Monday, April 2, 2012

Victims of A Crime Part V

  • Rehvenge Rempoon Yes I fucking did. Sit. Drink. Now. *He points to the stools and sets up drinks.* Not doing well right now. *taps his head* As we ALL know I do not do MUSH. *He stopped pouring and took a deep, shaky breath.* I feel I am not worthy of Mine Tahlly. *holds up his hand* Shut up. Not done. *He took a drink* She is never home. She is ALWAYS aloof. Fuck, I haven't SEEN her, if you catch my drift, in DAYS. THAT is not like us. *He swallowed the contents and poured a third* What the fuck.
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    IAm Moor ‎*he glanced at Trez before settling himself on the bar stool. He knew what the man was going through but would never admit that to anyone, not even his brother. Hell not even to himself most of the time. His life had turned into a constant revolving door of secrets, secrets that ate at him in the middle of the night but ones he had to keep buried so deep that no one could penetrate to walls he kept the tightly locked behind. He grabbed the bottle himself and poured Rehv another shot* Have you spoken to her about this?
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trez Moor ‎*as he does as he is told but not appreciating that his old boss still has them by the balls. He sits and pours himself a drink and listen's .Who the fuck is this? is this really his old boss, the Rehvenge he knows that everyone fears? is he really doing a number on PUSSY WHIP routine right now with him and his twin? as he goes on about his Ehl not being around as much and not being with her, he thinks about to the one that got away, or so the one that he let get away* Well, have you talk to her, let her know how your feeling?
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Rehvenge Rempoon I can't. Have you SEEN my take on feelings?? You have been around me long enough. Fuck I can't do this. *He hung his head and leaned on his palms.* You ever tell ANYONE I went all MUSH......Yeah. You know. *He looked up at his boys. His eyes gave a purple glow. He tossed the Bentley keys to them.* I am off to the Penthouse. I can't....*Deep breath* Yeah. *He demats to the sliders of the Commodore home, wills them open and steps in. Turning, eyes still glowing, he slams them by hand and flicks the lock.*
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    IAm Moor ‎*without even needing to look at his brother, he knew Trez was thinking the same thing he was. What in the hell just happened? He didn't think he had ever seen Rehv openly doubt himself like that. And if that man could, he knew without any doubt that what he was feeling himself was the same. He didn't know how much longer he could keep what was happening a secret. What he needed to do was let her go and move on. What kind of life could he provide? He would never be a man of worth. He could never abandon his brother for a female. She deserved better. Deserved a man that didn't have so much blood on his hands and would have even more there in the future. He fliched on the inside and without saying a word he looked at Trez and let him know that he was heading back to Sal's. Work to do. Yeah, that was it*
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
    Trez Moor ‎*as he feels and hears all the pain that his old boss was feeling, the feeling of unworthy, his own thoughts of the one that got away creeps in and settles itself deep in his chest. He often wonders what would of happened if he would fest up and told her how he felt about her. but that wasn't ever going to happen now. How would anyone fit in his world. The drugs, the sex all that goes in the Mask* yeah ass, got it, mums the word or the thought! *he demats back to his office and sinks into his recliner, he looks up to his monitors and see's the humans all ravaging for that High, wanting the next fix the next fuck. He thinks if he was to shut down the Iron Mask, maybe it be less of a fucked up world. He looks at his brother as he has heard every word he said..Yeah, there is no way anyone would ever come between him and his twin. Never. Sometimes he feels guilty, if he would just tell IAm that he knows about his love the one he trys to hide. but his on selfishness doesn't want to give his brother that option of leaving him behind*
    4 hours ago · Like · 4
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Butch O'Neal
    ‎*Sitting in the game room, he sipped on his Goose and channel-surfed through the plethora of utter shit on t.v. Damn, he was down. What a fucking pansy. He was the male, he was supposed to take care of his female. Instead, he ran off to hide, unable to deal with his overwhelming emotions. What a shithead. He heard steps coming down the hall and prayed to both God and the SV that whoever it was, didn't plan on coming anywhere near him. He rolled his eyes when he saw his brother walk in all cheery and bouncy... good fucking grief.*
    Like · · Follow Post · 6 minutes ago
    Manuel Manello and Saxton Thym like this.
    Manuel Manello ‎*He walked by the game room, heading to the bar area. He saw Butch sitting in front of the TV. He was alone, which was unusual. He stepped into the room to see what was doing.* Hey there, man. What's up?
    5 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Butch O'Neal ‎*Quickly glancing up from the television, he lied.* Not much, bruh. *He took a sip from his glass and closed his eyes as the pain and loneliness rolled over him.* You?
    4 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Manuel Manello ‎*He stared at the guy for a second, frowning. Jesus. Something was wrong. This guy was never fucking quiet. And as much as he sucked at the feelings shit, the guy was clearly not ok. When he looked up for that brief moment, he looked fucking wrecked* Ok, you are one of the few people that I can say anything to.. And I am calling bullshit. Spill
    4 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as he sighed.* Bro. Look at me. I ain't human. I'm barely vampire and my shellan is thinking about her past life with Wrath. I'm fucking dandy.
    3 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Manuel Manello ‎*He stepped over Butch's legs and sat on the couch next to him. He was wondering if he should pour himself a shot of Lag before getting into this.* What brought this on? Nothing is different than it was yesterday, right? Marissa loves you, so what brought this shit out? * As he said the words, he wondered if Payne was comparing him to the vampires. His warrior. Did she find him lacking?*
    3 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He threw back the remainder of his Goose and poured himself another.* It's always been on the table. *He scoffed* We've just been ignoring it, feel me? And yeah, she loves me but I ain't no Wrath. *He looked over at his brother by birth.* Man, she could be Queen right now. What the fuck can I offer her? Nothing, that's what.
    2 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Manuel Manello ‎*Fuck it, he walked over to the bar and poured the Lag. Really, what could he say to that. It was like his worst fear, spoken out loud. He looked at the man he was just beginning to think of as brother and realized they had more in common then he had realized.* You know, I gotta admit. I hope that you are wrong but I see where you are coming from. Fuck it, I have less to offer than you do. From where I am, you are a fucking gem. And really, Marissa does love you. Anyone can see that. And Payne, she loves me. So, you don't think that is enough? *His mind was spinning, thinking of all the things he couldn't do for her. All the ways in which he was inferior, weak. Worthless. Yeah, he was her healer. But she was healed now. So what was he?*
    2 minutes ago · Like · 1
    Butch O'Neal I dunno. Is it enough? *He sank deeper into the couch and nursed his drink* I mean, we're good now, true? But what about ten, twenty or a hundred years from now when she realizes I'm not worthy of her? I mean she's fucking Glymera and I'm...a washed-up, barely vampire ex-cop. *He laughed bitterly.* She hit the fucking jackpot.
    about a minute ago · Like · 1
    Manuel Manello ‎*he kept silent. There was nothing to say. It wasn't enough.*
    a few seconds ago · Like
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    IAm Moor
    ‎*he sat on the edge of his bed, only a thin cotton sheet wrapped around his hips. He hadn't gotten any sleep the night before, not that he really needed any. After seeing Rehv at the bar last night he hadn't been able to stop thinking about the female. He would never call her his, because she wasn't. Everyday he realized that more and more.
    He was suppose to have gone back to Sal's. That was his plan. But he had found himself outside her place. There but not there, just a shadow mixed among others in the darkness of the night.*
    Like · · 2 hours ago ·
    Dawn McQueen Mortimer and Lucia Ann like this.
    IAm Moor ‎*he had watched her for hours, almost as if he was memorizing every movement, every breath that come from her body. It took him a while to realize what he was doing and he as soon as he did he dematerialized himself back home. And now there he sat looking down at his hands. That was the one thing that had got him thinking the most. His hands.
    They were large and powerful. Made to snap a mans next with little effort. Made to bring punishment and pain. They weren't meant to be gentle. Weren't meant to to soft. They never would be. Even now, he could see the blood that had covered them over the years. The acts that they were involved in. He fisted those hands of his before flexing his fingers out and fisting them again.
    He had work to be done, last thing he needed was to be sitting here and dwelling over something he needed to let go of. Something he didn't deserve and would never deserve. He was a killer, and that's all he would ever be.*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Saxton Thym
    ‎*He woke up with splitting headache, he grimaced as he tried to move. It felt like someone was trying to slice his head open, closing his eyes he lay still for a moment. His throat was dry and sore, his tongue swollen. He had an awful taste in his mouth, he tried to swallow but couldn't manage it. He had drank a full bottle of port and smoked too many cigars, he hoped to dull the pain in his heart. He slowly reached for his glass of water but it was empty. Cursing under his breath, he dragged his sorry ass out of bed. Clutching on to furniture he stopped at the couch, the bed linen was piled neatly in the corner. Blaylock has slept on the couch yet again, hot stinging tears filled his eyes and threatened to fall down his cheeks like a rushing waterfall. Gulping back the tears he forced himself to walk to the bathroom, he clutched his stomach. What little food was in there was doing it's best to evacuate his body, he threw himself over the toilet and wretched. The contents of his stomach returned up, he continued to wretch bring up burning stomach acid. He wiped his mouth and lay his head against the seat of the toilet, he didn't want to move for fear of vomiting again. His head was pounding, it felt like thousands of tiny jack hammers attacking his skull. His eyes burned as the tears he tried so hard to keep in fell, he was a mess and it was all his fault*
    Like · · 4 hours ago ·
    Elizabeth Randall, Brick Panthera, Zee Ahgony and 3 others like this.
    Saxton Thym ‎*He lay there for a while just sobbing, his perfect life had fallen apart. He finally got his tears under control, shaking he got up and and looked in the mirror. He didn't recongise the man looking back at him, that man was unkempt. His really was a mess, his normally perfectly coiffured hair was plastered to his face. His soft clean shaven jaw was covered in stubble, his eyes were red and swollen he couldn't help but notice the dark circles under his eyes. He raked his hand across his jaw, disgusted with himself he looked for his razor. He quickly and precisely shaved, careful not to nick himself. He looked once more at himself, he was more presentable but he was still the same mess. He stood staring into space, the hot steam filing the bathroom. He glanced back at his reflection, the steam clinging to the mirror. He sighed then wrote on the mirror* "Saxton Thym Whore". *He laughed bitterly, how many times had he heard that said about himself. He had never let it bother him, but now it gnawed at him. It was true of course he couldn't deny it, he was a whore. All those men he had been with, he never cared he wanted pleasure and he got it. He knew his young cousin Qhuinn called him a slag behind his back, no doubt he had warned Blaylock to stay away from him. He had never given it a second thought until now, now he was ashamed of his past. He would give everything to go back in time and change what he had done. He put his hand across his face, he thought of his parents and what they had thought of him. They had loved him and accepted he was gay, but now he wondered if they were ashamed of their whore of a son.*
    3 hours ago · Like · 4
    Saxton Thym ‎*He thought back to the many men he had taken over the years, most of them were causal some he didn't even know their names. He turned away from the mirror and went to the shower, stepping inside he turned the water on. He stood under the hot jets, trying to wash away his sins. No wonder Blaylock couldn't stand to share the bed with him, he saw him for what he was..... a whore. He had been attracted to Blay from the first moment he saw him, his innocence called to him. He loved the thrill of the chase, it was obvious to him that Quinn had feelings for Blay. It made the chase all the more exciting for him, he had never expected to fall in love with Blay. He thought they would share a relationship, have good times then move on. How ironic he was the one stood in the shower with a broken heart while his fiance was no where to be found. As the humans said Karma was a bitch and she had just screwed his ass royally*
    3 hours ago · Like · 4
    Saxton Thym ‎*Turning off the water he stepped out of the shower and quickly dried himself, he felt better for his wash at least on the outside he was clean. He dressed and walked to the kitchen, he wanted coffee and something light to eat. He was relived to find the kitchen empty, he didn't have to look at the pity of everyone's faces. Poor Blay and Saxton, he could hear the gossip now. He poured himself a cup of freshly made coffee and made himself some hot buttered toast, as he was about to leave the kitchen a female doggen appeared. She looked uncomfortable, he smiled and said a brief greeting. He left before she could respond. He sat on the stairs with the plate on his lap, he watched the doggen go about their business. He envied them, they lived simple lives and loved to serve. He wished his life were that simple, at that moment in time all he wanted was to hold his fiance in his arms. He had no clue if he would ever be able to again, he hoped Blay would forgive him for his past and be able to move forward again and be willing to share his life with him once more*
    3 hours ago · Like · 3
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Xcor Bloodletter
    ‎*txts Throe* I'm going to tear you a new one if you don't show up asap.
    Like · · Follow Post · 4 hours ago
    Lucia Ann, Anna Miller, Butch O'Neal and 2 others like this.
    Throe Bhastard ‎*Smirks* I been showing my ass for awhile now, how'd you miss that?
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*gets in his face, growling* You know what I meant.
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*All traces of humor gone, he nods.* I do know what you meant. What do you need my brother.
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*glares* Tell me Throe...who is the leader here?
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*Stares at Xcor, all expression wiped from his face* You are Xcor. * His skin actually crawled, fuck he was sick of this shit*
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*pokes him in the chest punctuating each word* Then, *poke* you *poke* fucking *poke* come *poke* when I *poke* fucking *poke* tell you *poke* to come!
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He clenched his jaw so tight he was surprised he didn't crack a fucking molar. He lowered his eyes, so as not to reveal the complete fucking disobedience brewing within him. He kept reminding himself he owed this male. Xcor avenged his sister, when he was unable to do so. Xcor was going to be the King.. he kept repeating this over and over in his mind, a litany to keep himself from biting the male and ripping his throat out. It was really time that he re-examined his life. Wait, not a life, it was an existence*
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*he stared at the other male, sneering. For the love of...Throe thought he was so fucking honorable and righteous. He loved taking him down a peg* So where were you? What was so damned important?
    4 hours ago · Like · 3
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He looked up and met Xcor's glare* I was nowhere. Same as always. *He took a deep breath and tried to appear sincere* I apologize Xcor. Won't happen again.
    4 hours ago · Like · 2
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*nods, eying the male. He was hiding something but what? Damn it! He would find out* Make sure that it doesn't. *pops his neck, wary* Lets go.
  • Trez Moor
    ‎*After the visit last night from his old boss, he sat there in his office wondering how would of life turned out, if he had just fuckin killed the Bitch! He closed his eyes and rubbed his face with his hands over and over again hating himself for not taking out the Bitch when he had many opportunities to do so! When he looked up he was no longer in his office but was standing in the middle of a forest. It all looks too familiar, the night was still except for a crisp, dry breeze, there in the shadows was a cabin, Fuck! He was there, Black Snake State Park. This is where Rehvenge would meet up with that bitch, the Princess. He see's it all, hears it and smells it. His skin starts to crawl, the things that bitch made him do. Rehvenge never could sense him, but he knew, he was standing guard outside in the shadows. He was right there in the thick of it all, waiting for the Bitch to double cross him, that's when he would fuckin show that cunt what a good time really was. He would be waiting for it to be over, He see's his boss's face and the pain, he gets weaker every time he's done with the princess. the scorpion venom was strong, the allergic reaction was eating him up. Rehvenge doped up to control his sympath side but when the venom got into him, he had to up the dosage and that was killing him. He would wait for his boss to summon him and then he would appear and carry him off to the Bentley. If he would of just killed the bitch before it got to this point, his boy would been better off. He closes his eyes and he is back in his office. Sweat pouring off of him. He dwells in the past wondering if he could of made a difference by taking out the Cunt of a princess for his old boss. He had the means to end it all. But instead he stood by and let it all happen. Let his old friend sell his soul to that, Bitch. He should of skinned here alive and let her hang until all her blood drained from that useless carcass. Instead he is feeling unworthy of his tahlly. the stains are implanted on him forever more. And HE stood by and let it all happen. Some kind of friend he turned out to be. He is suppose to protect him not let him self destruct out there in that fuckin forest. yeah, it was his oath he gave to shut that bitch up but still, all he had to do was KILL her when she first threaten his boss. Maybe than Rehvenge would feel some self worth*
  • No'One Sampsone
    ‎*She had spent the morning reading, her mind kept wandering. Everyone in the mansion seemed to be depressed in one way or another, she had been feeling down herself lately and wondered if it was the changing of the seasons. The cold bit into her making her chilled. She found she no longer enjoyed the walks she had shared with the chosen. She closed her book and walked down the stairs, the aroma of the flowers was intoxicating. She stopped to admire a bouquet that caught her eye, she loved the delicate patterns and the different fragrances. As she walked through the hallway she noticed Xhex, she smiled as she looked at her beautiful daughter. Her heart filled with love, she had been given a second chance an she was going to take it. She walked towards Xhex and noticed John Matthew Tehrror further down they hallway, as she approached her daughter Xhex looked at her. There was no warmth to her eyes, no welcoming smile. Her heart pounded as she wondered what she had done to upset her daughter* Hello daughter mine, how fare thee?
    Like · · about an hour ago ·
    Xhex Tehrror, Tohrment Hharm and 2 others like this.
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Standing with her back against the wall, she felt she just needed to breath. She could feel that some of the people in the house emotional grid was a little off then the norm and it seemed to be taking a toll on her, so much so that even though she was looking in the same direction her mahmen was coming from she hadn't really seen her walking up and speaking to her. No fulling hearing what she had asked but seeing a sad look on her mahmen's face she responded* Hello Mahmen, I'm sorry I just feel a little off today, how are you?
    51 minutes ago · Like · 2
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She gave her daughter a sad smile* I am well just feeling not quite myself. *She studied her daughters face, the tiredness was apparent. She began to feel guilty for even approaching her, it was obvious Xhex has something on her mind. Talking to her would only add to that. She wondered if it were best to make her excuses and leave, she didn't want to cause her daughter any distress, she had caused enough of that already. Visions of Xhex's birth came flooding back to her and so did the shame, she looked away before she shed her tears. Her selfish act had caused her daughter a lifetime of misery and no amount of words could ever change that*
    42 minutes ago · Like · 2
    Xhex Tehrror ‎*Looking at the sad smile come over her mahmen's face made her heart sadden, taking in a deep breath she could tell her mahmen wasn't herself, she seemed to always have a smile on her face and her grid was way off today which was taking more of a toll on her, but they had not been able to spend much time together so maybe now would be a good time to try* I was about to go down to the kitchen to get a snack, would you like to go with?
    28 minutes ago · Like · 2
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She shook her head, her mood was already upsetting her. She couldn't inflict more sadness on her* No thank you daughter mine, I am not hungry. Mayhap another time. *She wanted to hold Xhex to her but knew she had no right to do so, she stroked her cheek then turned and walked away. Her heart was heavy, her guilt was taking it's toll on her. She had no coat with her but without even thinking she opened the heavy doors and stepped outside. The cold immediately bit into her making her shiver, at least it helped take her mind off her daughter for a moment*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Tohrment Hharm
    ‎*He wasn't sure what was going on with the Brothers, but he could tell it was nothing good. Everyone seemed to be in a shitty mood, and it was spreading like wildfire. He made his way down the grand staircase, hung a right and went into the common room to relax a bit with some mind numbing television. He flipped thru the channels, and found a re-run of Godzilla playing. He set the remote down beside him, kicked his feet up on the coffee table, and tried to clear his mind a bit*
    Like · · Follow Post · 5 hours ago
    Layla Chosen, Anna Miller, Butch O'Neal and 10 others like this.
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She had stood outside for a while trying to clear her thoughts, in the end all she had done was get herself chilled. She returned back inside, she rubbed her arms trying warm herself. She needed a drink to warm her up, as she passed the staircase she heard the television on. Maybe watching some mindless program would help to ease her mood, she could always get a drink in there. She made her way to the common room, as entered she noticed Tohrment Hharm sitting there, she inwardly groaned. As much as she loved to see him and chat with him, her mood was so dark she feared she would push him away. He had only recently started feeling brighter, he had gone through a terrible ordeal and the last thing he needed was a moody tearful female, she took a deep breath* Hello Tohrment how fare thee? *She tried to sound happy for his sake*
    5 hours ago · Like · 10
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He had just about lost himself in the movie, when he heard No'One enter. He could scent her unhappiness, rolling off of her in waves. Her too? He looked up when she asked how he was and saw her false smile* I am well, No'One. *He motioned towards the chair across from him* Please, sit with me.
    5 hours ago · Like · 9
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She looked at the chair, she was reluctant to join him but at the same time she was drawn to him* Thank you Tohrment. *She glanced at the television but didn't take the images in, her thoughts were racing. If she brought Tohrment down to her level of unhappiness she would not be able to forgive herself. She absently rubbed her arms even though it was warm in the room* I hope I am not disturbing you, I had been outside without a coat. It seems it is not only the young that are foolish*
    4 hours ago · Like · 8
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He shook his head. He didn't like the emotions coming from No'One. And she didn't seem like she wanted to come out with what was bothering her, but it was not his way to sit back and let a female hurt.* Not disturbing me at all. *He turned the volume down on Godzilla, grabbed a blanket, and handed it to No'One.* What's going on?
    4 hours ago · Like · 5
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She gratefully took the blanket wrapping it around herself, she clung to it hoping to find something else to talk about other than what was really bothering her. She gazed at him, he was such a kind caring male. A true male of worth, he didn't deserve what had happened to his family. He was a part of her past too, a past she was bitterly ashamed of. She did not deserve to be happy or have a second chance, she had done the unforgivable and taken her own life. Wellsie had not, both her and their unborn son had been killed by lessers. How could she sit there and tell him she was worried her daughter didn't want to be with her when he never got the chance to meet his son? She couldn't rub it in his face, that would hurt him even more. She searched for something to say* I guess I am just tired, seeing so many people at once can be overwhelming. *She turned her head quickly, not wanting to look him directly in the eyes*
    about an hour ago · Like · 3
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He got off the couch and crouched down in front of her, to look into her eyes* It's just you and me right now, and I can feel your sadness. If you don't wanna talk, I'm not going to push you, just know I am here if you need someone. *He walked back over to the couch to give her some space and started flipping thru channels with the volume still down low, hoping that she would talk.*
    about an hour ago · Like · 4
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She felt the urge to reach out to him, but at the same time was scared. She has been brutally raped by a sympath and was scared of physical contact with males. She knew he would never hurt her, he had never hurt a female before. She watched him walk back to the couch and flip through the channels. Maybe it was time to talk to someone. She bit her lip* I looked at Xhex today, she is such a beautiful female. I realized she would be better off without me, all I have done it cause her pain. You were there when she was born, I took your dagger and killed myself. I left my new born daughter defenseless as I was too ashamed to live. My father disowned me for bringing shame on our family, he blamed me for everything. If I had not born, none of these events would have happened. You would not have had to witness my death, my shame or my fathers shame. Xhex would never have been born she would never have suffered. I have brought nothing but pain to everyone, I wish I had never been born. *She brought her hands to her face as her tears began to fall, she had at last been able to admit the truth*
    about an hour ago · Like · 3
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He was surprised when he heard her start to speak, he set the remote down, turned to her and focused on what she was saying. She was so....sad. He had no idea she was feeling all of this. He immediately stood when she began crying, walked over, and sat down next to her. He carefully put his arm around her shoulder.* Please, never think that way. The situation you were in was not one of your choosing. *He shook his head and could not even imagine the anguish she had to have been in to take her own life* You bring no pain to me, No'One.
    about an hour ago · Like · 4
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She couldn't stop herself from crying, even though he was trying to comfort her. She heard his words but listen to them, all she could think of was the pain she had caused everyone. She looked up at him, she shrugged his arm off her shoulder* I know you are trying to be kind to me, I can see it in your face, but you are wrong. I was cursed the day I was born I have brought nothing but misery and pain to everyone. I should never have been born, I wish I was still dead that way people wouldn't have to look at me everyday. I know what they all think of me and it's true I should never have been brought back. I am damned. *She got up and ran out of the room, the blanket fell to the ground behind her. She clung to the banister and sobbed, even Tohrment pitied her*
    about an hour ago · Like · 4
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He heard her continue on about why she was not worth anything to anyone, and when she ran out of the room in tears, he let her go. She was a strong woman, and he could understand her need for space. As he leaned back in the chair, he started to think about how much better everything would have been for those he loved if he hadn't been around. D would probably still be around, and would have gotten to watch his kids grow up. He would have been so proud of them. Wellsie could have lived a long, happy life, instead of dying in the driveway of their home, while pregnant with their young. He shook his head, blew his nose, and took a deep breath. This was so not where his head or his heart needed to be. He got up and headed back to his room.*
    about an hour ago · Like · 2
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Bella Ahgony
    ‎*she couldn't explain the cloak of sadness that had just wrapped itself tightly yet coldly around her.... propping herself lightly against the door jam, she watched as Zee and Nalla sat huddled together, Nalla reading one of her favorites to her daddy... a past time the two loved above most else. Everything was as it should be... she wanted for nothing and had everything she could have ever dreamed of having, yet she couldn't shake it. It was a feeling that was seeping its way into the very depths of her bones. With out warning and all consuming.. a melancholy that was almost palpable... so much so that she could swear to the virgin-scribe her young and strong hellren could feel it. She gave them a reassuring smile as they both stopped and looked up at her from the book.. a smile she was sure that was rather transparent , but she couldn't help it. Slowly she pulled herself from the entrance and walked back to their bedroom. She needed to just lay down for a while and close her eyes*
    Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*Sitting alone, the way it has been for twenty-five years. He listened to the creek babble along the rocks and tried not to see her face. Perched on a large, flat stone, he dipped his hand into the icy water just to feel something other than pain. He was never to be the male he should be for her. She was, in his eyes, perfection defined. He was one huge let down to the world. He gave up his life because of a lie. He ran scared from the memories of the torture and pain he had to endure thinking it was to save her. Hid in a life not his own for two decades. All the while, she was safe. With her family.* Male of worth. Yeah right. *He snorted a laugh and sat on his ass in the cold. The cold a comfort, as he deserved nothing better. He deserved to suffer for what he had done, but mainly for what he had become. A coward in the eyes of all who knew him. A madman to those who didn't. His heart ached for a tiny female with a smile that rivaled the sun. He was never to have her. She believed them now. All that "it's me not you" she spouted at him. He shook his head with a chuckle.* Who was I kidding? *He sat back and decided that if he never lived, they all would have been so much better off. The Bloodletter's young would have maybe had a chance at peace and happiness if he was never there to allow the sick bastard to continue the camps. Xhexania would have lived comfortably in her family's arms had he not been there to take her from their safe haven. Darius would have never been a Brother and targeted for murder. All this he felt to be true. He had his resolve now. He was going to meet the dawn and never look back. Who would miss a worthless nobody like him?*
    Rehvenge Rempoon
    ‎*After that "visit" with the Shadows, he stormed around the penthouse, gathering his thoughts. Why would she want him as her Hellren? Why did she love him more than any could fathom? And why the FUCK did this hurt so bad? He could get through whatever was thrown his way. But this? He couldn't see why she wanted him at all. He was a pimp, a drug dealer/user, and the biggest SOB on the planet. People cowered and hid when he walked by. That's how he liked it. He was strong because he had to be. His family depended on him for so many years. Hell, he even killed to keep them safe. He had no conscience when it came to dealing "fair" justice. The Sympath's knew that and so did Caldwell's seedy little underworld. When the Rev spoke, people listened. If not, well, they knew what was coming. Now, here he was, doubting everything he had. Unsure of his own new-found life. What the fuck happend to him? He turned the corner by the bedroom and spotted the picture she gave him when he moved her in. It was in a silver frame. Ehlena in her white, silk nightgown, peering up at him from her vanity mirror with that shy little smile of hers. She had the frame engraved, "Your Tahlly". But, was she? Did he deserve her? Not in his eyes. If he had never come to Haver's, and let his nature go free, she would have been happier. Able to care for herself and her father without him bullying her into accepting his help. His Mahmen, had she never been taken by the sick fuck Sympath, would have lived a life on the other side as a Chosen and been able to maybe have been mated to a male of worth. Bella would have been spoiled by her father and treated like the princess she was. He sat on the leather sofa, whiskey in one hand, picture in the other, and relished the quiet dark. If he never had been fucking born, life would be so much easier for his family.*
    Lassiter The-Fallen
    ‎*it seemed that the whole Manse was is a "cloud of funk" was as if he could almost see it oozing down the walls*..I really need a drink.*he turned the corner to the common room and there was Tohrment sitting on the edge of the couch, elbows on his knees and a glass in his hand*...We taking back up the afternoon drinking again? Or you were just holding that for me..I vote for number two..*snatching the glass from the tips of Tohr's fingers and plopping his ass down on one of the oversize leather chairs.*..So? What has you down here..*taking a long look around the room*..No tv on..not even that crap you guys call music blaring..And not to mention the drink..Thanks, by the way..*tips the glass at him, then downs the contents*
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    You, Payne Bloodletter, Juan Pena, Boo Randall and 7 others like this.
    Tohrment Hharm Ugh...*Just what he fucking needed needed with the mood he was in. He just nodded his head to Lass, when "blah blah blah" was all he heard. When Lassiter took his drink, his head snapped up.* Really, light bright? *He exhaled loudly* I'm just.....fuck. I really shouldn't be around anyone right now, yourself included. *He got up and made himself another drink, while trying to change the subject* Isn't there someone else you could be bothering now?
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Lassiter The-Fallen That would be a NOPE...*laughs*.You my man, are my only job...Do I need to brake out the crayons and paper again and show you?.*he sat back in the chair and crossed his arms over his chest..* And since you are my priority...I feel obliged to ask more time!..What the hell is up with you..And don't you think that I will accept any form of "nothing", so you might as well cry your eyes out princess..
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 6
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He shook his head. How does he appropriately convey to Mr. Know it All the fact that he's considering how much better everyone in his life would be if HE wasn't here? He so did not need to deal with the angel tonight. Fuck....wasn't there an Oprah re-run on somewhere? Maybe Dr. Phil? He ran his hand thru his hair as he composed his thoughts* I've got a lot on my mind. Haven't you noticed the mood around the manse?
    2 hours ago · Unlike · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen Of course I have..That's why I'm the only smart one..I've been avoiding it all like the plague.*chuckles at the last.*..Seriously Bruh..Whats going on in that noggin of your?..You might as well save us both the hassle of going through the same old shit, where I pester and nag you until up pop, and we both KNOW you will, and spill your guts now...
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 6
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*No matter how much he tried to hide, friggen Lass ALWAYS saw thru, even more so than the brothers. With as smart ass as he was, he surely could read emotions.He took a deep breath in, and tried to compose himself* I spoke earlier with No'One, and she got me thinking...mainly about how much better everyone would have been without me. *He took a sip of his fresh drink* I mean....shit. D would have still been here....Wellsie could have lived a full life. I'm just a fucking screw up. Everything and everyone would have been better off with out me. *He lifted his drink to his lips and took a long pull, instead of meeting Lassiter's eyes.*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*shaking his head* I don't know what that female put into your head but if that were true..*staring at the side of the guys profile and silently demanding him to look back*..I wouldn't be wasting my time, not to mention my chance at redemption on you, you ass...I thought we were past all this?..I thought you had made peace with all that haunts you, or were at least several hundred miles onto the road of recovery?..
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 6
    Tohrment Hharm That *he did air quotes* female you refer to has nothing to do with this. Fucking everyone in this damn house is feeling this way. *He took a deep breath* I tried my best to avoid it, but I could not let her suffer, and yet, I still failed. I mean....seriously....think about it. If I weren't here, then maybe Darius and Wrath would've met somewhere different, not giving the lesser time to set the bomb. He could have seen Elizabeth & John Matthew grow up, into amazing vampires. Wellsie could have mated with a true male of worth, and not have her life shortened to so much less then it could have been. *He sat his drink on the table and abruptly stood, and walked towards the door. He turned and looked at Lass.* Ya know what? So much could have been better without me. Nothing has turned out so great with me here, and now you're stuck...babysitting my ass. *He made his way thru the door and upstairs to his room to hopefully clear his head and shake this sadness.*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 6
    Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*grabbing the remote and turning it to Jersey Shore, he began to wonder what was going through the house with everyone pulling the woe is me's..This was something that could go very badly if it went too far...*..Crazy ass vamps..*he sat there for a while when the thought hit him..*..What if?.*what if someone as worthy as Tohr couldn't redeem his heart and soul..what does that mean for him?..he continued to think on that for a while before he decided he needed to go find Selena and see why she appeared to be avoiding him*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Analisse Whalker
    ‎~She paced the expanse of her chambers in the Fade. Her ebony robes making only the faintest rustle over the alabaster marble as she moved. She could feel the cloud of darkness that veiled her race, particularly heavy over her beloved Brotherhood. Her heart beat with heavy sadness as she looked through the various pools. Her Warriors and their shellans were all at odds with thoughts of their respective past. She did, however, take solace in the fact that this did some times happen, but she still hated to see her race go through the emotional turmoil. She would continue to watch, and wait. She did not want to sweep in and clear the thoughts from their heads, they needed these thoughts to grow on some level, but she would not allow them to take up a permanent residence in the emotional mire of their pasts. For now she would keep a watchful eye and hopeful heart.~
    Annie Lennox - Universal Child
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