Monday, April 2, 2012

A Chosen Fantasia Part III

Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She looked over to Jane who was leaning against the wall in a corporal form, who nodded to her to continue the volley.* Ok, Mhisery. *She walked closer grabbing a sterile gauze package and tearing it open,* we can discuss your discharge and the gathering of your personal items if you would only allow me to tend your open vein. *With another step closer and the reach of her hand towards Mhisery's still bleeding vein,* please?
October 27 at 7:26pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She threw out her arm and allowed he to bandage the open wound. She didn't feed like others of her race and she wasn't about to loose what little blood she had on this shit. She gritted her teeth as the nurse rapped her arm and replied with a genuine* Thank you.
October 27 at 7:38pm · Like · 5
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*With a slow exhale, she removed her bloodied gloves, and grabbed the chart Jane had discarded to the foot of the bed, flipping to the note page. Ah. The flu. Of course... Looking back up to Mhisery, who's scent revealed a discomfort and an obvious apprehension,* You are welcome. *She moved closer, but turned her head to see Jane walk around to the other side of the room, opening the supply cabinet, most likely looking for another IV syringe, but hopefully the patient would be oblivious to her advances. She inhaled and gave a small smile, hoping to keep Mhisery calm.* I have only a few questions that need answered for my discharge report then I'd be happy to bring you your personal effects... Mhisery, do you remember anything about the few days previous to your arrival here?
October 27 at 7:42pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock Yeah I remember I have been sick. *She bent her arm up and held it close to her chest, watching everything and everyone. The flu was all this was, which meant it would pass. Her eyes narrowed* Enough questions, get my things *she smirked* please.
October 27 at 7:50pm · Like · 5
Marissa O'Neal ‎*having not heard back from Jane or Ehlena she decided to head down to the clinic to find out what was going on. asking at the nurses station where the female had been put she headed to the room they were all in. scenting many different emotions as she approached she knocked and slowly opened the door. hearing the female say they had diagnosed her with the flu. hearing the female saying she wanted to leave, she knew that was not best* Evening Jane, Ehlena. *extending her hand to the female she smiled warmly* My name is Marissa. I run Safe Place.
October 27 at 7:52pm · Like · 5
Ehlena Rempoon Ok. Enough of this. *She dropped the chart to the bed and narrowed her eyes in return.* I suppose you aren't the calm and kind type of patient, so I'll try things a little differently. *She pointed a gloved finger to Mhisery and scowled,* I've dealt with difficult patients in my time and I'll tell you what, *she thought of her hellren and took a number from his book, turning to Jane quickly with a curt "sorry",* You're suffering a contagious viral infection, and there is no way in hell that you're being released without minimal -- and I mean minimal! - cooperation. Pull up your damned big girl panties and deal with this!
October 27 at 7:57pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock She stuck her hand out with a sigh to the pretty blond* I'm Mhisery. *About the time she had calmed down that witch of a nurse spoke and it was on again. She pushed up off the bed and said a polite "excuse me" to the pretty blond and started padding down the hall on her way out the door. She called back over he shoulder* Bite me bitch I have had less and been fine.
October 27 at 8:01pm · Like · 6
Marissa O'Neal ‎*rushing out after Mhisery she catches up to her quickly. gently placing her hand on Mhisery's arm* Please, wait. *she hoped the female would listen to her. if she truly had the virus that was going around she need very close doctor care and would need to be around strong males to feed from to get through this*
October 27 at 8:04pm · Like · 5
Ehlena Rempoon Fuck! *She punched the bed as she watched Marissa run out of the room. She took a deep breath and walked out into the hall to catch Marissa stopping Mhisery, and decided to hold back. Obviously the female had issues. She leaned into the wall with her elbow to see how this turned out.*
October 27 at 8:12pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She paused to look at the pretty blond that was standing before her. She was tiny in comparison to her, very refined and the total opposite of everything she was. She shot a look and the bird to the red head that was spying* Look lady if I go back in there I will kill that bitch. You know how people say they will kill someone and mean it metaphorically? I don't I mean that I will happily rip her arms off and beat her with them until she ceases to breath. I'm not leaving to be a bitch I'm leaving to keep a homicide from happening.
October 27 at 8:23pm · Like · 6
Marissa O'Neal ‎*motioning to the chairs close to where she and Mhisery were standing* Please sit *Mhisery looked back to Ehlena and gave her a very unfriendly hand gesture. motioning for Ehlena to keep her distance, hoping it would help the situation. as she listed to Mhisery, the anger the female was harboring became more and more evident and she couldn't help but wonder what had happened to cause it* Ok, so you don't to stay here becuase of Ehlena, what if I have a different nurse finish checking you out and then I can take you somewhere else to keep you safe and help you get better. What do you say to that?
October 27 at 8:32pm · Like · 5
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She inhaled deeply after being given the finger, and had to cool out. The outburst in the patient's room was out of line, she realized this, but sometimes being pushy was necessary - though not with this female.. With Mhisery Murdock, civilian, no documented familial ties. She watched as Marissa motioned toward the chairs at the fore of the corridor. She ripped off her gloves and tossed them to the waste bin and ran a hand over her braid. She inhaled again, another calming breath, and prayed to the Scribe Marissa would be able to tame the ferocity, to explain to Mhisery she was not in any condition to be left without medical attention. She was in dire need of a feeding, as she noted by Jane in Mhisery's chart. She moved to the Nurse's station and began to click about the computer, but kept a sly eye on the two.*
October 27 at 8:49pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She sat down in the chairs with a sigh* What place? *She looked back over her shoulder to make sure nurse nosy was no where in sight and then back at the blond* I have the flu, the bitch said so. I will get better in time. Plus, I have to feed a little bit differently than others so I have to do it more often.
October 27 at 8:55pm · Like · 6
Marissa O'Neal My Hellren is a member of the Black Dagger Brotherhood. *watching her face as it registered what she was saying* Yes you will be safe and Doctor Bloodletter lives there as well so you will be able to get the medical treatment you require. *taking Mhisery's hand in hers* This virus is not a run of the mill flu Mhisery. *as she mentions feeding differently, she looked at Mhisery quizzically* What do you mean you feed differently?
October 27 at 9:03pm · Like · 6
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Hearing Marissa offer the female haven at the compound, putting two and two together and kind of chuckled. The feisty Mhisery definitely would be able to handle herself amongst the Brothers, their quick mouths and quicker wits would probably make for a great show.
At the compound was also a state of the art facility - and quarantine - that would enable them to keep watch on her through the course of her illness. She grabbed a bottle of water from the mini fridge beneath the counter and asked a staffer to carry it down to Mhisery.*
October 27 at 9:19pm via mobile · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock I feed on human blood, never fed from a male of worth, so I have to feed about every three days or so. *she looked around again for nurse nosy and when she didn't see her she continued* I know who the Brotherhood is, my father *she sneered out the word* was in the Glymeria. Will I be out of here before I strangle her *motions to Ehlena* With her braid?
October 27 at 9:29pm · Like · 7
Marissa O'Neal Well, you would be feeding from a male at the mansion. We do not have humans there except for Mary, Shellan to the Brother Rhage. *hearing her mention that her father was Glymeria she could not help but wonder if she knew him,but thought it better to ask at another time* There are non bonded males there so we will be able to arrange everything for you to be sure you are cared for properly to get you better *offering her a small smile* Let me grab your chart to see what they have done to see how soon we can get you out of here. *quickly going to the nurses station grabbing her chart flipping through it, heading back to the chair* Well I see that you let them fix your arm which is good. I think we can get you out of here if you are willing to let Doctor Bloodletter give you some IV fluids when we get to the mansion. We have a full clinic there as well.
October 27 at 9:43pm · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock Can't I take the IV fluids at the mansion? I mean she already gave me some and I really hate places like this. *She looked hopeful while pretending not to care* I will promise to let them do it there but my ass is hanging out here and nurse Ratchet over there *thumbs toward Ehlena* is a pain in my bare ass.
October 27 at 9:53pm · Like · 6
Marissa O'Neal ‎*smiling, understanding the fear and hatred of clinic settings* Come lets go get you dressed and get your belongs and get out of her. I will talk with Jane, I mean Doctor Bloodletter, about getting that set up for you so we can arrange your treatment to be done in the mansion instead of the clinic. *standing she out stretched her hand hoping Mhisery would take her offer*
October 27 at 10:03pm · Like · 5
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She stood up and attempted to keep the back of her gown closed as she walked beside her. She never would take her hand, she couldn't, it was personal touch and she couldn't do personal touch. This female was nice though and something she was so not used to. She returned to the room and waited while nosy nurse went to get her duffle. When she returned with it, she dressed and waited to find out where they were to go next*
Elizabeth Randall
‎*taking King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath's hand as we walked through the side door of the clinic to see Jane for our second ultrasound* I can't believe I am almost twenty four weeks pregnant. *smiling to herself, she felt the young move* I can't wait for you to be able to feel that Nallum *seeing his puzzled look* The young is moving.
Unlike · · Follow Post · October 27 at 4:11pm
You, Emma Baker, Linda Hofsten, Saxton Thym and 5 others like this.
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*he still didn't get why she was so excited about all this. He wanted this pregnancy to be over. The last twenty four weeks had been a living hell. He hadn't fed and hadn't slept properly just worrying and being afraid of losing her. gently he put his arms around her waist.* Yeah I'm so looking forward to it.
October 27 at 4:16pm · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She sat in her office, reading over Beth's file from her last visit, reacquainting herself dates and other things, marking down a few notes and generally getting herself ready for their arrival. Leaning back in her chair, she cast a glance towards Pyro who napped in a bed in the corner, the pup following her everywhere she went except into surgery. *
October 27 at 4:17pm · Like · 8
Elizabeth Randall ‎*feeling his arm wrap around her she smiled* I know you are worried Wrath but I promise things are going to be ok. I can't explain why but I just have a feeling that it is going to be ok. *reaching up kissing his cheek as we arrived at the door to Jane's office, quickly rapping on the door, waiting for Jane to answer*
October 27 at 4:20pm · Like · 7
King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath ‎*she was too optimistic for his liking but he knew she was still very young, too young, to realize how dangerous pregnancies are. He hoped Jane would explain her that this wasn't as easy as Beth expected* I hope you are right.
October 27 at 4:29pm · Like · 7
Jane Bloodletter ‎*Hearing the knock she called out* Come in *Closing the file, she rested her elbow on top of it and waited for them to enter, nodding to the two chairs she had placed in front of her desk. Pyro lifting his head and whining as he heard the knock.* Hush, you know who that is
October 27 at 4:30pm · Like · 8
Elizabeth Randall ‎*hearing Jane's voice we walked in. looking down hearing Pyro she smiled* I little one, I swear Jane Pyro gets cuter every time I see him. *sitting down she reached over and took Wrath's hand her own and gently squeezed it* So are things going Jane?
Marissa O'Neal
‎*sitting at her desk she was waiting to hear from Jane or Ehlena about the female that that had turned up at Safe Place incredibly ill. it had to be the flu virus that they had been discussing this past week. she was so grateful that her staff and herself had gotten the vaccine recently. sending a quick text message to Jane and Ehlena* Evening ladies, if one of you couple please let me know the status of the female that came in so ill I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you *send*
Marissa O'Neal
‎*after Ehlena had gotten all of Mhisery's belongs, one small bag, it seemed a shame that a clear female of worth, who was of the Glymera as she was, should now be in a situation where this was all she had. forcing herself to smile as Mhisery came out of the bathroom dressed in her own clothes* Better than a hospital gown?
Home Sweet Home - Motley Crue (feat. Chester Bennington of Linkin Park)
Unlike · · Follow Post · Share · October 27 at 10:21pm
You, Pheonia Chosen, Fritz Perlmutter, Emma Baker and 8 others like this.
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nodded* Much better. Thank you. *She adjusted her duffle on her shoulder and started toward the door. She understood what the people were doing here, they were helping others, but she hated anyone helping her with anything. She moved toward the door not because she was that anxious to leave, but because the room was spinning and she felt like her stomach was in knots.*
October 27 at 10:26pm · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal Good, that is good to hear *watching as Mhisery picked up her bag and walked towards the door* I will need to stop by my office and grab a set of keys for one of the cars, since we can't demat since you don't know where we are going *walking down the hall with her, not wanting to pry or push her, but she needed to know at least how she may have gotten the virus* Where have you been staying?
October 27 at 10:33pm · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*she shrugged as the kept walking* I stay here and there. If it has a roof and I can light proof it, I sleep there. When the night falls I go out and kills lessers and take a bite or two out of a human. *She refused to allow her head to bow in shame. She took a long breath and let it out. She couldn't get into her history with her father, they would all know the truth then and she wouldn't go there. She couldn't handle the stares and snide remarks behind her back again*
October 27 at 10:42pm · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*walking with Mhisery, listening to her say she slept anywhere as long as she could light proof it. her heart ached for this female and she knew that it was going to take time for her to even remotely trust her, if that would ever happen. she could sense there was a long history with her Glymera past, and she wondered if it was similar to her own, but that would be for a later date, again if ever. as the got to the garage she unlocked the car and slid into the driver seat as Mhisery got in the passenger seat* Well now, you have a place that will be your own *she had sent a test to Elizabeth and King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath and gotten the approval for her to be there as long as needed. driving out of the garage she headed towards the mansion* The king and queen have agreed to let you stay with us as long as needed.
October 27 at 10:48pm · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*Her brows shot up* The king and queen? THAT is the mansion you are taking me too. *She put her hand on her forehead* Oh fuck me. Look I can't do the glymeria thing. *she moved anxiously in the seat until another round of dizziness hit and she allowed her head to lull back on the seat. She bit her bottom lip* Thank you for this, thank all of them. I will do my best not to trouble anyone *she was sincere in her words*
October 27 at 10:55pm · Like · 11
Marissa O'Neal Please, do not fret. The king and queen are very open and very relaxed. *laughing* Actually they are not fond of the Glymera themselves, not that I can see why anyone would be *her own resentment was peeking through in her words. looking over to Mhisery as her head slid back against the seat, her color was not good and she had a fine sheen of sweat developing on her forehead* You are not doing well Mhisery, I need to get you to the mansion. *she hit the gas* I'm going to get you there and do not worry about being a trouble, we will get everything worked out *reaching taking her hand, even know she was sure that Mhisery would not do it on her own, she squeezed it tightly* I promise you that.
October 27 at 11:01pm · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*she squeezed the blond female's hand in return, and tilted her head to look out the window. The trees rushed by, the outlines of houses. Those house full of storied and people that made up a family, something she never had. She made a vow to herself that she would not live up to the name her father had marred her with.* Thank you, I will get better and be out as fast as I can.
October 27 at 11:09pm · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*making the turn onto the last street before the long driveway she turned to look at Mhisery* You will not be rushed, or forced from the mansion Mhisery, you will be able to stay as long as needed. Please never fear or worry about leaving. And knowing Doctor Bloodletter, she is not going to let you go until she is more than certain you are better. *pulling up to the first gate she put in the code and headed up the driveway towards the garage*
October 27 at 11:14pm · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She looked up to see the huge mansion looming before her. It was enormous, the sheer size was overwhelming. She heard Marissa speaking so nicely to her, it was a nice change from what she was used to. A single tear escaped her right eye and raced down her cheek. She quickly wiped it away and hoped it was not seen. When the car came into park she slid from the seat, grabbing her bag. She propped against he car and allowed her head to steady as Marissa got out* Thank you again.
October 27 at 11:20pm · Like · 11
Marissa O'Neal ‎*as they pulled into the garage she could scent the tear but said not a word. turning off the car she watched as Mhisery got out, she was very unsteady on her feet. quickly exiting the car she closed the door and locked the car* Come on, lets get you inside and into bed. *she desperately wanted to help her to ease her struggling as she walked but she knew Mhisery was a proud female who would not want help*
October 27 at 11:25pm · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She followed the woman inside and couldn't stifle the 'woah' as her jaw went lax and she looked around. She had never seen anything like it. Everything was elegant and beautiful. She stuck out here, she didn't belong. She was suddenly aware of the clothes she wore, and how she lived. She was aware of just how different from other people. There is nothing like seeing what you don't have to make you do a self check. He self check came up with 'You are fucked. These are nice people and you are far from it* This is a nice place Marissa. Which way to I go?
October 27 at 11:30pm · Like · 10
Marissa O'Neal ‎*turning seeing the look on Mhisery's face* Please do not think it is all prim and proper here. *laughing as she thought about some of the things that have gone on here* One time Rhage and Butch decided it would be a good idea to play football in the house, the Doggen were not too happy about that, and that is just one story that I could tell you *seeing the exhaustion on her face* I'm sorry you must be exhausted lets get you into a room. *heading up the grand stair case* Please do not be overwhelmed, it really is just a house where a family all lives together. *walking down the hall of statues towards the end room, hoping she would feel a little better is she was not surrounded by the family*
October 27 at 11:37pm · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She climbed the stairs and listened to Marissa as she spoke. She looked at all the statues and the doors. The house was quiet, but she could tell it was full of people and love.* The house is big enough they could play football in it *She made it up the last step and looked at all the doors and then back down at the red carpeting* I will try to fit in, and I will adjust. *She readjusted her duffle and waited for room assignment*
October 27 at 11:47pm · Like · 10
Marissa O'Neal ‎*turning to her* You be who you are Mhisery, that is one of the best parts of this family, everyone is themselves all the time. No matter what is going on. I was thinking you may like a room that is not surrounded by people so I was thought you might like a room down at the end of the hall. If that is not ok, please say something I can find you a room that suites you.
October 27 at 11:52pm · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nodded slowly to the affirmative as Marissa spoke* I will be me, I can't help but be anything other than me. *she looked around the rooms and pointed to the far end of the hall* I think it would be best, if I had one of the rooms at the end. *she looked around again, feeling overwhelmed by everything. She was hoping that sleep would find her fast once she was settled in*
October 28 at 12:01am · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*smiling warmly at her, she gently stroked her arm* Good, I want you to feel comfortable here. And I meant it when I said you could stay as long as you needed or wanted. Wrath and Beth are both wonderful and will be happy to help in anyway *Beth and Wrath having no parents themselves they both knew all too well how hard this had to be for Mhisery* Ok, lets get you settled in. *walking down to the end of the hall she opened the door to the room at the end and stepped aside so Mhisery could enter and she followed her in*
October 28 at 12:04am · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She entered the room and looked around, she took in all the finery of the room. The bed, she tool a breath she hadn't slept on an actual bed in so long she couldn't remember, it was huge. The room was light and airy, with no windows. The carpet was plush, and clean. The light in the room was dim enough no to hurt her eyes but light enough that she could see the majestic beauty of the room. She awkwardly hugged Marissa and padded across the room to have a seat on the bed, still looking around to take it all in* This is really too much. *She hung her head*
October 28 at 12:10am · Like · 10
Marissa O'Neal ‎*watching as she Mhisery took in the room she smiled. as she suddenly felt arms around her, she hugged her back and stroked her back briefly. the moment was fleeting though. watching as Mhisery walked to the bed and sat telling her it was too much, she couldn't help but go to her and sit next to her* Mhisery, please let me do this for you. *she debated on how much was too much to tell her. sighing* I am a daughter of the Glymera, mine brother is Havers the physician but when he discovered I was in love with mine Hellren, who was human at the time, he turned me out only moments before sunrise and this is where I came, and where I have been ever since. This home is nothing like the Glymera *tugging her chin gently so she was looking at her* You are good enough, you deserve to be treated well and cared for.
October 28 at 12:16am · Like · 10
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*As Marissa spoke, her anger at the Glymeria and their ways grew. How could they treat someone as good as the woman before her badly. She took a deep breath* My father was Glymeria. He had an affair with my mahmen and that is how I came to be. He was married to a woman within the Glymeria and asked that my mahmen not have me. Mahmen decided to bore me anyway, and my father deemed me Mhisery as I bring misery to everyone I meet. *she shrugged as to move the weight of her name sake off her shoulders* I despise them and everything they are. The shunned me, deemed me a bastard and through me and my mahmen out. My Mahmen was killed shortly after my tenth birthday, lessers killed her while I hid. I have been on my own since.
October 28 at 12:26am · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*her heart broke as she listened to Mhisery's story. damn Glymera truly was nothing but a group of stuffed shirt snobbish asses* I can assure that you will find no support of the Glymera in this house Mhisery. Everyone here has had had bad dealings with them in some way or another and we all avoid them as much as possible. In truth Wrath is pretty much the only one who does, and Beth, and that is simply out of formality. *as she listened to the rest of her story about her Mahmen being murdered by Lessers she bit back tears. she cupped Mhisery's hand between both of hers* You are a strong female of worth and you are no longer on your own. You will have my support and the support of everyone else here.
October 28 at 12:34am · Like · 8
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She swallowed hard to speak around the lump in her throat* I really do appreciate all that you have done for me. You have gone out of your way to help me, and I will repay you some how. *Her eyes glistened with unshed tears as for the first time she had a place to lay her head, and someone knew she existed. She took in a deep breath and settled her nerves. The only person that had ever recognized her existence before this was her mahmen. She wouldn't impose though. She would get well and go back to where she came from, where she belonged, but the woman before her would always have her gratitude and protection* Again, thank you.
October 28 at 12:40am · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*scenting her teats and seeing them welling in her eyes, she ached to hug the female but did not want to make her uncomfortable in anyway* You need not repay me for anything Mhisery. Just please remember anything you need do not hesitate. *quickly writing down her cell number, office number, and the number for the Pite* Here is my cell number, work number, and home number. I live next door with mine Hellren and Doctor Bloodletter and her Hellren Vishous. *seeing her very tired look on her face* Would you like to rest now? You must be exhausted from today.
October 28 at 12:46am · Like · 8
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nodded to the affirmative when handed Marissa's numbers, and to answer the need for rest. Her entire body ached and she felt like the room would spin off course any moment* Thank you again for all you have done.
October 28 at 12:48am · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*sliding off the edge of the bed she walked to the door* You are most welcome. The bathroom is attached and towels and everything else should be in there. If you do require something if you pick up the phone and dial zero it will get you Fritz Perlmutter or one of the other Dogeen who will be happy to get you anything you need. *smiling at Mhisery as she walked out the door* Rest well, I will check on you tomorrow *closing the door behind me, needing minute to take it all in before going home to the Pit*
October 28 at 12:52am · Like · 9
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She nodded to Marissa as she left and moved a hand to remove her shoes. Her bare feet sank into the thick pile of carpet and she closed her eyes. It was one of the best things she had ever felt on her skin. She padded to the bathroom, attached to her room. She looked around at the large tile expanse, everything was gleaming. She opened the glass door of the shower and turned on the water. She couldn't recall the last time she had access to hot water. She tested the temperature against the back of her hand. She started to shed the clothing she had, as stem filled the room. She stepped inside and the spray hit her full force, causing a moan to escape her lips. She reached for the readily available shampoo and lathered her hair. She stayed in the shower for what seemed like an eternity before shutting off the water and wrapping a towel around her body. She padded back into her room, feeling ill again. She dressed in a long t-shit and repacked her duffle. She started to cough and her legs felt as if they couldn't support her weight. She turned back the down comforter that covered the satin sheets, and slid into bed. The cool sheets a strict contrast to the heat of her body. She pulled the covers over her body, the events of the day weighing on her heavily and forcing her eyelids to cover her eyes as sleep claimed her*
Ehlena Rempoon
‎*She sat against the sleek leather sofa in the penthouse, her legs crossed and patient files strewn about her lap. For the last few days she had spent her time working with an ethic that even the most hardworking could find tiring. It was the least she could do to make it up to Marissa about her outburst the other evening at Safe Place... she had just nosedived into completing every task she'd been given, going the extra mile to try to diffuse the apologetic feelings for how she reacted to Mhisery's obvious clinical apprehension. If only she had been able to remain calm, cool... but she just could not accept that civilian female refusing care and risking her life by wanting to be discharged... but that was one of the downfalls to being a caretaker, to care and worry sometimes too much. Maybe speaking with Marissa would be the best approach, as a way to air her guilt? Pushing the files to the seat of the sofa next to her, she stood, and straightened her white blouse, smoothed over her chocolate slacks, and ran a few fingers through her hair before dematerializing outside of the Pit.*
Fritz Perlmutter
‎*His body began attempting to rise from it's slumber. The heat of the sun must be burning him alive he was so hot and the entirity of his body ached. Not even the sweat cooled him. His eyes simply refused to open. His head felt like it was captured in one of his vast brass soup pots and the young were all swatting at it with his serving utensils. What was happening? This must be illness. It had never happened to him before. It was time to get up and begin preparing first meal. He simply could not force his limbs to move. whatever was he to do. His duties awaited.......*
Marissa O'Neal
‎*sitting on one of the couches in the Pit she was wondering how Mhisery was doing. she meant to have gone to check on her earlier but slept far too long, her work had her completely drained lately. taking out her phone she wrote a quick message to Mhisery, she had gotten her number from her file at the clinic* Hello Mhisery, this is Marissa, I just wanted to see how you were feeling today. Let me...
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Unlike · · Unfollow Post · October 30 at 10:21pm
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Ehlena Rempoon ‎*With an exhale, she made her way up the stairs to the door, and smiled a bit hearing Pyro's bark. She hoped Marissa would be home, as this was one of her typical nights off, and knocked.*
October 30 at 10:38pm · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hearing a knock on the door, she got up and looked at one of Vishous's computers and saw that it was Ehlena. punching in the code to open the door she reached down and pet Pyro quickly* It's ok it is Ehlena, you know her *watching as Ehlena walked in she righted herself and smiled* Evening Ehlena, how are you?
October 30 at 10:43pm · Like · 8
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She lowered her hand for Pyro to smell, and when she felt a warm tongue between her fingers and gave the pup a pat on the head and straighted, meeting Marissa's kind eyes. She smiled, leaning in to give her friend and employer a slightly awkward hug.* Hi Marissa, I'm sorry for just showing up.. but are you free to chat with me a bit? There are a few things I wish to apologize to you about and I have been kind of avoiding it and finally had the nerve to come to you tonight...
October 30 at 10:48pm · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hugging Ehlena back she nodded* Of course. *walking back towards the couches she sat down, pulling her legs under her again* Please, have a seat. *she thought she may know what this was about but did not want to press Ehlena* What's on your mind?
October 30 at 10:51pm · Like · 8
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She took a seat next to Marissa, kicking off her heels to also sit with her legs crossed beneath her. She sighed, and grabbed a strand of her hair and began to twirl it in her finger, something she did when she was nervous; her eyes downcast as she turned to look at her friend.* I'm very sorry for how I have been these past few nights Marissa. I have been standoffish and have had my nose stuck in paperwork not only because it needed to be done, *she lifted her eyes and gave a tight smile,* but because I have been feeling very guilty over how I reacted with Mhisery. I know it was unprofessional of me to be as stern as I was... but I just couldn't stand to see that female disregard her own health...her life... *She leaned back against the couch, thinking of how the female had no listed family, no emergency contacts... if we didn't care for her, who would have? * I really am very sorry, Marissa.
October 30 at 10:57pm · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*listening a Ehlena spoke, she had noticed that she had been avoiding her as of late and had assumed it had to do with what had happened with Mhisery. taking in her words she understood what she was saying but still she could not condone what had been done* Ehlena, I understand what you are saying but sadly I have to say that it did upset me to see you behave that way. *she couldn't help but wonder if there was something going on* Is something on your mind? Have I been over working you recently? I know I myself have been exhausted and over extended lately.
October 30 at 11:05pm · Like · 9
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She inclined her head,* I understand, and I accept any sort of disciplinary action if you feel it needs to be documented in my employee file. *She tucked some of her strawberry blond hair behind her ear, inhaling deeply before answering Marissa's question of there being someone more on her mind. Marissa had always been of the inquisitive few, sensing how others felt, and knowing just how to calm them which made her perfect for her role at Safe Place and certainly a blessing to the race.* As for something else on my mind? Yes, there was that evening, which might explain my quick temper...but please if I air this to you, I hope you don't think it is an excuse for my behavior. *She turned her body towards Marissa, one leg now dangling off the side of the couch, and leaning her elbow on the back of the couch and then resting her head in her palm.* That eve when Mhisery arrived? Rehvenge had just returned from the colony and we shared first meal. And.. *she shook her head,* he finally admitted to me of things he had to do up there that I had been suspicious of for some time now. *She reached her other hand over to grab Marissa's hand with her free one,* You have in no way over worked me.. I am very happy to be able to assist at Safe Place. The work may be exhausting at times, but it is very fulfilling. Though, *she squeezed Marissa's hand slightly,* if you feel over worked, might you take a few days off? I would be happy to pick up a few extra shifts if you need me to?
October 30 at 11:23pm · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal ‎*shaking her head* No, there will be no disciplinary action or anything put into you file. You are a fantastic nurse Ehlena, and we are lucky to have you work with us at Safe Place *as she listened to Ehlena speak of her meal with Rehvenge and hearing the tension and strain in her voice over it* I am glad that you talked to your Hellren about these things, but am sorry becuase it clearly has you upset right now. *holding Ehlena's hand in hers she was grateful to hear that she had not overworked her* I am please to hear that you do not feel over worked. I know Safe Place is an exhausting place and your work there is invaluable to myself and the Mahmen and young. *feeling Ehlena squeeze her hand she smiled* Oh that would be lovely, but unfortunately right now there is no time for a break. I appreciate your offer very much but sadly I am unable to take time away with the increasing number of Mahmen and young coming in. And this flu is making things even more difficult. *her body was becoming even more exhausted just thinking of all the work that she needed to do* You are a female of worth Ehlena and I truly value all your work more than I can ever express or re-pay you for.
October 30 at 11:38pm · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*Her lips curled into a smile, and she felt her cheeks flush slightly at Marissa's complement.* And you know I feel the same about you. *From Marissa's eyes alone, she could tell the beautiful blond was sincere, and that made her feel somewhat better about the guilt and regret she felt for her actions with Mhisery. * Now as for the flu... *she exhaled,* we will get through it. With you at the reins, and the Scribe-Virgin guiding us, Marissa, everything will be ok. Now, if I may... *she paused for a moment,* is Mhisery ok? Did she settle easily after you brought her here?
October 30 at 11:45pm · Like · 7
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hearing Ehlena's kind words reminded her why she worked so hard* Thank you Ehlena, I pray you are right and that flu does not spread so quickly that we cannot contain it *hearing hear ask about Mhisery she idly checked her phone, not having heard back from anyone of them* Yes she settled in well I believe. We chatted for a bit and then she went to bed. I am hoping to hear from her soon as to how she is doing.
October 30 at 11:53pm · Like · 7
Ehlena Rempoon Well, with the vaccination campaign I believe we can do just that. I spoke with Catya at your brother's clinic last night and she said that since we released the advertisements they have had many walk-ins, both of civilian and Glymera background. *She nodded when she heard Mhisery was safely in the mansion,* If it isn't too forward... could you let me know when you find out about her? I hope she is caring for herself and is doing better than when I last saw her. *She laughed a bit when she felt Pyro's wet nose brush her foot, and bent to pet the pup. when she brought her hand back in towards her own lap, she glanced at her watch quickly noticing the time. Standing and slipping her heels back on,* I've been here taking up too much of your night off... I should be going. Thank you for having me, and for listening. I, *she ran a hand over the nape of her neck,* appreciate your understanding.
October 31 at 12:01am · Like · 8
Marissa O'Neal That is most pleasing to hear. I am very glad to know that the campaign is working and that people have been getting the vaccination. Hopefully that will help keep this virus under control. *nodding* I will keep you up to date on her progress. *grinning as Pyro, tickled Ehlena's foot* He just loves attention from anyone, he's a good pup though. *reaching down picking him up as Ehlena slipped her shoes back on* Not a problem at all. I am always happy to listen and chat. *reaching out taking her hand* Ehlena, you are like mine sister I will do anything I can for you to help. Please do not hesitate if you need anything to seek me out.
October 31 at 12:07am · Like · 8
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*It warmed her heart to hear Marissa refer to her as a sister, in all of her years, prior to being mated with Rehvenge and being introduced and accepted into the family, she had always wished for a sibling, but now she was blessed to have many. She pulled Marissa into a tight embraced pulled away with a small curtsie, though she was wearing pants.* Thank you, as I agreed earlier, you are such a female of worth. Please give my regards to your hellren, and also to Vishous and Jane. *She walked with Marissa towards the door, Pyro tagging along behind their heels. She opened the door after watching Marissa key a code into a number pad on the wall beside it, she took the first step down the stairs but stopped quickly and turned back to Marissa with a smile,* thank you for hearing me out.
October 31 at 12:16am · Like · 9
Marissa O'Neal ‎*hugging Ehlena, she smiled* I will and please pass mine on to Rehvenge as well. *walking with her to the door, giggling at Pyro as he trotted along with us. punching in the code for the door as Ehlena took the first steps down the stairs* Of course Ehlena, anytime. *watching her walk down the stairs she waved good bye. closing the door. she bent down and scooped up Pyro* How about a good snuggle on the couch pup? *as Pyro licked her cheek she smiled and walked to the couch and snuggled under a blanket and put on an episode of Colombo, it always made her feel like Butch was here with her*
Pheonia ChosenCormia Ahgony
‎*After searching the Great Camp for nearly twenty minutes, she found her sister Cormia in one of the parlors with Aggie upon her lap. She walked over to them, smiling, placing a kiss upon the young's nose, then sitting beside them. She put the book she had finished prior to seeking Cormia, that invoked the question she was about to ask, onto her thighs.* Sister mine, what is a bitch? The diction...
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Unlike · · See Friendship · October 31 at 4:58am ·
You, Emma Baker, Phury Ahgony, Layla Chosen and 5 others like this.
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She was working with Aggie on his counting, when she heard her sister enter. Phe kissed Aggie on the nose and sat down beside them, looking very inquisitive. As she heard Pheonia's question, her mouth dropped open, and she quickly put Aggie down, with a kiss to the top of his head and told him to go find his Papa. Then she tried to figure out how to best answer her sister.* Phe, a bitch is…..definitely NOT a term of endearment for a female, be it human or vampire. Quite the opposite, actually. It is a derogatory name used to put women down. And a female should never be referred to as such. *She shook her head with a small smile on her face. She loved that her sisters were trying to learn as much as they could, but Phe had a special way of asking all the naughty questions without having any clue she was doing so.*
October 31 at 9:07am · Like · 6
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She listened intently as her sister explained the meaning of the word, though it clearly made no sense.* Mayhap you are incorrect, Cormia? In mine book it says "come here, bitch" and then they share a kiss. *She blushed slightly, and tilted her head to the side,* why would the female wish to kiss her male if he was demeaning her?
October 31 at 9:13am · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony ‎*With a look of shock upon her face, she started to wonder, what EXACTLY Pheonia was reading. She could not imagine Phury putting that type of book on her shelf, and she knew she wouldn't have either* Phe, there are some people, human & vampires alike, that prefer a rougher mating. So, perhaps that is what it is about. What are you reading anyways? *She took the book from Phe's lap and just shook her head again. As she opened the front cover and saw the inscription "♥, Jane" it all made perfect sense.*
October 31 at 9:38am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She watched her sister shake her head as she looked at the book, and she shook hers as well. It seemed the more she learned, the more she broadened her horizons, the more questions she needed to ask. Though she felt very blessed to be able to ask questions, very appreciative of her opportunity to be here on this side, and she thanked the Virgin Scribe everyday for allowing it.* Do you and thy Primale like a "rougher mating," whatever that may be?
October 31 at 10:06am · Like · 8
Cormia Ahgony ‎*When she heard Phe's next question, she tried to stifle a giggle, and failed* No Phe, Phury & I do not like a "rougher mating" *she said air quoting the last part. She then tried to change the subject* Have you finished the Harry Potter books, sister mine? If so, then we will find you a better series to read. *she said as she tucked the book under her leg, hoping Phe would forget about it.*
October 31 at 10:19am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She grinned broadly,* Yes sister mine, I finished Harry Potter many days ago. I cannot believe the ending, it was rather disappointing. *She shrugged, but then noticed her sister placing the book beneath her robe, she raised a brow and smirked,* Mayhap if you read that book you will learn to like the rougher mating rituals? And since I am finished reading it, it is all yours to enjoy. *She patted her sister's thigh and stood, stretching her arms over her head, but then turned quickly and grabbed Cormia's hands,* may we read some books together this time?
October 31 at 10:32am · Like · 7
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She let out a sigh when she heard Phe say she had finished the book, then smiled at Phe* I'm just fine with how things are with Phury & I in the bedroom, thank you very much for your concern, sister mine *she said with a giggle* We can read some books together this time. Why don't you pick a series and we can start them?
October 31 at 10:49am · Like · 5
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She smiled pulling her sister to stand by her hands, then tugging her towards the door,* That would be very much enjoyable. Might we go find Aggie now, though? I do wish to play with him a bit.
October 31 at 10:55am · Like · 6
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She stood as Phe pulled her up, and left the book on the chair as her sister pulled her to the door* Yes, let's go find Aggie, I know he'd be delighted to play with you.
Layla Chosen
‎*She had been in the Adirondacks for quite some time now. She had indeed cherished her time here. Enjoying her sisters Cormia and Pheonia. Learning much new things from the Far side. Yet she had not been able to serve the Brotherhood yet. She had not been summoned to feed. And she was specially concerned about Qhuinn Lohstrong. Oh she had felt his agony when he was going through the darkness. She was so relieved he had thrived from it and was well on his way to being fully recuperated. She had paced much back and forth in her room deep in thought. He must be needing to feed, specially after all he has gone through*
*She had gone to the Primale Phury that same day and had asked if she could see about Qhuinn through Jane Bloodletter. He of course had welcomed the idea and informed the Doctor she would be coming to visit*
*She immediately prepared herself after meeting the Primale and dematerialized into the Pit across teh driveway to the Brotherhood's Mansion where the Primale had informed her Jane would be waiting for her. She knocked softly waiting for an answer*
Unlike · · Follow Post · November 1 at 8:12pm near Stockholm, Sweden
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Jane Bloodletter ‎*she sat curled up in one of the leather couches in the Pit, Pyro beside her and Vishous due home from patrol in a few hours. She lifted her head at the knock and scooped Pyro into her arms as she padded quietly down the hall and opened the door. Smiling she stood back and welcomed her in* Hello Layla, Phury said you had a few questions that you wished to ask me? *She lead he way back to into the Living Room and resumed her seat on the couch setting Pyro down beside her and gesturing to the other couch* Please sit and tell me what is on your mind.
November 1 at 8:16pm · Like · 8
Layla Chosen ‎*As the door was opened there stood the Doctor with Pyro, such an incredible creature. Jane welcomed her in, she bowed silently and followed her into the living room where they each sat facing each other* Thank you for allowing me to visit you Doctor Jane. *She bowed again placing her hands softly over her heart* As the Primale has well informed you, I have had a few concerns over my duties in serving the Brotherhood since I have been back from the Other Side. * She sighed softly and looked down to the floor* I ..I have not been summoned to be of service to any Brother...and I have been very concerned about Master Qhuinn. * she looked up quickly into the doctor's eyes as she mentioned Qhuinn hoping he was indeed recovered*
November 1 at 8:27pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She stroked her hand over Pyro's head as he nosed against her, her fingers rubbing gently as his ear as she listened to Layla tell her of her concerns* Qhuinn is very much recovered, though extremely underweight. He has barely eaten over the past few weeks and from what I have found is that he had only fed once, then in return fed two others. *She gave the Chosen a gentle smile* I do believe and I may be wrong in this my dear, but it could be that Qhuinn is embarrassed by his actions of late though n-one could hold fault with the nightmare he was living through. Perhaps if you seek out Qhuinn yourself rather than wait on his call?
November 1 at 8:33pm · Like · 7
Layla Chosen ‎*Her green eyes widened in concern as the Doctor informed her about Qhuinn. Elated he was recovered but worried about him not having fed enough! She lowered her face and sighed. Full of empathy toward him. The doctor saying how he must be feeling ashamed of his actions. She sighed wondering herself the reasons he had not summoned for her in his time of need. As the doctor suggested she should seek him out herself, she looked up soflty but with determination of true service.* I trust, if you mistress are suggesting I seek him out myself, I shall note the situation as much concerning to you as well?
November 1 at 8:42pm · Like · 8
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She nodded after she finished speaking* As his doctor I am concerned, not only in his not feeding from yourself but in his general lack of appetite. Might you visit with him, try and make it lighthearted, maybe take a movie, some take out? I am sure Fritz can assist you on that. I do not think making your intention to make him take of your vein the priority, see if as his friend you can get him to open up. The rest should follow naturally. If he will not then we can discuss some other options that may work.
November 1 at 8:45pm · Like · 7
Layla Chosen ‎*She nodded to the doctor very seriously as if taking notes to what she was saying to her* I shall do as you say mistress. I agree on this approach. He is verily a dear friend to me, and I care deeply about his well being. I will return to the Great Camp and give word to the Primale about our meeting and your advice on the actions to be taken. I thank thee truly for this time * She bowed respectfully and was led to the door by Jane who thanked her for coming and asked her to contact her anytime she needed. She smiled and bowed again hand to heart and dematerialized to the Great Camp*
Muhrder Rathboone
‎*Growling at the male, he turned and went back to his room. Holding his head, he growled louder.* How dare he speak to me like I am nothing??!! I went there FIRST to save her!! *He yelled as he threw a chair at the wall, he sat on the bed, dialed the doggen, and waited for his respit or sleep which ever came first.*
Unlike · · November 2 at 11:45am ·
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Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Thinking about what had just happend between he and the sympath, he felt maybe NOW was a good tme to talk to Elizabeth or King-Wrath about re-joining his brothers. Not that he could not be civil with Rehvenge, you just couldn't trust that male. At. All. He punched the numbers the doggen showed him to leave a message.* -My lord and lady, I wish to have a moment of your time to speak with you about why I am here.- *Hanging up the phone, he paced to the window and sat.*
Rehvenge Rempoon
‎*Pacing their room at the manse, he was waiting for Ehlena to get back. Some female was found ill and brought to Safe Place. This was delaying his good mood. Not that he didn't respect her job or harbored wrong feelings to the females and they're young, it's just he had not seen his Tahlly in a few days, and damn it, he needed her. They had been discussing a trip to the camp to see the house and check on the Primale and his Chosen. Plus he needed to know how many Dyson's they wore out. Fucking things were expensive! Texting Ehl* -Ready? R- *A noise from the hall had him turning to peek out the door* About time he surfaced. *He said to himself as he watched Muhrder head out to do who the hell knows what. Maybe it was time to chat with the waste of space and settle a few issues.*
Like · · November 2 at 10:39am ·
Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Emma Baker, Virginia Collins and 8 others like this.
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Leaving his room with a quiet click of the door, he was going to seek out the doggen Fritz for some coffee and maybe a sandwich when he herd a whisper behind him. Slowly turning, he eyed Rehvenge, the male who had saved him from the Duhnd that was the colony. Standing as still as possible, he watched the male open the bedroom door, lean against the jamb, and cross his arms. With a "get on with it" hand motion from Rehv, he spoke.* Rehvenge.
November 2 at 10:51am · Like · 7
Rehvenge Rempoon ‎*Laughing on a low growl* THAT is all you have to say? "Rehvenge"? Well, at least you remember my fucking name! Now tell me, do you remember the sacrifice I made to save your worthless ass for Xhex or is that brain of yours really gone? And why have you tucked your tail and come crawling back? *He watched the male with his deep purple stare, trying to get his grid. All he got was mass confusion, and a shit load of regrets. Enough for a migraine.*
November 2 at 10:55am · Like · 7
Muhrder Rathboone I remember EVERYTHING. *He snarled back at the sympath. How DARE he spit at him and act like he was owed. He owed no one! All the pain and tourture and the lies he recieved, HE was owed.* I came at a request from the Scribe. Phury found me enjoying my solitude. I am going to return to my Brothers.
November 2 at 10:58am · Like · 7
Rehvenge Rempoon Really? *He grinned* I'd LOVE to know what King-Wrath thinks about this! You betrayed them once, why should they be so sure you won'y run off again to hide in that forsaken hell hole you call an "inn"? *His phone going off made him take a breath.* As you can tell, I am a busy man and we shall finish this *gesturing between them* another time. *Brushing past the male, he headed down the stairs.* I trust you won't run off? *smiling at the warning growl he received* I thought so.
November 2 at 11:02am · Like · 7
Muhrder Rathboone ‎*Growling at the male, he turned and went back to his room. Holding his head, he growled louder.* How dare he speak to me like I am nothing??!! I went there FIRST to save her!! *He yelled as he threw a chair at the wall, he sat on the bed, dialed the doggen, and waited for his respit or sleep which ever came first.*
Qhuinn Lohstrong
Fuck! *Bolting upright and panting heavily, his eyes darting wildly around the room. For the first few moments before his mind clicked into gear he had thought he was back in the Isolation Room, his mind still lost to the Omega. Shaking it off, he wiped the sweat off his brow and climbed out of the large bed. Showering and throwing on sweats, he left his room and walked down into the common room to be greeted by one of the ever present Doggens. His stomach growled for food and he ordered a breakfast for the first time in weeks he actually wanted to eat. Sitting down on one of the couches, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, glad for the silence though in the distance he could hear the Doggens working, cleaning the Mansion in preparation for the rest of the house to waken*
Manuel ManelloEhlena Rempoon
Hey, Ehlena it's Manny. When you get a chance text me back and let me know what is going on with this flu thing. You vamps are dropping like flies, wanted to see if you could use another doc.
Unlike · · See Friendship · November 3 at 10:01am ·
You, Cormia Ahgony, Xhex Tehrror, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele and 2 others like this.
Ehlena Rempoon ‎*She heard her phone vibrate against the hard wood surface of her desk in the Nurses station at Safe Place and reached an arm over to grab it. Reading the text from Doctor Manuello, she raised a brow and typed out a quick reply and hit send.* -text- The contagion percentages are very high, so we've been trying to vaccinate as many of our residents as possible right now, though we seem to be doing ok. Though Doc Jane may be a better resource then me.
November 3 at 10:11am · Unlike · 6
Manuel Manello ‎*digging his phone back out of his pocket, he fired it up and read the reply, damn, that female is efficient with the communication..He texted back his reply, hit send and began planning his day.*-text-thanks Ehl, I will do that. Glad to hear you are ok, maybe we can all meet up, talk some more? I will try to get ahold of Jane also.
November 3 at 10:24am · Like · 5
Ehlena Rempoon ‎-text- Sounds good with me, I'll be at the mansion with Rehv these next few nights anyway, so just keep me informed. Give Payne my best, and next time you're at Havers', be sure to tell Catya I say hello.
November 3 at 10:27am · Like · 4
Manuel Manello ‎*reads text and nods. ok, gotta spread the politeness around..* -text- got it, will tell Catya hello, and give Payne Bloodletter your best.. and you can tell Rehvenge Rempoon I said hello and my best also, will also tell Havers you said hi.
Elizabeth Randall
‎*every since she had gotten pregnant her emotions had been causing her havoc than anything ever had in her life. she was happy one minute and sad the next and angry as hell the next. she was trying her best to keep them in check around the family since no one knew she was pregnant yet but it was getting harder and harder to do, especially on days like today. she had been a roller coaster all day. she woke up and was happy then watched a movie on tv and couldn't stop crying, and it was Bambi of all movies and she balled like a baby. and now, as she paced her mated bed room, she was so angry she didn't know what do. she wasn't an angry person, ever, she was always the calming force in her mating but right now she knew she would even give King-Wrath Son Of-Wrath a run for his money in the anger department*
Layla Chosen
‎*After folding the note her sister Pheonia had left her into her robes' side pocket, she raised her eyebrows in confusion thinking about it. She was requiring her assistance in a new recipe for a very special cake apparently, she had written "upside down cake", not really understanding how that would function she shrugged, deciding she would go to her sister later.*
Unlike · · November 4 at 5:16pm near Stockholm, Sweden ·
You, Pheonia Chosen, Ehlena Rempoon, Phury Ahgony and 3 others like this.
Layla Chosen ‎*She needed to find the Primale Phury as soon as possible. She wore her traditional chignon and traditional robe. She always preferred to do so when meeting with the Primale, even though after being here on the Far Side for so long , they had had much flexibility in their wardrobe*
*She left her room in search of the Primale. She decide to search in the living room first. The Primale loved to spend time there with her sister Cormia and Aggie. As she entered the living room space she smiled soflty. Cormia was sitting down in the sofa deep in concentration reading a book. She glided softly towards her and bent down next to the arm rest of the sofa her robe flowing around her and settling in waves on the floor,smiling she whispered to her sister* Sister mine.
November 4 at 5:24pm · Like · 4
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She sat in the living room, absolutely enthralled in the book she had "borrowed" from Pheonia. "A Night For Her Pleasure" indeed. She felt a blush rise to her cheeks as she got to a particularly steamy part, and was glad she was alone while reading this. I must ask Jane where she got this book...and see if there are more. With as wrapped up as she was in her book, she did not hear her sister enter and just about jumped off the couch when she heard her whisper into her ear. While still trying to catch her breath, she hides the book under her leg & turns to Layla* Yes, sister mine?
November 4 at 5:33pm · Like · 5
Layla Chosen ‎*Her sister was so startled by her whisper she gasped herself and then starting giggling. She saw her sister hide the book she was so enthralled in under her leg. She glared at her sister curiously but decided not to ask her motive of doing such a thing.* Dearest Sister. My apologies, did not wish to disturb you or startle you. She said softly with a smile as she stood and bowed hand to her heart* I am in search of your dear hellren sister mine. I am in need of informing the Primale of a visit I have made to Doctor Jane. Do you know his whereabouts at this moment sister?
November 4 at 5:42pm · Like · 4
Cormia Ahgony ‎*She let out a small giggle* You did not disturb me. Startled me a bit, but I'll be just fine. *She took Layla's hand in hers and lifted her sister from her bow that was customary of the Chosen* Phury is napping with Aggie at the moment. I just peeked in on them earlier, and couldn't bring myself to wake them. They looked oh so peaceful. When they rise, I will let him know you were looking for him.
November 4 at 5:50pm · Like · 4
Layla Chosen ‎*She listened to her sister inform her about the Primale resting at the moment with Aggie and smiled, her eyes glowing. Her thoughts wandering for a moment imagining when she would be able to speak to someone about a hellren of her own. She sighed and came back into focus to her sister as she agreed to let the Primale know she needed to see him. She bowed again to her sister and thanked her. Her sister Cormia bowed with her head and gave her a sweet smile. She then returned quietly to her room to await word from the Primale*
Qhuinn Lohstrong
‎*So far he had managed to avoid seeing any of the family, part of him was glad, the other part wanted to get it over and done with. He needed to feed but was unable to call for Layla just yet, he was too embarrassed to face someone as pure as what she was. Instead, he walked back into his bedroom and closed the door tight, walking over to his bed and laying down on the covers. Reaching out for the remote he flicked through the channels until he found Die Hard and settled back to watch it.*
Unlike · · Share · November 5 at 4:39pm ·
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Layla Chosen ‎*She dematerialized to the Brotherhood mansion entrance after the Primale had given her approval and encouragement to see about Master Qhuinn. As she awaited a doggen to acknowledge her presence, she looked into her hands into the small package she had brought for his grace in hopes to make him feel comfortable. A doggen quickly appeared and greeted her properly. She informed of her purpose there and asked to be kindly announced. She wished to be granted a visit with Master Qhuinn.*
November 5 at 5:19pm · Like · 10
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He lifted the phone as it rang on the bedside table and barked out a hello into the receiver* Layla is here? Yeah, send her up *He looked down at his clothing and around his room. Everything was in its correct place and he wasn't going to look any better than he did right now. He was curious as to why she was there. He hadn't called for her even though his fangs throbbed in hunger and his stomach had caved in. His clothes hung off his body with the weight he had lost but he didn't care, food was still hard to get down and blood, well he had only fed from Layla. He sighed and called out as the door knocked* Come in
November 5 at 5:22pm · Like · 11
Layla Chosen ‎*The doggen had gone to give word of her arrival, she returned and informed her she was welcome to present herself in Master Qhuinn chamber. She knocked softly at his door and heard him answer asking her to come in. She opened the door slowly, taking a deep breath as she had been so worried about him, not knowing how she would find him and praying to Scribe Virgin he would welcome her visit and be at ease with her* Master Qhuinn, How fare thee? I.. I wished to come visit you your grace. It has been a long time. * Not wanting to sound too worried so he would not feel uncomfortable with everything that had happened as soon as she entered the room*
November 5 at 5:31pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Looking over at her as she entered his room, he gave a half shrug* I'm fine and drop the Master, we are friends Layla, I have told you that before. *Nodding towards the television* I'm just watching this, you are welcome to join me though I am not great company right now. *he refused to meet her eyes, he was too embarrassed and the smell of her delicate perfume only made his stomach cramp. Rubbing his hand idly over it his stomach he turned back to stare at the screen*
November 5 at 5:36pm · Like · 10
Layla Chosen ‎*She inhaled as if determined to bring her dear friend ease as he shrugged and very reluctantly addressed her. He was watching a film. He refused to meet her eyes as he asked her to join him, she saw him rub his stomach. She could sense his hunger, she could sense he was not completely well and he was indeed ashamed of his actions as Doctor Jane had thought.* Forgive me Qhuinn, *She smiled softly even though he was not looking at her* What is this film you are watching? I would be most pleased to keep you some company. Worry not about you being a great host. I wish to only share some time with you. I had not visited the Mansion since my last return from the Other Side.
*She looked at the small package she had brought him and decided to keep trying to break the ice.* I have brought you a small gift. * She held her hands out holding out a package with 3 candles in it, a white, a blue, and a purple candle. She believed in the healing, purification and enlightening properties these candles held and thought would be helpful for Qhuinn*
November 5 at 5:48pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His stomach fell as she mentioned returning to the other side, the reason that she had to do that was because of him. It further enforced the feeling of embarrassment that he already had. He turned to look at her, his stomach cramping again with hunger as she drew closer. He frowned as she handed him the package and looked up at her* Why did you bring me this? You didn't need to do that, if anything I should be buying you, buying everyone something to try and express how sorry I am for everything I have done. *swallowed, he flicked his tongue against one fang and sucked hard, drawing a small amount of his own blood down his throat to try and ignore the ache. Looking back at the screen he shrugged again* Die Hard. I've seen it before but I was bored. Sit down Layla *Opening the gift he reached out and squeezed her hand* Thank you
November 5 at 5:54pm · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*As she drew closer to im to hand him the gift, he looked so unnourished. Oh her sense of duty was calling on her. She could see his hunger, she could feel it completely, but Doctor Jane had advice her not to offer him immediately unless he felt comfortable enough to tell her. But she was struggling, how could she ignore his need.* She focused oh him thanking her for the gift and as he expressed his regret for what he had done, she felt an urge to embrace him and comfort him* Oh dearest Qhuinn, you sahll not apologize for your time of struggle. You are a true male of worth and you are not to blame for what you went through. Please believe in that. *she smiled soflty as her eyes glowed looking at him* Do you wish to watch or do another activity? *She asked him as he proclaimed he was bored and repeating this Die hard film.*
November 5 at 6:04pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Moving across the bed and patting the mattress beside him* Sit down Layla, your company would be nice for a while *He returned to rubbing his stomach as he clenched his teeth. He knew having her closer to him was going to make it harder for him to resist the sweet smell of her blood but for now he had to. He wasn't ready to ask her for her vein, he felt like he would sully her, make her dirty and he didn't want that. Even though he couldn't give her what she wanted, he did care for her. He cared for her a lot more than he should but all he could give her was friendship while he was in love with another*
November 5 at 6:08pm · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*He patted the mattress beside him and invited her to sit down he was rubbing his stomach and clenching his teeth. Dearest Virgin in the Fade how could she resist serving him?. She sat slowly and folded her soft hands unto her lap. * Mayhap I can light the candles I brought for you here on your side table? * She stood back again from the bed and placed the candles on the side table and lit them with her will. She sat back down beside him and could not ignore the energy emanating from him.* Qhuinn I wish not to discomfort you, please know I am here for you as your dear friend. I care about you deeply as you know, and I wish to be of help. Would you allow me to feed you? You need nourishment and I am here for you. *She took a deep breath and hoped he would respond to her positively, she was not going to offer him so soon, but she could not resist the signs*
November 5 at 6:19pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*His body stiffened when he heard her question, his fangs punching down into his mouth as his stomach cramped hard again. He looked over at her, his gaze drawn to the vein on her neck, her blood slowly pumping through it* I would take of your vein if it doesn't disgust you know what I have done. *He swallowed repeatedly as if he could already taste her sweet blood on his tongue. He wouldn't blame her if she rejected his request, he was disgusted with himself so he was sure she was too*
November 5 at 6:55pm · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*She felt his body stiffened as she offered him to feed...* This is my purpose Qhuinn, and to feed you an honor and pleasure. You have done nothing wrong, please please be at peace with yourself. Feed, take from my vein and let me nourish you. *She leaned in closer to him tilting her face softly to the side exposing the vein in her neck. She closed her eyes and prayed he would feed well*
November 5 at 7:00pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*Shaking his head, he licked his lips* I can't take from your neck right now Layla, I am sorry *he frowned and looked down* Might I take from your wrist for now?
November 5 at 7:02pm · Like · 8
Layla Chosen ‎*She straightened herself as he did not wish to take from her neck and asked for her wrist. She wanted to make him as comfortable as possible.* You do not need to be sorry. It is what you prefer dear Qhuinn. *She turned to her side and positioned herself so her wrist was at a comfortable reach for him. She held her wrist softly to his mouth* Take as much as you need, it is my honor to serve you.
November 5 at 7:07pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*He looked down at her wrist, taking it gently in his hands and brushing his fingers across her skin. He glanced up once at her, gratefulness showing in his mismatched eyes. Parting his lips, his fangs punched down fully as he struck forward, his teeth sliding with ease into her vein. He groaned at the taste of her blood on his tongue, shifting closer and gathering her into his arm as he took a deep hard pull*
November 5 at 7:09pm · Like · 10
Layla Chosen ‎*She gasped softly as his teeth punched down her wrist. She glanced down at him smiling as she felt her blood now flowing from her to him. She felt so honored , so relieved she was serving him, nourishing him. He held her closer and she felt herself vibrating. She felt alive, even though she was being fed from. It had been so long she had served a Brother, and Qhuinn, well they were dear friends now, but she could not help ignore the feelings their history had shared once. She wanted to be the one who he fed from at least, she would always be able to have this connection with him.*
November 5 at 7:23pm · Like · 9
Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he groaned louder against her wrist, his cock leaping to life behind his sweats and for now he didn't even bother hiding. He enjoyed the faint pain, it reminded him of who and what he was. Wrapping an arm around her and tugging her tighter against his chest, he took another few hard pulls then pulled back. Running his tongue against her skin to close the wounds he looked up and met her gaze, his tongue tracing a lazy circle across her skin* Thank you Layla *He licked the last of her blood off his lips and leans over, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of her mouth and lay back against his pillows*
November 5 at 7:28pm · Like · 9
Layla Chosen ‎*As he groaned against her wrist he held her even tighter agains his chest. She let out a soft moan as her won chest was pressed agains his. He pulled back and looking into her eyes he traced soft circles with his tongue across her skin. She was hypnotized as if in a trance. His beautiful mismatched yes, his tongue, the vibration running through her body. Her lips parted slightly as he licked the last of her blood off his lips and he kissed her softly and rested back against his pillows* She sighed* Rest now my dear Qhuinn. I will be in my old chamber if you shall need me. *She left him resting and quietly went out of his room*
Phury Ahgony
‎*stands leaning in the door jamb of the living room watching Pheonia reading so intently. He wondered if it was one of those trashy romance novels Jane was passing around to all the chosen and ultimately his shellan. She was such a fine female of worth his dear delinquent Pheonia. Her heart was so huge, her mind so inquisitive, her wit so charming. Just watching her was a delight.
Like · · November 5 at 11:54pm ·
Emily Lua, Manuel Manello, Cormia Ahgony and 9 others like this.
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her legs were tucked beneath her, the warmth from her robes keeping her toes from feeling the effects of the start of the winter season in the Adirondacks. She had a book in her small hands, intently reading, a story of two who loved so pure her heart stung for them as she pictured them with each word she read from the page. But her heart was not the only thing that seemed to be reacting to the tale, her body ached in a way she had never experienced before and she knew no way to ease it. She shifted her body, putting her legs back to the floor from the lounge she was sitting on, her eyes momentarily lifting to find her Primale, Phury, staring at her. She gasped, and her book flew from her hands as she placed them to her chest, rising from the lounge to lower into a bow.* Sire, verily I did not know you were here, please pardon my late greeting.
November 6 at 12:05am · Like · 8
Phury Ahgony ‎*He smiled at her warmly noting the joy in her eyes.* How are you my dear Pheonia? No apologies are needed. I just wanted to see how you were doing.
November 6 at 12:25am · Like · 8
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She grabbed her book from the floor and hid it into the pocket of her rob before she rose to her full, though short, height, returning his smile. She watched him moved closer to her, and taking a seat upon the lounge she was just sitting on, patting the cushion for her to join him. She did, again tucking her legs beneath her, and clasped her hands onto her lap.* I fare well, Primale mine, how fare you on this most beautiful eves?
November 6 at 12:29am · Like · 8
Phury Ahgony I am graced by your presence. *smiles and holds out a single shiny hershey kiss, waiting for her reaction*
November 6 at 12:39am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She wasn't quite sure she had heard him correctly, graced by her presence? Verily, he was confused as she was but a mere Chosen, she thought with a slight giggle. She watched as he held out his hand, and upon seeing the Hershey's Kiss, her cheeks flushed and she turned her stare down her to hands. She swallowed and spoke quietly, her head still lowered as she took the chocolate from his hand.* Thank you, sire.
November 6 at 12:44am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony You look confused Pheonia. do you not like hershey kisses? *a twinkle danced around his eyes as he took another chocolate confection out for himself and popped it into his smiling mouth*
November 6 at 12:58am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She wondered how he had gotten hold of the Hershey's Kisses that she had left for her sister Selena, verily she did not drop any on her way to Lena's room? Blinking, she lifted her head to look up at Phury, then noticed the light in his eyes. Perhaps he was--she crunched her brow to try to remember the term used, then she remembered--messing with her. Joking. Smiling lightly and tilting her head to the side,* Sire, I do very much like Hershey's Kisses. Chocolate is one of the most delicious of food from this side. *Unwrapping the Kiss he had given her, she placed it into her mouth and let out a tiny "mmm".* Did mine sister, Selena, find her treat? Mayhap that is why you are joking me?
November 6 at 1:08am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony Yes your sister did indeed find her treat. That was very kind of you. *He felt his pocket vibrate ad the urge to growl barely contained itself. He pulled it out and flipped it up to read a message from Muhrder requesting the services of a chosen. A thought began to form in his mind as he texted back to the male* Pheonia you are being called upon to serve your race. *he lifted up one of her tiny delicate hands and held it in both of his own.* There is a male in the mansion who has been feeding off of humans. He is requesting the blood of a Chosen.* He looked deep into her hazel eyes with compassion and love and asked her* how can i help you to prepare for this?
November 6 at 1:48am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*Her brows creased as she listened to Phury explain of a male in need at the Brotherhood's mansion, not with uncertainty, confusion or fear, but of how she was going to answer his question. As a Chosen, this is what she was born to fulfill, a legacy of her sisters that she was most honored to share. She clasped her free hand over his large ones and squeezed in return, and inclined her head, sending thoughts and a prayer to the Scribe-Virgin for finally giving her the opportunity to honor their race.* Sire, I am unsure how it is I am to answer you, mine entire life I have spent preparing to serve a Brother with my lifeblood, to keep him strong and fierce, so he may protect us from those that wish us harm. *She lifted her head and stared up to his kind face,* I thank you, Primale, for giving me this honor.
November 6 at 1:16am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony Verily you are an honor to our race. *he looked proudly upon her beaming face yet was concerned that her heart may have some apprehension* The male is in great need. Do you truly feel ready know Pheonia? Please tell me your heart. you are not letting anyone down if you are scared. I know you will fulfill your duty and make both Cormia and I both proud. It is your first time though and it is no disgrace at all to be nervous. Talking about these things can help. Or if you you prefer to ponder it and talk later that is fine too. but i am going to make arrangements for tomorrow and you will be accompanied.
November 6 at 1:49am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She smiled slightly,* Sire, though mine nerves are..what do you say..*she bit her lip and her eyes rolled upwards to the ceiling as she paused to think how exactly to word her feelings,* oh, though I mine nerves are twitchy, *she hoped that was the right word to use,* verily I am not scared. *She thought of the Brotherhood, the males who protected, the males she read of in the volumes that contained the great history of their race, and she removed her hand from over his to idly tuck her hair behind her ear,* Mine sisters Selena, and Layla, they have spoke to me of their time and their trials of feeding. I shall be ok. *Her smile was still slight, but her eyes showed she was speaking truth.*
November 6 at 2:00am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony Twitchy nerves are OK. They are a sign of an intelligent mind. We will go to the mansion after our first meal tomorrow it is too late now. I am always here in you would like to talk dear one. Have a lovely evening.
November 6 at 2:13am · Like · 7
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She inclined her head once more, and hesitantly leaned in and hugged him.* Thank you, sire, *Phury hugged her back and left her with a kiss to her cheek and another Hershey's Kiss in her palm before he stood to a towering height. As he left the room, she called to him,* fare thee well, *and pulled the book from the pocket of her robe and opened it to the page she was on prior to their conversation. Yet no matter how she tried to concentrate on the story, her thoughts kept drifting back to the fact that on the next eve, she was to be drank from.*
November 6 at 2:18am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎*As he returned her hug and handed her another Hersey's kiss he was filled again with pride for all of the Chosen on this side as well as those who remained in sanctuary. He walked out of the room he flipped open the phone and responded to Muhrder's text ~I will come to the mansion tomorrow after our first meal with a Chosen for you to feed from. If this is not convienient for you please let me know. Have a good evening.~He hit send and went in search of that ever intoxicating jasmine that was filling his nose......
Jane Bloodletter
‎*Gathering together her bag and Pyro in her free arm, she left her room in the clinic and made her way through the tunnel towards the mansion rather than taking the turn off for the Pit. Typing in the code for the door, she stepped through and made her way up the main staircase to make a visit with Mhisery. She hadn't seen her from she was brought into Safe Place and transferred to here and needed to check on how she was doing. She had copies of her blood results and the half filled out forms that needed completed. Knocking the door, she stepped inside and gave her a smile* Good evening Mhisery, I don't know if you remember me but I am Jane, the personal physician for the Brotherhood. How are you feeling?
Unlike · · Share · November 6 at 1:13am ·
You, Emily Lua, Xhex Tehrror, Linda Hofsten and 6 others like this.
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She sat p in the bed, she was freezing again and coughing. She had some days she felt better than others. Even covered in the think bedding and wearing sweats she still shivered. Her stomach was in knots and she felt like she was going to evacuate the small meal she had eaten earlier. She watched as the petite blond walked through the door, with a dog under her arm and medical supplies in hand* I *cough* remember you. I know who you are and *cough* thanks.
November 6 at 1:10am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She stopped and picked up the trash can while setting Pyro onto the carpeted floor and placed it on the floor within easy reach. Pulling over a chair, she sank down onto it her body still slightly transparent. Crossing her legs, she reached for the file she had compiled for her and slid a pen out of her pocket. Opening it she smiled again at her* Good if you remember that then we don't need to reacquaint ourselves. Fritz tells me you have eaten a few small meals which is excellent, even if you can not stomach something heavy I am sure the Doggen will prepare a broth for you. The only thing that I need to discuss with you is your feeding. Can you tell me the last time you ingested blood of a Vampire and not a human? You results show your levels are far too low and will not help in your recovery
November 6 at 1:20am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She pondered for a moment. She hated talking about her feeding habits. She hated that people would judge her and think she was low and common. They would look down their noses at her. More thoughts rolled through her head. Sure, by all rights she was gkymeria, as her father was, but she was also labeled a bastard and never claimed by her father so they had reason to look down on her. She was homeless, she fed on humans, all she owned in the world fit in one duffle. She nervously plaed with the edging of the sheet* A few months ago, a male of worth, Throe, allowed me to take his vein. Before that, it has been so long I can't remember.
November 6 at 1:32am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She made a few notes in the file and gave her a reassuring smile* Then I think one of the first things we need to do is arrange for a male to feed you. If you are uncomfortable with taking directly from his vein I can arrange for another method to be used, you may also have someone sit with you while you do it, again for your own comfort and ease though I can assure you there are no males within this household that would take advantage of you. *Rising to her feet she moved to the wall and changed the setting on the thermostat, knocking the heat up a few more degrees then returned to her seat*Are you agreeable for me to arrange this for you?
November 6 at 1:37am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She swallowed hard and thought about what the doctor was telling her. She knew she needed to feed but she didn't want to trouble anyone. If she could just get strong enough to demat she could find a willing human and feed and not have to depend on anyone* I don't want to have to depend on a male.
November 6 at 1:56am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She leaned back in the chair and observed her for a few moments* I am not asking your permission dear, if I have to go to Wrath I will to ensure your health. I merely asked you to be less forceful and as overbearing as I can often be. I took my oath many years ago and I still uphold to it. There is not shame in needing to feed from another, my own Hellren must take the vein of another as I can not do it for him. It is a way of life and you can not ignore your bodies requirements
November 6 at 2:00am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She glared at the doctor, Her eyes like daggers. If there was one thing she couldn't stand it was feeling like she was powerless, or had no say in something when it came to her. She was beyond pissed. She went from embarrassed to irate in 2 seconds. Her voice was stern and commanding when she spoke* Then I suggest you get that order cause the best way to get me not to do something bitch is to tell me I have to. Now, I suggest you take your oath and you medical degree and shove them up your ass. If you don't leave this room in 2 minutes, I will cause the last time I checked I was not a prisoner here. *Her chest huffed with anger*
November 6 at 2:07am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She chuckled suddenly and reached down to pick up Pyro, setting the dog in her lap as she gave her a genuine smile* I could like you dear, you remind me of myself believe it or not. I have always hated having someone tell me what to do, or having someone exert control over me *she failed to mention the only time that changed was with her Hellren* let me put it this way, if you feed, you will regain your strength quicker. You regain your strength you will be able to leave if you so desire.
November 6 at 2:11am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock I.So. Desire. *She continued to glare at the doctor. She wanted away from here as soon as possible. She didn't like being told what to do and she didn't want to be anywhere that people tried to pull power trips. If taking a vein meant she could leave that is what she would do* Fine. Send me the walking 'get out of jail free' card.
November 6 at 2:22am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She nodded and rose to her feet, setting Pyro back on the floor. Opening her bag, she placed the file back inside and pulled out her ipod and a notebook computer.* I thought you might like these for company. The Ipod is full but you can change whatever you like on it, there is an mp3 downloader installed already. I had Vishous set them up for you.Do try and rest and ask the Doggen if there is something in particular you wish to eat.
November 6 at 2:26am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She took the gift the doctor offered and was surprised that it wasn't a tiny bomb ready to explode. She was happy for the music, it would break the lonely silence* Who will be coming to feed me? *She was nervous and even though she only new Synyster, it seemed she would at least want to know the name of the person she was meant to sink her fangs into*
November 6 at 2:42am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter I am not sure to be honest, I will need to discuss that with the King and see who he suggests to do it. I would like for you to be able to take a vein sooner rather than later so I will try and schedule seeing him after First Meal tomorrow. I will return and tell you who it will be and answer any questions you have about them before they come to you *She stands at the door and looks at her* Is there anything else I can do for you?
November 6 at 2:45am · Like · 6
Mhisery Muhrdock ‎*She shook her head* No you have been to kind as it is. *She held the Ipod like it was gold. No one had ever given her anything, so she treasured the item all the more*
November 6 at 2:49am · Like · 6
Jane Bloodletter ‎*She smiled at her as she pulled open the door, Pyro padding out before her* Just dial *14 if you need me or send a Doggen, i will be back to see you after First Meal tomorrow. I will ask the Doggen to bring you up some warmer clothes and a hot water bottle *She smiled once more and slipped out of the room closing the door quietly behind her*
Zee Ahgony
‎*another hour before the shades go up for the night... He feels the warmth of Bella's body, wrapped around him. He can feel her breathing, deep and even. She is still asleep. Slowly, he shifts his body around so that he can watch her face. The face that anchors him in the present. The caring and the love that she shows the world is evident even now. He begins to move her hair back off her face. Slowly, his hand begins moving down her throat, and he can feel himself begin to harden. He tries to move back a bit, not wanting to wake her but unable to stop touching her. She moves closer towards him even in sleep.*
Like · · November 6 at 1:50pm ·
Emily Lua, Pheonia Chosen, Cormia Ahgony and 7 others like this.
Bella Ahgony ‎*her long leg coiled around his thigh tightly in response to her hellran's large hand slowly making its way down her back, keeping her pressed firmly to him with gentle and warm caresses* hmmm Nal..llum.. *she whispered between shut full lips, her eyes still closed as she was still half in the state of sleep, Zee's bonding scent invading her senses.. slowly pulling her from her dreams*
November 6 at 1:56pm · Like · 6
Zee Ahgony ‎*He can feel the pattern of her breathing change as he continues to stroke her smooth skin. She is taking shallower breathes, still not fully awake but her arousal is evident. She is arching into his hand as he strokes her. He can smell her arousal and his bonding scent roars in answer. He grips her hip, smoothes his hand down her flank as he rolls her towards him and eases his body between her legs. He moves up her body and as her legs wrap around him his mouth finds hers. He takes that full lower lip between his teeth and nibbles a little, until he feels her tongue on him and he deepens the kiss, his hand on her nape, pulling her closer*
November 6 at 2:10pm · Like · 6
Bella Ahgony ‎*her lips parted in obedience to the slight demand of his kiss, shallow breathes marked each pass of her tongue as she slid it into his mouth pulling his into hers. Her hands lifted to the short soft buzzed cut of his hair, her nails slowly running against the contours of his skull... along his neck and slowly down his spine, causing a low growl to rumbled deep within his chest* Ohh... *a small moan hitched in the back of her throat as his large frame shifted slightly between her legs, pressing his large and swollen shaft against her inner thigh, she could feel the urge growing with in her, the need to feel him deep inside of her*
November 6 at 2:19pm · Like · 5
Zee Ahgony ‎*feeling how hot she was against him, he grew impossibly harder. Unable to hold back any longer, he drew back and slowly moved his way back up her body, gently stretching her as he entered her. Feeling her moan against him, he buried his hands in her hair and lifted her head to his throat. Tilting his head to the side he implored her to drink. As her fangs sank deep, he entered her fully as his body cried out for release. He held himself back and tried to remain as still as possible, wanting to feed his female.*
November 6 at 2:27pm · Like · 6
Bella Ahgony ‎*a low groan escaped at the overwhelming sensation of her hellran sheeting himself deep within her and the taste of his blood filling her mouth. Her nails sank into his back as her fangs pulled from him, his thrusts slow and deep... growing harder in time to the intensity at which she began to pull from him.. she could feel her orgasm growing, building up with in her with a trembling intensity.. until it exploded through her like a warm molten eruption.* Naaallummmm *she moaned as she pulled her fangs from him, her back arching, her long legs wrapping tighter around his waist pulling him completely into her.. as the waves of her orgasm began to calm... his body began moving against her harder and faster, she could feel his need building with each thrust... and she slowly pulled her lips back to his neck running her tongue slowly across her puncture marks* I want you to feed... *she pulled her lips to his ear sucking slowly at his lobe as she whispered to him between panting breaths*
November 6 at 2:45pm · Like · 5
Zee Ahgony ‎*Bella's orgasm pushed him over the edge, unable to hold back any longer. With a deep growl, he buried his fangs in Bella's vein. As he drew from her in deep, long pulls, his thrusts growing more powerful. Dragging his hand down her side to her hip, he gripped her hard, his fingers digging into her soft flesh. Gripping her chin, tilting her head to the side as he withdrew his fangs, he ran his tongue up her neck, starting at her collarbone, and finishing up at her ear, growling* I love you Nalla
November 6 at 6:07pm · Like · 5
Bella Ahgony Oh Nallum... *she cried out at the feel of his fangs sinking deep within her neck, the mixture of sensations... the pain and pleasure sending instantly a second orgasm crashing through out her. With each deep pull of his fangs the intensity to which he took her body increased... it took all she had in her to turn her head and lock her bright blue eyes to his as he broke free from her neck, the intensity of his love flashing brightly in his deep canary eyes* I love you.... *she said breathlessly as he continued to pound himself into her* I love you.. *her whispered breath catching in her throat as it mingled with the uncontrolled moans.. his powerful hand gripping her hip in place keeping her positioned exactly the way he needed her*
November 6 at 6:28pm · Like · 4
Zee Ahgony ‎*Feeling Bella release a second time, his own orgasm surged through him. As he spilled himself into her, he looked into her azure eyes and whispered once more* I love you Bella.
He laid there for a moment, listening to her breathing, and then got up to feed his female.. He put on his nylon workout shorts and headed down to the kitchen to make his shellan a turkey sandwich.
November 6 at 6:56pm · Like · 4
Bella Ahgony ‎*she rolled over onto her side, a sated and content sigh leaving her lips in a deep exhale as she watched Zee leave there room and head down to the kitchen, much to her protests.. he still insisted on feeding her. Her long arms stretched high above her much like a cat as she delicate fingers pulled his pillow to her and she buried her face into it, deeply inhaling his scent before nestling her cheek to it.. she was happy, perfectly happy.*
Phury AhgonyPheonia Chosen
‎*He knocked on Pheonia's bedroom door following first meal to take her to the mansion for her first feeding. She was such a brave female and he loved her so for it. She would shine and make the race proud of this he had no doubt.
Like · · See Friendship · November 6 at 8:22pm ·
Phury Ahgony, Tara Unutoa-Sagapolutele, Lassiter The-Fallen and 4 others like this.
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She stood before her mirror staring at herself, her hair smoothed back from her face into a formal chignon, her ceremonial turquoise robe wrapped tightly around her petite body. She had spent the hour previous to the shutters lifting for ...
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November 6 at 8:32pm · Like · 5
Phury Ahgony Greetings Chosen. *She looked positively resplendent. Her courage shown through her essence like the fullest moon. She would do her race proud of this he had no doubts.It was strange to see her so still. Her energy was condensed into focus and determination* You look quite lovely. Before we leave, how are you my dearest Phe?
November 6 at 10:01pm · Like · 6
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She looked up to him, her head tilting backwards because he towered over her small frame. How was she really? Inside, she was rather nervous, but she was determined to fulfill her duty. She was still somewhat without words, so her response was short, her voice soft.* Sire, I fare well. *She gave him a tightlipped smile and held her hands together at the small of her back, as she would have when being lead to Sanctuary while on the Other Side, and lowered her head and her eyes and waited to hear what was next.*
November 6 at 11:05pm · Like · 6
Phury Ahgony ‎*Feeling her nervousness and tension in her body he softly asked *May I please enter your space? *upon seeing her slight nod he strode calmly into her room and sat on one of her many chairs He held his hands forward so that she could take them should she desire physical comfort at his moment or not if she chose to keep her body pure* Pheonia again, i must tell you that verily Cormia and I are both very proud of you and love you most dearly. You will perform you duties spendidly this eve you have no need to be fear. We will dematerialize to the mansion and there your sister Amalya the Directorix will meet us to act as chaperone. When you are finished you may spend time their resting in your old room or if you like i will come and et you to rest and reflect in you space here. It is your will. HAve you any questions or need of me?
November 6 at 11:24pm · Like · 6
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She watched as he calmly entered her room taking a seat, and telling her words that both comforted and calmed her weary nerves. He had offered his hands to hold, but she politely refused, not wanting to reverse the cleansing ritual she had performed only an hour earlier.* Thank you, mine Primale, for all you and mine sister Cormia do for me, and my other sisters. *She paused pondering his offer of staying in the manse after the feeding or returning home, but was not sure how she would be feeling, it was, after all going to be her first experience offering her vein.* Mayhap I may chose to return here or to stay upon the completion of thy Brother's taking? *Her voice was still small, soft, as it was before.*
November 6 at 11:39pm · Like · 6
Phury Ahgony Of course my dear. you will have no way of knowing now how you will be feeling then. Shall we depart?
November 6 at 11:59pm · Like · 6
Pheonia Chosen ‎*She nodded, and he held out his hand, and when she shook her head, she laughed and told her to cover her hand with her robe. She followed his suggestion and grasped his hand tightly, her apprehension apparent in that act. They dematerialized together and arrived in a lavish courtyard before the large mansion. She released the Primale's hand and clasped her hands over her lower back once more and lowered her head in waiting, falling back into step with the old traditions as they were taught to her on the Other Side.*
November 7 at 12:05am · Like · 6
Phury Ahgony ‎*They materialized outside the main entrance way of the mansion. Once inside the inner doors he rang the buzzer and showed his handsome face to the security camera. Almost immediately the door was opened by the ever effusive Fritz*
November 7 at 12:15am · Like · 6
Fritz Perlmutter Master Phury! Mistress Pheonia ! Welcome home *low bow as it was always such a pleasure to see the Primale and the Chosen. Do come in please. Mistress Amalya awaits you, may i please show you the way or is there anything i can get for you?
November 7 at 12:21am · Like · 7
Phury Ahgony ‎Fritz *bows* how lovely to see you. Enters and gives the doggen a small hug* we will just see Amalya now. *As they walk towards the stairs * When Phe is fnished if she wishes I will come back for her immediately or she may stay in her room here. Whatever is most pleasing to her. *He turned to Phe, rasied his fingers to his lips and blew her a kiss before walking off to Wrath's office*
November 7 at 12:45am · Like · 6
Fritz Perlmutter ‎*He turned to see the most beautiful Pheonia Chosen following behind him as he led the way to a spare room prepared upoon instructions for the feeding of Master Muhrder Rathboone* If you would be so kind as to follow me When they reached the door he opened it and turned to worthy female* the Directorix Amalya Chosen will be with you momentarily.* Bowed and silently left her alone with her thoughts*
Saxton Thym
‎*He was almost finished with his business trip, he could feel his excitement mounting. He would soon be home with Blaylock, he planned to take him away for a few days so they could spend some time alone. He had a modest house in Maine, they would go there. They would have no distractions, no phones or his work to bother him. He worked it all out in his head, he would surprise Blaylock, he couldn't wait to see his reaction when they dematted to his house. Whistling as he packed his briefcase and signed the last of the documents. He said his goodbye to the family and dematted back to his own home, he checked his mail. Quickly showering and changing he grabbed the bottle of champagne from the fridge, he had butterflies in his stomach. It had been so long since they had been together it almost felt like a first date. He dematted back to their bedroom at the mansion* Hello Blaylock I'm home. *He stopped dead in his tracks as he saw his lover in bed, he looked so ill*
Unlike · · November 7 at 5:40am ·
You, Phury Ahgony, Emily Lua, Blaylock Rocke and 8 others like this.
Saxton Thym ‎*Placing the champagne on the table he walked over to Blaylock and placed his hand on his forehead. He was burning up, yet he was shivering. Blaylock looked up to him and slowly smiled, then set off coughing so hard it must have hurts his ribs. He leaned into Blay and gently rubbed his back for him and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead* My poor Blay, this is not what I had expected to see when I returned. I was planning on taking you away for a few days and pamper you. *He climbed onto the bed and cuddled up to him, it was his turn to look after his lover as he had done for him*
November 7 at 5:44am · Like · 11

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