Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part V

Butch O'NealMarissa O'Neal
Good Morning Marissa
Unlike · · See Friendship · November 13 at 9:14am ·
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Marissa O'Neal ‎*smiling up at him, wrapping her arms around his neck* Good morning mine Hellren, I've missed you.
November 13 at 10:07am · Like · 5
Butch O'Neal ‎*feeling her warmth wrapped around him, inhaling her clean ocean scent reassured him that all was well and he curled around her and fell back to sleep after whispering to her* I love you baby...
November 13 at 10:18am · Like · 5
Marissa O'Neal ‎*feeling his body relax against hers she smiled and kissed his neck* I love you too Nallum *letting her eyes close she let the safety and security wash over her and ease her back to sleep*
Xcor Bloodletter
‎*Wondering around the abandoned castle he was in a foul mood and Throe was fresh on his mind, he still can not believe he would put a female between them. After all these years of his absolute trust he was know having doubts on his loyalty and felt he needed a little chat with his bastard. Calling out loud he shouts for Throe to meet him in the library. Twirling his shaft around and flipping it between his fingers he waits for his second to join him*
Unlike · · November 13 at 4:12pm ·
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Throe Bhastard ‎*Hearing Xcor summon him, he pauses to collect himself. Inside he was still fucking seething over the embarrassment he suffered at the hands of his leader. And his mistreatment of Mhisery sent him right over the edge. Out of loyalty to his leader he would stand before him. And he hoped that he would be able to remian calm
November 13 at 4:17pm · Like · 10
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Walking around his desk he comes to stand directly in front of Throe* You know I want to kill you right? If you were anyone else your death would be delivered without a second thought. I thought you understand what I did to those that dare challenged me, as to be challenged over a worthless female is even worse *he holds up his hand as Throe was just about to speak* Wait I am not done talking yet, I get it that you have feelings for her, you were always weak when it came to females in distress and over the years I put up with it but to threaten me in public is a whole other matter. Throe are you not happy with our arraignment? Need I remind you when you came to me in the first place? and how you begged me to take vengeance on your sister's killer which I did for you and then trained you to be the solider you are now? *crosses his hands* what shall I do now, I'll let you pick the punishment that is to be handed out by my own hands.
November 13 at 4:25pm · Like · 9
Throe Bhastard ‎*Jaws clenched tight, to surpress the urge to argue, hell, to bite the bastard. He watched the male in front of him, his eyes flat and lifeless. He had taken an oath, and this was where he was. Bound to this bastard. No release in sight. He needed to let Mhisery go, keep her as far away from the sadistic fuck in front of him as possible. His only thought now was to protect her. Already, the thought of losing her was more then he could bear. He couldn't let that show, however. Xcor thrived on suffering, more so if he were the cause. So, better to hand him the means to cause physical pain, as that at least had a beginning and an end. Lifting his eyes just short of eye contact, he replied * The tri-whip, my Liege.
November 14 at 9:02am · Like · 6
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Growling when Throe finally speaks he can feel the tension still rolling off of him in waves* Tri-whip huh? That sounds appropriate but I want Zypher here to be the witness before the punishment starts so as soon as that bastard grants us with his appearance then it shall start *he was still so pissed, he could tell he still wanted to protect this Mhisery and in all their centuries together no female has ever come between us* One more thing Throe I do believe distance is required of you and this female I will not tolerate any more iinsubordination from you and I need to know your on our side and not theirs maybe I need to have another chat with this female *he saw him cringe and that fueled his anger even more* I am serious either you control your emotions or her death will be on your hands. Now as soon as Zypher get's his pansy ass in here the beating will commence.
November 14 at 12:37pm · Like · 4
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He walked in and instantly saw Throe's face and then looked at Xcor. Not that you could ever tell that Xcor was anything than fucking pissed off but judging by Throe's face, shit had not went down well*
November 14 at 12:42pm · Like · 5
Throe Bhastard ‎*unable to fully surpress the growl that ripped through him, he finally met Xcor's eyes.* I stay with you because I made an oath. I am honoring that. I fully admit that I am unable to tolerate harm to any female. My loyalty to you has never been a question. But here me now, you do not fucking touch Mhisery. That is the line I am drawing. I will allow this punishment. And we will move on as we have for centuries. And you will not so much as think about Mhisery. Now let's fucking do this.
November 14 at 11:32pm · Like · 6
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Growling loud himself he walks over to Throe and slaps him across the face* You will not speak to me in that tone ever again or I will kill you and believe me I promise it will not be pretty, then what will happen to your female? *Grabbing him by the arm he leads him down to the basement with Zypher right behind him* Now turn around and face the wall *as soon as he did he clamps the restraints over both his arms and both his legs, making him spread eagle now ripping of his shirt he was ready to deliver his punishment* Zypher hand me the tri-whip* Talking the leather whip in his hands and feeling the cool strands he laughed before he started on Throe's back, cracking the whip a few times he brings it against his back not one time nor two times but a total of 20 times, making sure his back was blooded and the pain a reminder of his insubordination* You will now stay there until I am ready to let you go come on Zypher we need to have our chat *they both leave Throe in the dark and walk back upstairs*
November 15 at 12:19pm · Like · 4
Throe Bhastard ‎*Focuses his mind, and as the restraints go around his arms and legs, he shuts down emotionally. He has learned over the years how to leave his body, just remove himself from the physical pain. He waits until the first strike hits it's mark and and then he turns him mind inward, where no one can reach him. Except perhaps Mhisery. And realizes that perhaps that was a mistake, as now he can feel the pain of the whip, tearing his skin, causing him to bleed. Although, perhaps that isn't the physical pain, perhaps that is the pain he knows is awaiting him when he says goodbye to Mhisery. Because there is no way it can work. Not with the way Xcor is fixated on disallowing it. Finally, the beating is over. Zypher and Xcor leave, he hears not what they say. In fact, he can't hear anything over the roaring in his ears. He is still restrained, so he moves as best he can, and then settles in, knowing that he will be left for hours. Although he remains standing, in his mind, he is on the floor, curled into himself, and holding thoughts of Mhisery. And she is so fucking worth it, any amount of beating. How ironic that her name is Mhisery, as she brings joy and light into his dark world.
November 15 at 12:44pm · Like · 6
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He shook his head as he walked out behind Xcor. He liked pain as much as the next guy but fuck, this guy had it bad for that female. Women, in his mind, were for fucking. He would and had shared them...many times. One thing he wouldn't do was let one become his weakness. Which in his mind was what Throe had done. He had to give the guy credit, he took the beating well. No sign of weakness, which they all knew to never show. It wasn't tolerated they had all learned that early on. But he knew the look in throe's eyes. The woman was still on his mind.
He shook his head as he left. Damn women, they were all trouble.*
November 15 at 7:32pm · Like · 6
Xcor Bloodletter Now that's a lesson to you to Zypher no bitch is to come between us and I feel Throe needs some time to come to grips with that philosophy I think a good day in the dungeon will do him good *looks to Zypher as they walk back up the stairs and into the study* Zypher can you explain to me when is it when I called it took you far to long to meet us here? I expect immediate responses when I am calling a bastard, I am quite disappointed in your late response *folds his hands* Speak now boy and make it good.
November 15 at 7:36pm · Like · 5
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He stopped walking and faced his leader. He wasn't going to give him some lame excuse, he never would buy it anyway. Not to mention he was already pissed at Throe and he didn't want to be the next in line to take the brunt of his anger. The guy was half crazy, okay more than half but now wasn't the time to split hairs.* i don't have a reason, I just fucked up. It won't happen again.
November 15 at 7:43pm · Like · 6
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*He was really beginning to doubt his bastards but at least Zypher was honest and he could respect that, not like Throe and his bitch of an excuse to talk back to him in public of all places* I'm going to let this go Zypher for one very good reason, I want you to find a female for us to fuck I need a release and some blood you know how I feel about being in public. You go and find a willing female, hooker or not I don't give a fuck but I need something, go now and contact me when the job is done and I will meet you back at our usual motel. *he watches as Zypher's nods and walks out of the room, he thinks its a good thing he was horny or another punishment would of been dealt out*
Xcor Bloodletter
‎*Hearing a buzzing sound then a vibrate he looks around for the source of the noise, seeing a little device on the counter he figured that had to be the caused of it, he knew it was a communication device of sorts. One day he would figure out how to use this cell phone as it was his big fingers were barely able to open it and squinting his eyes he reads the text from Zypher seems he has completed his mission and was awaiting his arrival at their motel of choice, it was a dirty hotel on the outskirts of town but fit him perfectly for what was going to happen inside, comfort was not something he enjoyed or preferred. Closing his eyes he dematerializes to the outside door, twisting the door handle he walks in and nods to Zypher while he stood in the shadows and looked over the female. Yes she would do perfect for what they wanted* Good choice Zypher *the female moves slightly when she hears his voice but throwing a couple more hundreds her way she quickly shuts up and motions for them to get closer*
Unlike · · November 16 at 5:01pm ·
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Zypher Bhastard ‎*He smirks when the female's demeanor changes the instant she sees more money going her way. It didn't take much for her reservations to dissipate. Amazing what a little cash can do for a woman's standards. He moved closer, tugging his shirt out of his leathers as he watch Xcor. *
November 16 at 10:16pm · Like · 6
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Starting to take off his pants he once agains feels that annoying device start to vibrate and was puzzled who the fuck would be bothering him at the moment, only Zypher and Throe had this number and Throe was currently chained in their basement. Picking up the small device he throws it to Zypher and tells him to read it back to him as he turns his head to the female and tells her to start sucking him off. As her mouth wraps around his already hard cock he starts to feel relax until he hears what words comes out of Zypher mouth. Pulling out and pulling up his pants he swears loud and see's flames in front of his eyes. He was now even more pissed than when Throe talked back to him. Looking to Zypher he tells him to get rid of the whore and that he had another one to take care of and believe him taking care of Mhisery was going to be a slow and painful enjoyment on his part. He was so sick of this female coming between what took centuries to put together, if she was going to be Throes achilles heel then he would gladly remove her from the equation*
November 17 at 11:45am · Like · 7
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He tossed the phone on the table and looked back to Xcor.* This one is already paid for. Might as well fuck her and then deal with the other one. *He watched the hooker trying to follow their conversation. She looked like she would rather take the money and run without having to fuck them but if he had his way she wasn't going to get out of it so easy. He thought it might calm Xcor down if he fucked the hooker first then dealt with Throe and Mhisery . Right now if Xcor went there he didn't think either one of them would be drawing breath for much longer*
November 17 at 12:01pm · Like · 7
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Growling loud and knowing he was scaring the hooker but did not give a shit looking over at her* Don't worry you will be paid good *all she can do is watch again as he takes off his pants, her eyes went big again once she saw his size, not that he cared all he wanted was her mouth back on it and sucking hard. He watches as Zypher takes off his own pants and moves in from behind her, spreading her cheeks he starts to lick her pussy before thrusting his own cock deep inside of her. Now this is what he was used to, them sharing everything including the whores they bought* Suck faster bitch I want to come in your mouth and you are to swallow everything *she nods a yes and right before he feels his orgasm start to take over he pulls on her hair and forces her mouth even deeper and as soon as she swallows everything and he hears a grunt from Zypher he turns her head and bites down hard, drinking from her knowing this was going to push her to her own orgasm not that he gave a shit*
Marissa O'Neal
‎*arriving back in the Pit after another exhausting day at Safe Place she walked passed Pyro and pat his head* Hey there boy *walking back to her and Butch's room she smiled see him sitting up in their bed. slipping off her pumps she walked over to the bed* Evening Nallum.
Unlike · · November 16 at 9:23pm ·
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Butch O'Neal ‎*looking up from his book as Marissa comes into the room, he feels something deep inside take a deep breath and relax. It was always like this when she came home. He hated when she was gone, but knew she loved her work. And she was amazing at what she did. Watching her come in, he could tell she was tired. He went to her and kissed her gently.* Hey Baby.. I'm glad you are home
November 16 at 9:30pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*feeling him relax she smiled to herself. sitting down on the edge of the bed, she leaned in and kissed him softly* I am glad to be home with you. *trying to hide a yawn, but it was pointless. crawling into bed next to him she put her head on his chest* We have five more Mahmen come in sick tonight.
November 16 at 9:36pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*wrapping his arms around her and pulling her closer to him, he grins as she relaxes against him. Still, he can see she is worried. and then when she talks about the women of safe place, he can see why. He loves that she cares so much about them* That's rough baby, no wonder you are tired. I am glad you aren't going to get sick, I hear it's awful. Zee is a mess.
November 16 at 9:42pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*nuzzling into his hold, she loved the way his arms felt around her and how safe she always felt with him* I am sorry that Zee got sick, I wish that he wasn't ill, I wish none of them were. *sighing* Baby, have you given any thought to me getting a vaccination for you? *they had talked about it and he was admit about not taking it, she hoped that after seeing his sick family he would change his mind*
November 16 at 9:47pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*cursing himself for inadvertently bringing it up again, he hoped they didn't end up arguing about this* No, baby, I told you. That vaccine is for people who are working with the public. I am not worried about infecting any lessers, believe me. And I am not about to take something that you need for others. I am fine. I will be fine. As long as you are healthy, that's what matters. Besides, I'm strong, and it's just a flu right? Maybe because as vampires you don't get sick often, but believe me, every human has had the flu. If you are young and healthy, it's fine. And I am, so no worries, promise?
November 16 at 10:00pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hating that he was refusing to do this but also knowing how stubborn her Southie Hellren was. she sighed* I do not want to argue Nallum, I just worry about you. I do not wish to see you get sick like so many others have. And this flu *shaking her head* Is not like the human flu. Jane and Manuel have not been able to figure it out how to get a handle on it yet. *turning looking up at him* Please, at least think about it.
November 16 at 10:08pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*He pulled her back closer against him and closed his arms around her, burying he face in her hair. And since he hated to deny her anything he agreed to think about it.* I will keep it in mind Marissa, but I don't see it happening. Just want to be honest. Now, what can I do to help ease your exhaustion baby?
November 16 at 10:16pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hating that he would not take the vaccine but as he asked what he cold do she smiled and leaned up kissing him* Being in your arms helps me more than anything in this world Nallum. *kissing down his neck, nipping his ear* I've missed being with you love.
November 16 at 10:21pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*hell yeah, he would help her like this all day long.. he reaches over and pulls her on top of him so he can reach her better. It has been far too long since they have had time for each other. He kisses her mouth, and then he feels her fang nip his ear and he lets out a low growl* Baby, if you keep doing that, we aren't going to be leaving this room for a while
November 16 at 10:26pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*grinning as he pulls her on top of him, her legs straddling his waist. his mouth hot and hungry on her. she couldn't hide her giggle as she heard his words. whispering into his ear* I would stay in this room with you forever Butch *rocking her hips ever so slightly against him, hearing him groan she leaned over and captured his hips again*
November 16 at 10:31pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*Hearing her giggle made his heart sing, he loved that he could make her happy. And he couldn't hold back another groan as she wrapped her body around his. He felt his body surge towards her, and he had to have his mouth on her. He kissed her collarbone, and ran his tongue up her neck, his fangs elongating as he felt her pulse under his mouth* I love you Marissa
November 16 at 10:36pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*biting her bottom lip as he licked up her vein, she could feel her pulse quickening at his touch* I love you too Butch *feeling his fangs elongate, her own did as well* Butch I need you, I need to feel you. It has been so long Nallum. *looking into his eyes* Make love to me Butch
November 16 at 10:40pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*Drawing her shirt off and then his own, he pressed his body against her, feeling her warmth and her taking in her beauty. Still, he could stare at her for hours and never get enough. Every time he looked at her, it was like he was trying to memorize her features. And as beautiful as she was, she was so much more. The depth to this female amazed him. He drew her head down to his throat, the desire to give her something of himself that she needed overwhelming him.* Take from me, love, you need it.
November 16 at 10:48pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*feeling his body pressed to her, flesh on flesh, gods how she loved her male. he was her heart and soul, now and forever. he had saved her in more ways than he would ever know. as he moved her head to his vein, her body took over. her fangs elongated. licking up his vein, moaning at his salty taste. taking his hand with hers she carefully slid her fangs into his vein. as the first wave of his blood hit her tongue, his rich flavor was so incredible. taking long pulls from him she could feel her body regaining strength already*
November 16 at 10:53pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*as her fangs broke through his skin and entered his vein, he pulled her even closer and then made himself be still so she could take what she needed. He wanted his female strong. As she drew from him, his hands moved over her body, his palm moving up and down her spine, his other hand buried in her hair.
November 16 at 10:58pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*the comfort of his hand on her back in running through her hair, her body completely relaxed in his arms. after what felt like hours she released her hold on his vein and sealed the wound with a long slow lick. cupping his face in her hands she kissed him softly* Thank you Nallum *gently easing him back onto the bed she kissed down his chest, twirling her tongue around his nipple and nipped him with her fang*
November 16 at 11:04pm · Like · 4
Butch O'Neal ‎*fuuuck, as he laid down on the bed, Marissa put her tongue on his nipple and drove him fucking crazy. And when she nipped him he lost all self control and dragged her up his body, settling her on top of him and grinding against her. As she let out a loud moan, his movements became more intense. The fact that they both had their pants on just created friction, and added to their need.* I want to be inside you baby....
November 16 at 11:08pm · Like · 4
Marissa O'Neal ‎*feeling him pull her up his body so her core rested perfectly over his cock. moaning loudly as he ground himself into me. all she could think was these pants have got to go. leaning forward, resting her hands on his chest she made small circles with her hips. reaching back with one hand she cupped him through his pants* I need to feel you inside me Butch. Please, make love to me.
November 16 at 11:13pm · Like · 3
Butch O'Neal ‎*no further invitation needed, he rose up and shifted her underneath him. He removed his pants and then, slowly removed hers. As he peeled her pants down her perfect body, he put his face to her skin and kissed, his mouth following his hands.. he rested when he got to her core and spend some extra time there, kissing her and running his tongue over her. She grabbed at him and he could tell she wanted him inside her. He worked his way back up her body, and with his hands on her hips, he settled his weight between her legs drove himself inside her. As his cock was fully sheathed in her, she wrapped her legs around him and let out a deliciously female gasp was nearly a scream*
November 16 at 11:20pm · Like · 2
Marissa O'Neal ‎*watching him strip off his pants, his shaft fully erect, and even after all this time his shear size still amazed her. as he pulled away her pants and panties her core was wet with anticipation for him. as he slid up her body she felt his hands on her and when his tongue made contact with her core, she thought she would come undone for sure, but she needed more. she needed to feel him inside her. bucking her hips beneath him, he knew what she wanted and smiled. looking up at him as he settled between her thighs,and then as she finally felt him enter her she cried out as she felt her walls stretch to take all of him inside her. wrapping her legs around him, she began rocking in time with his thrusts* Yes baby, gods yes. You feel so good.
November 16 at 11:31pm · Like · 2
Butch O'Neal ‎*feeling her wrapped around him, so tight and hot. He gave her a moment to adjust to him and then as she began to rock his thrusts grew stronger and stronger. As she matched his pace he felt himself drawing closer to orgasm. He withdrew from her and traded places, pulling her on top of him wanting to watch her*
November 16 at 11:38pm · Like · 2
Marissa O'Neal ‎*feeling him pull from her body she hated even the briefest separation from him. as he rolled over she slipped onto him, moaning as he filled her again. she begin moving up and down on his shaft, taking him deeper with each movement. as she felt the familiar tightness in her stomach she knew her release was close. leaning down to him she offered her vein* Please Butch take my vein, drink from me. *she knew that ht moment he did it would send her right into an earth shattering release*
November 16 at 11:47pm · Like · 2
Butch O'Neal ‎*His fangs were ready the second she leaned down to him and he struck hard. She came instantly, and as he drank from her, feeling her climax around him, sent him over the edge and as he drank from her, he came, filling her up. He could feel her orgasm again, the muscles contracting around him still as he licked her neck where he had struck. Spent, he leaned his head on her and wrapped his arms around her. * I love you so very much Marissa. *pressing a kiss against her heated skin, he held onto her*
November 16 at 11:52pm · Like · 2
Marissa O'Neal ‎*crying out as he bit down on her vein and her orgasm hit her hard. her core spasming around his shaft. as he took long pulls from her vein. as her release started to slow she felt Butch's and it sent her spiraling into another mind blowing orgasm. her core tightening around him, milking him for all she could get. panting hard as he sealed her wound, she rested her head on his chest, their bodies still joined* I love you too Nallum *feeling his soft kiss on her heated flesh made her smile. in the arms of her Hellren she felt herself drifting to sleep* You are perfection Butch and I am so happy with you.
November 16 at 11:59pm · Like · 2
Butch O'Neal ‎*tucking her up against him, he held her and stroked her hair. It was hard to find his voice* Thank you. I love you , baby, you are everything. Sleep, I am here with you.
Lassiter The-Fallen
‎"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine..You make me happy when skys are grey....You'll never know dear how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away....The other night dear, as I lay sleeping..I dreamed I held you in my arms..But when I woke dear I was mistaken..So I hung my head and cried...................*Sad Lass goes back to sleep with tears in his eye*.......
Muhrder Rathboone
‎*He settled in the living room, on the couch, with remote in hand. The house seemed empty so he figured he'd watch tv somewhere other than his room. He grew tired of those four yellow walls and needed a change. He flipped through and hit the dvr button on accident.* What is "Ellen"? *He hit play, just as Lassiter hit the door. He groaned and rolled his eyes.* You.
Like · · November 17 at 8:49am ·
No'One Sampsone, Cormia Ahgony, Phyllis Etuarte and 7 others like this.
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Walking down to the kitchen he noticed that head case Muhrder in the living room so he thought it may be fun to poke at the "crazy animal" and see if it bites*...Yes it's me...The one and only...*Looks at the TV*...At least you have good taste in programming...So what brings you outta your little hidey hole??
November 17 at 8:56am · Like · 7
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He eyed the angel* I should have KNOWN you would be here. Everyone is sick, and YOU live here. Coincidence? I have no clue as to what this is on TV. What is she doing? *Watching Ellen dance to a song talking about being a giggalo*
November 17 at 9:02am · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen Who is Ellen?..Are you crazy...Wait, I forgot, you are...*Shaking his head*..Nevermind....As for this whole killer germ infestation...All I can say is, grab a bucket my man...And FUCK YOU...I give love not viruses.....
November 17 at 9:08am · Like · 7
Muhrder Rathboone One word, living glow stick, PLAGUE! Okay? *gives a dirty look* Yes, who is Ellen. Do I look like a house wife? *blows nose* I am only watching this cause I hit the damned button. *trying to figure out the remote, he erased the show that was just on*
November 17 at 9:10am · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Looks at TV*...You had better be glad for your own safety that I have already seen that one you crazy little freak...And Ellen is the new heartbeat of what women need and her dancing makes me happy inside....If you don't like it, go back to the ghost motel you call home and watch "Ghost Hunters" and pray they aren't looking for you.And if I could-not that I can- But, if I could give out a virus, you would have been on the top of my list for most deserving,,,,
November 17 at 9:16am · Like · 7
Muhrder Rathboone You know, *standing, he tossed the angel the remote* For a HEAVENLY being, you sure act like a raging, hormonal DEMON. I swear, humans believe in you all, and for what? If they knew you, *snorts*. The erasing was accidental. *Grinning at the angel*
November 17 at 9:20am · Like · 7
Lassiter The-Fallen ‎*Catches the remote*..Never claimed to be HEAVENLY...Anymore...And Humans believe in what they need to in order to make since of the shit in life that would fry their brains otherwise...And *Grinning Back* the virus was an accident too.....
Mhisery Muhrdock
‎*She felt a sting in her chest, where her heart should have been. The doggen had returned and said that Throe was not in the training center. Something was wrong. She quickly geared up and begged her stomach to stay in place as she dematted to the old mansion where the bastards resided. She silently crept through the darken halls and tunnels. She had drank from Throe, more than once and could tell he was hurt. She sented pain, and stealthily followed it. Their was no one around, the bastards were probably out whoring. She called out his name in hopes of a response* Throe?
Like · · Follow Post · November 17 at 1:40am
Layla Chosen, Emily Lua, Anna Miller and 14 others like this.
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She moved even farther in the abandoned mansion and found a doorway. She ebbed the door open and saw a pitch black descending stairway, she started downward, the smell of mold, dirt and pain. Her eyes adjusted to the dark as she continued on. When she took the finial step down, she turned left. Hanging on the wall, in four point manacles, was Throe. He was only wearing low slung jeans and his back was was riddled with fresh wounds, too numerous to count. The blood that had ran rivers over his back from the wounds were dried. He was filthy, his strong shoulders slumped, and his head hung. She approached quickly and quietly, whispering* Sydameni, I'm getting you out of here.
November 17 at 2:01am · Like · 11
Throe Bhastard ‎*he felt when she had entered the mansion and was horrified. He knew the other bastards weren't around just now, but she should never be in a place such as this, especially in the frame of mind Xcor was in just now. As she came closer, he inhaled that clean scent that was uniquely her, and he felt his body start to respond. Which truly pissed him off. What kind of sick fuck thought of sex when his female was in a place like this.
She came up and whispered to him, but he couldn't tell what she was saying. It was like his reception was bad, and signals and images were getting mixed up in his head. She seemed urgent but he couldn't figure out what she wanted. He knew he wanted her to leave this place, and leave him. Go as far as possible before he truly endangered her. And even as he had that thought, a pain ripped through his chest so deep that he almost went down. Amazing.. Hours of pain and torture, and he was still standing, albeit barely.. The thought of losing her had the power to bring him to his knees. Then, he lost the ability to have any conscious thought after that. He felt her working on the menacles and then there was nothing...*
November 17 at 2:13am · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*When he lost consciousnesses she knew she had to hurry. She worked over the manacles and freed him form the wall. She tossed one of his arms around her neck, and attempted to hold him up right. She quickly dematted him away from all of this and back into the training center. She summoned all the strength she had and got him onto one of the stretcher. His body was riddled with wounds, the soft flesh of his back was sliced open, deeply. She frantically looked around the room and found some sterile water and gauze. She started to clean each wound, and then applied bacitracin with a tongue depressor. She hoped she wasn't hurting. He had been through so much on her account, and she was now glad she had written him the letter. She glanced to the bedside table where the envelope that she had sent to him lay, unopened. When she had all the wounds cleansed and dressed, she found some wash clothes and set about washing the muck from his face, as easily as she could* I'm sorry sydameni, you are out of there now and the doctor here can take a look at you, I promise.
November 17 at 2:25am · Like · 9
Throe Bhastard ‎*he could tell he had been moved, and felt Mhisery's emotions swarming the air around them. Fuck, she had moved him. While a part of him felt pride in her resourcefulness and bravery, and was deeply humbled that she would come for him, a bastard, mostly he felt despair. He knew what that meant for her, for them. Zypher and Xcor were going to make this punishment seem like child's play, and would most like try to come after her. Which he wasn't going to tolerate, so it was going to be a vicious cycle. Suddenly, through the maelstrom of emotions coming from her, sorrow won out over despair. As she started to move away from him he grabbed her wrist tight and held her there. He couldn't quite speak, but knew that she would read what he was trying to say in his eyes*
November 17 at 2:34am · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked down at him when he grabbed her wrist* I'm sorry but I couldn't leave you there, and you can tell them I kidnapped you. I will take any punishment they will dull out. *His lips were dry and cracked and she hated Xcor more than ever. She still allowed him to grip her wrist, as she reached for the sink and filled a cup with water. She inserted a straw and held it to his lips so he could drink. When he had his fill she snagged her cell from her pocket and text Xcor* I have kidnapped Throe, whatever punishment you are thinking belongs to me and I will gladly take it. ~Mhisery *She hit send and returned to tending to the task of cleaning up his face. Under the dirt and muck his beautiful face was bruised and battered. She tried not to cringe at at the sight, she didn't want to cause him any more pain than what he was in.* Do you want me to call the doctor sydamenii?
November 17 at 2:47am · Like · 9
Throe Bhastard ‎*He closed his eyes and enjoyed the feel of her gentle hands upon him. And drank greedily from the water she offered. When she took out her phone and texted Xcor, he was instantly furious, and set about the arduous task of getting up and removing himself. He glared at her and spoke finally* No, you do not. You do not jump in front of me. I chose this long ago, and it is done. It has gone on for hundreds of years and it will continue, and I will be fine, as I have been fine. You do not get to put yourself in harm's way for me. What kind of male do you think I am? Do you think so little of me? You have stood up for me and fought for me before , and I have allowed it. I have had enough respect for your strength as a warrior that I have stood back and allowed it. But to find that you don't have the same respect for me is more demoralizing than any beating. I have never loved you more or been more angry with you than I am right now. *He started to leave and realized that was going to have to wait a bit for that one. He literally couldn't fucking move, his muscles finally went on lockdown. Fuck.*
November 17 at 3:04am · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She stood paralyzed. She was floored by the argument that he had presented, but more so he had said he loved her* I will not stand by and see you beaten by someone just so he can get off on it. I never meant to demoralize you, I just wanted to try to undo what I have done, but again I fucked up. That seems to be the thing with me, I fuck up and I have cause you more pain. *Her chest heaved* I love you enough to take whatever he can offer and then some. *She picked up the letter and tossed it at him* I will send Doc Jane and leave you be not to cause you any more pain. *She dialed the good doctor and told her what was going on. SHe turned on her hell and stopped at the door looking back* I love you enough to let you go. *With that she disappeared out of the room and down the hall, texting Xcor again* Name the time and place and I will be ther. *She hit send and made her way through the halls and back to her room before she broke. Sha sat on her bed and let the river of tears express the heart break she felt. It was over.*
November 17 at 3:17am · Like · 9
Throe Bhastard ‎*He stared after her for what seemed like hours, then turned his attention to the letter*
Dear Throe, I want to start off by saying thank you. Thank you for being there any time I was in need, in pain, or simply at my worst. Thank you for your honor, your kindness, your protection and support. Thank you for picking me up when I was down, thank you for being a male of worth when others wouldn't bother. I'm sorry that I got you in this mess, and I'm sorry that you have had to pay such a high price on my behalf. I can never repay any of this, or take back the pain you have had to endure on my behalf. The only way I could ever make amends, is to leave you alone, and not interfere in your life, it is the least I could do. Basically, I'm sorry I lived up to my name, and I hope one day you can forgive me. Love ~Mhisery.
A silver locket fell out of the envelope.It was inscribed. 'I carry you in my heart forever, where I go you go for you are always in my heart'.
He was speechless, at a loss as to when this entire conversation turned to shit. This was not how he wanted to tell her he loved her for the first time. He was feeling a bit better, but still wasn't able to get up and chase after her, which infuriated him to no end. He could picture Xcor finding Mhisery, and he grew more frantic to get to her. There had to be a way around this shitstorm and into a life together*
Jane Bloodletter
‎*She glanced at her phone, surprise registering on her face as she picked it up hearing Mhisery. Once she hung up, she gathered her bag from the hall closet and slipped out the front door of the Pit and making her way to the underground clinic to check on Throe. She knew the rest of the family was unhappy at having the Bhastard here but her Hippocratic oath kicked in. Entering in the code for the door, she pushed it open and walked down to the room she had last placed him in. Knocking lightly on the door, she pushed it opened and stepped inside*
Unlike · · Share · November 17 at 1:19pm ·
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Throe Bhastard ‎*He turned his head to the door, and tried to hide any emotion. He would prefer Doc Jane leave so he could sort this out, and heal just enough to leave. It was ironic, Mhisery was worried about the brothers causing problems, when it was his own life bringing her pain. He forced himself to be polite to Jane, she had always been civil enough to him. And he had to respect her resolve, she had vowed she would care for people, and she did. He arranged his face into a semblance of a smile* Hello Doc Jane.
November 17 at 1:26pm · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She gave him a brief smiled as she moved further into the room, her body fully corporeal for the moment, as she took in the pallor of his features. Moving to the foot of the bed, she picked up the blank chart and slid a pen from the breast pocket of her white coat. Leaning a hip against the bottom of the bed, she silently scrawled across the top filling in a few details before she looked back at him* Feeling like you have been hit by a truck? Vomiting? Coughing? Anything else? whhen did the symptoms start? When did you last feed? *she barked out her questions in a calm voice*
November 17 at 1:33pm · Like · 7
Throe Bhastard ‎*he blinked for a moment* yes.*smirks* sorry.. I am not sick, Doc Jane. I had a... disagreement. I will heal, always do. And no I couldn't tell you the last time I fed. Or the next time. And yes, I feel like I have a truck parked on top of me for a matter of fact. *He watched her scrawl some more on her clipboard, what the fuck could she possibly be writing? He clutched Mhisery's locket and waited for the Doc to go.*
November 17 at 1:38pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She finished writing and returned the chart to the bottom of the bed.* Your injuries won't heal as quickly as they should, especially without feeding, now I know your type, all vampire males are the same. You think that if I hand you a sewing kit and let you at it you are as good as new. What I would like to do and you can comply or I will give you something to knock you out and do it myself, is tend to your wounds and start you on an IV. I need you to think for me when you last fed, and not from a human
November 17 at 1:42pm · Like · 6
Throe Bhastard ‎*this female was a hardass. Jesus he was surrounded by them.He looked at the Dr.* I honestly don't remember the length of time since feeding, several weeks at least. and that is all I am going to say about that, female, with all due respect. As far as the wounds, if you think they need attending, I will take your word for it, they are on my back so I can't really argue from a position of superior knowledge there, I know Mhisery cleaned them and put some stuff on. and whatever, as far as the iv goes. When will I be able to move a bit better than I can now? it feels like all my muscles are locked into one big cramp, and I need to go find Mhisery before Xcor does. So the faster we can get me out of here, the happier everyone will be.
November 17 at 1:49pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She looked at him shrewdly and folded her arms beneath her chest as he answered her questions, a non committal noise sounding quietly from her* That depends on several factors. The fact it has been weeks from you last fed will slow your healing down. The depth of the wounds, rest, all of these are things that we need to take into account. There is also an epidemic spreading through the race. Influenza but strong enough to bring males down with it. Judging by your close contact with a carrier of it coupled with the injuries to your body? It will be a few days before you can move. *She moved away from the bed and reached for the box of gloves that sat in a cabinet. Snapping them on, she turned back to him* So let me see the damage
November 17 at 1:55pm · Like · 5
Throe Bhastard ‎*realizing there was no point for further discussion, since the only thing on his mind was something he had no desire for discussion, he rolled over and exposed his back to her. As he felt her hand move towards him, he quietly shut his eyes, not interested in seeing judgement on her pretty face.*
November 17 at 2:03pm · Like · 5
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She looked down his back and hid the sigh that threatened to well to the surface. The whip marks across his back, his skin peeled back and blood still oozing to the surface. She reached over to the unit beside the bed and started slowly and gently cleaning each wound, then covering them with a light layer cream. Once she had each one finished, she covered them with a thin gauze and tapped them down to his uninjured skin. Once she was finished, she moved away from the bed and stripped the gloves off, throwing them into the bio can and walking back to the cabinets to prepare what she needed for an IV* Would you like something for the pain? *She stopped at the phone on her way back to the bed and spoke quietly into it, ordering a light meal of soup and a sandwich, tea and juice. Hanging up the phone, she set the IV items on a counter and walked into the adjoining closet. Searching through, she picked up a pair of mens sweats, socks and a muscle shit and brought them back*
November 17 at 2:08pm · Like · 4
Throe Bhastard ‎*He opened his eyes and met her stare* No, thank you. I don't need anything for the pain, and I thank you anyways, but I will pass on the clothes as well. We both know I shouldn't be here, and I truly don't want to take more from my enemies than I already have. Wearing brotherhood clothing, staying on the King-Wrath's property, I couldn't be more of a hippocrite. I would really like to use a phone when you are done and call Zypher to meet me, away from here.
November 17 at 2:29pm · Like · 5
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She raised one slender brow* The clothing was bought by me, I keep changes of clothes in each room, and I can assure you I am no-ones property including the King. *She gave a shrug and set the clothing down on a chair* Use it or don't, that is your choice, frankly if I were you I would rather be in clean clothes. *She moved back to the bed and efficiently started the IV, hanging the bag from the hook beside the bed and stepping away to answer the door as it was quietly knocked. Taking the tray from the Doggen, she placed it beside the bed* And refuse the food if it bothers you so much. I will give you a phone to contact this Zypher, but you will not meet him here. I will return you to back in the City once I feel you are well enough to leave and not before. *She reached into her pocket and pulled out her cell and handed it over* The number is untraceable and I will return in a few moments to collect it *With that she walked back out of the room and into her office to give him a moment of privacy*
November 17 at 2:31pm · Like · 5
Throe Bhastard ‎*his eyes flew open and he sat there, for once understanding the term gobsmacked. Fucking hardassess, female hardassess everywhere. Maybe it was this place that did it. Under other circumstances, and happening to someone else, he would probably find her obstinance amusing. He looked at the phone she handed him, turning it over in his hand a couple times. Instead of dialing Zypher or Xcor, as he knew he should have, he fired off a text instead. -Mhisery, it's Throe, I am using Doc Jane's phone. Look, I am sorry I was an ass, and I have to talk to you. Please come to the training center. Do not leave the brotherhood compound without me..Period.- He hit send as the Doc came back into the room and handed her the phone.* Thank you, I did not call anyone, sent Mhis a text instead.
November 17 at 2:44pm · Like · 4
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She pushed the door closed behind her and walked across to stand beside the bed again, taking the phone and sliding it into her pocket. She stood regarding him in silence for a few moments* The female means something to you, and do not deny it, I have spent a few years reading peoples faces in my human life. *She nodded towards the phone sitting on the bedside cabinet as her fingers slowly rubbed her necklace back and forth between her finger and thumb* If you pick that phone up and dial star then 11 you will get put through to her bedroom. Star and 14 will get you me. I don't advise trying any of the others, you won't get a good reception from the other end.
November 17 at 2:50pm · Like · 5
Throe Bhastard ‎*He felt a rush of gratitude for this female, for all that she had done for him. She had such kindness in her, buried under a layer of professional detachment. He slowly reached for the gift she had set on the cabinet. He held the phone loosely in his hand and looked at her* Thank you. Not many people would do for me what you have today. I am humbled by you. And as far as my feelings go.. there are complications that render them irrelevant. Thank you for the use of your phone, and I won't take advantage. *grins* although, it may be fun to prank call some of the brothers, I won't.. * As she stood to leave he reached out as if to grab her wrist and then stopped himself. She must have caught the movement, however, and paused* Thank you, healer, you are truly a female of worth.
November 17 at 3:12pm · Like · 5
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She looked at him for several minutes and gave him a gentle smile* Complications are easily overcome. That hardest part is deciding if the end result is worth it. Love has a way of overshadowing everything, it can bring even the strongest man to his knees. But without love and without hope? What are we? *She let her body slowly fade* I come with my own set of complications, one that most people would turn away from, my Hellren doesn't. Is that true love or is it acceptance that he and I are the other half of each other. I understand him, he understands me, but do not take for granted that it makes our life together easy. It isn't. But love is the glue that binds us. *She reached out, her hand turning solid and squeezed his hand gently* I will return after First Meal and check on you *With a final smile, she turned and left the room*
Zee Ahgony
‎*Laying there, trying to summon enough energy to open his eyes. Every fucking part of his body fucking ached. His head was pounding; making him glad he shaved his head. Even his hair follicles hurt. Coughing added more pain to the mix, another heaping layer to his fuck me stew. His goal right now was to summon someone to kill him, and upon hearing the voice of the brother Tohrment, he felt he may have a chance. He tried to remember the last time he had truly pissed that particular brother off, and if he could use that to aid him in his current request. Thinking became impossible as his brain fogged out on him again, and he couldn’t remember if he had actually summoned the energy to call out to the brother or if he just imagined it. He needed this done before Bella came back. Because, although no one in history had ever been this sick, he didn’t want to act like a total nancy in front his shellan. And straight up, if he saw her right now, he was more likely to ask for a fucking popsicle than he was to fight like the warrior he was.*
Unlike · · November 9 at 6:55pm ·
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Tohrment Hharm ‎*Hearing the faint whisper of his name coming from Zee's room he knocks hard on his door before pushing the heavy oak open. Seeing his brother laying pale on his bed and coughing up a storm he rushes to his side and barely makes out his words to end his suffering, in all his years he never seen a brother so sick before and could not help but be puzzled by this sudden turn of events. Thinking back to the female Mhisery and what he was told of her illness, the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as he feels this is somehow connected and that did not please him knowing she had fled from the Mansion and is now in the city possible infecting others* Zee talk to me brother, you know I can not kill you let me call Doc. Jane or Manuel there has to be something they can do for you *he feels his pockets, realizing his cell phone was not on him he leans over to grab the phone on Zee's table when another coughing attack takes hold of him, he turns to help him and puts his own face in the immediate line of fire as feels his hot breath on his* Shit I hope this isn't contagious *but he knew the answer was probably yes and his fear of it spreading through the mansion was becoming a reality*
November 10 at 1:54pm · Like · 8
Zee Ahgony ‎*unable to lift his head or fully open his eyes, he hears heavy footfalls and recognizes his brother Tohrment by smell. When he hears the fucker say he won't kill him he lets loose the cough that he had been valiantly trying to hold in. He closes his eyes and waits for sweet death to claim him..Wonders if he will see his twin Phury one last time. And who will watch out for Nalla and Bella... and why the fuck someone won't come kill him.. enough people have wanted to over the years, where the hell were they now?*
November 16 at 10:22am · Like · 7
Zee Ahgony ‎*death still hasn't claimed him, and he was getting impatient. Maybe Lassiter had some kind of in? He remembers scaring the hell out of Jane back in the day, maybe she would be willing to slip him something?
November 17 at 3:22pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She walked up the stairs and along the hall to Zee and Bella's bedroom. Knocking on the door, she didn't bother waiting on a reply to come in, instead, she pushed open the heavy door and closed it behind her.* Good afternoon Zsadist, I must say you are looking well today *She gave him a small smile and set her bag down at hte side of the bed, reaching for the glass of water on the nightstand and passing it over to him*
November 17 at 3:27pm · Like · 6
Zee Ahgony ‎*cracking one eyelid open, he looked at Vishous' healer. He could swear she was enjoying seeing him assed out, dying. Was positively fucking chipper. Still, his throat was on fire and the water glass had been too far away and too fucking heavy. He reached for it gratefully, drank the entire thing and nodded his thanks. Then managed to croak out* Kill me...
November 17 at 3:32pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter I am not that kind of Doctor, how about I give you something that will make you feel slightly better? When did you last manage to take food and keep it down? Have you fed from your Shellan recently? *she turned away for a moment and refilled the glass, placing it closer on the nightstand and dragging the sheets straighter across his body*
November 17 at 3:36pm · Like · 6
Zee Ahgony ‎*his stomach rolled at the mention of food. And then he fucking blushed at the mention of feeding from his Bella, remembering the last time they had both fed. * very recently, and yes please on feeling better.
November 17 at 3:42pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She reached into her back and pulled out a packet of pilled and set them on the nightstand* This is an anti-viral drug, we found in the human world that it was beneficial where there was a community outbreak. It is one of the only times I would prescribe oseltamivir. *she placed two more bottles beside the tablets* Paracetamol and ibuprofen, they should help with the aches and pains and help lower your temperature. Apart from that I am afraid you just need to rest and let your body fight this *She set out a larger bottle* Cough syrup, should help ease that wracking cough.
November 17 at 3:51pm · Like · 7
Zee Ahgony ‎*he nodded and wondered where Phury was, and if he were sick as well.* Thank you Doc Jane, sounding like a human chain smoker..
November 17 at 4:00pm · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled and pushed everything closer to him on the unit* Call me if you get any worse *She walked towards the door, opened it and slipped outside*
No'One Sampsone
‎*She had made such a fool of herself in the kitchen, she had knocked jars and bottles off the counter top. Not only had she done that but she had managed to fall on the floor in the process in front of her daughter. She was desperate to make a good impression on her, she wanted to get closer to her. Luckily Xhex had been so understanding about it all. She had been brought to the mansion in order to help out as the Brothers and doggen had been stricken by the flu, instead of helping she had just created more mess. Standing in the shower she washed the food debris off of herself, it felt good to be clean again. After drying herself off she sat on the bed and thought about the events of the last few days, she said a silent prayer to Analisse Scribe-Virgin for letting her return to her family. She would always be grateful for that*
Lassiter The-Fallen
‎*Sitting at a small table he set up in one of the unused pantries off of the kitchen, he is bent over it with a small paint brush in his hand and is studying his artistic work* That asshat had better like this...*He continues on with his little side project in silence all the while giving a half sarcastic smile on his face*..Phury is gonna LOVE this...
Unlike · · Share · November 17 at 5:30pm ·
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Phury kills Frosty......
Poor Frosty....Phury strikes again!!!
By: Lassiter The-Fallen
Photos: 3
November 17 at 6:25pm · Like · 5
Lassiter The-Fallen Thats right...I made these with my own two angelic hands.....lmao
Payne Bloodletter
‎*She had been at the mansion now for several days and still had not been able to be of any help. She had tried to stay out of the way, but as more and more brothers were coming down with this sickness she knew it was only a matter of time. She had barely seen her Manuel and when she did the lines of weariness that were surrounding his eyes attested to the growing number of sick.*
Unlike · · November 17 at 7:30pm ·
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Payne Bloodletter ‎*She began to wonder why with all the time she had been spending here walking among the others that she had not come down with anything. Shrugging off that thought she decided to head to the training center for a work out. If she could not be of help to others mayhap she could at least help herself. Walking down the long corridor she pushed her way into the training room.*
November 17 at 7:31pm · Like · 5
Payne Bloodletter ‎*She climbed up onto the treadmill, her I-pod blaring in her ears as she began to run faster and faster. She could feel the adrenaline coursing through her body. It felt like liquid fire fueling through her veins. Suddenly the room began to tilt and spin. Fearing that she had overdone it she slowed down her breath ragged, her body covered in sweat.*
November 17 at 7:32pm · Like · 5
Payne Bloodletter ‎*Something did not feel right. She had never had this reaction to exercise and she had barely even begun. Perhaps it was just over exhaustion from the last few days she thought as she made her way slowly back up the stairs. The room still continued to spin as her body felt hotter and hotter.*
November 17 at 7:32pm · Like · 6
Payne Bloodletter ‎*Wearily she entered her chambers and made her way straight for the bed. Not even having the strength to move any further she threw her body on top of the comforter. Her eyes closing immediately as sleep began to overtake her. Sleep, that was all she needed just a little bit of rest and she would be better..*
November 17 at 7:32pm · Like · 6
Manuel Manello ‎*returning from seeing patients after dividing the list with Jane, he was beyond exhausted. This thing was fucking brutal. And unfortunately, it wasn't a human virus, so it wasn't like there were legions of scientists working on it in the background. No wonder Jane was worn out. He entered the bedroom and saw his female laying across the bed. He strode over to her on his way to the shower. He leaned down to kiss her, surprised she hadn't woken as soon as he came in. When his lips touched her cheek, he knew right away she wasn't right.* Payne? Come on Bambina, wake up.. *she stirred but didn't really awaken. He went and got a cloth for her forehead, and started a rudimentary check of her vitals. It was obvious she was the latest to fall victim, and it really fucking pissed him off. This was his warrior laid out, feeling like shit. She should have gotten immunized like most of the females. And as much as he know that it would piss her off that he felt that way, there it was. Warrior yes, but his warrior. And that is what mattered. He debated whether or not to have Jane come in on this one. He went to gather the needed medications to at least provide supportive care as well as the tamiflu they had started using.
Rehvenge Rempoon
‎*He felt bad that he hadn't been around much due to the Colony. He fucking hated it. Missed Ehlena real bad. He was spending tonight at home, dammit, if he liked it or not. He also had not heard from Bella about having Nalla for the weekend sometime soon. ~text~ Lady Bell. What the fuck is up? Miss you. Rooster ~send~
Like · · November 17 at 7:59pm ·
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Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Arriving home, there was a note from Tahlly.* ~Hellren mine, working late tonight. Miss you. Ehl~ God Dammit! *He shouted and went stamping off to the shower. He wanted to spend tonight with her, and she was working. Always working. But he respected her need to help. With the brother's being ill and Safe Place at risk, she was needed. He smiled at the thought of her uniform and sent her a text.* ~text~ Tahlly, are you wearing your stockings? ~send~ He turned on the steam shower and undressed. He looked at himself in the mirror. The thought of his sexy ass nurse had him rock hard. He slid his hand down and fisted himself with an evil grin*
November 17 at 8:04pm · Like · 5
Bella Ahgony ‎*she fished her phone from out her back pocket and crinkled her nose in a smirk as she read the most loving and endearing message from her sweet sweet brother, her fingers quickly thumbing at the keys* Oh brother!!! I miss you sooo much tooooooo *she smirked* why don't you bring your face around these parts, and in exchange.. i will provide you with one Nalla for the weekend. I am sure Zee and I both wouldnt mind a few days alone *a fanged grin marking her face as she sent it, knowing her brother didnt want to hear even in the slightest ANYTHING about his sister and zee being alone*
Xcor Bloodletter
‎*Hearing a buzzing sound then a vibrate he looks around for the source of the noise, seeing a little device on the counter he figured that had to be the caused of it, he knew it was a communication device of sorts. One day he would figure out how to use this cell phone as it was his big fingers were barely able to open it and squinting his eyes he reads the text from Zypher seems he has completed his mission and was awaiting his arrival at their motel of choice, it was a dirty hotel on the outskirts of town but fit him perfectly for what was going to happen inside, comfort was not something he enjoyed or preferred. Closing his eyes he dematerializes to the outside door, twisting the door handle he walks in and nods to Zypher while he stood in the shadows and looked over the female. Yes she would do perfect for what they wanted* Good choice Zypher *the female moves slightly when she hears his voice but throwing a couple more hundreds her way she quickly shuts up and motions for them to get closer*
Unlike · · November 16 at 5:01pm ·
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Zypher Bhastard ‎*He smirks when the female's demeanor changes the instant she sees more money going her way. It didn't take much for her reservations to dissipate. Amazing what a little cash can do for a woman's standards. He moved closer, tugging his shirt out of his leathers as he watch Xcor. *
November 16 at 10:16pm · Like · 6
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Starting to take off his pants he once agains feels that annoying device start to vibrate and was puzzled who the fuck would be bothering him at the moment, only Zypher and Throe had this number and Throe was currently chained in their basement. Picking up the small device he throws it to Zypher and tells him to read it back to him as he turns his head to the female and tells her to start sucking him off. As her mouth wraps around his already hard cock he starts to feel relax until he hears what words comes out of Zypher mouth. Pulling out and pulling up his pants he swears loud and see's flames in front of his eyes. He was now even more pissed than when Throe talked back to him. Looking to Zypher he tells him to get rid of the whore and that he had another one to take care of and believe him taking care of Mhisery was going to be a slow and painful enjoyment on his part. He was so sick of this female coming between what took centuries to put together, if she was going to be Throes achilles heel then he would gladly remove her from the equation*
November 17 at 11:45am · Like · 7
Zypher Bhastard ‎*He tossed the phone on the table and looked back to Xcor.* This one is already paid for. Might as well fuck her and then deal with the other one. *He watched the hooker trying to follow their conversation. She looked like she would rather take the money and run without having to fuck them but if he had his way she wasn't going to get out of it so easy. He thought it might calm Xcor down if he fucked the hooker first then dealt with Throe and Mhisery . Right now if Xcor went there he didn't think either one of them would be drawing breath for much longer*
November 17 at 12:01pm · Like · 7
Xcor Bloodletter ‎*Growling loud and knowing he was scaring the hooker but did not give a shit looking over at her* Don't worry you will be paid good *all she can do is watch again as he takes off his pants, her eyes went big again once she saw his size, not that he cared all he wanted was her mouth back on it and sucking hard. He watches as Zypher takes off his own pants and moves in from behind her, spreading her cheeks he starts to lick her pussy before thrusting his own cock deep inside of her. Now this is what he was used to, them sharing everything including the whores they bought* Suck faster bitch I want to come in your mouth and you are to swallow everything *she nods a yes and right before he feels his orgasm start to take over he pulls on her hair and forces her mouth even deeper and as soon as she swallows everything and he hears a grunt from Zypher he turns her head and bites down hard, drinking from her knowing this was going to push her to her own orgasm not that he gave a shit*
Xhex Tehrror
‎*After leaving Layla and her Mahmen she still need to visit with Tohrment Hharm to go over rotation since so many of the Brother are sick with the flu* Walikung down the hall she came to Tohrment's door, giving a light knock she waited for him to answer*
Like · · November 18 at 11:42am ·
Saxton Thym, No'One Sampsone, Lassiter The-Fallen and 5 others like this.
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Hearing the knock he tries to stand up in bed but it seemed impossible instead he says come in between his coughing fits* Xhex it's always *coughs* a pleasure to see you.
November 18 at 11:49am · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Opening the door she could see that Tohrment looked as sick as everyone else* Smiling at Tohr* Its a pleasure to see you also, I only wish it was under better circumstances, with so many Brothers down with this flu rotation is going to be somewhat difficult, I just hope this flu passes fast so things can get back to should i say normal.(low laugh)
November 18 at 11:56am · Like · 6
Tohrment Hharm ‎*Coughs* Me too, the list is over there on my desk but with so many brother's being sick I was hoping that maybe Rehvenge can take some time away from the Colony and maybe you two can do some extra patrolling, how does that sound? *sighs heavy* I do hope the Angel get's the cure soon..
November 18 at 11:59am · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*She walks over to the desk and looks over the list* I will speak with Rehvenge today and see if we can work something out, I am sure it will not be a problem.* letting out a sigh* There were just so many places to cover with only a few of us still able to be on rotation.
November 18 at 12:18pm · Like · 4
Tohrment Hharm Let's just hope a cure comes soon cause I for one hate being in bed sick and I don't need to lose any more weight the last thing I need or want is Lassiter on my ass again *he picks up the phone and order's soup* Sorry I'm going to have to lay down again, I'm glad you are here Xhex you know your like a daughter to me, and I'm very happy you and John are together *coughs more*
November 18 at 12:29pm · Like · 5
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Smiling at Tohr* I am happy to be here and be able to help, and thank you it means a lot that you feel that way about me and about John Matthew Tehrror and I being together.* Seeing that Tohr needs some rest* Well I will leave you for now and will meet with Rehvenge Rempoon today about rotation, and if you need anything please let me know.* walks out the door and pulls it shut*
Kaelyn Maynard
‎*She had left the Lexus behind a few blocks ago, with the key on the driver’s seat and the doors unlocked. All the paperwork was gone, shredded by nervous hands as she walked and now left to mingle with the other trash in the cans she found here and there outside of the scattered buildings on her way. The weather was too cool for the long sleeved shirt and soft pants she wore, not to mention the sockless feet, but at least the lining of her slippers was wool. Shivering, she looked up again, to the door she had made her way to. Her hands were bunched into fists, worrying the hem of that thin shirt, as she gave herself a mental scolding and tried to remove one, to reach the small distance and hit the button that would no doubt alert those inside to her presence. She managed instead to step nearer, and roll her shoulder into the button, flinching back when she heard a mechanical whirl, and finding herself looking up into the lens of a camera…*
Unlike · · Follow Post · November 18 at 5:11pm
You, Marissa O'Neal, Payne Bloodletter, Phury Ahgony and 8 others like this.
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*A buzz came into the nurse's station where she sat for the last hour, typing furiously trying to enter all of the notes of the last few days that had piled up. Smoothing a shaky hand over the strawberry blond fly-aways that framed her face, she stood and pulled her uniform top taught by the hem before grabbing a clipboard and walking the corridor to the front door for intake.
She trailed her fingers along the silken wallpaper that lined the hall, the textures bringing about a rush of memories of the Brotherhood's mansion, and how not only was there sickness here, at Safe Place, but there was sickness around the manse as well. She had been offering all she could to keep the work from piling up on Jane's desk, never mind trying to keep the Brothers from causing her too much hassle. Those males were demanding and completely hard-headed...definitely not taking the Doc's advice on how to better themselves and pass this virus on the wayside. With a shrug, she thought of how much easier it has been here at Safe Place managing the few patients stricken with influenza than it has been there.
Arriving before the front door, she pressed the security code into the number pad beside the door and motioned to the guard who was watching through the camera above the door frame to continue the unlocking sequence. She curled her lips into a smile, masking the weight of the day and pulled open the entrance door to find a wide-eyed female in hardly any clothing, her full lips tinged with blue, and her thin hand raking up and down the arms of her blouse. Waving an arm towards the foyer, she smiled kindly,* Hey there, much more temperate in here, please do come in.
November 18 at 5:40pm · Like · 7
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*The blast of warm air drew her from inner musings, and she looked up as she heard the sweet voice welcome her in. Grey eyes were wide indeed as she took in her surrounds and shuffled her way inside. For a moment her hands paused on her arms, no longer warming, and her fingers moved, as if she would reach out and touch the walls, to see if there was really a texture there. She managed to keep them to herself, though, and turned instead, to that she stood facing the female whom had allowed her the warmth of this supposed Safe Place.
There was a strain on her face, one that Kaelyn herself knew well, as she seemed to have tucked her worries away for the moment. She watched as the female moved once the door had shut, stepping further in herself. There was no weakness there, or favoring. And she was dressed in a uniform that fit too snuggly for someone who may have been hiding injury or soreness. She allowed herself a deep breath then, pulling in the warm air and feeling her arms start up again, hands rubbing and pausing of their own accord. She hit the burn on her arm, but it was feeling much better by now, and so she knew it was healing decently. Thank goodness she had fed recently… she looked up at the female again, and blinked away her own thoughts, managing new ones. It took a few moments, and she found her gaze focused on dark blonde hair that had no doubt been neater at some point, and wondered briefly what her own brunette tresses looked like. A mess, no doubt. She fought that down and forced her throat clear, swallowed, and tried again. Low and rough, she jumped, not recognizing her own once soft voice. * This is it, then? Safety?
November 18 at 5:53pm · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*The incandescence of the lights above allowed her a better opportunity to rake her eyes and assess the female before her. Comfortably fitting garments, though name brand and of the most recent season, manicured eyebrows and nails. Those observations left her with the assumption the female came not from a lower-class civilian household, but one that was ok in the dwindling economy of the human world. As she brought her eyes back up to the female's, she noticed a slight vacancy, but that was common with the Mahmen's and other females who often ended up here. Slowly nodding her head at the question, she motioned for her to follow to a set of plush sitting chairs.* You are most definitely safe here. *Taking a seat and watching as the female hesitantly lowered herself, and she recognized the female's slight wince as her thighs met the seat, and made a mental note to check the back of her thighs and calves if she could talk the female into an examination sometime in the future. She warmed her facial expression and offered her hand in greeting,* Let's just start this simply. I'm Ehlena.
November 18 at 6:07pm · Like · 6
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*She could but stare at the hand a moment, before looking back up at the female offering it. It was so genuine, this simple gesture, and she took it for that, wrapping her own hand, her grip so weak today, around it, and squeezing a moment, not wanting to let it go, as if it would all dematerialize and she would wake in her mated bed the moment she released it. She heard the name and repeated it to herself, both mentally and physically. The female was smiling at her still, brows not quite yet raised, waiting. And she had to think. Kaelyn. It was a simple name, but a long one, and always shortened here or there. She could not make up a name, for she knew she would never answer to it, and the game would be lost, nor could she stand the thought of being called Lyn… Rhyker had called her Lyn, and their families too. Here she was a new person, a new beginning, until they found out… but there was a while until she had to worry about his family, or the consequences of leaving as she had and so she shook herself out of it, quite literally, and felt only more warmth as she noticed that none of this seemed strange to Ehlena, who sat so composed before her, having folded her hands loosely in her lap. She barely noticed her own hands, wrapped again in fists about the hem of her own shirt.* Kael.
November 18 at 6:15pm · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon Nice to meet you. *She watched Kaelyn's seemingly - yet most likely subconsciously - nervous habit of playing with the hem of her tee. She pulled the clipboard from where she had wedged it between her thigh and the arm of the chair and pulled a pen from the mess that was her bun at the back of her head. She turned the clipboard to keep everything out in the open, as she usually had to do with most females who came to Safe Place, so Kael could see the intake form as she explained the minimal information she would need to be able to grab her a bedroom for the night.* Safe Place is just as you mentioned when you first entered, Kael,* she paused to smile and to watch to see if Kael was giving off any type of reaction and was pleased to see gray eyes lowering to the clipboard to gaze over it,* it is safe here. From whatever you sought to run from, if you're even running. I need to gather a bit of information from you for the start of a file, and only minimal background details, that is, if you're comfortable to share them with me at this time, so we can get you into a room so you can rest,* she tilted her head and absentmindedly curled a loose strand of her own hair as she said this,* and cleaned up a bit. Is that ok?
November 18 at 6:26pm · Like · 5
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*When she looked up, Ehlena was smiling at her again, and she processed quickly. Safe, room, clean. Her stomach rumbled, not for food, but at the thought of being questioned. Looking at the page again, she saw the questions blurr, and so looked up and found kind eyes, and knew she would not be pushed. Her mind was fogging up again, as it had when she had left the house, and she tried to shake it off, forcing her hands to still and uncurl from her abused shirt, smoothing it, going over what had been said. Running. While she was, indeed, escaping her past, not once had she moved with any haste once she had left the house. She would not think of the dash into the basement.
There had been no mention of an exam, but she had the feeling that at some point a doctor would be in here, looking her over, as he no doubt looked over the other occupants of this Safe Place. Shuddering, she swallowed a few times, trying to push away the revulsion she suddenly felt at the idea of a male examining her. She saw the quick frown disappear off of the other female’s face as she focused away from the clipboard again, and realized that she had shuddered quite visibly. She offered a shy almost smile then, and nodded slightly, indicating the list. When she spoke, she was surprised to find her voice relatively clear and calm.* Rest sounds wonderful.
Qhuinn Lohstrong
‎*The sound of the shutters rising for the night woke him from the dead sleep he had been in. Biting back a yawn he threw his legs over the edge of the bed and sat there staring at the carpeted floor. He hated to admit it but he felt lonely, he was watching everyone around him find someone and there he was stuck being, fuck he wasn't even sure what he was anymore. Throwing off his thoughts, he pushed himself off the bed and walked into the adjoining bathroom. He was on edge and needed to do something to get rid of the tension that snaked through his body.*
Gorillaz - On Melancholy Hill
New track from the upcoming Album "Plastic Beach", my favourite so far. Enjoy and buy the Album coming out March 8th in EU and 9th in US.
Like · · Share · November 19 at 7:51am ·
Cormia Ahgony, Layla Chosen, Pheonia Chosen and 6 others like this.
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Stepping into the shower he ignored the sting from the cold water, ignored the hardon that begged for his attention and washed himself off mechanically. Stepping out he grabbed a towel and dried off his body as he walked back into his bedroom. Pulling on his sweats, muscle top and running shoes, he left his bedroom and walked down the quiet hallway, the buzz of a vacuum sounding somewhere in the distance. Jogging down the stairs, he opened the door to the Training Center and walked into the gym, glad it was empty as he hit play on he stereo.*
November 19 at 7:55am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Members of the family were dropping around him with the Flu but so far, he had been spared from it. A small cough but nothing that he needed to see Jane over, he figured it was the amount of drugs pumped into him during the time he spent in the Isolation Room. Flicking on the running machine, he stepped onto it, cranking the speed up to a hard jog, his feet pounding over covering as he sang along with the music. Sweat ran in rivers down his back, the material of his shirt sticking to his body as he ran on, ignoring the miles that were quickly clocking up. He ran until the muscles of his thighs burned, until his breath tore out of him*
November 19 at 8:01am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Slamming his hand down on the stop button, he sagged over the arm of the machine, his breath rushing out of him in hard pants. Stepping off his legs wobbled and he reached out for a towel, wiping the sweats from his face and slinging it around his neck. Sitting down on the bench, his elbows on his knees and his hands hanging loose between his legs as he fought to catch his breath. Reaching for the bottle of water beside him, he took a long drink and got to his feet again, his legs once more supporting him. Leaving the gym, he walked back through the tunnel and into the mansion, up the stairs and back into his room.*
November 19 at 8:05am · Like · 6
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Taking another shower, he walked back into the bedroom and stretched out across the bed, a towel slung around his hips, the bottle of Herradura he had grabbed off the bedside unit held in his hand. Uncapping it, he lifted his head and took a mouthful of the tequila, holding it in his mouth then slowly letting it trickle down the back of his throat the faint burn drawing a smile to his face. Resting his head back, he closed his eyes and willed the stereo to life*
Blaylock Rocke
‎*Walking down the empty hallway, he paused while a coughing fit overtook his body. Fuck, he was tired of being ill. And to make matters worse, he had gotten Saxton ill as well. All his lover had tried to do was help him, and this was how he re payed the kindness. Another coughing spell over took him and he doubled over, resting his palms on the cool walls. And if that wasn't enough, his stomach growled as a wave of nausea rolled through him. Groaning, he slid down the wall and rested his head on his bent knees. This was not how he had planned to spend the evening. Another wave of nausea hit him hard and he prayed to the scribe virgin that what little food he had consumed a few hours ago stayed down.*
Unlike · · November 17 at 10:54pm ·
You, Anna Miller, Elizabeth Randall, No'One Sampsone and 6 others like this.
Saxton Thym ‎*He woke to find Blaylock gone, he sat up and immediately started coughing. His ribs and stomach ached from the coughing fits he had been having. He shivered and pulled the comforter back up, he missed Blay's warmth. Wrinkling his nose he caught a whiff of himself, he needed a shower. Throwing back the comforter he slowly swung his legs over the side of the bed. He clutched his aching stomach, he slid out of bed and stood up. His grabbed the bedside table as he felt his legs wobble, he steadied himself then holding the bed for support he moved slowly. Once past the bed he took his time to get to the bathroom, he only just made it before he felt the nausea flooding through him. He grabbed the side of the toilet and promptly threw up, he grimaced as his stomach cramped and heaved. There was no food left in there, he hadn't eaten for a while. His insides burned, his eyes watered and his head pounded. He lay there supported by the toilet, he closed his eyes and rested. The shower would have to wait a while longer*
November 19 at 6:03am · Like · 3
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Shit, he just needed to go back to bed. To hell with finding food. Didn't think it would stay down anyway. Making his way back to the room, using the wall as a support, he stumbled in. Saxton was no longer where he had left him, in the bed burrowed deep in the blankets. He glanced towards the open bathroom door in time to hear his lover evacuating his stomach contents. He hated the fact that he was ill. Hated himself even more because he caused it.* Saxton, you alright? Can I get you anything? * He walked in the bathroom and went to his lovers side.*
November 19 at 4:40pm · Like · 3
Saxton Thym ‎*He looked up and saw Blaylock, he reached for him* I'm just tired I threw up but didn't have the energy to move. I wanted a shower and rather stupidly thought I would be able to manage it. I am afraid that I may not smell too fresh, I wanted to freshen up for you. *He gently squeezed his hand* I feel like I have let you down.
November 19 at 5:00pm · Like · 3
Blaylock Rocke ‎*He managed to smile warmly at his love.* You could never let me down. You amaze me each day with the amount of love that you show me. * He reached down and brushed a dampened strand of hair from his lover's forehead. Sax's skin had a fine sheen of cold sweat that clung to his hand as he pulled away. His brow furrowed with worry for his love. Bending down, he wrapped his arms around Sax's rib cage and lifted him up. Quelling his own need to vomit for now, he picked up the smaller male and carried him back to bed.* You just need to rest. A shower can wait.
November 19 at 5:08pm · Like · 3
Saxton Thym ‎*His lovers touch was so light, it set his skin on fire. His words touched his heart, he felt loved and cared for. He rested his head on Blay's shoulder as he carried him back to their bed. He felt guilty about having to be carried back to bed, he knew his lover was sick too. Once he was on the bed he cupped Blaylock's face* I don't deserve someone as wonderful as you but I am glad that we are together.
November 19 at 5:30pm · Like · 3
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Laying him gently on the bed, he climbed in next to him. Pulling Sax close to his chest, he wrapped his arms around him tightly.* Sleep now my love and get better. I can't bear for you to suffer like this. You are my world and it is I that doesn't deserve you. * He willed his stomach to be still if only for a minute, just long enough for Sax to fall asleep. He knew that this love needed him to be strong. And he would do anything for him.*
November 19 at 5:35pm · Like · 3
Saxton Thym ‎*He felt safe in Blaylock's strong arms, he closed his eyes and listened to his breathing. It was ragged, they were both ill, he hated being sick. He needed to be the one to take care of his lover not the other way around. He knew Blaylock was putting a brave face on for him and trying not to show how sick he was feeling. He felt himself slipping deeper into sleep, he rested his hand on his lovers strong chest. His skin was smooth and perfect, he thanked the Analise Scribe Virgin for giving Blay to him. He would make sure Blaylock knew how special he was and what he meant to him*
November 19 at 5:55pm · Like · 3
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Feeling Sax's breathing even out, he knew that he was falling asleep. He coughed lightly and tried not to disturb him. He needed to take care of his love and he felt like he was failing. Groaning softly, he again held back the waves of nausea that rolled through his body. Murmuring softly into Sax's hair, he closed his eyes.* Night my love, rest yourself.I will keep you safe.
Cormia Ahgony
‎*She walked down the stairs, headed to the kitchen to see what was taking the Chosen so long with the food. As much as she didn't want to leave her hellren's side, she knew he NEEDED to eat to regain his strength. This flu that was going around the Brotherhood was nothing to be taken lightly. She walked into the kitchen and was surprised to see Layla sweeping up quite a mess. She listened as Layla explained to her that the mess was made when she and No’No'One tried to make the jello. They finally succeeded with the jello when Xhex came to the rescue. Layla also explained that they were still waiting for Pheonia Chosen to make the chicken soup for the brothers. She thanked Layla for all of their hard work, and stepped over the glass to get to the refrigerator, to grab the jello and a bottle of water for Phury. She rushed back to their room, to check on her hellren and see if she could convince him to eat something. As she closed their door, she heard him stirring.*
Unlike · · November 19 at 8:01pm ·
You, Bella Ahgony, Xhex Tehrror, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 8 others like this.
Phury Ahgony ‎*He was dreaming of his twin. the morning sun was burning them as they fell off the cliffs, the ocean water rolling off his his skin. the waves tossing him about the bed as he slept fitfully and great racks of coughing shook his huge body. Something else was wrong as well. He was missing something. Zee was not there. He had lost him. Someone else was missing as well. Inside the cave where he floated he landed in a field of jasmine that gave him a great ache in his heart. Something was missing. He needed his brother and he needed...suddenly the flowers began to give off a scent. He called out loudly for his twin. Wondering where he was and if he was all right...*
November 19 at 8:15pm · Like · 9
Cormia Ahgony ‎*As she walked further into the room, she saw him begin to thrash about and heard him call out for Zee. She quickly set the food & drink on the nightstand, and went over to him. She touched him lightly on his arm.* My love, it is only me. I’ve brought you a little something to eat, and some water to drink. *She pulled some pillows from off the floor, where he had knocked them with all his thrashing, and placed them around him, then gently helped him to a sitting position, and brought the jello and water over to him* Here Nallum, please try to eat.
November 19 at 8:28pm · Like · 9
Phury Ahgony ‎*That's what was wrong, his lewlhen was missing. Her touch was so cool on his fevered skin, her voice like the Scribe-Virgin's birds in his ears*
November 19 at 8:41pm · Like · 10
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November 19 at 8:41pm · Like · 9
Phury Ahgony ‎*struggled to follow the directions of his shellan, sitting up like a leftover marionette at an old fashioned harlequin play his limbs akimbo with the pillows neatly returned to his bed*I will try nalla He croaked out hoarsely* but how is mine twin? Is he ill? I must know.
November 19 at 9:49pm · Like · 8
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She heard him ask about his twin and was hesitant to tell him that Zee was feeling like death warmed over. Phury wasn't looking much better himself. She wondered if moving his twin in here with him would perhaps help them both heal quicker. She quickly sent a text to Bella ~Just thinking, perhaps Zee & Phury should be in the same room. Some twin mojo might help them both. Let me know. Mia.~ and hit send.* Zee is sick, and not feeling well, as are most of the brothers. *She held a spoonful of jello to his lips* Please eat, my love.
November 19 at 9:58pm · Like · 10
Phury Ahgony His heart sunk to hear the words. Looking at Mia's frightened eyes he opened his mouth to accept the jello and immediately spit it back out* What the hell is this? there is glass in it?
November 20 at 7:01pm · Like · 4
Cormia Ahgony ‎*Her mouth dropped open into an o* Glass? Surely the Chosen would have noticed that. *She grabbed the jello from him, set it back on the nightstand and opened the bottle of water for him.* Here, drink this. At least we know it's safe.
November 20 at 7:07pm · Like · 4
Phury Ahgony ‎*He could only remember being this thirsty two times before. When his twin and he had escaped from that bitch mistress and when Z had brought him to the brotherhood on his deathbed from fever. He had to see his brother. He greedily drank from the bottle held in his shellans delicate hand until it was empty and then began trying to drag his body out of the bed. Usually when they mated, the bed wasn't big enough but now it was massive, the size of a football field, he must see his twin though and make sure he was ok. *
November 20 at 7:19pm · Like · 4
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She turned to place the empty water bottle on the nightstand, and when she turned around, she saw Phury trying to pull himself out of bed.* Ummmm....where do you think you're headed? A bottle of water is so not enough for you to think you're going for a stroll. Plus, you still need to rest. *She gently pushed him back into the bed and arranged his pillows once more.* Now, is there anything else you need? The Chosen are supposed to working on some chicken soup, and as soon as that's done, I will be bringing you a bowl.
November 20 at 7:24pm · Like · 4
Phury Ahgony I need to go see Z *as he began trying to crawl out of bed again, annoyed that all his energy just expended was wasted* I need to make sure he is ok, *the damn pillows were in his way again and so on he floor they went* that is what i need, I don't need soup, or rest, i just need to see my brother and spend time with my son* bearing up as much energy as he didn't really have* i am fine, just have a little bit of I don't know what. If I were really sick Doc Jane would have come to check on me. *Scribe Virgin in the fade he hoped she was buying this because he didn't even have the energy to repeat himself*
November 20 at 7:39pm · Like · 3
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She shook her head as he messed up all the pillows she had JUST arranged, and continued to try to crawl out of bed* Ugh....all of you males are so stubborn. I sent a text to Bella, and I believe Zee is going to be moving in here with you. So you guys can work your twin mojo and heal quicker. *She, once again, picked the pillows up from the floor, and arranged them in the bed. She pushed him to lay back in the nest of pillows. She could see he was exhausted, even if he was too macho to admit it.* Please Nallum, rest. You are sick with a nasty flu. It will make me feel better if you just lay here and relax. Please....for me?
November 20 at 7:48pm · Like · 4
Phury Ahgony ‎*He looked again ino her jade colored eyes and knew he was defeated. He would rest for just a little bit and ry again. maybe while she was sleeping he would have the energy. * Ok Nalla, come lay with me. that will make me feel better * He opened his arms weakly and hoped he could put her to sleep. As soon as she was beside him he started drifting off again dreaming of fields of jasmine.....*
Jane Bloodletter
‎*She sat down in her office in the Training Center and gave a low sigh. She was sure she had spent more time here than anywhere else in the past week or more, the grey walls seeming to close in on her. She needed to get outside for some air, anything to clear her head and giving her new insight as to what she was looking at. Clicking her tongue for Pyro, she left the office and walked up through the tunnel, instead of going into the mansion, she turned into the tunnel for the garage and opened up the heavy door.
Tucking her hands deep into the pockets of her white coat, she wandered out onto the large lawn that dipped away almost out of sight. Slipping her shoes off, she caught them up in one hand and slowly padding through the damp grass, smiling as she watched her pup run through the flower beds and nose into a bush*
Like · · Share · Monday at 7:14am ·
Ehlena Rempoon, Phury Ahgony, Linda Hofsten and 4 others like this.
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Sinking down beneath a tree, she rested her back against it, drawing her knees up and wrapping her slender arms around them. Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly and relaxed. She wanted to go back over the files again with a fine tooth comb with Manuel and Ehlena. They had to be able to come up with some sort of vaccination, or something that would aid the Warriors in their recovery. She laughed quietly as Pyro ran up to her, nudging his small head against her leg until she lifted him up against her chest, rubbing her cheek against him* You would think a mean little thing like you would be out there chasing rabbits or who knows what, but no you would rather sniff at flowers and be cuddled by me *She lowered her voice to a whisper* I prefer the cuddles too. *Finally relaxed, her mind clear, she looked up the moon and smiled contently*
No'One Sampsone
‎*She was in her room in the mansion, it was beautifully decorated. It had a warmth about it, this was a place of peaceful rest. She moved to the curious box that Cormia had said was a stereo, she pushed the buttons then the most beautiful sound she had ever heard drifted from the box. Their voices were angelic, so pure. She closed her eyes and let the music lull her. She felt at peace*
The Choirboys - Pie Jesu
♪ The Choirboys ♪ Ben Inman, Patrick, CJ The best album ever  o(^-^)o Ecce Homo Tears in Heaven Panis Angelicus Do You Hear What I Hear? (feat. Hayley Westen...
Saxton Thym
‎*He awoke in the arms of his lover, he had no idea how long he had slept. He looked up at Blay's beautiful face, he was sleeping but looked pale. He ran his hands over his strong hard chest and inhaled his scent, he would never get enough of being with Blaylock. He coughed and winced his stomach muscles still ached, yet another wave of nausea hit him. He closed his eyes and gulped, the last thing he needed was to vomit on his lover. He breathed through his nose and out through his mouth, it seemed to help him. The nausea left him, he laid his head back on Blay's chest and closed his eyes once more. he felt useless, he was supposed to be looking after his lover, now it was the other way around. They were both in no fit state to do anything. He made his mind up that as soon as they were fit again he would take his lover away for a break. He had planned to do that but the flu had other ideas*
Unlike · · Monday at 12:38pm ·
You, Patricia Wonderspirit, Nikki Brauer, Blaylock Rocke and 10 others like this.
Blaylock Rocke ‎*Feeling his lover stir, he wrapped his arms tightly around Saxton. His fingers gently caressing his lovers back. He should be taking care of him when he was ill, not the other way around. His stomach rolled and clenched. He turned away and tried to calm the waves that were coursing through his body. Holding his breath, he seemed to quell the urge to vomit for now. Gripping Saxton to his chest, he closed his eyes and tried to sleep.*
No'One Sampsone
‎*She had learned quite a few things since being in the mansion, not to look directly into a toaster. It hurt when the hot bread shot up and hit you in the face, making jello was not as easy as it appeared on the packet. She had also learned that cooking oil was very slippery and should not be spilled onto the floor at all costs. She now faced a huge challenge, she had been asked to make a pot of tea and take it up to Saxton and Blaylock. She had never made tea before, luckily Cormia was incredibly patient and had shown her many times how to make it. She boiled the kettle then added the tea bags to the teapot, poured in the water and set the lid on. gathering everything she needed she set them on a tray. She found some cookies and added them to the tray. She took a deep breath, picked up the tray and slowly but carefully climbed the stairs careful not to spill any.*
Like · · Monday at 3:29pm ·
Saxton Thym, Layla Chosen, Julian Alexander and 4 others like this.
No'One Sampsone ‎*She walked along the landing noting how unusually quiet it was, there would normally be doggen going about their working day but they too were stricken with the flu. She arrived at Saxton and Blaylocks room, she set the tray down on the floor and knocked on the door. She heard a voice telling her to enter, she opened the door picked up the tray and walked in*
Monday at 3:32pm · Like · 5
Saxton Thym ‎*He heard a knock on the door and told whoever it was to enter. He was surprised to see No'One with a tray. He smiled as best he could at her* Hello No 'One thank you for this, I appreciate it, I am afraid I am not well enough to help myself to refreshments and food. *He watched as she carefully poured a hot cup of tea and place cookies on the saucer edge*
Monday at 3:42pm · Like · 5
No'One Sampsone ‎*She smiled back at him* It is nothing I am happy to help, we have been brought in to help where we can. *She poured the tea careful not to spill any of it then placed the cookies on the side of the saucer. So far so good, she let out a breath she was nervous. She didn't want to mess up again. Carefully and slowly she walked towards him, she hadn't spilled one drop into the saucer. She began to relax, as she got to the beside she caught her foot on the rug. She suddenly lurched forward, to her horror the cup flew out of her hand and landed right into Saxton's lap*
Monday at 3:50pm · Like · 4
Saxton Thym ‎*He watched as she tripped, the cup flying out of her hands. He sat there motionless unable to react in time as the cup and hot liquid landed in his lap. He let out a scream as the liquid soaked through his pajama bottoms. *He looked up to see No 'One with her hands over her mouth, she looked as horrified as he was*
Monday at 3:55pm · Like · 4
No'One Sampsone ‎*She heard him scream as the hot tea landed on him, she covered her mouth unable to speak. She looked around to see if there was a cloth she could use, she ran to the bathroom and found a towel. She rushed back to the bed, Saxton was trying to move his pajama bottoms. She went to wipe where the tea was but thought better of it, she handed the towel to him instead. She kept trying to apologize but didn't think he had heard her*
Monday at 4:01pm · Like · 4
Saxton Thym ‎*He was trying his best not to swear, his manhood hurt like hell. She had not meant to burn him it had been a simple accident. He watched as she went to wipe the tea away, he gently wafted her hand. He took the towel from her instead and tried to dry himself. He could hear her apologizing, he felt bad for her. He looked up and tried to smile. He asked her to go into the drawers and fetch him another pair of pajama bottoms*
Monday at 4:05pm · Like · 4
No'One Sampsone ‎*She went to look for his pajama bottoms, she was glad she didn't have to look at him. It was obvious he was in pain and she had caused it. She found what she was looking for a returned to him, handing them to him she took the towel from him. She quickly turned away so he could change out of his wet clothes. Once he had changed she took the wet garments from him and placed them on the tray. She looked at him unsure of what to do or say next* Would you like another cup if tea? I would be more than happy to pour you another one.
Monday at 4:09pm · Like · 4
Saxton Thym ‎*He changed from his wet pajamas it felt good, at least he was no longer burning. He almost choked when she offered to pour him another cup of tea* No thank you No 'One I think I will pass. I am rather tired so I think I will sleep again. *He felt bad for her she had tried her best to help him. He watched her pick up they tray and leave. He hoped she didn't burn anyone else, he wasn't sure if having the chosen help was such a good thing they seemed rather accident prone*
Kaelyn Maynard
‎*She had decided that this had been a good idea after all. The room was a soothing mix of pastels, with a bed too small to remind her of her mated one, and two plush chairs that were now shoved up against the door, for her peace of mind. It was nothing like home, where she dared not rearranging anything, not even the spice rack only she used. While nightmares had kept her awake most of the day, she could relax in the knowledge that they were merely that. No one survived the heat of the sun. She shuddered a moment, pulling the fleece turtleneck she had found in her new closet closer to herself, and looking around the little room again, forcing her train of thought to a different place. She would need things, to keep her occupied, her hands and her mind. Yarn, needles, hooks. Counting stitches would give her something to do, and in this cold weather the females and their young no doubt would appreciate a few scarves. She could not remain and do nothing… perhaps they needed assistance in the kitchens. She was no good with young, not having had…No, she would not go there. Yarn, yes yarn. As she stood, in order to shuffle into her slippers and perhaps go exploring, she heard a knock on the door, and moved quickly to pull back the chairs, hearing Ehlena’s voice calling her name as she tried the knob.*
Unlike · · Monday at 12:44pm ·
You, Linda von H, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 2 others like this.
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*It had been a particularly long night shift, and unfortunately so, she was now to remain and work the day shift because one of the other staffers fell with the flu - despite her vaccination earlier in the month. After entering a few new resident's information into the database, she found herself with a few spare minutes and decided to make rounds. As she passed by rooms on the second floor, smiling at the mahmen's sleeping silently with her young, she came upon the newcomer's, Kaelyn, room, and decided to check in on her. She glanced down at her watch and realized it wasn't too late to knock, and did.* Kael? Hey, it's Ehlena... *Slowly turning the knob, she pushed open the door with a slight hesitation, not to startle her if she was, indeed, asleep.
She found Kaelyn clutching her arms about her chest, her fingers idly thumbling over the sleeve hems of the turtle neck that she left - the female was her size and she had brought in a few things from her penthouse nights ago to leave for her. With a steady hand, she waved then smoothed her hair back off her face.* Did I wake you?
Monday at 12:50pm · Like · 3
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*Shaking her head, she nudged at one of the seats with a foot, and gestured with shoulder and elbow, hands too busy still working the fabric. As Ehlena sat for a moment, looking a bit worn out for the day, she took the other chair, releasing the fabric of her sleeves and moving her hands to the hem of the shirt itself where they balled into fists.* No, not at all. *Giving a glance around the room, she noted the pile of clothing on the floor that she never wanted to see again, and the bed she had made up hours ago. Sleep? Who needed sleep… She drew her gaze back to Ehlena, who was looking down at her clipboard with half lidded eyes, and lifted a hand off of her shirt to smooth her own hair, which was in a much neater braid today. Apparently, this young female did.* Though, if I may, you seem as if you could use some rest yourself.
Monday at 1:04pm · Like · 3
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She met the Kaelyn's eyes and gave her a lazy smile,* Rest? What is that? *She laid her clipboard across her lap and leaned back into the chair, exhaling a breath that clearly expressed her exhaustion. If the female hadn't already noticed, she would have played as if she were as perky as a puppy. Motioning for Kaelyn to sit, as well, she said softly,* how are you faring, Kael? I have put in word for my friend Jane *she decided to not mention Jane was the resident doctor, recalling Kaelyn's apprehension at a mere mention of an examination during her admittal days ago* to stop by sometime soon to meet you when she is free of her stressors at home - and trust me it's piled pretty high for her, at the moment. *She made a mental note to text Jane later on and let her know she'd be at the Brotherhood mansion all day tomorrow, then nodded as she watched Kaelyn finally quit fidgeting and sit on the corner of the bed. She pulled her hair free of it's plait and shook out her soft strawberry curls as she spoke,* Also, I see you found the clothes I left for you... Hope they fit ok.
Monday at 7:01pm · Like · 3
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*She glanced down at the clothing. Hers? That explained the way the scent had soothed her, as this female had since the moment she had arrived. She supposed, looking Ehlena over now, that they were near the same size, perhaps the same age, as well. She felt so much older, though, than this young female who held up so well under the pressure of all the work she no doubt had to do at this place. And was she mated? Did she return home to a hellren and have to start the work all over again? Looking up again, she found her gaze caught by fingers working hair, and the way the different hued strands blended so well into that strawberry blonde. * It fits just fine, thank you… very much. *Continuing to watch the other female play with her hair, she found for a moment that her own hands were sitting quite still. And she went over the conversation again in her head.* Jane? *She was, naturally, going to be suspicious of anyone new… but Ehlena could not possibly run this place on her own.* Is she another, ah, staff member?
Monday at 7:55pm · Like · 4
Ehlena Rempoon I'm glad the clothing fit, we seemed about the same size... and you really didn't come in with much... *She let her words trail off wondering what truly happened to this female. But she couldn't press those questions right now. She needed to become comfortable with us, and she needed a full medical evaluation. She inhaled sharply before continuing,* If there is anything more that you need, feel free to page me by using [star]4, *she pointed to a phone on the bedside table, even if I am not here it will ring to my cell phone. And yes, Jane does work here, but she's also a great friend of mine, *she paused to study Kaelyn's expression but presumably so with how she came here, it's understandable that there was none, she was completely deadpanned. Leaning forward, she placed her elbows on her knees towards the bed to grasp Kaelyn's too still hand in her own, inwardly she frowned at the cool temperature, but hid it,* I know we don't know each other too well, but I'm hoping we can rectify that in time... *With a small, pleading smile,* is it too much for me to ask that you trust me about Jane? I assure you that she will not disappoint you... and neither will I.
Monday at 10:53pm · Like · 3
Kaelyn Maynard ‎*She jumped in slight surprise at the sudden warmth that was Ehlena’s hand on hers. And somehow she even managed not to jerk it back, away, to her lap and presumed safety. Trust. She could have laughed, had she found it in her. Trust was not something she remembered well, but… this was a new start, no? And how better to begin than to trust this female… and Jane, well, at least it was another female.* I have… money. My own, I could, if… if someone could go out, I could make a list, and… no longer need to borrow. I can provide… for myself. *She sighed, looking down at the hand touching hers. For a while, at least, she could. Her personal accounts were not limitless, as his had seemed. But they were free of him, unlinked and unknown about by his family. And perhaps she could help out with some of the others here, for while it seems that they had thought ahead to pack, or were, perhaps, not escaping their former lives as thoroughly as she, they no doubt could use monetary assistance.*
Pheonia Chosen
‎*After spending the last few days (attempting) cooking, cleaning, and helping with the other homemaking duties about the mansion since the doggen had all fallen ill, she finally found herself with a few spare minutes. She walked up the grand staircase, her hair back off her face in a neat plait, her robe laden with sweat, flour (from an earlier try at baking bread), and dust. Upon reaching the second floor, she moved to a large bay window and glanced towards the heavens, and said silently, she prayed to the Scribe for healing and for the betterment of this stead, for the many ill and sent wishes for them to be well. Gathering her soiled robe in her small palms and moving down the hallway towards her chamber to change, she heard thrashing and a groaning further down. Curiosity claimed her, and she followed the sound to the entrance of Master Muhrder's chamber.
It had been many days since her last visit with the ex-Brother, but in that time she had indeed thought of him from time to time. He was not as she expected back on that day when she was brought to him to use her vein...nor was he as she expected when she met with him to ask him as to why he turned her away that very day. With a tilt of her head and a questioning raise of her eyebrow, she sniffed her own robe to be sure it wasn't too displeasing, and softly knocked on his door.* Master Muhrder? 'Tis Pheonia... *Her voice was barely audible, but she knew he would hear. She swallowed when she heard another groan, and her heart raced. Was he ok? She knew the household was sick, but she hadn't heard much of him since that day. Without hearing him answer she pushed open his door and stepped in, quickly lowering to a bow in greeting before even gaining a mere glance at him.*
Like · · Monday at 11:58pm ·
Bella Ahgony, Cormia Ahgony, Linda von H and 3 others like this.
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*The chills raking his body like he had an ice bath. He kept trying to get comfortable, but it was to no avail. He groaned as he tossed one way, and moaned low as he turned the other. At the sound of a tiny voice in his room, he lifted his head and growled at the throbbing pain.* Pheonia, I am ill. You may not want *cough* to come closer. *he grabbed a tissue and blew his nose*
Tuesday at 12:02am · Like · 4
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Was that his voice? Raising to full height, she stepped hesitantly closer,* You sound as though *she paused trying to think of the human phrase, then gave a small smile,* you have eaten a frog and that it is trapped in your throat! And please, do not worry, according to Mistress Jane, I am...immune. *She moved closer again, and couldn't help but laugh when she saw pieces of tissue stuck in his days of stubble along his jaw. She lifted one of her fingers to the same spot on her jaw, and nudged her head hoping he would understand.* Verily there is something I may fetch for you? To help comfort you?
Tuesday at 12:09am · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*He scrunched his face at her gesture* Something on my face? *He brushes his jaw, and felt tissue.* I woul;d have washed and dressed had I known you were coming here, but I am ill and could care less right now. *Like a child, he pulled up the blankets. In a small voice he asked a simple question.* Can I have some ice water?
Tuesday at 12:11am · Like · 3
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She gave him a nod, bowed, and left without a word to head back down to the kitchen, from where she just came, to fetch him the ice water as requested. On her way down the staircase, she wondered why he would care to be washed a dressed, she was also in unsanitary robes. She shrugged, and pushed open the swinging door and entered the lavish kitchen. She pulled over a chair to climb to the tall cabinet for a glass, then filled it with ice and water from the fixtures on the door of the cooler.
She moved to exit, but had a quick thought to rummage the pantry for chicken soup, as she's heard that is a food item that many enjoy to eat when sick. Finding a can of Campbell's, she grinned like a cat and tucked it into her robe pocket, and hurried back to his chamber with the glass in hand.
She entered his room slowly and walked over to his bedside, finding him now upright and his long black and red hair pulled back into a pony tail off of his handsome face.* Here you are, Master Muhrder. *Her voice was quiet, as it had been every she has spoken to him, and she handed him the glass. She turned from him and lowered her head,* Mistress Jane has said those ill must eat. Have you eaten, sire? *Her hand dropped into her pocket and she gripped the can without pulling it out.*
Tuesday at 12:54am · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone No I haven't since, hmm, maybe a day or so. *He had gotten up to wash nd shave his face and comb his hair. He felt he should look his best for this creature and was deeply embarrassed at his appearance,* I could try soup maybe, I don't know. Thank you. *He took a healthy drink and leaned back*
Tuesday at 12:56am · Like · 3
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Turning her head to look at him over her shoulder, she slightly blushed, wondering if he was able to read her thoughts. Soup? She had soup in her pocket! She whipped around on her feet, pulling the can out to hand to him, but tripped on her robe, and a gasp escaped her lips as she watched - in an eerie slow motion - as the can left her fingers and flew through the air hurling towards him. She landed in a heap on the floor beside his bed and knocked her face against the frame of the bed, bloodying her lip.* Oh dearest Scribe!!
Tuesday at 1:09am · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Catching the can, his eye went wide as she hit the bed. Her lip was now split open and bleeding. He rushed to her and picked her up, heading for the bathroom.* Are you alright? *He sat her on the closed toilet and studied the split. Wetting a cloth, he dabbed at the blood holding her chin. He paused and met her eyes.* Pheonia?
Tuesday at 1:12am · Like · 3
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her cheeks must have matched the color of her blood, the heat they were exuded promised her so. Blinking a few times to remove the haze from her stare, she surveyed her surroundings and found herself before Muhrder, his large calloused fingers against her chin, his peach eyes narrowed in concern. What happened? Hearing her name, seeing the bloodied towel in his other hand, she couldn't help but feel the embarrassment of the situation as it all came back to her. She pulled from his grasp and raised her hands over her face.* You are ill, sire, do not tend to me, I will be ok. *She pushed his overwhelmingly large shoulders to try to snake from her place atop the toilet, but he didn't budge and she mewled in discontent. Would she ever be able to not embarrass herself? Sighing, her voice quiet as usual,* Please sire, allow me to help you back to your sleeping platform, you must rest.
Tuesday at 1:24am · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Seeing her lip bleed, brought his hunger to the surface. He thought one taste and all would be ok. He leaned in, and licked her wound. On a soft growl, he shut his eyes and rested his head on her shoulder, whispering in the old language* "Forgive me, Chosen. For you are resplendent, and I have not fed." *He lifted his head and looked into her eyes*
Tuesday at 1:27am · Like · 3
Pheonia Chosen Ver-verily you must not ap-apologize. *She swallowed roughly, and brought a shaking hand up to her lip, it was warm and wet not only with her blood but from his tongue. She couldn't keep his stare, her eyes closed and she swayed, she had never felt... her voice squeaked,* 'tis thy mistake...I... *For the first time since she had been on this Far Side, she was speechless.*
Tuesday at 1:35am · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone It's ok, Phe. Can I call you that? *He dabbed her lip and never took his eyes from hers. A soft smile lit his eyes as he placed a small kiss against her lip, now swelling and puffy.* You need ice, my dear. There, all cleaned up. *He stood and swayed.* Care to help me? I seem to be a bit woozy.
Tuesday at 1:39am · Like · 3
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She could only nod at his husky voice asking her to call her by the endearment her friends referred to her. It felt as though his eyes were burning into hers, and they were. She exhaled, and went to stand, only to be taken aback when he leaned in to kiss her. A kiss. Did she really just get kissed? Her thoughts were frenzied, she still had no sense to speak. She brought a shaky hand to her lip again, and winced as she touched it - though she did not wince against his lips. Did this really just happen because of her clumsiness? Oh dearest Scribe... She listened to his rasp once more, a tenderness there, explaining she would need to ice her swollen lip. And then he stood to his full height, and she had to tilt her head back to keep his stare - and he almost lost his footing! Shooting up to her feet she clasped herself to his waist, a tingle spreading over her skin as she leaned into his body. Without a word, she helped him back to his bed.*
Tuesday at 1:59am · Like · 3
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Crawling into his bed and under his covers, he kept a hold of her tiny hand.* Sit with me until I sleep. You comfort me so. *He raised her hand to his lips and kissed it softly as he closed his eyes.*
Tuesday at 2:03am · Like · 3
Pheonia Chosen Yes, sire... *Her voice was tiny, shaky in answer. He had tasted her blood, after so many years of not having from a female, remained collected. Then he kissed her! Her...first...kiss. Oh Scribe, she couldn't wait to speak with her sisters...
Was this male really as mad as he was claimed to be? Her thoughts were jumbled, there was no thought she could decipher in her mind. It was as if she were swimming in a sea of them! She watched as he closed his eyes, and she took the opportunity to study his face, the sharp cut of his jaw, the strong yet stubborn chin, his dark lashes, the way his red and black hair laid in a pony tail leaning against the side of his neck. She took a seat on the edge of his mattress and raised a hesitant hand to wipe the bead of sweat from his hair line, then dropped her gaze to her hand in his. Surprising male.*
Phury Ahgony
‎*He was sleeping fitfully alternately burning as if the sun were disintegrating his body to ashes and freezing as if he were left in the snow. He was reminded of the time he was near death that brought his win and him into the brotherhood, his dreams were flickers of Z caring for him, worrying for him, carrying him in his fevered state. Suddenly the presence in his dream changed and he sensed Cormia. His body cried out for her blood so strongly it hurt and slowly woke him from his slumber
Unlike · · November 13 at 8:55pm ·
You, Phury Ahgony, Saxton Thym, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 8 others like this.
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She entered into their room, and saw her beautiful Hellren laying on the bed. His skin was so sickly looking, it was almost colorless. He had a light sheen of sweat on his face as well. She also noticed the tray of uneaten food beside him...
See More
November 13 at 9:08pm · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*he felt a cool hand that soothed his body on his forehead. it drew him up through his dreams and into the reality of the fever today* . Nalla *he croaked and immediately began alternately sneezing and coughing his huge body body just shaking with the effort.suddenly he felt the cramping in his stomach begin to churn * oh leelan trash can * He clamped a hand over his mouth and threw his head over he bed*
November 13 at 9:20pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She heard him croak out her name, then he was overtaken by a coughing/sneezing fit. He was looking terrible. She heard him ask for the trash can, and immediately grabbed it before he began expelling what little was in his stomach. She stood by his side, held his hair out of the way, and prayed this passed quickly.* I can sense your hunger, and I know you need to feed. Do you feel up to it, Nallum?
November 13 at 9:39pm · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*He felt the weakness in his body and wanted to be strong for his shellan,She accepted him and loved him anyway, this he knew in his heart. the only part of his body that didn't ache, He knew that he needed to feed but barely felt as if he had the strength for it. Slowly and painfully he nodded his head as he he looked deep into her jade eyes.
November 13 at 9:55pm · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She sat lightly on the bed next to him. She knew he would get more from her neck, but he was too weak to puncture her jugular. She put her wrist in front of him, and saw the pain & misery in his eyes. She brought her wrist back to her mouth, and scored it with her fangs, then brought it to his mouth* Drink, my love. Let me give you what you need.
November 13 at 10:05pm · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*he tried to break the skin of his shellan and was unable, The feelings of shame tried to creep back but he held them back. the wizard was never entirely gone. suddenly he smelled the clean fresh scent of his loves blood. While he was busy fighting with his brain she had broken her own skin for him. He still felt like Dhunhd but suddenly he was lightened. He opened his moth and felt the life giving force entering his system weakly grasped her arm feeling relieved at the contact as well, he began to suck more hungrily feeling the strength filling him. He took as much as he could and then lovingly licked her wound shut and lay his head on her arm resting a bit more at ease*
November 13 at 10:50pm · Like · 6
Cormia Ahgony ‎*After getting her hellren to feed, she slipped quietly from the bed to tidy up a bit. She noticed once again, the full tray of cold food sitting on the nightstand, and decided she must call down to Fritz and place an order for some bland food for Phury. She picked up the phone and dialed for the kitchen, hoping Fritz wasn't too busy. She was very shocked when her sister Layla answered the phone.* Sister mine, is Fritz okay? Why are you answering his phone?
November 14 at 2:56pm · Like · 5
Layla Chosen ‎*She was tiding up the kitchen. Making sure everything was in its "place", or at least where she thought items would be placed. had been given a few recipes for liquid meals that would soothe the Brother's ill stomachs from the sickness. As she read them now for the third time the kitchen telephone rang. It was her sister Cormia surprised of course that she had answered and not Fritz.* Oh dear sister, Fritz is ill as well! I am in the food chamber being of help. May I assist you sister mine?
November 14 at 3:23pm · Like · 6
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She let out a small gasp as her sister told her the news of her favorite doggen being ill.* Fritz is sick as well? I had no idea. *She lost her train of thought. So much sickness in the manse. Even the doggen were ill. And now we had Chosen in the kitchen. She shook her head to clear that thought. Nothing good could come from this, she thought with a chuckle.* Assistance? ummmm, yes. Phury is rather ill as well. I've just gotten him to feed, but he needs something else in his stomach. Perhaps some chicken soup & jello? As quickly as possible please. *She hung up the phone and looked back at her hellren, laying on the bed, resting, but definitely not peacefully.*
November 14 at 3:31pm · Like · 4
Layla Chosen ‎*Her sister informed her of the Primale's needs and she immediately held her head up high as she listened carefully to her sister's desires for her hellren's meal. Chicken soup and jello...Oh dearest Virgin, her sister had cut their conversation so rapidly she did not have time to enquire what was jello? Did she hear her correctly? Or maybe she had said chicken soup and Hello? to make sure she was listening and to emphasize the urgency?... oh my. She sighed. She did not want to disturb her sister Cormia by asking her again and seem lost.*
*She had a recipe for the "chicken soup", but she had to find out if there was anything written or available in this space that resembled the word jello, assuming that was what her sister had indeed said.*
*She went over to the cabinets. There were so many doors. Her eyes widened and she took a deep breath. She would look in each one. One by one she opened little doors. She found in one dishes of all sizes, these where used to serve the cooked food she had been told. She opened another one, their they had drinking instruments! Crystals ! There were beautiful, so many different shapes...One by one she opened and explored, and in none did she see anything jello. She sighed, she wished one of her sisters were here to help her figure this out. She wondered where her sister Pheonia was?!. Her eyes lit up as she thought about her. Oh she would be sure to be able to help her! She prayed silently to the Scribe Virgin that her sister Pheonia would come to her rescue.*
November 14 at 3:52pm · Like · 6
No'One Sampsone She walked in the kitchen and saw the mess, her sister Layla was looking forlorn. She gently placed her hand on her arm* May I be of help sister?
November 14 at 4:49pm · Like · 6
Layla Chosen ‎*She was leaning in on the counter. Her hands placed on top as her head hung down deep in thought on what she would do. She felt a hand on her arm. No'One! Help had come!* Oh dear sister ! How fare thee? I am in a bit of a mess here. The Brothers are ill as you know. We are to help around the Mansion. Cormia has just called in for chicken soup and jello? I have a recipe for the liquid meal but I do not know what jello is? Mayhap you do? * She looked into No One's eyes with much hope *
November 14 at 4:57pm · Like · 6
No'One Sampsone ‎*She smiled gently at Layla * I do not know what this Jello is you speak of but together we will find it. I will look over here. *She walked over to a silver looking appliance and pulled the handle down, it open and a blast of heat hit her in the face. She quickly closed it back up, next she moved along the counter tops. She lifted a drying cloth and there was a square object. It said jello on it, she read the instructions. Opening the contents into a bowl she turned to her sister* It says we need hot water where would we find it?
November 14 at 5:07pm · Like · 5
Layla Chosen ‎*No'One did not recognize the Jello word either. She was determined though to be of help and starting searching for "Jello". As she looked around she found the "jello" under a cloth! It was a square item of sorts with a pulver like substance inside, the color was very similar to blood! After they had read the instructions and realized they needed hot water, she quickly went over to the sink and used the water flowing instrument, how did this function? She had no idea. She shrugged and turned left and poured into the bowl. This she had been told was hot water if turned to one side and cold to other.* What now sister?
November 15 at 10:00am · Like · 6
No'One Sampsone ‎*She looked at the writing on the square and frowned* It says we have to mix it with cold water, there are numbers here but I do not know what they are referring to. I do not know what a measuring jug is, do you sister? *She looked hopefully at her while biting her lip*
November 15 at 10:14am · Like · 5
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Walking down the stairs she thought maybe she could find Layla Chosen or some of the other Chosen to talk about how she could help them with running the house* Coming up on the kitchen she hears voices coming from inside, walking in she sees Layla and her Mahmen No'One Sampsone and a whole mess of things on the counter* Umm what are you two doing? *walking over to the counter and looking a a bowl of red stuff* and what is this?
November 15 at 10:43am · Like · 6
No'One Sampsone ‎*Smiled at her daughter Xhex Tehrror then looked at the mess* We are trying to make something called Jello but we do not have the correct implements to proceed. Mayhap you could instruct us how to finish this task.
November 15 at 10:47am · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Smiling back at her Mahmen* Yes I can help with the Jello, but why are you trying to make Jello anyway?
November 15 at 10:50am · Like · 5
No'One Sampsone ‎*Wipes her forehead* It is for the Primale he is sick, most of the doggen are sick too so we are helping out as best we can. We did not think it would be as difficult, perhaps we misjudged the task at hand. *She looked nervously as Layla*
November 15 at 10:58am · Like · 5
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Looking around at the mess and at Layla and her Mahmen, she couldn't help but grin* Okay lets see what we can do here. Well we will need to pour this Jello out and start over because it looks like you may have put to much water in it, and also did you boil the water?
November 15 at 11:03am · Like · 5
No'One Sampsone ‎*She exchanged a look with Layla* No we did not know were supposed to do, we are new to this. *She passed the bowl of liquid to Layla* If you would be so kind sister to dispose of this I would be most grateful.
November 15 at 11:10am · Like · 4
Xhex Tehrror ‎*As No'One passed the bowl to Layla she grabbed a few more boxes of Jello* I will make a few boxes of Jello so there will be some if anyone else needs it. * pulling out a pot and measuring cup she measured out the water and put it in the pot on the stove to boil.* Mahmen while I am making the Jello do you thing you can make so toast in the toaster, the Jello will have to sit in the fridge for a few hours before it can be ate and it sounds like The Primale needs something to eat soon.
November 15 at 11:28am · Like · 5
Layla Chosen ‎*She sighed as No'One passed her the bowl. She wanted to truly be of help, not make a mess out of things. She poured out the contents and went back to carefully watch Xhex, who had so gracefully offered to guide them. She had had the clever idea of preparing toast for the Primale since the now known to her item "Jello" would take quite some time to be ready to be taken to the Primale. She watched how No'one placed a piece of bread into the "toaster".She prayed No'one would not have the same experience of ruining an equipment like she had many times before. Oh my, that pan, she thought about her pan ruining moment at The Great Camp. Primale was not happy about that. She swallowed and held her breath as she watched.*
November 15 at 3:54pm · Like · 6
No'One Sampsone ‎*She put the bread into the slots as Xhex has said, she pushed down the button and waited. She saw the worried look on Layla's face but didn't say anything. Smiling as she watched Xhex make the strange jello and put into what she called a fridge. She turned back to the toaster but it seemed nothing was happening, she leaned over and peered into it. All of a sudden the bread shot up out of the slots and hit her in the face, she screamed and jerked backwards. Her hands caught bottles and jars, there was glass crashing to the floor. She was totally shocked Xhex and Layla both ran to her, her clothes were covered in all sorts of food, her shoes were ruined she just stood there looking at them.* Oh my what have I done? *She watched as Xhex covered her mouth as though she was trying not to laugh. She did not know what else to say*
November 15 at 4:11pm · Like · 6
Xhex Tehrror ‎*After finishing up with the Jello, she placed it in the fridge and turned around just in time to see her Mahmen jump back after the toast came flying out of the toaster and knock everything off the counter* Running over and seeing that she was okay, it took all she had to try not to laugh* Reaching out for her Mahmen's hand to help her up* Are you okay Mahmen? *she asks still trying not to laugh*
November 16 at 9:26am · Like · 5
No'One Sampsone ‎*She looked back up at her daughter* I think perhaps making toast is not as easy as I thought. *She got to her feet and slipped again on the slippery yellow liquid, grabbing on to Xhex for support she steadied herself* It looks like I am more of a burden than a help. I am sorry I will clean it up I am not used to anything in this realm, everything seems so complicated. *She looked away she was sad that she had created such a mess*
November 16 at 11:42am · Like · 5
Xhex Tehrror ‎*Helping her Mahmen up and steadying her as she starts to slip she sees the sad look on her face and Keeping hold of her hand as she speaks* You are of no burden to me or anyone else, you are trying to learn all of these new things in a short time. *Looking at her Mahmen face* I will help clean this up and don't worry I am here to help, that was why I came looking for the Chosen, I am here to show how to run the house since this flu has taken over.* She grabs two dish cloth off the counter and hands one to her Mahmen* Okay lets get this cleaned up, Layla can you please get the broom and dust pan so we can sweep up this glass?
November 16 at 3:55pm · Like · 4
No'One Sampsone ‎*She smiled at her daughter she was over come with love for her. She never expected her daughter to accept her. She took the dish cloth and began to wipe the surfaces, she kept glancing at Xhex and Layla. Her life had changed so much, she was thankful of the second chance she had been given. She turned to her daughter* Thank you for your kind words, I hope to be able to help as much as I can. This is all new for me, This realm seems complicated. *She smiled at Layla as she began to sweep the broken glass* I am sorry sister mine I perhaps I should do that instead of you.
November 16 at 5:02pm · Like · 5
Layla Chosen ‎*She shook her head in concern as she swept the broken glass on the kitchen floor* Of course not sister mine. I am most happy to do it. You and Xhex have been most helpful. Please go rest in your chambers. Xhex we could meet again, would be most wonderful to receive more knowledge from you. I will await now for Pheonia Chosen and continue with our task at hand of preparing the chicken soup. She would love to help me with that. * She smiled and they said their goodbyes. She continued tiding up a bit to get ready for hopefully not another mess. She sighed*
November 19 at 12:48pm · Like · 7
Layla Chosen ‎*She waited for her sister to arrive, pacing back and forth in the kitchen. She heard a thump outside the kitchen door and quickly ran towards the door and opened it. She was so nervous, everyone sick and her inexperience in this area. Dearest Virgin. When she opened the door she found a box on the floor and a note. She bent over curiously and took the note in her soft hands. "Layla, dear sister mine, I am a bit occupied right now serving one of the sick Brothers. I received word of your need for help with the preparation of a soup. I have sneaked out and found you a most great innovation! Soup in a can! This box should give you plenty for all the Brothers! I shall see you soon! Pheonia"
Her eyes widened and glowed in excitement. She quickly picked up the box, almost dropping it on the way to the kitchen counter, she placed it on top and catching her breath opened it. She looked up with a smile and hand over her heart ... * Thaaaaaaaaank you dearest Virgin!
Bella Ahgony
‎*she laid there for felt like days... yet only a few hours hand past, her head propped up onto her hand, her eyes trained on Zee as he slept, his deep and shallow breaths sometimes interrupted by a rough cough or hitch. It pained her.... was killing her to see her warrior in this state. She had to do something and as the thought crossed her mind she felt her phone buzzing in the back pocket of her jeans. Swiftly she slipped it from her pocket and slide the pad of her thumb across the screen to unlock it, it was from Cormia, She replied* I think that's a good idea Mia... they might be able to strengthen each, can you get Phury to the mansion? is he in a state enough to be transported *she hit send and looked back to Z, her hellran was in no state to leave.. not yet at least. Hopefully soon*
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Getting out of bed, he reached for his phone as he went to start the shower. The weekend was approaching and he wanted his niece. He text Bella.* ~text~ Lady Bell. Ready or not, here I come. Rooster ~send~ *He had a whole weekend planned to have Nalla and Ehl at the camp with him. No work for her and no fucking colony shit!*
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Bella Ahgony ‎*she slipped her phone back out again from her pocket, this time it was Rehvenge, she replied* Perfect timing brother mine... I'll make sure Nalla is ready.. she will be thrilled. Thank you for this *she hit send, placing a soft kiss on Zee's sleeping forhead she slipped from their bed and made her way down the hall to Mary's room to gather Nalla. Her mind still racing a panicked mess over the state of her hellran.. but she had to compose herself in front of her young* Nalla... *she called out as she knocked on the door softly*
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Nalla Ahgony ‎*sitting on the floor playing with her stuffed animals. hearing a knock at the door and her Mahmen's voice she smiled and ran to the door. opening it wide* Mahmen *beamed she hugged her legs*
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*He decided to call his Tahlly to make sure she was ready. On the third ring, she answered.* Ehlena, I am heading to get my Nalla. What time can we leave tonight?
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She stifled a yawn and rolled over on the bed, grabbing her cell phone and smiling when she saw her hellren's name. When she answered, she could hear the joy in his voice, which he didn't even bother to hide. That little female definitely gets to him.* Anytime you and Nalla are ready. I packed our toiletries earlier before I went to bed, and we have clothes up at the Great Camp in our room! I can't wait to see the two of you.
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Bella Ahgony ‎*she crouched down grabbing Nalla tightly into her arms* Hello my love.. *placing a soft kiss to the top of her head, needing to just hold her a small moment.. the feel of her little arms around her neck soothing her troubled mind a bit* Guess what? *she pulled back to smile at her* Your Uncle Rehv is on his way here with your Auntie E... they are going to take you for a few days and have all sorts of fun with you... how does that sound *she didnt want her to know that her father was ill...she never wanted Nalla to see either of them this way*
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Nalla Ahgony ‎*hugging her Mahmen tightly around her neck she smiled. as she hears her Mahmen tell her she is going to she her Unky Rehv and Auntie E she began smiling huge* Really? I get to go all by mineself? *jumping up and down* I miss Unky and Auntie E, when do we go?
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Getting into the Bentley, Adjusting his sable and setting his cane next to him,he was still talking to Ehlena.* Want me to pick you up? They are all at the manse with you. We can leave from there?
13 hours ago · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*In the interim of talking to her hellren for the past few minutes, she had rose from their bed, and readied herself for the day, the idea of being alone with him and Nalla up in the Camp - away from the stressors of work and home - had rejuvenated her, despite the minimal hours she had slept. Dressing in a pair of black slacks, and a cable knit emerald sweater, she pulled her strawberry waves into loose pony.* I think picking us up would be great, I wouldn't want to risk demat'ing anyway. What's your ETA, love? *Upon asking him for how long he'd be, she immediately cursed under breath then laughed,* wait, never mind that. Take your time. Don't drive crazy ok?
13 hours ago · Like · 5
Bella Ahgony They are coming now love, I have your bag packed and ready to go *she pulled her up with her as she stood straight, gave Mary a wave and mouthed "Thank you" and walked her to her room to grab her things* I even made sure to pack your pink hat so that your uncle would have something to wear during tea party time *she winked giving Nalla a raspberry on her cheek. Once her bags were secured she brought them and Nalla, both downstairs to wait for Rehv*
12 hours ago · Like · 5
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She stepped into her favorite black boots, and grabbed her and Rehvenge's small backs, and willed the lights off, and stepped out into the hallway. As she made her way towards the staircase, she heard a familiar laughter, and she grinned, full fanged. Once she turned the corner, she called down,* Well hello there, ladies! *She moved quickly with each step and finally made it down to the foyer, kissing Bella on the cheek and scooping Nalla into her arms for a tight embrace and a tiny twirl. Looking into the young's eyes, she smiled,* You ready for time with your Uncle Rooster? He's so ready for you! *She kissed Nalla's cheek and set her back down, looking over to Bella, who seemed as exhausted as she had felt for the past few weeks at work.* Hey Bells. Take it easy these next few days ok? And try to get some sleep... if Zee'll let ya.
12 hours ago · Like · 5
Bella Ahgony ‎*she smiled warmly at her sister-in-law* Thank you two soo much for this, I am going to go back and tend to Zee... *she gave Nalla one more big kiss goodbye* Daddy and I will miss you like crazy.. have fun and wear out your uncle for me ok? I love you *her eyes held their gratitude as she looked back over in Ehlena's direction, her gaze back acknowledged it.. and with in a second she was quickly back up the stairs, taking them two at a time... not able to get back to her hellran's side fast enough*
12 hours ago · Like · 5
Nalla Ahgony ‎*seeing Auntie E she smiled as she picked her up and hugged her tight before she put her back down she nodded* I is ready, I can't wait to see Unky Rehv *hugging her Mahmen and kissing her one more time, she her Daddy (Zee Ahgony) calling for her and then her Mahmen was gone up the stairs to him. looking up at her Auntie E confused* Is Mahmen ok?
12 hours ago · Like · 4
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She dropped down to her haunches, and cupped Nalla's cheek with her palm, and gave her a reassuring smile,* Everything is ok, sweetie. You know how your Daddy has a cold? Well your Mahmen has been taking care of him, and she is doing great! Maybe I should give her one of my nurse outfits, huh? *She leaned over and kissed her on the forehead and stood, grabbing Nalla's little hand.* She needs some time to relax, which is why you are coming to stay with us for the weekend. You got it, baby girl?
12 hours ago · Like · 4
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Pulling up at the manse, he had made the drive WAY faster than normal drivers. Hey, he HATED wasting time! Especially where Nalla and Tahlly were concerned. Stepping out, he adjusted the sable, palmed his cane and went up to the door. He didn't bother knocking. Opening, he saw two of his favorite females and gave a full fang smile* Hey Tahllies! Ready to go?
12 hours ago · Like · 5
Nalla Ahgony ‎*hating the words Daddy and sick in the same sentence she frowned* Daddy will bet better right? *taking her Auntie E's hand they walked towards the door, as Auntie opened the door she saw Unky pulling up, running to him smiling* Unky Rehv *putting her arms up wanting him to hold her*
12 hours ago · Like · 2
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Dearest Scribe, seeing them together made her heart nearly explode. Her hellren would be such a great father one day. She smiled wide, and sidled up next to Rehvenge on his cane arm and kissed his cheek, whispering in his ear,* hey love, * and stepped away so she could further watch their interactions.*
12 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Bending down, he picked up his girl* Hello Sweet Pea. Tahlly. *smiling he kissed them both on the cheek.* Ready for a weekend at the camp, ladies? I sure as hell am. *He remembered to curb his tongue for the young. "Fuck" was just easier to say sometimes.* So what would you like to do this weekend, mine niece?
12 hours ago · Like · 4
Nalla Ahgony ‎*squeezing her Unky tightly around the neck, kissing his cheek* Yes, I's ready. Can we have a tea party? And play dress up? And go for walks? And stay up late? And watch movies? And eat junky food Mahmen doesn't let me?
12 hours ago · Like · 3
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Laughing* Anything mine Nalla wants, she gets. Tea party, you say? Junky food? How about we do pizza with that tea party? *looking back as he was walking out.* Tahlly, you coming? *Smiling at her, he continued to chatter with Nalla over what they would be doing all weekend.*
12 hours ago · Like · 4

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