Monday, April 2, 2012

The Sex Olympics (Excerpts from Mhisery's Needing)

Vishous Bloodletter‎*He say at the desk, his toys before him, and checked the security of the place. He was using his eyes, as his mind traveled to Qhuinn. He wanted to help the but he didn't know how and truth be known he didn't know how Qball would react. The last time he saw him, he had hit him and then strapped him down so he couldn't get away and do something stupid that would cost him his life. He had checked on the Brother several times when he was sleeping but didn't know if the brother could forgive him for strapping him down. He made up his mind that he would speak to the brother when he was ready to talk. He took a hand rolled from his pocked and fired it up, hoping that Qball would soon return to them as he was before*Unlike · · Follow Post · October 15 at 6:55pmYou, Lassiter The-Fallen, Saxton Thym, Elizabeth Randall and 13 others like this.

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He was waiting for Jane to return from Safe Place, so he could get the latest updates on Q-ball. He switched off the computers and went to the bar, pouring himself a glass of Goose. He hated feeling confined but it was daylight out and he couldn't do anywhere. He took a long slow pull from the glass and then lit another hand rolled. The smell of Turkish tobacco feeling the air. He mumbled to himself* This shit is fucked up. I need to get out of here.October 15 at 8:42pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She stored her bag in the hall closet, hanging her coat up on one of the hooks and sliding her feet out of her shoes. Setting the pile of files that she needed to review before going back again on Monday on the hall table she called out for her Hellren as she wriggled her toes into the soft mat that covered the hardwood floor * Vishous? Are you here? *She rounded the corner and smiled seeing him standing at the bar, the room already filling with the smell of his tobacco*October 15 at 8:59pm · Like · 7

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*His face broke out in a fanged grin as he saw his shellan round the corner. He wondered for a moment if she even knew just how fucking beautiful she was. He lifted his glass to his mouth and took a sallow form his glass* Hey leelan, what's doing with Qball? *He hoped the brother was doing well, the guilt of having to hit him and tie him down was eating at him*October 15 at 9:05pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She walked across the room and leaned up to brush a kiss against his cheek then settled back against the bar* He is doing much better, so much so that I am confident that I can release him this evening, tomorrow at the latest. He seems more settled than I have seen him in a long time, more comfortable in his own skin but I would like for him to take some sessions with Mary and my recommendation is that he not return to patrol for another week. Physically he is fine though, no lasting effects from the sedation and the small wounds he had have all healed perfectlyOctober 15 at 9:09pm · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He dipped his head low and brushed his lips across hers, his fangs catching her bottom lip, a small fanged grin flashing on his face* I'm glad to hear he is doing better, I uh well I felt kinda bad for hitting him and tying him up, feel me? *He wrapped an arm around her small waist and brought her closer to him, pressing her body against his, and resting his head on top of hers* I think him talking to Mary would be a good thing for him, true that and we can do without him for awhile until he is better, feel me?October 15 at 9:18pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*she wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned into him, her face pressing against his shirt and inhaling the scent of turkish tobacco and the underlying scent of his aftershave* He understands that it wasn't real, that the Omega is not his father but I think speaking with her might help whatever triggered this in the first place. Unless you think you could help with talking to him too since you found him with the last Lesser?October 15 at 9:21pm · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter Ah leelan, I'm not exactly one for talking about my feelings true and so I don't think that me talking to him will do any good, feel me. *He leaned back and gave her a wink* I just recently started telling you some of the shit in my head and that is hard enough, I dunno that I can do that with anyone else, feel me? But I will keep an eye on him when we are out on rotations, true. *He took another drink from his glass and stamped out the hand rolled*October 15 at 9:32pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She moved away from him and further into the open plan kitchen, reaching for a pot and pouring some milk into it. Setting it on the cooker, she started the heat and reached for a large mug and her hot chocolate mix* Maybe not talk about your feelings but make the young man understand that he is not to be embarrassed by this. That what happened was not his fault in a way. *she poured the milk into the mug and stirred in the chocolate and walked back to stand beside him* And you are getting better, you should give yourself more credit for that darlingOctober 15 at 9:37pm · Like · 7

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He got out another hand rolled and lit up* I can tell him there is no shame in what the fuck happened, true. It wasn't his fault, the fuck the Omega is a sneaky bastard, feel me? He just used Qball cause that is what the fuck does. *he watched her with the hot chocolate* Leelan I could have made that for you. *He blew out a small stream of smoke into the air and flashed her a fanged grin*October 15 at 9:44pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled up at him and blew across the steaming mug* I know you could have but you just looked content propping up the bar, and I like seeing you relaxed like this. You have looked tense from this all happened. You have to know you did what anyone would have done to try and get some sense into the boy. Don't beat yourself up over it, it is not healthy. *she raised the mug to her lips and took a small sip, sighing in appreciation*October 15 at 9:47pm · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He watches as her lips parted and blew a light breath across her mug. He couldn't help but flash a fanged grin when she signed after the first sip. He strode over to sit next to her with his glass of Goose firmly in hand* So you have a rough day?October 15 at 9:56pm · Like · 7

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She leaned against him and took another sip, watching as Pyro lifted his head from his bed, looked at her and promptly curled back up to sleep* I neglected going to Safe Place while I had Qhuinn in isolation and coming up to winter there are the usual falls and other minor ailments coming in and out. Thankfully there are only a few females and their young in the facility at the moment. Marissa works tirelesly at getting them rehomed especially coming up to ChristmasOctober 15 at 10:00pm · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He reached an arm around her and tucked her closer to his body. His hand sliding slowly up and down her arm. He watches as Pyro's head popped up and then back down to sleep* You work too hard leelan, feel me? You need to take a break, true. *He stretched his legs out in front of him and crossed one over the other at the ankle*October 15 at 10:12pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter I enjoy my work though darling, while it is different from what I dealt with in St Francis, I wouldn't trade anything about this life for my old life. Its not just the fascination between the two species anymore, I have got to know some of the patients, grown.. *she took a mouthful from her mug and lowered her voice slightly* fond of them I suppose. I want to be the best doctor that you and the Brotherhood can have and if that means a few extra hours here and there to keep on top of new equipment and techniques then in the long run it is for the great good no?October 15 at 10:16pm · Like · 7

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He looked at her as she spoke, his eyes filled with pride as she spoke* Leelan you are the greater good. *He pulled her forward and pressed his lips against her forehead. She was his perfect fit, in every way and even though his mother had royally fucked him before, she had done good where Jane was concerned. He placed a palm on her cheek and tilted her head upward so he could brush his lips across hers once, twice, and on the third time he kissed her deeply*October 15 at 10:26pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled against his lips, wrapping her free arm around his neck and surrendering her weight to his larger frame. She threaded her fingers into the back of his hair, holding him close to her as she kissed him back. She gently stroked her tongue into his mouth, teasing across one of his fangs before stroking her tongue over his. He tasted just how he always did, turkish smoke, goose, toothpaste and the very taste that was her Hellren. She was truthful in what she said, there was nothing she would trade to go back to when she was alive*October 15 at 10:32pm · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He deepened the kiss and she mind as well be stroking his cock with her tongue when she did it to his fang. It had the same effect. He slid his hand from her face to the back of her head as he moved his head from one side to the other, his tongue exploring every inch of her warm mouth. He pulled back from the kiss and looked at her, his fangs and his cock aching* Leelan you have a few seconds to finish that hot chocolate and then we are going to be, feel me? *He took her hand and placed it over his leathers where his cock was straining painfully*October 15 at 10:39pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She grinned up at him, her hand moving surely across his leather covered cock as she raised the mug to her mouth and took a deliberately slow mouthful, holding it in her mouth then slowly swallowing* Are you tired darling? *She gave him a wicked grin opening the first button of his leathers and stroking the pad of her thumb across the head of his cock the showed at his waistband* You want to have an early night and get some sleep?October 15 at 10:45pm · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*A low growl rumbled in his chest* Leelan I'm gonna take you to be alright but when we get there, sleep will not be involved feel me? I'm gonna strip those *he scanned his eyes over her body* clothes off of you. I'm gonna spend about an hour or so tasting you then I'm gonna make you scream my name until you are hoarse. That's my plans for the evening but if you wanna sleep, you can skip that, true? *he flashed a fanged grin as he lifted his hips and pushed his erection past the waist band and into her palm*October 15 at 10:51pm · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She grinned at him as if considering his words then quickly drained her mug, setting it on the low coffee table and rising to her feet. Reaching for the front bottoms of her blouse, she slowly flicked open each one, then let slide down her arms to fall in a pool on the floor. Reaching behind her she unfastened her bra, winked at him and threw it towards him before taking off at a run towards their bedroom* I for one am not sleepy, but you might just beOctober 15 at 10:57pm · Like · 7

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He pushed off the couch and stared at her for a moment, before her took off after her. He made the short distance in long strides in seconds and caught her around the waist. He threw her over his shoulder and planted his hand firmly on her ass* No where near tired leelan. *He strode into the bedroom and kicked the door closed with his shit kicker*October 15 at 11:05pm · Like · 7

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She roared with laughter as he threw her over his shoulder* You sure darling? At your age I do worry *She laughed harder holding onto the back of his pants, sliding one hand down to grope and fondle his ass cheek, the other pushing up his top to score her nails across his flesh*
 Vishous Bloodletter‎*He work up with his cock throbbing and stiff. This was nothing new for him, but something was different. As the shutters went up for the night he knew exactly what it was. Someone was in needing. Fuck. He rolled over and pulled Jane close to him, his his hips grinding his cock into her firm ass as he nuzzled her neck* Leelan you up?Unlike · · Follow Post · Friday at 8:18amYou, Phury Ahgony, Pheonia Chosen, Anna Miller and 7 others like this.

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She slowly opened her eyes, pressing her ass back against the hard length of his cock. Her lips curved into a smile as moved her arm back to slide down the muscled length of his thigh* I see you are my love *she turned her head to look over him in the dim light of the room, her gaze tracking over his features, her smile growing fuller as she took in the features of the person she loved more than anything in this world*Friday at 8:33am · Like · 9

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer. He splayed his fingers out and flexed them to fist the thin material of his shirt that she had been sleeping in. Each movement of his hand raising it farther up her thighs and past her lean hips. His hand made contact with the warm skin of her flat stomach and it was on. His palm dipped under the top and moved up her ribs to cup her breast. The action causing the shirt to move up farther in the back so that his naked cock rested comfortably against her bare ass. He growled low in her ear as his hand found her pert nipple* Leelan *His other hand snaked under her hip so that she was encircled in his arms. The other hand dipping between her thighs to raise her leg back and over his thigh* If you are tired you tell me now and I will go to the penthouse to take care of this shit but you have about three seconds to make the choiceFriday at 8:41am · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter She gave a faint shiver as his hands tracked over her body. No matter how many times they came together, his still had the power to have every nerve in her body totally in tune with his. Her body grew damp between her thighs as he lift it back and spoke against her skin* I am not tired. I am hungry for you *she gave a not so suble roll to her hips, letting his cock slide through her cheeks as she reached a hand over her shoulder to thread into his dark hair drawing his mouth closer to her skin. Her nipple grew harder, almost painful beneath the pluck of his fingers and it drew a low moan from her throat.* I need you Vishous *she turned her head and rubbed her cheek against the bristled side of his face*Friday at 8:50am · Like · 9

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He rolled to his back with a groan as her hips rolled against his cock. It wasn't his way to just dive into her, no matter how much he wanted too. The prolonging and anticipation was half the fun. He reached in the night stand and retrieved a bondage strap. He rolled back to her where his front was to her back. The fucking white shirt of his had to go. He snagged the top of the collar with his fangs and then pulled the tear he made apart with his hand. Leaving her entire back exposed to him. He placed a palm on her hip and ran it slowly up across the dip of her waist the rise of her ribs cage the swell of her breast and catching her arm to hold it above her head. He caught the other arm in the same fashion and bound them both above her head and secured them both with the leather bondage strap. He dragged his fangs over the tender skin of her shoulder and growled* MINE *as he ground his cock into her*Friday at 9:17am · Like · 9

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a faint grumble of protest, even though they had done this many times over the years they had been together, it was still not in her nature to fully submit to him.. The strong side of her always welled up and made her want to struggle and fight against this, even though they both know the only time she was in control was when he allowed it. She rolled her hips against him, keeping her back to his broad chest, and rehooked her leg over his lean hip. She wanted to touch him, her mouth watered for a taste of him, her fingers clenched even though her wrists were bound. She wanted to have her hands, her lips even her blunt human teeth against his skin but for now she bide her time.* I have always been yours *she moaned quietly, the feel of his teeth against her shoulder making her whole body shiver*Friday at 9:25am · Like · 9

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He grinned against the soft skin of her back as she hooked her leg over his thigh. She wanted him and he wanted her but that little action would cost her. He palmed his cock and slid it between her thighs as she had her leg over his thigh he slid easily between her wet folds, coating his cock in the moist heat of her sex. He growled low in his throat and drug his fangs across her shoulder and up the column of her neck. His cock slid through her wet folds and his shaft stroked her clit. He caught her earlobe between his fangs as he spoke* Leelan I want you dizzy and unable to think of anything but me and wonder what I'm gonna do to your body next, feel me? *His arms re-circled her and palmed her breast, kneeding them and toying with her hard nipples* That's right leelan give in.Friday at 9:39am · Like · 9

Jane Bloodletter ‎*Goosebumps broke out across her skin and as much as she wanted to angle her hips and let him stroke closer to where she wanted him, she wouldn't. She did this every time they came together, she fought against the need to submit and kept holding tight to the need to dominate. She jerked in his arms as the blunt head of his cock bumped against her clit and this time she did give a faint rock of her hips, stroking his cock between the damp folds of her body to nudge against her clit again. As much as she enjoyed the foreplay with him, she knew he did it to drive her higher and higher, to show her how he controled her body. And control her he did. He knew the exat place to touch her, to kiss her, the words to say that would push her higher then have her tumbling over the edge. She was stuck, there was nowhere for her to move until he choose to let her. Instead she contented heself to stroked herself against the hard hot length of his cock, though she was unsure if she teased herself more than him*Friday at 9:52am · Like · 9

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*The stroke of his cock through her wet folds made him groan low. He had to use his restraint to pull away if he didn't he would be inside of her buried to the hilt in no time. With a growl of protest he pulled his cock from between her thighs and moved over to the side of the bed. He looked in the drawer of the night stand and pulled out a blind fold. He walked around the edge of the bed, his hand pumping up and down on his cock. It would be the last sight she took in before he covered her eyes with the blind fold and turned her world to dark. He grinned down at her as he continued to fist his cock. He placed one knee on the bed and lean forward. He stroked the head of his cock across her lips* Open leelanFriday at 10:02am · Like · 9

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She watched him prowl around the bed like the predator he was, his hand stroking over his cock where she wanted hers to be. The sound of the drawer opening shot her gaze towards it and her brow raised as she pulled out the length of material he normally used to blindfold her. Her teeth worked across her lower lip as she watched him, her hips lifting of their own accord, her hips giving a slow role as if to try and beg him back yet she spoke no words. As his cock stroked across her lips, her tongue darted out and flicked against the tip, catching the small bead of moisture with a low moan. Parting her lips further, she met his piercing eyes and took the head into her mouth, her tongue swirling around it and flicking slowly against the vein that ran underneath. Pulling back, she rasped her tongue across the head again and whispered* More..Friday at 10:09am · Like · 9

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*She asked for more and he was more than willing to oblige her. He slid the length of his cock in her hot mouth with his hand fisting her hair and showing her where and how he wanted her to move over him. His hand slid down the length of her body and poised between her thighs. He growled out* Open leelan *He didn't wait for her to submit before he buried his hand in her wet sex. Two of his fingers dipping deep in her sex. He pumped them out of her body to match the motion of his cock in her mouth. Height had it's advantages and he used it bending at the waist to capture her pert nipple in his mouth. His tongue moved in circles over the hard peek as he sucked and tugged, raking his fangs across the flesh*Friday at 10:24am · Like · 9

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She could see nothing, all her senses where now heightened on her other four. She let him guide her, her lips firm around his shaft, her tongue working across his length as she drew her up. She arched her back, offering her breasts up to him, her hands tightening into fists since she couldn't slide her hand into his hair to hold him to her. She parted her legs and pressed her feet into the soft mattress, lifting her hips and thrusting back against the pump of his fingers. Her pussy clamped around his fingers as she worked her hips, wetness welling and covering him. She had no shame, she knew how much she wanted him, her body never denied that. She moaned against his cock, letting the vibrations roll over him, her thighs giving a subtle shake as she gave a faint pant*Friday at 10:32am · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He removed his fingers from the soaking heat of her sex and flattened his palm giving her sex a small smack, as he tugged one of her nipples. He released the taunt skin from his mouth and pulled his cock from her mouth. He wanted to hear her response and fuck if he stayed there a minute longer he would have came in her mouth and while he would have loved it, this was about them. He grabbed her hips roughly and flipped her flat of her back. He reached in the night stand and found the glass juicer she was so fond of. He placed the cool glass against her lips them moved it lower circling each nipple in time as he positioned himself between her thighs, kneeling. He moved it down her stomach and then across her clit* Tell me what you want leelanFriday at 10:47am · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a sound of disapproval when he slid his fingers from her. She had been so close, a few more skilled pumps of his fingers would have pushed her over the edge. She ran her tongue across her lower lip, tasting him there before he placed one of her favorite toys there instead. Her tongue lathed the top of it, leaving it damp before he trailed it across her nipples. The combination of that and the cool night air had her nipples pebbling and her hips lifting in response. She could feel the heat of his huge body between her and she stroked the side of her foot against his strong thigh. She arched her back, and parted her legs as wide as she could, baring herself to his gaze as he stroked the juicer across her* You know what I want. I want what only you can give meFriday at 10:55am · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*A low growl rumbled through his chest as he slid the glass down farther and into her weeping sex. He pushed it forward to the hilt and dipped his head stoke his tongue across her clit. He moved his tongue faster and harder against her as he moved the juicer in and out of her body with a twist of his hand. His free hand went to the taunt peaks of her nipple, taking first one then the other between his thumb and index finger and rolling the flesh. His eyes watching every move her body made, every breath she took* Leelan tell me exactly what you want. I know a lot of things but I still want to hear them, feel me?Friday at 11:08am · Like · 8

Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her mouth worked silently as she struggled to catch a breath long enough to answer him. Her chest was heaving under the talented flick of his tongue and the skilled movement of his hand working the juicer in her soaking wet pussy. Her nipples hardened to the point of pain but stopping just before agony hit, instead all it did was having her groaning out his name .* I want.. *she moaned again* I need *again she moaned* Fuck, baby, I need to come, I need to shatter, I need you to push me higher until I come undone at your hand. Then I want you to fuck me, fuck me so hard that even when you are on patrol I could still swear I feel you deep inside me *she lifted her hips, grinding herself against his face as she struggled against the material that bound her wrists*Friday at 11:14am · Like · 8

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He lifted his mouth off of her clit, just inches to speak against the wet flesh of her sex two words as a command* Come. Now. *He went right back to his fast and furious pace with his tongue over her clit as he pressed the glass as deep inside her as possible. He wasn't letting up on his oral assault until she was writhing on the bed and begging for more. It wasn't in him to do anything by half measures and sex was one of the things he especially didn't do in halves. His free hand opened over the lower part of her stomach holding her in place. She couldn't get away no matter how much she struggled*Friday at 6:15pm · Like · 7

Jane Bloodletter ‎*His words, even though she tried to fight it, tried to starve off the orgasm that was rushing towards her at an alarming rate, did no good. She pushed her head back into the pillow, her nails digging into the palms of her hands, her feet flat on the bed as she lifted herself up to him. She screamed out her release, writhing beneath him, her pussy clenching hard around the juicer like she would do around his cock at some stage. She moaned and panted, her hips bucking wildly even though his hand held her in place.* oh Vishous, baby *She shuddered, her legs shaking hard on either side of his head, her hands itching to reach for him and pull him close*Friday at 6:22pm · Like · 7

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He looked up from her sex and watched her as she came undone in front of him. The bucking of her hips causing his cock to jump up and beg for attention. He moved the fucking glass out of the way and going up on his knees he palmed the globes of her ass lifting her to him. He slid into her in one fluid thrust, seating himself completely. His thrust started deep and rough as a growl moved through his chest and a thought played over in his head.*MINE. *He wanted her to touch him. He wanted to feel the score of her nails on his flesh and the pull of his hair at her hands. He leaned forward slightly and released her hands, before returning her hands to the globes of his ass and slamming back into her to the hilt*Friday at 6:33pm · Like · 7

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She almost groaned in relief as he slid into her, her hips rising up to meet his hard thrust with one of her own. Their couplings were often like this. Hard and hungry, full of a driving need. She relished these times, even though she enjoyed it just as well when their time was more slow, more loving. She growled in approval when he released her wrists, her hands sliding down his back, her nails scoring his skin and leaving red welts. She sunk her nails into one firm ass cheek and used it to anchor herself against him, her other slid up his neck and into his dark hair, tugging and dragging him down so she could press her lips to his. She groaned against them, the taste that was he alone firing up her blood and making her impossibly wetter.* you feel so good inside me baby, but I need more.. Please *she nipped at his lower lip and rocked her hips harder against him*Friday at 6:47pm · Like · 7

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*The please she added on the end was the only thing that saved her from him just stopping and making her watch as he jacked off. The way she was thrusting against him was bolder than he allowed on his watch and it was time she was reminded just who she was fucking he was a far cry from the Ivy league fuckers that she had back in the day and he thought she might need to be reminded. He pulled out of her completely and unclasp her hands from around his neck. He flipped her on her stomach and snaked an arm under her to hold her ass up to him. He drove back into her her with out the slightest of ease. His free hand went to her hair and careened her neck back and his fangs fell harshly on her shoulder, not to drink, that would come later, but to remind her who she had as her hellren. He released the bite on her shoulder as he continued to slam into her wet pussy* Jane you are starting to get comfortable with our playtime, so now you need to tell me since you want to be in control, what's my next move?Friday at 7:15pm · Like · 7

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She met him thrust for thrust, driving back to take every inch of his hard cock that he offered. The room filled with the sound of their flesh meeting, the scent of sex filling the room coupled with the harsh pants that fell from her lips. She wanted to keep nippng at him, urging him to take her harder and faster but she was hanging by a thin thread. Her body was ignoring what her mind wanted as she started to shake beneath him, her face pressing into the pillow to muffle the cries and groans she was emitting. She rolled her hips and rocked back hard against him as the first spasm of her orgasm hit her. Her inner walls pulsed hard, clamping down on him and trying to milk him of his seed as she pushed up on her knees to rest her back against his front. Her arm slid over her head and threaded into his hair, urging his mouth back to her neck* Please baby *She groaned as another orgasm snuck up on her*Friday at 7:31pm · Like · 6

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He removed her hand from his hair and used the wall of his chest to bend her back over his larger body caging her smaller frame. He pulled first one arm behind her back and then the other, never missing a stroke. He used one of his hands to hold both of her wrist, her face hitting the pillow. He widened his stance on his knees so that his each of his knees was on the inside of hers and prevented any movement of any kind on her part. He slammed into her repeatedly bringing his hips flush with her ass on each thrust. He dipped his head forward and raked his fangs up her spine to rest beside her cheek* Beg. Louder.Friday at 7:39pm · Like · 7

Jane Bloodletter OH FUCK *She screamed out, her face pressed into the pillow effectively muffling her words* Please Vishous, I need you so much. Take whatever you need from me *She was past the point of caring how desperate she sounded, her whole being was focused on the pleasure he was giving her. He pushed her body past her normal limits and into another zone entirely. She tried to move against him but was unable, instead, she held herself still, letting him drive into her. She could barely breath through her groans, another orgasm tumbling into a new one, this one harder than the rest. She shook uncontrollably, beneath him, his name the only word she could sound out*Friday at 7:48pm · Like · 7

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*Her screams and shaking was all he needed. He drove in one final time, his balls tight to the point of pain as he buried himself deep. The hot seed of his orgasm came in jets spilling into her sex as his hips bucked wildly. He slumped over her back and found her lips to capture them with a deep kiss before rising back to his knees and pulling out of his shellan. He tucked her close to them and covered them as he lay panting with a satisfied fanged grin*
Vishous Bloodletter‎*He and Jane had spent the rest of the previous night naked sweating and fucking like animals, until they basically passed out. He felt they were both sated, but it when he woke up with his cock at full attention like it hadn't seen attention in weeks, he knew it was time for a trip to the Penthouse. He gathered an overnight bag for himself and for Jane and slung it over his shoulder before they headed out in the Escapade. They made it to the lobby of the Commodore and took the elevator up. When the elevator opened it was on. He had her pinned against the wall before they were completely through the front door. He kissed her deeply and let his hands fall to grab her hips and pull her closer too him. He bit at her lower lip, then swept his tongue across her full lip to ease the sting*Like · · Follow Post · Saturday at 5:19pmPheonia Chosen, Emma Lou, Phury Ahgony and 4 others like this.

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She arched into his body, her hips pressed against him but her shoulders pressed back against the wall. Her breasts barely touched his chest and her hands slid up the muscles of his arms to dig her fingers into his shoulders. She kissed him back, her tongue dancing with his, stroking across it and urging it into her mouth to suckle on. She hung on tight and bit back a quiet moan as his teeth nipped at her lip, swiftly followed by the soothing swipe of his tongue. Her eyes had fallen closed of their own accord and even the thing layer of her white t-shirt felt like an irritant. She needed closer to him, needed to see the smooth muscled form of his body. The rational side of her mind knew that was a long way off. He had brought her to the Commodore for a reason, and that generally did not involve her getting her own way for some time.*Saturday at 5:24pm · Like · 6

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He grabbed her shirt at the neck he pulls the fabric apart watching as her lace clad breast are exposed. He wasted no time going for the button on her pants. He popped the button, and pulled the zipper to allow his hand room to slid down her flat stomach and into her panties. He moved his hand to stroke her folds with a needy hand* What do you need leelan? *asked in a husky voice as his cock presses against his jeans*Saturday at 5:35pm · Like · 6

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave a small gasp as he tore her shirt open, her nipples hardening behind the lace of her bra. Her eyes dropped to half mast as he opened her pants and slid his hand exactly where she needed to feel him, her stance widening to offer him better access. She was already wet, had been from he had tackled her yesterday morning. She glanced down at this strong hand disappearing beneath the lace of her panties and bit her lower lip before meeting his eyes, her voice full of passion* I need you, however way you want to give me you *She needed him to take control, to break her down*Saturday at 5:38pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*A low growl in his chest worked it way up his throat. He franticly removed one of the lace cups out of his way, hearing more fabric rip and dipped his head to aggressively place his mouth on her nipple. He moved his tongue in small circles at first around the taunt pearl, then used his teeth to pull and tug. His free hand went to the small of her back and pulled her closer. The light stroking of her folds had now increased to a fevered pace, and he slipped one finger inside her wet, waiting core. His thumb going instinctively to her clit as starts a soft sweeping motion across it. He slowly slid in a second finger, unable to get enough of her. He started a slow pumping motion in and out of her body at first that quickly went to a more rapid sequence. He broke away from he nipple and raked his fangs up her breast bone, as his palm moved from the small of her back upward to wrap around her shoulder. His fangs continued their path up the column of her throat and to her mouth where he kisses her deeply* Leelan I want to fuck you *He said in a voice filled with need against her soft lips as the kiss was broken*Saturday at 5:43pm · Like · 6

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She banged her head back against the solid wall as he tore the cup away from her breast, her back arching to offer herself up to him. She moaned his name quietly* Vishous* as his his teeth and tongue worked against her peak. She let her hips thrust back against the thrust of his fingers, her inner muscles clamping eagerly around him as they would in time with his cock. Heat pooled between her thighs as he tease her clit, her body demanding she give in to the release that was quickly bearing down on her but she knew how to play his game. She wouldn't orgasm until he told her to or demanded, whichever the case may be. She frantically returned his kiss, her thighs already shaking with the force of arousal she always had with her Hellren.* Then fuck me Nallum, I am yours for the taking *She managed to pant the words out, unsure if she even said the words or only thought them*Saturday at 5:51pm · Like · 6

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He wanted her naked quick fast and in a fucking hurry.He removed one of his daggers are removed the rest of her clothing, after removing his hand from her core with a groan. He stood back and watched her naked body against the wall, his cock pressing hard against the zipper of his leathers. He quickly removed his tee and leathers and was at her body, pressing her between his body and the the wall. He took her wrists into his hands and held them above her head. He looked her in the eyes, with his piercing diamond gaze.* Leelan *He kissed her deeply and then met her gaze again* You wanna go for a ride? *He grinned at her flashing full fangs*Saturday at 5:59pm · Like · 6

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She rubbed her hips against his body, his thick hard cock pressing against her stomach and starting a slow ache deep within her. She wanted him deep inside her, surging over her body until she couldn't take it anymore and shattered around him. She moaned against his lips and let her nipples brush against the strong wall of his chest. Moaning in protest as he pulled back, she looked up at him with a quizzical look* A ride? *She took in the expression on his face and a small grin curved her lips. She had no idea what he was talking about but she loved and trusted him to take her places she had never been before. She knew he commanded and controlled her body and she had no problem admitting that*Saturday at 6:05pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He moved his free palm to her hip and then down to her thigh, urging her to wrap her legs around him. When she gripped his waist with her well toned legs, he slid a hand to the small of her back, to cushion her back. He positioned herself at his entrance and pushed inside her molten core in one rough stroke. He continued to hold her wrist above her head, and rested his head on her forehead momentarily to compose himself, before he was completely lost.* Ride leelan. *He grinned down at her with his fangs gleaming*Saturday at 6:18pm · Like · 5

Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her breath rushed out of her as he slid in deep, her body taking him gladly, stretching around him and gloving him tight. Panting quietly she rested her head back against his for a moment trying to make her body slow down and enjoy the ride instead of rushing towards the finish line in a sprint. She wriggled against him, letting him slide from her body slightly before rocking hard back against him. Her feet pressed into his well muscled ass and she used that leverage to start a slow steady thrust against him. She wanted to tease him, to get his body burning for her just like she was for him.* You know I can never get enough of you *She tilted her head and brushed her lips across his*Saturday at 6:27pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*His cock throbbed inside the depths of her body and one hand gripped her hip tightly as the other one held her wrist above her head. She was doing the work here and it was grated the balls of his dominant side, but it felt too fucking good to his cock so he was able to keep it at bay for now. He growled low in his throat at her playful teasing movements and his dominant side roared to live again. He gripped her hip tighter keeping her against him* Leelan ride me like you mean it. Ride me like you want me to come in side you so bad that you can't stand it. Ride me until you come so hard you can't move your hip another inch. Fucking ride me.Saturday at 6:33pm · Like · 5

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She met his diamond gaze as she used the strength in her legs to draw her hips back then slam hard onto him. He wanted her to fuck him, and she would. She rocked harder against him, as much as she was able while her wrists where in his tight grip. She rolled her hips slowly, then slammed hard back against him again. Leaning forward, she sunk her teeth into his shoulder, her breasts bouncing with the motion of her hips. She knew he was letting her this small amount of control, but there was no control in it. He still controlled her body, her told her what to do, he held her in place with his massive body and she wouldn't have it any other way right now*Saturday at 6:39pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He met the determined gaze that she gave with a small grin. She was determined and the slam of her hips into him was just what he wanted. He hissed as she sunk her teeth into his shoulder and moved his hand from her hip to swat her ass, the action of the bite and the slap only making his cock throb more. He willed the candles in the room to light and reached for one will still holding her hands above her head. He tilted it forward and let the hot wax fall across her nipples as they bounced with each motion* Harder. *He growled out*Saturday at 6:46pm · Like · 5

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She cried out as the hot wax hit her skin, her ass still stinging from the slap of his hand against her ass. Her nipples pebbled, the wax hardening around them and holding them prone. She moaned as he commanded her to fuck him harder and she obliged drawing her hips back and slamming as hard as she could against him. Her legs shook from the exertion, her pussy covering his cock in her desire for him.* Baby? *She questioned him and she didn't know why, her mind was hazy to everything except the feel of him buried deep inside her, the smell of his bonding scent surrounding them both like a blanket. Again, she scored her blunt human teeth against his shoulder, nipping at his flesh*Saturday at 6:56pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He tightened the grip on her wrists and jacked her arms up even higher he didn't want to cause her extreme pain but the slight that it would provide would heighten her experience and his in return. The bite she gave his shoulder earned her another slap across the ass as he hissed out more of pleasure than pain. He flashed her a fanged grin in response to her question and slammed his hips into her for the first time since this session had started and growled out* Harder leelan, feel me?Saturday at 7:16pm · Like · 5

Jane Bloodletter ‎*Her back arched as he jerked her arms up, her wax covered nipples pressing into his chest, her hips slamming back to meet the forceful thrust of his. That is what she wanted, she wanted him driving into her with the same passion that filled her. She used the reserve strength she had, thrusting as hard as she could in this position back against, the room filling with the sounds of her groans, pants and the sound of their skin meeting. She let her head rest on his shoulder, her tongue brushing across the area she had bitten, her body so close to orgasming that she didn't know how she was holding on*Saturday at 7:30pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He could feel her imminent orgasm and he was about to let her have it but not by her actions, only by his.* Do you want to come leelan? *His dominate side took control of his mind. He moved his hand to her hair, pulled her close, and kissed her roughly. When he broke the kiss a seductive, coaxing voice took over* When you want something leelan, ask *He pulled his hips all the way back and then thrust forward, slamming his cock deep inside her* Nicely. *He ground his cock deep inside her and willed the music on filled the room along with more of his bonding scent*

Jodeci - Gimme All You Of A Mad BandSaturday at 7:43pm · Like · 5 · 

Jane Bloodletter I want.. *she moaned* No I need to come baby *she took his earlobe between her teeth, nipping before she moaned his name* Please Vishous *She rolled her hips, picking up the tempo from the music. She rocked against him, then pulled her hips back and rocked forward, her feet digging harder into his ass, pulling him to her at the same time she slammed forward. She needed to orgasm so bad she could almost taste it. He had taken her over and over again over the past 24 hours, more times than she could remember but her body starved for this release as if it were her first*Saturday at 7:51pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*His dominate side, liked the word please, and the way it sounded coming from her sweet mouth, still stayed in the forefront. He grabbed her ass in both hands roughly, dropping her wrist, while his cock remained inside her. He walked her over to the spank bench with built in spreader, and with a groan of self control he pulled his cock from her hot center. He unlocked her legs from his waist and allows her to slide down his body. A torture for him, more than her. He placed a palm on her neck and guides her to a bent position. He locked her wrist in place with the cold steel manacles, he locked each of her ankles in the spreader, and let his palm slide down her spine. He gathered a blind fold and placed it over her eyes, and turns the music to a white noise, all the while fisting his on cock with a sadistic fanged grin* Not yet leelan. I'm not done with you by half. *He knelt behind her and dropped his head to her seeping sex and started to work his mouth over her sex like a man that was eating his first meal in days*Saturday at 8:02pm · Like · 5

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She groaned as he step he took, drove his cock deeper into her pussy, the friction almost pushing her over the edge. She growled with protest as he slid her down his body, . She let him push her over the bench, she knew what was coming and her body growing impossibly wetter at the images that flashed behind her now blindfolded eyes. The white noise only added to that, shutting down her senses until the only things she could rely on was touch and smell. She cocked her head, trying to work out where he was in the room then cried out as his mouth fell on her pussy, his tongue teeth and lips, the smell of his bonding scent all slammed into her in one go. She shuddered over the bench, the restraints shaking as she tugged on them even though she would not be released until he willed it*Saturday at 8:16pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He continued to devour her sex as his bonding scent farther filled the room and he ran his hand up and down his own cock. When he thought she was about to release he ceased his meal with a growl and stood still stroking his cock as he gathered the items he wanted to use on his shellan. He walked over to her with his "tools of the trade" and placed them on the table. He took the Violet Wand in hand and ran it across her core. The cold steel a stark comparison to the heat of her body. He held the wand against her hot core for a moment then he walked to the front of the table and bent, taking her hard nipples in his mouth,his tongue circles and moistens them. He removed his mouth and attached a set of steel nipple clamps. Each clamp placed, bit at her tender wax coated flesh. He moved his mouth to let his lips brush hers as he spoke, seductively, with the need he felt for both of them.* Leelan, who has you? *He connected the steel nipple clamps to the connector and picked up the wand pressing t to her core the other end attached a foot petal. He pressed the petal and small amounts of electricity pulse into the wand causing it to vibrate across her hot wet core. He pressed the petal again and the speed of vibration increases on her core, accompanied by small amounts of electricity pulsing into the nipple clamps. He stood to watch her body and hear her response as he continued to pump his cock with his fist* Tell me now leelan *He growled out*Saturday at 8:28pm · Like · 6

Jane Bloodletter ‎*The steel clamps bit into her nipples, the pain quickly turning to pleasure the moment he hit the pedal. Vibrations washed through her and she groaned harshly as he pressed the wand against her clit. The snap of electricity had her shaking from head to toe, her whole body straining with need for her Hellren* You have me, you always fucking have me *She groaned out the words, her head falling forward, her hair obscuring her face. She drew in a shaky breath and steeled her body. She could do this, she could hold her pleasure back until he let her have it. She knew she was kidding herself, it was taking every single molecule in her body to stop the orgasm* Please *She knew she was begging but she was past the point of caring, she needed him, needed to orgasam. Her throughts weren't even coherent, the only focus in her mind was him*Saturday at 8:43pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He pressed the petal again, in a dance to speed and slow the pulses on her nipples and across her pussy. Controlling all pleasure and pain she received. He used a twenty-two point Wartenberg wheel across the back of her thighs as he ran a palm slowly down her spine.* Leelan, who can make you come? *He sped up the wand vibrations as he bent his body to over hers and lapped at the scored flesh and small amount of blood on her thighs, all while he stroked his cock hard and fast*Saturday at 8:51pm · Like · 5

Jane Bloodletter You can, you know you can *Her voice was laced in urgency, her body a quivering mass against the leather of the bench. The nip of the wheel fueled her pleasure, the lap of his tongue heightening it to almost unbearable levels. A bead of sweat ran down her spine, and her mouth opened on a silent scream. She was balanced on the edge of a knife, so close to falling off. So close to screaming his name out in the darkness that surrounded her* Please Vishous, take me, make me yours *She begged, she gave in and begged him, begged him for what only he could give her*Saturday at 9:05pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He heard her pleas sent him over the edge with need for his shellan. He moved the position of the wand in his hand and thrust his cock roughly into her hot, soaking pussy in one fluid stroke, burying his hard cock to the hilt. He started hard, powerful thrust in and out of her, his hands gripped her hip and held her in place. The sound of his flesh meeting hers echoed in the room. One hand left her hip to fist her hair, pulling her head back as he ran his fangs up her spine. He farther arched her head back so that he could lean his upper body forward and kiss her deeply* Come for me leelan. *Continuing to lean over her, and pound his cock into her he moved his hand from her hair to hold the front of her throat*NowSaturday at 9:17pm · Like · 5

Jane Bloodletter ‎*She returned his kiss, her tongue pressing into his mouth in a hard sweep. Her hips rose off the spank bench as much as was possible, her back arching. This was what she needed, she needed him driving into her body over and over against. The moment his hand wrapped around her throat she was lost. She screamed out, her pussy spasming around the hard thrust of his cock. had she not been on the bench she would have fallen forward, the pleasure beating into her making her body shake and writhe beneath his* OH YES. OH FUCK YES VISHOUS *she screamed louder, her scream rising above the white noise, her pussy clamping down around him as her released covered him*Saturday at 9:26pm · Like · 4

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*When he felt the walls of her pussy spasm around his cock he was done. He thrust forward and buried himself to the point his hips met with her ass as he spilled his seed in hot jets into her waiting sex. He dropped the wand and gripped her hip as he bit down on her shoulder. His stomach lay across her back and when his mind started to return he released her from the manacles. He snaked and arm under her frame and lifted her up while keeping his cock inside her. He removed his fangs from her shoulder and nuzzled her neck* Fucking A Leelan.Saturday at 9:37pm · Like · 4

Jane Bloodletter ‎*she leaned weakly back against him, the strength of his arm the only thing keeping her standing upright. Turning her head, she pressed her lips to his in a soft kiss, her arm wrapping over his to stroke her fingers across his strong arm* You can say that again *She nuzzled his cheek, her pussy still pulsating around his cock* I don't think I can ever have enough of you. *she leaned into him and whispered* I love youSaturday at 9:42pm · Like · 5

Vishous Bloodletter ‎*He returned the kiss and started walking them to the shower, still not willing to unsheathed his cock from her core. His arm still remained firmly around her pressing his front to her back* Love you too, true that leelan.

‎*He woke slowly, his body reluctant to move with the press of the small feminine body that fit against his. His knees were bent, the back of her thighs pressed against the front of his, his arm slung around her waist, whether to reassure her or locking her to his body, he wasn't quite sure. Her head was tucked beneath his chin, her dark hair spill across his arm that she used for a pillow, his body almost wrapping around her, protecting her from whatever it was that she needed protection from. He didn't remember falling asleep, the last he remembered was the female crying until she was exhausted enough to fall asleep on his chest. Sometime through the day he must have moved her, or she moved herself, eitherway, he caged her in, held her close to him while he slumbered. Forcing one eye open, he lay still not wanting to waken her just yet, though he wanted to take a look at her, to see her features in the soft candle light. Lifting himself up as gently as he could, he looked down on her delicate features and gave a small smile. She was a beauty alright, striking and strong, one that in any day would have caught and held his attention*
 ·  ·  ·  · November 30, 2011 at 7:01pm
  • You, Claire CallawayLinda von HBella Ahgony and 10 others like this.
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*Her eyes fluttered open, having a feeling she was being watched. She felt a huge arm under her head and one across her waist and the rest was all a mesh of strewn limbs. Her back was fused to the front of a massive male. She tried to reign her thoughts in and she remembered the male that had come in her room during her breakdown. This male definitely fit the build of the one she remembered. She just need to see the eyes to make sure. She turned her head over her shoulder to let her dark gaze meet a set of mismatched eyes. One blue, and one green, and that same intense stare he had last night. This was the same male and he must be thinking she was bat-shit crazy. She looked for the nearest rock to slither under and found none. With absence of a nice rock she had to speak.* Ummm good morning. Thanks for staying. *If she could have died from lameness she would have been then and there. But what was she supposed to say*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He gave her a half grin and rested his head back down on the pillow, his arm across her waist tightening as he gave a low groan of contentment. He never spent the night with anyone, was content to fuck them in a bathroom, never knowing their name, or any other detail that he had no interest in knowing. He was surprised to admit he liked it, he liked the feel of another against him, the room dim and warm* Morning to you too, you slept ok? *He bit back a growl of annoyance, usually he was more smooth than this, but if he was honest with himself he wasn't sure what to say to her. His voice was still sleep roughened as he asked her quietly* Do you want to talk about last night?
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*Her eyes widened as his grip around her waist grew even tighter. She had to suppress a moan that wanted to escape her throat. She had never slept with anyone beside her, they always took off after they were both done with whatever they needed to be done with and she liked it that way. She liked not having to have a awkward conversation in the morning and she liked that if she broke down.* I slept well, too well actually. You? *Again she wanted to find a rock. She had hoped to never speak of last night ever again, but here it was.* What do you want to know about last night?
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He let his eyes fall closed as he listened to the soft lilt of her voice and lifted a lock of her hair with the arm that was behind her head. He rubbed the lock between his finger and thumb and gave a small stretch* Whatever you want to tell me, so that can be nothing, half of it or everything. I'm not going to push you into it. I sure as shit am not the best as talking about what is bugging me, so i feel you if you want to forget about it. *He moved the arm around her waist for a second, taking hold over the covers and pulled them up around her better, tucking them down and sliding his arm back beneath around her waist* The name is Qhuinn by the way, not sure you knew that from ...*he stopped there, not wishing to bring up the situation of their first meeting*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She thought for a minute. Where to start in all of this and how far back to go. She could go all the way back to childhood but that was a fucked up mess and enough to scare anyone away. Maybe she wanted to scare him away, but then again maybe she liked the way he tucked her in and held her. Maybe she liked the deep roughness of his voice and maybe she liked that he was there for when no one else had ever been, other than her mother who was biologically programmed to do so. She rolled her shoulder slightly so she could sorta look over it at him* I remember you, you are the warden. *She said smirking* I'm Mhisery, *she sighed* and last night I had made the mistake of thinking someone cared about me more than they did. The fact that they didn't made me feel like *How to say this* like how you found me.
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He shifted suddenly, rolling onto his back and twisting her in his arms so she lay against his chest. He never made eye contact with her again, he wasn't sure he wanted her to see the understanding he was sure would show in his own eyes. He knew all to well what it was like to want someone and not be able to have them. He tucked a hand behind his head, his other arm wrapped across her back to rest on her hip, his face resting against dark tresses of her hair* The warden? *he gave a low chuckle and flexed his fingers against her skin* Been called many things before but that one is new. *He swallowed and tilted his head to look at her face again* You know that only you can give someone the power to hurt you. Take that power away and you will be stronger
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She was taken by surprise when he shifted and she ended up on his chest. She looked up at him and attempted to make eye contact, subtly at first* Well you acted like the warden of the jail the first time I met you. *She couldn't help but smirk up at him until he finally looked back at her face. She was not willing to loose the eye contact a second time and she placed a palm on his cheek to hold him in place* No worries that instrument of torture known as a heart is so far broken it couldn't be repaired now. If I had never listened to it to start with, and went with my head, you wouldn't have found me like you did. *She bent one leg at the knee and raised it, draping her legs across his. The light movement of his fingers on her skin had her full attention* And your last statement sounds like you speak from experience?
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      I was asked by the Doc to make sure you got here and to make sure the male was contained. I followed my orders *he looked down at her, meeting her gaze and gave a faint shrug* I think anyone over the age of twenty has experienced heartache at some point in their lives. *fuck, he wouldn't even know where to start to talk about his dirty little secret. He tried to not think about it himself, he should be happy his best friend was happy and from what he could see so was his cousin.* You will find someone one day that will ease your heart, if you can't then I am surely damned. *He clenched his teeth suddenly as he felt the smooth slide of her thigh across his, mentally talking to his cock to behave himself for a change, that now wasn't exactly an appropriate moment to be springing to life*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She arched a brow and knew he was lying. She had seen less guiltless lessers that she killed, but if he wasn't gonna press her then she sure as fuck was not gonna delve into his demons. She listened to the soft rise and fall of his chest and she laid her head down. The strong thumb of his heart filled her ear, and she placed her palm on his chest for a moment. His skin was warm and soft under her touch and she idly, unaware drew small circles with her fingertips.* We are all pretty much damned though aren't we. *She knew she damn sure was and before that didn't bother her, but like the bitch hope was, it came at her again, forced her to believe and then let her down again, and she was sure that hope was sat laughing at her even now. She saw his teeth clinch and he looked like he was in pain* Am I hurting you or something? You look like you are about to crack a molar.
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He moved his hand slightly on her hip, his fingers stroking her smooth soft satin like skin though he barely realized he was doing it, his body had a mind of its own and screamed to touch her.* Don't sell yourself short, there will be someone someday that will maybe not mend your broken heart, but hold it together and look after it like it deserves. *He if anyone was damned, never to fit in with his family, the Glymera and sometimes, in his time alone in his room he wondered if he even fit in here. He was a freak, nowhere near the normality that most of the other males in the house strived for. He barked out a laugh at her comment* Not exactly hurting darlin' but put it this way, I have a beautiful women pressed against me in this bed, I am sure you are smart enough to work out the rest
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She listened to him speak about mending her heart,, she didn't intend to, she intended to do as she had before, not let anyone know she had one. If she was heartless then it could never be broken. She looked up at him when he laughed and for the first time since she glimpse those beautiful eyes of his, they were not looking like the eyes of death. They actual had a twinkle in them. If was an amazing look on him and she hoped this was what she was allowed to see instead if the lifeless ones that she had seen the past two times she had looked at them, first when he brought her in here and second when he came in last night. Her body completely stilled his next remark, damn it he was fighting erection and she wasn't even aware. She had been more engrossed in some sense of closeness than she was anything sexual. She moved her leg and took her hand off his chest* I'm so sorry I never meant to make you uncomfortable. You are a male of worth to be here talking to me and staying with me while I was dealing with my bullshit and I am making you uncomfortable. *She rolled to her back to allow him more room in his personal space. She should probably just get up, make an excuse to get out of the room and that way he could take off unscathed*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He laughed again, his face showing the humor he felt. Reaching out he snagged her hand and dragged her back over him to drape across his chest. His hand clamping down heavily on her hip and holding her in place at his side* Not uncomfortable, just making you aware should you move your leg and suddenly wonder what sort of asshole you are lying beside *His fingers resumed their stroke across her soft skin, his face turning enough so he could pressed a small kiss to the top of her head, unsure if she would even feel the light embrace.* You are safe little female, ignore it, I generally do *He failed to add that he had been fighting a loosing battle with himself daily over his body's natural urges. But that was his penance for the thoughts he harbored. He relaxed his body, releasing a breath he hadn't been aware he had been holding. There was something about this female that brought out his natural protective instincts, made him want to at least show her some sort of manners rather than what he would usually have done* My apologies, parts of my body have a mind of their own.
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She didn't fight being hauled back against him and she isn't sure even if she wanted to she could. He was massive, and she was no where little as he had implied.* Fine I will leave my leg at your side so no illusions of nonasshole are removed. *She tilted her head to look up to see if he had cracked a smile and she caught glimpse of the quick, chaste kiss he was placing, but she wouldn't ever act like she saw it. If he had been uncomfortable before, then her knowing what he was trying to conceal could have made it worse. The slow movement of his fingers over her skin was not however unnoticed on on any level her body and in fact been the reason she had moved her leg across his to start with.* By the way, I'm not little at all, thank you very much. I'm just as much a deadly warrior as you and the brotherhood. *She laughed at his comment* Why are you apologizing? Are you neutered?
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He laughed hard, for the first time in months he felt like himself, not the freak that he was sure everyone else saw him as. She felt warm and soft against him but there was no mistaking the power that was held within her lithe body* I have no doubt of your skills, I respect anyone that can pick up a blade or a weapon and do what we do. Its no disrespect me calling you little female, don't take it as such. *He splayed his fingers out, sure his both his hands would almost span her waist, his thumb stroking across her ribs* I apologize because I don't want you nervous, or thinking that I can't control what my body is trying to tell me it wants to do. You are a gorgeous female and I am an asshole but not enough that I would take advantage of you *He angled his head on the pillow so he could meet her gaze, his eyes flicked over her lips as his mouth watered for a taste of her* even if there is nothing more I would want right now than to see if you taste as good as you look
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She liked the way his laugh sounded and the ways his beautiful eyes lit up when he did it. The mere action of his thumb stroking across her ribs caused her skin to pebble and a fire to ignite at the junction of her thighs. She draped her leg across his again and slid her inner thigh up to rest across the top of his thighs. Her hand splayed over hi chest and went back to idly drawing circles as he spoke, he was attempting to take her mind off of how well built he was, how good he smelled, and how they look from those mismatched eyes made her feel. She looked up as she felt him shift against the pillow and her eyes met his as he spoke. The deep baritone of his voice and the erotic combination of his words almost caused her to moan. She had to bite her bottom lip to suppress screaming 'for the love of the Scribe please take me now'. Instead she swallowed hard before responding* What's stopping you?
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He searched her face as if looking for an answer to a question he wasn't even sure he was asking as his cock leaped almost painfully beneath the blankets. He could feel the warm heat from her thigh just a inch from his balls and the heat emitting from her pussy against his hip. He bit down on the inside of his lip, his fang sliding into his flesh like a hot knife into butter. Growling quietly, he gave up, let go of the thin layer of control he had been hanging onto since she woke and dragged her over his body, letting her legs rest on either side of his hips. He tunneled his fingers into her hair and dragged her down to him, her dark hair falling like a curtain around them, hiding them from the world as he took her lips with his. He started with a slow teasing caress, his lips barely meeting hers before pulling back, his teeth nipping lightly at her lower lip before, with a groan, he slanted his mouth over hers in a hard kiss. His tongue swept into her mouth, his tongue stud teasing over hers, his fingers tightening into her hair his lips moving almost lazily with hers*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She was a little in shock when he drug her across his body. She settled into position atop of him as his lips met hers. She moaned into the kiss and holy hell he was a good kisser, his apt tongue causing the the want for him to increase times ten. The slow kiss caused fire to run through her veins, and her nipples to ache as they brushed his muscled chest with each ragged breath she took. The junction of her core was filled with liquid desire as her hips undulated, his massive erection striking her clt and making her want to scream his name. As the kiss broke she slid her lips down his jawline and own the corded column of his neck and across his shoulder, each movement of her hips coating his erection with the liquid evidence of her erotic need for the male. She reached a hand between their bodies and wrapped her palm around his thick length. She slid her hand from the crown of the male's cock, down to base and back up again. She lifted her head enough that she could look into hi eyes* Qhuinn I want you
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He couldn't help himself, his hips bucked forward, pushing his cock through her hand, his hips lifting off the bed as his mind screamed to bury himself in her and spend the rest of the night there. But fuck that, the female above him deserved more than that, she deserved to be worshiped and fuck if that was what he was going to do. He flipped her suddenly, planting her flat on her back beneath him, his head ducking and catching one pert nipple between his teeth, working it back and forth just to the point of pain but pleasure still riding above it. he rocked his hips, letting his cock slide with ease through her wet folds, coating his cock further, letting the blunt head of him nudge against her clit with every forward thrust. He turned his attention to her other nipple, offering it the same treatment as the first which he now circled with his thumb. He worked his way down her body, his lips, teeth and tongue moving across the flat smooth skin of her stomach.

      He stopped just above her pussy and drew in a deep breath, the scent of aroused female inflaming his blood further, hardening his cock that he now ground into the sheets. He parted her thighs and ducked his head, stopping for a moment to graze his fangs down her Femoral artery though resisting the urge to sink his fangs in for the moment. He drew his hand back and brought it down suddenly, slapping hard against her pussy then covering her clit quickly, his tongue lapping across her to sooth the sting. Lifting her thighs, he hooked them over his shoulders as he worked a hand back up over her stomach to toy with her nipple as he circled her clit slowly*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*Even the motion of him pushing his cock through her hand was a turn on for her. The smooth skin of his impressive erection felt astounding against her palm. Her eyes widened slightly as he flipped her over and again, but her they soon hooded with propensity for the male. Her breath caught in her throat as his mouth fell on her nipple and her back arched offering, needing, wanting more. She propped up on her elbows as his mouth left her breast and traveled down her body, she wanted to watch him as he worked her body over. He was too damn hot to take her eyes off of him, even for split second. She could see the muscles of his back as they flexed with each movement he made. His broad shoulders rippled as he raised a hand and slapped it across the wet folds of her core, causing her hips to buck* OH fuck yes Qhuinn *The slap made her hips buck wildly and when his tongue slid across her clit a glutted moan was released. She kept herself propped on one elbow as the other arm raised and buried her hand in his hair, to hold him at her core. She rolled her hips slowly, grinding the center of her desire over his face. She had never actually had a man taste her completely, women sure, but never a man. This male was better than any other male or female she had ever had, and they hadn't even gotten past the foreplay.*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He looked up her body and met her gaze, groaning against her pussy at the heated look in her eyes which he was sure mirrored his own. He slid his arm beneath him, moving enough so he could stroke his finger through her folds and slowly work his thumb into her hot tight core. He kept is tongue around the edge of her clit, refusing for the moment to put his full attention on it. Instead he wanted to keep her on edge, have her wanting him as much as he wanted her right now. He ground himself harder into the mattress, a bead of cum rising from his cock and making his balls tighten in awareness of the sweet taste of her. He sucked her clit into his mouth, grazing it with his fangs as he pumped his thumb in deep, twisting it slowly as he drew it out. He ran his tongue down through her folds and parting his lips, thrust it hard into her core, his nose nose taking the place of his tongue and rubbing against her clit.

      He moved his hand from her breast, down to her hips and locked both arms across her, holding her in place as he worked his tongue in and out of her. He was growling against her, pleasure drilling through him at an alarming rate when he noticed another scent rise in the room. A dark spice drifting faintly from his body and it drove him on further. He latched onto her pussy like a starving man, his tongue moving across her, circling her clit and flicking across it, rolling hi stud across her, then moving back to delve inside*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*The vibrations from his groan against her body caused the inner walls of of her passion laden core to tighten and beg for release. Her breathing became ragged as she gripped the sheet with one hand until her knuckles whitened, the other hand tugging his hair and holding him at her core. She watched the muscles of his well toned ass as her moved against the mattress and judging from the way he moved, this male was sheer sex. He was the type to take a female, and a male for that matter, higher on sex than they had ever been and have them begging for more. She gasped out loudly as his digit entered her body and moaned when he started moving in and out of her. Her back arched farther offering herself to him more, and silently pleading for him to take what she offered. She caught the scent of the dark spice that was now filling the room and he was undone. When his mouth latched on to her, she could no longer watch him. Her eyes rolled to the back of her skull, as her hips undulated wildly. He had taken to to the brink of eroticism and pushed her over. The inner walls of her sex spasmed release, as her legs trembled over his broad shoulders. She started with small whimpers, that increased to moans as the climax build, and with an apt sweep of his tongue she was screaming at the ceiling* Oh fuck Qhuinn, yes...yes...OH GOD YES!!!
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He groaned against her core, his tongue lazily sweeping over her clit and lapping up her release. His thumb still moved within her core, even as the pulses of her pussy slowed down and the trembling of her thighs relaxed. He kept on tasting her, he couldn't help himself, he wanted more. He buried his face against her, sliding his tongue into her as he removed his thumb. Giving her pussy a final lick, he pressed a kiss against her inner thigh and prowled up her body, his hands resting on either side of her head, resting his full weight on them as his cock lay hot and hard against her pussy.* Mhisery *His voice was rough with passion* I need to hear it from your lips darlin' tell me now if you want me to stop because once I am inside me the Brotherhood couldn't pull me back off *he punctuated his words by rocking his hips, letting his cock slide through her slick folds again*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*A small shudder reverberated through her body as the last of her orgasm ebbed away under the masterful touch of his tongue. His body felt so warm and wonderful against hers as she cradled him between her thighs. The way he said her name as he looked down at her caused her breath to catch in her throat, and the rock of his hips was an unspoken promised to fulfill the ecstasy he could easily offer. She arched her back, pressing her breast against his chest, and lifted one of her legs, causing her inner thigh to slowly, smoothly travel the outer side of his long legs. She hooked her leg around his waist, and kept the eye contact through her hooded eyes. When she spoke to answer his question it was more of a moan than a spoken word* Qhuinn I want more.
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He ran his palm from her ankle, up her slender leg to hook his hand behind her knee, raising it higher on his hip and he drove his hips forward, sheathing himself into her hot core in one long slide. A loud groan tore from his throat athow good she felt around him, her body tight and warm around the aching shaft of his cock. He held himself in check for several minutes, letting her get used to him before he inched back, bringing himself to almost sliding from her body before rocked back into her. Leaning down, he rested his weight on his elbows and covered her lips with his, his tongue tracing around the delicate outline of her lips and pressing back inside. He thrust his tongue in time with the pistoning of his hips, his only goal in mind was feeling her shatter around his cock like she had around his thumb.*Fuck you feel good darlin'
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*He skin pebbled as his skilled hand palmed her body and positioned her leg around his hip. Her mouth parted for the kiss he placed, her tongue entered his mouth and full explored the warm expanse of his mouth. She moaned out loudly as he entered her body, and her breathing became increased as his motion sped up, and she rolled her hips to meet his powerful thrust. She could feel the inner walls of her sex tighten and ready for release, but as much as she wanted to she couldn't close her eyes. She wanted to watch him, every muscle of his chest move with exertion, and a fine sheen of sweat caused a sweet friction between their bodies. She moved her hand and cupped her own breast, her fingers toying with her own nipples as a veil of ecstasy was brought down over her face. His guttural tone filled the room and struck her core. She coated his pumping cock with the evidence of how good he made her fill. She dipped her head and lifted one of her breast to her mouth. Her tongue swept across her lower lip, and then circled her own nipple as her eyes remained locked on him*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      Fuck yes *he groaned out as he watched in fascination as she tongued her own nipple. There was nothing hotter to him than a woman that knew what she wanted and was not shy about taking it. He shifted his position and angled his public bone against her, making sure that with each thrust he ground against her clit. He slide his arms underneath her body and up to wrap his hands over her shoulders, holding her down as he slammed harder into her body. He drew back fully each time and pushed in until he was seated fully in her pussy* Fuck darlin' *He was hanging on by a thread, each time her pussy covered his cock has his eyes almost rolling back in his head from pleasure. Each moan pulled from her body only pushed him harder to please her. Never before had he cared so much about making sure a female was fully sated before.

      Moving his hand from her shoulder, he slid it between their bodies until he found her clit and started stroking across it, his thrust hard and deep into her body. *
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*His body slammed into her demanding her body release her orgasm that was held by the tiniest of threads. Her moans, groans, and pants grew louder, calling his name and loving the feel of it on her lips. The inner walls of her sex shattered an released around him. Her back arched and her head lulled back as orgasm rocked through her for what seemed like hours* Oh fuck yes QHUINN
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*The sound of his name on her lips coupled with the pulsing coming from her pussy spurned him on. His thrust turned harder, faster and as deep as he could possibly go. He slammed into her holding her down beneath the weight of his body. His orgasm plowed into him, nailing him low in the back and shooting up his spine. He roared out her name, holding himself still as he released into her body in a hard wave. His body shook above her and it took all his strength to not collapse on top of her. Instead, he slid his cock slowly from her moan, groaning at the friction and dropping heavily onto the bed beside her. He tucked her against his side and pressed a kiss to her temple* Fuck.. *he could barely breath as his chest heaved with exertion.*

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