Monday, April 2, 2012

The Calm After the Storm...

  • Phury Ahgony
    ‎*He pulls out his phone to read the text that came in. Seeing that it was from King-Wrath he quickly types out his reply. ~ My Lord, I will come to you and we can discuss this matter in person. See you in a few. Phury.~ Hitting send, he set aside the paperwork he had been looking over and dematted back to the mansion.*
    Like · · Share · Sunday at 12:27am near Caldwell, NJ ·
    Melissa McNeill, Cormia Ahgony, Anna Miller and 5 others like this.
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*All of the brothers could be counted on, that he knew, but some where a bit more of a loose cannon than others. A hit and miss, they had good days and bad. And one particular brother had more bad days than good, or so he lead everyone to believe. Luckily, right now, he didn't need to speak with Zsadist but with his twin - the sane one. Sure thing, Z had pulled through and fought for and with the brothers, but there was still an edge to him, and a darker part he was keeping hidden. As Phury's reply came he let out a breath and leaned back in his chair, George's head in his lap.* Old friend, thank the fuck for you to keep me sane. And don't tell the queen I cursed. With the young coming I am supposed to keep it to a minimum.
    Sunday at 9:13am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He stood outside the king's office, waiting for admittance. The king didn't say what this was about, and trying to guess was getting him nowhere. With everything that had been going on lately, he was almost dreading this. Anything good could have been conveyed by phone. He was still standing there when Tohrment walked up. He was even more baffled, even though he was glad to see the brother, and see that he was looking well.* Hello, Tohr. Any idea what this is about?
    Sunday at 3:58pm · Like · 6
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Phury, are you waiting for me to walk your ass in here? *He exhaled, drumming his fingers on the wooden desk as he waited for the brother to enter.* Turn the damn knob and come in. *Patience was a virtue he didn't call his own, lately. A fact that needed to change once Darius was born; but right now there was so much crap rubbing him the wrong way that he was surprised the room didn't spin*
    Monday at 8:29am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He heard his King, and knew right away that his mood was not good, and whatever this was, it was most likely something he didn't want to hear. Not if it was what put Wrath in this from of mind. He walked in and came to a stop in front of the desk. He discreetly looked around, taking note of the files and the piles of mail. The King needed more help. As if in agreement, George lifted his head and looked around, then dropped his head back on his paws.* My Lord, good to see you. What can I do for you?
    Monday at 8:35am · Like · 6
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*There was no need to drag this out any longer than necessary, and since Phury had always come through for the brotherhood and the race he wasn't even worried about his answer. What weighed heavy on his mind was the question of whether he did the right thing by even bringing this up. Was the information they might receive worth the innocence of a Chosen? Frowning, he folded his arms over his chest and leaned back* I have a request to make.
    Monday at 8:40am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He was a bit surprised, but tried not to show it. The king didn't often make requests. Royal demands from time to time. And he expected unquestioning loyalty and service from the brothers, as well he should. And although he was the Primale, he was, and would always be, a brother. So the fact that this was being framed as a request had his attention. However, for the King, the answer was always a yes. Couldn't imagine a time when it wouldn't be. He nodded, and replied.* My Lord, I am sure you know my answer, but what is the request, and why do you seem to be hesitating?
    Monday at 8:45am · Like · 6
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Hesitating? Wasn't that the same as putting him on the same level as a scared kitten, and fuck if he was anything like it.* I wanted to give you a little more time to analyze my mess around me. I may be blind, but I have my ways of seeing the things I want to see. *He smirked and rocked in his chair, the metal squeaking under his weight* We have a prisoner of war, downstairs. He is bleeding out and we need someone to feed him. I am putting the request out to you and your Chosen, and if the answer is no, so be it.
    Monday at 8:52am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony My apologies, my Lord. I was admiring your filing system. I am a bit confused. A prisoner of war? I know you aren't telling me you have a lesser on the compound. So what the hell is it? Who the hell is it?
    Monday at 8:57am · Like · 6
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He barked out a short laugh and straightened in his chair* I like your wording better than mine. I will be sure to let the queen know, too, about my filing system. *Clearing his throat he ran a hand through George's blond fur, and spoke* Call it what the fuck you want, and watch your tone. It's a Bhastard. Qhuinn brought him back as a surprise.
    Monday at 9:02am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*he drew his head back and stared for a moment. Disbelief clearly written on his features. He tried to rearrange his expression, knowing that it was futile. The king would know what he was thinking regardless.* A bhastard. That was nice of Qhuinn. Why are we trying to keep him alive? Do you want him kept alive?
    Monday at 9:21am · Like · 6
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath If I didn't want him alive I wouldn't have asked you here. He does us no good if we don't get any answers. Do I care what happens to him after? Let me think. No. *He frowned and pushed to his feet, slowly making his way to the cupboard off to the side. Reaching down he tossed a goodie to George, and returned his attention to the brother* I plan on having a talk with the boy, too. While I appreciate any and every effort in this I fucking hate having others brought close to, or into, the mansion. Just like going out alone and playing hero.
    Monday at 9:32am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He quickly sobered* I am sorry my Lord. I understand. I can agree with the logic here, and I see why you would have no choice but to bring in a chosen. I understand that this is a given, but I have to say it regardless. The bhastard is not to be alone with the chosen. I will talk to Layla, she would probably be the most receptive to it. I will go with her, escort her until she feels comfortable. Does this sound agreeable?
    Monday at 9:43am · Like · 6
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Anything sounds agreeable, and I wouldn't want a Chosen alone with the fucker, either. Make sure he knows that we will hurt him worse if even thinks about touching her in any way. *He nodded and took a hold of George's leash, wiping his forehead with the back of his palm* Now, if you will excuse me. I have some place to be. *Pushing past Phury he was about to leave the room but stopped* And Phury? Thanks. *Without another word he walked off*
    Monday at 9:49am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He stared after the King, his brother and his friend. The thanks that ws offered was rare, and spoke volumes. The King had much on his mind. Hopefully, he could talk to Layla and get at least this issue off Wrath's to do list. He nodded once to Tohr and went to prepare to go over the side and speak Layla.*

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  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Zypher Bhastard
    Limp Bizkit - Break Stuff
    Music video by Limp Bizkit performing Break Stuff. (C) 2000 Interscope Records
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · 20 hours ago
    John Matthew Tehrror, Bella Ahgony, Layla Chosen and 6 others like this.
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*In his room he started cogitating on what the fuck was going on. Throe had promised he wouldn't leave without letting him know and all of a sudden, here he was MIA. What the fuck was that about? Two steps away from the damn madhouse, he left his room and ran downstairs where he found Xcor, looking out the streaked-glass windows. He coughed to make his presence known, who the fuck knew what kind of mood he was in today.* Sire?
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He stared out into the darkness, soon it would be morning and they'd have to go down to avoid the light. He hated that weakness. How he wished he could go out and fight by day instead of sitting at home. He scoffed, if he could call this place home. Did he even have a home? He shook his head. Fuck, his mind was taking him to fucked up places lately. He should be worried about other things. Like where the fuck was Throe? The bastard had disappeared a few days ago and it wasn't like him to be gone for long periods of time. He frowned as he heard a noise and barked out in anger* What?
    20 hours ago · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*And there it was, the normal pissy mood they could all expect.* I'm worried, Sire, about Throe's absence. It's not like him to be gone this long and without a word. *He did a simile of a bow, tired of the shit but obligated to do it.* I thought mayhap we could go out to look for him tomorrow eve?
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*So Zypher was worried too. Xcor wasn't the only one who worried, hell if he'd admit it though. He laughed* Worried Zypher? *tsks* Throe's old enough to take care of himself.
    20 hours ago · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*Keeping his facial expression calm and collected as his insides boiled with anger and, yes, sometimes hatred he tried to answer with an even voice.* Yes, Sire, I understand that.. *grinding his teeth as he spoke* ..but something is off. Either he has left of his own free will or someone has decided to play the role of the host. *Either way he didn't like it.*
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
    Xcor Bloodletter ‎*sighs, sneering* Fine Zypher. Since you are so worried we'll go out and search. See what we can find. *And he would kill whoever had thought to mess with him or his bastards.*
    20 hours ago · Like · 3
    Zypher Bhastard ‎*A small, insincere, smile twitched the corners of his mouth. What a fucking asshole he truly was. He would be worse than Henry VIII as the king of their Race. But then who was he to speak? He was actually the male's minion. He gave a halfhearted bow.* Thank you Sire. *Running back to his room he began preparing his weapons, just in case.*
    20 hours ago · Like · 4
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Analisse Whalker
    ‎~She materialized into the Great Camp, the home of Phury and Cormia, and directly into the bedroom of the couple. The couples bodies were fused together as spoons would be. It appeared that the images she had seen of a couple divided were not completely accurate. The tension was palpable in room, but the bodies told an entirely different story.~ Phury, son of Ahgony and Chosen Cormia I saw you both fared not well.
    Unlike · · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago
    You, Cassie Lee, Melissa McNeill and 2 others like this.
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She came awake to a presence in the room. She could have swore she saw the Scribe Virgin standing in her mated bedroom. As she sat up, she heard the Scribe begin to speak. She took in her words, and quietly answered.* No, my dearest Scribe, we have not fared well. It seems everything has fallen apart. *She hung her head as she waited for Phury to speak.*
    about an hour ago · Unlike · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*His eyes flew open as he realized the Scribe Virgin was actually there. He was stuck between chagrin at not being properly robed in her presence and being unwilling to let go of Cormia. He pulled Cormia more tightly to him for a moment, and pressed a kiss to her temple before standing. At least he was clothed. He knelt before the mother of the race, with his head lowered.* No, Scribe Virgin. It is true. We are not faring well. Cormia was right. I have failed in my duties, both as Primale and and as a brother. I am not a worthy mate for your Chosen. I am sorry, and I have no defense for my actions.
    about an hour ago · Like · 6
    Analisse Whalker ‎~She watched as the Primale fell before her in a rare state of shock. She didn't know what to make of the broken spirit of the Primale and the chosen. Their bodies even showed the sagging signs of defeat. Once, their heads were held high and their shoulders square, now their heads were hung low and their shoulders dropped under the weight of depression.~ Arise Warrior. Are thy saying that mine plan for thee is a failure? If you think that I would allow you to fail then it is to question my design. You both have been the victim of a viscous crime perpetrated by mine brother.
    51 minutes ago · Unlike · 6
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*As Phury knelt before the Scribe and told her all about the issues he was having, it brought her back to when this all started, and she felt the sadness growing in her once more. She stood from the bed, and knelt down before the Scribe Virgin as was only proper. She heard as the Scribe mentioned that the Omega was behind all of this, and all of the pieces started to fall together.* As the creator of our wonderful race, you could never be a failure to us. Only a joy. We have been deceived, and hopefully with guidance we can make things as they should be.
    41 minutes ago · Unlike · 6
    Phury Ahgony I am sorry, Scribe Virgin. For doubting you, for insinuating your plan for me or for our race failed. *He rose to his full height and took Cormia's hand. He began to feel a sense of peace moving throughout his body, throughout the room, in fact. He felt a brief surge of rage at the idea of being a pawn in the Omega's game, and decided to set it aside for the evening. He needed to be with Cormia, so that they could talk, and heal. He bowed once more to the Scribe. *Thank you, Scribe Virgin. For coming here, for helping us. I will continue to try to do my best for the race.
    33 minutes ago · Like · 5
    Analisse Whalker ‎~She bent slightly and took both of their hands in hers. She began to allow her healing light fill their bodies and warm their hearts~ Tis true you were deceived, as many more were. Feel not more sadness over the situation as it is naught that could prevented it. It was the workings of a madman that wields as much power over the mind as I can over the soul. When in doubt call my counsel and I shall be on task to meet with you and assist with separating fact from fiction.
    26 minutes ago · Unlike · 6
    Cormia Ahgony ‎*She felt the Scribe Virgin grab her hand and almost immediately she could feel the sadness, like a weight being lifted off of her. It was a very uplifting and refreshing feeling. She looked up towards the Scribe's hooded face, and smiled gratefully at her.* Thank you so very much. This visit that you have so wonderfully bestowed upon us, truly means the world to me. My family can be back together again, as we should have always been.
    18 minutes ago · Unlike · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*he wondered if this meant he and Zee were able to salvage their relationship and decided to go looking for his brother as soon as he had his family where they needed to be. He took a deep breath and felt the warmth spread through him, felt Cormia relaxing beside him. Her happiness was nearly tangible, and for that he was so grateful. * Thank you Scribe Virgin. *He marveled at the feel of her tiny hand in his, such power. He held it firmly in his large hand, aware of the honor she was bestowing on him. He basked in her healing energy, and when she released his hand he wrapped both arms around Cormia once more.
    6 minutes ago · Like · 4
    Analisse Whalker ‎~Seeing that all was well withing the confines of this family unit she dematerialized as silently as the grave~~
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Manuel Manello
    ‎*He replayed the afternoon over in his mind. He had been cleaning out his office at Havers'. The last of his reference books going into boxes, many of his journals hitting the recycling bin. Never did find the time to read those, that would probably never change. The shelves were very nearly empty when he felt a presence behind him. Their approach had been silent. But their presence was loud, impossible to ignore. He knew immediately who it was, The Scribe Virgin Analisse. His first reaction was rage. How dare she show up here, now? What could she possibly want with him at this point, that he hadn't already done. Then he realized she was most likely there to finish off his mind, leave him unable to function on even the most basic level. Hell, maybe she would just smite him and get it over with. He had turned to her, slowly. Insolence clearly stamped all over his features. And had closed his mouth on the scathing remark he had been about to make. Her eyes. They had looked at him with such understanding and such caring. He hadn't known she was capable of it. After all the shit she had done to her daughter, he had assumed that as a deity, she had long ago lost the ability to have empathy, or to care. To love.
    She had thanked him. Thanked him for saving Payne, for healing her. The Scribe had put images in his mind of what life would have been like for all these people if he hadn't saved Payne's ability to walk, to fight. She would have died, by her own hand. Jane would have been blamed, whether or not she assisted. Her and Vishous would not have been able to get past this. Two more people destroyed. And the domino effect continued. Butch was lost without V. Not just because of the curse that rendered him incapacitated. He sank into a depression so deep, he couldn't pull himself out. It was one loss too many. After he was lost, Marissa was next, which in turn cost the race Havers'. And then there were no more physicians. Jane and Havers were both gone. With the brotherhood so compromised, the remaining brothers became more likely to sustain grave injuries And there was no one to help them. He had held up his hand, unable to see any more of the tragedy unfold, even in his mind. He had whispered to her, asking her why she was showing him this. What did she expect him to do? Payne no longer wanted him. He was too weak for her, too human. And he didn't want her if that was how she felt.
    Without a word, she had once again invaded his mind. She had showed him Payne. She was suffering. Crying. Her tears were for him. Suddenly, it was as if he could feel what she was feeling, and she was confused. She didn't understand why he was acting the way he was. She thought he hated her, because she had never come to him and said any of that. His eyes had flown up, meeting the Scribe Virgin's. And he broke the cardinal rule, he asked a question. Her reply was a simple apology, and a name. The Omega. That evil, sick fuck had almost ended the entire race, by screwing with a relatively small number of people. It was staggering to realize how close it had been. He closed his eyes, picturing all that she had shown him, and when he opened them, she was gone.
    He grabbed his phone and fired off a text to Payne. The idea that she was in pain tore at him. ~Payne. I need you. Please meet me at the Commodore. I am sorry, and I love you. M~
    He hit send and walked out the door, leaving everything but his keys.*
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Thursday at 6:23pm near Caldwell
    Anna Miller, Layla Chosen, Bella Ahgony and 7 others like this.
    Bon Jovi-Thank You For Loving Me
    Bon Jovi-Thank You For Loving Me
    Thursday at 8:41pm · Like · 4
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She read the written message on her phone. She wasn't for sure if this was some odd way of him finally tell her goodbye but he had ended the message with saying he loved her. She was a little perplexed as to why he would end it that way. Things had been made pretty clear before. She should try and send him a written message back that she didn't think it was a good idea but instead she found herself getting up and getting into the shower. Then she found herself dressing and combing her hair. Her heart ached from the absence of Manny. She was trying to not get her hopes up that things would start going in a more positive direction. It would probably lead to more disappointment but she couldn't help it. Deep down, she felt that they were meant to be together. No matter the differences or the things that said otherwise.*
    *She didn't respond she just went to the Commodore and held her breath as she waited. Trying to play the scene out in her head. How it would go. What it would be like and most of all, how things would end after here. Would they still go their separate ways? Could he really have found peace this quickly?*
    Thursday at 11:27pm · Like · 5
    Manuel Manello ‎*He walked in to the penthouse, looking for Payne as he threw his keys in the shallow dish kept on the table in the entryway. He walked from room to room, his long strides carrying him through all the rooms until he found her. She was standing there, so achingly beautiful. The trepidation in her eyes made his fucking heart ache. And he was pissed off all over again that one evil asshole could do all this. She was in the office, trying to act casual. He could see the nerves though, in the unnatural way she was holding herself. She moved with a fluidity and grace, one of the things he loved about her. So damn athletic, so hot. Right now,though, she was all tension and awkwardness. Before saying a word, he walked to her, cupping the back of her neck in his palm and brought her mouth to his, stroking her lips with his, urging her mouth open to explore with his tongue. Before it got too hard to do so, he stopped. His breathing was already irregular as he rubbed the pad of his thumb over her full bottom lip.*
    Why are you still unhappy Payne? I saw what the Scribe showed me, and I know she was at the mansion and saw everyone there. So, you know what the Omega did. I am sorry that I didn't realize right away that something wasn't right.
    Thursday at 11:58pm · Like · 5
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She tried to stand where she was an act like everything was okay. Like watching him walk into the room hadn't stollen the breath from her body. All of that was lost when he put his hand at her neck and his lips came down on hers. The feel of them and his scent stole whatever resolve she was determined to keep. She put her arms around his waist and clutched his shirt in her hands. Just that kiss was enough to make everything fall back into place. As if nothing had happened. He had never left and had always been here. It felt right. It was right and it was what she needed in her life. His kiss stopped all too soon. She looked into his eyes as he spoke and took a deep breath*
    Yes I know what he did. I know he used it to get to everyone. Everything has been restored but you weren't here. I had thought maybe you were happier as things were. I would understand Manuel. I know you gave up so much to come be with me. I don't want you to feel obligated in any way. I love you and you are the only one I will ever want but I only want you with me if it's what you want.
    Friday at 12:08am · Like · 5
    Manuel Manello Why would I want to leave? I love you and would not want to be anywhere else for any reason. I gave up nothing. I gained in every way, the moment I met you. You are my life now. Being here with you, watching you over here, enjoying yourself. Getting to know your brother. Making friends, and becoming happy. That is what matters to me. The rest of it is nothing, if I can't share it with you. That was probably why it was so easy for the omega to get in here. We let him in when we didn't speak. I often did wonder why you would want to be with me. that probably helped the problem. It helped plant the seed.
    *The feel of her clutching him so tightly broke his heart, and he tightened his hold on her as well. He looked into her eyes, and tried to make her feel what was flowing through him at that moment. And had to settle for words, it was too important to risk her not seeing what he felt for her.*
    Payne, I promise to you that I love you. That I don't ever want to be without you. And I promise, if I am ever unsure, I will talk to you. and I want you to promise you will the same. Before you, I was existing. I was surrounding by shit that had no meaning. The only thing that I truly cared about was that horse. I had no meaningful relationships, never really fit in. I love what I do, and I am still doing it. So all that mattered to me before i had you is still there, now i have you in my life as well. This isn't where I thought I would be or what I thought I would be doing, but I lost nothing, I gained. There are going to be adjustments to be made, but not losses. I am so sorry that I didn't tell you before, that you ever had reason to wonder.
    Friday at 11:01pm · Like · 6
    Payne Bloodletter ‎*She looked into his eyes as he spoke to her. It was the words she had wanted to hear for weeks. Although, now she felt a little silly that she doubted his love for her. She had let the Omega creep into her mind and place doubt. Doubt that never should have been there. He was hers and there was nothing that should ever come between them. She reached up and cupped his cheek in her hand. How she had missed the feeling of his scruffy cheek against her palm*
    Manuel, I'm a fool. I let something end up between us that never should have been. You are right, we should have talked. I was so scared to hear the words come out of your mouth that I was to weak to withstand hearing you might not want to be with me. I can't say it enough. I love you. When I thought you were gone, I couldn't stand how it hurt. I had never felt something like that. I promise to come to you from now on and avoid this confusion.
    Phury Ahgony
    ‎*He took form back at the mansion, Layla close behind. He turned to her before walking up to the door, to see if she was still ok with all of this. He wanted to have a few people come with him and let the bastard know what was acceptable behavior and what was not. Hell, maybe the male was dead already and the issue had resolved itself.*
    Layla, you ok?
    Like · · Follow Post · 3 hours ago near Caldwell
    Saxton Thym, Bella Ahgony, Cormia Ahgony and 8 others like this.
    Layla Chosen ‎*Her heart was beating so hard she was sure the Primale must be able to hear it. At his enquiry, she again found it difficult to meet his gaze,* Sire, thank you for your concern I am a little nervous, but fear not I will do my duty as is required, by the King.
    3 hours ago · Like · 10
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He nodded his head and held his hand out for her, hoping he would offer comfort should she seek it. He could only imagine how she had to be feeling, and if there had been any other way to do this he would have found it. Hell, he would have done this himself had he been able to. There was just something about Layla's innocence he didn't want her to lose, especially not to a Bhastard.* I say we find Tohrment, and take him with us. And if, at any time, you want this to stop, you say so. No hard feelings. *He cleared his throat and let out a breath, leading her forward ever so slowly. Maybe if he moved in slow motion the fucker would die before they reached his cell* Also, you will be protected. The second he makes a move on you, should he, we're going to.. *Now, Phury, put this nicely around the Chosen* .. hurt him. Just a little.
    3 hours ago · Like · 10
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*As he walked out of his room, he all but mowed over Phury & Layla.* Wow, wasn't expecting you guys to be hanging outside my room. Are we taking the lovely Layla to the bastard? I'd be glad to be some back-up, if needed. *He saw Phury nod his head, that they were there to feed the bastard. If only there was another way to do this.* Follow me, Throe has his own "special" accommodations down in the training center. *They made their way down to the training center, and he unlocked the door to Throe's room.* And here we the bastard compound. *He motioned for Phury and Layla to enter*
    3 hours ago · Like · 10
    Phury Ahgony ‎*Layla's small hand rested in his, and he gave her a gentle squeeze as they stepped forward. No, he had no idea how she was feeling, but he couldn't imagine that she was thrilled to aid the brotherhood in this matter. The Chosen truly was a female of worth, and had never disappointed, even though she still had doubted herself. It was a damn shame he couldn't convince her that she meant a lot to many, and that her time to see her hopes come true, would arrive sooner or later.
    Glancing around the holding cell he frowned and placed his body, protectively, in front of the Chosen, his head snapping to turn toward Tohr.* You miss the lesson about tying people up?
    3 hours ago · Like · 10
    Layla Chosen ‎*She felt the gentle squeeze of her hand and gave the Primale a tremulous smile. Now that she was here she was unsure as to whether she would be able to offer this male her wrist. He had threatened the life of the King...Her gaze remained concentrated on the floor, as yet unable to cast her eyes upon the male in question. As much as she wanted to refuse, she knew she could not, her sense of worthlessness was threatening to consume her and if she was unable to do her duty as requested by the King, mayhap she would be punished despite the assurances of the Primale. She would do this as much as it pained her to do so.*
    3 hours ago · Like · 10
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*His head snapped around to Throe when he heard Phury ask about forgetting to tie him up.* Wrath must have untied him when he was here earlier. *He shot a glare at Throe* I'm sure he won't give us any issues. *He cracked his knuckles* And, if he does, we will solve them.
    3 hours ago · Like · 10
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He smirked at the males gathered around him. He glanced briefly at the female. She was breathtaking. Yes, this is what a chosen looked like. He inhaled deeply, drawing in the scents and picking through them to find hers. He discarded the mistrust, the anger and the hostility that burned his nose, that emanated from the males. Her scent was clean, and welcoming, What puzzled him was her uncertainty. He didn't sense that she hated him, but she was clearly uncomfortable. When he spoke he kept his voice calm and quiet for her sake *
    First of all, your King just left. Clearly, he was not afraid to be alone with me untied. Too bad his warriors are not as brave. However, I wish that you would tie me again, as I am sensing some discomfort from the Chosen.
    • He turned and looked at her, speaking to her alone this time*
    Hello, it is nice to meet you. Although, you don't seem happy to be here at all. If they are forcing you, or you are uncertain about this, you don't need to be here. I am fine.And I thank you for your offer.
    3 hours ago · Like · 9
    Layla Chosen ‎*She could sense the tension in the room, anger, emanating from both the Primale and the brother, Tohrment. At the sound of the male's voice she brought her head up and as she looked upon him her heart skipped. Despite his extensive injuries she could see that he was a phearsom male. She felt a strange sensation throughout her body, his voice calming the fear that had held her in it's grip.* Sire, please know that I am here by choice. Your hurts are most serious, therefore I will be happy to offer you my vein.
    3 hours ago · Like · 9
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He growled and took a step closer, his lip curving up into a snarl. In moments like this he was glad he didn't share his twins blood lust, or else the bhastard would have hit the wall head on, already. On the other hand it couldn't hurt to let go of some restraints one felt inside, and to allow for emotions to surface that usually stayed hidden.
    His demeanor changed slightly as Layla spoke, her words that of a brave female; long gone was the scared Chosen he had sought out just the day prior. Had she truly changed her mind, or was she speaking what she thought they all wanted to her. It was odd, no matter how hard he tried to get a reading on her it was difficult to say the least, he had to have this wrong.. because she seemed to be in some state of awe.*
    You do not address her. This is a necessity and not an offer of our hospitality. You make one wrong move and I will forget some of the vows I made, and the doggen will have a lot to clean up.
    2 hours ago · Like · 9
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He glared at the male with the pretty hair. What the hell? Did he get it dyed like a female? His eyes narrowed and he felt his blood grow cold. He hated that fucker. A brother. Both of them, actually. But this one, this one he hated more. This one who dared to speak to him as if he would harm a female. A low growl rumbled deep in his chest, such an offense was not one he could pass off lightly*
    I will speak to her, if she is to do this it is of her free will, and I am not about to take your word on that.
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*The Fuckers dislike for him was burning in his nose, and for what it was worth, he was matching it with his own. There was nothing the male could say or do that would make him trust him, and lead him to believe he wouldn't use any means necessary to get what he wanted.* We do not force our females to do anything, especially not where it concerns a piece of shit, such as yours. She is here of free will, and if you want to feed from her using YOUR free will, I suggest you show a little respect where it's due.
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He glowered, but remained silent. He would not do anything to scare or upset the female. There had to be a point, eventually where he would be able to get the girly-haired one alone. He returned his attention to the female once more, his tone again one of calm and respect.*
    I apologize for that display. I would be honored if you were to offer me your vein. However, may I ask your name? I don't wish to call you Chosen, as I can see you are much more than that.
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Layla Chosen ‎*She was most surprised to hear the male ask her name, mayhap he was a male of worth?* I am named, Layla, sire. Mayhap I enquire as to what you are named? I wish to say that you have my assurance that I truly offer you my vein of mine own free will. It is as ever my duty to serve. * She walked towards him and knelt before him, trembling slightly as she held out her slender wrist...*
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*Bile rose in his stomach, his heart dropping as Layla stepped forward without a complaint. If he didn't know better he would say she was trying to stop the argument from escalating, and for that he was ever grateful. It wasn't proper to fight and use language in front of her, at least not unless something were to happen that broke all the rules.
    He watched with a frown, and stepped forward, not wanting to interfere with her doings. He knew that she was already doubting herself, and to crowd her with his presence may only add to her feeling of worthlessness. She may mistake his concern for her with doubt, and he didn't think she could handle feeling like she failed, again.
    Moving to stand beside Tohr, he kept his eyes trained on Throe. He was only one leap away from nailing the other male against the wall, and knowing his brother the bhastard wouldn't make it out alive if he took advantage of Layla, and this situation.*
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Throe Bhastard Layla. Thank you. That is a beautiful name. My name is Throe. and again, I thank you.
    *He drew in a deep breath, not wanting to draw this out any further, make it any more difficult for her. He had a feeling the entire situation could erupt at any minute, better to get the female out of the room as quickly as possible. As he inhaled her scent once more, closer now with her wrist right by his face, his fangs elongated to the point where he couldn't have closed his mouth if he wanted to. He tried to be as gentle as possible, closing his eyes to block out the presence of the two males in the room, and their hostility. He held Layla's arm gently yet firmly, one hand on her elbow, the other on her hand. He found himself lightly stroking her, from her palm down to her fingers, light easy strokes, to soothe her nerves. He felt her relax slightly, as he took slow, deep pulls. Her blood was very pure, and he was trying to not take too much. It had been so long since he had fed, and he was at a dangerous stage of weak. Still, he took just enough, wanting to get this over with for her as quickly as possible. Her blood tasted as beautiful as she looked, and he had a hard time making himself disengage from her wrist. He slowly licked his puncture marks, to seal off the wounds. Unable to help himself, he had to mess with pretty hair one last time. He looked up at the male, who was staring so intently. And winked at him as he licked the puncture mark one extra time. Slowly he released her arm and lay back, replete.*
    Thank you, beautiful Layla. You are most kind, truly a female of worth.
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Layla Chosen ‎*She felt a blush warm her cheeks as he said she was beautiful and held her breath as his fangs elongated, tensing slightly as she felt them pierce the delicate flesh of her wrist. She felt strangely exposed, surrounded by both the Primale and Tohrment, the tension in the room was almost tangible. She found herself biting back a moan as Throe gently stroked her hand, a wave of heat consuming her, confused as to what she was feeling. She felt him withdraw from her wrist and unable to meet his gaze, she rose from the floor and gracefully stepped away; blushing once more at his gratitude.*
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Phury Ahgony ‎*The temperature in the room dropped several degrees when the cocky bastard winked. He held himself back long enough for Layla to finish and step back. He took her hand and drew her away from the bastard, looking down on him, beyond furious. He couldn't tell what was going on with Layla, she seemed dazed, unfocused. He led her several paces away and looked at Tohr, nodding one time.*
    2 hours ago · Like · 8
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*As Phury nodded to him, he tried to hold his anger from the wink in check.....and failed. He drew his fist back and slammed it into Throe's cheek, before getting in his face* If you ever disrespect Layla or Phury with a little gesture like that again, and this will seem like childs play. I guarantee it. *He pulled Throe's arms behind him and bound his wrists together.....definitely tighter than they needed to be, before he turned and walked out of the room behind Layla & Phury, shutting the door and locking it once more.*
    Fritz Perlmutter
    ‎*As he cracks his bedroom door open. He peeks his head out and doesn't see anyone. He shuffles his way down the hall to Manny's room. He quietly knocks on his door.* Master Manny are you awake? I am in need of your services.
    Like · · Follow Post · 5 hours ago
    Throe Bhastard, Bella Ahgony, No'One Sampsone and 8 others like this.
    Manuel Manello ‎*He is surprised to hear anyone moving about at this hour. He looks over his shoulder to see tha tPayne is still asleep in their bed. Out like a light, one arm thrown over her face, covering her eyes. He opens the door a crack and seesFritz in a robe, hunched over. He quickly opens the door and steps out into the hall, worried about the frail butler's health.* What's going on Fritz? You hurt?
    5 hours ago · Like · 11
    Fritz Perlmutter um, ah, um *He looks down as he speaks* I guess it's no way getting around this so I am just going to get to the point. What do you do if you have an erection lasting for more then 4 hours? um because I may have the problem, it's been about 4 1/2 hours now.
    5 hours ago · Like · 11
    Manuel Manello ‎*He stared at the wizened butler. Blinked a few times. And stared some more, willing his professional training to save him from embarrassing the poor male. Finally he cleared his throat and craned his neck, stretching it a bit, as it was suddenly tense.* I see. Yeah. Ok. And, did anything precipitate this event? I mean, did you... take anything? Prior to the, uh, erection?
    5 hours ago · Like · 10
    Fritz Perlmutter Um yea I found some blue vitamins in Vishous's medicine cabinet, it said vgr-50 so I assumed it was Vitamin 50 grams, but I knew something was wrong when I woke up at 4am with a throbbing um.... unit and took an ice cold shower and it still is at full mast, and now it just hurts. *He knew that he was just rambling, but he couldn't stop talking he just want the pain to go away* Please help me!
    5 hours ago · Like · 10
    Manuel Manello ‎*He closed his eyes and counted to 10. It would not do at all for him to laugh his ass off. So,Vishous needed vitamin V? Interesting. He filed the info for a later date and took a deep breath. This was going to be fucking hard to ask the ultra proper butler. He could understand why Fritz had not gone to Jane with this though.* Fritz, that was not a vitamin. At all. First thing, have you tried to ejaculate? Maybe if you go masterbate that would help? * Fuck, he did not blush, ever. For Christ's sake, he was a medical professional. And yet, he had a feeling his face was turning more red by the second.*
    5 hours ago · Like · 11
    Fritz Perlmutter ‎*He can sense the embarrassment that Manny must be feeling, but on the same token he face must look like a tomato as well* Wow, Master Manny, no I haven't tried to... release myself. Do you think that would actually work? Then again I am willing to try just about anything at this point. Master I have but 1 more question for you, may I have my best of Golden Girls Dvd know to do the deed.
    5 hours ago · Like · 11
    Manuel Manello ‎*He shuddered at the mental image now thrust into his brain. Another item he can never go back and un-know. Without a word, he dipped back into his room, fumbled around at the entertainment center and grabbed the now disgusting old person porn. Hell, at least it wasn't Cocoon. He opened up the door and without bothering to walk back out in the hall once more, held it out to Fritz. * Ok, if you are able to resolve the issue, great. If not, let me know. Just knock once if everything is ok. No need to talk to me or see me if that is the case.
    *He shut the door and tried to calm his gag reflex*
    5 hours ago · Like · 10
    Fritz Perlmutter Thanks Master *without making eye contact, he grabs the dvd and shuffles back to his quarters. He quickly enters his room and locks the door behind him. He walks over the the dvd player and pops in the dvd,makes his way back to his bed, claps twice to shut off the lights...*
    *He wakes up to find himself in a sticky situation, he quickly puts all of the sheets in the hamper, jumps in the shower to clean off and head out of his quarters to wash everything. As he passes Manny's room he stops and can't remember if one knock is good or bad. So he decides to knock once and say,* Master Manny everything is fine now and can we please keep this to ourselves, thanks.
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    5 hours ago · Like · 10
    Manuel Manello ‎*He jumps when he hears Fritz's voice in the room, but is too relieved by the positive outcome to get upset. He shook his head and answered through the closed door.* Great Fritz, and not to worry, this will never be brought up again. I guarantee it, on my end anyways. * He rolled over and wondered briefly if V kept a running total on his Viagra stash. *
    Throe Bhastard
    ‎*He was starting to lose the mellow feeling the Scribe had given him. Not back to full panic yet, but definitely more uncomfortable. The biggest thing was being tied up, confined in the dark. He could ignore the physical discomfort, for the most part, the hunger was getting relentless though. He could tell his body was healing far too slowly, so along with food, he needed to feed. He was having a hard time wrapping his mind around the idea of dying in the home Mhisery was now living in, without reaching his goal of actually speaking to her. He could hear heavy footfalls out in the main part of the training center. He had been hearing them a lot, but these were approaching the room he was begin kept in, he could tell they were slowing. He turned toward where the door was, his eyes already squinting in anticipation of glaring light.*
    Like · · Friday at 12:03pm near Caldwell ·
    Cassie Lee, Layla Chosen, Lucia Ann and 2 others like this.
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Curiosity killed the cat; didn't they say that? Lucky for him though, and not so lucky for the Bhastard (Throe), he was much larger than Boo, and more dangerous than even a mutated Jaguar on steroids. He frowned as he stopped in front of the door, the scent of the other male hanging in the air like the odor of pair of dirty socks. Or a jockstrap. The guy was starving, and he didn't need to see it with his two eyes to believe it, if they were working in the first place.
    Placing the tray he had brought onto the floor he unlocked the room, allowing light to spill in.* Surprise. You just won the royal treatment.
    Friday at 12:20pm · Like · 5
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He blinked at the light, although it was nearly obscured by the body standing in the doorway, shitkickers spread hip width apart. Shit, that male was fucking huge. And without a doubt, he was staring at the end of his discomfort. Clearly, the only reason the King would be there is to finish him off. He was a bit curious about the food. A final meal? He summoned up his inner smart ass and fired off a smirk.* Ah, King-Wrath. Haven't seen you in awhile. And you are bringing me food? I am honored, to say the least. Are you going to feed me from your hand? or do you want to untie me while you are here?
    Friday at 12:37pm · Like · 5
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*So the guy wanted to be a smart ass? Two could go that route, and for what it was worth, he had a hell lot more experience in that department.* Or maybe I brought it for the dog, because even after I break your bones and tear the flesh from them, I rather not he choke on a pile of dirt, such as you. *He shifted his body and folded his arms across his chest, leaning into the doorway as he sniffed the air. The guy was frightened, as he damn well should be. But there was also the scent of defiance and if there was one thing the king could appreciate it was 'not giving up', no matter how dire the situation. The guy was most likely an asshole on a large scale, but he had balls. Balls that could very well cost him his dick.* Well, since you are not hungry. George, come here, boy. *His demeanor never changed, his voice and face stoic.*
    Friday at 12:50pm · Like · 5
    Throe Bhastard ‎*His stomach let out a roar of protest and he had to say something. Much as he hated to, he was hungry. May as well die with a full stomach. And as fancy as these people lived, guarantee there was some good food on that plate.*
    Hold up, now, I didn't say I didn't want anything to eat. I just was wondering if you would actually untie me and let me eat it.
    *He shifted around a bit, trying to ease a cramped muscle without making it obvious. When he spoke again, it was in a quieter voice*
    Why would you do that, bring me food?
    Friday at 1:17pm · Like · 4
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He shrugged and stepped into the holding cell, willing the flames on a couple of torches to life. He moved slowly, his lip pulling up in a snarl.* You try anything stupid and I will make you feast on your own insides. *His eyebrows vanished behind his wrap-around-glasses, and without much hassle he untied the Bhastard's hands. There were always those that thought him to be helpless just because he was missing sight, but that couldn't be further from the truth. While there were some things he did need help with, there were many more he excelled in despite his... handicap.* I ask the questions, you answer them. *Returning to the door he shoved the tray of food toward the other male, leaning his back against the wall* It's not poisoned. I wouldn't have offered it to my dog. Unlike you he does matter to me.
    Friday at 1:27pm · Like · 5
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He sat up slowly, to allow for being lightheaded. He resisted the urged to rub his skin where the bindings had been. He shrugged a few times, and stretched to aid blood flow. He looked at the King briefly, trying to figure out what to say. He couldn't get a read on the male, between his mind being foggy and slow, and they wraparounds, he may as well still be in the dark. The Blind King. To be honest, the lack of sight didn't seem to make any difference. The male was deadly, lethal. One didn't need to see him fight to know that. He felt a grudging respect for the male, and decided for once to show it. He pushed down the urge to start firing questions, and asking about Mhisery. Instead, he nodded.*
    Allright. Your home, your rules. What do you want to know?
    Friday at 1:55pm · Like · 5
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Surprise nearly slammed into him, followed by suspicion. He had never and would never allow himself to be played, and if this fuckface was trying to pull a fast one on him, than he would look at the carotts from down below, within the hour.* For starters, how many are there of your self pronounced heroes? And are you always so ungrateful when offered ..stuff? You haven't even touched the damn food, yet. *He tried to get a read on the male's emotions, and didn't the Bhastard surprise him more and more, he felt .. respect. Whatever was going down in his 'happy family' must not be all roses and butterflies. and maybe he was looking for a way out. One that didn't necessarily mean his certain death by being staked numerous times; because, let's be honest, every brother should have a turn, and his own stake would go through the heart.* Just so we're clear, the nutrients are to keep you alive, no other reason. And if you play your cards right I may even offer you what you crave so much more. *Blood, but certainly the guy was clever enough to figure that out on his own*
    Yesterday at 1:09am · Like · 5
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He debated how much to tell the King. About himself, not about the Bhastards. He wasn't completely disloyal. However, he also was not a liar. He began eating. He had been waiting to eat until he was alone, but realized that had been foolish, clearly he was not going to be left alone while untied. He tried to maintain a level of dignity, and not dig into the food like he had been raised by animals. He may live like one now, but he had been raised right. At the mention of feeding, his thirst reared it's head to an almost uncontrollable level and he closed his eyes for a moment, to focus on quieting the urge to a manageable level. If he didn't feed very soon, there would be no more question of control, he would be dead. When he had eaten enough to quiet the hunger pains a bit, he picked up the water and took a long drink. While he drank, he considered his answer. *
    I am, though. Grateful, I mean. For the food. *fuck, he was sounding like a half-wit. Why was this so difficult, and where was his usual smart ass demeanor all of a sudden? Oh, that's right, he was being respectful. He decided to continue on, see how long that lasted. * To answer your question on our numbers, there are fewer of us than there are of you. We lost some when we came over from the old country. Not everyone wanted to come over here. And we fight amongst ourselves at times, not everyone is as honorable as I am. *He paused for a moment, smirking. He took a couple more bites of food and another drink. He rolled his head back and forth, cracking his neck and working out the kinks there a bit. He continued, a bit quieter now, as it felt disloyal to discuss this part. The king, however, already knew what he was about to say, for the most part. * The, ah, the fact that the Bloodletter was not Xcor's father, that also cost us some men. The rest of us stayed, though, and pledged our loyalty. For different reasons. I know it doesn't make sense to you, of all people, why we would follow another. Hell, I don't understand it much of the time. I get tired of this way of life, and I wonder why I ever followed him to begin with, why I went to him that day for help. I have thought on it a lot more, since being here, with nothing else to do to pass the time. After the Scribe Virgin came to me, I went through my entire life over and over again, in my mind. Truthfully, I have no answers to it, any of it. And i will tell you now, even though i am second in command, I am not privy to much of the information you would seek. I don't think there is much information. I think much of what Xcor does is done without forethought. If there is strategy, it is not readily shared, he is a suspicious bastard, and he does not want us to question him. *He stopped, drank some more water, and finished off the food on his plate. He looked up at the King, wondering what was going on behind those wraparounds.*
    22 hours ago · Like · 5
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He could hear the bhastard dig into the food, and George's low growl of disagreement could only mean that the male hadn't left much, if anything, on his plate. Good, this what he wouldn't keel over dead before Phury came with a Chosen, or made the call that none had stepped forward and agreed to the feeding.
    Clearing his throat he shifted his massive body, stretching his back and rolling his neck to work out a kink.* I know all of my brothers are loyal to me. Something has to be going wrong amongst your kind if you so willingly talk about how fucked up you think it all is. *He cracked his knuckles and folded his hands, the sound of footsteps drawing closer. Look at that, today may just be the bhastard's lucky day, because by the scent that was drifting toward them he could tell that Layla was heading their way.*
    *Pulling back his lips to reveal his set of pearly whites, he growled a low warning* Touch her, Scare her, Hurt her, Frighten her.. and you're going to experience every piece of torture ever written down in history.
    5 hours ago · Like · 5
    Throe Bhastard ‎*He scowled. He may be a lot of things, but wrong to females was never one of his flaws. He could understand, however, why the King felt the need to protect the female. The idea that he was appearing disloyal rankled, however. He was smart enough to realize that this was not the time to argue his point. He could smell the female and his survival instinct had him shutting down his desire to espouse how loyal to Xcor his was at the moment. He couldn't control his mouth completely. * I am the same "kind" as you are, just have different political beliefs. And as far as any female is concerned, there is never been an unhappy female in my presence.
    No'One Sampsone
    ‎*She sat her in chair the music was playing in the background, her room was her haven away from the noise of the mansion. She sat thinking of the events of the past few weeks, the sadness that had engulfed them all. No longer was the mansion a place of sadness, the happiness had returned once more. All around her she could hear laughter and see smiling faces. The Doggen were once more going about their duties with a smile on their faces. As she closed her eyes her thoughts turned to her own life, a shy smile appeared as she though about Tohrment. Their brief chat had lifted her spirits, she hoped they would indeed be able to meet on a regular basis. She thought about the young man she had met all those years ago, and how he had changed. She too had changed, no longer was she a carefree female. She was now the mother of a female mated to a brother, she was uncomfortable with her new found status and the the privileges it afforded her. She found solace in the company of Tohrment, he seemed to soothe her. He knew exactly what to say to bring a smile to her face, she blushed when she recalled staring at his handsome face. She would not admit to anyone but she could be in his company all day and not grow tired of him*
    Like · · Follow Post · 11 hours ago
    Layla Chosen, Tohrment Hharm, Bella Ahgony and 2 others like this.
    No'One Sampsone ‎*She untied her long hair, then taking the hairbrush she began to slowly brush her shining locks still thinking of Tohrment. She had not seen him for a few days, she had resisted the urge to go for a walk in the hope of bumping into him. She did not want to be seen as so obvious, she would not make a fool of herself no matter what. She felt a fluttering in her stomach at the thought of spending time with him once more, she chided herself for being foolish. They were simply enjoying each others company, she must banish all fanciful thoughts from her head and yet a part of her desired no wanted something more. Something she had not felt in so very long, she yearned to be held and not just by any male but by Tohrment. Shaking her head she put the down the hairbrush, she slowly rose from her chair. Mayhap a walk around the grounds would do her some good and clear her thoughts. She hoped to see her daughter, they had not spoken for a while. They had the beginnings of a relationship and she wanted nothing to spoil the chance she had been given*
    Zee Ahgony
    ‎*His time with the Scribe Virgin (Analisse) had gone by within the blink of an eye, and yet the few moments he had spent in her presence had changed something deep within him. The darkness that had been all consuming was starting to lift, and the need to get as far away from Bella as possible was replaced by the need to be close to her. Inside of her. Balling his hands into fists Zsadist stood like a tree trunk, unmoving, his eyes fixed on the carton of eggs on the kitchen floor. Egg whites and yolks were oozing out of the paperlike material, much like the way his hateful emotions were draining from him. His eyesbrows knitted together as he shook his head in an attempt to make sense of everything, but instead of answers he found more questions. The only difference was that he no longer wished for death but to be reborn in Bella's arms. Would she forgive him? Could she? Could he? A cold shower ran down his spine as the severity of his situation sank in; he had left his shellan and young. Everything that had mattered to him he had given up.
    Swiping a roll of papertowels from the counter he began to clean the mess he had caused, blocking his mind to the demons that were trying to regain his attention. As little clarity as he had right now, he was not going to give that up, again... not if he could help it. Well, and now there was only one thing to do, the manly thing - Beg.
    Half hour later a meal had been prepared for Bella and Nalla, a strong hand running over his trimmed skull. Fuck, this wouldn't do. It wasn't nearly as perfect as he wanted it to be, ore good enough for his females. Scowling he rearranged the flowers he had borrowed from the neighbors yard, and shifted the food around. What a poor attempt to say -I am sorry- ... but maybe it would get his foot back into the door.*
    Like · · Follow Post · March 6 at 2:01pm
    No'One Sampsone, Paula Balardin, King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath and 16 others like this.
    Bella Ahgony ‎*She had slept fitfully, hurt and anger battling within her at Zsadist's refusal to feed from her. Sitting up in bed she glanced to the corner where he had been resting and was not surprised that he was no longer there. Her heart heavy she rose from the bed where Nalla was still sleeping, peacefully. She would leave her to rest a little longer while she prepared First Meal. Climbing the stairs from the basement, she desperately tried to ignore the ache in her heart.
    She pushed opened the door and froze...
    Zsadist was standing in the kitchen and upon the table was a meal; there were even flowers in a vase. Her heart thudding in her chest, unable to believe what she was seeing, she looked at him. He was stood with his head hanging but something was very different...this was not the same sullen male who had refused to feed, he seemed almost contrite; the anger that had roiled off him for days replaced with something else...not daring to hope as she walked slowly towards him*, Zsadist? Did you do this?
    March 6 at 2:24pm · Like · 10
    Zee Ahgony ‎*His heart was pounding in his chest ever since the second her breathing, upstairs, had changed. Thanks to his enhanced senses he had known the second she had woken up, her heartbeat betraying her. The closer she came the stronger her scent that drifted toward in, and until she opened the door to the kitchen it had been a mix of disappointment and hurt... most likely because of him.
    He swallowed and turned, shifting from one foot onto the other and nodded in reply to her question. There was utter disbelief written all over her paled features, and she was smelling as pure and sweet as ever.* I did. You need to eat, and Nalla does as well.
    March 6 at 2:35pm · Like · 10
    Bella Ahgony ‎*His reply stunned her; confusion now replacing the hurt and anger. That he had stood in her kitchen and prepared a meal was hard to believe but harder still was the wave of emotion that she sensed from him; love. Her heart was skipping erratically as she closed the distance between them; the need to know the truth driving her forward.*
    Reaching him, she raised her hand to gently cup his chin, needing to look into his eyes; her heart slammed harder as he gazed upon her; his eyes no longer black but golden! She moved her hand to his cheek, stroking softly with the pad of her thumb,*Nallum, please talk to me. Tell me what this means?
    March 6 at 2:50pm · Like · 10
    Zee Ahgony ‎*He leaned into her touch, his eyes closing as he sought out what he had so fooloshly given up.
    Here, right now, in this kitchen, nothing else mattered but Bella's tender hand on his skin; and for the first time in a long time he felt at ease, and his heart felt to be in the right place. Fuck, the second he had walked out of their door he had left everything good of him behind... had left his heart with her. Now, as she stroked his cheek she was sending it all back into him, whether she knew it or not. Maybe there was not actually any good inside of him, but she was the good that counteracted all the evil he felt. Bella was his home, his life, his sanity. Opening his eyes he blew out a breath and cupped her hand on his cheek, leaning further into the touch.*
    I don't know what it means, I mean.. yes.. fuck, I do.
    *Frowning, he pulled away and folded his arms behind his head, his feet carrying him around the table, once..twice.
    Why was it so hard to say the things that were burning on his tongue? Why couldn't he just scoop her up into his arms, and ask her for forgiveness, while burying himself deep inside of her. His cock jerked at the mental image, and with a growl he shifted his weight and forced the thing to move in his tight leathers. Had he really thought that would give him relief? Quite the opposite was the fact as his length grew harder and strained against the material, causing Zsadist to glance at a kitchen knife in near reach. He'd cut the fucker off, if it didn't stop. This was not supposed to be about raw animalistic sex; it was meant to be about him asking his shellan to let him return into her arms and bed. Bed.
    I am not thinking clearly, right now. But I want to come home. If you will have me back.
    March 7 at 8:15am · Like · 12
    Bella Ahgony ‎*He didn’t utter a sound as she gently stroked his cheek, but she felt him lean into her as he closed his eyes; her heart hammering furiously in her chest as her emotions raged. She wanted to hear his reasoning but at the same time she didn’t, knowing her heart would shatter if they were not the words she longed to hear; her gaze never wavering as she searched his face for the smallest sign as to what he was thinking.
    He opened his eyes and exhaled, his warm breath whispering through her hair as his hand cupped hers. She sensed his inner struggle, when he tried to answer her question, his brow creasing into a frown as he moved away to pace around the table. Words had never been Zsadist’s strong point; actions more his kind of thing. Desperate as she was for an answer, she didn’t want to push him and would give him the space he so clearly needed.
    She couldn’t imagine her life without him; had wanted him from the first moment she had laid eyes on him in the training centre. He was her strength but also her weakness; her pyrocant. Loving him was not always easy, his self doubt often making him hard to reach, but it was a battle she was prepared to fight for the rest of her life because without him she was nothing…
    Inhaling deeply to calm her uncertainty, the thick, heady scent of his arousal slammed into her, causing her nipples to tighten as she heard a growl rumble in his throat. At the sight of his hard length straining in his leathers, heat bloomed in her core; the urge to feel him deep inside her almost unbearable. Digging her nails into the palms of her hand, the sharp sting of pain, regained some of her self control as wanton desire threatened to consume her.
    The rich, spicy smell of his bonding scent, permeated the air and curled around her and she found it even harder to concentrate, her need for him overriding all her senses; she heard him say he wanted to come home and her resistance snapped; hurling herself at him, she flung her arms around his neck and wrapped her long slender legs around his waist, burying her face into his chest as she told him she loved him, over and over again…*
    March 7 at 5:06pm · Like · 11
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*she woke in her room seeing Ahstrux laying by her side she pet her soft head. crawling to the edge of her bed she walked softly to her Mahmen and Daddy's room, opening their door slowly, hoping her Daddy would be there with her Mahmen but she frowned, neither of them were there. walking back into her room she looked puzzled at her puppy* Ahstrux, where you tinks dey ares? *her puppy looked up at her and cocked his head to the side as if she understood but didn't know either.
    walking down the big stairs, Ahstrux by her side the big farm house was very quiet. looking around in the room with the big t.v. and dining room, but she didn't find her parents in either place. sighing going to the only other place she thought her Mahmen, since Daddy had left them, could be, the kitchen. as she stopped in the door way her little jaw opened and she stood there not able to believe what she was seeing. her voice barely above a whisper* Daddy, is dat weally yous?
    Thursday at 1:34pm · Like · 11
    Bella Ahgony ‎*Her head was nestled on Zee's shoulder, happy and content that he had come back to her. She couldn't help smiling at how Nalla would react when she found out her daddy was back and just at that moment she heard her little voice. Turning to look at her, tears of joy sprang to her eyes. Nalla's whole face was alight, her eyes wide as saucers as she kept looking back and forward between the two of them.
    Reluctantly she released her hold on Zee and walked across the kitchen to her daughter,* hey sleepy head *holding out her hand as she spoke to her,* yes sweetie it really is daddy and I'm sure that right now he needs one of your special hugs.
    Thursday at 1:53pm · Like · 12
    Zee Ahgony ‎*She didn't utter a single word, but the way her body shifted to acomendate her desire for him washed away his worst fear; she didn't resent him and she wasn't going to send him away. The scent of her arousal hit him like a brick wall, causing the already tight space inside his leathers to grow even tighter, his length begging to be freed and to be put to rest inside her moist heat.
    Before he could even blink, Bella was across the room, her body wrapped around him like a blanket. Fuck, she wanted him just as badly as he needed her, and as her lips crashed down on his he didn't waste much time before plunging his tongue through her lips. He needed to taste her so badly, especially at the junction of her thighs. Her honey would be the sweetest treat of all, and if it wasn't for the little lady sleeping downstairs he would have her up against the wall, right now. The thought had barely entered his foggy mind as the door sprung open, revealing a flabbergasted Nalla and the beast Qhuinn had gotten her.
    As Bella stepped away from him, even if only inches, he wanted to go with her. The fear that she could change her mind was still an everpresent evil; and could he really blame her if she so decided? Walking toward Nalla he stopped midway and knelt down, opening his arms as his heart hammered in his chest.* I would love one of those hugs.
    Friday at 12:34pm · Like · 13
    Nalla Ahgony ‎*as her Mahmen walked to her and reached hand out to her she smiled wide* Daddy *seeing him lower himself to her level she ran at him and threw her small arms around his neck and held him tight* Daddy yous wealy here? Yous not weaving again wight? *she couldn't bare to let go of him, with tears in her eyes.
    as he stood up she still didn't let go. she wrapped her legs around his waist and held him tightly* I never wetting go again, dat way you can no leaves me and Mahmen. *laying her head on his chest she spotted Ahstrux standing by her Daddy's feet* Ahstrux missed you too Daddy, see she no wikes when you weaves either, she woves you too.
    Yesterday at 5:26pm · Like · 8
    Bella Ahgony ‎*Reaching for her daughter's tiny hand, she heard Zee moving behind her; glancing over her shoulder, she could see that he had crouched down his arms open wide. The expression on his face one of love but also wariness; as if he still thought he would be rejected.
    Hiding a rueful smile at the thought that he still didn't believe and perhaps would never completely believe that he was and always would be the only male for them both. No matter how many times he battled with his demons, they would be there for him with their love. Even when, Scribe help them, in time Nalla met her own male of worth, daddy would always come first. As for herself, he completed her, no other male would ever come close to Zee, he really was her everything...
    Laughter bubbled in her throat at Nalla's sweet proclamation that she was never letting her daddy go. Walking the few steps to where Zee stood holding Nalla, she nestled into his side, wrapping one arm around his waist and the other around Nalla. They stood quietly, the three of them, family, her family and she couldn't think of anywhere she would rather be.*
    11 hours ago · Like · 5
    Zee Ahgony Done.
    Phury Ahgony
    ‎*He went back to his old room to don the proper attire required to go to the other side. The Primale medallion was on a leather thong around his neck, and he quickly changed into the white silk clothing as well. He wanted to speak with Layla as quickly as possible and get back. Hopefully, she would return with him, whether or not she decided to offer her vein to the bastard. She deserved to be here, with her sisters, enjoying her time here and learning as much as she wanted to learn.
    He took form over by the living quarters, walking past the now mostly empty rooms. He decided to go to the Primale's temple and wait there. He stood there, on the outside. Unwilling, at this moment, to use his medallion to unlock it and enter. As he stood there, staring at the building, considering the future of his race, he heard the soft footfalls of a female approaching and he turned to greet her with a bow.*
    Layla. Hello. I am pleased to see you, we have missed you at the Great Camp. I have something to discuss with you, if there is a place where we may sit and talk for a moment?
    Like · · Share · March 7 at 6:11am ·
    King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, Lucia Ann, Cormia Ahgony and 3 others like this.
    Layla Chosen ‎*She had sensed the arrival of the Primale; had indeed been expecting it, but it did naught to quell the heavy feeling of foreboding that rested heavily in the pit of her stomach.
    As the Primale, the governance of the Chosen fell to him and as such it was only fitting that he would be the one to mete out her punishment; for surely that was the reason he was here, there could be no other conclusion. She had taken it upon herself to insolently question the King of their race, not to mention the undeniable fact that she was eternally flawed; an abomination to the race.
    Her heart was heavy-laden as she quietly approached the Primale temple, her soft footfalls hardly making a sound. Which punishment would he deem suitable? Wouldst she be banished to the Temple of Atonement, with her troubled thoughts her only company? Or wouldst she be sent to the Temple of Sequestered Scribes, forever to record the history of their race? Whatever the punishment she would be stoic in the acceptance of her fate as there was no one to blame but herself.
    Stopping before him, she returned his bow, but unable to meet his gaze she kept her eyes cast to the ground as he spoke to her.
    The pleasant intonation of his words was not something she expected even less so his admittance that she had been missed at the Great Camp. Her curiosity piqued as he stated that he wished to discuss something with her; his manner and tone not in any way suggesting that he was angry or sought to punish her.
    Raising her eyes until they rested upon the Primale medallion about his neck, still unable to meet his gaze, she nodded her head in assent,* Sire, I am most humbled that you have noticed my absence, but forgive me, I am most curious as to what you wish to speak of. I am, as ever, here to dutifully serve you. * She indicated a marble seat that was a short distance away,* If it pleases you, Sire, we may sit thereupon to discuss whatever you wish.
    March 7 at 11:20am · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He noted the acrid scent of her fear. Her emotions were all over the place, and it seemed as if she were naught but a bundle of nerves. He was beyond puzzled, and more determined than ever to try to help her. It also made asking her to do this more difficult. He was not willing to have her do this in an effort to please anyone, or out of guilt.
    He placed his hand at the small of her back and guided her over to the bench, sitting so that he could face her and see her face. She refused to meet his eyes, which both saddened him and frustrated him. She was retreating into herself, and seemed to be losing what ground she had gained in her efforts to gain independence and acclimate to life over with the general population. *
    Layla, what I have to discuss can wait, if you have something to discuss with me. Please, let me know what has happened, and what I can to to help fix this.
    Friday at 6:46am · Like · 7
    Layla Chosen ‎*She felt his hand on the small of her back as he guided her towards the bench; it felt strange as she was unaccustomed to physical contact, yet it was somehow comforting. She seated herself upon the bench, as she smoothed her robe, her hands slightly trembling. She was taken aback by the Primale's enquiry, not able to comprehend why he did not show any anger towards her. Mayhap he was waiting to hear her admittance of her guilt before he made his decision as to what punishment was fitting.
    She kept her gaze on her hands resting in her lap, knowing there was little use in concealing the truth a moment longer,* I wish to ask your forgiveness, Sire, I have failed in my duty as a Chosen and I will accept my punishment for it is no more than I deserve.
    Friday at 3:46pm · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He stared at her, shocked. How could she possibly have failed? He waited to speak until she had looked up, wanting to ensure he had her full attention.*
    Layla, please, I don't understand how it is you say you have failed? You are so caring and so giving, you are feeding all of the males of the household that are unmated or unable to feed from their mates. You have sacrificed your own personal happiness over and over again, I have seen it. I am not here to punish you, but what is it you believe you need to be punished for? Although, when you hear why I have come to talk to you, you may think that my reason is a punishment, and I hope you will believe me when I say it is not intended to be such.
    Friday at 3:56pm · Like · 6
    Layla Chosen ‎*She was stunned by his words, tears welling in her eyes at his kindness. She blinked them away not wanting to lose her composure; could it be that she had erred in her thinking? That her perception of her flaw was naught more than a manifestation of her loneliness? She inhaled deeply,* Sire, your words are most kind but am I not an abomination? It is true that I feed the males of our race who so require it but that is all I do. I have never been...touched. My training as an Ehros has never been sought, surely that is a cause for concern? *She paused, as her tears threatened to spill,* forgive me Sire, I am sure you are most busy and do not have time to listen to my ramblings. What is it you wish to ask of me?
    Friday at 4:19pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*he tried to think of a way to phrase it so she understood it was entirely her choice. He couldn't imagine how distasteful it would be for her. The idea of it made him angry. He would really rather not ask her when she was this unhappy, but maybe it would give her a distraction. He could feel her loneliness and it touched him. He could well understand how she felt. *
    Layla, you are not in any way an abomination. I always have time for you. As far as the rest *he paused, not really comfortable discussing sexual matters with her. He decided the best thing was to get it over with as quickly as possible* This is a new way of life for you, for all the chosen. It takes time to move past the old traditions. To start new ones. Your training, that will be something you share with a mate. As far as what I need to ask of you, it is rather difficult to ask. Please know that you are under no obligation. You can say no, and that will be the end of it, it is no more than what he deserves. It will be distatseful and unpleasant. I hate like hell to ask you. It seems there is a bastard in the mansion. Qhuinn brought him there. He is in need of feeding, and I was asked to see if you would be willing. You can say no, and there won't be anyone that holds that against you. You are not duty bound to do this. I, for one, do not love the idea of it. If you want to talk to some of your sisters, to Cormia. I will understand that as well.
    • He stopped, and waited to see what she would say, watching her face carefully to gauge her reaction*
    Friday at 4:49pm · Like · 7
    Layla Chosen ‎*She did not allow her gaze to falter as the Primale spoke to her; his denial that she was an abomination did much for her sense of worth. She sensed his discomfort, but could not help feeling saddened at his mention of a mate for she still believed that she was not fated to be blessed in that way. She listened carefully as he explained the circumstances at the Manse, curious as to why Qhuinn had done such. She had heard of the male in question but knew little about him.
    She could not help a frown from creasing her brow at the Primale's insistence that she was not expected to feed this male; that she had a choice. She was a Chosen, it was her duty to serve and even though he was refuting this, she could not refuse.* Sire, you think me to refuse? If this male is in need of feeding and it is your desire that I do so, then I shall do so gladly.
    Friday at 5:13pm · Like · 6
    Phury Ahgony No, let me be perfectly clear. It is not my desire that you feed him, necessarily. He is the brotherhoods prisoner. He would see the King dead if he had his way. I think death for him would be fine. But, he may serve a purpose. That is the idea behind feeding him. You are to really think about this. I will be there, and maybe on of my brothers. He will not be allowed to touch you in anyway, however, there is always that certain level of intimacy to it. You have to really decide how you will feel having a bastard's mouth on you. If there were any other way, believe me, we would do it that way instead.
    *Scribe, the more he explained it to her and the more he thought about it, the more he was bothered by the idea of it, it sickened him. He didn't want to sway her decision, especially since he had promised Wrath he would ask. And it seemed as if the King truly wanted to do this. He amended his tone a bit.*
    Layla, the King asked that I ask a chosen to do this. I find myself feeling bad for asking, especially as you are already feeling bad about.. things. I am just urging you to consider your answer carefully, is all.
    Friday at 5:28pm · Like · 7
    Layla Chosen ‎*As he explained further the situation, she could sense his anger and disgust; his reluctance at having to ask her was evident. A wave of anger swept through her when he told her that this male wished their esteemed King dead, could not fully understand why he had been allowed to live thus far; to threaten the King's life was completely forbidden.
    She was about to refuse but when he said that the request had come from the King himself, she knew she could not,* Sire, I am most gratified by your concern, but if the King has made this request it must be of great import. It does not please me to feed a male who has threatened the life of our King, but I cannot refuse if this it what the King wishes, therefore I will do his bidding.
    Friday at 5:47pm · Like · 7
    Phury Ahgony ‎*He drew in a deep breath and released it. After a moment he nodded. She was right. It was time to head back to the mansion and get it over with. *
    You are right Layla. We shall head back now, and then tomorrow, we will go and get it over with. If you change your mind, all you have to do is tell me, and it is forgotten. You are truly a female of worth, and your kindness and sense of duty has not gone unnoticed
    *He rose, and held out a hand to her. Time for them to leave this place and return home. He was more than ready.*
    Friday at 6:11pm · Like · 7
    Layla Chosen ‎*She allowed herself a small smile at his comment that she was a female of worth but in her heart she did not feel such; she still felt lost, lonely, tainted.
    Placing her small, delicate hand in his she could only hope that tomorrow her resolve did not falter...*
    Tohrment Hharm
    ‎*He laid in bed, just thinking. He hadn't felt this at ease in a long time. As if all the sadness & anger had been wiped away. He wasn't sure if it was because of his all too brief encounter with No'One the other day, or if it was divine intervention. Either way, who was he to question such a good thing?*
    Like · · Follow Post · Friday at 1:09pm
    Sherry Hein, No'One Sampsone, Zee Ahgony and 13 others like this.
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*As his thoughts drifted to No'One he felt lighter, even more happy, if that was possible. There was this....connection between them. He could not deny that. It was a little disconcerting, as he had not had any feeling even close to these since Wellsie passed. Was he being unfaithful to her memory? Or would she want him to be happy?*
    Friday at 1:09pm · Like · 15
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*He shook his head to clear his thoughts. All Wellsie ever wanted was for him to be happy, and for as long as they were mated, she was what made him happy. She wouldn't want him wallowing in self-pity. Not his Wellsie. He could almost hear her voice in his head ~Tohrment, don't you sit around the house feeling sorry for yourself. Get out there, and find your destiny. And for Scribe's sakes, pick up your weapons for her.~ He laughed...she always was quick witted.*
    Friday at 1:09pm · Like · 14
    Tohrment Hharm ‎*Thinking back to the time he recently spent with No'One....he could not believe how much he made a fool of himself. He was no smooth talker by any means. Maybe he should ask Rhage for some tips. Scribe knows he was smooth with the ladies before he met his Mary. Or maybe he would just give it another shot on his own. She was female, he was male. How hard could it be?*
    Trhistan Rocke
    ‎*He had been debating for awhile. Wondering if he should hold off on feeding. It felt weird to do it, now that he and Avalon were.... whatever they were. But, he needed to do it, and there was no way of knowing if his relationship with Ava was going to get to that point, and if so, when. He really wanted this to be her, but for now, he had to be practical. Phury had agreed to let him use one of the Chosen and Selena had said she would do it. He didn't know her that well, but she had seemed sweet. He finished preparing for her. He showered and put on clean clothes. She probably wouldn't care, but just in case, better to change out of his workout gear. He turned off the tv and put on some music, she was due any minute.*
    Hinder - Lips Of An Angel
    Music video by Hinder performing Lips Of An Angel. (C) 2006 Universal Records, a Division of UMG Recordings, Inc.
    Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · 22 hours ago near Caldwell
    Tohrment Hharm, Nichole Simpson, Layla Chosen and 5 others like this.
    Selena Chosen ‎*her feet slapped against the marble floors of the mansion as she made her way to Master Trhistan's room to feed him, she had not brought any of her normal feeding gowns so she dressed in her long blue plaid pajama pants and one of her angels tank tops. Her hair was pulled back from her face and neck to make her neck available if he wished to feed from her vein there but a part of her hoped he would not. Making it to Master Trhistan's door she knocked quietly, looking down at her painted toes she waited for him to let her in*
    22 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He heard the quiet tapping, and got up to go open the door for Selena. He was surprised at what he saw when he looked down at her. She was disheveled and looked sick. The Chosen were known for being meticulous with their appearance. Clearly she was not well. He waited until she lifted her gaze to his. Her eyes were clear, if a little sleepy looking. He took her hand and led her into his room and over to the couch in the sitting area. Gently, he urged her to sit. *
    Selena, are you ok? I am not sure we should do this, you seem unwell.
    21 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled at him, patting the had that held hers she shook her head* I am fine Master Trhistan im just tired and that is all. Now where shall you feed from? My neck or my wrist? *she tried to keep her body straight and up right, trying not to show the signs of her undernourishment*
    21 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He grew even more concerned. He looked her over for a minute and then decided to just say it. He knew she was in a relationship of sorts with Lassiter. He didn't know how this worked for them.*
    Selena. I am not going to feed from you this night. You are ill. And I think you need to feed more than I do. Can I ask you when the last time you fed was? You can't feed from your Lassiter, can you? Listen, you are here, I can feed you. If not me, that's fine, but find someone, you need to do it soon.
    21 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she let her structured mask come down, leaning back against the couch* Its been a month since i have feed and no i can not feed from my angel. His blood is something we are not familiar with so me and him do not want to run the risk of possibly dying from taking from his vein. *she looked down at her lap, knowing the news of her not feeding would not be taken lightly in this house*
    21 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎Selena, you need to take care of yourself. You are important around here, you know. To all of us. So, do me a favor, before you keel over and they have both our asses, your's for not feeding and mine for not making you.. take my vein and get better, ok? *he rolled up his sleeve and laid his hand on his knee, palm up, and waited for her to make the decision. *
    21 hours ago · Like · 6
    Selena Chosen ‎*she looked down at his wrist, seeing the light blue vein in his wrist she felt her fangs elongate. Slowly slipping down to her knee's she got close to his wrist and held it in her hands, looking up to him she mumbled a quick thank you and sank her teeth into his skin, taking slow deep pulls of his tangy tasting blood*
    21 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He laid his head back on the couch and waited for her to finish. He hadn't fed many females, and it was an odd feeling. He didn't know what to do with his other hand. If it were Ava, he imagined he would be stroking her hair, talking to her. As it was now though, he didn't know what to say to Selena. She continued to draw from his vein and he looked around his room, trying to figure out how long he had been back. Wondering what Ava was up to tonight. He realized he was trying to distract himself and wondered why something so basic to life would feel so strange to him tonight, foreign almost. *
    21 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*all she could see was her angel and she wished she didn't have to feed from others to survive but she did was she needed to do. Taking one last deep pull from his vein she pulled back and turned her head to rest her forehead on the couch, her breathing deep and even as she clinched her eyes shut*
    21 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*He looked down at her, and felt bad for her. This was obviously difficult for her, he could understand that. He quietly stroked her hair off her face and stood up. He went and got her a glass of water, and stood over her, watching as her eyes opened slowly and she accepted the glass. He waited for her to be ready to stand. He thought briefly about just letting her crash in his room and finding somewhere else to sleep for the night but realized Lassiter may not love that idea. He held out a hand to help her up and guide her to her room.*
    21 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she downed the glass of water in a few large gulps, putting it on the table near the couch she grabbed Master Trhistan's hand and let him pull her to her feet. Looking back down at her painted toes she mumbled* Thank you Master, I needed that more then i thought i did.
    21 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Trhistan Rocke No need to thank me Selena. All of you Chosen do so much for the race, anytime you need me, just let me know, ok? He walked out of the door with her, shutting it behind him, to walk her back to her room so she could rest.
    21 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she leaned into his arm for support, her legs felt like jello as she tried a few times to walk on her own but it was of no use and she always ended up leaning back against Master Trhistan's arm once more*
    20 hours ago · Unlike · 7
    Trhistan Rocke ‎*They reached her room, and he wondered if Lassiter were inside. He hoped so, hoped she had someone to take care of her and help her get some rest. He leaned down and kissed her cheek, * Go sleep, Selena, take care of yourself. goodnight
    20 hours ago · Like · 7
    Selena Chosen ‎*she smiled and rested one hand on the handle of her door and the other on the wall for support* Thank you Master Trhistan i owe you for letting me take from your vein good night. *she opened her door and went inside, making it to her bed she slid in behind her angel, curling around his back in the dark she let her tired eyes close as she drifted to sleep*
  • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
    Muhrder Rathboone
    ‎*He squeezed his arms together in his sleep and was frightened awake by a tiny little squeak and giggle in his ear. His eyes popped open and he looked down, and smiled.* Well, hello there. Sorry I didn't mean to squeeze the life from you. *He bent his neck and kissed her sleepy, amused face and laughed low. They had spent the night in each other's arms. He was her first lover and for as old and experienced as he was, was still shaking with nerves. He wanted to do right by her and talk to Phury, but shit, too late now. He would speak to him soon and let him know his intentions with her were honorable. He rubbed softly over the soft skin he was holding and couldn't remember a happier time.*
    *Oh wait. He had done this before. Xhexania. The morning after was like this, only she had tears in her eyes. Was she seeing the mistake or was she happy? He never knew. He just kissed her tears and held her to him. Promising the world and all it held if she would be his. Their room full of bonding and other smells from the night before. He did love her. At one time.*
    *He shook his head. He couldn't think these things with Phe in his arms. He shouldn't. Here lay the female he wanted for his. The one who gave him all of her with no secrets, no lies. He squeezed tight again, fearing she could hear his thoughts and received another giggle and pinch to his arm. He let his breath go and looked into her eyes. There was his calm and peace. Could he accept it and move on? He grinned and touched her face.* Hey. Sleep well?
    Like · · Share · March 6 at 11:39am ·
    Pheonia Chosen likes this.
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*She felt the breath leave her body when he squeezed her tight to him. She could not hold back the little squeak that came from her. She saw him now open his eyes and look down at her. Her hair was probably a mess but she didn’t care. He had never once judged her and accepted her for who she was. Her silly behaviours and clumsy ways. She smiles at him but finds that he must have become lost in his thoughts. He would get a look to his eyes when he was deep into his own personal dungeon. She pinches his arm to bring him back to her. Really did what had happened last night be the truth. She had given him her innocence and she never would look back. She smiles brightly when he speaks to her in a deep sleep filled voice* I did verily well. I do not think that I moved once last eve. *She moves against him puller her body closer.* And how did sleep treat you?
    March 6 at 10:11pm · Like · 1
    Muhrder Rathboone Better than it has in years, sweetling. *He grinned and kissed her lips softly.* I admit to being surprised this was not some fantasy my mind had given to me. *low laugh* I am humbled and glad you are here to wake to. *He smoothed back the hair from her face and grinned*
    March 6 at 10:21pm · Like · 1
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her cheeks threatened with a blush when he spoke so highly of her. She pursed her lips to kiss him when his lips met hers.* I would not have left while we slumbered. Besides your hold is verily strong *She laughed playfully at herself.* It was not even in my mind to leave. I wanted to wake in your arms M. *She not had the blush on her cheeks when she spoke so boldly of her feelings for him*
    March 6 at 10:29pm · Like · 1
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He pulled the duvet higher over them and curled his big body around hers* I am glad. *His eyes met hers just before he gave her a deep kiss, his tongue flicking over her lips, sneaking in to teas at hers. His hands cupped her perfectly rounded ass and he growled.* I may become use to this. *fangy grin*
    March 6 at 10:38pm · Like · 1
    Pheonia Chosen ‎*There was a weight lifted off of her when he said that he could become used to this. She had feared that if she gave him everything he might toss her aside. But her fears didnt seem to be true...well hopefully. She was almost breathless when he kissed her keeply feeling his hands on her ass she moans softly against his lips* As I feel I may also. *She smiles the tips of her own fangs showing against her full bottom lip*
    March 6 at 10:44pm · Like · 1
    Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He held her tightly as she resumed her rest. He watched her eyes flutter with her dreams and ran soft caresses over her face. He placed a kiss to her nose, and grinned when she scrunched it in her sleep. He pulled the cover tightly around them, making a safe shelter for them, and lay face to face with her. He was blessed. She was everything he needed and wanted, so why did he keep going back to Xhexania in his mind? Why were the memories becoming so fresh? He just couldn't shake the fear it would happen all over again. He heaved a sad sigh and just watched his Chosen sleep peacefully in his arms.*
    Payne Bloodletter
    ‎*She laid in bed with Manuel sleeping beside her. She had some time to think. Since she had spoken with her mother and then Manuel, clarity had been brought to them. It had also been more confusing for a time. It was almost too easy for doubt to be placed in their minds. Was that a weakness? Was it really that easy for everyone of them to question the love of their mate? Even her brother whom she knew loved Jane with everything he had, fell victim to the doubt. Bonded males were the last ones you would think would doubt their relationships. The love they had and the protectiveness of their mate was deeper than what any human could imagine. The brothers even more so.
    She laid there watching Manuel's chest rising and falling from the steady breaths he was taking. The love she had for him was never in question. That wasn't anything that could ever change. That had been the constant through all of this. The resounding feeling through it all was that maybe it was all too good to be true. She was still learning so much on this side. Her relationship with her brother was still new. The relationship with her mother was on shaky ground at best. Through it all though, she had her family. She was learning more of the brothers every day and she was doing well at learning how things worked on this side. She had her time with Xhex where she got to fight and she got to come home to him. She ran her hand over his face softly, smiling when she thought of her life. Not even the Omega could break what they all had. It was a bond that although could be shaken, wouldn't crumble. And now after all of this and all that they had been through, it had just ended making them stronger. She leaned over and kissed him softly then laid her head on his shoulder as she closed her eyes. Her heart at peace*
    Unlike · · Follow Post · 6 hours ago
    You, Beth Allen, Saxton Thym and Lucia Ann like this.
    Payne Bloodletter <
    Adelitas Way - Alive (Lyrics)
    What if i told you that i think your perfect? Beautiful sky in your eyes, it's w...
    Selena Chosen
    ‎*Music has become a haven for her over the last few months she had been on the other side within The Brotherhood Mansion, she has come to know so many different sounds and styles of music from all the brothers. She looked down to the small device that her sister Cormia had gave her filled with so much music she did not now where to start, Upon returning this side she moved away from the camp into the gardens where she could be alone with her thoughts and her music under the night sky surrounded by the smell of sweet flowers. Going to her favorite spot in the open clearing she laid down and watched the sky, her thoughts turning to what had become of her love for a fallen angel.
    She reached up to feel the missing black winged necklace that she never took off before last night, she knew her duties were to the brotherhood and her race and she realized the night she feed Master Trhistan that she failed because of her pushing her own needs aside for her angels. She had given him back his ring and necklace and returned home to be with her chosen sisters, to bring her thoughts back together so she could focus on helping the brothers and her race. Closing her eyes tightly she inhaled the sweet smelling air deeply into her lung before exhaling slowly, feeling every bad thought, everything bad emotion she had felt for the last few month leave her body in a rush of relief.
    Sitting up slowly she pulled her knees up to her chest, resting her chin on her knee's she hummed along to the music until its end before standing, once on her feet she looked to the night sky with the first real smile she could say she had in a while as she whispered* Good bye angel....may you find peace where you go. *turning her back to the gardens she slowly made her way back to the camp to join the other chosen for the nightly feast*
    The Killers-When You Were Young
    The Killers-When you Were Young video that I put together with clips off of the internet. If you know me very 
    • well, you know why I picked these clips.
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Blaylock Rocke
      ‎*He awoke with the shutters the following night. They had slept in, apparently by the looks of the alarm clock. Good. They both needed rest and relaxation. He turned and bumps directly into Saxton's sleeping form, curled against him. He squeezed an arm underneath the males head and the other arm over his body. He grinned as Sax grunted and mumbled in his sleep.* Hey you. Wake up. *He pressed a kiss to his lovers lips, nose and eyes.* Come on.
      Unlike · · Unfollow Post · 7 hours ago
      You, Bella Ahgony, Shani Hunt, Cassie Lee and 3 others like this.
      Saxton Thym ‎*He was half asleep, he could feel movement around him. He was warm and comfortable, he could feel Blaylock next to him, when he felt Blaylock kiss him he tried not to laugh. He did his best to pretend to be asleep, it worked until Blay nibbled his neck. The moan of pleasure gave him away, he wrapped his arms around his lovers neck and shoulder* Hmm this is a great way to wake up, feel free to continue I don't mind.
      7 hours ago · Like · 6
      Blaylock Rocke I know you wouldn't, but Sax you are going to be late. *The male was never late for anything, except their first date but that was alright as he was nervous as hell that night. He smiled and kissed Saxton full on the lips.* Plus, you need to shave. I have beard burn on my chest *grinned and turned bright red* and yeah.
      7 hours ago · Like · 6
      Saxton Thym ‎*He grinned when Blay blushed after mentioning he had beard burns on his chest, he gently pushed his lover onto his back then kissed his way across his collarbone. When he had licked and nibbled him there her began to trail kisses across his chest, stopping at his hard nipples. He licked and teased each nipple while his hand cupped Blay balls. He placed gentle kisses on the beard burn, he could feel his fangs threatening to burst through his gums. He wanted to sink his fangs into his flesh and his cock buried deep inside Blay. Heaving a sigh he looked up at his lover, he wanted to stay in bed with him and spend the rest of the night making love. He knew he couldn't he had appointments to keep, he had neglected both his work and his secretary too much already. He scraped his hand across his jaw, the stubble was sharp no wonder Blay had burns. Kissing Blay on the lips he rose from the bed and slowly walked to the bathroom almost tripping over the puppy. He could hear Blay laughing, he turned and blew him a kiss. As he got to the bathroom he turned to his lover* You can always keep me company while I shave and shower* He licked his lips, his cock was throbbing at the thought of getting Blay naked in the shower*
      6 hours ago · Like · 6
      Blaylock Rocke ‎*He groans as he lets Saxton's hands and lips wander his body. His skin hummed with arousal, and his bonding scent filled his nose. His eyes locked onto that mouth he loved so much, the fangs giving away his lover's desire for him. He returned the kiss and was stunned as the male jumped out of bed and headed for the shower.* Tease. *He grinned, waited until her could hear the water running, and dematted to stand behind Saxton in the shower.* Oh I can keep YOU company, huh? *He wrapped Sax in his arms and pulled him tight against him, relishing in the fact the male was where he belonged.*
      6 hours ago · Like · 6
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*she kept finding herself going back to Darius's room over and over again recently, especially after her visit from the Scribe. Standing in his room, again, surrounded by the pictures he had had of her she reached for his journal. Pulling it to her chest she held to it tightly, it was the only real piece of him she had. Easing back onto the bed she felt herself start to cry, again. She had promised the Scribe (Analisse Whalker) she wouldn't cry anymore but she couldn't help it. She needed to know about her father but she knew there was no way for that to happen, and she hated it*
      Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · about an hour ago
      Bella Ahgony and Lucia Ann like this.
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
      Leelan. *His voice was soft as he stood in the doorway, his hand resting on George's head. If there was one thing he could always rely on it were the dog's eyes, and his sixth sense when it came to their queen - Beth. They had been looking for her for a little while now, and after not spotting her in the usual places George had lead him here, as if he had known. Beth's soft sobs tore at his heart, and the scent of her tears caused the hair in the nape of his neck to stand up. If there was one thing he could not handle it was her crying* What's wrong?
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 3
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*she had not heard Wrath or George as the approached the room, she was too engrossed in her own thoughts of her Father. As she heard his soft voice her head turned, the look in his face mad her heart ache even more. Watching as George tugged him towards where she was she pet the dogs head and took Wrath's hand as he sat beside her. Wrath had never found her down her, as often as she had been here no one had really though* I miss my Dad Wrath, I know it doesn't make sense since I didn't know him, but I miss him so much.
      about an hour ago · Like · 2
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
      ‎*He frowned and pulled her into his arms, letting go of George's leash that had been wrapped around his wrist and hand. There were few things that got to him and feeling Beth's emotions in such a turmoil was one of them.* If there is one thing I have learned in all my years, it is that something does not have to make sense to be important. He was a great guy, and he would be damn proud of you, right now. *He swallowed and rested his head on top of hers* We all want to know where we come from.
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 3
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*watching the leash drop to the floor with a thud, George laid down at their feet, his golden fur in stark contrast to the dark carpet. Feeling Wrath pull her to him, his arm around her shoulder, so strong yet so comforting as he eased his head onto hers* I just wish I had met him even once. I feel like I don't know anything about him, other than what his journal has provided me, which isn't much. *closing her eyes as she sat with him* Did he want to know me Wrath? *her stomach knotted, fearing that despite everything maybe he hadn't and that was why he had never truly sought her out*
      about an hour ago · Like · 3
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
      ‎*He listened to her heart beat, and her tears fall. The way her body shivered, and the way she sought out his comfort told her all her needed to know about just how saddened she truly was. Sometimes, especially when you got so caught up in your every day life, it was easy to take the other for granted and to overlook what was important to them. Never did he want that to become Beth and him* Don't ever doubt that he wanted to know you. There were times when he would be gone for days, and when he returned he would talk about the love of his life. It wasn't until much later that we knew he meant you.
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 4
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*as his words fell upon her ears she found comfort but also more sadness in them. she needed to be as close to him as she could be right now. she slid over into his lap, seeking his comforting hold and his loving touch* Wrath, how often did he watch me? *it was an odd question but she needed to know* And why didn't he ever seek me out and talk to me? *she had so many questions that needed answered and didn't know who else to talk to*
      about an hour ago · Like · 4
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
      ‎*Frowning, he ran his fingers through her hair, trying to comfort her when his words failed. There were answers he could give her, and others he didn't have. If anyone had known Darius then it was Fritz. Sure, the brothers had spent a lot of time together, but that didn't exactly entail holding hands and sharing stuff.* From what I have heard he did it as often as he could, and if he didn't get the chance, he sent Fritz or another doggen. *He thought for a moment before he continued.* What would he have said? Hello, I look about as young as you, but I am your dad. And, oh, by the way, I am a vampire. *He paused.* I think he wanted to protect you for as long as possible. But I know it hurt him not to be able to talk to you.
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 3
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*easing her head onto his broad chest, his heart beat steadying her some. she listened as he talked about her father sending out Fritz and other Doggen to watch out for her and she knew he was right when he proposed the statement of what he would have said, she sighed* I know, I wouldn't have believed him then anyway probably. *she hated the thought of causing him pain in anyway* I hate that it pained him to not know me, I wish I had gotten that chance. *wondering what Wrath's memories of him were she looked up at him* Wrath, what is your favorite memory of my Dad?
      about an hour ago · Like · 3
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
      I think he knew you, inside out. He learned all he could about you, without ever slipping up about it to any of us. Or to me at least. *He cleared his throat, and rocked her gently* Mt favorite memory? Damn, leelan, that's a tough one. We went through a lot of shit together and he always pulled through. There wasn't one time he disappointed; I don't think he would have been able to live with himself knowing he didn't do his best. *He chuckled sadly, letting out a breath before continuing* One of my favorite memories has to be the time he attempted to lecture me. He was one of the few guys that could get away with a lot more than others. *Grinning, he continued* Some shit had gone down and I was injured, pretty badly actually, but not bad enough to have an attitude and an opinion about everything. When I tried to staple a large gap on my back he burst into the room and took over, all the while muttering and complaining like a mother hen. Good thing our attempt at pain medicine was a lot of booze.
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 3
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*she idly stroked his hand with hers as he talked about her father and his memories of him* He sounds like such an amazing male *his words made her smile knowing that he had been close with Darius meant so much to her* So many have told me I am like him, do you think so Nallum? *she unconsciously held her breath waiting for him to answer, thinking that maybe if she were like him that she could work from there on trying to build some sense of who her dad was how he impacted her even though he wasn't in her life*
      about an hour ago · Like · 3
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
      I hope not. I never had the desire to, you know. *He grinned and nipped at her ear, before sobering. This was not the time to talk about all the things she did to his body, no matter how much he loved that subject.* You are like him in many ways, and yet you are your own person. He would be very proud of you, and he would have loved to see his grandson born. Not so sure about his reaction when I bonded to you. Seeing Zee with Nalla somehow gives me an idea, though.
      58 minutes ago · Unlike · 3
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*she grinned as he nipped her ear, she loved how he couldn't keep his hands off her even getting as pregnant as she was. but as he sobered she listened to him tell her that she was like him and how proud he would have been of her. she couldn't help but grin when he mentioned their mating and bonding* Well, I can't imagine it is what he had in mind when he asked you to help me with my transition, but I also think he would be happy to see you ascend the throne and how happy we are.
      57 minutes ago · Like · 3
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath
      He would probably have tried to kick my ass for touching his precious daughter, but yeah, he would been proud of the whole royal crap. *He, himself, had never held much of it, or thought much about it. For Darius however it had meant a lot, and there had been plenty of times the brother had reminded him to suck it up and be - king. Fuck, but being royalty didn't only come with its perks, it also brought on limitations. Beside, he had never been someone to like his feet kissed or for others to crawl up his ass, and there had been hundred trying to do just that. In vain.* Come, I'll run you a bath, and then I am going to turn you into a very happy female.
      57 minutes ago · Unlike · 4
      Elizabeth Randall
      ‎*she loved the sound of his voice and she had found herself sitting in his lap with her eyes closed. smiling as she heard his last statement* That sounds like a wonderful idea Wrath. *she still felt a small emptiness about not really knowing her dad, but maybe some of the other Brothers could help her with that she thought. sliding from his lap she leaned down and kissed him and took his hand* I love you so much Wrath, I'm sorry I don't tell you that more often.
      56 minutes ago · Like · 4
    • Zee Ahgony
      ‎*There was an ache and a longing inside his chest cavity, even now after he had found his way back home to Bella. Even now after she had embraced him, despite what he had done to her and Nalla, something was not right. Frowning he stripped from his gear, placing his daggers, like raw eggs, back onto their spots in the closet. His cock was rock hard and pressed against his lower abdomen, his balls tight as he moved toward the shower. What the fuck was wrong with him?
      Growling he turned the shower on cold and stepped underneath the stream, a his escaping him as his tired muscles tensed up, even more. So, the temperature was doing nothing for his body but it seemed to have an effect on his dick, the thing now hanging limp. He nodded in approval and started to leather up with soap, his mind... constantly drifting back to the ache in his balls. While his length was no longer standing at attention, the cold water had done nothing to relieve his case of the blue balls.
      Bella. He needed her, in more ways than one, and as often as possible. On her back. On her knees. Riding him like an animal, and allowing him to bury himself as deep inside her as possible. His balls slapping against her ass as he took her from behind... Fuck, he was.. sex deprived? What an asshole kind of thought was that? Yet, truth, be told, they hadn't been together in a long while. With everything that had been going on, they hadn't spent time alone for what seemed to be months.
      Turning the water off Zsadist didn't waste time toweling off, growling wantingly as he stalked out of the washroom and toward the bed. It was made up perfectly, and as of right now empty; but it wouldn't stay that way long. Grabbing his phone he sent a text to the only one able to relieve his pain, before wrapping his hand around his cock, in a poor attempt to jump start what would come.*
      Text: Come home. Now.
      Like · · Follow post · Sunday at 13:29
      Saxton Thym, Lucia Ann, Layla Chosen and 6 others like this.
      Bella Ahgony ‎*She was at the farmhouse, gathering the remaining items she had left behind after returning to the mansion and despite the happiness she felt that Zee was back, there was still something missing. They had spent every night, wrapped in each other’s arms, but still they had not made love; the urge to feel him deep inside her an all-consuming hunger, but she needed him to be the one to make the first move; only then would that last tiny piece of doubt lift because she would know he was with her because he wanted to be and not out of some warped sense of duty.
      She heard her phone going off in her purse and reached in to find it; reading the message she smiled as she saw the three words from Zee, daring to hope that it meant what she thought it did; that he wanted her. She dematerialized back to the mansion, almost running up the grand staircase, anticipation fluttering in the pit of her stomach as she opened the door to their bedchamber…*
      Sunday at 13:37 · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony ‎*Her footsteps were music to his ears, and as the door burst open he swore she was naked already, and wanting him as badly as he wanted her. In reality she was dressed thick enough to survive a winter in Siberia, and he was undressing her with his eyes. As she stood there, in the doorway, his hand was pumping up and down his cock; every sane thought leaving his mind as the rest of his blood drained south, hardening him even more. Fuck, he was so ready for her; but he would take his sweet time and make the most of this day, even if it would kill him.*
      Come here, female. *A growl. A demand.
      And as he stalked closer he didn't care whether anyone would walk by and see him working himself for her; they would soon enough smell his bonding scent in every crook of the mansion, of that he was sure.* And lose the clothes.
      Sunday at 13:39 · Like · 8
      Bella Ahgony ‎*She sucked in a breath at the sight before her; Zee naked with his hand wrapped around his steeled length and as she drank in the sight of him, she went utterly wet between her thighs, her need for him overwhelming everything else. At his growl she stepped into the room, almost slamming the door shut.
      His bonding scent was already curling around her, her nipples tightening, as it took every ounce of self-control not to hurl herself at him and take his hardness deep into her mouth. She heard his command for her to lose her clothes and without uttering a word she began to strip; slowly removing each piece of clothing, her eyes never leaving his…*
      Sunday at 13:41 · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony ‎*As her clothes fell, piece by piece, his pumping grew stronger until he let go, all but pouncing at her from half way across the room. One corner of his lips pulled up into a half smile as he snaked his arms around her slender waist, the smile growing more wicked as he moved her against the wall, pressing his naked body against her back.* You are as stunning as ever. I can smell your sweet honey from here, and I bet you are soaking wet for me, aren't you, leelan? *His words were barely a whisper, his hot breath sweeping across her neck.* Tell me what you want.
      *He nipped at her earlobe, cupping her chin and cheek with his hand and turning it toward him. He trailed soft kisses along her jaw line, and down over her jugular, his tongue swirling over the throbbing vein*
      Sunday at 13:41 · Like · 8
      Bella Ahgony ‎*As she removed the last piece of clothing, he pounced before it had even landed on the floor. Her legs would have buckled had it not been for his strong arm circling her waist and as he moved her towards the wall, she felt his massive erection, nudging at the small of her back.
      A soft moan escaped her lips at his whispered words; his hot breath sending chills over her skin. She felt his fangs nipping at the soft flesh of her earlobe, her sex now soaking; the ache at the centre of her core almost painful with the need to feel his hands, his mouth, his cock. She tried to claim his mouth but his grip held her firm as his tongue sent liquid fire through her veins,* I want you,!
      Sunday at 13:44 · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony ‎*He smirked and trailed his tongue one last time over her jugular before dropping to his knees, and nudging her legs apart with his hands. The scent of her arousal was intoxicating, and without further warning he took her into his mouth. Pressing his tongue flat over her sex, he parted her folds and started to rub her most sensitive bundle of nerves with his thumb. His tongue plunged into her, her sweet honey nearly sending him over the edge.
      This was definitely what he had missed; he could spend hours pleasing her and would still hope she would beg for more. There were two things in their life that he never tired of, and still felt in awe she let him do them; feeding her and tasting her.*
      Sunday at 13:45 · Like · 7
      Bella Ahgony ‎*He dropped to his knees, his hands nudging her legs apart, a growl tearing from her throat as she felt his mouth devouring her. Her legs trembling from the sheer strength of will it was taking to remain standing. His bonding scent, coupled with the scent of his arousal sent white heat flooding through her; the wet strove of his tongue bringing her closer to her release. She could feel her slick wetness coating his thumb as he rubbed at her sensitive bud; arching her back and bucking her hips to urge his tongue deeper...
      Sunday at 13:47 · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony ‎*Her desire for him was spilling from her every pore; and as she grew anxious to feel more, he was happy to obligue, sliding two fingers into her wet sheath. She was as tight as ever, and as he moved in and out of her hot sex, he used his mouth to lick, nibble and suck. His cock was throbbing, his balls tight, as he felt his own orgasm build up. He didn't need to be inside her or to be on the receiving end, to appreciate their intimacy. Yet, that didn't hurt, either. And, fuck, did she look amazing riding him. Her firm breasts were a real sight as they bounced with her every move, and when she threw her head back and took him in even deeper, she was a goddess to him.*
      Sunday at 13:50 · Like · 7
      Bella Ahgony ‎*As his tongue plunged deeper into her aching heat, she writhed against it, rocking her hips to match the rhythm of his thrusts; bracing her arms against the wall as the trembling in her legs threatened to take her to the floor. Zee was her everything; she craved his touch, he made her feel loved, wanted. The way he caressed her body set her soul on fire.
      She felt his fingers slide into her hot wetness, the sting as his fangs scraped and nibbled her intimate flesh. For a brief moment her whole body tensed a low moan escaping her lips and as the scent of his arousal grew stronger, her orgasm slammed into her, her core clamping around his fingers and tongue as convulsions shuddered through her...*
      Sunday at 13:52 · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony ‎*A possessive growl left his throat as she came for him, because of him. Bringing her over the edge never failed in taking him closer to his own, his cock ready to enter her wet sheath. And, fuck, was she ever ready for him. Her muscles spasmed around his fingers, and he groaned against her flesh, imagining her doing it around his length. His tongue worked furiously to catch every drop of her sweet honey, and as her orgasm seized he licked the remenants of it from his fingers, a slow smile creeping onto his face.
      He stood, and flipped her aroundy, his cock pressing against her core as he claimed her lips with ferocity. Damn, how crazy she drove him. He rocked his hips and pressed tighter against her slender frame, his tongue working hers.*
      Sunday at 13:53 · Like · 8
      Bella Ahgony ‎*As her orgasm ripped through her Zee's tongue lapped furiously at her hot sex as she moaned out his name...*Zsa..dist.* She felt his arms wrap around as he pulled her in tight before his mouth claimed her, sucking and nipping his tongue, his taste of apples and dark spice mixed with the taste of her own arousal, almost sending her over the edge again. She could feel him thrusting his hips as his hard length ground into juncture of her thighs.
      She nipped his full lower lip with her fangs, kissing and nipping along his jawline, swirling the tip of her tongue down his strong powerful neck, pausing to suck and pull at the throbbing pulse of his vein. Placing her hands on his waist as she kissed her way down to his nipples, sucking and twirling his nipple ring, grazing the lean hard muscles of his chest with her fangs. She raised her head to look into his eyes as she dropped to her knees and with a growl rumbling in her throat took his massive erection into her mouth...*
      Sunday at 13:57 · Like · 9
      Zee Ahgony ‎*His hands tangled in her hair, his head thrown back the second her lips surrounded his length. The way she used her tongue could send him over the edge within minutes, and it had always taken all his self control not to end their sex-capades in such short time. He moved his hips, her fangs grazing his flesh as his cock slid in and out of her mouth; fuck, getting head from his shellan just never got old. *
      Bella *He breathed, his balls tightening, an all too familiar tingle building quickly.* Take .. take your time. I.. I love.. love the ..fuck!.. the fell of you on me.
      Tohrment Hharm
      ‎*He made his way down the hallway to the room he knew had been given to No'One. He was as nervous as a pre-trans on the first day of training class, and he could not believe it. He was a grown male. This should come naturally to him. He held the note in his hand, reading it over once more, this was only like the sixth one he wrote tonight. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it got his point across.*
      *He quietly opened her door, as he knew she would be down helping with last meal, and quickly walked over and placed it on her pillow, before exiting her room. No need to get caught in the act. He grinned as he imagined her reading it and made his way back to his room.*
      Like · · Follow post · 14 hours ago
      Saxton Thym, Cormia Ahgony and 5 others like this.
      No'One Sampsone ‎*She had been helping with last meal, even though the Doggen didn't like it. She wanted to feel useful, it made her feel like she had a place in the mansion. Having done her part to help, she walked back to her room. She wanted to shower before eating, Taking off her robe she went to lay it on her bed, it was then she noticed the letter on her pillow. Her heart skipped a beat, at first she panicked and wondered who had been in her room without her knowledge*
      *She calmed her nerves, nobody in the house wished her harm. Far from it, taking a steadying breath she reached for the note. The moment she read it she breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't stop herself from smiling. Tohrment was thinking of her, the butterflies once more took up residence in her stomach. Just the thought of the handsome male made her heart skip a beat*
      *She held the letter to her chest and closed her eyes, she had memorized every word. She felt nervous and excited. She needed to shower and dress in something suitable, she wanted to look her best just in case she saw Tohrment at last meal. She hoped she would so she could tell him she too would be honored to join him for a walk. Gently placing the letter on her beside table she undressed, then went for her shower. Her heart was full of joy and hope*
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Saxton Thym
      ‎*He looked through the recent paperwork, there filed and in order was Zee Ahgony's last will and testament. The trust fund paperwork and documents, he shuddered as he thought about THAT meeting with Zee. He had been scared so badly by the huge male he called "The Bogeyman" He had been unsettled for days after. He sat in his chair for a few moments, closed his eyes and let the memory wash away, it wasn't something he wanted to dwell on*
      Like · · Follow Post · 3 hours ago
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath, No'One Sampsone, Cassie Lee and 7 others like this.
      Zee Ahgony ‎*He rolled his head to crack his neck, standing at his full height as he bashed on Saxton's door. However he had been awarded the title of Babysitter he wasn't sure, his eyebrows knitting together as minutes passed without the lock turning.* Open up. It's your worst nightmare. But it I may so myself, I am dressed well, tonight. *He smirked and eyed the door knob, giving it a turn. And what do you know, that lawyer of his hadn't locked up, again.
      Stepping inside he glanced around, and dropped the duffel bag on the floor. He'd make a man out of Saxton in no time.*
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*He almost fell out of his chair at the hammering on his door, his stomach lurched as he heard Zee's voice. When Zee walked in and dropped the duffle bag on the floor, his eyed him warily. He had visions of leser body parts in the bag or some other nasty present. He wanted to know what was in the bag but at the same time didn't, he sat motionless looking from the bag to Zee and back again. He wished he had gone home earlier as he had planned*
      *Clearing his throat and taking a deep breath he steeled himself for an answer he didn't want to hear* So what brings you here, and dare I ask what is in the bag?
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony ‎*A glare shot in Sax's general direction, and with a frown he leaned down and tossed the bag closer. This was going to be an interesting task, to say the least. Even Nalla didn't show so many signs of fear when faced with something.. new.* Don't play that game with me. Open the fucking bag and get over with it. We don't have time to hang around here. *Crossing his arms over his chest Zsadist tapped his foot, his patience stretched thing and hanging by a thread.*
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*His hands were shaking as he reached for the bag, he had no idea what to expect. He reached inside the bag, felt something cold against his skin. he instantly pulled his hand away* What is in here. *The glare on Zee's face told him Zee was in no mood to answer his questions, gritting his teeth, he once more put his hand in the bag. He had a feel around in side, he started to relax until something sharp sliced his finger. He shouted out in surprise then quickly pulled his hand out. Looking at the blood that was running down his fingers, he had been sliced by some kind of blade. Cursing to himself he walked over to the cupboard and removed the first aid kit, once he had dressed his wound he returned to his seat. Are there any other implements in there that can take my hand off or am I safe now?
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony ‎*Was he fucking kidding? A bandaid? Pressing his lips into a thin line he stalked toward Sax and let out a growl* Let me put something straight here, Kid. You fuck with me, and that does include crying like a little pansy over a papercut, and I will slice something more vital off of you. Feel me? *With one quick motion he dumped the contents of the duffel ontop of Sax's documents, leather and silver, steel and shitkickers hitting the desk hard.* Get on with it; or better yet just stay in your Gucci suit and shiny shoes, because they will shield you from the blows much better.
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*He was horrified, he couldn't believe how harshly he was being treated. He hadn't asked Zee to come over, he had no clue why he was being treated like it. He balked at the thought of wearing leather trousers, he was more refined than that. He had to admit he rather liked Blaylock in them, they framed his body perfectly. But he was not Blay, nor had he ever worn a pair of those ugly shitkickers in his life. They were repulsive in every way, they screamed out rough and ready which he most certainly was not*
      *His rich mahogany desk was littered with articles of clothing and boots, his papers scattered everywhere. He had no idea why he had to change into such ugly clothing, he preferred his designer shoes and clothes. They were more refined just like he was. As he sat there it dawned on him what Zee had said... blows what did he mean by blows?. Then it hit him, his stomach lurched. Running as fast as he could to the bathroom he threw up in the toilet. He thought about locking himself in but knew Zee would simply smash the door down and drag him out by the scruff of his neck, no doubt he would accidentally hit his face against the wall too. Either way he was screwed, he cleaned up returned to his desk. Then quickly changed into the dreadful clothing, once dressed he looked over as Zee* Can we please just get this ordeal over with?
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony Ordeal? For you? *He scoffed, taking a dagger from his boot and holding it up into the light. Peeling back his lips, to reveal his set of fangs, he glanced into the steel blade. It was all about 'the effect'.* You don't think I am enjoying this, do you? Nalla has more stamina than you do. The queen's cat can probably out run you with his beg legs strapped up. And... *He turned, putting the dagger away*.. neither live as dangerously as you do, because neither give me this kind of shitty attitude.
      *Opening the door he stepped out into the night, his sensing kicking into high gear. He needed to get his hands on some unlucky lesser, and preferably before Sax had to step in as a double.* One thing first. Don't scream, it will attract more of them. Wait, scream. Loud. Second; don't ever.. EVER.. throw up on me, or I am going to feed it back to you. Third, stop holding that gun like it's a water pistol. Close against your body with the damn thing; don't be afraid, it can't get your hair wet and ruin all your hard work.
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*His eyes widened as he watched Zee take out the dagger, then hold it to the light. He was sure Zee was enjoying it but he wasn't stupid enough to say anything. Zee could throw the knife faster than he could blink, that brother was one scary male. He snorted when Zee told him not to scream* I don't scream, I'm not some female scared of a spider. *Just as he said those words a cat meowed next to him, he jerked away as the sound scared him. He was still holding the gun, he heard a loud noise and looked at Zee, his lips were curled into a snarl* Oops, did I set the gun off? *He took a step back just in case Zee decided to use him as a punch bag*
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony Oops? *If looks alone could kill Saxton would be wringing in pain on the floor right now, but instead he was still breathing, much to Z's dislike. The other vampire was a male of honor, in more ways than one, but he was as stupid as they came when handling a gun.* Why don't you look at my shoulder and tell me whether this pain is real, or if I am experiencing ghost pains. Maybe that will answer your question. Oh and while you are at it, why don't you enjoy your next few breaths because something tells me they may be your last.
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*He dropped the gun, he didn't want to hold it any longer. He looked at Zee's shoulder and saw the bullet wound, he prayed to the Scribe Virgin his death would be quick and relatively painless. Tripping over his own feet he walked towards Zee, his boots were heavy and cumbersome not like his loafers he usually wore. He patted Zee's shoulder, curiosity getting the better of him* Did the bullet go straight through or is it still in there? He had never seen a bullet wound up close and personal before*
      3 hours ago · Like · 6
      Zee Ahgony ‎*He hissed at the stupidity of the other male, curling his fingers tightly around Saxton's wrist.* I can smell your curiosity, which tells me you are a closet gore lover, and we may just be having fun tonight, after all. But if you touch me again, you are losing more than just a little drip of urine. Because, yeah, that I can smell, too. *Rolling his shoulder he decided that the tiny scratch would heal in its own time, as the bullet was not embedded in his flesh.* I will be right back. You, Prancer, are safer using the dagger I brought with.
      *Vanishing back into the office he returned seconds later, one of the arms of Saxton's expensive dress-shirt working as a tourniquette.* Thank you for not wearing pink, today.
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*He stood for mere seconds as Zee dematted, when he returned he wore his shirt. around his arm He bit his lip, the shirt cost a small fortune it was pure silk. Now it was ruined, he wished Zee had used someone else's clothes. He made a mental note much to his disgust to have cheaper shirts in his office just in case Zee dropped by again and needed one of them. He sniffed himself and cringed, he too could detect the faintest whiff of urine. He was disgusted with himself, he wanted to go home and shower but he doubted that was an option. He was not amused by the name Zee had given him, damn it he didn't even look like a reindeer. Maybe Zee needed his eyes testing, he wasn't going to suggest it he liked his balls where they were*
      *He stumbled back over to the gun and picked it up, he was unfamiliar with the weight of it. He began to move his hand around hoping he would get used to the feel of it, he was just beginning to like it when Zee snatched it out of his hand then thrust the dagger at him. He begrudgingly took it* Thanks Zee I never knew you cared, I suppose I can't do any damage to you with this can I? *He sucked his breath in sharply when Zee turned and glared at him, he cursed under his breath. He was beginning to think the bang to his head he had taken weeks ago had knocked his brain cells out*
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony Not more than I already did myself. We will work on your aim, and hope you come home with all your fingers attached. *He nodded and started to stalk into the night, every so often looking back to see if Saxton was still following him. At least the male knew how to walk upright, and in quick strides.* You look like someone stuck a broom handle up your ass. And don't.. even give me details.
      *Stopping abruptly he sniffed the air, and a dangerous grin settled on his face. Babypowder. Footsteps. Perfect. * Here we go.
      *Not a minute later three lessers rounded the corner, their eyes lightning up at the sight of him and Saxton. They probably thought them to be easy bait, and one of them was, but the other would become their worst nightmare.* Prancer, you want to say hello to our guests?
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*He was just about to argue he had never had a broom up his ass when he caught a whiff of something that turned his stomach. It was a sickly smell, something he never wanted to come across again. He turned to see three lessers, his heart began to beat so fast. They had seem him and Zee, great he was going to die in leathers and shitkickers. He glanced back at Zee, he had a grin on his face. How could he be enjoying this? He wanted to scream at Zee and tell him to run but he couldn't speak. Instead of shaking his head to signal no he nodded. He gaped at his own stupidity, what the hell was wrong with him? He didn't want to be nice he wanted to be back in his office*
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Zee Ahgony Good Boy. *He grinned and grabbed Sax by the scruff of his neck, dragging him forward and into the line of fire. Nothing would happen to the kid; before even one of the lessers could take a swipe at him Zsadist would make sure to strangle him with his own insides.* You don't look excited to be my partner in crime. *He laughed and ushered the other male off to the side, before darting toward the group of three with a shiteating grin on his face; welcome to your worst nightmare, boys.*
      Within minutes he had the lessers down on the ground, dismembered, and their wallets stuffed into his back-pocket. His hands were stained with blood, his face not much better; and as he was stalking toward Saxton he couldn't help but notice the look of terror on the kid's face.* I am taking that look of yours as curiosity.
      *Grabbing Saxton by the wrist he dragged him toward the lifeless bodies, giving the tallest of the lessers another kick with his shitkickers, for good measures.* He won't hurt you. Now stab him in the chest, and get your hands dirty.
      3 hours ago · Like · 7
      Saxton Thym ‎*He didn't have a chance to react as Zee grabbed him and dragged him towards the lessers, his feet scraped on the ground. For once he was glad he wore those disgusting shitkickers. He was left to watch Zee dismember the lessers, he could feel the contents of his stomach moving upwards. Any moment he was going to evacuate everything he had ingested, it would be his luck it just happened to be on Zee*
      *He closed his mouth as Zee stalked towards him, the look on his face made Saxton's legs wobble. He has no idea what he was going to do, he just knew it involved pain death or both*
      *Zee grabbed him by his wrist, the lesser blood made his skin crawl. He couldn't get away as Zee dragged him towards the dead lesser, he winced at the sound Zee's shitkickers made as it came in to contact with the lesser. His mouth fell open his jaw dropped as Zee told him to stab the lesser, he looked at Zee then the lesser. In an instant that was it, he gulped then threw up all over Zee. He screamed out as Zee twisted his wrist and brought his other fist into contact with his face*
      *He bolted upright, his heart hammering in his chest. It felt like his head was exploding, he was covered in sweat. His entire body was shaking, he blinked trying to focus. It took a few moments for it to register he was sat at his desk, he had fallen asleep. He looked at his clothes, they were prefect. He let out a shaky breath he had been holding in for too long. He found his phone and send Blay a text* I'll be home soon I need you, Sax. *He rested his head in his hands, that was one hell of a nightmare*
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Tohrment Hharm
      ‎*He made his way down the grand staircase and into the dining room. All the brothers and their shellans were already seated. He looked around, searching for No'One, and was a little disappointed when he didn't see her. He probably scared her off with that little note he left in her room. He couldn't have just asked her, like a normal male...he had to go off sneaking into her private quarters while she was off helping prepare this fine meal.*
      *He took a seat next to an open chair, just in case she decided to come down for last meal. As he looked up, he saw No'One make her way into the dining room and he couldn't help but smile. He quickly stood and pulled out the chair next to him, hoping she would sit beside him.* I'm so glad you decided to join us tonight.
      Like · · Unfollow Post · about an hour ago
      Cormia Ahgony, Saxton Thym and 2 others like this.
      No'One Sampsone ‎*She made her way best she could to the dining room, her heart was hammering in her chest. Just the thought of seeing Tohrment again sent her giddy with excitement, she chided herself for her foolishness. She looked around and saw the brothers and shellans, her heart sank he was not there. She wanted to walk away and return to her room but something stopped her*
      • She looked up and Saw Tohrment smiling at her, she smiled back a warm full smile. She watched him stand and pull out the chair for her, he was such a gentleman. She melted at the gesture, when he spoke his voice sounded so masculine yet so perfect.* Thank you Tohrment I am go glad I could be here, I got your letter and wanted to tell you how thrilled I was. I would be honored to take a walk in the gardens with you, if I may be so bold I enjoy your company immensely. *She instantly felt the blush rising across her face and neck, she bit her lip he must think of her as so foolish. She sat down and touched her hair again, she was conscious of the way it looked. She had decided to wear her hair in a different style and hoped he would find it pleasing*
      about an hour ago · Like · 4
      Tohrment Hharm ‎*He listened to her tell him that she got his letter and how much she enjoyed spending time with him. Maybe he hadn't screwed up after all. He gently pushed her chair in after she sat and took his place beside her. He looked over at her and saw a faint blush rising to her cheeks, and couldn't help but grin. She was such a beauty, and he had a feeling that she had no clue. She was always so very reserved, and it almost seemed to him that she tried her best to blend into her surroundings. Although to him, she stood out from the others, like a beacon of hope.*
      *He took a sip of his water, and then gave himself a mental pep talk before speaking to her.* I am glad that my letter made you happy, and even more so that you will join me for a walk. *He reached over and took her small hand in his, running his thumb back and forth across the beautiful, life sustaining vein in her wrist, to try to relax her a bit. He leaned closer to her and lowered his voice.* If I may be so bold, you look beautiful tonight.
      about an hour ago · Like · 4
      No'One Sampsone ‎*He was a true male of worth, she was thrilled to be sitting with him. She could see him watch her, he studied her for a moment then reached for his glass. She watched as he took a sip of water, she couldn't take her eyes off him. His movements were fluid, he seemed calm and self assured. She saw no other at the table just him, the rest of the room was a blur*
      *She held her breath as he reached over and gently took her hand, her hand was so tiny compared to his. His touch sent shock waves through her body as his thumb gently caressed her vein. As he moved closer she could feel his warm breath against her skin, her heart beat faster his scent was intoxicating. when he told her she looked beautiful she blushed again, she fidgeted with her hair. She didn't think she was beautiful but he made her feel beautiful. She smiled a shy smile* Thank you Tohrment, it is very kind of you to say so. You look handsome tonight as always. *She couldn't believe she had said that out loud, she cringed at her forwardness*
      about an hour ago · Like · 4
      Tohrment Hharm ‎*He felt the blood flow pick up in her wrist, and her heart rate beating like a drum in her chest. She seemed to be enjoying his touch, and he knew he was enjoying touching her, but he didn't want to push it. He moved slowly away from her and back to his spot at the table, taking her scent like that of gardenias with a touch of vanilla. If they could bottle her scent, they could make a fortune.*
      *As the doggen delivered the meal, he ate as was expected, but he also kept stealing glances at the beautiful female that he was lucky enough to be sitting next to. Being next to her, his heart didn't hurt as it normally did. She brought him a sense of peace and serenity. For that he was very thankful.*
      about an hour ago · Like · 4
      No'One Sampsone ‎*She felt the loss of his touch the moment he moved away from her, she wanted to grab him and hold his hand again. She could still smell his scent against her skin, it reminded her of cinnamon and musk. It suited him perfectly*
      *She ate her meal, how she managed it she wasn't sure. She just wanted to sit and watch Tohrment, he was the most handsome male she had ever laid eyes on. She couldn't help herself she kept taking discreet glances at him when she thought no body was looking. For some reason this handsome male called to her, he brought her joy and hope. She no longer felt down trodden and unworthy, she felt as thought she were a part of the family and he had given her that gift. She could never thank him enough*
      about an hour ago · Like · 4
      Tohrment Hharm ‎*As the doggen made their way cleaning up the dining room, he stood and pulled out No'One's chair. As she stood, he offered his arm to her, hoping he wasn't being too forward. He grinned at her as she linked her arm through his. He walked her to her room,gave a gentle kiss to her hand and thanked her for the wonderful evening before making his way to his room.*
      about an hour ago · Like · 4
      No'One Sampsone She was thrilled when he offered her his arm, she smiled at him and linked her arm through his. She inhaled his scent into her lungs once more, she felt warmth spread through her body. When he kissed her hand her heart stuttered at the feel of his lips against her skin, she had to take a few calming breaths. She thanked him for a wonderful evening then returned inside her room, she sat on the bed staring at her hand. She couldn't help it she had to bring her hand up to her face. His scent was still there, she smiled to herself. Tohrment had kissed her. She would not forget this night for as long as she lived*
      about an hour ago · Like · 5
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Selena Chosen
      ‎*Today has been a long day working out in the gardens of the camp, she had come to find she had as Cormia told her a green thumb but she still did not understand the full meaning of what that mean she was starting to understand. Drinking from the cooled bottle of water she took her place in the middle of the clearing she had come to call her thinking place, here she could think about anything and speak aloud almost as if the flowers could hear her but could not reply.
      She liked it better that way, she was not ready to have someone reply back to her thoughts until she could honestly tell herself she had then together in her head to say them in a way others besides herself could understand. She had been avoiding her sisters and her primale Phury and it shamed her to admit it even to herself, but her time on the other side with the brothers changed something in her that she was not ready to confront or own up to as she remembered hearing a brother say.
      Heaving a great sigh she stood, dusting off the backside of her shorts to get off and dirt that might have clung to her, she looked back to the camp and smiled slightly as she pulled her long tangled hair into a high pony tail as she made the slow walk back to the camp, deciding right then and there she would talk to someone but who she did not know.*
      Sympathy with Lyrics - Goo Goo Dolls
      Tohrment Hharm
      ‎*He made his way down the hallway to the room he knew had been given to No'One. He was as nervous as a pre-trans on the first day of training class, and he could not believe it. He was a grown male. This should come naturally to him. He held the note in his hand, reading it over once more, this was only like the sixth one he wrote tonight. It wasn't perfect by any means, but it got his point across.*
      *He quietly opened her door, as he knew she would be down helping with last meal, and quickly walked over and placed it on her pillow, before exiting her room. No need to get caught in the act. He grinned as he imagined her reading it and made his way back to his room.*
      Like · · Follow Post · Yesterday at 2:46pm
      Trhistan Rocke, Shelby Hall, Saxton Thym and 5 others like this.
      No'One Sampsone ‎*She had been helping with last meal, even though the Doggen didn't like it. She wanted to feel useful, it made her feel like she had a place in the mansion. Having done her part to help, she walked back to her room. She wanted to shower before eating, Taking off her robe she went to lay it on her bed, it was then she noticed the letter on her pillow. Her heart skipped a beat, at first she panicked and wondered who had been in her room without her knowledge*
      *She calmed her nerves, nobody in the house wished her harm. Far from it, taking a steadying breath she reached for the note. The moment she read it she breathed a sigh of relief. She couldn't stop herself from smiling. Tohrment was thinking of her, the butterflies once more took up residence in her stomach. Just the thought of the handsome male made her heart skip a beat*
      *She held the letter to her chest and closed her eyes, she had memorized every word. She felt nervous and excited. She needed to shower and dress in something suitable, she wanted to look her best just in case she saw Tohrment at last meal. She hoped she would so she could tell him she too would be honored to join him for a walk. Gently placing the letter on her beside table she undressed, then went for her shower. Her heart was full of joy and hope*
      Yesterday at 2:48pm · Like · 8
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Qhuinn Lohstrong
      Theory Of A Deadman - Bad Girlfriend
      © 2008 WMG Purchase Scars & Souvenirs from iTunes - Theory Of A Deadman - Bad Girlfriend
      Like · · Unfollow Post · Share · about an hour ago
      Lucia Ann likes this.
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She stood in the secluded booth where Qhuinn sat with his legs stretched out, his hands on his stomach. She quickly shed the outer layer of clothing, leaving just her bra and a thong on. She planted one of her six inch heels on his chest to hold him in place as the music started. She reached behind her back and unclasp the bra letting it slide down her arms, tossing it to the side. She took the leg from bent to extended, and propped on his shoulder as her hips moved in a slow circle. She bent the upper half of her body back, planting her hands on the floor with her other foot*
      58 minutes ago · Unlike · 2
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He sunk his fangs into his lower lip, his hands clenching into fists over his stomach with the need to touch her, but he knew what he agreed to before this started and that was to keep his hands to himself. So he would, for now. Afterwards? His mouth pulled into a grin, his fangs punching further into his mouth as he ran his tongue across his lower lip watching her*
      56 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She rolled the upper half of her body back up to watch his face as he swiped his tongue over one of his fangs. A small smirk crept her face as her hands roamed over her body. They started at her breast, and moved down her stomach as she continued to leave the one leg extended over his shoulder. She slid her palm over the cleft of her sex and ever farther down still. She hooked one of her fingers on the side of the thin material of the thong and moved it to the side, revealing a full view of her bare core. Her hips continued to work in the slow circle to the beat of the music*
      51 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned harshly as his cock lept behind his jeans, his eyes darkening as his gaze ran over her lithe body. He followed the movement of her hand across her fulls breasts and down her flat stomach where their young lay and down to pull aside her thong. His mouth watered for a taste of his shellan as his gaze zeroed in on her bare pussy.* Fuck *was all he could managed to bite out as he warred with his own body, the need to lean forward and cover her clit with his mouth, to drive his fingers into her tight wet sheath and then to lay her back on the lower table and take her over and over again*
      47 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She dropped her leg from his shoulder and grabbed his hands. She laced them behind his head and straddled his waist, standing on her knees. She ran her palm down his chest and unbuttoned his leathers all the way down. She freed his cock and looked at him with a smirk as she lowered her body. She refused to let him enter her body, but she moved her hips, letting the length slide through her wet folds. Her hands cupped both her breast and her fingers toyed with her own nipples as she leaned back, allowing him a complete view as she moved her body over his cock*
      40 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned in disappointment as she removed her leg from his shoulder thus removing the view of her bare pussy from his gaze. His cock lept again as he felt her nimble fingers work his buttons and a low growl of approval left him as she freed his aching cock. His hands clenching behind his head, tugging at his own hair to try and keep his mind on track and not break as he wanted to. He held himself still even though is cock screamed at him to angle his hips and drive himself home. He couldn't, he needed to do this, let her have control, let her take the pace that would take them both to completion. He glanced down, his eyes closing for a moment then reopening to focus on the side of her bare folds parting around the hard length of his cock* Fuck leelan *he groaned, his hands moving from his head for a moment. No, he wouldn't do this, he could hold out right? He relinked his fingers together and waited for her next move*
      34 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She planted her hands on the floor, her legs bent beneath her as she straddled him, causing her back and the rest of her upper body to be bent in an arch as she moved faster to the beat. The shaft of his cock sliding over her clit in the most delicious friction. Her nipples ached as she continued to pull, pinch and roll the taunt flesh. A low moan escaped her throat, and she moved faster. Her eyes fluttered closed and she moved one of the hands that were planted on the floor and wrapped her palm around his cock. She followed the her body with her palm as both stoked over the steel length of his erection. Her could feel her orgasm building and threatening to slam into her like a locomotion. Her moans grew louder and breathy, and then the incoherent speech started.* Oh fuck Qhuinn
      24 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong That's it leelan, come for me, let me feel you come against me, let me watch you take your pleasure from me. Just know this, before this night is over I will be buried deep inside you, I will take you over and over again until your muscles feel like jello, until you can barely move. Then I will fuck you again *He gave a small subtle rock to his hips, pushing his cock through her hand and letting the blunt head rub against her clit. He was struggling with his self control by the second but he wanted to hear her orgasm. Wanted to watch while she took her pleasure from his body. *
      20 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*All she needed to hear was his voice. The deep rumble coupled with the words he spoke and she was done. She used ever ounce of energy she could muster and rolled her upper body up. Her chest was against his as she felt her body explode from the inside out. The inner walls of her sex spasmed as her head lulled back and she hung on with her hands around his neck. Her body continued to work over his cock until she couldn't take it any longer* HOLY FUCK QHUINN YES YES OH FUCK YES
      14 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave a full fanged grin as she exploded against him, his own cock just about ready to the blow the top off. Gritting his teeth, he removed one hand from the back of his head and stroked her damp hair away from her forehead. He leaned in and pressed his lips to her skin and whispered* Holy fucking shit leelan, are you trying to put me into an early grave. That was.. *he groaned and nipped her earlobe* Fucking hot
      11 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She panted as she attempted to catch her breath and nodded weakly* That's all you nallum. Best tip in stripper history. I think I will just go get us something to drink from the bar, when my legs are working again.
      8 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He laughed quietly and wrapped his arms around her naked back, holding her to his chest* You can rest, that deserves me waiting hand and foot on you for the rest of the evening
      7 minutes ago · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong I don't want anyone to see you with umm wood. *She laughed or has it left already?
      5 minutes ago · Like
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Lifts his hips and bumps them against her* Nothing has left leelan, still rock solid here *He grinned down at her* Just as I refuse to let anyone see you naked around here.
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Cormia Ahgony
      ‎*She walked around the Great Camp with a smile on her face and a bounce in her step. All was right in her world again. The Scribe had come to their rescue, and for that she was thankful. She arranged some freshly cut flowers in a vase and set them on the table in the foyer, to cheer up anyone who entered their home. She continued around the house, humming one of her favorite songs, getting things ready for when Phury came home from his business.*
      Rehvenge Rempoon
      March 6 at 11:06am ·
      ‎*He was awakened by the sounds of soft murmuring in his ear. He slowly turned his head and opened his eyes. There she was. His Tahlly, smiling at him. Her hair tousled around her face. She was resplendent in the early hours. He was truly blessed by the Scribe this time around. His heart full of love for this little female that could slap the fuck out of his ego and rock his world upside down and inside out. He turned on his side, propping his head on his hand, and reached his other hand out to move her hair from her face.* Did I ever tell you, Mine Ehlena, that your eyes are my favorite color?
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      Lucia Ann and Ehlena Rempoon like this.
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She arched her one brow hearing his thick voice full of sleep speak sweetly to him* What are you up too Hellren mine. *She nuzzles her face against his hand as he moves her hair from her face. She rolled a bit so that her back was becoming pressed flat against the bed. The sheets barely were covering her body when she reached her arms and legs out toes pointed as she stretches. She squeals a little before her body recoils against his* I slept so well *She presses a kiss to one of his stars before flopping back onto the bed*
      March 11 at 9:13pm · Like · 3
      Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He laughed and kissed her lips* You squeek like a mouse.*he gave a wicked grin and arched a brow.* But can you squeel? *His hand disappeared and trailed under the blanket, landing on her upper thigh. AND there it was.* Yes, Tahlly squeels. *He laughed hard and pulled her to him, holding her tight.* I am up to notafuckingthing. *he grinned* My day is clear, so is my mind for now. What shall we do, Ehl? Get up, shower and go out? Or.............. *He rasped a fang over her shoulder, his hand sliding over her hip to squeeze her perfect ass, and growled. Speaking low* We could stay here. All night. Fuckin' A.
      March 12 at 10:16am · Like · 4
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She arched a brow when his hand started to trail down her body. She parted her thigh slightly and feels his hand. She lets out a squeal as her hand smacks playfully against his chest. Her arms wrap around him when she finds herself pulled against him. She kisses his cheek and leans back looking into those eyes of his when he tells her his plans for the day. She also grinned back at him and nips at his lips* not a fucking thing? *She repeated while laughing. Her hips arch when his hand squeeze her ass moving against him.* We could stay here all day...That is unless you wish to wash me...Then end up back here to...for the rest of the day. *She wiggled her brows at him when she saw that look in his eyes. She smiled wide before she kissed his lips*
      March 13 at 12:35am · Like · 4
      Rehvenge Rempoon Hmmm..........Shower you say? *He grinned a wicked fanged grin* I can do that.* He pulled her tight to him and lifted her out of bed as he got up. He carried her to their bath and turned on the water. Steam rising and fogging the glass as he pressed her against the shower door.*
      March 13 at 1:28am · Like · 4
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She laughed to find herself being lifted up off the bed. She holds on tight to him when he makes his way towards the washroom. She runs her hand up and down the back of his mohawk smiling as it tickles her palm. She presses soft kisses to his neck and lets out a huff when her back is pressed against the shower door. She smirks at him as the fog from the showers heating water swirls around them. She smiles at him her fangs slowly showing as they elongate* You bathe me well Hellren and Ill make it worse your while .*She laughs hearing the growl coming from his chest. That deep grumble had her body responding to him*
      March 13 at 1:34am · Like · 4
      Rehvenge Rempoon I ALWAYS make it worth your while, Mine Rahlman. *He rasped his fangs over the vein ticking on the side of her throat.* Now, *He purred low and lifted her, wrapping her legs around his hips, entering the shower.* Where shall I begin? *He pinned her between the wall and his big body as he reached for her soap. The fragrance mixing with his bonding.* How about these? Oh fuck yeah, these. *His soapy hands began caressing her breasts, massaging and pinching on her nipples as his mouth nipped and suckled her pulse.*
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Her nostrils flared cutely when she picked up on his scent. She went to laugh when he started to soap up his hands so that he could wash her body. Seeing him eyeing her breasts she arches off the wall so that they are move assessable to his touch. Her eye lids fluttered when he pinched and teased at her breasts. Her hands rest on his forearms as the water drips down their bodies. She could faintly feel the hot spray but his body was blocking most of it. She lets her one hand move up his arm and she pinches his nipple back.* Are you washing....*She lets out a throaty moan* Or teasing?
      March 13 at 1:47am · Like · 6
      Rehvenge Rempoon Tease? *He growled into her throat* I never tease, Tahlly. *He thrust his hips slow, dragging his hard shaft over her slick, heated flesh over and over. He moved his mouth in small kisses over her jaw to her pouting lower lip. He took the sexy thing between his teeth and suckled, letting his fangs rasp over. Her groan and his growl mixing into one long breath.* Fucking yes, Tahlly.
      March 13 at 1:51am · Like · 6
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Her hips were beginning to softly thrust when he teased at the junction between her thighs with his shaft. Her words when she spoke came out more of a moan* You do to tease..*She licks at her lower lip seeing him grin at her. His eyes watching her mouth. The tips of her fangs resting against her full bottom lip. She pressed her back a bit more fully against the cool tile wall. She tickles her hand over his abs smiling as they flex under her finger tips. The second she gets to the base of his shaft her the tips of her fingers brushing against his cock before she arches her brow at his growl* Whats wrong hellren....don't like being teased back...
      Thursday at 10:17pm · Like · 4
      Rehvenge Rempoon Fuck. No. *He growled and gave in. His cock teased back once more as he angled her hips, the dove in hard, hitting the end of her channel on a brusing thrust.* MINE Tease. *another hard thrust, hips slapping hips into the tiles* MINE Shellan. *once more with a brutal growl, absorbing her scream into his mouth.* MINE Rahlman *He set a viscious rhythym, slapping into her as hard as he could as his hands bit into her thighs. He bit down on her shoulder, snarling against her skin, drinking her in.*
      Thursday at 10:21pm · Like · 5
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She had pushed him to far with her teasing. But she loved when he was like this. When he took her like this and never held back. She felt her back slide up the tile wall with the power he used behind his thrusts. She wraps her one leg over hip. She was up on her tip toes with the foot she tried to keep her balance with. His hands where keeping her close against him. Her screams being swallowed by her Hellren as they became lost in a frantic kiss. She couldn't get close enough to him. Her finger nails dig deep into his shoulder drawing blood that trickles down the muscular frame that her male possessed. *
      Thursday at 10:31pm · Like · 6
      Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He ravaged her feminine flesh with every hip slap, and every savage thrust. He needed to posess her, claim her all over again. He didn't know, nor did he fucking care why. He growled louder against her skin, sound echooing and he hoped the WHOLE mase heard them. He released her shoulder on a snarl, licking her large wounds from his fangs and let the amathyst glow slide over her face as he watched the orgasm crooss her features. Elated with feelings again, smothered by her love, blood tears tracked down his face as he took her over the edge and back again, and again.*
      Thursday at 10:37pm · Like · 6
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She was was panting as her shaking hands brush at the blood tears that escaped his eyes. Leaning forward as her body moves with his. She presses her lips to his cheek. Letting them linger as she feels another orgasm building. Her lips begin to travel down his jaw. they finally rest against his neck when she feels that coil of pleasure before it releases and rocks her entire body she gasped. On a cry of pleasure she sinks her fangs into his neck, her cry becomes muffled against his neck as her nails rake at his back to hold tight to him*
      Thursday at 10:51pm · Like · 5
      Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Her bite released him. He froze, body one masive muscle contortion as he bellowed his release, his barb finding purchase against her womb. He panted and jetted warm seed deep inside his Rahlman. She truly did save him. Every day he was blessed when he woke and found her next to him. He let his head fall forward, forehead resting on her shoulder as more blood tears escaped to trail his face, down over her flesh. His body shuddering and his breathing ragged.* I love you, Mine Ehlena. *he whispered into her skin. He held on to her as tight as he could, barb still hanging on, as she drank from him.*
      Thursday at 10:57pm · Like · 5
      Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Groaning feeling the rush of his seed filling her she drank deeply from her Hellren his taste had her on cloud nine before she slowly releases her fangs from his flesh. She drags her tongue over the puncture wounds from her fangs before she pressed a kiss. Smiling she nuzzles her face against his neck. Their bodies still locked as one. She hand her eyes closed her body humming still with the lingering pleasure. Her core quivering around his shaft.* As I love you Hellren mine. *She slowly runs her hands up and down his back to soothe him. She loved him more then she thought was ever possible. Could never see a life without him*
      Thursday at 11:08pm · Like · 5
    • The Black Dagger Brotherhood Family
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong
      ‎*Strides in and heads to booth in a darkened corner of the bar. It was nearly the end of St. Patrick's Day and she needed a drink. She needed an escape from the mansion, and she was hopeful that her Mr. Right would come along. She ordered a drink and watched as the people danced around. She was without green, knowing it was not in her color wheel, but she didn't mind the pinch of the right person.*
      Kiss me New Found Glory Lyrics
      the song kiss me by new found glory
      Like · · Follow Post · Share · Yesterday at 3:17am
      Lucia Ann, Qhuinn Lohstrong and 3 others like this.
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He dematted into an alley a few blocks down and looked around, taking in a deep breath of the night air. His face broke into a full fanged grin as he caught a scent on the air that made his blood run like fire through his veins and center around his cock. Ignoring the humans that milled around the streets, he made his way towards the neon lights of Vice Nightclub. Opening the door, he strode inside and stopped inside the door, glancing over each of the Patrons before settling on a booth in the corner. Running his tongue down his left fang, he stopped passing waitress and placed an order. Handing over his card, he ordered for the drinks to be kept coming the rest of the night and added on healthy tip.
      Turning back towards the dark corner, he weaved through the dancing bodies and stopped by the table, flashing a charming grin and gesturing to the booth* Mind if I sit here female?
      Yesterday at 3:21am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She watched as he approach, his slow confident lope was mesmerizing. His handsome face was well chiseled, his features defined and his mix-matched eyes captivated her. The small red tear drop on his cheek moved with ever muscle excreted in his speech.*
      *His handsome face gave way to a corded neck, dropping to a broad chest that house thick arms. They looked like bands of steel wrapped in satin skin, her tongue swept her lips to ease the dryness as he approached. Her eyes consumed his lean waist that gave way to legs so long they ate the great distance of the room in a few strides. She crossed and uncrossed her legs in anxious trepidation*
      *She had to force her mind to engage and filter the words that flowed in a deep baritone melody from his full lips. She looked up at him, her outer facade never giving way to her inner desire* If you want. The seat is open.
      Yesterday at 3:33am · Like · 2
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He stopped a moment to take her in, his gaze drifting over the midnight tresses of her hair, down over her delicately formed face to her full pouting lips. Lips that made his cock leap behind his leathers at the thought of how they would feel on his skin. He let his gaze travel blatantly further further, across her full high breasts, the curve showing just above her top, the valley between that had his mind running into a different direction.
      Pulling his thoughts back, he slid into the booth opposite her, stretching out his long legs on either side of hers under the table. Resting his elbows on the table, he resisted the urge to check what her lower half was like and instead flashed her a fangy grin* You here alone female?
      Yesterday at 3:37am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She could feel the heat from his extended legs on either side of hers. Her thoughts to having his body, one that housed so much lethal power, atop of hers. The way his muscles would shift, and contort with each thrust of his body. She had to swallow hard in an attempt to clear the thought. It didn't help. All she could see was him striped bare, her hands searching the planes and valley's of the muscles in his back as she lay beneath him, her legs wrapped around his waist.*
      *She shifted and crossed her legs, her foot coincidentally running up the length of his extended leg. She idly toyed with a napkin on the table as she met his gaze* I was until you showed up. How about yourself?
      Yesterday at 3:46am · Like · 2
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He rolled his tongue stud across his lower lip and thanked the waitress as she set two sodas before them. No alcohol for him for the foreseeable future, a small price he gladly paid for the gift he had been given. He reached a hand beneath the table and caught her foot, drawing her leg up onto his thigh and slipping one high heel off. Letting it clatter to the floor, he rubbed his thumb down her bare sole, kneading it slowly as he took a mouthful from his glass.
      Setting it back on the table, he grinned at her* I am never alone, for someone resides in my heart always even when I am not with them. *He reached out and took hold of her right hand, stroking his thumb jut below the two rings that rested on her finger* Pretty, you had them long?
      Yesterday at 3:50am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She rolled her bottom lip through her teeth as fought the urge to arch her back. Hell she had to fight the urge not to clear off the table, crawl across the wooden expanse and beg him to take her. Everything about the male screamed he was designed to please a woman. The intentional stoke of his skilled fingers, reminding her that if he could make her body come to life with the simple stroke of his nimble fingers across the sole of her foot, or her finger, he could bring her body to heights that she would have never thought possible.*
      *Her eyes shot down to where his finger stroked across hers, just below the band of gold and the enormous gem that marked her as very much taken. She gave a subtle nod* Only a couple of weeks actually. My mate placed them there two weeks ago to the date. I wear his name on my back and my heart. The rings are a token of how much we love each other, a reminder that he is always with me no matter how far away from me he is. But you see, even if I didn't have the rings to show the world, I wear his love on my heart and it beats only for and because of him.
      *She looked down at a gold band that adorned his hand and reached across the table. She ran her finger over the smooth surface of the metal warmed by the heat of his body.* Yours suits you. Have you had it long?
      Yesterday at 3:59am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong
      My Darkest Days - Without You lyrics
      WOW! Thank you everyone for watching,comments,subscription and help with this vi...
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      Yesterday at 4:01am · Like · 2
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked down at the band on his left finger and gave a full fanged grin* Exactly two weeks to the day also, to the one female that knows me like no other. Can have my body in flames with just one look from her. She grounds me, takes away the guilt and dread that I have been weighed down with for too long. She is my world, my heart beats for her and only her. *He grinned at her* You know how when you are in the company of someone, the rest of the world falls away? She does that to me. My reason for living is loving her.
      *He stroked his thumb down her foot again then encircled her ankle, tugging her forward so her foot rest higher on his thigh, his his now working up the back of her leg, his fingers kneading into her calf. With her hand still held in his, he brushed a kiss across her knuckles and looked up at her* I didn't have the pleasure of your name, Mrs?
      Yesterday at 4:06am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She listened intently as the baritone expression of his love and devotion filled the air and made all the music seem to fade away. His mate was a lucky female to have a male of worth that looked at her with such love and adoration. His mix matched eyes shone with pride when he spoke of his female. Lucky. Bitch.*
      *She slid across the leather of the seat with ease as he gave a gentle tug towards him, her foot falling to rest on the toned muscle of his upper thigh. She wanted to be forward, move her feet a mere inch and stroke across the center of his body, to stroke across the massive length she was confident resided there. Her breath caught as his smooth, full lips stroked her knuckles. She spoke with a shaky breath, but still full of pride* I'm Mrs Qhuinn Lohstrong. It's the name of the one that holds my soul, m'anam.
      Yesterday at 4:15am · Like · 2
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He grinned widely, his fingers idly stroking across the smooth silken skin of her calf beneath her leather that looks somewhat like his own.* What a coincidence that is, I am Qhuinn Lohstrong *he gave her a proper smile, one that was reserved for her and only her, everyone else got a cocky version of it, one that showed his fangs, but with her everything about him was different. He strove to be a good male for her, a male of worth and one that she could be proud to call hers.*
      This Qhuinn you are married to must be a lucky sumbitch to get a beauty like you. Tell me *He leaned across the table* Does he treat you well or should I go and take his misdemeanors out of his hide? *He drew in a deep breath, his lungs filling with the delicate scent of her, the dark exotic scent that invaded his thoughts every moment of the day. His own bonding scent flared to life, his cock leaping again as he steeled himself against the urge to lay her out on the table, to strip her clothing from her body and indulge in his favorite pasttime. Making love to his shellan*
      Yesterday at 4:23am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She watched as a wide grin slid across his beautifully masculine face. The upper half of her body lulled toward him, as if he was a magnet and she was steel. She propped on an elbow on the table and cradled her chin in her palm. Her free hand went to his cheek, her palm lightly in place as the pad of her thumb swept over his royally high cheek bone. She looked into his eyes, her lavender eyes meeting his blue and green.* He treats me like a queen. He makes me feel love, something that I have never felt. In a room of thousands, his eyes are only on me. He saved me in every way possible, and gave me a life rather than an existence.
      *She caught his bonding scent, dark, spicy, wild and untamed. Her body responded and the fire he ignited in her scorched through her veins and pooled with liquid desire at the junction of her thighs.* Tell me of your mate. What is the luck female's name, and how did she win a male of worth such as yourself?
      Qhuinn & Mhisery
      Yesterday at 4:47am · Like · 2
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He watched the passion flare in his eyes and was sure it was mirrored in his own. Resting his own elbow on the table, he copied her before he spoke* Her name is Mhisery, and I am ntw sure I am a prize. All she did was be herself. She compliments me in every way possible, she fits me, she gets me. She pulled me off the ledge time and time again when I felt that life was worthless, that I was worthless. So I am the one that won, she is the greatest gift the Scribe could ever have given me.
      She is more beautiful than what they claimed Aphrodite was, more beautiful than Helen of Troy, even capturing her on film doesn't show her true beauty, the beauty of her heart and soul *As he said those words he reached out and cupped her chin in his hand, his thumb stroking gently across her full lower lip*
      Yesterday at 4:54am · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She leaned her upper body closer to him, unconsciously sliding across the seat. Her head tilted as she watched him and the soft pad of his thumb swept over her lower lip. Her lips parted slightly and she nipped at the pad of his thumb with her fangs. Her hand slid across the plane of his cheek and into the soft hair at the nape of his neck. She pulled him closer as her upper body moved toward his. Her lips rested mere milometers from his, close enough that when she spoke her lips brushed his* She is lucky that you love her, and I'm sure she loves you more than the air she breaths. I'm sure that loving you is as natural to her as the compulsion to take air.
      *She traced his lips slowly with hers, at first, placing a small brush of her lips across his upper lip, and then his lower. Her free hand reached for his and laced her fingers with his. Her lips parted and her tongue slid slowly into the warmth of his mouth, her tongue messaging his. She deepened the kiss, her tongue moving with his, retreating and advancing. Her hand squeezed his palm, a reassurance of love.*
      OneRepublic - All this time [High Quality]
      High Quality!
      Yesterday at 5:06am · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He gave a low harsh groan against her lips, his hand dropping from her chin to push the table forcibly away from between them. He lunged forward, his lips still on hers, slowly caressing her full lips, his tongue dancing with hers, as he poured his love and devotion into that kiss. He bracketed her body in against the booth, his laced with hers, the other resting on the back of the booth beside her head.
      He dropped one knee onto the seat beside her, his head angling to deepen the kiss, to tug her lower lip between her fangs, then stroking his tongue across it before delving back into the warm cavern of her mouth. He could kiss her for days without wanting to break the connection, he could spend weeks tangled in the sheets with her, their bodies finding release over and over again until exhaustion claimed them both.*
      Yesterday at 5:12am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She didn't even notice as the table moved away. The world faded and her upper body retreated backward with his guidance. Her lips never left his, lost to him completely as her legs parted to cradle his body. The weight of his commanding body a gift atop of hers. He moved like the predator he was, and she was glad to be his prey.*
      *Her hands roamed his body, and she could fill the steel bands of his muscles through the thin fabric of his shirt. She tugged and lifted his shirt, compelled to feel her palms on his flesh. Her hands finally made contact and she let out a small moan of appreciation, as her back arched, pressing her body to his.*
      *Her his undulated beneath him, stroking the core of her body against the thick shaft of his. The agonizingly sweet friction caused her nails to score his flesh as her body begged for more*
      Yesterday at 5:29am · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He shifted again, releasing his grip on her hand for a moment and sliding his hands between her well toned ass. He moved, turning their bodies around, switching their positions so that now he sat on the seat, her legs parted over his thighs. He pressed his hand against her lower back, pressing her lower body tight to his as he lifted and gave a slow rock against her core.
      He could scent her arousal above every other scent in the club, the smell inflaming his body and urging his cock to an almost painful hardon. He wanted inside her, but not yet, first he wanted her burning for him, he wanted her aching and panting, begging him to sate them both. And that was after he had wrung several orgasms from her body first.
      He drew his lips from hers and ran the tip of his tongue down the smooth column of her throat, nipping his teeth across the delicate line of her collar bone. He pressed soft fleeting kisses across her flesh, across the swell of each breast, sucking here and there and marking her flesh. He parted his lips and drew a small circle on her flesh with the tip of his tongue*
      Yesterday at 5:40am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*He change their position with ease and she followed. More than happy to be atop of him. She sat proudly astride him, her hips rocking as if he were buried to the hilt inside her. Her hand buried in his hair as his apt mouth moved over her skin. Her head lulled back allowing him access to move, to taunt, to lead her to the brink of erotic ecstasy. She moaned out his name breathlessly wanting more* Qhuinn oh fuck I want you.
      *She reached for the hem of his shirt and frantically lifted it over his head, needing to feel his skin against hers. She traced her nails up the ripples of his steeled abs, loving the way he felt beneath her finger tips. Her head fell forward again to watch him, her core aching for attention from her hellren. The force of her undulating hips increased as her chest heaved with need.*
      *She caught a glance of his eyes and framed her face with her palms, her head dipping low and devouring his lips. Her kiss was deep and hungry, as she explored the cavern of his mouth, pulling back, nipping his lips with her fangs and then sliding her tongue over the same trail to ease the sting of her nips*
      Yesterday at 5:59am · Like · 1
      Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He groaned as he felt her move against his leather clad cock, his hips rocking slowly back and forth, keeping the pressure enough that she could feel every inch of him but light enough to keep her on the edge. He enjoyed the tease, but he fucking loved the sound she made when she released. Her groans, her breathless moans, his name on her lips, the feel of his hands on his body, in his hair as she held him against her.
      He grinned against her lips, his hand moving to reach into his boot, pulling out his dagger. Sliding it between then, he made a slice through her leathers with ease, right at the seam so she was now free for his exploration. He tossed the dagger onto the seat beside him and with one hand held to her lower back again, he slid his free hand between her parted thighs.
      He slid his thumb into the opening, parting the folds of her body and stroking his thumb through. He dipped inside her, twisting and drawing back out, working her own arousal around the small bud of her clit*
      Yesterday at 6:12am · Like · 2
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*As his he removed her leathers, her body was assaulted by the cool are of the club, but it did nothing to cool the flames of desire that he had set off within her. Her body craved his touch and there was no use fighting it, but she was going to give it a valiant effort.*
      *Her hips moved swiftly over the crown of his shaft, begging for more. She leaned forward and whispered in a husky tone close to his ear* Nallum I want to fuck you. I want you inside of me, on top of me, under me and behind me. I want to taste every inch of your flesh twice before you bury your cock in me and claim what is yours.
      *She took all of her will, but she pulled back standing, nearly nude and wanting him more than she wanted her next breath* But you have to catch me first. *She dematted out of there waiting for the thrill of the chase to hit him*
      Yesterday at 6:37am · Like · 1
      Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong
      1. The Hollow - a perfect circle
      Artist: A Perfect Circle Album: MER DE NOMS Track 1: The Hollow ________________...
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      Yesterday at 6:37am · Like · 2
    • Nalla Ahgony
      ‎*sitting on the floor of her room with Ahstrux next to her, her dairy from her Mahmen (Bella Ahgony) in her lap. she was drawing a picture of her family...her Mahmen and her Daddy (Zee Ahgony) with their horses and of course Ahstrux. leaning over she pet her puppy's head and noticed her teeth* Ahstrux you has fangs likes Daddy and Mahmen, I wonders if yous will fall out if you kiss boys toos.
      *wrinkling up her nose she thought about it some more* I no know if I bewieves Daddy or not Ahstrux. What do yous tink? *her puppy leaped up and licked her face making her giggle* You nos help Ahstrux.
      *as she ran her tongue over the teeth where her fangs would some day be she frowned* I no wants to lose my fangs, ever. *grabbing one of her books about a prince and princess she flipped through the pages* Dose human girls are wucky dey can kiss boys and no haves to worry about having theys fangs fall out.
      *pulling Ahstrux into her lap* I no know what I is going to do if I ever wants to kiss a boy someday. I wants my fangs to no fall out but what how can I never kiss a boy if I find ones I wike, wike Mahmen wikes Daddy.
      Madonna - Papa Don't Preach
      ‎*sitting in the tub in her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's bathroom she head the door to their room open and heard Wrath call out for her* I'm in her Nallum, was just taking bath. *she knew that he worried about her being alone, even more so now. she was already seven months pregnant and Darius was starting to get much bigger now, despite her belly still not being very large she could just feel him more*
      Unlike · · Unfollow post · Wednesday at 13:36
      You, Layla Chosen, Anna Miller, Shani Hunt and 13 others like this.
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He exhaled with relief as her voice reached him, George quickly leading him to her side. Damn, that water of hers smelled good, and so did she. He could only imagine how stunning she looked with her grown belly enveloped in the water, her smile sure to be radiant and proud. Fuck, times like this he wished he could see, after all. If only for a moment.* Should you be bathing alone?
      Wednesday at 13:39 · Like · 9
      Elizabeth Randall ‎*she could scent his worry and it made her love him even more for it. reaching out, she took George's leash from his hand and dropped it next to him. she scratched his head* You're such a good boy George. *as she watched the beautiful dog lay down she took Wrath's hand* Wrath, it is ok for me to bathe alone, and I'm not so big yet that I won't be able to get out on my own *she grinned. easing him down on the side of the tub she leaned her chin on his leg* But, if you are worried we could have a check up with Jane Bloodletter if you want.
      Wednesday at 13:42 · Like · 9
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He nodded in thought, his length growing instantly hard as her soft and moist skin came in contact with his. Never once, not even now that she was growing by the day, could he get enough of her. His shellan always knew how to bring him to his knees, and damn did he like to be there* Are you in pain? Something wrong? *His eyebrows vanished behind his wrap-around glasses as he shot up; something had to be wrong if she was wanting to see Jane.*
      Wednesday at 13:49 · Like · 9
      Elizabeth Randall ‎*she scented his arousal and smiled, but as soon as his anxiety hit her senses like a wave, all other thoughts vanished. reaching for his hand again* Wrath, please sit down here with me again *as he slowly eased his huge body back down on the the white tile edge, the contrast between his black leathers and the while tile making his legs seem even larger. leaning her head back down onto his leg she took his hand in hers* I am not in pain at all Nallum, it has just been a while since we saw her *grinning she tickled his belly* And I know how you worry.
      Wednesday at 13:57 · Like · 9
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*Again, he relaxed, allowing her to calm his nerves. She was his better half, his other half, his heart and his soul. The more time went by during her pregnancy the closer he felt him become to Darius, too, and the worries he had in the beginning were starting to give away to excitement over the impending birth. Still, it didn't mean the fear of losing Beth wasn't a constant reminder that this was a dangerous situation* Good, right. Yes. Call her, and make an appointment.
      Wednesday at 14:09 · Like · 10
      Elizabeth Randall ‎*feeling him relax under her touch eased her as well. she loved this male more than she ever thought she could love anyone. she hadn't been looking for love when he came into her life and even more so never thought she would marry a male like Wrath but now as she looked up at him she couldn't imagine life any different* Ok mine Hellren, I will send her a text in a few minutes *as he words left her mouth she felt Darius kicking. easing up slowly as not to frighten him, or Wrath, she sat down opposite Wrath and took his hand and put it on her belly* Our son is kicking, much harder than before.
      Wednesday at 14:12 · Like · 10
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*As smile curved his lips, his heart skipping a beat as he felt their son move underneath the palm of his hand. So close, and yet still so far away from them. Safe. Protected. What would the world hold in store for him? Would he be welcomed and loved the way he deserved, not as the descendant of the king, but as a newborn young?* Don't get this wrong, but I would enjoy feeling it the way you do, too.
      Wednesday at 14:17 · Like · 9
      Elizabeth Randall ‎*putting her hand over his. their son, her father's name sake, was moving around, and she would have sworn when he heard Wrath's voice he moved even more than before. she still had days where she couldn't believe they were going to be parents, and not only was she going to be a Mahmen, but a Mahmen to the future king of her race. sighing softly* I know Wrath, I wish you could too it truly is the most amazing feeling in the world to know I am keeping him alive and safe *she had never understood the whole maternal instinct thing before but now as she sat with her Hellren and they shared this moment she finally understood it and knew what Bella must feel*
      Wednesday at 14:22 · Like · 10
      King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath He is glad to have a mahmen like you, and I will make sure he won't... that she will always be around. *He kissed the top of her head tenderly before standing, slowly making his way out of the bathroom.* I won't be far if you need me. I will leave George with you, for the time being. *He stopped for a moment, before closing the door, whispering* I love, you.
      Selena Chosen
      Yesterday at 19:08 ·
      ‎*she lay on her stomach, her chin rested on her hand as her feet kicked slowly in the air behind her. Her eyes were trained on the movie she was watching on the tv her primale Phury gave her after her return from the otherside after she let it slip to him that she had come to miss it so very much. Her has in a back of caramel and chocolate popcorn as she searched for another piece without looking away from the screen which in turn had turned out to be more difficult then she predicted, but she refused to look away from the tv as the movie played. But she could not understand these beings on the screen as they did their magic, she would have to ask her sister Cormia what a witch was for she herself did not understand their existence, Finally her hand found a large cluster of popcorn covered in chocolate, pulling her hand from the bag she pop the piece into her mouth as she watched the movie unfold infront of her*
      Practical Magic Trailer (Watch the Full Movie for free)
      Manuel Manello
      ‎*He pulled up to a stop light, and looked down at his dash. The fucking check engine light was on. Dammit, he had come back out to Havers', to check on a patient once more before crashing until Payne got home. He gunned it as soon as the light turned green and pulled into an empty parking lot behind a quickie mart kind of place. Not that he would find anything in there to fix his engine. Not that he would be able to fix it if they did have that shit in there. He unbuckled his seatbelt and jerked the strap off his shoulder and threw his door open. He popped the hood, and walked around the car, staring down at the engine. It looked fine, but really, would he know if it wasn't? Maybe if the engine was missing.. but he was a surgeon, not a mechanic. He stared down at it some more, with his cell phone in his hand. Wondered what his mechanic would do if he got a call at 3 am...*
      Like · · Follow post · 17 hours ago near Caldwell
      Layla Chosen, Shani Hunt, Bella Ahgony and 2 others like this.
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He had been prowling the streets of Caldwell, searching for a clue to Throe's whereabouts. Zypher was on the other side of town looking for clues as well. So far they had found nothing and he was getting impatient. Where was the fucking bhasta...he froze, his thoughts silenced by a scent. He knew that scent. His eyes narrowed as one word came to mind. Brother. He gunned it, his arms and legs pumping toward the scent. He stopped as he saw a male bent over a car, his eyes narrowing. He smelled of Brother but he was no Brother. Mayhap this was the clue he had been searching for. He grinned evilly and dematerialized behind the male* Mayhap I could be of assistance.
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*He turned at the voice, careful not to show any expression. He knew this was a vampire, obviously, but had never met him. Therefore, this was no friend. He folded his arms over his chest, his hip resting against the car.* Unless you are an ace mechanic, then no. In fact, wouldn't matter if you were, I am pretty picky about who I let touch my car. But thanks for the offer. *He gave a little wave, and waited to see what the stranger's next move would be. His instincts were firing off warning signals like crazy, and he wasn't fooling himself about the odds of a good outcome.*
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He smiled, flashing his fangs. He wasn't about to hide who he was, the male clearly already knew. He reeked of Brother and...he frowned a bit, Payne? Why did this human smell of Payne? A human smelling of Payne and Brother? He shook himself inwardly, focusing on the male* Mayhap you could help me then.
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*He gave a sardonic laugh and shook his head, not changing his position.* Not likely, vampire. I am not overly helpful in the best of circumstances. I can't really see me changing that any time soon. Unless... you stranded? Lost? I got a cell phone you can use.
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He arched an eyebrow. The human was confident for someone who could be easily killed* Actually yes, could I borrow your cell?
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*He blinked, and tried not to show his surprise. Knowing it was a mistake, he nonetheless dug in his pocket and grabbed his phone. He didn't list his contacts under their correct names, but he still didn't like handing it over. With a shrug, he tossed it to the vampire*
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He caught the device in his palm and crushed it, tossing it on the floor, digging his boot into it, turning it into dust. He didn't trust phones and knew this one could be traced. He looked at the male's expression and grinned* Thank you, that was helpful of you. *he stepped closer to the male* Now tell me . Has the Brotherhood recently acquired any do I put this...guests?
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*he raised a brow and met the vampire in the eye. The loss of the phone didn't trouble him too much, as it wasn't as if there was any way he was going to call anyone to come save his ass. He gave a slight shake of his head* Sorry, man. I have no idea what you are talking about. Never heard of any brotherhood.
      17 hours ago · Like · 5
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He got up close to the male, grabbing his shirt front he lifted him, his scar stretching menacingly as he growled* Don't play dumb human. You reek of them and...of someone I know.
      16 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*He looked at the vampire, and a low growl rumbled in his chest. He pushed it down, and remained calm, outwardly. He wondered what the vampire meant with the comment, someone he knew. He forced himself to keep his tone casual as he shrugged.* Would help you if I could, never heard of any brotherhood and I don't think we run in the same circles for you to smell anyone you know on me.
      16 hours ago · Like · 4
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He inhaled and snarled* You lie. I smell her all over you. Her's is the strongest scent. Now...*he shook the male* We can do this the hard way or the easy way. *he smirked* I do hope you chose the hard way.
      16 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*At the mention of Payne, for who else could the vampire be referring to, he went into an instant rage. Knowing he was likely signing his own death warrant, he drew back his fist and punched the vampire in the face, nailing him directly in the nose. Blood spurted almost immediately, and he savored the feeling of the bone that crunched beneath his fist. * I guess it is going to be the hard way.
      16 hours ago · Like · 5
      Xcor Bloodletter he licked the blood gushing down down on to his mouth and smirked* That all you got? *Drawing back his fist he punched the male on the jaw, satisfied when he heard the cracking of bone, blood splashed on the pavement* Just so you know, I'm a bhastard. I play dirty. *he brought his knee up and kneed him in the gut, making the male double over, he watched as he coughed up blood. He reset his nose as he kicked the male over over* We get that out of our system?
      16 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*He hunched over, unable to catch his breath. He was seeing stars, lightheaded and nauseas from the pain in his jaw. He couldn't straighten up, couldn't respond. He didn't bother looking up, just gave the male the middle finger and continued to try to catch his breath.*
      16 hours ago · Like · 5
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*The male still had fight in him did he? He crouched down and wrapped his hand around the male's throat, squeezing. Well he wouldn't after he was done with him*
      16 hours ago · Like · 5
      Manuel Manello ‎*He reached up and grabbed at the hand wrapped around his throat. Christ, the strength in that hand. He continued to try to pry the fingers loose but it was useless. That hand just tightened further, cutting off his air supply. His lungs began to burn, fighting to expand and draw in much needed oxygen. Between the desperate need to breathe, and the overwhelming pain in his jaw, he felt his grip on consciousness fading. Finally, he stopped fighting, resigned to the fact that he had lost. However, even though he lost, he hadn't caved, hadn't spoken and given up his family, friends. He supposed it was an alight way to die, defending those you care about. He lost his tenuous grip on consciousness and slipped over into oblivion*
      16 hours ago · Like · 5
      Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He watched as the male fought, the corner of his lip lifting at the precise moment he felt the male give in. He grinned, they always did. The Brotherhood would come looking for this male and maybe he'd give him to them if they could provide him with information on Throe. If not, well then he'd have fun with their pet.*
      Throe Bhastard
      ‎*He had been at the mansion for fucking days, and it was getting old. He was still tied most of the time. He was given enough freedom to go from the chair to the bed and the bathroom. He was going out of his mind from boredom, though. He wanted the fuck out, now. He had worn out a small path, going back and forth between his small areas on the confinement chain. He heard someone approach the small room he was in. He had been hearing footsteps on the other side of the door, fairly frequently. This was different though, they were lighter. He knew he was in a room in the training center, and knew that the dainty footsteps didn't belong to any brother, and he felt his heart give a small leap at the idea that she may have returned to see him*
      Unlike · · Follow post · about an hour ago
      You, Lucia Ann, Saxton Thym, Kyrie Leigh The-Brutal and 2 others like this.
      Layla Chosen ‎*She was restless; unable to comprehend why she continued to dwell on the feeding of Master Throe. She had dutifully served for such a long time and had performed many feedings, but none lingered in her mind, plaguing her every waking moment as his did. He had been so very gentle and respectful; a fact that continued to astound her. She had expected him to be cruel and unfeeling, but he had behaved as if he were a male of worth.
      There was a cloak of sadness that surrounded him that she found intriguing; had felt some connection but could not explain it. Despite knowing that if she acted upon how she felt her punishment would know no bounds, she found herself unable to resist. She willed herself to the Far Side. Slipping quietly down the corridor until she arrived at the room where he was being held. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and stepped inside...*
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 5
      Throe Bhastard ‎*He inhaled sharply as she stepped into the room. It was her, Layla. He froze for an instant, his pacing finally quieted. He stared at her, memorizing her delicate features and storing the image away to remember later. He wondered why she had come, wondered if she was regretting feeding him. He saw several emotions cross her beautiful face, but the sadness tore at him. He didn't want her pity. He was already embarrassed about his situation, having her look on him and feel sadness for him made the entire thing that much more real. He inhaled, and could smell the sharp tang of her conflicting feelings, her uncertainty. He wanted to put her at ease, some how. He realized standing here staring at her was not the way to do that. Finally, he spoke.*
      Layla, I'm surprised to see you here. I'm glad you are, but I have to ask, why are you here alone?
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 5
      Layla Chosen ‎*The moment she entered she realised her error; she stood frozen in place unable to move or speak, yet she could not tear her gaze away from the male before her. Her heart pounding, not knowing whether it was from the fear of being caught or whether it was due to being in such close proximity to Master Throe; alone.
      That he did not wish her to see him in this state was more than apparent from the way he could not completely meet her eyes. At the sound of his voice, a flush of heat bloomed in her cheeks; consumed by self-doubt, part of her wishing to flee and yet another part of her felt compelled to stay. At that moment, his eyes finally met hers and her breath caught at the sincerity they revealed. He was an enigma to her; the Primale so certain in his assumption that this male was a threat to the King and therefore an enemy, but the brief time she had spent in his presence suggested quite the opposite.
      That she owed him an explanation as to her sudden appearance was nothing more than to be expected, but in truth she did not know the reason herself. Her words were little more than a whisper,* Forgive my...intrusion, Sire...*pausing to take a deep breath she decided that an untruth would have to suffice, as she knew not what else to say, * I was within the Manse, when it occurred to me that mayhap you took too little of my vein, your injuries are indeed most extensive. I did not see the harm in ensuring your needs had been fully met before I return to the Other Side.
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 5
      Throe Bhastard ‎*He looked at her and was nearly undone by her kindness. He had never met anyone as gracious as she was. She was beautiful, of course, but her spirit was what grabbed at him. He stood, but made no move to get closer to her. *
      Layla, that is most kind of you. I don't really know what to say. Are you sure that you should be here, unescorted? I mean, I know that I pose no threat to you, but I don't think you should be walking around unprotected.
      *It pissed him off to no end, that the brothers were being that careless with her, they let her come down here, to him, their enemy, and offer to feed him. His fangs were throbbing at the thought of taking her vein again, and not strictly out of necessity. He felt his body stirring to life, and he forced himself to think of other things. He folded his arms to keep from reaching for her, and leaned against the wall, folding one ankle over the other in an attempt to look casual. The effect was somewhat spoiled by the chains around his wrists and ankles, but he maintained the pose regardless.*
      What do you want, Layla? I don't want to know what you think is good for me or for others, or what you think you should be doing. What is it that Layla wants to do?
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 5
      Layla Chosen ‎*She was taken aback by his gratitude; it was not something she ever expected and that he had the good grace to show her such, pleased her. Heat flooded her cheeks, once more at his mention of her being unescorted and although it was now common practise for the Chosen to move around more freely, oft times alone, in this instance he was correct; she should not be in his presence without an escort.
      Her heart pounded, for each moment she remained, the risk became ever greater that she would be discovered and she had naught to offer in defence of her actions. She should leave and was just about to do so when his next words completely flawed her; she could not recall the last time someone had ever enquired as to her wants and needs. For the briefest moment she contemplated revealing her most secret thoughts; how she felt empty and that she wanted nothing more than to be loved; to find happiness with a male of her own, but she inwardly chided herself at such a notion. She could not bring herself to converse with her sisters on these matters, so why would she tell such to him?
      She raised her head and smiled,* Sire, your interest in my well-being is most kind but I can assure you that my duty as a Chosen, brings me much happiness. I wish only to serve my race as best I am able. *Inhaling deeply, she held out her delicate arm, her wrist turned towards him,* Do you wish to partake of my vein...or mayhap I should just leave and return to the Other Side?
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 5
      Throe Bhastard ‎*He grabbed her arm, his hold light but his touch firm. He wanted her to stay with him, even though he had no right to. He really didn't need to feed. The feeding she had recently give him would suffice for a while. Her chosen blood was strong and pure, and he was of a strong line himself. But he had been thinking about her, hadn't been able to get her out of his mind very much since meeting her. She was so beautiful, both in face and spirit. Something about her made him want to take her away and force her to think about herself, and no one else. He had a feeling she didn't do that nearly as often as she should, if she ever did. He wanted to see that, to see her value herself. Also, to be honest, he was lonely. He had been here for so long. Mhisery hadn't made any attempt to speak to him. He was well and truly alone. He had known this, of course. But the realization kept hitting him again, anew.*
      Please, stay. As much as I don't want you here, alone, don't want you anywhere alone, actually, I know you are safe here, with me. You never have cause to worry around me, I would never allow any harm to come to you, ever. I thank you for your kind offer. Of your vein. I, ah, I would like to partake, thank you.
      *He was instantly furious with himself. He was using feeding as an excuse to touch her, to be close to another person. He was fucking using her to keep the loneliness at bay for even a short time. He truly was an unworthy bastard. Even as these thought ran through his mind, his fangs were elongating and he was preparing to strike. He lowered his head to her lovely wrist, his lips pressed against her pulse point for the briefest of moments before he gently struck, easing his fangs through her skin as gently as possible. He felt her jolt a bit at first and then he began to take deep draws on her vein, the blood just as potent as he remembered. He held her arm loosely in his hand, his other hand stroking her palm, running up and down her long, tapered fingers. He wanted this to go on forever, but didn't want to drain her. He began to pull back, to disengage his fangs from her wrist, resigned to the fact that he would once again be alone in this hated room, awaiting some kind of action on the part of the brotherhood. Not Layla's problem, however, and he needed to stop this, now. Before she was discovered down here alone, before she realized that he thought of her entirely too often, before he made a fool of himself in front of her.*
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 5
      Layla Chosen ‎*As he took hold of her arm, her breath caught and her heart skipped; his touch firm, yet so gentle. They stood silently for a while and she thought that he would not take her vein; that mayhap, simply touching her was in some way giving him comfort. She was about to request again that he should feed, when he spoke; never before had anyone ever asked her to stay or cared as to whether she were alone or not. Tears welled in her eyes; his kindness touching her to her very soul and stealing her words.
      She started slightly as his fangs pierced her wrist; feeling strangely uncomfortable, standing with her wrist held before her as it was usual for her to kneel during a feeding, but he was as tender as the first time, his hand stroking her palm and easing her discomfort. All too soon the strong pull on her vein ceased and she felt the feather-like touch of his tongue as he sealed her wrist.
      She wanted to show him how deeply his words had touched her but did not wish to be rejected or thought a fool; she began to turn away from him when the thought occurred to her that she was unlikely to ever see him again. She turned back, reaching up to place a gentle kiss on his cheek and for a brief moment she rested her cheek against his, whispering,* I wish more than you know to never be alone and if it were only possible, I would stay, * stepping back from him, tears falling down her cheeks, she walked to the door, pausing to look back at him one last time,* farewell Master Throe, then she slipped from the room as quietly as she came...*
      about an hour ago · Unlike · 5
      Throe Bhastard ‎*He saw her tears, and he had to stop himself from reaching for her. He was surprised his molars didn't crack from the pressure he was exerting on them, clenching his jaw to keep from speaking the words asking her to stay. She treated him with dignity and kindness, and it floored him every time. He wanted so badly to fight, something, someone. Whatever it would take to make it possible to have her in his life. Instead, his arms hung uselessly at his sides, and he dropped his head back in defeat. He could still feel her touch, and it was agony. His eyes closed, he let loose a roar, in it was all of his despair, welling up this one time. As a tear fell from his eye, he knew that he would only have this one moment to outwardly mourn the loss of her, of Layla, who should never have come into his life in the first place. He continued to berate himself, not realizing that sometimes, being strong meant doing nothing. Instead, he berated himself for all the reasons he couldn't follow her, couldn't see where this may lead. Once his emotions were spent, he squared his shoulders, using every bit of strength he had, he managed to make his face a mask of indifference once again, as he sat and tried to decide what his next move was.*
      Jason Walker - Echo with Lyrics
      Bella Ahgony
      ‎*She sat on the edge of her bed, waiting for Nalla; tonight they were going to spend some time together, just the two of them. Smiling, she glanced around one final time to make sure everything was in place. They were going to indulge in one of Nalla's favorite games, dressing up. Her time alone with her daughter was something she valued so much and she almost felt like a child herself she was so excited. Her smile became wider still as she heard Nalla chattering away to Ahstrux just outside the door. Opening the door, she bent down and kissed her daughter's cheek*, there you are princess, are you ready to have some fun?
      Like · · Follow Post · Friday at 4:06pm
      Melissa McNeill, Zee Ahgony, Layla Chosen and 8 others like this.
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*walking down the hallway with Ahstrux toward her Mahmen and Daddy (Zee) room she was so excited to play dress up with her Mahmen tonight, it had been so long since they played. as she saw the door to their room open she smiled. looking up at her Mahmen she wrapped her arms around her neck as her Mahmen bent to her and kissed her cheek* Yes Mahmen I can'ts want to pway dwess up. *taking her Mahmen's hand they walked into her parent's room and she beamed as she saw all the things her Mahmen had laid out*
      Friday at 4:10pm · Like · 6
      Bella Ahgony ‎*They walked across the room together, Nalla's eyes like saucers as she took in all the outfits laid out on the bed; her beaming smile almost lighting up the room. She knelt on the floor at the end of the bed and turned to her daughter,* so, which outfit would you like to try, Snow White or maybe...Sleeping Beauty, or perhaps you would like to choose something else?
      Friday at 4:18pm · Like · 6
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*looking at all the dresses and shoes her Mahmen had laid out. she took it all in and tried to decide which one. her eyes fell on the golden dress that Belle wore* Mahmen can I wears dat ones? *looking up at her with her eyes wide, it had been the first moving her and her Daddy had watched together*
      Friday at 4:20pm · Like · 5
      Bella Ahgony ‎*She watched her daughter, biting back a laugh at the little frown of concentration on her face as she tried to decide what to wear. As she pointed at the golden dress, she knew exactly why she had chosen it; Beauty and the Beast was the first movie she had ever watched with her Daddy (Zee).* She helped Nalla to get undressed, laughing at her excitement. Picking up the golden dress she held it out so that Nalla could step into it and zipped it up.*
      Friday at 4:26pm · Like · 5
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*she couldn't keep the smile off her face as her Mahmen helped her take off her clothes and put the dress on. her fist instinct was to spin around and around and she did* Mahmen, am I a weals pwincess now?
      Friday at 4:29pm · Like · 5
      Bella Ahgony ‎*Nalla's little face was so full of joy as she twirled around in the dress,* I think you might just need something else before you are a real princess, *rising from the floor she walked over to the table and picked up the jewellery box. Turning to Nalla,* a real princess needs jewels, *opening the box, she laughed at her daughter's squeal of delight.*
      Friday at 4:37pm · Like · 5
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*as she watched her Mahmen get her jewelry box she giggled loudly* Jewelries too *looking down into the box, she loved getting to play with her Mahmens jewels. they were all so beautiful she wasn't sure what to pick. reaching her small hand into the box she pulled out a small necklace made of white circles* Can I wears dis one? *she didn't know what the jewels were but she thought they were perfect*
      Friday at 4:40pm · Like · 5
      Bella Ahgony ‎*Taking the necklace from her daughter's hand, she placed it around her delicate neck, the diamonds sparkling like little stars as they reflected the light,* I think there is still something missing, *she reached under the pillow and carefully picked up the tiara she had hidden earlier.*
      Friday at 4:49pm · Like · 5
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*gasping as her Mahmen pulled out the crown from under the pillow* Mahmen, it's so pwetty. *looking at her with huge eyes* I can wears dat? *she didn't know what else to say she was in awe of the crowns pure beauty*
      Friday at 4:51pm · Like · 5
      Bella Ahgony ‎*She placed the tiara on the bed and taking a hair brush from the night-stand she gently brushed Nalla's hair, till it fell like silk around her shoulders. Picking up the tiara, she placed it on her head and sat back to admire her beautiful daughter,* Princess Nalla of Ahgony you are the most beautiful princess I have ever seen.
      6 hours ago · Like · 3
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*she loved when her Mahmen brushed her hair so much. when she felt her Mahmen put the crown on her head she spun in her arms* Thankies Mahmen, and you are da most beautiful Mahmen in da whole world. *leaning up she kissed her Mahmen's cheek* And yous are da bet Mahmen in da whole world too.
      6 hours ago · Like · 3
      Bella Ahgony ‎*Her daughter's delight, warmed her to her soul; with everything that had gone on recently they had not spent hardly any time together. This time, together had done so much for both of them. She laughed at Nalla's words, pulling her close and kissing her satin-smooth cheek. Taking her hand she led her to the mirror,* look at how beautiful you are?
      5 hours ago · Like · 3
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*wrapping her arms around her Mahmen's neck as her Mahmen kissed her cheek. when she took her hand and walked her to the mirror her eyes were wide* Wow, Mahmen yous made me so pwetty. *looking up at her in the mirror* Mahmen, I wove you so much. *wrapping her arms around her Mahmen's leg* Thankies
      5 hours ago · Like · 2
      Bella Ahgony ‎*She smiled as Nalla twirled around, looking at her reflection from every angle,* you are already pretty and you just get more so every day. *She wrapped her arms around her, kissing the top of her head,* I love you so very much. I think we should take a picture so Daddy can see his beautiful princess when he gets back.
      5 hours ago · Like · 3
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*nodding excitedly* I woves dat idea. I wish Daddy (Zee) was here to see mes dough instead of just a picture. *standing in front of the mirro she waited for her Mahmen to take a picture* I hopes Daddy wikes my dress.
      5 hours ago · Like · 2
      Bella Ahgony ‎*Opening a drawer she took out the camera*, OK, sweetie, let's take a picture and as a special treat you can keep your dress on till Daddy gets home. Big smile for me.
      5 hours ago · Like · 3
      Nalla Ahgony ‎*she smiled wide at her Mahmen* Oh thankies Mahmen, thankies so much. *holding still as her Mahmen took the picture then running to her hugging her tight* I wove you and Daddy so much.
      5 hours ago · Like · 3
      Bella Ahgony ‎*She couldn't wait for Zee to see Nalla; he would know instantly why she had chosen the golden dress and although he wouldn't show it, he would be so thrilled. She stood with her arms wrapped around her precious daughter, holding her tight and making a silent promise that there would be many nights, just like this one; time with Nalla was so important and she would never again miss another moment.*
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