraction. So he was a little less enraged when he spoke again.* Hey, Pup, I know it can be hard to focus when you are young, ADHD and all that ...
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Sunday at 1:10am · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter men *She muttered quietly beneath her breath before she turned in her seat, leaning over to press her hand lightly to Mhisery's forehead again. She frowned and leaned back in her seat as they pulled up to the first gate. Vishous' Mhis con...
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Sunday at 1:14am · Like · 7
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He bit down so hard on his tongue, a fang pieced his flesh and blood filled his mouth. Swallowing he made a noncommittal noise and climbed out of the vehicle as he pulled into the garage. Climbing out, he pulled open the rear door and waited until Throe got out with Mhisery in his arms. Leading the way into the tunnel, he stopped outside one of the empty rooms and stopped* I need the female now
Sunday at 1:16am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up at Throe with pleading eyes. The other male, she hadn't gotten a good look at but judging by tone and the fact that his 'pissed off scent' had jacked up another notch didn't sit well with her. Another wave of pain tore through her stomach and she nearly growled.* Is he gonna be okay here? *She was asking to anyone that would answer, for some reason his well being and protection was a concern for her*
Sunday at 1:21am · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*Oh hell fuck no! He was not about to hand over Mhisery to a tower of pissed off, sexually frustrated male. And then Mhis made a little sound, quietly, like she was trying to front like she was fine. He shoved his ego down, and put her needs first. Kissing her forehead, he stepped up to the other male. *Please, take good care of her. I don't know you, but I am finding myself in a position of having to trust you with someone who means a great deal to me. Judging by the fact that you are here, that a brother was ok with you escorting his shellan, that you came out to help a female, I am going to assume that in your own way, you are a male of worth. *He leaned down and assured Mhisery he would be fine, and kissed her forehead. As he transferred her over to Qhuinn , he met Doc Jane green eyes.*please stay with her, don't leave her alone.
Sunday at 1:26am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter Yes Mhisery, he will be fine down here. No harm will come to him I assure you. *She watched as Throe stepped up to Qhuinn and handed Mhisery over* I will make sure she is well taken care of, I have been the personal physician for this house for a few years now and *shes gave him a steady look* your female will receive that same attention. *She nodded her head towards Qhuinn to make his way back to the house and pushed open the door to a sparsely furnished room, a bed sitting in the middle of the room, a small table and lamp beside it* It isn't much I am afraid but the best I can do under the circumstances. I have gone against the wishes of my Hellren and displeased the King. Do not make me regret doing this
Sunday at 1:30am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave Throe one short sharp nod and turned on his heel, walking back through the dimly lit tunnel and into the office that would lead him back to the mansion. Holding her steady with one arm, he punched in the code and stepped through the door into the empty entrance hall. Climbing the stairs he looked down at the female in his arms, curious over why a Bhastard would risk coming into the home of the Brotherhood. She was beautiful with long dark hair and a small part of him wondered what color her eyes were. Shrugging off the thought as he walked down the hall to her room and opened the door. Walking inside he placed her on the bed and leaned over to remove her shoes, placing them neatly on the floor beside the bed and drawing the sheets and blankets over her. He stood staring down at her and smoothed away her hair from a face with a small frown*
Sunday at 1:34am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up the massive male that was looming over her. He was muscled, and ripped and well, handsome. He had ink like herself from what she could see, and gathering from his scent this must be Mr. Pissed Off* What are you looking at? *Another wave hit her stomach and she drew her legs up close to her body*
Sunday at 1:43am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked down at her and gave her a fangy grin* Darlin' there is only you and I in the room so guess that means I am looking at you *Frowning as she drew her legs up to her stomach he glanced to the door looking for Jane* Can I get you anything?
Sunday at 1:50am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock Why the fuck are you looking at me? *She rolled over on her side and clutched her knees and bit out* A hammer. Just hit me in the head with it until I pass out or dieee *She groaned out* It will pass.
Sunday at 1:54am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong Felt like it *he snorted out a laugh* Sorry, no can do. That would get me in trouble with the Doc and since she looks after us I want to stay on her good side *He hunkered down beside the bed and looked at her* Jane will be here soon, she can give you something for the pain, maybe put you to sleep for a few hours
Sunday at 1:56am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She raised one hand, shaking from pain and extended her middle finger for the 'Felt like it' comment. She tracked his movement as he hunkered down beside the bed she was on* Are you the warden here? *her voice broke off into a sting of curses all involving the word fuck as another wave of pain hit*
Sunday at 2:01am · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*He standed there for a few minutes, watching them long after they were gone. And then turned and headed for the sparsely furnished room. Hopefully there would be a tv and cable, occupy his mind while he waited, and he hoped Doc. Jane would update him soon.Being here made him twitchy as hell*
Sunday at 2:04am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*laughing hard* No darlin' I am just someone that lives here. You want the King and this place is no jail. *He rose to his feet and gave her a final smirk* By the way sweetheart, have to say, the way the word fuck rolls off the pouting full lips of yours? *he made a low groan* damn fucking hot. Be seeing you around *With a final wink at her, he left the room just as Jane appeared outside the door*
Sunday at 2:04am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She mumbled to herself* Cocky mother fucker. *The pain in her belling seeming to subside as he left the room* Great not only a pain in my ass but in my gut too. *She laid panting as the worst of the pain began to ease*
Sunday at 2:08am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She glanced back over her shoulder just as Throe went into the room and closed her eyes ghosting her way up the stairs and into corridor outside Mhisery's bedroom just as Qhuinn was leaving. She gave him an odd look and walked over beside the bed, smiling down at her new patient* So, you feel like shit and just want a nights sleep were you can try and hope that you will feel better in the morning am I correct?
Sunday at 2:10am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up, meeting the clinical eyes of the doctor and nodded* Knock me out or kill me, I really don't care which at this point and *she looked down and lowered her voice* Thank you
Sunday at 2:12am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled and patted her arm then reached into her bag and pulling out a vial and syringe. Sliding the needle in, she withdrew the correct amount of sedative and reached for a small alcohol wipe. Cleaning her upper arm, she slid the needle in and pressed the top down slowly until the liquid had disappeared. Sliding the need back out, she placed it in a small storage box and returned it to her bag* Remember, when you wake or if you need something #14 will get you through to me directly. Try and rest and there is water on the table if you need it *Smiling at her again, she dimmed the lights and slipped out the door*
Sunday at 2:16am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nodded drunkly as the medication started to settle into her veins and cloud her mind. Her eye lids were leaded and soon fell shut as sleep claimed her*
Cormia Ahgony
‎*As she was sitting in the living room, playing Hungry, Hungry Hippos with Aggie & Selena, she heard her text message chime. She excused herself from the game, that somehow Aggie was winning, and went to retrieve her phone. She opened it, and quickly pulled up her text from her Hellren. ~doc jane confirmed the flu. she said i need to feed. plus i miss you and want you with me. you are my life. please come to me nalla. and bring the chosen so they are not alone. thank you ♥~
Like · · Sunday at 11:14am ·
Pheonia Chosen, Layla Chosen, Patricia Wonderspirit and 8 others like this.
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She finished reading the text, and let out a small gasp. She had heard of this flu that was going around, and knew it wasn’t good. She left Selena & Aggie to finish up their game, and ran upstairs to throw together a bag for herself, Phury & Aggie. When she came back downstairs, she could hear them cleaning up. Perfect. She knelt down beside them, and turned to Selena* The Primale is sick, we must hurry to the manse. Run upstairs and pack a bag please.* Selena left quickly to do as she was told. She then turned around to finish helping Aggie clean up, when she heard his small voice.* <Mahmen, will Papa be okay?> *She ruffled his hair and looked him straight in the eyes.* Oh, Aggie, Mahmen did not mean to frighten you. Papa will be just fine. He needs us there so he will not be lonely. *She gave him a small smile, and this seemed to settle his nerves.*
Sunday at 11:15am · Like · 8
Cormia Ahgony ‎*Selena walked in at that moment, with her bag on her shoulder, ready to demat to the manse. She handed Selena, Aggie’s bag, threw hers over her shoulder, picked Aggie up, and held him close to her chest, then they all dematted to the Manse*
Sunday at 11:15am · Like · 8
Cormia Ahgony ‎*They took form directly in front of the manse, and made their way thru the first set of doors. She turned her beautiful face up to look into the security camera, and she heard the lock release almost immediately. A doggen came to let them in and take their bags. That’s strange, she thought to herself. Fritz is normally the one who does all the greetings. He loves seeing Aggie. She turned to Selena, handed Aggie to her, then said quietly, to avoid little ears hearing.* Selena, please keep Aggie busy while I go check on Phury, I am worried about him, and I sense he needs to feed. *Selena took Aggie and headed off to find Boo. Aggie loved that cat, and Boo was sure to keep him busy for awhile. She went up the stairs, and headed to feed her Hellren.*
Lassiter The-Fallen
‎*After a long and unproductive search for a vaccine to help the Brothers and their Shellans, Lass decides to drop in on his old buddy Tohrment and see if the Brother is still on the road to success* Think I'll take a shower first. *Drops his clothes on the floor and heads to the bathroom off of their shared common area.. He opens the door and see's the mirrors already fogged up and hears the wate...
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Like · · Share · Sunday at 11:57am ·
Virginia Collins, Selena Chosen, Pheonia Chosen and 12 others like this.
Tohrment Hharm ‎*After his visit with Zee he felt dirty more like slobbered and spit on but the details were not revelant he just wanted to hit the shower and make sure it was as hot as possible and prayed to the Scribe Virgin that he would not contact the sudden flu that seems to be spreading though the Manse. Leaning back and letting the hot water cascades over his back he grabs the bar of soap and starts to lather up, using his hands he makes sure every part of him was covered in soap. He was just about to rinse off when he hears the squeak of the door open and just hopes this isn't anyother one of his angels practical jokes, using his hand to make a path in the fogged out glass door he shakes his head and once again see's a naked angel in his bathroom* For fuck sakes can you not knock or I got an idea hear the water running and walk back out, there is no way were making this a shower for two *he goes back to finishing rinsing off* well since you haven't moved can you at least throw me a towel.
Sunday at 12:07pm · Like · 11
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Grabs a towel and sees that it is pink*..I think Fritz mixed up our linens with Qhuinn's again...Oh well..*Tosses him a towel*..*Goes to wrap one around his waist and thinks, what the hell, there's a first for everything, and wraps it around his hips*...So T, whats the low down on the haps in the Manse since I've been flying all over hells half acre lookin for somethin to cure the wows of the Brotherhood?
Sunday at 12:18pm · Like · 11
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Taking the pink towel and of course it has to be pink hearing his explanation of it being Qhuinns he knew better every chance the Angel got to torment him he did, and on that not once he was dried he lets the towel fall off him and walks naked back into his room. Seeing the Angel stare at him he could not help but laugh* What wrong Lassiter you see something you like? *he turns around* Not so deflated after all is it? *laughs before grabbing his pants and putting them on then a plain white shirt he throws over his head* As for the ins and outs here, when did you become so concerned? You afraid of getting this vampire flu? *coughs a few times* Damn it I better not get it too, you have any luck finding a cure? Oh and check this out, apparently a bastard is now in our training center apparently even a bastard can contact this flu, who knew *he grins* Now if only Xcor would get it then our problems would be solved.
Sunday at 12:27pm · Like · 12
Lassiter The-Fallen First off, not like, but just surprised that you has an ass now...Second, as for finding a cure, I had a god prospect for a Vaccine and miss placed it somewhere..*pats his legs over the towel*...But don't worry..I contacted my hook up and he swears to have another batch ready for us to test here within the week..As for Xcor, just go have someone cough on one of the Bhastards dicks and I'm sure it will find a way to his mouth..
Sunday at 12:35pm · Like · 11
Tohrment Hharm Hold that thought I might have to hurl *runs to the bathroom to throw up then wipes his mouth clean* I swear you better find it quick I for one does not want to get sick *he kicks on his boots* I am surprised you haven't planted your ass in front of the tv isn't there a beaches marathon with your name on it? *looks in his wallet* I see you still have my black american express card buy anything good with it lately? *laughs* so can't you use your connections on getting us one faster? It is your job to keep me well is it not? *coughs again* this thing needs to be nipped in the butt so to speak.
Sunday at 12:41pm · Like · 10
Lassiter The-Fallen I can only do so much to help you walk back into the path of light dude..I have NO control over germs, they don't listen very well...My contact has to culture the vaccine, so it will take as long as it takes, not much you can do to speed up the scientific process..As far as things and your ass, just please give warning before she blows..
Sunday at 12:46pm · Like · 11
Tohrment Hharm So what now we just all get sick? How are you going to take care of us all? You and Jane? I just hope Manuel doesn't get sick too we need all the medical hands that we have *coughs more* Damn this thing is a bother and I have things to do and places to go *watches as his angel gives him the once over* What? I don't look sick yet do I? Maybe I need to call doc Jane not that she can do anything I hear without the cure we are toast. *wonders if there was someway the Omega created this illness to get back to us* Anyone contact the Analisse Scribe-Virgin maybe she can come up with some more news on this flu?
Sunday at 12:58pm · Like · 10
Lassiter The-Fallen Not I said the cat..*plops down on the sofa and clicks on the tv*..I don't do hair holding and ass wiping...Gotta drawl the line somewhere..
Sunday at 1:03pm · Like · 10
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Feeling his stomach contract and as his vision gets blurred he wasn't sure if he was going to make it to the bathroom this time, looking over his shoulder and watching how relaxed Lassiter was sitting on his sofa and flipping through channels he really didn't want to throw up in front of him but he was feeling there wasn't time. Turning around and hurling in the trash can closest to the angel he let's it all out and if he wasnt feeling like shit he would of laughed at the look on his face when bits and pieces landed on the front of his shirt* Can you at least hand me a towel?
Sunday at 1:08pm · Like · 9
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*grabs towel from around his waist and hands it ti Tohr*..On that note, I think you had better go down to the clinic anyway..And I'm gonna shower before looking at you make me hurl just from that smell..*walks into bathroom, shuts the door and turns on the shower*
Sunday at 1:15pm · Like · 8
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Wiping his face he stumbles out of his room and heads down to the clinic to see doc Jane and found if there is anything she can do to help him. Opening the big double doors he see's her studying her computer and silently makes his way towards her*
Sunday at 1:18pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She glanced up from her computer were she was inputting notes on each of the Brothers files that had taken the flu virus and gave an audible sigh* Tohr, why did you not just call me and I would have came to you. You look like shit warmed up. *She rounded her desk and pulled out a chair and gestured for him to sit down. Walking over to the counter, she poured out a glass of water and sat it on the desk in front of him* When did you start feeling ill?
Sunday at 1:25pm · Like · 9
Tohrment Hharm Well I paid Zee a visit the other day and he was looking like death warmed him over and couldnt stop coughing I did not know what to do for him so we chatting for a bit between his coughing then I left him to get some rest, I should of called you right away but I thought a warm shower would help and that is when Lassiter showed up and I seemed to get worse *coughs some more* then I threw up a few times *laughs* I even managed to hit Lassiter I hope he doesn't get sick like us *frowns and coughs some more* are we any closer in finding a cure? I can't have all the brotherhood getting sick Jane.
Sunday at 1:33pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She listened to him talk as she rounded the desk and took her seat once more then shook her head* Unfortuntley not, it seems to be hitting those of you that has not fed recently owrse than others *She leaned back in her chair and studied him* I understand your reluctance to feed Tohr, I understand it but I think you need to call on one of the Chosen to aid you in this. I have Manny coming by to see me this evening to discuss what we can give you to help, the normal human cures have no effect and none of you are up to date on your vaccination
Sunday at 1:37pm · Like · 8
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Hearing the words he needed to feed made him cringe he hated feeding off another female and it just reminded him on how much he missed his Wellsendra* I guess I will be needed Selena again *he says though gritted teeth* how much longer can I go without or does this have to be immediate?
Sunday at 1:42pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She sat in silence for a few moments* To be frank with you. The sooner the better, I don't want you putting this off any longer. I understand how hard it can be for you but you can not deny your body.
Sunday at 1:49pm · Like · 8
Tohrment Hharm Since Phury is sick shall I just make contact with the chosen? *looks at her with puppy dog eyes* Can you ask her for me, I found the less interaction the better for me *coughs some more as a sharp pain assailed his stomach forcing him to b...
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Sunday at 1:54pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She nods her head and rises to her feet to walk him to the door* I will make contact for you and arrange for Selena to come as quick as possible. For now, try and rest and as a Doggen to bring something light to eat and drink plenty of fluids *She smiled and touched his arm lightly* It is always my pleasure
Lassiter The-Fallen
‎*After a long and unproductive search for a vaccine to help the Brothers and their Shellans, Lass decides to drop in on his old buddy Tohrment and see if the Brother is still on the road to success* Think I'll take a shower first. *Drops his clothes on the floor and heads to the bathroom off of their shared common area.. He opens the door and see's the mirrors already fogged up and hears the wate...
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Like · · Share · Sunday at 11:57am ·
Virginia Collins, Selena Chosen, Pheonia Chosen and 12 others like this.
Tohrment Hharm ‎*After his visit with Zee he felt dirty more like slobbered and spit on but the details were not revelant he just wanted to hit the shower and make sure it was as hot as possible and prayed to the Scribe Virgin that he would not contact the sudden flu that seems to be spreading though the Manse. Leaning back and letting the hot water cascades over his back he grabs the bar of soap and starts to lather up, using his hands he makes sure every part of him was covered in soap. He was just about to rinse off when he hears the squeak of the door open and just hopes this isn't anyother one of his angels practical jokes, using his hand to make a path in the fogged out glass door he shakes his head and once again see's a naked angel in his bathroom* For fuck sakes can you not knock or I got an idea hear the water running and walk back out, there is no way were making this a shower for two *he goes back to finishing rinsing off* well since you haven't moved can you at least throw me a towel.
Sunday at 12:07pm · Like · 11
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Grabs a towel and sees that it is pink*..I think Fritz mixed up our linens with Qhuinn's again...Oh well..*Tosses him a towel*..*Goes to wrap one around his waist and thinks, what the hell, there's a first for everything, and wraps it around his hips*...So T, whats the low down on the haps in the Manse since I've been flying all over hells half acre lookin for somethin to cure the wows of the Brotherhood?
Sunday at 12:18pm · Like · 11
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Taking the pink towel and of course it has to be pink hearing his explanation of it being Qhuinns he knew better every chance the Angel got to torment him he did, and on that not once he was dried he lets the towel fall off him and walks naked back into his room. Seeing the Angel stare at him he could not help but laugh* What wrong Lassiter you see something you like? *he turns around* Not so deflated after all is it? *laughs before grabbing his pants and putting them on then a plain white shirt he throws over his head* As for the ins and outs here, when did you become so concerned? You afraid of getting this vampire flu? *coughs a few times* Damn it I better not get it too, you have any luck finding a cure? Oh and check this out, apparently a bastard is now in our training center apparently even a bastard can contact this flu, who knew *he grins* Now if only Xcor would get it then our problems would be solved.
Sunday at 12:27pm · Like · 12
Lassiter The-Fallen First off, not like, but just surprised that you has an ass now...Second, as for finding a cure, I had a god prospect for a Vaccine and miss placed it somewhere..*pats his legs over the towel*...But don't worry..I contacted my hook up and he swears to have another batch ready for us to test here within the week..As for Xcor, just go have someone cough on one of the Bhastards dicks and I'm sure it will find a way to his mouth..
Sunday at 12:35pm · Like · 11
Tohrment Hharm Hold that thought I might have to hurl *runs to the bathroom to throw up then wipes his mouth clean* I swear you better find it quick I for one does not want to get sick *he kicks on his boots* I am surprised you haven't planted your ass in front of the tv isn't there a beaches marathon with your name on it? *looks in his wallet* I see you still have my black american express card buy anything good with it lately? *laughs* so can't you use your connections on getting us one faster? It is your job to keep me well is it not? *coughs again* this thing needs to be nipped in the butt so to speak.
Sunday at 12:41pm · Like · 10
Lassiter The-Fallen I can only do so much to help you walk back into the path of light dude..I have NO control over germs, they don't listen very well...My contact has to culture the vaccine, so it will take as long as it takes, not much you can do to speed up the scientific process..As far as things and your ass, just please give warning before she blows..
Sunday at 12:46pm · Like · 11
Tohrment Hharm So what now we just all get sick? How are you going to take care of us all? You and Jane? I just hope Manuel doesn't get sick too we need all the medical hands that we have *coughs more* Damn this thing is a bother and I have things to do and places to go *watches as his angel gives him the once over* What? I don't look sick yet do I? Maybe I need to call doc Jane not that she can do anything I hear without the cure we are toast. *wonders if there was someway the Omega created this illness to get back to us* Anyone contact the Analisse Scribe-Virgin maybe she can come up with some more news on this flu?
Sunday at 12:58pm · Like · 10
Lassiter The-Fallen Not I said the cat..*plops down on the sofa and clicks on the tv*..I don't do hair holding and ass wiping...Gotta drawl the line somewhere..
Sunday at 1:03pm · Like · 10
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Feeling his stomach contract and as his vision gets blurred he wasn't sure if he was going to make it to the bathroom this time, looking over his shoulder and watching how relaxed Lassiter was sitting on his sofa and flipping through channels he really didn't want to throw up in front of him but he was feeling there wasn't time. Turning around and hurling in the trash can closest to the angel he let's it all out and if he wasnt feeling like shit he would of laughed at the look on his face when bits and pieces landed on the front of his shirt* Can you at least hand me a towel?
Sunday at 1:08pm · Like · 9
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*grabs towel from around his waist and hands it ti Tohr*..On that note, I think you had better go down to the clinic anyway..And I'm gonna shower before looking at you make me hurl just from that smell..*walks into bathroom, shuts the door and turns on the shower*
Sunday at 1:15pm · Like · 8
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Wiping his face he stumbles out of his room and heads down to the clinic to see doc Jane and found if there is anything she can do to help him. Opening the big double doors he see's her studying her computer and silently makes his way towards her*
Sunday at 1:18pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She glanced up from her computer were she was inputting notes on each of the Brothers files that had taken the flu virus and gave an audible sigh* Tohr, why did you not just call me and I would have came to you. You look like shit warmed up. *She rounded her desk and pulled out a chair and gestured for him to sit down. Walking over to the counter, she poured out a glass of water and sat it on the desk in front of him* When did you start feeling ill?
Sunday at 1:25pm · Like · 9
Tohrment Hharm Well I paid Zee a visit the other day and he was looking like death warmed him over and couldnt stop coughing I did not know what to do for him so we chatting for a bit between his coughing then I left him to get some rest, I should of called you right away but I thought a warm shower would help and that is when Lassiter showed up and I seemed to get worse *coughs some more* then I threw up a few times *laughs* I even managed to hit Lassiter I hope he doesn't get sick like us *frowns and coughs some more* are we any closer in finding a cure? I can't have all the brotherhood getting sick Jane.
Sunday at 1:33pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She listened to him talk as she rounded the desk and took her seat once more then shook her head* Unfortuntley not, it seems to be hitting those of you that has not fed recently owrse than others *She leaned back in her chair and studied him* I understand your reluctance to feed Tohr, I understand it but I think you need to call on one of the Chosen to aid you in this. I have Manny coming by to see me this evening to discuss what we can give you to help, the normal human cures have no effect and none of you are up to date on your vaccination
Sunday at 1:37pm · Like · 8
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Hearing the words he needed to feed made him cringe he hated feeding off another female and it just reminded him on how much he missed his Wellsendra* I guess I will be needed Selena again *he says though gritted teeth* how much longer can I go without or does this have to be immediate?
Sunday at 1:42pm · Like · 9
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She sat in silence for a few moments* To be frank with you. The sooner the better, I don't want you putting this off any longer. I understand how hard it can be for you but you can not deny your body.
Sunday at 1:49pm · Like · 8
Tohrment Hharm Since Phury is sick shall I just make contact with the chosen? *looks at her with puppy dog eyes* Can you ask her for me, I found the less interaction the better for me *coughs some more as a sharp pain assailed his stomach forcing him to b...
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Sunday at 1:54pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She nods her head and rises to her feet to walk him to the door* I will make contact for you and arrange for Selena to come as quick as possible. For now, try and rest and as a Doggen to bring something light to eat and drink plenty of fluids *She smiled and touched his arm lightly* It is always my pleasure
Ehlena Rempoon
‎*Down in the kitchen of the manse searching for an early day snack, she frowned when she noticed one of the doggen sweating profusely and coughing as she was reaching into the cupboard to gather the necessary items to set the table for First Meal. Walking over to her, a smile curling her lips, and with a gentle hand, she touched the doggen's shoulder.* Here, let me help you with that. *She took the plates, (though the doggen refused,) and placed them down onto the counter top just as the slight female doggen began with a coughing fit.* Are you ok?
Like · · Sunday at 4:14pm ·
Marissa O'Neal, Phury Ahgony, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 4 others like this.
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*The doggen bowed respectfully, and upon rising, she answered in a hoarse voice, <Mistress, I am as well as I can be in Fritz's stead.> Her eyes widened - Fritz is never off duty? - and she reached a hand and placed it upon the doggen's cheek. The skin beneath her knuckles was hot, and damp, and as the doggen pulled her cheek back she began again with a croup of a cough.* Are you ill? Have you spoken with Doc Jane?
*The doggen smiled weakly and answered, <Our Fritz is ill, and though I am just not feeling 100% I must be able to perform my duties and *coughs* uphold the household for the King and the Brothers.>
*Nodding to the doggen, she pulled out her cell phone and quickly typed a text to Jane, her eyes still watching the slight female, in the case she would need more assistance.* -text- Jane, I am in the kitchen with one of the doggen - she is ill, and has informed me Fritz is ill.. is everything ok?
Sunday at 4:24pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She was sitting in her clinic still inputting notes into the online files she kept on each of the Brothers, Shellans and Doggen in the household. Pyro was sleeping in his dog bed at the side of her desk and a large mug of hot chocolate sat at her elbow amongst the pile of files. She tiredly rubbed her eyes as her cell sounded out a new message. Reaching for it, she scrolled through to the new message and scanned over it before replying* I have Fritz in a bed down here at the clinic, Tohrment, Phury, Blaylock, Saxton and Mhisery have all needed care so far which God knows who else as I have been working my way round people. Can you take care of the Doggen or do you want to bring her down here to the clinic for me to have a look at? *She pressed send and leaned back in her chair stiffling a yawn. The past few days had seemed non stop checking and rechecking on her patients and the added worry of bringing at Bhastard into their midst*
Sunday at 4:29pm · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Oh Dearest Virgin Scribe... so many of the household! Typing back to Jane, only after grabbing the plates and carrying them to the dining hall for the doggen who nearly dropped them during a coughing spell.* -text- I will be sure to get her to her quarters, are you ok down there? Do you need my assistance? ..I know I have been at Safe Place on shift for many weeks since we haven't had much trouble here with the Brothers...but I will gladly speak to Marissa and return to my duties here if need be. What ails them?
Sunday at 4:36pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Blinking several times as if to bring herself into focus she wrote out a reply* Every single one of them down with influenza, but stronger than what I have seen in the human world. I know you are vaccinated but is your Hellren? The rest of your household? If you could perhaps split your time between Safe Place and here I would appreciate it, I am getting overwhelmed with paperwork that needs up to date and constant calls in on each of the sick
Sunday at 4:39pm · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Exhaling audibly, she watched the female doggen stop on her way from the dining hall back to the kitchen to catch her breath. Influenza in the mansion. She closed her eyes and quickly sent a prayer to the Scribe-Virgin to guide them through this time and to wish everyone a speedy recovery and to be of the most help that she could be. Replying to Jane, she thought of Rehvenge, and of the others who had yet to be ill.* -text- I will contact Marissa tonight and tell her of my split schedule. I will also contact the other Brothers and members of the household to check in on them. If it is the same influenza that has ravaged Safe Place and Havers' clinic, I worry of a further spread.
*Hearing a loud bang, she ran towards the sound to find the female doggen collapsed on the floor of the kitchen. She quickly fell to her knees and lifted the female's head into her lap, stroking the side of her face as she watched the doggen's eyes flutter open.* Please do not exert yourself, stay here for a moment so I can call for help to get you to your chambers. *The doggen's eyes widened in worry, and she leaned to grab the female's hand.* Please, we wish you only to care of yourself. You will not be dishonoring anyone by taking rest.
*As the doggen nodded, she typed another quick message to Jane.* -text- I will call meet up with you later after I have gotten this doggen to her bed and made a round to the others. Please Jane, call me if you need me.
Sunday at 4:52pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She glanced over both text from Ehlena and typed out a quick reply* If you can come see me after First Meal tomorrow I can give you some sort of schedule and try and tie you in with both here and Safe Place. Thank you *Pressing send, she took a deep breath and turned back to the computer screen, opening up another file and starting to input more details.*
Mhisery Muhrdock
‎*Her eyes fluttered open, still heavy from the sedation that doctor, Jane, had given her the previous night. She looked over at the clock, and after the haze of the medication had cleared her eyes she could see that she had been asleep for almost twenty-four hours straight. Her head throbbed slightly and she felt as if she had been on a drinking binge for days. She started coughing again, causing her to sit upright in an attempt to stop the spasm in her lungs, and draw more breath in. She propped up on the pillows and tilted her head toward the ceiling, her thoughts mulling over the events of the previous night, and Throe. A shudder of remorse ran through her mind. She had brought her with him, and now feared she had put him in so much harm. She mentally kicked her own ass, she had in fact lived up to what her father had always told her she was, utter misery for anyone she met*
Buckcherry-Sorry Lyrics
Lyrics for Buckcherry's Sorry.
Like · · Follow Post · Share · Yesterday at 12:42am
Xcor Bloodletter, Throe Bhastard, Lassiter The-Fallen and 4 others like this.
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She turned in the bed, putting her bare feet on the floor, her elbows propped on her knees, her back bent and her hands cradling her head as her ebony locks veiled her facial features completely. The male of worth had been there for her at every low moment of need in her life recently, and she had repaid him by putting him in the hands of his enemy, though be it not the lessers, but close enough. He had offered his vein, his kindness, and a comfort she had long since had forgotten existed on anyone, and she had brought him pain. She eyes welled with tears, and she didn't fight to wall them back. The tears of her remorse streamed her face, and fell to the floor silently. The best thing she could do for the male of worth was to stay away from him, not cause him suffering, that was her trade mark calling card. Her mind told her this was the right thing to do, now she had to make her heart believe it.*
Yesterday at 12:51am · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She sat for what seemed like an eternity on the side of the bed, telling herself that the only way to repay his kindness was to interfere in his life any longer. She sat upright, and swiped her hands across her cheeks, damming the river of tears. She looked to her left at the bedside table, and opened the top drawer. She found stationary and a pen and began to scroll a letter to Throe.* Dear Throe, I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for being there any time I was in need, in pain, or simply at my worst. Thank you for your honor, your kindness, your protection and support. Thank you for picking me up when I was down, thank you for being a male of worth when others wouldn't bother. I'm sorry that I got you in this mess, and I'm sorry that you have had to pay such a high price on my behalf. I can never repay any of this, or take back the pain you have had to endure on my behalf. The only way I could ever make amends, is to leave you alone, and not interfere in your life, it is the least I could do. Basically, I'm sorry I lived up to my name, and I hope one day you can forgive me. Love ~Mhisery. *She folded the letter and placed it in an envelope, her eyes filling with tears again. She dialed for one of the doggen and waited for them to arrive. She unclasp a necklace with an inscribed locket that her mother had given her, it was the only thing of value she possessed. She looked down at the inscription, her thumb smoothing over the worn silver, 'I carry you in my heart forever, where I go you go for you are always in my heart'. She placed the necklace and locket in the envelope and sealed it as the doggen arrived* Please take this to the male of worth in the training center, his name is Throe. *With that the doggen gave a small smile and exited to deliver the letter*
Yesterday at 1:07am · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She pushed up off the bed and padded to the bathroom. Her stomach turned, and she was unsure if it was related to the illness or the guilt that she was carrying. She propped her back against the cool wall and crossed her arms over her chest, and that was when she broke. She slid down the wall, sobbing from the force of her heart breaking. She stayed there until she had no more tears to shed and her chest heaved from the ache within. When she could physically cry no more she rose to her feet and turned on the shower. She quickly stripped, showered and redressed. It was on the way out of the bathroom when the pain in her lower stomach hit. She had to pause at the framing of the door way as it felt like a knife sliced through her lower abdomen. When the pain had resided enough that she could step, she made her way to the bed where she doubled again. The pain so intense that she had to grip the sheets and she screamed in to the pillow. A flush befell her body and a fine sheen of sweat broke across her forehead. Something was wrong, something more than the illness, but she was unsure of what and only time would tell.*
Saxton Thym
‎*He breathed in his lungs still burned. At least the room had stopped spinning, he was so hungry the hunger pangs tore at him. He hadn't fed from anyone for a while, he couldn't muster the energy to ask for a chosen to feed him. Blaylock seemed to be in slightly better condition than he was, his lover had offered his vein even though it would offer no sustenance for him. It was just like Blaylock to think of others above himself. He wondered about the male who had helped carry Blay back into their room, he hoped he would not contract the flu. Once he was recovered he would thank the male properly, it was the least he could do*
Xhex Tehrror
‎*Walking down to the kitchen to make herself a snack she couldn't help but worry about how fast this flu has spread at Safe Place and how fast The Brother and the Doggens had became sick she felt like she should be doing something to help.* Pulling out her cell she sent a text to Jane Bloodletter* Hey Jane I just wanted to see if there is anything I can do to help at Safe Place or here at the Mansion, just let me know.* She hit send and put her cell back in her pocket*
Unlike · · Follow Post · Monday at 1:00pm
You, Lassiter The-Fallen, Layla Chosen, Phury Ahgony and 8 others like this.
Jane Bloodletter ‎*glancing over at her phone as she restocked the shelves in her clinic, she frowned at the text alert sounded. Setting down the items in her hand, she reached for it and opened the message to read over it. Tapping out a reply before she hit send* I am down in the clinic if you have a few moments to discuss some things that you may be able to do to help
Monday at 1:45pm · Like · 3
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Hearing her phone go off she pulled it out of her pocket and seen it was Jane texting her back* Reading over the text she responded * Sure thing I will be right there and hit send* putting her phone back in her pocket she headed to the clinic.*
Monday at 1:50pm · Like · 3
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She finished off stacking the shelves and moved into the her office next door, reaching for a few key files and setting them before her. She looked down at a sleeping Pyro and shook her head* You have it easy don't you pup? *Glancing back up she settled back in her chair as she heard Xhex coming down the hall through her open door*
Monday at 1:52pm · Like · 4
Xhex Tehrror ‎* Walking down the hall she came to Doc Jane's door, walking in she knocked on the open door, not wanting to just walk in without notice* Hey Jane, so you had some ideas of how I can help?*
Monday at 1:57pm · Like · 3
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She nodded to one of the chairs in front of the desk and smiled, resting her elbows on the desk and watching her* I have several. You are used to running a club, would you offer some advice to the Chosen on how best to look after things around the house? Also, you might spare a moment with Tohrment, I know he is concerned about rotation with so many of the Brothers down with this flu. *she glanced over her features* Are you feeling any effects from it? Or are you vaccinated like the others should have been?
Monday at 1:59pm · Like · 4
Xhex Tehrror ‎* walking over and sitting down she listened to the things that Jane had in mind for her to help with* nodding her head * I would be more then happy to speak with the Chosen about running things around the house, and I will get up with Thorment today and see what we can workout with the rotation issues.* Taking in the last question Jane had asked she had noticed that she had felt a little tired lately and had a little cough today* She looked and Jane* Well Doc, I have felt a little tired the past 2 days and had a little cough today, I am immune to the type of flu going around because of me being part Symphath.*
Monday at 2:15pm · Like · 3
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled in relief* Well at least that is one of you that I will not have to worry about. Your Hellren? So far is he okay? Blaylock and Saxton are both down with it so he would be advisable to stay away from them both until they are fully recovered. Fritz is also laid up with it and had to be moved to one of the rooms down here hence the need for the Chosen to help out. I believe they are enjoying it but *she chuckled quietly* I don't think they are used to things on such a large scale, you are used to running a club, I am sure Chosen will be a lot easier
Monday at 2:19pm · Like · 4
Xhex Tehrror ‎*smiling at Jane* well you will have two of us you will not have to worry about because Rehv is also immune to this flu, and as for John Matthew Tehrror as of right now he seems, but if I notice any changes you will be the first to know. Yes I noticed Fritz Perlmutter has been sick along with some others and yes I do think working with the Chosen may be a little easier then running the club. *Standing up she smiles at Jane* I will get up with the Chosen and we will go over some things about running the house, oh and I will get with Tohrment at some point today.
Monday at 2:31pm · Like · 2
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She rose to her feet to walk with her to the door* Thank you Xhex, I am going to need all the help I can get over the next few days. The Males are dropping like flies right now, which as you can well understand means there is a lot of grumbling that they can not continue in their duties
Monday at 2:34pm · Like · 3
Xhex Tehrror ‎* with a small grin at what Jane was saying* Jane anytime I can help just count me in, and I'm sure it is driving all the Males crazy not being able to do anything but stay in bed and I'm sure it will go from grumbling to whining before to long, you know how Males are when they are sick. *Laughing to herself* Well I am off to get started at the tasks at hand, if you need me for anything else just let me know. *She turns and heads back down the hall*
Xhex Tehrror
‎*Walking back to her room after her meeting with Jane Bloodletter* She wanting to make a list to help the Chosen with running the house and she also needed to get up with Tohrment Hharm and go over rotation since so many of the brothers were down and out with this flu.
Xhex Tehrror
‎*Walking back to her room after her meeting with Jane Bloodletter* She wanting to make a list to help the Chosen with running the house and she also needed to get up with Tohrment Hharm and go over rotation since so many of the brothers were down and out with this flu.
Elizabeth Randall
‎*heading down to the kitchen her stomach was growling, again. she was always hungry and knew she must be starting to show a lot. as she rounded the corner into the kitchen she pulled up short as she saw Muhrder sitting at the table drinking some tea, he had the flu. grateful she had been vaccinated but she was still going to keep her distance* Evening Muhrder, how are you feeling?
Unlike · · Follow Post · 16 hours ago
You, Dite Olympian, Saxton Thym, Phury Ahgony and 5 others like this.
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Coughing, and sneezing was the worst part. If he could sleep, he may feel better. He had gone to the kitchen for some hot tea, wrapped in a blanket and sweat suit. He was going to call Jane and see if she could help with the fever and the cough. He just couldn't find the effort to do much of anything. Hearing quiet foot steps, he lifted his head and saw Beth.* Good Evening, Elizabeth. Forgive me if I do not bow, I fear I won't get back up. *cough* I am ill it seems. *blows nose*
16 hours ago · Like · 7
Elizabeth Randall Please do not worry about bowing Muhrder, I am not a formal queen. The title itself *shaking her head* is even too much for me. *hearing the poor male sneezing an cough so much, she was worried about all of them* Have you spoken with Jane or Ehlena about being ill. *opening the refrigerator she pulled out some left over chicken from last meal yesterday*
15 hours ago · Like · 8
Muhrder Rathboone No. I have not been able to move' let alone dial a phone. *giving a small, weary smile* I made myself come down for tea. *Not quite ready for full meals, he thought soup may be nice. Smelling the food she was warming did make his empty stomach growl* I won't come over there, but do they have any soup left from yesterday? I haven't eaten since.
15 hours ago · Like · 8
Elizabeth Randall I will send Jane a message and notify her that you have become ill, do not worry she will be more than happy to help you. *as she put her food in the microwave to warm it, she nodded to him* Yes there is some left, I will heat some up for you. *making sure to keep her body turned so that he could not see her belly clearly she went and grabbed the soup from the fridge and poured some into a bowl. as her food finished she put his in* When did you become ill?
15 hours ago · Like · 6
Muhrder Rathboone I believe it was when I helped a young male into his room. The poor thing was weaving like a drunk, all sweaty. His friend came out to retrieve him and looked far worse than the male I was helping. *Coughing again, he took a sip of hot tea and cleared his throat* I am grateful you will call Jane for me. And the soup. *She kept her back to him and he was a little confused at that action.* I am sorry if I have displeased some of you by being here. *sneeze* I was hoping to speak with you and Wrath about my intentions. * cough and shiver* But it seems as if I will be delayed my dear.
15 hours ago · Like · 7
Elizabeth Randall ‎*hearing his words* You must have helped Blaylock and I am guessing that Saxton is who arrived after that. Thank you for helping him, he is one of our trainees and a male of worth. There is no need to thank me for talking to Jane, I am happy to help in anyway. *walking the soup over to him trying to keep her belly hidden, but as she heard his words her heart ached, hating that he thought she was uncomfortable around him* No Mhurder, no one is displeased with you being here. *handing him some more tissues she smiled at him* King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath has been tied up as of late as well, so do not worry. And we are happy to have you in our home, please do not doubt that.
15 hours ago · Like · 2
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*slightly bowing his head* Thank you. *tasting the soup* I am glad to see the Brotherhood continues. It has been a long while since I have seen them. *Looking up at her, he was astounded at how she so closely resembled his beloved brother* You look just like him. Tell me, did you know of him? Your father, that is.
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Elizabeth Randall ‎*taking a bite of her chicken* I have not been around long but I am glad that the Brotherhood is here as well, they are mine family and I love them all *as he spoke of he father, she had to fight the urge to rub her ever growing belly, thinking it best if she sat to avoid temptation, or being seen, she sat at the opposite end of the table. tears welling in her eyes* I have heard that I look like him, but sadly no I never knew him, I wish I had. *her voice breaking slightly* He sounds like he was a wonderful male.
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone He was a male of worth, my dear. *A small smile hit his pale face, lighting his eyes at the memory* He was smart. Verily, we were all so proud of him. He grew into a fine Brother. Warrior none the less. I could chat about him with you, and your brother. I believe John Matthew is your brother, right? Xhexania filled me in, so to speak. *He finished his soup and rose to take his bowl to the sink, hand out for her empty plate.* May I?
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Elizabeth Randall ‎*she continued to eat as he spoke of her father, the pride and sadness that sounded in his voice showed her how much he truly was loved by his Brothers* I would love that Muhrder, and yes John Matthew Tehrror is mine brother *remember what she had been told about Muhrder and Xhex Tehrror's past, she knew he had to be hurting. as she handed him her plate, she squeezed his hand slightly* I'm sure he would love to hear stories of our father as well.
15 hours ago · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Looking at her hand as she squeezed his, he smiled* I would love that. *clearing his throat as he was becoming choked up* I think it would be best if I went to bed, Elizabeth. I think I may get some sleep for once. *Placing the dishes in the sink, he fixed his blanket around him and turned and bowed slightly* It was a pleasure to be your company this eve, my lady. I look forward to another. Fare thee well, my dear. *He headed out to his room. His exhausted body barely making it to his bed where he collapsed, balled up in his blanket, and slept for the first time in days.*
15 hours ago · Like · 4
Elizabeth Randall ‎*smiling at him* I hope you are able to sleep tonight as well, and I hope we can talk again soon Muhrder. Good night. *sitting there by herself, she took out her phone and wrote a message to Jane with one hand while her other hand stroked her belly* Hey Jane, I just ran in to Muhrder and he has contracted the flu. I wasn't sure if you knew so I wanted to let you know. Please let me know if I can do anything to help *hitting send she grabbed some fruit and a couple bottles of water before heading back to her and Wrath's room*
Bella Ahgony
‎*she took the stair case two at a time, the news of the other brothers having fallen sick sent her in a rushed panic to find Zee and insure that he was ok. The hammering in her chest growing faster at the uncertainty. She hadn't seen him yet since he had arrived back from patrolling... and everything inside of her told her that she needed to find him. She had left Nalla with Mary and their young...* Oh Nallum... *she said as she moved more quickly her fingers fumbling nervously with her necklace* Please... be ok.. — with Mary Luce Tohrture and Zee Ahgony.
Zypher Bhastard
‎*He heads out and does as Xcor has instructed. He was to find a woman to share. He would pick a good one, sometimes the prostitutes served better. They were use to the things that would be required of them and had the ability to withstand the both of them taking of her. The others usually didn't have the stamina to keep up which would just piss both of them off.*
*He enters the underbelly part of town. What would they need with one of the high class women. That wasn't who they were, although seeing the look on their faces when they realized the depravity of what Xcor and himself had in store for them was entertaining but it was fleeting. Yes, a whore would suit them both better*
Unlike · · 16 hours ago ·
You, Xcor Bloodletter, Phury Ahgony, Ahylssa Tohrture and 4 others like this.
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He watched as a couple prostitutes walked by. One was too damn skinny. She needed to lay off the drugs and eat a burger. One of them a lone would snap her frame in half with one thrust, both she had not chance of survival. Not that was too much a concern but if Xcor wasn't fully satisfied he would probably end up hanging with Throe after his own date with a tri whip. He watched as a younger one walked by looking for her next date. She had ample breasts and her hips were calling out for someone to grab ahold of them. Fucking perfect. He stabbed out his cigarette and smashed it on the ground with his boot. He walked over to her, her eyes took awhile to trace over his tall frame and finally meet his eyes. She smiled and asked if he was looking for a good time.*
13 hours ago · Like · 4
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He brought the whore over to the side of the building and got the annoying business of payment out of the way. He leaned his head down to inhale her scent. His fangs punched down wanting to sample her blood but he knew the rules. Xcor had first dibs, he was just along for the very pleasurable ride. Sometimes he fucking hated being his bitch but an oath was an oath. His hand moved up her thigh and cupped her wet core. He was fucking hoping that was wetness from arousal and not some dude's leftovers but he wasn't going to be picky. *
*His tongue ran up her neck and he whispered in her ear* Want to go have some fun. i have a friend that I'd like you to meet. It's a night I promise you won't forget and it will be worth your time. *He nipped her ear and heard her moan and reply* "Whatever you want baby. Just as long as I get paid."
*He smiled wide* Oh don't worry, you'll be paid. *he grabbed her hand and took her to Xcor . He didn't get Throe 's obsession with Mhisery when this was so much more fun. The dude has seriously lost his mind*
Xcor Bloodletter
‎*Wondering around the abandoned castle he was in a foul mood and Throe was fresh on his mind, he still can not believe he would put a female between them. After all these years of his absolute trust he was know having doubts on his loyalty and felt he needed a little chat with his bastard. Calling out loud he shouts for Throe to meet him in the library. Twirling his shaft around and flipping it between his fingers he waits for his second to join him*
Unlike · · Sunday at 4:12pm ·
You, Virginia Collins, Zypher Bhastard, Ehlena Rempoon and 6 others like this.
Throe Bhastard ‎*Hearing Xcor summon him, he pauses to collect himself. Inside he was still fucking seething over the embarrassment he suffered at the hands of his leader. And his mistreatment of Mhisery sent him right over the edge. Out of loyalty to his leader he would stand before him. And he hoped that he would be able to remian calm
Sunday at 4:17pm · Like · 8
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Walking around his desk he comes to stand directly in front of Throe* You know I want to kill you right? If you were anyone else your death would be delivered without a second thought. I thought you understand what I did to those that dare challenged me, as to be challenged over a worthless female is even worse *he holds up his hand as Throe was just about to speak* Wait I am not done talking yet, I get it that you have feelings for her, you were always weak when it came to females in distress and over the years I put up with it but to threaten me in public is a whole other matter. Throe are you not happy with our arraignment? Need I remind you when you came to me in the first place? and how you begged me to take vengeance on your sister's killer which I did for you and then trained you to be the solider you are now? *crosses his hands* what shall I do now, I'll let you pick the punishment that is to be handed out by my own hands.
Sunday at 4:25pm · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*Jaws clenched tight, to surpress the urge to argue, hell, to bite the bastard. He watched the male in front of him, his eyes flat and lifeless. He had taken an oath, and this was where he was. Bound to this bastard. No release in sight. He needed to let Mhisery go, keep her as far away from the sadistic fuck in front of him as possible. His only thought now was to protect her. Already, the thought of losing her was more then he could bear. He couldn't let that show, however. Xcor thrived on suffering, more so if he were the cause. So, better to hand him the means to cause physical pain, as that at least had a beginning and an end. Lifting his eyes just short of eye contact, he replied * The tri-whip, my Liege.
Monday at 9:02am · Like · 4
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Growling when Throe finally speaks he can feel the tension still rolling off of him in waves* Tri-whip huh? That sounds appropriate but I want Zypher here to be the witness before the punishment starts so as soon as that bastard grants us with his appearance then it shall start *he was still so pissed, he could tell he still wanted to protect this Mhisery and in all their centuries together no female has ever come between us* One more thing Throe I do believe distance is required of you and this female I will not tolerate any more iinsubordination from you and I need to know your on our side and not theirs maybe I need to have another chat with this female *he saw him cringe and that fueled his anger even more* I am serious either you control your emotions or her death will be on your hands. Now as soon as Zypher get's his pansy ass in here the beating will commence.
Monday at 12:37pm · Like · 2
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He walked in and instantly saw Throe's face and then looked at Xcor. Not that you could ever tell that Xcor was anything than fucking pissed off but judging by Throe's face, shit had not went down well*
Monday at 12:42pm · Like · 3
Throe Bhastard ‎*unable to fully surpress the growl that ripped through him, he finally met Xcor's eyes.* I stay with you because I made an oath. I am honoring that. I fully admit that I am unable to tolerate harm to any female. My loyalty to you has never been a question. But here me now, you do not fucking touch Mhisery. That is the line I am drawing. I will allow this punishment. And we will move on as we have for centuries. And you will not so much as think about Mhisery. Now let's fucking do this.
Monday at 11:32pm · Like · 4
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Growling loud himself he walks over to Throe and slaps him across the face* You will not speak to me in that tone ever again or I will kill you and believe me I promise it will not be pretty, then what will happen to your female? *Grabbing him by the arm he leads him down to the basement with Zypher right behind him* Now turn around and face the wall *as soon as he did he clamps the restraints over both his arms and both his legs, making him spread eagle now ripping of his shirt he was ready to deliver his punishment* Zypher hand me the tri-whip* Talking the leather whip in his hands and feeling the cool strands he laughed before he started on Throe's back, cracking the whip a few times he brings it against his back not one time nor two times but a total of 20 times, making sure his back was blooded and the pain a reminder of his insubordination* You will now stay there until I am ready to let you go come on Zypher we need to have our chat *they both leave Throe in the dark and walk back upstairs*
Yesterday at 12:19pm · Like · 2
Throe Bhastard ‎*Focuses his mind, and as the restraints go around his arms and legs, he shuts down emotionally. He has learned over the years how to leave his body, just remove himself from the physical pain. He waits until the first strike hits it's mark and and then he turns him mind inward, where no one can reach him. Except perhaps Mhisery. And realizes that perhaps that was a mistake, as now he can feel the pain of the whip, tearing his skin, causing him to bleed. Although, perhaps that isn't the physical pain, perhaps that is the pain he knows is awaiting him when he says goodbye to Mhisery. Because there is no way it can work. Not with the way Xcor is fixated on disallowing it. Finally, the beating is over. Zypher and Xcor leave, he hears not what they say. In fact, he can't hear anything over the roaring in his ears. He is still restrained, so he moves as best he can, and then settles in, knowing that he will be left for hours. Although he remains standing, in his mind, he is on the floor, curled into himself, and holding thoughts of Mhisery. And she is so fucking worth it, any amount of beating. How ironic that her name is Mhisery, as she brings joy and light into his dark world.
Yesterday at 12:44pm · Like · 4
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He shook his head as he walked out behind Xcor. He liked pain as much as the next guy but fuck, this guy had it bad for that female. Women, in his mind, were for fucking. He would and had shared them...many times. One thing he wouldn't do was let one become his weakness. Which in his mind was what Throe had done. He had to give the guy credit, he took the beating well. No sign of weakness, which they all knew to never show. It wasn't tolerated they had all learned that early on. But he knew the look in throe's eyes. The woman was still on his mind.
He shook his head as he left. Damn women, they were all trouble.*
18 hours ago · Like · 4
Xcor Bloodletter Now that's a lesson to you to Zypher no bitch is to come between us and I feel Throe needs some time to come to grips with that philosophy I think a good day in the dungeon will do him good *looks to Zypher as they walk back up the stairs and into the study* Zypher can you explain to me when is it when I called it took you far to long to meet us here? I expect immediate responses when I am calling a bastard, I am quite disappointed in your late response *folds his hands* Speak now boy and make it good.
18 hours ago · Like · 3
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He stopped walking and faced his leader. He wasn't going to give him some lame excuse, he never would buy it anyway. Not to mention he was already pissed at Throe and he didn't want to be the next in line to take the brunt of his anger. The guy was half crazy, okay more than half but now wasn't the time to split hairs.* i don't have a reason, I just fucked up. It won't happen again.
17 hours ago · Like · 4
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He was really beginning to doubt his bastards but at least Zypher was honest and he could respect that, not like Throe and his bitch of an excuse to talk back to him in public of all places* I'm going to let this go Zypher for one very good reason, I want you to find a female for us to fuck I need a release and some blood you know how I feel about being in public. You go and find a willing female, hooker or not I don't give a fuck but I need something, go now and contact me when the job is done and I will meet you back at our usual motel. *he watches as Zypher's nods and walks out of the room, he thinks its a good thing he was horny or another punishment would of been dealt out*

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