Monday, April 2, 2012

The Holidays 2011 Part I

  • Lassiter The-Fallen
    Dashing through the snow in my rusty Chevrolet.
    Down the road I go, sliding all the way.
    I need new piston rings. I need some new snow tires.
    My car is held together by a piece of chicken wire!
    Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke, the door just blew away.
    I light a match to see the dash and then I start to pray-ay.
    The frame is bent, the muffler went, the radio's okay.
    Oh, what fun it is to drive this rusty Chevrolet!
    Like · · Share · December 22 at 5:16pm ·
    Ahylssa Tohrture, Phury Ahgony, Samantha Rose Peterson and 12 others like this.
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    Lassiter The-Fallen I went to IGA to get some Christmas cheer.
    I just passed up my left front tire and it's gettin' hard to steer.
    Speeding down the highway, right past the county cops.
    I have to drag my swampers just to get the car to stop.
    Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke, the door just blew away.
    I light a match to see the dash and then I start to pray-ay.
    The frame is bent, the muffler went, the radio's okay.
    Oh, what fun it is to drive this rusty Chevrolet!
    Bouncing through the snowdrifts in a big, blue cloud of smoke.
    People laugh as I drive by; I wonder what's the joke!
    I have to get to Wal-Mart to pick up my layaway,
    Cause Santa's comin' soon in his big, old, rusty sleigh!
    Oh, rust and smoke, the heater's broke, the door just blew away.
    I light a match to see the dash and then I start to pray-ay.
    The frame is bent, the muffler went, the radio's okay.
    Oh, what fun it is to drive this rusttttttttty Chevroooooooleeeeeet!
    Trhistan Rocke
    Hanging with Blaylock Rocke
    Like · · Follow Post · December 20 at 6:32pm
    No'One Sampsone, Saxton Thym, Phury Ahgony and 4 others like this.
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*Looking over at his cousin, he could see there was some heavy shit on his mind. They had been dancing around the issue for a couple weeks now, hopefully Blaylock would be ready to talk soon. He decided to rack up the balls, maybe Blay would find it easier to talk to him if there was a distraction going on at the same time. Less real that way. He lined up the balls in the triangle, tightened up the rack and removed the triangle.* Who breaks Blay?
    December 20 at 6:32pm · Like · 6
    Blaylock Rocke go for it cuz * he chalked his cue up and watched*
    December 20 at 6:33pm · Like · 6
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He selected his favorite stick, chalked it up and broke. Managed to drop one of each, so he went for the stripes. Dropped one, but missed the next shot, a combo he was trying for.* How is everything going Blay?
    December 20 at 6:34pm · Like · 6
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*he aimed for the spot and sunk...followed shortly by the white*'s not too bad, saxton is recovered from that virus that hit the mansion....oh and Mhis went through her needing! maaaan that was bad shit....but i'm doing ok, and you? how are you doing....honestly *he looked up into Trhistan's eyes*
    December 20 at 6:35pm · Like · 6
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He retrieved the white ball and lined up his next shot. Apparently Blaylock wasn't ready to talk. Or fuck, maybe there wasn't' anything wrong with him. Maybe he was seeing something that wasn't there.* I'm doing ok, Blay. Just trying to decide where to go from here. I can't wander around forever you know.. I gotta find something to anchor me though. And I don't think I will find that in Caldwell. I thought you had something you wanted to talk to me about?
    December 20 at 6:40pm · Like · 6
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*blushing furiously* yeah...i er..i...*fuck* you see, *he took a deep breath and rushed through his words* i only heard about this needing thing from a doggen, and my parents have never spoken to me about it....i was *he shifted his eyes to the floor, praying for a hole to open up* you see before saxton, i was, and whn this needing was happening i really..really wanted to mate with a female...but, fuck man, i'm gay ok! so, you know..i was hoping to talk to you, cause well....your more 'travelled' than me...fuck *he sank back his beer and went for a hondurras. he needed something stronger after that bombshell...figured Trhistan would appreciate a shot or 5 too*
    December 20 at 6:40pm · Like · 6
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*nodding, he starts to plan his next shot, giving his cousin time to recover from his embarrassment* Blaylock, I don't really know what to tell you about a lot of that. I would say that we are attracted to the person, not the gender. I get that people are gay or straight, but I don't think it's all black and white.. And I think that whatever you were feeling during the needing was more a part of instinct. Evolution, if you will.. That tells us that to survive as a species we need to mate with the opposite sex. The needing probably drew that part of you out, you know.. how people say that vampires are more related to animals than humans.. that is probably one example where that is true. *grins* so even though your instinct said mate with a female, you probably would have hated it. You are no less gay then you were before the needing *laughs*
    December 20 at 6:42pm · Like · 6
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*blushing even more and laughs* thanks...this, well i had no-one i could talk to...the brothers were all indisposed, and well i couldn't exactly ask saxton could I? and as for one of the Doggens? could you see me asking fritz??...anyway, Thank you cousin...truly, it has set my mind at rest at least.......listen, in a few days i'll be going to see my parents for a know..wanna come? just family, and i know they would love to catch up with you!
    December 20 at 6:43pm · Like · 6
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*the idea of spending time with family was appealing. Maybe that would help this disconnection he felt* yeah.. I think I would. Thanks Blaylock. I haven't seen everyone in a long ass time. And the idea of hanging around by myself.. fuck.. I am getting sick of my own company, ya know?
    December 20 at 6:43pm · Like · 6
    Blaylock Rocke in all honesty? i wouldn't parents left at the beginning of the raids, since then I have been in the company of the Brotherhood....some alone time sounds appealing to me, or maybe alone time with me and Saxton....hell, it seems a long time since we had alone time without any drama...
    December 20 at 6:44pm · Like · 6
    Butch O'Neal
    ‎*He walked with Zee down to the pit. Opened the door and made sure it was all clear and then waved him in. They were both on a suicide mission but hell if you were gonna go, this wasn't such a bad way to do it*
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Remove From Profile · December 18 at 1:35pm ·
    Marissa O'Neal, Simi Parthenopaeus, Khloe Christian and 7 others like this.
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He was able to creep up behind the two with Qhuinn. He grabbed Butch and had him wrapped in steel cables before he could move* Now ain't this about a bitch? *He grinned down at the Cop who was cinched up like a Christmas turkey and flashed a full fang grin at Qhuinn who has Zee down*
    December 18 at 1:46pm · Unlike · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave V a fangy grin, tugging the cable tighter around Zee and hissed in his ear* Where is your Christmas spirit Bruh? I am all about the giving on Christmas
    December 18 at 1:47pm · Unlike · 9
    Zee Ahgony ‎*hating the feel of any mother fucking hands on him still, he begins fighting Qhuinn's hold on him, even while he was trying not to laugh*
    December 18 at 1:53pm · Like · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Keep moving Zee *he grinned and leaned in close to the brother, making sure his lips moved against his ear when he spoke* I fucking love when someone fights back, just makes my hardon for them even greater
    December 18 at 1:54pm · Unlike · 9
    Butch O'Neal ‎*Fuck they were the Houdini of vampires.* What the hell? *He tried to get out the damn cables without any luck*
    December 18 at 1:56pm · Unlike · 9
    Zee Ahgony ‎*even though he knew Qhuinn and all, his words made him run cold for a second and he froze. Then he just began to include Qhuinn in his plans for the next attempt*
    December 18 at 1:59pm · Like · 8
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎Zee don't fight it, feel me. It only makes Qball worse. *He looked over at Q* Penthouse and snag Boo, feel me? *He grabbed the cables and hoisted Butch up like a suitcase* Bruh wait till you see all the toys I have up at the penthouse. I have modified things since the last time you were there, feel me?
    December 18 at 2:03pm · Unlike · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Reaching down, he lifted Boo up in on hand, tucking the cat under his arm like a football and turning Zee around with his free arm. Shoving his shoulder into the Brothers stomach, he grinned hoisting him over his shoulder with a resounding smack to his ass* This little piggy went to market bruh
    December 18 at 2:06pm · Unlike · 10
    Zee Ahgony ‎*he briefly met Butch's bleak stare and then closed his eyes, knowing this was not going to be fun*
    December 18 at 2:09pm · Like · 7
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He felt him self get hoisted up and cringed at V's words. Mother fucker he was in for it now* Aw, hell it was all in good fun. What's a joke between friends?
    December 18 at 2:09pm · Unlike · 8
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*To answer Butch he let the Cop's head hit the door frame on the way out and dematted to the Penthouse*
    December 18 at 2:12pm · Unlike · 10
    Boo Randall ‎*gently squeezed by Qhuinn, he lets out a foul spray right into the eyes of Zee*
    December 18 at 2:12pm · Unlike · 9
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave Zee's ass another slap just as Boo sprayed the Brother in the face. Laughing had, he dematted after V and Butch, directly into the middle of the penthouse*
    December 18 at 2:14pm · Unlike · 9
    Boo Randall ‎*turns his head towards butch and is trying to decide if he should use Butchs balls as a scratching post or if he should do a 4 finger eye gauge*
    December 18 at 2:16pm · Like · 9
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He hauled the Cop up on one of his racks and went to the lengths to strap him in. The steel manacles made escape impossible. He made quick work of declothing his best friend and had to point and laugh at the fact the Cop's cock at obviously jumped back in his stomach, either that or the small size was the reason Marissa worked so much* So bruh I know you got the memo stapled to your head that said not to fuck with me, true? *He grabbed a gag ball* Any last words?
    December 18 at 2:19pm · Unlike · 9
    Boo Randall ‎*with a left right left right motion he lets his claws out a little at a time, watching the paid in Butches face*
    December 18 at 2:20pm · Unlike · 10
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He set Boo down at his feet and went to work strapping Zee up against the St Andrew's Cross, reaching into his boot for his dagger and slicing his clothes off rather than worry about undressing him. He cocked a brow at the Brothers junk* You need help satisfying Bella bruh? There are plenty of toys that can help. Or fuck it all and go for the gender realignment surgery and be done with it *Once he had the Brother strapped good and tight to the Cross he stood back and gave him a fangy grin* Now you want my good touch or my bad touch? *he blew him a kiss and slid a ball gag in place*
    December 18 at 2:22pm · Unlike · 10
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He clenched his teeth together and shook his head. Good thing Beth liked that cat so well or it would be a dead mother fucker. He just stared back at V* Just get it over with and stop staring at my naked ass. I know I'm hot but I'm mated now. *Probably not the best time to be mouthing off to him but it wasn't like he had an off switch for being a smart ass*
    December 18 at 2:23pm · Unlike · 8
    Zee Ahgony ‎*glaring at Qhuinn and Vishous, he shook his head* remember boys.. don't want to do anything to fuck up the family, or the fact that we are brothers.. by doing shit that can't be undone.. *Then, hearing Butch's comment, he laughed a little*
    December 18 at 2:25pm · Like · 7
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He slipped the ball gag over the Cop's head and popped the egg in his mouth then grabbed the gimp mask. The sensation of not being able to breath would fuck with him, not to mention the asshole could see through the eye slots when allowed. He unzipped the eyes so that Butch could see him approach the slide out tool rack. He picked up the weighted set of ball weights with clamps and slid on surgical gloves. He attached the clamps and set the weight on the side of the rack calling Boo over* Boo if he moved knock those weights off, feel me? *He looked down over Butch* You wanted to grow a set of balls bruh, this will at least stretch them out for you, feel me?
    December 18 at 2:33pm · Unlike · 9
    Boo Randall ‎*gives Vishous a wink and sits down on the table next to Butch*
    December 18 at 2:36pm · Unlike · 10
    Butch O'Neal ‎*He held back his groan, not like he could say much over the ball gag anyway. He glared down at Boo. If he wasn't mistaken the cat was enjoying this a little too much. He closed his eyes and prayed to the scribe virgin the damn eights stayed where they were*
    December 18 at 2:39pm · Unlike · 8
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Pushing the gag into Zee's mouth, he reached behind his head and fastened it in place and stepped away with a grin. Walking over to the table, he tugged his shirt over his head and dumped it underneath, pulling on a pair of surgical gloves and reaching for the ball stretcher. Walking back over to Zee, he grinned and worked it over the Brothers balls, the other ring sliding down over his cock. Tightening the screws, he left them so no pain was inflicted yet, just enough pressure to let him know it was there. Glancing back over the table, he lifted a handful of weights and grinned attaching a small one to each of Zee's nipple rings* Just want to start slow, ease you into my way of thinking
    December 18 at 2:40pm · Unlike · 9
    Zee Ahgony ‎*his eyes wide as Qhuinn fucking put the gag in his mouth, they widened further as the fucker took his shirt off and put some kinky sex shit on his balls. It wasn't painful, but was far from fucking pleasant either. Then the nipple rings got weighted. Normally he was into that shit, but now he was just pissed*
    December 18 at 2:45pm · Like · 8
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He strode back over to Butch with the titty twister clamps that looked like Christmas trees gone bad and placed one each nipple until he was sure the Cop's flesh would break then he thumped it for good measure* Bruh should I staple the notes elsewhere to get my point across? *He picked up the industrial stapler and clicked it a few times*
    December 18 at 2:49pm · Unlike · 9
    Boo Randall ‎*flinches each time Vishous clicks the stapler, almost knocking the weight over*
    December 18 at 2:52pm · Unlike · 10
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He added another weight to each nipple ring and flicked them, letting the weight pull down causing him a further bite of pain. Reaching for a tube of icy he squeezed a small amount out on his finger working it over each nipple and letting a drop slip from the tbe to land on the top of the Brothers cock*
    December 18 at 2:53pm · Unlike · 8
    Butch O'Neal ‎*His eyes squeezed when the clamps bit into his damn skin. Damn the fucker meant business. He shook his head at V's question, all sarcasm leaving his body pretty damn quick. His eyes widened when Boo almost knocked the weights over. Mother fucker*
    December 18 at 2:54pm · Unlike · 6
    Zee Ahgony ‎*trying real fucking hard not to slip into flashback mode and flip the fuck out, he closes his eyes, knowing the color had changed from canary back to fucking black. He tried hard to make his mind fucking take a little vacation*
    December 18 at 2:54pm · Like · 6
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He picked up the jar of icy hot cause it would first be icy to dull the pain and then hot to relax it away and fills the bon 4 chastity device. He placed it over his bruh's cock locking it place and slipping the key in his pocket. Not only would it hurt like a bitch anytime the Cop attempted to sport wood, but it would fit over his ass too. Sucked to be the Cop in times like this. He took of the gimp mask and made a loud noise at Boo* Bruh cleaning crew comes twice a week and have been instructed not to say a word just release whoever is here, feel me? Fuck with my shit and this is only the beginning. *He flipped on porn in the corner so the combo of the bon for and the icy hot could work their magic* Ready to bounce Qball?
    December 18 at 3:03pm · Unlike · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He added a final weight to each nipple ring, for good measure added half a dozen to a parachute, placing it over Zee's balls and locking it in place. Lifting the weights, he placed them on top of his cock, letting them balance until the brothers took his first hardon and then they would drop to swing freely from his balls. Grinning, he leaned close and ran his tongue up his cheek, stopping to whisper in his ear* Next time I show you my bad touch, this was the good one. *stepping back, he pulled his shirt back on and stood next to V* Lets roll
    December 18 at 3:09pm · Like · 6
    Butch O'Neal ‎*Aw hell, he closed his eyes tight and tried to sing any dumb ass song in his head or think of dead puppies anything to keep his mind off what was doin on the tv. Some fucked up shit and he hated to see what V did to his enemies*
    December 18 at 3:12pm · Unlike · 6
    Boo Randall ‎*walks up to Butch and licks he face and jumps off to to go Zee and the vibration of the jump knocks over the weights.*
    December 18 at 3:12pm · Like · 6
    Vishous Bloodletter ‎*Demats out leaving his brothers to think of their actions*
    December 18 at 3:15pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*smirks watching the weights now swinging off Zee's balls. Reaching down for Boo, he tucks him back under his arm and demats back to the mansion*
    December 18 at 3:16pm · Like · 4
    Zee Ahgony ‎*with a sigh, he settled in to wait for the cleaning crew. At least he didn't have to worry about feeling embarrassed.. that shit no longer happened for him.. And the quiet time will be good for plotting. And hoping he didn't get hard, cause that shit would fucking hurt, no doubt.*
    Blaylock Rocke
    ‎*wanders in to the Iron Mask and taps a microphone* Saxton? are you in here?
    Like · · Follow Post · December 24 at 5:15am
    Loretta McDaniel, Natasha Fulbright, Isis Nina Negron and 14 others like this.
    Saxton Thym ‎*Looks up from his notes* Hello Blaylock I'm just catching up on paperwork. Can I get you anything?
    December 24 at 5:25am · Like · 6
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*he looks across at his lover in the booth and smiles. Speaking into the microphone* Saxton? you have been my world for some time now, you have been endlessly patient...we have been together in sickness and health, you have nursed me through various injuries...*gets down on one knee* I love you with all of my heart and I want the whole world to know you are MINE *he purred the last word*
    December 24 at 5:25am · Like · 9
    Blaylock Rocke ‎* he hipchecked the jukebox*
    Bruno Mars - Marry You (Lyrics On Screen)
    Bruno Mars - Marry You (Lyrics On Screen) Bruno Mars - Marry You (Lyrics On Scre...
    See More
    December 24 at 5:26am · Like · 7
    Blaylock Rocke will you marry me?
    December 24 at 5:26am · Like · 9
    Blaylock Rocke I want a mating with you
    December 24 at 5:26am · Like · 9
    Saxton Thym ‎*His mouth dropped open, he was speechless. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing. He came to his senses and hugged Blay* Yes, yes I'll marry you, I would love to have a mating with you. I love you with all my heart, I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
    December 24 at 5:31am · Like · 10
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*he breathes a sigh of reliefand takes out the rings that Vishous had made for him* he places one on Saxton's finger and one on his*
    December 24 at 5:34am · Like · 9
    Saxton Thym ‎*He stared at the ring on his finger, it was beautiful. He never thought this moment would never happen, he loved Blay with everything he had. He had secretly dreamed of this moment, but it didn't compare to the real thing. He kissed him with everything he had, their tongues mated and their bodies pressed together. His head was spinning from the sheer emotion of the moment*
    December 24 at 5:41am · Like · 9
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele ‎*she walks into the mask just as she's blay get done on one knee and ask sax to marry him..Tears start to flow from her eyes as she see's the two males clearly in love and professing their for one another* CONGRATULATION TO YOU TWO! *tears*
    December 24 at 5:53am via mobile · Like · 7
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele ‎*down and love
    December 24 at 5:57am via mobile · Like · 5
    Blaylock Rocke ‎*he picks his fiance up and spins around* i think we need to get this party started...*he taps the bar and a fountain of champagne starts flowing*
    December 24 at 6:27am · Like · 8
    Saxton Thym ‎*laughs as Blay spins him around, sees the champagne flowing* My darling Blay you think of everything, this day is perfect. You make everything perfect.
    December 24 at 6:31am · Like · 6
    Blaylock Rocke the only thing perfect in here is you...i have these damned blushing genes!
    December 24 at 6:32am · Like · 8
    Blaylock Rocke but i wanted to do you proud...i wanted, well this to be a memorable day
    December 24 at 6:32am · Like · 7
    Saxton Thym ‎*Kisses him* you are perfect to me, I love the way you blush. Never be ashamed of it, it is part of you and I love everything about you. You did me proud, this day will last in my mind forever and in my heart.
    December 24 at 6:34am · Like · 9
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She awoke as the shutters rose for the night and clad herself in her leathers. She had to get back on patrol, not that of the Brotherhood's rotation but one of her own. She had to find the last of the group of Lessers that had murdered her mahmen, it was a compulsion of hers. She had slain all of the others, slowly, methodically, and with immense pain, there was only one remaining now and he wasn't long for this world if she could find him. She pulled her hair back low and slung her coat on, dematting to a ally down town.*
    Skillet - Hero (Video)
    © 2009 WMG no description available
    Like · · Follow Post · Share · December 25 at 9:41pm
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Sandy Renner, Linda von H and 2 others like this.
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*The ally wreaked of piss, oil and something even darker. The smell of baby powder hung in the air like a heavy weight, while assaulting her senses. She placed her back against the filthy brick of the decaying wall and waited. She heard the thick stride of several boot laden feet, her senses going heightened and her body pensive. The stench of the baby powder grew stronger, washing over her in the foulest of waves. She had never had a thought before of letting anyone know her whereabouts, but she felt she needed to make Qhuinn aware of where she was at. She silently tapped out a text* On patrol. Love you. *She hit send and slid the phone back in her pocket, waiting for the Lessers to round the corner*
    December 25 at 10:43pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She counted at their large shadows filled the mouth of the putrid ally. She counted silently to four and hoped that was all that was with them. A small cell. She could handle four of the assholes with not much concern. She needed to see the eyes. She had memorized the eyes of her mahmen's killer, and even though after a time they all went pale and similar, she would never escape the haunting of those eyes. She placed her fingers into her mouth and whistled loudly to get the attention of the Lessers. All four of their heads snapped in her direction at once. There was no hiding or blending into the night now, and that is just what she wanted* Well if it isn't Larry, Mo, Curly and Fucking Ugly. *She smirked and crouched, waiting for their first move, and hoping to draw them in close enough she could see the eyes*
    December 25 at 10:53pm · Like · 2
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She shifted her weight from foot to foot, her fingers beckoning them on. The four pale faces that sized her up were devoid of an emotion, not even anger or annoyance showing on their stoic faces. Their slow lope was unbearable and her patience thin. She grabbed a dagger and launched one of her daggers striking Mo in the kill zone with hopes that it would get the party started. His foot didn't have time to fall before she sent him back to The-Omega. The other three picked pace as they saw their fallen friend fade away. She reached for her other dagger and took down Larry in the same manner. Little did she know that was going to be the easiest part of her night so far. The other two grabbed her arms, one on each side of her. That's when fear struck her, she saw the eyes of the Lesser that had murdered her mahmen staring down at her*
    December 25 at 11:27pm · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She woke up in a panic, sitting straight up in bed, her heart racing and a scream of fear across her lips. The nightmare had been vivid and real, it left her body shaken and wracked with fear, covered in a cold sweat. Her chest heaved as her fist clenched the sheets of the bed as she made an effort to control her breathing, to no avail. She turned on the bed, cradling her head in her hands*
    December 26 at 12:01am · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He shot up, blinking rapidly trying to work out what woke him in the first place. Glancing to his side, he frowned watching her curl onto her side, her head in her hands* Leelan? *His voice was heavy with sleep as he lay back down, rolling onto his side and tugging her around to face his chest, his arms sliding around her and cradling her close*
    Qhuinn Lohstrong
    ‎*Holstering his H&K's, smetrapping on his daggers and pulling the leather jacket over his clothing, he left his room and jogged down the stairs into the lobby. He leaned back against one of the supports, his arms folded across his chest as he waited for Tohrment. He wasn't used to going out with the Brother on patrol, but rotation over Christmas had been shifted around and it was his night out. Rubbing a hand over his bristled jaw, he bit back a yawn and stared at the front door*
    Five Finger Death Punch Far from Home
    New album from Five Finger Death Punch War is the Answer hope u enjoy rate and sub pl0x Audio Is Owned By WMG all of my music is purchased
    Like · · Share · December 26 at 8:58am ·
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Throe Bhastard, Boo Randall and 11 others like this.
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He was going on rotation tonight with Qhuinn, and while they normally were not paired up, he knew Qhuinn was a good kid, and an excellent shot with his H&K's, which was what you needed while on patrol. He put his jacket on..the one that Wellsie had bought him for Christmas the year before she...yea, so NOT going there now. He needed his mind in the game, and thinking of his beloved shellan and their unborn son was so not gonna help. Then he holstered his Glocks and made his way downstairs to meet up with Qhuinn.*
    December 26 at 9:19am · Like · 10
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He glanced over his shoulder at the first heavy footstep hitting the top stair and pushed off the support. Rechecking his weapons, he led the way to the front door and tugged it open, drawing in a hard breath of the cold New York air* You want to take the SUV or demat? *he asked as he stopped in the middle of the graveled drive, his keys handing from his finger*
    December 26 at 9:26am · Like · 10
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He followed Qhuinn outside, and stopped beside him when he heard him ask how they should travel* We should take the SUV, that way there's no need to call for pick-up if anything goes down. We headed to Trade Street tonight? *He walked towards the SUV and got in the passenger seat, while waiting to hear from Qhuinn where they were headed.*
    December 26 at 9:38am · Like · 10
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He pulled open the door and slid behind the wheel and started the ignition. Looking over at him, he cast a fangy grin* You are the lead on this Tohr, not me. Up to you where we go. *Driving out through the gates and Mhis, he took a right and drove towards downtown Caldwell while he waited on further instructions*
    December 26 at 9:43am · Like · 10
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He gave a slight nod towards Qhuinn* Trade Street it is then. *He closed his eyes & put his head back against the seat, and hoped like hell they would find some lessers tonight. He was itching for a fight. He knew with the way Qhuinn drove, it would be no time at all before they were on Trade.*
    December 26 at 9:49am · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he pulled the SUV in, parked it and opened the door. Unzipping his jacket, he re-positioned his holsters and lifted out dagger from his inside pocket. Sliding it down in his shit kicker, he grinned across the hood at Tohr* Time to see if these fuckers can dance. *Leading the way across the road, he ducked into the first alley he came to, ignoring the drunks that called out for spare change and then cussed them up for ignoring them. All he needed was one small scent, a tiny hint that there were Lessers near*
    December 26 at 9:54am · Like · 8
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*As he got out of the SUV, he rechecked all his weapons. Daggers on his chest, Glocks holstered under his arms. He was ready to roll. He inhaled deeply, hoping for the scent of baby powder that meant the enemy was near. He headed down the alley behind Qhuinn, and caught the slightest hint of baby powder. He pulled out one of his Glocks to be ready for the fuckers when they came up on them.*
    December 26 at 10:00am · Like · 7
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He glanced over his shoulder and flashed a grin, unholstering his H&K then changing his mind at the last minute. Reholstering, he reached for the first of his daggers strapped to his lower back and took off at a jog, rounding the next corner and stopping as three Lessers walked into view* Nice night out huh boys? *He grinned and took off running, catching the closest one around the waist and using his greater body weight to put him on the ground. He pulled his arm back and punch down hard into his face, a low growl of approval rumbling in his chest as the black blood exploded across his hand. The Lesser drove a fist into side and locked his legs around him, rolling him flat on his back to crack another punch into his jaw. He shook it off and lifted his legs, hooking them around his neck and pulling him back off him, rolling with him and planting the blade into him. He closed his eyes as light filled the alley and bowed forward as a blade was planted into his side*
    December 26 at 10:08am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He watched Qhuinn take off at a dead run. And swung the muzzle of his Glock around to provide cover if needed. Cover was not needed. To be so young, Qhuinn definitely knew how to fight. He turned to the left and saw another Lesser headed his way. He brought his Glock back to firing positioon, and looked down his barrel directly at the Lesser. He fired off two shots in rapid succession, one to the head, & one to the chest. Not enough to kill, but it would definitely incapacitate the fucker. He pulled out his dagger and started toward the Lesser he had just shot, when the flash of light, no doubt from one of the Lessers Qhuinn was fighting, caught his eye. He turned just in time to see Qhuinn get stabbed. He quickly sent the Lesser back to his maker, and ran over to check on Qhuinn.*
    December 26 at 10:28am · Like · 5
    Qhuinn Lohstrong Behind you *he managed to bite out as he pushed himself to his feet, reaching behind his back and pulling out his second dagger, throwing it handle over blade to catch the Lesser dead center and watch as he too was returned to the Omega. He locked his jaw and pulled the blade from his side, letting it tumble to the concrete with a clatter. He raised his hand and looked at the blood that covered his hand* I hate when those fuckers think it's fun to play with my insides. *he unholstered his H&K and took aim at the Lesser that was beating a retreat towards the end of the alley. Stroking the trigger, he aimed and squeezed, letting the round off and watching as the Lesser tumbled over face first into a pile of trash.* I believe that one is yours *He gave him a fangy grin and hit dirt, passing out before his body hit the ground*
    December 26 at 10:32am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He jogged off, with his dagger in his hand, to end this miserable fucks existence. He planted his dagger in the center of the Lessers chest, wiped the black, inky blood off on his leathers and re-holstered it as he made his way back to Qhuinn. Man, he really did not look good. He bent down to Qhuinn and started to lift him to standing, taking most of Qhuinn's weight on himself* Hey, it's just me. Let's get back to the SUV and get you back to Doc Jane....How's that sound?
    December 26 at 10:46am · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He shook his head and grinned, blood running freely down his side and ending up in his boot, slowly filling the leather* No, I don't need Jane, I can take care of it myself. Just get me back to he mansion. *He swayed and pushed off the Brother, using the wall as a support as they made their back to the SUV. Reaching into his pocket, he tossed the keys across the hood* I think you should drive. *he tugged open the door and all but fell into the passenger seat*
    December 26 at 10:51am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm Ok, no Doc Jane.....*He watched as Qhuinn helped himself slowly to the car. Damn kid should just accept the help when it's offered. A knife to the side is never fun. Qhuinn tossed the keys to him, and he climbed into the SUV to get them back to the manse as quickly as possible, before Qhuinn's boot filled up, and Fritz had to work his magic on the SUV's interior.*
    December 26 at 11:02am · Like · 6
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Once they arrived, he struggled from the SUV, half staggering towards the front door. Pushing it open, he dragged himself up the stairs and along hall into his room which thankfully was empty. Mhisery hadn't returned yet and he was sure Fritz would have a field day with the blood trail he had left behind him. Walking into the bathroom, he stripped off his muscle shirt and let it fall in a sodden heap on the counter. Lifting his arm, he looked down at the wound in the mirror and prodded it with his fingers. Reaching for a medical kit, he propped himself against the counter and started the slow process of stitching his flesh back together though hopefully in a day or two he would be healed enough to take the stitches back out. He knew he should see Jane in case there was internal damage but fuck it, right now he just wanted his female and to rest. Finishing the stitches, he removed the rest of his clothes and cleaned off as much blood as he could before collapsing across the bed*
    Mhisery Muhrdock
    ‎*She ambled up the stairs to the room she shared with Qhuinn, her ass dragging the entire way. The faint sound of the shutters closing for the night didn't even dull the ache of her head. The nightmare of the day still lingering in her mind as her hand held firmly to the banister as she made the long climb. She opened the door and let out a small gasp as she saw Qhuinn suturing a massive wound* What the fuck?
    The Moody Blues - Nights in White Satin
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    Like · · Follow Post · Share · December 26 at 12:53pm
    Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Lucia Ann, Sandy Renner and 3 others like this.
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He lifted his head from the bed and gave her a sheepish smile* Think we might need to invest in new bed linen, pretty sure even Fritz couldn't get the blood of out these. *He pulled himself up right, trying to hide the wince of pain where the wound pulled and dragged himself to his feet. He took a few slow steps across the room and cupped her face in his hands, searching her face before laying a soft kiss to her lips* You look tired
    December 26 at 12:55pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She hugged him carefully, afraid of farther injury and pressed her lips to his only momentarily before pulling back to examine the wound. Her fingers traced the borders lightly* Are you sure you are okay? I'm not worried about the linens *she shucked off her jacket* I'm worried about you. *She looked back up at him* I'll be alright.
    December 26 at 1:00pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He flinched as her fingers traced over the wound* Yeah i am fine, taken a lot worse and I am still standing *grinning he leaned down to whisper in her ear* And what sort of male would I be if I told you that right now it hurts like a son of a bitch and right now the only thing that will make me feel better is taking you in my arms and holding you
    December 26 at 1:03pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She reached up and took him in her arms, trying to make sure that she didn't cause him anymore pain than he was already in. She nuzzled his cheek and whispered close to his ear* You're mine and that is good enough for me. Do you need anything? I can call the doggen or better yet I can get it for you.
    December 26 at 1:09pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he shook his hand and turned towards the bed, pulling back the blood soaked linens and stretching out on the mattress. Reaching for her hand, he tugged her off balance and tumbled her down beside him, instantly, wrapping his arms around her and covering her face in small kisses* I just need you
    December 26 at 1:12pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She toppled down beside him and laughed softly, trying not to press near his injury. She slid into the position his arms tugged her and sighed contently* You have me. I'm right here where I have been since we met. Beside you. *She palmed his cheek* But you do need to feed. *She tilted her head, offering her neck to him*
    December 26 at 1:21pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He rubbed his cheek against hers and traced his lips down the smooth slender column of her throat. Parting his lips, his fangs punched in his mouth. Stroking his tongue across her skin, he slid his teeth into her vein and took a long hard pull. Rolling he, pulled her over his body and sat up, cradling her in his arms. He took another pull from her vein and slid a hand into her hair holding her close to him*
    December 26 at 1:25pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her head lulled back and a soft moan escaped her lips as his fangs slid into her flesh. Her hands gripped his large shoulders until she felt his hands roll her over and sit her upright. She buried both her hands in his hair and held him in place as he took what he needed, she let out a ragged breath and whispered* I love you Nallum, take what you need.
    December 26 at 1:32pm · Like · 4
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he groaned against her skin, surrounded by the scent that was unique to her and he heady taste of her blood on his tongue. He took another few strong pulls and drew back, running his tongue across the wounds to seal them closed. He cupped her face against and slanted his mouth across hers, his tongue slowly stroking into her mouth before pulling back to brush his lips across hers* I love you too leelan and you are all I need
    December 26 at 1:34pm · Like · 4
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked down at him and smiled before brushing her lips across his again* You're all I need. Even if you had absolutely nothing, you would still have me. *Her eyes narrowed on him* Do you understand me?
    December 26 at 1:39pm · Like · 3
    Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave her a sheepish look and nodded his head slowly* I am not the brightest and it takes me a while to catch on but yes, I understand *he brushed his lips once more over hers and tucked her against his chest, closing his eyes and inhaling her scent. She soothed him, even if she didn't realize how much*
    December 26 at 1:43pm · Like · 3
    Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nestled down beside him and traced her fingers over his arm, content just to be beside him*
    Rehvenge Rempoon
    ‎*Tapping his fingers on his case, he sat quietly at his desk. Watching time fly by, as it were. He could see Nalla running in the snow with her dog. That made him smile, a little. Ehlena and he had not spent any time alone since they had returned from her father's. The poor bastard didn't even know her name this time. Called her her mother's name. How the fuck was he supposed to put a proverbial band aid on that owie?? * Oh fuck me. *He groaned as he scrubbed his hands down his hair and over his face. He needed her so very badly. Just to sit in the same fucking vicinity if anything. She didn't even open the ring he bought. He turned and looked at the lone, tiny box under her tree. He knew she was upset, and he wanted to anyfuckingthing to remedy it. He stood and went over to the tree. Bending down, he palmed the velvet box and wet back to sit at his desk. He removed his cuff links on his right wrist and rolled up his sleeve, preparing to do the routine. The tiny box staring at him from the far corner of the desk.*
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*the holidays were coming to a close and she couldn't be happier. things had been far too stressful lately and she couldn't handle much more. she was on the brink of losing it. between keeping her pregnancy a secret, finding out she had another brother, King-Wrath was constantly working and she felt completely....alone. her emotions were on overdrive already due to the hormone fluctuations from the pregnancy and the addition of everything else was just too much. she was angry and hurting and sad.
    she tugged on a tank too and pair of shorts before slipping from her and Wrath's room she headed to a part of the mansion she had never really spent much time in, the training center. pushing in the key code she entered the corridor connected the main house to the TC. as she got to the door of the TC she pushed them open, so glad the room was completely empty. locking the door behind her to keep anyone out, she needed to be alone and needed to work out some of her inner turmoil.
    rolling her neck from side to side while she taped her hands, like she had seen the Brothers do, she walked toward the punching bags. reaching back with her right arm and hits the bag. the sting of the pain in her hand was a bit unsettling, but at the same time, it felt right. she let her feet move from side to side a little as she started hitting the punching bag over and over and over again, each time a little harder. she started to feel her body become covered in a fine sheen of sweat, her heart rate increasing, and for the first time in a long time she felt in control. she wondered if this was what Damon felt when he fought.
    she had no idea how much time had passed when she finally collapsed onto the floor. her knuckles were battered and slightly bloody, her body exhausted. as she sat there everything slammed into her...her fear of losing her young, her anger at losing her father before she knew him, he unease over her knew brother, her worry for all her family, and most of all her intense loneliness and how much she missed her time with her Hellren. pulling her legs tight to her chest she sat on the mat in the TC and did something that she had needed to do for a long time, she cried and let her emotions show through*
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    Jane Bloodletter
    ‎*She leaned over and brushed her lips across Vishous' brow. He was still sleeping after being out on patrol until the hour before daylight. Straightening, she reached for his leather jacket and wrapped it around her body, shoving her feet into a pair of his thick socks and walking outside with Pyro and Rahm into the crisp morning. She sat down on the bench just outside the door and closed her eyes enjoying the first rays of the winter sun caressing her face. The dogs played amongst the flowers, tumbling over each other and barking to the other to get one to chase the other. She was glad of this quiet time after the rush of Christmas and the flu that had struck the family prior to that. It was nice to just spend some time with her Hellren and reconnect.
    Whistling to the dogs, she returned inside, fed and watered them both then walked back into the bedroom. Removing the jacket and socks, she slipped back into the bed and wrapped herself around Vishous' back, content to hold him while he slept*
    Rhage Tohrture
    ‎*Standin' in his bedroom doorway.. he watched Mary sleepin'.. Cohlin and Ahylssa both tucked in beside her...It did him good to see his family like this..together and happy.. the children secure in the knowledge that he and his Shellan loved them even if they were not theirs by bloody.. it made no difference.. they were his young and he would dare anyone to say otherwise..Taking off his clothes.. he took a shower and pulled on a pair of gym shorts.. walkin' back into the bedroom and sliding beneath the covers.. pullin' his family into his arms just as the shutters went down for the day*
    Hayden Vhengeance
    ‎~She had dressed and left her room. She had been keeping to herself since her arrival not wanting to intrude on the goings on of the mansion or those that resided therein. She took the stairs slowly, not really having a direction. She made a right at the bottom of the stairs and stepped into what appeared a common room. She sat down on the couch and a smile presented on her face. The first and last time that she met Damon was here~
    Theory Of A Deadman - Out Of My Head (With Lyrics on video)
    The very good new song of new album The Truth Is... Watch for the lyrics. :)!/erintiano
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · December 27 at 10:58pm
    Isis Nina Negron, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Trez Moor and 4 others like this.
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He walked down the stairs from the room his sister had assigned him to and stopped, the subtle scent of a delicate fragrance catching him as his foot hit the last step. He turned towards it, his heart pounding hard in his chest as he stopped just outside the common room door. It was her, Hayden, the female he had met his first night here and had been burned into his memory ever since. He stood watching her, how her hair framed her beautiful face. How she held herself even though she was relaxed. He bit down on his lower lip, hard enough to draw blood as he stepped further into the room and cleared his throat*
    December 27 at 11:02pm · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She flipped through the channels with the remote that was nearby in a failed attempt to focus her mind on something other than him. Suddenly her rampant thoughts were interrupted by a noise. She whipped her head around quickly to see Damon standing in the room with her. Dear Scribe he was more handsome than she had remembered. He was muscled, but his waist lean. He was tall and the appearance of his fangs pressed against his full lower lip made her shift in her seat as arousal slammed into her core. Her tongue swiped across her lower lip before she spoke.~ Did I disturb you? Or should I not be in this room?
    December 27 at 11:13pm · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*His voice was low, his drawl thick as if he was speaking to a mare that could be spooked by any noise. His steps were sure as he rounded the couch and took in her fully. Fuck, she was beautiful, long hair that he wanted to wrap his hand in, full lips that just begged to be kissed and long legs that he could just imagine wrapped around his waist as he took them both higher and higher until all she could think about was him. He took a seat in the couch opposite her so he could watch her and gave a faint shrug* Not sure I should be here, maybe we are both in the wrong
    December 27 at 11:18pm · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She watched him as he moved to seat himself directly in front of her. The way he moved was like predator. His movements were slow and intentional, his legs long and even through the jeans he wore she could tell they were laden with thick cords of muscle, and right now she would give a limb to see them uncovered and moving toward her. His face was regally arranged with a strong jaw line, high cheek bones and lips that taunted her with thoughts of them trailing over her body, she had to shift in her seat again. What was wrong with her? She watched as his broad shoulders lifted and fell, his thick southern drawl was an erotic expression even in normal conversation. She toyed with the remote as she spoke~ I'm guessing you are new here too?
    December 27 at 11:28pm · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He stretched his legs out, crossing them at the ankles and folding his hands across his stomach. It was taking every ounce of his willpower to keep his cock from leaping behind the fly of his faded out jeans. He rubbed his thumbs against the soft cotton of his checked shirt and lifted his head to meet her eyes* Could say that. My..*He twisted his face* sister, Elizabeth, has asked me to stick around for a while until things settle *Fuck, the more he looked at her the more he wanted to lift her up, move to the large pool table behind them and spend a few hours buried deep inside her. Fuck no, he wanted her in a bed, where he could take his time worshiping her perfect body like she deserved* You?
    December 27 at 11:31pm · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She watched him as he stretched his long legs out and her mind was invaded with images of her straddled his waist, her back arched as his cock impaled her and she moved her hips taking him in and out of her now wet center. The whole scene played through her mind. She wanted to kiss him the entire time she rode him. She wanted his hands on her hips guiding her in the way he wanted her to move over him. She wanted to be nude and pressed against him, her bare breast against the wide frame of his chest. She wanted to moan his name and tell him how good he made her feel. She wanted to release the need he caused in her over the hard shaft of his cock. She wanted to see what his handsome face looked like as he took her, claimed her, and released his seed within the walls of her core. She crossed her legs first one way, then another. ~ The Queen is your sister? Phury and Zee are my cousins, they took me in here after my parents departed to the Fade. ~She shrugged lightly.~ I try to stay out of the way and keep to my chambers.
    December 27 at 11:51pm · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*For the first time in a long time he was glad he was still a country boy at heart. His shirt effectively covering the now hardon he sported behind his jeans. Lifting one leg, he rested his booted foot on the opposite leg and shifted again on the couch. What he wouldn't give for her to come over to him now, to slide those long legs around his waist and whisper in his ear in that smooth voice what she wanted him to do to her. His mouth watered as he imagined her taste, how she would feel against his tongue. What those firm high breasts of hers would feel like in his palms, between his lips. He steeled his jaw for a moment as he imagined just how good her blood would taste if he were to take her vein. He left his breath leave him on a low shudder before he answered* I am sorry to hear of your parents, my mahmen is also in the fade, I never knew my father but now he too is there. This is the first I have left my room since my arrival. I am glad now that I did..
    December 27 at 11:58pm · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She blushed faintly as he spoke. She was glad she decided to left her room, the man of her fantasies and self-pleasure was right before her. She nodded when he mentioned her parents, he was kind to say he was sorry for her lost, many people had said that to her since they passed over, but his tone was genuine. She leaned forward, her elbows on her knees and her chin resting on her opened palms, her gaze focused on his lips as he spoke, the slow drawl of his southern voice luring her in, pulling her toward him. Dear Scribe, every nerve in her body pulsated for him.~ I'm glad I came out too. You are my first conversation here. ~She smiled at him~ I'm sorry to hear about your parents as well. Would you like to do something? Or if you are busy I understand.
    Wednesday at 12:11am · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Do something? Fucking right he wanted to do something but he was pretty sure he would end up with her hand print across his face if he suggested the things that were running through his mind as he watched her.* No Ma'am, I am not busy. No better way than to spend a few hours in a beautiful female's company. What you got in mind? *Getting naked with you, that was the answer he wanted but he was sure as fuck not going to get that answer. Instead he had to sit there, his cock aching, his balls tight as he thought about how she would look beneath her clothes. His hands on her hips, showing her how to ride him. Her back arched and showing off those firm high breasts, her flat stomach and down..he whimpered. The noise while quiet was surely heard in the room*
    Wednesday at 12:15am · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~The faint noise caught her by surprise and concern presented itself across her face. She was scared that she had pressured him and the noise was that of protest. She stood and approached him quickly, laying her hand on his shoulder.~ Are you okay? ~She looked down at him trying to examine him for signs of emotional or physical pain.~ I was going to suggest a movie, or a game, but honestly it's okay if you are not up to it.
    Wednesday at 12:19am · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He closed his eyes briefly, fuck, she was touching him, granted not where he wanted her to touch him but he could feel the heat from her small hand burning through his shirt. He caught himself just in time before he wrapped his hand around her wrist and tumbled her into his lap* Yes Ma'am I am fine, just hit my tongue off a fang, nothing major. *A Movie? Fuck yes he could work with that. Something that would involve her getting close to him.* A Movie sounds good..
    Wednesday at 12:22am · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She nodded in response to the movie, her hand resting longer than it should on his strong shoulder. She could feel the thick cords of his muscles beneath the soft cotton of his shirt, the heat of his body making her body flush with want and desire for him. She wanted him like she had never wanted anyone.~ You can pick what we watch, and we can watch it here or if you would be more comfortable we can watch it in my chambers. My cousins have set up my room with every comfort and luxury. ~The only thing missing from her room was him, naked and a top of him so that she could watch every muscle on his body flex as he pumped into her body.~
    Wednesday at 12:32am · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*Her chambers? Fucking hell, how was he going to keep his hands off her if they were locked in alone, right where there was a bed that would surely be begging him to take her on. But he was curious to see her chambers, to see how she spent her time. To pick up on some clue as to who she was. Yeah, he was fucking lying to himself, he knew he was hoping that the lights dimmed, a movie on that it might lead somewhere. He rose to his feet, his body a few inches from hers as he looked down at her, a question in his gaze though he didn't ask it verbally* The choice is always the females, it is whatever you decide on *He knew he was asking a loaded question but who cared, if she picked up on it, great, if not, he would bide his time*
    Wednesday at 12:39am · Like · 7
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~His body was mere inches from her as he towered above her, if she heaved a heavy sigh her breast would scrape down his broad chest. Her nipples hardened instantly at the thought and her cotton panties went from damp to soaked with need at the low drawl of his question. If the choice were hers she would beg him to take her now. She would get on her knees, look up at him, pop his fly and take his erection deep within the recesses of her mouth in an attempt to coax him into taking her but she couldn't do that. He was the Queen's sister, he was practically royalty within the race. She looked up at him biting her lower lip.~ If I get to choose I would like you to come in my chambers with me. ~The statement was loaded with blatant lust but she didn't care. He brought out the reckless abandonment that she had kept hidden.~ We can watch something scary. ~She bent to the side, her gaze always meeting his as she called the doggen~ Could you please bring up snacks to my room, I am retiring for the evening. ~She sat the phone and removed herself from his personal space and started to the stairs.~ Please come with me.
    Wednesday at 12:48am · Like · 7
    Damon Dhamned ‎*This night was going to kill him, he was pretty damn sure of it, but what a way to go. He took a moment as he back was turned to rearrange himself, tucking his cock behind his waist band and fixing his shirt to cover himself better. He bit back a groan as he turned to watch her lead the way, her hips swaying with each step she took. What he wouldn't give to move in behind her, to feet her ass pressed into him, his mouth against her neck to taste her as he moved a hand down her stomach, into her pants to tease across where he wanted his mouth to be. He swallowed several times and followed her up the stairs to her chambers, each step only reinforcing the ache in his cock* What would you like to watch
    Wednesday at 12:53am · Like · 6
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She checked over her shoulder every few steps and put a little extra sway in her hips until there had reached her door. She opened the chamber's door slowly to reveal her suit. She pointed to the entertainment center.~ Pick whatever you want to watch. ~She made her way to her bed and climbed up, propping her back against the pillows and headboard and crossing her feet at the ankles~
    Thursday at 9:14am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He kneeled down beside her entertainment center and looked over the names listed on the side of each slim box and grinned reaching for one. Sliding it out of the case, he put it in the DVD. Turning, he looked at her leaning back against the pillows and couldn't help but grind his teeth. All he could see was her naked before him, her arms reaching out for him, begging him to join her on the bed. Taking a hard breath, he sat down on the bed and leaned back against the headboard on the opposite side from her and pressed play on the remote. Texas Chainsaw Massacre showing across the screen*
    Thursday at 9:26am · Like · 5
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~Her eyes widened and she gulped at the title as it appeared on the screen. This movie had been given to her a prank gift and she had never seen it. The name alone struck fear in her. She looked over at him and put on a weak smile.~ Is this a good movie?
    Thursday at 9:59am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He turned to look at her and grinned* No not really, but I figure I am a Texan and for all you know I could be a chain saw wielding killer *he flashed her a wink then looked at her again. Fuck she was more beautiful by the minute* Not scared are you?
    Thursday at 10:01am · Like · 5
    Hayden Vhengeance She shook her head, it was probably more to reassure herself than him No not at all. ~She swallowed again~ Are you a chainsaw wielding killer? ~He was right. She was totally attracted to a man she didn't really know. She wanted the unknown stranger to take her right now, rip her clothes off and drive, what she was sure would be a sizable erection, deep into her body and then stay there for hours until she knew everything she needed to know. She was pathetic, but at this point she didn't care, her body reacted to him in ways she had never known~
    Thursday at 10:05am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned Darlin', don't look at me like that *His voice lowered and deepened as he took in the look in her eyes. If he didn't know better he would think she was thinking exactly what he was thinking. Just how good it would be to rip her clothes from her beautiful body, to kiss every inch of it, learn each curve with his fingers and tongue and then, only when she has screamed out his name enough times to make herself hoarse, would he take her, burying himself deep inside her and sating both their passion*
    Thursday at 10:08am · Like · 5
    Hayden Vhengeance Look at you like what? ~Oh for the love of the Scribe he knew. He knew she was panting like an animal in heat for him. She tried shifting on the bed to ease the ache between her thighs, but it was no help. Nothing was. She attempted to look back at the screen, but her head kept turning and she kept looking at him. He was the most handsome male she had ever seen in her life and he was completely unaware of how handsome he was, which only added to his whole appeal.~
    Thursday at 10:12am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned Like you are wondering what it would feel like to have me deep inside you *He had to hold himself still, his fingers tight on the blanket beneath him because if he didn't he would be across the bed in a flash and have her naked beneath him in seconds* Because if you do I will be very tempted to show you because I have been thinking it from the moment I saw you
    Thursday at 10:15am · Like · 5
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~Her cheeks stained crimson and she dropped her head in embarrassment. She looked at him from under her lashes when he spoke and that was it she was gone. A small moan was released at his words. It was a moan of want and anticipation. She bit down on her lower lip and toyed with the comforter as she nodded.~ Yeah I thought about it, a lot.
    Thursday at 10:29am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*He gave a low guttural groan, did he hear her right? or was that just his over active imagination fucking with him again.* And what did you think? *he wanted to hear the words from her gentle voice, he wanted to hear what she wanted. Nothing turned him on more than a vocal woman who knew what did it for her.* Tell me darlin'
    Thursday at 10:32am · Like · 5
    Hayden Vhengeance ‎~She kept her head low and voice even lower as she spoke.~ I thought about what you would feel like inside of me. I thought about how you would feel beneath me, on top of me, and behind me. I thought about what you would look like when and if you came with me. I thought about what you would taste like on my tongue, and on my lips. I thought about what your hands would feel like on me. ~She blushed even deeper with the admission.~
    Thursday at 10:35am · Like · 5
    Damon Dhamned ‎*he paused, his jaw slack when she finished talking. She had just mentioned some of the things he wanted to do to her. He looked at her and gave in, reaching out across the bed and tugging her over beside him as he closed the remaining distance. He looked into her eyes then with a harsh groan covered her mouth with his as his arms wrapped around her slender body. He took his time kissing her, soft but sure, learning the curve of her lower lip, the fullness before pressing his tongue into her mouth and stroking his tongue across hers. Fuck she tasted so fucking good, so right pressed against his chest*
    Thursday at 10:40am · Like · 5
    Tohrment Hharm
    ‎*He woke up, rolled over in bed and stretched out. He hadn't slept that good in who knows how long. Being back on rotation was a good thing. He sat up in bed, and heard his stomach growl.* Food....yes, that's exactly what I need. *After he threw on some workout pants and a black t-shirt, he made his way downstairs to find something to quiet his stomach.*
    Like · · Share · Wednesday at 7:57am ·
    Sandie Baker, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Trez Moor and 11 others like this.
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She turned around as she heard someone enter the kitchen, she smiled shyly as she saw Tohrment. *Good evening, how fare thee? May I get you something to eat?
    Wednesday at 8:13am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He rounded the corner into the kitchen, and was a little shocked to see someone in here already. He looked down at his clothes, wishing he had picked something a little nicer than work-out clothes, to be in the presence of a female of worth. He ran his hand thru his hair as he heard her speak to him* Uhhh, No'One, nice to see you. *He cleared his throat and tried to get his act a bit more together* I am well. How are you? *He motioned to the sandwich makings* If you don't mind making one for me, that would be great. *He smiled and took a seat while he waited for No'One to make the sandwiches*
    Wednesday at 8:22am · Like · 7
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She blushed at the sight of him, even though he looked unkempt he was still handsome* I am well thank you, it is no trouble to make you a sandwich. Would you like tea of coffee to go with that? I have now mastered making both, although Saxton is still wary of taking any hot drinks from me after the little incident. *She bit her lip as she remembered burning him*
    Wednesday at 8:27am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*She really was a sight to behold when she blushed....the soft color on her cheeks really made her glow. He shook his head to be able to concentrate. She was talking to him, but he didn't hear the question....something about a drink..* I'll have whatever you are having. No need to go out of your way for me. You've already made me a sandwich, and of that I am most appreciative.
    Wednesday at 8:35am · Like · 7
    No'One Sampsone ‎*His voice was pure silk, she could listen to it all day. His eyes held a deep sadness, something she knew plenty about. Something about the male called to her, she had no idea why. After what had happened to her she stayed away from the males, but this male made her feel safe. She had forgotten what she was doing* Drink.. yes that's right. I am having tea I will make you some. *She hoped he hadn't realized she had been staring at him. She walked over and placed his sandwiches next to him, his male scent hit her. She had to turn away quickly*
    Wednesday at 8:41am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He watched her turn quickly from him and wondered if she wasn't comfortable around him. He sniffed his shirt. He had showered, so he knew he didn't smell. He decided to let it go for now.* So, how are you enjoying spending time with Xhex? Her & John really work together...ya know?
    Wednesday at 9:00am · Like · 6
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She gathered her thought for a moment, she was shaken at how she had reacted to his scent. Never had she felt like it before, she had no idea why she was feeling it now. She quickly made the tea then sat down next to him* I never thought I would ever see Xhex again, so to be spending time here with her is amazing. I thank the Scribe Virgin every day for letting me be here. I watch her and John together, it brings such warmth to my heart to see my daughter so happy and so loved. John is a good male, my daughter chose well.
    Wednesday at 9:09am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He nodded in agreement. As he took a sip of his tea, then another...his tea was perfect, and he didn't even tell her how he took it.* Xhex and John really are perfect together. And they both deserve each other. *He looked over at her and was surprised to see her staring at him. He smiled* Are you getting along well over here? If you need any assistance, I would be more then happy to help you.
    Wednesday at 9:32am · Like · 7
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She couldn't stop looking at him, she was completely drawn to him. Never had she felt so comfortable with a male. She was happy in his presence and could happily sit talking to him all day.* I am getting used to be over here, I have made quite a few mistakes with the household implements *she blushed* Thank you for your kind offer to help me, I know you are busy and your time is precious. If you need anything I am always around, it would be my pleasure to help you too.
    Wednesday at 9:37am · Like · 7
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*There was that damn blush again. If she was trying to drive him crazy, it sure was working. At least he still knew everything was in working order. He reached down and re-adjusted himself, then began collecting their dirty dishes, and loading the dishwasher.* I hadn't expected company this morning, but I'm glad we ran into each other. I'm heading to the training center now, but perhaps I can show you around the grounds sometime? *He smiled up at her and hoped she would take him up on his offer*
    Wednesday at 10:09am · Like · 7
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She smiled up at him, her heart skipped a few beats. She had to slow down her breathing, she had butterflies in her stomach at the thought of seeing him again and spending time with him* I am glad we ran into each other, it would be wonderful to walk around the grounds together. I shall look forward to it, I hope your training goes well I will be thinking of you. *She blushed yet again, damn that blush of hers. She thought she must look a total idiot*
    Phury Ahgony
    ‎*He was sitting in the Iron Mask office going over the the membership list when suddenly there was a presence behind him. No warning, just there. He whipped around and there stood Trez Moor leaning against the wall with his muscled arms crossed across his mountain of a chest, silent as the moon. * Hey Trez how you doing?
    Like · · Share · Thursday at 1:24pm ·
    Emily Lua, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Sandy Renner and 17 others like this.
    Trez Moor ‎*he picks up a familiar scent and decides to follow it. comes into the back office and see's the Brother Phury going over some paper works.So instead of disturbing him, he rest his back against the wall and crosses his arms over his massive chest and stands guard over the Brother, not that he need's a bodyguard but it was in the Shadow's nature to be a protector of sort* Sup P, anything interesting doin with the Fans?
    Thursday at 1:28pm · Like · 16
    Phury Ahgony No everything is cool. it was a little slow before the holidays but is picking up again. The party was a big success and we made several friends from that. So all in all everything is good. Blaylock and Saxton will be having their union ceremony here but have announced the date publicly yet. Is there anything you need me to do?
    Thursday at 1:41pm · Like · 14
    Trez Moor ‎*stands to his full height as his chest expands from gratitude listening to the brother speak. He couldn't of been more proud and honored of the Excellent job Phury has been keeping with the fans and his Lady, the Iron Mask* You have done an Excellent job. Just keep me updated with the doings of the Mask. I will handle the business aspects of it. But if you do not mind continuing on as you have been.
    Thursday at 1:49pm · Like · 14
    Phury Ahgony ‎*Nods at the shadow* it's my pleasure. and truly an honor that you allow me to be a fan ambassador for the family. I will continue to do keep you updated and let you know of any issues. Maybe we can get together for dinner at Sal's some nite. Cormia and I really need to get out. Or you could at least stop by. We'll see you there if you decide to. *He knew that he was the closest vampire to the Moore besides Rehv and Xhex but he didn't really expect him to join them for dinner. He also knew that as silently as he had appeared the Shadow would disappear leaving him to his his paperwork once more*
    Thursday at 2:04pm · Like · 13
    Trez Moor ‎*As he hears Phury's invite to break bread with him, his eyes begins to illuminate telling him that he has truly found a friend in the Brother. This was the closest The Shadow has come to a Vampire besides Rehv and Xhex and it measures more than words can express..He see's that the brother has a lot of paper work to tend to so he decides to do like a shadow and phase out*
    Zee Ahgony
    ‎*he kept starting the email and then deleting it. He was getting more pissed off by the fucking minute. First of all, computers were still something he avoided. Even the spell checker bullshit didn't mean he wouldn't sound stupid, and using a computer just meant no one had to try to read his shitty handwriting. Maybe he should just have Bella write it for him. But then, that would mean laying this shit bare for his shellan. And while she was welcome to any and all parts of his life, he wanted to prove to her he was still working on fixing his many fucking flaws. And that meant he had to do this shit himself. Besides, how hard could it be to write a fucking email to his twin? Fuck knew, Phury had seen him at his worst. Fuck it. Forget it. Besides, he didn't have time for this bullshit, he was on rotation tonight.*
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Yesterday at 12:32am
    Elizabeth Randall, Phury Ahgony, Isis Nina Negron and 12 others like this.
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He turned the computer on and started again. He fucking felt like a coward for giving up, and Scribe knew, he was no fucking coward. He decided to give up sounding smart and just get to the fucking point. Yeah, that always worked best for him. He painstakingly typed out the email using his slow as fuck hunt and peck typing method that always made Vishous nutty when he saw it. In fact, thinking of how much that shit drove V crazy brought a slight grin to his face and improved his mood a little, making it easier to go forward with it*
    I just wanted to say a couple of things. I don't want to talk and shit, but I had made some promises and so here goes. One of the things I vowed was to try and be a better person. Well, you promised to stop drinking and doing drugs, and you have. You kept your promise, and I am.... proud of you. So I have been trying to keep my promise as well. I promised to be less of a mean motherfucker so here goes. I am surprised you haven't gone back to doing drugs. I thought you would not be able to stop. I am glad you have Cormia and Aggie, I think that they have helped you stay sober. I thought you would be dead by now. I am glad you are still here, and that you are Primale. You are doing well for the race. Also, what you did for me.. all of it. I get it, and thanks. I mean, I thank you.
    *He started to re-read it and then changed his mind. If he read the thing, he would feel like an asshole and delete it. It would never get done. Before he could think further he hit SEND and turned off the computer. He put on his daggers and checked over his matching Sigs once more and dematted downtown.*
    Yesterday at 1:34am · Like · 9
    Devil May Cry 3 Battle Theme Music
    This is the battle theme music with some awsome gameplay pictures.well, the titl...
    See More
    Yesterday at 1:41am · Like · 6 ·
    Zee Ahgony ‎*arriving downtown, he knew better than to fight alone. Shit was forbidden. He needed to get out of his own fucking head though, so he continued. He told himself he wasn't actively looking for shit, just keeping an eye on things. And wouldn't you know it.. after about 5 blocks he sensed them... Just two lessers. Fucking cake. They were wandering aimlessly it seemed, much like he was. They had been initiated a fair length of time, judging by how paled out they were. He began to be more deliberate in his movements, fully aware they knew they were being herded. He needed to get them away from human eyes, so they could truly get this shit started. No need to break every fucking rule tonight. Come on... come on... need a fucking alley, now. His entire body was on full fucking alert, tingling in anticipation of fucking these two up beyond repair. There! The lessers entered the alleyway and turned to him, as lit up by the idea of taking home a brother as he was by the idea of sending back to the fucking Omega*
    Yesterday at 1:46am · Like · 8
    Zee Ahgony ‎*without hesitation he ran at the nearest lesser, using his favorite weapons. There was nothing as satisfying the feel of his hands on them, fucking them up, and it was no different this time as he grabbed the thing by the head. It was clearly surprised to be caught so quickly, and he didn't hesitate to use that. He cranked the things head until he felt the satisfying crunch of it's neck breaking. He dropped it to writhe around on the ground while he attended to the other one. This one was on the offense already, and had a gun in hand and aimed right for his fucking head. Ducking low, he went at it head on. He avoided the first two shots but the third one winged his thigh as he moved into fighting range. It felt like fire lancing through his skin and into his muscle. And fucking pissed him off. With a loud growl, he grabbed for his dagger. The thing shot a few more times but missed, and threw the gun when he realized it was empty. He didn't give it a chance to reach for another gun, burying his dagger deep within it's gut. The thing fought back, dirty. It grabbed ahold of the bullet wound it had inflicted and squeezed hard, as stars exploded in front of his eyes and the pain made him momentarily breathless. After a moment he recovered and twisted the handle of the dagger, leaning forward and and biting it out of sheer rage. When the thing loosened it's grip, he drew back the dagger and then nailed it once more in the chest, poofing it back to it's maker. Turning and moving slowly back to the incapacitate lesser, he leaned over and sent that one back as well. He knew it was going to piss Butch off, but the cop was busy and that was too fucking bad. He turned and began to head home, hopefully to clean up before Bella saw him. Or any of the Brothers for that matter. One thing was good, his head was much clearer now.*
    Elizabeth Randall
    ‎*she was pacing outside of King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's office, she knew she needed to go in and tell him about her brother Damon, but she just didn't know what she was even going to say to him yet. She didn't have any proof yet really, that he was her brother. She heard him call her name, damn she should have known he would scent her being this close. opening the door slowly she walked in and stayed by the door* Hello love.
    Like · · Follow Post · 16 hours ago
    John Matthew Tehrror, Phury Ahgony, Boo Randall and 9 others like this.
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He'd been concentrating on his work when Beth's scent had filled his nostrils. The reaction was immediate: he got hard. It had been a very long time since his female had approached him in his office. He knew that he was the worst hellren a female could imagine but the goddamn work had to be done. He looked up without seeing anything but the smile disappeared. Something was wrong. He could smell it* What is going on, Beth?
    16 hours ago · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*he knew her better than anyone ever had. She felt so lucky to have him as her Hellren. As he looked at her and she saw his smile disappear she knew he had read her emotions already. she sighed* It's times like this I wish you didn't know my emotions so well *walking over to him she leaned against his desk* I need to talk to you about something Wrath, and I don't think you are going to be happy about it.
    16 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*His frown deepened. if she started like this, this conversation would be going to be interesting.* What kind of trouble are we talking about? *He took a deep breath. No, his shellan wasn't in pain or feeling uncomfortable. That was a good thing but he still couldn't get rid of the feeling that he would lose his temper tonight but for his pregnant female he would try to keep it together*
    16 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she could see his expression getting worse. Taking a deep breath she figured it was better to just blurt it all out then to beat around the bush here* Well, Wrath, apparently Darius had another son, Damon Dhamned, he has papers from a lawyer and contacted me via the emergency number for the Brotherhood. *practically running over the next words* I invited him to stay here with us until we can figure it all out. He has been here for a few days now staying in one of the guest rooms *holding her breath she waited for his response*
    16 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath WHAT?! *Automatically his first slammed on the desk* Are you seriously telling me that some random guy has been living with us and nobody told me? Fuck, leelan, you were damn right I'mm not happy to hear that. *He took a deep breath and tried to calm down. But he was tired and had a headache so it didn't work too good* So he called you and told you he's D's son, huh? Are you seriously telling me that you invited a complete stranger into this house?
    16 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she jumped slightly as he hit his fists on his desk and closed her eyes* Yes Nallum, I'm sorry i didn't know what else to do. He said he needed protection, and I just couldn't let him not come here knowing he needed family. I have seen the papers and they do seem legit. They are from a Glymera lawyer and had the family line and everything in them. *sighing heavily* I just didn't know what else to do.
    16 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath I don't care if they're from a Glymera lawyer or a bum! they might be fake and now this guy is in our home, threatening MY family with his presence! Honestly Beth, I thought we could talk about everything and now you invite a complete stranger into our home. What happens if all this is a lie? What if he isn't your brother? *He shook his head and sighed. Females were difficult*
    16 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she pulled away from the desk and walked to one of the windows* Wrath I'm sorry. I know it was a mistake, but I didn't know what else to do. *wrapping her arms around herself* I had a few Doggen to pick him up, he has no idea where the mansion is. I'm sorry, I don't know what else to say. I grew up with no family, and couldn't handle the possibility of letting a brother slip through my fingers.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He sighed and although he knew he was right he felt guilty for being so cruel. Slowly he stood up and followed the sound of her voice. gently he pulled her into his arms and kissed her hair.* I understand you, leelan. I'm just worried about you and the young. And I don't want him to hurt you if he should be lying. Don't get your hopes up. *He stroked her belly* But I'll torture the bastard to death if he's not your brother.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*letting her head rest on his chest* I know I should have talked to you first, and I'm sorry for that. He seemed very honest when we were talking. I don't think he is lying to me. *smiling as he stroked her swollen belly* I know you will, and I don't think he is dumb enough to screw with the King. I think we should have Jane, do a blood test like she did with John Matthew so we can be sure of the family ties.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath I want his blood checked ASAP. I don't want him to know too much about the brothers just in case. I'll make sure that the doggen keep an eye on him just in case. If he's your brother he's welcome to stay at the mansion as long as he wants. *kissing the side of her neck he had the need to take her blood but that was not going to happen* I want you to be safe. No matter what.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall I agree, I will speak with Damon and then Jane as soon as possible. *shivering as he kissed her vein* I know you do love, and I want me safe, and that is what I want as well. For all of us to safe. *smirking a little* This may help you feel better, Damon did come to me on the human holiday, Christmas, he came in and danced with me. He somehow knew immediately about the young, and promised to never let anyone hurt me or our young.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Growling he pulled her closer* I don't want him near you as long as we don't know who he really is. Stay away from him. I will talk to the guy for sure. Nobody comes into the house of my family without talking to me. *He grumbled. This guy was doing a good job ruining his position as a king. He had the feeling that he was losing the respect of his family. Shaking his head he concentrated on his female* I should have been there for you and I wasn't. I'm sorry, leelan.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall Nallum, I really do no think he will harm me, but I will do as you wish. I would like to be here when you speak to him though. He does not handle authority well I have a feeling. *stroking his hair away from his face, she softly kisses his lips* I know you have been busy, you are here now and your work is lessening a little with the holidays and year ending. *easing her head on to his chest* I won't lie though mine Hellren, I have missed you and need you. *remembering her break down a few days ago* I just love you so much and hate not being with you.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Thank you. *He lifted her up and kissed her deeply* I love you so fucking much, Beth. I want you to be happy. I want you to enjoy being pregnant. *shoving the papers away he placed her on his desk and kissed her gently before taking George's leash and getting him out of the room. He knew his office well enough to find the way back to his shellan. With a grin he kissed her again*
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*returning his kiss* I want that too, and I want you to enjoy it as well. *she knew that was unlikely but she could hope. watching as he shoved everything off his desk before carrying her over and placing her there. he led George out of the office and she grinned wide knowing what was on his mind. as he walked back to the desk she just smiled and kissed him again. wrapping her arms around his neck* I have missed you so very much mine Hellren *leaning into him she whispered* Make love to me Wrath, I need to feel your skin on mine.
    15 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath There's no place I'd rather be than between your thighs, leelan. *slowly he took off her pants and panties. Her core was already wet and hot for him. With a grin he rubbed her with his hand before putting a finger deep into her. Slowly he stroked her while he took off his leathers so he could enter her. He pulled his finger out of her only to replace them with a fast and hard slam of his cock*
    14 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*she couldn't help but grin at his words. as he pulled of her pants and panties in on swift motion, his finger inside her causing her to whimper for more. watching as he took off his leathers, his cock hard and ready. feeling his finger slipping out quickly being replaced by his shaft. moaning low he felt so good* Oh God Wrath, yes. *feeling him start to move in and out of her, she leaned back on the desk, resting on her arms, she began to rock her hips against his*
    14 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He growled loudly as he started thrusting into her. Gone was the headache. The way her body moved against his was everything he needed. his fingers found their way under her shirt and he teased her nipples gently knowing they'd hypersensitive. Now he his thrusts got harder and faster, marking her with his bonding scent. He pressed his chest against her boobs and offered her his vein* Take my blood, leelan. Take it.
    14 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*moaning as she felt his fingers teasing her hard nipples. his thrusts working in and out of her harder and faster. her body needed this closeness, needed to feel him. she smelled his bonding scent fill the room, damn did she love that smell. as he pressed his body down to hers and his vein was right there, her fangs dropped. she couldn't fight the urge, especially since she had been pregnant. licking up his vein she groaned. sinking her fangs into his neck she shuddered as his rich full flavored blood filled her mouth*
    14 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He came hard the moment she bit him and growled loudly as his orgasm shook both of them hard. His seed spilled into her, and caused a lot of mess. But he continued riding her until she was finished feeding and would come too. He loved the feeling of her fangs in his neck* I love you. *He groaned and continued thrusting into her*
    14 hours ago · Like · 7
    Elizabeth Randall ‎*feeling him release deep into her core she cried out against his neck as she took long deep pulls from his vein. as his release began to slow her own came barreling through her. letting go of her hold on his neck she quickly sealed the wound with her tongue and screamed his name over and over again. as he continued to pump in and out of her as she rode out her release she pulled him to her and kissed him* I love you too Wrath, more than anything in this world. *as their bodies relaxed together, he pulled her into his chair, their bodies still joined, she laid her head on his chest*
    14 hours ago · Like · 8
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath I think we both needed this. *He stroked and kissed her hair. His hands slid down her back and squeezed her ass* Mine. I love you, shellan mine. *his lips found hers and he kissed her over and over again exploring her mouth with his tongue* Forever mine. *He could feel her boobs against his chest and the love they shared*
    14 hours ago · Like · 8
    Elizabeth Randall Yes we did love *they had been apart for far too long, they needed each other more than normal people needed each other. feeling his hand slide down and grab her ass she giggle. he always did love her ass* Yes I am, and you are Mine, no matter what. I love you too mine Hellren. *as he covered her lips with his she could not help but smile* Forever and always *holding tight to him, she didn't want to ever let him go*

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  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Boo RandallButch O'Neal
    ‎* As he was walking through the hall checking out the perfectly sculpted statues, he comes across a room that has a door that was cracked open. He peeks in and lets out a soft Meow and no one answers. He walks in to explore and realizes that it is Butch's room. He jumps up on the bed and proceeds to fluff the pillows, curl in a ball and relax for a little bit. After a few minutes of silence he decides to fuck around with Butch, he strolls over to the closet and pulls out his shitkickes and decides to claw the shoelaces until they break into a few pieces. He starts playing with the shoelaces jumping on them, throwing them in the air and one part ends up on the night stand, another on the edge of the bed and the rest was scattered around the room. He hears footsteps coming around the corner so he bolts for the door, down the hall and rests in his corner in Wrath and Elizabeth’s bedroom like nothing happened.*
    Like · · See Friendship · Wednesday at 12:25pm ·
    Zee Ahgony, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Trez Moor and 9 others like this.
    Boo Randall ‎*While sleeping in the corner of his room, he pokes his head up and decides to go back and see what else he can play with. He peeks back in Butch's room and doesn't sense anyone in there. He strolls over to the closet and sees and Redsox tshirt hanging. He keep jumping and swatting at it until it falls off the hook and falls on his head. He freaks out and starts clawing until the shirt is off of him and now there is pieces of the shirt scattered inside the closet. he then turns his attention to a nice pair of Prada Loafers, he puts them in his mouth and brings them over to the middle of Butch's room and jumps on top of them and starts scratching. He rolls back and forth with the loafers between his paws and cutting deeper with each swift swipe. He feels that it's probably better to go now so he pokes his head out of the door way and doesn't see anyone and bolts for his room to get some well deserved food*
    Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*Christmas was a Human holiday he had had no dealings with in the past. The Doggen decorated the Inn and before that, nothing. He had never seen so much love and togetherness as he had that night, here in his new home. Everyone was smiling and the young played till all hours of the day. He received gifts from all, and was stunned. He was accepted. Elizabeth had even requested his presence for a little talk soon. He felt the love in the manse they all had for each other, and felt blessed by the Scribe to have been there to see it. experience it. Now, was the time to amend with the Brothers and start his life anew. The new year looked promising and he was looking forward to being a part of a family again. Standing by the window, he spied a young and her puppy playing in the snow and smiled. He fingered the fog on the window for a bit and decided to seek out the Queen later in the eve after first meal.*

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