Monday, April 2, 2012

The Sex Olympics Part II (Excerpts from Mhisery's Needing)

‎*Her eyes fluttered open in the tangled mass of limbs that was her and Qhuinn. She still could not believe the events of last night, and she refused to dwell on it. It was a mutual need for each other satisfied, nothing more. She looked over at his sleeping form. He appeared peaceful, the tight muscles in his face relaxed and the youth that he possessed show through the veil of sleep. She moved her hand lightly, as not to wake him, and moved his hair back from his face. His full lips were soft and relaxed, the same pursed intensity was not present in them. She pulled the covers up over him and slid from the bed. She stood and stretched her arms way above her head, and a pain hit in her lower abdomen. It was an ache, and a need for something but she was unsure as to what.*
 ·  ·  · December 6, 2011 at 1:16am
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She padded to the bathing suit, that was adjacent to her room, her muscles were stiff and sore as if she had been in battle all night. She had not been in a batter per say but he had fought last night. She had fought to show Qhuinn that her body may be smaller than his, but it could handle whatever was thrown at her, and ask for more. He met her challenge and more than stepped up to the plate. They had spent the morning tangled in a mesh of naked flesh, the room was filled with the sounds flesh meeting flesh, groans and moans of pleasure, the occasional curse words and down and out shit talking. Her mind had given up on thinking through what she said, instead she just gave over to the carnal need that was within her.*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He woke slowly, his hand automatically seeking the female that he had lost himself in for several hours. When his hand failed to connect with a warm curvy body he sat up in the bed and forced his eyes to open.* Mhisery? *He cleared his throat, his voice had came out sounding like an old man, and climbed from the bed. Looking down, he shook his head at the hardon that stood proudly from his body* You would think you hadn't just spent hours enjoying yourself *ignoring it, he pushed open the bedroom and stuck his head around it* You okay darlin? *he rubbed a hand over his bristled jaw and stepped fully into the room, a slight expression of concern on his face*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*Her lower stomach cramped again and her knees felt like they were gonna buckle. She put her hand on the wall hoping it would keep her upright. She also felt a ache at the junction of her thighs at the sound of Qhuinn's baritone voice. What the hell he made her want him even when she felt like she was gonna die. She lifted her head* I think I have a knife in my uterus. Is that something that you commonly do during sex? Stab a woman in the uterus and leave the knife? *Another wave of pain hit her gut. A fine sheen of perspiration fell over her body as the pain hit her gut and felt like her back was going to explode*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      Can't say I have ever stabbed a woman in my life, and the only pain I have given them is what they asked me for. *frowning, he walked across the bathroom, and stopped a few feet in front of her* You want me to help you back to bed? *He scanned her face, the faint sheen of sweat that accompanied a bout of pain covered her features, the tightness around her mouth looking like she was trying to stop herself from crying out. * Is that the only place that hurts? *He was pretty sure that he hadn't done anything that could hurt her, but fuck, he had been more lost in her body than any man or woman before her.*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She shook her head. She wanted a shower and as bad as she hurt and hated to admit it she wanted him. What was wrong with her. She was acting like a hormonal teenager. She had to get this in check* See *She gritted her teeth* I knew you were only pretending to be an asshole. I need to get a shower and then I will lay down again. *As another wave of pain hit her gut she leaned forward more to try to alleviate the pain that was tearing through her body.*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*Growling quietly, he reached into the shower and turned the water on, waiting until it was at a decent temperature before he scooped her up in his arms. Stepping beneath the spray, he slowly let her slide down his body. Once her feet hit the tiled floor, he reached out for a bottle of shampoo and squirted a liberal amount onto the top of her hair. Using his free hand, he worked it into a lather and washed it through her hair, all the time ignoring his hard cock that was pressed against her stomach. It was like it had a mind of its own, that even though it had spent hours inside this gorgeous woman, it wanted more. Turning her around, he placed her directly under the spray and let the water remove all traces of the shampoo*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*Her eyes widened as he scooped her up and stepped in to the shower. She was surprised at how gentle he was in bathing her. She had to suppress a moan at the feel of his cock pressed into her body, accompanied by the erotic sensation of the water sliding over their bodies. When he turned her around to face him she slid a palm to his cheek and looked up into hi mismatched eyes* Thank you for this. I didn't mean to wake you up.
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He turned his head and placed a kiss to the center of her palm* I only woke because you weren't there. *He was surprised at himself for admitting that, he was more surprised at having stayed with her as long as he had. It was completelyout of his nature, but yet? He wanted to stay with her. Even now holding her in the shower was igniting his blood and causing his cock to leap painfully against her. It was like a force was drawing him to her, making him want to sate both their bodies for days on end. Clearing his throat, he looked down at her* I need to feed you, then you need to rest.
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*Her eyes widened again at the 'feed you' comment. She had only fed from two males of her race and neither of those times worked out well. One had been a male that was a complete dick and had forced himself on her so she thought the least she the bastard could do was give up a vein, the other had been Throe and she wasn't even gonna think about that because it was still too raw and painful. Her body stirred to life even more than it was before. The blood in her veins ran hotter than lava and the core of her body became wetter than any shower could ever make her as her nipples hardened to painful, aching peaks. Her fangs begged to slide into the soft flesh of his neck and ached at the thought as her mouth watered. Another pain swept through her lower abdomen and she had to brace herself of his shoulder to prevent falling over in agony. She panted for a moment and waited for it to pass before she spoke* Qhuinn I have only fed from two males my entire life. One of them was by force, the other one, well we had never had sex, so I don't know how to feed from someone that I have been with. *She looked down, refusing to meet his gaze* You don't have to feed me, really, I can find someone to feed off of.
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He listened to her talk as she finished washing her hair clean, his hand smoothing back her damp tresses from her face and cupping her cheek in his hand* If you think after what we shared I would allow another male the great honor of feeding you, you are out of your mind *He did his best to hide the growl that rumbled in his chest or the fact for the second time there was that scent again filling the small cubicle. The dark spiced smell that he knew wasn't coming from any of the various bottles that lined the shower. His body ached, his cock and balls felt like they were on fire. The smell of her arousal was filling up the shower as quickly as his own. No, he couldn't admit what that was and he prayed to fuck that she didn't notice it and go running. Taking a hard breath, he cut the water and scooped her up in his arms again, reaching for a towel that sat outside and wrapping it as best he could around her. Taking hold of two more, he walked back into the bedroom, dropped a towel to the bed and sat on it. Shifting her in his arms, he set her down between his legs and lifted the other towel to start drying off her long hair* Though if the thought of taking my blood disgusts you, I can ask for my cousin or someone to feed you
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*She tried to hide a smile as he spoke of a honor feeding her. Even through the haze of pain that wracked her stomach she wanted to smile. She always felt weak when she had to ask to feed on a male of her race, she found it easier to just feed from humans. She wrapped her arms around her arms around her neck when he picked her up. She lay her head on his shoulder as they walked from the bathroom* You know I can walk, you were amazing but I still kept my abilities to ambulate intact. *She settled against his massive frame, he was so warm and he smelled great, like some dark spice that she had never smelled before. When he something about her being disgusted by his blood, her stomach sank. She bit down on her lower lip and dropped her head, speaking quietly* It doesn't disgust me at all. I-I just didn't want you to feel obligated to do it. I didn't want you to do it if you didn't want to. *The wave of pain hit her again and she bent forward and groaned out in pain*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      It is not an obligation. To know my blood is inside you? *he stopped talking as she doubled in pain again* I am going to sound like a typical male here because I have no idea what is wrong. Is this hunger cramps? for blood or food? Do you want me to call Jane? *He wrapped his arms around her, one hand stealing beneath the towel to spread his palm out across her stomach, slowly moving it in a circle. Granted, he was trying to ease her but again, just the scent of her so close to his body had his cock wanting to say hello again. Jesus fuck, what the hell was wrong with him. Here he had a beautiful female in his arms, she was hurting and all he could think about was dragging her on top of him and letting her ride him until he passed out from pleasure. His mouth watered at the thought of tasting her and he couldn't stop himself giving a small rock of his hips against her*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*His palm landing on her stomach was a gift straight from the Scribe and when he rocked his hips, pressing the steel length against her back, she couldn't help herself and released a shuttered breath that had caught in her throat. She didn't know what the pain was, but the thought of him being inside her seemed to ease it, while making the ache at the junction of her thighs more than apparent. She wanted him more than the air she breathed at that moment. The fact that he was taking care of her, he had bathed her an was now toweling her hair, was more than anyone, other than her mother, had ever done. She leaned back, her back against the massive wall of his chest and her ass pressing tight against his thick cock. She placed her hands on her thighs and rolled her hips, just slightly, to rub her ass over the length of him as she spoke* I don't know what's wrong with me. *She didn't finish the sentence with what she wanted to say, which was "I don't know what is wrong with me, all I know is I want you'*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*A low guttural groan tore from his throat at the feel of her ass stroking against his cock and it took every ounce of his strength to not lift her back and settle her down ontop of him. He rocked back against her, his jaw tight and his hands tightening on the towel and he groaned her name though he barely realized he did it*Mhisery *He wanted to taste her so much he could actually taste it. He wanted to take her while she took her fill from him. He could almost feel her fangs buried in his flesh, her tight wet heat around him. He struggled with himself for a moment* Maybe you need to eat and feed. I don't know but if it pleases you i would offer you my vein *he turned his head and focused on her vein that ran down the column of her throat and his own fangs punched hard into his mouth* I want you to *he didn't add what he thought in his head* I want you to take me and not let me go
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*The guttural groan of her name caused the ache for him to be between her legs to grow even more. The stroke of his heavy cock sliding over the flesh of her ass caused liquid desire to pool in her core. She couldn't suppress the moan that escaped her lips, nor did she want to. When he offered his vein and said he wanted her to take it, she was enthralled. She leaned forward on her palms and crawled away from his lap, allowing a full view of her bare sex. She reached the foot of the bed and turned, she prowled back to him on all fours, her eyes keeping contact with his. She straddled his waist and moved her hair and offered her neck, her voice low and seductive, laced with need and promise.* I want you to take me too.
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He closed his eyes for a brief second as he watched her crawl down the bed, fuck if he didn't want to pin her down there and then and give them both some relief. As she crawled back towards him, he slung the towel away from him and clamped his hands down on her waist. Leaning forward, he ran his tongue across her vein, feeling it pulse beneath him, just as the hot folds of her body nestled against his cock. Pulling back he met her eyes then struck forward like a viper, his fangs sliding into her vein as his chest shuddered in relief. Her blood was like the sweetest wine, full and heavy on his tongue as he took a hard pull. he couldn't help himself, one hand left her hip and slid between their bodies, finding her small clit and stroking his fingers across it. He bucked his hips against her in time with the tease of his fingers, doing his best to not lift her up and slid her down onto him, to bury himself deep in her body while he took from her vein*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*The feel of his hands gripping her waist roughly made her moan, there was something about his touch that made her blood boil in the most erotic way. When he fangs sliced into her flesh she wanted to scream out his name like she had just orgasmed and the sensation was nearly as good. The pool of desire within the walls of her core increased as he started to take long, hard pulls from her, and his tongue moved over the tender flesh of her throat. When his hand reached between their bodies and started to stoke her core, her breathing hitched and she started to pant. She placed one hand over his as he moved his apt fingers over her clit, her other hand encircled his thick cock, and her hips undulated in time with his thrust. She dipped her head forward and made a small circle on the column of his neck before sliding her fangs into his flesh. The drop of his life's blood hit her tongue and elicited a deep moan of appreciation, his blood was dark and rich, sweet and strong, just as the man was. She took a deep pull as her hips moved faster and her hand stroked over his at a faster pace.*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He hissed in pleasure as her fangs pierced his skin, his hips bucking forward through the tight circle of her hand. He let her show him the pace she wanted by how she pressed her fingers against his. He stroked his fingers through her folds and down to let his index finger barely enter her body before he pulled it back out, using her own wetness to coat her clit. His eyes were closed as he copied the same pull she was taking from his vein with one of his own. Pleased was beating into him in waves, the female in his arms the center of the storm that dragged him in further. He wanted to bury himself in her so hard he could swear the feel of her hand was like the tight glove of her core. He detached his fangs from her vein and slowly lapped the wounds closed. Giving up, he slid his middle two fingers into her core, the heel of his hand pressing tight to her clit as he rocked it against her*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*As his fingers slid inside her she dislodged her fangs and groaned out his name as she lapped over the wounds to seal them shut* Qhuinn *She kept her hand atop of his as his long fingers plunged deep in the wet confines of her sex, the wide heel of his hand erotically rotating her clit. Her head lulled back as she continued to stroke his cock with her other hand. She rose up on her knees to place her breast at mouth level with him, as her head lulled back spilling damp ebony locks down her back. Her eyes closed as the weight of desire had hooded them to the point of closed and her hips moved in time with the movement of his hand. Her tongue swept her lower lip to remove the remains of his blood, and she swallowed hard, her mouth suddenly dry*
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*He latched onto her nipple, his fangs dragging across it her peak before he let them slid slightly into her skin. He took a hard pull, and groaned in pleasure at her taste, his tongue stud rolling slowly around it. He pushed his fingers into her core faster, letting the heel of his hand move against her in the way that brought out those husky moans of hers. Fuck this woman was hot, she managed to fire up his blood like nobody had before.* Fuck Mhisery.. *He managed to bite out before he switched his attentions to her other nipple, offering it the same attention he gave the other. He wanted to drag her down on top of his cock and pump into her over and over again until he heard his name ripped from her throat like he was the only anchor that stopped her drifting away*
    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
      ‎*His mouth on her only added fuel to the fire that he had started within her. The inner walls of her sex clamped down around his fingers as her hip undulated, grinding her clit against the heel of his hand. Her hand moved faster over the steel length that was his cock, wanting it inside her so badly that she would beg. She had removed her had from covering his and buried it in his hair, holding him at her breast. His tongue was skilled and the swirl over her nipple with tongue stud was the final nudge that pushed her off the cliff of ecstasy. The walls of her core spasmed around his fingers, coating them in the evidence of her desire as her knees weakened and her legs shook for the force of the orgasm. She screamed his name at the ceiling as she came. Her body slumped against him, as he wrung the last bit of passion from her body, her breathing ragged and panting* Fuck me you are amazing
    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
      ‎*he panted against her, barely holding himself together enough to not blow the end of his cock. The spasms of her pussy around his fingers might as well been around his cock, he could have sworn he felt her there. He gave a ragged breath as she collapsed against him, his chest heaving as he slowly slid his fingers from her body. He wrapped his arms around her and held her close, his face against her shoulder, her hair all around him* Damn, *He could barely speak, instead he lazily kissed her shoulder, his fingertips running slowly down her spine. He reached for the sheet and pulled it up over the two of them. He new there and then, he couldn't let her go, she spoke to him a way no other did. Even his feels towards Blay were no longer forefront in his mind*

      ‎*He was tired.. shit was he tired but even then he had a drivin' force to see his Shellan Mary. He had tucked both Ahylssa and Cohlin into bed and now was time for him to show his Shellan why she was mated to him. Their mated room was empty when he entered it.. the faint scent of Mary still hung in the air and broke a smile across his face.. Walkin' into the bathroom.. he turned on the facets in the large tub.. adding in the scented bath oil she liked and fillin' it up.. He dimmed the lights and willed the candles that were strategically placed to flare..Fiddlin' with the dials of the stereo he returned to their mated room to wait..*
      Billy Currington's Let Me Down Easy

      • Mary Luce Tohrture 
        ‎~ She ambled in after her shift at Safe Place. She was tired and dragging. Her head hurt, her eyes hurt, her muscles ached and there was a strange tingle in the air. She made her way to her mated room, where she hoped to find Rhage, but hewasn't there. There was a sound coming from the bathroom, and she made her way inside. She was in awe, the candles flick and the room was filled with the scents of relaxation. She brought her hand to her heart and just looked at him~ You are too good to be true.
      • Rhage Tohrture 
        ‎*His senses kicked into overdrive as he heard her enter the bedroom. Leanin' back against the marble counter..he waited and watched as she entered the dimly lit room his bonding scent flaring the minute he set eyes on her... * Ask anyone.. you are the one that is too good to be true puttin' up with me... Now come here and let me take care of you.. you look fit to drop.. *Pushin' off the counter, he walked towards her.. reachin' out and taking her small perfect hand into his... He took his time undressin' her.. his lips caressin' her slender shoulders.. his fingers brushing over the scars that marked her as much of a warrior as he was*
      • Mary Luce Tohrture 
        ‎~She stood before him as he eased her clothes from her body, she inhaled and the scent of his bonding filled her lungs, and cloaked her body. She relished in the dark spicy scent, it marked her his and she wore it like a badge of honor. Her hand moved up to his broad shoulders, and palmed their way down his massive arms, and then to his lean waist to pull his large frame close to her. She stood on her tip toes to press her lips to his, softly, slowly parting is full lips with her tongue, exploring his mouth and melding with his skilled tongue. She pulled back, pressing her lips to his bottom lip for a final time before she spoke.~ Why don't we take care of each other?
      • Rhage Tohrture 
        ‎*He looked down at her.. his eyes hooded.. full of desire for his shellan. Bendin' he lifted her with ease into his arms and stepped into the bathtub. Slowly sinkin' down.. he cradled her in his arms like the precious cargo she was..Settlin' her in his arms he reached for the sponge and stroked it slowly across her flat stomach..He dropped his head and raked his fangs across her shoulder, nippin' slowly and careful to not break her skin just yet... Finishin' at her ear he whispered huskily* let me care for you babydoll..*His cock sat proud against her ass but he ignored it for now.. instead he focused on washin' her body.. the sponge draggin' slowly up to cover her body in bubbles.. Reachin' the perfect swell of her breasts, he lazily stroked the sponge across the hard peak of her right nipple*
      • Mary Luce Tohrture 
        ‎~Her head lulled back and rested on his strong shoulder, as her back arched into the touch of his strong hand. His fangs grazed her her skin and her flesh pebble as a fire ignited in her veins that warmed her heart and brought a pool of desire straight to her core. Her hips undulated of their own accord and stroked the globes of her ass across her hard cock. Her lips parted and a small moan escaped, mingling with the steam laden room. Her nails lightly scraped the taunt cords of her thighs as her nipples ached for his touch.~ Baby I'm yours to do as you please. ~She moaned out in a seductive tone, laced with a plea for more~
      • Rhage Tohrture 
        ‎*His cock hardened further.. though he didn't think that were possible..but the feel of her firm ass against his cock broke his concentration of strokin' across her flesh with the sponge. He ducked his head and took the tender flesh of her neck beneath his teeth, suckin' it further into mark her as his..He lost the sponge.. instead his fingers drummed across her nipple, circlin' and pinchin' it between his finger and thumb. His other hand drifted down her smooth stomach.. between her supple thighs to part the folds of her body..his middle finger circled the bud of nerves..almost touching it but keepin' a small distance for now..He moved further down and speared a finger inside her.. pushin' deep then drawin' slowly back out..He moved to the other nipple.. rollin' it slowly then pluckin' as his finger met with her clit.. his fangs piercin' the pale skin of her neck..*
      • Mary Luce Tohrture 
        ‎~She moaned out his name as his hands plunged inside her aching core. She pressed back against him as his fangs scored her flesh, her hand going behind them and stroking the massive length of his erection. The suds and water adding a agonizing friction as her lifted her hips and begged for more of his touch, moving in sync with his apt fingers, grinding against his broad palm~ Oh gods Rhage, you are gonna make me come ~The water splashed around them as the movement of her hips became more violent. She wanted him inside her she wanted both of their needs sated as her body's core wept for him, and him alone~
      • Rhage Tohrture 
        ‎*He gripped her hip and lifted her.. movin' her back and settlin' her down onto his cock as he thrust his hips upwards..He groaned against her neck..his fingers working across her clit as he seated himself fully..Pullin' her back against him.. he wrapped an arm around her waist.. holdin' her still against his chest as he pumped slowly up into her hot wet tight core..* Fuck leelan.. you feel so good around my cock.. so tight.. so wet.. so fuckin' hot.. *he growled out the words and ran his tongue up her teeth to catch her earlobe between his fangs* Made for me.. *He whispered into her ear as he pulled back his hips and drove forward into her..* Tell me how that feels.. does it feel as good to you as it does to me?
      • Mary Luce Tohrture 
        ‎~She screamed out as he slit her over his cock and impaled her with one fluid stroke. He filled her completely and he was right, they were made for each other and fit perfectly together. She moved her hips to match the rhythm he set with the thrust of his cock. Her hips rolled in a slow, deep deductive dance, one hand on his thickly corded thigh, the other had arched behind her and buried in his thick hair. The seductive tone of his baritone voice only coaxed her farther to release, the words that rolled through her head were incoherent at best, but he needed to hear it to sooth the beast that raged within him. The core of her being tightened around his thick cock as he thrust deep within her. The inner walls of her core holding him like a vice and held him deep with in the inner chambers of her sex.~ When you touch me all I can think is more baby, when you are inside me all I can do is moan your name, but the best way I can tell you how it feels is to show you. ~She moaned out the last word as she rolled her hips and took him completely inside her, the inner walls of her core clamping and releasing around him, as her breathing became ragged, and she panted through the erotic release. She held his held close to her as she moaned out his name and rode the wave of orgasm~ How does it feel to know you have the power to make me come all over you?
      • Rhage Tohrture 
        ‎*He couldn't answer her straight away as he pumped harder and faster into her tight sheath..the water sloshin' and tippin' over the side of the tub as his body surged underneath hers. Her muscles clampin' around him.. the words she spoke in her passion laden voice urged him on* Fuck leelan.. *He groaned.. his fingers working quicker over her clit as his balls tightened to an almost painful level...* There has never been anyone like you.. the sound of you releasin', the feel.. Fuck.. MINE *His bonding scent reached new levels.. the room now full of it accompanied by the slap of their skin together.. the sound of the water beatin' against the tub..He threw his head back and roared out.. *MARY *his release nailin' him so hard he could of swore he saw stars..his spilled into her body in hot hard ropes.. holdin' himself tight against her as he dropped his head against her shoulder. He shuddered behind her.. his arms wrappin' tight around her to pull her back against his chest as he covered her shoulder's in kisses*
      • Mary Luce Tohrture 
        ‎~She fell back against the wall of his chest, thankful for his hand around her waist to keep her upright. The inner walls of her core clamped and released around his cock, wanting everything he had to offer. Her breathing was ragged and panting, as her body laid crumble and sated against him. Her head lulled to the side on his should her she placed a kiss on his cheek. She spoke breathlessly as she found his free hand and laced her fingers through his~Dear Scribe you are amazing and I love you.
      • Rhage Tohrture ‎*He lifted her from the tub.. wrappin' towels around them both and carried her back to the bedroom.. He placed her gently onto the bed and crawled in beside her..wrappin' her in his arms and willin' the candles off. He brushed his lips across hers in a soft kiss* I love you leelan.. *He closed his eyes.. content and at ease with his Shellan in their mated bed*

        ‎*She tossed in bed and turned thinking that she was having a strange dream in which her uterus was being removed with a dull knife, as it turned out it was not a dream at all, the pain was quiet real. She turned to the side and drew her legs up close to her body, as she sweated profusely but it was to no avail. She whimpered at first and then she started to moan, and before long she was crying out in pain*
         ·  ·  · December 9, 2011 at 7:45pm
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*He shot upright in bed, scrubbing a hand over his face as the scream tore him from the him the heavy sleep he had been. Blinking, he turned to look at her, his face twisting in concern* Mhisery? *he reached out to place his hand on her back, the other reaching out for phone that sat on the bedside cabinet. Hitting the speed dial for Jane, he waited until she answered and merely barked out* I need you to come to Mhisery's room. Something is wrong* Slamming the phone down, he moved from the bed circling it and and kneeling down in front of her* Mhisery, what is it?
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She tried to focus on his face but it was of no use. She gritted her teeth and screamed through her clenched jaws as her hands white-knuckled the sheets* It hurts. My stomach hurts.
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*He looked down at the vials then back at the door. Needing? Fuck. He had heard of others that had helped females through theirs but he had never had that privilege. Sure he would give her the choice it was her right to deny him. Opening the door, he stepped in and moved back around the bed to his prior position. Knealing down beside he kept his voice low* Mhisery, I can make it really easy on you and give you what Doc Jane has given me, or I can take of you properly, the choice is yours. *Shit, he hoped she picked the option of him easing her through this. His cock was already leaping to life at the small waves that were beating off her and hitting him and he knew from what older males had told him, this would get worse. He leaned slightly closer and inhaled her scent. How the hell had he missed it? He could scent she wasn't fertile but he should have known that scent. Or should he? He had never been in this situation before*
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*She tried to listen to him through the haze of pain that she was trapped in and some of his words were making their way in. He was asking to take her and she had to give him a what the fuck look* So what we have been doing in here for two days hasn't been properly? *She grabbed him by the shit and pulled him to her, her lips pressing to his as her tongue dipped inside of his warm mouth and explored it's confines completely. She pulled back nipping his lower lip. * Take me now...please
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*He gave her a slow fangy grin as he pulled back to look at her, his weight resting on his elbows on either side of his head. * I'm going to take real good care of you beauty *His eyes tracking over every inch of her body, his cock stirring more. He could smell the faint trace of her perfume lingering in the air and his eyes darkened with arousal as he thought of spending a few days working out the tension that hung heavy in both their bodies and the needing that would cause her agony unless he could keep her well sated. He gave a low tortured groan beneath his breath and ducking his head, he ran his tongue up the column of her neck, nipping his fangs against her vein, one hand wrapping around the length of her hair beneath her and pulling her head back almost painfully, the other clamping down hard on her waist to hold her beneath him* You have no idea how much I want to have you writhing beneath me and hearing my fucking name leave your lips as you scream in pleasure. *He score her skin lightly with one fang and lapped the bead of blood that welled, his chest expanding on a throaty groan*
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*She watched him as he was eye fucking her. As much time as he was spending taking in her features she was taking in his. He was tall and broad with a lean waist. His muscles had muscles and he walked with a cocky air about him. He could probably take anyone of his choosing to bed at anytime, but she wasn't just anyone and this wasn't just anytime. His mismatched eyes bore straight to her as they met her gaze and immediately a small fire started in the core of her sex, one that in not time would become an untameable blaze that would consume them both. He appeared in front of her, the heady smell of his cologne present just seconds before he was. Her breath caught in her throat when he pulled her hair back . She was about to let out a stream of curses when his tongue met her skin, and her breath became ragged as his tongue and fangs slid down her throat. His deep baritone voice, coupled with the worlds he spoke made her ache to be touched by him. Her chest heaved as she grabbed the hem of his shirt and lifted over his head, she wanted to feel as much of his skin against her as possible. She reached for his fly and slid her hand down the front of his leathers to encircle his thick cock. She moved her hand from crown to base, loving the way the velvety skin felt against to her palm. A low moan of appreciation escaped her lips at the impressive size of the male as her head fell forward to the soft space where his neck met his shoulder. She ran fr fangs from that tender spot up his neck where she whispered in a guttural tone, allowing the warmth of her breath to caress the shell of his ear* I want you so deep in side me that I can't tell where my body ends and yours begins. I want you to carry my scent on your body like a badge of honor. I want you to memorize what I feel like wrapped around your cock so days from now you can think about it and your cock gets hard. I want to come all over you so many times that I can't think, stand or breath and then I want you to make me come again.
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*His head lulled forward at her words, resting against her shoulder that though she was delicate compared to him, she was still as strong as a warrior. The leather moulded to her perfect form like a second skin, revealing each and every curve her body had to over, and fuck did she have some curves that he wanted to trace with his tongue. His hips shot forward as her small hand wrapped around him, and his knee wedged her legs a foot apart. He reached out and unzipped the leather gillet she wore, his hands instantly covering the mounds of her breasts through the lace bra she wore. His thumbs worked against her nipples brushed back and forth before he pinched them between finger and thumb, rolling them slowly then flicking his finger against each one.

            He lazily thrust his cock through the circle of her hand, one of his leaving the perfect tilt of her breast to drag his fingers down over her flat stomach as he made quick work of opening her leather pants. He pushed them aside, his hand delving into the opening, his fingers moving straight for her pussy and sliding one long finger deep inside. He slowly thrust it in time with the ministrations of her hand, coating his finger in her wetness before he dragged it out and circled her clit. He teased is way around it, just touching it and no more as he ducked his head and took her right nipple in his mouth. He sucked it in deep, his tongue stud rolling over it before it took it between his teeth, the tips of his fangs piercing her skin and no more. He growled against her breast and moved his finger again from her clit to slid two into her tight pussy. He slowly pumped just in inch inside her then slid his middle two fingers in deep, his thumb brushing back and forth across her clit*
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*She widened her legs farther allowing more room for his apt hands to work. A breathy moan of appreciation rolled from her lips along with his name. Her free hand went to his hair to pull him closer to her and hold him at her breast . Her hips undulated over his fingers silently begging for more, and getting what she asked for with the addition of his second digit. She wanted out of the clothes she had on wanted him out of his. She continued to stroke his cock with one hand as the other went bout getting them both nude. When she had removed the last of his leathers she had to take in the site of him nude. He was more beautiful nude than he was clothed. She ran her fangs across his shoulder before she made her way down his body. She placed the blunt tip of his cock at the opening of her mouth, her tongue circling the ring of nerves at the crown before taking him completely inside her mouth. She looked up at him as her mouth ran the length of his massive cock, with her hand following suit, her free hand cupping his weighted balls. She moaned as she tasted him fully, wanting more. She started with an agonizingly slow movement that increased to a rapid sequence of her mouth and hand moving to take him in and out of her mouth*
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*He threaded his fingers into her hair and locked his legs back to stop himself crumpling before her. The feel of her hot mouth and skilled tongue working over him with her hand had his head falling back on a ragged groan. He tried holdinghimself still, letting her do the work but he couldn't as much as he tried. He gave a few shallow thrusts into her mouth and used the grip on her hair to show her exactly how he liked it. He forced his head forward and looked down, watching in fascination as her full rosy lips took his cock in and out.* Fuck * was all he managed to bite out, watching her and feeling her tongue moving against the under side of him, her fingers stroking across his sensitive balls and her other hand stroking him.

            He yearned to taste her and until he could he slid his fingers into his mouth and groaned louder at the taste of her. His tongue made quick work of his fingers, his mouth now watering for a further taste of her. To have his tongue buried inside her, his fingers, teeth, lips all working in tandem to pleasure her, to have her feeling what he was feeling right now. He tilted slightly to the side enough that he could use his free hand to cup her breast, to tease he nipple once more into a hardened peak. He knew he couldn't last much longer, she was too skilled, she seemed to know exactly how and what speed to touch him to drive him closer and closer to the brink* Mhis..Mhisery.. you need to stop or.. *he groaned and clenched his teeth* I will finish in your mouth if you don't stop
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*She released him from her mouth, her hand still working over his erection, the wetness of her mouth lubricating his cock and allowing her had to slide with ease. She went up on her knees, legs spread, his cock in her hand. Her pussy wet for him and only him, an aching need for him that was almost painful. She bent at the waist enough that her breast were level with his cock. As she stroked his shaft she circled the twice pieced nipples of her breast and a whimper escaped her lips. Her other hand went to the center of the ache that he had created, she looked up at him as first one of her fingers, then another disappeared into the wetness of her core, her thumb working over her clit. She moaned loudly as she neared orgasm. She watched his face, her eyes locked with his as her first orgasm rocked through her body. Her eyes widened as the inner walls of her sex spasmed around her fingers. All she could do was call out loudly* OH MY FUCKING GOD YES QHUINN YESSSS
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*His breath panted out of him in short bursts, his legs started to shake as he looked down and watched her hand disappear between her slender legs.* Fuck, * He could scent her arousal and it fueled his. it started at the tip of his toes and worked his way up through his legs, it tore through his body at the speed of a freight train. His balls tightened and it took every inch of his will power to not cum there and then. As he heard her orgasm, and the movement of her body, he reached down and lifted her under the arms. Turning and dropping her down on top of the mattress of the large bed.

            Wedging his shoulder between her legs, her fell on her pussy like a starved man, his tongue replacing where her fingers had been, eagerly lapping up her orgasm, low growls rumbling through his chest as he ignored the screaming in his head to claim her. He showed her no mercy, he covered her clit with his lips, his tongue circling stroking and flicking his hands moving up to cover both her breasts and tug at her nipples. Keeping one hand there, he moved the other to her throat, his large hand wrapping around her neck and pressing down applying just enough pressure*
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*The fall of his mouth on her core made her back off of the bed violently and her legs shook as they framed his handsome face. She buried her hand in his hair and held him in place as her hips undulated over his face, and she bit down on her lower lip to the point of drawing blood. She could feel the bloom of another orgasm and her nails scored the flesh of his shoulder as she was trying to find something to hold on too when his hand clamped around her throat, then their was no holding back. The euphoric sensation in her head accompanied by his mouth on her core was more than she could stand. Her eyes rolled back in her head and the only thing that kept her from shouting out his name was the grip he had on her throat. The inner walls of her core spasmed out as she coated his skilled tongue with the liquid evidence of her desire*
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*He ran his tongue through her folds, taking every drop of her orgasm and swallowing it down with a eagerness that surprised him. He speared his tongue inside her a final time then rose up over her body. He hands made quick work of tearing the rest of their clothes from their bodies before he loomed over her.* Do you trust me to do you right *He asked as he nudged her legs further apart and settled between them, the head of his cock poised and ready to side balls deep inside her.*

            *reaching out, he took both her hands into his, his fingers wrapping around her slender wrists and stretching them above her head. His other hand slid back between her legs and he thrust his middle finger fully inside her soaking pussy. Her prior orgasm coated his finger and he drew it out slowly. Raising his hand, he stroked his finger across her lips then leaned down, his tongue tracing over them to clean the dampness*
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*She bit down on her lower lip and nodded to the affirmative just a second before her hands were taken over he head. She gasp out as his finger delve inside her and moaned has he brought it to her mouth, the moan growing deeper as his tongue traced over hers. She wrapped her legs around his waist and urged him closer, her hips lifting attempting to seat him inside her. Her body ached for his touch, in all reality needed it. She wanted to touch him but was unable to so she did the best she could to cradle his body at the junction of her thighs, not being able to think him enough. The pain in her stomach already starting to subside.* Oh Dear Scribe Qhuinn please fuck me
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*The words had barely left her mouth when he slid himself home, seating himself fully, her last orgasm easing his passage. He drew back and slid forward against just as forcefully. Keeping her wrists in his hands, he leaned down, his mouth closing around one pert nipple, his fangs punching hard through his gums and sliding with ease through the flesh around her nipple. He growled against her skin and took a hard pull of her heady blood.

            He drew hips back again and slammed into her, drawing back and moving into her with two shallow thrusts, following it up again with a hard one. He kept that motion going as he took another pull of her breast. Retracting his fangs enough to leave her skin, he lapped his tongue over her, sealing the wounds and circling around her nipple, his tongue piercing the tautness of the peak*
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*She moaned his name as he entered her and filled her completely. He was a male of girth and for helping her out one of worth as well. Her back arched pressing her body tight to his and offering more more of her breast to him. The strike of his fangs caused the inner walls of her heated sex to clamp around his cock, the lap of his skilled tongue causing them to release her pent orgasm over the length of his steel erection. She thrust her hips upward to bury him inside the soaking walls of her core as she shattered around him. She dug her nails into her own palm to keep her focused but it was no use. Her mind was a haze of desire and the only image seared on her brain was the name that was on her lips* QHUINNNNNNNNNNNN
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*he growled with approval as he felt her shatter around his cock, his own pent up release not far behind her. He released her wrists long enough to clamp his hands down on her waist, holding her still beneath him as he pumped harder into her body. A low rumble of a growl started deep in his chest and bubbled up through his lips. His head fell back and he roared to ceiling, his balls tight as he gave a final hard pump into her. His release shot out him, coating the inner walls of her pussy in hot hard ropes as he collapsed down on top of her, taking his weight on his elbows on either side of her head* Fuck, Fuck fuck fuck.
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
            ‎*She lay panting beneath him, her body spent and the pain eased. She draped her arms around his neck as her chest heaved out the raggedly with the fleeting remnants of her orgasm ebbing out of her body. One hand slid tenderly into his sweat soaked hair and the other cupped his face as she looked up at his mismatched eyes and her body still shook beneath him. She uttered the only words she could form* Thank you. Now will you do me the honor of taking my vein? *She tilted her head knowing he had only taken a small amount from her breast and needed more at the pace he was setting*
          • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
            ‎*He looked down at her before slowly sliding his still hard cock from her body and shifted to lie against her side. He wrapped his arm across her waist and looked down at her* I will feed, but I am not taking from your neck or wrist *he let his hand drift over her stomach and down, pushing her legs apart a few inches to stroke his finger lightly across her inner thigh as he whispered in her ear* I will take my fill from here once I have ran my tongue, lips and fangs all over every inch of your body
          • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*Her body trembled at the touch of his hand, a slow ache built in the heated center of her body. She wanted him just as much now as she did when they started. He was eroticism in a sexy package. The sound of his voice enough to spark of mini-orgasms with in her body. She moaned and panted low as she spoke.* Any time you are hungry you know where the meal is.

            • ‎*a strange sensation began to grow within her as she stared at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. It was unlike anything she had ever felt yet at the same time there was something rather familar about it, with a sigh she shrugged it off tossling her long dark strands over her bare shoulders and walked into their bedroom to dress... now that her hellran was better she really didnt want to bother Zee.. Her eyes immediately caught sight of his large masculine form.. he was built like a warrior his upper body bare as he searched his wardrobe for a tee.. muscled broad shoulders that led to massive and perfectly sculpted arms and pecks. She moistened her full pink lips as her sapphire gaze continued to trail its way down to his perfectly taut and tapered waist. She almost groaned aloud, she actually may have at just the thought of how she loved to scrape her fangs across each and everyone of his perfect abs. She was staring at him... blatantly starring at her Hellran as she stood almost completely nude in the doorway that connected their bathroom and bedroom* — with Zee Ahgony.
                • Zee Ahgony 
                  ‎*he woke feeling great. Finally over that fucking flu. Bella's warm body next to him. They arose at the same time, shared their usual morning banter, laid there together and greated the day. So it didn't really make sense that all he could do was picture them getting right back in that bed and starting the day entirely different. As he looked through the closed for a new pair of sweats, he felt her behind him Her scent was incredible, more distracting than usual even. He turned to see her staring at him. He stood there, watching her watching him. The look on her face captivated him and he couldn't look away. As he stood there, t-shirt in hand, all he could do was imagine her underneath him. He didn't even know how to ask her for what he needed from her. This was not the norm. Their sex life was amazing, but, still, he normally didn't pounce on her as she was trying to get out the door. Scribe knew he was a selfish son of a bitch, but he was normally more cognizant of the fact that she had things to attend to, and her hellren needing to be inside of her instead of letting her get on with her day was a bit much even for him. By the look on her face, however, she was thinking along the same lines as he was.* Bella? Everything ok?
                • Bella Ahgony 
                  ‎*she almost didn't hear him, her eyes were still glued to his chest as it bunched and flexed with each gesture of his hands as the fumbled with the thin white tee... She shook her head from the fixation and shot her eyes back up to his who's were now also gazing at her with rather thoughtful intentions?* Yes, Nallum... *she said sofly her hand falling from her necklace, lightly brushing against the swell of her breast and lace of her black bra. Her hips slowly rolling her forward in his direction.... Gods, it was as if he was oozing raw sexuality. If she kept this up Nalla was never going to be taken down for breakfast* I ummm... *she bit her bottom lip as she walked passed him purposefully letting the skin of her arm brush against the warm expanse of his back* I just need to get dressed.. *she called out over her shoulder as she made her way over to her dresser*
                • Zee Ahgony 
                  ‎*his arm snaked out and his large hand wrapped around her delicate wrist. He trailed his other hand over her brow, and down her soft dark tresses. She was so beautiful, it was blinding. He drew her towards him.. his head dipping down to her neck, inhaling her scent, trailing a fang up her throat. He tried to speak and all that came out was a growl. He tried again. His voice was rough with a sudden need for her that was impossible to ignore. * Bella, I want to be inside you. Now.
                • Bella Ahgony 
                  ‎*she turned to face him, his canary eyes almost glowing with his building need and the recognition in them caused her own blues to spark right back* Then.... *she continued to pace into the direction of the dresser, Zee's free hand instantly grasping her tightly by the waist and lifting her to set her down almost roughly onto her dresser, she moaned at the force.. the sheer need that it screamed within her waking her completely from whatever lustful like dream state she had awoken in* Then Nallum, if that's what you need *she said pulling her lips up to the lobe of his ear, her long dancers legs snaking around his waist and pulling him tightly into her* take. what. you. need.
                • Zee Ahgony 
                  ‎*He used his mouth on her. Starting with Bella's upturned lips. He nibbled, and then he used his tongue to explore her mouth. At her sharp intake of breath he began to move down her body. Running the tip of his tongue over her throat, his fangs elongated at the same time he hardened to a point where it was very nearly painful. He wanted inside his female, but first he wanted her to ache like he did. She arched her back as he moved down, over her breasts, his mouth closing over the hardened peaks. All she had managed to put on this morning were matching bra and panties, and they were not going to be fit for wearing after this. He used his fang to release her breasts from the lacy bra, and they spilled over into his hands. He used his thumbs on the pink tips, and then he alternated between licking them and then gently sucking on them till they were both hard and she was panting. He moved his hand down her tight, flat abdomen, his finger tips skimming the panties as his mouth followed the path his hand travelled.*
                • Bella Ahgony 
                  ‎*he left her almost panting her hands flanked at either side of her hips gripping hard at the cherry wood dresser , as his hand played tortuously with the elastic of her panties.. under normal circumstances she rather enjoyed his playful teasing... but for some reason, one she couldn't explain a low a deep purr began to erupt from her chest* MORE Nallum... *she almost demanded as the growing ache inside of her to feel him was beginning to take her over, was almost becoming painful?* I need to feel you... *she whispered again through catching breaths... her swollen and heaving breasts rising and falling with each attempt at catching her breath.. to steady herself, but she was well past calming now. There was only one thing she wanted... her hellran to fuck her until she could no longer move*
                • Zee Ahgony 
                  ‎*He held her writs, one in each of his large hands. He used his body to nudge her legs further apart and he put his mouth to her core, on the outside of her panties. The need inside her was fierce, building with a ferocity he hadn't seen in a long time. He couldn't understand why, what would be different, but she became almost frantic. She let out a yell as he began to use his mouth on her. He trapped both her wrists in one of his hands and wrenched the panties off of her and began to tongue her in earnest, using his finger in between thrusts with his tongue. She was so wet, he slipped another finger into her, feeling the sensitive walls spasm. She was close, but the need was still building. He looked up at her and her eyes were glazed over, like she wasn't really seeing, just feeling. He lifted her and dragged her against his body, carrying her over to the bed. He lay on top of her, while she writhed around him and he continued to use his fingers on her, using his other hand to hold her still. Fuck, she was all over the place. He was almost beginning to worry, but his need to fuck her was so great he didn't know how to articulate the words at this point*
                • Bella Ahgony 
                  PLEASEE, Nallum *she moaned/cried out at the feel of his weight now fully pressing over her, the way his finger worked at her aching and soaking core* fuck me nallum.... please? *she whimpered again as she felt her walls tightening around his fingers. She somehow managed to break a hand free and reached for the elastic of his track pants almost ripping them down off of his waist freeing his huge and throbbing cock, the sight of it alone almost made her cum* uhhhhhh *she groaned as her hand quickly wrapped itself around its base giving it a tight squeeze before stroking it from hilt to tip*
                • Zee Ahgony 
                  ‎*fuuuck, the feel of Bella's hand on his cock almost pushed him over the edge. He gripped her hips and with one smooth, powerful thrust he entered her. She was so wet, the heat was unbelievable. Without hesitating to give her time to adjust, he surged forward again and she cried out her pleasure. Her walls gripped his cock and he gritted his teeth against the need to pound into her. His fangs were throbbing and his cock was throbbing and all he wanted to do was bite her and fuck her. But this was his Bella, and he forced himself to slow down, see what she needed from him. His blood was pounding as he inhaled her scent and felt her need for him*
                • Bella Ahgony 
                  ‎*she threw her head back, her spine arching like a cat as her orgasm took her over... surging through her with an unrelenting force.. that of which was almost as strong as the way Zee continued to drive himself into her, each thrust harder and deeper then the last and it was driving her absolutely crazy the way he was taking her* Yes... Oh Nallum, yess.. *her moans escalating to the point that she was sure anyone within 100 yards could hear them, but she didnt care... all she cared about was how much she needed him. Her hands now free as his were planted firmly gripped to her hips.. she ran her nails across her perfectly muscled and now glistening chest and stomach* Feed from me Nallum... *she purred as each thrust caused her chest to bounce, caused each breath to hitch in her throat. She could see how much he needed her, how much he wanted to feed from her.. and she wanted him to have exactly what he needed*
                • Zee Ahgony 
                  ‎*he didn't hesitate. He dragged her up his body, holding her so that her chest was flush against him. He growled low against her throat and kissed her. He struck decisively, and drew from her in long greedy pulls. As soon as he bit her she climaxed, sending spasms and tremors directly to his cock. He held her tightly against him and continued to take her vein. The strength of her blood came from it's purity, but that isn't what drove him. It was his need to be inside her and for her to take from him. He licked and sealed the bite marks, continuing to thrust into her.*
                • Bella Ahgony 
                  ‎*the moment the mix of sensations that came from his feeding and her orgasming once again, she clung to him pulling herself into him as tightly as was possible.. her hips still rocking against his hard shaft taking him in and out of her in quick hard thrusts. She didn't even need him to say it, she leaned her perfect lips to his throat ran a small line across it with her tongue and sank her fangs deeply into him pulling his sweet delicious blood into her mouth, loving the way it felt as it pooled into her mouth and slowly ran down her throat. He growled in approval the vibrations from his chest felt against her own. His thrusts growing once again harder and deeper... and as she pulled back sealing his wounds with her tongue she pulled her eyes to his gazing deeply into them as he took her still, he body pounding into her as they stayed locked so closely together* Nallumm.... *she moaned not once breaking the intensity of their gaze*

                  ‎*he leaned against the headboard of the bed looking down at the sleeping form of the female beside him. His cock was already hard, the shock waves that still poured from her body were intensifying by the hour. He had tasted every inch of her body, had stroked, licked and fucked her until he wondered if he could keep this going for the rest of her needing. Who was he fucking kidding? He would keep going until he dropped or his body gave up on him, either way he was in this for the long haul. Long haul? He pressed his tongue against his right fang as he mulled those words over. Yeah, long haul. There was no way he was letting her go after this. She could fight and refuse but it would do little good, he wanted her, wanted her more than he wanted anyone else in a long time apart from.. yeah, not going there, he thought to himself.

                  Moving to lie on his side beside her, he stroked the backs of his fingers from her shoulder, down her side to the dip of her waist. Leaning closer he followed the same line with his tongue, taking a moment to nip at her hip bone before he urged her sleeping form onto her back. Crawling across the bed, he settled down on his stomach between her legs, hooking them over his shoulder as he stared at the place he couldn't wait to bury himself again. Leaning forward he inhaled the scent of her arousal and groaned, grinding his cock into the mattress just as he leaned forward and covered her clit with his lips, he tongued her slowly and leisurely, taking his time on burning her taste into his memory. He brought his hands in between them and held her folds open to him, letting her clit hood pull back slightly. Circling the nub with the tip of his tongue, he dragged it down and penetrated her entrance, a growl rumbling in his chest as he felt her tight wet heat surround him. *
                  DISCLAIMER Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, s...
                   ·  ·  ·  · December 10, 2011 at 10:42pm
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She started to wake from the slumber that has taken her down just a few hours before. Her muscles ached and pained from the various positions that he had contorted her body into. The light stroke of his finger tips cause her flesh to pebble and the slow stroke of his tongue down the same path of his fingers caused a slow burn to start in her veins and moisten her core. Dear Scribe this male was amazing. She limply shifted with his subtle command, her eyes still closed as he hoisted her legs over his broad shoulders. Her eyes shot open instantly as his mouth fell on her clit, a deep, needy moan rose from her lips. Her head flew back against the pillow as he started to move his tongue and her hands buried his hair. She lifted her hips offering more and praying to the Scribe he accepted. Her hips moved in a slow grind over his face to the seductive pace he had set and her back arched as his skilled tongue took her higher. His name left her parted lips and a moan and her heels dug into the soft mattress.* OH QHUINN FUCK YESH
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He grinned against her body, his tongue pressing further into her heat. Pulling back, he brought his hand down on a sharp slap across her pussy then fell back onto her. His palms rested on her inner thighs and pressed her legs back to open her wider to him, effectively keeping her in place at the same time. He ran his tongue up through her folds and circled her clit, each time drawing slightly closer than the last until the side of his tongue was against her. Giving a final circle, her flicked across it, one hand leaving her thigh to move between her legs. Without mercy, he drove his middle two fingers into her body right up to his knuckles as he closed it his lips around her, sucking her into his mouth. He couldn't get enough of her taste, eagerly lapping it up, swallowing and pressing his tongue to her again to seek more.*
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      OH DEAR SCRIBE QHUIN I'M GONNA COME *He moaned out. He knew how to work her body over. The sharp slap just added to the pain and pleasure he was delivering. Her hips rose up and were quickly restrained by his hands. When he dipped his fingers inside her unabashedly she was lost to his touch. Her legs began to quake as she pried her eyes open to look down at him. The sight of him bringing her to the erotic heights of heaven's gate was all it took. The inner walls of her liquid heat clamped down and released around his fingers as her heels nearly dug a whole in the mattress. She saw stars behind her hooded eyes as she tipped over the cliff of orgasm. She coated his fingers in the liquid fire that pumped from her heated center. Her breathing became ragged in low pants as she held his head in place against her and moved her hips over his face* Oh ffuck that feels good.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He kept his tongue working over her as he slid his fingers from her tight pussy. Pulling back, he ran his tongue over them, taking every drop of release into his mouth as his eyes connected with hers. Placing his hands flat on the bed he prowled up her body, stopping at various points to nip his fangs against her skin. Once he reached the top of the bed, he angled his hips and drove balls deep into her, seating himself fully as he caught her lips with his. He showed no mercy in his kiss, plundering her mouth with his tongue, rasping his tongue stud across her tongue and nipping at her lips with his teeth. He drew back and slammed into her again, his hip moving forcefully. He kept his weight on his hands, the only points of their bodies touching where where his cock connected them and where his lips moved wit hers. His chest heaved on a harsh groan as he drew back to look at her* Fuck, you are so fucking hot
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She looked down just as he raked his skilled tongue over his fingers and that sparked off a number of min orgasms within the fiery confines of her core. She tried to keep her eyes focused on his massive frame as he loomed above her on his ascended up her body. Every muscle in his body, and they were too numerous to count, rippled with each small movement. He moved like a predatory and she was obviously the prey he had sat his eyes on. And then it happened, he slammed into her, no time for adjustments of even a breath. He filled her completely to the point of painful bliss. She screamed his name out upon his forceful entry and then moaned deeply in appreciation as he started to move. His lips fell upon hers and she kissed him deeply, tasting the male and the remains of her orgasm over the smooth skin of his lips. Her tongue stud moved in time with his own as her nails ripped into the flesh of his back, scoring the tender skin deeply. She thrust her hips forward at the pace he sat, not only meeting his slams but giving a few of her own, her body already teetering on the brink of another orgasm. she met his mismatched gaze with her hooded one.* Oh fuck me I could say the same about you.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He growled in approval at her thrusting back against, one hand leaving the pillow beside her head and stroking down her lithe body. He hooked her behind the knee and rolled suddenly, dragging her across his body. He took hold of her hips in a bruising grip and drove up into her, watching the shift of her breasts each time she slammed into her* Drink from me *he bit out in a demanding voice.* I want your fangs in me *He slammed hard into her, punctuating his words my driving into her over and over again. He sat up suddenly, wrapping his arms around her and trapping them in place* Drink Mhisery *He ducked his own head and struck into her neck, piercing her skin and taking a hard pull*
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*His growl only coaxed more desire from her and she coated his cock completely in response. His hands down her body only added to the eroticism of the moment and farther fueled the fire at the center of her being. When he hooked her leg and pulled her across his body she was shocked, the gripping of her hip adding to the pain pleasure he was delivering for brutal commitment. The deep driving thrust cause the inner walls of her sex to grip his thick cock in an attempt to keep him buried within her. She a low panting moan was released from her lips as slammed his cock into her, he was all she could think of and all she could speak. The low erotic tone of his voice commanding her to drink brought her right to the brink of orgasm. She wanted her fangs in him and his in her, but she prolonged a response to keep up his driving thrust as he punctuated his demand. She wrapped her legs around him as he sat upright and moved the only part of her body not trapped in the steel cage of his rough embrace, her hips. She rolled her hips forward and took him completely in, her hips so flush with his that it was impossible to tell where she ended and he began. Her legs gripped him tightly as his fangs struck, she gasped out and scored the skin of his back again as she tried to stave off the imminent orgasm that teetered on the edge of her being. She complied with his command and slowly rolled her tongue over his neck, once, twice, three times and then she struck. The minute the first drop of his intoxicating blood hit her tongue, her orgasm released. The dripping walls of her sex clamped down on his cock and releases in quick succession as she released the building desire over the length of his steeled erection. Her sex pulsated as she moaned over his neck and took another long pull. Her eyes closed with the weight of desire as the veil of orgasm fell over her face. Her nails dug into his shoulder as her sated body limped against his massive frame*
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He took another hard pull from her vein, then pulled away, running his tongue over the wounds and sliding a hand into her hair to hold her to his neck. He drove into her a final time and groaned out his release, his body to weak to shout out like he wanted it to. He shuddered beneath her, her breasts pressed tight to his chest, one hand holding her to his neck, the other around her waist to support her against him. Leaning back, he rested his head on the pillows, his cock still hard and buried within her even though he had came on moments before. He let her drink her fill, his fingers stroking slowly down her spine to rest on her lower back. Closing his eyes he huffed out a hard sigh of contentment. What was it about this female in his arms? He had spent the weekend pleasuring them both over and over again, but he wanted more. Could he admit that to her? Fuck he could barely admit anything, even to himself most of the time.*
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She lay collapsed against him, her hair fanning out over his chest. Her heart raced, it always raced with this male. Her breathing was panting as the inner walls of her sex continued to pulsate around his erect cock. The added pleasure of the steel length planted in her sex only heightened the aftershock of her orgasm. The male was one like no other she had ever met. He was strong yet tender. He was amazing, insightful, but aloof. For some reason she wanted something...more with him than a roll in the hay and a good bye. She reached out and laced her fingers with his. She gave a faint squeeze as she let out a shuddered breath. When she inhaled he caught a faint dark spice scent about him, dear Scribe he smelled good. She spoke low and with a panted tone* You smell so good Qhuinn. What cologne do you wear?* It was an odd question to ask, but she needed to break the silence that surrounded them*
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      I am not wearing colo.. *he broke off and turned his head to his arm and inhaled hard. There it was, that unmistakable scent that his body was throwing off. He was bonding to her? Fuck. *that isn't cologne *he said it, why he didn't know but the feel of her small hand linked with his had him pushing towards being honest for a change. She made him want to be a better version of himself. He titled his head on the pillow and looked down at her, waiting for recognition to spark in her eyes followed swiftly by disgust*
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She looked up at him with complete admiration and her eyes met his mismatched gaze. A slight smile played over her face as she made no attempt to remove her body from his. She was content to lay with him, on him, beside him as long as he would let her, but she knew it wouldn't be long. If she stayed she would bring him nothing put pain, and he was a male of worth, not deserving of her cursed name. Dear Scribe he was beautiful, just as he was now, his hair a mess at her hands, his body covered in a thin sheen of perspiration. His muscles extended and defined from exertion. And there it was the silence again. She had to speak.* Then whatever soap you use is great. * She still held his hand and placed her other palm on his cheek to keep him looking at her as she spoke* Thank you for this Qhuinn. You are a male of worth and I can never repay you.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He kept his gaze with hers, his hands stroking gently down her back, and his hips giving a faint thrust against her. How he was still hard was beyond him but he knew it was nothing to do with the needing and everything to do with the female in his arms. She was like nobody he had ever met before, she was beautiful, strong and someone that he could be himself with. He turned his head into her hand and nuzzled against her palm, coating it with the faint smell of his bonding scent. He had a fuck it moment and met her gaze again, his eyes clear and focused* That isn't soap Mhisery, you know what that smell is. The only scent that my body would produce that would smell like dark spices. You know what it is, don't you. You just are not ready to admit it.
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She lightly stroked a thumb across his cheek and gave a roll of her hips that was just as teasing to him as his faint thrust that had elicited a moan from her just moments before. She was clueless of a bonding smell, she had never been with a male long enough for anything like a bonding or bonding smell. Dear Scribe the male beneath her was a creature that amazed and fascinated her more than anyone he had ever met, he was mysterious and it was hard to find out what he was thinking but when he did give a glimpse it was truly remarkable, making the receiver of the insight feeling special, just as she did now. Her gaze lowered for her to admit the truth* I have never been with a male that had a bonding scent toward me, so no, I didn't know what it was.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He groaned harshly as she rolled against his cock. For the love of the Scribe, he wanted her again, this time he wanted her slow, but first they needed to talk* Well you seem to be drawing mine out sweetheart. My body knows it wants you, Fuck *he closed his eyes for a moment then caught her gaze with his* I fucking know i want you. I want you past your needing and into the months to come. And while I am not ready to put your name on my back, you will be treated as my Shellan or people will face me *he gave her a fierce look, yet the other side of him waited for his rejection.. She was a female of worth, even if she couldn't see that herself*
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She looked up at him with surprise showing in her eyes. No one had ever wanted her for anything long term. Her name said it all she was misery in the flesh and this male of worth had assisted her in darkest hour how could she be so selfish to do that to him, but she felt something for him and she couldn't place it. In the past week they had spent hours tangled in each others arms, he had fed her and she him. They had talked for hours on hours and he now knew things about her that she hadn't even admitted to herself much less anyone else. She raised the upper half of her body, seating herself atop of him and taking his still hard length deep within her. He had said the word 'Shellan' that was a station belonging to a female worthy of the title and she was not that at all. She looked down at him and fought back tears that filled her eyes and she refused to shed.* Qhuinn I'm not worthy of a station like that.It is an honor I would love to have but I'm not worthy to even want.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*he placed his hands on her upper thighs and subtlety rocked her back against his length, his thumbs stroking against her soft flesh.* Does it not matter that I believe you are worthy of that title and anything better I could think of. I am not asking you to mate me, I just want you in my life and you given the respect you deserve *his brow furrowed as he ran his gaze up her body, lingering on her full high breasts before meeting her gaze* I am not exactly the catch of the day sweetheart. Shunned by my family and the Glymera. Defective. *shrugging he rocked his hips an inch again*
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She placed her hands on his chest and pulled her hips back, almost completely unsheathing him before sliding back down his thick cock. She rolled her hips again talking him in completely inside her, and not just inside her body, at that moment she let him in her heart a little. She smirked down at him* Now that I have your attention and that furrowed brow gone, as a matter of fact it matters more than you would ever know what you think and those that feel you defective are insane as far as shunned I have had my share of that, and it doesn't lessen the sting but it really is their loss in your case.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He couldn't help himself. This time as she rocked against him, he lifted his hips and drove fully into her, his eyes closing for a brief moment before he looked back at her again* Then just give it a chance? Fuck, within a week you could be sick of me and the life I lead *He used his grip on her hips to lift her up and pull her back down on his cock.* A month, if you can't bear being with me then we part, no hard feelings *Bullshit, he said in his head. IF she left him after a month, he wasn't going to take it well. The times before he had hid the Herradura hard would pale in comparison*
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She moaned his name deeply as he was raising her up and diving back into her, her body going flush with his. She placed one hand on his chest and her other hand she reached behind her and cupped his heavy sac apply slight pressure as she slid her hips forward, the liquid desire he had coaxed from her coating his steel length completely* I will give you whatever time you want Qhuinn, not only do I want to but I owe you whatever you ask. *She let her head lull back and her ebony hair fell way past her waist, her eyes closing as a rhythm was set by the slow deep roll of her hips. Her hand on his chest moved to the piercings that speared his flat male nipples. She slowly moved one with her fingers, then bent her head forward and stroked her tongue across the metal before lightly sucking. She eased back up to her upright position, her hips never breaking from their slow grind.* You feel so good to me. *She moaned out*
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He roared in approval in his mind, his fingers flexing on her hips before releasing, willing to let her run the show this time around. He lifted his hips and met each of her downwards thrusts with one of his own. His blood was on fire for this female and he didn't think even a month would be enough to get her enough out of his system enough to let her go. He would fight to keep her for as long as he could. He released her hip and stroked the backs of his fingers across her lower stomach then slid his thumb further down, parting her folds and stroking across her in time with the roll of her hips over him* You owe me nothing. It has been my honor to be with you during this time, to feed you, to sate you *he growled out the last words struggling to remain in this position and let her control things* you have no idea how you feel around my cock sweetheart..So wet, so tight.. so hot
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*With the first swipe of his nimble fingers she was lost. The slow fire that had been building turned into a raging inferno centered at the junction of her thighs. The roll of her hips became more aggressive and frantic in their pace as the walls of her sex tightened around his cock. Her breathing became ragged and labored as she let out small cries and moans as her imminent orgasm approached and it turned to full on screams of his name repeatedly as it crashed into her and she shattered around him. Her head fell back and her eyes closed as her face was covered in the veil of orgasmic bliss, her nipples hardened to the point of pain as her breast bounced with each masterful thrust of his hips. The male beneath her was designed by the hand of the Scribe herself to deliver sexual pleasure and he did not fail. He knew how to move, how to touch her, how to bring her body to life like no other. She arched even farther back placing both palms on the mattress and thrust her hips hard and fast as she rode out the wave of orgasmic bliss that he had washed over her.*
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He gave another few hard thrusts into her waiting body and lost the small shred of control he had left. Pleasure slammed into him so hard he swore stars exploded in his head. His fangs elongated behind his lips and he shot upright, dragging her into his arms and letting his fangs sink with ease into her vein. He took a hard pull all the while his brain was screaming MINE over and over again. He exploded deep within her, his release coating her inner muscles while they clamped around his cock and milked him dry. He panted heavily, her name the only one he could sound out* Mhisery *he slid his hand into her hair and dragged her forward, tight to his chest as he released her throat, closing the wounds and covering her mouth with his. He pushed his tongue into her mouth, stroked it over her tongue and teeth and groaned against her* You are mine
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong 
                      ‎*She collapsed against him, completely encircled in the massive cage of his steel arms and completely content to be there. The sharp sting of his fangs pushed her under another wave of ecstasy and she cried his name out again as she came undone in his arms. She held him as tightly as she could as he spoke and her heart swelled with emotion and pride when he called her his. She knew then she was falling completely and totally for him, but it was scary enough to admit that to herself, so she could never admit that to him. She clung to his body, breathless, sated, while the core of her being pulsated over his cock, small after shocks of the multiple orgasm that he had provided still causing her body to shudder and small moans and whimpers to escape her lips. One word rolled through her brain after his statement and it was all she could do to mummer that one word breathlessly against the smooth skin of his broad shoulder.* Always.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong 
                      ‎*He held her close while their hearts thundered together, her breasts crushed into his chest, his arms tight around her, his head resting against hers. He felt calm, weak as shit but calm as hell and it was all due to the female in his arms. Lying back against the bed, he slowly, regretfully withdrew from her body and tucked her against his side. He wrapped his arm around her waist and lifted her hand to rest on his chest, covering it with his own and sighing contently. Dragging a sheet over their bodies he turned his head and kissed the top of hers* I need to feed you
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She was content to be tucked into his side, her hand on his chest. She was beyond tired and food was the last thing on her mind, but his offer was one of the sweetest things she could have ever heard although she didn't think she could muster the energy for her fangs to elongate and he had just recently fed her. She looked up at him and smirked.* You just fed me before this marathon of well of us started.
                    • Qhuinn Lohstrong ‎*he looked down at her with a grin, his fingers stroking across the back of her hand* Real food this time sweetheart, you need to eat as well *he leaned over and pressed a small tender kiss to her lips, delving his tongue inside for a split second before retreating* Nap then I want to feed you a feast fit for a Queen
                    • Mhisery Muhrdock-Lohstrong ‎*She yawned once and nestled down close by his side. He was so warm, and not just his eternal temperature, but his heart and soul. Her body was battered and aching in the best possible way and he was the last think on her mind as sleep claimed her and pulled her under*

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