Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part II

Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*The first touch of his strong hand started a tremble in her body that reverberated through her with a force that caused her knees to weaken. His hand was strong, slightly calloused from his work efforts, but were like satin on her skin. Each line he traced sent a fire through her veins that settled in the core of her being. She stared up into the deep pools of blue, that pierced the depths of her darker eyes. His presence was commanding when he took her wrist, he was taking control of her body, but remaining aware of her emotional boundaries. When he wrapped her hands around his lean waist, her fingers uncurled and pressed into his flesh wanting, needing, to pull him closer. His head dipped to her hair, and she released an erotic sigh as his lips fell to her flesh. He skin pebbled with desire as his whispered breath graced her flesh. The male before her, demanded a closeness that she wanted, and was not sure how to give. He ignited her body, causing it to ache with desire. He clouded her mind, and shoved the lingering words of her father, 'You will bring misery to any person who dares to come into your life' away momentarily. When he spoke, her mind cleared, she couldn't bring sorrow to this male of worth. She looked at him and swallowed hard before daring to speak* I fall into the category of pain and suffering for anyone I meet. I don't linger with one person long enough to live up to my name...Mhisery.
November 11 at 4:16am · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*Watching her begin to open to him, to lose herself momentarily, was a gift delivered straight from the Scribe, her trust held a value beyond measure. Physical response was it's own reward, but being able to touch her heart, revel in her emotions, was more then he had ever thought to hope for. And when he saw her starting to shut down on him, he was frantic for a way to keep her in the moment, and keep everything else away from them. And then her words tore the heart from his chest. And swore that he would find a way to keep pain from every touching her again.* No. Mhisery. Never. You are anything but. You are brave. And strong. And you are more than I could ever hope to hold in my life for any amount of time. You are also a hardass, and contrary. And beautiful. And mean *smirks*. But you bring pain and suffering to no one. And if you were to linger long enough for anyone to get to know you, they would be astounded at all that you are. *He could see that now was not the time to insinuate himself into her personal space. Some things need time to be absorbed. And if he were to push now, he may win momentarily, but in the long run, she would bolt. Nope, he needed her to need his touch, to crave him. Otherwise, it would be lust and nothing more. And he knew he was going to need more than that.*
November 11 at 4:42am · Like · 7
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She held tightly to him as he spoke, her mind not realizing what her body was doing. He bit down on her lower lip, a nervous habit of hers. She wanted to hold on to this second, and stretch it into minutes, hours, days and months. He was what a male of worth should be. He was a fearless warrior on one hand, with the ability to lay waste to his enemies, but he could hold her heart so tenderly in the other. Her thumbs idly stroked the corded muscles that spanned the length of his torso as he spoke so eloquently, pointing out the good he thought he saw in her, but her mind new better. She had been taught at an early age that the disgrace of her birth, her mere presence marred anything of beauty that she touched, and this male was a thing of beauty. Not only was he physically stunning, but his soul held a light that could brighten the darkest of nights. She knew she had to let him go and her mind forced her hands to release him, even though her heart screamed, no. She bent her head forward and rested it on his broad shoulder for a brief moment, memorizing every detail of him that she could. A moment later she lifted her head, and released his waist, ducking under his massive arms, and out of his warm embrace. She crossed her arms over her chest, and willed her stoic face to appear* You are far too good to be mixed up with the likes of me. I'm the female that a male seeks to bed and leave. I've resigned myself to that, accepting it, fuck.. I even embrace it at times. I'm the one time deal. I'm what you seek when you want flesh to meet flesh in in raw desire, hard and rough and without thought of ever having to see each other again. I'm what you use and toss to the side, but it doesn't bother me, I get a few hours of escape and they take what they need, anything more than that *She shrugged* is not what I'm meant for.
November 11 at 5:11am · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*fuck. He had lost her. For now. And the anger that threatened to spew forth would do nothing for either of them. And as tempting as the idea of settling himself between her thighs and making both of them forget everything for a few hours was, he knew that it would not be nearly enough. And that in the long run, it would ruin things. She needed to know her own worth before he ever made love to her, or she would never see in herself all the things he saw in her. Rage simmered so close to the surface he was amazed he was able to maintain any sort of facade. He wanted to kill the male that had sired her. He leaned into her once more, for one last taste. He ran his tongue from her collarbone, up her throat, and plunged his tongue into her mouth. He backed off before she did. One thing about his warrior, she was much more comfortable fighting with someone than being loved by them. Which was one of the things he adored about her. Her spirit. She had so much heart, and was such a presence, everywhere she went. For such a tiny, delicate looking female, she was larger than life. He realized that this seriousness, this closeness, was too much for her right now, and she was preparing to bolt. It was going to take time to win this female over. And worse than competition from other males, he had to battle demons that existed insider her. Knowing she was more comfortable with him when she didn't perceive him as being interested in more than her friendship, he fought to rein in his desire, and exercise some self control and act as if everything were normal. As he let her step away from him, he made the mistake of looking into her eyes. The pain there took his breath away. And he paused to regain his equilibrium. *Well, I don't know about that,Mhis. I'm pretty sure we would both want it to be more than one time. Anytime you want to test the theory, call me. And if you ever feel like sparring, call me for that too. I'll go easy on you* as he gave a quiet chuckle, he kept his eyes down, knowing that if she were to see them, as perceptive as his warrior was, she would see that he burned for her. And that his feelings were far deeper than even he had realized.
November 11 at 5:39am · Like · 7
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*When he spoke of the hours he could spend with her, thoughts flooded her mind and liquid fire pooled at junction of her thighs. She steadied herself and was thankful for the mentioning of sparing. He couldn't even meet her eyes, and she knew then what she had always been told about herself was correct. She was glad when he mentioned sparring, it was the break in the fires that had threatened to consume them. She turned and headed out, calling over her shoulder* I'll kick your ass any day of the week, and twice on Sunday. Anytime you feel like getting your ass beat by a girl call me. *She hit he back door and exited into the alley*
November 11 at 5:56am · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*he hesitated a moment, not trusting his voice. Then he dematerialized in front of her* Mhisery, we spar tomorrow. And, remember this. You matter. *he turned to walk away. Holy fuck, she mattered.
Throe Bhastard
To all assorted Bastards and other general riff raff: I am not able to get on group chat at the moment but rest assured. I will be there. And I have eyes and ears where you don't expect it. So tread lightly. Just saying. And hello Mhisery. *moves her hair and kisses her neck*
Unlike · · Unfollow Post · November 11 at 10:51pm via mobile
You, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Phury Ahgony, Emily Lua and 7 others like this.
Zypher Bhastard Oh look at him trying to be all dark and mysterious.
November 11 at 10:52pm · Like · 9
Linda von H ‎*lmao*
November 11 at 10:53pm · Like · 5
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*thinks he must be hearing wrong* Excuse me Throe but last time I looked I was in charged of the bastards not you *smirks*
November 11 at 10:54pm · Like · 8
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Smirks and tilts her head allowing him access* Hello Throe *Flips Zypher off*
November 11 at 10:54pm · Like · 9
Zypher Bhastard Is that an offer?
November 11 at 10:55pm · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard Xcor, I will acknowledge your rank among bastards. Not over Mhis. Period.
November 11 at 10:55pm via mobile · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock No that was how many I.Q. points that I am quiet sure you possess. *smirks*
November 11 at 10:56pm · Like · 9
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Smacks him on the back of his head* I'm sorry did I seem like I cared? And remember us later, we need to have a little chat it seems.
November 11 at 10:57pm · Like · 7
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Growls at Xcor* Touch him again and I will remove the only source of a date you have, from your wrist. We clear?
November 11 at 10:58pm · Like · 7
Zypher Bhastard ‎*laughs at Mhisery and smirks at Throe after hearing Xcor*
November 11 at 10:58pm · Like · 7
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Shakes his head* Remember who he gave his soul too and if memory serves me right it wasn't you female. *growls*
November 11 at 11:00pm · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Snarls* He gave you intelligence and loyalty for a service you rendered you ungrateful son of a bitch. Back the fuck off his dick and let him breath or I will back you up.
November 11 at 11:02pm · Like · 8
Xcor Bloodletter You talk to me female like I have feelings which I don't I could care less what he wants or needs he only purpose is to serve me *evil chuckle*
November 11 at 11:03pm · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*moves over to stand in front of Mhisery. All traces of humor gone.* the soul is yours, the female is not.*
November 11 at 11:04pm via mobile · Like · 8
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Walks up to Throe and hits him across the face* Again I think that talk is going to be sooner than later your getting weak when it comes to this female. *glares in his face as he wipes off the blood from his lip* No more words from either of you or there will be consquences and I won't care either way if you two live or die.
November 11 at 11:07pm · Like · 7
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Leap frog's Throe and launches at Xcor. She knocked his ass to the ground, all her weight landing on his chest. She lifted her fist and slammed it into his nasal bone, a stream of bright red blood flowing freely. She continued raining blow after blow on his face. Her teeth gritted as she snarled down at him* You EVER touch him again and you better say your prayers to the Scribe because I will come at you in the dark of fucking night and slit you sorry throat.*She stood from him and slammed the heel of her boot down on his crotch* Worthless cunt.
November 11 at 11:11pm · Like · 8
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Damn that little bolt of lightning knew her stuff and he loved this form of foreplay especially from a vixen like herself. No wonder Throe had the hots for her but then he knew first hand how she tasted and felt between his legs* You may want to watch yourself next time female or I will be the bastard that you all think of me and ban Throe from ever seeing you again, the next time you lay one single finger on me then its no more Throe for you and I fucking mean it *he growled standing up and readjusting himself*
November 11 at 11:16pm · Like · 8
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Snarls back, her chest huffing from her exertions as she spoke* Try it and I will make good on my promise. You took my blood, I can find you and I promise you, I will slit your throat and stand over you laughing as you bleed out.
November 11 at 11:20pm · Like · 8
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He had to give her credit no other female dared talked to him that way without severe consquences* I give you this come find me and I will make it worth your while it's not like Throe, Zypher and myself haven't shared females before and a good fight is always a plus in my book *laughs*
November 11 at 11:23pm · Like · 8
Throe Bhastard ‎*grabbing Mhisery around the waist and picking her up he envelops her into a hug and kisses her, deeply and with urgency. As soon as he felt her attention shift away from Xcor an back to him he pulled back*. Thank you Warrior, truly. But please do not put yourself in harms way. I can handle Xcor and anything he wants to do to me. What I can't abide is anything happening to you. And if he puts his hands on you, my soul be damned. I will fucking rip his throat out and gut him like a fish. I know you can handle yourself, but you need to trust me to handle this. *kissing her again, he once more moved in front of her*
November 11 at 11:24pm via mobile · Like · 8
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Hearing his idle threats just pissed him off more and glares at Throe giving him the look of murder before dematting back to the castle*
November 11 at 11:39pm · Like · 7
Zypher Bhastard ‎*clears his throat and shakes his head as he demats out*
November 11 at 11:40pm · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She moved behind him, her head more dizzied from his kiss than the act of knocking the holy fuck out of Xcor. She stood with her arms crossed but pressing into the muscled frame of Throe. She glared at Xcor and allowed Throe to handle this part, for the time being while attempting to suppress the urge to cut Xcor from stem to stern and watch his entrails spill onto the ground*
Cormia Ahgony
‎*She cracked open an eye and looked at the clock on her nightstand* Ughhh....need. more. sleep. *She thought back to last night and drinking the wine with her sister Pheonia. She really hoped Phe was feeling better than she was. She walked to the bathroom, grabbed 2 aspirin, and filled her cup with water from the faucet. Took the meds and headed directly back to bed.*
Elizabeth Randall
‎*waking in King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's arms, her favorite place to be. rolling over she gently kissed him, not wanting to wake him. lying there she watched him sleep, his chest expanding slowly with his even breath. he was only truly peaceful these days when he slept, he worried so much about her and the young*
Unlike · · Share · October 25 at 1:46pm ·
You, Layla Chosen, Virginia Collins, Janet Romano and 13 others like this.
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He felt Beth touching him and woke up immediately* Are you okay, leelan? *sitting up the worry about her and the young came back and ... the hunger. He knew he had to feed soon*
October 25 at 1:48pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall ‎*seeing his eyes open she smiled, but then the worry struck his face again* I am fine Nallum, I promise. *running her fingers through his hair, she loved how long it had gotten. sliding up against him letting her head rest on his chest* I worry about you thou Wrath, how are you doing will everything?
October 25 at 1:52pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Don't worry about me. You have other things to worry about. I want you to concentrate on staying healthy. I can care for myself very good. *kissing her gently* I love you.
October 25 at 1:55pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*kissing him back* I love you too, but Wrath *she hated asking this because she knew the answer, and hated it* when are you going to feed? I can scent your hunger mine Hellren. Won't you please just take my vein?
October 25 at 1:57pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath No way. I know that you are not happy with the solution of me taking the way of another woman. so I just won't feed until the pregnancy is over. *he was the fucking king. he could do it*
October 25 at 2:01pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall ‎*looking into those faded green eyes she loved so much* I will not let you do that. You must feed, you are the King and everyone needs you to be strong. I need you to be strong, for me and the young. *sighing* Maybe we should talk to Amalya Chosen about having a Chosen come to the mansion for you *her heart ached at the though and her fangs dropped in protection of her male, but he needed to feed*
October 25 at 2:04pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*kissing her* I can smell how much it hurts you. I'm sure I can do it. I don't want you feel any kind of stress and this seems to stress you a lot. *pulling her close to his chest* Don't worry you can still feed on my blood.
October 25 at 2:08pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall Wrath, the thought of you going sixteen months without feeding stresses me more than you feeding from a Chosen. *settling into his hold her head listening to his heart* And I cannot take your blood, as I need so much more lately, and not have you getting any back.
October 25 at 2:11pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*kissing the side of her neck, feeling his fangs elongate he knew she was right. He needed to feed. soon. very soon. He couldn't endanger her life* Then we better talk to the chosen. And rather sooner than later.
October 25 at 2:17pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*feeling his fangs scrap against her neck, she shivered* Yes I think you are right. I will contact Amalya about what needs to be done to set that all up. Speaking of getting things set up, we need to go meet with Jane again, it has been eight weeks since our last appointment.
October 25 at 2:24pm · Like · 8
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*again the fear came back that something might be wrong with her or their young* Leelan, do you want me to come with you? I mean, I'm not the best support you know and ... shit I would be lying if I said it doesn't scare the hell out of me.
October 25 at 2:25pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*stroking his cheek* I know you are scared Nallum, but I am not. I feel great and I would love for you to be there. *biting her bottom lip as she knew he was not going to be over joyed with what she said next* Jane has requested that Manuel be present as well so that he is familiar with the pregnancy during the birth, but she has assured me that it is all external and he will see nothing.
October 25 at 2:30pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath He better doesn't cause I'm gonna break his neck if he does. I'm not kidding leelan and I absolutely hate this idea. And if he hurts you ... not even the Scribe Virgin will be able to save him. *he growled* He's just going to take a quick look and then leave.
October 25 at 2:33pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*holding his face in her hands* I promise he will see nothing but the computer where the picture of the young will be. Jane will be the only one touching me, other than you. *she could smell his bonding scent filling their room* I promise on my own life that he will not harm me.
October 25 at 2:37pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*what he hated most was the fact that the human doctor would see his young when he couldn't. the familiar feeling of jealousy filled his chest and he had to remind himself that the doc was helping his shellan* I'll try to behave but I can't promise anything.
October 25 at 2:39pm · Like · 11
Elizabeth Randall ‎*sliding over so she was sitting across his lap letting her head rest on his shoulder. she could scent his jealousy and had not been thinking when she spoke of Manny seeing their young, mentally kicking herself* I know you will love, and I know you will be fine. *linking her fingers with his* You can hold my hand the entire time.
October 25 at 2:43pm · Like · 11
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*wrapping his body around her so she wouldn't feel any cold, he held her close to his heart* Right now, I don't want to be anywhere else. I want to be right here, with you. *whispering into her ear. Even though he knew she was save he still had weapons in his nightstand. he wouldn't risk anything with her around and although he was blind he hadn't forgotten how to shoot*
October 25 at 2:48pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall ‎*snuggling into his hold. his arms was the one place she always felt safe and always felt protected* I always want to be with you, now and forever Wrath. Don't ever forget that.
Ehlena Rempoon
‎*The sun wouldn't set any faster though she wished it to. She spent the last few hours awake, yet still, in an empty bed, trapped by the daylight beyond the shuttered windows. But now hearing them click and rumble as they opened, she jumped from under the covers, and began her nightly routine. She fixed her hair back into a wispy braid that laid between her shoulder blades, slipped on her black trousers, then began to work the buttons of a billowy silk blouse the color of a deep burgundy wine. She stepped into her black leather boots, then walked to the dresser and grabbed the princess cut amethyst studs to put into her ears. She looked herself over in the mirror, to assure herself she looked as he liked her to.. as herself. Comfortable, classy, and put together.
Her hellren had texted her about fifteen minutes after he departed, and told her to meet him at the penthouse thirty past sunset so they could share first meal together. She smiled at his thoughtfulness, slipped on her black wool peacoat, and dematerialized to the patio of their penthouse at the Commodore.* — with Rehvenge Rempoon.
Unlike · · October 25 at 8:25pm ·
You, Xhex Tehrror, Linda Hofsten and Cormia Ahgony like this.
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Rehvenge had left her alone in bed to visit the Colony for a "quick business matter" - though she knew him so well by now that when he was as vague as he was this morning - he probably had to make a quick kill, and in the Colony, killing - any matter of rule, really - was his business. Over the time they've spent as mates, she had become numb to it all, accepting, agreeable. But that never changed the fact that it still happened. Despite that half of his being, that role... he was still the Rehv she fell in love with. Taking on the leadership at the Colony had not - even in the slightest - changed his soul. He was still caring, kind, thoughtful. He was still of tender heart; and from that heart of his blossomed the purest kind of love. And it was hers.
Watching him through the sliding door, as she had during their courting, he palmed his cane, leaning into it for support as he walked from the hallway, that held the doors to their master suite, his office, and the spare bedroom, out into the great room. He was most likely freshly numb, his core temperature low - as she assumed by seeing him still in his sable - which was normal after the high doses of dopamine he would inject after even the shortest visit to the Colony. She had always told him to forgo it, that she did not have an ounce of distrust in him that he would take advantage of her, that she knew his vampire half - their bonding - would reign supreme and help keep him stable. Yet as insistent as she was, he was just as stubborn, and never gave even an inch about it.*
October 25 at 8:32pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Palming his cane as he walked through the penthouse, he knew his Tahlly had made it on time, as always. The woman never dallied in the least. he could alway count on her to be where he needed her when he needed her. How could he still use the fucking dopamine knowing it displeased her so. She ment the world to him. His only savior. His peace was in her eyes, her arms.
October 25 at 9:18pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Freshly showered and wrapped in his armani/sable duo, he went from their bedroom towards the kitchen where his meal for her was waiting. He turned to the sliders and smiled. Willing the doors open.* Hello, Tahlly. *He opened his arms and wrapped her close as she ran in to his embrace.*
October 25 at 9:20pm · Like · 3
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Wrapping her arms around his waist, inside of his sable and his suit jacket, she pressed her tiny frame into his. She noticed him sway back just slightly before regaining his balance, confirming her suspicions of him being medicated. Gripping the back of his silk button down in her hands, she pulled him towards her own body, and she pressed her nose to his solar plexus where she inhaled deeply, taking his scent deep into her lungs. She tilted her head back after taking another large breath of him, and looked up into his amethyst stare. Her voice was small, but with a light note, her lips curled into a smile.* Hi.
October 25 at 9:30pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Leaning down, he pressed a small, soft kiss to her perfect lips* I hope you slept well. I am sorry business kept me away so long. I had hoped it would be dealt with much quicker. *His eyes flickered for a moment to that ruby shade he hated so. All he could think was -Come on fucking meds, come on. Not now.- Closing his eyes for a brief second and taking a shaky breath, he gave her a small smile.* Its been a long day for me, Mine Shellan. Are you hungry? *He prayed. Dear Scribe, he prayed she didn't see his damned eyes.*
October 25 at 9:35pm · Like · 3
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She smiled to him in return, sensing his unease, she released her grip of his shirt and smoothed her hand down his back, choosing to withhold the fact she had been awake since he left her and ignoring his first question,* Actually, nallum, I am hungry, let's eat, shall we?
October 25 at 9:42pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Leading her in to the finely set table, with two candles glowing. He sat her at the head and took his place next to her. * So, how was your day? Tahlly, you didn't sleep did you?
October 25 at 9:44pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Taking her seat, she eyed the beautifully spread first meal of crepes, sliced fruits and creme fresh, she smiled watching him carefully sitting beside her and leaning his cane against his chair. As she reached to grab the fine silver tongs to move a crepe to his plate, her eyes narrowing at him, hearing his question. Apparently he wasn't as drugged as she had figured.* Rehv, how many times do I have to remind you not to read me!
October 25 at 9:54pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon I care. Tahlly. Sue me. *He grinned as she set the crepe on his plate. Touching her hand before she pulled back* Are you angry with me? You know I had to do it. I couldn't wait.
October 25 at 9:54pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon You may care, but damnit, Rehv, it's an invasion on my privacy. And you know how much I hate it! *She pulled her hand from his and took a few deep inhales her calm herself. She knew he never looked to her emotional grid with malicious intent, as he would with others of his own kind, or with an outsider or an enemy. Yet he still pressed, damn stubborn male. Plating a crepe and some fruit for herself and then a bit of fruit to his plate, she lifted a spoonful of creme. She exhaled.* I didn't sleep because I knew where you were and what you were doing. As usual. Same answer as always. *She plopped the creme to his plate, then one for herself and sat back again into her chair.*
October 25 at 10:03pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Felt like he was slapped down a few pegs. Damn her! She knew he ruled up there. He had no choice but to go full-on up there. He cold not bring that shit back to her.* Maybe you would like me to leave? You could enjoy your meal in peace. *He placed his napkin back over his plate and stood.*
October 25 at 10:06pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon How dare you! *She scoffed, looking up to his towering form,* Sit. Back. Down. You are not walking away from this, we are going to talk this out, *and she spoke the words she had thought only moments ago,* you stubborn ass male!
October 25 at 10:10pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Stepping so they were nose to nose, he grinned* Always knew how to put me in place. Tahlly, I love you and I want to keep you safe. If that means I read you or feel your discomfort, well, then too fucking bad! *His nostrils flared as he caught a scent mixing with his bonding. Arousal.*
October 25 at 10:38pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She let out a growl that she had hoped sounded menacing, but ended up sounding like a purring kitten. Yet a purr wasn't too far off from what her body was feeling. When she first talked back to him, commanding him to sit back down, his bonding scent flared - and with the tiniest of inhales, heat spread through her veins, igniting a fire beneath her skin. Her eyes still narrowed, trying to remain stern.. trying to ignore the dull ache between her thighs,* I don't care if you do it because you fear the death of a tiny adorable kitten, Rehv, I don't like it and you won't do it to me!
October 25 at 10:52pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Gently grasping her face, He kissed her deep. Her anger turned him on!! Fucking hell she was turned on by the fact she could control him. Groaning wildly into the kiss.* I need you. *He said in a garbled voice. He was heating up fast and needed to be naked with her. His body against hers.*
October 25 at 10:55pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Moaning into his mouth, she momentarily became caught up in his kiss, in the feel of his strong hands holding her jaw; with the way his deep baritone sounded so erotic in her ear. She pressed into him, kicking her chair back with the heel of her boot, her hands gripping his large biceps. She assaulted his open mouth with with her tongue, running it over her fangs, massaging it into his, tasting him as she went along. It wasn't until he paused and pulled back from her to remove his sable coat that she was capable of higher thought function. And she remembered just as he was reaching his arms around her waist and tugging her towards his front. When he bent down his head to capture her lips, she pressed a finger into them.* Rehvenge.
October 25 at 11:12pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon Tahlly. *He knew it was too good to be true, but he had to try.*
October 25 at 11:13pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She pulled her finger away and raised her brow.* We are not done talking, Rehv. *She turned and glanced over her shoulder to the food that was now becoming closer to room temperature, which was a balmy 75,* Nor are we done eating.
October 25 at 11:21pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon We could eat in bed. *He grinned full fang at her* Be so much more fun, Shellan. *When she frowned at him, he caved.* Alright. I am sitting. See?
October 25 at 11:23pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon Good boy. *She leaned over and patted his cheek, yet purposely dragged her thumb along his jaw and across his lips as she withdrew her hand. She had to stifle a chuckle when his eyes took on a heavier glow beneath his lowered brows. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her fork and cut a piece of crepe and a strawberry, and dipped it into the creme fresh, hovering the bite just outside of her mouth, but couldn't. She dropped it down to the plate then looked into her hellren's eyes.* Rehv, I know what you do up there, ok? You're open to me about all the other dealings, EXCEPT one thing. And I know when you do it. You use a particular phrase, and each and every time you are vague, hesitant, and twitchy when telling me about it.
Ah! *She pointed her fork at him, the food still on it, a nonverbal move to keep him from interrupting her,* it's been a few years now, Rehv. I know. I just know, ok? And instead of beating around the bush, just tell me about it. That way you'll know --BY MY TELLING YOU-- that I will be awake until I see you again, and that I am without fear about when you do return to me.. that I trust you with all of me and that I am standing behind you even if I am not. I was on edge when I first arrived, I'll admit. I was thinking of you while laying in wait for the sun to set. I was thinking about all of what I just told you. *She had unknowingly moved her stare down to the food on the end of the fork instead of him, so when her focus shifted and she caught his eyes, she sighed.* And in the words of our friend Vishous, "feel me?"
October 25 at 11:39pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon Tahlly, what I do is enforce rules. When said rules are broken, they must be dealt with accordingly. I unfortunately act as judge, jury and executioner. When they fucking KNOW who they must deal with, they continue to disobey. You don't need death coming home to you all the time. I can cope. I have seen it all. But I will not hold back from you in my explanations any longer. For that alone I ask your forgiveness. *He watched her as she tried to focus on what he was saying to her.*
October 25 at 11:46pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She opened her mouth to speak but closed it quickly and dropped her fork, reaching her hand out to grasp his.* And you won't read me anymore? ...or be smart enough to not let me catch on, maybe? *She squeezed his fingers and gave him a small smile.*
October 25 at 11:54pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon I will try, Ehl. *he rolled his eyes and smiled* You are my favorite book. *lifting her hand and kissing her fingers*
October 26 at 12:01am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She sighed, shaking her head at him. Stubborn AND clever. Dear Virgin in the Fade, she was a lucky female. At least they had come to a partial agreement. Pulling her hand from him before he took one of her fingers into his mouth, she grabbed her fork and finally had a bite. Though room temperature, and the creme fresh not as firm as when they first started their meal, it still was delectable. A tiny moan escaped her as she swallowed.* Can we eat now?
October 26 at 12:06am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Laughing, he took a bite of his crepe and watched her eat. She was very delicate all the time. Little bites off her fork, her lips sliding back, her eyes rolling shut..............Fuck he was turned on.* Ehl, can we stay in to night?
October 26 at 12:08am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She pulled her phone from her pocket and checked the time.* I have to stop by Safe Place at some point tonight to pick up a few files from Jane... but it isn't pressing. *Placing her phone down, she began to eat again, her eyes lifting slowly to find her hellren staring at her mouth as she brought the fork into it.* What?
October 26 at 12:12am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Growling low as he watched her fork to lip routine* I want alone time, Ehl. How long?
October 26 at 12:15am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Raising her brows as she caught his scent on an inhale,* It can wait until later. *She smirked, lifting her coffee cup to her lips,* You want make-up sex, don't you?
October 26 at 12:18am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Nodding slowly, his hand trailed up her leg under the table*
October 26 at 12:19am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She could feel the heat from just his fingers as they brushed up her thigh, and he began to finger the bunched fabric at the pocket. She coughed swallowing her coffee, and carefully placed the china cup back down onto the table,* You should eat more, nallum.
October 26 at 12:24am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Arching a brow* Good idea Tahlly. Come to bed.
October 26 at 12:25am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎* He grinned as he pulled out her chair and lifted her in his arms to carry her off to the bed room. He kicked the door shut and placed her on the bed.* I am so gonna eat more.
October 26 at 12:27am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She felt a blush creep from her chest up to her cheeks, and she watched him slowly peel his Armani from his arms and back, then unbuttoning one by one until his immense inked chest was revealed.* I... meant food, Rehv, not me... *She leaned up onto her elbows and started to unbutton her own blouse,* but I am not complaining, *she traced her hand along the now exposed black lace cup on her bra.*
October 26 at 12:34am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon Mmmhmm Tahlly. I am eating food off of you. * he left, shirtless, to return with strawberry crepe filling.* See?
October 26 at 12:44am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She giggled,* So THIS is why they call you a sin-eater!
October 26 at 12:46am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon You got it, Leelan. *He had her top and bra off in no time and smeared the fruity paste on her nipples. Slicking his tongue to taste* MMmmmm Tahlly. Fucking sinful. *He pulled a nipple into his warm mouth and settled between her legs, slowly grinding his shaft against her core.*
October 26 at 12:49am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She ran a hand down his mohawk then between his shoulder blades and down his back, using her other hand to grasp the waistband of his trousers and pull him in tighter against her. His mouth and tongue working the fruit from her skin, one of his hands gripping her shoulder, the other holding her up from the black satin of his comforter. When she could take no more of his teasing, of his lapping, and his hot breath at her breast, she moved her hand from his back to grab his strong jaw and pull his mouth onto her, tasting the sweet fruit and his tongue at once. Her fangs began to throb in unison with her heart, and she felt them elongate, that throb now traveling straight through her stomach to her core. With her hellren's half-breed blood, she needed to feed twice as often as he did, and just the thought of drinking him spurred her into frenzied movements to remove his pants and her own.* Rehv, I want to take your vein.
October 26 at 1:01am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*growling loudly, he ripped off her pants and his own.* Do it Tahlly. Do it hard. * He presented his neck and at her strike he slammed into her and roared out with pleasure. The headboard banging into the wall and the crystal light fixtures rattling with his roar. He set a hard pace she kept up with. Panting and moaning against his skin, he palmed the back of her head and fucked her hard.*
October 26 at 1:12am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*When his lifeblood hit her tongue and traveled down her throat, it was almost instantaneous to his entering her. His invasion, though a hard, driving strike, was like the cherry to the top of his vein's sundae. She pulled with each thrust and swallowed him on each retreat, his blood fueling not only her crazed suckling, but also the unbearable tension of her nearing orgasm.
Her Rehvenge, her bonded mate, her everything... Dearest Virgin he was relentless and she loved it. He gave her everything she asked for and everything that she didn't. He didn't slow, he didn't calm his frenzied fucking, even as her head lulled and she became lax at his throat when he body began to spasm and she screamed into his skin. All he did was hold her mouth to him, and whisper of feeding from him and how it pleased him into her ear in the Old Language, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine and heighten the explosion of her release.*
October 26 at 1:37am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He felt her muscles clench, snd all he could do was tell her over and over in the old language his testament to her. Hos own orgasm heading out, his barb ready to engage. He reared back, roared, and let go, gripping her inside as well as her hips to grind out her orgasm with his.*
October 26 at 1:41am · Like · 1
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Lapping at the punctures slowly, carefully, as she breathed heavily against his throat, his scent in the air and on his skin, and on hers as well. She slowly rotated her hips beneath his, knowing his was sensitive after just releasing, and because he was still engaged inside her, but she just could not help herself. Running a hand down his sweaty spine, and placing a hot open mouthed kiss to his jaw, she rasped,* that was... raw.
October 26 at 1:51am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Rolling to the side, still attached to his Tahlly, he snuggled her close and his breathing began to slow* I know. *He chuckled and grinned* You loved every minute. *kissing her swollen lips softly.*
October 26 at 1:54am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She dragged her tongue along his lower lip as he pulled away from the kiss, then laid her head onto his shoulder. She pulled one of his large arms down between their bodies so she could stroke the skin of his hand and play with his fingers. Her voice was quiet when she spoke, almost a whisper,* Nallum, you know I did. Which brings us around full circle, post argument, post make-up... back to the very beginning of the night. *She craned her neck and cuddled into him,* since I'm now aware, straight from the source, you, what you were doing tonight... did you take a normal dosage of dopamine or did you over do it? *She felt him tense and kissed his pulse point to try to calm him before speaking again,* I am asking as your shellan AND your nurse.
October 26 at 2:02am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Deep sigh* Tahlly, I took what I needed to be me. I am sorry. I don't want to but if I don't, I will be lost. *His eyes looked deep in to hers* Don't be upset.
October 26 at 2:04am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She leaned in and feathered her lips against his,* I am not upset, love. But.. tonight, *her mind brought forward the image of his eyes flashing red, then recalled his grid probing, and how he was just so stubborn tonight.. then to how rough - no, the word she used previously was more suitable - raw he was when they mated.* Tell me, how do you feel now? Are you you?
October 26 at 2:09am · Like · 1
Rehvenge Rempoon I feel, well, *grinning* sated, spent-ish. I am going to be ok Ehl. Really. *Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he kissed her slightly bruised lips. Pulling her against him, he closed his eyes and rested his head just above hers and listened to their hearts beat.*
Cormia Ahgony
‎*She cracked open an eye and looked at the clock on her nightstand* Ughhh....need. more. sleep. *She thought back to last night and drinking the wine with her sister Pheonia. She really hoped Phe was feeling better than she was. She walked to the bathroom, grabbed 2 aspirin, and filled her cup with water from the faucet. Took the meds and headed directly back to bed.*
Elizabeth Randall
‎*standing in the bedroom next to her and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's suite she looked around and wondered what it would be like with baby furniture and baby toys all around. placing her hand on her belly* I hope you will like this room little one, I promise your Daddy and I will make it just as amazing as you are. *turning she looked at the wall that connected the two rooms making a mental note that a a door will need to be put in before the young is born so that she and Wrath can access the room quickly if need be. they would also need to re-arrange their room as their bed as closer to this wall. she wasn't taking any chances on not getting to their young in time*
Unlike · · Share · October 16 at 1:30pm ·
You, Xhex Tehrror, Virginia Collins, Lassiter The-Fallen and 11 others like this.
Elizabeth Randall ‎*realizing she was 21 weeks pregnant she remembered she needed to go see Jane for another ultrasound. taking out her cell phone she quickly wrote a text* Hello Jane, I was wondering if we could schedule the next ultrasound for the young soon. Thank you, Beth *hitting send, she put her phone back in her pocket and her mind drifted off again to once the young was here with them*
October 16 at 1:35pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Reaching for her phone on the coffee table, she scrolled through and opened the message. Scanning over it she wrote out a reply* I think Wednesday or Thursday if you can be available. Let me know so I can schedule with Ehlena also. Jane..*pressing send, she sat the phone back on the table and continued reading her book*
October 16 at 3:37pm · Like · 2
Elizabeth Randall ‎*her phone startling her as she was deep in her own world. reading Jane's text she quickly responds* Either day would be good for me. Let me know when both you and Ehlena are free. *hitting send she walked out of the room smiling, planning her future with her Hellren and young*
Ehlena RempoonCormia Ahgony
‎*Pulling her phone from her pocket, she sent Cormia a text message.* -text- Mia, would love to come visit soon the scenery is so pleasant this time of year! Please let me know when is best for you and P. Give Aggie my love, and say hello to the sisters, as I've heard they've returned.
Unlike · · See Friendship · October 16 at 4:15pm ·
You, Emma Baker, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 2 others like this.
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She hears her phone start playing "I'm too sexy" and gets excited* Oooh! A text. I wonder who it could be from. *She reads Ehlena's text, smiles and replies.* -text- Ehl, we would LOVE to have you visit us here at the Great Camp. Aggie has been asking when you would come back. He misses you. I'll talk to Phury and see what works best for him.
October 16 at 4:33pm · Like · 4
Ehlena Rempoon ‎-text- Lovely, look forward to seeing the lot of you, too.
Ehlena Rempoon
‎*Checking and double checking all was where it needed to be for the day shift nurse on staff, she grabbed her coat and her purse, clocked out at the computer terminal, and dematerialized back to the Brotherhood's compound. After being let inside, instead of making the short walk through the halls, she demat'ed again, straight into her and Rehvenge's room. Dropping her things onto the top of the d...
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Unlike · · October 16 at 8:07pm ·
You, Xhex Tehrror, Emma Baker, Lassiter The-Fallen and 5 others like this.
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Scrubbing the day off his body, he grinned as a tiny pair of hands glided around his stomach to not quite link together. He leaned into his favorite person* Hello Tahlly. Did you miss me? *He turned in her arms slowly, stepping back to let the water caress her gloriously naked body. Jealous of each rivulet of water trailing her perfect breasts to tease her rose-colored nipples.*
October 16 at 8:11pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Softly moaning as the warm water hit her flesh, and then a little louder as her mate brought her in closer to his muscled body, she placed soft kisses onto his abdomen and chest.* I always miss you, baby. I was so happy when I realized you were here. It's been one hell of a day. *She leaned up on her toes to kiss him, her tongue trailing over his fangs before she pulled back from him to grab the loofa and soap.* Have you gotten your back yet? *She smiled as she squirted a bit of the soap and then put it back onto the shelf.*
October 16 at 8:16pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*grinning* No, I haven't. But I think you need to catch up with me. *Grabbing her favorite body soap, he squeezed some on to his palm and created a lather. He started at her shoulders.* So tell me, get a lot done today? *His large hands moving slowly, working the fragrant lather to her breast where he massaged gently. Grinning full fang as her moan ricochet off the tile walls.*
October 16 at 8:22pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She leaned into his touch, his hands igniting flames over her skin. She sucked in a quick breath and tried to answer him,* Had our monthly mee-- *his hands lowered to his abdomen, and then lower to caress her hips, she dropped the loofa to the marble of the shower floor, and swallowed* --meeting tonight at Safe Place... and I suggested a vaccination campaign for flu-- *she nearly bit off her tongue when he grazed her inner thigh, and grabbed hold to his bicep to steady herself* --flu season, and both Marissa and Jane ran with it... I... Ooo, nallum... *She closed her eyes and leaned into his chest, into his hand, and spoke breathy against his moist skin,* It's hard to talk with you touching me-- *she squealed when he cupped her ass,* touching me like this!
October 16 at 8:30pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Taking his hands, he rubbed her ass gently and moved to her back* What's doin Tahlly? *grinning and chuckling, speaking low* Did you miss my touch? *His hands sweeping back to her hips as he nipped her shoulder* Miss my caresses and kisses? *Kneeling, he gently kissed her stomach as he urged her to move her legs apart. He flicked his tongue as he moved lower to her slit. Taking a deep inhale.* Oh, Ehlena. I think you did.
October 16 at 8:36pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon I always do, Rehv.. every moment of every day. *She grabbed onto his large shoulders, her palms cupping his sculpted deltoids, as his mouth moved down over her most intimate of areas. The water was now rushing over her breasts, the heat and pressure of the droplets sending chills over the tender flesh. She looked down at her hellren, his body contorted below her short waist, his muscular arms flexing and contracting as he moved his hands down her legs and then back up to her hips. His tongue flicked gently over her flesh, lapping and tasting her, inflicting all types of havoc on her nervous system. He always knew how to make her scream... and when she did, she could smell his spicy scent mixing with the steam and floating into her nostrils.* Rehv, *she hissed,* I thought-- OH --that you wanted to catch up...
October 16 at 8:52pm · Like · 5
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*On a low deep laugh* I am catching up. How about you? *His tongue worked her slit and probed deeper with each stroke. Flicking at the little knot on the top. Her nails digging into His shoulders. He lifted and placed a leg on his shoulder and went deeper. Mimicing the act of sex with his tongue, making her groan and squrim against her mouth. Their scents filling the bathroom as He worked her sex.* Come for me Tahlly. Let me taste you.
October 16 at 8:59pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*With her weight over his shoulder, and only one foot on the marble floor, it was much more difficult to keep her balance, especially as little spasms of pleasure began to shoot down the muscles of her legs. With each thrust of his tongue, there was a twitch, and she placed a hand onto the tile wall to try to keep herself upright. Whispering in the old language, her mind elsewhere as her body was so close to orgasm,* I love you, hellren mine. *It was then that she lost it. He had decided to growl back "I love you, too" right into her sensitive flesh, the vibrations of his deep voice sending waves of pleasure to course through her body. She screamed his name, over and over, because he did not stop until he had licked her clean.*
October 16 at 9:09pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Standing with a purely male smile, he looked into her eyes* Tahlly. * was all he could say as he wrapped her in his arms and carried her to their bed. Laying her down, he crawled on top of her and feathered kisses on her face* Do you know how crazy you make me? *grinding his hips against her so she could feel he was still UP for more. He fucking CRAVED this female with every ounce of his being.* I am going to have you. NOW. *He growled as he spread her legs and draped them on his arms. He positioned his blunt, swollen head against her entrance.* MINE * He said on a single thrust hearing her scream his name. Music to his ears*
October 16 at 9:15pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎Rehvenge! *She screamed as he entered her, and again as he began a steady pace. There was nothing better than feeling him thick and swollen with lust-with need-inside of her; the sole exception probably being when their lips were joined in a kiss. Grabbing onto his stubbled jaw, she spread her legs wider and pulled him down between them, his body now on top of her. She lifted her head to meet his mouth, her tongue trailing his bottom lip, sucking on his upper. Her hands left his jaw and moved over his shoulders, down his back, and she grabbed his ass, using what little strength she had to pull him in deeper inside of her. She laid her head onto her shoulder, her face now so close to his skin she barely had to inhale to become intoxicated by his scent. All male, all spicy... It urged her to make him feel as good as she did. She wanted him to enjoy every second of their union as much as she did... she wanted to make him spill his seed inside of her. She wanted to help him to come just as he had done for her in the shower. Using his body as leverage, she began to meet his thrusts, to pound back up into him, her hands still tight against his back cheeks.* Harder, nallum... show me how you need me, too. Give me all of you. Harder, please...
October 16 at 9:36pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Grunting and growling, he slammed in to her. Pounding the headboard of the bed into the wall. Their bed groaning with the force of each thrust he gave her* EHLENA * He shouted out as he flipped her over and took her from behind. Raising her so that her back was melded to his chest. He grabbed hold of her breasts, tugging on her nipples as his fangs scored the skin of her neck. One hand inching down to toy with her clit. Her moans driving him. Her nails scoring his thighs.* Oh god, Ehl. I'm coming. *He pounded faster as his orgasm hit him. Spilling into her, filling her with his scent. He bit her. His fangs going deep. He growled and snarled against her skin.*
October 16 at 9:43pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She cried out when she felt him lock into her, it was something she had to get used to at first, but now, after all this time, it was something that she yearned to feel; she couldn't wait to have him not wanting to let go of her.. from the inside. And to add to the already overwhelming sensations of his barb, and his hot release; she felt him penetrate her neck, his fangs sinking deep into her carotid.* Baby, take all of me that you need, *she hissed, feeling him growl as he took pull after pull of her lifeblood,* I'm yours...
*Her eyesight was now hazed over, her heart rate beating a mile a minute, her skin coated with a sheen of sweat, her legs quivering against Rehvenge's thighs, her back flush against his chest, his cock still inside of her... As her mind swirled and swirled of all her sensory input, she felt him pull away from her neck, and then his hot tongue seal the wound closed. He moved his mouth up her neck to her ear, then along her to jaw, and she craned, giving him more access. As he kissed towards her cheek, she felt him pull her down on the bed, laying them on their sides, still joined.*
October 16 at 9:59pm · Like · 5
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Breathing heavy, he brushed her hair back and placed his face in the crook of her neck and mumbled* One of these days, Tahlly, you are going to kill me. *smiling against her skin.* But I will die a happy fucker. *Holding her closer, he began to talk about what was actually bothering him.* Did you know, Muhrder is here in the manse?
October 16 at 10:04pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Pressing herself against his chest as he held her closer, she sighed feeling his hot breath against her neck. She smiled at his admission, knowing fully well if she killed him, it'd be by loving him too much. She moved her hand down his arm, and laid her palm against the back of his hand, intertwining their fingers. When he spoke again, she could tell by the change in his tone it was something that was unsettling for him, and when she heard the name of the male who ultimately caused him to suffer all those years at the princess' beckon and call, she bit her lip. Shit.* Muhrder? The same male who... Xhex's past mate? *She had to be sure they were thinking of the same male.*
October 16 at 10:11pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon Oh yeah. Thats the pathetic excuse. He was weeping and shouting. *he sat up and rubbed his mohawk roughly.* I saved his ass and he couldn't even stick around to save hers. I gave up a piece of me so they could live free and not have to go back there. I watched him run. I saw him betray everything he worked for. Every vow he took gone. Over what? Because of what she is? Bullshit, Tahlly! *taking a deep breath, he looked over his shoulder at her.* Why, for Fucks Sake why would they honor him with being here? Why?
October 16 at 10:17pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Pushing herself up to lean against the headboard as she watched him fist the comforter in his hands, she inhaled trying to find the right words to say, and also how to keep him from becoming too worked up, as she knew it fueled his symphath side. She moved forward, and pulled him so he would scoot over to sit in front of her. She moved up onto her knees and grabbed hold on his shoulders with her hands, and began a slow massage of the muscle.* Nallum, breathe for me, just concentrate on my touch and listen to my voice. *She felt him relax into her hands, and then she began,* I know that it took us a long time face the truth about your other side, Rehvenge, and that was only after I had fallen for you. There was nothing that could have kept me from you. *She leaned in and kissed along his mohawk, then began to massage his neck,* But you must remember, that for others it may be too much to handle. Please just try to keep that in mind if and when you have to deal with him. *She moved her hands between his shoulders and began working on the bunching of knots that lay there in his muscles,* As far as why he is here... I don't know, baby. I just don't know, and I can't sit here and give you an answer because it just wouldn't be fact. Perhaps you should have a talk with King-Wrath? Or maybe even just start with Xhex?
October 16 at 10:29pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*snorting* I guess I could just ask the bastard himself. *looking up at her* I just don't understand. He BONDED with her. That's not something to turn tail and run from. It will fuck you up if you deny it. I would be ruined with out you. A bonded male is an unstable being. Quick to temper if his female is persued or harmed. And if she is gone? Well, look at Tohr. The male was trying to die! Couldn't go on. *turning, he looked at her with a straight face* Steer clear of him, Tahlly, until I know for sure his reasons for this reunion. *touching her face* I would kill him if he hurt you in any way. Shit, if he even LOOKED at you.
October 16 at 10:35pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Leaning her cheek into his hand, she closed her eyes and exhaled.* I cannot tell you what he was thinking, as I don't understand either, I really don't... Something must have been going on in his mind to cause him to run... and isn't it true he's been secluded for the past 25 years? Alone in a cabin? *She thought of the stories of the males she heard of from her patients at Safe Place, she even thought of the few incidents she had witnessed with her own eyes, of these bonded males coming to try and fetch their mates and young, and just how unstable was the best word to describe them. This Muhrder, most definitely must be unstable. There was no other explanation. And she was actually curious to learn more of him. Perhaps medicine could explain why he acted as he did? She blinked her eyes open, and leaned in to place a soft kiss against his lips.* I know you are all male, nallum, that is one of the things that attracted me to you, but please, we do not need any unnecessary violence. What if I have to examine him with Jane or Manuel? *She exhaled again,* it's inevitable that I run into him, Rehv.
October 16 at 10:44pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*growling low* I don't have to like it. *He closed his eyes and sighed into a soft kiss. He wrapped his arms around her waist and slid them under the blankets* So, when do you wanna see the camp again?
October 16 at 10:47pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon Mhmm, just like you always do when we talk of a subject that upsets you... changing the subject, mhmm.. *She lifted his arm and tucked in next to his body, and laid her head into the crook of his arm, then when he brought that same arm down to rest on her hip, she chuckled and started making circles against his skin with her fingers.* As far as going back up to the Great Camp, it's funny you bring it up. I texted Cormia today telling her I missed her and that we should plan a visit soon. She said she would speak with Phury and get back to me.
October 16 at 10:55pm · Like · 5
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He cocked a brow* I have to have permission to see mine own house? *He laughed. A deep rumbling kind that caused her to giggle* Primale has rules, does he? Well, I will play along. For now. *he kissed her nose and smiled*
October 16 at 10:58pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*God, she loved when he laughed.* You and Phury better behave while we're up there. The Chosen have returned, baby. You're going to have to watch your mouth! *She giggled and stroked her hand over his chest,* which I know is going to be difficult for you. You may want to pray to the Scribe to help you.
October 16 at 11:03pm · Like · 6
Rehvenge Rempoon Watch my fucking mouth she says. *smiling he tickles her ribs and gets his mouth close to hers* Why do't you watch it for me. *Kissing her quick as she squirms and giggles* Alright, I will be a saint. Saint Rehv at your service. Pardon me, Madam Ehl, but your privates are on my leg. *Laughing as she swats at him for the joke*
October 16 at 11:07pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon I guess they didn't call you the Reverend for nothing... *Then she swatted him for his ridiculous joke. She loved when he was playful, light, joyous like this. And this side of him was all hers.* You are mine, nallum.. all mine.
October 16 at 11:09pm · Like · 5
Rehvenge Rempoon And you, my sexy ass shellan, are MINE. *he snuggled her close and began to ease into sleep. It was easier with her there.*
October 16 at 11:11pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She craned her neck and kissed him lightly on the mouth, then laid her head back down onto his shoulder like it was a pillow, and draped her leg over his, and listened as his deep rhythmic breathing lulled her to sleep, as well.*
John Matthew Tehrror
‎*Thinking about his Shellan Xhex Tehrror and the joy that she showed when they put the play set together for the young, he smiled to himself. She was so happy she was positively glowing! He hoped that at some point they would have young of their own, and he knew that she was worried about it, but at the same time truly wanted them. As he walked into their bedroom, he saw her laying on their bed sound asleep and felt his hear skip as it always did when he saw her, and he smiled. He walked over and pulled the covers up over her, and brushed her short hair back off her forehead. He was so lucky. Lucky to have her, lucky to have found her again after she was lost. Lucky she brought him back from his own personal hell to the land of the living. He couldn't imagine being happier. As he undressed he thanked Annalise ScribeVirgin for bringing Xhex into his life. He climbed in bed and curled up around her and quickly fell asleep*
Unlike · · Follow Post · October 17 at 12:46pm
You, Phury Ahgony, Layla Chosen, Pheonia Chosen and 14 others like this.
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Feeling John Matthew Tehrror climb into bed and curl his arms around her, she felt like life couldn't get any better.* Putting her head on his chest she whispers "I love you" and falls back asleep.*
Xhex Tehrror
‎*Heading to the training center to workout the thought of how much her life has change came to her, she is mated to the love she never thought she could have, it went from her having only Rehvenge Rempoon, IAm Moore and Trez Moor that she could really trust to the wonderful family of Brothers their Shellens and the Chosen*
Unlike · · Follow Post · October 18 at 10:30am
You, John Matthew Tehrror, Butch O'Neal, Phury Ahgony and 12 others like this.
Xhex Tehrror ‎*She also couldn't help but to think about her Mahmen,she wondered how things were going to workout for them, deep down she really would love for then to become close* Oh how things have changed she thought with a smile on her face*
Marissa O'Neal
‎*walking into the nurses break room she posted up the notice about each member of Safe Place staff needing to be there Friday to get there flu vaccinations from Doc Jane. turning she headed out of the break room and went to each nurses station and all the resident adviser rooms and dropped off the same notice. she had decided she would not be taking any chances on her staff having not heard about the planned vaccinations for Friday and therefore she hoped to avoid any of them getting sick this season, as the flu appeared to be worse than ever before*
Ehlena Rempoon
‎*After preparing a list of the patients and residents of Safe Place that would be of the first grouping vaccinated-arking their files, and notating age, diagnosis, brief medical history, and allergies--she placed her notes and files into her backpack, tidied up the station and made her final rounds before clocking out and heading back to the Brotherhood's compound. After entering, she walked the creepy tunnels to the underground training area, and straight to the clinic. She emptied her backpack of the files and the list, clutching them to her rib, and pushed open the door to Jane's office to leave them on her desk, and quickly scribble her a note.
Jane, here are the names of the first round of Safe Place residents to be vaccinated--elderly and the young--that you requested of me. I have also left a list in Marissa's inbox. xo E
She made her way back through the tunnels to the main house, and stopped by the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and a snack. While making a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for herself, she stopped, a smile curving her lips as she pulled out two more slices and prepared a second sandwich. She had remembered a text she received earlier from her hellren, Rehvenge, stating he'd be waiting for her when she returned her shift. Quickly tossing both sandwiches to a plate and grabbing a second bottle of water, she dematerialized to their room, not wanting to be apart from him not even the few minutes longer it would have taken her to walk the stairs and down the corridor.*
Cormia Ahgony
‎*She sat down with Aggie in her lap, ready to go over his numbers with him. He was so smart for his age. And she was so very proud of him.*
Ok, Aggie, we got up to 20 last time...let's see how high we can go this time.
*Aggie began counting and she thought of how blessed she was. To have a wonderful hellren that loved her. A beautiful son. And her sisters on this side with her, even if they were full of surprises. She heard Aggie begin to slow in his counting*
Oh, Aggie - that is so great! Mahmen is so proud of you, and I'm sure Papa will be too!
*She kissed him on the top of his head, and set him down to play with his toys*
Pheonia Chosen
‎*Gathering her robe closed, the fabric held tightly in her fist in front of her heart, she walked through the halls to the staircase, descending to the first floor where she quietly made her way to the rear patio. The air was crisp with fall, the leaves were the most beautiful shades of gold, copper, rust, and sienna, her keen night vision picking up on the hues as she looked out upon the mountainous backdrop behind the Great Camp. She found a chair and sat, curling her legs and feet beneath her robes, to keep them warm. She leaned back, comforting her position, and pulled her novel from the pocket of her robe; and there she sat for the next few hours, her mind wandering into the world she read upon the pages.*
Saxton Thym
‎*He sat there trying to speak to the family about their estate, he head was throbbing. They were all talking at him at once. Several times he had tried to interrupt them so he could actually speak but they just kept going on and on. He was a patient man slow to anger, but not tonight. He cleared his throat and waited for them to stop talking. When they ignored him he slammed his ledger down on the table. That did the trick, they stopped and gaped at him. He adjusted his cuffs then looked at them and smiled*. Now if you don't mind I would actually like to speak for once. *His tone was curt but he didn't care, the sooner he was done with them the sooner he could get home and maybe even spend some quality time with Blaylock. They kept missing each other due to his heavy workload*
Qhuinn Lohstrong
‎*Lying looking up at the ceiling, he sighed and pushed himself upright. He had spent far too many days lying in the bed feeling sorry for himself. He knew he was free to leave and figured it was about time he showed himself to the rest of the family and took whatever it was they dished out to him. He deserved it all and then some. He had put every single person in the Mansion in danger and for what?*
Unlike · · Share · October 22 at 2:01pm ·
You, Elizabeth Randall, Virginia Collins, Azzy Original Primary and 7 others like this.
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He planted his feet flat on the ground and pushed himself out of the bed, walking slowly into the small bathroom and taking a shower. Dressing in the spare set of sweats someone had left for him, he took a deep breath and left the room. Walking barefoot through the tunnel, he entered in the code and pushed open the door into the hall. The Mansion was silent, the shutters still down and everyone still in bed. It was a good thing he mused and walked into the common room. Ignoring the bar, which would have been his normal stop, instead he asked the female Doggen who was dusting the mantle to bring him a coffee. She looked at him in surprise but walked to the kitchen to fulfill his request*
October 22 at 2:06pm · Like · 4
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He rounded the couches and sat down, resting his head back and reaching for the remote control. He flicked through the channels until he found Die Hard on and settled back. He thanked the Doggen when she brought him coffee and shook his head when she offered him food. He had to face the rest of the family and First Meal was as good as any. His stomach cramped at the thought of dealing with them, and cramped further at the thought of eating. He couldn't remember the last time he had eaten a full meal and wasn't looking forward to it. He took his first drink of the coffee and grimaced. It wasn't something he had ever enjoyed drinking but he had to get through this with a clear head, not under his usual Herradura induced haze*
Rehvenge Rempoon
‎*Watching his Ehlena sleep, he caressed her face with the backs of his fingers. Gently brushing back her hair. Maybe she was right and he needed a weekend at the Camp with her and his neice. Nalla was his tiny ray of sunshine. Not that he would ever admit that he went all gooey over the child to ANYONE, except Ehlena and Bella. Fuck, that tiny female had him wrapped already. Texting Bella.* -Lady Bell. Rooster here. I want the young for the weekend. Got plans. Love you, sister mine.-
Unlike · · October 23 at 3:44pm via mobile ·
You, Pheonia Chosen, Christine Wiswall, Bella Ahgony and 8 others like this.
Bella Ahgony ‎*a small smile crept across her face as she pulled her cell phone from her back pocket and saw the new message from Rehvenge, she slide the pad of her thumb across the touch screen unlocking it to reply* Nalla would love some time with her uncle, and I'm sure I can convince Zee to part with her for a couple days...let me know the details. Love you more brother mine *she hit send as she turned back observing Nalla and Zee as the played with her dolls*
October 23 at 5:54pm · Like · 4
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*texting Bella* -Heading to camp for the weekend with Ehlena. Thought she may have fun with the Chosen. Can I have her or not? Love, Rehv- *Smiling cause he knew his sister would hand over his favorite tiny female.*
John Matthew Tehrror
‎*Walking down to the training center, he was thinking about Xhex Tehrror. Having Muhrder Rathboone hanging around the mansion was obviously difficult for her and a bit uncomfortable for them both, but Muhrder seemed to be accepting the way things are. They had even made efforts to become more friendly. He wouldn't say they were becoming friends, that was too much of a stretch, but things were going ok between them. He could see just from looking at him that he still had feelings for Xhex, but he was shelving those feelings as best he could out of love for her, and he could respect Muhrder for that. After everything he had gone through, thinking he had lost Xhex, and then finding her, he had an idea of what Muhrder had gone through. He made a mental note to himself to try to hang out with Muhrder later. As his thoughts drifted back to his Shellan, he smiled, and instantly couldn't wait to see her later this evening.*
Elizabeth Randall
‎*waking in King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's arms, her favorite place to be. rolling over she gently kissed him, not wanting to wake him. lying there she watched him sleep, his chest expanding slowly with his even breath. he was only truly peaceful these days when he slept, he worried so much about her and the young*
Unlike · · Share · October 25 at 1:46pm ·
You, Layla Chosen, Virginia Collins, Janet Romano and 13 others like this.
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*He felt Beth touching him and woke up immediately* Are you okay, leelan? *sitting up the worry about her and the young came back and ... the hunger. He knew he had to feed soon*
October 25 at 1:48pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall ‎*seeing his eyes open she smiled, but then the worry struck his face again* I am fine Nallum, I promise. *running her fingers through his hair, she loved how long it had gotten. sliding up against him letting her head rest on his chest* I worry about you thou Wrath, how are you doing will everything?
October 25 at 1:52pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath Don't worry about me. You have other things to worry about. I want you to concentrate on staying healthy. I can care for myself very good. *kissing her gently* I love you.
October 25 at 1:55pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*kissing him back* I love you too, but Wrath *she hated asking this because she knew the answer, and hated it* when are you going to feed? I can scent your hunger mine Hellren. Won't you please just take my vein?
October 25 at 1:57pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath No way. I know that you are not happy with the solution of me taking the way of another woman. so I just won't feed until the pregnancy is over. *he was the fucking king. he could do it*
October 25 at 2:01pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall ‎*looking into those faded green eyes she loved so much* I will not let you do that. You must feed, you are the King and everyone needs you to be strong. I need you to be strong, for me and the young. *sighing* Maybe we should talk to Amalya Chosen about having a Chosen come to the mansion for you *her heart ached at the though and her fangs dropped in protection of her male, but he needed to feed*
October 25 at 2:04pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*kissing her* I can smell how much it hurts you. I'm sure I can do it. I don't want you feel any kind of stress and this seems to stress you a lot. *pulling her close to his chest* Don't worry you can still feed on my blood.
October 25 at 2:08pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall Wrath, the thought of you going sixteen months without feeding stresses me more than you feeding from a Chosen. *settling into his hold her head listening to his heart* And I cannot take your blood, as I need so much more lately, and not have you getting any back.
October 25 at 2:11pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*kissing the side of her neck, feeling his fangs elongate he knew she was right. He needed to feed. soon. very soon. He couldn't endanger her life* Then we better talk to the chosen. And rather sooner than later.
October 25 at 2:17pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*feeling his fangs scrap against her neck, she shivered* Yes I think you are right. I will contact Amalya about what needs to be done to set that all up. Speaking of getting things set up, we need to go meet with Jane again, it has been eight weeks since our last appointment.
October 25 at 2:24pm · Like · 8
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*again the fear came back that something might be wrong with her or their young* Leelan, do you want me to come with you? I mean, I'm not the best support you know and ... shit I would be lying if I said it doesn't scare the hell out of me.
October 25 at 2:25pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*stroking his cheek* I know you are scared Nallum, but I am not. I feel great and I would love for you to be there. *biting her bottom lip as she knew he was not going to be over joyed with what she said next* Jane has requested that Manuel be present as well so that he is familiar with the pregnancy during the birth, but she has assured me that it is all external and he will see nothing.
October 25 at 2:30pm · Like · 9
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath He better doesn't cause I'm gonna break his neck if he does. I'm not kidding leelan and I absolutely hate this idea. And if he hurts you ... not even the Scribe Virgin will be able to save him. *he growled* He's just going to take a quick look and then leave.
October 25 at 2:33pm · Like · 9
Elizabeth Randall ‎*holding his face in her hands* I promise he will see nothing but the computer where the picture of the young will be. Jane will be the only one touching me, other than you. *she could smell his bonding scent filling their room* I promise on my own life that he will not harm me.
October 25 at 2:37pm · Like · 10
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*what he hated most was the fact that the human doctor would see his young when he couldn't. the familiar feeling of jealousy filled his chest and he had to remind himself that the doc was helping his shellan* I'll try to behave but I can't promise anything.
October 25 at 2:39pm · Like · 11
Elizabeth Randall ‎*sliding over so she was sitting across his lap letting her head rest on his shoulder. she could scent his jealousy and had not been thinking when she spoke of Manny seeing their young, mentally kicking herself* I know you will love, and I know you will be fine. *linking her fingers with his* You can hold my hand the entire time.
October 25 at 2:43pm · Like · 11
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*wrapping his body around her so she wouldn't feel any cold, he held her close to his heart* Right now, I don't want to be anywhere else. I want to be right here, with you. *whispering into her ear. Even though he knew she was save he still had weapons in his nightstand. he wouldn't risk anything with her around and although he was blind he hadn't forgotten how to shoot*
October 25 at 2:48pm · Like · 10
Elizabeth Randall ‎*snuggling into his hold. his arms was the one place she always felt safe and always felt protected* I always want to be with you, now and forever Wrath. Don't ever forget that.
Ehlena Rempoon
‎*The sun wouldn't set any faster though she wished it to. She spent the last few hours awake, yet still, in an empty bed, trapped by the daylight beyond the shuttered windows. But now hearing them click and rumble as they opened, she jumped from under the covers, and began her nightly routine. She fixed her hair back into a wispy braid that laid between her shoulder blades, slipped on her black trousers, then began to work the buttons of a billowy silk blouse the color of a deep burgundy wine. She stepped into her black leather boots, then walked to the dresser and grabbed the princess cut amethyst studs to put into her ears. She looked herself over in the mirror, to assure herself she looked as he liked her to.. as herself. Comfortable, classy, and put together.
Her hellren had texted her about fifteen minutes after he departed, and told her to meet him at the penthouse thirty past sunset so they could share first meal together. She smiled at his thoughtfulness, slipped on her black wool peacoat, and dematerialized to the patio of their penthouse at the Commodore.* — with Rehvenge Rempoon.
Unlike · · October 25 at 8:25pm ·
You, Xhex Tehrror, Linda Hofsten and Cormia Ahgony like this.
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Rehvenge had left her alone in bed to visit the Colony for a "quick business matter" - though she knew him so well by now that when he was as vague as he was this morning - he probably had to make a quick kill, and in the Colony, killing - any matter of rule, really - was his business. Over the time they've spent as mates, she had become numb to it all, accepting, agreeable. But that never changed the fact that it still happened. Despite that half of his being, that role... he was still the Rehv she fell in love with. Taking on the leadership at the Colony had not - even in the slightest - changed his soul. He was still caring, kind, thoughtful. He was still of tender heart; and from that heart of his blossomed the purest kind of love. And it was hers.
Watching him through the sliding door, as she had during their courting, he palmed his cane, leaning into it for support as he walked from the hallway, that held the doors to their master suite, his office, and the spare bedroom, out into the great room. He was most likely freshly numb, his core temperature low - as she assumed by seeing him still in his sable - which was normal after the high doses of dopamine he would inject after even the shortest visit to the Colony. She had always told him to forgo it, that she did not have an ounce of distrust in him that he would take advantage of her, that she knew his vampire half - their bonding - would reign supreme and help keep him stable. Yet as insistent as she was, he was just as stubborn, and never gave even an inch about it.*
October 25 at 8:32pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Palming his cane as he walked through the penthouse, he knew his Tahlly had made it on time, as always. The woman never dallied in the least. he could alway count on her to be where he needed her when he needed her. How could he still use the fucking dopamine knowing it displeased her so. She ment the world to him. His only savior. His peace was in her eyes, her arms.
October 25 at 9:18pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Freshly showered and wrapped in his armani/sable duo, he went from their bedroom towards the kitchen where his meal for her was waiting. He turned to the sliders and smiled. Willing the doors open.* Hello, Tahlly. *He opened his arms and wrapped her close as she ran in to his embrace.*
October 25 at 9:20pm · Like · 3
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Wrapping her arms around his waist, inside of his sable and his suit jacket, she pressed her tiny frame into his. She noticed him sway back just slightly before regaining his balance, confirming her suspicions of him being medicated. Gripping the back of his silk button down in her hands, she pulled him towards her own body, and she pressed her nose to his solar plexus where she inhaled deeply, taking his scent deep into her lungs. She tilted her head back after taking another large breath of him, and looked up into his amethyst stare. Her voice was small, but with a light note, her lips curled into a smile.* Hi.
October 25 at 9:30pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Leaning down, he pressed a small, soft kiss to her perfect lips* I hope you slept well. I am sorry business kept me away so long. I had hoped it would be dealt with much quicker. *His eyes flickered for a moment to that ruby shade he hated so. All he could think was -Come on fucking meds, come on. Not now.- Closing his eyes for a brief second and taking a shaky breath, he gave her a small smile.* Its been a long day for me, Mine Shellan. Are you hungry? *He prayed. Dear Scribe, he prayed she didn't see his damned eyes.*
October 25 at 9:35pm · Like · 3
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She smiled to him in return, sensing his unease, she released her grip of his shirt and smoothed her hand down his back, choosing to withhold the fact she had been awake since he left her and ignoring his first question,* Actually, nallum, I am hungry, let's eat, shall we?
October 25 at 9:42pm · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Leading her in to the finely set table, with two candles glowing. He sat her at the head and took his place next to her. * So, how was your day? Tahlly, you didn't sleep did you?
October 25 at 9:44pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Taking her seat, she eyed the beautifully spread first meal of crepes, sliced fruits and creme fresh, she smiled watching him carefully sitting beside her and leaning his cane against his chair. As she reached to grab the fine silver tongs to move a crepe to his plate, her eyes narrowing at him, hearing his question. Apparently he wasn't as drugged as she had figured.* Rehv, how many times do I have to remind you not to read me!
October 25 at 9:54pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon I care. Tahlly. Sue me. *He grinned as she set the crepe on his plate. Touching her hand before she pulled back* Are you angry with me? You know I had to do it. I couldn't wait.
October 25 at 9:54pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon You may care, but damnit, Rehv, it's an invasion on my privacy. And you know how much I hate it! *She pulled her hand from his and took a few deep inhales her calm herself. She knew he never looked to her emotional grid with malicious intent, as he would with others of his own kind, or with an outsider or an enemy. Yet he still pressed, damn stubborn male. Plating a crepe and some fruit for herself and then a bit of fruit to his plate, she lifted a spoonful of creme. She exhaled.* I didn't sleep because I knew where you were and what you were doing. As usual. Same answer as always. *She plopped the creme to his plate, then one for herself and sat back again into her chair.*
October 25 at 10:03pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Felt like he was slapped down a few pegs. Damn her! She knew he ruled up there. He had no choice but to go full-on up there. He cold not bring that shit back to her.* Maybe you would like me to leave? You could enjoy your meal in peace. *He placed his napkin back over his plate and stood.*
October 25 at 10:06pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon How dare you! *She scoffed, looking up to his towering form,* Sit. Back. Down. You are not walking away from this, we are going to talk this out, *and she spoke the words she had thought only moments ago,* you stubborn ass male!
October 25 at 10:10pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Stepping so they were nose to nose, he grinned* Always knew how to put me in place. Tahlly, I love you and I want to keep you safe. If that means I read you or feel your discomfort, well, then too fucking bad! *His nostrils flared as he caught a scent mixing with his bonding. Arousal.*
October 25 at 10:38pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She let out a growl that she had hoped sounded menacing, but ended up sounding like a purring kitten. Yet a purr wasn't too far off from what her body was feeling. When she first talked back to him, commanding him to sit back down, his bonding scent flared - and with the tiniest of inhales, heat spread through her veins, igniting a fire beneath her skin. Her eyes still narrowed, trying to remain stern.. trying to ignore the dull ache between her thighs,* I don't care if you do it because you fear the death of a tiny adorable kitten, Rehv, I don't like it and you won't do it to me!
October 25 at 10:52pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Gently grasping her face, He kissed her deep. Her anger turned him on!! Fucking hell she was turned on by the fact she could control him. Groaning wildly into the kiss.* I need you. *He said in a garbled voice. He was heating up fast and needed to be naked with her. His body against hers.*
October 25 at 10:55pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Moaning into his mouth, she momentarily became caught up in his kiss, in the feel of his strong hands holding her jaw; with the way his deep baritone sounded so erotic in her ear. She pressed into him, kicking her chair back with the heel of her boot, her hands gripping his large biceps. She assaulted his open mouth with with her tongue, running it over her fangs, massaging it into his, tasting him as she went along. It wasn't until he paused and pulled back from her to remove his sable coat that she was capable of higher thought function. And she remembered just as he was reaching his arms around her waist and tugging her towards his front. When he bent down his head to capture her lips, she pressed a finger into them.* Rehvenge.
October 25 at 11:12pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon Tahlly. *He knew it was too good to be true, but he had to try.*
October 25 at 11:13pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She pulled her finger away and raised her brow.* We are not done talking, Rehv. *She turned and glanced over her shoulder to the food that was now becoming closer to room temperature, which was a balmy 75,* Nor are we done eating.
October 25 at 11:21pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon We could eat in bed. *He grinned full fang at her* Be so much more fun, Shellan. *When she frowned at him, he caved.* Alright. I am sitting. See?
October 25 at 11:23pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon Good boy. *She leaned over and patted his cheek, yet purposely dragged her thumb along his jaw and across his lips as she withdrew her hand. She had to stifle a chuckle when his eyes took on a heavier glow beneath his lowered brows. Taking a deep breath, she picked up her fork and cut a piece of crepe and a strawberry, and dipped it into the creme fresh, hovering the bite just outside of her mouth, but couldn't. She dropped it down to the plate then looked into her hellren's eyes.* Rehv, I know what you do up there, ok? You're open to me about all the other dealings, EXCEPT one thing. And I know when you do it. You use a particular phrase, and each and every time you are vague, hesitant, and twitchy when telling me about it.
Ah! *She pointed her fork at him, the food still on it, a nonverbal move to keep him from interrupting her,* it's been a few years now, Rehv. I know. I just know, ok? And instead of beating around the bush, just tell me about it. That way you'll know --BY MY TELLING YOU-- that I will be awake until I see you again, and that I am without fear about when you do return to me.. that I trust you with all of me and that I am standing behind you even if I am not. I was on edge when I first arrived, I'll admit. I was thinking of you while laying in wait for the sun to set. I was thinking about all of what I just told you. *She had unknowingly moved her stare down to the food on the end of the fork instead of him, so when her focus shifted and she caught his eyes, she sighed.* And in the words of our friend Vishous, "feel me?"
October 25 at 11:39pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon Tahlly, what I do is enforce rules. When said rules are broken, they must be dealt with accordingly. I unfortunately act as judge, jury and executioner. When they fucking KNOW who they must deal with, they continue to disobey. You don't need death coming home to you all the time. I can cope. I have seen it all. But I will not hold back from you in my explanations any longer. For that alone I ask your forgiveness. *He watched her as she tried to focus on what he was saying to her.*
October 25 at 11:46pm · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She opened her mouth to speak but closed it quickly and dropped her fork, reaching her hand out to grasp his.* And you won't read me anymore? ...or be smart enough to not let me catch on, maybe? *She squeezed his fingers and gave him a small smile.*
October 25 at 11:54pm · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon I will try, Ehl. *he rolled his eyes and smiled* You are my favorite book. *lifting her hand and kissing her fingers*
October 26 at 12:01am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She sighed, shaking her head at him. Stubborn AND clever. Dear Virgin in the Fade, she was a lucky female. At least they had come to a partial agreement. Pulling her hand from him before he took one of her fingers into his mouth, she grabbed her fork and finally had a bite. Though room temperature, and the creme fresh not as firm as when they first started their meal, it still was delectable. A tiny moan escaped her as she swallowed.* Can we eat now?
October 26 at 12:06am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Laughing, he took a bite of his crepe and watched her eat. She was very delicate all the time. Little bites off her fork, her lips sliding back, her eyes rolling shut..............Fuck he was turned on.* Ehl, can we stay in to night?
October 26 at 12:08am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She pulled her phone from her pocket and checked the time.* I have to stop by Safe Place at some point tonight to pick up a few files from Jane... but it isn't pressing. *Placing her phone down, she began to eat again, her eyes lifting slowly to find her hellren staring at her mouth as she brought the fork into it.* What?
October 26 at 12:12am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Growling low as he watched her fork to lip routine* I want alone time, Ehl. How long?
October 26 at 12:15am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Raising her brows as she caught his scent on an inhale,* It can wait until later. *She smirked, lifting her coffee cup to her lips,* You want make-up sex, don't you?
October 26 at 12:18am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Nodding slowly, his hand trailed up her leg under the table*
October 26 at 12:19am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She could feel the heat from just his fingers as they brushed up her thigh, and he began to finger the bunched fabric at the pocket. She coughed swallowing her coffee, and carefully placed the china cup back down onto the table,* You should eat more, nallum.
October 26 at 12:24am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Arching a brow* Good idea Tahlly. Come to bed.
October 26 at 12:25am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎* He grinned as he pulled out her chair and lifted her in his arms to carry her off to the bed room. He kicked the door shut and placed her on the bed.* I am so gonna eat more.
October 26 at 12:27am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She felt a blush creep from her chest up to her cheeks, and she watched him slowly peel his Armani from his arms and back, then unbuttoning one by one until his immense inked chest was revealed.* I... meant food, Rehv, not me... *She leaned up onto her elbows and started to unbutton her own blouse,* but I am not complaining, *she traced her hand along the now exposed black lace cup on her bra.*
October 26 at 12:34am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon Mmmhmm Tahlly. I am eating food off of you. * he left, shirtless, to return with strawberry crepe filling.* See?
October 26 at 12:44am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She giggled,* So THIS is why they call you a sin-eater!
October 26 at 12:46am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon You got it, Leelan. *He had her top and bra off in no time and smeared the fruity paste on her nipples. Slicking his tongue to taste* MMmmmm Tahlly. Fucking sinful. *He pulled a nipple into his warm mouth and settled between her legs, slowly grinding his shaft against her core.*
October 26 at 12:49am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She ran a hand down his mohawk then between his shoulder blades and down his back, using her other hand to grasp the waistband of his trousers and pull him in tighter against her. His mouth and tongue working the fruit from her skin, one of his hands gripping her shoulder, the other holding her up from the black satin of his comforter. When she could take no more of his teasing, of his lapping, and his hot breath at her breast, she moved her hand from his back to grab his strong jaw and pull his mouth onto her, tasting the sweet fruit and his tongue at once. Her fangs began to throb in unison with her heart, and she felt them elongate, that throb now traveling straight through her stomach to her core. With her hellren's half-breed blood, she needed to feed twice as often as he did, and just the thought of drinking him spurred her into frenzied movements to remove his pants and her own.* Rehv, I want to take your vein.
October 26 at 1:01am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*growling loudly, he ripped off her pants and his own.* Do it Tahlly. Do it hard. * He presented his neck and at her strike he slammed into her and roared out with pleasure. The headboard banging into the wall and the crystal light fixtures rattling with his roar. He set a hard pace she kept up with. Panting and moaning against his skin, he palmed the back of her head and fucked her hard.*
October 26 at 1:12am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*When his lifeblood hit her tongue and traveled down her throat, it was almost instantaneous to his entering her. His invasion, though a hard, driving strike, was like the cherry to the top of his vein's sundae. She pulled with each thrust and swallowed him on each retreat, his blood fueling not only her crazed suckling, but also the unbearable tension of her nearing orgasm.
Her Rehvenge, her bonded mate, her everything... Dearest Virgin he was relentless and she loved it. He gave her everything she asked for and everything that she didn't. He didn't slow, he didn't calm his frenzied fucking, even as her head lulled and she became lax at his throat when he body began to spasm and she screamed into his skin. All he did was hold her mouth to him, and whisper of feeding from him and how it pleased him into her ear in the Old Language, his deep voice sending shivers down her spine and heighten the explosion of her release.*
October 26 at 1:37am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He felt her muscles clench, snd all he could do was tell her over and over in the old language his testament to her. Hos own orgasm heading out, his barb ready to engage. He reared back, roared, and let go, gripping her inside as well as her hips to grind out her orgasm with his.*
October 26 at 1:41am · Like · 1
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Lapping at the punctures slowly, carefully, as she breathed heavily against his throat, his scent in the air and on his skin, and on hers as well. She slowly rotated her hips beneath his, knowing his was sensitive after just releasing, an...
See More
October 26 at 1:51am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Rolling to the side, still attached to his Tahlly, he snuggled her close and his breathing began to slow* I know. *He chuckled and grinned* You loved every minute. *kissing her swollen lips softly.*
October 26 at 1:54am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She dragged her tongue along his lower lip as he pulled away from the kiss, then laid her head onto his shoulder. She pulled one of his large arms down between their bodies so she could stroke the skin of his hand and play with his fingers. Her voice was quiet when she spoke, almost a whisper,* Nallum, you know I did. Which brings us around full circle, post argument, post make-up... back to the very beginning of the night. *She craned her neck and cuddled into him,* since I'm now aware, straight from the source, you, what you were doing tonight... did you take a normal dosage of dopamine or did you over do it? *She felt him tense and kissed his pulse point to try to calm him before speaking again,* I am asking as your shellan AND your nurse.
October 26 at 2:02am · Like · 2
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Deep sigh* Tahlly, I took what I needed to be me. I am sorry. I don't want to but if I don't, I will be lost. *His eyes looked deep in to hers* Don't be upset.
October 26 at 2:04am · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She leaned in and feathered her lips against his,* I am not upset, love. But.. tonight, *her mind brought forward the image of his eyes flashing red, then recalled his grid probing, and how he was just so stubborn tonight.. then to how rough - no, the word she used previously was more suitable - raw he was when they mated.* Tell me, how do you feel now? Are you you?
October 26 at 2:09am · Like · 1
Rehvenge Rempoon I feel, well, *grinning* sated, spent-ish. I am going to be ok Ehl. Really. *Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, he kissed her slightly bruised lips. Pulling her against him, he closed his eyes and rested his head just above hers and listened to their hearts beat.*
Mhisery Muhrdock
‎*She felt worse than horrible. Her gut turned and lurched, with threat to evacuate stomach contents that she did not possess. She was freezing no matter how many blankets she applied to her body. She had been in this shack for days, hoping her condition would improve, but it hadn't, it had only worsened. She hadn't fed in a long time and although that would not be an issue if she were taking in vampire blood, human blood could on sustain her for a short time, and that time had long since passed. Every bone and joint she possessed ached and screamed in pain. With each slight movement she was in utter agony. She tried to form a decent thought in her head, but it wasn't possible. The only thought she had was that she needed help*
Rob Zombie - Living Dead Girl
Music video by Rob Zombie performing Living Dead Girl. (C) 1999 Geffen Records
Unlike · · Unfollow Post · Share · October 22 at 5:38pm
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Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She rolled over with a groan and picked up her wrist watch. It was dark now, and she mentally thanked the Scribe for shortened days. With great efforts she pushed up, and leaned her back against the wall. She moved her hand and reached for her duffle, the other hand going to her mouth to cover it as she coughed violently. She started to place her meager belongings in the bag one by one, neatly. When she had packed everything inside, she sat on the bare floor attempting to regain some strength.*
October 22 at 5:46pm · Like · 12
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*When she had mounted enough energy to to stand she pushed to her feet, and leaned against the wall as the room tilted. When the spinning and tilting of her perception was complete, she slung the duffle over her shoulder, too weak to demat, she staggered out of the room she slept in and along the hall of the abandoned structure. She exited through the front door, and onto the street. It was a crisp night and the streets were crowded with humans that hustled and bustled, their minds obviously on their own bullshit and nothing else.*
October 22 at 5:54pm · Like · 11
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She staggered and swayed making her way down the city streets, there was only one place she knew that could help her kind. She hated going there, she hated that she actually needed help. She made her way to the doors of Safe Place, in a achingly slow pace. She sat down on the steps just outside, gathering her mind, and her strength to enter*
October 22 at 6:07pm · Like · 12
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She raised to her feet again and with her duffle slung over her shoulder she made her way, slowly to the door of Safe Place. She pushed the intercom button and gave her name. She looked up as a camera turned to scope her, and then the sound of a lock unbolting was heard. She turned the knob and entered the building. She had to pause and lean against the door. She was approached by a nurse, or what she thought and hoped may have been a nurse* I'm sick *She uttered low just before she passed out. Her body slumping down the wall and sprawling over the floor*
October 22 at 6:24pm · Like · 13
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Dematerializing from the penthouse, after having a lovely first meal with her hellren, to Safe Place's basement-level employee area, she headed towards the staircase. This was technically an off night for her, but Jane had texted her earlier the day previous to stop by sometime to pick up a few client files that needed review. She took the stairs two at a time, a clinical smile curling her lips as she pushed open the door to the main floor and took her first step out into the old Colonial mansion's main corridor. The smile didn't last, however, as she watched one of the other nurses hovering over a petite female, who - even from this distance - looked to be both fevered and dehydrated. She ran as fast as her legs could take her, grabbing two latex gloves from the wall box on her way, and snapping them onto each hand.*
October 26 at 2:45am · Like · 11
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She lowered to her haunches, the other staff nurse backing away upon noticing her presence, and held her hand out, her voice leaving her in a commanding tone,* Pen light, stethoscope, in my hand, now, start prep on a saline IV - and someone call for Doc Jane! *She pushed back the sleeve of her blouse and held her bare write beneath the female's nose and move, feeling for breath. She was indeed breathing, thank the Scribe-Virgin! Next she pushed the female's lids back and clicked the light on, no dilation, no movement of the pupil at all... shit. She was unconscious. Dropping the pen light to the floor she brought the stethoscope to the female's chest, and used her other hand to tear open the shirt out of the way. She counted the breaths, then counted the heartbeats, and breathed a sigh of relief when she realized the female was stable. Unconscious but stable. She tugged the steth from her ears and tossed it beside the discarded pen light and scooped one arm beneath the female's head and her other under her torso.* Help me get her up and onto a roller! *At her count, she and two other nurses lifted the female to a portable bed, and it was at that moment that she heard Jane's voice behind her. <Ehl what is going on?>*
October 26 at 2:55am · Like · 12
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She strode forward, snapping on a pair of gloves she lfited from her office when she heard the call from one of the other nurses. * Get her moved into Bay 4 *She followed behind the nurses and nodded to one of them to pull the curtain around the bed. Reaching for a board, she ordered the nurses to lift Mhisery up and slide the board beneath as she reached for a collar to wrap around her neck. Liftng her head gently, she slid it underneath and fastened it close then reached for the surgical shears and removed the rest of her clothes and redressed her in a gown with the help of a nurse. Reaching for the restraints for the board she started attaching one firmly across her chest, another across her legs and the third across her head as she snapped out order.*
Ehlena, I need a CBC done and I need the results yesterday, get started please *She turned away as Ehlena started drawing blood and nodded as she handed the vials to another nurse to take down and start on getting the results. *Leaning back over Mhisery, she gently parted her lips and reached for her small penlight to check if her airway was clear. She frowned and touched lightly against one of her enlongated fangs. Drawing back she confirmed it was clear and she called out to another nurse to come and help her wheel the bed down to another room. Once they arrived in it, she helped her lift Mhisery onto the CT table in a supine position and moved into the adjoining room as the tube rotates around her in the gantry.
Once the results were read she placed them in the light box and leaned closer with a satisfied smile that there was no head injury. Walking back in with the nurse, she took one side of the bed and walked back with her, this time opting to move her into one of the trauma rooms should any further complications arise. Pulling the ECG machine forward, she started placing the electrodes. The first going on the intercostal space to the right of the sternum, next on the intercostal space to the left of the sternum. Next she placed another at the intercostal space at midclavicular line then added one between this and the sternum before repeating the same on the other side of her body. Finally she placed one on each wrist and ankle and stepped back to look down at her.*
Was there any form of identification on her? Do we know who she is? Next of kin that needs informed? *she barked out her questions and reached for a clipboard, writing what details she knew across the chart while she waited on the blood results*
October 26 at 5:37pm · Like · 9
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Hearing Jane's questions as she headed to where the surgeon stood before the patient's bed, chart open pen moving furiously over the paper.* Unknown viral infection, white blood count is through the roof. The female is thoroughly dehydrated, elevated lactic acid presence, amongst other things. *She handed over the lab results, and moved to the black duffle that was brought into the bay by another Safe Place staff member. She unzipped it, digging through the clothing, and found a small leather wallet and a cell phone.* Mhisery Murdock, civilian, no other identifiers, Jane. Phone only has a few numbers. I'll call over to Catya at Havers', see if Mhisery is in their database.
October 26 at 7:53pm via mobile · Like · 8
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her eyes refused to open even though her mind was fully awake. She couldn't move her legs, there was a weight across her chest, and she couldn't move her head. Her mind raced as she feared the worst. She finally forced her eyes open and noticed the brightly room. He didn't have the faintest idea where she was, the last form-able memory she had was when she was sitting on the steps of Safe Place. She was assuming that she was in one of the sick rooms there, but why she couldn't move was beyond her. It was silent except for the occassional peep that seemed to coincide with her heart beat. She attempted to mover her arms up to exam the why of her head being immobile but was unable to. She opened her mouth and screamed at the top of her lungs* WHOEVER THE FUCK WORKS OUT THERE GET YOU ASS IN HERE NOW!!
October 27 at 6:23pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Hearing the screaming, she left her office where she was writing up her notes and all but ran back into the other room. Leaning over the bed, she quickly and efficiently removed the restraints and with the help of another nurse slid the board from beneath her body* I am Doctor Bloodletter, do you remember how you got here? *reaching over, she undid the collar and slid it from beneath her neck*
October 27 at 6:31pm · Like · 7
Mhisery Muhrdock I fucking walked here cause I couldn't dematerialize Dr. Bllodletter *Her tone was snide and laced with fear as she lifted her arms one at a time and then her legs one at a time to make sure each was working. She sat up promptly and even with the room spinning she started to pull at the heart monitor and drop the leads to the ground. She then reached for the IV and wrapped her fist around the tubing and gave a hard pull, removing the catheter from her vein, covering the floor in her blood* Where the fuck are my clothes. I knew it was a mistake to come here.
October 27 at 6:37pm · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon Welcome back to consciousness, Mhisery. *She spoke in a calm tone as she rushed up to the patient, gloves clad, gauze balled into her hand to apply pressure to the now open wound at Mhisery's vein.* Hey! Cool it. We're just trying to help you. *Seeing Mhisery bare her fangs, she gave her a hard stare.* You arrived unconscious, dehydrated, and severely fevered. Your reaction is common, though I suggest you relax... Dr. Bloodletter is not opposed to tranquilizer. *Her tone was clinical, but the raise of her brow spoke volumes for her honesty.*
October 27 at 6:53pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*she wasn't gonna be settled by a threat, not even close, if anything else it only heightened the fear she had and when she was scared it came out as anger. Right now she 'angry' enough to rip the place down brick by brick* FUCK YOU. Where are my clothes?
October 27 at 6:59pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She cocked her head to the side and took a step back, crossing her arms at her chest.* Your clothes were cut from your body and discarded into the biomedical waste bin. Your duffle has been tucked away into a patient locker. If you'd like to be released, that's fine. But you'll get a lot farther with honey rather than vinegar, Ms. Murdock.
October 27 at 7:11pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock Give me back my duffle and my ID so I can get my clothes and get me whatever the fuck I need to sign to get out of here.*She snarled as the nurse said her last name* Mhisery is just fine, I hate the last name. Make yourself useful and just go get my shit.
October 27 at 7:18pm · Like · 5

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